Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHAOFriertfo.914 ANI > 010 FAIIXAM ST
NEW YonKrriCKHoow ev > , Tilinu.vK IU'IMIIHO
nlMlslied every morning , pxe-'iitfiinclftir. Thb
( inly Monday morning paper published In the
TF.IUlS HV MAtli !
OncVeflr. . . . . . . J10.flO(7hrcp ( Moulin f2..V )
Blx Months 6.00 One Month . . . 1.00
Tnr. Wr.i.Kt.r Urn , rublMicil livery Wctlnusciaj- .
TMIMI , rostrAit ) !
Ono T > nt % with premium , , . . . . . . (3.00
Oiii'Venr. without premium 1.- '
Pit MonOm , without prcinlutn In
OnoMonth , on trlnl. . . , . . . 10
connF.ppoxtir.Nrr. :
All eMnrmtnlcntlmn rolntlnir 10 ncw finil o.l . | .
( arlnl matters clionltt bo luldresseU to tlio LUI-
IOH or "IIP HKK. i.F.Trr.nv.
< il lmilnr < loiterand rcmltinncfs should ho
n < Uie cd to TUB lien I'unusiiiNO COMI-ANV ,
( ) M\nA , Drnfts , checks nnil jioMomeo onlcM
to ho metilo jinynblo to the order or thu company.
If- n ItOSnwATEn. Kmron.
Tin : packing-house democrat ? nro em
ploying George L , Miller us chief
"sticker , "
Turin ; will bo more building In Omaha
during 1830 limn in the three previous
years put together.
THE poslofllco Washington
say Hint Nebraska is growing more than
any oilier slnlc in the number of new
pojtofliccs and postmasters ,
llAVixei provided for Iho presidential
succession , congress will now devote iU
energies to making capital to prevent Iho
succession passing out of the hands of
the dominant parly.
J'lir. Nebraska democracy is divided
'into two factions the packing-house
democrats , headed by ISoyd , nnd the
slaughter-house democrats , under the
leadership of Morion.
itv M. STAXLIJY lias acquired si
World-wido famo. Ito now has an op-
poi tnnitv to make an immense fortune.
IIo has- been appointed manager of the
work of building a line of railway into
the Congo country.
Tun short-horn breeders of Iho state
have had a meeting at Lincoln. We are
unable to say whether they have ma do
contracts with the slaughter-house or
packing-hongo democrats. The latter
have the most money.
TIM CAMi'iiKM , is referred to by some
of the New York papers as the successor
of Sunset Cox. So far as wo have been
nblo to observe , his antics would lead
some persons to regard him as a MIC-
censor to the rod-headed rooster of the
. Rockies.
AT a recent meeting of the Now York
Farmers' club member
twenty-seven ? ,
representing sfno.OOO.OOO , sat down to the
table. The particular branch ol agricul
ture that they favored is not stated , but it
is safe to say that shearing "lambs" in
Wall street occupied the daily attention
of most of the honest grangers repre
ACCOIUHKG to the Herald Mr. J. J.
Brown , the republican brother of one of
the slaughter-house democrats , is a lead
ing stockholder in the Km : , and there
fore is properly held responsible for the
conduct of this paper. Ills true that Mr.
Brown owns stock in the Omaha BIE. ;
Ho owns one share out of the two hun
dred. That gives him the lead.
GCXRKAI , SHEUIDAK has been before a
congresbional committee to recommend
the transfer of the weather bureau from
the army to the civil service. This is a
lively back handed slap at General
liazen , who has made himself exceeding
ly unpopular in the service by the free
way in which ho criticized the stall'some
years ago and the unpleasant prominence
iu which he has kept his name before the
public over since.
PHIL. AUMOUU recently informed the
Wall street operators that "God is in
joint account with every holder
of St. Paul stoclc. Ho has left
his earmarks all through the west
and northwest where the St. Paul
runs. " This is the first time that wo have
over heard of the Lord being in partner
ship with a railroad. Perhaps it is because -
cause of the saintly name of the soulless
corporation. At any rate , the assurance
of Mr. Armour ought to send St Paul
stock up about fifty points.
TBIPAKTITK Commissioner Vining , who
draws $5,000 a year in Chicago from the
railroads on a live years' contract for pre
siding over the tripartite commission , has
been rudely waked from his reveries on
Chinese hieroglyphics uy a call for a
meeting of the managers of roads for
which he arbitrates. Mr. a
greater success as an author than as a
railroad man. His traflio shoots used to
create n bigger sensation among shippers
than his books do among readers , but
they wore not half so interesting to the
outside public.
. SIXATOU : PAVNU denies any personal
knowledge of the bribery which secured
him his boat in the senate. Of course
not. It was entirely the work of his
friends. The senator's friends must bo a
peculiarly disinterested lot to put up
$30,000 out of their own pockets for the
purpose of securing the election of the
Standard Oil monopolist to the senate.
\ \ u imagine that when the investigation
for which Mr , Payne is clamoring , Is fur.
uished , it will bo discovered that his
. friends do not differ materially from
those of any other millionaire candidate
Whoso only claims for position are based
on the size of his pocket-book.
Dii. goes off double-loaded and
double-shotted against the slaughter-
( liouso democracy. Ho pretends to hayo
discovered a great conspiracy to
besmirch the character of as honest a
Bian as lives in Nebraska , whoso only
offense is in having received the appoint-
'inent of postmaster at Kearney. Now
wo would like to hear the honest private
opinion of James K , Hoyd , the chief of
" * he packing-house democracy
, concern-
Ug this honest postmaster. Over in
Council UlnlVs and ou this side of the
fiver ho 1ms the reputation of being an
honorable bilk , and it is currently bo-
lieyed that his prhuipal backers are
creditors who expect to repay them
selves out of his salary , Mr. Juan 15oyl
and the llnanojul concern , which backs
Mr. Morgan , could give MJIIIO information
* this point.if they worn' not Jntmstod
§ ; Morgan's ability Jo read hh title clear.
A Monopoly Combination.
Postmaster General Vilas i $ to bo the
object of a combined attack of a powerful
monopoly lobby , .composed of I'opresoiv
tatlves of the 1'acllie railroad ? , the Bell
telephone and Western Union compa
nies the Pacific Mall stcaimlilji company
and llio Now York Tribune. This state
ment is made on tlio authority of a prom
inent Wisconsin politician , Uol. Knight ,
who says that the cause Of tlio attack is
the refusal of Postmaster General Vilas
to pay over to tlio Pacllic Mall steamship
company Iho $100,000 which the last con
gress left in Ills hands to pay or
not , as ho might see lit , The
Pacific Mall steamship company is one of
an aggregation of corporations , consist
ing of the Central , Union and Southern
Pacllic railroad companies , the Western
Union telegraph company and the Boll
telephone eojupaiiy. These siv cor
porations are owned and con
trolled by substantially the same per
sons , and for years they have brought
their combined powct to bear upon con
gress for a subsidy to their Pacillc Mail
steamship company , mid , falling to gel it
in that form , succeeded in gelling $100-
000 appropriated by the last congress to
bo expended for their benefit , under the
direction of the postmaster general.
This combination owns the New York
Tribune and other papers , and has a
corps of newspaper correspondents nl
Washington who are paid to write such
letters ! as may bo dielalod to them by the
lobby. The postmaster general has cer
tainly offended 11 most powerful com
bination , but In all probability ho will
not bo driven from the cabinet by the
corporation strikers. Incidentally it maybe
bo inferred that the same monopoly ring
will wage an equally bitter warfare upon
Secretary Lamar , ou account of his
recent opinion regarding the Btll
telephone patents. It would seem that
tlio members of Mr. Clovelund'.s cabinet
are rapidly developing into anti-monopo
lists ; and il is to bo hoped that their sup
ply of backbone will carry them through
in the light with the corporations and
jobbers , whoso lobby is said to bo more
powerful nl this session of congress than
lias ever been known In Washington.
Tin-Can KftllronUInt ; .
The method ot running trains between
Omaha and Lincoln by tlio 15. & M. is , if
such a thing could be , more annoying
and inconvenient than the Missouri river
transfer betwecii Omaha and Council
Bluffs. No reliance can bo placed on tlio
time advertised for tlio B. & M. trains to
start. They may start at 8:10 : or 10.08 , or
keep their passengers between a sweat
and a frec/o in the Omaha , depot until
cloven or twelve o'clock. When they do
start on time , they very frequently
are held for two hours at Orcapolis Junc
tion , or go down to Plattsmoulh to
await the arrival of a delayed train from
Pacific Junction. These annoying de
lays and the uncertainly of departures
arc by no means merely an incident of
bad weather or blocked roads in Ne
braska. The road from Omaha to Hastings
may bo in excellent condition , but if the
Burlington train from Chicago has been
delayed somewhere in Iowa the Omaha
passengers and mails arc held until the
delayed train puts iu an appearance at
Orcapolis or Plattsmouth.
Omaha is treated about like a water-
lank station or some village at the end
of a , stub road , instead of being recog
nised and accommodated as the metro
polis of the state should bo. In this
matter Omaha people are not Iho only
sufferers. The people of Iho whole
south Platte country are also incon
venienced. They can make no calcula
tion as to receiving their mail or reach
ing their destination if they happen to
be traveling. Now il may bo economy
for the B. & M. road to
attach the Omaha trains to the
Burlington's Chicago and. Denver
trains , like a tin can to a dog's tail ,
but the tin-can method will no longer
satisfy a city like Omaha , which has given
the Burlington system the lion's share of
its eastern and western business. Why
should the trains running between Omaha
and Hastings , which arc usually crowded ,
bo hold or delayed bccaiwo a train , run
ning 500 miles between Chicago and the
Missouri river , has lost time from some
cause or other ? Why cannot the Burling
ton run its Omaha trains on their own
schedule time , regardless of what con
nections they may make or miss ?
Tins city and state are entitled to lee al
railroad trains running on fixed time ,
ust as much as the people of Illinois anil
Iowa cities are. This uncertainty in rail
way travel has become a positive nui
sance. The managers promise that when
tlio A hland cut-oil' is completed they
will give us local trains , but those prom
ises are a little too remote to satisfy tlie
present demands. It seems lo us that the
B. & M. can well afford to eto away
with the stub-tail trains , Our
citizens are willing lo make duo
allowance for bad weather , MIOW block
ades and Hoods , but when the road is in
good condition between Omaha and lied
Cloud , they do not fool content to bo held
for hours in the Omaha depot , or side
tracked and switched around at Orcapo
lis and Plattsmouth to await the arrival
of delayed Burlington trains from Chi
A Mistake Corrected by a Funeral.
The recent tragedy in Chicago a& usual
provides a text for scnnomrcrs and
moral lecturers. A young man of wealth
nnd position b'lOt his mistress and then
killed himself. IIo had married only n
few months ago a beautiful and accom
plished young lady. At the coroncr'h in
quest It was shown in the testimony that
before ho married ho told this young lady
about his inislrobs , and thus exposed to
her his true character. At the same time
ho expressed the fear that the mistress ,
whom ho had known and supported some
years , would give him trouble. In spite
of lids warning and it was a warning
thai should have been heeded by the
young lady about to become his bride
&ho married him , The most pointed
nioinl to bo drawn from this tragedy ,
and ouo which wo have not seen referred
to by the moralizers , is that it is a dan
gerous thing for a woman to accept as
her husband a man whom she knows
needs reformation , and whom by her
evangelizing efforts she hopes to reform
nftor marriage , There is , of course , n
possibility of reformation after marriage ,
but the chances are that nine times out
of ten the rake will always bo the same.
The young woman who liaa boon loft n
widow by the Chicago tragedy has leai'u-
eil this to her post mid sorrow. Yet bho
was herself largely to blame , if she feoUi
at all grief-stricken , for she well knew of
Iho hazardous character of the alliance
into which she was to enter. There is
only one thing that can correct the disas
ter of an alliancowith u bad husbnmt ,
says the Rev , DoWitt Talmage , and ( hat
is n funeral. The Chicago woman ought
to rejoice that her disastrous alliance has
been corrected , even if it required a
An Important Invention.
Henry Guy Uarloton , the author , has
invented n contrivance which promises to
be a success as a preventive of lire-damp
explosions in mitioj. No occupation is
so fraught with danger as mining. Hardly
a dny pas os by without the occurrence
of some terrible mining disaster , cither
from lire-damp explosion or some olhor
cau c. The moat frequent accident1' ,
however , nro explosion * , and anything
that will prevent tlioir frequency will bo
hailed with joy by Iho hundreds of
thousand ! * of men who are compelled 16
make their livelihood by digging beneath
the surface of Iho rorlli. Mr , Carlolon
feels confidctil that his contrivnnco vviH
bo 6f great service. In that event ho
will prove a great public benefactor , as
ho proposes to bestow his Invention gratis
upon the world , in ( ho hope of saving
life. Exports pronounce it precisely what
has bccm needed over since the earliest
annals of coal mining. In describing
this invention the Chicago Tribune says :
The glint de-'ldeiuliim of a file-damn indt
cater is to enable an ubsoivcr Uoni the super
intendent's office to lest all units of tlu > mine
for cven small Dcicciilaecs. The chief one-
inles of all systems yet devised aie : First ,
varying baiennetilc pressures ; second , viuy-
iiii degico of molbtuio ; third , the fact Hint
llio income upon uhlch nil dllfiibloii appar
atus woiks is only ntonicntaiy. Mr. Caile-
lenS lii tiiunent is Independent ol ! nioisluie ,
baioinetrlc piessurc , amiorks ou spe
cific ( ? ra\ily , which , ANitli a Riven
poicentno of RUS , Is coiiblnnt.
'J'lic main achievement In the now Invention
is llio means bylileli the most delicate tils-
tin banco ot a specific siavlty balance may be
acciuately mc.istncd lioniiiny distance and
the means by which it Is imulo Independent
otbiiinnictilcpiessnu * and kept fieotionitlio
influence ol moisture. The expciintents
v ith It jinvo Indications lo one-llilul of 1 per
cent , v 1th a balance .sensitive to one-tenth ot
a giain. The number of explosions caused
by making fesls with .safety-lamps makes It
obvious that other and moie accmatc means
are gienfly lobedesiied. Tlieiecent explo
sion in Wyoming was caused by llio tcsteis
with safety-lumps.
Shifting tliri ItcspoiiHlbiltty.
A Douglas county farmer has taken il
Upon himself to defend the county com
missioners in their method of selecting
juries. Like a hired attorney who has a
client with a bad case , thU farmer in
geniously sets up a straw man for Hie
purpose of knocking him down. He as
sumes thai wo have Censured the com
missioners because the grand and
petit juries for the next term were ,
drawn from the farming and laboring
clement instead of from tlio banking and
mercantile dement. He asserts that the
judges would have excused the merchants
and bankers if they had been drawn , and
therefore tlio commissioners wore fully
justified in choosing men who could not
gel excused on account of their business.
This may be a satisfactory excuse for the
commissioners , butit will not bejicceptcd
by the people. Nobody contends , and
leasl of all the BIK : , that juries should bo
made up of bank presidents and
licit merchants , although this class
should not bo exempt from doing
jury duly any more than they should bo
from military service in ease of war.
Nobody pretends to find fault with the
commissioners for puttins farmers and
laborers on jury duty. Our protest was
directed against the selection of profes
sional jurymen , bar-room bummers , and
men who have notoriously been law
breakers. It is not necessary to hunt
among tlio gambling dens and low re
ports when the commissioners want farm
ers and laborers to servo on juries.
The attempt to shift the responsibility
upon the court because judges often ex
cuse prominent business men from serv
ing on juries is too transparent. It was
tlio duty of the commissioners lo place
Iho names of responsible and reputable
citi/.cns on the jury list. They had no
right to presume that the courts would
excuse them from service. Q'hey certainly
must have been aware that the grand
jury was called to take action in the
Lauer case , and they knew that powerful
influences would bo brought to bear to
prevent an indictment.
IN his semi-annual report of the
finances of Douglas county , ex-Treasurer
John Rush has made some valuable and
timely suggestions , which tlio county
commissioners should adopt. The sys
tematic transfer of the money in the
sinking fund to the general fund is not
only contrary to the intent ot the law in
defeating the purpose for which the sink
ing fund was created , bill Ihis practice
will seriously affect the credit of the
county. There should bo some provision
made for the payment of the
bonded debt of Douglas county.
What has been done cannot bo undone.
The commissioners cannot levy a now
inking fund tax to replace the money
taken from the sinking fund , and the
only way that they could replace il would
be lo take the amount out of tlio general
fund. If thai were done during the pres
ent year the whole general fund would
bo exhausted , without leaving the county
in condition to meotitsrnnningoxpensos.
But a halt must bo called from now on
to any transfer of money from the .sink
ing fund. The proceeds of tlio sinking
fund bhould hereafter bo carefully invest
ed , and principal and accrued Interest
should bo applied to the payment of the
county debt.
SiiKiiiUAK has not 11 very ex
alted opinion of the bravo cowboy , whoso
reputation for fighting is based mostly
on hh ability to tire his revolver in bar
rooms and riding rougli-shod through
the streets of frontier villages and terrorizing -
izing over peaceful citizens. In support
of his opinion ho cites a case in which
seventeen cowboys asked military pro
tection ngainst five Indians. IIo could
have also cited the case of the cowboy
raid on a Texas village the other day.
Nine cowboys , who attempted to run the
town in their usual bull-dozing style , van
against the sheriff , who killed live of
them and captured the survivors.
Da , EASON of New York has begun a
prusade against brass boer faucets ou the
ground that they nro unhealthy. As presi
dent of the New York health department
ho issued 9,700 orders last week to saloon
keepers to substitute iron faucets lined
with porcelain. This Is a new fo"ru of
temperance agitatloii vhich the manufac
turers of beer faucols Will bo inclined to
resent o\cn more than high license.
Tiinitr. are 83iJ oasds oh Iho dookcl of
( ho Douglas county district court , and 07 ,
or about onq-twolfth of them , are divorce
suits. Tills shows that domestic infelicity
is on the incrcn c in Omaha , but the in
crease is probably only in proportion to
Iho city's growth. Thcio are. probably
no more divorce can-s In Omaha than
lliero arc hi ( jtlier clllos of 03,000 popula
tion , i . . _
' lXTj5uAIlijWS.
The Clmmlcltcr nt Hie Opern Hoit so.
"Ineu-rsoe the opera homo chandelier
lighted any more , " said a steady Iheatio-
goer. "I think thfe Is A mistake on ilic part
ol Manager Hoyd. It may be n lllllo cMia ex
pense to light up the chandelier , butit outfit
to bo done all the same. The cheerful cllt-ct
of llio Illumination upon llioatidleneo is well
worth llio extra expense. Tlio doiu of llio
opera IIOUMJ Is very alliactlvo when illumln-
Icdbylhc chandelier , and I hope Mr , Hoyd
will order the gas lo bo lurnctl on hereafter.
The nudltornun of Iho opera house Is gener
ally kept too daik anyway. "
llimlnc s nt the Stockynrelfl.
"If you want lo see business Irausacled on
a largo scale you ought lo go out to Ibo slock
yauH , " remaiked a business man. "I have
business out there ; times n week , and
every Hmo I visit the yards Iho mom con
vinced 1 am that they and Ilic packing bouses
are bound lo bo Immense estubllsluneiiNal
no distant day. Call lo and hon Hlul i daily
bttjcns tlieie , and the supply jiisi now Is
haidly equal to the demand. I suppose this
Is ow lug p.utly lo the sevoic eold weather.
"Omaha could easily support another fust-
class and one moie good second-class hotel , "
remarked a piomliient clti/en. "Mr. Pu\ton
ciiously contemplated the election of a
bcaiillful six-story hotel building , 18J feet
seiuatc , on hlspiopcity at the norlhcast coi
ner of Farnnm and Sixteenth * tieels , locust
5500,000but has given up the Idea , und will
put up a handsome and substantial business
building Instead , next summer. It his name
had not been used In the naming ot llio Paxton -
ton house I believe he would have rallied em I
his hotel idea , but as he could not very well
call il the Paxton ho gave It up. However ,
Iho people will not grumble if he puts up a
live ensixstory building. I umlcr.itanel a
prominent business linn has already made
arrangements to lease a latge portion of It.
The Mm ray building , on Fourteenth street ,
next lo the Paxton , Is lo be u ed as a hotel. I
understand that Mini ay has altcicel his plans
so as to make a hotel ot It. It Is to bo leased
to Mr. Joslyn , who Is to run a flist-class S'2.00
a day house. Joslyn undcistands llio busi
ness and I believe will make It pay. The
house will bo conveniently airauged , well
furnished and equipped with all modern con
veniences. It is to be called Ilic Mm ray
house. " I
The Best Patrtina of Hotels.
"Omaha Is a good hotel tc vvn , and no nils-
lake , " conli nued Iho gentleman. "It has
become headquarteis Ibr the duimmeis In
thlspaitof the country0. They all try lo get
hero on Salmday , so. that they oan spend
Sunday comfoifably. If Itlweio not for Iho
diummers some hotels would have a hard
low to hoe. Theio aid about 80,000 liavellng
salesmen in llio United Sta'les. Their ex
penses , at an average of § 1,600 n vear each ,
loot up 5120,000,000 a j car , and their salaries
amount to S'-JOO,000,000 ti'yoafi ' This Immense
sum Is scatleicd all over tup United Stales.
It keeps up the ho'lcl . and is one of Ihe
mostimpoitanlr.items 'pf rn'ihoad passenger
icceipts. The character of the havcllng
salesman has changed within a elccado past.
You will find very lew boys and fewer diunk-
aids upon the load. The competition is so
gieat and the expense so heavy that linns
have to semi out their boatmen , and salailcs
of 83,000 and SVJO'Ja ' year aie by no means
uncommon. " _ _
The Traveling Salesman.
A piomino.nt salesman recently said to a
lopiesentatlvc of the Clevclanil Lender :
"These traveling men sell all sorts of guoeK
Some of Ihein carry a half dozen heavy
trunks and olhcis carry their samples In their
ovcicoat pockets. One man I know gets
§ 3,000 a year for selling the skins which butch
ers put around sausages. He diesses like a
Broadway swell and canles his samples In a
bag no larger than a lady's shopping satchel.
The best of such skins are made in Emope ,
and butchers buy of him every wheie. Then
thcio Is a man I know who travels from Bos-
Ion lo San Francisco and sells nothing but
OHO grade of boot blacking. Some traveleis
sell by pictures of the articles they have to
sell. Clothing forms the laieest class of
diummers , and next come those who
sell boots and shoes. Then we have the
ehy goods salesman , the giocer , the liarelvvaie
men , hats and caps , and otheis as nuniur-
oiis as tlieie are trades and factories.
Traveling men are as a nile bright , gene
rous follows. They spend freely and iiAl'ay
ot them when they become old and leave tlio
loael find themselves poor. Wo have now a
project to take care of disabled traveling men.
It Is a tiavellng men's home , to be endowed
by traveling men and to be devoted to their
use , The ideals that each one of the 80,000
traveling men Is to glvo&l ayearfor the next
thico years to such an Institution , This will
makoa total of S'340,000 , and liom this wo
will buy a farm in Kentucky or some other
good locality and erect comfortable buildings
with rcadlug-iooms , pallors anil chambers ,
so lhat the occupants can haveall of the com-
foit.s ot life during their declining ycais.
Wo will f uither endow the homo by a year or
two more of contiibulious and Iho Inslitu-
tlon will bo under the earn of a competent
boaiel of munageis. This piojcct Is , I undcr-
slaiul , lo bo submitted to the next annual
meeting of merchant travelers. It has many
supporters among tiavelmg balcsmen and. I
will not bo surpilbed If it Is can led out. "
A Little Check uu Drummers ,
"What's new In the boot ami shoe busl-
nessV" asked a Cincinnati Inquirer repre
sentative ot a traveling salesman recently.
"Prospects good. Fewer failures In Iho last
six months than over befoie but Wo are In-
tiodticlng anew system wlh | regard to trav
eling men something In thOiiatuio of a re
( )
form. Yon know that heretofore liavellng
men wciosent out vvltii samples , and were
supposed lo take a cerlalh route , \Vell \ , liom
tliuo to Hmo ordois came'lii'and ' ' by and by ,
In the course of tvyo of tlneo ) months , the
man tinned up. Hut we never could tell
vvheio ho was. He vvasdikoj the Irishman's
flea. He might bo tolling stories In Omaha ,
singing Hongs In YokquamaIlliting / with n
mauled woman in Hong , Kong , or chasing a
porpolso ou the saud ban ) of Now Jersey. II
was terrible on the hous5. Well , now , there
are 2 jO traveling men tj-nt fo out from Qlp-
clnnati In the boot anil t > lioo Iraeto alone ,
draw ing salaries to the amount of § 500,000.
Now , each of those traveling men Isptovided
with a number of postal cauls endorsed to the
home house ; on the backs aie blanks for
statements showing when the agent arrived ,
when lie leaves , his destination , wheie he le-
ceived mall , and orders mailed. These cards
ate mailed each day. Then , besides this , the
agent makes a weekly report , which Is de
signed to facilitate the work eif t he ofllce by
having the accounts ot the favelmguiaiiin
a permanent form convenlcn t for reference ,
but It Is also Intended to make it aiecoid to
which the otlk-eiB ot the company can icier
at any subsequent time and know what par
ties were solicited and Interviewed. Tlio
wholesale clothing mm havehrul so.iuethiiif , '
like it tor something over a > 'ear. "
Capt. Jack , tlio Wet Beaut.
Capt. John AV. Crawford , belter known as
t. Jack , the IVet Scout" of the Uluck
tfew York pieparlng to publish h
volume of frontier icmlnlccncps.and pochy.
He was formerly n resident of Omalm , niui
was for a while employed by the IJnr. , which
sent him to tlio Black Hills nsconcspolident ,
nnd Cqulppcel him for ids scout with General
Crook in the Sioux campaign , "lie Is n
sttlklmt figure in his walks on llroadttay , "
sr ys the New York Tribune , " with his lone
nnd silken light-brown hair flantlng on the
breeze , coveted In part by n huge white som-
biero. Ills clothing smncks of n dcslro for
notoriety , being llghi-coloted nnd somewhat
loud for Xc\v \ Yolk stylo. But I doubt if
nuy one would care to tell the captnln. so.
Helms tlio reputation ol being one ot the
best plainsmen nnd scouts of the west.
Ho Is n native of Iteland , whence
his patents came in 18M. His fath
er Mas addicted to slioug chink nnd
died fiom nlcohollMii. The ) son has never
touched Ilfiuor. Ho wns one Ot the first men
loonier the Black Hills , ami
towns In Dakota , lie distinguished hlm clf
in the Indian campaign of IStf by n tide of
fhe da > s. In which lie coveted -100 mlle-i , pass-
luir tluoiii'h n countiy nll\o with hostile In
dians. Tlio lido was made In icipoiuo ton
lelegtam from the govcinmcnt , which scut
him from Medicine Bow , on Iho Union IV
clficioad , to the llosehud nnd Llllle Big
Horn , wheio his piosenco was needed. He
wns again in government sen ice in 18iO , and
\vnsiiistiuiiicntal Iu Fecuilnu ; tha filcniily
netlon ot Chlet Ouiny and his Ute follower * ,
with whom dipt , Jack wasnfuvoiite. In
splto of llio lack of ciilllvntliig Influences
and education , I nm told dial the captain lias
gUcti evidence nf Hide but creditable poetic
talent , which has found rxnresMnu In one
volume nlicady published , nnd Hie poems
soon to be biought out. "
Ceilnr linplds ( Xcb. ) Ite-publlcan : Mllktn
S. Holfimui , pilvato scciclary lo Clov. Unwes-
hns oom.inn.nccd n libel .suit against Itose ,
water , the editor of the Omnhn'lll : ! : , claim
ing 830,000 damage * . It l founded ou .somo
cdltoiinls Iu the Bii : : of last Match , dunging
Hnll'mnn with IIOIMJ stealing and other like
offence's. The outcome of it will be Hint the
claimant will glvcgienlcrpubhcltj to bis past
Fnhbury Gactlc : .1. M. Hoffman , piIvate
seciclaiyof the povcinor , has sued ] ' , . iiei e-
water , of the Bin : , lei libel , placing his dam
age * at fc30,000. llotowaler , we believe ,
called him n lior-e thief and vniloiis other
pet names. It iMJCIHS n smnll thing lor ft fel
low to go lo law about however , nml Iho iiill
will be likely to qonvoy the impression that
tlieie may be ( .01110 tiuth In Ihe cluugcs.
Chicago Hcinlcl : Theio is a limit , it
seems , lo the patience of piivate secie-
tarics. An Omaha newspaper was luiv-
Ing lots of fun with the young gen
tleman who holds that relationship to the
governor ol 2cbiaska , nnd ho sued It for
libel nil of a sudden because It Intimated that
he once had n gieat fondness lor other pee
ple's boises. As the piivnlo ficcrctiuy asks
lor 530,000 llieio Is a piospccl that be will
have some fun with the newspaper beloielie
gets tlnough with it.
Speaker Cailislo isiaiely seen in see : ty.
lie Is a vvotkci like the piesideut.
The Iowa congtcssmen me unanimously
In favor of letting Ihe silver law alone.
Senator 1. eland Stanfoid la-S about
twenty-five begging Ictleis cvoiyday ol his
Senator Gorman took Iligijliis with 1 im to
the democratic caucus at Anapolls and not n
vote escaped him.
A coirespondeiil s-ays Iho now eoupiessnlon
nro carrying elf the honors lor wind and
bottom In sin'Ccli-miiking.
liCpiesentalivo Bland has been a clti/en ol
California and of Utah. Ho bccnmc
acquainted with the silver in its home.
Senator Edmunds has got himself into a
fecinpe nnd has no one bat himself lo blame
for It. He has thanked a poet for n poem
seal him.
Senator EvaiIs' lessaie pretty long , but he
cannot ildo the gold hoi e and Ihe silver
horse too. They nro nbout to lui n off ou
dltfeient loads.
The ndvancement of Congicssmnn Del-
inontlo the head of the foreign affairs com
mittee , I.s , In Xevv Yoilc , ascribed to the in
fluence of his father with Cecictary Bayard.
The United States senate is without a
.lone ? . Both the Joneses are absent Irom
Washington , and It is said the Floiida Jones
Is coiutlngasweethcait In the hope of early
mati i many.
A tepublican senator says If the piesldcnt
will loll Iho senate that he removed otllcials
forpaity ications his appointments will be
confirmed at once , but they Intend lo bring
him lo lhat.
Bepiesentative Holman ayshchas diiven
llihly miles nl a stictch over line laud in Da
kota without seeing n slnglo house , yet he
leained that every aoio was taken up under
homestead , timber cultiue and oilier laws.
A Republican Washington conespondont
says .Senator Wilson of Maryland Is a little ,
whlte-haiied man , who sits down moie lo Ihe
fionl , and who Is the very oppossto iu nil ic-
speuls or his colleague , ( Joimun. He is
small and rollilng. Gorman Is 10 years old
ami Wilson Is W.
A Plain , Truthful Publication.
I'lllelmiaChioiilcle. '
Wo like tlio Congiesslonal Keconl. It
nevei pilnls landscapes and labels them with
the names of prominent Individuals ,
Diplomatic Secret ItovealccJ ,
New I'ni/f / Star.
At a recent clmilty fair In Beilln the ciown
princess oCCoimany sold small sausages nt
S15apiece. Xo wonder that Blsmnipli will
not admit the Ampilcnu hog.
Can't Uo Very Sick.
Cltlenuo Xcifi.
King William has just opened the Prussian
diet. As thoPiussIan diet consists In pait
of sauerkraut , LImbiuger cheese niulFuuik-
fort sausage , the king ran't be very sick.
No Use to .Make it Better.
ClilciiUii Tlinet ,
A popular cleigymnn In Boston delivered n
sermon last Sunday , entitled , "Maka the
Woilcl Better. " But what's the- use while &o
many persons want the entlio cuilh just as
it is ?
Ono Wuy to Kuko tlio Correction.
Tatniagi ;
Theio Is only one thing that can coucot the
disaster of nn alliance with u bad husband ,
and that In a funeral. The police routtsof
llio world cannot correct Ihe evil. A nils-
take once made nbout marriage is made
How WJIi It Wonc In New
fi'tiv I'ntk Motntii'j Juiiiiidl.
A license ? How shocking I the glils ex
claim , Why can't wo get married in peace' . '
Shall bald-headed lawyeis with souls like
parchment deal romance oul , like law , by the
pleeo ? Instead of a license the city should
pay a bonus to loyeis to wed u * , wo say , 'Tls
to nice to elope by the aid of a rope. X.ow
must weddings be prosy as home without
To the Point ,
Clilca'jn fl'ctw.
Senator Cullpm's bill to regulate Inter-state
commerce provides that no common caiilcr
sllall charge a greater rate for a Mioit hau
than ior a lout ; ojie , except when rt can be
shown that such chamo docs uot constitute
nn unjust discrimination. Senator Ciilloni ,
Is tei bo toncratulatod on lu\ylng piepiictt ; a
hill r > HlfJi Ktiay as fur bnckuuid ami &IOJH ni
piecUeiy * tii9 point of '
However , as the bill provides for llio appointment
pointment of Aye commissioners nt a snlori
ot $ rfiOeach ) it cannot bo said thai the MMia
tor's bill accomplishes absolutely no re/form
lie NevctIVoitlcl be Mlsiotl.
San IVnrictoo llmnlttt ,
Some punishment ought ( o bo devised foi
thocilmliinlc.irclcssness which icsiills nearly
everyday In tliovvoundlngoi Killing of some
one by the man who didn't know the plMol or
gnu was loaded. The fnct that no malice px-
Isis In such cases does not exonerate the
guilty peison any more limn in the Mips of
hunting accidents ol which Iheio has been so
laigc a number ( his season ,
A Hhot at Stanley.
St..out ? ffrimhtfcetll.
Mr. Henry M. Stnulei. laloof Congo , and
not Unknown In St. I , oul ? , hihlscs the Kng-
ihh people to fcelllo ( lie lilsh troubles by
"flishtliiK' ' the liislt pconle. .Stanley , since
his alleged exploits In Aft lea , hasbceli much
petted and palionlwl by lie ) Kugllsh nils-
tonaey , and so sides with them In their views
of the situation In liclniul nnd the best leme-
dy thcicfor. Ho Should either go back lo
Congo or come to Ameilca. In eltlior. cnso
hu would be likely to have it wann icceptlon.
In Allllctlon.
iVcic I'M A Sim.
Cold Is the meal thai the while bear eal.s
On hli table of lee and snow ;
Cold it Hu1 1,1 H that the with us lakes
In his shallop ot chilling Hue.
Cold | the plimibei'ti heart when his eyes
Witli oMilhitlim Milne :
Cold 1 > > the Incaktiist vollec served
At this boaidlng house ol mine * .
Cold Is the biith thai Ihe wild bhd finds
In lih pcich on thu distant hills ;
Cold ih the erase \vheio thu Illllcs sleep
By the banks of the frozen ill ! .
But colder than all things under the beam
Ot tin1 twinkling noitlit-in Mai1
Isu two-mile i hie of a wlnti'i's night
In n Bioadwuy sin liiee ear.
ST.YTK AND Tninnxoitv.
Tlic > waterworks epidemic has .struck
A si\ly-aciv cemetery has boon laid out
near lla lln s.
Holt comity has a cash balance off 10-
111 m the treasury.
The bank of btellti has Hied niticlos of
incorporation , t'apilal , fcM.OOO.
Quail and prairlo chickens were killed
by the thousands in the late . lorm .
The voting and wrowinp : town of Mead ,
Sauudors count3' , has been incorporated.
Thirty thousand dollars was laid out In
school improvements in ( .Sago county lusl
The cvprcss company has made peed
Ihe loss by the robbing of Ihu Cluulron
The waterworks forces in Wosl Point
ares bucking Jack Frost vigorously , and
makin" good progress.
Thu commissioners of Bicliardson
county pslimatti the expenses lor Ihe
present year at 1411,000.
Four -ehoc > l house- , and fifteen teachers
guide and shape the joiing idea of Blair ,
at an annual eo < t of $7'lU."i.
Belva I/eickwood , attorney , Ircturer
and presidential candidate , is' gathering
up stray pennies m the small towns ottho
A Wayne youth with a swell front ,
agrees , lor u stipulated sum , to get out
side of four elo/.cn oyster-friers in thirty
Tlio .surveyor general's ofVice in Plaits-
mouth pivH'nts a calm and iinrulllcil ex
terior , notwithstanding the "merry war"
of wind.
Miss Dishncr , the seven ly-day sleeper ,
has recovered the use of her arms anil
limbs , which were paralyzed at the great
Paul H. Uawlins , who elied in the in
sane asylum lasl week , was formerly ; i
prominent business man and politician of
tirand Island.
A Madison bog buyer , who swindled
hjs patrons by lalso weights , was con-
viclecl and fini'd if > l and costs , tlio latter
amounting to # oOO.
G. W. Tapper , an old man resident of
BenKleman , and J. II. League , a Cul-
burtson liarnossmakcr , wore fro/.en to
death in the lale stornia.
L. E. Jours , a Dixon county farmer ,
struck a seven foot vein of coal on his
farm 430 feet from the purtace. The coal
is1 paid to be of good quality.
"Baldy Ford , " the lough who suddenly
sprung into eternity , near Ulmdron , some
weeks , agy , Wiis it is claimed , materially
assisteelby a vigilance committee.
A bnikcman in the Crete yards slipped
under the cars Monday and had several
ear.s pas.s over him. lie was considera
bly bruised , but had no bones broken.
James Mitchell , the oldest white settler
in Harpy county , died lust Thursday , lie
settled in Believuo in 1SJ8. IIo leaves a
family ot seven children well provided
A Saundcrs county blacksmith is llio
possessor uf aiiKngli.sli t-ilvur watoh 228
yews old. It was made in Liverpool in
107 > 8 , ; md keeps time with the best watch
of modern make.
The managers of the I'lkhorn Valley
road have nmjptcd tlio estimate of the
right of way through Fremont , and Ihe
work of building will begin in Iho spring.
The estimate i5,000. .
Mr , A. W. Yardwido , the BHE'S cham
pion corn busker of North Nebraska , has
been promoted to n leading position in
the logishituio by the eastern press. Un
sought honors are falling thick upon him.
Tlio cily council of Plaltsiuoulh has
passed an ordinance levying an "occupa
tion tax" on all classes of business , in
sums ranging from $3 to $25 per year.
Hawkers , peddlers and non-resident
drummers uro taxed by the day.
The Mayflower farmers alliance of
York has resolved "that wo will not pat-
roni/.o merchants who will not on or be
fore the day of May , ISrfO , have their
goodn so marked that the purchaser may
at all times know how much money ho
pays as tarifl'on said goods. "
Cards are out announcing the sudden
doparluru from Ale-Cook , of Hiram C.
Hider and Mrs. Mat Itolllns. The former
Irnvofc a , family behind , ns docs also his
uoklocoinpanum. Itidur is quite wealthy ,
and is now Minpo&cd to bo basking in the
wrinkled Mimes of his male in Florida.
Friday , .v. vuiu .n. , .
lioivo and-was kicked by the frightened
animal , producing concussion of the
brain. The doctors think bho will re
cover ,
The city council of Plattsmouth has
submitted a draft ol a waterworks or
dinance lo Gc'orgu B. lumaii of Now
York , who has1 made a proposition to
build the works. In t'ase ho accepts Ibc
provisions of the ordjuunco , it will bo
submitted to a rote of Ihe people for rat
ification or rejection.
Jovva Items.
There are 231 students in Simpson college -
lego at Indianola.
The ice harvest at Davenport is esti
mated at 31,000 tons.
The treasury of the , stale agricultural
society contains ? 0,500.
The Vinlon Canning company liar-
YdMod 700,000 , cans ot corn during the
past year.
Bishop IVrry , hf the Kniseopal diocese
of Iowa , hus joined tlmhiiiglib Templar
of Davenport.
The town of Watnrloo defendant in
damage suits amounting to fvvwO , for
iujmii/s ( o perso i li ) bruntn sidewalk * * .
A Davenport lady. n.cinrd.Il.rnpfon lias
sued her soa-iii'l.iw fi-i' > ? ! .ru dm ? for
bonrdt c'lolhlng , etc. , furnished hhnfeel' '
"and wife since Juno last.
IJx-ioV'ernor ( U. 1' , ( ? uo , of DCS Molnc * .
is forlnulalingplnnsfora reunion of all
Iho Ijviug old lcgi lalors of the plate , Iho
reunion to bo held in DCS Moines some
time during llio coming winter.
Notices hayo been orvc > d on Iho owners
of building ! ) in DCS Moines In which sa
loons nro locale-el that they will bo held
liable for the co.-ls , lines and judgments
obtained against saloonkeepers.
A son of Mr , Talbcil , living five miles
from Muthrlo IVnler , while loading his
gun preparatory to n hunt , accidenlally
di-eharged it , blowing away a portion
of a fi-yoar-old brothor'.s leg. T.ho litllo
ouo elle-il live hours lalor aflcr having thu
injured limb amputated ,
Father Lonolian , paMor of SI , Mary's
< nlholio church , bioitx Uily , is about to
K-avo Ids ohargo and enter Iho .losuit
order in hi. Louis. The revoron I goullo-
man is ouo of Iho MroliccM and mo t ao-
coniplNied orators in Iho stale , and hit
public lectures mid momorlul addresses
always drew largo nttdiotioes.
The 12-yoar-old daughter of C. C. Lin-
vlllo.Vcst De-corah , was burned to iloath
la. > l 'I Inn-Mlay. This t-hlld was crippled ,
and imbeoilt' , nnd her molhor having
boon at a neighbor's a few minutes , em
returning found Iho room full of smoke
and the child King on Iho lloor dead , the
hair burin-don , and llio llosh on the upper
parl of the body buruod to a erlsp ,
The Diiuluith ooal mines turn out Ihreo
lous of coal per day.
A treaty of peace has been signed by
the warring railroad factions at Vanklon.
Sieutv I'alls will vote Kobrittiry on the
proposition of giving aid to the Hurling ,
loll , Coclar Itupiels' iv : Noilheni rnihoad.
A I'ierro invo.nlor has evolved u straw
burner , which ho olalnm will i evolution-
ixo the fuel ( | uoslou ! , Thu contrivance is
cheap and can be lilted to n cook stove.
A half ura/.y Fioucliiuan arrived at
llismarek a few days ago and e-roaled
epiilu a sensation by announoiug that ho
had been sent b.v tlio h-tlf-brcecl mid In-
dinu followcts of Louis Itiol te > nurchaso
ammunition and arms and tniiko other
in-ciiaradons for a general Urising ] ) next
Kiinball's arlosiun well has boon lclod
by Iho council unit found to run 11,000
barrels anil over in twenty-four hours.
A How was lir.4 struck al 11(55 ( feM , but
siiR-o the extra pining ha be-on laken out
adotliof | l.OIW fool has been reac-liod ,
with a How of 10,000 barrels a day , which
is { satisfactory to ovorybody.
Govoinor Warren lisuvos the popula-
lion ef ) thu territory sit 05,000 , , a gain of
10,000 iu live j ears.
liovernor Warren has recommended
that this loxi-duluro - take stops looking to
the erection of a capitol building.
The territorial tieasury conlaius $ ! M-
17 < "i. 10 in hiivd cash. Tlio aggregate in-
eloblodiH-ss of tlio several counties is
.Si\l.y-nino territorial convicts are con-
flncel in Iho Joliet ] ) onitontiarv , , whom
they : Uv Kent for their labor , and nine in
the Mubrnska penitentiary.
\Vill II. Kent , formerly of Omaha , has
ro6lgnod the editorship of the Laramie
lioomoruitfr. . , owing lei ill hoalth. H. W.
Itobins lakOti Iho vacant chair.
The assessed Vnluatton of the territory
Iiasineieased Irom SlO.GO.'V-'O'-J in 18711 to
$ : ,0,7ir.'Jill in 1885. The rate of tnxalion
has tlocreaseil from 4 mills in 1831 to I
mill the present vear.
Train Tulle.
"Thai was n queer game of poke-r vvi *
had out In Iowa the other day. " suiel thu
drummer , as ho look < ome celtulolel chips
out ol his pocket and put ( hem uwav In
his grip ; "Sam Slooiun , of Omaha , ami
two or tluvc more of us wore amusing
ourselves with a little game e > f draw as
tlio train ereopcd along through liio
snow-drifts. 1'relty opn wo stopped at
a little stalion , and waited a long time
for another train. While we were there
I opened a big jackpot for $10 , and
everybody stayed , After Iho draw I bet
ijlO more , and everybody dropped out
but Sam. lie got his hands on bis chips
as if ho meant to , ee me , when a man
who hnel just come into the ear , called
out : 'Hero's a telegram for Samuel
Slocinn. '
" 'All right , ' says Sam , opening the cn-
vclppo ami looking at his mcv-agc. a
smile coming on Ins faee. 'I was just
going lo catTyon , but now I'll see your
$10 and I'aiMiyou the limit. 1 give you
fair warning that 1 have a remarkable
hand. '
" ' 1 elon'l care bow remarkable your
hand , is,1 .says I : 'it will c-ost yon just ! ? 'J."i
morn lo SPO what l'\o got. '
" 'I'm your inun. ' suys Sam , with an
other chuckle , 'and I'll raise1 you another
J.20. I'd bat-k Ibis hand with my life. '
' : 'That's a nice blull',1 1 retorted , 'but '
you've struck Ihe wrong customer. I'll
call you. "
"Anil at Ihis I was sn excited that T
threw down my band showing three
kings and two ae-es. "
" 'That's a nice hand,1 said Sam , look
ing it over and chuckling again in a way
that was quite exasperating to me , 'but it
is no good. Gentlemen , ' ho went on ,
'I've just made ejiie e > f llm most remark
able draws on record. I held up nn ace ,
took lour curels , and now I hold three
pairs. '
" 'Then you have , .six cards , ' I exclaimed -
claimed , 'and the pot is mine. '
" 'Not so fast , ' f-ayr , Sam , coolly ; 'I
have two pairs ot hoveu spots and
Ihis. '
"Ami lirro ho handed us the telegram ,
grinning like a monkey. Tim telegram
read :
" 'Twin boys born to your wile Ihis
morning. All well.1
"Sam took the pot , but before the eliiy
was out 1 guess ho had spout i > very
dollar of U in honor of llio third pair in
that remarkable draw , "
, .
i i' '
The ) Uunlc Statement.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 2J. The weekly Inulc
statement shows the following change's :
lleseivo Incic'aso , SJOOTr 7.r > , The banks nenv
hold sSo.lO'ilb ) In excess of legal
inenlb ,
A vv el 1-d leased youiiL' man , MylliiK himself
J , \ \ liltnuy , has swindled the hanks ot Kan
sas City out ol SHooo on elults puiportlii
to bosk'nud by Omaha banks.
'nn7.n until your homl
IS U'Uily to llyoll ; tin-
til your nose nml ojon ills-
tlo-t ol tlilu , In llullngMTU -
Iwy Illllil ; until ) i > w lie-nil
nclius , month nnd Iliroiit
imu-lieU.uiul blood in fove-r
hunt. 'I'hIs H uu .Arulo
C'lituiili , Mini IB instantly
ii-lluxcil by a slnulu elriso ,
1' nml iKinuuifntly uuiud by
one botllo of SASIOIIU'S lUuieu , CUICB ton
Complete Treatment with Inhaler , SI,00.
Onu liottlo Iliulltiil Cnio.onu box CiiUirrlial
Foluml , imil emu linpio\e < d JnlinlciIu onejiock -
UK" , miiy now lie luul ol' all Urnytflats lor l.OU.
A k lor H\Nfoui'h luinatijCuiiu.
"Tliei only nlisoluiu siieelrtoo \ know of. "
[ Mm ) . Tlno9 | , < 'Tliu UsUuo huui found Initlllo-
llniool siilloilng1. " Illuv. Dr.Vlnt'li. ( . lloiton.
"Altai-a InnirHiiU-'Blo with Ciitiirni. thu ltti > iCU i-
CU , CUtk : lni3c-oiiiUoioil. | " [ Itcv , 8. VS' , Muiuoo ,
1/iwlslJUiKli. I'll. " 1 liavonot leiuinl u t-aso Unit
it did nni rt-lleii ) ut uucu. " lAndrow I.eo , ihui-
Pollfer Drug and Chemlcdl C , Boston ,
HOW'S YOl'H HIinriUTI/- Qifostiou
thut iinmialstouvuir Kniiiicd vlcllin e f Hliem-
nuitlsiu , wlietlluelii the unllnuiy pjiis-
Mm. 'i'o bucli tlio ( 'UTClJHA
j l'itsrLll U uu ciU-iriintuiuliiovcr
iHlliiiK boinco ol ic'lluf , buiilshlnir
, ihoumiitio , ntiiiiuUU' . sclallu , sndUen , .
- . . , , , iml IMMOII ) | pilin us li ) inii lc. ejui ,
oi'ituiiii. ' MM i-ly , will * . Al iluii-trUts-w ! , ! ll\
JinIID : jlol ui % nr.illid luo. ,1' Dltt'U
Ili-iJlt U I l )