kF THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TI.IUJ18UAY , JAN UAH Y 28. 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES. . AdrorllfcmentB under this hend 10ccntspor Ino for tlio ( hit Insertion 7 cents for cacli subsequent lmirtlonmifl f l.fiC n line per inonlV. < Boven words nil bo counted to tbo llnoj they must run eonsocutlrely and must bo paid In nd- Tnco. All advertisements must licliuudcd in before 2 o'clock p. m. , and under no cirtrunv stances will tbor ba taken or discontinued br telephone. 1'nrtlcs ndvcrtlelng in those columns nnd hav ing the Answers addrcsfcd in cnro of TUB HIE : , will please n 1c for check to enable them to net tbclr letters , ninono will be delivered except on presentation of check. .All answers to adver tisements sbould bo enclosed In envelopes. " TO X.OAH-MONEY. $3.oon roll LOAN , if nppllrd for Immediate- ly , by llallou llio ? . , 317 S. 13th St. 150 fcbl M < ) Niv : TO LOAN on Iior.se1 * , wntrons , fur niture , wntehccwithout removal. Terms cnny. r J L'luwcll , Itoom II ) , Iron Hank llnlld- liifr , 12th nnd rumnli. . Tnko elevator. C00-fob7 * loan on city residence property. ' Oco. W.IJay , 160H Farnnin , LIO LOAN Money many amount , On nil chuffs of security. Bborttimo lonusonrcnlostato , liong tlrno loans on real rstatu. Money to loan on chatteU. Money to loan on collaterals. Money to loan on any peed eocuntjr. Terms easy , tlmo tomilt. Apply nt tluMltnnha Financial Kxchnnge , Marker's billMlnir , 8\V corner at rifteentli nnd I'nrunm Pis. , upstairs 701 ONKV TO LOAN on Improved nnd tinlm- M piovod city proporty. Cunningham & Ilrennnn , lull Dodgu street. Oil TITONEY for everybody 1 \ou can borrow 4"JL money on furniture , horses , wnirons , plnnos , stock of all kinds , diamonds nnd line watches on your own time. Payments received nt nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rnta. Property loft In your own possession. Totms lewnstnc lowest. Call nnd sco me. Iluslnesa confidential. No lulvnntniro taken. W. It. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlihnoll'8 NowUulliUnu , Northcnpt cor ner 15th and Harnc ; . 7" > 3 ONKY TO T.OAN-O. F. Davis & Co. Heal Eitate and Loan agents , 1503 Furnnm8t. _ ONES' . A TO LOAN-On peed securities. McOnvock , room 7 llcdlck Ulock , 150 ! ) Fnrnam 61. 77 MONKV TO TOAN-On chattel1 ? , Wooloy fc Harrison , room 20 , Omiilin National bsnk building- . TOT ONKV TO l.OAN-On real cstnto and chat tels. D. I * Thomns. tOO MONKV TO l.OAN-IifBlims of $200 and up- wards on IlrM-olnES renl ustuto security. Totter & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. 801 ONKY LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Co'S. Loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ttorsonnl property of all Kinds nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l Unnk. corner 13th nnd Farnnm. All business strictly conlldcntal. 802 BUSIWTSS CHANCES. 'TTIOR HAI.K Ono of the best stock farms JL' within ensy reach of Oninha. If sold this month would tnKo a house nnd lot us ptirt pity- jinent. llallou llros. , ai" S. Kith fct. llilfobt TTIOltHAr.K The best liny In g butcher business JU In Oniuliu ; flno location. Address II03 , Uoo poicc. UOa-a ) IIIAVK n number of peed business clinnces open forhucstlRatlon by pnrtlos scclln ; - Invest vest monf. Hnrffiilns Ih Improved farms In No- lirnskn nt prices rntiKliiK Irom JO to $1)5 ) per ucre. Two bccthms of elegant rnllwny hind lo cated nn line of U. I" . Ity In Wyomlnjr , ! l to 5 dollars lars pur ncrc. Call on address J. L. Hlco. 1U2J 1'imuiiM. H8-2J T71OII SAI.K A tleelrablo business In fnrm JL machinery , together with the business liou'o and lot In n irooil town In contrnl Nebras- ika. Address , with stamp , II26 , Uoc , Oinnlm. flio K.\oifA > T.K-lca acres of choice farm J land In Ctistnr county , Nchrnskn , for n stock of furniture. For piirtlculurs , nddioss Furnl- turo , Snrgont county , Neb. 104-27 * ANK 1'OK SALi : A ull established bank- Inpr business In Tnstern Ncbraskn , county Scat town for gale ; $12.000capital required. Address - dross 1158 , nooOIHcc. KM ) FOIt SATjK Ilcstnurnnt , a tfrcnt bnrgnln.tSCO. ' Olbsoh * Archer , ' Itodm Wltliiicirillock , E Cheap , a stock of hnrdwaroinnd JL1 tot of tinner's tools. . , and bnllillnir for lent ; nlso building for piilo 20.T40 , 12 feet high. Hoa- EOII lor selling , piling west. Addicts It. M. John- eoii , Sterling , Nub. I > j3-27 * Foil SAMO Or exchange Tlio Merchants' hotel , nllno now hotel In Children , Nob. licn- tal receipts now $200 per month. Will sell or ex change lor rcsldenco ii nr business pint of Omaha. Parties selling dcsho 10 llvo In n larger city. Address , W. A. Langworthy , Clnulron , Nebraska. 013fob8 * FOK KXCIIANOK A f7,500 stock of dry Broods for M ciuh ; balance unlmciunboroU land or Rood Oniiiha piopurty. For ovclmntfo A $10.000 stock of ilry foods lor M cash , balance iinlmcumbcrod liinil or good Oiniilia proiiertr. Gibson , Archer & Co , , Itoom U , Wlthnoll lllock. J 010 roit.SAl.t3 A pnylnsr no.vppapcr business hi good Nebraska town : price , V-,000. ( Ilbson & rcher , Itoom U , Wilhnell lllock. bOI T71O11 HALE A 50,000 stock of general mcr- JL cliandlso In a laplilly lowlnif town con- talnlnir 1,1X10 InhnbltuntP nnd " railroads , Bltua- ted In ono of tbo best fin-mini ; nnd stock coun ties In Southern Nebraska. lluslness U the o d- ct , loc'iitlon the best , and trade the latKostof nny hoiibo In town. No belter opportunity enu lie lound for any ono wishing to iii nco In , nbovo buslnoss. Special inducements ollored it juirehascr. Will sell or rent building for full J particulars address General Mcrclmnt , Ilco Olllco , Omaha. Ki7-al " Oil BALK Milk Dairy , about 'i'l cows nnd outllt , nnd laud to lento. I ) . L. Thomas , Itoom ! j , Ciolgliton block. 801 , ' TT7K > 't HALK Hardware biiBincss In Omaha. JO Address II. 4.1 lleo Ulllcu. 7u2fubll I . T"u SALE The Commercial Hotel nt South JC lloml. Nob. , prlco J2i X ) : terms easy. Ad dress T. W. F. , llox 15 , South Uend , Nob. | . K9-foblO * ( " ' 'Tn lt HALB-Ur cichantro-Twclvo hundred. JL'and olKhty acres of ilo. , timber nnd iriass land , lorty miles onntol Kiuisas City. As rich Eoll as any land In the f Into , will toll nil or pnrt at lllteen dollars per ncro or will o.xcliniiRO for peed ImproviMl or unimproved Nebraska land. ' . > lledford & Snucr 15.1 TfOK SAM-,1 lots In Spring Hill , $450 each. , X Also an c tabllfhcd ; banking business In Nc- l liraska t \1' It I. . , . oounty jll III * . . . ! , feat. ! . . . ! Gibson . . . & Archer , Itoom ikxi WANTKD T o Kontlomon want room nnd boilnl in prKmo Itinilly ninir to inllroad hoadiimrters. | Addicns It 77lieu , Olllco. 130-2 ; * ROOM and bouril , 15 per weeks very bestlo. cullon. 1811 i > avc > iu > ort St. IGSfcliIU * PKIISONA1 , - pee list ofspcclul nuio property ; city lots und imiuoveil rcsl- deiH-o iiropiutj.by.l. I , . Hlco , 1 riirniiin tit. . beliiio iiuieliiislnij : eUewheic. 1I7.-J ItiCS-ONAl : , I hnvo n number of choice lots In lluiiMom I'lato nt tmrjrtilus , It' Bcvurcil Jitlco , U'-'J I'uriiiiin. H'J i8 PEItSON'AI. ir you hiiro nny property for Milo Hat Itlth Gco. 1' , llemlB , ir > ih iiuU HoUylus. JS3 _ DIt. i : . J ) . AltNOl.l ) . Oculist and Aurlst.ro- moved lo 1611 Uouylas otieot , bTU HEAL ESTATE. $0 o AND U"Oia-ro Inipioveil fnrmsvlthln 1 < miles of Oinidm ; S5 : per ncio ; these mo Iwiyiilns. ( Jlbsou i ; Aidicr , loom U Witlinoll liloclt. 1'Jl MAIISIIAI.I. K I.OIIKCIC , rcnl cstnto. Inivn n line list ot hnpiovid uiul imlmprovuJ lots In Onmlm ; nciLMiieiiv thoclty iind liunilrcds ot'tlionsmulsiif itcrcs of hinil lor tulu ; corro- pivoiulcnco touched. 31iu > hull \ I.obeclt , l.Vd 1'iii'imiii t.n c'c-t. Ulllco open till U p. in. Cm UN UI > Jiuiuurr 25th , IhVJ , ono rod cow JL uboiit six jours old , 1) ) . Slcvoiscor. Hall- tvad and 1'iiii viovvbts , , Ituuoi : tiflJeii'si d 111 Ion. _ t 15K ! LObT-A iltuf lth kc-ys. A icwaid will le given by ItuivliitfiU Ilco olllco. 11U HTOVE XICPAXHS. mill ? W.C.Mcunrr8toveltci > alrCo..lllSouth J- Kill St , between DoUVo iiiul Doiijjlus. LA 1)1 US m want of good iloincstiolielpcnn ho supplied by culling' on tbo Omulm Km- Sloymi'Dt Olllco , Itoom 4 , lliubnuui-B IJIuck. Mts. . \V , Morrltoi piopik-lnr. tfji rOB BAIE-MISCELLANKOUS. TpOll Wfnlhci' f trips , ttoim tusli uilJ Uoirrs.ap JL1 lo F. O. Mf ail SKI B. ICih St. fcW ) SAI.r.-Auctfoti sale of nttccn bciU , FOU twelve lioallhff stoves , two cook stoves , cnrprt , wnsliftnmls , burenn , dl hci , cto. , nnd Oilier nrtloles too nutncrous to mention. I'very- thliiff to lie sold without rc'prvo on Sntunlny , the ! ) th < lny of Jnmmry , nt 10 o'clock , shnrp , on ( ho P. K. corner of I'lli ftnd Onpltol nvcnue. A. \V.Cort nn & Co. , Auctioneers. 15KK ) ITiblt MAIX I ftcMi cows , 10th nnd Cnnltol JL1 nvo. SlocV Vards. H1-S3V TJTfm S AIX Two lots in Pelhnm riace.ono X' hlock from street car trnck. Inqulro2189. 13th street. I& > HELP. WANTI2D An cvpcncnccd , cnpnblo nnd iifftt yotiiiK woinnn to n sl6t In tnkliip cnro of chlltliTii nnd do second work. Cnll nt brick i e ! ilonco , cot nor of llth nnd Plorco. Mr * . 1) . S. llnrrlgcr/ f-'i'-- ' ' " _ VrANTionuttonholo makers nt.TOTR illllii > V _ I885 ! ! ! \\'ANTii : ) Afronts ( Indies or Bontlonmn ) > with Roino cnpllnl In Omnhn , hnnsns City , Mo. , nnd nil cities nnd towm In Knnsn * nnd No- binskn. to hnnrtlon special linn of ( roods ufod In every fntnlly. Correspond with 0. II. Cushmnn. ri , Omnhn , Nob. ARCiit for ICiinons nnJ _ A flrst-cln'is woinnn % eBOtnblo WANTKD Apply nt the Cozrcns HOUPO. llil J-Aglrl. 3115 California. 1 1 * * > > A Kh 1 for Kcnornl housework In n pimill fiuntly. Oood wngcs to n nuut cotniicletit girl. IllON. SOth. lli' 27 * A cnpnblo servant nhl foi-Bon- WANTKU . Apply nt 710 N. S-M st. U/ANTKU-Awnlter girl. Address II73lleo ollice. 108 WANTHD-A pirl hi fiitnllyot three ! Oci- nmn proforrud. SlliCnlllornln 6t. 09J-28 WANTED Good ( flrls for ucucrul house work. Itoom iuusliman lllock , ICtli nnd Douglas. . 489 W ANTDK Goodplrl forKcnoralhotisewoik , Inquire 2310 California St. U08-2Up " \TfANTKO-Oood ( jlrls for dining room , nlrls M for chambur work , cooks for boanlliifr houses nnd restaurants dlshwaslicH and laun- ill esses , girls for private families. Cnllll''ll'iir- ' nntn st. ' 'J'1 ' WANT13H Olrl for general housework. In- qulro at 107 South llth st. 835 \\7ANTI5D Girls for jroncral housework ; good places and Rood wnttos ; iilacca Klvcn free. Call at 11 Kith et. , Nobrnsku Kniployniont Aireney. Ciounco lllock. u&J WANTED-MALE HELP. " " \\fA"NTJD : An oxtiorlcnccd cook wants n M position Inn hotel or lostniaant. Addioss 1178 , HeoOIllco. HO- : . " . ! * Man of peed addicts to bollelt WANTKO . llio Hallway Nows. 141-23 \XfANTKII Agents with n small capital for > > tlio Air Twin Ons Humor ; superior to the rloctrlo light In economybeauty amlstendlncss. This burner Is far superior to nny other In use , and agents will Und u ready sale wherever they nio Introduced , yninplcs sent by mail for ' 5c. Circulars nnd prlco list , with special terms to agents , sent on application. Address Smith & Carman , 12 Lu Grange street , Uoston. 117-27 * Men nnd women to start n now WANTKO business at their homos ; can bo donu evenings mid learned In un hour ; any person making loss than lOc to CUc nn hour should send lOc at oneo for n package of samples ol good * , and 21 working samples ( formulas ) to commence on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y. 6G7fl7 * SITUATIONS WAHTED. WANTKI ) An oxpcrlcncoJ dressmaker wishes to sow In lamlllos ; best of references - onces given. Apply 1230 Sherman uvo. 1D7-23 * A position 111 an office to do ' writing , or n position as leather or work In store ; address U 73 , Ilco olllco. 115-U7p MIDCErr.AHTOU3 ! WANTS. WANT1CD By young man of experience , n position to post books evenings , or do writIng - Ing of any kind n lew hours each evening. Ad dress L. F. M. , Look Uox , 307 city. 153-3U * WANTISU Koom , plcapnntnnd unfurnished , at moderate prlco by gentleman. Address B 70 , lleo OOlce. 165-28 WANTKI1 By gentleman room and board with lire. Addicss II 70 , lleo Ofllco. 132-23 * : i ) To rent store orbasomont suitable - > > able for carpenter Bhop. Address 11 75 , Boo Olllco. 120-27 * WANTKU Second-hand tj'pc-writer or call- graph. Aduioss B U4 , IJeo Olllcc , stating prico. 'J02-yt " \\7ANTii > Itoom ; Centrally located , by single - glo genllciniin ; lire nlnlit nnd iiioriilng ; state terms ; loforences. Address It 74 , lleo ol- ficc. 11S-27P WANTKU Guitar scholars by n competent tciichor. Address II < W , lleo Olllcc. IWS-2I * ran UENT-IIOUSES AND ItKNT Sovornl nouses In ileslinblo lo cations from $10 per month to 150. Ballou Hros. , 17 B. 13th St. ICOfobl _ 1J1OK JIUNT Cottage , 7 rooms , barn , etc. J3 Cass St , ueuraith. 1' . T. Andrew , 012 N. 10th Street. ) ' : _ s _ ! )18'JtL "H1OH HUNT Three-room house , Dili & Dodge. JL * IVi OK IUNT fl-iooincotinfe'o.Biws. 2ist st. lliifebl * TTl Olt SAI.K An ostabllshod grocery business JL1. In Omaha doing $5UUO business u month ; capital required , i4WO. Also a stock of dry goods doing good business In Omaha. Capital ivquhed , $2ouO. Gibson , Arclicr i.V Co. , Itoom 'J , Withncll lllock. 110K JtENT Store , 3DO Noith 15th Et. 682-20 * HUNT House of 8rooms2'd and Hnr Foil St. Inquiio ol' Mount UiltUn21U S Htli Street. O&i 171011 llKNT-Houso , 3 rooms , $7. G. C JO Thompson , S. W. cor. llth and Iliirnoy. 7UJ UI.NT : ou iiAHi-.R-i-oom ; nonso on Foil Howard St. ; 10-acro garden with U-room house adjoining city ; 80-aeio farm , 17 mlles west oC Omaha ; u hublnc&s lots on St. Mary's ave. Apply to ! : . B. Clmpinnii & Co. , 1217 llou-unl st. KENT Hnscmentand bnko oven. John : rck , fil5 N. 10th bt. 7MfubU IT1 Oil KINT : Thrco houses or 10 , 0 nml 1 L' rooms ouch. J. I'tilpps Hoe. 555 -I71OU KKNT NIce Hvo room cottnso , 8.15th JJ nriir Center. A. 1' . Tukey , 13J1 1'iiniiiiii Bt. 704 , UINT : Now hoiieo nt IK-'O Jnckson st POIt Apply nt Cuniilnghaiu & ; llronnun'ti , 1511 loihcoSt. _ liti fTlOlt HUNT Ilonso bolonslii ! ? to the cstnto JL1 ot'JuilKu ChuUwickbO'J , 1'ark avunuo. W.J. Council. ! ! iil "fTlOK ItKNT Two no\v8nii\U ( \ roomed houses ; -I ? fnrnnco , bath loonniml ull nioilcrn conx-un- ionresono block from ftrrct ours. InqulroJo. F. Dili ton , UU U. > th et. , or Snioltlnu Works. b'.U ' " | 7 < OK HINT : A etoro room with fooJ collar X1 liwi Hurt etroet. Apply to Jutin Uau mar. OK HUNT - EiorcH on Sin utul I 1 Eta. 1 Moro on South Whet. Holh llrst-cluss buslnoM IccutlouD. Also housed to lent. A. Me- ( Juvock. tUi EENT-KOOM3. 171 OK ItKNT Nlcoly fnrnlsheil rooms , RH JL1 Fulrvluir 8t.oratnNHt.Murj , ! 'a Ao.w-30ji "ITioit lti.vr.-LarBO nicely furnished fiont -l.A room with bouril. Nu. 711 N. lUth 1511eb ITloit ItiNT : I'lirnlshod rooms , two blocks J-1 itoml'.O. CiUUm N. 15th Bt. 1IJJ-27 * Foil ltiNT 1 fiimll room , $3 ; 1 larRo room , } \ per month , newly lurnUhod , nt Uj7H N , lith st. 131)1 ) ebb' TOK , Ji.NT : Furnished looms with board , J1 ono block north MUlurd Hotel. No. Ill N , Uth Bt. iL-- ti' HUNT VuriiUhod ix > onis , 110-uO * 7 < 1S ItKNT House with 10 roome , city water ] 1 iinil nn . No. bOI Koilh d btieet. iiuiuho otT. 1) . Cooper , 111 1 1th bt. , City. 105 ItKNT Nicely , fuinlshrcl rooms llvo lilockt ) liom iiostolllfo , 607 S. ICth bt. INT : rurnltboJ trout ibom 171 Noith -1 ith Slicet. 100 FOIt HI..VT 1'uiubhwl loom. } uiiulrudruff btore , 10th nud Uoujf lus. bjj H : liNV : FurnlnhiHl or uufuTnlsbtd moms , 'ai North " il St. bW-37 ! TTMMt itl.NT bllk-u nnd dcsW room , i'rcnier -L1 lllgi-k , rust 1' , U. liujuho Itoom 1. t77 3r ( ll 1CKNT I.iireo furijt icd trout i-oom 1 \iitli < 'k > ii-t. ale L'UoL lowm , 17U' Culifor- ma et. ' ' ; ui 7OIl IlENT Two suits of 4 rooms each , ] 3 I'lcrco street between Iffth tint ) . SUth. Kn qulro llth and Fariinm. T. Mochlo. 513 T71OH ItKNTi-rurnlshod rooms. 223 N. lOtli. J.1 625 FurnUhod rooms , 1509 Hartley FOISIIENT 137 : vri\VP : < UT Nearest , best ncro lots , ronehcd JL > oor level road , Tlio neai est nero lots over old In this mnrtcct. I'rlce.faoo per lot ! on easy terms : 8 percent Interest. Tlio o lots will double In value in next 12 months. Amos , 1507 Fnrnnm. 017 noit SAT.i : A few lots nenr Hnnscotn Park , JS $750. Oralmm , Crclsliton lllook. Ka _ "IJ OIt Choice IlnrfffUns in real estate , call nt the JL' olllco of the Oninlm Heal i : tate * Loan Co. , rooms 22 nnd S ! Wltbncll llulldln ? Oinnhn. 70S nAIiE-HOUSEa-I.OT3. rs HAl.n-lOOncics beautiful land , 4 miles i 1 irom center of Ilniinxnn 1'nrk , only $ < V > per ncic. Can be subdivided nnd ole cd out Insldo TO days nt $ 12."i per acto. Cochrnit llros. A : Co. , 130U Inrnnni St. ' _ _ L50 ? TT\OUSAI.K-Lot COxttS , on Chicago St , with JL" new double liotuo : each tenant lias 8 rooms , nml runts for $ .13 per niontli ; prlco S7JUO. This Is Hllrst class Investment ; terms ! 5 cash , tJtockilalo Allunclicr. . 1 ill Doilgo. _ 150-27 FOlt SAMi $1,701 : good 4 room house with cellar , closets.Morrtmni , splendid cIMcrn nnd well wntortoothcr , with half lot ; located In I'arkcr's add. , Just oil Snundors street ; nspo- clalbaigtiln. J. u Itlcc , 12J2 Farniun. 14H-2S TTMiTsvijE-niH lot , 08xlS3 feet , on lower JJ Fnrnam si. If sold soon , fJi.OiW. Would tnko ono-lialf In ffood Oinalm property. Cochrnn llros. & Co. , 15iy ( Farnaiu st. 1K-30 _ INVESTIGATION will coiivlnco you tbat Ncwpottls the nearest and handsomest aero jiropoity for only flWOn lot ! Interest nt 8 per cent , fee Newport nnd bo convinced This Is tno tlmo to buy ncro lots , spring price will bo bllior. ( Ames , 1S07 Knrnnm. W10 lint SALK-lluy u lot n Vest CumlnR nddl- tlon. H7S 1OIt SALE l ts 111 1'lninviow , fl50 : ensy terms. UrnhnmCrclKhton lllock. D29 FOil SAl.K-lly Potter \0oob , 1515 1'arnam Ft. , 1 lot 111 West Ihid and lit S'.UO. Z lots In Bhlnn's iJ ! add at $7 5 each. A lew choice lots In Marsh's at $1SOO oaoh. Lot MJxit4 ; on loth , a blocks liom pnvcmout , only $1800. Kino ncro In Oelso's add , $1000. Uol'thofbonpcstlotsln I'lulnviow , only f 150 eacli. 7JI IpOUHAT.K ICOacros bountiful land , 4 miles from center of Iliuig-join I'aik , only $ il > per acre. Can bo BUbdlvlilcU nnd closed out Insklo ! H ) cluvs nt fl-'i petnoro. . Cochrnn llros. & Co. , 150 ! ) Ihinmm st. 15'KW jiiAI.K Full lot , 05x183 foot , on lower J Kiirnnui st. 11 bold BOOH , f . ' .UOU. Would takoonu-hnll In peed Uinaba property. Coehrim llros. & Co. , I5J9 Kiirnam St. ' FOU SALK A low eholco lots In fowo's ad dition from $375 to $550 , Also house and lot fC50 , on easy torms. Potter i Cobb , 1515 Far- Hum st. 7S3 F1 SAM : A few-good lots In Hillside No. one on Davenport and Chicago sts. , cheap atS'i to S > 50 eacli. Potter It Cobb , 1515 Far- mini st. 737 TjWK 8AM1 A special bargain In business JL1 property , tfi foot trout on 13th st. by 150 feet deep. Host business point south of the railway trade. On paved street , cnr line , etc. Only S.-'O ' per fiont loot. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. FOU SAI.K Corner on Farnatn. two blocks 1 rom court house , $12,500. Graham , Cielgh- ton lllock. "J--0 Foil SAM : Full lot C0xl32 foot on lower Far nam St. If sold soon , S22.0UO. Would tnko one-halt' In good Omaha piopcrty. Cochran Bros. & Co. , 1GU9 Fariiam st. 152-30 A3IES , 1507Furnnm St. Lots In Uedlck'sGrovo JWOO Allies Place 2-VJ Oak Chatliain ( iOO Plalnvlow f > 50 Claiendon 050 Aillnglon r,00 Melrose Hill ; X3 Pratt's sub-division 050 Syndlcuto Place 400 Leavenworth Terrace . " . 450 llarknlow Place ( XX ) Newport. . . , 300 Cote Brllllanto h . ' . . . . ' . 175 Hyde Park 150 Iyman Place , " . COO U15 ' " Alncs , 1507 Fnrnam. BIsr.VKDKItE Adjoining the barracks on thpnoith , , has the advantage on nice level driveway , brautllul location , line views , nnd cvorjtblng else that goes to make up a splendid place lor u residence. See Holrndorc. It Is clicup property , und no mistake- . 13. Mayno , 8. W.eor 15th and Farnam. COO nftOK HALK OK TKAI > K Spoclnl Bargain JU $2,500. lot MV4xl32 , llced'st First add. , on Capitol Hill , together with t-room ! bouse ana u very good burn , or will tradelor aero proporty. J. L. Hlco , 1222 Farnnm St. 145-28 F OK SAM : Lots in Marsh's add. , ? 1,000 to JI.5UO ; terms to suit purchaser. Gruham , Ciolgliton liloek. 713 FOH SAM ! IPX ) acres beautiful land , 4 miles Irom center ot Hanscom Park , only $ li5 per ncre. Can bo subdivided and clo-od out Insldo m days at $125 per aero. Cochrtui llros. & Co. , 150U rarnam st. 15IJ-30 Foil SAM ! At a bargain. Fine business property on S. 13th , KixlSO ft. This can bo bought lor $ .2,000 less than actual value 1C taken atonco. If you want an Investment look nt this. Cochran lira's & Co. , 1509 Fnrnam St. 815 Foil hiVl.i : ? io,000 10 per cent dividend puylng Mock. Gibson & Archer , Itoom 0 , Wlthnoll Block. 43'J TJATHIC'IC'S addition on Snundors street Is JU the cheapest piopcrty In thut iiart of the city. Streetcars run through this addition. Schools lire convenient , business reaches It on two sides for convenience mid do&lrnblo local ity Patrick's addition Inn many advantages Call and Investigate. Lots only $700 to J'JOJ each. C. K. Mayno agent , S. W. , cor. 15th and Farnnin. 650 771 UK SAM ! Largo bouse and 3 nicely elevn- JU ted lot ? In Shlmi's 2d add , J0.200. Als-j line 8-roomed IIOUMJ on Clarlc street , nicely elevated lot , 5,000. Gibson In Archer , Koom it , Wllhnoll Block. 410 TTIOIl KAM : Choice 5 or 10 aero tracts , 4 miles JL1 southwest from court house , ijj mlles Irom junction of IT. P. Ity. and Belt Line , and 1 mile from Stock Yards. Lies well ; all under cultiva tion. Can bo bought for $175 and $200 per acre , If hold boon. Cheapest property In vicinity. Poll eri Cobb , 1515 Fiinmm st. 7:15 : _ _ GKKKMVOOD-Hcuutltiil aero and half ner.i lets , line location , 'Jy mlles Irom P. O. , only 8 few moments walk from Iluiitcom Park. Acre $100. Half acres ? i2j , 10 percent cixsh , balance- monthly paymonts. C. U.Mnyno , S.V. \ . cor. 15th and Fainam. _ _ _ 4TJ Foil SALK-South fronts in Clifton Place , $1,000 each. W. T. Graham , CiclKhton Block. _ 71U TmOKSAM ! A two story , SiiSO , fratno build JL1 lngsultablo foru t > toru , no.ir loth and Far- nnmSts. Applyut this ollloo. ' . 'IT ' B TtrTPiSTTnTtK-Acro lots at $235 to fW. lincli will make you 75 to 100 per cent protll b - loio next Now Venr'B day. C. E. Majno , solo agent , S. W. cor. 15th and I'm nan ! , M'J TTIOK SAM : A general morciuindiso business J. ' in a rapidly growing town not far trom Lin coln. Beta trade and locution In town. A Hplon- did opportunity for n party wishing' n good opening , and having from seven to ten thousand ilollaisin cusli.VlllEell lor cash only , or pirt : cash , balance real estate in Ouiuluu Addiotia Moichimt , Boo Ollico. 823 I j OH SAM : Largo and small etoclc ranches 1 with or without gtoclc. For Sale 3 lots In Spring HIM , $150 each. Fur S.ilo Established hanking business In Nebraska , county scat. Gibson & Archer , room U , Wltlmell lllock. I'oi Kxchungo Nobiaskn farms for Omaha piopcity ; also lands to exchange for Blocks of goods. Wanted 3 business lots for cash within I blocks of iioEtollU'U. For Kxcwingu ItiO acre Improved farm , Madl- eon c-onnly..Ncb. , tor lioiibo and lot hi Omaha. For Sale A6-ncro tract 4 miles of postellleo ; bousu cost $ : 00forlr > uO cush.OlljsonXArclier , Jtoom . \Vllhnell lllock. U23 _ T\7"JST SIDI ! Statlonon Lcavenworth street > will bu the junction of the Mo. Pae. and Belt Line. Lots piucliastid there now will 10- turn n handsome pro lit to the buyer In a very short lime. Boll & McC.mdlUh mid C. E. Mayno , sole agents. (55 FOH SAM : House and lot 213 S 23th st.cboap ; and payments. Addrow 0. B. Culpuian , Lin coln Neb. 671 nmoil SALK-lly Dexter L Thomas It llro. . J room 8 , Crelghton block ; ( U loct on Fainam et. $8,030 UJxlft ) , B. w , cor. 17th and Center , $3,0 > U O , llunscom Place , $700 Olotu UIX1&7. on Hiimlltou and Cliarioa sts , $ GOO to SfOO , 3 blocks webt of convent , , cor. Chatles nnd sib eta. , $703. Itlxl54 , with house nnd barn , near 0th nnd Center , $1,150. Very cheap ; small payment ; balance monthly. DOxilS , othaua Charles , with houbO of 5 rooms , well , eto. , $1.100 S lots , ! . < > u's nddltlon , $ GOO And $050. U lots , \V. A. Hcdlck'b add. , fl.bM. Lot tor , 27th and Davcnpint , $1,590. Vi'o think all tbo ubovo biirgulns , Cull for terms. Uoxtur L. Tuoinus & llro. , Itoom 8 , Uclshton Block. 62J SAT K ny < 5 fc. ll nyno } 3lC-rull lot , email hoTiso , Wllcox add. , 1750. 310-Ftill lot on Loftift'ttTorih M. , now house , nil modern conveniences , $ ? /O3. 83-Ixitoii Farnnm t. near 2oth St. , house 0 rooms , all modurn Impnivptnonls , $7 00. 330 Two lots , two .houses , 20th near Howard , $0.500. 821-lxit W.xl5ISoulh'4oth'st , , good house , 51oOi Monthly payment * . 320 lxt 100x220 , fronting two streets , nicecot - t-jgo facing llascom Park , $4,800. 310 Handsome lot , ntoo cottngo7 rooms , Geor- plfc BVP. . M ( KM. * ' 3Uiiot MxlM , SStli and Harncy , house 7 rooms ( 299-Threo acres , good house , tnilt , etc. , Lear- onworthst.$2I , if sno Full lot , twocottflso , Shlnn's dd.$25-T0. 223 House 7 rooms , cast front , beautiful loca tion , Hanscom Place , $ ; l,50) ) . 221 Klogant resldonci ) 10 rooms , two lots , flno locution , ovcry possible convenience , IPS Corner lot , nlco cottage 0 rooms , one block on Saunders St. , $ ,1,010. 193 Handsomest cottage In Omalia , n rooms , beautiful lot , Georgia live. , $3SOO. 175 Lot fiflxlto , house 4 looms , South 13th 6t. $3 00. lOO-doodhotlfofl rooms , full lot. Hickory nnd 10th , $1,700 ; very cheap. C. 13. Mujno , S. Jcor , jBlh and Farnam. _ 653 FOUSAM : rino corner lot , cast and south front , Hanscoin P.nco. W. T. Graham , Crolgliton lllook. 713 _ T AND SKIKIHS : , ATTKNTio.v-For full JLJ pnrtloulnrs about free and cheap lands In Western Nebraska addrosi Thos. C. Patterson , Itoul HaUito Agent. North Platte Nob. 3.J3 FOH Choice Bargains InToal oatiUo.call at the ofllco of the Omaha Houl Kstate & Loan Co. , rooms 23 and 23 , Wit hncll llulldliig.Oniaha. 70S TT1OH SAT.K-Gooiriot In Hnnseom Plnco.fTOO. Jt ? Graham , Crelghlon lllock. 027 A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK. FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN , ONLY SI HY MAIL , , POSTPAID. ILLUST.KA.TtVi : SA31PMJ L'UKK TO ALL. uniw A Oront ItToillanl AVorlc on Mnnliohtl. Rxhnnilod Vltnlltr. Ncrrom nnd Physlcnl nobility Prpmiitiiro Docllno In Mnn , irrors of Youth , nnrt the untold mlsTlo ro iiltlnsfrom InilMorotlon nnd ox- cc os. A liook for every mun , yonnv , mlildlc-nKDd nnrt old. It contnlm 125 iiro'crlptlons for nil ncuto nnd rhronlcnl cn c .cncinno ! of which H mvnlnublo. Ho found by tlionutnomhoto ovnerliMico for KI yours l dicli in nrolmbly nnvor before foil tntho lot of nny phyflcl.'ini : > } piiKc , bound In bonntlful 1'rcnrli mus lin , rmttoupd covers , full Kilt , mirnntccil to bo n finer work In ovcry pen n moclinnlrnl.lltorary nnd prorov rlonnl thun nny other work In thli country forfl.M , or the money vf III im refund In every liutnnro. Prlco onlr II by mull , postpaid. Illmtrntod mmplo. nnj. hcndnow. Ooldmortnlnwnnlcd tlionuthorliy the Nn- llonnl Medical A oelntlon. to tlio Hon. A. 1' . lllHucll , nnd iijiiiclnto otncnrs of tlio Po-ml tlio render Is ro- sportfully roforrod. Thnsclo-ipoor l.lfals worth nioro tolho yoiinunml mlihllenio I men of this ucncrntlon tli nnil tlmcold mines of Cullfnrnln and the sliver mines of Ncvtidu combined. f. K. Chronicle. The Science nflJfo points nut the rocks nnd quick- nniulson wlilch the conntltutlon nnillmpo * f iiinnr M vounK mnn IniTO been family wrecked. JInnchestor The Sclonro of Life Is of crontcr vnluo thnn nil the medlcnl works publlHbccl in this country forthonnst M ) cnrs. Atlnntu ( 'iinstltutloif. The Science of Ufols n superb nnd mn terly trent- l o on nervous nnd physical debility. Detroit l-'rce j i-o * . Address tlio Penbody Medical Institute , or Dr W. II. Parker. No. 4 Ilnlltlncli street , Uoston , Mass. . who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill nnd experi ence. Chronic nm ! nbstlnatu tlluaHes tbiit havu baf- Ik-d the skill of nil other physicians n specialty. Such treated successfully without nn Instinco of failure. Mention Umaba Uoo. WHO 13 UNACQMINTEDrwITH IrHC GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WIL1. 6CC Or EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE < GHICAGO.ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC RAiLV/AV / I1T , re/won of Its central position and closn relation to . all principal ] inc1 ! j.n9t ; ; nmlycst , nt Inltlnl and tor- tnlnal point * , conntltlitoH the aimt Important luliT- contlncMitnl link In thut Kvttcm of through tranipnr- Intlon vrlilch luvllui nnd fncllltatcH lra\vl nnd trima liottvevn cities of the Allnnllc nnd Pnclllc Coajtf. It I ; alia the faroilto nnd l > e t lonte to nnd from points K st , Nnrthenst nnd Soutlionst , and correi > ondlnic I > olut8 West , Noiihwcst nnd Sonthncst. The Croat Rock Island Route Oimranleci Its patrons Hint Benw of perconat eecu- rlty ixtfordort by a willd , thoroughly Imlliited rond. Jjod. imonili trucki of oontlnuous st l rill , tnbitan- tlally built culverts nnd In WKCS. rolling stock u near p rrrctlou M human Kklll can mnlcs It , tlio tafetv ni'Pllancoa or patent billfei-i , platforms nnd lr brakes , nnd that eiiietlnv ilHelplIno which KOTeilis the pruel lira ! operation of nil lt tlalni. Olfior upcelaltlen of : hlji roilto nro Tranifors nt nil connnotlni ; points In union Depots , nnd the mmirpntsca comforts nnd liiiurlosof lt > Paisongcr riqiilpinent. initare Hay Coaelies , JJopnineent 1-ullman Blcepi-r of the Inteat design , and fumptuoiu inlnK Cnn. In which elaborately cooked mpuUnin leisurely cntun. llctwecnChlcarronnd Kniifnal.'ltvniid AleliUon nro alio run the Celebrated ItccllnlnBClialr CnrB. The Famous Albert Lea Route J the illroct and favorite line between Chicago and UliiiicaimlUaudSt. l'aill. hcro connerllon ale rondo i1i.W"i.1'ept"orl11 ! . ! polnt. " . ' " tllc Territories nnd Over this route Kant KxpreM 1 rains are run to the watorlnir places , tumnicr re- Boris , plctilrosriuo localltli'i , and huntlni ? nnd ( lulling ClOHlMjof Iowa and Jllnuesoln. It la also the mo i desirable route to tlio rich ivlicat llclds and pastoral lands or Interior Dakota. bllll another DIKUUT I.IKE. Tla Seneca and Kan- kakfe , haa been opened between ( Inrlnnntl. Inillnn- a > ells and Lafayette , and Council lllutTi , KantasClty. lnnonpoll nnd St. Paul nnd liitermedlato points. > or dctallea Information eo MopH and Koldem , obtainable , as well in tickets , at all iirlnclnnl Ticket ornce * In the United Btatca and CaiSadiii or by ad- R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , 1'rot't & Qoii'l 'c'r , Ocn'l T'kt & Pass. Ag't , OKCICA.C3-O. Tori Years Maintained Superiority. STEAM COOKED , CRUSHED WHITE OATS AM ) OTIIiat American Breakfast Cereals. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Ask lor A , I ) . C. Ilrand only. ( Itcplatorod Trailo ilurk. ) Tor sale hv nil urooors hond for cir 'I'HKCKHHAI.RM'F'O cular. CO. 83 Murray st. , NEW YORK HAMBUR&4HEBIGAN A nilll'.CT I.INR FOH England , Frpcp & Germany. The Etcmnshlps of } hl svcll kno n line nro nil ol Iron , In wnter tjKht.comptirtmciits , nnd ro- lurnl&hed with overj thljij.Mo mnko the HiUcs I'lwt cublu , JW.-S100. Btuorage to Now York $ lu. a , ' 'H ' 1803 CHANDLER-BROIN CO GRAIN AND PBOVISION Commission Merchants owicnsi Hoard of Trade , Clmmber of Commcrco , Cliiuaco , Mlhvaulcco. I ! C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor. J.ooalniLsliieKs Solicitor , litOl'Doug- lusS.t. , Oniaha , XcU. ' THE CIRCUS BOYS. Sonic of the Upi nmt Downs of Life Around the Snwtlnst Circle. Circtis llfo is n peculiar ono , says Man ager II. W. Cole , in tlio St. Louis Globe- Democrat , still on tlio whole it possesses great charms for the majority of men. In the lirst place , it is a lifoof continual travel , ami ono can winter precisely where ho pleases. Any lirst-clnss per former , for instance , ran walk Into Par- rnvieini & Corbyn's London ngoucynnd sign contract either to tour England with Hongler , Newsonio or L'indor ; Scollaiul with Swallow ; Ifolnml with Footll & Chirk ; I'runco with Sangcr ; appear in Germany at the Wnllmllnllorlin , or take a thrce-inonlhs' engagement nt tlio Cirque Cinisolln at St. 1'otersbiirg. If in this country , ho can winter in Mexico with the Orrin Urothers , no lo Venezuela with Dookrlll , visit South America with Gardner , or make a tour of tlio West In dies under C.ol.G. . W. Halo , butler known by his sobriquet of "Popcoin George. " Do circus actors got broke ? \ \ ell , 1 should say so. Oftcner 1 think than nny other class of men. You see , they earn their money quickly. An ordinary season in this country only lu ts seven months , nnd during that time the performer must cam mtlllciont money lo keep himself twelve months. Unfortunately , however , when the season closes ho is usually so liokled with being the proud possessor of , we'll say , $1,200 or $1,000 , thai ho linmo- dlatcly assumes an air of great import ance. The weather begins to got cold. Mr. Performer therefore "goes in" for a very long Newmarket overcoat , the col lar und ends of which must be sealskin , A sealskin cap and a gold-headed cano will complete his innku-up. .lust about this time , however , ho becomes tired of his hotel nnd boarding house and re moves to ono u llttlo butler. He still has money enough loft to "winter" on , but in the course of his daily wanderings he meets a great many of the "gang" who are not so well lixed as he , and a scries of "touches" commences. Ho llnds his money gelling lower ami lower until , as a rule , by Christmas time ho is reduced lo $300 or ) ? 400. At that festive .season ho , in company with a few kindred spirits - its , visits all the liostelries palronizod by circus men ; they meet with old friends , exchange reminiscences , drink trcoly , u friendly game of poker or faro is-imlultied in , aim by New Year's day the class of performer I am speaking of is generally "dead broko. " CllAUlTAUI.i : CANDY UUICHKliS. There is , however , 0110 very great re deeming feature about all circus perform ers , and indeed all circus attaches or em ploys , anil that is their exceeding gener osity to each oilier , which passes the be lief of those uninitiated. 1 have known ono prosperous "candy butcher" of steady habits to positively keep from twelve to fifteen performers for a month at a time , and it is no unusual Ihing on llio Bowery , Now York , lo sou an artist who , in the summer , ct.rns from § r > 0 lo ifCO per week , borrowing 23 cents from a slrcet-car driver who perhaps fills in the summer as a circus driver al $30 per month. Thou again , circus men invariably have their steady haunts. The lineal saloon on the Howory is Charlie Eisen- man's. In the summer it is completely deserted , and strangers wonder how it is that the landlord can n fiord to keep such a place going with its six pool tables , four billiard tables and si large bowling alloy , while tip-stairs there are a couple of rooms for a friendly game of shorts. As soon as pcrfonner.s , butchers , drivers , cnnvasiuon , or employes of any descrip tion reacli Now York the lirst call is made on Kisonman. The high-toned performer , or wealthy ticket sellcr.opens . wine and sots 'cm up to llio crowd , and I have known ono man to have blown in iUOO in a single night. As the weeks roll on Ihe majority of llio men become hard up , but they are welcome nisi the same. There are scats around the slovo , and many n lalo is lold in times gone by. Occasionally a "Hush" performer will come in and treat the crowd , mid then again the various circus managers all recognize the place as being the head quarters of the "biz. " When they are organizing for the fol lowing season Ihcy know exactly ; who they can pick up Ihore , and their en trance is n signal for a general uprising : but undoubtedly the principal reason of Eiscnmau's popularity lies in the fact that at the tail of Ihe season , when the purses of all Ihoso I am speaking of be come hopelessly depleted , the little Dutchman comes to the front and not only "stakes" them with money to buy boots , rubber coats , etc. , etc. , but frequently pays their railway faro to the place from where their show will shirt. 1 have known no less Hum seventy-eight men treated in this way , and , to their honor bo it said , all , with the exception of ono , returned the money out ot the lirst month's pay. If you suffer fiom looseness of the bowels. Angostura Bitters will surely cuie you , liuwnio of counterfoils anil asl ; your gtoccr or druggist for thn genuine niticle , pieiiaied by Dn J. O. B. Siegert & Sons. A party of Australian savages have been attracting the attention ot several of the learned societies of Europe , and M , Topinard presented three of them man , woman and child to the Socioto d'Anthropologic. ' It was found that they could count only lo the number llircu ; for four they said "many , " and for live "a hand. " 'lint the man showed mental capacity , for ho spoke in both English nnd Gorman. M. Daily look advanlago of this [ fact to make a delicate inquiry concerning uanibalism , and was in formed that ho ( had often eaten human llc.sh anil enjoyed it. Delicate diseases of oillicr sex. however induced , radically cured. Address , with 10 cents in stumps for book , WorldM ) ) is- p ) ensjiry Medical Association , UnlValo , A storehouse' ' belonging to tlio Moharo Indians , hit tinted on the banks of llio Colorado - orado river opposite Tort Mohave , A. T. , fell in a few days ago , killing ono Indian ami sevcrly wounding Uvo others. The accident was caused bv piling several tons of mcsquilo beans and corn on the roof. The Indm ! ; who was killed was immediately placed on a couple of cords of wood and burned to ashes , after which tlio Indians proceeded to burn every thing belonging to him and to kill his horses and have a big feast. The rosy freshness ami a velvety soft ness of the skin is invariably by those who use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder. At the Now Year's reception of Arch bishop Gibbons , in Italtimoro , tlio callers wcro shown quite a curiosity. On n con- tor-tablo wcro two largo folio volumes , bound in vellum , of the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas , presented to Arch bishop Gibbons by Pope Leo XIII. upon his last visit to Itomu. The works will bo comprised in fifteen volumes of the tame .sue , and nro from llio prcs.s of llio college of llio Propaganda. The coat-of- arms of llio Papal Sec and portraits of L o XIII. and St. Thomas embellish the two volumes. Pozzotii's Complexion Powder pro ( luces a soft and beautiful skin. It com bint's every element of beauty and purity. Sold by druggists. ARCHITECTS. F. M , ELLIS & CO , ii 8 OMAHA , NEB , and DBS HOWES , IA , Olllco , Cor. llth ami 1'urnum Streets , Itoom 10 HfllU.NCJHOF With IM. . 1113. Fluctuating V' ( loly , May Wheat Sells as High as 88c. NERVE PUT INTO THE MARKET. Next to N'ottilnc Doliix In minor Grains No Cause fbr Complaint In Provision Trading Ijlvo Stock niul General , CHICAGO UIIA.IN MAUKKT. CHICAGO , Jnn. 27. [ Special Telcratn ] WIIKAT Wheat opened sojrgy this morning. May sold ilo\wi from 87c lo SO c , with rather light trndlnpr on tlio decline. Tlio temper of the crowd was bearish nnd the scalpers went In with the iletunnlnntlon to push pi Ices toward n lower level. Softer weather nnd an nbscnco of outside buying outers v" > ro inntcrlnl nlds to the raiders. The market i.ung lifelessly about WWQSO&c for quite a while , but the advance lu consols , feeble Rttl- vnnlzntlon of the war talk corpse , energetic buying by Hutchlnson , Hancock , and brokers supposed to bo acting for the llc.iin party , and nuws that 80,000 bushels had been taken In New York for export , put nerve Into the innrkat , nnd nn udvnnco toSTowas the result. In n lew minutes It broke MC , but Intel-prices climbed to 87) ) 0 , with good trading all the way up. Tlio market continued to pick tip fractions until SSe for May was icnched. The bears loudly declared the professionals u ho have been working the long shin of the dral fi0111 Si.V c up weio feeling for n hard spot to boll on , while the opposition pointed to stronger cables and seemingly steady Im provement In export Inquiry for both flour and wheat at the scnbonid ns the best possible proof that the advance wuslegitltunto. Seine of the more conservative bulls shook their heads , and said the advance 1vas too rapid to bo healthy. The last half hour witnessed n softening in the market , nnd concluding trades lu May on the mom Ing session were on n basis of b7 < > c. MiNou ( lit.vix.s Next to nothing was done In corn ami several tlim's > during the fore noon the pit was completely descried. Fluc tuation * were within } | "c limits. The closing was lather weak. Oats weio quiet anil mi- changed. PROVISIONS Provisions were modciatcly actlvo In a speculative way. Transactions were less In volume than during tlio periods of the recent excitement , but on the whole neither brokers or packers are having special grounds for complaint. Jn pork , prices langod within ISJ e bounds ; In lard 2Kc was the range. The close was Sc above the opening In pork and practically unchanged as to the other products. APTEIINOOX ] 5o.vm > The markets wore rather easier on the Into boattl and provi sions \\oie quiet and firm. Wheat sold down ' f ( < l ? c. Corn wont oil a trlllo but recoveied. CHICAGO.UIVE . STOOIC. CHICAGO , Jan. 27. [ Special Telegram. ] CATTLE The supply to-day did not include a ear load of strictly inline beeves. The mar ket was quiet , though salesmen asked higher prices nnd values were stronger , in many cases being 5@10o hinher. Some grades weio very hard to sell. Plain , half fat 1030 to 12 0 Ib stceis were neglected , and one or two salesmen declared that thcho were selling quite as poorly as at any linio this year. Among tlio oH'orlng * were many cattle that weio considered good by their owners , but they ncaily all lacked lat or quality , or both. Shipping steers , 13V ) to l. > 00 ll > s. , $ $ r .OOK5.75 ; 1200to ISM lus. , Sl.OOi j.CO ; 1)30 ) to 1200bx. \ . , SII.50@-1.-10. HOGS Demand 1'nir and pi ices a shade stronger on prime to choice heavy , the same Milllm : at S4.1li@4.20. Packing sorts sold at Sn.90@S4.10. There was an active demand for light soils , and they weio well sold out. Packing and shipping , : 0 to 450 lln. , S3.bO@ 1,25. _ FINANCIAL. Now York. Jau. 27. MONEY On call lV@i percent. I'uiMK.\liitcANTii.KPAi'iu 4@5 per cent. FOHKIOX KXCHANOI : Jlu.i.s bteillng ex change advaiici-d to S4.b7C < j-l.S7Ji for sixty davs , aiutSJ.b4.yj' ! ' ' lordemand. ( ioviiiXMixr.s : : Dull but linn. STOCKS Stocks WPIO my dull , with sales of " 35i35 , : .shares. Laeknwamm was tlio most actlvo , but sales ol that block are less than hall as much as yosti'iday. Extreme lluctuatloiis weio generally less than 1 per cent , and cloiiug prices show only small chanced compared with yesterday , about equally divided between advances and de clines. Theicwas but small business done in Pacific Mall , which advanced to f > 7 and closed 1 per cent higher than yesterday , at 5i ) } , Tin1 buying was done by tlielioif-oof which the ineslik'iit of the company is a member. Missouri Pnrilic hliows an ad vance of Jf per cent , at the best tigure of tlio day. STOOICS ON WAT.r , STHBBT. SWcont bonus. . . Xpr Pac. vii'f. . . . 67 u. s.4K's U. iteA.V 10tl % Now 4V profcried. . . ISO PaclllcO'sof'U3. M , v. 0 10 ; ! ) Central Pacific. . Oicfron Trail. . . "Wf C. * Pacific .Mall. . . . 6tm preferred. . . . P. , D.&K Ill C. , ( i. ifcO U. , L. it\V KocI ; Islaun. , . . vr yt D.itU. O 10 St. L. AS. K. . . . ) Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . WK jirofcrreil. . . 41 preferred. , . . C. , M. St. 1 IllliiolsCuutr.il. . piclcnuil. . I'M I. , it. it W St. V.&OWA \ Kansas &Tc niul'cucu. . . O'JJi' l.akeShoro. Union 1'acilic.1K ! ) \ \ ' . , St..ti \ , I' . . UK AlIt'll. Central. . . . 0'J . . . ' .Mo. 1'acilio " \Vc-tuni Union. Koithem I'ac. . . U. U.itX . 1'ltODUOE. Jan. 27. Flour Quiet nnd unchanged ; winter wheat Hour. SMOtfl.s'i ; boulhcni , St.OOftJJ.03 ; Wl&coiiulii , . . ' ) U ( < 1.7r ) ; Allchliniii holtbiiiiiiiliuat , S.70CIOD : ) ; .Min nesota baKcra' , 8i..Wif4.oo : ; patents , 5J. ( > 'ii ( ? fi.OO ; ryu Hour , ! :8. : > : ! . ( iO lu barrels. S'UO 0i,40 : lu sackH : buckwheat Hour , 1.UOW4.50 ( pur baricl ; S'i.OO iicrcwt. in wcks. \Vlicat-Klrin but lower ; opened -tfiJiKc aTWo lor .May. Corn Quii'M dull ami a fihndo easier ; closed quiet ; ! M > o for cnsh ; JXi fK O c lor Jauuaiy and Feliniary ; Mc foi jMnv , Oats Steady hut linn anil unthniiKcil.cxcept lor January , which was' ' ic hiiihcr ; u'JX@a'.i > fc lor cash'J'J ; > ( Vt"9 > < iC lor January ; - iCstiyis lor February ; ! ttu lor Slay , ] { ye Quiet ntCSc. Harley-Dull at ( Me. Tliuolhy I'rluio , l.bO < / . Klaxseed Weak and u lower ; No , 1,31.13 PerU Actlvo ; opened steadier and receded 0@7Kc , iiioio acllvo , lallletl ugiiln K6o \ nnilclosL'ilsteady : SlO.bJ lur cash anil Jan uary ; 31o.w@lo.aTK for Fubruaiy ; & 11.15Q 11.17) < f for .May. ltml Steady and unchaiiirpil ; SO.UkS < U2Jf for cash and January ; fcU.l'J lor i'ebiuary ; WhskySl.K . Hulk Meats-Shoit clear , SS.O.'XSWOj short ribs , 55.27J < e5.iiO. iltittcr Good to faniy oxtm creamery , SO ; vic ; cholro to line dairy , 10 ( .2Jc. : Cheese Unchanged ; lull cn-.un Cheddars , " " " r young Anicilcas , lO Ciillo ; good , . S-JJtill at at 10@30c. Hides Unchanged ; iiart cured , & < ? SKc ; E\Qt * WUtlllil J | * W | < - vt wt Uecelnts. Shlpnicnts. Flour , bbl ? 10.WO ( j.tXHJ Wheat , bu , . SS.OOO 21,000 Corn.nu , . . . . , . 2-JU.CKX ) bi.oou Oats , bu 130,01X1 40,1' K ) live bu . . . . . . . . . 4,000 l.ixi ) Barleytin. . . . , 7X000 Id.oiw New York , Jan , 27. Wlio.it H < vcliK | 1,100 ; exports , 8.iXK ( ) ; unit lu-l'l ' < - . , , vl..it btidngur , but cxK ) it < li'iiiuid | iii' ' 'i-j.i ' ft > -1 * . , fe J . -M > . - - u i * * < > * * itf - steady : unfjrmled red , Sf < aoic ; No. 2icd , OD c ; February closing nt Vi\o * Corn Spot linn ; export dctunnd fair : options opened lower , Inter reacted ana weotern. , , , , , Petroleum Steady ! united rlosed nt Kggs Dull and heavy ; receipts , 1,300 pack ages ; western , I'oik-Oulctbul'flnu ; mess , S10.S7J { < < MO.r > 0. Lard Western steam , spot , 50.40 ; Feb ruary , S0.4f > ( tff > .47. Butter Oulet ; wrslorn , 13 ( : c. Cheese Steady and good dcninml ; western Hat , 7c ft ) c. Otnolnnntl , Jan. 27. Wheat Actlvo and hlcherj Kn. B led , til@'Xic. Corn-Weaker : No. : i , mixed , n7c. ( ) . \ts Kaslrr ; N'o. a mixed , i c. Kye-StroiiK ; Xo. U , KMOoc. Hnrley Finn ; extra No. : i spring , 01) ) < @ 03'ic. , oik-Qulel but llrm nt Sll.OO. .nnl-tii.l2 ( ( ? ft.ir. . Whisky Slcul > at 31.10. Milwaukee , Jail. 27. Wheat Weak : cnsh.Sl e ; February , Sl\e ; May , Coin-steady : No : 2 , ! itfic. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2.20 Kyo-Dull ; No. 1 , fi c. Hatley-Qutet ; No. 2 , fi Piovlslons Kiisv ; mess pork , cash and February , StO.bO ; March , StO.lK ) . AIlnnonpoiiH , Jnn. 27. Wheat Strong : No. 1 hatd , wish and January , bin'j February , ss. c ; March , b U'e ; May , tt c ; N - . l noith- ern , cash and Jantmiy , s-jj c ; February , tHffe ' , March , NJJfu ; May , 88c. Flour Firmly held ; patents , 5UO5.00 ; bakers. stWK : < tioo. Hecclpts-Wheat , 73,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , s.ooo bu ; flour , 14,000 bbls. bbls.Kaiisns Kaiisns City , Jan.27. Wheat Unsettled ; cash , VJe bid. 7JJe aslpd ; ; Maich , 74e bid , 74 > Vc nsked ; Mny , 7SM7li > < i' . Corn Weaker ; cash. 27e. bill , 27 c asked ; February , 27 > V ' e ; Match , 2SKe bid , 'Jtto asked ; May , : il Vo bid. Oats Nominal : no quotations. St. IioiilH. Jan. 27. Wheat Quiet tml tlrm and higher ; No. 'J led , cash , U'lWlMc ; January , OUie ; February , tUJjc bid ; May , 117'ji'c. Corn Steady and a shade higher ; No. 0 mixed , cash , : ! 4c ; J un nary. ! * tj 'e ; Fr binary , ! 7. Oats bfeady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 23 > sc ; May.lou : ! ; : o. Kve-rtKVf.islW. Whlskv-Sl.lU. Poik Steady at Sll.OO. hard g0.m. IJuttcr Dull and unchamrcd ; cieamcry , 25 @ : e ; dairy. Kl@2-l. AllciiHioii Ho.ird Wheat Easy and J4@ c lower. Corn Kasy but prices aoont un changed. Oats Steady uiul unchanged. Toledo , Jon. 27. Wheat Closed tinner ami active ; cash , infflftJ'tfo. ' Corn Steady ; cash , : We. Oats Steady ; cash , iltc. Liverpool , Jan. " 7. Wheat Offered mod erately ; now No. 2 spiiug and whiter , firm at 7s'-M. Flour-Offered freely at Ss , but dull. Corn Offeied moder.itelv ; old mixed , 4s 7 * (1 ( , but dull ; new mixed , spot January , Febiuary and M arch , 4s lj < ftl , but dull. IiIVK STOCK. Clilcaso , Jan. 27. The Drovers' Journal icpoits : Cattle liccelpts , fi.OOO ; strong ; shipping steers. 8U.r > 0 ( < i5.7ri ; stoekeis and ieeders , S2.ooczi.io ; rows , hulls and mixed , 51.03 ® 4.10 ; bullf , S2.SO@i. : . ' 0. Hogs Ueceipts , 20,000 ; stiong ; rough and mixed , si.OOftj8.M : ) ; packing and shipping , S3.bom4.U3 ; light , Sa.aosa.l'O ; skips , $2.50 $ S.50. Sheep Itccelpts , 5,000 ; strong ; natives , 82.20 5.00 ; Tcxiins , Si.OOS.oO : ) ; lambs , per liead , 51.00 ( 0.00. c = J St. Louis , Jau. 27. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , TOO ; active and lOCn'lfic ' hislier ; good to choice shipping. { M.SO ® . } . : common to medium , Si.b0@4.w : ( ; imtcliers' sleets , Sn.23ig4.25 ; cows anil heifers , S2.2j@ 0.05 ; stoclccis and feeders , ? : ! .7.4.l ! ) . Hogs Kecclpta , 7,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; nctlvu but f > @ 10c lower , elosinu ; strong ; butch ers and best heavy , S4.10& $ > .r 0 ; mixed pack ing , SU.SOai.OO ( ! ; light , Sn.-lOg.'J.fcO. Kansas City , Jan. 27. Cattle Receipts , l.bOO ; sliipmeuts. QUO ; shipping grades strong er and a shade higher ; bult'lienr stuff , steady ; exporters , S4.vWi.05 ! ( ; common to choice slilppiiu ; , S.UO@4.bO : ; ; sloi'keis and 1'ecdeis , " " ' " "j'lojjs itt'cclpis,1" 11,000 ; shlpmcnls , 000 ; weak and a shade lower ; good lo choice , Eo.srxitiJ.'J,1) ; common to medium , SS.55@y.75. OMAHA * } STOCK. Wednesday Evening , Jan. 27. While tiio lecelpts of cattle continue very light , there Is an Increase In the number of IIOL'S icceived. Tlieio was a little better demand to-day for corn-led bteers. Much of tlio stock received Is not good eiiouuh and does not bell well. It is\ : mistake tor fcedeis tosliipin stock that is not fat and light weight , expecting to get toi ] prices. Heavier and better stock \ & In demand and steers weighing 1250 to 1400 will sell nt good pi ices. Tlio market Is about steady and stec-is averaging lir.O to 12TX ) mo quoted at WJ.75Q4.25 : those averaging 1350 to IfiOOatfrl.O'X't.'UK ) . liutcheis' stock Is dull for tlio season that theio Is no choice stock lu Urn mailiet. Com mon , poor cows aie not wanted and will not sell at any pi Ice. ( iood. choice young cows will bell at JSI.OOJ ? ; ) . ' . ' . ' ) . Common mixed stock is quoted at $ -.2.-.bO. ) The hog nuuket was .strong at yesleuhiy'H quotations. Thu demand Is good and the competition among the buyers Miung. Tlio iccetpts though heavier UIH not biillieicut to supply the packing houses. The maikoc opened very active mid llio pens \MIO cleared at an eaily hour. Choice , light hogs nro quoted at Si.40QJ.C5 : ! ; mixed , S.1.602J.7J : ; lioavy , Cattle . . 200 Hogs . 1,700 Hii'iii.si.VTATivi : : : : SAI.IS. : nous. AND LOWEST. iis the hlglie.st und lowest prices paid on this iimikct tor IIO H durltir ( the past Hovcn days und ior the coircspondlng pei led lust inontli : IJcceiubcr. January. Wednesday Tliui-Mlay ! ! .CO fftMO a.no Q\U \ ) Filday ; i.20 o : i.-0 ! Satttiday : t.40 , . . . .Monday. . . . . . . . J1.40 M3.65 TueMlay : i.&o Wednesday : : . &o Note All Bales of slock in thin nuiikct mo iniido iier ewt. llvo wehiht unless otherwlsii stated. Dead IIOLTM sell nt lo per Hi , fotall weights. "SUlns , " or lie \YelKliliiif less than 100 Ib * . no value. 1'icgimut sows nio docked 1U Ibd and stilus bO Ilji. OMAHA WIICJMJSAM3 MAIlllETB * Wednesday Kvcnlni ; . Jan. B7. Ooiioral "Mni'lcolH. Koos The large ( iiimilltlef. of utoied ogps on Ihe niailvcl atu leejliiK ( pilecs down. 11 N not fcalo lo quote frt'tli et'a over 17c. l.iiiictl c t"i will uot bell lit all if It Is known what they are. llurni : ! llio icrclpls nro only fair nnd micas nio Meady. Choice trnulvs of table butler are quoted ut 15C l6u ; lair to good , 105 liic ; Interior.If'Sc. . ( JiiKKSB 1'ancy full cream Cheddars. Oc tober iiiaUe. llollats : I'-ie ? yotiiiK Auierlca. UK" ! Jlret < iunllty Swiss cheese , lOc ; bcconu nuallty , lS@Hcj brick cliccse , ISc ; Llinburcer , 1'oui.Tiiv Tliomnikct Is very Inactive and the demand limited. The iccclpls uiellbetnl. Dressed chickens aio rjuoted ut fie , but only HID choice will brine ; tlio drinund Is light and block fttlily lieavy. Very te\v duclcs ami ; KCI'-II are com lot ; lu , und they boll slow at tiJi'Jc. ( iAMi.--l'ho demand for game continues L'ouii , nnd prlros aio strong. Itccelpts nro \\n\\\ \ \ \ \ \ , ( ho season has expired on iigood IIIUIIN Mud" . I'nihlPchickens $8.00 : duckn , iii.ill.iid..r..W'fV'luck : , U-al. Pl.asai.fXJ ; d if ) , mi .cd. &J..V < ci..r > 0 ; iitmll. il.2A@l.0 ; -Hi.- , -LI , i.r , ; Kces.0 , a. XS3.75 ; jack i , ' .1. . it. . - . < < -I.I-U Hiuall rabbits , 81.00. . \i i u KI.-M i Jict uunllty , 80.W per.SO 'i r , . . . ! bi > - it' . rrcscrve (