Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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OrFICE : Ko. 18 Pearl Street.
Jltllvcrcil liy cm tier in nnr port of tlic clt jnt
twenty cents jict wcuk.
II. W , TII.TO.V , - - -
iur , No. 4' ) .
Ntaiir IIITOII : ) , Xo. ) .
D Pan Is to order , from $ ri up , at Keller's.
Ho o cart No. 4 has been temporarily
placed in No. U's houso.
"A Parlor Match" is to bo given nt Iho
opera house to-morroW evening.
Tito HlufV City oiigi ino has been stored
in Field & Shopord's warehouse by the
Fannie , Iho pot dog of the No. 1 lire
lads , was btiriicd in the Hro of yesloiday
moriiing ,
The Florences are to appear at Iho
opera house Saturday evening in "Our
Governor. "
The Hollywood family with a chorus of
fifty children , are to give Mikado at
Dohuy's March 5 and ( I.
The examination of Charles Lawson ,
charged with stealing a watch from Mr.
Hicks , of Glonwood , is to lake placeto
The snow of yesterday proved Iho work
of the day before to bo useless , the gut
ters which had been cleared rapidly fill
ing again ,
Permission to marry has been given
Herman Welines and Mary Yorker , both
of Ncola ; also to Joseph Sco 1 1 and Sarah
Mowory , both of this oily.
Uovival services are _ being held nightly
by the Methodist mission in the church
of the United Brethren , on Tenth avenue
between Sixth and Seventh streets.
The death was reported yesterday of
Father Buckle , an old and roipeetod
resident of Jaiuu < < town-hip , who had
passed his three score years and ten by
fifteen years or so.
All the members of the charity ball
committees , including the ladies , are re
quested to meet this morning at 10
o'clock at the ollico of Dr. Macrae. The
ollico of those not attending will bo filled
by the olcotion of others.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boole and Mr. and
Mrs. .Julius Schneider desire to return
tlibir most sincere thanks to the many
kind friends nnd especially to Mr T. A.
Kirklaud and family for their assistance
anil many kind aets during Iho illness of
their father , the late Joseph Beck.
This evening the Married Ladies' Pro
gressive Euchre club is to bo entertained
by Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Buslmell , at
the homo of Mrs. Meyers. The sleighs
will be at the residence of Mr. J. N.
Baldwin , ready to start at 7 o'clock '
fhurp , at winch time and plaeo all mem
bers arc requested to bo lowly.
Tim mourners of No. 4 , whose house
was burned yesterday morning , are In a
hard row. Besides suffering from their
injuries liioy fool keenly the intimations
against their cfiioienoy and discipline.
Tlioy deny all the charges made about
their beinc in any way responsible for
the tire or its results. It is a nard time to
bo called on to defend one's reputation ,
but they promise to do so right pluckily.
The Knights of Labor , cigarmakcrs ,
P.lil others interested are distributing
about the city notices of the boycotting
of Nick Kunne , the Davenport cigar
manufacturer. The trades union arc
making a strong fight against him in
every place whore his goods have been
sold. Their bill of grievances is quite
lengthy and consists chiefly of the
charge that ho employs cheep labor and
that no has opened a light against the
union , refusing to employ any cigar-
maker who is a member.
Not an arrest by the police yesterday ,
thus giving an excellent chance for
scrubbing out the jail , which chance was
improved. As there are now from six to
eight free lodgers every night there is a
dally necessity lor such a cleaning.
It scorns that these follows who complain
of having no work might put in some of
their spare time washing themselves as
soap and water are reasonably cheap , but
from the filthiness manifest with most of
them it seems that this idea does not
occur to them.
Yesterday a woman applied at police
headquarters for help telling a pitiful story
of her wrongs and sufferings. She said
her name was Mrs. Day , andthat her hus
band. a carpenter , had deserted her , since
which time she had been living with her
brother , named Dunlap. She stated that
her brother had now turned her out of
Ills homo because ho was informed by his
little girl that she had stolen a half del
lar. The woman wanted to got help and
some moans of getting to nor parents'
homo in North Loup , Nebraska. She
was referred to the ward committee hav
ing the relief fund in charge.
For hardware and house furnishings
get prices of Cooper & McGee , No. 41
Main street.
Mayor Viiiighan went toDesMoines
last night for a stay of a day or two.
S. P. Falson. Jr. , the paving contrac
tor , is in the city making further settle
ment with the council.
F. II. Orcntt has started out on the
road in the interests of the Council
Bluffs Carpet company.
A. A. Watts , cashier of the Savings
bank , who has been ill for several days
past , was able to coma down to business
Jor a short time yesterday :
G. S. Westcott and P. M. O'Connor ,
mall agents on the Sioux City route ,
wore hero yesterday calling on S. D.
liohrer , who is still too ill to resume his
ShorilVGarrison of Logan was here yes
terday arranging for the transportation
of 'two prisoners whom ho will take to
Anamosa this week. Ho has to stop over
ono night on the road , and lias conclud
ed that ho will not risk keeping his men
in the broken down calaboose at Cedar
Hapids , but try the jull at Marion in
Go to the Omaha Carnival ,
The oxeeutivo committed having in
ohargo the arrangements for the coasting
carnival to bo hold In Omaha on Satur
day evening no\t , eMend a general in
vitation to all parties in Council HlnD's
who desire to varticipato , to notify Mr ,
O. P. McCarthy , assistant general ticket
agent of the Union Pacific , As will bo
scon by reading the arrangements so fai
imulo , as given on the eighth pogo of the
BKB of this morning , it will bo a gram !
affair. If a party of twenty-livo or more
is made up special rates will bo made fov
the transposition of the party with then
coasters and travasses , The Omaha citj
council last evening granted thu commit'
tcu the right to the line Dodge street hill ,
and from b until 1 ! } o'clock the line thor
oilghfaro will bo thronged with a
crowd of coasters.
i Ycfitcrdny morning it was discovered
that burglars , had visited Laoj-'s. salooi
Eomo time during the previous night
They had gained an entrances by forcing
a rear window , and helped themselves U
cigars and liquors , the exact amount o
ilm loss being ditUcult to asccitam.
Substantial abstracts of tide and if > a"
rstato loans. J. W , , & K , L , Squire , 10 :
rearl street.
The Burning of Ool&'s Stable , Four Fire
men Being Injured ,
liurglnrs Open n Snlooii Stealing
Venison The Itlufl's Jjiunf
Cnscs Hi-tit llnck Cnll
for Klroiiicn.
lllnzo In tin :
About 5 o'clock yesterday morning a
quick , lire burned the livery and boardina
stable of.T. \ . Cole , No. T03 Main street.
llo-c company No. 1 had its apparatus in
Iho same building , and the men have
been sleeping there. Thny were in their
lpds ) asleep , whim lltey were awakened
by Iho .suflbeatlng smoke , and , .jumping
ttp.fottnd tt so den > ( ! thai it was witli
dilllctilty lltal they made tlieir escape.
Tlio lire seemed lo bo mainly in the south
part of tlio building , up stairs , on the
lloor which the dromon's
name on steepIng -
Ing room was located. Thu'flames were
led by hay and ptraw , causing them to
spread rapidly , and in the smoke and in-
lento heat , the ( iiemcn , grabbing titeir
clothes , hurried as best they could to the
slidlng-polo , and tried to descend that.
In attempting this , some of the men fell
through the hole , not being able to find
the pole , and some sufferedu.itl burns before -
fore they made their escape. Capt. liana
na Ijo had the inside ol both 'hands
hnrncd and his face somewhat scorched ;
Kd Kallettc , in trying to reach and slide
down the pole , fell , overcome by the
sinok's , but finally hcramhlcd ont , his
right hand being .somewhat burned ; John
Brinton had his nair singed and is thought
to bo injured internally ; I ) . O. Drown , on
finding it dilllculL to got down tlio pole ,
ran to the front of the building , threw
open Iho door , and dropped down onto
tlie sidewalk , spraining his leg quite
Thu firemen did not wait lo nnrsc their
hurts , but manured to get out tlio hose
carl , and make the rim to tlio nearest
hydrant , .soon getting n stream blurted.
In doing so Capt. Hitpaljo ot his burned
hands touched with frost , which made his
injuries still woiv-e. By this lime the rest
of tiie lire department had reached the
place , and the flames were sot under con
William Morrow , an employe of Mr.
Cole , was sleeping down stairs. He was
awakened in time to get out without in
jury. George Kaufman , the wntclnnnn
of the Crystal mills , noticed the fire , on
the south side of Iho stable , near thereof
roof , and running over began cutting the
horses lee e , and with tlio help of Mor
row succeeded in netting them all out ,
lottrtecn in number"
The building was nbout ruined by the
fire. A portion stands , but comparative
ly worthless , 'j'ho buggies anil carriages
were saved , except ono buggy belonging
to Mr. Ticknor , which is in the ruins ,
and ono buggy and wagon belonging to
Mr. Cole , 'the loss on Iho building will
reach $2,500 , and there is only tin insur
ance of $2,000 , iu the Gorman-American ,
in Odcil & Day's ngoncy , $1,500 being on
the building , and * 000 on the block.
The cause of the blay.e is unknown.
Among the most general conjectures is
the uncharitable ono that the firemen
themselves have of late been very care
less , and that this was probably the caiiae
of the lire , iu which they themselves suf
fered. It is jjaid thai the men
have been 'rollicking about lute
at night and having merry-makings
in their rooms. It is slated that someone
ono carne into llic barn long after mid
night , and that a light was burning up
stairs until a late hour. Mr. Cole's theory
of the cause of the fire lays the blame on
to the firemen. If there is any cause tor
such conjectures there should bo
prompt steps taken to secure stricter
discipline in the department. If there is
no reason for them the firemen
bhould be placed right before the public.
Mr. Sleutcr , of Sleutor & Bole.y , pro
cured one of Lewis' carriages and had
the injured firemen taken lo tlieir homes ,
Brinton to Tenth avenue , near Third
street ; Falletto to Kiel's hotel , Brown to
JMOBonton street and Cupt. llapulje to
his nome on Seventh avenue near Eighth
street ,
Try Adams Bros' goods and see if you
don't get your money's worth in boots ,
shoes , slippers and rubbers.
For first class Missouri wood call on
Glcason , at his coal ollico , 20 Pearl street.
Toss ami Catoh Cases.
As was generally expected , after the
recent decision by Judge Shiras , the liq
uor cases from here have followed in the
wake and been sent back to the circuit
and district courts. It will be remem
bered that the cases started against sa
loon men here were sent to the United
States court on the motion of the defend
ants. Uncle Sam says ho will not enter-
lain them and so back they come. It is
claimed tluit the cases started in the cir
cuit court hero are a little dill'orent from
those started elsewhere. Hero instead of
the motion to transfer being granted , it
was held open awaiting the acclsion of
tlio United States court as to whether
that court would receive them or not ,
Having decided not to receive the cases ,
all that remains for Judge Connor to do
is to enter up his refusal to grant the mo
tion to change and proceed with the
cases , issuing injunctions or taking such
other action as maybeom right. In caseb
elsewhere , and in those in Iho district
court here , the motion was granted and
so entered , and the cases actually tent
away. Now that the United States court
decides to send such cases back , the sa
loon men will probably appeal from such
a decision to the United States supreme
court , and this decision will stop the
cas-es from coining back to to the Mate
courts , pending a decision , which may be
a year or more hence , In the circuit
court here , it is claimed , the cases cannot
bo delayed by such an appeal.
If you buy footwear without lir-t get
ting prices at the Boston boot and bhoo
.store you will Jose money.
Best coal and wood in the city at Glea-
son 'a , SO Pearl street.
An Unlucky Coat.
About ten days ago u man named Olo-
son , who works tor the Wabash , while
coming up Main street was tackled by
two follows of the baser sort , who boldly
robbed him of his overcoat , taking it by
violence from on" his back. Ho followed
the two men to the tlepot and finally got
his coat back. A few days ago Oleson
lost his unfortunate coat again. Ho was
eating his dinner at his boarding house ,
DeGtoats , on lower Sixlh street , when
some sneak thief walked off with it.
Yesterday Olllcer O'Brien found the
coat in a second hand btoro kept by F.
Tullmtin , No. 235 Main street. It hud
there been sold by the thief for n paltry
sum. The coat was taken to police head
quarters to await an adjustment of the
two claims for its possession.
A Deer Case.
The venison case was heard by Justice
Scliuryoblerday. . Fved ( Jerslenbcrg
seems to have been angered at his old
1 bartender , Harvey , and at Brady , be-
1. I cause by their testimony no was convicted
mid sent to the county ji\ii , for asfcuulting
his wifcr. Ho ted ) the- officers that they
had stolen n deer from Louie & Metzger s
ice house , and this led to their arrest.
Gerslcnborg appeared to testify against
them , claiming that lie saw them carry
ing the deer to IlrnMicld's saloon. The
evidence of other witnesses brought out
Iho fact. " , indicating that llnnoy had
nothing to do with taking the deer , but
that Brady and Gorstennerg were proba
bly tlio ones. Urtulv was found guilty
and sent to jail for fifteen days. An in
formation will now bo filed against Gers-
tcnborg , nnd as soon as ho serves his
pro ent sentence ho may have an exten
sion of free board granted him.
For hardware and honso furnishing get
prices of Cooper & McGec , Xo. 11 Main
POPS everybody know about the low
m ices at the I5o-ton boot and shoe store ?
No.117 Broadway.
A Call to Firemen.
Owing to misplacement of books and
papers , changing of ollieers and other
cause" , the Iowa Firemen's association is
unable at this time to ascertain correctly
what members Jof your department arc
mil i tied to membership in the associa
tion. 1'k-aso call n meeting of your de
partment and ascertain from eortilicales
held by them who are members. Also , to
whom sueh members' dues are paid , and
to what time. Please make your return
on the annexed blank and return to mo
at once , ns wo wish to publish the annual
report as soon as possible. Hespeelfully
yours , C.V. . NIAI. : ,
Financial Secretary Iowa Fire Ass'n.
In compliance with thu above request ,
all the old or now members of the associ
ation are requested to meet at the city
building at 8 o'clock this evening.
Correct Abstracts of Title and Itoal Ks-
tate LoansatMcMahon & Co's , No. !
Pearl street.
One of the meanest acts to bo recorded
occurred yesterday , it being no less than
tlio robboiy of a newspaper man , Bob
Harris , the irrepressible Bob of Missouri
Valley. Bob bobbed up hero in tune to
take in the lire yesterday morning and
after ho had his note book full of details
for his picy paper , ho had his pockets
piekcd. Strange as it may ccm for one
in his line of business , the generous Bob
had about twelve dollars , good ones , too ,
in his pocket. Ho vows vcngeanco on
the. follow who got away with his wealth ,
but there is littjo likelihood of his ever
being able to pick the wretch out from
the crowd. Bob did not have to go hun
gry , or walk home. Ho still has friends
in the Bliill's. Ilo will bo more careful
the next time lie visits this metropolis.
- -
Mouoy to loan on chattels , by Forres
Smith , 130 Main street.
Cottajjc ranges. Garland stoves Ra
diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed rock price' ,
at Cooper 6 : McGeo's ' , No. 41 Main strout.
The Ijatest Comnuli'um.
They were swapping conundrums ,
while waiting for the dummy train. "I'll
give you the latest conundrum , " spoke
up a well known wholesale liquor dealer.
"How much is 1M times 20,000 ? " Three
or four pencils went at work , cautiously
approaching the answer , as they sup
posed there must be some catch to so up-
Varenilv simple n problem. AL last ono
vcnturcil to say that it would bo 2,280,000.
"Well , now for the conundrum. Just
tell mo how the state of Iowa i goin"4 to
pay that number of dollars , if they close
up the breweries in the state , for that is
what it will amount to , $2,280,030 dam
ages * " He evidently pinned his faith to
the intimation given in the recent deci
sion of Judge Brewer.
A Practical Politician of the New
York Scliool.
Among the odd characters in congress
in the now member from Newlork ,
named Timothy J. Campbell , who suc
ceeds Sunset Cox. "Tim , " as ho is fa
miliarly called , has served several terms
in the Now York assembly , one in the
state senate , and ho was once elected a
judge. His principal characteristics arc
a rich Irish brogue , a familiar manner ,
and a weakness for white neckties. It
was the latter peculiarity that made Con-
greosman O'Ncil , of Missouri , say that
Uic New Yorker would never do for chair
man of the committee on labor , a po
sition to which he aspired. Mr. Camp
bell , shortly after his arrival in Washing
ton , called at the While House to pay his
respects to the president. Ho was stopped
at the door of the private secretary's of
fice by an usher , who politely requested
his card.
"Me card , " said tlio now congressman ,
in tones of utter astonishment , "and what
do you want with mo card ? "
"I want to give it to Col. Lament , sir , "
answered the usher.
"To Col. Lament , is itV" exclaimed
Mr. Campbell. "Well , you go and tell
Dan Lament that I want to sou the gover
nor. I am Senator Campbell , of New
York. "
"Excuse me , senator , " said the usher ,
bowing low. " 1 did not recognize you
at first. Walk in , sir" and Tim went in
to sco Dan and the governor.
On another occasion ho was urging
the president to make a certain appoint
ment. Mr. Cleveland tried to explain
that ho rould not do it , because another
man was so strongly indorsed.
"Look at those petitions , " said the
president , showing a pile of papers.
"Oh , bshaw , " contemptuously ra-
marked Campbell. "Have you been gov
ernor of Now York and not know what
petitions amount to. Why. 1 can get
80,000 , or 00,000 of the best citizens of the
country to sign a petition asking for your
resignation. "
A story is told ot Campbell when ho
was a judge in New York , lu trying a
cao ono ol the lawyers was making his
argument with all seriousness , when ho
wan surpriied by the judge abruptly an
nouncing that ho dismissed Iho case.
"But , your honor , " protested tlio law
yer , "you havenot , , heaid our side yet ,
and I submit ' ,1
"Well , go on , thin , " interrupted the
judge , "but I'll bet you tin dollars you'll '
lese your case , "
Notwithstanding Mr , Campbell's ' little
oddities , ho is a very shrewd politician of
thi ) practical sort. Ho knows what ho
wants and generally gets it. He is some
times the subject of practical jokes at
tin ) hands of the older members of thu
delegation , but ho takes things good na-
Inrcdly and tries to get oven. Cards
were sent to till the members by the sec
retary of state before the holidays.
Campbell found his in his mail , and
turning to Adams , of New York , asked
him what it meant.
" 1 suppose B.iyard wants to ECO you , "
said Adams , solemnly.
"And what do you think ho wants of
moi" inquired Campbell.
"Probably ho has information that Sun
set COK is about to return from Turkey ,
and ho wants to you to withdraw and
give him your seat , " answered Adams ,
"If I thought that , said Campbell , excitedly
"I'd call him , Cox
citedly , never on may
return and Bayard may for him , but
it'll laku a yoke of oxen to get mo out of
this seat ; bad cess to his impldeuco. Let
Bayard call on mo if he wants to see mo. "
The trial of General Slialer , .charged with
ncccptlnt : bilbos In ronnectioimvlth the put-
clmsoof Now York nunoiy sites , was coiu-
mcuciul yestmlay.
1 wlOi to respect fn Iy I \ o.ill the nttentloit of my
pntrons nnrt the public in ( lonornl , to my 1011)0- )
Milfiom the old stmid Jfo . 7 nnrt P , Mnln St. ,
to my now nnd commodious qunrtcrSi
No. 226 Broadway ,
Where t will bo pleased to , fee my many fi lend ? .
With n large , now nnd complete nigortnicnt ot
nil the very
LATEST Fabrics in Spring SIMS
And Viclnpr located In IHVRO n'inrlcrB T nm bettor
Hum over before propmcJ to to scno the pub
lic. Hopped fully ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Opposite city Hnllaings , Council Itluirs.
Win m rooms nnJ good nt rcnsoimblo
intc ? .
Practices In Statj and Federal Couits.
liooins 7 and S , Siiuuart Block.
Main St. , Council Bluffe.
NenrtheC. , D. & (1.C. ; , M. A ; St , P. , and
C. , IS. I. & I * , i.illwav depots. Street ears
pass the door. Kveiylhltig new nnd liist
class. Opened Dee. 1st.
Piojulvtor and Manager.
Chicago Water Mar Go.
Poncr fiirnkhOil fioln liyilrnnt presses for
drlvlns till Kinit-i ol litfht Jnauhinrri. Special
ntU'iitionshell to church orjrun hlonliv " 't
run pilntliiir picsscs , meat uhoppci * . lee ivcAiil
lioc/ors , polKliliiKlutliigi'winsf ) imiuhmrs , ol ?
Tlio Iji'st chc-npi'st motor imulu. Semi for clr
cultir. Ju ueo In Council lUuila by
1'ncc & ScliniMl.nicnt miuLct.
Clilcjgo Mont Mmkct.
Smith & .Meyers. '
Kurtz .V Klorb , coffcatri Iwlcr.
Itobcit MulIK codec trilnucr.
Selling AventIS Main sticct , Council Ttlulls.
Fcwu , and 1111 rurnaul Stu-et. Ouiulin , Xcb.
A.C.nuiiNiUMPro ; . L. VflIM'EV3 > Vice Tics.
B * " N.
Katiooal Bank
Capital . $100,000
Authorized Capital . 250,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000
lo ) ngciicinl banUng business.
Accounts of banks , bankers , nit'ichnnts.mnn-
ulacturcTBtind individuals locclvcd on fnuna-
blo tcims.
Domestic find foioin c.\cbansc.
The very best of iitti'iitlon given to nil busi
ness committee ! to ourcaic.
J. L , De BEVOISE , Agent.
No. 607 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Railway Time Table.
Tlio following Is tlio time of nriivnl nnd
departure of truins by central Eliimltucl tinio , lit
tlio local ( leiot'j. ) Trains letivo trunslcrdepot ion
minutes cat Her nnd iirilvo ti-n minutes Inter :
0:20 : A. H . Mull and Ivipiess . 0:50 : p. M.
12MO i' . M . Accoiiiinoil.itloii . 4U : ) | > . M.
U:5U1' : . M . Expiws . U05A.M. ;
9:21 : A. M . Mnllniul Kxpicbs . 0vip. : M.
7:15 A. M . Accommodation . 5:451' : . M.
0:20 : A. M . JInll Hint Express. . . . . . , :50p. : M.
cMiu : . Kxpic&s . 'J:05 : A.M.
9:40A.M : . .MalUuul i\incta : . 0 : ° > 0r.
0:50p.M : . Kxpiess . 0:05 :
2ir : > i > . M.Ixjcnl HI. I.ouls Kxpm-8 Local .
3:00 : P. ti.Trnnafur St. Louis Kx. Trunsler.iiO : : : P. M
KANSAS crry. t.T. . joi : ft COUNCIL , nturta
10:10 : A. M . Mall and i\press : . liHp. : : ) M.
0U5p. M . llxprobs . tl : > 5A.M.
7:1GA.M . . .Sioux Clly .Mull . PitOp.M.
tiiOr.M ; . bt. I'aul Kxpicss . 8 : JA.u.
10:35 : A. M . Demur Kxpiuhe..5:4lil : > . M.
_ ' : I3 p. M. . . Lincoln l'iiS8.Om. & , It. V . - ' : ( f. M.
7Wp. : u . Overland K-ipiuhS . b:15A.v. :
Leave Council lllullb 7:05 : bU : 'J:30 : 10:30 :
11:30 : n. m.j l:30--iJO-JUO-4:3i-5'i5-il-iO : : : : : :
11:45 : p. in. Sundajb 7ttri : U:3U : 11:30 : n. in :
S:30 : 3 : : 5:25-Uio-ll)5 : : ; : p.m. Li-nvo Omaha
-DJ5-7:35-8:50-10Oa-ll:00 : : : : u. m : 1:00 : 2:00- :
00 1:00 : 5 :00 : : (1:05-11:10 ( : : p. in. Bnndays-iT3 ! :
60-11:00 : a. m. : 2:00-3:00-5:00-0:05-11:10 : : : : : p.m
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly fit toil and fuiii licil. 0pp. Uroaihvay
Dummy Depot , SJ.M per day.
TATJ : , J'rop.
L. 11. HKHS11A\V , Manager.
f. T. Maytie & Co ,
Real Estate Exchange
No. 1031'onrl Btroct { Council lllulfs , Iowa.
Dealers In Iowa , Kausiia and Nebraska Lands
Real Kstato bought anil bold.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Express Company.
B. BICE , M. D.
or other tumors rcmovrJ wUhout
the Knife or dranliif of blooj.
CHRONIC DISEASES * M * peciaii j.
0or t birty j cai ' practirul expcrlcnco.
No. 11 1'Ourl Butct , Couiull lllulii.
NOTlCE.-Picclal | ftdrertlsomonK puch ns
tostFound , To I/oan , ForSnlo , To llont , Wnnt *
Hoarding , eta , will bo Inserted lu this column at
tliolow rnto of TKN GKNT3 IT.H LINE for the
DIM Insert Ion and HVK CUNTS VBlt MNB for
each subsequent Insertion. Lonvo ndvertlso.
mcntsnt our ollico , No. 13 1'oarl street , near
Uromhvay , Council llluirs.
i To lonn nt 0 pnr cent Interest on
country or city itopoity ) , It tnkcu
. , the neAt thrco weeks , Odell A Uny
Council mutts.
. , . , . .
- ( HIM nvi j < > ! 01k V W I I UWI\.UII Ul U4III M * IJ dill ]
lirst nvcnne.
ITHHl HUNT The three-story brick business
Jhouso formotly ocuiinleil by Ilioncnr .V
FchocntKcn. iuiiliool : MoMahon * Co , , No. 1
1'cni I street.
CJU'ANVAl.Kiii , Xo. ; Main stiect ,
kJ ( iitiilnrCltl7air ll.itik ) , real cstnto nnd inei-
ehandl9iic\u'.iaiiKubiokot . Our books tire tnll
of special bnignltK , but It Is Iniposslblo to pub
lish n lellable ll t lioin thotavt or so ninny ilnlly
rhanifi'S. Whnt we n k Is : IT jouiant to seller
or trade-mi ) thliifr In < iur line , uilto us and u
ulllpcnd ) ott niillo of ttaiualn to select from ,
iJitiiH Improved or iinlinpiincd , eltyortown
piopeity , ptocks ol goods ot any kind In any
plaeeII such jou huvo or sueh > ounnt let in
licnrfroin > on. Swan it Walker , Council Illillfs
MU | | ° ' " ! )1 ) uayy Iml
-.V "i : < | iiltabli''r Wo want "iv imno live
iiKcnt' , innlo or ItMimlo. Appl\- pcrs-on or by
loiter to Win. Itamlull , Supt. ot iiRi'iiulcs , Coun
cil Illuirs , Iowa.
" | 7 AlBf ToirSATTlJ a tMUvitln ifsold ioouT
JL 1(10 ( nt'i f , OH miles southiviHt of Oniilii ; : , 0
room housu , i-tcollonl wull ami cistern , U biuni ,
ono lor t'lcht lior e < , ono for " 0 cows : lion , tool
nnd wncoii houses : 10J IICICM In timothy ! i'iOKl )
lon * t trees , cotton wood , blank walnut , usli and
mnplo ; good oichtnd , npplo , rlierili" ) , pliinis ,
( rrapcs and snmll fiulK Never rallhifr htook
wnti'i1. It. I' . OITICKU , 5'JO Ilioadttny , Council
Itlnlls , loua. _ _ _ _ _
HOtJStS : I'OiT HlTST-At McMiiiioii
No. 4 1'cail stiLCt
Mnmirnclurcisof nil slics of
ly Ie ) ! giic0 for Itunnlnir
Tubular and Locomotive Boilers.
New Mnssillon Tlircsheiy.
Carey nnii "Woodbury IIoivu Powers.
Portable nnd Traction Engines ,
Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our stock Is now complete In every depart
ment nnd contains all tlio latest style * nnd oiloct
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
BAMl'LES furnished upon application to down
town parties.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
E. R. Oadwoll ,
Real Estate , Probate
No. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
llANL'fACl UllUll AM ) 1IUAI.UH IV
No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
7 T i nunerv
L I.
Rubber and Oil Clothing and.
Felt Boots.
Immense stock and eastern prices duplicated.
Write for prices.
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 H. Main St. Office 412 Broadway ,
( I.
Musical Merchandise of Every
Toys and Fancy Goods.
We make the celebutcd llaulman Pianos , and the lloyal Whitney oigaus , a specialty
liveiy instimncnt unri.intdl. Send for catalogues.
W. IP.
Jlrlck bulUla ser nnr fcln1 MliDl or mnvol . tint sall tiiotlon puirintoaJ. Frarao IIQUSOJ movodt
on Llltle Cliuut trucks tlio best lu the woild.
808 Eighth Avenue ami Eighth Street , Council liltifls.
If you buy any where except at Metcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc ,
METCALF BUGS , , 344 Broadway , Council
The public nro Inloiinod that n imtcnt lias
been iilkwod to ( loo. ll.Jioory , n nla liupiov-
cd ( Jiib Lumps , nnd manuliiutiiH'd by ue. Mr. C ,
A. Williams U our nuthoi l/o agent lor Council
llliillsimdOimilKi. Too public aio cautioned
not to buy nny of these isn lamps oxtopt
tlnoiiKli Mr. Williamsmull othei-3 otrcicd lor
Miloiuo Infoliui'incnH upon our lump. ( j. II ,
Durni-s Atii.Mniiutactlircis ; ! and tolo Western
Agents , No , U.I LJcuil.orn bt. , G'hkago.
lu Council lilutrs Uftvln ?
Fire IBsoa/p ©
Ami nil inuuctn Improvements , call befis , Uro
ularin brllietc. . , l tliu
KoIJ , ' 17 end 21P , Main Btrcu ,
MAX M01IN , J'roprintor.
, ,
Queeiisware & G-lass
At Homer's ,
No , 2 ! Main Klrpef. Council Waffs , In.
Chicago Lumber Co.
\Vliolosulo nnd Itftnll 1/imbcr , Latb ,
gash. Doois nnd Illlnds. Solo nxcnls for the
rvlibiatud Waiblchrail Concont'uitcilVliltu
I.lino. .S. 1' . MCXO.M.I L , Muimftr.
Telephone No. t'S.
\i. TIC Mn In blicot , Council UuV !