Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1886, Image 1

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Commissioner Sparks Statoi the OaSi to
Visiting Delegations.
And Prudent Money Tionncrn Should
Stocr CIcnr of Ills lllr-unl Hold-
In House Illlls Uy Iowa 31cm-
lcr AVnSliliiK o Notes.
Imntl Ofllco KccplptsOnnnot lc Final.
W-AMiixtiTON , Jan. 20. Ibpcclnl Tele-
cram. J Commissioner fcparks of the
general land olllcu to day received delega
tions from Aberdeen ( Dak. ) and Um.iliii
( Neb. ) In each instance his visitors called
to protesl nscalnst certain rulings of thrj land
office , nnd learn from the cominlslonor
verbally comolhlng delinlto regarding his In
tentions. The Aberdeen delegation presented -
sented a long memorial , signed by Delegate
Gilford and scveial other western vepiesenta-
lives , sultlnt ! foilh Ihe troubles of the land
business. It was claimed that the withhold
ing of patents and thocancellatloii of entries
were Inflicting hardships upon innocent per
sons and frightening capital out of thu new
settlements. Tlfe biiidcn of Ihe nddicst in
( ill'ect was Ihat the receipts given by the dis
trict hind olllcers should be linal , in order
that money loaned upon such lecelpts would
he secured. Another feat uro of the memorial
was the statement that Investigation of
fraudulent entries after the Issuance of laud
ofllco receipts Inlliclcd injury upon the In
nocent purchasers of the land.
Commissioner Sparks met llio various
phases of the case in tlio following senti
ment : "The land olllce receipts cannot bo
llnal under the law. If you wish the law
changed yon must appeal lo congress. The
decisions of Ihe courts are plain upon this
point. This dcDartmenl cannot amend the
law. It Ir our duty simply to enforce it. A
person loaning money upon the land ollice
receipt and taking a mortage Is perfectly se
cure If the entry was made in good faith. I
apprehend that no man loans money upon
public land In this stage without knowing
something about thu Improvement- : act
ual residence and thu good faith of the pre-
cmptor. If ho does he Is not ordinarily
prudent. The bona tide settler who Is mak
ing his homo upon the land , nnd has sub
stantial Improvements , will not be molested.
The man who goes there with nil ho has , en
ters land In good faith , maintains a
habitable dwelling , and docs what
ho can In the way of cultivating his farm ,
is a safe person to loan money to. He Is not
going to 1m disturbed. On the contrary ,
mean that ho shall bo protected. It Is the
chap who is not making Improvements or an
actual residence , who has a worthless shanty
orshackon his place in which he occasionally
spends a night , and who proves up by mean
of perjury mid other kinds of sharp practice
that this department is after. This is not a
safe peison to loan money to , for if the land
is deserted as soon as the loan has been
made , or if our agents discover and ropoit
the manner in which the entry was made , no
patent can be issued. 1 would not advise
anybody to loan money upon land taken by
a non-resident who leaves the countiy ns
noon as he lias made his llnal proof , tint n
loan would bo perfectly secure in
a case where there Is actual settle
ment. The courts have decided
that the government has not parted
with the land issued , but wo have taken the
position that when a claimant has secured
his receipt it is equivafont to a patent for the
purpose of 11101 tgaglng or alienating the
land , provided he has complied with Ihc law
in obtaining ills receipts. In loaning money
It is wise to ascertain that the borrower has
made a proper residence and otherwise ob-
nerved the law in good laith. Then It is per
fectly safe to deal witli him the same as if ho
had a patent. Regarding the statement that
patents are being withheld to an unusual
extent , 1 can assert thatthey arc being Issued
faster by r > 00 or 1,000 per month than ever be
fore in llio history of this country. "
The vlsiiors acknowledged the fairness and
justice of General Sparks' position. An
Omaha banker slated that ho considered the
commissioner to bo right on the subject , and
he declared that he would not loan money to
any man who was acquiring land fraudu
The cabinet had a meeting tills afternoon ,
nt which was considered the resolution of the
senate ask'lng for official papers bearing on
the conduct of the ofllco of the marshal of
Alabama since IbSl. The marshal was re
moved for cause , and the senate proposes to
make a lest case of this removal. The sen-
r ate resolution has been worded with llio
> greatest care , so as to avoid asking for any
private information or for the reasons for
the marshal's removal. It simply asked for
the othclal papers bearing on the conduct of
the ollice. A cabinet olllcer told your corres-
Dondcnt this evening that the resolution was
a matter that was considered at the cabinet
meeting to-day. The president took the posi
tion he would not furnslh any information
to the senate. Ho said appointments are
made by and with the advice and consent of
the Bcnatu , but removals were made by the
executive alone. Ho said there is nothing In
the constitution which requires him to give
Information to the senate about removals.
Olio cf the senators took a different ground
In Iho present case. He held that the senate
asked lor Information on the conduct of the
ollice , and to that ho thought the senate was
entitled. The president grew very warm In
the discussion nnd said ho would not furnlah
} - . anything. This struggle between the execu
tive and the senate Is growing giaver every
day , The people hero who want to see
somn of the nominees rejected by the
senate horn the president will refuse to
.send the papers to thu senate. In ( hat case
It will bo very probable there will bo whole-
halo rejection. If ho does accede to the re
quest of the senate for Information , that
body will bo more careful lu refusing lo con
firm. The subject uppermost In the minds
of the cabinet ministers , senators and presi
dent Is what the country will think of it. A
cabinet minister said this evening ho thought
Iho people would not approve any bullhead-
cdne-is on the part of the executive on the
one hand or any extravagant demands on
the part of the senate on Iho other , Ho
favored a middle course. Unless Cleveland
can bo purstiadcd to clmngu his resolution , n
conflict will bo precipitated at once ,
iiousn nti.i.s UY JOWA iir.Mnniis.
Bills wore to-day offered In the house by
tlio Iowa delegation as follows :
By Mr. Murphy For the relief of nged , dis
abled , and worn out postal clerks who
liavodevoted the best ycarsof their life to the
transit mall service , and who have been , or
who may hereafter be , in the employ of the
postpiilfo dcpaitment in this arduous and ex
tra hazardous service for n period of not less
than twenty year * The bill luithoiize * the
postmaster general to Issue a pension'certlii-
cato for an amount ho may deem just where
employes In the postal surviro arc .disabled or
retired as worn out In the service. Also , bills
for the reliefof 11. McDonald , \Yilllam.
Jones and Catharine U Bcnton.
ly } Mr , llundcison Correcting the title of
certain lands sold In Duburnie by John and
Thomas Burton.
By Mr. Strublc To confer Iho rank of
lieutenant by law on Nathaniel Johnson
By Mr. Conger For the relict of Thomas
J. Mllllgan.
By Mr. Lymaii Extending the benefits of
Ihc pension laws of Iho United States , and
granting a pension at the rate for the several
grades now provided by law lo nil honorably
dlschar.ed soldiers , sailors and mariners.
By Mr. Hall-For Iho relief of Itlchard
Mlddleton ; authorizing an additional appro
priation of $15,000 for completing the court
hou c at Kcokuk and to make the same tire
The ways and means committee , at its
session this iiKinilngdecdcd , ! toioportn bill so
amending the internal revenue law that Irac-
( Ions of gallons of spirits shall bo taxed at
the same rate as all spirits. Under llio pres
ent law the manufacturers are not required
to pay tax on a fraction of a gallon in pack
ages If the fraction is below a half gallon.
They have taken advanlngo ot this , and
ninke their packages so that they will hold
almost Ihc extra half gallon , and by pulling
, ] > li Its In small packages are able to get one
iallon ; for every twenty fiee of tax. The
committee will report the bill at once and it
ivlll probably pass.
j'ATn.VT.s TO wiistr.iix ixvn.vroits.
Patents were issued to-day to Ncbruskans
nd lowans as follows : Nathaniel S. An-
ilrews and II. V. Bucrnap , Dulmquo , cream-
> stlng churn ; William J. Browne , Foil
Madl.son , spring cultivator ; Frederick Uruni-
ngcrnud K. QJuliin , Hastings , tire escape ;
amcs I1 : Cage , rail-field , folding table ;
Martin V. Jordan and C. 0. Cole , Letto ,
Iowa ) , check row atlachincnt for corn plant-
rs ; F. 1) . Moore , Bloomlielil , ribbon holder ;
lasper M. Moore , Knoxvlllo ( Iowa ) , farm
Sato ; James K. Patterson , Cieto ( Neb. )
grain drier.WO11K
WASHINGTON , Jan. M. [ Tress. ] The
! 0inmitteo on foreign affairs to-day heard
irgiiments at length by W. II. Trcscott and
Jhailes Woodbury of Massachusetts , in oppo
sition to the appointment of a fisheries com
Mission. The hearing was continued.
Mr. Morrison has been Instructed by the
ivays and means , committee to report favor-
ibly to the house an original bill taxing
Vactlonal parts of a callon of spirits. The
bill Is intended to carry out the sugccstions
uado by the commissioner of internal reve
nue In his rcpoir. He pointed out that It
, vas entirely practical for a distiller to fill
lackages Miasto leave over a fraction less
han one-half a gallon , and thus escape the
ax upon the amount above the even number
of gallons contained in a package.
JIOIli : DAKOTA AIlft..Mi.VT : .
Judsri ! .Moody was heard by the house com
mltteu on territories to-day upon the propo
sition to divide the tciritqry ot Dakota. He
followed the same line of argument pursued
" > y him at his previous hearing. He dis
claimed any personal interest In division of
the lerritor\- this forty-sixth parallel , and
charged that L. G. Johnson , who accused
him of desiring such a division In order that
lie might bu returned to the senate , was not
ii citizen of Dakota but of Illinois , iicsaid
Johnson was a land speculator who wanted
the division noitli and south in order to
bilng his lands near the capital ot' tin ; new
state and thus enhance their value. McDon
ald , a banker of I'ierrc , spoke a few minutes
In support of the views expressed by Judge
The cabinet meeting to-day wat attended
by all the members "except the postmaster
general , who Is siilVcrini : Irom a eold. The
session lasted about three hours , the princi
pal part of which time was devoted to con
sidering the action of the senate in executive
session yesterday In making a formal de
mand ot the attorney general for copies of
all papers in his department relating to the
recent change In the ollice of United States
attorney for the southern dislrict of Ala
bama. A general discussion ensued and
showed a slight division of sentiment ns to
the proper policy to be adopted by the presi
dent in this particular case , which Is gener
ally regarded as an Issue , and action on
which will necessarily establish a precedent.
No action was had on the general proposi
tion of compliance or non-cnmnllanco with
the wishes of the senate , and the exact form
of the answer to ho made to the communica
tion from the senate was left open for luither
Senator Plumb said to-day that all the local
land ollieo appointments in Nebraska had
been considered and some would bo reported
favorably in a few days. The committee , hits
voted on them. John G. Illgglns , register
at Grand Island , and ex-Senator Upton , re
ceiver at Bloominglon , will bo confirmed
without delay. The suspension of James
Morris , register at Valentine , II. M. Grimes ,
register at North Pintle , J. W. Tucker , re
ceiver at Valentine , and John D. Seaman ,
receiver at Norlli Platte , will ho considered
when the papers can bo had from the interior
department mid from Hie president. Their
successors will not be confirmed light away.
OAril'ATi m.KAXINOfi.
The remains of the late Iteprescntatlvo
Joseph Itankln left hero this morning for
Wisconsin on a special train. They were ac
companied by Senators Sawyers , Blackburn ,
and Jones of Arkansas , and JteprcMintatlves
Bragtr , Van Schalck , Stevenson , Gucnthcr ,
Carleton , Henderson and Johnson.
In the supreme court of the United States
to-dav , the Chicago case of Joseph C. Mackln
and 'William J. Gallagher vs the United
States , was postponed until the first Monday
In March next.
A bill Introduced In the house to-day by
Mr. Swinburne of New York , declaring the
sliver dollar a legal tender , makes all stand
ard bllver dollars heretofore coined legal
tender , and directs Iho secretary of the treas
ury to recognize the coined silver dollar of
lUi'f grains as equal In value to the gold
dollar in payment of all claims against or
due Ihe government.
The Ohio Scnatn FaolioiiH Figuring
On 11 Compromise ,
Counnius , Ohio. Jan. so. The situation
In the senate trouble Is quiet this morning ,
biiggcstlons conin from both sides looking fern
n compromise , but nothing definite , nor any
mode of procedure lias been agreed upon.
Neither senate is willing lo bo known as out
wardly proposing a compromise , nnd for this
reason Iho reports of a settlement say that It
will not ho ot any consequence. The repub
licans claim to bu tlrm in their position , and
will ugroo to nothing except It Includes Im-
medlutu proceedings under Iho rules they
adopted last even I UK for disposition
of thu Hamilton county contest cases
in open senate. The democratlo senate Is
credited with the proposition that n special
committee be appointed of equal member
ship politically for a hearing of the contest
cases. The icpiibllcans say that they will
not entertain this proposition oven if It
tihould como in regular form. The demo
cratic senators met in caucus at 10 this morn
ing , and will likely bo In session several
hours. The republican senate mot ut 10
with the lieutenant governor In the chair.
All thu republican members were present
and none of the democrats. The journalof
the day previous was read and approved.
They will remain in session about ono hour
and adjourn llll to-morrow morning. There
Is no excitement and only a few spectators
uro present.
The republican senate adjourned till tomorrow -
morrow at 10 n. in. The dcmociatlo caucus
accomplished nothing except to resolve on a
solid front , and they will go into the bcnato
chamber at 4 p. in. to-morrow , the time to
which they adjourned.
A Train Derailed ,
ST. Louis , Jan. 20. A special to the Post
Dispatch from Cairo (111. ( ) states that at 7:110 :
last evcr.lng the south bound passenger
train on the southern division of tlio Illinois
Central railway was wrecked thlity miles
below that place by the removal of a rail , by
tome unknown canto. Thu locomotive and
all tho'cars , except two sleepera , were ditched ,
and Urn engineer , William JUilmi of Water-
( Mlts. ) was Instantly killed ,
Destructive Plro In Philadelphia
Two Hotels Burned.
PniLADr.i.i'iiiA , Jan. i5. A five-story
buck building , U5 to 719 Arch streets , was
discovered on fire nt 1C5 : o'clock tills morn-
Ing. The flames quickly communicated lo
721 Arch slreet. The Morrlss building in
which the lire originated was ono ot tlio
handsomest on Arch street. The upper floors
were occupied by three linns of lithograph
ers. Kaeh of these firms suffer a total loss.
The lirst floor was occupied by Monro Bros.
& Co. , wholesale dealers In shoes. The
building T21 Arch street was occupied by
May & Bro. , straw and millinery goods.
The firemen finding their efforts to save the
Morriss building unavailing , directed Ihelr
stieams lo the St. Cloutl hotel , which adjoins
"unnedlately on the east. The guests In the
liotel had all retired for the night and were
startled by frantic shouts ol "lire , " "lire , "
ivhlrh came from thu fouitli floor. The cry
uf warning crrnted n panic. The guests
ushcd from their rooms partly dressed
nto the corridors and down the stairs
o the ollice. Tlio female cuc&ts were safely
( scorted to quarters In the neighborhood ,
tvhllo the gentlemen with crip sacks and
others higgiim ti links , looked alter their own
nteicsts. There were many exciting incl-
lents nnd scenes attendant upon the retreat
from the hotel , but no accidents are reported.
t 'Jilii the front wall pf the Morrlis building
fell with a crash Into the street. This was
soon after followed by the side walljiupoii
the warehouse occupied hv May & Bro. Thereof
roof crushed and the building was shattered. A
iiumbcrof bulldingson the south sldcof Arch
street were damaged by lire and the contents
suffered troiu wafer. The double building ,
No. * { and 24 Arch street , lust west of the
Morrlss building , was entirely burned.
Shortly after'J o'clock it was evident the St.
Cloud hotel was doomed as great
volumes of heavy smoke came pour
ing through the tit'tli floor front
windows. During the early states of Hie lire ,
and before it had reached the hotel , the police
ran through the latter building to awaken the
guests who had not been previously alarmed.
Some of them were too sleepy to ho aroused ,
and the officers were obliged to break In the
doors to get the people out. Uy : i the cornice
and top ilory of the hotel fell Into Arch
sticut , sending up myriads of cinders. At
! 1-I5 : the the was under control. The St.
Cloud was a live-story structure with a front
age of eighty feet. It had accommodations
for : ( TX ) iruests and last night filled two-thirds
of its capacity. The proprietors say that the
value of their furniture and effects is § 50,000 ,
and fully covered by insurance. The Lon
don temperance hotel adjoins the St. Cloud
on the east side , and also caught lire. The
guests , who were mainly permanent board
ers , were directed to leave it and all of them
succeeded in saving their personal property.
The loss is now estimated at a half to three-
quarters of a million dollars.
Dry Goods in Flames.
WiriHTA , Kan. , J an. 20. A lire occurred
at 2 o'clock this morning at lEobinson Bros. '
dry goods house. It was one of the largest
in thotity. The stock , valued at 847,000was
completely ruined. Insurance about SW,000. :
At 8 o'clock another lire occurred on the
other side of the same street , destroying
three fiamo buildings. Stock all saved.
The Grasshopper .Mill Burned.
YOUXOSTOWN , O. . Jan. 20. Grasshopper
millsituated in Smoky Hollow.and valued at
S.)0K)0 ( ) , burned this morning owing to care
lessness of an employe. Insured for 542,000.
The Trades nnd Dealt ) of Democratic
.NEW iTonic , Jan. GO. [ Special Telegram. ]
The Tribune's Washington special says :
Payson of Illinois , who Is known as one
of the extreme advocotes in the house of the
Bland dollar , to-day said : " 1 will give yon a
piece of news and if you desire to boa prophet
you hud better publish it. The ways .and
means committee will report soon a joint resolution
elution requiring the secretary ol'ithe treasury
to issue forthwith a call for not less than
§ 50,000,000 worth of bonds and ledeein the
same with the surplus money In the treasury.
1 know this to be a lact. "
Hewitt , who Is a member of the ways and
means committee , when asked about the
prospect of tariff legislation , said : "We shall
prepare and bring In a bill at an early iday
which 1 believe will command the support of
a majority ot the house. " Ho spoke In a tone
ofereat confidence. The correspondent also
learned from a source believed to
be wholly trustworthy that with
a view of securing united
democratic support for a tariff measure Iho
free traders have made overtures to the lead
ing democratic protectionists , so-called , and
have offered lo accept a now schedule em
bracing iron ore , iron , fatecl , etc. , to be pre
pared by the Pennsylvania democrats. It Is
believed Sccrelary Manning lias had a hand
In pulling the attempted negotiations on foot
and that the skeleton of a plan for the pro
posed "deal" has been placed by him In the
hands of prominent democratic representa
tives. There are some eastern democrats who
will object to the scheme unless It shall carry
with it democratic support of a resolution
piovlding fora suspension of silver coinage.
New York Officials Working Up a Bis
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 20. [ Special Tclearain.r
The Tribune this morning exposes a scheme
lor relieving the taxpayers of that city of
52,500,000 for a bridge over the Harlem river
that will not bo needed this generation. Two
now bridges will bo completed soon , but It is
proposed to build an extravagant structure
only a quarter of u mile above High bridge ,
where Ihe land on both hides is held by n few
great estates. There has never been any
public demand for such bridge. I Us a scheme
not for public benefit , but lo advance the val
ue of the property of a few millionaires and
enable them to dispose of It at fancy prices.
The most active agent in pushing the schemu
Is a former olllclal who Irled lo earn reputa
tion for economy in olllco by lighting every
just claim against the city Ihat was not held
by one of his friends or political supporters.
The law under which the officials are acting
Is loosely drawn and does not In any way
limit the expenditure , and the Tribune calls
upon the legislature to put an end lo the
scandalous job by repealing the act before the
commissioners sign thoproposedextravagant
The AVntcr Nine Feet Above the Land
Jjcvol at Stockton.
HTOCKTQN , Cala. , Jan. 20. The San Joa-
quln river has been gradually rising for the
past week. Sunday a portion of llio city
pioper , comprising about one-fifth of Us area ,
was covered with water. Tlio water about
Ilobcrt's Island , which is protected by levees ,
rose nine feet above the level of the land.
The pressure was too much for the levees to
withstand , nnd n break occurred , through
which the wato r rushed , ami soon converted
13,000 acres of wheat and orchards Into
n miniature lake. The damage hero Is esti
mated at $860,000 , liobeits Island Is divided
into three divisions with cross levees. The
break occurred in the middle division. Fears
are now entertained that the cross levees
\yhicli divide the upper tmd lower portion
from the middle acctlon of the Island may
give way. If the middle section Is not boon
repaired there. 1 $ little hope of stopping the
break for a week , tliQughtlto most strenuous
efforts ave being made to ,
If you buy lumber anywliero without
flrso getting Jlonglamts prices you will
lose JBonoy ,
The Senate Session Devoted to Eulogies on
the Late 'Vlpo President.
By Messrs. Sherman , .Hampton , Han
som , ISvarts , Spooncr nnd Others
llnutlnc AVork Transacted
In tlio House.
W\SIIIXCITON , Jan. 20.7-T.hl3 being llio
: lay appointed for senate addresses In memo-
lam of the Into Vice President Hendrlcks ,
lie galleries of tliosennlo began to 1111 nt nn
arly hour.Vlicii | therefore , at noon tlio
resident pro tcmnoro , Mr. Sherman , called
ho senate to order nil tlio seals In tlio gal-
cries were occupied , llio larger proportion o
he occupants belli ) ; ladles.
Tim clinlr laid before the senate a letter
.staling that the lnfonnnton | called for by llio
recent tosolutlon of the senate regarding
Inlms paid under Ihc French and Sjianlsh
realles could be most speedily furnished by
ho state department The loiter , was appro
priately referred.
.Mr. Voorheesthcn called up his resolution
expressive of the senate's tieep sense or the
iiibltc loss In the death of the late Vice Prcs-
For the ; eminent citizen of the republic , lie
Bald , who lately fell from his place and who
low sleeps In honor In the bosom of the state
.10 loved so well and served so faithfully , wo
can do no more than has al
ready been done by llio tongue ,
nnd by every method which human
affection can Inspire. All the honors due to
' .ho most Illustrious dead have been paid by
he ehlef mauistrnto of the government , by
ho authority of tlio stales and by
.ho unrestrained affection ot llio people.
In the senate , however , wo may not bo
silent , oven though Hie cup of honor lo his
memory is full and overflowing. In this ex
alted theatre of action , hero on this bril
liantly lighted stage , he fullillod Ids last
oillulal engagement and closed his long and
ommaiidlng public career.
In conclusion Mr. Voorheos said : "As
long as American history treasures up pure
lives and faithful public services ,
us long as public and private vir
tue , stainless and without blemish ,
is revered , so long will the name of Thomas
A. Hendrlcks be cherished by the American
people as an example worthy of emulation.
In the busy harvest ot death of the year 18S5
them was gathered Into eternity no nobler
spirit , no higher Intelligence , no fairer soul. "
.Mr. Hampton followed. When death , ho
said , laid its inexorable hand on Thomas A.-
llendrlcks. vice president of llio United
States , we had a new and faithful illustration
of the truth of the old adage , "Death loves a
shining mark. " .Mr. Ilendricks was best
loved where he was best known. Crowned
with almost every civil honor which a grate
ful people could bestow , blest by domestic
happiness as perfect as It was beautiful , ho
dlu , indeed , otter a" shining mark. When one
of the great actors in this political arena fell
all animosities were buried with him. In the
awful presence of death friends and foes
alike strove to do justjce. The scenes around
the death bed , .Mr..Haninton ' said , proved the
brotherhood of mankind ; and showed that
one touch of nature nmdo the whole world
akin. This thought made iv deep impression
on the sneaker's mind , and that Impression
was indelibly fixed liy Hie extraordinary
spectacle beheld at the funeral of General
Grant. Wo all , remember the imposing and
touching ceremonies on" that mournful occa
sion , and certainly no ; one who witnessed
them could ever forget them , lint the feature
that struck him as niftst significant and most
Impressive wassthe'inct' that among those
who bore the body otthe" great captain of the
union armies to the grave were confederate
soldiers wlio a few brief years ago were his
mortal enemies. Here to-day , while honor-
iuir ourselves by doing honor to llio memory
of"our lute vice president , we see exhibited
the same kind and generous feeling which
marked tlio obsequies of the dead ex-presi
Jir. Sherman bore testimony to the marked
ability which Mr. Ilendricks always main
tained in his opinions. He had been ready
and courteous in debate , and never violent
In argument. His arguments were always
clear and lucid in their delivery. Ho rarely
paused , but moved smoothly on like a full
river , and If his premises were admitted It
was dlllicnlt to avoid , hls-coaclusious. After
the war his ground Was that , as a question of
law , Hie war could not and hail not disturbed
Hie relations of. the states. To use his own
words : "When peace came , it found a state
with a constitution actually unrepealed and
In full force , holding that stale
to the federal union. ' ' his princi
ples , Mr. Sherman added , were
openly avowed and ably defended. Ho car
ried more of the bitterness of politics Into
his private life. He' , was a man easy of approach
preach , affable and kind to all , and the best
type or the American cltl/en.
ilr. Evnits expressed pleasure at the fact
Ihat ho had been asked to participate in the
expression of the ft" > ! lngs of the senate on
this occasion. Jt KO happened that he had a
very good acqualnlahco.wlth Mr. Ilendricks ,
dating from nn early period in his public
career. In the court of the imneachment
trial of President Johnson. Mr. Kvurts had
an opportunity to observe the candor , cour
age , and constitutional value of Mr. Hen
drlcks' opinions. As to Mr. Hendrlcks' par
tisanship , Mr. Kvarts could ihul In history no
other mode of conducting the political atlalrs
of a great and free people , except
by great and ( inn parties. Ho believed ,
therefore , that a steadfast and intrepid adhe
sion to party was merit. Ho had observed
among the most prominent characteristics of
Mr. Hendrlcks , no was always governed by
.strong , Inborn convictions. These ceremo
nies and these eulogies In the proseiii'o of
death' said Mr. Kvarts , In conclusion , were
never formal , never commonplace. Death ,
however , frequently brought to notice that
mortal man is ncver'fonnal or commonplace ,
However men may live In the market place ,
In the crowded court , In the senate chamber ,
at the head of armies , and as an object ot
popular applause , man always dies alone.
From these contemplations , Mr , President , it
seems to me that the wisest man gains new
wisdom , and the boldest ninn tcols some
tremor in the presence of this invincible an
Mr.Hansom believes It almost Impo slblo at
this time to measure the worth to our country
of a great character Jlkii that of the late vice
president. The southern states , in this
emergency , felt a deep , sincere and overflow
ing sympathy and sorrow at the bereavement
ol their northern sisters ) . "Thank Almighty
God , " said Mr. Hansom , "that the everlast
ing covenant of our union is established In
the hearts of our people , and that , through
clouds of this sorrowwe ; can behold peace
that Is never to bo broken. "
Mr. Spooncr , whllq not believing that ho
could add to the effect of what had been said ,
desired as a inUlvoInJlunhui to speak a word
of tribute to the memory of the deceased.
"Hcndricks " he " heait and
, haldj was soul n
democrat. Ho thoroughly believed In his
party and in Its principles. Indeed , 1 think If
he might give idliwtion to our words
to-day , he would bid us say of him
that ho was n 'partisan' democrat.
Ho lightly thought that principle ,
should bo a matter of conviction , and that
every man of any political faith owed It to
himself and country luUe a partisan In this
at least , that ho should labor In all lit ways
best suited to his mental make up and his
mirrotiiidliicH. to promote the success of the
principles in which ho believes. To him no
political partisanship , honorable in its
methods , was offensive. In party ho saw
only the instrumentality through which , and
through which alone , might be wiought out
the tiiumph of his principles , in active ,
faithful , honorable party service ho saw ,
therefore , devotion to principle , not nieio
lust for oljice. Ho believed that a party
clothed by tlio popular will with the icouon-
slblllty of the administration , should every
where trust the execution of ils policies
lo those who were. In political sympathy witl
them , and who ImiUt heart Us continued am
complete success. Ho believed that those
In Uie ruling party who had done tlio .most
and sacrlilcrd tlio most In honorable , active
effort , should , if-fit for .public duty , bo bj
that first called to public
service. He had a tfndcr feeling in his Jjeait
for the man who , for twenty yearsIn sun-
bhine and in storm , had Jed his party ncaii
and ogam lo certain defeat ; who had'uep
nllvo Its organization In every state , county
mid town , and who , by unwavering allegiance
nnd effort had made possible Its ultimate suc
cess , and could not brook with any
Icgreo of patience the suggestion
n the hour of lilt party's triumph
hat such men should be reproachfully
ermed "politician , " and dented recognition
est some political ( esthetic should say , "It Is
n reward for parly service. " The Imputation
hat ho was n spoils man rather angered than
grieved Mr. Hcndrlcks , for ho know it came
from these who had clllierbcen of the hostllo
camp , or If his own , had been wont to linger
n the shade and at slumber , while ho and
the "boys , " as he sometimes loved to call Hie
party workers , had homo the heat and dust
nnd ourden of the battle. Spoilsman or not.
10 went down to his grave loved , trusted and
mourned by Ids party , and I dare to bollovo
: hat t'.io clement of party fealty which
nought to him this reproach will not cause
iss memory to suffer with the great mass ot
his opponents.
There Is a melancholy comfort In the man
ner of his death , said Mr. Spooncr , In conclu
sion. He died As ono might wish to die who
was as well prepared to go. God's linger
touched him and lie slept.
This was Mr. Spooner's mnldon speech In
the senate , and attracted general attention ,
not only for Its dliwtmus and force , but for
graceful and feeling delivery.
Mr. Vest took melancholy pleasure In
spcnklnir of Mr. Hendrlcks' character , where
10 ilrst knew him and learned to love him as
T friend. In Hendrlcks he had seen llio In
carnation of the vital spirit of our govern
ment , the sovereignty of llio pcoule.
Mr. Harrison , In seconding the resolutions
ollered by Mr. Voorheos , said ho did not
think that Mr. Ilendricks' popularity had
culminated at the time of his death.
Ilo seemed to have been never
more loved or esteemed by his
| ) olltlcal friends than just before
ils death. 1I was a man , the speaker said.
of great political courage , ami while not
aggressive as a leader , always met assault
with force and skill. Ilo had never made his
leadership offensive by too open assertion or
display of it. Ho had been blessed In his
married life , said Mr. Harrison. The wife
whom ho wooed and won In his younc man-
liood walked with him In love and affection
lo the end. The bridal vow had been kept
"till death do us part. "
The resolutions In memorhun were agreed
lo , and ns a further evidence of respect for
the memory of its late presiding otllclnl , tlio
senate , on motion of Mr. llairia , adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 'JO. The speaker pro
ceeded lo llio call .of states and the following
bills and resolutions were Introduced and
By Mr. Townsliend To Ilniif the jurisdic
tion of the United Stales coiuts in patent
cases , and to protect persons , who without
notice arc bona lido manufacturers , purchas
ers , vender's or users of aiticles for exclusive
use , manufacture or sale , of which a patent
has been or may hereafter be granted ; also ,
proposing a constitutional amendment pro
viding that the president and vice president
shall bo elected uy a majority of the people
and abolishing the electoral college and regu
lating llio method of counting Ihe voles by
the two houses of congress.
By Mr. Worthlngton Authorizing the
president to Invite tlieaulononomlccgovern-
ments of America to send delegates to the
International American congress and arrange
for the arbitration ol all national dift'ereuces.
I3y Mr. Murphy For llio relief of railroad
mall clerks who nave been in the postal ser
vice for twenty years.
By Mr. O'Neillof Missouri ( by request ) To
reorganize the steamboat inspection service ,
and to consolidate theofllco of supoivising
Inspector general of steamboats with the
bureau of navigation.
By Mr. McAUoo Asking information from
the postmaster general as to whether the
eight hour law applies to letter carriers , and whether it Is "enforced in their behalf ,
amUf not , forwhat reason.
By Mr. Ingham Authorizing the payment
of : postal notes by money order ollices.
By Mr. Brum.m Fixing at § 5,000,000 the
maximum limit of the capital stocks ot na-
tloiial'banklng ' associations.
By Mr. Throckmorton of Texas A resolu
tion calling on the secietary of the interior
for copies ot any and all contracts or leases
which are to be found on tile in his ollicc be
tween the Southern Pacific Hallroad com
pany and any railroad to which land crants
have been made or which have received
bonds from the United States. Also , for a.
copy of. the charter of the Southern Pacific
railroad , and also for copies of any contract
on file between llio I'acilic Mall Steamship
company and any of the subsidized roads.
By Mr. Caldwell of Tennessee To prohibit
the Importation of pauper labor.
By Mr. AVIHIs of Kentucky Providing
that in the employment of labor on public
works preference snail bo given to citizens of
the United States , and prohibiting the em
ployment Of convict labor.
Mr. Morrison of Illinois , from the commit
tee on ways and means , reported a bill relat
ing lo llio taxation of fractional parts of a
gallon of distilled spirits.
Mr. Adams of Illinois , from the committee
on banking and currency , reported a bill to
enable national banking associations to In
crease their capital and to change their loca
tion and name. Placed on the house calen
dar.In the morning hour , Mr. Thomas of Illi
nois , on behalf of the committee on naval
affairs , called up the bill authorizing the vol
untary retirement of certain oflicers of the
navy who have rendered conspicuous ser
vice in battle or served thirty years in ( lie
navy. Mr. Thomas explained this hill would
l > encllt these men who were known as
"forward oflicers , " such as boatswains , gun
ners , sallmakers , etc. , who. though having
performed meritorious service , had never re
ceived any advancement. It would also
benefit the navy , becau e it would result in
removing from the way of promotion oilicers
who were known as "dead wood , " who held
high ranks , but were incapable of performing
their duties. Tlio bill had been introduced
for tlio purpose of relieving the present stag
nant condition of the navy , and bringing lethe
the front some active young men who huvo
had the advantage of modern education.
The tldo of promotion should be started In
order that the best men in tlio service would
not quit In disgust after having been en
signs for ten , twelve , or llftcen years.
Mr. Dunham of Illinois , suggested that tlio
bill should be entitled one "to get rid of the
driftwood of the navy. "
Mr. Thomas replied that that would not bo
a proper title , ns under the hill muiiy gallant
men would bo permitted to retire from active
Mr , Itcagan of Texas opposed the bill as
adding another class to our Ameilcnn ari
stocracy to bo fed and clothed by the labor of
other men. Thocountry had gone far enough
on the road toward establishing an American
Mr. Thomas Inquired what the gentleman
would do with the present retired list of the
army and navy.
Mr. Iteiigan replied lliat ho would repeal
these mi American and unrepubllcan laws ,
and leave the otlicers to work for their living
like other men. Ho would have no man to
live on llio work of other men In a country
claiming lo bo a frco constitutional republic.
If he could succeed in preventing tlio spread
of this evil , ho would congratuhilo himself ,
even though ho could not secure the repeal ot
the laws.
Pending action , the morning hour cxphed
and the house adjourned.
Kicking on tlio Oil Inspector.
Iis : MOINKS , Iowa , Jan. 20. The state
boanl of health to-day issued an open letter
to llio general assembly , reciting the history
of the administration of the slate oil Inspec-
tlonshlp by 1) ) . W. Blnnchard , and crlticlhlng
some of his acts. The letter asks for the ap
pointment of several additional inspectors
and suggests that the legislature define more
clearly the duties of llio slate oil Inspector.
- >
Slmcfcr Heats the I'roiichninn.
Niw : Vonic , Jan. 20. The international
billiard match , fourlceu-inch balk line , a.OOO
points up , WX ) points per night , for a stake ol
55,000 , between Jacob Khaefer and M'liirieo
YlRiipux , which will continue for live con
secutive nights , was begun to-night in Cos
mopolitan hall. Hlmcfea1 won by Ihe follow
ing wore : Slmefer , COO' ; ViKiiaux,2T-I. Winner -
ner average-31.1'i ; loser's n vertigo , 10.14.
> Ve < Uhcr For To-day.
Migsoim VAII.IV : Fair weat.hci'i north
eriy winds , becoming variable ; sllghtlj
Ilia Legal Adviser Admits His In *
sanity AVhoii Signing It ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram. ]
The fifth day of the legal contest over Iho
vill of Wilbur F. Stoiey , executed In Feb
ruary , 1SS1 , ended last nlpht with the testl-
nony of the Ihrco subscribing witnesses to
ho will , allot whom testified to their belief
hnt Mr. Storey was Insane when the will
vas signed. Tlio last witness was A. S.
rrude , the attorney who drew llio will , who
icknowledgcd on the stand that ho know
Mr. Storey was Insane when ho ( the witness )
Irew the will. lie also acknowledged that
icrtaln assertions made In Ihc document and
n attesting to the will were false , and ho
; ne\v them to be false when ho framed Iho
To-day the defense placed Clinton
A. Snowdcu , managing editor of
ho Times during 1WI , to testify
0 Mr. Storey's mental condition.
Jeforo ho could proceed Mr. Ooudy , counsel
or the blood relatives , proceeded to nrguu
hat the testimony of the three witnesses
lullllled the will , ana that no outside test- !
uony could in any way change Iho fact. Mr.
lerrlck.ono of the attorneys for Mrs. Storey ,
argued at length , declaring that thu subscrlb-
n } ? witnesses who ccrlllled to the signature
and to the testator being of sound initiil and
nciuory , and then came to the stand and
wore to thn contrary , wore unworthy of bo-
lof. There were three things necesstiry to
ho proper execution of the will the slg-
laturo of the testator , the acknowledgment
of his signature by thu testator In the pros-
Mice or two witnesses , nnd Ihc attestation oE
two witnesses that Uie signature
was gouiilne. "It Is true , your
honor , " ho said. "that the man
who acknowledged that , acting as the lead
ing advisor of Mr. Storey , ho allowed his
client to sign a will while the latter was
under the influence of liquor , and for Hint
reason in part now disputes the document ho
drew and signed as a witness , comes here"as
1 witness antagonistic to his own act. But
before wo get through wo will prove that this
man who disputes his own .signature and his
own work Is unworthy of belief. There was
no dispute about this will being signed by
Mr. Storey. It was attested by the sub
scribing witnesses in Mr. Storey's presence.
He insisted that all the statute required con
cerning the execution of a will was duly per
formed in this case. "
The case is attracting a good deal of atten
tion as it proceeds , especially since the be
ginning of the cross examination in which
Iho attorneys for Mrs. Storey have outlined
Ihelr Intention to show that a conspiracy of
some nature existed among the witnesses to
defeat the purpose of the testator nnd a
speedy settlement of the estate.
An Increase of FcclliiR Against I'lg
Tails on the Const.
SAN FJIANCISCO , Cal. , Jan. 20. The recent
murder of Mr.and Mrs. Jesse C.\Vlckcn > hain ,
near Clovcrdale , Ponoma county , by their
Chinese cook , has again thniVughly aroused
anti-Chinese sentiment , throughout the
Pnclno coast. As soon as the facts ot tlio
murder were confirmed anti-Chinese organ
izations were effected in many of thu most
important towns in the state , resolutions
to boycott Ihe Chinese .were adqpted and
other measures , devised for pitting .rid of
them. At Clovcrdalo tjhQjrjIiUicW'Worc noti
fied to leave within i'brtyilglitjiotirs ! from 10
o'clock this morning. Should they not heed
the wariiinsja meeting will bo held to take
more effective measures for their expulsion.
Proposed to Divide the Pot.
X FHANCI&CO , Jan. 20. One of the most
serious charges brought against United
States Consul Urccnbaum at Apia , Samoa , Is
a petition to Secretary Bayard which asks for
his removal. In 11 is contained an affidavit
of. a Chinese merchant , Ah Sit , who swears
( irecnbaiim tried to make arrangements with
him vthereby Chinese could bo brought from
China to Samoa and furnished with ccrtlli-
catos there which would permit them to enter
tlio United States. Each Chinaman was to
be charged S10J , and Ihls amount equally
divided between AhSu and Grecnbaum.
The Missouri Iliver Passenger Pool
on the VcrRC of it Brculc Up > .
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. The Chicago , St. Louis
and Missouri Itlvcr Passenger association
held a two hour session to-day , but made no
effort whatever to roach an agreement on the
only quu.ilon pending , namely , Ihat of In
cluding in the pool contract the business of
the northwestern terrltorv. Adjournment
was taken until February 1. As the notice
of. the St. Paul road dissolves the association
.military ill , this is equivalent to a break up
of the pool. It Is Mated , however , that tlio
managers will come together a'jaiii Monday
in accordance witli the adjournment , and the
old agreement having expired , they will bo
less hampered In treating upon the business
to points In the northwest.
Telegraph Competition.
ST. PAUL , Jan. 2-Col. ( ) J. K. Xeublln ,
general supeJlntciidcnt of the Baltimore &
OhloTclcgruph company Is now In the city for
the purpose of securing franchises In St.
Paul , Minneapolis and Dulutli with a view
of. extending the Baltimore & Ohio . .ystcm
to the northwest. Xeublin says having
failed lo secure a conjunction with King's
now telegraph scheme , the Baltimore ! it
Ohio will build Its own lines to this .section ,
and says they will bo In operation hero as
soon as Kfng'n , which Is promised June 1.
The Hnuiiiocr Killed.
Niw OjiuAX4 : , Jan , 20 , While the south
bound train on the Illinois Central road was
crossing the trestle woik over the Tulla-
imtchle river last nlglil the engine struck an
obstruction , evidently placed there by some
inlscicaiits , and was thrown from thu bridge ,
drawing the mull and baggage cais with it.
llngfncer Iteallin was so badly Injured that
ho died. Several passengers are reported cut
and brul.scd , but nuiie seilously.
A Millionaire Vaoestlio
PiTTsnujio , , Iun. 20. At 'J this afternoon ,
Milton West on , convicted of being accessory
to the murder of Obadluh [ Haymaker , ap
peared at the sheriff's olllco with his bonds
man and gave hlnif-clf up. lie was placed In
llio custody of tlioKherllt by order of Judge
Itailey , and to uu taken to ltivor lilo pcnlti'ii- '
tlary at otico to undergo a sentence of live
years imprisoiinu'iit.
The Coke Ko iou Troubles.
CONKIU.SVIIU : : , Pa. , Jan. M. .Sheriff
Sterling went to the Morgan mines with
twenty deputies this morning and arrested
ihlitcen forclgneis for beating a Frenchman
ycsteulay evening while at work drawing an
oven of coke. The employes at thu Morrell
works have all been discharged.
New City Directory.
Parlies having dumped their resilience
or honiiiln ! < r place jn the city blionkl send
in their now location at oncu so ( hat it
will uiipour in the directory correct as the
book is extensively used In the delivery
of mail matter throughout the city.
J , M. WOI.FU & Co. , 1TO S. 1U
Xowls Your Time.
I am closing out heating ami cooking
stoves at most any price with a guaran
tee , and will liereattor keen only builder's
hanlwnr& nml carpenters tools , which I
will sell at a lower iidco than any other
hardware house in Omaha. .
JI , KUCK , 010 N. ICth.
The Government's ' Threat of Coercion fet
Ireland Proves Its Downfall ,
The ItoslKiintious of tlio Salisbury
Ministry to be Xcmlcrotl on Tluira-
liny An Overwhelming Defeat
Tlio Speck of AVnr.
The Tory Ministry Overturned.
LONDON , Jan. 20. Sir Michael Hicks
Bench , conscrvallvo leader , gave notlco In
the house of commons this altcrnoon that
the government would Introduce on Thurs
day a bill , to suppress the Irish National
league and other dangerous societies , to pre
vent Intimidation , to protect life nnd proper
ly and maintain public- order In Ireland ,
This announcement was greeted
with loud cheers Sir Mlcbacl
said ho would nsk llio house lo Rlvo * .
llio bill precedence. He added that the mcas- . \
uro would bo followed by a bill dealing with ;
Ihc Irish land question on the line of. p6lley
Indicated by the land purchase net of last
Mr. Colllngs moved his amendment to the
address on the subject of allotments. Mr.
( iladstone strongly supported Mr. Ceiling's
amendment and llio Marquis of Ilartlngton
opposed it. Sir Michael Hicks Beach said
the government would willingly accept the
decision of the house , as they had assumed
ottlco with reluctance and would resign with
out regret. The amendment was adopted by
a vote of W9 to 230 , the government thus beIng -
Ing defeated. The result of the division was
received bv the Irish members with dcrlslvo
cheers and cries of "Boycotted 1" The
house , at the suggestion of Sir Michael
Hicks Beach , adjourned until Thursday.
The Morning Post says the resignation o
llio government will bo announced oii
That Speck of AVar.
LOKOOX. Jan. SO. The Greek minister 1ms
been Interviewed In reference lo tlio possibil
ity of war between Greece and Turko y. Ilo do
nlcd Ihal the government of Greece had any
intention nf issuing letters of marque in
event of hostilities breaking out. His gov
ernment , he said , has Mifllcient number of
vessels to cope with Ttirkoy without resort
ing to such extreme measures. Greece has
no desire to follow the Alabama experiences
of England.
ST. Pirrnnsntrnn , Jan 20. The Journal
do St. Petersburg says It believes Greece will
still resist her promptings of passion , mid
will find that the course In opposition to thd
will of Kuropu is useless , In view of Europe's
determination to admit of no change in ter
ritory which would infringe llio treaty of-
Lo.vnox , Jan. 30. The British Mediter
ranean licet under Admiral Hay has been
onlcreiMo Piraeus , port ot Athens.
ATHUXS. Jan. 26. ' The cabinet council )
withtho king presiding , is novy in .session
discussing the political situation. Mow regi
ments are Ijclng rapidly formed for active
LO.VDO.V , Jan. 20. The people of Athens' ,
through n committee , have telegraphed Glad
stone us follows : "We. place in your hands
the Hellenic cause with a linn hope tliatit
will liud in you a generous champion. "
Gladstone in response telegraphed : "Con
sidering the authority attaching to the nation
of the gicat powers , both on general grouudfl
and by reason of their intervention in the
formation oC the Greek kingdom , i earncslly
hope Greece will paiibo before placing her
self 011 this occasion in contllct with our de
liberated and united recommendation. "
ATIIIXS. : Jan. 'A The Greek fleet depart
ed from Piraeus to avoid being blockaded
by the British Jleet. The Greek licet com- ,
prl.scs thirty-three ships , including two iron
clads and six gun boats. Seven Turkish iron
clads are crulslii ! ; in the vicinity of Proinsa
Kpirus on the north sideof the entrance to
Ihe gulf of Arta.
ATHKXH , Jan. CO. The war fever hero Is
beyond control of Ihe king and premier.
LO.VDO.V , Jan. W. Greece has replied to
the second note from the powers , and refuses
to disarm. The British embassador at Con
stantinople has notllied the porte of Eng
land's ' action in regard to Greece.
UO.VSTAXTIXOIM.K , Jan. iiO. The porto has
Issued a clicuhir to the powers In which it
points out that the present strained political
situation is unbearable. It says : Turkey ,
though not to blame 1 or this state of affairs.
Is compelled to maintain n huge army on ti
war footint : at an expense which will empty
her Ircasury unless the powers cll'ecl u
speedy settlement.
Another Dynamite Scare.
LONDON , Jan. 2o. The dynamite scare is
revivea In Norwich again to-day by a tcrrllia
explosion at Victoria railway station'which
partly demolished the building. No one 1 $
re-ported injured. The cause of the explosion
Is a myMcry.
L.vnit : The explosion Is now believed t < J
have been c.iuscd by gas.
Took tlio Oath ofOlllce.
Dum.ix , Jan. 20. Mr. W. II. Smith look
the oath of olllco ns chief secretary of Ireland
to-dayund Immediately after started fof
Paris lias ( went v-twosquares of nn area
of eleven hectares , while Herlin lias fifty
squares of an nrrui of forty hectares. Tlio
parks of London afr re iito 877 hectares ,
apiinsl llrlin'K-117 ( ) lieuhires , which , con-
Kulcriug tliii ( liilercncn in the population
of the two cities , is decidiully lo thu advantage -
vantage of the hist named city. In the
number of trees Paris , witli 67,093 ,
n ; ainbt llorllu's ! ! 8,000 , is very largely
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combines , in a manner peculiar to itself , the
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"Hood's fiarsaparllla dlil wo great gooil.
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"Itulforcd three years from Mood poison.
I tool : Hood's Knrfsaparllla nnd tlilnl ; I am
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2'HrlJlca the JHooil
Hood t Sarsiparllla is rliarnctprlznt l > ;
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remedial agcnti j 2d , the proportion t 3d , Ilia
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Bend for book containing evidence.
"Hood's fhrsanaillhi tones up my y > U'm ,
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.Iteglstcrol Dccils , J.owcll , Mass ,
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jy > BunU btrcut , New Voi k City.
Hood's SarsapariEIa
Sold by nil druggists. SI i six lot $5. Madli
only by 0.-1,11001) & CO. , Ixnvell , M&ss ;
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.