Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY Bfl $ , TUESDAY , JANUARY 26. 1880.
Ailvcrtl'cmrnts under this head 10 cents per
line for tliu nut Insertion , nnd 7 cents for each
juhpcqucnt Infcrtlon nniK l.T n l.nn per montl * .
Bovcn words rrll ba boutltcd to the llnoi they
tnu t run consmutlTclr nnj must bo pnlilln nd
ranee. All advertisement * m ift belmndcd In
liofuro 2 o'clock tj. m. , and under no circum-
Etaticca will llior bo tnkon or discontinued br
tclciilmne. ,
l'nrtlesrtdvertl lnc In these columns nml ImT-
Inp tliu nnsweifl nddrcmcd in euro of ' 1 MIS HFE ,
lil plenso nok forclicck tocimble thorn to net
thrlr loltf re. n'liono will be deln ered except on
jirt'ontntlon of check. All nmwcrt to ndvcr-
H'cmonts rliould lie enclosed In onvfclopos.
MONKV T < > I.OAJi on liorscs , wnirons. fur-
nlHirc.wiitclics. without romo\nl. 'loi ins
easy , r .1 Cnswcll , lloom lO.lron Ilnnlt llulld.
lnf ( , 12tli nnd rnrnan. , Take olovntor. C00-rob7
irnnooto lonuon ctty residence protiorty.
$ ( Ho.V , Day , IfiOT rnrnnm. _
TT1O T.oN Jloncy m any nmount ,
JOn nil tlnswn of security.
Bhotttmiu loims on rcnl o lnto.
Ixinif time lonrts on rcnl ottnto.
Monuj to lonn on clmttcls.
Money 10 lonn on collaterals.
Money to loan on nny ( rood eecuritf.
Terms cony , tlm o to su It. .
Apply ntttiuUmnlin rinnnclnl F.icbnngo ,
llnrkcr's bulldln ? , 8\V corner of
nrtcentli and mmiungtB. , upstairs 78t
MONEY TO tOAJT on Improved end utilm-
lirored city property. Cunnlnglmm &
Brcnnnn , IM1 Dodge elicct. _ U
MONf.Y for uvcrybodylou cnn bonow
mrtiloy on furniture , horses , vrnfrons ,
plnnos , htock ot all klinl ? , diamonds mid flno
TpnlohoBon > ouronntlmo. rnjinontsiecoUcd
M nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
Property left In your own poBsosMon. Toims
loir ns tlio lowest. Call nnd ceo inc. lluslncss
confldontlnl. Nondvimtnifo tnkcn. W. 11. Cioft ,
lloom < , Wltlmell'a Now JJulldliiK , Northcntt corer -
er 15th and Hurner. _ 7"
ONHY TO I.OAN-0. 1" . Dnvls & Co. Ilcnl
M Katato and Loan agents , 1503 i'arnnm St.
MONKV TO LOAN-On ffood securlllcs. A
McUnvock , room T IteUIck lllock , 1509 rnrnnm
Bt. 377
cmnr TO r.oAN-t > n chnttcis , wooloy &
Harrison , room SO , Omnlm National b-mk
Jjulldlnjr. 7B3
MONKY TO LOAN On ronl estate nnd chixt-
_ tols. p. L. Thomas. tOO
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up
wards on first-class rcnl cslnto security.
Potter A Cobb , ISIS F riinm St. bOl
MONKY 1MAKKD nt C , F. Heed A , Co's. Loan
ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
pcrsonnl property of nil kinds and nil other nr-
i Icles of value , without removal Over 1st Knt'l
Bank , corner 13th ana Itarnnm. All business
etrlclly conlldontnl. HK
TjlO KXQIIAXnn 100 acres of cholco farm
J hind In Custer county , Nolua kn , for n. stock
pf funiitmc. I'or pnitlculnrs , address rurnl-
tuio , Snrgcnt county , I\cb. 101-37 *
. IT A well estnbllshed bank-
T ? . . ? , NobrasKii , county
JIng buslnpes In hed. Ad-
ECHttonn forenlo ; mo-30
dross 11 58 , Hue Olllco.
FOH SAM ! The best , paying business In
Omahn ; flno location. Address It 03 , Ilco
TCTOIl SALE Itostavunnt , n great bnrgnlnJCO.
JJ Gibson * Archer , Itoom 3 , Witlmell lllock ,
I'M '
IfT'OK SAM : Chenp , n stock of hardware nnd
JL.1 sot of tlnncr'8 tools , mid building lor iciit ;
also building for gale 2040 , 12 feet high. Itcn-
pen for selling , going west. Address 1) ) . M. John-
eon. Sterling , Neb. _ 1)5327 ) *
TTIon SAI.K Or exchange The Merchants'
A- hotel , nllno new hotel in Chndion. Neb. lien-
tnl rtcolpts now $200 per month. Will sell or ox-
chntigo lor residence n ar buslnots part of
Omaha. Parties pclllufj deslro to llvoln a laigcr
clly. Address , W. A. Lnugwoithy , Clinch on ,
Nobiaskn. OUfeba *
Fpn KXOIIANli-A ! $7,500 stock of dry
goods for H caeh ; balance unlmcumbcred
land or good Omaha property. 1'or exchange
A J1U.OOU Block of dry goods for M cash , balance
liniuicumburod land or good Omnlm property.
Ulbaon , Archer It Co. . Itoom 3 , Witlmcll Illoclc.
t. _ | _ 910
FOR SAiiR A paying noirspnpor liuslncss In
good Nobrasku town ; price , * 2,000. Uibson
In Archer. Itoom 3 , WUlinoll lllock. 694
SALi : Or to trade for Omaha icsi-
denoo property n fnrm of 100 nctcs. part
under cultivation , all lit for cultivation , adjoin
ing the olty limits of O'Neill , Holt Co. , Nebi nskn.
it has a house , bain nnd windmill. A epoclnl
investment for n farmer. By Oco. w. Day. 1509
mmun. NJU-25
TTiOIl .BAI.R A JO.OOO stock of goncial mer-
JL1 chnndl ° o In n rnpldly gi owing town con
taining' J.OOO Inhabitants and Z rallronds , situu-
ted In one of the best farming and ttock coun
ties In Southern Nebraska. liuslncss Is the o d-
cst , location the best , nnd trndo the largest of
nny house In town. No bettor opportunity can
lo found for nny one wishing to jngago In
nbovo buslnc a. Special Inducements offered
pmcha < ! cr. Will soil or rent building for full
particulars nddrets General Jloiclmnt , lloo
Olllco , Omahii. U7-U !
TTIOttSALIS Milk Dairy , about 2.1 cows nnd
, JO otitflt , nnd land to Icnse. D. L. Thomas ,
Itoom 8 , Crolgbton block. _ 801
"I71OK SALE Hnrd arJ business In Oninluu
.tAd _ i oss II. 4. ) Ilco Olllco. _ 7521 obi 1
BALK ThoCommcrcInl Hotel nt South
llt'iid. Nob. , pilco $ , ( X)0 ; terms onsy. Ad-
dicsiT. W. I1. , Bo.x 1J , South llcnd , Nob.
FOK SALK-Or cichnngc Tv > elvo bundled ,
nnd eighty ucicsof > ! < > . , timber nnd ginss
land , lorty miles oust of Kansas City. As rich
soil us nny land In the state , w 111 Boll nil or part
nt Illteon dollais poracioor will o\chango for
irood Improved or unimproved NebiusKa land ,
liedloi-d it Snuor 155
Foil 8AI.K-3 lots InPprlngHllI. $450cneb.
Ali > o un established banking biiRlneSH In Ne-
brubka , county.sent. Gibson A. Aidier , Itoom
11Itlincll lllock. Oinnha. 22t ;
"I71OU HAMS The only lenthcr nnd finding
JL' bunlnets In Lincoln , wblch lias boon car
ried rii for ten ) ours v cry succcssfully ; the renton
t-on for selling , death of the propilctor ; tnpltal
iciiulred , fiom SJ.OOO to $4OOU. AddiessSIrs.
Jacob Huborlo Lincoln , Nob. 67J
\\rANTji > 500 men to oat Eounvtlth lueud ,
. T > So a iilnto. lAl B llltli fit. _ 07&-25 *
TUST OI-INJI : > A now boarding house ; now
tl lurnlluio , clean looms , and evciy loom fur
nished vUth btov o and fuel ttoo ol ch.xigo to
boanlorrt : Kiiiirnutccd equal to nny $ . house
vent or Chicago. l'crdn > $1 , per v\cek , board
und lodging. $3iO ; 31. N 10th ht. U22-2J
Ci ; ItOOJl and besrfonid.l.50n week ;
very best location. 4ias. 13th st.
nnd board , t > 5 per week ; very bcotlo-
cullon. 1814 DavonpoitSt. Itjiltbl9 *
iJ then cull on us and lot us
-itaKojououtto lnvoslUiitu.
1'ull coiner lot two ( unices , louts for$41. Phil
Bhiuldnn Ave , noith o ( bl. Mmy'i ) Ave , JJ.SW
Plvo room lionso and lot , 17th nnd Iluit , $2 > JO.
Tlucu room house nnd basement , 17th and
Ixmvoimoilh , J l.ouo.
Tno lotsMxltiO , four 100111 house and summer
kitchen , llniscom Place , $ Jsiio.
1'ull lot. ton ruom houbebtMniy'u Avc and
SCthht. H.nw.
1'ull lotelegnnt S loom IIOUEO , Prospect Place ,
VlJiOO ,
Two full lots , four room house , stable , etc. ,
JShiill a Ut. ( UflOQ ,
T o lull iols , 3 room house , icnts for $00 ; 20th
Iicur I.i'iu onn 01 th , (
line house , largulot ; Inimomncnt Associa
tion mid. , fl.&o.
Twnlottiaiid 3 hoiisrs , PhuU's2d ndd. , cheap ,
10 lots iu JlHiiscnin 1'luco Hum & 70J to i ( KXI.
Una in Dunlfu'B , loiku's , Pulilik'a und Ox-
t onl'H adds , neil h. nnd loin In bhiill's , Hickory
1'lu.oVcst Omulin , Itecb' and '
toutli , Ifjou vvnnt to Invest In linigaliis.onll
nml too us. JMwnidT. 1'cterton tV Co. , Itoom y ,
B. K. cor. 15lh and Douglas Ha. Wl
TTVlt. i : . D. AUNOI.l ) . Oculist and Auii t , ro-
-J inov pit to U14 Djualni , bticol. b73
M'.USIIAI.L .V lOUKCK. real Catlltv ,
IUIMI n line list of improved und uniiuprovui )
( I1 loin | u Omuhn ; nrrusnitir thoclty nnd hundreds
DI tiou | aiuliiof noics of Jiuiil for tale ; vorro-
i HFIX mScnco follcitttl. JIai-bhall A ; Lobock , IOM
-1 i-liui iuHirc-1 Olllcoopuii I11IUp. m. CDl
'T6s'r ,
1' OST A rmirniih ki-js. A ro urd v > lll bo
JJ f\cn | 1) liii\lng-iit llig othco. HO
IJ * | * ' ' > i : Tfigv irpfijTirorfTo i it'turii imit trtl
psr-Onlhomiin poM bicnstntu. Vlmlor
vvill plcnfco U-UM ) It uttUU cllco1orUt ! > N.
iuiil ricrho iv ard. U-Sii'
OST Itoan h"ro wiih kiiddln' and bi Idle on ,
blind In liiflit i-ie , I iiulcr uturn to 1010
St. Muni > lnikct ,
Hi : W rrjletiQwrStovoHtpnlrCo..lHSoUth
'Itbft lelm ) a JJuiijtn uml "
\TOTlon-l liorrhy nollf everybody not to
JLl trust my wife fornnytMnfr on my nccount
ns I will not bo rosnonsiKo for the snme.
iodo.20 * SAuiiiijvitMms. .
T Aliins m wnnt of peed clomoMic help win
JLJ bo supplied by calling on the Omnlm Em-
Ofllco , Hoom 4 , lluslimau'8 lllock. Mrs.
Sloyment proprietor. 874
OU SALK-ChoIco broom corn seed. U.E.
F Oopson , Omnha. CT4-SO *
T7VOu"sAI.i-50 : buys h ( rood draft horse. N.
Ju Hi cor. iSith nnd Cflllforuln Ms.trO-M *
"fiiou SAI.i : 17 lump slolghs from llio over-
A1 stocked fnctory. Now Is your ohnncc lor n
hnrgnln.Y. . T. fioutnnti , corner of rninnm nnd
WltlhujixNo.l tenmof ponies nt 1010
rnriinm St. , If tnkon nt onco. KtO-tB
171 on SAr7n A ll ht throc-'ii > rlnEr w-mon nnd
.I.1 load cnrt. IBCt N. 19tlij uT-SV
_ _ _
ifffoif SAl < l : Uilod isddlc pony. InojiTrij Ijis
JU tcw-r. '
nodgro. -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOK wrnthcr ettlpi1. ttorm sasli nnd Ooor , go
to 11 > . Mend da 8. ICth 6U WO
Tpoii8At.i-Two : lota m Pelhnmrincc.ono
JL' block from Direct cnr track , Inquire 213 P.
13th street _ K
i"it { * > ycnrToid to
tnko tnro ol children. 8414 Harnoy nt.
109-28 *
A c.ipnbln sorv nnt girl for ( ton-
oialhousowoik. Apply at 710 N. SM ft.
w ANTKD fllrl for ttcnernl housework In
Binnll family. 2107 Dodge st 107-20 *
\\7ANTKD-An experienced , cnpnblo nud
> neat j oung oinun to n slsl In taking care
of children nnJ do second work , Call nt brick
rr ldenco , corner ot llth nnd 1'iorco. Sir * . 1) . S.
Hm riff or. IW-SO
i A c-oitfpeent irlrl for Ronrinl
lioiiiouork ; rucommundatloiid icijiiliod.
Cull nt gl05St. Mniy's Avo. 101-Sip
\v ; ANTiu-A . wnlti-r girl. AddiessHW.Nco
.in A girl In inmllyol thrco ; OCT
mnnpiofcnoil. iaiSCnlllornlaat. COJ-gQ
WANTKli ( lood girls for general house
work. Itoom 4ltushman llloclc , 10th nnd
Douglas. 4S'J
WA ? Tii > Rood girls for general house
work ; cooks , companions , etc. , In Binnll
families nt good vvagos ; wodo not clmrgo girls
nnythlnjr for furnishing places. Omnhn Intelli
gence olllcu , , loom U , HI ! cor. 15th and DoiiRlns
Street. IU.1
WANTDi : Rood girl for general hoti ow oik ,
Inqulio 2310 Cftllfoi nla at. WS&Sp
\\7ANTKn Good girls for dining room , Rlrls
> for chamber woik. cooks for boarding
houses nnd icstnurnnU , dishwashers nnd laun
dresses , gills for prh nlo families. Call llio rnr
nnm st. (03
' Olrl to do general housework nt
S. E. cor. 21st and Lcnvonworth sts. PG3
WANTKU Olrl for general housowoik. In-
qulio at 107 South nth at. sa'i
WANTii : > Girls for general housoAVork ;
good places and good wsgos ; places given
" ut ll'J ' IMIi st. , Nobiasku l.mploi meiit
frco. v/ . . - wljiock , osa
Agency , Ciouiiu. - ,
'pHL1 cook nt Uoinn
TT7AHrnu-ni5t and s
V > House. _ _ -
WANTED Agents Ith a small capital for
the Air Twin Gas Iliuiicr ; supoilorto tbo
olcctrlo light lu economy , beauty nml steadiness.
This burner la far superior to nnv other In use ,
nnd njfcnts will find u ready sale vvhcruvcr Ihey
niolntioducrd. Samples sontbymnll for 2C.
Cii-culnn nnd pilco list , with special tcrmito
agents , sent on application. Address Smith A.
Carman , 12 Lu Orunsfo street , lloston. 117-27 *
4 good outdoor salesman to sell
lamlly Undo nn article stnplo ns Hour , biv
men looking lor paving business wilhfWto
$ JOO cash , nnd a good oilico boy. 1315 Hainoy st.
108-25 *
WANTED A good man to tnko orders for
pure Vermont maple sugar ; something
the iiLoplo vtlll boglad to got. Address Ilco 71 ,
lloo Olllco. 011225 *
- No. 1 cook , \\hlto , for hotel ;
WANTKIl-A ; cull at room U , SU cor. lrith
nnd Douglas street. KW
Mem nnd women to start u now
business at thulr homos : can bo clone
evenings nnd learned In nn how ; any pei son
making loss thnn lOa to Mo an hour shouM send
lOo nt once for a pnckngo of t-amplcs ot gooiU ,
nnd 21 oiklng samples ( foi mulns ) to commence
on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Altiiinv. N. Y.
M7fl7 *
\\7ANTKO-A position"In nn hlllo to do
i f writing , or n iiosltion ns teacher or work In
store ; address It 7d , Ilco oilico. 115-27p
WANTJID A young mnu having hnd C j oars'
cixncrlonco In n flrsl-clnss general store
would like u position in some wholesale bouso ;
speaks Herman , S edish nnd Danish ; best lofoi-
oncosgivon. AddiOSS 1162 , Bco olllco. 1H > 1-S9 *
WANTKl ) Position by u gentleman , n ptinn-
per In Omaha ; addicts U. GS ut ibis olilco-
071-20 *
- - In wnnt of
good lellnblodoincstloholpcan bo accom
modated by calling lUOmiilm IntclllgoncoOlllce ,
Itnom 3 , S. 13. cor. IMIi nnd Douglas sts. lU-st or
icferencos f uinlshod with every girl. 031
5iacEr.i.AirEOU8 WANTS.
A > TUli Second-hand tjpe-wiiter or call-
giaph. Address It Ul , Ileo Onico , ftntlng
price. 082t
\T7ANTli'-llo ° m ; Centrally located , by sin-
glogeiiiloiann ; llio nUht and moinlug ;
Rtatuteims ; lofcieiacs. Additssll 74 , lleool-
Ilco. 113-37P
A'M'KU Uultnr scholars by nuompctunt
teacher. AddiesaHCM , lloo Olllco. uai-2 ; *
ANTii ) A good barn iinmodhitoly , within
a few blocks of our stoio. liiunch i. Co. ,
11211'ariinin Btreet. U5D
nr\7"ANTUI > To rent a 7or 8 loom hou o with
TT all modern improvements , and locntrd In
best pait ot city ; uddicbs with full paillciilus ,
U. OS. lieu olllcu. tMl-81 *
TT1011 SATE-iao\l 'A on Cnss Bt. , in Pnik 1'Iiicc ,
Jt ? easy terms ; Oil\l > . ' , 101 nor , south and east
front. In McCormlfVB addition , with eight 100111
boiuo , n vciv choice plcoaot piopeity ; h lot
v > ltli hoiiio for two fnmllles , AimMioiv ndtl.
cheap. Stockdale & Jluiiohvr , 1511 Dodge st.
EOi ; S.vr.i : An established grocery business
InOmalin doing 5OOU Ims-inoM u month ;
oapltnl Kqulicd , JI.'XK ' ) . Also n etocl ; ot diy
goods doing good bushics ) In Onmlm. Capital
il , } 2KH ( ) , Gibson , Aichcr & , Co , , Itoom J ,
Witlmcli Jilook.
"I Olt ItllNT Stoi-o , 80U North 16th st.Bi
OK KKNT Cottnso KU I'hll Blioildan ht. ,
one block noith of St. Jlari's uvo. Inquliu
ut I'iH DougliiB. PJJ-2d
T7 OIHtiNT Hou'o ofaroomsJJ-'U and Ha r
Jj iieyt-U Iiiuuhuof Mount AOllllinKiaS Hth
Slioot. UtiJ
TJ\Olt \ JtKNT Cottnjro , 7 looms , bain , etc.
J-1 Cabs St. , near 20th. K T. Andiow , U1S N. Kith
Street. 18 _
nmort INT HOU O , a rooms. $7. a. n
-13 Thompson , S.V , cor , llth nnd Hainoy. 1UJ
on IIINT : on i.j\hi-8 : room house on
Ilownid St. ; 10-ncio Kaitleu v\ith C-room
house adjoining city ; ho-nvio lium , 17 miles ct > t
of Omaha ; ( l business Jots on bt. Mary's avo.
Apply to K. 11. Chupniun d Co. , 1J17 llouunl bt.
" 171OK ItiNT : llnsemontnnd bukoovun. John '
J3 r.rcU , (115 N. lbth bt. Wfubll
fTtflf JtTN'iv-Tluco ; lioiiM'3 of 10 , u nnd 4
-i-1 rooms ouuh. J , 1'nlpps Hoc. 6M
THOitTltHVr Nice live room cottturu , 8.15th
J-1 near Comer. A , I'.Tukuy , UH I'tiuuuu St.
T71OH HUNT Two cattnirvs , t and $13 per
- 1month. . W , b iuUir , Giimltu llloc-k. 4S !
ItKNT Now house ut 1520 Jackson st
Apuly ut Cimulnghum ft llrcuuau's , 511
* | T\OU \ ItKNT House bolong-lnj ; to the cstnto
-L of Jiulgo CUadvyifk , blW 1'urk uvcuuo. W.J ,
Council. 231
* fitf > ll ItllN'i Tvvo'utw8nnd9 roomed house ? ;
. - fuiunco , bath room und ull modern couvon-
il'iux's , ouo block fiom street cuts. Iiujulrojo.
1' . llaiton. JI14 25th bt. , cr glnulllii ; WuiKs. 6J )
IJOlt JSKM' A gioro room with rood collar
a * I'joO llurt street. Apply to Juuii lUumor.
I 7 > ou ltiNT : s store * on tin und l.cucnvortti
1 sis. ] btoro on South 13th St. lUith llrstrthus
buslnrcrS kcations. AUo houses to icuu A. Mo-
( Jiivocl. . CU
THOU 1U.NT-3 uuMlrn'hhcdTTooms" . . , .
J-Niei.S-id-uiiJ IVuid , cMiier luontli , II. i , . . ,
fftnj , Chr : iuin llotv.
Ul2NTrurnlshed rooms ,
OK KKNT Hou'owlth 10 room , city water
I 1 nndgns. No. W)4 North S3d street , inquire
ofF. U. Cooper , 411 14th Bt. , City. HV
nvoit "JIKNT Nicely furnished rooms fl\c
JU blocks from posloinco , W7B. ICthst.
1 Uo-JU
T71OU HUNT Fuinlshed front room 474 North
J.1 .nthjlrcot , IP"
T71OK IlCNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms. IU3
JL } Fnlrv low St. , or25th N St. Mnrj's Avo. W3-20it
Ill'.NT A pleasant furnished room with
Foil \ , ? n month. 702 N. ISthsl. t'03-2u '
F" nr.NT-rurnlshPil room. Inquire drug
store. 10th nnd llouglns. . . _ .
OK ilKS'T Furnished or unfurnished
F rooms. TOO Noi th 2-'d St. 8CT 27 *
< m"luNT rnrnlshcl front room , three
F blocks from opoin house. 1013 Howard St.
T71OH itiNT-onico ; ntid desk room. Itcnzor
JJ Hlock , cnst 1' . O. Inquire Hoom 1. 877
HUNT I.arjro fmnlihoJ front room
FOK closet , nlso buck loom. 1713 Cnllfor-
nln et.
_ _
TT > OIl HiNT Two suits of 4 rooms cneli ,
JL ! t'lerco Btroct between 10th nnd Wth. Ku-
qnlro 11th nnd 1'ntnani. r. Mnclilo. 53d
Foil niJNT-Vui nlsbcd rooms. 822 N. 10th.
I ! NT Furnished rooms , 1503 Hnrnoy
olt'SALK-Jiy IxV rrcn& WIMc
No. 111-txit fXKlll > , a blocks north-
nest of 1'mk , now 5-ioom house , with
closets , bnlhioum , mnntlo , grates , cct-
Ini . rl'tot n nnd outhou o , ensy tcrms.t3,300 00
No. lir > Ixit nnd nlno-ioom bouse on
rnpltol Hill , with well , olstorn , sbado
tic > , oto. . . . . . 5,00000
No. 20 2 lots In Thornburp l'lncoterms
tosult.oneh . * ) 00
No. 2Ul-totln IJmtletfsndd . 1,05000
No. 101 Lot 00x150 Hnnscom Plnco ,
chonp . ( . . . J,1M 00
No. 201-I.ot on Virginia nve.cnst front 1,100 00
No. 102 1M cn t of Park , rasy terms. , 1,150 00
No.SOS Corner lot In lliittilmin ndd. . . b50 00
No. 301 I'mcros benutllul land south
west ofl'nrk , on cn y torniR , per ncio. 250 00
No. D02 Ti ncios In llonllcM , per ncro. . . . 175 00
"anciesiicnrSjndlt'Htolllll.perncro. . . 200 03
Lots In Walnut Hill . $300to700 00
10 per cent clou n bnlnnco longtime. .
Lots In West CumlUKiidd . . . .f.J73to630 00
Uums to Milt.
I.ols3 blocks north of Walnut Hill on
Holt line . . . fSntofniW Oil
IT } on me thinking of linrstlnir , call nnd look
o\crour lists ittul wo will take jouout. l < ov-
fi-icn & Wilde , Itoom 10 , Grnuito Hlock. 11225
TTVOH tsALl rino icsldonco uonrlilgh school ,
J ] $7.roo.
40\15J , IKMISO 0 looms , Aunstiong's ndd. ,
$3 300.
fiOvino , houoo 3 rooms , Virginia avo. , $1.275.
10 choice residences In lintisconi 1'luco , line lo-
cnt Ions , $3,100. ? . ! , .liO , $ J,0,10 , fI/,00 , , &o.
103 240 , cottnuo 5 looms , Hnnscom Plnco ,
ti houses nnd lots , nosfrs & Hill's 1st add. ,
Si. ooovoo , ? 2r > o , $ .1,000 , s.,200 , $ inr .
HOUSP nnd lot , California St. , f 4,700.
8-story house , U lot , 17th fct. , $1.000.
Ixjtsin Han < com PlacobOO to 81,600.
2 lots , Hntncy St. , McCountcVb ndd. , J.2,300.
Desirable lots nnd icsldunco propcity in all
pmtaof thocltv.
Lots In nil additions.
I'm ins and Intgo ti acts of land In Nebraska.
OU1 K. F. Itlngor , II ! ) N. 15th St.
T71OH SAI.i : 735 } acres flno laud near Council
. ; lllucrs.on M'abash railroad ; will soil cheap ;
term ? . IMwnrd T. 1'ctcrson & Co. , room
' ' '
will Cin TJP1-0 l ° Vt
INVESTIGATION and handonib.L
propct ty for only 53JO a lot ; Interest nt 5 per
cent , boo Newport nnd bo convinced. 1 his is
tno tlmo to buy ntro lots , spring prices will bo
higher. Amos , 1507 rarnnm. 010
OK SALE Buy n lot iiAVcst Cumlng nd II-
lion. b78
T71OII SALK 14 ncroln Y\'ilco.x add , $1,700 ;
JL ; easy payments. Ldwurd T. I'cloisoa & Co. ,
loom J , SL eor. 15th and Douglas. IHJ7
THOU SAT.K Lots In Plainview , 5450 ; onsy
J- ? terms Grahnm , Crolghton lllock. 029
Tmoil SAJ.U 0 ncros under cultivation In
-U Casscounty , near inllroud ; flno Improvements -
monts ; onsy toims , $2rt.- . JMwnnl T. Peterson
& Co . room 3 , SR cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 000
Ni\VPOKT Nearest , best ncro lots , renohod
over level rood. The ncuics > t ncro lots over
sold in tills inaikct. 1'iico. J300 per lot : on easy
toims ; 8 per cent Intel ost. The olots will double
in value m next 12 mouths. Ames , 1507 I'uriuini.
TjlonSAT.K Two lots In Prospect Place $ SOO.
J ? llouscnnd 1011,5.10 , monthly pujmonts , Lot
In Nelson's addition $1700. George I' , llemis , 15
nnd Douglas. 739
OltTSAI. : Wo have n few nlco lots In 1'n-
pilllont i. wo will soil at u Imiguln If sold
soon , or vi111 trade lor Omuhii real estate. 1M-
wnul T.roteison & Co. , loom 3S15 cor. 10th and
Douglns. W >
TTIOUfjALU Ity Potter & Conb , 1515 Fainaiu
JD st. . 1 lot In West T.nd nnd nt j-'JOO.
2 lots In Shlnn's 3d add nt $725 each.
A low choice lots In ilnrsh's at $1,800 ench.
LotGtixlJlonllitli.U blocks fiom pavcmonl ,
onlyflSX ) .
I'lne ncioln fiolso's ndd , $1000.
a of the cheapest lotsln I'ltilnvlcw , only $450
( inch. 7tU
' | 71OH SAI.I' Hnvo unimproved nnd In every
J-county In tlio state that wo will nt a bui-
Kiilii for tlio ne\t ton duva ; Call on lid win dT.
1'ctci-son i : Co. , loom 4 , SB cor , 15th und Doug
las. UOU
"TTlOll SAT.i : A few lots near Hnnscom I'.irk ,
J $ TM. Giahiim , Ciolghton lllook. 023
"ITtOlt Cholcollnigains In ion ] estate , call at the
JJ olllco ol the Omalm Kcnl Hbtuto A. Loan Co. ,
iooms22imd23 Withncll llulldlng Oiunhii. 70S
FOU SAIn Rood lot In Hnnscom 1'lato , $300.
Graham , Crelghton lllock. IK7
SALIC Wo hnvo an BO tract near the
city that v > o will sell nt a bargain ; can bo
i.'iit up Into lots that will hi Ing fiom $ oo up each
K. T. 1'ctcrEoii , ixom 3,8K cor 15th nnd Douglas
"I71OK SATJ : A tow choice lots in fxiwo's nd-
J-1 dltlon Irom ( J75 to $ > 50 , AI. o house and lot
$050on easy toims. 1'otter Jt Cohb , 151 > Tar-
nam Bt. 733
TmoirsALi-A row good lots m iiuisuiu NO.
X' ono on Din enport nml Chicago sts. , cheap
at S7M to > W each. I'ottor 4c Cobb , 15lri Far-
uam st. 737
FOIt SALT. A special bargain in business
propei ty , F5 loot fiont on isth bt. by J50 foot
deep , llost business point wmth of tliorallnny
truck. On paved street , car line , etc. Only $ JSO
peril out foot. Toiler & Cobb , 1515 1'arnam st.
17OK SAI.1J Corner on Fiunnin , tuo blocks
I1 liomcouit houbu , fU'W)0. ) Giuliani , Cioigli-
tou lllock. VM
A Mils , lTO71'arnum St.
- \ . Lots In
lloillck'sdiovo , % 0
Ames 1'hico , 2.'iO
Oak Chatham UK )
1'lalnvlow , r/.0
Clurondon , U50
Ailinglon , , . WO
Mulioo Hill : > ( )
] 'init's hub-division CM
Sj iidkaio I'lueu , 40H
Loineinunth TCI race. , 4'X )
Ilarluiknv 1'laoo , , , ( iOO
Nowpoit IKK )
cote iiriiiiiinto , nr >
lljilo I'ailc , 1 0
Lyinnn Place tat
Via Ames , 1SU7 rurmmi.
' . - llio bamicks on
the north , has the tulvuntago on uUo level
driveway , bnuulllul locution , line viewsund
( iv CTJ tlifiitf clbu that fc-oi-a to imiUo up a splendid
place lor u iii.ililoiKO. Pee llolvcdore. It Is
cheap pi opcrly , and no mistake1 C. K. MIIJIIO ,
B. Wcor 15thiind I'nriium. Ua
T7IOU SAI.i : Lots lii Jhu-sli's add. , 1,000 to
-U ( ] ,5UO ; terms lo suit puichasor. Uiuham ,
Cl olv litoiUlkHk. 716
" | 7\oit \ SALIC At n bin gain. Finn business
J } propei ty on B. IJth , b5v5'J ! ft. This can be
bought lor (2,000 less than actual viiluo If taken
utoncc. If you want an inve tmcnt look ut
IliU. Cocbrun Jlro'si ; Lo. , 150U FiuiuiiaSt , 615
: \ SAl.K-tlO.000 10 per cent dividend
1 paving stock. Gibbon & Archur , Hoom
0 , WitliiiUl lllock. 4JLI
TD.VTltlCK'S uddltlon on Saunders street U
J- the cheapest tuoportv In tlint part of the
city , btrcot cars luu through this addition ,
bcfiools uio convenient , busJncss reachoi it on
tno sldour-for com onlunco and desirable local
ity 1'atrlck's addition has many advantages.
Call nnd investigate. 1/Jts only $700 to two
( uich , ( i U. Muyiie agent , S. W. cur. 15th i\n $
I'm mini. KiO
TT"1 SAI.i : A light thico.spiJng vvugnn nnd
-13 i-oad cnit. 1M1 North li'thtt. U1J-K1'
TTIOIt hAI.i : Good milch oow with calf. In-
J ? quire Waller HlueU , IVth anil Wlllam. |
TTioit SALI : Ijirgo iiouso nnd 3 nicely clova-
J ? txllotcn6hnn'S : ! 2J add , Jfl OO. Alsolluo
b-ioi'iuud hmihOOuClurkettcct. uUoly cluvatod
lot , t5uOO. GiUiou & Aicbcr , Itoom U , JVlthncll
IJlock. 410
, r
llion SAT.n cdnlta R or 10 ncro trnct , 4 miles
JL1 southwest fromwurt house , l < n mio from
Jnnctlon of V. Ivliy. Ana licit Mno , nntt 1 nrllo
from Stock Vnrds. Lie * well ! nil under cultiva
tion. Cnn bu bo\ifrM for $175 and $ .TO per ncro ,
If sold stem. OiiCTptft property In vicinity.
I'ottor k Cofob , IMS FArnam M. 735
GltUlNW eon iiovillful ncro and half ncra
lots , flnb location , 3H miles from 1' . O. , only .
few moments wntt frum Hnnscom 1'nrk. Aero"
$400. Half norcsiia , 10 percent cn li , balance
monthly payments. O. B. ilnj no , a W , cor. 15lh
nnd rftrnnm. 473
SAI.K Snitlit fronts m Clifton 1'lncp ,
? t,000 each , , , W. T. Urnhnm , Crclshton
lllock. ' _ . . . .j _ _ l _ 710
two etory , 2.-I30 , frnmo build
liiv , aultftblo f t > r n Bloro , noir 10th nnd Far
rmmSts. Applynt Uils olllco , PIT
Tn.\TrirKHi-Aero lots At f a to .
will JilnXo you 75 to 100 per cent profit before -
fore nftxl Now Vent's Any. C. K. Miijnc , fcplo
ngcnt.S. W. cor. 1511i nml ranmin. _ Kio
T71OH SAi.1 : A KcnorAl morcnnndlso business
JIn a rnpldlr groninv town not liir from I.ln-
coin , licit trndo nnd location In town. A splen
did opportunity for n party wishing n ( rood
opening , and bnv Itiir from seven to ton thousand
dollarsln cash. WillsMi lor en h only , or pnrt
rush , balnnco real estate In Omaha. Address
Merchant , lloo Olllco. B2S
IpOHHAl.i ; LniRonnrt small stocK ranches
' VTllhorwItliout Ftock.
Tor Snlo 3 lots In Spring Hill , t W onch.
Tor Bnle Katnbllabcd bnnkliiK business In
Ncbrnskn. county sent. Gibson * . Aixhor , room
0 , Wltliiifll lllock.
T6i K\olmnBP Nbbi-ft kn fnrnis for Omnhn
property ; n'.eo lands to oxcbnngo for slocks OC
Wnntod 3 business Jots for cash within 4
blocks of postolllco.
For KxchniiRo 100 ncro Improved fnrm , Mndl-
Eon county , Neb. , for bouso nnd lot In Omnhn.
KorSnlo A6-ncro tract 4 miles of po tonico ;
house cost j,200.for $1,500 cnsh.Olbson&Archor ,
fluoin 0. Wltlincll lllock. aa
WKST SIDE-Stntlononl onvonworth street
will bo the junction of tbo Mo. I'no. and
licit I/ino. Lois pnrelm od theio now will return -
turn nlinndsomo inont to tlio buj or In n very
slioit tlmo. lloll 4 McCnndllsh iind C. E. Mnvnv ,
FOIISAI. ! ! Ilousonncllot 211 8 29th st.ohcnp :
nndpnjiuonts. Address C. S. Chlpman , Lin
coln Nob. 871
F Till SAI.i : Fine cmnsr lot.cnRt nnd south
fiont , Hnnscom I'.tico. AV. T. . Grnlmm ,
Crclghlon Tlluclt. , _ 713
T AM SKiiCiilS : , ATTKNTION For full
S-t particulars nbout frco nnd chonp lands In
Western Nobrasku nddrcsi Tlios. C. Pnltorson ,
llcnl libtnlo Agnnt. North 1'lftlto Neb. SiS
FOlt Cholcu Dniirnlns In ion ! oMnto.cnll nt tlio
officf of tbo Omnlm Hcnl Kstntu & . Lonn Co. ,
looms _ ga innil 33 , Wlllinoll nulldlng.Oninlm. 708
poit SALU-U- . K. ilnyno :
810 full lot , smnll house , Wilcox ndd. , $750.
310 1-ull lei on Lcnvciittortli St. , now bouso ,
nil modern conveniences , fS.TOO.
333 Lot on Knrnnm st. ncnr Silli St. , house 0
rooms , nil niodmn Improvements , ST.WO.
338 Two lots , two houses , XMi nonr Howard ,
3Jl-l.ota9.\15lSouth20tli3l , good house , 81,850.
Monthly pnyinunts.
330-Lot 100JO , lromliiRl o strools , nlco cottage -
tago fuciiiK llii coin 1'nrk , $1,800.
810 llniulsoiiui lot. nlco tottRgo 7 rooms , Gcor-
pla nvo.3,000.
3H Lei fiOxlSi8th nnd Hnrncy , house 7 rooms
203 ' 1 lirco ncros , peed bouso , fiult , etc. , Lonv-
cnwortli St. , t-J.VK ) .
S'X ) I'lill lot , tnocottuircs , Sliliin's ndd. , f2,2--JO.
aw Hou'-o 7 looms cnst fiont , beautiful loca
tion , Hnnscom I'lnco , $3,600.
221 TllCRnrit re lilonco 10 looms , two lots , flno
location , ( yjijjj , possible conv onioncc ,
105 Corner lot , nice criltniro 0 rooms , ono block
' , .
19S Handsomest eottftjio In Omaha , 5 rooms ,
beautiful lot , ( icorirlu nvo. , $3,100.
175 Lot CfixllO , bouso 4 rooms , Soutb 13tu St.
$ .100. . '
ICO Ooodhou oO , rooms , full lot. Hickory nnd
10th , $1,700 ; v'ciy'bhcnp. C. K. Mnjnc , S.
\V. cor , nfail ynnmni. 6.13
lo'i ; * 8Aij 'ii * i'nitcr L TUomns A : IJro. ,
loom 8 , Crelinuou TDlou-
200 feet on Fninum at5tOM !
fi160 , s. w. cor. 17th hnd Center , KOM.
601150 , Himscom.l'laoc , 5TOO
0 lots 00x157. on l nmUton nnd Clmrlus sts , f COO
to $ KW. a blocks wo t of. convent.
60x145 , coi. Cluujos mid 8th sts. , $700.
Kxl5l ) , with house and bmn , lu-ur 20th nnd
Center , $1,150. Vpiy , plioapi smnll payment ;
bulanct' monthly. . ,
&UX145 , 'JtliuiHl GhlU'W)5 ) , with house of 5 rooms ,
well , oto.Sl.ftW .
a lots , Lowo's uWltfbrf , f 00 nnd $050 ,
3 lots , W. A. ItcXUcp'n d. , $1 .200.
Lot cor. 27th and l > nv enport , 81,500.
Wo think nil the nbovo Imituilus. Cnll for
terms. Doxtcr L. , Thomu3 & llio. , Hoom 8 ,
Crolghton Illoek. _ 6 ± i
TIOKAL1ST , a03 Touth Sticot. between 1'arnam
and Ilnruoy , will , with the uld of t'Ufirdluu
spirits , obtiiin fur nny ono n plnnco in tlio
past nnd present , nnd of cortnm conditions in
iho future , lloott nnd shoes made to order.
1'crfoct satisfaction pruaraulood.
Dissolution Kotioc.
T > ETEHSON & SON hnvo this day dissolved
L partncisliip In the blacksmith hiiMnusti.John
C. 1'olui-on , tlio ton , icmalnlnp nt the old stnnd
on Cumins , botwoon2)tli ) und -1st , and aottlliur
nil duhts outstnndlni ; und collect liu , ' till bills.
1 * . 1'llTJ IIROV ,
JanU-Sfl-St . o. 0. PKILKSON.
N. Salowitdz nnd L. ( inr.lner , of Now York.lm-
porterof Linen * , Table Cloths , Napkins , Towels -
ols and Spreads eichuuKOd lor old cloths of ev-
oiy ili'icilptlon. Orders by postal cm ( Is pi ompt-
ly nttindod to. Wllliomain In the city until
1 ob. th. Satisfncilon guanintcod. aOOi Capitol
Avcnuo , Omaha , Neb.
These doslrlm ? to put out Fruit or Ornnmon-
< al Trees , Shrubs , Plants and Vines , will llml It
proatly to tholr interest to consult I. . L. Emory ,
by li-ttor or In poraon , In ro iml to kind , quality
nml pi Ice , bolero ordering of any ono. Ordois
should butfivont'nily. Olllco 1JJO Hurnoy tit. ,
residence , iXU ) I'anuxiu St.
. . . .
Kailway Time Table
Tno following- tlio tlmo of nrnvnl and do-
pnrtuio of trains by Central Standard tlmo at
the loc.ildopow. Tinlnsof the C. , St. 1' . , .M.i
O. nrrlvo nml ilapnit from tholrdouot. corner
ot llth nud Webster ttots ; tralnson the 11. &
H. , C. . U. & Q . mid K. C. , St. J. & C. 11. from the
It. & il. depot ; all others fiom the Union 1'ucIUo
a ° "ot
nniDon TRAINS.
DrldKO trains lll Icnvo I. J' . depot nt flJJ ;
n7J.5-8.0J-8IO-8:60 ; : 10.00-11 : ' * ) n. m. , 1:00 :
1:30 : ifio : H : ; :00-t,00-4:00 : : : 5oo ; 5uU-0Wi-r- : :
0io-7iw-iiiO : : j ) . in.
Lcnvotrniihroi lor Omaha n 7U-I : > 8:1'5-9.'W : '
- :4alO:3. : : . - > -lU T-Unf n. in. ; lu-UM- : : ;
nU'J7--Uao-UU7-l : : I" 5:45 : O.-Jj-Ts-'O-- ; -
llIUp. m. .
CONNUG.rJNU j(1jfis : ,
Arilvul nnd ilcpaituro ot trains fiom the
trnnsfcrdopot nt Council IllulTa :
DEl'Al'T. . a ! < AllHlVC ,
0:15A. : ii . . . . Jlalland hxpro&s. . . . 7OOP.M :
U : < 0r. i . Aoi < oirt < ilutloii ( . 4'W : v , M
B:20i' : . M . jui\in | ess . ; lj.v.Jt
fll5 : A.M . . . . .Mniriuiii Kxpioss , . . . . . TjCOv.M
7:1" ) A. M , , , . , , AtTpmniodiitioii . . . . & : UJI.M
DSO : IM . iilj'.ipio . :15AM :
CIIIUAOO , VII > VVKb \ > ' k kl1' 'AUI
010A ; , > ( . ilal I anil t\iucss : . 7:00iM
r.M . T.JGipJoM . U15A.u ;
CU1U.1UO. mnu i ) ) " i ON & Qt'I cv.
' | ) iuss , . . . . fl:2Qi : > .M
d . 0:15 : A. M
, . * i'\citia
S:15p : , M. Local. t-t.J.oufc Uxpro s lxcal
Bill A.M . Sliinjnilif xpress
jW.Mrtess . , . , oajA.ji :
'Orri-'ji i-Aciiio.
905A.M . gttiiz City Mull . 7:001u
ll'JMl1 . fit. * " " Uxpresi , . . , . . . UlUjA.M
Penan. . . WKr\VAItl ) Arrive
A. M , I > . M. UNION I'AUriC , A. M , I ' iv iv.
8:20a : , , , .1'itclOi Lxpioss , , , , 7:50tt' :
, . . , lonur Kxpioss . 4:10n :
O. A. ill' ! ' . VAl.LUV ,
210n . .Mull and Kxiuess. . . 2:104
11. A. M IN NUM.
8JOn : , , Mallund 0IOd
0:25a : 1040a ;
Depart. SOU'lHWAllI ) . Arrive
A.M. r. M. M1KM1U1II PACIl'lC. A. M. I 1 * . M.
10:30a : ei 0:2od :
* . . . . t 15 . . . . OiJoA
K. OhT. J. Jx C. .
9:20a 8:4Sb : . . .Via I'lattamouth. . 7.00J
Dcpait. NOItJUWAlll ) .
"A. M. j V , l. I (5. bT. I' . , .M. A , O. ( A. M , If. M.
8JUH : I SlouvClty Uxinoas. * . . , . . . . 6JOa ;
. . . | SUOo Oaklniia AocoiumoU'n 10:00o' : '
' ' " " "
'Depart. KABJ'\VA IU ) . , "Arrivo
A.M. l I' . M. I C. JI Sf < ) . I A.M. I 1 % M.
U L'O I O.UU 1 . . .Via 1'Jntthiimiitlf. . . . ] t'JM ' ( 7 15
Will leave U. I' . < lop t , Onmhi , at OU3 8:35
101 ; ! > lUUo. in. ; SWJJiO ; 5 Jjp. nl.
l.cavc > 8tock VaUUI'irOiiiahii u ( fi ; lO.itta.
m. ; 1B.OI 1.2Jl:4 : -1 " 7fl . ' 00.111.
Now , A IniUiMlallj : llfil.iHy uSiopt Sunday ;
C , dally rtrout fcatiway : D , ilntly ficopt Mon-
Scenes In nn Illicit Stlll-A Child's
I'ltlful Situation.
The Htintsvillo coricsponilont of the
Atlnntn Constitution writes : Tlio visit to
an illicit still was under nn onth char
acteristic of the mountaineer , which wns
snored nnd binding , * It wn9 nbout two
miles in the mountains , away from any
scttlciucnt. The distance wits traveled
on tins back of a mountain colt. After
following n narrow , bnaten track
through bushes , over rocks , down hill
sides , across ravines and through moun
tain passes , n point of a precipice was
reached. My companions pointed
to the depths below and told mete
to watch n certain spot. A
blue purl of smoke arose , which was from
the still we were going to visit. Then
down the narrow mountain side wo rode ,
guided by the sensible nninml. If n slip
of his foot was made eternity would have
been our doom , Soon a point was vouched
about 200 yards from the still. One of
my companions took from his pocket n
whistle , made of u piece of reed , and
gave two shrill whistles , which wcro an
swered , The animals wcro tied , and one
of. the men said to the othoi1 , "Jim , his
peepers arc too good : I guess wo had bet
tor cover them. " With thews words
the two men proceeded to bind n
cloth over my eyes. After walking
around nnd about a cave was entered ,
When the door was thrown back , my
eyes were freed and a scene of interest
was pictured. The room wns a cavern
dug out of a coal deposit , about twenty
by sixteen feet , in which was arranged
the worms and barrels , with piles of corn
and dried fruit. Hanging nbout wcro
guns and pistols , near which was a slide
made to open and close nt a moment's
notice. Tlio interior was suggestive of
the wild nature of the mountains. The
men inside were dressed in clothing of
coarse material mndo at homo. Their
arms wcro bared and grizzly with
hair. Their faces caused them to hnvo
the appearance of demons. In n corner
of the cavern was a man busily engaged
in pouring wildcat whiskey in a funnel ,
which was conveyed oil1 through a pipe
made of mountain cane. f fS
"Where docs thai go to ? " was risked. ? |
"You can't know all , stranger : whar
that runs to you nor no other man will
know , but it is taken care of , you can
bet on it. "
Behind a tub of sour mash was a little
ragged O-yoar-old child , who had a slick
stirring the contents. Iho Httlo thing
was covered with diit , and half clad in
coai'so homespun.
D "Chunk it up , Mag , and come hero and
see tlio stranger. "
The child , half frightened and cowered ,
approached me , but her timidity over
came her and she .stopped.
"Conic here , you little hell cat and
sing , " was spoken by one of the men.
'liio child oegan to sing in a voice as
plaintive a dove , and before she had
lini&hcd the te.irs were streaming down
her cheeks.
"What is the child's name ? " was asked.
"Wo call her Mag for short. That
child 1ms a history as long as your arm ,
but she will never tell it. She knows she
will got the strap. "
Poor little pitittil object to bo in the
hands of such demons. But how did she
get there ?
Her dark blue , childish eyes looked up ,
moistened with tears , and pleaded to IKS
&piu * < b tJiS IJih. Her story was a stiango
one , and was ilcu'uicd ' to touch the
chords of a hardened iiL-.1't. ! One cold
morning six years before , a man Wli *
soon slowly riding along the mountain
road with a little chiUrin fiont on the
saddle. The snow was falling , and he
tenderly clasped her wraps around her.
Up the mountain higher weic two men
who have been introduced , and they were
gazing nt the sight below.
"Take the glass and sec if you are sure
ho is a spy. "
Soon the sharp ping of a rillo was heard
and the traveler dropped lifeless from
his saddle and the child was taken lo the
cave of llio moonshiners. The child has
been thine since.
The duty of the child is to mix sour
mash and keep her mouth closed , which
she performs faithfully. The question
was asked of those men : "Aro vou not
afraid of the revenue men and will they
not get you ? "
"Stranger , we arc not afraid of heaven
or hull , much less anything on two legs.
Wo rc trying to mukp an honest living ,
and the man who trios to stop uti dies
thutVnll. The law has got to take the
same chances wo do. "
Theses are tome of the characteristics
of the men the revenue authorities have
had to contend with in Alabama.
The ladies must sooner or later ac-
knovylcdgcthat I'ozzoni'&medicated com
plexion powder is the only cosmetic
made that will > < o { injure the skin. For
sale by all druggists.
A largo oak block about eighteen
inches in diameter , that had been Knock
ing around in various Uiooklyn , Maine ,
lumber yards ami wood sheds , was split
up recently , and in it was found an augur
hole about three-fourths of an inch in
si/e , containing a hunch of human hair
done up in a piece of printed -paper. The
hair was near the center of the Mock and
fastened in with a pine plug. It was ap
parently put in when the tieo was quite
small , as the tree had grown over the
plug to tlio thickucssof about four inches ,
with the grain peifectly fcinooth and
The Flrwt Keen Twinge.
As the sea on advances , llio pains and
aches by which rheumatism makes itself
known , nre experienced after ( ivory ex
posure. It is not claimed that Hood's
.Sar&aparilla is a specific for rheumatism
wo doubt if there is , or can be , such a
remedy. But the thousands bcnolited by
Hood's Sarsapnrilla , warrant us in urg-
g others who suucr from rheumatism
lake it before this lirst keen Lwlngo ,
Ncnr' Burgbrohl , on the Rhine , a bore
hole. 175 feet deep , yields a huge and
steady supply ot caihoniq acid gas ,
which is now compressed in wrought
iron vessels and used for various pur
poses. Jts finoiiiioiis expansion is em
ployed by MusM-rf. Krupp , of Kssen , for
compressing steel and other casts , and it
is albo ubcd for impregnating beer and
natural water , for liio extinguishing ap
paratus , as a motor force lor torpedoed ,
Just giro B.H lOU < ; i7l7ASS & SON.S
CAl'-SllTM COUGH DHOl'S a fair trial
tlioy will relieve your Cough inslanlly
Thousands testify to this ,
The memorial stone of Oregon for the
Wui-hlngUm monument ion exhibition
in Washinglun , A niche bus been left
vacant in tlio monument. The Oregon
Mono is tliu most heuutiltil that hus yet
been sent by any state , It was designed
and cut by Frank Wood of Albany , Ore
gon. The stone is brown granite sand-
Mono or hydrous siheate , and betus on
on it- > face n landscape vilh Oregon's
eoat of arms sunonnded by fruits and
and llovvers , the whole enclosed by a
r.iised molding &ct in fctimUtoiip. bur-
rounding tlio fetato seal are thirty-two
fctnra of greenish sjenito , and the snow
capped mountains" are represented by
while maible from Soulhcru Oiegon.
Host Goods urn 1'ut In Kninllest i'nr-
celb ,
The old pioverhis certainly true in tlio
case of Dr. 1'ieruo'tf ' "Pleasant Purgative
Pellets , " which aio little , sugar-wrapped
parcels , fcearcely lurgw than mustard
seeds , containing m > much cuthnitUi pow
er as is dour up in tlio biggest , nn it ro-
pul-ive-looking pill. trnhti < tno big pills ,
iiowiu-r , they are niild and pleasant in
their operation do not pioduw griping
pniiia , nor render the bowelscosthe after
Greece's Saucy Talk to England Sends
Wheat Up a Point ,
Xtic Snap nnd Spnrklo-Ncnrly Out of
the 1'oik Donl Tlio Closing Xcrvo-
less null at n Decline litre
Stock nttil General.
CIHCAOO , Jan. 23. [ Special Tcleci am ]
.AT Wheat opened stiongcr nndVSJfc
higher. Tlio Innncdlnto cause vAnsniltop o [
8-10 in consols , which \\nsbct down ns tliu
icsultof unrtdlk. The liveliest buying nt
tliu beginning vas by Schwaitx iV Duuee ,
who took In the propel ly they sold Satuiday.
Hntchlnson was n ! > IK scllur nl the opening ,
buj Ing back his Rraln on the subsequent de-
pirsslon. Noi ton & WorthliiKton wcro also
quoted as largo sclleis on the initial bulge.
Offm Ings Increased as the mntkct advanced ,
and solfc pro\cd to bo the top. Prices
dionped to Wj \\lth heavy trading on the
decline. A rcvhal ot the war bcaro dis
patches fioin New Voik that the stock In
stoic and alloat at that point had decirascd
030,000 bushels dmlng the week , fcupplemcnt-
cd by local estimates by l.liulblom and othuis
that the \ Istblo supply statement Mould show
n decrease of liM,000 ! bushels , Btreupthcncd
theinaikcr , and speculative values picked up
at n lapld rate. Ueforo 1150 : ! bG c uns
leached. Klimness and quiet wcro the fea-
tuies or the last hour and a halt of 1lio mornIng -
Ing session so fni as relates to wheat. Slay
climbed to SO ; ® STc , but the bulk ot business
was done at 80@Stfc. ;
Conx Corn opened j o higher than it
closed Satuiday , sold up c , tell back ? o
nml advanced ngaln to tlic point uilingat
the opening. The feattuo of the. morning
was large buying by A. M. Wright and L.
K > cilnglinm& Co. Business was laigor In
volume than on any day foi secial vi eelcs.
OA'is Oats , too , shaicd In the gencial hn-
piovcment in ceieals , and sold up.
PIJOVISIOXS The piovlslon crowd was
unccitaln , but inclined to be bearish. Poll :
opened a shade higher than It closed Satui
day , but the piessuio ot liberal olTcilngs
bioko the mm leu t iT e , May selling down to
S11.02K@ll.05@li.07H. Cmlahy bought
about 15,000 baiieh to cover shoits. The
inaikct subsequently leactcd , and at the
top llutclilnson tried a httlo binding , hut
the In ok cis neailv toic him to pieces hi their
eageincss to sell him \\hat ho wanted. One
old gentleman took about 2,000 bancls and
ictlied. The snap and spaiklo Is ncailyoul
of the poik deal , and the pit Is no longer
packed with excited tradeis , ns it has been
lei the past two or thieo weeks uptothiee
days ago. The closlngat 1 o'clock was ncivc-
less , at a small decline in all the pioduct.
Arrnn.voox BoAnnVheal \ spin ted on
the aftcinoon boaid ; May ascended the scale
to 8TXfc , losing # c , iccoveiing the lost
ground and closing at S7 @ST c. Coin Mas
stioug and a blmdc higher. The hog product
Mas lower , May poik closing at 811.00.
2:45 : p. in. Puts on May M heat ,
calls- ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 2. " > . [ Special Telegram. ]
rvp7 ; P. Tlio supply to-day was about
tlio same 111 i < iuil > cis as on last
Monday , but bnyeia gonri l ! ) ' " 10
looking and hoping lor hea\icr
nms. The diesscd beef men had about 1,000
cattle , iccched fiom their btijcis in the west ,
Kepoits fiom oilier maikets MCIC not cncour-
aging. Llvcipool Mas weaker ; Kew Voile
repotted an acti\e opening , but a dull and
lov ei close , \\lth a heavy suply. The inn
here was lather llbcial , and theio were many
diovcs ot cattle held over from last week ,
some good ones having been licio since
Thmsday. As a rule the quality was poor ,
and the maiket for thin and cattle
Mas badly ovei stocked. Bids MCIO very
muchluMcr. Some vciy pi line stccis sold
nt S.VC5 , and some expoit cattle at S1.75
(23.10. ( Oidinaiy shipping and dressed beef
cattle sold at 84.00(31.50 ( , and pilces aveiaged
about 15o lover than at the close of last
week. Last week Viiginla bujuis shipped
fiom Chicago < i"0 joung cattle , and western
men took 1,810 head , making the total ship
ments of etockeis and lecdeis for
the week about 2,000 head. To-day
theio a good deal ot stale stock on hand ,
neatly all ol the speculators having Ihch
hands full. Among the offerings v\eio many
common heavy feeding sleets , though the
supply was laigely made up of infeilor light
stockers. \\eiomadot-lovvly , and com
mon gimles M'ent at rather lower lutes.
iteally well bied cattle of all weights , however -
over , MCI oln good demniul nt steady rates.
Shipping bteeis , 13-.0 to 1SOJ Ibs , SU'Sgn.Kj ;
1200 to 1050 Ibs , S3.00@-i.50 ; 030 to 1200 Ibs
5UiO@l.25. :
Hoas Theic vvns a downward tuin of fie
on the best lieavy and r > @ 10c on onllnaiy tun
of p.icking soits , but piimc to choice light
sold tully us high ns on Saturday. Tlio lw.'f > l
heavy hold at S-J.2.X34.85 , nnd packing soils
at ? ; i.v5@4.0. Packing and shipping , 250 to
450 Ibs , S4.00@-4.a > .
I < 'JU\ANClAli.
Now York. Jan. 2 > . Mownv On call
easy at IK&i-K I"1' ' ccnt-
PitiMK.uuitcANTii.ul'ArKi : Iffi percent.
KOUKIQ.V KXCUANOI : lilU.S Qllll't | ) lll
liim at Sl.bT for sixty dajs , ami & 4.fc9 lei
demand. . , ,
( lOViMtXJiKXTB Active and steady.
STOCK- * blocks opened Meak nnd very h-
regul.u. Khbt prices shoved lo es lauglng
bt'tvvcui ' to 1 > < pei emit , except LouiMillo
.t XafliNllli' , MhlehMas Jipoirent higher.
l.atci htiitiMiicnls. Mhleh v\uru totho ellect
that piovlihm had been madn for the carrying
of such MockhiisMi. J ) . P. MoifMii Imdathls
death , led to n ( inner tone. A delenulneil
buying movement led ton decided adv.tnco
Inmost of th iit'the Jihts. TJie movement
thioiijihoiit the day , however , \\.ismotoli-
lugnlar than it been for somu time pabt ,
and latci In the utln noon tliuimulvOt became
heavy , losing liatllons dining tholast horn ,
and the maiUel closwl dull mid heavy.
Theio Mas a peihKtent selling ot Writein
Union all day , undiT which tlm stock j lelded
iiuiu Wf to OS , cloblng with n nel lo s of
lj per cent.
, , , , . ,
500 ; iv-o Hour , SS.J07f3,00 in b.irifls ,
@y,40 In packs ; liucUnlmal Jlom ,
pei bancl ; S..OD per cvv t. in
Whfat-Oponeil tiong iiii
ailvnnerd } 4c inojc , tipn | ueclluul > .c , lliKtu-
HtUl a while and Ix'C.iinu iictivu , .nl\.UHi'il
! } / ( abovitontiiilf ) liiiuios. icuultd ) * v , AIM
Dually cloiwl IV oabovu .Satunlii.bui.Oolo :
Joi ( ush ; bi > , t < < l r Jauu.uj ; bO ) , ( ' < ' In for
Kl'tltUQI f fel o'iibl C lOl l.UC'llJ O'eii O/il *
jul .Ma > . , , , ,
Coin OiH'iicrt.Jte lilrtiw
VJiicvd iU , and nn.tJIj do ul
higher than Salnnlnr ; 5Wfn7c ( ? for rush 5
30 Vcfor Jnnnnry ; UO&cfor Fcbrtuuy ; 40 i , @
40 c for May.
Oats Somewhat Improved ; advanced
eaily , later became easier anil allcht loaetlon
from Improvement : 29l4J'A > Kc for cash nnti
January ; SSKSSffc for reoruary ; &h
for May.
Harley Dull nt COc.
Timothy I'lnn ; No. 1 higher : prlmo ,
Kla secd-dooil request ; No.l , $1,13 %
I'oik Unsoltlcdntnl lover ; opened inlher
stcatly , declined ISOU ? } * ? , Inter cvhlbltcil
i-ti'iiilli nnd milled to opoulng llpures , Inter
ileellncd "K lOc , nnd closed steady ; SlO..Xtf
10.PO for cash : S10.7HJ10.K for January
nnd I'cbruaiy ; Sn.Or lf.IO for Jtnv. . Moilrrnlonnd . tmdonetlvo . . ! dpcllned
jirur. cJ.i > - > 'i.i.iu ; Minn mis , $ ; i , % ijv < * f.
Uuiter ( Julet nnd niichanced ; choice to
' \tr creamery , 10@3'cJ choice dnliy , ICO
Cheese lull Cheddars .
cicam ,'4u
young Ameilcas , 10 > f&ill ! good skims ,
44 ( nuc.
KITES Firm at 1
en , be : heavy EICON Balled , SJ c ; light uo ,
_ < tt > xcbull ; hltlcs , 'icdry ; salted , 13Kc ;
Urv Hint , ii@Uc : ; calf skins. lOQtHc.
Tallow tfiichamrcili No. 1 country , 440 ;
No. 2 country , 4c ; cnKo , f * .
Keei'ipK tihlnmonts.
Flour , bull. . . . 4,000 5,000
Wheat , bu
Coin , im 77,000 77,000
Oats.bll 40,000 ! U,000
Uvcbu 1.000 yW (
i.nloybu } s'J.OOO 10,000
New York , .tail. 2.X Wheat Itccolpto ,
5.V ) ; oxpoits , 72,000 ; spqMots advanced l&O
iw , ami options 1' ljfc ; unmaileu ,
8irfWc ( ; No. Sicd , ll ) ( giUonlloatrcbriuuy ; ,
closing nt y .
Corn Siiol , tcadybut quiet ; npltniifl opened
' ( fO U c higher ; later li-Il back * @ ? . closinir
stonily : uncrntlciHnC't&Oc ; No. J , ISKC tb ci
No. 2 , oljfcln elctor ; Fcbmniy closing nl
Oats Illijlier nml inodciatoly active : 10-
coipls. CDOOJ , ; oxpoith , 300 ; mixed western ,
odl.iMiS ; } o ; vvhllovvc&tern , 40@-nc.
rotroloum Steady ; united closed nt Oljfc.
Kggs ( Jnlcl but hlcady ; iecolpts,3,700 pack
ages ; wcsicin , a'K WJ c.
J'ork Quiet but Hun ; ines ? ,
fir \ f-
Lard Shndo lower nnd dull ; vest-
cm bteam , spot , 50.43it0.47/l ( < ; Febtuary , SC.-15
@ 0.40.
Butter Quiet but vciy steady ; \vestein ,
12W3ic ; K\K\n \ \ cieumciy ! H@a5c.
Cheese Finn but i.itber quiet ; vtestern
Hat , 7@OKc.
Clnclnnntl , Jnti , 'Jr . Wheat Stiong and
lilchei ; Xo. Uicd , SHUtfc.
Coin i'nlr dcinainl and easier ; Xo. 3
mixed , 37Jii7' ( < fc.
Oats-SUoiij ( ; Xo. 2 mixed , ffJi KlWo.
Ityc Active and linn ; Xo. 2 , Oi < , e.
IJiitloy rinn : No. 2 snilng , C2c.
Poik I'll m nlSU.OO.
J.aid-Oood demand at $0.10@0.1i. !
Whisky Steady at 81.10.
Milwaukee , Jan. 2fi. AVhoat Stiong :
cash , We : I'ehuiai y , bl' c ; Mny , 87c.
Coin Steady : Xo. 2 , : i7e. i
Oats Kli in ; Xo. 2 , Sli c.
poik , cash and
Fclnnaiy , SlO.tlO ; Miuch , Slt.Od.
Aliniicnpoiiq , Jan. 25. Wheat Active
and liiglici ; Xo. 1 haul , cash , S79/c ; Jnnnai v ,
fcbe ; Febiuary , 8S > c ; Alnich , b'J c ; AIny ,
0.jtCc ; N < - . 1 nortliuin , enbh and .Innnniy ,
Sl ) c ; Februaij , 8'J fc ; Maicli , Ni e ; .May ,
1' lour Inactive hut fit inly held ; patents ,
S4.b0 5.00 ; bakers. SH.JA7H.Oo.
Hecclpts Wlieat , ! W,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 8,000 buj flour , 14,000
In stoic-AVhcat , 5,951,701 bti ; at St. Paul ,
1,1J,000 bn.
Ifniisas City , Jan. 3.1. AVlirat Stioiifrcr ;
casn , 71c bid. 714'c nsKcd ; Krhiuao't'-Wcbid ,
75cibl : cd ; Maich , 74c bid , 75c ubKed ; May ,
7b iriS7bXe.
Coin bteady ; cash. SO'Xe ; Fcbr'uaiy , 29c
wd.Sfttfcnsltcd ; > tnich. 20Vc ; May , SiJ c.
"o'ats-JS'omin ! :5 : ? 1)1(1-
St. IjouiB , Jan. 25. Wheat Strong 52
hiirlicr ; Xo. a led , cash , 'Mo ; .T.inuaiy and
Febiuaiy. 00 > 9'c : Maich , ( ; fc ; Majw Kc.
Coin Quiet but hlghei ; Xo. 'J mixed ,
cash , ( jiol'fe ; January , 3-lc ; Febiuaiy ,
: MJH'eMiiya7jirc ;
Oats bteady ; Xo. 3 mixed , cash , 2S } c ;
Whhkvbteady at Sl.lO.
I'oik EnsiL'r nt SlO.tiofflll.OD.
hatd Firm at S5H5@0.l 0
Uiittcr Dull and steady ; cieamery , 2r > @
COc ; daily. lfif 24.
Attemoon llo.ud WlicaU-Flun nnd J @
% c hiL'lier. Corn Steady and a shade higher *
Oats UnthaiiKCtl.
Toledo , Jan. 25. Wlieat Closed stiong ;
cash , Janu.iiy and Febiu.uv , 'Jl e ,
Coin Finn ; cash. li'Jc. '
Oats btiong ; casli , tile.
Ijivcrpool , Jan. 31.Vhcal \ In poor
demand ; new Xo. \.vlntci and spiing bteucly
nt7b'-M ,
Floui In poor demand and dull at 8s.
Coin In poor demand ; old mixed , 4s7 d :
new mixed , 4s 2d : Jnnuaiy , Fubiuary and
Alarch , 4s Sd : matlteteitfey.
New OrlcatiB , Jan. 23. Corn Quiet and
Oats Quiet.
Hog Pi oiluctb Steady and in good de
Cliicajjo , Jan. 25. The Diovcis' Joiiiunl
icpoits :
Cattle llccclpts , 8riOO ; weak and 10 ( < ? 15c
lower ; fhiiilniM'ii. | ] tS.rxJgfSO'j ; slocKcru
und Iccili'iH , f > 'j.W < n.W ; CO\VH , hulls and
mlxpd , 5l..pol.X ( ) ; hulk , 6'i70@t.30. :
Jlcigs Hocefpth , "ZO ; ojicned htcadv ami
clo = eil fie loui'i ; iuitih and tnlM'il , $ " . ( > 0qj
l.OJ ; jiicl liiK and slilmiln' , ' . 5rl.00l. : ! , ' ; ; llglit ,
SS.ii'iC ' .lO : bklps , fr'-.imrff8. jo.
Shec'i ) liect'liits , 5,000 ; blow ; common,23c
lovvet : nathi's , & 'J.'Afi.tO ( : ; vvhstuin , Sli.ii'i ©
y.7o ; TUXIUIM , &J.004.7. ! ; ) < : lambs , S3. ' . ) C <
The Jio\'it. ' .louinal f > pcclnl J.lvmjiool
rabh'Kiam icjiinloil the cattle inaikct vvt'alc
but Mc.uly ; bu&t hteom , lU cilic.sscd.
St. Ixiiiis , Jim. ' 45. Cattle Jtecolpts ,
liogb llt'ceiptH , U,0 < W ; bhlpmenta , none ;
actlvi ) and lOr- higher , < imtllty pooi : btitcherH
and best heavy , &l..iW4.-l'5 ' ; mixed packing
&y.bJ { < fl.lO ; light , SJI.C' y.'JO.
ICtuihiiH Clly , Jan , 23. Cattle IJeceipts ,
r.OO ; hlilpments , none ; blow and lOc lo\\n ;
oxiiortciK , 4S.'if 5.00 ; ( ommon to choice
Bliitiplnir , S1.00Q.1.N ) : Htnckeia nnd leedeis.
S'--Miu.1 : ! ! ; COVVH , Sii.W ) > . . ( .tJ.X ! ) ,
llon'b Itccclpts , 4,00(1 ( ; sliljunents , fXX ) ;
vvi'.ik anil 5C'tK'c ' lower ; good to choice ,
Si.Wl.03 : ; common to medium , gJ : , < ! 0V3.b5 ( ,
Jfontlav ISwulng , Jan. 25.
Thc'c.itllo inailvct vasdull to-diiy , 1'ilccs
\\uro bto.uly at Satin day'H Quotations.
Tlio pik'oson ( lips.-ed beef or coin lc < l slews
nio iiiichamjoi' ' . htccihavoni'lni | , ' 1160 lo 12M )
aru qnotcil at g.'J.76C-t.'i5 ; these iiu'ioging 1IWO
to 1500 at 8-I.OOai.OO.
liutthctV stock is slow ; choice cows soil
falily well but poor Mo k Is not wanted ,
( jooil c v\s aio ( inolcd at $ .UO&2. > , aiidtom.
iiKin f.t S'.avda.W ) . , , ,
'J'he utclplb ol hosa VM-IO llfrht and fell far
Miotl of MiiMihliit ; Ihoduniand. 'i'hn buycts
\\i'H ) all In the imuU'l and auxloiit , to buy ,
J.k'ht weights nui ( juolcil ut -V' !
mixed , ! ? .i.5\'si.C1 : ; heavy , ii.g" : '
llUCI.II'lh ,
Sun-fill" IU 4 . X I Itl'il ' lOWCtfl jJlli-Qi
on Un > furiu/ii uiirmt Ui-J