THE OMAHA _ _ . . . _ _ DAILY . _ BEE , WEDNESDAY - * * - , JANUARY - - - - _ - . - - . 27,1880. STRICTLY PURE. . IT CONTAINS WO IS AKV TOItJI IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 GENTS , SO CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE n KCEM I BOTTLES nro put up for tlio n < Ocommotlittun : ol ml nliu < lclrn n goo mul low priced Cough , Gold and GroupRemedy Tiiovr. nnsmiNTi A iiEitnnr ron CONSUMPTION Oil AN V LUNG BISEASE , Should ( ccuro tlio luriro SI bottle * . DIroctlon nccumimii } Ini : each bottle. . Sold by all Medicine Donlcrs. I nm n unlive at England , nnd whllo I wiuln Unit country I commuted n torrlblo blood poison , mid lor two jt-urs wni under treatment pa nn out-door patient lit NoltliiKlintn Jlojpitul , lliiglniul , hut WHS not curfd. 1 suircrcd tlio most iiKonlziiifr pnlns In my hones , and wns cov * orcd with Bores nil over my body nnd limbs. J'liinlly I cotnnlett'lv lost ull liopo In that conn- try , mid palled lor Atnerlcn , imil wns fronted nt Hnofict clt In tliH city , ns well as by n prominent plijBlclan In Now York having no connection will ) the hospitals. I PIXW the ndvmtlscmtnt or Swift's Specific , nnd 1 determined ( o pho It n tilal. Hunk six hollies nnd I enn say with ( Trent Joy that they liHM ) cured mo entni'ly. I nm ns sound untl v ell as I over wns in my lift ) . li. 1nm > UALFOIID. Now York City , Juno latli , lbi . In Mnich of Inst year (1SSI ( ) , I contrnctcd blood poison , and bclutr in Hnvnnnnh , On. , nt the time , J went Into the liospltnl thcro lor treatment. I ctilluiud veiy ranch fiom ihrnmatlsm nt tno hnmotlmc , 1 did not ( ret woil under the ttcat- mem there , nor was 1 cured by any of tlio usual moans. 1 hiivo now taken KOVOII hollies of , Swift's Specula nnd inn Bound nnJ well. It ilo\Ktlio poison out thioiiKh bolls on tbo blan. DAN LIIAHV. Jersey City , N. J. , Aug. 7 , lfcS5. Tix'atiso on Ulood and Slin Dlscnsos mailed free. free.TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer3 , Atlanta , N. Y. , 157\VWdBt. 017 A MguUr ini'IaiU of two Vidlcil Coltegci , hu b en lonfftr DKigodlnihaipQ-fal trtatmenlof CIIKO IC , Nttvovi. P m Dd ULOOD Diuiis * tbnaaor nther fhyiliUo la fit. Louli , M ettf ptpfri ihaw and all old rt ildtoli know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions ol Throat. Shin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , Old Sores and ulcers , * re treated with onp t Ueel ! * ucc iiioalfttitcIrntlfioprlDt1p1ci,6kf lr , Private/ ! . Diseases Arising from IndUorelfon , Excosa , Exposure or Indulgence , vbieh proiue * § om or th lollgwlDg c&ecti i ntrrouineis , debility , dlnmeii of ilfbl mnddefeitlTecumorr , plmpUionlh * feec , phTiIialdeei/ , mrerjton tothe oelclyof ftmalei , eonftuloa or H i , etc. , rendering Uarrlcge Improper OT unhappy , are Krmantnilj tur d. knoi > hiet(36pig iontliflKt ) > o > a , loot etlrd onrtlopt , frea to any addren. Oomulutlo&atof * Ce or by will froo. InTlUd aaditrlotly ctnHJtatlal. A Positive Written Guarantee siren In ererrea * table eu * . ilfldUlofl laot orcrj wbre bj mall ot eipms * CARRIAGE GUIDE , 200 PAGES , PINE PLATES , cUnnt cloth and lilt blodlDjc , MI dforOOa. fn | > itgfordorrcijor. Orir flftj wonderful pen pic tare * , true to life } artlolta on the following ubjrciii who in jr ciarry , * & * u ( . wb/j Bitihood , woman. IS CONDUCTED I1Y Hoyal Havana Lottery ( AOOVCUNMENT INSTITUTION ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , January 2-16-30 , 188G ( A flOVUUNMCNT JN&TITUTIOS ) Tickets In Fifths ; Wholes 5 ; Frnctlona pro rntn. Subject to no manipulation , not contiollcd by the parties In Interest. It is the l'ulre-jt tblnjin the iinturo ot ° clinneo In existence. 1'or tickets apply to SHlPriV & CO. , 1212 111 ond- wny , N. Y. City : M. O'lTIlNS & CO. , 019 Jltiln cot , Kansas City , JIo. , or 1503 Jtarimm street , Pmalia. n(11m tfi , ttr UMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC Veterinary Specifics Cure DI casci of Worses , Cattle , Sheep DOQS , HOGS , POULTRY , In iiso for over 20 years by Farmers ! Stockbreeders , Horse 11. li. , & .o. Used by U. S. Government/ 3-STABLE CHART-C * Mounted on Rollers & Book Mailed Frea. 0unu > Iirov 'Me < l. Co. , 100 Fulton St. , Pf. Y. HOMEOPATHIC SPEClFIGNo , ln USQ M fctrs. The only mccf sf nl remedy ( or Nervous Debility , vital Weakness , anil rro tratloii , from"nrcr-uorlc or other cju c . f 1 purvitl , orD vloli Mill larco l l pon-Jor , Inr JS. SOLD 11 v DIIUQOIKT ? . or > onlpn tp lit on lecrltitoi Ptlco. llu3ii lirt ) 'llcdcliiolo.i ) 10U > uiUa ttt. A , k. fir Iliu IJijuor llaliU , I'osllUuly C'urril by AilitiliilHtci-lii Dr. IInlucv' Oolilcii Njieclllo. It ran beelvrn In a cup of colIVn or tea without tli knowlwlgo of tlio person inking II , Is absolutely harmless , nitil Mill cHi-ct u pi'rnmncnt nnil speedy euro , \\hcllitr tlio patient Is n moderate drinker or nn nlcoUoIlo wreck. It 1ms uern gl\cii In tliou- Bands of ras s , and In every Instance a perfect cure liufullonctl. It uexir I'ulln. Tim system onca liupregnated n lilt tlio bpivllk- kecomca an uttei Impossibility for the liquor apjietltu lu nxlst. FORSALC iiv rorLowi.vo vuuaaiBTSi HU1IN it rO..Cor. 15lli unit liauictim , uud IKtli tV Cuiulne Hta , , Omulia , Nob.i A. II. KOST15H A : U1MJ. , Council ItlititJ , In > vii. Cillorwrlto for pamplilct uortnlnlne hundreds rf 18 > ( ramtlmbcitomiu mm uieulroiu t'H Piirtaol tliu countrv. _ _ MEN , k You nro allowed aftte tfialftfthtttu ilayi ot tlio tuo ot Dr. Uyu'a celebrated Vollalo lli't lln Licctria bos- ronsory ApplLincrj , for I In tpei-ily n II' r nud I'Cr- ii\anont euro < if l-'eri-ous ] ) Mlitu , lu-jor ) iVjJ.ljr.r.,1 nnd nil kindred iroulilo * . Also fur nmiy : A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty j but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies , THE CAT'S ' LAST VICTIM , Peter Peatherstone's ' Career as an Amer ican Sailor , An EiigllMi Convict In the American Naty Tile OfTcnso for TVlilcli Ho Win Flogged Port It ml n Under tlic Ijnsh The INcape. Peter Fcalherstono was an English criminal. He was ono of that large class who arc criminal by instinct , by inheri tance , nnd by acquirement. Born of criminal parents he soon took to the streets of London , and by the time lie was oft * his mother's ' knee ho had been Imprisoned au'd Hogged for theft. liefoi'o ho was 23 years old ho had served five 'terms in prison ; ho had been transported to Van Diemcn's land nnd had there suffered , more because of his good qualities than his bail ones , the her rowof the absolute despotism of martial IHWS governing a criminal community , In JIS01 ) UJ Sot foot upon the docks of Now Yorkrafrco man the tirst time since his boyhood. The inhumanity of society laws had embittered his mind against society. Still , wishing to bo honest , ho enlisted as a common seaman in the United States navy. The United Stales war vessel North Carolina Avas then anchored at the Brook lyn navy yard , having been converted in to a receiving shin. Polor Foatherstono was placed aboard of her , and there ho entered upon his first attempt at reform. He had some experience as a sailor , was strong , bravo and willing , anil soon gained the favor of Gen. Enshaw and the boatswain. Glitleiing opportunities to return to crime always present themselves to the reformer , end Peter Feathorstono was not exempt. Ho had been known to the sporting traternity of London us n "clev er boxer" and a "hard hitter. " Among his old-time friends there was John Me- Graw , at one time light-weight pugilist champion of England , McGruw had come to Now York a id opened up a"frce- and-casv" at 8 , " ! Division street , which lie Had called the "Old Hoiiso at Home. " By some chance ho learned that Peter Fcalher-stone was aboard the North Care lina. Knowing him to bo a valuable ad junct to a boxing resort ho , planned Pet er's , escape from the vessel , and after homo correspondence the sailor yielded to the promises of u. gay life. Among the other visitors to the North Carolina ono afternoon was n tailor. l > y arrangement ho mot Peter Fuathcrstonc between decka and secretly measured him for a suit of clothes. A week later another visitor smuggled aboard the ves sel a package which Peter Foathorstone received. It contained a suit of clothes ot fashionable make , a silk bat , a pair of finw boots , a white shirt , a silk necktie and a largo handkerchief. In the afternoon of the same day aNew Now York swell paraded the deck of the North Carolina and mingled with the visitors. One of his eyes was evidently sore , for whenever a sailor approached him ho bowed his head and pressed Ins handkerchief to the side of his face. Shortly after he appeared on deck a party of visitors leu the vessel , and among them was the dapper gentleman with the sore oyo. As ho descended the stairs on the vessel's side and was nearing - ing the small boat below a sailor on dock hurriedly approached Lieut. Enshaw , who was looking over the side. "lo you sec that man with the sjlk hat ? " inquired the sailor , pointing boloir. "Yes. " "Well , he's a messmate of mine , and belongs to this boat. His name is Peter Feathorstono. " "Haiti" cried the ofllcor. Every mem ber of the party descending the stairs stopped and looked up except the young man in the silk hat. "It is true , " murmured the oflicer. "Bring back that man -with the hand- kcrchict in his hand , ' ordered the lieu tenant. The , young man climbed to the deck , looking , cool and dcliant. "You nro Peter Fcathcrstono , and belong , to this vessel , " said the lieu tenant. " "I nm not , " was the bold response. The unusual scene attracted "Commo dore" Wilson , , chief oflicor of the boat. Ko was commander of a squadron , and carried his title of commodore by cour tesy only , that oflice not then existing in the United States navy. Ho was anofli- cicnt oflicor , but passionate , and liad been dubbed "Bully" Wilson by the sailors. "Who is this man ? " ho asked. "lie is suspected of being a sailor at templing escape , " replied the lieutenant , looking curiously at the dcliant face be fore bun , which ho recognized. "Call the roll , " ordered the commo dore. In a moment the long roll of the drums was hoard , and 000 sailors poured out of the vessel upon the upper deck. They formed themselves around the vessel's sides in regular lines. The call of the roll brought response to every name but ono. When "Peter Fcatncrstono" was called no voice said "Hcrol" The olYlcor.s looked at the culprit bilont- } y , as if waiting for his defense. Ho stood in the centre ot the dock , his arms folded , still orecc and dcliant. Ho saw that ho was trapped , and his only desire was ferro ro vcn go , " \Vlio is the man who reported nio ? " ho asked , quietly. "John Simmons , " called the lieuten ant. ant."Ay , ay , sir , " replied a young sailor , stopping forward in front ot a mast and saluting. Feathorstono approached him. "Do you say my name is Peter Feather- stonol ? " "I do. " "Woll , take that , yon , and with the quickness of thq .skilled pugilist Feather- stone struck his messmate three times in the face. The sailor's head struck an iron band around the mast , and ho fell senseless to the deck. As ho fell Feather- stone kicked viciously at his head , but in an instant the ollbndor was seized by the niastor.of-arins and two marines. "Put him in irons , " yelled "Bully" Wilson. "I'll Hog the life out of him.1 * The struggling bailer was niannaclcd band and tout , and thrown into that iron- barred cage between the lower decks which the B.iilora' call "Iho run , " Here bo was guarded as a murderer during liis last hours. A sentry , like a death watch , paced oontinuully before the cage , Day by day the sailor awoke to antici pate his impending punishment , but it did not conut. Ho grow restless and im patient ot restraint ai the days passed , lie longed for the mental rcliot which would follow his punMimonl. He did not dread the physrcul pain , His back had felt the lash. lie did not know that there was then pending in the congress of the United States a bill for a law to save him from the whip. Ho did not know that ho was being kept by his commander to bo of fered up us the last sacrilico on the altar of the "cat-o'-ninc-tnils,11 in the event of that instrument of turturo being abolished ished from the navy. One mornjng. .nine weeks after Peter Foathcrstono had struck his messmate on deck , ho was aroused by the guards and told tint he was to be Hogged , His irons worn romovrd and ho walked quick ly to the third deck. The entire crow of the North Carolina ha'd been summoned to witness the Hogging. The marines picsi'nfod lix'cd bayonets. Commodore Wilsou and the boatsuuin , armed with tlio "cat , " stood near a gun-carriage , Which formed the whipping stocks. Peter Fcatherstonc was well acquaint ed with the method of llocging .iilot's on board shin , Ho walked to the gun-ear- ringc , and , with a quick motion , pulled his blue shirt over his head. Ho threw it at the feet of the olHccr and exclaimed : "Now I'm ready. " "Not so fast ! " thundered the commo dore. "Wait till you get orders. Put on your shirt. " The sailor obeyed. Then the oulcer read from a paper the charge , "assault ing a seaman and attempted escape , " and asked if the prisoner had anything to say. In reply the sailor again pulled oft' his shirt and approached the carriage. The boatbwain lashed the culprit's foci to the timbers of the carriage and hh hands to the hammock-hooks above. At a nod from the olliccr the boatswain raised his arm , and once , twice , and again the nine thongs fell upon the white llesh with a cruel "swish. " At the lirst blow the muscles of the sailor's back in voluntarily contracted ami Ids shoulders involuntarily shrugged. Then his head fell forward , his teeth set , and his breath canio fast. But tlio boatswain had admired the pluck of the young sailor , and his arm , respondent to his sympathy , scorned to lose its usual strength. The blows , so- vcro as they were did not satisfy the com mander. At tlio third lash ho cried "Stop ! " Then , glaring at the boatswain , ho said : "If yon don't do your duly by that man 1 will lind a man aboard who will do it by you. " The sailor turned his face defiantly lethe the boatswain and cried : "Lay on. You can't hurt me. " Tno boatswain understood his superior oflico and was nctlled at the boasting tone of the culprit. Ho plied tlio cruel "cat" as ho never had boforo. The blood spurted from Iho lacerated bacK , the per spiration streamed from the sailor's face ; be gasped for breath , but ho uttered no cry , and when the whipping ceased his knees trembled and his arms seemed to support his body. Ho was released. Ilo leaned against the im-carringo for sitmwrt But ho was not conquered. Ho still looked do- iianco at the olliccr. "How do you like that ? " askcd"Bully" Wilson. "How do I like it ! " cried the sailor ; "why , in- old mother in Liverpool has often give mo a worse lickin' than that with a dis'hrag. " This sally brought a roar of laughter from the bailers , and the olliccr was beside - side himself with rage. The rebellious sajlor was again ordered to "tho run , " this time in double irons. On the afternoon of the same day the bill for the abolition of Hogging in the navy was signed by President 1 illmprc and became a law. The last Hogging had been sanctioned by American law. Two months later Peter Feiithcrstone's irons were taken oil' , and ono night , atilO o'clock , ho was transferred to the ship Saranac. She was to sail on the follow ing morning for the gulf stream , whore "Commodore" Wilson was to join the flagship of the squadron. " 1 will take Fcathcrstono with me , " ho is said to have remarked to Lieut. En- hhaw , "and I will either break him or kill him. " That night , aboard the Saranac. a sentry - try saw a shadow pass him and heard a splash in the water. Half an hour later , a half-dead sailor , with his bundle of clothes tied around his neck with a handkerchief , drew himself out of the water ! He looked across the water where lay the black outlines of a ship , and the last man Hogged in. the American navy hurled out 'a ' curse and turned his face toward the great city. DOM FERNANDO'S LOVE. The Gorman-American Girl Who Cap tured tlio.Portuguese King. Paris Letter to London Truth : It is a good thing for the royal family of Portugal that the Portuguese code did not enable Dom Fernando to do what he pleased with more than a third of his property , or at least of that part of it which was not invested in debentures payable to bearer. Had ho been able to dispose of his whole fortune as ho chose , the Countess Edia would , have boon probably his universal legatee. I often saw her , and on three occasions mot her here at morning cdiiccrts. She was a German and looked her nationality , al though a woman of a tall , elegant figure , Her lather went to America , when ljo was a girl in her Icons , as a professor of music. Ho was connected with the singers at the Grand Ducal theater tor at Coburg , hi.s function being to accompany singers engaged there when they were practicing. It appears that ho did not like the morals of the "rand ducal court , and when he found that his daughter had a sweet soprano voice , ho preferred that she should seek her fortune in the United Stales. She sang in the New York Opera House , and , obtaining nn engagement at the San Carlos Theater , wont to Lisbon , where she pjavcd nor cards with judgment and decision. The King , when he toll in love with her , had had successive bereave ments. Mdllo. Hcnslor had a soft , full voice in speaking , and a sweet and delicate ono in singing , so that , as ho was a inolomaniac , she was well adapted to play the part of consoler. , Ho admiral nor long before ho could make up his1 mind to propose marriage. This lie did when greatly urged by his family to ao- copt the crown of Spain , which Prim oHercd him in 180'J ' , to gradually bring about Iberian ' unity. Ho had" had enough of the cares of state , and only aspired to bo a diletlanlo and country gentleman. Ho and the Countess suited each other , and as iho had the good sense never to gjvo herself airs , she was popular at Lihbon , She latterly gathered her relatives around her from ( lurmany and America. She has two American nieces at Ciutra , and if tno Crown Prince man ios ono of them , the third of Dom Fernando's fortune , into which , under his will , the Countess comes , may eventually go to his posteri ty. Dom Fernando had , as the widower of Maria da Gloria , a pension of 30,000 a year since 1853. Ho was the eldest son ofPrinco Ferdinand , of Saxo Coburg , brother to the Into Duchess of Kent , and husband of the only child of Prince Kohary , one ol the richest members of the Hungarian nobility. TTlicn B l > y wna sicV , wo giro bei C.utorla , When tbo n&s a Child , ehe cried for Castorla , When ehe became Miss , alio clang to CaatorU , V/btn the bail Children , the gare ( hum Cssiorix , A number of steamers are running in the watersof Kauatorial Africaonerrands of the gospel , The Henry Wright is in uno at Zanzibar and Mombas ; the Henry Wright and the Illala are navigating tno Nya&Ha ; the Eleanor is engaged on the Victoria Nyaimi ; the Good News has raised .steam on the Tanganyika , and the Peace has made her lirst trip on the Congo , above Stanley Falls. Tim Charles Jansen is under construction for the Ny- anza , and the Henry Venn l\as \ , been com pleted at n cost of $30,000 for voyaging on the Niger. She is intended to replace one of that name irreparably damaged after rendering valuable service to the missionaries. The most stubborn cases of dy ] > eps-ia and sick lumdacht < yield to the regulating and tpliing inlluenco of Hood's Sursap- arilla. Try it. AN ART MS ADVENTURES , Some Lively 'Piling ' Exparisnces of a Tottdg Artist. In Colorado Prom Rcnfi , fllka nnd Mountain Lions , ' - told"by n Friend. ( ' -1 Mr. A. P. IT0.ftor , a very promising young Colorado artist , wliose wprks have attr.Tctcd'a rcat deal of attention when exhibited in Denver , says the Den ver News , Is soon to go to Now York fern n season. Ho is a master of the pencil , and full of enthusiasm in the line ho has chosen. Endowed with practical exper ience and knowledge of his subject , ho is ripe for the bcnellts of technical study. Mr. Proctor has spent months in the wildest regions of Colorado , sometimes going for weeks without seeing a human being , but with brush and pencil ever busy gathering sketches and studies for future uso. Ho has painted some pic tures from these compositions which have commanded much attention and respect , and art connoiscurs have pro nounced him an artist ot no ordinary ability. Ho has a number of composi tions which ho has prepared for painting , ono called "The Rear Guard , " which will no doubt be a fine picture. Another work which lie values very highly , a touching bit of forest life , full of poetry , is callcu "TUT oitrnAN. " A wild storm is driving through the bare trees. Tlio ground is covered with snow , and half buried in the drifts , lies a dead doer , while over it , bent and shiver ing , stands a fawn , bleating to its dead mother. Many interesting Incidents might bo related connecting with the lonely hunt ing experiences in which Mr. Proctor ob tained material for his work. At one time ho was following a mountain lion which ho had crippled. The trail led him into ti thicket , and in following it ho almost stopnod upon his game belorc ho was aw.iro. The savage beast made at him with an ugly growl. To retreat would have been fatal. There was up time to parley. The lion had made up go about with lui unloaded gun. " Ho thrust the muzzle into the wide-open mouth of the lion and blow the top of his head off. Then Proctor sat down and had n spell of the "shakes. " Some one tells" story of how Proctoi slipped up to iv big bull elk and taking refuge in a clump of small ( load nines opened lire upon his game. The beast gave a jump autla snort and spying his enemy lowered his huge horns , started on a dead run for the clump of trees , struck it like a whirlwind , making dead limbs lly in , cvojy direction. In vain Proctor dodged jitibout from ono part of the clump tooihnthcr ( , the furious bull followed film. ' Tlie cartridge shell had caught in Projtoi s gun and his frantic cflbrts to rcloxd were now changed into frantic efforts to escape , for the oik seemed delorrntnca to dislogq him from the pines and , have it out with him on open ground. Proctor , on the other hand , preferred Hlie pines , and a lively game of "hid 'funl ' seek" took place. The elk was fast getting tlio best of him , when in watching the movements of the ani mal and retreating t the same time , Proctor ran accidentally into Tl K TOl' OP-A VALLIIN TUBE. This was his salvtttion , for as the Jbcasfc came toward bjfn w tl lpwered horns , bo dodged and crawled htulor the tree , leav ing bis olkship entangled upon the other side. This advantage enabled Proctor to reload , and'it few well-director ! shots end ed the battle. This was his biggest elk and he felt justly proud of it , bo proud that ho foolishly attempted to take the head into camp ; so strapping his gun to his waist he lifted the beau upon his back , the largo horns sticking over his shoulders and nearly touching the ground , he started home. Ho got along very well until in climbing over a fallen tree ho lost bis footing and down he rolled , head , horns and all. And ho then indulged in an experience something like that of a man Laving a catch-as-catch-can wrestle with a wheel-barrow. If the head had been animated and attached to its origin al owner it couldn't have been more vic ious. Each individual prong on those huge antlers seemed to be charging upon him. Ono would give him a wunTCHr.n roicis IN THH itins , another darted up and took him under the chin , then came a rap over his head , then came n gouge in the pit of his stomach ach , and anon ono was boring him in the back. Quiet being restored at last ho crawled out from under tlio horns , and in spected the scene , the gun was no't dama ged , the sketch book was all right , but he was covered with bruises and scarcely able to walk. At this juncture ho was aware that ho was an object of interest to n largo bear , who had" smelted frc.sli blood and concluded to drop around. To snoot was his first instinct and he had the satisfaction of peeing the bear give a quick jump and a howl , then whirl rapid ly around , biting himself , rolling on the ground , turning homoroaults , and acting crazy generally. This programme the boar quickly changed by starting on a boo line for our hunter. Another shot staggered him , but , amazed beyond meas ure , no still came on , bent upon having a light. The next shot worsted him. Ho laid down with his nose between bis paws and gave up thoghost. Proctor sat btill for half an hour trembling Jiko a leaf , fearing to move or bhoot again , im agining Unit the beast was "I'LAVINO I'OSBUir. " anil fearing that the next move might bring a , for which ho felt illy prepared , by degrees bis courage came back to him ; and having tried several ex pedients to uwiikon tlio bear left him for dead and limped into camp covered with bruises and glory. Mr , Proctor is a modest and quiet young man wUli.miusually pleasant and gentle inannilv. ) j Like a great many young 8tmlenfs'h'will ( have to make his living as ho goos. along , and ho will prob ably Jiml it hatA scratching in Now York , but ltfJis ; : already learned les sons of folf deniiil find pornoycranco , and there is no doubt1 tfuit his ollbrts will bo crowned witlisumiss. Such young men are an honor to Colorado , and deserve encouragement. Mr , Proctor will bo followed to his now homo in the east by the best \vi hyjo ( { ill who know him hero. PRACTICAL HINTS Tor Plain I'eojlj { > AVho Ijlvo Within Small Incomes. Boast beef IR. Ivoked upon as n luxury far beyond the frtigol nurse. This is true when applied 'In the "porter-house roast" and other choice cuts , but the cheaper pieces c.m bo made very good and tender , even thosn sold as low as a shilling a pound. Buy not Ic&i than two rib- , ; have the butcher take out all the bones , roll it up tightly , skewer it lirmly , and give you u piece of fciiet to lay upon the meat while roasting. Save the bones. Put u pint of hot water in the pan with the beef , roast quickly the lirst half hour. This crusts the surface pf the moat and retains the juices. Allow ( iftcen min utes for every pound of beef for roust ing , Haste ollcn , for this , with the steam of the water in the pan , makes the meat tender. Under this treatment the cheaper outs will prove quitu MilUfiie.tory. Nor are they too coatly for ' plain people , for c\cry part of the meat ca'il bo null/oil and served in inviting fehajiof only the bone ? are thrown aiuty , after feimtnoriiig for' three h&u'rs in two qunrts of water , ttrp.ik llrein UP small , use oohl wrttef to extract their juices and sweetness , add one . peen > fill of salt , mul kcp | > closely covered. This is "stock , " of which almost an end. less of - bo made- variety plain soups nidibo - Add a bunch of "soup vcfiolablcs" ( cost 5 cents ) , chopped , and yon have vegetable soup ; or a pint of canned tomatoes , and you liavo tomato soup ; or a spoonful of rice , or barley , or vermicelli for the dif ferent kinds. All are inexpensive. Never USD the "stock" the day ft is made , but strain out the bones and allow to stand till the next day. Then take off the fat that 1ms rKen ; this may bo used for fry- jug drippings. So almost none of the beef is lost , and a shilling a pound even la not paid without a fair return. Hut , to go back to the roast , for which a rich brown gravy must bo made. Hav ing removed the meat and poured oft'tho fat ( for frying drippings al o ) sot the pan on the top of the r.mgo and allow its eon- tents to scorch just a little , enough to give a little color ; then add one cup of boiling water and thicken with Hour and season ; servo in a ravy dish. A small beginning only will be made on this roast by two people. Cold voast beef is not to bo despised , served with , perhaps , baked beans , which cost but n trille , and vege tables. Or the meat may bo titn-ly chopped , iv little gravy added , all cov ered with cold mashed potatoes , and baked and browned in an open vegetable dish in the oven ; 01 % it may be minced and made with equal parts of mashed potatoes into balls , like lish-balN , and tried brown , ou both sides , in dripping's. This is a good breakfast dish. It may also bo cut up small and warmed In its own gravy and served on toast or With out the toast. Deans are said to contain more nutri ment than any other vegetable. The best white ones are only ten cents u quart ; half that quantity will lill a two-quart dish when properly cooked , and half a pound of salt pork is ample to llavor it. Wash and IOOK oyer the beans and put them in cold water , using three quarts to one pint of beans , keep them over the lire three or four hours ; set them whore the heat will swell and soften them , without boiling , having the pork ( washed and the rind washed ) in with them all the while. About two hours before dinner strain thorn through a colander and put them , dry , into the dish in which they are to bo baked , with the pork , rind up , in the centre. Now in a bowl put onoteaspoonfnl of salt , one- half tcaspoonful ot carbonate of socta , one cup of Migar and one cup of hot water. Stir well together and pour over the beans. If you cannot see the liquid all around the edge of the beans add hot water till yon can. They are then ready for a moderate oven. In two hours they will come out well baked , nicely browned and rcudy to serve. To make IJoston brown bread , mix well together a cup and a half of yellow corn meal and the same of rye Hour , if rye meal is not to be had. Into this put ono teaspoonlul of salt , a heaping teaspoonful - spoonful of carbonate of soda and ono cup of molasses ( not syrup ) . Stir cold water very gradually into this till you have moderately still" batter ; beat it well ; pom1 into a well-greased , three-quart pail , cover and set in a kettle of boiling water , steaming , with the kettle covered , at least four hours. This makes a largo loaf and the cost is about 10 cents. It is very nice when hot and is good cold. Corn fritters make a good breakfast dish. Into one pint of Hour put a teaspoonful - spoonful each of sugar and baking pow der and half a tcaspoonful of salt. Into this put ono beaten egg , with milk enough to nuiko a stiff batter ; lastly , add half a can of sweet corn ; drop by largo soopnfuls into plenty of boiling hot drip pings ; brown 011 both sides and serve very hot. These go well with cold roast beet. * NO BAIT FORBUNCO PETE. A Picture of anil an Incident in the IM\s of William H. Evnrls. William II. Evans has lived in Now York years and years. His residence is in a particularly fashionable remnant of old Now York , ho has for n long time boon president of the Union League , than which no other club in America is so wealthy , his family arc beaten by no body's in social culture and positionand , there is no good reason why ho should look like a ruralist , but ho docs it , es pecially in his every day clothes. Ilia nrolile is strikingly similar to that of Ciuaiir the Great on" the Roman coins , but in entire aspect ho as closely resembles Daniel Pratt , the great American traveler. This was especially true of him when , coming from Boston after the delivery of his remarkable speech there the other day , he emerged , bag in hand , from the Grand Central station. The set-baek of his roughened silk hat , the of his garments , the holding of his um brella and the grip of his satchel all were in the make-up of a liguro whom Grand Central Pete reasonably mistook for a tourist from green Holds and bab bling brooksidos. j'oto is a bunko oper ator , now in the Toombs awaiting trial for trying to rob a victim. lie had suc ceeded Hungry Joe , retired to Sing Sing as a chief ot his kind of scoundrels , and ho was such a brisk , sightl3r , captivating follow that his success was considerable. " 15ut you fellows mustn't s'poso wo land every libli that wo throw our hook at , " ho said to ono of the prison keeper : "Tuin't ' ono nibble in llfty that comes tea a real bite. The papers liavo pretty near ly knocked us out , and , besides , tlioro are plenty of cautious old frumps that won't ' bo fooled anyhow. 1 spotted ono of that sort the very day before 1 was arrested. He'd como in on the lioston train , and ho looked like a Connecticut farmer , 15ut when I accosted him ho calmly gaxcd into my face and said : 'No , young man , my name is not Ikilltml. anil 1 do not rcMdo in Hridgopoit. Who am I ? It Is not at present hoomingly reinvent to me why my uudivldimlily should bo of concern Jo YOU. ' " The language which Pete remembered suggested William M. Evarts instantly , and then hi- , descrip tion left no doubt that the ox-scerolary of state was the man. On being questioned on the biibjeot , Mr. Kvarts recalled the in cident of having been addressed by : v stranger , but , being then in n rovwy , ho did not realize that a bunco thief was as- salljiighiin. "In reading of bunco rob- borie , " ho remarked , "I liavo always marvelled that they wore over suceosa- ful , and my encounter unawares llft.s my anui/.emont still higher , I cannot say that 1 am proud of my escape , " 15ol Ingoi-Holl'M Appi'ociallon or n IJcanHl'itl AVoninn , Col , n. G. Ingorsoll was for many years a resident of Pcoria , and some of the old residents of that M-elion do not hesltatu to assort that at times ho Indirectly ad mitted the existence of an ondlos place of torment whieh lie now claims does not exist , As an instance of this , and also to show the readiness at repartee of the colonel , the following story is told ; Sev eral years ago , when Jin was in the prime ol his law practice in Peoria , the colonel happened to have as a client u young and buxom widow over in Washington , i'azo- well county , The opposing counsel was the Into Jonathan K. Cooper , as staunch a Presbyterian nbo was > an able lawyer. At the close of the evidence Mr. Cooper arose and made a .splendid argument on his side of the case , closing by saving that his legal opponent was prejudiced when it canio to defending beautiful women , "Why , " said Mv. Cooper , "when Co ) . Ingersoll gets a chancu to \\ork \ in a law case lor a handsome woman ho forgot * all law , till logic , oml everything except her attractions , and you , gi'iitlomou di the jury , have no doubt had evidence of tlio trutliof this during the progresof the pru-enl trial " After the venerable 1' terhin closed Col. lugursoll arose , with a twinkle in his eye , and slowly and solemnly" com menced a.-i follows ; "Gentlemen of the jury , the comisul oji the other sulu la cor- T 233 OECH-fc.E'JQST a Xltf TO BXT2T IS One of the Best and Largest'Stocks in the U.S. lo Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator ; M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OEO. IIUIIKU , Slnniwor , UHION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NE8. RKrnilENCr.S : McrelinnU and Formers' nnnk , David City , Nob. ! Kc.inioy National naiik.Konf noj-.Koti. : Columbus Hlnto Unnk , Columbus , Neb , ; MoDoimM's ll.iuk , North I'lutto , Nob. Chunlm Nullonnl Hniik , UmHhtt , Nrb. Will pixy customers' ilrtUt with bill ot lading atUckeJ , for two-thirds value of stock. reel. I do have a loaning in the direc tion of beautiful woiuon. 1 do love a beautiful woman. I love the fireside about which play dear children , presided over by a smiling , beautiful mother. 1 toll you what it i , gentlemen of the jury , I would rather much rathei if I hail my choice , bo in h 1 lilleen minutes , sil ting on u hard wooden bench , beside u woman as bountiful as Cleopatra , than to reside a lifetime in heaven singing psalms with Jonathan K. Cooper. " The jury , court , lawyers and spectators roared with lauirhtor. in which Mr. Coopur was forced to join , and Col. liiger- soil and his1 beautiful client came out ahead. Fostofllco in Nebraska and Iowa during tlio week ending January 2U , 18SO , furnished by Win. Van Vleck , of the poslollieo depart ment : Kr.UKASKA. Established La Ktihe , Keith county , Wni. S. Kuho , postmaster. Discontinued' Layaca , Cherry county. Postmasters Appointed Baker. ISull'alo county , Sidney M. Clrilita ; lUuo Springs , Gage county , Win. M. Young ; Cherry Creek , Buft'alo countv , 1C. Farr ; Newark , Kearney county , Bon j. W. Vaughn ; Petersen - torson , Cuming county , Mary Peter son ; Pilot , Custcv county , Lewis G. Os- bourn ; Hiverviow. Buffalo county , John W. Adams ; Sett , Furnus county , Mrs. Ida Loghny ; Table Hook.Pawnco county , James A. Oarlock. Oarlock.IOWA. IOWA. Discontinued Inland , Cedar county. Postmasters Appointed Adelphia , Polk county , Noble Johnson ; Ghurdtin , Greene county , S. W. Grover ; Cooper , Greene county , Jacob Doran ; Dodgeville , Dos Moincs county , Mrs. Lovena Kline ; Donncllson , Leo county , Adam Wiogner ; Elgin , Faycltc county , Frederick \VohI- hater ; Elkharl , Polk county , J. N. Keller ; Evergreen. Tain a county , W. W. McElhinnov : Gopher , Oscoola count } ' , Franklin Thayer ; Harpers Ferry , Allam- ftkeo county , Itobort Mullaly ; Lacona , Warren county , Mrs. M. Sheets ; LaCrow , Leo county , II. II. Todd ; Magnolia , Harrison county , J. Prank Mintun ; Mas- sillon , Cedar county , II. J. Brockman ; Morion's Mills , Montgomery county , O. W. Bean ; Olcrdock , Clayton county , E. A. Bu&lr Picrson , Woodbury county , Samuel J. MoKee ; Pleasant Grove , Dos Moincs county , llobinson Gannaway ; Unnnells , Polk county , D. T. Brown ; tit. Paul , Leo county , Otto F. Junker ; Sham Fayotte county , James J. KioronWest ; Point , Leo county , John Kompkcr ; York Centre , Iowa county , Frank 0. Harring ton. WHO 13 UIMCQVAHTCD WITH THE OEOOFIAPHY OP fHU OOUNTnV VULL SEE 0V EXAMINIHO THIS MAP THAT TH CIIIO&OO.nOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILV/AV / Uyrouonof Iligentnil poiltlon and cloio relation to All iirlnclnnl linen Ja t amiVoct , at Initial utid IKI-- niluul poItiiM , inn9lltutu4 the niuit linportnut inltl. contlni'iitnl link lii Unit irstem of ilinnitrli trintimr. tntlon wlilcli liivfti ] unit rucllltnteii tiMvcl mil trnKo lielwoon cltlei of tliu Xtlanllo nnd ravine Cua t It lit nlso tlw fnvorllo nun bolinuto tonnd fiom pulnu Lnil. Hoftheatt ontl fi.iullifiyt. and oorieiuiidliiB | points woit. Norlti ctt and SontUwebt. The Great Hock Island Route Guarantors lt > pTtronn thut irn.o of neiroiml teen ill } ' affurdca u > n kull.t , thuiouchly tinlluitcil road- li'J. binooth tiacUs or iMinllniloui Mecl mil , iiihitan. llnlly built fdlv.ii ta unil InldeM , ii'lllnir Km 1. a near parfuctlon in IIIUIIIMI itlll nan maba It , Ilic The fast ? Jl > r * TrAlii3 hotnccn riilrnjrn itril Peoria. Council liluTii ( , Katisan City l nv nwinih nml Atcblion niii conipuxril o ( well veiitllalfd , iinulr up. liny UuHiliun. . ' - - - liputeied U.irnlllc < nit I'lilln--- The Famous Albert Loa Route U Ike dlrert anil fnvorll Una littmrn Chlcnijoand MlnneitpolliiMidhl I'jul , lmic loniicrtlaniiironiuila In Union Iit < pot4 for all iialnli In tlio lirillonia a nil lirltitb I'loilnoun , Oicr tula routu l' .tl I.iprrw Iratni nm inn in tlmAtcrln , : plum , mnnini r in- torti.iictnmjinu | | lonilltlniinil limillnff ndrt lUlilnir Sreumlbof luwa ami Mlnnnula Ut \ ulEo tliu lni c enli-iUld roul.i I. , tlio iKH w | at llldi and ( lattoinl landiuf luteilor litLntn Still anoth.r initlXT I.1KK. Tin ftnecA and K n. ktk , ) ia < tffn ( > p nuil hMircrn I'lnrlunttl ludlin * . pollj andllAfat rtli > . un.l Cuuncll llllir | , Knn city , Mlimoaiiulliamlhl 1'ixul nml Intornudlalii poluti lor i otillml InfoiiiKtlun * < HIM | mul > < ilil r > , oM.ilimtli ! . AI Kelt , i ll.'km , ot nil iMlntlijnrn.krt dlUivi In the United MUtoj ana CaiuU.i , 01 by * , , a- UrcsktnB R. R. CAB1.C , C. ST. JOHN , J'KJ'l ' A aen'l H'K'r , ( len'l T'kt C ran , Ai ; % O SIOJLGO. Heteska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . , . $ aSO,000 SuplusBIuy 1 , 1885 , . iJS.OOO H. W. YATKS , I'n si lont. A. K , Toiv.Ai.m , Vice J'rus'ulunt. \V. II. S , llyomw , Cashier , " \V. Y. JloitsK , JOHN S. Coi-hi.s'3 , II. W. YATI-J : , Jjiwuii. HIII : : > , A. 1C. TOUZAM.S , BANKING OFFICE ! THE IRON Cor. J2th itna rarnam Slrceta. Ocncrnl llau ing llusliutaj T RESTORE p. Itciupdy I'lei1. * n llniof jniiili. < 3If 9 KBflfcfeHfllN' . ImPrtluOlluO CAVf'fllf f3 ! IJ 31P 1'itnuturot > u , KM , ! B e VlilSI ( JWttoiia . ay \oiia Del.Ully. Jxikl Man. ltoq.1 , f.i lia\cvf ! tried In \ lu 6\o.y know urfiaoil/ 1m ilia.crc i iii.nupif * lf-rM t. un Uliu lll Itsii i Jtl.f to tiU ( ell iilTc'i f A/l ln' t , I , JI.lLKVi'.b. ; 'JCh4t\tilj \ 4rcl , f.'uw VorkCitf. CAPITAL PUIZK , ? ? GOQO Ulckcts only Si. Slmtos lu 1'roportlon , LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERYtCOMPANY , " \Vodoliorobycortlly ttnU wo supervise the arrangements for ull Iho Monthly and ( jtmrtorly Drawings oC The Louisiana Btato lottery Company , and In porsou mmmco nnd control Iho Uruu Inir.i themselves , nnd Umt tliu snmo are conducted with honeity , fall ness nnd hi goou ralth tovruid nil itnrtlo * , nnd wo nutliorl/o the Company to USP this oortlllcnlo , with fne-almllcs otour signatures nttnoh d In Its aitvoitlsmont . COMMJSSIONK119. Wo , the undorslfined Hanks nnd Hankers , will pny ull 1'rlzes drawn In The Lou 2 hum State Lot- teilcs whleh may bo ptosontud nt our counters j. H. oiiisnv : , Pres. Louisiana National Bant SAMUKL , II. KUNNKUV , Pres. State National Bank , . A. BALDWIN , Pros. New Orleans National Bank. Incorporated In 1803 for 25 years by the lojfis- mtmii tor Kiiucntlomd nnd Cliniltablo purposes with n capital or $1,000,000 to wlileh n reserve fund of over fMO.uuo lias ulnoo boon nddod. lly an o verw helming popular \ oto Us rrunchlso wns made a pai tor the present late constitutlou adopted DocemUorJM. A. 1) . 187U. The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any gtnto. It never scales or postpones. Its irrnndsliiKlo number drawings tnko plnoo monthly , nnd the oxtimndlmiry drnwina jegu- larly oveiy three months iimlond ot sonil-antm- idly asnctetoloie , DoflimiiiK.MnrcMb"SO. ; ASPI.UNIKI ) Ol'1'OHTHMTVTO WIN A FORTUNE. -el Uiniiil Urnwlntf , Class II , In Iho Academy ot Music. Now Oi Ivans , Tuesday , I'eb. Vth , 1889 Ib9th Monthly Uimvinir. OAPSTAL PBEZE $75,000. 100,000Tickets nt I'ivo Uollars Eiieh. 1'inotlons iu Fifths , In Propottlou. LIST OF I'III/.LS : ICAPlTAIj PH1/.C $75,00(1 , ( 1 do rte 25,003 10,000 18,000 r , do 2,0X1 10,000 10 do 1,000 10,000 do 600 10,000 1UU do con ! ,000 : wo do 100 aoooo 500 do 60 25,000 1000 do 25,000 APPROXIMATION PIII/.T.S. D Approximation I'riyes ol $7.10 0,750 0 do do 600 , . , . 4,500 U do do 2iO 2,250 1W67PH7CS , nmountinjr lo . $ -Hn,5W Application lor intea to clubs should ho mndo only to the olllco ol Iho company In New Or lenii ! . For f Hither Information write clanrlv , ( rlvme fulladdiess. 1'OSTAL NOTKS , lixpnw Manny OidciR , orNow York i\clmniro : in oidlnarv let ter , cummer bvo&uiess ( ull sums of f5 and up wards at our UAponsu ) addressed , SI. A. DAUPHIN , NuwOilount ) , fji. Or M. A.DAUI'IIIN. Washington , ! ) , 0. Or M.O'ITKNS i CO. , 1.WJ rninnm st.Omahn Ncbrusua. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable nnd addro registered ir-ttc-rs to NUWOHLKANS NATIONAL IIANIC , Now Orlcuua , La. 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlie Oi'lKltiul mill Only ( vimliie. E&re led tlwayi HeMaMe Uoviro of ivorthli ! Imitation ! . IndliMMiUe lo LADIES. A L ? "tir l > rii > C2l > t for ' * fhlrli ' tf > rii * nnclUlr'Nitd ! & ' < < nooilirr.or ILtlosa 4 . ( lUiatd ) to ua r r pKrllculKii 11 trtltr hy return mull. NAME PAPEIl. fMl lic.trr flirnilriil Co. . llttl t .MudUdii Nquiiro , I'lilluda. , I'o. At Druzcltlf. Truau lun'Utd U ; Fuller < b Jb'ullct Cu > . Culruco. 111. _ A STANDA1M ) 3IKIICAIi ) WORK. FOR YOUHG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEH. ONLY SI IJV JIA11. , J'OSTI'AIl ) . VL : s.uu'i.K I'liKi ! TO A Oro/it IMoillpil H'ork nn Mnnlmnil , Kxliniiitcil Vlt'illty. NOITOIII nml riiynlcnl Donillty rnnintiirQlUvllnaln Man , Krrlr > nrVoiitli.nnii tti untnlit inlsorli't rcsulllin ; from Imllscrotlon mid er- rcMC'n. A book lor nvory ninn , yininj. mlilillo Ht'ort n nil old , , ItiiiiliilnaU" ) > prucrlptlon < lor ( ill uciitonnd rliioiili'UUoiixin.oaclinno of which In Invnlimhlo , Ha found by tliOMiitliur whn o iixnorlniiPii for U yairili tncli OK prnhibty nm'or bofiir fell tollin lot of nny rliji'lcliuil : > MincPi. | iHiiniil In bountiful I'ronrli inn . ) lirniio ] | , cil irivci" , lull ulH.iiu-ininco'l | ' to lionlltior ndlk In c < vcr > fClmn nii'Lhnnlnil , Illpniry mul prnfni. fldiii.l tlii.niuw oihiT Hcirk In tills country for : .5T , orlliu miinvrwill huiofnrnl In vorr Imtnnro. I'rlcu I'lilr ' 11 by mull , ponp ilil. lllintrntnfl > nintilo , 00 ? . Fcmtnmr. nol.l . ino.lnhnviirtlcd tills inuhnr lir tlio NH- llunalik'illcnl Amort. itlnn. 10 Iliu lion , A l > . Itli-noll , mul ; i4 , | : onirum of tlio lo ml tlio icuilurljro * e | > ortfiir | | rcfcnml. 'j'liuhr o vo nt'I.lfJ I' worth mnrotollii yoniiB nnd inHilln-nio I men nl tld * uoneritlon tliiin nil thouolil iiilnoi of fjlltr.Tnl mul tlio silver minus of NuvuUu rinnlilncil.- . K. OlironU In. 'J'lnhtlcnt'u ill l.lfii I'olnlJ ( lilt tlio rockf nml quirk- piiulsnunlilili thd riiii'tltutlon uinl lioi | of ninny n MI n i ic nun IIIIVD boon Luully wi ueUcd.Miincliu.tor Mliror. IhuPdoiKO of l.lfnlnnf prcnter tiilun lluiiuill tlm ( iK' < IU.iluirkti iMiiMnho ) < l In tills countiy lor ( no just W vciu . All. nun ( Vimtltiilliin 'Jlit'hi'U'iuiMil I.HuN n xiijioili nml iniilorly Irnit * l IMI m'nous mul | 'lir Uil Uubllity , lletrolt Kruu AildrCM IliA 1'Mbo'ly Mpdlrnl lintUuto. or Pr W. It. 1'arkur , Ko. t Iliillilin-li etutc ! , llosiuii. Miih . , who rautr I'uroiKUltfilnn ' ull UUOUSOM ruiulruu > lIH mi'l orped- riKo. Clirn.ik-uii I nlblin t-iil.ilt.icd . . thill liuvu t lt. lioil Ilio hkllhif lilliHIh'i i < linitUlita pl < ( lultx. Sncli tr.MtiM ruciPHstnlly nlllmut an Initunvf n | falluru. uiuliu llou , A J-'INK LINBOt -AT- WGGDBREDflE BROS1 OMAHA NK1JHASKA.