Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BBfe MONDAY. , JAmJAK5T 5. 1555. ,
.Advertisements umUT this hrml 10 cents per
line for UiDfli si Insertion , timl 7 cents for esoli
Bubseqiient insertion nn < i ' n I HP \ < t-t ihoiitn.
BcvcnwonU trll bo oounttd to thollnoi tlioy
tnust run consocutlroly and must bo paid In R < !
Tnnco. Aidrcrtlscmcnts \ \ m ict be liniidtxl In
before 2 o'olocK p. m. , nnfl nnticr no circum-
Mnifccs wlU tlior bo taken or discontinued by
I'nrtlwndvortlslnir In th so columns nnd Imr-
ImMlio nnswcii nddrp ol mcnro of luHlir.K ,
will plcnso n k for chock to cnnblc them to RCt
their IrlteT * . ns nope will lie delivered except on
prwontfitlon of rticcls , All nn wcr to odvcr-
TO LOAN 011 liorK'V vrnsotis , tor-
MONfcV , \vutc'io \ , vrltliout rctnnrnl. Terms
onsj % ( ' .I Cnsnrll. Koom 19 , lion Hank Iliilld-
liifT , l.tli and runnin. . Tnko elevator. ca > tcl)4
tr oioo to loiinon city icsldoiico prow-ity.
$ ro.V. . Hay , 1500 rnt-nutn. _ l _
nAO T. ( AJ. Money mnny mnouut ,
JL On nil clnsf-csotfCcurity.
Short time lonna on ronl otato.
IxinKtlmolonnion rcnl estuto.
Money to loan mi chattel * .
Money to loan on fcollntcrali.
Money to loan oanny ( xooil eucuntjr.
Terms onsy , tlino to pull
Apply nttlii'Omidm rinnnclnl llxctmnss ,
llnrkcr'A bulldlnir , SW corner of
Uttccntk and I'mimm ets. , uiistnlra if *
MONKY'TO LOAN oulmpfoTciT mid imim-
piovod city | irou | > ily. Cumiliighiini &
UiL-nnnn , loll llodgu street. U
for everybody Iou I cnn boriow
MONKY on turnllnrc , hoiscs , wfiBone ,
plimos , stock ot nil kinds , diamonds mm line
wntclioson jour own tlmo. J'nyinoiusiocolviMl
* t any time , and Interest reduced pie intn.
1'ropiTty left In jour own possession. 'Icims
jeivnstno loupst. Cnll mid seu mo. Iiuflness
ronfldcntjiil. No iidvuntnKO tuiiun. W. It. Oioft ,
Iloom 4 , WlllineH's NuwllullJiii ! , ' , NoithcnM cor
ner istli and Hnrney. _ _ TO
IONCV'TO OAX-O. K. nnvis & Co. i
Eotftto nnd Lonn nffonts , 160j i'arnninSt _ ,
t it !
ONKY TO IXAN On mjort ( securities. A
ONHY TO LOAN On chiittclR , Wooloy &
ItHrrison , room 0 , Umnlm National bnnk
building : . _ 71)1) ) )
ONIJY TO LOAN On real estuto nnd chat
M tels. I ) . L. Thomns. 00
ONIY i O LOAN-TII siinm or jcoo nnd upwards
wards on flrct-olnss rnnl cstntd security.
Potter i ; Cobb , 1515 I'm nnm St. _ KOI
ONUY T.oTvNlTu nt C. r. need * Go's. Loan
office , on furnlturo , iilanos , lioifes , wagons
porsonnl property of nil Kinds nnd nil other ar
ticles of viiluc , without removal. Over let Nnt't
llnnk , corner Uth nnd Kivnmm. Ml IniRliiusj
feti , Icily cbnlldontal. _ SOJ
Iri o liXHANOi : llonso mid loVncnrToronto.
- IOn ) . , for wild land. 1. Douglas , inth and
Dixvuipoit fct.Ojialia. ti75- < *
SALIC I Imxonclcnn mcrcantllo busl-
FOtc t'liyltiff $ ' 1,000 per year , tlint I will Fell to
ulhunmn tor $ VX ) cush : 1'liorou h liucstlga-
tlon fnItcil to these luivln ? the ousli ; hnvooilier
Imslniss icaulrlng my time. Address H ( > ii Uco
Bl'SlNI'SS OHANCi-$8,000. :
Vorsnloor tnulo , Iniprovod farm of G40 acres
locntolnrar I.nupC-ltyteliormaiiCoNob.All flno
tlll'-lilolund ; lOOacica yioUo icaily lor crops ;
vrollwntoreil ; need faun house nml burn and
peed SjUl house , school house on sectiondun oh
< l mllrs : Loiip City II mlles ; riilho.ul graded to it ,
mid tiacklafd to vvitliln 10 inlloa ; title veiled :
will IraOolor KoncritlFtockofmorchandlfo with
ca h oiiiltof ] $1,503 or for small stock with
fitoip building anil lot or ro9li.1o.ico inopirlyiti
any peed HMJ to n In Ca'l or nd-
J. It. nice , 1 > 2 Knrmiiii. 07JHS1
"ITUHl MAM' 'Tho best pavlnz business in
JOnmlia ; liuo location. Addicss U u ; : , lleo
Ofllfe. DC'- * ; . ' ! )
Foil SAM' Rostaiiinnt , a # rcat baiwilnt2CO.
Gibson & Archer , Itoom 'J , Wlthncll Ulork ,
rOlSAli | : Cheap , a stock of hardware and
sot of tinner'u tools , and building lor rent ;
also building for v.ilo 'M\V ) , 12 fout blt'h. Itca-
BOH tor seUlntr. Koliit' west , Address U. 1. Jolm-
son , Sterling , Nob. Pi. ! 27 *
TTIon SAM3 Or evclmnsc The Merchants'
J-1 bpttl , a line new hotel iii Chudion. Nob. Ken-
tnl receipts nowS-ifX ) per month. Will soil or OY-
chnngo lor rosidcncu ivni1 business pait ol
Omaha. Parties telling doMio to iivo In u linger
clly. Address , W. A. Lnngwoithy , ChiKluiu ,
Npbratkn. 013leb3 *
F lIt irxoilAXr.r.-A J7,50o stock of dry
itooilsfor H cash ; bnlnnco itniiiiciiuibcrcil
land or ( food Omulm property. I'or melmnxo
A $10.WUstock ( ol dry goods lor 'J ciwh , balance or ( jood Oninbii piopcrty.
Gibson , Archer & Co. , Itoom 3 , Witlmell Illnclc.
Oil SALK A\\oll cst bll ho.l bank luinst- :
orn Nebraska , county scat town for ( -.lie ;
glS.OOOcapital loqulica. Addiess It 88 , Uco Ollice.
. 'J.5-oll
* | 71OH SATji : A paying nort'spapor business In
JU good NobiasXa low n ; price , $ iJOO. ( Olltson
& Arelior , lioonrU , Wlthncll Ulock. ts
SAM : Or to tnulo tor Omaha icsl-
Foil property n Inrin of 16Q acrct. jiait
under cultivation , all lit lor cultivation , adjoin-
Intr Iho city limits ol O'Neill , Holt < * o. , Kobniska.
It has a liouso , barn and windmill. A bpoclul
invostinont for u fanner , lly Uep. w. jny. IWJ
- i'a i n n in. tsu-L'j
oil NAM : A $0KX ) ftotlc of ffonoral mcr-
cliaiidlso in a inpidly jriovvliK ? to n eon-
talnliitfliVUJ Inbabltants and 2 laihonds , sitiiu-
toil in ono of tlio lictt larniiii ? anil Ftork couu-
tloslu Southein Nobraaka. ItuslnosaH thee d-
ost. location the best , and tnulo the laijiislof
nny house In town. No bottur oppoituntly can
bu found lor any 0110 i\lslilntr to nirauo In
nbovo blliine . Special liuliicomonts otforod
juiTha cr. Will sell or rent bnildlii ! ? for full
iMlitlciilaiB addicts Ucnorul Mcielitinl , lloo
Olllco , Onmhn. M7-'J1
ij-MIlk Dairy , about S"i cows md
JJ oulllt. mid land tij lo.iiu. 1 > , li. 'llionuu ,
Itoom n , Ciolgliton block. ful
SALK llRidwiiM business in Omaha.
Addiess U. 45 Uco Olllce.
TpOK SAMAn estahlishiMl loMiiiinmt ilolnu
Jn ( rood business In Omaha , pitro Sl'UU. ' ( ilb-
ton & Archur , Uooin 3 , Wltlmoll lllock. 7JS
OK .SAI.K-TlioCouimorciul Hotel at Soutli
llond. Nob. , prii.0 W.IWI ; terms easy. Ad-
dicss T. W. I' . , IJyx 15 , Soutli Ucnd , Neb.
' . '
_ Jt7J.folilO'
nrnou SAI.K-Or o.vchuiiBO Tviolvo hundiod.
J ? and olKhty ucicsot .Mo. , timber nnd
land , lei ty miles oust ol Kansas City. As ilch
> "roll ns tiny laud In tbo Mate , will M II all or part
nt III Icon ( lolliimpcr iicieorvvill oxdiaiiKO lor
uood Iniprovoil oruiilinpx-ovcd Nobiaska hind.
, Uoiiroiil s bauur 1U
-7 OH : lots in Pprlns Hill , flffloach ,
J ? Also nil obtubliiOicd bankiii ) ; buslnoss In No-
tiratka , c'ounty teat. Clbton &Aichor , Itoom
j ) Wltlmoll lllock , Omaha. i ) _
T71O11 KAI.i : Tbo only Uatbcr and flnilliiff
Jbutlnohs in l.iiuoln , Mlileh lias been car-
rlod fin lor tun joins voiy mccos-fully ; the roa-
ton for EclllniTi death ol the propiictor ; cupllal
rtHiiilird , fiom rXK ) ( ) to $4,000. AddlcsbMrs.
acob llnborlo Lincoln , Nob. 6J
\VANTKIi Hoard and loom by gentlemnn
i nottooM'cod S25iiormenlh ; piivutolum-
Jly luoleiioj. AddiO'iSlI 70 , UooOlhce. 07021
\\fANTii : > &inicntouut soup with bread ,
' 5o HlUl ( . 7b-25'
JL' a plntolittl _ _ jn.
TUhT Ol'iNin : : A now bouullns house ; now
* J turnltuin , clonn ronnia , niul ovcty room ttir-
nlsliod vvltli btovo and luol lioo of obuiKti lo
Iiomdort , : KuarimtOLtl eijual to any f.1 liouto
voslofCblciiKit. I'oi1 ilny & 1 , per vu-ck , lionrd
nnd lodifiiu' . * j.10 : UU' N lOlli ft. l1-- ' .
. . j Itoim and heat txiuiil $1.50 a work :
very best locution , 41S S. liilh pt. bf" S3 *
ROO3I and boaiM , $ .1 per week ; very best lo
cution. Ibli IJi.vcinKntfct , ' '
riiSON.\l.-lliMiil : ! about the 2il baiKiilus iu
io.ilo.tniopubliliolby J. L. nice 1 3 1'ar-
ni.VUTliiS nnJ then cull on us and let ua
4XtiiUu , iou out to invostisutc.
I'ull ( ormn lot tv\o houffs. louts for f 11. 1'hll '
Bhurlilau Avc , ninth ot hi , .Murj'o Ave , $1.HV1
Kjvu room house nnd Hitl7ih mid Hint , sjV ) .
Thieo room Jmu&u and basement , ITth and
J.en\eii\Muth , fl.UW.
* . .Two lotsSOxlW , four loftin house and guiumcr
' Itluhcn , Ilinscoiu I'l.veo , i-.NX ) > .
Full lot. ton iooiii housf , St Mary's Ave and
SVtllSt. t-'l.UX ) .
1'ull lotclciruut 5 room lioueo , 1'i-osi > ct 1'ltico ,
i lull lots , iourrooiu hoiuo , fctablo , etc. ,
T o lull lots , Uroam house , icnts for 500Milt ;
( > | jfonr I-oiiv ciivv 011 h , W Vtt.
/MiTUu ) houeo. hiryu'loi ; luiinovcinent Assocla-
* 'f.ttou ' udd. . $ I.W ) .
'IVo lots and ; ) bonsrs , hull's-M add. , ihoap.
10 lots ill UIIIIM.MIH l'l ; o U-oiuf.OI loi-KKI. (
n l.ois iu lunUo'b' , l.alvo's , I'ntili-U'K r.iul Ox-
foril't acids , iloi III. niul lota in t-hull's , lllcKiliy
[ " > ijl'lacti , Wi-st Oiiuiliu , lliis" nnd MnrsliV adds.
" Uyou wimt lo invent lnlart'.linscall
iinil see ) us. lidwuiJT I'elouon vV ty. , Ilooina ,
B.i : . tor. 15th and ' - i sts. Vll
JLu , i : . I > . AitNOi.i ) . ooulM anil
JL/ movcU to Ijlt DoUb'ltw bticct.
VTUT'CJK ( oicnl r tntc tlcalrrs that Imvo lifted
1 > fols 1 ? nnd IP , block 11 , Kount/o VItuth'
nddltlon tft Omnlm for sale nro notinc < l tbnt I do
notdp lrtto ) sell snld lots ' nt present. John F.
lltlltli. 043-23 *
& . eslnto.
lirtvo a llnoll t ot Improved nnd unimprovciJ
lots In Oinnlmt ncro ncnr tbo city nnd hundreds
of thousands of ncros of Innil for ( > ale ; cono-
Mwnitcnco jollcltfd. Mnrshnll A Lobock , IMd
Iprnnni Mrcct. Olllco open till Op. m Pit
T OST Drown pointer ilojr : return nnd
-Uicvvnnlnt Victcrsl'uik , sJthand Wilson.
LO'T On the 13th , n trold lur-aMplu. Kinder
will plcush Iclivti K , nt tills oHlw , or H N.
I'Oi list. , mid iccelvo lovuml. _ 0 i *
Houn hor-'o vvltli siulillc nnd brldtoon ,
LOST In ilitht oyc. 1'lnilor rctutn to 1010
Paniidcrs St. Moat Sim kct. li0-ai
' o T ( hav her o , bob-tnllol , n jonis old ,
t vuUlil llW pounds lU'turu to C 3 South
inth O. nnd fct ; rovrnrd. John Hoyc , O > nli notor
uml llullder. UKl-gU *
1- eST Hod Irlih potter dojr , twd yenn olils
' lufu : lunmdfor hUictUrn toKO Kotth 1Mb
Sllect. - *
millwc.Mct7.nnr Stove Itcpnlr Co. . Ill South
-L UtliSt. bcbvrCHtiJodyound lougms. )
ryi MM iv'i ' : 1 lioioby until } ' everybody not lo
-L > tru t my wife lurmi > lhlnjr on my noroiint
an 1 n 111 not bo ro ponslblo lor the t nnm.
IWO.-U * y iMur.ii WIM.UIIK.
IAHIl'S m want of ROOil rtomcstinholpcnn
i bo puppllod by calling on tlio Omaha Hra-
plov iiu-nt Olllco , Iloom 4. Uushnum's Ulock. Mrs.
.1. w. Mori Isoti proprlolor. 74
ron gAi.E-'Miscsr.EANEOT'B.
SAM' Cholco broom com seed. U.K.
Foil , Omulm. IVI-20 *
i : KO buvsu wood ill att hoiso. N.
i : . cor. : nth and Cnllfot nla sf. D'H.30 )
171 Oil SALK 17 moio slulshs fiom the over-
JL1 stocked factory. Now Is jour rhnnco for n
bnrirnln.V. . T. Soainan , corner of I'atnam and
llth St. 373
_ _ _ _ _
WtilhnJ-nXo , t team of ponies nt 1B10
J'nriiiiin St. , It taken nt onco. tiro-15
" 171 OK SALK A Unlit tiirce-sprinft wnponnnd
J : roailcmt. 1507 N. IBtli. 77 *
" 77 bit sTUii UikHl s'uduTe pony. i
X' Dodfre.
TT Oll wrnther Ftrliis , ptorm fnsn and dooi , go
J.1 toF. D. Mend 'MO 8. 10th St. b'.K )
F on SAM : Two lots m Polhnm rince.ono
block Irom etrcotcnr track
intli til cot.
"V\7"Avrii > An oNpcrtcnccJ , capable and
V V uoat young woman lo asUt In tnklnir cnro
ofchllilifii nnl do second woilc. Call at brick
residence , couior of 11th and J'iorcoMi" ! . T ) . S.
lltti rigor. W.-2il )
Y\7Avi'ISU A competent irlrl for Boliorai
hoii ovvaik ; lecomiiicnOatlons icqulrod.
CnllutaWS St. Mary's Avo. 101-r.p .
; ANTKO A waiter girl. AiWicss 117Uco
vv onico. 1CU
W ANTKU A Klrl Iu timillyot three ; Ocr-
inan piofoircd. illlCalllornin st. 091-20
ANTKO Rood tflilj for ironcral house
work. Itoom 4 liuahiiian llloek , 10th and
llOURhlS. 4R )
W A pill for ( jonoinl housovvork ;
VVIIKCS $ ' ) f > 0 lor good jrlrl. Soli DoiiRlni.
1)1,12J )
! I > ( ! oed girls lor ( joncinl house-
. . . . . cooks , companion * , etc. , In small
Intnillcsiit prood WOKOS : wo do not charge pills
nujthimr lor t'urnlshliifr places. Omaha liuolll-
frcncoolllco , , loom U , SU cor. 15th and Douglas
Muct. Ki3
" \\TAJfTI > K ( lOodRlrl lor general liousonoik ,
imiulio 2,110 Culifoinla St. OS-20p
TV"ANTJ3U Good gbls for dlnlnif room , girls
, VV lor uliainbor work , i-ooks < or bonrdliiR1
houtojtand lusluurnuU , JlshvvashoM and hum-
diossps.fe'iiis lor privatu famillca. Call 1120 Far-
iiniu Et. E0i
" \\j ANTJi > Girl to do general housowoik at
V V S. lcor. . " 1st and J.oavonvvorth sts. 608
TT7"ANTJ'i > Girl for general housework. InV -
V V quire at 107 South 14th St. 83.1
WAN J GUIs for general hansovvoik ;
VV good plarea and good wngos ; places given
free. Call al 119 loth St. , Nebraska mplo.v mcnt
Agency , Cioimto Ulock. CSJ
ANTKO l"lr t and second cook at Uornn
W House. : ? 2. )
> A good man to tuko oideis for
puto Vrrmont maple sugar ; something
the people will bo glad to got. Address Hco 71 ,
lloo Olhco. iii2-25 !
'IST'ANTKIl SOmi'n for now lulltond vvoik.
li cc timispoitntUm ; ship Monday. Ap
ply Jttl Harney street , 1li 1 1 \ \ In V Co. ' .IJ-3-2J
W ANTKU Peeond-hand typo-writer orcall-
grapli. Address U 04 , Uco Olllce , Ptiitinir
! K > 2
VTfANTKO-A No. 1 cook , white , for hotel ;
V V good wngos ; call nt room 3 , SK cor. 15th
mid Douglas street. KM
_ _
"VV'ANTKO An expert accountnnt acquaint-
IT oil with county tioasutm'h auconnls in
Nobia k.i , to cheek up book running back 111-
teenjoais. None biitrompbtent men need up.
ply. Apply bv letter civ ing ovporicnco and
lofoiento to Clias. Joliuson , County Clerk ,
Wuyno , Neb. 'JiU-2.1
" \\T.\NTii > A eanler for a horse loule on
V V Dully livcnliiB lleo. ! KV.
Men and women to start a now
WANTKH at their homes ; can bo done
evenings mid Icained In an hour ; anr i > cr-on
making lo-d than lOo tof > 0u an boiir Hhould Rund
lOe at once for npaeUngu of KimplfS ol goods ,
and 21 working Rumples ( formulas ) to comment o
on. Addiess Albany Supply Co. , Albnnv. N . V.
Hi7fl7 *
" \\7"ANTii : > Ajoungmnn having luulll yours'
VV o\peilonco In a llisV'eluss goncrnl vtoro
v > onldllko a position In homo v\liolosalo house ;
speaks ( Icrmim , Kwisll'h itmlDuulsh ; best ii'lur-
eneosglven. Addiess 11 ( U , lloo ollieo. 1HII-25 *
THirANTi : ! ) Position by a gentleman , n fit ran-
V V rcr In Oinahu ; uddlcss 11.08 ut this olllce-
Situation I'-idiot in want of
KOtdiollablniloincgtloholpciin bo ucconi-
modalod In- calling at Ouinlnt IntclllKOncoOnieo.
Iloom II , 8. K.i-or. 151 h anil his. ilcH of
loloiencos furnlshoil vvltli every girl. ( Ul
Gullur fccholais by a competent
touchor. Address U UJ , HOT Olllcc. Ui2I
ANTKO Iloom mate ; Fplondld loonuvvo
W blocks wol ol' I * . O ; lent $10 per month lor
tvio. Uj7 , thlso'lioo. _ U7tKS' _
A good bant immediately , within
W a low blocks of our etoic. llrunch A : Co. ,
lV ) >
T\7"ANTii : ) To rout u 7or Broom ho'.iso v\lth
? nil modern Improvements , and located in
hct-t pint of city ; address with lull purllcnbiis ,
U. flj , lleo olllco. Oil 2 J *
IJH A lady of supoi lor musical odii-
c.illou and u.'ilnoinciit doslios to tecino
lK > Hid nnd loom with u prlvuto tiimlly vvhciu xlio
can t'lvo lesfeons in cAohango. Addrets U tt ) . lleo
oilici- . Ull-23
li li.N'r ( : Store , 8W J.'otth 13th Bt.
] tlltlNT-CottBW 033 Phil Shoiidun st
.i-1 ono block norlh of Bt , Mary's avo. Inqulio
at 1314 Oonah.s. _ USI-2U
Hoii'e ot 8 rooms J1 1 and liar
ITvoisitKNT JJouilt AGilllu2l3S14tli !
hi ix-ct. W
IT Oi : ItKNT Cottage. 7 looms , lurn , etc.
; Cutfctnenr 0tli. I-1 , T. Andiew,012 N.lOth
btieet. _ _ DIB
fTVOK Iir.vr UUekhouso , full lot , coiner IHh
J ! : md Webster ; low lent. U. U < liurlon , 118 ! !
rurnam. bUS
JIKST Honto , 3 rooms. $ " O. K
Tliumpeon , S. W. cor. lltl ) and Hurney , 71O
jvoil JtKNT OK Lisji : : s-ioora house on
1 Jlovviird Bt. ; 10-utio garden with G-ixiom
house udjimilngoiiy ; MJ-uci-o faim , 17 miles vvcat
of Omulm ; u tmtincss lots on St. Maiy's ave ,
Apply to U. U. Uluciumin < V Co. , 1217 Ilouunl et.
ItKNT llubcment and buko oveu. John
Kick , 1)15 N.lUtbbt. 75.ifebll
* i ; * * > K iu : > n' a'lllfinioubes"or 10 , U ami 4
A1 looms each. J. 'nlpi * . itoc. 055
17MUS JCKNT Nice llvo room oottUKu , S.TstU
-L' in ar Center. A. I' . TuVey , 1JJI Varimm fct.
Fult ItKNl' Two ivttn cs , tlb nd $13 per
month. W.bvuukT , tilunito Blue ! : . ia
171OK KKNT-NovT house nt 1520 Jncksottn
JL1 Apply nt Cunnlnjhnm. & llrchnnn'R , loll
Dodge St. _ , _ . _ „ I02 -
17AOK 11KNT Hotifo belonging to the cjtato
JL1 ofJudRO ClmdwIck.N/J Park ftvonuo. v\.J.
Council. _ _ _ ss\ _
YriointKNT Two now8nnd9 roomed bouses ;
J3 furnnco , bnth room nd all hiodcrn convon-
'pnccs , oner bloeK from f trr-i > t Car * . Inquire Jo.
F. llarton. 3U25th St. . or Smelting \ \ QiKS. _ 83J
KKNT A store room with peed collar
ITOfl Uurt street. Apply to John llAninor.
( mTlKNT Z stores on 9tn nnd Ixnivonworth
cut. 1 store on South IBih ( = U Uoth nrst-clnis
builness locations. Also houses to i cut. A. Me-
tlaock. "
* OIl ItKST rurni'bctl front loom 471 Noilh
J3 nOIl Slicet. 1W
lKNT NlccJy "fiTTnlshcd rooinsT1'- ! !
rnlrvicrw St. , or2Jth N St. Miuj 's AVc. t
ItKNTA pleasant furnished room with
otovc , J10 n month. 7AK N , 18th st. _ WO-Jli *
Itl'.NT rurnl hcd loom. Inaulrodtug
Foil , loth nud Douglas. 655
TJriolt KKNT With board , In private family ,
-U nicely furnished fiont alcnxi room ) gentleman -
man oud vvlleor two gentlemen ; llist-elnss j nr-
tlesouiv ; rofeioncos B\CH ami lopilrcd. Ad
dress If 61 , lice Olllcc.
IJIOIl irHNT-VuinlsTicd or unfurnished
JJ looms. WNoithawst. sy-27 *
F OH IlKNT-ltoomat ? 5 , ? 10 , $15 nnd J
IfilO 1'anmmst. tftV2.
OlUtKNT Diulnir loom nnd kitchen fur-
ulshedfor housekeeping inlso lodging looms
t Mia. Packer's 621 N 1Mb St. U57-gl
Oil HUNT rurnUhod front loom , three
ITi blocks from opornhovuo. lOISIIowiml st.
PI'i '
TTIOK ItKN'T nlcolv furnished pmlor loolu
JJ with bnitnl : uli-o first-class tnulo boniiUtlueo
minutes' walk from postolllco , ut 1814 Dodge.
if 13
T71OII linNT Ono suit of rooms f urnlshod and
Jj ono suit unfurnished ; good lostixmnn. ! in
building. nws c'umiug stioot. nio-ai
lNT3vmfurnlshcd looms , 013 S. ipth.
" S With boaid 1013 Capitol
1 021-2:1 : *
oil KKNT Nicely furnished looms Uvc
blocks fiom postolllco. ' 607 B. IGth si.
I OK HKNT-OllIco nnd desk loom , I'lcnror
F llloek , east 1' . O. Inqlitio UOom L 877
IMINT I.argo fuinlshed front room
Foil closet , eKe bank room. I'li Califor-
Ula St. 7U3
ITVOH HKNT Two suits of 4 rooms each ,
Ju 1'lorco street between 13th nnd 20th. 1'n-
qulro llth and I'm nnm. K. Moohlo. 533
OK KENT Fuinlshed rooms. ,22J N. 10th.
T Oll HKNT rurnlsliod rooms , 1503 llariioy
P Hiiysafulllotln
Cnnnln linni & Itrcnnan's
Now aUdilton.
eush , balnncoon
Honthly payments.
Cuuiilnprliam & Uronuan ,
1511 Uodso.
: - , in Patrick's addition. Call
FOKSALi-IotS Cunningham & lliominu ,
1511 Dodge.
TjlOIt SALi : Some cliolco lots on Cass and
J Callfoinia sticets : easy terms. Cunning
ham & Hicnnnn , 1511 Dodge.
T7\OK \ SALi : A peed house and lot , COxlfiS , on
J Popplcton uvcnuo. south liont , only S--r > 00.
Cunningluim & lUcnmui.
ISBO will buy a Rood lot in CniinluBham&
Urcunnn's additions ; monthly payments.
YOU WANT to save your money buy a lot
Ir Cnnlngbam & llrcnmin's addition. 1'ilco
only $250 ; monthly payments.
& UltKNNAN'S addition is
v- ' the clicapest plaeo to buy ( ? oed lots. See the
lots ami compare locntlou and prieo with uny ut
present on tbo inniKeU '
/ 1UNNINGIIAir & nilKNNAN'S addition rtn
\J the Military Itoad Lots lor'JjO ; 820 cash ,
balance on monthly pa ) incuts.
SALE Cheap lots In llanscom I'laco ;
Foil easy terms. Cunningham & Uiunmiu ,
1511 Uodffe. _
Oil SALE Acio lots inVa Iilnecton Hill.
$ > 0) ; easy payment * . \Vnsliiiitrton Hill is
Omaha's best and ino-t boautlf ullr located sub-
uib. It is Just wostol Walnut Hill.
"KpOll SALi : Ilarpnlns in all parts of the city.
JD Call and c.\nmino. Wohnvo lots in all the
best additions. A complete list of liousus and
lots lor siilo in the city. CunhiKliam & Urcnnnn ,
l".ll Dud o.
with us If you want a londysnlo for your
LIST - . Cunningham A ; Dronnuu , 15U
Uodfto. _
7lUNNi > "OIIA3I & HKKNNAN'S Addition
\J LotsS2'iO ; monthly puyments.
SALi : A peed corner lot on Cinning
sticot.buslnosspronoity.only J2UOJ. Cun
ningham V Iticimun , 1511 Dodge.
bALK 3 jjood business lots on Knrnam
Foil . $2JOOU for nil. Cunningham i : Uron
uan , Till Dodge ,
T7IOK SALi : Good corner lot , HO feet , south
-L1 fiont , two hoiihos and barn , onlj $ J,10D.
Cunningham \ fliennan1) ! ! Ilodtru. _
AmFFxtiTON HILL is the most popular
W addition lor ncic lots. 40 lots sold in tbioo
weeks. Cunninglimn it lliunnan , 1511 Doilgo.
fAM & UKKNN'AN'S addition ;
lots S2iV ) ; monthly payments. O'JfvSi '
I" T > ( Vll jiTvLi : fine iesidoncoTieur high bchoo ) ,
. * 7.r,00.
40\15' , liouso 0 rooms , Armstrong's add. ,
, .i 0.
: tt } 50. IIOIHO : i rooms , Virginia ave , § 1 7. .
lllcholco ldcoces In Haii'eom Place , line lo-
catlonsf.llU ( , JJ.3W , M.OJU , fl.mio , .Ic.
10J\210. cottasu 5 loomi , Ilaiibcom I'laco ,
and lots , Hoggs & Hill's l t add. ,
. , .no , $2,150 , , , f5vo3 , sj.ixis.
Houxumid Vt lot. California ht. . $1,700.
3 stoi y bnilBU. ' * lot , 17tb st , $ I , < U ) .
Lots In llnn-com I'lueo , $9X1 to 51.MO.
2 lots , llurnoy fct. , JlcCormlck's add. , S2.800.
Deslniblo lots nnd lesMonco propuity In all
pints of the ullv.
Lots in nil additions.
1'urms and lar o tiaetsof laiidln Nobiasua.
0ll ! i : . r , HIiiHur , HI'N. ' 15th St.
TJIOK SALII ' / lot and double cottage , K V.
JL ? Smith's udd : pilco , SOUO ! : easy teims. > i
olncia lot In GIsoN add. , with 1-ioom hou o ,
coll'ir , well , 1 1 nit. etc. : prlc ( > , * l , a ) ; turami-asy.
btoukdalo tt lluiither , l.ill Dodge at. lte-23 ! )
nere < line land near Council
lllulls , on Waba'h railroad ; will toll choup ;
> a y inrnih. I'.dward 1' . 'otowon & Co. , loom
aS 13 cor. l" > tli and Douglas.
TNVIISTfcJATION will convince you that
JLNewpoitU the noaiest mill liandsoniCBt aciu
ptopeity for only * ! ! a lot ; Intwuat at 8 per
tout. Keo Newport and bo convinced. This Is
tnotlmo to buy ucio lots , spi Ing prices u 111 bo
higher. Amosl.VJ7 Kiirimm. 'jl
SAM : Iluy a lot u West Cumlng nddl-
: tlon. W
_ _ _
P'oil.SALi : liSacroln W'llcox add , , $1,700 ;
easy piiymontb. IMniml ' I'cteison fi Co. ,
room 'J.slleor. IStliand Donslas. _ WT
T710H S.VLi-iVts In Plamviow , S5t ! ) ; < msy
.1 ? terms. araliain.OioUliton llloek. tt !
vrnwroilT Neari'st , bet acre lots , reached
-Li over level mad. The neuiest acia lots o > ur
sold in nils' ' nmiUet. Vrioo. S-00 per lot ; on onsy
terms ; H iicrci-nt lnterot.t. Tlit oloUlll double
in VRliiolu uuxt 13 months , Amos.lGOT Kaiimu.
_ _
SALK-Two lots iiil'iospoet PliieoffiOO.
Foil lot $ lVjO , monlbly payments , J.ot
I'l Nelson's addition S1TOO , George I' , llenils , 15
and Douglns , P'- *
S.Lrf'li"bii6 n towriiTcTotsTii Pa"-
Foil tlmt owlll kollat a b.irguln If sold
eoon , orlll trade for Omalu real u tatn , Kd-
wnrd T. I'otciron & Co. , room 3 SK cor. ISth and
Douylus. tk- ) , >
OKSAI.i : llyl'ottur Uotib , 1515 I'ttrniini
ht. , 1 lot in Weet Knd mid ut JUJtJ.
3 lols In Pldnn's 'M add nt $725 each.
A low choice lots in Mmtli's at Sl.hOQcath.
Ixit wixui on 13th , U blocks liom pavement.
ffi's add , S1BOO.
"of the ibcapcat Jotsln riainvlaw , only (199
each. _ TJ _ _
_ _ _ _
'irioUhAI.i : Hiivo unlmpiovod mid Inbvcry
-V coutitj in tha utnlo lluituo will nt bur-
Kihi ) lei the novt ten duvs ; Cull on IMwaia T.
I'elcuon V Co. , 100111 1 , S ) ; cor. lOtli and Doug
las. OJO
fTtOll fa.VLK A few lot s near Hans'.oui Park ,
-L $7M. Oiuhum , Crela-ltton Ulock. , t < 2S
"IT oit ClioicolluvKulnsIn real estate , call ut the
4' ollicoOf the ( Jimihn Heal I tutu A : I/OKII Co. ,
rooms ! tiud % ( Wlthuull liutldnlir Omttbu. M
Fen SALi : Oooil lot In Hmucom llaco , SiiOO.
Orahartt , Crelglilon lllock. jrj ;
_ 4W ( _ _ _ _ H
f OUSAM-w : > jm\o an 80 trne nunr thu
J1 city that wo will CPU nt n bargidn ; cnubo
rut up Into lots that will bilnsr from fiooiipoaoh
E. T.J'otorson , rpiim i } , S15 cor 18th and Douglas
P'O _ ; , _
771011 SALi.Aow : / clioleo lots in f iwo'g nd-
J.1 dltlon f mm $375 o Sf > TiO , Also liouso nnd lot
t < ! 50 , on easy terms. Potter * Cobb , ISM rar-
nnm st. < H 0 733
THHlSALi : Tlmlxer rlnlm , homeitead nnd
a.1 pre-emption , 4SQ\icr i , nil In ono boiijjonly
2 miles from Chadron. li leof4DO ; mUross Tnll
vV SparKer , Clmdrofl NeU ! ) H < ! 0
TTJOK SALK-A few ifAod'lots In Hlllsldo No ?
J.1 0110 on Davenport nud Chienpo si1 * , cheap
atJ.M to ? PjO ene ( | . ' l"ottcr & Cobb l 151" > Tar-
nam st. 737
'IJAOIl HALK A spociil bniOTln in business
Jpioiicrly , Ki foot trout on loth t. by 150 feet
deep. Jlcst bu < dnc s point south of thuinllnuy
ttactc. On paMjdstjoet , cnr lino. rto. Only ( SO
peril out loot. Potter & Cobb , 1515 rarnmnst.
_ „ _ _ _ _ _ 7. _ _ .
FOIt SALi : Cotncr on I'nrimm , two blocks
litini court house , tKflM. Ornham.Ciplgb.
TTKMl HAl.iS-afTiawiliis' J. "lTlliccri2S ;
J. i arnam st. \ \ o s.ay bargains and mean just
what wo guv. bo don't cut oil your nose to spite
inurrncotiy Rl\ltiff them tbo go-by. Another
tnct s that f bu\o the oxultmlvo nffoiuT nnd snlo
of all the nbovo bntgnlns. Sclahl which monns
iiauso nnd modlintc.
llargaln No. 1-I/jt In Lowo's 1st add.fiO.\120 ,
M" conicr'S"nan -
No. ; i-Lot lii Hickory Vlnco110 , ? SOO.
No. 4-ljnt In Sliinn's 2d add. , corner , 03x120 ,
NoJi-rialnvlow , Corner , 50\121 , SCOO.
No. fi " $ ieii ) .
No. 7- " iiidldo " fftno.
No. 8- " $ )5j.
No. D-3 lots , ono a corner , Dwlght & Lymon's
( liu'tt 7'KiUi
No. 10- 1 101s In Tboinburff add. , $1,2)0.
No.ll tornor lot. 1'liico , ? lyoO.
No. 12-Inaldo lot Iliinscom I'lnce , $760.
No. 13 " " fi i-iO.
No. 14- " ' ! tt5.
No. 15 " " " " J1.KJV
No. 1(1-2 ( loHTimi noing I'laco , Sl,0t ) .
No , 17 4 lots In KJ V. Smith's mid. Special.
J o. 18 2 lots , ilimeb.uipb Ss 1'uttcr im's add. ,
5 JuOt
Improved Kesldenco ptopcrty
No. IB Klcpant bouse , plenty of fruit , etc.
Cliarlos St. , ? . ) ,5rO.
No-i"i1m'lL11lnC nd lot > Davenport St. , Capitol
] 1 III * $ u ( 0 ) i
No. 21 lo-room liouso on Saundcre , just off
Cumlng. v > itn lot C-'All. , lioiitlng on two
si roots , Sfl.OJO.
No. 22 I7tli and Clark , with three houses , $ n,000.
No. 2:1 : 14-room liouso and lot , Kount7o A , Ituth'fc
add. , S4 , Ki.
No. 24 7-room now lionso with all modern Im-
piovomonts , lot 1x1x140 , 1 ! . V Smith's add. ,
No. 2i 2'lotp , nn.xl 10 , together w Ith 3 now houses
K. V. Smith's ndd. , ( ! ,000.
No. 2ft 2 houses with lot , 72vliO , on 18th St. ,
AVe cloo on No. 20 of our special bargains by
calling > our respectful attention to our West
Cumimr addition lols which have been lately
put ontho imirKctat piicea and teims viltliln
tlio reach of all. Only one-tenth icniilrcd down
to secure a lot In thisbonutllul addition. Cull or
addiess J. L. UIcc , 1222 Kin nnm St. U723
" '
A ai"is'i507Karnam St.
Lots in
Itcdick's Grove . $800
Ames I'laco . 2)0
Ouk Clint limn . GOO
rialnview . 550
Clniomlon . 0,10
Aillngtou . . . . TOO
JIelio o Hill . . ' . , . 300
iiss-s. ' ' . , .
Sj ndicuto Place . / . . . . . . . . 400
Loavonwortli Terruco. . ; C . 450
I larluilo w I'lueo. . . ' ' . . A. . 000
Nottpoit . ' .lo./t . HOD
Cote Iltillinnto . 175
Hjdol'urk . , . . . . 150
Lymnn 1'lnco . I1.1. . . . . ' . GOO
1)15 ) Ames , 1507 l-'iirnain.
_ A )
BELViiiui : Adjofnlng tlio buriucks on
the north , bus 'tho'lulvuntaga on nice level
dilvewny , beautiiul location , line view g , mid
ovorytblng else that goes to make up a splendid
place lor a rosidpnco.1lSoo IJolvcdotc. It is
cheap propci ty , ahd noimibtako' C. U. Mayno ,
S. W. cor 15tli nnd Karnain. 5iiU
jnoil SALK-J.OIS inMuish'H , add. , Sl.UOO to
-L' ? 1BOO ; terms to suit purclmser. Giahnm ,
Crolgiiton llloek. ' ' ' 718
171011 SALE At n biirgnln. rino business
JJ I'roportjrouS.jflltlt. Sx O ft. Tills Cllll fB )
boughtf or $ 'JOOJ Uiia'tHrtii nctual value If taken
ut once. ' If you want. : iiu Investment look nt
this. Cocbrnn JJro'4iKCo.,15oy ratmim St. 815
ALi : $1UUOU 10 per cent dividend
X1 paying stock. Gibsou i ; Aichor , Hoora
3 , Witlineil lilock. 110
pATJUCIC'S addition on Suundcrs stiect is
4tbo cheapest pro | > erty In that part ot the
city. Sticotcars run tbiougb this addition.
Echools are convenient , business reaches it on
two sides- for convenience mid iloslinblo local
ity 1'atrick's addition has many advantages.
Cull and Investigate. Lots only J.700 . to 41)00
each. C. LJIuj no agent , S.V. . cor. 15th nnd
Furiinin. _ 5'Q
Foil SALi : Alight tluec.spiing wagon and
toad cart. 150" North luth bt. U1J-2 ; | *
Foil SALi : Good mllelicow with calf. In-
qulro Walter lllaok , lUth and William.
'JJ8-23 *
Foil SALIC Largo house and 3 nicely eleva
ted lot ? In Shinn's 2d add , $0,200. Also flue
8-ioomcd house on Clark stieot , nicely elevated
lot , 5,000. Gibson & Archer , Itoom 3 , Witlmell
Ulock. 44Q
_ _ _
Foil SALi : Choice fi or 10 acio tracts , 4 miles
southwest fiomconit hoiibo , Hi miles fiom
junction of U.I' , lly. mid licit Line , and 1 mile
liom Stock Yards. Lies viull ; all under cultiru-
tlon. Can bo bought tor J175 nnd $2iA ) per net c ,
II sold Mion. Che-ipost property In vicinity.
Potter A : Cobb. 1515 Furnam st. 73j
GHIIN\VOO : llouutllul aero and half ncra
lots , line location , 3'i miles Item V. O. , only a
low moments walk from lianscom I'.uk. Acio
J-400. Halt acie Siio , 10 percent cash , balance
monthly pij : monts. C. E. Mayne , S. W. cor. 15th
mid I amain. _ _ _ 473
FOH ALK South Ironts m Clifton I'laco ,
$1,000 each. W. T. Uinliam , Creighton
liloel ; . _ " _ _ 71U _
-TTIOliSALK A two" story , 22iW , frame build
A ! Inu.Buitablo for a stoio , near 10th and Far-
namSts. Applyut thU olllco. 'J17
VTluTviiiKk Aero lots ut ? 2JU to J.WJ. ISiich
will inukojouTS to 100 per cent pioflt bolero -
lore next Now Year's day. C. K. ilajno , solo
ugpnt. h. W. cor. 15th uiiiU'aniiiiii. 5 > J
Tmoil SALi : A goneial mcrcnandiso buslnesi
JJ in a rapidly giowing town not lar fiom Lin-
coin. Host trade and location in town. A splen
did opportunity lor a party wishing a good
opening , and having liom seven to ten thousand
dolhus in cash. Will sell lor cash only , or part
cash , bulunco real estate in Omaha. Address
Meicliunt , IJeo Olilco. tU5
Foil SALI : Large ana small stocK nineties
with or without stock.
Tor Snlo J lots In Hpiing Hill , $4V ) each.
I'or S.ilo lbtabl ? ! hoil banking business in
NebiusUa , county Scat. Gibson iV Aioher , loom
3 , Witlmell Ulock.
Foi llxchnngo Nebiusku fiiims for Omaha
pioiicrty ; also lands to oichango tor stocks of
Wanted 3 business lotb for cash within 4
blocks of postolliei' .
I'or K\eliiniiu 1U ) aero Improved tarm , Madi
son county , Neb. , lor house and lot in Omulm.
Tor tiulo A 5-acro tract 1 mlles ot poutolllco !
lioiisu cost f l OO.for $1,500 casli.tllbsoniiArclier ,
Ilooin3 , Willintll UlouK. U2. )
_ _
V\ri'sTMI > i : station on Lenvenw 01 Ih stieot
T > v > lll ho tlio junction of tlio Jlo , Pao. and
Holt Lino. Lois jmiplinsi-d theio now vvlll le-
tuin a hiimlxoiiio jirijtit to the buyer In u very
fchort time. Doll \ ; McCiiinllbli and C. li. Miivno ,
bolo agents. ' ' " 5Vi
"TTHMlSAf.K House and lot 211 ! S2ii ! | | Et.obonp ;
-L1 and payments. AiWroas C. S. Chipinau , Lin
coln Neb. , 571
FoilSAI.1T Fmir ioTnTr lol7oast undBimth
front , llunsiom l&ico , W , T , ( Jrabani ,
Ciojghtonjllot'k.tnr,1 _ 71J-
T ANI > KIIKIHK. : : : .VTTIXTIOX ror full
JLJ partloiilura about fico and olioap lands In
Western Nebraska udJros TluH. U. I'utloraon ,
ItoullJatuto Auonl , Noilli 1'lutto Nob. UH _
Foil riioicu HiuifUliisln loal ostnteToall at the
ollieo ot the OiimliuUcnl I' tulo \ Jxmu ( * ii. ,
rooiiib' imid 1 , Wi'rjiiicUlliiililliig.Omiihii. 7H-S
Foil SAIi : Hy ( i Ki iluvtiu ,
j t
) I'ull lot , small UOUEC. AVIIoov add. , $750.
ItiO l-'ull lot on LuiiM-'iuunth t , , now house ,
all modoi u convoulcnces , 'fH/ii ) ) .
.OS Lot on I'liuiam Bt. near 2ith et. , house 0
looms , nil modern Impiovomcnts , * 7J. (
330 Two lots , tvM ) houses , -Cili near Howard ,
321 Lot Uixl5lSouth ) 20th st , good house , fl0.
Monthly payments.
a0 ! Lot 100x220 , liontlngtwo streets , tiico cot-
t.ige fuelng Huboom I'm I ; , f4.HO ) .
310 Handsome lot , nicu u > tlagu 7 looms , Geor
gia avo.tco ) .
U14 LotUixlUV. th and Huinoy , houjoT 1001119
299 Tlueoueros , goodliouso , fruit , etc. , Leav-
onworthbt. . ' / .
210 i'ull lot. twoeottuifos , Khlnn'ti add. , J2.2M.
! Sb House * rooms. Inint , beautiful locu
tion , liuiibtom llui-p ? WWJ.
221 1'lugunt rf.sldonoe'.lOSroOms. two lots , line
locution , ( ivory pobslbloifruonvunteiioo ,
Jll.ouo. - ' , , ,
195 Coi ncr lot , nloo coftagOjO rOoms , ono block
elf S-iuiidors st. . W.UJO , ff g *
IDS HundMimc-st cottage liiuOmaluu fi rooms ,
tiuautlful lot , ( li-orglu av . 'ri'iUJ. '
175-iLot . , , , UixllO.lioiiso , 4 ropms,8outh , Y * * IBlh bt.
1'ijO UuTuljimikoa itioms , full lot , Hickoiyaud
lotli. fi'M ; very Phtuy. C. K. .Mujno , b
\V. cpr , 15th imd I'arudut. &J *
TflOIl SALi : Tly J ) tter fj Thcnnns Jt Ilro. ,
A ! room 8 , OolghtonMock !
SXW feet on rnrnnm st. $ " ,000
00x150 , s-w. cor. 17th nnd Ccmtor , 2,000.
KltlBO , Uanscoin I'lace , $700
Blots ca\ir,7 , on Hamilton nnd Charles ? U. ? C < W
trf { vsoo , 3 bldcks wc t of convent.
11x145 , cor. Chfirlcs nnd Sth sts. , * 703.
SUl.'SI , vv Hh house and burn , near SOth and
Center , ? ll."iO. Very cheap ! small pnjmcnU
balnnco monthly.
50x145,9th mulClmrlos , with house of 5 rooms ,
noli , etc. , ji/XM
2 lots , Lotto's mldltlon , $000 nnd (050.
S lots , W. A , Hodick'a iitld. , $1,200.
Lot cor. 27th and Davenport , ? tVK ) .
\\o think all the above bargultu. Cnlt for
tnrmi. Dttter L. riionuvs & Hru , Itoom f ,
CjoishtoiiU'ock. f a
Cnro of Preserved Krull.
Keeping fruit or nnv provision depends -
ponds on thrco thinss. It must bt- sound
to begin. A speck of decay or arid
change will ( levi'lop ferment in n kcltlo
of fruit. Second , the. jars or cans must
bo air-tight. Tlio object of Metuuing the
fruit is to cxiiul the nir and arrest thu
clmngo in the jnlcu , which would nntnr-
ally proceed to ferment. Air penutrati's
in linur ways tlinn w can dhcem , and
needs much less than the crevice of a hair
or , H pin's point to onto.r and spoil tbo
contents. Glass that has no erncks or
nir bubbles , vvoll-glnxctl ibtonpware free
from Haw.- " , yellow vvnro , or strong , tlaik
cartliorn .jars will keep th" fruit from tlio
air , imiviiled it is sealed with wnv , pnttv ,
or bladder , t-oaketl and loft to shrink on
tbo month of tbo jars. Cans with screw
lops nnd rubber rings lire apt to have
slight defects which prevent perfect heal
ing , mid cannot bu depended on without
wax.Third , the jars must be kept in a dry ,
dark , cold plneo , very little above freez
ing. A shelf in n furnace warmed collat
or store room opening from a kitchen , is
not tlui place to preserve fruit. It may
bo put tip in tin ! best manner , and yet
spoil through keeping in the light , or
where it is not cool. ( Jhw cans .should
bo wrapped in paper , buried in inntl or
sawdust or kept in dark closet. Packed
with plenty of chart' , oats , dry s-and or
.sawdust or dry sifted ashes , most pre
serves will stand freezing weather with
out injury. A pit on one bide of the col
lar dug below tlio reach of Iho frost and
lined with boards , vvilh straw or ashes
between them and its walls will keep
preserves from heal or frce/.ing , A pit
dug iu the cellar , lour foot below thu
level of the lloor , well drained nnd lined
as above.will prove the best place for
keeping small quantities of preserves
enough for a single family.
HOUSEI.KKPEUs'uuU fail to aenuain ,
themselves with the value of .1 ARIES
Pl'LE'S PKA11L1NK in the kitchen and
lanndr.v deprive themselves of the most
convenient and useful article of the ago
' -O
Our American linllot.
Providence Journal : Then the ballot
came bouncing in. In the front row wore
the pupils of Iho American IJ.illol school.
The great North American heart of the
audience bounded with an overwhelming
sense of the national prjdowhcn the
twelve pupils came cnlloping down to
ward tbo lootlights like so many frisky
young colts. Most of them were in the
vicinity of 15 years old , and they worn
longitudinally vast. In the matter ol
bieadth thcv wore not worth considering
seriously. They stood in two neat and
correct little rows , and burst into twelve
jinoor little smiles that looked like twelve
infantile copies of the dear and familiar
old ballet-girl sinilo , which has
haunted mankind lor decades. Then they
placed their twenty-four arms akimbo
and at a beat of the loader's b.itou their
white boots began to ily about in the
most reckless and astonishing manner.
The boots and slippers scorned to have
no connection whatever with the en
thusiastic girls , but bobbed about in the
nir as though quite unaquainted with
owner * . After it had danced its little
dance and been overwhelmed * .yith ap
plause , the school courtesiod joyously
out of sigh ) , and the professional ballot
came dancing down. There was n great
deal of expert dancing , but the specta
tors missed the litho lissome and coy
Hinging about of slippers which char
acterized the dancing of the pupils.
Rheumatism is primarily caused by
acidity of the blood. Hood's Sarsapa-
rillnimirifles the blood , and thus cures
the disease.
Not Rntcrlniiicd.
Inline Kiln dull.
Detroit Free Press : Hon. Whyforo
Pillsbury tent to the secretary's desk a
resolution declaring it to bo the senti
ment of the Lime Kiln club that the
United States .should purchase the Sand
wich Islands at once. *
"What would be do objeck of purclms-
in' do o islandsy" blandly inquired the
"I Fah "
diinno , ,
"Has you cber bin dar ? "
"No , sab. "
"Am you ober gwinc dar ? "
"No , sah. "
"Do you know do locality of dose
"No , sah. "
"Yon may sot down. Your rosolushun
will not bo entertained. AVhon do time
arroves fur dis enb ! to _ Uuolc
to buy real estate wo will telophoiioyon. "
Wliyforo sat down , but ho was not
crushed. Ho privatojy informed Elder
Toots that it looked like a trick to de
prive him of prestige , niul that he in
tended to write the resolution on a postal
card and forward it to Waslfm/ilon. /
A st.vx IN iiuijfs. Ono of the most mel-
anoholy .spectacles in the world is a hu
man being shattered and broken down
by ardent spirits. Hut thu dilapidation
can bo repaired , the ruin restored to por-
feet soundness , by a conr o of tlmt most
powerful of all invigorants , Dr. Itieh-
moiul'n Samsiritan Nervine. Uovvaru of
those toper,1 Ionics of which nun is an
clement. They aggravate disease and
accelerate decay , At druggists.
The Singing Kiimln of CalH'oi'iila.
An examination of the musical sands
of California , which have excited MI iiuieh
interest on the Dart of geologists and
others , .shows that thuypos-o-.s. a peculiar
microscopical r-trncturo. The crams nro
found to bo chiully coinponoil of small
portions of coral and apparently calcare
ous sponges ; they are all inoro or less
perforated vvilh Miiall holes , in some in-
htnnees forming tubes , but mostly toriui-
uatiiiff in blind cavities , which are fre
quently enlarged in the interior of the
grains , communicating with the Mir-
faeo by a binull opening.
There were also in the sand
small black particles , formed principally
ot crystals 01 angilo. uopluilino nnd mag
netic o\Ido of iron , imbedded in a glassy
matrix , The structure of these grain- ,
explains , it N thought , why ound h
omitted whmi , set iu motion ; that is , the
-friction ng.ilnst each other causes vibra
tions ! n their substaneo and consequent
ly in 1 ho sides of the cavities they con
tain and tht'fo vibrations bulng com
municated to the air in the cavities under
the most favorable conditions of piodue-
ing ooinul , the result is the loud uoi-,0
occasioned when any largo mass of sand
is / > ot in motion , there being , in fact , mil
lions , upon millions of resonant cavities ,
each giving forth sound ,
' O
Thorny INlanahan , No. 33 Montgomery
stivft , Hudson , .N. Y. , two years ago was
given up by hU phynioluns , Ho was af-
uicted with dy pep.-ia and obstinate con
stipation ; had lo-i fovty pounds in weight
nd was a bed-ridden iiualid. He com-
' 1'ills in doses
nu'iiped hiking Uraii'Ircth's
of llvp , four , two and ono. Then ho look-
two oy'ury night for a month , gained
eight .pounds in weight , and was able to
attelnl to business. Ho took two pills , ov ,
cry night for flio following si * weeks ,
and was entinly cured.
Trading in Wheat Very Light and Busi
ness at Times Dull ,
One Million Decrease I'reillcteil In
tlio VUHiIe I'rovliloui * iVcnk
AVIth n Dull Day-don.
crnl Ucports.
CiitcAoo , .Ian. 2-3. [ Special Teloffr.un.j
AViiKAT The local t.ilcnll w.hlcli bought
yesteiday ami on'I'hniMl.iy , took advantage
of the iMtly hluli prices on whoar to-day to
sell enl nt n prollt , ami Iho nmount of stult
thus thiovvn ovetboard was lee much for
the Invalid maikot , which was hardly
convalaxcent , to hoar np umlor. It ha ? Ihcio-
lorosnircicd a relapse , ami though not In n
condition as ciltlcal an ifionio days ago ,
svinpathctlcfrlomh have same approheiison
on the patient's account ami ppihans fear
that lie will go Into iv decline. Tradln g was
nut heivy and at tlmos the inaiket was ieiulv
null , though a spasmodic activity was now
and Ihun manlto twl. Thcto was n pios-
buio to soil nil day and the tendency
was dingiflng i'toin the stait. May closed
at over a cunt dollno and on the late
cuib was even weaker than the last quota
tions on 'change , though some luigo pin-
chases by lluleliinson at tlist uttivod cnib
quotations up loMJs'Q'WJtfe. ' The put price
bO UKc was a halting placofora good
while , a stubborn llpht boln ? inado by sollois
of pi Iv lieges , ot which a big block was sold
last night , and for half an hour alter 11
o'clock thdo was nllrmer ( OIIP , which can led
quotations hack Me. Ilitl the Lilly was of
brlct dnintloii and the maikotloH elf moii )
lapldly than over , going to 8lVc a lltllo after
noon. ThepilneliMl bujlngat the decline
scorned lo bo by the holders of puts , who
did noi feel like standing shoit until Mon
day , and wanted to scalp out their accrued
pioIlK The huge traders vvero not
conspicuous on Iho lloor to-day , and
their operations dining the latter part
of this \vcck have been so well
covoicd up that the crowd Is
qnlle mystiliod as to what they had boon do
ing , aie doing and Intend to do. Some
speculation as to the showing on
the next visible is alieady
Indulged in , and common belief is that thcio
w 111 bo about a lonnd 1,000,000 deciease. If the
dccieaso is less than this , the same result as
List week when 1,009,000 was expected niul
only 000,000 shown may bo reasonably look
ed for. The bulls would do bettor to make a
pi.u'tlce of inuluiobllmatlng Iho Visible , and
then have the oxeess ot expectations to bank
upon. This Is the bear game , and they let
the bcata anticipate big ligiucs with gioat
complacency and then bie.ik their backs
when the icall/ation falls shoit. Theio wcio
no puichascrs for qxpott , Estimated icceipts
for Monday , eight cais.
Cons Coin had an active day , but ruled
weak , In sympathy Ith The break
in May covered % c , and although receipts
me very small , the market is very apt for a
few days to be .somewhat under the influ
ence ol wheat. Six loads weie taken for ox-
port. The estimated icccipts lor Monday
aio twenty-eight eats.
O.vrs Oats were dull and .steady , May
closing at 31c. Receipts aio picking np a
little , but aie far fiom being a buidcn on the
maiket. The stock is small , and somewhat
higher prices am anticipated by the tiado.
i'novisioxs Provisions closed an active
wenk with a dull day. Nat Jones bought In
at o ( 7 } < c piolit moit of the poik he sold yes-
teiday at § 11. % . He and I'.ildvvln vveie
scalping Iho imuket all the bcssioiij but failed
lo secure any large pioflt , Ihu total lange beIng
Ing only lOc. Them has now been n bieak
ot 33 > c In poikfiom the highest point of Iho
week , and many good hack-is aio Inclined lo
think that Ihu clique has about accomplished
INpuiposo of shaking out the taileis , and
will now favor another stiong advance ,
racking to date Is Iho same as last year , be
ing n few thousand over 'J,000,000 hog- , . Next
week's receipts me estimated at 100ouO , and
Monday's at 23,000.
Now York. Jan. 2J. Moiv : On call
c.isv at l ( < tfi per cent.
FOUIUON CXCIIAMOI : llit.r.s ( Julct and
steady al Sl.b7 lei alxly days , anu fe .VJ lor
Uovr.iWMi'xrs Dull but steady lo day.
Sioc'K1 Theio was a weak opening for
stockH , the Ill-it iu Ice.s show lug losses i.iiiglng
between } $ ' ( < ( ' ' * ( per cent. The moveiuent din
ing the hint hour was somewhat lucgnlar ,
slight advances being made in some cases ,
followed by a weaker tone , dining which
ilm losses langed liom ' to l per cent.
Later theie was a slight upward move
ment , and In the altcinoon icnewcd wo.ik-
ness , which continued until the close. The
best pilces ol tluj diy woio made at the open
ing or within the In hour , and Iho lowest
( ( notations at or near the close. Continued
nimois or ndvci&r legislation alTec'ting
I'.iciiic Mall and icpoil.s Uiegoveinment likely to Institute piorcudlims to leeovm
a pai t of Iho mibsldy paid to 1'aclllc Mall
bv the I'.iclficiallioaif" . led to iinlher weak-
ne-.s in that stock , and it closed with u lt > ot
\14 jioi1 cunt. The changes , as compaicd
wIlh the closing IlKiuiiMiwock ago , aio gun-
eially unlnipoitant , and are iu city evenly
divlilcd I elvveen advances and dcellucb.
STOCKS ON WAi.r , Bruniir ,
S ccnt bomb. . . lUOKiO.i.N.V I0n f
" U'Jlil . . . iso
U. S , jv"s picieired.
Ni.vv IS * 12'N.V.O. ' . . . . . . . . 10.1
I'acllicO'sof'OJ. ' ItfjJjlOiVson Tiau. . 211
Centi-id 1'aclilo. . 0 i > MMeitie.Miil. . . . rr.i , '
.i- . . , . .
pu-rc-iioii. . . . 1.11 IIM-.C ; . nw
C. , ( ) . IMlJiiUock Island. . . . 12S
I ) . , L. AV . , llilj ) St. lj. AS. K , . . . 20
l.i\J { . ( } . lif ( | piuteiicd. . . -II
Kile . ' M'tf.C. ' , M. it St. I' . . . tU
pH-rcncil . . . f > V prolcii'uil. . PJl
Illinois Cuntinl. . IH'J ' St. P. .VO . H
I. , 15. it\\r \ . i-MU' pli'fuium. . . JKIJ
KanwsiToxas. . iiSJ TCMIS I'.tclllu. . . 1'i
KakoSlioro . Kl'f ' Union t'.tcllio.W'
I , . , \c X . : : % fV. . , St. U As I' . . ' .
Mich. , . . W tf imsfuncil. . . 17
Jlo. J'.icltii ! . l r > f Wi'stcrn Union. TO.
Xoitliuin I'.io. . . i'S ' O , H.iViX . 100
Clilua o , .Ian. " , ' " > . Khmi UucliniiKdl ;
Mlnturlmiit Hour. SMOjt-J.Vi ; houthuin ,
3J.03cM.iB ; Wisconsin , < --l.7iu.i'4.7.5 : lii-hl-
giin soil hpilnj ! wheat. 5i.7dcU.Q , ) ; Min
nesota b.i1fiV , Sii.fiOrtfun : pitcnis. S4.ii"/-
5,00 : rye ilour , t-3 , : ) . < ' ! . ' ) In Iwtifis , S10
fy'.W fn snuki > ; , Hour , J.03''tl.50
pur liairi'l ; . - i.O ! ) pci c-\vt. \ In M\ul. > ,
Whi'.u \\'calur \ : opuni'd atinut yi'stri1-
j'nclo-e , ( h-clliu'cl If , i.illlcii Jfc. fi'li IV
iiilcil ami Mcailj bourn ( line , sohl
T c f | | l | l | iinlct MII > 1 FIViiilJ i uiifu * iiV i r * < *
oil V moii' , and olnseji In under yiMuiday :
7t"sMs ° o lor cibli7J'Be ; for Jannaiv ; 7'.i'BC' ' <
7l 'jo ' for 1'Vbiuaiy ; K.'ilif < C' > i''o , tor > fay.
Coin Opened in m and hhadu bet lor , bo-
ciiiui cash r , declined Jfc , nnd closed steady
al about c deollno ; : ai o tor cash and Jiuin-
aiy ; Wii,3bttv ( lor 1'Vbnuuj ' ; W\e tin Muv.
O.itn ( /iilel , l.iinu and easy ; , ? ) ' . ( ( k'i'J' ' o lur
cash ; Wtfit-jsivc lor January ; yVt'ifr'lm' ' '
I'cbinan ; JJU Wu lor May.
Huloy Dti.
Timothy-.Steady ; priiun , S1.7' ' ' .
VhusciHl-Ki ! higher ) No. l , & 1.1HK.
\Vh1skv-S > l.l . , ,
I'oiI.-.Moth'iatcly active and steady ; do-
cliiu'il 7 > j J10ci lSto-w' l9 T /fi1J , , ; ' \11"1
.laniKiry uml Fcbiu.ny ; § 11.15311.1 % lor
" Fa'ul ? Quiet anil Sile lower ; closi-d
slcRUy ; So0 ! < M.i'if : ! lor .I.xnuary and
Fubiuarv ; S5.4TJ < ( fl. ) for Jlay.
Hulk iluatShoulilcM. < . fel.ooai.n , ; shoit
clear , S" .ftViS,70 ; thol 11 HM , SKWjiW ; ; .
Ituttcr ( i'mot ; fliolco in o\tw crcninciy ,
IWtitio ; choice dalij.HTa'Jic. '
Cheese \ ury ( jtiU'l ; cold otojii bhipmcnt.
' ' . .
Kwi-W'tl'J'.c. '
lllilm-rni'lwnB'vil ; part cured , 8 < 's''c ;
' -.ilt l.f ; H-'ht iln ,
gipcn , t < ; \vy nn'in ) -
O'it ' ' .ir c ; bi U lil'U'J' ' ' ' "diy sriltcd , W f ;
diy Htm , luC'Ui" < ilf
couhlry ,
No. 3 connityi 4c ; rake , to.
Hccrlnts. Shlninents.
1'lonr , bblsMWO 0,000
Wheat , hu . 2.000
Corn , tni . , . C.l.000 .IS.OOO
Oats.bu . MI.OOO CO.OOO
Kyo.bu. , . . . . . . . . . . . U.OOO milio . U',000 ' 11,000
Now York , Jan. S3. Wheat liccclplf ,
2SOOO : rxpuits , noiiu ; spot In bnypis' laver
nml dull ; options depresied and lov\cr ,
clflshn ; weak ; speculation rather nnletinn *
grade.1. . 7.XfS ( > Oc } No. 'J ird , WjC alloali c.xlia
led , IKI C ; No. 'J ivil , t'Vbraaiy , closlne at
Coin Slently ; options lower , elosincvcnk :
iccclptR , 4J",000 ; exports , ; V > 0 ; uniir.ulPil
icd , 4r.C' , 'Ie : No. -isUftMSJie : Xo.8 M. o
In elev.ilor ; Kcbnmiy cIosliiK at 60c.
Oats lllcher but inthor quiet ; receipt1' ,
ll. ( j ; cxpoits , 1,100' mixed vvcstei IK JtJyfui'c }
wnltmmicrn. 4l ( < -1.140. .
IVlrolonm Steady : nulled closed nt 80c.
1'g H lllirhcrniiu mm ; iccelpts y,000 pacic-
niros ; vveslein , 'J-JoMie.
roik-tjulctniul llunly held ; mess , S10.50
( ji 10.7. " > .
Laul IASS active nnd lower ; sales ! west-
cm ' team , spot , SO T yo.oO ; Febrnniy , $0.47
' '
j'iutier Onlet but steadily held.
Cheese Finn but quiet.
Olnclnnntl , Jim. 23. Wheat Kit in ; No.
2 icd , lttw.Ko. !
spilmr , file.
1'oik-K lrm nt 81 1.00.
Wblsky-l''hni at 51.10.
Milwaukee , Jan. 2.1. Wheat Weak :
cnsh , 'Wei Fehumiy , Jluy , 85c.
Corn steady ; No. a , : wVc.
( ) nts-litllNo.S,2 ; < , fr.
lljc-Dnll ; No. 1 , 57 > c.
H.uley-Qnlet ; No. S , M
Tiovlslons Kuslcr ; ine s porlc , cash and
Febittaiy , S10.W ) ; Mnieli , Sll.OO.
Minncnpoiiq , Jan. U-t. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 Imitf , eaMi and Jnnnaiy , Sd o ; Fell-
uiary , 8c ; JLuch. bSc ; May , t > 23/c ; N % 1
noi them , cash and January , bl 'e ; Fob-
urn ty , b''e ; JTaich , Sic ; May , brtl c.
_ Klour Steady ; patents , Sl.bO f 5.00 ; bakers ,
" ' ' '
'jtcc'elpts'-Wheat , ill.OOO bit.
Shlpnienld-Whcat , v,000 ! uu ; Hour , 10,000 > "
Knnsas City , Jan. 2H. Wheat Steadier ; *
cash , 71e asked : Ff biunrv , "Oj bid , 71e asked ;
Match , TU 'fc ' bid , Tilj e asked ; May , "T'ids
Coin Sttong ; cash , Uiij c bltl. : * 0o asked ;
FchrnatyWo ; Mayc : ' bhl.
Oats Nominal ; are bid.
St. Ijoul.s , Jan. ! il. Wheat Very active
ami weak , closing * ' (31e ( lower : No. 'J led ,
cash , bii c ; Januaiy , btac ) ; I'ebmaiy , We ;
May , Wife.
Com Kasyand I fCt1c ' lower ; No. 1 , cash ,
"T'l'c ; January , ! i,9fc ; Fehntaiy ,
Maieh , Jl'ikc ; Jlay , iii feliT c.
Oat1 * Weak anil &e lower ; Xo. 2 mixed ,
cash. USJ c : May. JilKc.
I've Dull and nominal.
Whisky-Steady at 31.10.
1'oik Stoadv nl 811.10.
1. aid-Firm at $ C .00(50,05.
Untter Quiet ; cieainciy , SdQ'iOc ; daily ,
Toledo , Jan. 2"j. Wheat Quiet ; cash nnd
Jnnuaiy , ! Ke. )
Com Firm ; cash , 40c.
Oats Nothing doing.
Ijlvornool , Jan. 2,1. Wheat Offered
fieely ; No. 'J winter and spring steady at
7s ' .M.
Flour OITcicil ficelyat 8s ; mm kct dull.
Com Olfoicil irecly ; old mixed , < ls 7 > il :
nc\v mixed , 4i > 2d : January , Folmiaiy ami
Maich , 4s 2d : maiketcasy.
New Orleans , Jan. 23. Maikct quiet but
steady at jcsleulay'spiiecs. Corn Unsettled
white , -1:1. : . ; ; mixed , Hgi5c ( ; yellow , I0@t0o.
O.its Steady at ffl Oc.
( 'omiueal Dull.
llo I'loilucts Quiet but fnni.
Toilc S 11.50.
, . ' .
Hulk mc.Us Long clear , S .50 ; clenr lib ,
ravis STOCK.
Clilca < o , Jan. 3" . The Di overs' Journal
iejoits ) :
Cattle Hereipts , 1,100 ; steady : slilppln
sti ei.s. 8. ' . ? > 0i5.K ( { ) ; slockeis and tcedeis , uulet
at i2.70 ( ; 4.10 ; rows , hnllb nnd mixed , & 2.00
(2 ( 1.00 ; bulk , S2.75@t.3 : ( ) .
Jloss Hcccljits , 0,000 ; .steady ; fully 20,000
on sale ; iom'h and mixed , $ ; i.7,1ffL01 ( ;
packing and shipping , S4.0. * ) ( 4.40 ; light ,
ij.0 : : ! ( < sl.oi , : sklp , > .Mii8.55. (
Sheep iieceipts , 400 ; btcady ; natives , S2.00
@ 4.10 ; Texaiib , 'J.OO1.75 ; ; I a ml is. 81.00 )5.73. )
ICiiiiHan City , Jan. ' . ' : ) . Cattle Ilccelpts ,
1,100 ; bhlpments , Ul ; hteadv evpoitcis ,
Sl.l'OftiR.lO ' ; romiuon to choice shipping ,
Sl.0i4.85 ) ; btockei&aiul fcedcis , SJ.fH ) ( < i.75 : ;
cows , SAOO a.80.
Hogs Iteocipts 5,000 ; < s1ihnnents , none ;
sttMily : need tocholrii , $4.0031.50 ; common
to medium , S.70ff7.W. : ) : !
St. IjoiilH , Jan. 2 , " . . Caltlo Itccelpts ,
100 ; ( .hlpmi'iits 15 ; peed to choice shlppinir ,
Slb.OQV.Ki ; conimiin to nioilluin , SI.OOU1.CO ( ;
bntrhiii .steers , JJi.U.l .i'i ; cows and heifers ,
f2.2i < S-.o.ri : slockt'isaiid fceilciN Sil.COif-I.OO.
IIo s llcceipts , 1OL)0 ) ; shipments , 400 ;
nctivo and Him on all gi.ides ; fmtchcie , nnd
host heavy , S4.1 ijl.3j ; mixed packing SU.bO
toi.o ; ii 'ht , s.50ia.b.3. : ! (
Tnulo Itcvic-vv.
HnMnrss has not been paitlcnlaily nctivo
the week. Thosloimy weather , together
vvilh the lact that this is n dull month , has
kept tnuto down to a small volume. The
wholesale tiado Is light cnmparathcly ,
though It is In much belter condition than It
was a ace at this time. Thoinoiluco
innikcUlmvohecn oxceeillncly Innctlvo for
several days past. The iccdlpls In many
kinds of piodneo have been large , and thcro
lias been a eonespondlng vve.ikonmg ol !
pilce.s. This I especially t moot poultry nml
viZKt' I'uultry has found a very dull market
this week , and It has been Impossible todls-
noseorall that has beiMi coming In. ' Slocks
liave aceumuhited to noilie e.slent on ( he liiuids
ol the commission dc.ilt'is. l'i Ice.s have gone
down hut It is a haul mattci lo boll Ihu Mock
even nt theileiilliie. Uy le.isonolthe abund-
ancoon HID mailvcl Imyi-rs hayo hceneiy ami would lalo ; none but tljo best ,
liuiirc , pooily dies'-eil fctock could only ho
hohl at a IDS" . Thoicculntsot IUIKOJH
li.uo been iiniihiially heavy while the demand
has bci'ii ll.'ht and ) > ilccs have been lei eeil
down fiom lie to DC ; they go blow oven ut Oc.
The leecl jits of eggs have been 111010 than
Milllcii'iil to siiiilv | | thu ileiuund and there
aio ( iiiitoliu-ge htn ivson hanil. Tho.nmllty'
of Iho egg * , coining in Is not of the bcbt , the
most ol Ihem have hern held home lime ho-
loio hhlpimmt. The \veathcrhasnot
hail the oiled of trenglhenlng pilcc.slml on
Iho other haml thu maiKcl hati been giowlug
weaker all tie | Una' . Came Is in lair
demand but theie is vciy lltllu coiuliitr In.
Kvorv thln in the Ilnool gamoiex'iilvetl has
tonnda re.uly maiket at lair pi Ices , \\hlo
most Muds ol g.uuuaio ontol be.ison Ills
Mill sold lo cunshlcr.iblo extent. Uutjnr has
not lireu locelvi.'d In v 'iy largo quantities.
hut at Iho fiamu tlmu the iloaminl has not
been heavy anil the biipjuy has been tally
onnal lo it. , . , . , ,
Them IMS been a good deal of adlvlty Iho
past week in thu livnMoek maiket , especially
the hog imukel. llojrs have beun in voiy
good ileinand all thu week mm have bold at
vi'ivbtioiurpiJccs. Tbu snppl > lidlblnrMioit
of thu ( lemanil and thu p.icl.liig hmisiis Imvo
not been nblu to inn full loivo , It H hugely
due lo this i.ict uml tliiuiuttu.d comiu-tltlon
among thulmjer-j that Iho nuiket has boon
loieod up to Mich pi leas as have been ji.ihl.
Thu p.iitial snow lilockailo on honm of Iho
nilhiMiUnud Hm bail cuiiilllinn of thu conn-
tiv wagon louils | mv comhlned to J-'ei ) | >
down tlio ivecipK Heavier lewiiHs iiio
Joiiked lei durliiu' Ihu coining vvtiok. 'I ho
cattle m.uki'l will hemuroaetivq as soon as
thu iMfkeis tun get tlielf . ' .ui thioiishfrom , In which tnnhlpdicvicn hcef.
Satmdav Kvenlns , Jan. 33.
The cattle maiket lb qnlot by u-nson of the
wiow'blofk.ulo In Iowa , vvhli'h piovonts the
bhlpmeutof ilie.sM'it beef. The paek.-'ib are
not anxious lo buy block bo long us they can
not ship the , ,
lluteiii ! . ' stock Is not In very heavy de
mand ; choice oovvi , sell ialily well but poor
Mock I * not wanted. < 5m > d cows aift jinotcd
at S.HU4 : ! > . ' ' ' > , aUU eomuion at > :3.'Mif-i.W.
The hog maiket wa MiMily nt ycstei J y'8
pihi s. ami artlvf. The iccoliits fdl : lar bhoit
nt Mipplvin : thiMliiuanil , and the puckers
nm Pii'il le lo i'i'i us 4iiany aa they p
' iHioti'd nt SJ.
J.'ht vve'juts uin
ml i-il , i M " ' ! " ; In --'UiOCipbO. .
I'ui' ilfin.iml uuhw p lb vwj Iliflit