Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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OrriCE : Ko. 13 Fcai-l Street.
Dtllvcicd l > y cnrrlcr in nny pnrt of tlio city fit
twenty tents jicr neck.
II. W , TIM ox , - - - Mnnngcr.
llrsi.s-nss Omen , No. 4X
NUIIIT lUiiTon , N'o. "J.
DPanLs to order , from $5 up , nt Hoitor's.
"A Parlor Match" Is booked hero for
the 88Mi.
Kvnngclislic meetings are lo lie kept
up niuhtly nt the rooms of the Y. M. U.
A. this week.
The funeral of the late Joseph Heek
Was hold yeMorday afternoon. A largo
number ot friends attended ,
Hev. William M. llalgh , I ) . ] ) . , of Chi-
rage , preached yesterday in thu liaptUt
elmrch , and lo-ilay leaves for Omaha.
Jim Hrncly and Arch Harvey have
B . been arrested and loilgcd in jail for stealing -
| $ ing a deer from the storehouse ot Louie
Tlio police force was changed about : t
little yesterday. Ollicer O'llrinn now
goes on day iliily with Captain Williams
Ollicer Towns being changed to night
duty ,
Shorifi'Todd of Carroll county arrived
i hero yesterday with two prisoners , John
IjV and \ \ illiinn liowinnn , wno were placed
IM in the county jail for safe keeping. They
EL' linvo been lound guilty of larceny and
I ? * .fcontcneed to twenty-two days each.
Still another gun is tired in the light
for thooflico of coroner. A petition of
quo warranto was liled Saturday , in
which \h \ : Bellinger wants Faul to show
IjJ by what right ho claims to be the coro-
b iier of the county.
f * The city comici'il proposes to pass an
Kt ordiimnce to clean off the snow. If it
don't clean oft' the snow any better than
the summer ordinance cleaned tlio
alloys , a .snow sho\ol will still-bo bolter
than an ordinance for most people.
Some of the citizens have got need
lessly alarmed by the report that llio cily
council is about to pass an ordinance re
quiring all the snow lobe cleaned oil'the
street. Such is not the intent of llie pro-
Dosed ordinance. It is simply to make
property owners clear out the gutters and
[ clean oil' the sidewalks ,
| * A short lime ago a hey named Dlnkcly ,
who was confined in the county jail for
some potty offense , had his arm broken
by getting it caught in the bars as the
big cylinder revolved. It is said that
the boy's ' mother has employed an atlor-
\ noy to commence ! suit against thu county
for damages. The suit will involve
homo peculiar points and be watched
with interest if pressed to trial.
E. Uivvis , who has been sentenced at
llarlan to the penitentiary , is none other
thaji.T. H. Harris , who libvd atNeola for
hoveral years. He left Neola for O'Urion
county , and since then it has been dis
covered that he has been forging notes
and raising money on them , lie was
quite well thought ot when living at
Ncola , and the discovery of his crooked
ness was quite a surprise- many of his
old fricnd.s. He now goes to the peni
tentiary for two years.
Some boy stole a little sled bclongingto
a son of Fred Nugent , and sold it to an
old man named Pierce , who keeps a second
end hand store on Uroadway. Mr.Pierce
bus lived hero some time , anil has borne
a pretty good reputation , but it does
seem that : i man of his ago and cxpcricnco
should bo more careful in dealing with
boys. Some time ago ho sold , or traded ,
to a boy , ti large dine knife. Several jn-
stances of his dealings with children in
dicate that lie is not very particular about
bis buying or selling.
The Nonpareil in a , recent editorial
fiimnosod to bo original , says : "Mrs.
Whitney owns a magnificent residence
on Fifth avenue , in this city. It is fur
nished regally , and is said to be worth
-o $700,000. " 'I liis is Ktartlin''information
II to the residents of Council IHulls , who
| | never suspected that thorp was such
a palatial residence in this city. The
explanation appears in the fact that the
dear old grandmother in clipping edi
torials for her scrap-book never gives
credit , and often forgets even to change
the wording when necessary to make
Saturday attcrnoon Mrs. Iliggins , of
Omaha , was riding along Broadway , the
driver hurrying the team so that she
might catch the 5:30 : dummy train. Tlio
horses were speeding along at a livejy
gait , and when near the corner of Main
and Broadway , a girl employed in the
family of T. W. McCargar was struck by
them. Tlio horses were frightened and
matlo a jump , which probably saved the
girl from serious injury , for her escape
could not well bo accounted for other
wise. She was knocked down , and the
horse , sleigh and all seemed to pass over
her , and yet she was not in jurod seriously.
Mrs. Higgina at once cared for the girl ,
and placed her in good hands , leaving
her name and address , so that she could
be communicated with further if neces
sary. She thus did all she could to atone
for the accident.
Money to loan on chattels , by Forres
Smith , 180 Main street.
Cottage ranges , ( iarland stoves Ra
diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed reek prices ,
nt Cooper & McCjee's , No.11 Main street.
The "Pop" Ordinanco.
TSIayor Vauglmn denies the published
statement that ho has advised the saloon
men not to pay their license tor January.
. . . He says ho has never given them Mich
| * V njlvico , but IniR loft them lo ael us they
* * " see lit , or to get Mich counsel as they may
desire ,
It is underMood , however , that Judge
Aylesworth is of the opinion that the
present "pop" ordinance is not valid , and
that if thu isMio is Mmari'ly presented to
If ' him. he will so hold. That will knock
If. , the life out of the city's present system of
" ' , collecting licenses under a prohibitory
| law. Ono or two cases are now pending
- , before him , and his decision in these
4 cases Is looked forward to with much in-
ft terest. If he decides as It is Intimated
* ' ho will , the ordinance will not bo in very
X good shape for urging the saloon men to
pay licenses. It has generally been eon-
f coded that thu ordinance would not stand
f si test in the courts , but both sides have
I avoided niaking a test. Now that some
\ propose to test it , there is naturally a
-f hanging oil' to await the result.
Does everybody know about the low
prices tit thu Moiton boot and shoo storey
No117 Broadway.
Try Adams Bros' goods and see if you
, don't get your money's worth in boots ,
shoes , slippers and rubbers.
For first class Missouri wood call on
Uleason , at his coal ollico , 20 Pearl street.
The members of the Council Binds
branch of the Equitable Life Insurance
company of Waterloo and their friends
hud a sort of social gathering and house ,
warming at the company's now ollico ,
rooms , 12 and 1J ! , JJono building , ou Sat
urday evening. About iifty ladies and
Contiomcn wore onturtnliicd and a nice
lunch was furnished by William Kandall ,
Bitueriiitendcmt of agencies , in whoso
ollico they worogathered.
For hardware and house furnishings
get prices of Cooper & McUec , No. 41
Main street.
How Society in the Bluffs Has Been En
joying Itself.
Installation or Harmonious
Dolnus of tlio City Fathers Tlie
" 1'op" Ordinance Tlii-entencil
Uncle Sam's Jfcw House.
The Social lolIIRS.
The event of the past week wns tlio
uliarity bull , which win clvon on Thurs-
dny uvunlng in , [ ! lsollic liall. It being
llio lir-st , ulinrity bull given in this city , ns
an initiatory it proved a great success ,
clearing $1,030,03 , , besides several hun
dred dollars in contributions , a itlo from
groceries , provisions , elc. Had tlio night
been in thu least pea ] ant the hall could
never have accommodated the people ,
Imlovt'iiasil was. thu hull was slightly
overcrowded. The details of the plans
and of tlio success have already been
placed before the public m to many
vaned forms it is needless to dwell upon
them. Aiidt ! from its hei ng n success for
tin ! purpoMj.s for which it was given , it
was a very enjoyable event socially.
On Tuesday evening Hie members of
the Methodist Episcopal church were en
tertained at the resilience of r. II. Oreutt ,
No. ! i2 ! ) Oakland avenue. About sixty
wore in alli'iiilanee , and u pleasant even
ing was spent , during whicli quite a largo
collection was taken tip.
An informal reception was. on Wednes
day evening , given to Mrs. ,1. .1. Hrown ,
at her residence , No. 250 Seventh
street , in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nrank
K. Stnbbs. Air. and Mrs. Stnbbs were
married at IVoria on the 12th inst. , and
after visiting Mimicaiiolis and other
places , are spending n sliort time with
his parents and friends here. The gath
ering at this reception was not large but
it was a merry one. The entertainment
was largely ol a nuiiical nature. Among
those present wore Mr. and Mrs. 1 $ .
Zorvoley , Mr. and Mrs. John N. Uald-
win , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kimball , Mr.
and Mr.s. A. M. Jackson , Mr and Mrs.
J ) . T. HUibbs , Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Con-
_ ' . . . . . _ . . .
vr < -"it. * i. XT t > L ? 1..1
Craig. Miss Kate I'lisoy and Mrs. N. 15.
Skclton KIVC : a Spanish duct , which was
so enjoyable as to call forth the mo t en
thusiastic praise from the company ; Mrs.
Skclton accompanied on the guitar. Mr.
rendered "Warrior Bold "
15. Xcrvelcy ,
an excellent solo ; Mrs. Skellon accom
panied on the piano. Airs. Skellon also
tavorcd the company with several
choice instrumental . " -elections. Messrs
1'ranlc E. Stnbbs and D. T.
Stnbbs sail" "A Hundred Fathoms
" " Watch " both
Deep , and "Larboard ,
linety rendered. Mr. Frank Stubbs also
sang , "Old Fashioned Photographs , " and
"Don't Leave Your Mother , Tom , " the
latter song lending the hostess to remark
that "somo folksdo. " With suchmusieal
treats the evening was very happily
spent. An elegant supper was .served in
tlio spacious dining room , and shortly
after midnight the guests took their de
Thursday evening the Diligent Dozen
were entertained by Mi s Julia Juilson at
her residence on Sixth street. The even
ing was s.pcnt in n discussion of Scott's
works and social enjoyment.
Friday evening Airs. D. li. Dailoy en-
sertained a number of her friends at her
residence on First avenue. The company
was gathered in honor of Mrs. Douglass
of Cleveland.
The entertainment and social gather
ing at the institution for the deaf and
dumb Friday night , proved an enjoyable
one. The night was an intensely cold
one , but a goodly number from this city
went out in sleighs , and by being well
bundled up managed to keep comfort
able. The usual number of mishaps oc
curred , just enough to make the trip an
interesting one. The tongue of one of
the big sleighs gave out , and the winter
excursionists had to indulge in a walk
for a distance. One of the horses of an
other team took a tumble , and delayed
another party. Those incidents were not
Forions1 , and only served for the theme of
frosty jokes when the company had all
assembled at the building. Hie enter
tainment was given by the young people
of the Congregational church. It consisted
sistod of the representation of an
old-fashioned singing school. The
programme as already given in
the 15r.i : was carrieil out well.
The girls wore arrayed in ancient cos
tumes , thus proving an amusing feature.
Rounds and popular choruses were given ,
and such amusing features as roll call ,
disciplining for petty oll'enses , etc. , added
fun to the entertainment. In addition to
the programme as arranged , there was a
pleasing showing ot the sign language by
some of the pupils of the institution.
Recitations anil pantomimes were thus
given , some of them very amusing and
all of them meritorious. To those who
had not been such a .showing of what can
be done with the sign language , it was
astonishing. These pupils have remark
able skill in presenting thoughts without
words , tv much more diilicnlt task than
to present words without thoughts. After
the onlertainment refreshments were
served , and a happy social time m the
parlors followed. The sleighs were again
Ullcd , and the nu-rry party slipped home
ward in a driving Know storm.
IIAI'l'Y YOUNG rI.Kf ( .
About thiriy young people were in at
tendance at a sociable given by Ralph
Williams on Friday evening at bis homo ,
No. Ill Stntxnmn street. A highly enjoyable -
joyablo evening was spent by all who at
Saturday evening the tenth series of the
Married Ladies' Progressive Euchre club
metal the residence of HenryII. Van
IJniiit , No. l'.M ) Fourth street , and were
enturtaini'd by Mr.s. Van llrnnt and Mrs ,
George W. Thompson. About Iifty ladies
and gentlemen were present , and ten
tables accommodated the players. The
ladies1 iirst prixy was won by Mrs. F. A ,
Conovor , the second by Mr.s. C. R. Tyler.
The "I'litk-inen's Iirst uri/.e was awarded
A. M7.Jackson , while the second went to
A. T. Elwoll ,
This evening the Merry Thinkers meet
sit the residence of W..V. . Wallace , No.
iiTHhUY street ,
On no\t Thursday evening the Imperial
club will give its sixth dance this seas-on
in Masonic hall. If the \yeathcr Is favor-
ablp a larger attendance is expected than
at the last lew of these select parties
The important social event that was
referred to in the IEI ) : hist Monday
morning as being one that in all proba
bility would eclipse all former events of
the season , has on account of the extreme
unpleasant weather been postponed in
The Diligent Dosion am to bo enter
tained a week fiom next Thursday night
at the homo of Frank Chamberlain. No.
2071'ark avenue , The club is composer
mostly of members of thu senior class ol
thu high fichool , and for the purpose o !
disetissing literary and social atlairs ,
Fidelity council , R. . A. , are planning
another unuco to tikc ; place some tlmo
next week.
The mention in the HKB last Mondaj
of making thu Imperial club a permanent
institution , has caused more or less 1'uvov
able comment. "I'm in .favor of it , " said
nn unmarried gontlojnan. "and have no
vay to reciprocate , and in attending
awn parties , etc. , if tlio club was made
n permanent one and wo were paying our
nonthly dues and knew the club was oear-
ng the expense of these entertainment , we ,
> r at least I , should feel that we were not
nfringingon thohospitalitvof our host. "
Another member of the club remarked :
'During my long residence in Council
Hind's novcr have I been able to attend
such select balls or dances ns have been
pivcn by the Imperial club this season for
so little money. Of courc very select
lances have taKcn place before , but you
scchicmbers of this club have paid in ? 3
uid a scries of dances have been given
every two weeks , and the $5 that each
nomber was taxed covers the expense of
ill the dances , and in nil we nro to have ,
L believe , eight sociables , which is an un-
isually cheap season's entertainment , T
' incorcly trust the club will be continued
luring the .summer and continue enjoy
able entertniniiH'nU. " The above are
only samples of the way many members
'eel and talk.
Correct Abstracts of Title and RcaLEs-
ate Loans al McMahon it Co's , No. 4
Pearl street.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. , & E. L. rfquirc , 101
I'carl street.
V ( the Bankrupt. Store , Commencing
To-Day , No. 18 Slain Htrcet ,
HOIIO'H Old Stand.
The best silks , black and colors , TMC per
yard. Cashmere , double width , lOc per
, 'ard. Host gingham. 4c , fie and Go per
rani. Rest calico , ! 2Jc and ! tje pqr yard.
Muslin , UcIc , fie , and upwards. Canton
launelle , fie , ( ! c and 7c.
Host table linen , Turkey red , Ufic per
yard. Rest quality damask linen , ! ! 0c ,
40o and -loo per yard. 100 do/.cn towels ,
.JK0 ( ! ! inches , at'Jo apiece. Linen nap-
< ins , ! ) cle. . fie , and up.
15cd comforts tilled with the best cotton
it WeITc , fi'.lc ' and l)2c. ) Red spreads
We.ICc , fil'e , ( ilc and 8-e. !
Shawls , 4fie , fiOc. OOe , 70c , ! )0c ) and 'fl. ' , > .j.
Shirting , fast colors , fie , 7evrnl Sic.
Fifty pieces of carpets , IGe , 1c ! ) , 2fic ,
2'c ! ' , : J.X5 and -loo. Floor oil cloths , lilc ,
.Me , 2o ! ) and ! Wc. Mats , 83c. 4Sc , OOc , 7Hc ,
$1.25 up to 93.2fi.
Pocket books , fie , So , 13e to 48e.
Ten thousand yards of linen laces at
le per yard ; 11,000 yards at 2e ; 1 , " )00 yards
it fie ; 1 * , ' 00 yards Irom 1 inch to ( t inches
n width for fie per yard. Silk Spanish
laces , Do , lie , l5c ! , llc ! ; best , 200. Em-
jroidoncs from le , 2c , lie , fie , 7c , tic to le. ! !
Host yarn Cc ; bcslGermantown Oc ; best
/enhyr 4c an ounce.
Host pins 2c ; needles ! ) c.
Silk ribbons 2c , Uc , 4c , fie per yard and
ip , silk velvet ribbons in all colors 2 inch
wide , lOc per yard.
Ladies' hose fie ; gents' half hose fie , 7c ,
) c and lc ! ] a pair.
Ladies' cloaks $1.50 , $2.50 , $0.fiO to
§ 1.75 ; phlsh cloaks ? 8 , $ ! > , $ ll.fiO to $17.
Kcrr's and dark's cotton at 4c.
Sillc handkerchiefs Ific , lOc , 2.1c and 48c.
. .incn handkerchiefs 5s , 7c , Uc , lie and
Face veiling Ific , 2fic and 27c per yard.
Corsets 25e , 27c , 2o ! ) , 3fic , 48c to 7Sc.
Wo have yet a lot of articles too numer
ous to mention. These prices will be good
intil the > toek is sold.
Remember the place and number , No.
18 Main street , Reno's old stand.
Store will keep open until 0 o'clock
every evening. All are cordially invited.
More Water Thau Fire.
About 0:30 : o'clock Saturday night one
of the barbers in Charlie Heisler's shop ,
coking out of the window , noticed .smoke
> ouring forth from the upper windows
jfCoekc & Morgan's dry goods store ,
No. 317 Broadway , and started the cry of
lire. An attempt was made to turn in
.he electric alarm from several boxes.
The box at the corner of Main and Rroad-
way was fussed with for five minutes bc-
'oro it could bo made to work. Frank
Lcvine worked over a box near liis place
until he turned the handle off. At last
Llio lire department caught the alarm ,
Imt one of the carts went flying up to
Geisc's brewery. The Rescue company
was more fortunate in locating the lire ,
but when the boys reached the place the
store was so filled wit h smoke that it was
almost impossible to locate the flames.
lloso was dragged through the building
and into the second story. In the mean
time No. 1 bad come back from its wild
goose chase , and started a stream right
into the second story windows.
The flames were soon put out ,
and the stock and building saved.
Later investigation showed that the lire
itself bad clone- very little damage , the
damage being mainly by water. The
fire had originated in the second story ,
under a lot of flannels anil domestics
piled up against the wall. These goods
had been mimed a little , and the wall
scorched , but the loss by the flames aid
not amount to more than a nominal sum.
Just how the fire originated is a mystery ,
and everyone feels entitled to make a
guess , while none seem to have any very
reasonable theory. The store had been
closed about an hour before the fire broke
o\it. \ There was no stove or stove pipe in
that part of the building. In fact there
seems nothing on which to start any
plausible theory of the cause. The water
so liberally poured into the building did
considerable damage. It run ino ( goods
on the first floor , doing heavy damage
there. Just what tin ; total loss will be is
dillicult to now estimate. The loss.
whatever , it may be , is well covered with
insiUMncc , thorn being a total of $1,7T ! ) > 0
on the stock. The building was only
nominally damaged. It is owned by D.
C. Bloomer , and is insured for $4,000.
Rest coal and wood in the city at Glca-
son's , 20 Pearl street.
The city council last night failed to gei
a rinorum and will try again at it o'clock
this afternooii.
_ _
Harmonious Installation.
Al the meeting of Harmony chapter ,
No. 25 , O , E , S. ' , last Thursday evening ,
the following olttcurs wore installed r
Mrs G. II. Jackson , W. M.
E. R , Fonda , W. P.
Mrs. Charles Urinton , A. M.
Miss Carrie IRmtington , See.
Jlrs. . S Harris , Treas ,
] \Iiss \ Emma Potter , Co ml.
Mrs. H. Colleen , A , Cond.
Mrs. ,1. 1C. Cooper , Adah.
Mr.s. S. S. Nash , Ruth.
Mrs 13 , R , Gardner. Esther.
Mrs. L. A. Hoi ton. Martha.
Mrs. H.Ilawcri.h , Eleota.
Mrs. H. Miller , Warden.
S. S. Nash , Soul.
For hardware and house furnishing gel
price * of Cooper & McGcc , No. 41 Main
If you buy footwear without iirst get
ting prices at the Boston boot and shoo
.store you will loio money.
_ . . <
The New 1'ostofllcc.
"Well , what have you in the way of
news for the "KB readers in regard to
Uncle Sam's building , " qucriodono of the
REI : force of Mr , C. E. Hell in the super
intendent's olVu jv-tunlay.
"Nothing part , 'arly interesting , " an
swered that gentleman , "but 1 suppose
the fact that we have unloaded four cars
of cut stone and have eight cars more on
the way , makes 't appear that work will
soon go on in earnest. Wo have started
the brick work , but it has burtu too in
fernal cold for the workmen and they had
to- quit , but every day that it is pleasant
enough you may jest assured tliov will
work. If wo got pleasant weather you'll
see her shoot up' , 1 tell you. " . , .
A'.GHcnNitAM , Pros. JA\V' . TUM.F.VS , VIcc-1'rcs.
JAMES N. llKowN'iCn < hlo.r.
Capital . "I."k $100,000
Authorized Capital , , ! 250,0.00
Stockholders Represent. . > „ . 1,000,000
Do n general hanking busings.
Accounts of tank * , bankers , merchant" , tnnn-
iifnctnrcrsatul Individuals received on favora
ble term * . . ,
Domestic and forolRn exchange.
Tliovcrybcst of attention given to nil busi
ness committed to our euro.
J , L , De BEVOISE , Agent.
No. 607 Uroadwxy , Council lUuffs.
Railway Time Table.
The following Is tlio tlmo of nrrlvnl and
dcpartmc orirnlns by central standard time , at
the loenl depots. Trill n leave tnitislor depot ton
minutes cailler and arrive ten minutes Inter :
1 > " - "
E"AllT-cmcAao & N-onTUWKSTEnN/111
O JJA.V . Mull and Kxpiot-s . flfflj : . M.
12:40 I' . M . Accommodation . 4 : . " > 0i > . M.
0tOr. : M . Utprc.-s . U:0i : \ . M.
citic\on A HOCK ISH.M ) .
B:2)A.M : ) . Jlnlland \ . . . . . . . . ! > 1i'.M ,
7lfiA. M . Vecoinmodiitlon . 5:45 : 1 > . M.
iCUi' ; : . M . K\pre.-s . U:05A. : M.
n'JO : A. M . Mull and r.\ine s . ( CROP. M.
0Wi : * . M . U\pro s . , UOJA. : M.
CIIIUAH ) . lltlllt.l.VrirON A QUISCV.
UHOA. M. . . Mall aiulKxpi-Lbs . tlj.lOP.
U:6Ji'.M : . K.xpie- " ) . li:0. : " >
: : > np.M,1xcul ) St. Lcnils i\prosn : Local .
UtO : r.M.Transrc-rt-t. Louis i.v.'rranler.iX : : : : ) r. M
KANSAS CUV , ST. .KJK ft COtlNdli lll.UtTS
JOilOA.M . Mail niul Express . fitilOl'.M.
Uli5l\ : . i\pie : < -s . 0:4.5A.M. :
7:16 : A. M . . .Ploux City Mall . HTOr. : jt.
( . : ! .Or.M . Ht. 1'anl Hxpicss . b : 3A.M.
lOiiKA. M . DiiMVcr Kvpri-s" . fi4iil ! > . M.
: ii ; r. M. . . Lincoln Va s. . Oni. .V It. V..SnTi ; I' . M.
7:50l'.M : . Ovciland nxuress . 8:15 : A.M.
I.cnvo Council Iinnis 7a"i : > i'js : ' ui0-IQno : ! :
11:1)0 : u. m. ; ljo : ; u'i : ! > - ; iw : : t\i : \ : ' > : " > Una
11:15 p. m. Pundiiyh T:0.iilJMl : ! : \ \ a. in ;
Sw-J : : : : 5:25-tlw-li:4ri : : : : p.m. l.eavo Oinnlm
- < -7nri-s-u-10:00-lli,0 i : : : : a. in : law2tt : ) -
03-1OJ-5:00 : : 1M.--niu : p. m. Snnilnys-tlsM
CJ-llOa : n. : : : : :
Opposite City llulldln s , Council lllulTs.
AVnrm rooms and coed board nt icasonnblo
Practices in Slat 3 and1 Federal Courts.
Rooms 7 and S , Slftiwirt lilocik.
Main St. , C.ouncil . Blull's.
Near the C. , U. & Q. ; C. , M. & St. P. , and
C. , H. I. A : P. ratlwav depots. Street cars
pass , the door. Kverythlng new and first
class. Opened Dec. 1st.
Piojirictor and Mana-jer.
Chicago Water , Mor Qs.
> UJf STrtEKT.
Power furnlsho.t from hydrnnt presses for
Orjvlnpr all kinds of lltrht iiinuiilnui-y. Speunil
intention given to church OITUII hlowln ? mid
run printing presses , meat choppers , lee iraim
lietvers , pnllsuiuKlnthei. i-uwliii ; machine's , do
The best clicupcbt motor mailo. Send fort-Jr
culmIn UBO In Council IllulTs by
Bee job ollico.
I'nco c.VSulimdmrat ! ( murkct.
ClilcuKo Moat Market.
LiiBlzomlorfor's Meat Mm hot.
Smith & Meyers.
Kurtz If Kloeb , eoffco grinder.
Itobcit Mullla , coffee winder.
SellingAsont , 18 Main ftieot , Council TUuffg.
Icwn , and 1111 Farnam slrt'ct. Omaha , Neb.
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly fitted and furnished. Opp. Uroadway
Dummy Depot. 8l. . > 0 jicr day.
L. II. UEUSHASV , Miumser.
I wish lo respectfully call the attention of my
patrons and the publlo In ( funeral , to my remo
val liom the old bluml NOB. 7 and U , Mala Ht. ,
to my new and commodious quartern ,
No , 228 Broadway ,
Where I will bo pleaded to see my iminy friends.
With u largo , new and complete ii eortmcnt of
all the very
LATEST Fabrics in Spring STYLES
And bclnjf located In larso qimrleis I am better
than over before prepaid ! to to turret the pub
lic. Itespecttully ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 BroadwoyCouncil Bluffs.
JP. 2' . Mayne & Co ,
Real Estate Exchange
No. 103 I'oarl Street.Council niufTs , Iowa.
Dealers In Jowa , KaiifcM hnd Nebraska Laud *
Real Estate bought anil sold.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Kxprcss Company.
R. BICE , M. D.
DC or other tunvlrs removed without
lO ti,0 Knlfo or Urawliiff of blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES ° ' klnd gpeclaltr.
Over thirty years' pract.citl experlouc * .
No. 11 1'furl Street Dlulln.
NOTICE.-Sp cUl ndvcrtlsomonts , such n
Ix)6t , Found , To Txxin- For Sale , Td Ilcnt , Wftnti
Hoarding , eta , Trill bo imcrtod In thWcoluraartt
the low rate of TKN CENM 1'KH USE for lUo
flrstInsertion ana FIVE CUNrS 1'KH MXE for
cnch snbscauont InsoKlon. Ix > nvo ndvortlso.
mcntstit our ollico , N'o. U I'oarl stroat , near
llrondw.iy , Council HhifT ? .
FOIl SAM : Scnlod bids will bo received byJ
W. HodufcT up to rcbrunry A ) , 18SH , on
clRlity foci fronl. two story brick Mlock , Nos. ' .
24,20 niul 58 Pentl street , between tlromlwny nn < I
First nvvnuc.
POlt IlKNT Tie | three-Story brick business
lieu o formally oeoiiiilo-l by ( Irononeiri :
BclioentRcn. Knqulro ot MuMnlion A Co. , No. 4
1'ciirl .
_ _
SWAN & WAMthlt , No. ; n'Jlnln street ,
( under Cltlron'B ) , ronl estiuo iinn iner-
clinndlso cvcluinffo brokers. Our books nro full
l bni-fcnlno , but It Is Impossible to nut ) '
llh nrclmbla ! l < t from tlio f net or so innny unity
clmiiRcs. Wluit wo iisk Is : If you want to sell
ortriulo iinytbliiK Jn our line , write m and wo
will send } " tipllcof Imrpnlns to polcct from.
l.nnds liMpi-ovcil or unlinprniod , eityortown
innpcrlv , stocks ot ( roods of nny kind In nny
jilnei' , II Biich yon linvo Or such you want let 114
lionrfrani yon. Swnn & Wnlker , Council lllnirs
O/l Mmlo In .11 dnyg by n Indy njcnt or Ibo
Z.V "ilnullublo.1' Wo wnnt six inoro ll\o
nircnt" , innlc orfouiulo. Apply In person or by
lotcr to Win , Itundnll , Supt , ol nuenules , Coun
cil llluirs , lown.
K -At iv ImrK-aln ir sold soon ,
1 It J acres , HVi tulles southwest of Omaha. 0
room linii. oovccllunt well imd t'Istcrn.a burns.
one for uliiht horses , one lor ' "O i-ows ! lien , tool
niul wniron hoiisos ; 10) ) IICIPS In timothy : ir > ,00t )
forc t trees , eotlon wood.blnuk wnlntit , ash mid
mnploKood ; oichnrd , apples , ehorrics , plums ,
Knipcs and smnll fruit ! ! . Nuvcr Inlllnsslock
water. ) { . 1' . 01 ncin : , M lli-oadwny , Council
IIIulTs , town. _ _ _
HOIJSKS roil VNT AI McMahon & co's. ,
No. 4 I'eurl street
Mannfactiircrsor nil of
Especially Designed for llunnlnt ;
Tubular anil Locomotive Boilers.
New Mivssilloii Threshers.
Carey and Woodbnry Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Blufin.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our stock is now complelo In every depart
ment nud contnlna all thu latest styles uud effect
Largest Stock
-AND- '
Lowest Prices.
SAMPLES furnished upon npplicntloa to down
town parties.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
4 O5 Broadivay.
E. B. Cadwell ,
Real Estate , Prelate
No. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
THOS. orriCEn. w. H. M. TOSET
Gfatabllsncd 1SC5.
No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Rubber and Oil Clothing and
Felt Boots.
Immense stock and eastern prices duplicated.
Write for prices.
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. OHlce 412 Broadway ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy Goods.
We make the celebrated Hardman Pianos , and the Koyal Whitney organs , a specialty
Every instrument warranted. Send for catalogues.
MUELLER MUSIC CO. , Council UlufTs.
. . ,
Drlclc buildings or nny Uln I ralii ! or move . ! anl sitlsMctlnn triirantoaJ. Fr.ims Uousoj moved
on Mtllo ttlnat trucks the best In tlio world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs.
If you buy any where except at Metcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , hags , etc , , etc ,
HETCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council
The publicnro informed that n patent lias
been allowed to ( iuo. ll.fircsoiy.on Ills Improv
ed Cas liwiM | , anil nianufactureil \ us. Jlr. (1. (
.A. Williams Uour autliorUo1 njjont for Council
lllutlsand Omnha. TJIO publlo aru c-autloncil
not to buy any ot thesu gas lamps uxcopt
tlnouKli Mr. Williams , aall others olfereil lor
talouiu Infolntfcmt'iiii HI on our l.unp. ( i. II.
JUFH'rtC ( > . , .MiuniIiiuturcr.i anil Hole NVesK.'ru
j\KCiit , No. Kl Doarbot-ii St. , Chli-UKO.
In Council lllutlB havlntr
Fire EJsoeioe
And ell modern Iranrovomcnta , call livlls , lira
uliirm bolls , etc. , it the
No . 215 , 1T and 219 , Main Street ,
UAX M01IN , 1'roprlulor.
, ,
Queens-ware & G-lass
At Homer's ,
No. 23 ? Iuiu Street. Council JJIit/rs / , la.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Uclail ( .umber , I.u
abh , Dooia and I'lliula. Solo agcnU for thu
cflc'lirjitod Miiiblclirad Concentrated Whltcv
l.lmo. 'B. 1 * . MACXONNUC.L , Jlaua wr.
TUuphonu JH'O. "i. .
.No. 5li\la'il.Hticet ! , Council UlulTs.