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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1886)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , JANUARY 2S , 1880. nil kinds , 00-lb. palls per Ib. , 10'c : do 10 pall Kftl. . lOc ; nsiorlnd Mb. palls i > or doz. . Ss.OO. .iclllc'i , all kind * , first Rradc , 20-lb. palls , per Hi. , 8 ; nssortcd , first grade , Mb palli , per doz. , S5.00 ; do , ,1-lb palls , per doz. , 5'J.75 ; do , Mb pails tr caso. S do ? . . SiiK ; do schooners per doz. , S2.a'i ; do , tumblers. i > cr rnsp , 3 d.n/ . , § 1.40. nil kinds , second grade. 30-lb. mils , pur ) b. 60. Mlnco Meat , best gradi V bbl. . per Ib. , 7c ; do. 18 , RS nnd CS Ib iialN , prr Ib. , 7k'c ; do. Mb. palls , per doz. , gc.10 ; nptilo butter , extra fine. V bbl. , nor Ib. . 7cdo ; 10-lb palls per Ib. , 7'f ' ; do. Mb rails per doz , , SR.OO ; ncacli nnd plum butter , 40-lb , , i > cr Ib. , ukc ; pencil , plum nnd tjitlnre Cnlla , assorted. Mo. palls , xr ; doz. , 87.50 ratsnp ( Snyder's ) , linost made , per case , 3 do/ , pint bottles. 8.1.00 ; liorso radlsb , pint bottles , per doA , Nt'Ts Hickory nuts , largo per bn. 81. 40 ; do sliell lwrls : , Sl.75 ; clicstnnts , 12c ; pecans , largo Dolisliod , lie : pecans , incdlinn , ! V ; ICnpllsli walnuts , I4c : nlmond.s , Tarragona , 20c ; do , Lnngticnoc , I7cs Hnizils , lac. fllborts , nicipennnts. band picked , fancy Virginia , 7cdo : toasted l'c. ' I'ins KF.KT , 1 IHPF. , ANnliAMnn' Toxnrr.s Pips' feet per Jtf bbl. , S4.75 ; do. X bbl. , 82.40 : do. ) > cr kit , 81.00. Lambs' tongues , per K bbl. , fc.VXj ) do. tier kit , 82.75 ; do. quart Jars per doz. . S5.W ) ; do. pint larsprr C.KO , 2 doz' . 87.00. Tripe , per jAbl. , 84. : ) ; do. per J bbl. 82.25 ; do. wcr kit. Uv llrolled mack erel , new , per C FP. W ) cans , ! < o.Mj. COMII IloNBY-Cnlllornla a ib fiamu no Ibs In cnsu per Jb. , 15c ; extrai'ted , 2 Ib. in cans , 3 doIn case , per case , 84.00 ; 10 Ib. tinmus , Nebraska. IMc. CIDKII Mlclilcan icfined , per bbl. , SO.f/0 ; do. liaif bbl. . S4.W. ViMXiAii Whlto wlnis. 10c ; cider , 12J c. ( ' ( ICOANUTS-At SI.005 { .W1. Xr.w Fios ANM ) liATis : l-'lus , binyinn , 100 Ib. ko 8 , per Hi , He : layer , 8 , 13 nnd 10 Ib. Iwxcs , per 11) ) , Ifi@l7c ; layer , fancy. ! ) Ib. boxes. i > cr Ib , 2.c : layer , fancy , 2 ) b. cartoons teens , j > cr Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy tnrd , 12 Ib boxes , ] ier Ib , He ; fancy Persian , Ml Hi boxes , per Ib , lie. Pninelles , 25 Ib boxes , per Ib , Ibc. Ibc.i.KMONS Auw Messina , * per box , Sl. ® IJ.CJO. IJ.CJO.liiANOiis Los Anccies tuo quoted at S2.0T > @ 2.75 ; Itlversldu , S.M ! ! ) ; Navels , Sl.OO. Kloil- ( Li oianu'cs mo steady nt y-I.BO per box. C'liANnr.nini'.s Unpo Cod , lancy dark , per bbl. . SU.OO ; Capo Cod , fancy dark , 6 bbl. lots. per bbl. 68.Mler : ey Hell nnd Htmle , per box , P2.50 ; Wis consin Hell nnd Cherry , per bbl , 80.50 ; Wis consin Dell and Cbeny , 5 bbl. lots , per .bbl , fcO.25. CAMFOIINIA V JIUIT Pears E.Hcurre nnd pound pears , per box. S'i.oo. Ai'i'Ms : fancy A'oworlc nnd Mlcblian apples , per bbl , 8J.75@i.oo. ; ; lancy Now York nnd Michigan a | ) ] > les , r , bbl. lots , per bbl. , S2.G5 ; fancy New i'oik and .Michigan apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S2.W ; Illinois apples , per bbl. 82.75 ; Illinois npiiict ) , 5 bill. lots , per bbl. , i'-.M ; Illinois apiilcs , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S2.40 ; Missouri tit-nitons , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , SU.25 ! MisMiuri Ceniton ? , 10 bbl. lots , per mil. , 8.00 ! ! ; iancy eatltiR , per bbi. , § 3.2.j ; lancy Mlchlirnn liuit. ? .oof Wi. ( ! iuris : Malaca. per bbl , 87.00. Vnovisio.NS. Ham. 10)-j ) ( < illc , breakfast bacon , bJjWl'c : clear side bacon , 7c : dry salted bides , Cc : shoulders , hti ar euied , fi' e ; mess poik per bbl. , Sii.OO : ; laid. 40 Ib. cans , per Ib , 7@7 > { : 10. r.ninia ib Faiibanks , 7 MSc ; dried beef limns , 1'Jc. OVHt'Kiis I'nces have advanced In the east on nil grades nnd eastuin shippers claim to bo losing money even at the m franco , so that prospects favor n btlll further advance. Thopiesunt cold weatlier is very lavoiable lor thohanillingof the oyster hade. Quotations for to-day ate : N.Y. counts. 45c ; extra selects , JOc ; selects. ! l'c : ' taiulatils.iiOc : mediums. 25C. ONIONS Kail Lake stock Is selling nt Sl.OO tier bushel ; common homo grown reds , 70 ® vfic. TliPio ate a few extra choice in the Mmlcet that arc held nt 81.00 per bush. 1'oTAior.s Noncnni cominir , and prices are nominal atMt&OOu forcholcostoclr. UKAXS Dlity stock is plentiful and very haul to dispobi ! of , while choice clean beans meet witli n icadv sale on arrival. Hand nicked navy. Sl.T5@ii.00 ; iinml-picked medium , 81.Wi1.7. > : irood clean country. 8l.S5@1.40 : inleiior. 7.V(3..oo. ( : ix The lollowlng are tlio prices paid lor wapon lends on the stieets nnd nt ( ho mills to-day : Corn , 2'Jc ; oats 2 : ! @ y5e ; wheat , No. 2 , COo ; rye , 45@50c. ICIevalor prices for car lots : ( Join , 21&'c ; oats , Jjc ; wheat , ( VI.UQOjc ; lye , 44e ; bailey , 4Se. 4Se.Fi.oun and Mir.T.STurrs Winter Wheat- Firm ; best quality patent at Sy.00@3.yo. Second quality S2.50@ux : > . SjirliiK Wlieat-Best quality patent Buckwheat Flour In barrels , 8" .75 ; ready raisedUlb packages. 84.00 ; 0 Ib packages , 83.00. Bran 55c per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 lbs.70c. ConOIeal Wliite , bOc ; yellow , 75c per cwt. Kcreenlng No. 1 , 73e per ewt ; No. 2 , 50e. Jlominy Sl.M ) ] ) er cwt. Shorts OOe per ewt. Graham 81.75 per ewt. liny Hales , SO.uOyW.OO per ton. I'uns AND OKIXS I'ni-es on furs and skins arc hleady. Alink , each , 10 ( < ? : iOc ; tnuskiat , winter , 2@5c ; do. kits , 2c ; Otter , 1IH tioi inouiitalu. i"J.OOM3.0 ( ( ) : wllilcaf'i.r40TbL'a- vcr , S1.50@2.50 per II ) ; fox , each , S1.40&1.50 : deerskin : , ilrv winter , iS lSc per Ib ; do. lall midsummer txxaU&c lliiis ) 1'ric'.sain weak ns is usual at this season ol the , year. Uicen imtcncrs' , ( ij it'p ; green cured , -ii ( > j > Kc : drv Hint. WSHc ; dry wilt , 'J&'ilc ' : dniunseo hides Iwo-tliiiils price. Tnliow ' d$4c. Citcase , prime white , 4c. Sheen Pelts-2.X'$7.- . LEATHER No. 1 t'lttsbitri : harness J. C. It. AcSons , sr,0 ; No. 1I'UtsuiirK , K. & S. lc ; No. Cincinnati , : i5o ; No. 1 laeo leather , COc ; prime Rlaiiclitersolo leather , tiSi&Klc : prime oak solo leatlier. Wk/CTJc. Upper leather , per foot. 20@ 2rc ; Hem kip,75@8r coalclcip,85(3fl.x3 ; ( ; Frencli hip. Sl.OOCi41.2Ti ; " - - calf , Sl.00ijil.10. oak calf. Sl.OtXjJl.'il . Kiench calf , Sl.'JXaJl.B.'j ; Mo- locco boot leg , Uo@Kc : ; Mniocco oil pebble. 2S ( < .ff.'c : ; toppings ana Hninns. 5fO.OOMlO.Ofl pcrdo/ . COAL AiithracitOKratc , 5iS.r,0 : egR , S8.50 ; ranpe , S8.75 ; clu'stnut , 5 > S.75 ; Iowa. 53.50 ; Walnut block , S3.75 : Illinois , 85.00 ; Ml * Bourl. 84.00. HEAVY H Ann WAIIE Iron , rates , S3.25 ; plow Hteel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ; catit tools io , 12@lt > c ; wauon spokes , per set , S1.7 i : i.OO : liubs. uer set , S1.U5 , felloeti. Hawed dry , § 1.40 , tongues , each , 75c , axles , eacli , 75c ; Fquaro nuts , per tt. , 7@llc ; collcliain per Ib , X Wc ; ninlcalile , Sc ; iron wedges , tic : prow- liais. 0 ; harrow teeth , 4c ; sprint ; steel , 7 ( < 8c ; Jlurilcn's IKIISO hlioes Sl.'Xi ; liurden's mule shoes , 85.25. IJatbed Wiie In car lots , 84.0C per 100 fts. Iron Nails-Kates , 10 to CO , S'J.oo , Sliot 81.60 ; buckshot. Sl.M ; Oriental rouder , kcjrs Si.50ji-l.oodo.lialf : ( ; ICKS , S' OO ; do , quartt-r kejis. S1.50 ; blastin , keis , : lli e. pur 100 leet. > c. Lead. Uar. 81.0'i. lnv J'AINTB Whlto lead , be ; JTcnuli zinc , I''c-.l'arls wliltlncB : > < o : wliltliipgildersljc ; 'lililnir.coiii'l , lKclnnublack.crmantnwn : , l"c ; lampblack , onllimn- , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65c , , untranmrino , ISc : Vandyke , brown , be umber , buintic ; umber , raw , -Ic ; sienna , bumt. 4c : biennu raw. 4n : 1'arls crcen. trenu- Inc , 25c : I'ans ureen , common , ! Xc ) : chrome preen , N. Y.'JOa ; chr nno urecn , K , 12c ; ver- mlllioii , I'.n 'IKIi. In oil asst i e ; raw and bin nt umber 1 Ib cans. lOc ; law and tmuil lOc : vanilvko Drown , We ; jcUn 0 lampblnck , 120 ; coach black and Ivory bla-u lOc : ( hop black , ICc ; Piusslan blue , 40c : ul' trnmnrinu blue. Itkj ; chiomu gieeii , J ; . . it & > c ; blind nnd fclmtter green , L. . .M. A ; 1) . llc ( ; P.uis't'n. l o ; Indian red , Wo ; Veno tlnn led. 'Jii ; Tuscan led , 2 0 ; American vermillion - million , L. iVU , .We ; j ellow ociiU1. l'o ' : tj. M it (1. 1) . , IN ) ; golden oeliro , lOc ; patent dryer Kc ; graining colois. llulit oak dark oak , wal nut. che&tmit and nsii ibe. J'AINTB is On. Wlilto lead , Omaha , P. I1 To ; wlilto lend , St. Louis , puio ? 7.W : ; Marsell lea green , 1 to a BJ cans , 2 < ; c ; French zlno freenseal , 1'Jc ; Fiench zinc , ted seal. Ho ; iTiirh vlno.ln vainlsli nsstOo ; Kienclizino T5eennllllon. . American , Ibo ; Indian , red 10orosu ; nlnk. Ho : Veiietmn , red. Cookson's " } { c' Venetian red , Amciiean , l/o ; reil lead Two ; chromo yellow genuine , 'Joe ; chronic yellow , K , lie : oeliro lochollu J'c ; oeliro , French. 2feophre ; , American , 2o ; Winter's mineral. 2H.eLehlL'h . blown. 2Jsc ; Spaulsn brown. 2 > e ; Prince's mlneial e 1IU.S ilUcartion. perg. i on. lie : 150 : head Jlglit. per gallon , iis : ; 175o headlig.t , per gal ; Ion , life : IWo water white , I5o : linEcea hanl per gallon , 44e ; linseed , boiled , per trnllon , 47c : laid , wlnte" htijd , per irnllon. s c ; No , 1.4ite ; No. a , 4''c ; castor XXX , per gallon , 51.5 ; No. ! ) . S1.44 ; bweet , per pnllon , SUXii sperm.U1 * . , iwr enlion , Jl.ou ; iishV. . II. . IHT gallon , MO ; nenthfoot extra , per gallon , We , No. 1 , CNJ ; lubricatlnir. zero , per gallon , summer , l&o : colden machine , Mo. l , net plltm > : No. a 25c ; sperm , signal , percul- r 7la tllrKltlno'l , ! ! | ( rcallon,403scj nnptlm , N AiiNisiiEs Barrels , per ration : Fnvn tuiv . extra , J-1.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ! _ ach , extra S51.40 ; couch , No. 1 , SL'JO ; Danmr , extra , $ l.V > \ Japan , 70c ; abmialtum , extra , 65oj shellac , &U > 0 ; Uara oil linlsli , t-i'HUis Cole nu splilts , proof , 81.12 ; do 101 pi col 81..1S ; spirits , , bccund uuality 01 pioof. 81.1'J ; do. 1&.S pldof , Sl.ll. Alee oi , 1SS pmot , i'-.iu per wlno gallon , Itoiljs tilled whiskies , Sl.CKXai.W ; giji blended , Sl.50i32.oj ; Kentucky ourbons , S'J.oiikfi.uu ; Kc-ntucky and sylvania rj- -os , 8J.OOu&LSO ; Vqurboii mul no whiskies Hrandlcs-Imported , S5.00 S.&o : domestic , Sl.rX-3.00. ) ( Slns-ImportcdrS4.50 00.00 ! domestic , Sl.rxX33.oo. Hums lm- poTteii. S4.50 ( < ts.oo ; New Knpland , S2.OOSt-4.00 ; domestic , tl.jOCfZ.1.00. Champagnes Im ported , per case , S28.00r < r31.00 ; Amciiean. per case , 810.00alo.OO ( 'ls Q r I'ls KU 100 w , 40 , s , 10 Mtmn'8 8't No.l I/b 7 00 4 m n M 2 65 1 70 7n ( B Ki 1'KO ( llti'eil KiincylO m 3 M 3 331 ml W 75 60 50 1/HO Ifd Sh'io l"cj | (1 ( 00,3 , 53 3 go 1 70 1 50,75MJO , MACKF.IIKl , . r\in _ _ - nsit.lit _ - i. _ - ' ' ' ' ' ll-f'.Q'rRhls'p'ls'Kta KHW MS it 100 W ) j 60 40 j 12 ) 19 No. 1 Whlto risli 7 no HBO 3 KI : i 10,1 , 114 , m Fnmlly " anon irswi ( 70 cs &R No. 1 Trout. , 4 fi04 002 KiS 10 74 05 . _ 4 CWD BOS 30,1 , U0 | C3 | CO VICKI.KII \MION. . KI1W A FAT llblMlltlll.l. . > ' rltlilsPAllsor hits OJO 100 W ) ) M 40 15 IS 10 Rlood Rod AlnsKn. . . 1300 7 00 0 ST , a ar > 2 oo 03 85 Blood Red _ Cnl 11)00 co.c.-a- , i 65 s OS 85 TOIIBUOS & Sound1) . . . , isgo g 4 OJ'3 _ _ 30 I 10 tt'i ! MI' < miKI > _ ' FISH. _ NEW FISH liTllibU'o'rllbls Pnlls or kits MW ( IK ) CO 40 13 12 10 Norwegian KICK Her'liiffs 13 007 00,0 35 n 532 W 85 Norwegian I KK HeirliiifS. 12 00,0 60 TO' : ) yo'70 ' M'4 ( W2 ] IV',1 ' , 00 00 Uoincstro Holland herrings , Kptjs , rxc ) ; Jlusslan sardines , 45c ; Audio- vies In Riass , OloJJnll brand , per no/ . , SH.OO ; Anchovies In kegs , ! { Olc hull brand. 54.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrinus , skins and heads off. per pail , S1.0J. ConFisii isow larzo bank coil , 4c ; sea k I UK , Georces chunks OUc : clover It'.if , ( JeorKcs stilus. O c : 1 Ib lolls , " Ib boxes , Oc : pralilo ( lower , 21b brlck.Cc ; wild rose , t ! Ib brick , Be SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now. I'c ; now scaled herrings , 'J.'c ; mackciel We ; salmon , 12c : smoleil Murueon. H'c. Holland lien In ? , new , rerkc : ? , 7..c ; now lonjr split stocklish , lOc , new short split " ' ' " " ' ' stuckllsli , Grocers JLIat. Svr.ur Standard O Uip , bbls ; Standard , doHallon kcps , SI.Ifi ; New Orleans : ! ( < U'a ' ) lierpnllon ; JIailoS.MUjJ ) barrel. ] ' A : Ci. htrictly pure , lOc per frallun ; 1 prallon cans , Sli.'ij pur doz : yt gallon c.uis , S3.U5 per do/ : ; qttnit e.ins SllOll UniKi ) KJIUITS No. 1 ounrtur apples , 4 c ; evaporated , boxrs. tKifi'o : blackbenies , boxes , suffice : peaclips : Kastein , 4WWi > c ; peaches , evaporated , IS' lTc ; Salt 1/xke , nuw , t@3'tfc ; raspbciries. now. 'J@aic ) ; cur rants , new. % < nbo ; prunes , nuw. RtH5J c. buo.vns o\Mlereii , be ; cut loaf , tc ; cran- ulalPd , 7'fc : contectioneiV A. 7o : Stun- daid extra U. < J/c ; cxtia C. ? tfc ; medium yellow. OJ/c : NowOiliMiH. fivfCrftiXc. CANNED ( ioons Oysters , Standard per case. SJJ.r.O : strawbcriles , 'J-tt > . , S-0 ; iasibcirie' ) ? , 3-lb. , per case , f2.r : ; California Jieare. per case , $5.fK ) ; apricot ? , per case , S4.IX1 ; peaclie.s , per case1.73 ; white ehrr- rles , per casu , Sii.OO ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; 3.0. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , prr case c ; square cases , S1.70 ; U&hkosli cases , KT. , l.'JO : iiiulo snuare- Sl.'J" . SALT Urav loads , per bbl , $1.55 ; Asliton. In backs , : t.t5 : ; X sacks , Ashton , OOcbbls dairy. 5r- - bricr.s ( Siounil Black pepper , boxes , 15 < 3r-'c ; nllsjiice , 12@H'c ; cinnamon lS@5c ; cloves , I5o25e ( ; ; ginger , 15@25o ; mustard , 15 ® . COFFEKS Ordinary graacs. ! c ; lair , I0jvc ; prime , ll@ia > 4xc ; choice. IBjffti lancy croon and yellow. I'.tJ yiHUc ; old cov eminent Java , 'JO Oo ; interi'jr .lava. 20c ; iMoclin , 22fe'J4c ; Arbucklo's toasted , I'lJKc ; JloLaiiKlilln'3 XXXX loasted , W.'fo ; Dilwoitli's iDKc ; Hod Cross. Dihvoitli's. Arbuckle's and M XXXX are sold 50c per case elf above prices n li-case lots. TIAS liunpowder , fair , 80@3" ; good , 45 ® 55c : cliolce , C0i < i75c ; good JmpeiiallOtajSc ; clioice , C0@70c ; ; Young Hyson , good , S0tf4rxj ( ; choice , 50i ( > 70c : Oolonij , Rood , : i.X ? lOe ; Oo- " otine Kritz , 4lc : Silver Tns. 4rxj ; .I'l'J. : c. lion : Sisal.i \ inch and larger , 8c ; inch , Oc : i < f Inch. oj/c. ANDV 3llxed.nx@12n : Btict. SODA In Ib papers , S3/J5 a case ; salsoda S2.2o. CIDER 13@18c ; white wino , 15 SWCKS ( Jioiind Hlack pepper , bo.xes.l'ie ffi' ic ; nlhince , is@tc ( ! ; cinnamon , ifcKjiUoc cloves , 15 23c : ginger , 15 ! i5c ; mustaid , 1 ( gl'iTC J'ICKI-F.S Medium in barrels , S7.00do ; In liall barrels. § 4.00 ; small In barrels , SH.OO ; do in half barrels , 84.50 ; gherkins in banels , SU.OO : do In half barrels , S5 oo. CjiACKnits danu'.iu's soda , butter and picnic , 5 } < fc : creams , 8 > < Jc ; ginger snaps , 8c itv , . CANni.r.s Hexes , 401b.0s HKc ; 8s , HJifc ; boxes , 40tb , 1C oz , Cs , like ; half box , 'Mto , I'Jc. . FINE CUT llaid 10 Beat , 70c ; Cliarmof the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : Uulden Tliread , 07c ; Favorite , ( Kto ; ] iudM.COc ; Itocky Moun tain , Wc ) ; Fancy , 4.r > c ; JJalby , 40c ; Noith Star , 70c : ( Jood Liu-lc. f > 5c ; Our Ut'.st , ( i-JKe. SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S3.00 ; Kirk's . satinet , S1U5 ; Kirk's standard. B3 50 ; - Kirk's White Nweara gloss , t Ib , O c ; Niagara 0 Ib. 8Kc : Klngbford's pure , 3 Ib G 4'c ; Kings ford's bulkIc. , -Ic. Dry Goods. PitiNTS-Steel Uivcr , 4'/o ' ; American , 5K : Ainold's , Oc ; Cocheco , ( < c : Manchester , Ce ; Lyman , 5e ; ( Jloure.ster , f Kp ; Dun null Jacquard - quard , < io : Unnnull , 5 u ; Windsor. Oc ; J'a- clllc , Co ; Harmony , 4Jsc ; Anchor Shlitinirs , 7 o ; Menlmack Slilttlngs , 4 c ; Berwick , Co. Iii.iAriui : : ) Corroxs. Fanners' choice , OL'c ; Cabot.W \ Hope. 7n ; Hill 4-4. 7J < c ; HIII ,05fc ; Lonsdale.S-j FruitB c&u ; * sutta. 10/ic. Coitsirr J IANS Kearsarge , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; 1'i'i.iperen , 7 c ; Indian Orcliard , CJ4c ; NiiuniKi-air. 7c. Jtitow.v COTI-ON hawivnco LL , Sc ; Sliaw- " ' ' mut. Uiown UtieaC. . . . . . FJNK liitowN L'OTio.NK 1'epperell 11 , fic ; I'eppeiell O. 5 > jc. Atlas , ( i > c ; ritatuo of Ub- citv , Cc : tSainnau K. Oku. lKMMf > Heaver Cieek AA. lie ; Heaver Creek , J1H , lOc ; Ik-aver Creek CO , 'Ju ; .lalfrey XX , llo ; .faintiy XXX , Wo ; .Inffioy 1) &T , 12flJ5 } Cnlumblan , 12' e : Voik , iio : ; York , lancy. liKc ! : Kverett , IBc ; Haymaker's blue anil brown , 7 We. UucK-Unbleiched ( ) 807.Magnolia , : 10 oz. MnKiiolln , 12o : oz.Vcst Point , 10 M. Ve t Point. ISKo Ut'CK ( eoloH'il ) JJoston t o/ . brown anil dnib , 18 > Jo : Hoston O JI blown and drab , Do ; Ho ton XX brown and drab lOc : Hostnn XXX brown am ! drab , llljo ; JJoston O J' blue , ll > 4cVarren : Tiicot , lae. TjcKt.vns Aino-ueac AO.V 12J c ; Thorn- dlko OOO , 7 4'o ; Tliorndlkolancy , UKo ; iork 10 , ' e ; Voile fancy , 1'i o : Millbury , 1'JVjc ; 1'carl Itiver , ll 'o ; liiimilton. 120 : Swift Itivcr. ujXc ; hlietueket tj , hkc ; Shetuoket SS W c : Jlontuuk AA , Wo5 Montank U1J , lOKo ; Omcea AO.V. UMjn tiiXHiiAJis Jlentiew. y@10Kc ; Amoskoa dress. Oc : Amoskc.iir , staple , fyjc ; Ivanlio VoVamsiitta. ; . t > ' < c ; Nubian. b > fc ; War wick , We : Whitteudon. PC : Hates , dross 8c ; Hiite- . . staple , t > Mc ; Jtandolpii staple , ,0 > io JUsJowiie. 7o : Olouce.ster , 7Ke OHKVJOTS Amoskea ? , cliecKs.OKc : Amos k at'stripes. HIoj Slater , stripes , 60 : Edln- Hurg. eVe : \VhHteiidon , strips. 6c : Gleu- rose.9.Otis ; , checks , U ) < c ; Otis , stripes , Sc , Jtoyal Cj/c ; Amoskeatc , napped , \0 aI.u \ - fold , 12c ; Oberonbook fold- Huuuranco , book fold We , Dry Jnunlor. Imi.SSIl'N'M : AND 'll ' 'l8 ' f t'l8 ' f < ' 20 ft 23 f t'l4 ' 1x4. . , . . . ' . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 111 00 'JlO . U.&u ll.W 11.50 15.U ) Itf.&O lU.A02il.UI Sib. . , . , , . , , . . . , 15.00 13.1U 13.00 10.00 17.00 18.1X ) 1'J.IW SxlU. . . . . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 18.00,17.00 , 80.00 S0.50 J.\12. . . . , . 15.00 15.00 1A.OU 10.00 17.00 1V.OO 0.0d Xt US . il5.00.15.W,15.CO,10.00n.WlS.W.19.W , CT.1T.TXO Clear , VInch Yellow 1'lnc , sa.00 Clear -Y Inch Norway 14.00 Bd Com. , % inch. Nonvav 13.00 FIN161IINU , 1 st nnd 2 < l Clear , l\ \ { inch , s. 2a 530 00 1st and 2 < l Clear , 1 ' and 2 inch , s23. . . . MOO 3d Clear , IV Inch's2s 4SOO M Clear , I' ' and'J Inch , s 2s 4800 H Select. 1MT , IVfandalncli. s. 2s 3000 1st nnd 2d Clear , l men , s. is ffloo I'd clear , 1 Inch , s 2s , 44 50 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000 13 Select. 1 Inch. s. 2s 2U50 I1ATTEX8VKI.I. . TU11I.NO , PICKETS. O. 0. Hails , 2 Inch 500 ; 70 " Ikx3. sis 0040 S Inch Wei Tubing , 1) . & .M. and llev. . 20 GO IIOAIH)1) ) . No. 1 boards , 12 , H and 10 ft S10.50 No. S boards , 12,14 and 10 ft 14.50 No.3bo.irda , 12,14 and 10 ft 12.50 No. 4 boards 12,14 and 10 ft 10.50 . No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . $10.03 No. 1 , 4 A:0 Inch , 10 feet , roitcli . 10.75 No. 81 * 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . HI 75 No. 2 , 4AOlnrh. 10 feet , rough . 11.25 I'AIITITIO.N. 1st Com. , ? * Inch White rims . S30.00 SdCom. , & Inch While Pine . 23.50 Fi.oomxii. 1st Com. Cinch , \\hltopino . SW ! < K ) 2d Com. 0 Incli , wlilto pine . Rl oo nd Com. 0 Inch whlto pine . 2900 I ) . Cinch , wliilo pine . 2000 Com 4 nnd t > inch } pllow pine . 17.50 Star 4 nnd 0 Inch > ellow jtino . lil.OO Island 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 Inch. . . J,50 SHIP LAP. No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . S17.00 No. a , Plain , Sand 10 inch . 15.00 No. 1 , 0. U . 17.50 roi'i.Ait i.t .Miiin. : Clear Poplar Box BdsJtf hi , s 2s . 5 l 00 " ' J < f In , panel stU wide , s Us. 27 00 " " Coinniatctl Celllnu , % . . . . 2'J 00 MllNl.i : , I.ATII. * A * Stainlnrd . . . S2 00 5 Inch , clear , & 1.50 ; 0 Inch , clear . 1 ra No 1 . 1 10 Lath . 220 VOSTS Whlto Ccilar , 0 Inch , halves . S H " " 5)4 ) " " and 8 in i'is ] 0 " " 4 " niund . 11 Tennessee led cedar , split . 14 STOCK" MUAliDK. AlQInch , ls2 , 14 and Hi feet . 510 00 JJ . 41 00 JJO O W oo 2:100 : No. l Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft , . 17 M No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 18 f > 0 No. a " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. . 15 5'J I.IMI : , . Qnlncy white lime ( bust ) , S5c ; cement. Airon,8l.7f. ) ; plaster , S'-.30 ; hair , per bitsliel oOu ; sash , f.O per cent oil list ; iloois , bliiuls , mouldings , to per cent ofV llsttarredfelt , per ct. t. , § 1.73 : Btiaw board. Sl.OO. "For real merit , " snys one of the most celubnited Prima Domini , "H. H. DOUG LAS & SONS' CAPSICUM COUOII DROPS for irritation of the throut are A FINE LINK 0 * -AT- WGGDBRIDQE BROS1 OMAHA NEBRASKA. Time CWAHA. TnoTollowliiR1 Is the time of arrival and do- partinool' trains by Central Standard tlino at tlio local depots. Trains oC tlio C. , St. I' . , M , & O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner ol 14th and Webster streets ; trains on the II. i ; M. , C. . 11. & y. , and K. C. , St. J. i ; C. II. Iroin the 1) . & M. depot : all otucis from the Union 1'uclUo de" ° t' 111110013 THAINS. IlrldKo train ) wil' ' leave Ij. 1' . depot at B.K 117:3.5 8:00 8:10 8so II 10:00 llAl a. ra. , 1:00 1:30 : 1:00 : 11 -3:00-4:00 : : : 5:00 : 5M : 0u6 : 6:10-7:00-11:10 : : : p.m. Leave trnimtor lor Omalm a 7:12 1 ! 8:15-0:30 : : BJ:42 : H -10i7-H:17 : : a. m. : 1:37 2:13- : \ -3:30-3:37-4:3 : : 7 5:45 : 0J5 : 7L'U-7:50- : 11:52 p. m. CONNECTINO , JNna Arrival and damn turn of trains from the transfer depot at Council Oluna : DEI-AIT. AHHtVB. CIIIUVOO S : NOIITIIWIISTKIIN. 0:15 : A. J. Mall and Uxpic- * 7:00p. : M U:40P. : M Acconnnodatloji 4:1)0 : ) p. M 6 : 1' . M Kxprt'Bss U:15A.M : CII1CAIU ) & HOCK ISLAND. 0:15 A.M Jlall and Kxpress 7W ) P. M 7li A. M Accommodation G:3Jp.M : D0 : P. M Express :1" : > AM CIHCAdO , MII.WAUKKE te ST. PAUL. 0:10 A. Ji JIall and Express 7OOp.M : S:43 : p. M E\prefs 0:15 : A.M CHICAGO , nuiti.iMiio.N & guiNoy. b.a A. ji Mail and Expioss BMp.M : 0:101' : . M Expiess UlJA. : M WAIUSII , ST. LOUIS & I'ACIFIC. 2:15p. : M.Local.St. LouisUxnresslocal BKP. : ( ) M.TrnnsforSt. Louis Ex . 'rransfer.3:20r.M KANSAS C1TV. hT. JOB ft COUNCIL II1IIIPFR. 8:15 A.M Mall and Uxpicss 7:35p.M : U:00 : P.JI Kxpiot < s U:3jA.M : SIOUX C1TV Jt PACIFIC. 9 Oo A.M. . . . .Sioux Cltyiliitl ) ! M . . St. > 'nul llxpresd 0:115 : A. M Depart. WKSTWAHU. Arrive A. M. P. M. UNION I'AUKJO. A.M. P. M. 8:20.1 : . . . .1'uclllo Express. . . . 7:50u : ' ' ' i6:40n : . . . .Dunvar Express. . . 4'l'o'd : 0.&UE1' . VALLEY' . 2:40a : . . .Mull and Express. . . 2:10a II. & M. IN Niil. : 8:10a : . . .Mull und 0:40a : . . . .NltfhiExpross. . . . 10:40H : Popart. 60UTH\VAUO. Arrive Depnit. NOHTHWA11U. Arrive , A. u. I p. M. I O. ST. P. . M. A O. A.M. p. 8:30n : . .Sioux City Express. I 640cOaklaiid ; | Accoinmod'n 10:00o : 'Depart. EASTWAHI ) . Arrive A. M. I p. .M. l C. , H. & Q. I A.M. I 1' . M. U20 I 0:00 : | . . . .Viu 1'latlnimnitl | 0:20 : I 7 IB STOCK YAIIDB THA1N8 Will leave U. P. depot. Onmhn , at 0:40-8:35- : 10:45 : 10:530. : m. : S:40-3CO-n : : : ii. in. l eavoBlock Vuids for Omaha nt 7:55 10:25a. : in. ! ia:01-l:2'J-4:40-fiei7-flM : : ' : : : D. m. OT : A trulnndnily ; Hdally except Sunday ; C , daily except Saturday ; D , dally except Mon day. THE CHICAGO AMD RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only rend to take for DCS Moliics , Mnr > bbulltown.Cedurltaplils , Clinton , Dixie. Chk-Uffo. Mlhvuukeo and all polntti oust. To the pnoplo of KebrusUa , Colorado , Wjomlnir , Utah , Idaho Nevadu.OiCRon , Washington and California it otrerHSUpetior ud\antatres not i > oebblo | by any other line Among n few of the numerous points ot supe riority enjoyed by tlio patrons ot this roail be tween Gmuhu and l.liiniKO , nro Its two trains a day of DAY' COACHES nlileli me the tlne t that human art and iuucnulty eau'crcuto. Hsl'AI/- ACU SUE1'1NG CAltS , uhlcli uiu models ot comfort and ulctranco. Its 1'ARIX)1C UUAW1NG KOOM CAltS. uiiburpnseed by tiny , and Its wide ly cclobiated PAIAT1AMIN1N6 CAH8 , ho tqual of w hluh cannot bo found cUpwheio. At Council HlutTH the trains of tlio Union I'/ioi- flo lly. coniiPCt in Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. In Chicago the trains of tliU line make clobe conniftion with tliosoof all eastern lines. For netrolt , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincln atl , Nliiirara Fulls. HulTnlo , Pittbburtr. Toronto ontieni. llObton , Now Vork , Phlludelphlu , Ual- . the ticket aeent for tlekelH via the " . " "NOIITH.WCSTEKN. If you wish the best ucconimodntions. All ticket ngenu tell tickets via this ' lino. M. HUaiUTT. H.B. IIAIll , OMAHA Dilliard Tables , THE UHUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLEXDUH Jk Co. Manufacturers Of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Saloon , Onico and llnnk Fixtures. Market and Huron Sts. , Chicago , 111. UmabA OfllceflOJ S. 10th St. _ _ ! _ _ Book Binding , Etc , Printers'Book ' Binders , And Illnnk Hook Manufacturer * . Nos. 104 and 108 South Hlh Street. Omaha , Neb. JridgcJ-Sto ml RAYMOND & CAMl'I'KD , , Knjflnccis nnd t'ontinctor ? . Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnd Howe Trupi llrlilffos , Piling nnd Oak Tunlicr. 13th St. , near I'ninntn. Telepliono No. 7t4. Duller I ubs , * " * " " J. SKYMOtTri , Manufacture of Butter Tubs , MB. Kc ; 40 ft , nOei 2"i Ih , IMc ; Si ) tt ) , 2-'o ; 10J in , We. 18th nml Plcrco St . , Omnhn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. " MAX MKYlUt .V CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns nnd Ammunition. " ! < " > to WHSouth lltli Street , llKO to la. ! I'nrmim Street , Omaha , Neb. Cm < ti PACTOKV. WIIST , t FIltTSCIIUR , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wlmlusnto Dealers In I Tobpecoa. Noi 103 nml HON. Uth Sticct , Omnhn , Neb. Cornices , Eagle Cornlco Works , JoliiEpcnoFcrViopi'lctor. Jtnnufao.ttircr of ialvanl7i-il Iron and Cornice. IK.Jlodjo ) ; andlJI nnd 105 North 10th Street , Omaha , Nub. nunjii'iNo & iioi/rK , MnnufucturoraorOniamontal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnl . Htc.ntnB. 12th St. Woikdono In any pnrt of thocountry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECirr , Proprietor. Gnlvnnbcd Iron Cornice1' , Elc. Spccht'stm- | > rovr l I'ntvntMotnll'otikillglit 60S and 51US. IStb St. , Omulm , Net. Dcors , Sash. Etc. The Gate City PlenlEg'Mill. Door" , Siteh nnd Illlnds. Ale nil Itlnila of turning1. Scroll nnd Stair work ol o\cry de scription. ATUOSKNUKHY , Mnnuf acturcr ntul Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Elc. , , , Mouldings , . Stclr Itnlh n specialty Telephone No. 02 15th and Marcy St a , , Omiiliu , Net ) . Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOI.TE : CO. , Electrician Electrical Supplies , JlttEonloniocl ; , Omaha. llurtlnr Alarms , Dells , Klro Alarms , llleatiieljMattln1SponUlii3' Tubes , Oold , Silver and Nickel 1'lntinif , Ktu. tlron and Nails. "OMAHA NALMf NurAai-miixa coT Cut Sailsand , Spikes , Tire Nnlls H SpqcJuHy. Omnhn , Nob. Omaha lion jSorks Company , Mp.chlncry , Ca tliiK , Stenm Eiifrlnca , Hollers , Ajxihltcctiirnllro'iiVprlc. . Iron Ilrklfcs , Jllnlns nntl Mill Mnohlnory. * Onico and worlco , Union 1'iicino It It. Kt Foundry Works. Cor. 14th nnd JnekEon Sts. , prepared to do nil kinds of Iron imtl HI-UPS rnstlnii , ; nlBO.O , C. Bannister's Itocklnir Qnito liars maniifocturoJ Mattresses. E. M. HDLSE , Mattress Company , Manufacturing jriittrcsso's , Ileddltiff , Feather rilloM , Cots , Ete. KM nud 1203 Douglas Street , Omnhn. Neb. Overalls. _ _ CANFIKLD M JNUPACTUirfNcTcO.r Manufacturers of Overalls , . Jeans I'unts , Shirts , , 1102 nnd 1104 Douglas Street , Omuhu , Nob. Safes. Omalia Safe Works , G. ANDHKKN. Mnnurncturcr or Fire unil IlurRlnr Pi-oof Pnfoi. Vnult Doors , Jail Work. Shutters anil Wlro Woik. Cor. 14th nnd Jnckgon Sts. , Omnhn , Neb. Soap. P. 3. QUEALKV , Soap Manufacturer , Offlco nnd Knctorj' , ncnr Powder Mngnzlpo , Omaha Neb. Wagons and Carriages. OHATTON & DIIUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1315 and 1 JIT Hiirnoy street , Omalm , Nob. Solo Agents In Nebraska forJoiicn' Colobratcd Split thult Sulkloa. EMUblluhrd 1858. A. J. SIMl'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1400 nnd 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. WhiteJ-ead , OMAHA AVHITO LKADCOJIPANV , Corrodcis nnd GrlnJersof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Oninlm , Neb. Iovl Cm tor. PICE. ; C. W. Mead , Vito Pros. : H. W , Yutos , Sou. und Tiens. B107EL DiBEOTORY. 8. Shears , J. K. MnrlilTuos. , Swabo , Proprietors Omaha , N rlrca'dp ' Hotel , .7nmr Cnioy , Pioprlclor. jSlu and 1 ' 17 Dongas St. , Omaha , Neb. XbopationuKOot'eoinmoi-oliil men Kilivllcd. They will Ilnd thin the best fca n Uuy hout'o w fbt o ( Cliiciiyo. 1 ' i t Banters House , c. n. rnnniB , PIIOPIUETOR. Ilnk' penduy. . flroet cars trom U , P. depot , wltlun orerlilock of house. Corner d 10th btrcets , Ijniuhu , NoU The Cozzens , P. Rumsoy * Co. , Proprietors. Kates tf-.OO PIT day , no duik rooms. Omaha , Neb. Alee | miinfiortf | of Pnlaco Hotel , Santu To , CanQeld House , Cor. NIiuli nml Furiiam Sts. The best $3 per day hotel In Omaha. ItumodUoU. ri'lurnljhoJ , redcouiuted ; one block ! i om iiiiny neudquurters. opM | > bltu Union Pucitlo heudnunru'rs : street card IUL-U tlm door. Ueorco Canlleld & Co. , proprlo- tois. AlbO Uulou Stock Vurcli Hotul , Soutli Omuhu. Hotel de Gees , P. GOOS , Proprietor. European plan. The only centrally located f3 aduyboubo. Three doors from lloyd's Qpvrn llpuso and ono-liiiif block from the Pontotlico mill the Court Housu. 1WJ. 1510 , 15U ) raiaum Et.Ou ; < iliuN b CMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , . . _ . _ . . . . " " ' "UNINGKU &METCALF CO.T Wliolesnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , onico , Corner Cth nnd Pnclllo Sts , Oinnlm , Nob. ' TAIIMN , oitKNooiu-r * MARTIN , Wliolcs-Io Ucnlcrs In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd lluggles , Oinnlm Neb. CHUKCHI LI j PAUKEU , Wliolosalo Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlnjcs nnd Hilarities. .1n"1" St. , bet. tMh nnd 10th , Omnlm , Neb. Boots and Shoes , V. v. Moiisn & co.r Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Fnrnnm Street , Oinnlm , Neb. Mnnufnctory , Sinnnier Street , lloston. Carpels , rf j- Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Goods. Etc. , H23 1'arnam Street , Omaha , NcK Coal , Lime , Etc , . . _ ' .F1 > ' W. HKDFOIUV Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Ofllcc,2138. 14th rt. , Oinnlm , Neb. Yards , Oth and Di1 rciiport Streets. COUTArtT & SQU1HKS. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Heft varieties. OIllrc.SlSR. 13th St. Telephone No. HyOm.lhaNcb. NKHRASKA I'Ur.T , CO. Shippers of Coal and Coke , T.HS. 13tb St. , Omaha , Neb. Gro. C , Towi.c , Prcsldnnt. Oto. PATirttBOX , See. nnd Tiens. J. H. Hui.nEiiT. 1' . A. , Propiiotor. MnnnBer. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKURASKA. Office-17 S. 13th Street. Tclcphono 43. OLD. r. Lxnii , Pics. 0. V. GOODMAN , V.Prca .1. A. Sum > iut.A'l > Sec. nnd Tiens. Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbcisof hurdand < oft coal , a S. lUth St. , Omalm , Neb. OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Boulder Colorado Conl,217 touth 14th street. Coffee and Spices. "ciaiiicc aiios. &co. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. Tcn , Cotroos , Splcp * . llakltitf Powder Flavoring r.xtincts , Uiunilry lllno. Inlf , etc. 141MU Hiu > ney Street , Omnhn , Nob. Commission , Etc. JOHN FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions Fruits , Flour und V"v105 S. 1 tth St. , Omnlm , Neb. Consignments f ollciled. Jtcturns mudu promptly. LOUIS HILUH : : , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Chtcso , Saiisngoa. Fruits , llutchers' Tools anj l-l"i Jones St. , Omaha , Neb. w. E. General Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES Clxwc , Ituttcr , Esvi ) > Poultry nmt Uainu , 112 S. Utli. , Omaha , Neb. Tolo- D. A Commission and Jobbing , Kuttcr , KKBB nnd Piodueo. A full line of Stone- "inc. Consignments solicited. 1411 ioduo ) St. , Oniahfi. * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. MOUONl" , General Commission Merchant , Butter , EITKTS , Chccso nnd Country Produce gen- cniUy , 'Ml S. 12th St. , Omalm , Nub. JlcSHANE &SCIIltOEDElfi Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Hefriifcrator und 1'aeklnir HOU--O , 11th & Leavon- worth St. , on U. 1' . It. i : . Tiaclc , Omaha , Nob. * " Establibhod 1670. HOBE11T 1'UHVIS , General Commission , til S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Butter Eggs , I'oultiy and ( Jamo. PEVCKR 1IHOS. , Commission Hercbants , Vnilts , 1'roduco nnd Provisions , Omnlin , Neb KIllSfHIHtAUN & EONS , ( Succc. < i < iv4 to A. P. Scliaek. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 21'J ? outli Uth Street , Omaha , Neb. " TROXELl , & "WILLIAMS ' Storage and Commission Merchants. Frtiltp. Flour. Apples , Stonowniii. CIdor.VInesnr , ( Jiiihs Seods. lluttor and KKP * , 313 and IllO South lath bticct , Omaha , Nebrnsl.a. WIKDEMAN & CO ] Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butter , flame , Fruits , I'.tc. ' . " 'OS. llth St. , Omaha , NohnisUn. " A.f. .METHGK , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Meats , Jjiril , Jollies , Duttiir , Kaift , Choose , Ete. No. : K)5S. ) fth Bt. , Onuiliu , Neb. WESTERF1KLD nROS.j General Commission Merchants , Omnhn , Neb. Solicited. JJ. McUOXALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. B15 12th Street. Uumhu. Nob. fipcchiltlus : nut. ter , I' iie , aiu Crockery , W. L. WR10HT , Agciu Tor the Muiiufactiirors nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , Chimneys , Ktc. Ollico , HIT South 13th Btifet , OmnhoNob. , Dry Goou's , " " ' J. J , liltOWN i CO. , YJhoIesale Dry Goods and Notions , 1LS."J Douglas Struct , Omulm , Nob. L. oiNsnnito , t co. , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Uncns , TJICOI , Embroidery and Whlto Ooodj. JUfiUDougluaMrcot , Omulm , NuU _ _ _ Engines. -"lIROWNF.LL The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary nnd portnblo engines , bollera nnd flicet lion woilt , WII JIIH , mri.uiturul Implo- liicntri , jiumjis ete. V.13-1'M bl. Leather , Hides , Elc , " v ' L. C. HDNTIIfGTON & , SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and T.llow , , lilt Jackson Stioct , Omaha , Neb. SLOMAN 11ROS. , Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery und Hlioo Flndlniri ) , Hides , Wool , Cure , J'clw , Uicase , Tallov , Ktc. , Omuhu Nul. Flour , Etc , Wrf. PlltSrON. ( .ho. ItlCIIAUUbCN. WM. pitESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , (08 , r0 and 612 PJtrcogtixtt Oiuaha , Neb. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY rmuxo TZSCHUCK , JR , Apcnt for J. a lloffinnyr & Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour By Holler nml lluiifrirlan Process. Warehouse , 121 J.1itio3 ( SUrot.Oinuha , Nob. W.J. WEI-SHAXS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. .1. WrlOmns A , Co.'s QuIcX llnlslnir HucKnhcnt Hour nnd proprietors Omaha City Mills , cor. 6th nml ttinmm Street * , Omiibo. * " " FYl , U : , nsii coV"v. . Successors to Icl > pii Sloms i'ti , t Co. s Wholesale Fisli Dealers , Importers of Forolsrn I'teli , Nos , Oil-Bin Jonc ? ijsnu * . Street anil U. 1' . Truck , Uninlut , Nob. _ / , Furniture , Etc , " Iir.WKV * STUNK , Wholesale Dealers in Furnitura , Karnam Street , Otuntm , Neb. Groceries , AU.KN 11UOS. , Wholesale Grocers , . lllOnmllli : Douglns Street , Otnalin , Nob. _ i : . It. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobneco nml Smokers' Article ? , 1-17 Howard St. MUYKK & ItAAl'lcr. ' Y/liolesale / Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , CUmis ntul Tobacco * , 1317 nml 1310 lloujf- Ins Street , Omukn , Neb. _ JlcCOIU ) , 1UIADY & COMPANJT. Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nml Piirnum Sticets.Onmlm , Nob. PAXTON , OAIIAGHEK & CO. , Wholesdlo Groceries and Provisions , Nos. T05 , 70" , TlW mill 711 8. 10th St. , Oinnlm , Neb. Hardware , _ w. J. imoATcn , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , EprlnpRViiRon Stock , llimlwood Lumber , etc. I'M ! nml l-ll lluinejiticex , Oinuhn , Neb. " KDNKY * 0111110N , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon i Anil Cnrrlauo Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware , Ktc. 1:217 : and I'M ! ) I.cavcnw 01 tli Street , Omaha , Neb. TAYIOll , Builders' Hardware , Meclinnlcs' Tools nml Iluffuto Scales. 140,1 Douir- Ins Slicct , Omnhn , Neb. IUU , KUIKD A. CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Etc. Apents for Ilotro Scales und MluniiPowderCo.Oinalin Neb. _ JIILTON IlOGKItS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grntos , ltrus-3 pooiK 1IK1 nnd 1S-M Far- iiiini Street. _ lliCT01l & WIUIKLMV CO. , flholesate Hardware and Hails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. lOtb nnd Hnrncy Sticets , Omnhn , Nob. Harvesters. wsi.'nnniiiNa & co. , ciiFcAao , Manufacturer of tlio Deoring Harvester Goods , Writs to Win. it. Lorlincr , General Agent , Omalm. Telephone Oil ) . _ Iron Pipe , Etc. . ' 'COWING & co , Hydraulic and * Mechanical Engineers , Jobbns In lion I'lpo Iron r ttlns-H , Iron nnd flrnss GooiK KiitrinoorV Supplies. litn and DodgoStieots , Oniulin , Nub. A. I * STHANQ Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Hiillay und Milling Supplies Etc. _ KO , ff i und ir.'l I'liuiuin St. Oniulin , Neb. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stenm und Wntcr Supplies. Headquarter ? fo- Mast Foost Co.'s ( Joods. 1111 1'ainam Street , Omahn , Nob. Jewelry. " EDIIOLM & K111CKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlcrs In Sllvcrwnio , Diamonds , Wntclios Clock , Jewelcra' Tools nnd Materials , Etc101 nml 1UU , 15tli Street , Cor. ledge ) , Ornuliu , Neb. Live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yardnjfo ChaiKod. CloEo lo U. P. HrldKo. Dpeclal ncpommodntlon nnd n iood nmrkct for hogs. K. U. Coojior , > lnn- ger. Ollico , South Otli Street. W. DQUKR & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( Jco. llnrko. Mnmiifpr , Union Stock Yards , S. Omnlm. Telephone 563 \v. r. imowN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Ofllco EvclmiiBO Hulldm ? , Union Stock Yards , fc South Omulm , Neb. Tclophono No. Cttl. " .MAIJ.OUY , SON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Ynnls Chicago , 111. , und Oinnlm , Neb. Kiaiikl.'lilltoiidcn.MannKcrOinaliuUr.incli. TclopboMO No. 2fcU. Uslnbllhliod 180- . W. L. PATUICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , drPhi nil coniinnnlcntloii' ) lo us at Union Stock Vuids. South Oniulin. Advances imido on Block. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John I' . llo > d , Superintendent. | SAVAK ! teJlKKV ! , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Cblt inonls of niiy and nllUmlso ! Mock Milleit i fi ) . Union btick YardsUinuliu.Null. Lumber , Etc , " " " LOUIS OJIADKOUI ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , fineb , Doors , Eto. Ynuls Cor. 7th nnd Cor. Vth and UougUo. 1JOHN MANUrACTtTJIING COH Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldliiKf , titalr Woik ami Interior Hard Wood KJnlnli. .lust opened. N. 1J. coi1. fctli nnd heaven- vorth Stieutfj , Onuilm , Neb. CHICAGO LUMUUIl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , EH 3. lilu BtiLCt , OiiiHha , N'uU 1' . Colpci/cr , C. N. DIB 17 * Lumber , 13tli nnd CaliroinU gtioef , Oinnln , Nob. FHKDV. . QUAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor , Cth end Douglas Stroetb , Omaha , Neb. Gi:0. : A , HOAGI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. " CI1AS. U. IKB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnren Stoclt , 1'ancy Woods , Ilildgo Timbers. ii : . , S. W. Cor , Dili und , .Sub. G. P. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Uulldliig Paper , Ktc. South Utli .Struct , Oinubu , NebranKu. _ Nebraska Lumber Co , I'uld In fiiiiltal Stock. CJ03.00X Lcsaerri.iiHiiiiiluctiacra nnd wholviulp deal- cm. MIlKir. MctrUl , Wl * . WhoU't-ulound rotnO Omuhu.Nub. CUti. 'JtUiU p&IAHA & JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA I , ' MI1KU CO , Dealers In All Kinds ot Building Material at Wholesale , _ _ 1th Sirwt and I n on t'acn Track. Om h v ) ( ir.HMAX D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , Will ami Irani Streets , Omnhn , Ncbnukn. " " J. A. WAKii'iiu : > . Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , j nulldliiR Papers , Sn h , Door , HllniN , Moultl. lnir , Plckati , ro t , l.liiio , l' ! < \ tor , Hair , Cement. Nlntn aim Jones , Omaha Neb. Millinery , " ' . . , Importers and Jobber * or. Millinery and Notions , ISM nml 1211 Hnrncy Street , Omalm , Noh. _ J Musical Instruments , " HimOI.M k UHICKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Rtolnu ay Piano * . Wcbor , Decker. Unities and llrlfrff" liiinot , Packard OiKnn ? , Cliaso " 101 nnd 103 15th Mreet ? Notions , Etc , j. U IlUANUir.3 A SON' , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Onod" , Notion" , tlpntV IhtrnlMtlnir Oooils. ( leeds from New York. Trndo sales daily. 60S nmlfiOS South 13th St. , Omaha. " " " " " C. B. OOODH1CII .V CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , Druggists' amlStalloncr.o' Sundries. H13 rar iinni , Omaha , Nob. I J , T. Robinson Notion Company , 4m nnd 4i5 ( S. 10th Sti.Omalm , Neb. AVholcsalo Dealers In Nntlona and Uuntt Filr nlshlnjr'looils. i Oils , Etc , COIfPOI.UUTKD TANK UNK Co Ylholosalo Dealers In Oils , | Gnsollno , Mica A\lo Clrcnvo , A. II , Illshop , _ Mnnngcr , Omulm , Neb. _ _ i " ZI3 Pork Packing , ' " _ J .1AMHS 1 ! . 110V1)7" ' Pork Packer anil Shippar , Oinnlin , Xcbrn < * kn. _ j 11AHU1S & KIS11KII , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onice , Union Market , 1517 DodRO Ptruot. I'acklnff liousu , U. 1' . H. U. Truck , Onmhii , Nub. Tolo. .l ! 7. Safes and Locks , j HOYIU\V : co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 I'lro nml llurulnr Proof S.tfasTliiio IxjcKB.Vnulta nnd.lnll i\U'l ; . tKO ruvnuin Mi-ret , Omiiliu , Neb Seeds. _ " * _ , T. KVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seads. Aprk-ulturnl. Vejrotnblp , I'.tc. O.lil IVllow.V llnll , _ N.V. . Cor. llth anil Doiltro St . , Onmhii , Nob. Drugs , Etc , * * M ' ft. T. CfiAHKK nillJO COMPANV , , \Vholesalo Druggists , Jobbers of I'nlnts , Oils , Wlniluw Glnas Els. , 11U Hartley Street , Omulm , Neb. THE coomiAX nnuoco Y/holesale / Druggists Anil Dealer in 1'nlnts , Oils nna Window Glass , Omaha , Nub. , , | Wines and Liquors , FHANIC DILLONK : & co. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1202 mill ial Doujrlas PI. . OWlia , Noli. Fno ' tories-Nos. 4 unil UOU , ! M Dlsl. N. Y. nno. w. DUNCAN , Successor to MuNAMAHt & DUNCAN , Importer ! anil Wliolcsnlo lunlors ) in Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars , gl4nmimos. Utli fit. , Oninlui , Nob. It. It. OHOTTB , Wines and Liquors. WcBtorn Agont.lijs. Sclillt ? Itrowlnur Co. 7103. _ Cth Street , Omulm. ' IIKXHY HOHNnEIlGKIl , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 1 1K1 ! Douglus Street , Oimilui , Neb. ILKIl & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines Anil Manors. Solo imiMUfiictiu-ori of KcnnoJy'a l.ubtlniliu Hitters. UK llnrnvy Bticut , Omaha , J > ub. n r. LAHSON & co. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies Anil Ciifnrs , nnd Oononil Ajfonts tor lliol'lilllp HestB' Colelnutccl MIlwauKeu lleor , Oninlia , Neb Harness , Etc , WEI/TV , & LANDIIOCK , Mnmifncttiiors nnd Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , HlnnkcU and Hobo * . 1421 1'iuimm : Street Oniulin , Nob. Chicago , Milwaukee & SI , Paul ' The Short Line and Best Route From Oiahajo theEast TWOTHAINS DAII.V IIRTWEKNOMAHA AND ChlciiKo , MlnneaiiolN , MllvMinkeo , tit. I'auI , Ceilar Itiipldd , Davenport , ainton. Dnhiniuo , llockfoid , Hock leluaa rrooport , .liini'vville. Klifln , Madlnon ,'inteo , Ilololt , Wlnonn , Andullothor important points East , Noitucact und Southeaat. Ticket oulco at HOI Kiinmm stinctIn ( I'axlon llotf I ) , and tit Union Puclllo Dej ot. 1'iillmaii Sleepers and the l-'iiu-st in the Vt'oildmoiini on the main lines of the ( 'iJIOAr.O.Mir..VAUIifcK&nT , I'AUI. HAIl.WAV , and iM'iy attention iHpnld to pnssoneurb by court- olio employes of the eoiiipany. 11. , General MnnnKor , J. r.Tut'KKtt , Assistant ( i nerul Mnnascr , A. V. H , OMii'KN-mt , Uontral Pateonaer and llrkut A > ; ( int. OM > . U. HuAiroun. Asblbtant ace ralFaeft-n Bir and Ticket Airuut. P. BOYEB & OO. PKAI.r.USIN KalFsSaf es , Vault sjimcl ocks and Jail Vifork. 1020 l iimum Struot , Oiiiuhti , Neb. ' " fSftSC'QRIFFiTH , Commission Merchant , And Wliolcsalo Dealer In Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc , GOODS ON CONSlQNlir.NT A Bl'ECIAtTr , 320 N. I6fh Si , , Omaha , Neb. Heicrencos , by ] 't rnlls In I'lrat National Iliinlrluljiiuo ) ( | : A. 8. Caiiethon , Cnsliloraioux Nallomil JliuikHloux City ; louu.Nutlonul Hank Des Miilncs ; H. M.KInumiin , Assistant Cunlitr lirtl Niitlonal Hank , Chleiigo. IcilflOLllSTnlcf WANTED BY K. g. . ® pr i , Lincoln. / dtirkei 3r3co