Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Tuesday ] ; \fnliiit. Jan. 20.
General Markets.
Koos Tlic innrkct Is weak anil c ? * ; ? arc
( inoted nt I7i ! .
UiTt : n llic > market h quiet and Ihero Is
very llttlo donranil for nil grades , tnnrc cspc-
elally tlio Inferior trade1' . The receipt1) ) urn
not large , but arc about equal to the demand.
Prices icmaln steady. Choice cradcs of table
imttcr are quoted nt l."XlSc ; fair to good , 1" @
12c ; Inferior. - { a c.
t'iiKF. ii : Fancy full cream cheddats. Oc
tober make , lie : flats lie ; joini } ; Atuoilcn ,
ll'ic : lirst quality Swiss cheese , 10 < ? ; second
nunllty , lllc ; brick cheese , 13c ; Lliiilniiic'r ,
lln.1'ou r.Tiiv The Jtxniliiy niarkcl Is very dull
and receipts arc nbcial ami stock lias accu
mulated. There Is a tendency of noahmlng
jirlees on all kinds. Dressed chickens ate
tmotcd ntOo , but only the cholcolll biltif'
tlio toiiprlcc. Tnrkoys ate steady at POUOe , but
the demand Is light nnd stork faltly liea\y.
Very few dutki nnd Reese mo comlu In ,
lid tliev sell slow nt SfnUi ! .
( UJIK The ilcmana for ijnme continues
peed , nnd juices arc stroni , ' . Itccrlpts nto
light , as llm season has explicit on n Rood
many kinds , rialilerhlckens S'1.00 : ilnck" ,
mallard , sU.- 0't' > .rx ) : ducks , li-al , 81.'AV sl.Vj )
lnpks , mixed , SL'iVrtl.oO ; quail , > l.'iV < il.&Oj
siilwSl.OX.U.U. . * . ; pci-sp. : .r,0fi3.-i ; ; J.ick
rnbblls S.0ot.3.0 : ) { : small nibblls , 31. OH ,
axt'ini KKAVT Hcst quality , tO.W ) pcr50
Ib bariol ; per bbl. S.5.
nil Kinds'JO-lb. pails pel Ib. , iu , , ; .viw
ffnil . . lOc ; assoitrd fi-lb. palls per do/ . . ? 3.w.
Jellies nil kinds flist Kiadc,80-lb. polls , per
rnse , B do81.40 , nil kind" , second grade ,
SO-lb. jmlls , jier Ib. f > c. Mlnco .Meal , liest
Rrailo/f / bbl. . per Ib. , Te ; do , : s , rS and OS Ib
mlli , per Ib. , 7J p ; do. 5-lb. palK per do/ . ,
SO.OO ; appln butler , oxtm line. V bbl. . nei Ib. ,
7c ; do 40lb palls ' pei II ) . , 7V ' ; ilo. Mb nails ,
- - - ' '
- - -
per do/ . ,
palls p
butler ,
ratsup , , - . . . .
doitnt bottles. S.i.oo ; liorso rndlsb , pint
bottles , per doSl.Mi. .
N'l'Ts ' illckoiv IIIUM. larfic per bit. S1.40 ;
do shell barks , 51.75chestnuts ; , 12e ; pecans
K , AxnhAMiis'Toxnrng
bbl. , . S4.'iD ; do.t bbl. ,
tri'l , new , per cast1. SO cans , . * ; ( > . . > < .
COMII lloNr.v Calltornla'JiblramufiOlbs
in case per Ib. , ISc ; exti.icteil , a Ib. In cans , 2
doIn case , per ease , 4.00 ; 10 Ib. finmos
Nebraska , ISc.
CiDKtt Mow York refined , per bbl. , S7.00 ;
do. linir bbl. , S4.00.
VIXCOAH Whltowlnt' . IGo ; cider , 12Kc.
UOCOAXUIS At S4.oo3iJ.fio.
Ntw : 1'ios AMI DA ns : Kips bmyina , ICC
Ib. kens , per Ib , lie : lajer , y , M nud 11 * Ib ,
boxes , per Ib , lf17i ! ; ; li : > cr , fnncy , 45 Ib ,
boxes , per Ib , 2.-c : lajcr , Inncy , 2 Ib. eai-
teens , pei Ib , lilc. Dates , fnncy Tard , 12 11
boxes , per Ib , He ; fancy I'cislan , so Ib boxes ,
per Ib , lie. I'lundles ) , 2o Ib boxes , per Ib ,
1 H/v
i .New Messina , per box , S3.003
5.fX )
OiiAXons Los Anccli's arc quoted nt S2.fw
@J.7i ! ; Kheihlde , S3.W ) ; Navels , 54.00. Tloil-
da oinnucs mo.steady nt ? 4.10 put box- .
CiiANiiniinins Cnpo Cod , lancy daik ,
per bbl. . 89.00 ; Capo Cod , fnncy dark ,
o bbl. lots , per bbl , f8..rjO : jeisej
Bell nnd Hnglp , per box. SJ..W ; Wis
cousin Hell nnd Cherrv , per bbl , 0.jO ! ; WS'
consin Hell nud Clieny , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl ,
S0.iir .
OALIFOIVNIA IUIUIT 1'cais E.lieurre and
pound pears , per bov. 53.00.
APPLE'S fancy New \oik nud Michigan
npples , ) > cr bbl , SJ.7.VJ13.00. : fancy New York
and Michigan npples. 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
52.05 ; fniicy New Yoik nnd .Michigan apples
10 bbl. lotn , per bbl. , 82.SO ; Illinois npples , pei
bbl. ? 2.75 ; llllnuls apples , fi bbl. lots , pel
bbl. , S2.55 ; Illinois npples , 10 bbl. lots , pei
bbl. , $2.10 ; Missouri ( ienltons , 5 bbl. lots , pel
bbl. . S2.5K ; Missouri d'cnltons 10 bol. lots ,
per bbl. . 8-1.00 ; lancy r.itliiir , per bbl. , 83.23 ;
Inncy .Michigan iriilt. Nt ( KK i.'i" > .
L CiiiArKS Jlalnsa. per bbl , 67.00.
1'uoVISIONS. l lam , lo > ( < llc , bieakfast
bncon , 83 ( nUc. ; clear side bacon , 7c ; dry silted
sides , 6cshpuldcis. fciisar cuied , 5yc ; moss
pork per bbl. . S13.00 : lard. 40 Ib. cans , pei 11) ,
7&7Jic ; 10. snmia Ib Fnlibanks , 7 , @ec ;
dried beef linms. l c.
OvsiiitH : I'nce.s havn ndvanced In the
cast on nil guides nnd enstein shippers claim
to be losing money c\en nt tlio advance , ho
thntiiospects fa\or a htlll further advance.
The present \\pathprisveiyfnvoiablufoi
the liamllliiK of Ilio oyster trndc. Quotntious
for tn-daynio : . Y. counts.15c ; extra selects ,
40c : selects.'i'c : stand.irdB.uOo : mediums. 20c.
OXIOXH bait Lake stock Is selling nt 81.00
per bushel ; common home grown reds , 70 ®
75c. Thcio nro a few extra cholco in tbo
SIniKet that nro held nt SLOO Bcr bush.
l'orATois None aio coinliiL' , and prices
nre noinliml nt MMtOc torcholee stock.
Jir.AXR Dirty .stock'Is nlculltnl and \ery
lioid to dispoMiol , while choice clean beans
meet with a icadv sale on nuluil. Hnnd
lcled iiavv. SL75@2.00 ; Hand-picked
medium , LTS : iiond clean connlrv.
SLBri < ! } 1.40 : infeilor. Tficfitl.OO.
( iitAix The lolloulni ; atu tlio picvnllmg
pi ices paid torvngon losiils on the stieet
anil nt ( ho inlllb to-day : Corn , 2Sc ; oats. ' < &
25o ; wheat , Xo. 2. OOc ; rje , 45lTc. Klcvntor
in lees for car lots : Corn. 'JlyfifiiWc : oats ,
iMJ.jxaaiJ c ; wheat , O.y (7i0lc ( ; lye , 44c ; bai
ley. 48c.
Ki.oituniHl Mu.i.sTurrB "Winter \ \ heat
Fli m ; best mialtly patent nt S3.00Sa.,0. :
Kectind cmnllty L'-nogaoo.
Siirlnj ; Wheat -Hubt quality patent at S2.M
Utickwlicat Klour In barrels , 55.75 ; re.idj
raised * Jlb packages. 81.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
$ 3.90.
Uian .Vic per cwt.
Chopped 1 ceil Per 100 Ibt. Oc.
Coin Meal White , bOe ; jellow , 7'ic per cwt ,
HcreenliiK No. 1 , 7flc pel ewt ; > 'o. a , fiOc.
Jlomlny SLBO per ct. .
Shoits GOt * iiercwt.
( irnliam 31.75 per ewt.
Jlay-llales , SO.bOioir.OO per ton.
I'ujts AND isiiixs 1'rlces on furs ami
Bklns nro steady. Mink , each , lOiTOOc ( :
inusknit. winter. Stfric ; do. kits , Sc ; Uttei
S'J.Wai. ) ( ( 0 ; bkuiik , Mioit striped , 15a'j.5c : do
bioad stiiped , lO in ; badger. 'i'XVi.'JO ' ; itao
coon , No. 1 large. 40f50 ( ! ; do. N'o. 'J , 20 ( ; # :
do. Mo. : t , lOinaSo : wolf , prairlo. rxxi ric ;
do. mountain. 8J.OOM3oowlldcntl.'i'JMObea ; ;
\er , Sl.uOCfl2.rjO pei Ib ; fox , each , { fl Oft/LSO :
deerskin : , drv winter , UXl'HSc perlbido. fall
nnd biuniiH'r 'JOtn&to
HIIIKS I'lleosnu' oakas is usual at IliU
henson ni the year , ( iioen Outeiieih' , CiJ iTc :
green cined , t ( " * > Mc ; ilry Hint , iifel4o : : dij
Kilt. l"i " < Oledanmml : blues two-tliiiilspilce
Tallow ' ( ( e. ( iieaso , pilmu white , 4c
blircu I'elts 2V(75e.
MCATMKIIo. . l rittsburcharness.I. C. L ,
A-Sons , aiio ; No. 11'lttsburi , ' , K. it S. iJo. ; No
Cincinnati ; No , 1 lace leather , O0o ; in Inn
hlauulitcrholo leather , Vivii ic ; nrlmo oak hole
Irnther , ! Kld-tt'c. ' Upper leather , per foot , i0ffi !
are ; JIeinklp,7Vis1)coakklp5.Vit : ; ! 5c : Krcnc )
-i. | Si.oOui.2.1irHcin ( call. Sl.'tXK'fl.lO. oaV
, ir , S1.00c l'r ; I'lenclieall , Sl.'JVrfl.yi : Ale
coo bout le. . : xxs.u-'o : Jlorocco oil pebble
iibti'Ho ; toiiplncs and linings , tO.OtolO.O1
jter do ? . , AnthracItoKrnte , Ht-.rtO ; CRB , S8.)0 :
innui' , J-8.73 ; elii'stnut , * 5S.75 ; lo\\a , fuvj ;
Walnut block , 3.75 : Illinois , feS.OO ; > 1U
soiul. Sl.oo.
UKAVY llAnnwAiiK Iron , rates , S2.25
plow Meel , bpi'cinl east , 4c ; crticiblo steel , fie
cast toolh do , 12@Hxj ; wniion spoKe.s per uot
fL7.'XiJ.OO ! : ; bubs , ner M > t , Sl.ttV. tclloos s.iwei
dry , l o , tongui's , each , 75c , nxles , each , 73o
MIUIIIU mitt. , pi-r D > . , 7 ( < i'llcj collcbaln per n
iVjil''c : malcnhle , bo : lion \\edges , to : eiow
bars. 0 ; haiiov , teeth , 4c ; sprln ? hteol , 7 ( > o
lltiidenMioiBO shoes SIM ; Jiuulrii'd muli
shoes , .1.25. 1 Jaibed Who In car lots , S4.0i
p ier 100 Its. Jion Nalls-ltiites , 10 to CO , g.i.txi
jhot S1..V)5 ) tinrlvshot , l.W ; Oiionta
powder , ke s SaMiM.O ) ( ( ) : do , halt JegsS2.00
do , nunrter Kegs. S1.50 ; blnsuiiir , kegs ,
luse. i or 100 teet. & 9e\ Lead , liar S1.05.
OKY I'AISTS Whllo lead , hs ; .blench zinc
I''c : Paris w lilting,2Kc ; whitlnirgildcrs.l c
w hltlni ; , com' ) , 1 ' 4 c : lampblack. (5ei niaiuou n
T.'o ; lampblack , ordinary , 10o ; 1'iusslnn blue
& 5c , , untnuimilne , Itc : vanuyKe , brown. t >
umLer , u\irnt. \ 4o ; uiutior , raw , 4c ; siennn
burnt. 4c : sienim raw. in : Patlsereen. jrenu
Jne , 25c : raus UTOOII , common , 20e : chromi
green , N. Y , ' 'Oc. ; chrmo urcen , K , 12o ; > er
million , hngllsh. In oil nsst nc ; rr\w nn <
buint umber lib cans. K'c ' ; raw ami mini
bleu mi , loot vnndyko bro\\n , nc : rcun i
lampblack. V-c ; coach Ulnck und ivory bU 1
ICc : diop black , iCe ; I'msMau tiluo , 40o : ill
trnumrliu ) blue. ISc : chioino crcon , U , .M > *
llGc ; blind nnd bbiittergreon. L. . .M. > .V I )
Iflc ; Pails ciw-n , INs ; Indian rctl , 15c ; Vt'iie
tlanrnl. Uo ; Tu&cnn tod. ajc ; American
inllllou , L. it D. , " "c ; jellow ociiro. Vc : L , . >
i\s l ) . ! . , Ibc ; coldi'ii oclue , I6c : patent dr > rte
to ; grnlnlni : talor , llsbt o.ik dark oak , \vni
nut. chestnut and nsn ibn. ,
I'AINTS i.v On. \ \ lilto lead , Oinaln , P. I
\\biteJiMd ; , St. Louis , jniro 5T.i ; Mnisel
Jes grocMi , l to 5 it. cans , 0c ; French /1m
preen seal , ICc ; French zinc , red < enl. llo ;
Iiench zlne.ln varnish asst , 20c ; French7inc
Meenulllloi : ) . American , ISc ; Indian , red
lOesroMsplnk , 14c : Venetian , red Cookson's
S'ic : Venetian led , Amencnn , l ( c : red lead
7Uc ; chrome > cllow genuine , aooj chromo
jellow , K. l-'c : ocino lochello re ; ochre ,
French. 2c ; ochre , American , So ; Winter's
mineral. 2 > { c : I.eliltih brown. ' 'ic ; Snanisn
brown. " AC1'rince's { \ nilncinl 3c
OILS HOcarbon. per CM on. HctViO - head
llglit. per callon.r'c ; 17.)0 headlight , per gal
lon , ice ; IMS water > \hlte. r * ; linseed hard
91. > j ; ii" . . , , * i.-nt sweet , per panon , i.uu ;
Sperm. W. 15. , per jrallon , SLGU ; tisbv. . 13. ,
porpnllon.05c ; nentsfoot ptra , per pnllon ,
70cNo. 1 fiv lubrirntlntr. rero , per gallon ,
. . summer , l ! > e : eoldcn maclilno , No. l , ivr
pallon uOc : No. S3c5 sperm , slpnnl , per gal-
Ion 7r > pttiir : > pittlnppcrgnllon,4G'icnnptlia. ;
extra , S5C ; shellac , 53.50 ; linra oil linlsli ,
, 1'iiins Cologne spirits IM pioof , 81.13 ;
do 101 proof 81 .lii ; spirits , second duality
101 ptoof. "LIB : do. isa proof , 81.11. Alpo-
liol , IbS proof , t'.MO per wine enllon. HedlS'
tilled whiskies 51.OOnU.Ml ; Sblended \ ,
Sl.Mii'17.0 , ) ; Kentucky bombons , S'J.OOii/O.Oo ;
Kentucky nud I'eiiiisyhnnin rjes , /jJ.OOifl.r)0 ( ;
Kolden .sheaf , bombon and nohlskie < < ,
S1..VX-M.IW. Jirandlcs-Imported , S.VOOfiiS.Wi
domestic , S1.IXK 'I.OO. Ulus Impoited , S4 w !
C'iO.OO ; domestic , Sl.fXMi'l.OO. Kums-lni'
poiteil , 54.50ci\8.00 \ : New 1'nulniid , 5s'-.00if 100 :
ilomcstle , 5l.rxfji.0l. ) : Cliampitncs ; Im
ported , pcrca e , S.00iWI.OO ( ; Ameiiean , per
caie , tl
WTW irtRt ? . ill's . ll'f ll'ls qTllhls i'l . Kit ,
NEW nsp. j ( ju 1K ( ) fjoj.l0 4U ,5 , , u
Jlunn'8 S't No.l L'b 7 Oil 4 m 3 2 041 W Tl _ IJ TI
H'dSll'lp V'e'3 'fiJIO.J ' W 3 ii'i 1 70 1 tiOi'iu fill In
llbls. 'Halt ' Ilbls O'r Bills' ?
wi.w nsn. i'UO i 11W tu 09 40 S -
llloatorMi' " . . . .Vi 00 18 tW 10 21,9 , 0" > 7 SO 1 ft :
Kr. No. ISh'r . 4 no u wii am i/ir , 101 4C
No. 1 Shorv ] 8 U ) II M : h ( U tO.l'.K ) I 11
Mod. No. 1 Shoiu. . . , HI . IlilVIl fn-JSlJ ; ! ,
" II iv . . . . 11.l ( n ft ) G 4V.1 05.J rl )
Lnrjo rnnnly ! l IVI r , in i r > vj os : 10
Fnt " . . . . 7 UO 4 W 3 UJ US 1 70 iV
f. uc isn.
H'f HhlsJQ'r lllils VU Kti
10 i u rio
No.l Whlloriah. 7 IKM , ; : J si. i KM 114 HI
ramily " . . a MII ; ir.u nvi 70a , \ , ri
No. 1 Trout 4 W ) 4 ( HI S Ki'a ' 111 74 l
No. 11'iukvie'l i do , t coJ a
riCKLl.l )
rAT i1.1,1'1" ' ' " lnlls , y'rllbl , 1'nlNor kits
Illood Itcd I
Alaska. . . U 00 7 00 6 3 : 8 65 S TO OS
Illood Hod
Old 11 00 3 55 ! . TO 03
Hounds . . . IS 00,8 , 0 17 gi o's no 1 10
M.W ncii . iiui's mi iiiusO'rllbls 1'nlls . or , kit !
| 1 ( > J JO < Q | j. , _ 1J (
KKICllci'illi'S 11 C0.7 OJO 313 552 SO OS 8 !
KK Hen hitfg. U ft ) 0 B0.1 fO.1 ! JO 2 70 .
llrlatlliig . . . . ! 8 OU4 ! 5D'4 OOlU,1 : , 0 _ .
Se'xuiur.s lomcs'tlc ) ] loirauii licrrTnts
kpps , uOc ; sardines , -lie ; Ancbo
vies in glass , ( lie Hull brann. per eio . ,
S'MJO ; Anchoxics In kegs , Ole Hull brand.
84.00 ; .spiced Ilninhurj- ; bet lings , skins and
heads ott. per pall , SLuC ,
CODFISH Aew iaio ; bank cod , 4c ;
sea king , ( icornes chunks,0 > c ; clover leaf ,
Georges stiiin. Oii'c ; 1 Ib rolls-3 Ib boxes ,
fie : piahio liowei , 21bbiIckCc ; wild rose , i
Ib brick. 5c.
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , new. fc ; new
scaled herrings , 2c ; mackeiel 12c ; snlnion ,
r.v : smoked stuiucon. H'c.
llollnnd hcirlnir , new , jerkes , 7Sc ; new
lonp snllt ntocklish , 10e , new bhoit spill
btockfisb , 0c. J i
Grocers Jjlst.
SYiiur Standard 0 2"c. bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-jrallon kegs , SI. 15 ; New Oi Jeans ob@40c
per irnllcm ; Miipleijjum , rf baircl. 1 * * < J ,
htilcilyimip , 70cper gallon : 1 gallon cans
9.2.1 per doz : H gallon cans , $5.2.1 per do/ ;
quart cans S3.00
lJiiiii : > Fnuirs No. l quarter apples ,
cvnpoiatcd. boxes , yic ( ! . ; blackbeines ,
boxe > . U'jCiilCc ; peaches : K.istcm. JSjdB'ijjc !
peaclics. evaporated. 15 > @ 17c ; Salt "Luke ,
nuw , tf sKc ; raspbuules. new. SJ5a27c ( : cur
rants. iiew.7is ( < j : piuuus. new. 5 > 4@.ij c.
buriAits ordered , he ; cut loaf. NS ; gran
uhtcd , 7Mc ; coniectloners' A. Tc ; htan
riard extra O. Xe ; extm C. 0 ? ( c ; medium
yellow , fl'i'p ' ; New Oilc.ius. 55/'Jln ; < c.
CANMHI ( Joons Oysters , Standard pei
case. SH.OO : stra\ibcriips , 2-tt ) . , pcrcasp. S2.iiO ;
inspbernes , a-tt > . , jwr case , 2.J5 : ; California
pcnrs. jier case , S1.CO ; apricots per case ,
SJ.i'O ; peaches , per case , S4.75 ; wliito cher
rles , per case , S6.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ;
wliorllcbeiiies , per case. S2.40 ; egg iiltuns ,
! Mi > . . per case , S2. 0 , green gages , 2-lb. . pei
ca o , 52/0 ; plno apples , 2-lb. , jier case , SJ.203
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case ,
45c ; square cases , fcl.70 ; Oshkosh cases , gr , ,
51.20 : muli ! stiuaro , fel.'il.
SALT Drny loads , per bbl , S1.G5 ; Asbton.
In sacks , S.I : ; > j sacks , Ashton , Wobbla
dairy. S'- C0(32.7'i (
hpicEb tlrounrt UlacU pepper , boxes , I.
< < i'--'c ; allspice , 12@li'c ; cinnamon 18@5c ;
cloves , ! 5 < < J5e ; ginger , 10f325c. ; mustard , 15 < < j
COFFEES Ordinary grancs.'c ; lair , DJifi
lOjtfc ; prime , Iiij.l2/lfc ( ; choice , WJKaia ic ;
fnncy crcen nndellow. . ismttii' c ; old gov
eminent Java , 20@2Cc ; interior Java , IQjfffl
20c ; Mocha , 'JS&fUci Arbuckle's roasted ,
riJic ; McLouphlln'3 XXXX roasted , UJjfc ;
Dihvoith's. l Kc : lied Cross , 13jjo !
lliludith's. Aibucklc's nnd Mclaughlin's
XXXX are hold 5Jc per case oil above prices
11JClbO 1OIS.
long , choice , 40 ( f.0e : English Urenkfast.good
Ii0il40c ( ; choice. fiOpri.'ic : Souchong , good. 'Md
a5e ; choice , : W@4l > c ; Japans , fair , jaftssso ;
coed , : ! 5f7 45c ; cholee , K > at75c ; Tea Dust , r > c ;
Ten .Siltinbs l c
1'i.un TOIIACCO Climax , 44cpcr Ib ; Horseshoe
shoe , 4'c ; Star , 4Ic ; Sjioailiend , 46c ; Uoltl
Hell , Wn ; Viper Heidslck. OOc : I'uiicb , ! Wc ;
k ouiiK Frit ? . c : Silver Tasr. 40c ; .ITJ , < ,
lion : Slsa ) . H Inch nnd larger , 8 c ; Inch ,
OWc ; ! < ? Inch. O e.
OANDV Mixed. OK@12c : stlclc. O'flMUc.
KODA- Ib papers , $3.25 a case ; salsoda
kegi-crll , 52.11.
\ iNixiAii CIUEK 13@l8c ; white wine , U
' ,
SIMCKS Giound Hlack pepper , boxcs.l'n
2 o ; nlspice , l'2(210o ( ; cinnninon , lhaU5 ( )
cloves , IS ' i'ju : Klnger , 1J * 25c ; muitnid , 1
S'-'x * .
1'icKi.ES Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In
half barrels S4.00 ; small In barrels , 88.00 ; nt
In half bairels , 4..r < 0 ; gherkins in barrels ,
8U.CK ) : do in halt barrels , § 500.
CitACKr.KS tjarneau's soda , butter amJ
picnic , ft''e : eieams , b > c ; glnser snaps , 8 0 ;
L'ltv soda. 7Ke.
OANiu.i:1) : Uoxcs. 401b , Os ll'fc ; 8s , HKc :
boxes , 40Ui , 10 oz , Cs , ll'c ; halt box , 20ti >
ll'e.KINK CUT Hard to He-it , 70c ; Chnrmof the
Wont , c.0o ; Fountuin , 70c : ( iolden Tlnead. .
07c ; Kn\orite , OOo ; Uuds , .We ; KockyMoan
lain , We : Kancy , 4V ; IMisy , 40c ; Noith Star
70c : Uooil Luck. 5V ; Our 1U-M , uijj'c.
KoAi'n KltU's Savon imperial , 53.00
Kiik'sf-alinet , SJ.15 ; Kirk'b staudnnl. W50
Kirk's WhiteUusblan. . 84.00 ; Klik's Whiti
Cup. fco,60 ; Dome. & 4a.\
bTAitcu .Niacara gloss , 1 Ib. n > Cc ; Nlngarn
Dry Goods.
Pnixrs Steel lljvcr , 4'/c ; Ameiiean , 6)s' )
Ainold's , Cc ; Cocheeo , Co : Mamhc&tcr. 60
I.ynmn. 6c : Gloucester , 5Kc ; Uuuiiell Jac
( jiiard. Ce : Duunell , 5jfc ; Windsor , fie : I'a
cilie , Oclinimony. ; 4Hc ; Anchor Shillings
7h'c ; Mertliuack Khhtlngs ) e ; Beiwick ,
COTTONS. FainiPis1 choice
flVo ; Cabot , oj c ; Hope 7c : Hill 4-4 , 7U'c
Hill ; $ , Cc ; Lonsdale , B ; Fruit , a' ' csN nra
, - . _ , Shaw
unit LL.5cUea\er Dam LL , 5u ; Atlantli
l.L , 5e ; Indian Head , 7e : Warchusset OJfo
Ciowu XX.X. tijfo : rilfton CCC , O'ic
L'nca 0. IWc : Atlantic J' . 5Wc.
KIXK UHOWN Conoxs Pepperoll 11 , O'/o '
Pciipiwll O. 5V , Atlas. OJfo ; Statue ot IM
ertCo : Surauac it , OJjc.
DI..MMSIicavr tieek AA. lie ; Heave
( Vek , JH1.10o ; Uea\er Creek CO. Oc ; Jatfro ;
XX , UcJatfiny XXX ( 12c ; .laffrcy D&'l
l-iio ; Columbian , 12HC\ York , 18c ; York
fnncr. 13 c : K\erett , ISc ; 11 a ) maker's bin
-IL nbleachcd-8oz. ) Maenoll.i , 10' ' < c ;
10 oz. Jiagnolla , 12c : 8 oz. West Pdlnt , 10icj ;
10 oz , We t J'olht. riUc.
IH'CK ( colored ) IJoston 0 oz. brown nnd
drab , 13Ue : DostOn 0 Jl bro n nnd drab , Oc ;
Uoston XX bi-own nnd drnb JOc : Hoston
XXXbrownnnd drab. llj c ; Up ton ( Jl'bluo ,
lliscaironTiIcot. : . lie. . .
TiiKHfOB Amoskcne ACA 12 } < cj Thorn-
dike 000. 7rt ; 'I horndlko fnncy , O c ; Jt ork
10 > Yc ; Vork fnncy , 12'vc : Mlllbury , 12 c ;
1'enrl lUvcr , inic ; llnmlltoii. I2c : Swift
Itlvcr , 0 ( c ; shctucket b , bkc ; Sliotticket S3
9Ko : Moninnt AA. 12c ; Montnuk U13 , lOXc !
Omep/v / AJA ( , nso , , . . , .
OINOIIAMS Ki-nf row. 0 < 310)c ) ; Amoskoa
dress. Sc ) : Amoskeas , slaic ] , 7jc ; IvnnhoO
o > tc ; Wnmsntta. 'ic ; Nubian. J < c ; War
wick. t-ltci Whlltendon. Oc : Hates , dress Si3 ;
Hates staple , ojic ; Kandolph staple , , C c
Lnnsdownc , 7c : Gloucester , 7J < e.
CitnvioTs Amosken ? , checks , PJ c : Amos
k3a < r , strhies , t > kc ; Slater , stripes , Me : r.dln-
, U' c : Wlilttendon , .stripes. Sc : Glen-
iuKOe ; Otis , checks IW ; OtU. stiipcs , DC ,
Hojnl C'i'c ; Amoskpac , napped , lOVc ; I.u-
rny , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , book folei , 11K J !
Endurnnce , book fold I'-'c.
li-V Iniinbcr. .
12ft'l4 ' ft IB ft IS ft M ft 22 ft'S4 ' ft
2x4 . 15 00 1" . Mir , 00 1(1.00 ( 17.W 13.01) ) 10 00
2X0 . 11.5311.60 14.50 IB.uO 1H.80 r.lWJSU.'iO
y\s . ritniinn ) iriiwio.oon.txiit'.ooiotH ' )
-'xio . rifiAXi iBoo in uo intxi i7.oo )00' ) . > oriO
x. . 'KI ' oo ir > ) l.
4\l-Sx8 . ' 15.00,15 , tO 13 tUli.00i7.00,18 ) ; , 00,10.00 ,
Clear , Inch Yellow 1'ino . 22.00
Clear , -V Inch Norway . 14.00
2d Com. , J ' inch. Norway . 13.00
1st nnd Cd Clear , 1'r Inch.s. 2s .
1st nnd 2d Clear , 1nnd a inch , s2s. . . . 6000
8d Clear , W Inch , s''s . 4800
M Clear , 1 nnd a inch , s 2s . 4800
H Select , Uf , l > and 2 inch. s. 2s . SO 00
1st and 'Jd Clear , l men , s. 2s . WOO
I'd clear , 1 Inch , s2s . 4453
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000
U Select , l Inch. a. 2s . 21)60 )
0. G. Halts , 2liicn . feOO 70
" l U.\i. : sis . ( X ) 40
slnehWcl Tubing. D. AM. . nnd Uev. . 2060
No. l board * , 12 , 14 and irt ft . 510.60
No. 2 hoards 12 , 14 and Kilt . 14.60
No. tiboauls , 12,11 iiidlOlt . 12.60
No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 10.50
No. 11 A 0 Inch , 12 nnd 11 feet , rough. . $10.00
No. 11 \r r. Inch , 10 feet , rou h . . . . Ui.75
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 1 1 lect , rough. . 13.75
No.SJ , 4ttOInph. 10 feet , lough . 14.2,5
1st Com. , U inch White Tine . S"0.X ( )
Sd ! Com. , Jf Inch Whlln I'ino . saw )
1st Com. C Inch , w hlie pine . 30 W Inch , white plno . MOO
Hd Com. G Inch , white pine . 2900
1) . 0 inch , while pine. . . 2000
Com 4 and ( i Inch yellow pine . 17.50
Star 4 nmio inch jellow pine . 81.00
Island 2d clear jellow pine , 4-0 inch. . . 2.1.60
No. 1 , Plain , S and 10 Inch . 517.00
No. 2 , 1'laln , band 10 inch . 15.00
No. 1 , O. . 17.60
I'oi'i.Aii i.UMiir.u. * -
Clear Poplar Hex Hds K in , s 2s . 530 00
" % i J < in , panel stk wide , 82s. 27 00
' " Coiiugated Ceiling , K. . . . 2900
* ASt.uulaid . S3 00
6 inch , clear , S1.50 : 0 inch , clear . 1 00
No 1 . 1 10
Lath . 8220
White Cedar , flinch , halves ! . S 11
" tyt " " andSinq'rs 9
" " 4 " round . 11
Tennessee- cedar , split . 14 >
STOCK nouins.
A 12 Inch , 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 1C feet . S40 00
H " " " " " . 41 00
( " " 11 11 i u . 3 , } oj
1) " " " " . 2-t 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 60
No. I " " " 10 , IS ami 20 ft. . I860
No. a " " " 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , . 1550
I.1ME , K1C.
Qiilncy wliito lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement.
Akion , L75plabter ; , S2.J50 ; hair , per bushel
80i , ; wish , . "X ) pei cent oil llbt ; doon , blinds ,
mouldlntis , 60 per cent ott list ; Inucd telt , per
cvvt. , M.70 : straw bonid. Sl.CO.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
nd Chicago
The only road to tnko for Dos Molnos , Slar-
; shulltown. Ccdnr Hnplda , Clinton. Dlxlo , ChiciiBO ,
1 Mllnnukco nnd nil points oust. To the people uf
i Nohruskn , Colorado , Wjnmlntr , Utah. Idaho
1 Ncmida , Oregon , WiihhiiiKton and Cnllfornluit
offers superior advantages not possible by any
l other line-
Among a few of tlio numcious points ot supo-
riorlty enjoyed by the putrons ot this road bo-
tuoen Oiniiliii nnd ChkiiKO , mo Its two trains n
dny of DAY COACHES which nro the llnc t thilt
human art and liiffonulty can creuto. Itx PAL
ACE SLKEI'INQ CAltS. whleh nro models of
comfort nnd oletfiinco. Its 1'AHLOlt UIIAWINO
ItOOM CAHS. unBiirpnsstHl bv nny , nnd ItH wide
ly culohrutod PALATIAL DININO CAItS , the
equal of which cimnot bo found olsowlmro.
At Council Dluirs the trnlns of the Union Pact-
do lly. connect In Union Depot with these of tlio
Chicago & Noithwcstorn Ity , In Chicago the
truing of this line mnko close connection with
thnsoof nil custom linos.
For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara FnlK lluffnlo , Plltsbure1. Toronto ,
Montreal , Iloslon , Now Vork , I'hllmlclphlii , Itul-
tlmorc.WnshlnKton nnd nil points In the oust , oak
the ticket ngent for tickets vln the
If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
Gcnuinl 3hiiiu cr. Gen. Pass. Agent.
Capital Stock $150,000
Liability of Stockholders , . . . . 300,000
Tlio only it'gulixr envlnfrs bunk In the state. Tivo
percent intuicsl paid on deposits.
orTcr.iis :
James II. Hod. Vrcslilciii : Win. A. I'aston.Vtco
I're'bldcnt ; L.M . llennclt , MumiRliit ? Di-
icctor ; John K. Wilbur , Cabhlcr.
National Bank
S , W. Cor , Farnam & 12th Sts ,
Capital , - $100,000
C.W. HAMILTON President.
M. T. llAHLOW , Cashier ,
National Bank
Korth\\06t corner rnrnnm nod 13th Stiectr.
Paid up Capital , - $200,000
Surplus Fund - - - 60,000
I'rcoldciit. Vice I'rcsldont.
Cabhlcr. Agst. Cnshlor ,
Accouutri bolle-ited und pioiupt at ntlon t'lyon
to all lualiiosj cnlrifbtcd tolls vutu.
l' )6l < i\e pcrecut ouTituo
' . Billiard Tables.
TIH : niatNswlctvnAT
Manufacturers or Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Siloon , OfTlco ntid Ilink Fixture' . Market
and Huron Sis. , CMcago , 111. Omaha olilco , 533
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Mannfactuicrs. No . 100 nnj
_ IK ) South 14th Street. Onrnhn , Tfcb. _ _
Bridge } Slc-m Pile Driving.
HAVMONI ) A , CA.Ml'l '
Knffliitois nnd C'ontinetoro.
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd Ifono Trn < llildcc ,
1'llliiR nnd Oak Timber. 15th St. , ncnr rauinm.
Tclcpliono No , ,24
Hulter I ubs.
' >
J. Sl'.YMOUH ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs ,
ln , TOc. Ifth nnd I'lctfo St > . , Onmha , Nub ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " "
MAX MIYIR : : x co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
RnnR nnd Ammunition. 215 to 221 South lllh
Sticct , KKO to llEt rmnainSlri-ot , Omalui , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolo nlo Dcnlprs In l.uaf Tobneeoi * . No .
1CS mid 110 N. Utli SU cot Onmhn , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Coruico Works.
John llpenetcr , Pi om totor. Miumfni tuior of
( Itilvanlzrd Iron and Cointco. Itt ) Dodijo mid 1JI
and 105 Noitli 13th ijtieot , Omaha , Nob.
orsof Ornnmcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rinnlstttc.,310 S. 12th St. Workdono
In nny put or the country.
WesTern Cornice Works ,
C. SPHCIIT , Proprietor.
Dnlrnnl/cd Iron Cornice * . Ktc. Spcchl'slm.
tiroicd I'litentMi'tiill'oSkyllKht. COS nnd BIOS.
Ulh fct. , Oinnlin , Xcl- .
peers , Sasli. Etc.
The Gate WPlEninlMill.
Doois , Push nnd Illliids. AI o nil l.lnds of
turning. Scroll and htulr work of oxcry di > -
ATllOSENllElir ,
Sfnnufacturor nnd Dealer in
'Doors Sasli Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Hnlls n Rpoclnlty Tolcphono No. 93
15th nnd Muicy St B , Omnlia , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
lTvr\OLVlJ ? & "cO. ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlo Block , Omaha. liurKl.uAlarm1 , IlolH ,
FiioAlarms , Wi/utrH-Matting , Snoaklne Tubes ,
Gold , Silver and Nickel 1'l.itlng , tte.
1 Ireland Nails ,
Cut'Kails ' and Spikes ,
Fire Nails ft Sifcclalty. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Iron'Works Company ,
Slnchniory , Castlnmi , Steam EnKlnos , Hollers ,
Aitliltcctiiuil Iron \Voik , Iron Ilrld cs , Mlnlnir
nnd Mill Jlaehlnorj' . OIHeo and works , Union
1'aclllc 11. It. 17th and 18th Streets.
WIJARNE & 11110 ,
foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nnd Jnckeon Slg. , jireparcil to do all
l.lmls nf lion nnd Jlrass CantliitfB ; also , 0 , C.
llamiistcr'h Itouklni ; Orate liars mannfacturod
Mattresces ,
E. si. HUisn ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufaeturlnpr Jtiittressos , Ileddlntr , rpithor
PIllouH , Cots , lUe. ILtK ! und 1208 Douglas Street ,
Omalui. Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. , 11X ( ! and 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Omalia Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fiionnd Ittirfjlnr Proof Snfc ,
Vuult Uoois , Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
\Vrnk. Cor , llth and Jackson Fig. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Onice and 1'nctory , ncnr Powder Magazine ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 1J17 Ilnrney Bticot , Oninlm , Nub , Solo
Agents In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated bpht
bhatt Sulkica.
Established 1K > 8.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1100 and 1411 Dodfo Struct , Omahu , Nob.
White Lead.
Coiroclers nnd OiliulcrsoC
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Ouinlm , Nob. LoU Carter , Pi eg , ; C. W. Mood ,
vice Pios. : 11 , W. Yiitos , Kto. andTroas.
'The.Hillard . ,
S. Shears , J , E. MniKrlTlios. , Swobo , 1'ioprlctora
Omalia , Ntbiueka.
Hotel ,
Janus rusoy , I'lojn Ictor ,
jS15 and 1-T | Ddu las HI. , Omidin , Neb ,
ThopuliGnuirnofcoiiiiiieiiclid men icbinetf
feullcltud. Thuy ill llnd Uila the bCit $11
llOllt'3 C'bt O\
" 'lanters ' House ,
v n. rnnn'is , PHOPHIETOH.
Hates , SI.M ) peidny. . Rtrrct cms from U. P.
de-pot , uithm onu , block of liotiw. Conur
Dodt'ound IGth trceie , Ouiuhu , Nub.
The Cozzeiis ,
P. Ilumsoy & Co. , Proprietor *
Rates i'Z.VO per day , no dark rooms. Omaha ,
Neb. Also piopnetora uf Palace Hotel , huutu
t'o , NowMojdco.
CanQeld House ,
Cor. Nlnih nnd Farnam Sts. The best ( 2 per
day hotel In Omaha. Hunodelod. i < > furnl hud ,
redcooruted ; onu block from ami ) ) ieu < l < iuarters ,
opxbltu | Union 1'nciflu heiidouuneis ; Bin el i urt
puss the door. ( JCOTKO Cuntlold & Co. , proprie
tors. Also Union Clock Yards Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
1' . GOOS , Proprietor.
European Plan. The only ccutrullylocaled ? S
atluyhouec. Three dodiu from llujd'E Opcin
llertibound ono-haU blotk. from thu i'ohtollicc
und the Court House , 1506. 1'iK , KU Furuum
Agricultural Implements. " _
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
Omcc , Corner Clh nnd I'ailnoSls , Umnlm , Neb.
Wtioltfs.o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd IHiggles , Omalin Neb.
CUJLMlOlUhlj 1' ,
Wholcsnlo Dcrfer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages nnd llnrelo ? . ,1rne St. , hot. Oth mul
13thOinnlin , Nob. _
Boots and Shoes ,
. ' " "
V. v. MOKSU i ro.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 rnrnnm Stiect , Omalia , Neb. Munuraetorr ,
SnnnnerPtiett , lie ton.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnga , Ciirtnlu Goods , I'.te. . 14C3 Tarnnm
Street , Omaha , Nob. _ _ _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc. _
" " ; fiTn , < v. DKDKOUP ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Omeci.'IJS. Hthft. , Omalin , NrK Yard" , Otli
ami IV . enpoil Street ! . _
COtJTANT .V , bQtnitKS
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Rest Mirletic' . Oniep , LTt S. 1 It It St. Tilt-phono
No. 14V-OimihnNeK
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
HS. lithSt.Oiirilm : , Neb.
FO. 3 , Tov , 1 1 , 1'rcsldonf.
CEO. P.STTI IISON , Sec. nnd
J. II. llur.minr , f. A. HU.CH ,
1'iopilotor. Mnnnscr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OPlcc , 217 tf. I'UhSticct. Telephone 13.
GEO. 1' . LAtumt , 1'rcs. r. 1' . GOODMANV. Pics.
J. A. PUMII itHMi bee. nnd Trens.
Omalia Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbci&of h.udnnd < olt coul.WJS. UtU fat. ,
Omihiir > 'cl > .
Hard and Soft Coal.
EieluthodcalctBin rtouldor Coloiado Coal , IK
fcouth Jllhsuei't.
CofTca and Spites. . ,
OLAHKK illlOS. J-CO. .
Omaha Coffee and Spice Kills.
Ten" . Cotfcos , Sp'coa.nnUnfTl'Ottdcr t'lmorln ; ;
lUliactH , Lnumlrv llhio Ink , He. 141MO llur-
ncy Street , Omahn , Nob. _
Commission , Etc.
" ' " " " " '
iniANCH .V CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rninnni Pt.Omnhn. Apples Our o n i-.ick-
liiK Pint t. * ' < > . ' Tlgpr Hi nnd Ojslcrs , llutlci ,
I ygs , Qmnu , 1'oultry , 1'otutocs.
General Commission Merchant ,
I'lOducc , I'sovlalons , I'mlt * , Dour und 1'eoil , IOS
h. Uth ht. , Oiunhn , Neb. ConUgniuunts solicited.
He'lurns mudo promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant ,
ChfpFC , SaustiROs. rmlts , Hiitchns'TooH nnd
Supplies. Ul" Joiaa St. , Omnhn , Nob.
W. K. lUDUCLl * ,
General Commission Herchant.
BiuctAi.Tir.s Cluixi. lluttir , KBB . I'onltiy
nnd Ciinie1 , 112 S. llth. , ( ) jnnha , Neb. 'iolo-
phone _ iVo. ! 1J" > . _
, , ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , Ksrjs and Produce. A lull line of Stone-
Tfiio. CoiitljiimcnU tollcittil. 1111 DoJro St. ,
Oiiinhn. _ _
'r. . MOIIO.VV ,
General Commission Herchant ,
Duttci , KXK * , fhe-cso nnd ( .ountiy I'roilucoen -
ci.illj . .WJ S. Uth St. , Oinnhii , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
llcfrlfcrntor and I'ncklnir House , 14th tc I.unren-
orth St. , on U. I1. 11. ll. Ti acK , Omalui , Keb.
EsUhllshed Ib7 ( > .
' *
General Commission ,
SHE. llth St. , Omaha , Nob. Spocialtles-IJiittor
Kfjfb , Poultry mid Gmuu.
Commission Merchants ,
ViuIU , Pioduco nnd Provl iom , Oinahn , Neb
KIltf-ninilAUN & SONS ,
( Siioeos > ors tn A. P. Srliacli. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. SlJ foulh Uth Street , Omaha , Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fi ults. Flour , Apples , Sloneu m o , Cldor.Vincffnr ,
Cines Seeds. Ilntlcr and KCKS , ; iJ ) and UU South
1 lib btreot , Omaha , Nebiaskn.
\vnmMAN&co : : ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Ilutlcr , Oiimo , Krults.Etc. 220 S. 14th
St. , Omalui , Nebraska.
A r.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
MeatB , Lard , .Iclhm , llnttrr , KKKB. f'hocso , Etc.
_ No. aJoS. lilh PI. , Omaha , Neb. t
General Commission Merchants ,
HOCDodgo Street , Omnlm , Neb. ContlgnmcntN
_ - _
315 r.'th SlriHt , Omaha , Nth , -'peilaltie's : Rut.
ti'l , Dfe'fc'S , and ChleKen > } ,
" '
\f. wiuoirr ,
Atciu for the Manufacturt'is nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Clilinncjb , Ktc. Ollloo , aiT South 13th
Stitpt , OmaliR , Neb.
Dry Goou's ,
J. J. 11ROWN A , CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
, Omaha , Neb.
L. GINSIir.ilO A : CO ,
\Vholeeulo Dealers in
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Luces , Embroidery nnd whlto Goods ,
u 1 ( J DouulosMieet , Oinulin , Nob.
Engines ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and jiorlublo tnt'liifH , boilers nnd
tinet iron M'orltUIKOMH , nuilciiltuiul iniplo.
menu , pumps ete. UW-ISID l.ciu tnuurlli hU
Leatheri Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in'Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
, 1111 Jucksou lintel , Onnilm , Neb.
BLOMAN.nitoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Fadulcrj nnd Hioo 1'indlnvrfi , Hides , Wool , 1 urp ,
Peltii , Gieaeo'lullow , I'.tc. , Omnhu Nel.
Flour , Etc.
VrM. PltfcoTON. fil O. Hl ( IMIlDbOM.
WM. PRr.S10N i to.
YJholesale Flour ,
| D8 , ,10and CUl'iiree Street Ouiaha.Neb.
'hi iittlilM'i
Agent for J. C. Hottmayr If Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flow
11 } Holler nnil Huiif.irlnn Process. Wnrebousv ,
1213 JoneiStrcit.Oii'nha , Nob.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mfttnifncturori or W. J. Wfl hnnS A. Co.'s Quick
lliilolnplluckwliont Hour nnd pronrletonOmnlm
City Mills , cor. Fth nnd rartmm Sticct ( Omnlm.
F.s1' . , Lt : .
Eucers ors to Icken Flcinf cn A Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
importers of 1'orelnn rit > liNe < . Oil-Pi * ! Jonci
and U. P. Ti ae'k , Omalia , Nob. _ _ / " .
riirnilurc. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnllare ,
V'arnam Street , OmMin , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _
" " "AI.LKN iinos.r
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nnd 111J Dongas Street , Omaha , _
E. 11. CHAPMAN * CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobtieco nnd Smokers' Articles , Ul" lion ard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , CJgnii mul Tobncio * . I'll" and 1J19 HOUB-
ln Stii.'i'i , OmuVta , Nob.
WtCOlM ) , IlllADY * ro.MPANl' ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
CVrncr 10th and rarmun Sticett , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Ncs. 7lB , 107 , 709 mid 711 i' . 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
* " " "
Heaiy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Spring" , Wajron Stock , Hunlnnoit Lumber , otc.
l UUnnd 1-MI llaini-y ttren.Omnhn , NcK
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Pnrrlniro Wood Stock , llo-i\y Hmilwmc ,
Etc. 1217nnd Ull ) LeaMMinoithSticut.Omalix ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mcehnnlcs' Tool- ) mid IJuualo t'cule 14C3 Dous-
I , Omuhii , Nob.
l.EB , TRIED & CO ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Kte. Apuntslor Ilom Sonles nnd
Miami Powder ( o. , Omalui Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntlcs , Oiates , lira's pood-i. lo"'l and 13 J Far-
nam Micot.
vVholesalo Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson itcel ; Nnlls. Tor. 10th mid Hainoy
_ bticctii , OnmlM , Nrb. _
Mnnufactiiicr of the
Dceriui' ' Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. M. I.orluier , ( Jeiiond Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone illO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" * ' ' "
COW1NJ ( A , CO ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
.lolibna in Ii-on I'lpo lion I ltlni . lion and
IliiibS Goods. DnjiinreiV hiii'iilltM. ' inn and
Dodge Slioets , Oinnlin , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , WapiKnlluny | midMHIInirPuppIlc * , Etc.
_ ICO , ft. . ! nnd Wt rmnmn St. Omaha , Nrb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ftcnm and Water Supplies , llemltiuartris fo
Must Foost Co.'s 1111 Tarnum Street ,
OmatiH , Neb.
Je\\elry \ ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllxe-rwmo , Diamond ? , Watch si
Clocks .lonelcr * ' Tools mul Mntcilul' , Etc , 101
nnd lUt , Ibth Street , Cor. JJoduro , Omaha , Nob. - ,
Live StoA. < .
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdnijp Chnrircd.
Close to I' . 1' . JIii < lio. Spcciil nccominoilitlon
nnd n itood niniKct lor hoi , " ! . 13. C. Coojior , Man-
ngor. Ollun , South Cih Stre-et.
Live Stock Commission
( ire , Iliukc , Manager ,
Union Stock Yards , b. Omalni. Tolo.ihono 58S
W. F. HIiOWN i CO ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco KvclmnRU Hullrtini ; . Union Stock Yurds ,
tf. South Omalia , : , 'cl ) . Telephone No. MTj.
i " * .MALLOHY , SON .t CO.
1 Live Stock Commission ,
Union Ftoclc Yards , Chle-ino , 111. , nnd Omnhn ,
Neb. rnmkClilltoiicU'MMi\imti'rOnmlm \ llrimch.
Te-lephono NoSJ. . Kstnbllihcd 1M12.
\ . Ii PATHICK & CO ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/iddri-ss nil communications to us nt tlnloiiMock
"aids , tJoulh Oiniilm. Advances nmilo on stoe-k.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA.
, Limited. John 1' . Jloid , Hiipciintciidonl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ehipmcntfi of nny and all kinds of Meek solicit
\ ed. Union btoelc YauU Omaha , N < b.
Lumber , Ctc ,
" * '
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Linio ,
Bneh , iooi , Ktc. Yiuds Coi.Tlh mid
Co i , Uth und
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
H , Stair Work mid Inliulor lluid Wood
Fiultli. Jii't opemil , N. K. eoi. tlh und i.e. u di
vert u fti tctH , Oimiha , Neb ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
fli S , 14th bluet , Omahn , Nub. 1' . Colpctzcr ,
C. N. 1)1 ETA
Lumber ,
] 8th nnd Cullfornift SliCL't ? , Omnhn , Ne > b ,
' Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Clli and Douglas Streets , Oiimhn , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
" " "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrcn Stock , I'nncy Woodp. Jliidf'o Thnlu-rs ,
Ao. , H. W. Cor , Vth mid iJouiilus.Ojniiliu .
G. 1.YMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Duildiiii , ' Paper , Etc. f-outli IJth btrcct , Oiuuhu ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Paid in Capital Btuck , fj nxi.ono.
IXgpurdinumiftittuier3 and v , holuaala deal-
cie. Mills nt Merrill. Wiik Wiioli-mlo and ronll
cittiibiiUnt'ju.U Omuiui , NUi. fjUS.VtUbu
Dealers In All Kinds ot
Building Material at Wholesale ,
IfthStreetnnil i nolil'ai tTrftok. . Onrnhl
HVhoiesala Dealer in Lumber , - \
tCth nnd Iznrd Streets , Omnhn , Nebmskiv , *
J. A. WAKWir.U ) , $
Y/holesalo / Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
lltiildlnjf I'npors , Pnili , Doors , IlllniU , Mnultt.
lnp * , 1'ltkctc , rosl , Lime , 1'lnMor , Hair ,
C < mcnt. Nlnin nna Jonc < , Oninlm Neb.
i. oni3itnirn3H : ,
Impoi tors mill Johliorsot '
Millinery and Notions ,
1Unu1 1214 Hnrnoy Street , Omnhn , XeK
Musical Inslrumcnls.
\Vholesalcrs of Musical Instruments , . *
Stpluwny VlnnoVohcr , Decker , Halnosnnd j
IhleRs I'liiinn , t'lifknril Urgniu , lha o Ortrnn * . s
ltd und ItX ! KMIi ft root. < >
Notions , Etc ,
J. U ltUANUir.3 .V
Wholesale Job Lots ,
llr.r Ciooi1 , Notion * , Gents' rurnMilnir floods ,
CooiU fiom Now Voile. Ti ado sales dully. 634
n ml SOS South Utli fct. , Umiilni.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
UuiKglsU' nnd Pint loticis' Sundries l < li Termini -
mini , Omalia , Nob.
J , T , Robinson Notion Company , &
4 nniHWl S. 10th St.,0iimhn , Neb. T
Whole-side Dealers In Nntloni mid Units 1 ur *
nlshliiK ( JooiU.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
, Jllc.i AxloGtciup , Etc. A. 11.
, Oinnliti , Nob.
Pork Packing. _ _ "
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalui , N'cliirt'Ku ,
i & risnnit ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Ollloe , I'nion Mnrkot.iniT Dodire Street. PncUnjr
house , U. 1' . It. It. Truck , Oinnbu , Neb. Telephone -
phone Naif ) " .
Safes and Locks ,
1' . IIOVUU k CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safo& Lock Co.s1
Hie. mid Dm Kliirl'i oof Saros.Tlmo Locks , Vnnlta
mid .lull noik. 1IEO Vnrimm Bticel , Umnhn , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Af.'i VcfCtnblo , Klo. Odd TcllowR1 Hull ,
N. W. Cor. llth and Dodge Kt . , Oraiihn , Nob. _ _
Drussi Etc.
if. T. cr.A"iucn DUUO COMPANY' . "
\Yholesalo Druggists ,
Jobbers of Palnls , Oils , Wlr-li.w aim * ! Uc. , 11U
lluiney faticot , Omalui , Neb.
Wiolcsalo Druggist'/ !
And Dealer In I'dlnl ? , QMS and Window Glass , '
Oin.Uui , Nub , _ .j
Wines and Liquors. " _ ' .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , *
K < and l.'Ot Dougl is St. , Onuiha , Nob. Tao
toiio.b-Nos.-i iindwijdUlbt. : : N. Y. .
nno. vr. DUNCAN ,
Succesfor to MO'UIAH\ ; Droaw , Importer *
mill WhoIe'Siilo IJciilcislii
Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
14 and UHi S. ilth St. , Omaha , Nob.
it. n. GitorrE ,
Y/ines / and Liquors.
WcEtoin Agent .T-30. Schlllz Drawing1 Co. 7193.
Dili Street , Omaha.
| Iir.NKY HOUNnmiGEn ,
; Wholesale Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars.
' li'l Douidns bli cut , Omaha , Nub.
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Ll < ] imis. Polo miuiulai.'tmcrs of Kennedy's
l.'an India lilttci-J. 1112 lliiuicy Htiuct , Omaha ,
L. 1' . LARSON A : CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And riKius , and GciiLinl Annuls for the Philip
d' Celebiatod .Mllunul.eo lleci , Omalui , Neb
Harness , Etc ,
Jlnnufnetutoia uml.lobljcrsot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Jlhinkcts and Roboa. H.'ll'iiuium
Struct Omubii , Nub.
and Best Route
From OmaMto the East.-
ChtriiKO , XtnncaiiolH , Mllwiuilcoc ,
ht. I'niil , Cediir Ifiiplds , Davi-npoit ,
rilnton , lnbuiiiu | , Ilockfurd ,
Hocklelnnd KroiMHiit , .IniKKVlllo ,
Hlirln , MiulKon , I.u Cruf to ,
llclolt , Wlnoim ,
A nil ull other Jinpoitnut iiolnt * niut. Xoitlicust
mid BoutliuiHU
Ticket otllco nt HOI Knrnnin stirot , ( In 1'nxfon j
Hott-1) ) , mid HI Union I'licltlo Uc | ot. I
In Ihu World mo iiii | on iho main Iliu s of I ho
i M'iy iiltoiiiloii lipilil to pnsflujiircm by eouito *
milcmployet ] of tlio < Kiniiiiiy. |
It , Mn. 1,1.11 , ( Jenu
J , 1' . TiTKi'.ti , A-'fiUtniit ( Uiticrnl Maunger.
A. V. II.l'Atii'CNrsn , ( Icneinl IMese'tigcr nnl " *
llikvt Accnt.
tli o. V. . HiiArronn , Assistnnt deuornll'neecn
b't r nnd Tlckol At'ont. j
Haii'sSafes , Va Sf sf Time ! ocks
aiid Jail Work.
1030 Fainam .StiX'ut , Uninhii , Nob.
ISftftG"a8FFI'FH ! ,
Commission lercliant , '
And WlioloEalo Dealer In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc ,
220 N. I6fh St. , Omaha , Heb. \
Deferences , by I'ernilsslon First Nntlonnf' .
Hunk , Dulmiiiiu ; A. ti. ( Jiureison , t'nsliler hloiu -
Nntlonal lliiiik.HlonxCily ; loHiiNiillonal Hunk ,
His Moines ; H. .M.KInpiiiiin , Atslstant Cnalior ' .
' " '
Tiibl N
R. E. l Lincoln Iteb-
. . ( tnrc , , -
Hiphc : - lackot Trice 2 ? ;