fl Rt. Eov , Bishop O'Connor's ' Lecture on "The Roman Question" Lost Evening. I FELL UNDER THE CRUEL WHEELS A Blip nt Millnrit Causes nil Omnlin Mnit the Ijoss ofa Jjlml > The Sunday Concert Oilier liocnl News. the Itoninti Question. A very large and appreciative ntulicnco lillcd the opera lioif-o lost evening to lis ten lo tlio lecture of Hishop O'Connor on tlio "Roman Question , " nnd to enjoy tlio concert , which was unotlicr feature of the programme. The affair was under llio auspices of tlio local brunch of tlio Catho lic Knights of America , nnd President J. A. Whulcn , of that order , presided. After the rendition of the four musical numbers on tlio programme , HUhop O'Connor appeared on tlio stage nnd de livered his locturo. It was a masterly address of over tin hour in length , and although delivered without any attempt at oratory hold tlio closest attention of the audience. Hishop O'Connor ' , in beginning his nil- dress , f-aid that the subject of his lecture had been .suggested by his recent visit to Homo. In speaking of the present state of the city he paid that since 1870 there hntl been great changes. The now gov ernment , which came into power at that .time , had brought 0.000 now olllcors to the city , put money In circula tion , and thus had reconciled property owners to the new order of tilings. Even some of those loyal to the pope had tried to carry water on both shoulders. Ho had been told that things were being done in Home now which had not been done in Iho city since pagan limes. The country is overtaxed , and tens of thou sands of holdings are sold yearly for laxes. The confiscated eliurcn.property has nearly all disappeared witli nothing of hcnclil losliow lor it. Want nnd misery are over on hto in crease , and thu poor sometimes faint and tlio on tlio street. Such a Mate of affairs novoroxistcd under Ihe ruloof the pones. The city was then tilled with hospitals niul charitable institutions , unit the charity dispersed was of the kind which laugiit all lo sco in Iho poor Iho Lord himself , and lliat which was done unto them was done unto Him. Under the present government tlio poor , sick and orphans are left to sufl'er. Fifteen years of revolutionary rule have destroyed what it took the popes centuries to build up. Continuing , the bishop said lie could not see any human grounds for hoping for the restoration of the pope to tem poral power. The present government will never willingly abandon its power lo the pope , nnd llio assertion lias been made by homo of its sympathizers that be fore it would do so it would make Homo a heap of ruins. The present condition of Homo and Italy is sad indeed , her future is in doubt and n crisis in her af fairs cannot bo far on" . The speaker did not , however , believe that that crisis would bo one to assist in restoration. "A Ijona lide republic , " said he , "such ns we have hero , would solve the Roman ques tion , but such a republic is impossible in Europe. A republic- there is founded without law , without God , and with hos tility to God and liberty. The liberty there is pf tlio kind which cuts the throats of these who do not agree with these in authority. " The bishop continuing said , in substance - stance : Though wo cannot now see any prospect of temporal restoration , wo should not despair ot its final accomplish ment. God will gjvo it back in his own lime and in his own gootl way. The church cannot bo free un less the pope bo free. Ho must bo n sovereign , and ho cannot be a sov ereign without temporal power. Cath olics are not opposed to Iho unily of Italy. They desireto see her united , prosperous and great ; but such she can not bo so long ns she remains in tlio con trol of a government which opposes the religion of her people. Wo must hope for restoration at an early day by means not now foreseen. More than lifty times have popes been deposed , and the action was always accompanied with disastrous results. Hut they have always returned triumphant. So it will be again : the hand of the Lord is not shortened so that it cannot save. Loud and prolonged applause erected tlio bishop at tlio close of the address , after which tlio remaining part of tlio musical programme was carried out. The selections wore all lincly rendered , and were us follows : March Chnrpo of the Uhlnns Eilenberg Musical Union Oldiestia. Oyertmo 1'lmio Dame , Suppo .Musical Union Oichcstia. Cornet solo Kleonora Wicgand Sir. V. Littz. Soprano solo Ave Mai la Dudley Buck Miss Kaiuilo Ainold. Gloria , from 12th Mass > fozart , Miss Fannie Arnold , St. I'lillomonn Choir anil Urc'liestra. Potpourri Boufjuctof lti > lode3..StoInliauscr ! JIusle.il Union Oichcstra. Miss Fannie Arnold , dhcctioss of choir. Miss Kannlo It. Dlllianco , accompanist. Trof. F. jl. Stcliihauscr , leader ot orche.stia. IjOST II1S IjKG , Henry Lchiuiiiin Falls Under tlio Car AVheels nt Millard. Henry G. J , Lohmann , manager of J. II. F. Lehmann & Co.'s dry goods More on 1'arnam street , met with an accident yes terday morning at Millard which resulted in tlio loss of ono of his legs. Ho had boon visiting his undo at that place , and intended to return to Omalia yesterday morning. As Union i'ucilio train No. 2 was starting from the Millard depot Mr. Lchmann attempted to board the train at Iho forward end of tlio last coach , but his feet slipped nnd ho foil , one leg resting on the rail , Uoforo lie could extricate himsijlf tlio Iwo front wheels of tlio car hail passed ever his log below the knee , mangling the llesh In u terrible manner , and crushing the bone. Friends came to Ids assistance anil pulled him out from his dangerous position , and word was sent to tins city of the accident. Dr. V. II. Con'innn wab immediately disptitolu'tl lo Millard to care for the unfortunate young man , but found the injured member so badly crushed that it could not bo saved. Ho therefore amputated it at the km-o joint. The operation was successfully performed - formed and the patient made as comfort able as possible under the circumstances , If Ills condition is favorable this morning ho will bo brought to his .homo in this city , 024 South Seventeenth street. Mrs , J. II. F. Lohmann , mother of the unfortunate young man , was completely piostralod by the news of her son's ' aect- dent , and was attended by physicians throughout the day yesterday. Tlio Musical Union Concert. The scries of Sunday afternoon con * corts to bo gh'en by Iho Musical Union orchestra , was auspiciously opened yes- terdtiy , The entertainment , under tlio cflicicnt management of Prof , Stcinhan- bcr , was a signal nnd triumphant suc cess nud rollocled no liltlo credit unou Omaha's greatest musical organisation. From beginning to end of Iho programme , n delighted audience which comfortably filled the house , listened and applauded. The programme combined selections from every order of nuis'ic , the light operatic mid sovorly classical , Kach number was a gem in its way , and rendered with _ . . . . . , .j - > j.H „ * „ /M-nVinotrn. . an explosion mm < i. . . , . , , / „ . tion which show how vastly the organi sation is improving under 'Prof. Stein- hatisorVi leadership. Tlio cornet solo , "Lord's Dream , " by Mr. 11. Lutz , was very fiilo. Mr.i. . was compelled to respond spend to a hearty eiieoro. The amusing combination "Twenty" also evoked con siderable applause and was partially re peated on an encore call from the audi ence , These concerts will bo given every Sun day afternoon. They should and doubtless - loss will receive the hearty support of the music-loving public. Union machine has automatic tensions. CUUSM13P Y THU OAKS. Tlio Fntnl Accident U'filch llcfell n lilttle Girl Saturday. Ono of those sad fatalities which will occur sometimes in spile of Iho utmost precaution , happened Saturday niter- noon in tlio U. 1' . yards. The victim , little Marie Jnvurck , was instantly killed by being run over by n "Hying section" of n freight train. The young girl , who was n deaf mute , had boon sent out with her younger brother to gather coal in the freight yards. Once about noontime Ihoy were warned lo leave the yard by Special Policeman Robbins , and after some parley Iho brother said that he would return homo with ills sister. They came back , however , it scorns , nu hour or so later , and wore walking westward on tlio Muroy slrcct sivilch , bclwcou Tenth and Kiev cntli , when the falal acci dent occurred. It scorns that throe freight cars had boon detached irom a regular train nnd sent eastward down the side track on which Marie and her brother were walk ing. A switchman named Frank Alvord was on top of Ihe cars , saw llio children , and shouted to them lo get oil' Iho track , bearing at the same time heavily on llio brakes. The warning came lee late , however. The boy notic ing Ihe signal , bounded from llio Irnck , without warning his deaf-mute sis ter , just in limo lo save himself. His unfortunate sister fell beneath the cruel wheels , and when the cars were stopped her corpse was taken out , man gled almost beyond recognition. The body was cut almost in two at tlio Ihiglis , ono arm was stripped bare of the llesli , while tlio skull was very badly crushed. Death must have been inslnnluncous , as when Al vord reached her side she no longer brealhed. Tlio body was removed lo the morgue , and the parents of the dead girl living at the corner of Twelfth aud Wil liam streets were nolificd. The coronoi- held nn inquest Saturday afternoon and Iho jury rendered a verdict in accordance with tlio above facts. The funeral was held yesterday after noon , tlio body being interred in the comity cemetery. Without an equal the Union machine. "A Niffscr in the Wood Pile. " To the Editor : My attention was called to a lengthy article which appeared in Saturday's line headed , "What docs it mean. " In that article the board of com missioners are gravely censured because tlio jury who are to servo at tlio next term of court were not drawn from tlio banking and merchant element of Omaha. Now I am not writing to defend in any way llio action of llio commissioners in drawing a jury from the intermediate class of citizens of this county. I write on behalf of justice , and to try and put the blame on those to whom it belongs. In the name of common sense , what is the use of going : through Iho farce of summoning bankers and merchants to servo on the regular jury panel , when the court will excuse thorn every timo. The commissioners have done it time and again with the same result , to my own personal knowledge. It is not so much a question wilh llio commissioners who they will summon , but who will serve when summoned. Now this is a very deplorable slate of affairs , and refuses to continue to remain so until the court will excuse that class of jurors who can make more than two dollars a day at home. I would venture to say if there was a jury summoned of tlio leading citizens of Omaha , in ono week , or less , after the court would open not live of them would remain. And what is the consequence ? As n rule the class of men who take their place are llio chronic juryman and court house lounger , whoso verdict always goes to the highest bidder. It used to bo in this country , "For God and for my coun try , " but alas ! now it reads , for my&olf first and the country may look ont for itself. There is also serious objection to the present jury on account of their for eign birth. Well , I would like to ask where the American clement has learned their line sense of justice and judgment ? Certainly not in the courts of Douglas county. Why don't the press advocate and keep advocating reform and economy in tlio court expenditures , and clerks' fees , etc. , and a more expeditious way of ridding tlio docket of tlio largo number of cases thereon' It is a well-known fact to those vho are ported that tho. expenses of hold ing court in this county nro the most gi gantic frauds that wore cvqr perpetrated on n law-abiding people , mid a tax which they cannot much longer beat. lleforo elosiiH * my first letter on tlio subject I feel'like saying : How long , oh , Lord ! how long will a suffering , tax-iiay- ing people permit such n slate of tilings to continue ) in this cnlighlened commu nity ? _ AFAHMUU. Tlio Union sows backwards or forwards JVTHLBTE. Jailor I'filrnnet's Touuli Experience ) "With n Chinese I'riHonor. Doubtless every well posted individual has hoard of the great Jap wrestler Sor- akachi , whoso marvelous foals of strength have astonished llio world , That gentleman - man , let It bo said right here , must look well to his laurels for there is in Omaha a Chinaman named Yet Sing who is liable to wrest from Sornkncni the honor of being lha champion Oriental wrestler and athleto. Hut to explain : Ju the police court Sat urday morning Iho Mongolian individual mentioned above appeared as defendant , in n case of rather peculiar character. A young Swede giving the name of A Hollander testified that ho hail brought about § 5 worth of washing to Iho China man last week r.ntl when ho called on him a few days afterward to pet his clothes llio Chinaman declared that ho know nothing about it. Hollan der produced his check given him by Yet Sing , when the latter snatched it anil tore it up. Ho Ihcn lold Hollander lo gel out of his shop , and threatened to call the police , In this statement of the case Hollander's testimony was corrobor ated by that of E rick ICrickson , Tlio judge , after remarking thai some of the Chinese laumlrymcn were making u regular practice of robbing their cli ents in tins way , called upon Yet Sing lo state jiisMdo of the case , "D.it man , Jiar , " muttered Ihe China- I man , "mo no tnkco his wash , mo no I I toarce his tick , What for mo do UaU" I ( with an air of lofty scorn. ) "Did you ever see this man before ? " askpd the judge. "Nah , nab. " replied the Celestial ) "mo nov'soe dat Melican. lie gloat lie. " Notwithstanding the judge found Yet' Sing guilty , and sentenced him to make restitution to Hollander for his clothing , and to pay besides a line of $10 and costs. Yet Sing dcolarci1 that he could not pay , and accordingly Ofllcor Whalenwas detailed to lake him up to the county jail , there to be Imprisoned for twenty days. When the Chinaman came in sight of the four bare walls of the jail he weakened , and said he'd try to raise the money. Af ter some difl'ictiltv he linally succeeded in inducing , omo of his pig-tailed friends lo lend him tlio cash , ami ho was released. Until was before his release that ho figured in a little episode which estab lished his utlilcllc powers. lie was In Ihe city jail , making arrangements to secure the amount of his fine , when his eye fell upon apiece of white paper inscribed with Chinese loiters which had been taken from him by Jailor Poironet , It must have been some document that ho was ashamed of for the Mongol sprang like si cat toward Poironet. seized the paper and threw it into the stovo. Poironet thinking that there wn.s something crimi nally mysterious about the Chinaman's actions quickly pulled the paper from the fire before it commenced to blaze. "Dat my paper , give mo" said the Celestial frantically. Peironct refused to do so , when Yet Sing rushed at him , picked him up by the waist and throw him violently against the wall. Peironct is ono of Iho strongest and pluckiest men on Iho force , and not daunted by this rather Severn trontmenl , made a rush for his opponent. Yet Sing retreated a stop or two and prepared for Poironot's onslaught which came with a vengeance. The latter seized the China man , and by a quick hiplock movement , throw him violently to the lloor. Quick as a cat , however , Yet Sing regained his feet , and catching Poironet by tlio legs , raised him bodily from tlio floor and again threw him violently against Iho Avail. Pcironot , n Irifle out of breath , siiglitly disfigured but still in the ring , made a resolve to "do or die , " and rush ed again at the Chinamen. The latter retreated a bit , but too late to escape Peironot's muscular arm , which entwined him with an embrace anything but lov ing. Again the jailer throw his opponent by a quick hip-lock movement , and landed him Hat on his back. Ilcforc the Chinaman could arise , Peironct had him pinned securely to the ground. By this time the noise of scuHling had attracted a number of policemen , who took the re fractory Chinaman in charge. "That's the toughest job I've had in many a day , " remarked Poironet lo a reporter who was standing near. "I have had wrestling enough to last mo for several years. " The paper over which the troubfe arose is slill in Pcironcl's hands awaiting in terpretation. Self-treading Union sowing machine. FI11ST COXGUEGAT1 OX AIj GHUKGf I The New Sanctuary In the Old SUatiug 11 Ink. The First Congregational church has moved into the rink and the opening ser vices , of a dedicatory character , were held there yesterday. The interior of the building lias boon wonderfully altered , and those who enter the sanctuary uninstructed would little guess that ils walls have echoed lo Ihc roll of gaily idle skaters , tlio call of the danco. Tlio building now seems to have been originally adapted to the purpose of religious use , and forms an elegant church edifice. All the furniture and littings of the old church have been moved in and the congrega tion prepared to locate there during Bio interval required to complete the mam edifice , upon which Iho work will soon bo commenced. The furnaces have been moved in and set up in tlio corners of the room , so that the heating service will be satisfactory. All the pews have been transferred and afford , with the seals along the' side of the building , a seating capacity of from six to seven hundred. The pulpit and the choir are at the north end "whore the organ will also bo placed when brought over. In the south end a room has been partitioned off for the use of tlio Sunday school. In every respect the church is handsome , convenient and cheerful. The sale of pews will be hold Monday night. The noiseless Union sowing machine. A Coasting Carnival. A meeting of the young men of this city will bo hold on Monday evening at half past seven o'clock , in tlio store of Collins , Gordon & Kay , lo make arrangements for holding : i grand coasting carnival hero some time during the next two weeks. As everybody may not know the exact moaning of the term "coastingcarnival , " a little explanation may here lie indulged in , It is proposed to se cure the consent of Ihe city council to closing one of the streets , say Dodge , during an entire night. Patrolmen would bo .stationed at eacli corner , down the street , to sco that no accident occurs or if one happens , to signal , so that no other sleds would bo started from tlio top of the hill , until the wreck were cleared away. Each sled or train would bo given n num ber by the "starter" stationed at the top of the hill , who would sco Ihat each sled went strictly in turn , and at tlio proper moment. In this way not moro than iwo sleds , if that many , would be allowed on tlio same block at the same time , The hill would lie brilliantly illuminated by torches placed along the side of the street. Of course it will require some trouble ami expense to complete all arrange ments for tlm carnival , but it is believed that if carried out the schema will bo a grand success. The Union sows backwards or forwards. Kail Notes. Among other bright features of the Hallway News , last week , is a fable of the Two Uniforms. The rail way boys are all laughing over the story and the moral. The Union Pacific has surveyed tlio route and is preparing to build a line of road between Marysvillo and Topeka , Kansas , which will bring Omaha and the capital of Kansas into closer relationship. It is an important bit of line to the Re publican Valley branch of the Union 1'aeilic and to the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway , both of > vluch lines will bo connected by this proposed line with the Kansas division of tlio Union Pacific. A lioston telegram says : In regard to the statement that 300 mon had been dis charged from Iho Union Pacific railroad shops in Omaha , in accordance wilh an order from Iho company's headquarters , the ollicials hero say that they have received no information of any discharge. They admit , how ever , that an order for a general culling of expenses has gone out from hero , but do not believe that the retrenchment will bo commenced by such a wholesale dis charge as has been reported. The busi ness of the road for December and Jan uary is reported ns being very light.be- > cause of the heavy snow blockades , and the statements of earnings foj- those months will nmke n poor showing. Decorated chamber sets at greatly re duced prices at Moody's diiuu store. 803 North 10th fat. DISTRICT GOURTJNOTES. Started tlntl Suit was commenced in the district court Saturday against'George II Wood & Co. by A. L. Slrang for $1,818.44. Wood &Co. are pluiiilmrfl , and the plain- lilT's potllion alleges that they were soil ing out for Iho purpose of defraud ing their creditors. Attachment papers were issued and served by the sheriff. Sam Willuhn , who was nrreslcd Fri day night on complaint * oP his wife , who alleged that ho had beat and misused her , turned the lables Saturday by com mencing suit for diyorcc. In his petition ho accuses his wifn of being the disturb ing element , and also that her two sons , by n former marriage , have assisted her in comniitllng assaults upon him. Ho also asserts that she has been married five times , and asks the court to compel hcrlo state what has become of her other husbands , Young Kecne , the agent of the Louisi ana State lottery , who was nrreslcd and confined in jail some lime ago on complaint - plaint of the Law and Order league , was released Saturday on bail. As Kceno could not furnish Iho original amount named , Judge Wakoloy reduced his bond lo $300 , which ho secured. Union Sewing Machine , 200 N. 10th Si Army Orders * Capl. Gerhard L. Luhn , Fourth in fantry , who was appointed inspector of Indian supplies at Gordon City and Val entino , Neb. , and to witness the issue of annuity goods for the Rosebud agency , D. T. , has been relieved , and Capt. Wil liam II. Blsbeo , Fouith infantry , has boon detailed to complete his duties. The ration of broad for issue to the troops at Fort Mclviiinoy , Wyo. , for the next six months , has been increased to twenty-two ounces , the troops having been unable to provide themselves with a supply of fresh vegetables. Ma.ior Robert II. Hall , Twenty-Second infantry , acting inspcclor general , do- partmcnt of the Platto. has been ordered to Fort Washakie , Wyo. , on public busi ness. The leave of absence for seven days granted First Lieutenant Charles M. Rockefeller , Ninth infantry , lias been extended twenty-throe days , and permis sion granted him to apply for a further extension of one month. Union Sewing Machine , 200 N. ICtli St. Brevities. A disturbance at Hans Young's Doug las street saloon shortly after midnight Saturday night caused tlio police to break in the door and arrest Hans , his brother Charles , and two customers. They were locked up for the night but released on bail yesterday morning. The employes of Krug's brewery gave a very pleasant and successful social ball at Ivcssler's ' hall Saturday evening. There was a good atlendanco and Iho af- iair netlcd a snug little stun to its pro jectors. Light running Union sewing machine. The Child-Stcaler combination , who have been successful jn Iho west' in pleasing tlio people , will play at the Pee ple's theater , commencing January 23th , one week. Union sewing machine , latest and best. Paola Pavcsich , Denver's well known designer and decorator , is tn the city , bc"- ing engaged in beautifying < Dr. Mercer's residence. He is alsot conferring with the county comniisMonerB * in regard to improvements in his line in Ihc county building. Union sowing machine lasts a life lime. TOST PERFECT I'reparcd with special rcRard to lierltii. No Ammonia , Lima or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. WHO IS UNACQJA1NTCD WITH THE CCOGHAPHV OP THI9 COUNTRY WIIL 6CE DY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE CHICflGO.IIOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY fly reason of Ita central noaltlnn and close relation to nil principal llnoa Kutit anil Wen. at Initial and Icr. inlnal points , constitute * the i.nmt Inipnitant inlif- contlnontnl llnkln tlmt nviitem of tluouch trant.por- tatlon which Imltes unit farllltntofi tra\ulfimltrnlfia tidlucnn cltton of the Atlantic iird 1'aclltc C'onuts. It In alvo tbe favorite and l > eht I onto to nnd from polliU ja : e. Xiirlhe.int and Suutlioait , and corretuundlus iwlnti Wont , Noilliweit and ljuiitliartt. The Croat Rook leland Route Guarantees its pationa that cense of peruonnt re'cii- i-ltr airorded liy n follil , tlioruuehlr l > nll ti < il road- twicl. nmootli tmclm of cuntlimoui ft-tl nil , tutHuii. tlally bull t culverts and In Idem , i oLUnic itorli n nrar pirfec'tlun a > liuinan > UII1 can make It , tliu tatety appliance * of patent Uuireis.pJatforanandair hraLea , and that ciactlnc dlvclplliio nlilpli iroveiIIH Ihe plao- tlcal operation or all Hi tialm. Oltw-r tpeclulllm of ; jiU route are 1ranir i > at nil counectlne tiolnts In Union Depoti , and the iiniurpatxd gonifoits anil luiurlon of iti Pnxenger K < iuipiuent The Fa t Ejpre i Trains > lBtw n Clilci.cn anil Pnorla , Council Illuffa , Kansas Oily , tratcnnoiIII and Atchuon art c < "ni > osed of nell Temilati-il , ( Inrlr up- linluered Day Coacliei. tlacnHlcrni I'lillman 1'alaio The Famous Albert Loa Route If the dliiicc and fnroilte llaoi between Chicago and VliincapolliandHt. i'anl , vlieru foiuertlonsarumailu in Union liepnu for all noliitt Jn tu * Ten Itorlen ami llrltlili I'ruvliuea , Over thistoolo fait Eiprcn lialni nro run to the watertu * vlaeei , cuniuur la- soitu , ulctcnesiiuo localities , ami biat loir ami tuning ernumliot loiva and illnuetou. II In also the mutt aerli able route tu the licit lieat Melds and paitoiat laniti of Intcrloi Datotn. Mill nnotlur DllttCT LINK , via Seneca and Kan- kaVqe , ha * been opened between I'lnrlmmtl , Imllan- pn&Us and Lafayette , and Council UliiiM , KaneanCltr. Minneapolis and bt. 1'aiil and lnt ( nnedlatp polnti. rur detailed Information ei * Hapa uid folders. pbtalnabli ) . u well us tickets , at all principal Ticket Cilllcet in the United buus uud Cauadai ur by ua- R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , I'res't & Ucu'l M'e'r. Oea'l 1'kl * 1'ass. Aft't , ARCHITECTS. F. M. ELLIS & CO. OMAHA , NEB , and DE3 M01NES , IA. , Cor. Ulu unrt. 1'urnnra Streets , Hoom 10 GrpiiUE DuiJU.NOuoF . M. Kills. 1119 WE WILL 1119 In order to close down the stock of Misfits and uncalled for clothing garments which still remain unsold , offer at astonishingly low prices , ROM P P " "HI * B I f * Ak I * * V f W" "U1 FOR THE NEXT Three weeks , there remains Overcoats , Suits , Coats niul Vests nud Pantaloons which will be found from inspec tion , superior to anything found outside of the most artistic tailoring establishment , and for the coining thrcx weeks , or TWENTY DAYS , Wo feel if there is a man in the vicinity of the Gate City who can use clothing , lie will find it to his interest lo come to 1119 Furnnm street , where he will find wo can Superior made gurmeuts nt comparatively his own prices , made from the best imported and domestic fabrics in any style man can have made bj' his own And save him from 75 lo 100 per cent on each purchase. lie then secures a garment with some shape and fit , No ripping , for he can find nothing but hand With character of wear and tear. This will be found no cheap trash , advertised in order to run it oft' , but will be found goods in cut and pattern of the present season , and will be sold IFOR 3LE3S Thau ordinary goods can be bought far. It is most reasonable to make this assertion , as Hie } ' have been bought up from the merchant tailors for less THAN THE RAW MATERIAL ' ( X' Cost. In the price you can be suited without u doubt. In style of cut and putlern and as to price it will be found less by one half than the same O-A-lSr ZBIE3 ZBOTTG-T IFOIR AnjT place in the country. You will in connection with the above be treated with the greatest courtesy and not insisted to buy in the way that it is your money we want , but you will find it left to ITOTJIR To pay a visit will prove to your Interest to inspect and invest in these special inducements which For the next twenty days at the , . " g. = ps aj "IT 1119 FARNAM STREET , THE AMD RASLV/AY- Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tlio only rend to tnlco for Dos Moliics , Mnr- Blinlltown , Cedar Kaplds. Clinton. ni\fo , Cliieiiso , Milnruukcu mid nil points oa t. To the pcqjrtoof Nebraska , Colorado , Wjominar , Utah , iilnlio Noviidu , Oregon , Washington niul California U oirerssnpoiior advantages not posslblo by uny other line AinoiiB n few of tlio numerous points ot supe riority enjoyed by the patrons ot this ronil be tween Omaha nmlChlciiKO. nro Its two trains a dny of DAY COAWJKS which lire the llncst tbut limmui nrt nnd ingenuity cnn create. Itsl'Alc ACK SUJEI'INCJ 6'AHS , which aiu moilels of comfort niul elctfrtnco. Its PAKLOlt IWAWIVO ItOOM CAltS. unsuriinssril by unv , unil Its wide ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING UA1I3 , ho uqunl of which cannot be found clsowniiro. At Council IllulTs the trains ol the Union 1'iici- flo Ky. connect In Union llenot with these of the Chicago te Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this line mnko close coiinuclloii with these of all eastern linos. For IJotiolt , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara Fulls. Itullalo , Pitthbuig- . Toronto , Montreal , Hoston , Now Yoilt , I'hlludolpulii , lt.il- tlmore , Washington and nil points In the east , ailc the ticket ugont for tickets via the "NOKTH.WKSTKItN , " If you wish the best ncc'omniodutlons. All ticket rBimts pell tickets via this lino. , , . , 11. I1UUHITT. IIS. . HAin , ( K'licrul ilnnajjer. ° i. 1'ass. Ajront. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL J.OT2T © . mooo Cataluguea nnd Trices on nppllrntlon. Coielby Mltnc best fnrrlnco linlliicru mill Dealers , CINCINNATI , U.H. A. , Cublo AdJrc-t.3 , COO C1N , ASK YOUR DEA.LEB To Eliow jon the Union Sewing Machines The machine that was awarded tlio FIRST PREMIUM AND GOLD MEDAL , At the Woild'a Exposition , Now Oilnans , ever allcomnct'tjif , and the only sowing inttclilno that BKWH HACKWAltlN1) lOItWAHD vrilhniit clinniilntrorEtopiiln the machine. * If your dealer < 'oos ' not hanilla it make lilm got it , and if ho littB not cntoijniso enough to ucconuuodutoyoueeid | your uddtcssto 206 Nortli 16lh Street , Omaha , Nebraska } For circulars , terms nnd pi lees. The Union Bon Ititr Miu'hlno , as Its names Implies , eomlilnos nil tlio good points ol llrst class in chlii ( ono , nnd Id undoubtedly the simplest and beat for family pm poses. Thn best argument that it Is tlio best ls that It commands a higher price than any other machlno in the inaiKit. No machines sola except to dealers at loss thau retail price. Union Man'f g Co. , 206 H , 16th StnOmalia , Neb , 07 223 OZZE.A. ESI' ' XiT TO A pro , Etc , is One of the Best and Ectrgest Stocks in tlie U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BTTKKE & SONS , LIYE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GEO. IIUHKIi , Mnnacor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. IlKFEnnNrnS : Morelinnts and Farmers' Hank , David City , Neb , ; Konrnoy National llankJConr ney. Neb. : Columbus State. Bunk , Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Hunk , Noith 1'latto , Nob. Omaha Nnuoim ! llMik , Omaha , Neb. Will pay customers' dratt with bill of lading attached , for two-thirds vuluo of stock. 33W . - vs 8BJ 'a" ' ' sl i Cor. apitol AvontiB. JOIt Tlin Tr.KATMKNT Of AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoMENArtlY. Proprietor. hutcea jams' Ho pim ! niul I'llvJlu I'nietlco Vrili.t\o Ihe fiu.llltici' , apparatus oii'l ' icuiedlo for tliu succctsful treatment of t\cry form of ells- case n nulling cither nu'illcul or surgical treatment , ( mil Invite till tocoincuml liivrctlgntuforthi'inseltdi or corresponds lib. us. Long experience In treat- luz Cases by letter enables IIB to treat tunny cum tclcntiflcallyithnut Hrclm ; them , WIUTK 1'OH fMUCIJIiAU on Deformities nncl Bruceii , Clul > Fc'et , Curvatures of thu bplnc , UiiKitKi tiv WO IIN. 1'lli'K , Tiunorn , Uaiicers , Cataph , Dronclillls , liihalctlon , Kleclrlclly , 1'ar.il- Klilnvyi 1yt1ur bklu Jllooel uuel yds , Kpileiisy , - - , - , , all eurelcnl oncrallont , ISattorlm , lulialvm , Uracrs , Trussrs , nnd nil ! ( ludi < of .MrcIIcul and Surgical App'.lnuces ' , mau- ufftctiired and for falo. The onlncllablo Medical Institute making Private. Special S Nervous Diseases 1 ' A KrtiUIAl.TV. AUi CONTAGIOUS AND I1I.OOD DISKAfiKS , froiuuliatcu'rcniitoiiroilnce.l.Micci'etfiilly Ircaldl , \Vo can remote Hynhllltlo [ lolso.i from llioejttem without mercury. New rc6toratl\o treatment for Ion of vital power , AIJ. COMMUNICATION ! ) UUNl-'lDI NTIAL. Cnll ami consult us or fend nomu mid ] ) o't-olll ( u address plainly written encloeu etamj ) , uudM > ttlll eetiil ) ou , hi plain n ramie r , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN VrOU i'lllVATK , tl'tCIAI. AND IllMlMjUa DUBitl.d , BtLIKiLVtAKXL83 , Hl' HSUTOKIllKI'I iHl'OIKN'- cr , Svrinuu , Oosonnnu : * , OIJKT , VAiticocrLB , fiTWCTlMir , AM > AM. llIfEABKJ Ol1 T1I15 ( ] CNTa- | UniNinr Or.aiNS , or tend history of j our ta c for tin opinion , I'ursonj unable to vltlt us may l > o Ito-Blcil at Ilieilr liomev , by correspondence. Mi.llcliua i.ml Iiiitni- incnts scut by mail or express blX'UULJ.Y I'ACIC Xl > VROU UUSF.KYAT1OX no marks to indleale couteuU or sender. Ono pcrconal internw plot fenedifcomeuleut. I'lfly roonw for1 the accom- .modatlou of patients , Hoard nud allemlancu at reasonable pilcee. Addrc all I.flftrs to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. J3UiSt and Capitol Avc , , OMAHA. HEB. HAMBURG - AMERICANA A niiiEor UNI : ron England , France & Germany. The Etcumshlpti of this well known line ninnll of lion , In water tight comiinrtmcmtu , audio- lurnlshed with uvurylhlmr to miiliii the pas * igo both feiifo and atficcublo , They carry thu United HtulcHund lluioiifau mulls , mid IcavoNiMv Voik 'JliurednyHiind Saturdays lor Plymouth , ( ION- DON ) , Chin lions : , ( I'AUlri niul IIAMIIUHO ) . Jtutes-FUfct cabin , 10U-$10J. Bteormru to Now York fcKi. Tlio CnllKinph Is rapidly dlsplaclncr tlio pen. i how jou may you uuiiuut ullonl 10 do without It , Nil otltur labor Bavlnjr Invontlon lias EO loss- rjiK'il ilniilituiy or Inaln and hand , or tuvcil bin li n laiirei pcic'onlaxu ol iltnr lubor , HKWO tnal It turns oil but twice 113 iniioli oik Iniitflvril llnio usdooi the pen ( It easily dot's tljiro tinHH us niiiclilniid It Klvcs you tuv ( ml lice Iioumiluily us nnd Inloii'st on jour- lineistinciit. 1'or clunlarri und hpeie'linoiiD up- ply to II. . jsTltirK.DliiHlui , Noli , , fjcnl. ARont fnr Nobiaslin and Woituin Ju n , JtlllilO.Vri. ( Utnlovnoo l' best ) for nil kinds of nritlni ; ir.uclilnw , on hand. 1'rlco il uacli. SPHIRG UEHICI.ES. rtKlcKt ItlJIUK VeMcIo iniidr. Klitwi u ewt rilhcne pcrwmitwo. 'Ibo.Si > rlii ; : Irnu'lirti ! I ( iiirlcn ntMtilwt lu tin w 'stt tlity 1107. KQ al't welt niluvK'rt ii r u li vauiurj ronilmii il " ' ' vJ"li'Llliia0c'iiril'uuo ISutletCnud Dealer * * UCBRASKA CULTIVATOR AND HOU8B- it KCCPER oHt-iiK lUKllnii'1 euiluullu 1 reiD > uins ( i * l.il vs V iiki i lid "I 'i < * I' " ' ' ca ! ' ' for fc"rl 'J ' uirail ) . unillliKii- . .glitiJMMitltmtliu ll r aud * < ijit-t. H. a , UM1TH , Pub. , Omuhu , N u.