Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Nice Young Man Who Borrowed a
Horse , But Forgot to Eoturn it.
Tlio Great Libel Suit of J. Milton Hoffman
Against E. Eosewatcr.
The On tier of the Horrowcil Horse
Itclurlnutl.v Ilefrcslips Milloii'fl
Muddled Memory.
About two weeks ago J. Milton Hoffman ,
privale"ccrelary of Governor Dawcs , com
menced n lllicl suit against K. Itoscvvater ,
cdltoi or the Omaha Hr.r , In the Lancaster
connlj dlstt let com t. The subpoena f-elvcd
iilion Mi. HoMJwator nt Lincoln gave him
nntlf the iMhof rebnmty toilloaiianswer ,
nnd It was thought tlmt the suit would ( has
along for months and peilups forj cur * , like
llic most of such cases. To the surprise of
the ptnlnllll and his nttin no * , s the defendant
1ms uhe.idj taken stops to loico the Issue.
Notion vns icivcil by his attoinoys ,
Mason A : Wliedon , upon the jilnlntiir
that the depositions \vould be taken ,
mid uccouliiigly on last Thursday
the Hist witness foi the dclcti c was ox-
innliU'd hi theolllcc of Mi. Abbott , a
ioi Lancaster county. 'Ihe witness , Mi.
Uainos , who was the owner of
the boriowed hoise , waseiy
ii'liioliuit to icsiiond. Oicat prrssmo
linil been bionqht upon him by Hoffman's
backus to lovlse his iecolloetlnns , and an at
tachment had to bo sui\ed to bilng him be-
foicthp. notaiy. The following Is a dans-
nlpt ( > f the testimony , the only omission be
ing the steieolyped objections olthe plain-
tlll'sattoinoisto lunily every question put
by Mi. Wlicdon. The plalutin , lloninan ,
was piesont in pcnon , olid .Mr. Sawyoi and
.Indue Wcb-itoi. of Lincoln , conducted the
tn clor him ,
VMI.VATIOV or AH : , it vim : " .
i\niniiulloiiof : T. K. Imiues by 0. O.
AVIiedou , attoinoj lor defendant :
< } . Slate youi name , occupation and place
ol icsldeiice. A. T. F. names ; lesltle
tlnec miles cast ot the city of Lincoln ; occu
pation , attoiney at ineseut.
Q. Aiayou ncinmmtertlth the plaintiff In
tills case , .John Milton llollinan ? A. lam.
Q. llo\\ long lm.e ion been acquainted
\\itli him ? A. I should think since about
IbT" 01 lb7S , along about that time.
Q. Huvcyoiievei had any business tiaiis-
nctlonsitli tlio plalntitl ? A. I Imc.
( J. At whit time did those ti.uisaclions
commcnco to the best of join lecollectlon ?
A. 1 can't give the evict date ; 1 think it is
thewIntel ot 1ST8.
Q. ( state what the iiushipss lelations exist
ing between jonandthe plalntill weie ? A.
It was couccinlng the puichascot f.omo ad
ditional eighties , additional homesteads.
( J. At the time jou enteicd into tlicse icla-
tIons with the plaintllT , weio jou engaged in
puichasing wimt am known as soldiers addi
tional eighty lights ? A. Ivvas.
Q. Foi what pin pose did jou employ the
plaintiff , If jou emnlojed lilm nt all' . ' A. To
pin chase thobQ lights.
( J. At what places was ho to pwohasp those
lights ? A. Anjwlicio lie could liml them.
( { . Havojoti n ropy or llicoiiginul agree
ment that jou had with Hoffman In iclation
to that bn ine s ? A. 1 had one but I tie-
Mioyed It with n lot of othei papers some
thing UKu a jeai ago.
Q. Ha\o . . jou . ncltlici _ . the oilglual now , not
a copv' ' A. No , sii.
Q. By the tcinis of that ncu ; cement weic
jou to Iniulsh the plaintiff withi ahoise ?
bavvjor objects : Incompetent , iiieluvant
anil iiumateiial ; the vviittmi rnntract will
speak fni itboll ; it doesn't follow because
tint isdostiojul. ilesliojs all ot the
toiitiactdlii e\lstenoc.
nQ. ( b.ivvicillil ) voti delivoi to Jloflman a
duplicate ot the conli act , ui did he linv e ouci'
Whctlon objccls to his cross examining ( he
witness at this time.
Q. Old ho have one of t'ae contiacls1 that
you and he cntcicd intOi" A. I think they
weie both in Mi. iJolliiian'b hand wilting ,
each of them.
Q. ( Savvvei ) Did ho hm c one ? A. He had
one and I had one.
Q. Please answer my question , weio you
to tinnlsh lilm v , ith a IioihCl1 A. 1 would not
beposltlvn ; thecontiatt will tell.
Q. Did vou as a mattei ot facttuinishllofT-
innn a hoiso foi the puipose of bib use while
lie \\as In your emplov in tliib business ? A.
1 did linnisli him n
( ) . Describe the IIOIMJ. A. Hay inino.
K about a thousand pounds , about six
Q. What washer value , as neai as you can
tell at that time ? A.I should have ictused
§ 15'J tor hui. i
( } . Do jou think she w as worth it ? A.I
do ; she wufi rptlt a valuable animal.
Q.Vassho worth that In the imtikct ? A.
I could not nay that that was hoi maikot val
ue , but I should have icfuscd It.
( J. About what time of the \car did Jfi.
Holfnmn take the hoi se. to tlio best ol j out
lucollectionV A. I think It was In the \\intci
Bomctlmeamiaiyoi ; ) Feuiuaiy ; In the mid
dle ol w Intel.
Q. Didhouvoi ictmnthli hoiso lojouV A.
He had nuvcr ictuincd It to me.
Q. Have jou been the hnisoslnco the day
thnt he took it to useV A. 1 uevui have.
( J. llavojouhcen Mi. llollmin hinte the
( lav tllat he took HIM hoi oV A. lhave.-
O. How soon alter ho took the hoihe was it
belore vou baw him to the best of join i ( .col
lection1A. . The cumins siimmci oibpilnt ;
nltci he took It.
( J. Did you e\ei have nny conveisatlon
with the plaintiff. .Mi. llollman , In icgaid to
the hoiseV A. lhad.
O. You nmytitata whethei or notjouask
odliim at any time what hud become ot the
hoi so ? A. Idltl.
Q , State what ho said in icply , if auj
thliiK ? A. Ho icfuscd to give mo any Infoi-
nmllon whatc\ci conu'inliiK It.
Q. Vou may slate liom youi best iccollcc-
tlon how many times jou usUcd him whoio
t , the lioihd wns 01 what had become ot It ? A.
1 asked him scvcial times dining
tlonvc had.
Q , What icply , II any , did ho make ? A.
Ho said that matteicd not utter \ve had bi't
tied It up butwenn us ; ho ( 'avc mo a note an
told me It would make no difleieucu whcthoi
ho let me know or no ! , jot he did not let me
Q. What did ho do , If nn > tiling , In
to paying Ioi Hie hoi-eV A. He gave me a
promlssoiy note"
( ) . Htuo jou pot that note now ? A , lhavo
not ; 1 di'llvt'iud It to him.
Q. Do jou U'colluU Iho oinountoC that
iidtc ? A. Ido not ; It was something like
811' . ' .
Q. What was that note given for ? A. It wa
Khun In settlement Ioi thu hoi&e , money am
othei aiticles he had with him.
Q. How much of it was foi thehni'.n , il
jou lomeinbui ? A. Thai was just the MIII
total ; U WHS foi the saddle , budlc , blanket
andhoibo ; Iho sum of 35ln money ncailj
v > V ) .
( ) . How much money did jou fuinlshtho
plulntltl when ho iclt Lincoln with the
Iioisu ? A. 1 handed him 8S5 in cash ,
Q. You iiiuv state wnuthei 01 not at thr
tlmohegavo Ids note Ioi Uiohoiso jon gave
to him any papa In writing ot any kind
A. lKa\eliliutt pa pel.
Q. Hiuoj ou atopy oljlhat papci ? A
have not.
Q. Hinejouthe paper itself ? A. Jlmvo
not.l .
l ) , State the contents of that napoi. A. ' .
lit'llev nit wns In lib own bandwiltinc ; I
\vusanaguemuiitthiit 1 bhould not piose
cute lilm ciiuilnully.
Q. l'orvhat ? A. 1 could not say what I
nil contained ; It tvus an agiocmcnt not to
piosecnte him criminally.
Q. Did jou bu\u any convocation witl
Mr. Hotfman at the time that that paper \va
tlelivcied in iceard to giving him tlu > paper
A. Ho would not bign the note until 1 had
blirmul t hat ngi cement with him.
Q. Did hunt that tlmo bay to jou that h
would not blgn the note until jou woul *
nurco that jou would not piosecutu him lo
kfealhiK thu horse , 01 wouls to tlrat clfcct
Ho would not blfi ) tlio note until I MgiiC (
tho.'VKic'Pinent ; the \voul "bleullng'1 wasii'
used fdi "notiolurnliig.'i
Q. Will J ou glv o , to Iho best of j-om jwol
lection , the wording ol that paperA. . '
could not glvo von the \voullngof It anj
more than that It was an agreement on in ;
pair tlmt I should not piosrcuto him cilia
inullvfor not loturnlug my mopcity ,
Q. lId Hollnian ut tliat lime bay to joi
that ho Imd cuiibUltud a lavvjer about it
A. Undid.
U. I will ask jou to state hilly all the con
crsntion tlmt j mi Imd with Mr. Hoffman In
regard to the hone , as to his not returnm ?
thnt t ; , If anything , jou said about not
ire ecnllne him for taking the her e , or not
x-tumlnft It. nnd what IMJ said In reply , if
njlhlng ; state all of that conversation 16
our b3st lecollectlon. A. 1 bare already
given most of It.
< J. You did not Mate about the attorney ,
v hat ho ald and vhnt > ou ald. A. When
10 bnd talked about having thnt agreement
iencd , J nindc the lemnrk , "It Ii not nccci-
ni.vfoi I have no Idea of pie ccutlnjt sou
crimlnnll.v ; were I to do anvlhinir of that
kind my Idea would be n civil notion , and
hole facts would come out ; I could not keep
Itrin back nor could > nil. " Ho said that ho
md consulted an attorney ; that t could not
10 am thliiK ninliovv. 1 told hm | If It wnin't
scltlcd up that 1 would tiy It and * cc. After
iclnd paid half of thc'notc 1 met him out
heic lu front ( tf iii : lHli'sgioccijjust about
opposite heio , about half \va > between Tenth
nud IJcvciilh strecli , on thenotth .hlc of ( )
sticel in this clt.v , and l poke lo him about
mjingtlic balance of the note , as he had
> ccn lather tardHo wild he would bo
Iftiniicd if ho would pay the note. 1 asked
llm why. llc ald In icjily that he was a
lainncd lool lo give it. 1 sild I will see
hat can b ? done ; I will sue thN. 1 Matted
olT. lie told mo to stop , and we talked the
mtler ovci fuithe.r. I told him that he had
x'tlcr settle It un. Ihadalicidv lost on it.
nnd ho claimed tliat he had lost oil it also , I
hlnk he Used n cciluln time for pijincnt of
the balance * , which 1 believe ho made
Q. In whoso handwiitlng was that paper
hat j-ou signed at the time tliat he gave vou
ho note , and In which jou agieed not to
uoscciite him cilmlnall ) ? A. 1 could not
Mute : 1 am under the Impicislon that he had
Hie aitlclo uhendy prcaicd | ) In his pocket ,
md tlmt he pioduccil It and give It to me. It
inavbave bucu icdi.iwii in my Inndvviltlug ,
ittt 1 have foitrotlen now ; my attention has
not been called to It ; be pioduccil the Paper
already diavvn. but In whose haudvvilllni ; It
was 1 do not know.
Q. I will ask jou to state If * , ou lemembcr
whether 01 not lie icrpiltod as a. uondlllon of
lie getting ol that note , that you should stun
ihntpipci.1 A. He did as n positive condi
tion.Q 1 Avlll ask jon to Mitcanjtltnc that
* , ou may Know In icsratd lo tin * pinlnllircver
lav Ing been auostid lor slcallnu join hoise.
A. 1 nevei ch.ugcd him W lib stealing a hoise.
( J. Slate vvlnt , it auj thing , you know
about his having been ancstcil. btate an * ,
lads yon uny know in icgaid to that. A.
llic hist knowledge I had ol anvthlug being
wiong about it was from Mi. O. 0 JJvnns , ot
I'll lh , Js'eb. A few dixs attei .Mi. llolfmaii
\venl aw av he stopped mo on the toiuei ot O
and Tenth stiects , In this city , and asked me
11 1 had lost a hoi so. i told him that 1 hadn't
est a hotsp. 1 answcicd him ratlin ab-
uptlj- , and pissed by him , but thinking 1 had
spoken too abuiptlj , went back nud said :
"What ol II , anjhovv ? " He ucaciibed the
ior"-e , the rig. and Mr. Holtmaii , and I saw
n a moment that It vvas my hoise and Mr.
Jlollnmn. He biid he had ofleivd to sell It
foi Sio at Fhth.
Q. That is in what county ? A. Lancaster.
It bad aroused his suspicions that cvcrj-
thlng wasn't light.
Q. What did jon afterwards learu in rc-
jaitl to disposing of the horse , or as to his
jolng auc.sted for dlsixisluR ot Iho horse ?
Anj thing of that kind state lully. A. That Is
not all of the conversation that 1 had with
l vans. C. r. Hedges vvas heio from Arkan
sas , Missomi. and he asked mo if I had seen
Hoirman. J told him that 1 had not , and
also tint he had a hoiso ol mine I would
like to get. and t gave him an oidei foi the
hoiso anil told him to iret It , Some da\s
altciwauls I iccelvcd a telegiam liom the
m.iishal ot Spilnglicld , Missouri , Mating
that Hoffman was uiidci aricat , and asklmr
me what to do. I telegiaphedbick ; to let him
no , and wrote Mr. Holluian to come home. I
lnevv nothing furtlioi of the matter until
Mr. Heulgcs came licie and told me what had
been done.
Q. About how longaflerMi. Hoffman took
the horse was It before you saw Mr. HofT-
inin again In Lincoln ? A. It was in the
coming spi Ing , 01 early summer.
Q. Abonl how many months would j-ou
saj ? A. 1 think it was some foui or live
Q. Did Mr. Hoffman at that time say to
jou that he had done anj thing wrong ? State
what ho said at that time when jou wcie
talking about the hoiso. A. Yes , sir ; ho
told mo he know ho had done wiong ; that
ho hidn't ought to have done as bo did.
Q. AVere jou t ilKing about the horse at
thit time ? A. Vcsill. .
Q. You may state about how long it was
after Mi. lotiuncd before lie gave
jou the note in settlement toi the hoise and
piopcity ? A. I think It was soon titter be
came heie , w ithln a verj' short time.
Q. Did you state these tacts to Mi. Edvvaid
Hobcvvatei , the defendant in this case , or the
substance ot them ut any tlmo , do jouiccol-
lect ? A We had a short conveisatlon con
cerning them.
Q. In icgard , to those same facts ? A. Some
of them.
Q. Do j'ou recollect now that coin orsatlon :
what it was fullj ? A. Most ol it. I gave It
to Mi. Kosewatei at that time confidentially ,
not as a public mallei at all.
Q. Didyouevei discount this note , 01 dis
pose of this note , that Mi. Hoffman wave
you ? A. J think I once had It In the First
National bank of this city as or left
It theie foi collection , one 01 the other , I
don't iccolleut which.
Q. I will ask jon If j on lecollect whether
or not vou ever hold It to them or discounted
il there ? A. That I w ill not saj' .
Q Do 5 ou lecollectlifithci or not you had
nnj eon venation with anj of the olllceisol
thu bank with legaid to the note ? A. lhad
n conveisatlon with Mi. conteining
this alfali about the time my horse was gone.
He informed mi1 that Mi. Hoffman vvas one
of thu nicest joung men of the town , and
thnt It could not bo possible.
Q. What had jou .said to lilm that led him
to make that rom.nk ? A. 1 went to Air.
Cl.nk as ] knew that he vvns well acquainted
with Mi. Holfmaii , to see what kind of a man
Mr. Hoffman was Ho told mo tliat it could
not bo pobbiblo , that ho was one of the nicest
jonngmon of the town. I told him it
( Citalnly was bo , Ioi I believed that O. 0.
Kvans had told the Until , and I told him still
luithci that I could not find out whciu my
hot so vvas ; ho had wiitten foi moiioyaiul
each time 1 had answered him asking toi Iho
horse , and I never got tiny icplj ; he didn't
tell mo whcie the norse was , and 1 did not
loiwaid him the money ; If he had intoimcd
me I would have bcutthe money ,
Q. What iculy , it any , did Mr. Clark make
to that ? A. Ho told me tliat It wasn't possi
ble at all ; that ho know him to be a very nice
juiiug man and there some mistake
about It.
Q Did j'ou over have any convcisallon
with Mi. Claik aftei Mi. Claik know that h
novel did iclurn the hoiso ? A. 1 wonlil
rather not diavv Mt. Claik Into
this business , as I would have to
biillci by It. [ On the leading ovei of IhU
p.nt ot Ino deposition the witness stiuck out
Hide wouls : "As I would have to sulfei by
It , " to which Mi. fjavvjcr objected. ] Ho is
veiy filcndlj with mo , and J hate to draw
him into it. I think Mr. Clink wanted to
dovhutasililit ; he was friendly to both of
us.Q , You may stale whether 01 not j'ou ever
favo Mi. Holluian any anlhoilty to bull join
hoi > c. A. No , Mr ; no authority lu the least.
The last conversation we hail when ho left
my oftlce , which at that tlmo vvas opposite
the Commeiclal hotel , 1 told him to he sure
nnd luiiu' the hoiao back to me , nnd ho said ,
"Iwlll , Mr. Uaines. "
Q. I will mk you to stuta whether or not
Jli. Hodman lit any time applied to > on by
letter or tclegiaph toi pei mission lo sell 01
dispose ot loin hoito , 01 piopcity ? A. No ,
sir ; lie i ould not Imo got it unless it hud
been a mattei of necessity.
Q. You may fatute what claim , If any , ho
made utter ho rotiuncd of the right to sel
thu hoiso ? A. He nevoi madonny dalni tome
mo that ho had any light , only that It be
came cold and ho didn't want to tiavcl In that
way ,
Q. Whatieplydldho make when jou askei
him what had become of iho hoibi ; . A. Ho
icfubod to give me uny Infoimatlon.
Q. Do j ou know now \vhcio the hoiso Is ?
A. 1 do not ,
Q. Have jou ovel seen the hoit > c. or cot aiiv
tmcp of U Mnce Mr. took it ? A. I
nevei have , only what Mi. l vans told nit'
nnd I tried hard , and told Mi , Kvang to titu
it ; Mr. Kvans thought it w.v > sold between
tlioio ( Filth ) and the state line.
Q. Ilaiojou ever seen the paper that joi
cave to Mi. Hoffman nt the time ho cave joi
the note , Elnco giving it to him ? A. No
citoss-Ex.VMixF.n nv MIL winsnn. :
Q. State when thU nirangemcnt undoi
whlrli jouih'llvoicd thehorbo to Mi. lion"
man WHS made. As nearly as ou can , state
the veu ; aud the time of the year. A , I
could not glvo jou thu > t'ii until 1 IKUI
looked at bomo papers. Tno contract wil
Q. Have you got the contract ? A. Iha\o
not ; it vvas In thu winter time , January or
Fcbiuarj' , qulto cold.
Q , Whntjear vvas it , do you know ? A , 1
would not give the time without looking a
tlio papers.
Q , Could you state within four or five
jcara ? . A. 1 would not ttj toglve it to jot
without icfcultig to thepnpeib.
Q. Ha\n j-on any papers by which you
could fl\ the time ? A , lhave at my hoil e.
if. Uofoie jou sign jqur deposition 1 want
j ou to flx t hat time , at least the ycar.and attach
such papeis as you may have vvblch enables
jtut toJiv the time , or a copy thereof , to'jour
icposltlon. A. I will ulvo.\oM the date.
Q/ Before signing the deposition , IK the
time , please ? A. Yes I will.
Q. Together with a ropv of uch mcmo-
randuin a enables you to I'IK the time ? A. i
could not stale that 1 would part with thnt.
Q. Hie memorandum , or n copv of It vv hlch
enables vou to IK the time ? A.cssh. .
Q. IhH arrancpincnt with Mr. Hoffman
was upon a written memorandum or con
tract ? A. I believe It was. .ItidRc.
Q. You Imonocopj of It ? Av No , 1 Imo
not ; 1 had one.
Q. Can jon state its general pin port ? A.
It vvas that hovas to buy additional home
steads foi me.
Q. Additional homestead claims or rights ?
A. Yes.
Q. Where vvai lie to operate ? A. Any
where between these places , roiu here to
Aikansas , In Arkansas especially.
Q. It contemplated his golne as far as
Aikausn * ? A. Yps , and there weio a good
many clnlms in this county.
( } . When * wai ho to make his headipiaitcrs
for urn to communicate with him ? A. I
don't icincmbci.
Q. Do jou icmeinberwhcthC'i or not thcic
was to be such place ? A. I could not state
as to that. Ido not sec how he could have
hid one , as ho was changing around all tin *
time ; there miy have been someet place to
send his mall to , but 1 could not bo positive
about Hint.
( J. Did tint wiltten niciiioiaiiduincmbiaco
the whole of the ttudcistundlng between jou ,
01 vvas theie aiivthlni ; oral besides that ? A.
I don't know whether It contained It alt 01
not.C. . You would not sny tint It did. A. No ;
as fai as the iniichaslng of the claims Is con-
coined 1 think It did. but whethei the piop-
city was mentioned In that 1 could not say ;
Mi. Holluian drew It up hlmselt.
Q. Mas IIP wni king upon n sil.iiy , or engaged -
gagod with an Inteicst in the business ? A. 1
could not state l.ovv that was ; the contiaet
will show.
Q. You don't remember whcthci Ills em
ployment was upon n Used salaiy 01 upon
mi Inteicst In the icsults of the business ?
A. I could not state how that was , we had so
minvdlllcicnl auaugcineiits ; somclimcs 1
would deal with one man in one way and
with another In another waj' .
Q. Do jou lemembei whethei or not in
dealing with him you cither in wilting' or
brallj irunianteed any piitlculai amount pel
j cat to him in the business ? A. 1 could not
Q. Whether it was mentioned in Iho wilt
ing 01 not , jou weie to fuinlsli him a hoiso
asaii.cansof conveyance ? A. That vvas my
agreement , to furniMi n hoiac , saddle and
Q. And jou were to furnish him money
foi expenses ? A. Yes , sh.
Q. Ami you never sent him any money
attci hclcitliomel A. No , sii ; 1 did not
feel sale In sending any moie after thai stoiy
came from Avails ; lhad no encoiiuigeuient
to send moie money.
Q. You furnished him S" " > when ho left
home ? A. Yes , Mi ; and that would have
cai i led him a long way If ho had used It ju
Q. Did you icquest him to see or call upon
any paities in Kansas ? A. I could not give
the names ; theie was one neai Neosha Falls ,
Kan.Q. Was there any thing said that In case ho
could m.iko a good tiado for additional
eighties , 01 anvthing ot tint soil , that he
could trade the horse ? A. No , sn ; not at all
to my. knowledge 01 iceollectioii.
Q. KithL'i beloio he left hoineot afteiwaids
in wilting ? A. To my iccollection 1 nevei
Q. "Would jou sweai that jou did not ?
A. 1 would to the beM Ot my iceollectioii.
Q. 'lhat Is join only answci. that jou
don't icmcmbei it ? A. That is , all gone and
U hasn't been ou my memoiy.
Q. Didn't jou s.iy so oially befoi oho'went
away ? A. 1 most undoubtedly did not ; my
last chaige to him was to bring my hoise
Q. Wasn't it a question tor sometime be
tween j'ou and ho vvhethoi ho should go ou
hoisobackoi take some othei means of con-
vcjance ? A. Xo , sh ; jon could not buy
homestead claims and tiavcl on a lallioad
Q. Was theie not some oncstion as to
whethei ho was to go to this held ot la-
boi wheiehe was toseaich Ioi the claims by
.some otliui means ol convcvntico , or to go on
Iiolsoback to this held ot opeiatlon ? A. Wo
might have talked that ovci , but the conclu
sion was as stated in the contiact ; that sets
up what we agieed on.
Q. Then it might have been talked at lust
that ho perhaps might beltci go to his iield of
iippialloii bv lall ? A. Possibly it might.
Q. How long uftci Mi. Hoflmaii left vvas It
bcloic vou hcaid tiom him by Icttci ? A. I
don't feincmbci.
Q. Can j ou state about how long ? A. I
could not.
Q. Can jou icmcmber where he was when
\otiKottlio hist letter fiom him ; whcio the
Jirst letter was written troui ? A. i could
not.Q. . Have jou cot any such lettcis with you ?
A. lhavonot : Idcstrojeda gicat many let
tcis about a yeai ago.
Q. Did j'ou over icceivo a lettoi fiom him ?
A. Iiecclveda letter fiom him fiom some
point south asking for money , andlvviote
back , 1 believe , what I hid hcaid fiom Mi.
Evans , and asked about the hoise.
Q. Was that fiom Manhattan ? A. I could
not say.
( } . Did you vvilto back to him at Muihat-
tan ? A. 1 could not say.
Q. Dld\ou keep n letter piess copy of It ?
A. I hivcn'tgotone.
Q. You h ivo no means of fixing as to what
points vou vvioto to , m tioinvvh it points you
were to heai liom him ? A. No , sii.
Q. This lettoi that you wiote to him. was it
ictuinedto you ? A. Not that I lemembei ol.
( J. Vou don't icmembei whethei it was 10-
tuiueil to you 01 not ? A. 1 have no iccollcc-
lion ol llic lettei being ictuined to inc.
Q. 1'ou have had letteisictuiiied ? A. Yes ,
all.Q. . Did you get ansvvei fiom him in re
sponse to that lettei ? A. I could not say ;
Mi. llollman vvioto several lettcis liom the
south , asking mo to bend money , and also
when he got Into Arkansas ,
( J. You don't lemomboi whether or not he
lOtmned Iholiist luttei that you wiote to him ?
A. No ; inied to get iufoimatiou about my
piopuity , but could not , consequently 1 sent
no money.
Q. Do you remember whethei ot not you
wiote a lettei toKmpoiiu ? A. I could not
state the names of the places.
Q. How long aftei ho lett vvas It that you
Wiote ? A. I cannot give Iho names ol the
places 01 the dates.
Q. Have you any of the letters that you 10-
ceivcd fiom Mi , llotfin.ui during the time
ot his absence ? A. 1 have not ; 1 had these
lettcis with the contiaclsand I think a jcnr
ago last buinmei It was 1 binned a gieat
ninny ot thu U'ttcisand contracts , as I did
not think 1 needed them ; I think I burned
all of my old lettcis and pipers that 1 had at
my housa which 1 had no use for.
Q. Did you wiltn him more than one letter
in leguid to what jou hcaid liom Kvans ? A.
1 could not say whether one or sevcinl letters
passed between us ,
Q. Could you recollect whethoi this lit. .
letter that yon Imvo mentioned , In which
jou stated that jon had hcaid fiom Ah.
Evans , wns directed to him In Aikausasoi
Mlbsouii ? A. 1 should judge that It was dl-
iccted to him In Kansas , as 1 don't think ho
had got that far down llien , soinovvheie lu
Q , Did you over receive a loiter from him
In which no mentioned having Bold ahorse
at all ? A. No , sir.
O. Ho novel did write such a letter , did
he ? A. Ho nevei wiote me that lie had sold
the hoiii ? , gave It away or lost it , or any thing
ot the kind ; helms never told mo as yet ,
although 1 hauuoquested him to do so and
tiled to find out long ago when it was a matter
tor of Interest to me.
Q. Did you at any time fiom any point ro >
coivoa lettei trout him In which he men
tioned having sold tliohoibC. A.Mr. H oil
man has neltlici , by wilting or by wonl. cvei
admitted tlmt he sold the horse , lost U 01
gavu It away , 01 whU ho did with It ,
Q. You have not lecoivrd such n letter
fiom Mi. lloltman in which ho mentioned it
at all ? A. Not tint lhavo any recollection
of. 01 any phase ot Intimation of , no , sir.
Q. Did you iccoivoa letter fiom Mr. Hoff.
inun , Raying tlmt he would bo in Lincoln
about the fust ot April next , alter the date of
that lettei ? A. Alter I wrolo him , I don't
know whether or not ho wrote back to mo
when he would be here ; I am not positive
whether he wrote me or uot ; 1 wrote him to
come home.
Q , You mentioned teeming a telegiaiu
from some otllcei in Missouri , didn't you ? A.
Yes , sir.
Q. Have you got that telegram ? A. I have
not ; it was with the othoi napeis ; they weie
all together ; tlu > maitei Imd passed and I cared
nothing about them ; lhad no feelingugulust
Mr , Holfman , aud 1 would have done him a
favoi or klndnesAas nulekos I would for any
other jtmu ; In fad , 1 think I should Imvo
uiadu an extra elloit tolmvo done sq.
Q. You never did accuse Mr. Hoffman of
Mealing the hoise , did jou ? A. No , sir ; the
word was never usejil between Mr. Hoffman
and mo to my lecollectlon.
tj.6u never svvtore Out a warrant against
him , heioorcl evvheioV A. No , ir.
< } . Nor directed his -arrest ? At No , sir ; I
did not wish It ; that was Mi. Hedges' opeia
tlon.Q. And jou never fited an Information In
any court against him ? A. No ; I had no
Idea of It , and so tqld Mi , Hoffimn when ho
came home : 1 told him o when 1 signed the-
piper ; that It wasn't necessary , and that he
need Imve no tear of mo.
Q. There weic two copies of the memoran
dum of nciPpmcntbutVAccMi jounndMr. HoU-
nmu ? A. Yes , sir.
Q. Wore thej prepared by joursclf ? A. J
think Mi. Hoffman drew both of them up ; 1
believe they are in Ills Imiidvviltlne ; the one
lhad was in hlshandvvilting ; may bo the one
that be had was in tn.v handwiitlng ; llic ono
that 1 hid vvas lu hta haiidniltlng.
Q. Who dicw It up In the llrpt plrtce ?
A. HofTman had It uheady drawn when ho
came to my ofllcc.
o. The terms had been arranged aud jou
had talked It ovel ? A. Yc , Mi.
( } . And you icail It o > ci ? A. Yes , sir : we
set out the whole business transaction : I had
employed a gicat ninny agentsbut Imd never
drawn up a written contiact before , but he
wanted It and he drew It up ; I have had
some tioiiblo w lib a fewol uiyaceiits , and by
somoof them 1 have lost considerable sums
of money.
( } . Now whal vou told liosevvatci vvas told
mlitnuitf A. Indeed it was
( } . How did you como to tell It. Mr.
Uarncs ? A. Well , Mr. Itoscwatcrniid I wcic
in room niattho Uorliam house talklni : about
some othei business and he put the miestlon
to me as to whom he coil Id get down hcie to
act as coiiespoiuli'iit foi his paper. He
wanted a good man. 1 thought foi some
little time , and L sild 1 think Mr. Milton
Holfman would be Hie man. Mi. Uoscwnlcr
put the question to IMP as to who howasot
some othei question prelimliiiiy. 1 told him
that ho vvas the pihate socictary ot Governor
Davvcs. l locommentled him ; no one would
have done Mi. Hoffman a tuvoi qulckci than
1 would have done. He was much youngei
when this tiansictlon , and Hold
him that anything 1 could do toi him in the
world , 1 would do.
Q.oiitoldlilm the e facts In the way of
a iccoiumondatlon , did you ? A. Xo , sh.
( } . 1 thought j ou weio lecommciitling Mi.
Hoffman nt this tlmo. A. I did. He put the
< | iicMlon tome , wanted to know If 1 hid had
any deal w ith him. 1 told him 1 had had.
He wanted to know how. 1 told him I had
one little deal aud cv cry thing had been lived
upsntlsf.ictoi.illj' , and in the * convcisation
then * the mattei came out. 1 told him that
every thing had been lld. . Mi. Kosewn tor
had muntloncil at the time tlmt he wouldn't
hhc him as Mi. Hoffman had wiltten some
sciurllous articles Ioi the Chlciiro Times
agaliiht him ; tliat was his objection
Q. And tliat is tlio way the mallei came to
be spoken of ? A. Yes sh. Mi. Itosevvatei
asked me as to the dates in the mattei. As a
mattei ot fact it 1 had known tint he was
going to make It public 1 would not have
spoken to him.
Q. Did von tell Mr. I'osovvatei at that time
that Mi. llollman had stolen y our hotsc ? A.
No , sh.
Q. And you never did tell him that ? A.
No ; 1 gave him a short statement of the facts.
At the time Mr. llotlniiu did It of cotime 1
Iclt just as haul against him as 11 he had
taken Iho hoise , but alter the mattei had
been settled i.p , 1 let It pass , let it go bv.
Q. On 01 about the ii'th day ot June , ISS" ,
heio at Lincoln , In the picoeuco ot Mi.
IlobQit McCaithy of Hits county , did you
have any conveihition with Mi. IlollinanV
A. I don't know Mi. McCaithy ; I nevei saw
him to my knowledge.
Q. In the presence of Mr. McCaithy and in
conversation with Jit. llollman , on tnoaltei-
noon ot tlio ! Hth day'ol .lime , I8i > > , heie In
Lincolndid joustlito lo Mi. Hoffman in sub-
stinco that you wanted lo speak lo him
( llollman ) , nnd then said that you icgietted
the mbuiidoistatuniig between Mi. llolliu m
and Mi. IJosewatet ; that you hail told Mi.
Uosowatui a few things In coiiudonce and
that Uosevvatct had put-a wiong constitution
upon what you l ul sild , 01 that In sub
stance ? A. 1 liano iceollectioii 01 knowl
edge of the man MbCaithy lu the win Id.
Q. Did you so statd to Mi. llollman at
tlmt time and place ? A. I told Mr. llotl-
man that I was souy about the tiouhle exist
ing between them ; that Itosuvvater had gone
too fai In the matter. 1 did not boo the aitl
clo by All. llo evvnter charging him with
being a horicthlof. Mi. llotrumn told
me what ho had charged him with a
and I told him that Mi. lose- {
watci had gone too far in making such
a clmigo ; that the rcmaiks were made , by me
in conlulencc. 1 made Iho icmnik lo Mi.
Uosovvalei at tlidtlme , "It lie published that ,
that would nnke a harder article against Mi.
Hoffimn than he published against vou" ;
it would be a haid matter and 1 did not w ish
to see It occui to a young man.
Q At tlmt time didn't you state to Mr.
Hotfinin that you Imd not told Mi. Kose-
walei lhat Hoffman was a hoiaethlcf noi in
timated that In substance ? A. 1 tliink I told
Mr. Holfman that 1 Imu never ohirgetUhim
w ith beluga hoisothlef , and that 1 didn't
think that Mr. Hosowater would have pub
lished the mattei that I Imd told him ; that I
felt as ugly at the time as thoimh he had
stolen the hoi no , but that It was settled and I
was all ovei It : 1 did not leel pleased at
having my confidence betiajed , and no other
man would.
Q. In that convcisation did you say to Mi.
Hoirman that Mi. Rosewalcr nail misiepie-
sontedyou , 01 tlmt In substance ? A. 1 could
not say ; I only icad two ot the aiticles , one
vvheio hit called him a man on horseback and
the other one.
( J Did vou state in tlmt convoisitlon tlmt
Mi. Itoscvvatei had mlsieprosenled yon In thu
mattei , or tlmt in substance ? A. I could not
say that , as 1 did not read his icmesenta-
Q. Did \otisay It ? A. Ibollove not ; 1 told
Mr. Holfnmn when ho lead that aitlclc , lie
cither did tlmt 01 ho stated to me that ho had
called him that , basing his statement back ou
mine. , that Mi. llosevvatei h vd inisieprcsented
me , that 1 hadn't mule such a statement that
he vvasahoisethlof , 1 could not do it ; as to
the date you spe ik of , l don't recollect it.
Q. On 01 about the 20th day ot October ,
18.S.J. at the limUnison & Mlssotul depot at
Lincoln , did you Imve a conveisatlon with
Mi. llollmanMl. M.uquetteand Mis. Hofl-
ninn being mcs/Mil ? A , Mi. and MIS. Holf-
nmn weio In the liiuMillion & Missomi
depot ; I poke to Mi. Hollimn , called him
aside and Ind some convoiKition concerning
this ; Mr. Maiquctto was there.
Q. WHO Mi. .lawyer , Mi. Kellv and Mr.
Mainuette there ? A. I don't iccollcct seeing
Mi. biiwyci thcio ; I met Mr , Kelly going
homo tlmt evening and I iccollcct seeing Mr.
Maiqucttt' , as I went up nnd shook hands
with him.
Q. Did jou say this to Sir. Ilotfman , or
this in substance : "I am sony to see you
leellng haul towards mo , because'of this
IJosevvatoi alT.ih ; 1 don't want joutofecl
tlmt way ; 1 did not intend doing you any in
jury ; what I said to Mr. Kosewatei vvas
understood to bo In confidence , " 01 that in
biibstauco ? A. Yes. sir.
i } . Did jou siy that ? A. Yes , nh ; Mi.
Hottiimu was feeling putty bad about It.
Q. DldMi.lIoUiimnaskjouthis : "Didn't
you tell Kosowater that 1 vvas n hoiMithlef1'
01 that in substance ; do jou icinbmhci his
asking jou that qiuvtioii , tlmt da > ? A. 1
don't remember w lu > tliii ho asked It that day
01 not , hut he did once. "
Q. Did jou sayrto him : "Oh no , I said
nothing of the kindA. / ' . Wlumcvei he
asked thnt question i told him that I never
told Mi. Itosuvvatei Uialln the world.
Q. You never did tell him that ? A. No ,
sir.Q. . Did you say to Miv Hoffman this , tlmt
vou had ncvci icgnided it in that light ?
A. I icmembei tolling Mi. llollman when ho
came back that It WAS no better than hoiso
stealing , the way ho had done ; as to using
tlmt sentence to uny'ono else , lhavo no
iceollectioii of using It At all.
O. At the titno , v\hpn Mr. Saw'ycr , Mr.
Kelly and Mi. Mnrquctt vvcio at the Hiulliig-
ton k Missouri depot lu'thlscitv , about the
iiOth pf Octobci , IBs1 ! , didn't you say tlmt you
nevei rogai.led it In that hgnt , or that In sub
stance , to Mr. Hoflmnn ? A. His possible I
said that thoie , tor 1 novel conMdeiod that
ho had stolen the hol > e light out ; but he got
mylioisoand 1 never received it back.
Q. You say It Is polble that j ou Bald that
to Mi. Hoffman ? A. Yes , Mi.
t Q. On ictlcction jou lather think tlmt you
did , don't j on ? . A. Yes , Mr : at the b.unu
tlmo I gave him to understand voiy clcaily
that 1 hid nuvcr made that repiescalation to
Mr. Itoscwater.
Q. ' 1 hat Is not what I am asking j ou. A. 1
could not give the exact lime.
Q. You lather think you said that to
Mr. HofTman , then and there ? A. Tlmt I
hadn't leganhd him us a IIOI&Q thief ?
Q. ires , sir ? A. Yes , 1 think so ; at tlmt
conversation that vvas the subject of the
Q. Did you say this further'There ' was a
little dllfcronct ) between nsaiul you settled It
In an honorable way , " at that time in the
liinllngton & Missouri depot lithe city of
Llncolu ? A. I did not say theie was any
( llttcieticebetween us. but thai J'ftltad bellied
it in an honorable vray ,
Q. You didn't USD tiie words "There was a
little between us , " but jou did say
IIP setUcctit ? A. Yes Mr.t settled It with
HofTiimii on hi * own pioposltlon.
Q. Dldjimtay thK"ltold Mr. llosowalcr
a fc\v little trifling things nud he put an ex
aggerated construction on my words , " or thnt
in snhstaiicc ? A. N ; 1 did not tell Mr.
HofTman tlmt.
O. You didn't tell hint that at tlmt time
and place ? A. No , sii.
Q. Did you not aylo Jiltn , "HI * notiea-
sonablo lo supinc-p that I w ottld v Illlfy \ on team
am one , " or tlmt hi substance ? A" . No ; 1
did not use the vvoul v Illlfy at all.
O. . Dldjou av nitvthiuiequivalent toil ?
A. Not tlmt I lomembci of.
Q. In tlmt conversation did you sny that
jou havn't told Air. lto ewatei what Sir.
Itosowatorhad published in his pipri jibont
Mi. lloltnmn. 01 tlmt lu snbMaiuo ? A. Mr.
llolfumn told mo tlmt Mr , KoMiwaler had
rbniged him with hi > liiB a horselhiof. and
then I told him tlmt I hadn't told Mi. liosu-
wutci tlmt.
( ) . Didn't jou tell him that you hadn'l
told Mr. lUisewatcr whit Mr. lto > owal.ei had
published In his papei , 01 tlmt in Miltslancoi'
A. Tlmt was the only article tint he nmdo
mention of as having been published lhat
was votv pointed , and I told him that 1
hadn't told Ml. Uosevvntci tint.
( } . llovv lotit' was it attoi Ml. Hoffman ic-
tinned befoie he adjured this matter with
jon ? A. riomptly light uvvny.
Q. Howiotcvou befoio his aiilval hoic
lhat ho was going to come ? A.I could not
sav tlmt ho did.
( } , Would v 't say that ho did not ? A. t
would not MI * , elthei way ; I wiole him , ami
1 had full confidence he would bo hcie.
( ) . Who were piesenl when this second
wilttcn contiact was given bv llofliimiuwhcn
this adjustment was made and this will ten
inoiiiotnndtini 01 cnnlinctwlilch yonsavwas
clven lo llollman bv vou , who * \as \ picseul ?
A. It VMIS In my omcc , nnd I htivu no iccol-
lecllon ot anvone helm ? theie.
( } . Youjdou't i willed whether01 not any
one vvas ptosent ? A. Xo ; I think that Is a
mallei we would not have t ilKedovorbolorc
anvone voiv publicly , eithoi of us.
( ) Do vou moan to bo undoHtood as sav
ing thai no mio was present ? A. 1 don't
think theie was.
( } . Do jou mem to say tlmt youi lecollcc-
tlou Is so Indistinct about it that you i annot
s.iy anvone was piesont ot not ? A. 1 don't
think t would have pel ml tied nuvono to bo in
un ofllco at the tlmo we were talking In
that way , as I had no desho tonmkclt public.
( J. State whethei 01 not you lecollect about
that. A. 1 Imve no lecollectlon ol anyone
being in the olllce.
( } . Havoyou any iceollectioii thitnoone
was in the olllco ? A. 1 don't iccollcct seeing
am one In the otlicc.
( } . Do jou iocollect tlmt jou and he weio
alone In the olllce ? A. I think tlmt we weie.
( J. Is that join lecollectlon ? A. Yes ;
when the last mcmoiaiulnm was written.
When oui coutiact was made theie may
have been dltleient paitics lotuul In the of
< } . I am speaking of thonicmoiaudum ; do
jou iccollcct that no ono vvas picsent in the
olllce at that lime ? A. ls.vvc.ii tlmt 1 have
no iceollectioii of am onn being theie.
Q. Do von lecollecl that you were alone ?
A. I believe that wo vvcic.
( ) . Youi iceollectioii on tliat is just as
clc.u as It isupon any other pail of join tes
timony ? A. No , sh ; In olllces people will
pass In and out , and 1 may not Have ob
served some one thnt was theie.
Q. bomoone might have been theio ? A.
1 hole inlcht , but I have no lecollectlon of it.
( J. Did Mi. lloftinan give vim a icceipt Ioi
S" > which you f mulshed him when ho wont
awavA. 1 bellcvu notliccavcme ; | no leccipt
ioi tint orthe piopt'ity which 1 Itt him have.
Q. Did you pay it in cash 01 by check ? A.
I paid it to him In cash , 1 believe.
Q. Ale vou coiilulent that Is the amount
you gav e him ? A. The sum lot il that 1 was
In foi lot him was ? > 0 about. 'Iho weather
was cold and he wanted some aictics and
othei things ; it was 84" > 01 SV ) ; the cash he
had at tlmt date was ? . ) " > .
Q. I'ait ot that was money and pail niticlos
puiclmsed ? A. I went out with him , it was
cold vvcnthoi , and bought him what ho
wanted and paid him Sitt in cish , which was
all rieht.
( } The exact amount was S'tt in cash ? A.
I believe it was ; yes , 1 think so ; 1 don't
think tlieic was nnvieoulpl Jiiveuoitliei way.
Q. If it was paid by check would yon have
that check now ? A. Yes ; 1 believe I would.
Q That Is you pieseiveyoui old checks ?
A. Yes sh ; I haveovoiy check I evci cave
on the Fhst National bank.
Q. Did Mi. Evans lirst speak to yon about
Mi. Hoffman and the horse ? A. Yes , sh.
Q. Did ho know Iho man ? A. No ; ho de-
sciibed the man.
Q. Did he suy he knew the hoiso ? A. No ;
he described the horse nt tint tlmo : Mi.
Hoflmaulmiia ilng ou his hngoi that I Knew ,
light moustache , aictics , saddle , bridle and
the line ; .
Q. Did he mention to you how ho came to
speak about f ho hoise. A. Yes , he did.
Q. All the mattei s vvlihh you have tcstilicd
to ttaiisphed timing Iho lime Horn the tlmo
that Mi. llollman left hcie until hi ) met you
again , orwoie they matteis icpoited to * , ou
by otheis , nothing tlmt came undoi youi
own observation. A. Theie is the evidence
Ioi yon to inn ovei yourself , lean diavv no
such conclusions.
Q. 1'ioin the time that Mi , HolTumn wont
away until hoc mm back you did not see him
and talk with him ?
Q. You hid one 01 two Ictteisfiom him ?
A. Yes , sir.
Q. And that was the only communication
you had with him ? A. Yes , sii.
Q. Did you cvci stito to Mr. Rosovvaiei
that Mr. Hoffman had been in jail In Kan
sas ? A. I did not.
O. Did you fltnto that ho had boon Inpiison
in Missouri ? A. No.
Q. ( ) i In any othoi place9 A. No , sh.
( J. You stated It to Mi. Kosewatoi .is heie-
say evidence ; It vvnsmeicly houa.iyas iai
asou khow anything about it ? A. Yes
A You novel Mated such a thing to Mi.
KiisGWatoi ? A. No , sii ; 1 stated to him what I
had heard Mi. Hedge- ) tell me ; tlmt vvas aftei
this war had begun.
Q. And llollman novel stated to you what
had become ol the hoise ? A. No , sh.
Q. As fai as yon Knew the hoi so was stolen
fiom him , 01 ( lied ; as tai as you Know any -
thlnir about It , you don't know what became
ot It ? A. I never Know oieept what Mi.
Kvans reported to me ot what ho saw at
( { . And that was hcaisay testimony ? A.
Yes , sit.
( } , ( ' .in jou state -whit vvei the teims ot
Mr. Hollnmn'h aniplov nuuit. A. I don't
know whethei I made him my agent 01 my
( } . Ho may haw been olthoioni paitnei
or your agent as tin as yon lecollect ? A. lu
the puichasing ot tlit'so claims I don't iccol-
lect just how that vvas. The piopei ty ho took
liom mo he had no inteicUln noipaitnci-
ship In it at all.
( j. In the .spring ol 18SO did you icad In the
Globe-Democrat an aitlcloabout additional
eighties 01 supposed land liauds entitled
"Maud 1'ioni Under ? " A. Mi. Ilolfmaii , 01
Homo ono olhu had shown mean aitlclo which
appealed down thoiu tlmt 1 think ho had
written up , and nmdo inonev from the demo-
ci.itlo pipoib on these intlclw soiuo one
showed it to me ,
Q. Wns it Mi. Hoffman that showed It to
yon ? A. 1 don't Know ; 1 saw an niticlo In
homopnpoi ; 1 cannot Mate iho name ol the
. about "Stand From Under "
ii.ipci , 01 sorno-
thing about these claims.
Q. Did that cause any feollng on j our pirt ?
A. Yes , sh.
Q. Was It again at him ? A. I respected
him veiy much foi U ; it was a legal buMncbb
and It could not htivo boon caulcd in urn
other way ; 1 was glad that ho wiote it ; all ol
my pap.'ts went thiongh the Intciloi dopait-
ment at Washington ; no pupoi passed my
hand until It had passed tlnough the mteiloi
depaitment and evoiy pnpei came to the I'll si
National bink in this city : 1 li.ut Milli'iod thn
loisot bi'veial thousand dolhiit. by just Mich
men , and that was the reason that I pent
llollman theie to buy claims because 1 could
not tnibt thu men in that couutiy to buy
thorn ; 1 geneially kept my own agents out.
men that I thoiuht 1 could c > , ' > lido hi ; at tint
tlmo It created a feeling asahist Mi , Holt-
man down theio , nnd 1 think they polluted
him ; If he Imd any tioublu down thoic , I
have an idea that tlmt was the oilglu ot it
lathei th in what ho did to me : 1 think that
Mi. Hedges felt 111 will against him ; 1 don't
know what It , but theie was Miine tiou-
bio between them ; they weio veiy mid about
these aiticles tlmt he vvioto ,
Q. Now what you Mated to Mi , Ro ewater
dm Ing tlmt com ei nation when ho asked you
to recommend someone us a cairospondoiit
was all that you told him about this alfali ?
A. AVhv , uftor I was thiough with jt I told
him that U was eonuioatloir I
did when wo Matted out ; told him not to
mala any now spiperai tide out ot Hand Mi ,
Hosevvntci promised lao he wonld not.
Q. Did vou speak to him aftei wards about
it ? A. After one article was out I saw nlm
on the street und 1 said to him : "Hero , you
pinmUed me that you would not make a
newapapfr article of that ; " ho laughed and
said tlmt that could not bo helped with a
man ; 1 told him not to make any
moio a'cliM , ; is It was stiirlhc tip bad bloou
among f i lends of mine ; I didn't want any
moie ; I am inclined to tnitik tint J was in
d I street in U'llhig Air. lloscvvater about it in
tlo ) begin niny. .
r.-r > niKT FWMtv.VTiox nr MH. M in nox.
< } . About what time did jou first tell Mr.
lloicvvater about this miller to the best of
jourrecollectloii ? AIt was Just before or
dmliir the IrgiMature.
( J. Ofwhaljeat ? V. A jpar ago wasn't
Q. The leslslaturo of last w Inter In the
jen lvsV. ' A. Yes sir.
Q. About how lone aftei thnt was It before
Iheinatterwasmontloned again ? A. When
we were talking nboulthtit ho asked If 1 had
some of the date * ; 1 told him that 1 had some
of the dates and pnpct * , but that I didn't
want auv newpoperaitlcle about It ; hosild
he would like them as a matter of curiosity ,
and 1 told him tliat hprould ha\o them If he
would keep it to himself ; hn told tli it lie was
going to > \ .iihinglon and t was going to bo
theio also , and 1 told him tint 1 hid n lot ol
thepnpeis In m ) loom , which I did not give
to him.
( } . When was the. fust conversation ? A.
That was in IVbiuaij when we talked , 1
think ,
( J. You loiuembrrtltp Incident of the so-
enlled lobbery ofthe state tieasutj ? A. Yes ,
sii.Q. . Do jou lemembei having any convei-
vatloiiwhh Air. lliiscwatri at about the time
that jouhcaid ol that liansaction ? A. Yes ,
( ) , How loin ; befoie that transaction
at the u.i pi to ! would vou think it was tliat
jqa had tliat conversation with All. Itoso-
watei ? A. I could not IK the dile ; I don't
lecollecl just when that tiaiisaction was ; 1
know It wiisiliuhu : thu sitting ot llm session
ol the li'glsljlnit' , Ixvausp sonic ol the mom-
beis weio used Jot witnesses.
< J. in Alaich , t think ; do jou
lecollecl how long befoie that time it was
taal von talked with All. IUsU\votci ) \ ? A.I
could not tell jon.
( ) . Do jouio'ollect Imvliisru conversation
with him altei that llmeat join house ? A.
Ye , MiliOM'W.ilei vvns out theie once.
Q. And did \oii then ledte these samp
facts to him at this conveisitlon at join
hottsotheie , do jou lemembei ? A. Inavo
foigotten eouveisiitlou was ; II was
especlallj as to dales ; ho tisktd me about the
Q. And he asked jou If jou weie not mis
taken in the man ; do jou lecollecl of his
a < kiug von weio not mistaken In the man ?
A. Something was said about being mis
taken in the man , but 1 have totgoUcu what
11 was
Q. Do jou icmembcr who was pieseiit
wheli voti had that tonvcisitlon with All.
i'ospvvalpi ut > out house ? A. Ho diove out
tlieiewlth ii double team and borne man
came witli him.
( J , fould jou lemembiT whethei Alajoi
Klnetsch was piescnt ? A. Alajoi Kluttsch
was the man.
Q. Doion lemembei whotliei these farts
weie talked ovoi then ? A. Something was
talked about them thai dnj , bid he was
afraid ol getting tell ou his tiain , so oui talk
was veryhiiuk'd.
Q. Was the talk In icgaid to this mattei ?
A. Yes , hh ; ami ( Ids slate capitol business
was connected with it also.
Q. Do jou lecollect about what lime jou
weie In Washington when jou saw Mi.
Kosewatei ? A , It was in Febiuary.
( } . Febimrj oflbSj ? A. i'c-s. sii.
0. How long nltei that time was it bofoic
jon met All. Jiosevvatoi in Lincoln , it you 10-
jnember , about" A. 1 think piobably tlnee
weeks , something like tliat ; 1 was theio
about tlnee weeks.
( ? . The Hist compilation thai yon had
withAfi. Uosevvatci was bofoie the leglsla-
tnie mctnt nil ? A. 1 believe that the It'gis-
latmeat tliat time wasn't In session ; 1 be
lieve that It commenced the next week.
Q. Air. Hosuvvatei was tijing to lintt a
loom , ivisn't he , when this conveitatlon
tame up ? A. 1 had a loom , No. ill , ie ei\ed
at that time , and when lie was ovci tlieie
then this comeiMtlion came up.
Q. And the next conveisatlon that jou had
with him was in Washington ? A. 1 believe
11 w a s.
Patrick Egan Intel viewed on the Iiisli
Question Those FoigetT Di.ifts
Oity Jottiu/ / .
nri 's i IVCOLN nunrvu.1
lion. I'.iliiclc J .vn lolurned Satuiday
fioni Chlcngo , ivhpio lie has been attcnil-
inff the nieeliiiR of the e\ectitive commit-
tec of the Ii ish National League. He de
nounces as the work of nnleontcnts , the
leporl that lie contemplated iCMyning
hi& position as pi evident of the league in
f.ivor of Alexandei Sullivan. Mr. Egan
says that when ho accepted the presidency
in August , 1881 , it was at the urgent ic-
qiuist of ftiends in JJoslon , and lie look it
then with the undoi'slumling that lie
should bo allowed to lethe at the. end
ol his lust A our. August , Itib1 * , came ,
and the annual convention was postponed
until Jauntily 20 , Ib8i ( , to accommodate.
Mr. I'ni'noll. In oitler that tlio body
mi bl not bo lett without an hi-all
iliiung the interim , Mr. Egau coiiM-nted
to setve on until liis Miceossor was
olcck'd. As ib now well known , the pic-
miiluie calling togcllicr of the English
puihamcnt piovonteil AJr. J'arnell liom
A'i&iting the United Stales , and the con-
icnitioa set lor i0 ! vvns iig.iin
nostpoued , tins time until August next.
The icgiilar meeting ot the exec
utive committee called for d.itc ,
however , was hold , and Mi. J'gan
was an active pulioipaiil His gr.iin
business in Lincoln ' has , .losiimiMl largo
propoi lions , ami' Mr. Egim went lo Chicago
cage lullv deleiiniiiPd lo lu.y down the
eaics of ollico and return to tiri\itc lite.
His colleagues hiiceccdcd ill peisimding
him that U resign at thin lime , in the
iaco of criticism and attack , would be
cousli ued n-5 a confession of weakness ,
and bc > pioiliiftivo ol li.ul losults to HIP
cuu'-o. On this showing Mi. ro-
bolved to iciniiin at his jiosl as piesideiil
pi the league until the annual eomention
in August next names lnMieeessor. .
That ho over lutil intentions ol going so
In i1 us to vii tiuillj name that MiPecsior by
resigning in tuvorot nnj one man , Mr.
Kgan cinhalically | ileines.
Aside liom bcsing probibly ono of ( lie
best posted men on loiuigu all'aiis In
Amouca , Mr. is u p.ultanliu'ly gontlonmn lo meet , uiKlgivesot
IIIH knovvlodgn- thn inlcrviuwcr in n
convincing anil MitiMacttnv mannor.
Slimming uji the situation in ( treat iiiit-
tun to the Uix ropiohpntalivo yostoiduy ,
Mr. Egan siid : that n.s the lilior.iln hud : i
innjonty of nighty-two ever thoconsurvu-
tivea in parliament , which with llm voles
ol thn home inlcrd couhl bo swelled to
103 , ho coii idered Ihoielurnof Gladstone
to jiovvor iw promiur very piobable. The
Iilbh paity , hovvovur , Ii.til not yet tietl
thonisplves lo the supjiort of anyone , and
would bi ! eurntiil how Ihey did , us nndor
the circumstances they hold the ) > jl-
unc ( ) of povvei and can imiKo n majority
tor cither hboials or eonsorvatives , ( ilaii-
btonc , pioliably mouifiom love for politi
cal power than unil intnrosl in Iiolund , is
nndoistood to tuvor u sehumn for local
feelt government , wlieh | is nil thnt
the patiioU hope or look for
at thib tinio 'J'hirt Kcliumo
embracean lush miliuniPiit which
shall legislutii ou nil Jooil ull'iihs , vvhilo
tlui cpieen rules on inipeiial mutters , By
"local ii/luirs" / is meant logislution per
taining to land laws , Jinaiiees , raihoads ,
police , etc. In fact , lioland wnnU to
stand m relation lo the nnpoiial government -
mont us Nebiuskii docs lo ( .ho powers at
\Vashliinlon \ un inilcpeiulciit Mate , sub-
j"ct only to the joins of govcuiment on
icu'urnl ( pieitioiis. At pioscnt the people
of hcliind cannot move without thu per
mission nf the HiitiBh pailininciit , if u
city in the ccnlio of the green i lo wants
u faystom ot water works , if n road h to
be opened , or a hiiilgo limit , the pi ojcci
must bo hiul before inrliainont , often tit
a eo t exceeding that of the improvement
noted. Should GKidMono favor refoi m in
this diieclion Mr. Egan thinks the homo
inlens will net with tne llhuiaU and give
the latter such n malmity that thn ijiiecn
will be foicetl to call tluv ( lolil man clothe
quent'.to ' the p
Of thu ctnulition of Iinland ph ical.
social aud linuncial. Mr , ] Xtn tilkt < ( l ul
inngth. HiS doooiiption of thu of
the lalulJouU' povvel * in times gene is
especially interesting. Men w lie hail become -
como lic'h in commerce or speculation
had no social standing until they iiciiihvl | (
title to land , whim they took lank with
tlio geulry ami rpcelved recognition in
many wn s , tfepialli and politically.
Ijenco the i nine of land wns constantly
increasing , and tlio lent likewise. With
the agitation stalled ty the foimation of
the L-ind l.camto in lyre , the distinction
of being n landlord became unonvinlilui
find the feeling of reform in lliisdircctio *
Iiasffiovvn osr6ng ( that land thnt for
merly sold fust nt sfriOnn acio novy ROC *
begging at $100. The land owners are now
lignrutiuily clubbing themselves for not
accepting the pioposition oll'vicd by the
founders of the League. That wns the
adoption bj thoctownof the Stein nml
llaulenlnug si stem of land ncquircinpnt ,
lo which the piospcuU of I'uissin can bo
tiaced. Pioviotis lo IH11 the condition of
that kingdom was vvoi c. if nnything1 ,
than that of lielnnd in IStfl , nrtd the
nngtj mnttotingsof a discontcntod poo-
jilc grew louder and louder. SudiUvnly
Stein and Ihiideiiburg I'.injp to the front >
with n scheme winch banished nil
tumbles. Under it tenant and landlord
were giv en tvo \ ears in w hieh to ai rive
nt nn uiuler ( unillngconeeiniMg the pro-
piicloiship of thelnnd. Kailiiig in this
the crown stepped in , nppruiscil the renlly ,
und paid the owner m Mate bonds. The
tenant then boimht fiom the eiown , nnd
iv as given foity-onu or lifty-onc years In
w hien to complete his pav tnonts as ho
nilglit elect , piinclpil and inteicfet be
ing divide in nnnual installments as un
der our pie-enl wcsiein raihoad land
contracts Tim heller could dispose of
his < . ( ntc bonds in thu open mm ket , und
llniM get his money , nnd hence everybody
WAS happy. Hiul the land owners in
Ireland tulopled this system when o\-
tended in 187 ! ) , they "would Imvo been
doubly us lieh us the\ , nip now.
'llIOii ; lOKCl.D llK.Vl l.s.
The ii'.socialed pi ess dispatch from
Kansas Citj , which pi elends lo give the
facts of the tuning of $1 1,000 In forged
drifts on nn Oinnha bunk , by ono J.
Whitney , tells only half the story.
Tin * dialts1 were ostensibly drawn
li.V the United States National
bank of Omaha , on Hie Amcucan
IXeliango bank of New Yoik In Iho j
course ol business thty leaehetl the Hank y
of Commeice , wbicli paid them without !
questioning , to llndon piesenlsilionnt thu
Ameiicnn TXehangi ! thlit they weio for-
gerii'x. Ab the dialls were indorsed by < |
icbablc bankeis , lliiough whoso liuntls i
they passed , n number ot lavvsuitb will i
piobnbl icsult.
mtiii' : MI.MIOX.
The city tieasuii was emielicd to the
amount ot sfl'.l-I.GO Sat in da * , by the col-
lectitni of the monliily blackmail from
.spoiling women.
.lolin rit/gei.ild has oideicd woik on
his Bmliiiglon Missomi \ extension con-
ti.iqt noi Hi of Grand Jiland discontinued
until bpiing.
AlU'iitling n funeral the oilier day the
JJt.r. man heuid home of the mouuicrs ,
fipcnking of the eorijso , say : "llovv nut-
nial he looks , " and it ni oiised the thought
that it would be much moic hnnianu
and kindly weiv thcj able to saytuHh-
inlly , "How iiiinutuiul be looks. " When
death bus .set his sen ! unmistakably upon
our dear onus b ftemling out cvidonecs
of moi ( .ideation and dec.iy , we maybe
sine Hie. * , Imve deiuuled liom this lite in
eninest , and theie is no chance of n
leai fill awakening in the tomb with its
attendant honois. lh il not piobablo
that many people Imvo been buried alive
thiough the insane dcsiie of relations , to
keep uicm looking "natural" befoie in-
The bills iiicui rod in taking cnio of
Mrs. Koi ber and her two ehilnien , who
were PO badly fio/cn lately , will bo paid
by tlie worn m's biothcr , George 1'nncr.
Her husband will become ncouiityclnugo
asl'irmu letuses to do an. * , thing lor hini ,
sa.iing he came lo thi& eonntry on _ hia
own account , and without being , invited.
Jones , the Tenth stiex't billiard loom
man. Was in pohco Salnrdaj * on n charge
ot allowing Illinois lo play there. Ho
was held in .f'iOO bail to appear to day.
The people ol Einmetl , Holt comity ,
have petitioned the railway commission
asking that Hie l'i cutout , EllJiom and
Missomi Valloi railway bo compelled to
build a depot tlieie. Tittinnii was found guilty in
the police com I S.\tntiln\ selling liquor
on bi.nday. and lined 'JlOO and costs. An
appeal was taken to the district eoiut.
Illy and ( Jampbell , Hie Mnson Oily ,
Iowa , bmglaiv , Imve been taken back to
the scene of their c.\pIoitH.
MaihhalReach has diminished the en- -
nine poiilalion ) of Lincoln some toil
head suite ho opened fiie on the cmy.
About 75,000 , moie or less , can be spared
A Stindiiv Morniiif ; Alai'in.
The lire depailinont Was called out
hhoillyaltet 11 o'clock yestoid.iy morn
ing by tin ahum hounded tromThii tecnth
nnd Williams sheets. The ( ire proved lo
be in ft smnll dwelling house in thai lo
cality , but the llaniOK weio extinguished
befoie the department ariivcd , without
having caused agi eat amount ol damage.
John Dnilcy , a hiienk thief , was cap-
tuicd S.ituidni aflcinoon wlnlo endeav
oring to get away with n bullafo jobo
from Wciht's hainess shop on South Thir
teenth stieel. Ho gave his pin snort * a
livolyiini , but they overtook him and he
gave ii ) ) tlio robe without a mnririur. He
vvus locked up nt central polieo station.
Railway Time Table
Tno follow Injr Is the tlmn of nrrivnl nnd depart -
part nroo I trains l > y Olitial Sliincliircl tlmo Mt
tliu loctdilopniN. Tinlnsof tlio C. . HI. I' . , M. &
O. anltu nml dnpiut Iniin tliolrdopot. coiner
ot Hili 11 ml Wolifiti'i-Btioets ; tialnsim tlio U , *
M. , O. , II. 4 Q , nna K. ( J. , 8t. ,1. & ( , ' . n. from tlio
It , &M.dopoi ; iillotlicisironi tlio Union I'ncitlo
nnitlGE TUA1NS.
llrlflKn trains will leave d. t * . iloiiot nt 6 :
7 : - 10:00-11:00 : : a. m. , 1.00
-l.JJ-lDO-ll : 8.00 : i.00--4:0a : 5 00 li:3U" : < M)5- )
eilA-TOd : ll:10p. m.
lyciivofranslirlni Omnhn a 7ll2 Ii : IS 0:10 :
- : . ' - 10J5-10 : IT llJr : n. m.j lir : 8iia
nui7 _ .I.JO 'J3T4:17 : 0:110:15 : : - 7. 0-7:60- :
llD'p. : in.
Ai rival nml lUiimrtiiin of tiaius liom tlio
tiaiihtoi ilt'ot ] nt Council Illudg ;
rmcvno fc hoiirimi strif , .
n.l'i 4. > i Mull nml llM'ios * . . , , 7.0011. M
l.40i ; > , M , Aecominoiliitlon . 4JOiM :
6ai' : ; , > i . . . Uvpria . , . . .OUIA.M
CIIK V(1O & IIO < K tSl.tM ) ,
OilS A , M . .JlnlllllKl llxpiosi. , , 7.COP , M .
( iutuo ; , MIIAVAIIKI'sr. : . IMUI ,
0:10 : A. M ijnll iin < IK < ciios3. | . . . 7.UIP.M
D'Jf. : M. . , , I\IMOES : . , . , U:15A.M :
cniovco , niiiii.iMnoN e. UUINCV.
li.JTiA. > i . . .Mill ! nnd Hv | > ioss . fi.'IOi'.M
HslOr. M . . . Kvpictn . l ,15M
WMUHll.SI. I lll'IS t. I'Al IHC.
2:15 : 11 , M.lxical.M. l < uiiUlA-iiii-"H " ixiciil , .
O.WHM.'liiiii t ( i Hi.l ) iilBlx.'tuiiiHtLiiSJi'M ; ; : (
J. JOt ii ( .OLINCII , lllll ! ! TS ,
" : lj A. M , . , , > l il mid i.V ; | > roK3 , , , , 7.J5P. M
ii.OO I1. M . , , I'Aino.S . O.J5A. M
hldirx ( lilt. IMI.'IHC.
pai.v.M . Klolixltt ) Mull , . 7.00 IM
( 111M , , SI. I'll III I. Xll | I'SJ. . , , , U.J ! V. if
A.H , i' . M. I UNION ] 'A ( il 10. i 4 , M. e. K.
, .
10:40a : | ) tini'i ! ' i\prois : , 4:10.1 :
| 0. H IllU' . VAM.IJV.
, (0ii ( .Mnii iitia I\PIin :
n. , VM.
EilOu .Mallninl OitOl
A.-M. ! i r , M. i.MlPhOl Jtf IMIJjriL' . A'.M.
jo.'Mai. . . .I . . .iny Kxpt-ms e. vi
bl5li : , . . .N'ltflit Kxiic | 8.
ic. r.ST. j , A , O.D.
IJMu k [ tb.yiB ! JMnttsmoulh 7.ooal ,
I ) ( ( > H. _ _ NOHTIMVAHI ) . _ Arrlvo
A. n. t -r w. I C. SI' . I' . , M. i , < ) . [ A. M. i e. M.
t.30n . I Sjoux ( 'Hi i : iiioii * I . UsJOa
, . . . . .I 6 : < 0o Oiibluml AcLiliniiiud'n lO.OOo1- .
_ AfrlTu
* . > I. I' . > l. I * C'l | A. Q. ( A.M. | T' . M.
imi _ O.W ) i .Via riAtlgnioutli. . . . 0 SOJ 7J&
Will Jiavo I' , J' . iloiiot , Onnliii , nt fi:48:3J : : - .
J0li.lU : ! - 'iu. M. ; 2 : 0.1 VJS.iip. . i .
l.fiivcSlotk ViuiU foi Oiniili i nt 7:53 10 25 a.
in ; 1J.OI ii : ) l40 ; i.07 6.20p.m.
hoTKA iinlustlnll ) ; lt , < lnliy vsuopt Sundayi
0. dull ) nxcopt baturaar ; 1) , dully exeunt Mutt