T X ? THE OMASA DAILY BEE. ISA TURD AY. JANUARY 23.1880. 7i STRBCTLY PURE. IT COHTA1NB SO OI'IU.II Iff AHY FOHM IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 60 CENTS , AND $1 $ PER BOTTLE O K.CEN I BOTTLEs nro put up for tlio n Aiuypominoilntlon or all who uuslro a BOO nnd low prluxl Cough , Cold and CroupRemedy T1IO&K lllC.SlllIMO A IIKMEDV 1OII CONSUMPTION LUNG DISEASE , Should eccuro tlio Inrpo $1 bottle1 * . Direction nccompnn > it > ff each bottle. Sold by nil Medicine Dealers t nni a natlvo ot Rnglnml , iiml vrhllo t was In tlmt co\intry \ contracted n teulblo blood poison , mid fortno jours wns under tiontmont ng nn out-door pntlent at Nottlnulium Hospital , England , but "us not cured. 1 eiilTorcd the most nKoiilrlnft pains In my bones , mid was coy oicdvvlth sores nil over niy body nnd limbs. I'limlly t completely lost ll liopo in ttmt coun try , mill stilliu for America , and wns ticntod nt HooBovelt In this city , ns well ni by n prominent I'll ) fllcliin In Now York having no connootlon t\lth tlio hospitals. I naw the ndvcrtlsomtnt. of Sniffs Speclllo , nnd I determined lo Klvo It n tiliil. ItookBlx bottles mid lean say will ) Krcnt joy that they liavo cured mo entirely. 1 um us sound und troll ns I over wns In my llfo.I I , . 1 itnu-llALUHiD. , Kow Yorlc City , Juno 12tu , ISM. In Mai ch of Inst j cur (1681) ( ) , I contracted blood poison , und being In Knvnnnnli , U . , at the time , 1 went Into the bo < pltnl there for treatment. 1 Bunoioil veiy mneli from ilicuinntlsm at the snmo tlmo. I did not got wed under the treat- jnunl thoie.nor vvns I cilted bynny oC the usual menus. 1 inn o now taken pox en bottles of Hwltt'x Speclllo and am Bound nnd well. It Uov u thu poison out tlnoutrh bolNoti thu skin. I ) \.NlEVUV. Jersey City. N. J. < Aug. 7 , 1883. Treatise on lllootl and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Draw ei 3 , Atlanta , N. Y.,157 VV.IiMSt. 617 St.ClinrlcnNt.,8t A rrcu.irtraduatt of two Uedteal ColUc * * . li * b n to HIM tocfttadla theipeilal tr < atmontof Cn ome , Niarora , tJm nd ItLooD Disiinti than mi r otbcr PbMlcUa luSi.Loali , M city papers ihoir and all old retldenti KQSW Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning * Old SOrGS and Ulcers , are tnatcd with tioparalUlail QC I , on laUit iclentlfle prlhelptcr. 8f 1y. Prlrtttly. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , -which srodne * iome or tb following cfffeli ; BcrfouineiR , dibllUy , dlmntu of alibi mddefeellTenitmory , plmpleion the fae , pbjilcald cy , KTiriloD totha "oclelyof retnalei , ooDfuiIo * or Ideal * tto.f rendertne Mnrriatro improper or unhappy , &r btrtnaDantiy turid. r&tnpblti(36 ( pageioa ) tbe atov , cnt Io ittvled eoi elope , free lo ny addrtn. Coniultattoo at of * flee or t > jr null freo.lnvUr I aaditrletly c afldeutJaI. A PosUIvo Written Guarantee gtvca ID onrrea. Table etit. lledleloo acnt crcrjwbtre by mall or ipr n * MARRIAGE GEJIDE , SCO PAGES , PINE PLATES , cliffaot cloth and gilt tlodluf. icalcdforCOo. In pD t ieoryu reney. Ortr fifty wonderful ptaplcturri. true t * life j urttelaioatho followloj tubjeeiu wbo m f nmrry , whoiiot. whyt nanHood , woman- oo J. i h rile * I decay , etfceti oreclluaey and ezceii.thi pbyf. loloiy orrfprotluetiou.aDd many nor . Iboia Lttrrla * or coDteiiipUllas luarrlnja ehoulrt read It. P rtlr cdltloa lm * xirtxrccrer.acc. Addtti * ito 0 ( ) * . U ttitler ' DR. HAIR'S Asthma Cure. This Invaluable Bncclllo rnndlly nnd pormn- nontly euros nil kinds of Astlimn. The most' ' otistlnnto uml lonir standlnff cases yield inoinpt- ly to Its womloiful curlnu propoitlos. It Is Known tliroufrliout the woild for Us unrlrulod cllicnoy. J. L. OA LD\VHTJj , city of Lincoln , Neb. , writes Jan. "f > , Iftl : Binco uslnir Dr. Hair's Astlimn Cure , formoro tlinuono jcnr , my wlfo hns been ontiriily M t-11 , nnd not oven a sj mptoin ot llio dl eiiHo hus npitrnrod. W'HiM AM llKNNErr , lUclilnnd , Town , wrltoa , Nov.au , 18SI : i imvo boon mulcted wllh liny 1 over mid Astbniu Rlnco 18"i9. I followed your directions nnd nm nappy to Bny Unit I novop Blopt bolter In my llfo. 1 nm plnd tlmt I ntn nmoiifr tbo mnnr wlio can spcnU FO favomblj of yourumiodlfi. A vnlunblQCI pnsn ttcntlso cnntnlnln Rlmltni proof from every stttto In tlio U. S , Canada nml Great Urllnln , will bo mailed upon application Any diuirgist not bavins U ill stock will pro. cuio IU An > i T < nt ipr-ll'l.l l l r ia Uiataial biu * I4 c rr. pjinrn.1 ptknkiM r.fw anil Arv * . .n < l all tKAnt nl At 1 will , * uu ul A f.w di.p. Impart a 4.MM1. l.w l a KtM.af cUi > p.a * . aal la all aumaier jitak. ItJ II. an4 l.'lr * of . .uuuttktl * . Alk Tti.r ctv r n i MM" * fat UaiblUa ajUwIl , i l.atur. . Ibrl'll / U II UCOtKTttO-O. j. w. vrorrisuAKH , BOIB AOSHT , ci jiitoAun- . if. Y. GOLD MEDAI.I PABIB , 1878. BAKER'S U i WurantcU nlnolitltlu puio Cocna , from ivhlcb tbccxccuof Gillian bwn removed. IthaaMifa ttmtithe ttrtngtb of Cocctiniliol wllh Btarcli , Arrowroot or SugAr , and la therefore far moru ccoiiorul- cal , ccttlny till than one cent u tup. It U dillclouB , ii'jtirlablnp , fctrcnitlicnlnt" ; , cmlly dljcstrd , and tulnilrably adapted for linullJn IM well ns for pcmau < jii luallh , heM bjr ( iruriTS perntcrc. W , BAKER & GO , , Dorcliester , lass , -AT- WOODOBIDGE BROS I OMAHA NKHUASKA. "A Clear Skin is only a part of boautyj but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it , Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Her Answer. "I'm golni ; to be innrtlcil , " lie softly said. She looked up 1 swift surprise , Tlir color from out of her lirlRlit face fled , The llglit giewHllin in licr cjcs. "You're Rolni ; to Iw inrttrlcd1 slio echoed low. Her \oico liad n slcndy lone , " 1 \ou'll . " liojioou'll belinjipywlicrccryouBO. A cough hid n little moan. "lltnowtlmt your bride will be good and true , You liner cduld Io\o ntiy other. " She steadily looked In his mcs , dark blue ; "JL icmler you Joy , my biothcr. " "I'm colni ; to bo niairlcd-trmJ ! .ij J 1'f ' > peTe To be , thoimh 1 liaidly know Ii nr luxe , shall 1 loncei ] > Ine and mope ? 1 tieinblo for fear of 'nu. ' " The color that out of her face had lied Tame back \Mtlt a deeper hue : "Why , l n't It f nnnyV'.ihc shly said , "That I'm to bo matrlcd too ? " HONE * ro _ jmi3 iiAuins. I'olt bonnets aru iigatu In demand. TheicIII be a ictiiin to plaids In the cnily Soft silk astrakhan In all colors Is much used I or millinery purposes. .let pant-Is InupdeslRiisot wheat with ilch cut jet pendants HKu wheat cat * . All hats have nnuow brims , but nnnowcr on thu sides und back than In front. Plush bids fait to bo as popular In the splint , ' ns U has been In the winter. Maiabout tilmnilng tn day and o\enlng colois has a fringe ot three-Inch leathers. The last and nbsorblnc lashlonablo excite ment Is the Canadian spoil of tubagganlng. If a man wants to know now Insignificant lie Is let him go with his wife to tlio iliess- Some women swallow finitely as babies swallow buttons , without iinv Idea ol the trouble tlmt may follow. A tioxclty Is an adjustable ilng. Hy some arrangement this ring may bo onl.irguti 01 di minished to suit almost any linger , Sealskin nntl sheepskin nro used for bon nets. Kihboii nnd 11 ( Muu-3 foim the , trim ming A union of bcauly and the beast. The newest silk gloves for CNcnlng wear coiicspond In coloi tothodte < < s , andaie em- tnoldeiL'dllh ( loss silk nnd chcnllo In bmall lloral duilgni. Tim ladles of Obcilln locently debated the question : "Ue ol\ed. That Iho extreme dc- Milopmont of an Intellect chills nnd destroys thuaUcctlons. " Ultra faslilonablo youns ladles now caiiy canes. Tills is n ho.ivy blow at the ilutle , \\liuseonlyiufngi2nowls In leading a pug dog with a sti Ing. A linndiod jc.iis ago ladles used muffs Iho 01 ten times "as huge as the little lolls of Itir 01 pouches of plush and lace Inclosing thu hands nownda > s. Pins tor the hair show n variety of designs. SOUKJ have pine rones of tiny diamonds , oth ers ha\e jewclod burpents , and still others lllghts.of K"Id swallows. A Philadelphia woman is stld to bo the projid possessot of two tongiics , nnd the nciuhboia say that you liavo only to look tit her hUFband's face to bullexe it. H\glenic coioets lla e bntto'ns and hoolcs on the eduos by which the petticoats aio hc- ptnetl , kceplin ; tJium in position and pioduc- ing the coveted sleiulirness ot ligurc. A noveltv in linblearhed hosiery Is an nounced. ll consists ot lines of open woik , two to tlneo Inches IOIIK on vaelt side of the toes , which alloul icliei to thosu tioublcd with coins. When w intci wrap' have not rollais ofel - vct. plush or tur , fashion dictates that only two sorts ot furco\erlngs for the tlno.it may bv used cither tlio long , jriaceful boa ot the oflirei'h collar , tied with a bow of ilbbon. If jou ha-vc not sunny windows do not at tempt to keep ( lowering plants. The west windows may always be a delight- the plant htand bo lilled with aspldistin , ivy , begonias , nnd varieties ot lein which onh require light. . A Madison avenue young lady abseils that the leason her ball dicssus are cut bo low in the back is to save them 1 rom being stained by the inspiration fiom the ungloved hands ol gcntlemon while wait/ing. Appaiently slie doesn't caie whether hci back Is staineil 01 not. Fashionable daughter preparing to go out "Wlialaio thewoathor piolubllitios tor to. day , nnmm.i' " ' Mamma , looking over the paprr "Jligb , easteilv winds with loi-.d iamb. " Fashionable dau htei ( to inaiil ) "Jane , youinnv get oitt my btilped stocKiiiKS and kid slioes. " A stiect suit for oxtinmo cold wcithor Is of hca\y bioitdclotli and Ill-aver tin. Thu cloth is a bionzo blown. The talM ) skill Is lilmiia'd with a nariow-platcd Ilounce , the second skill edged with heavy bolder , four inches wide , the skirt .silL-htly lull In the front and sides , and box-plaited In the hick. Jiiisslau blouses , box-pleated ever the shoulders , but futiiiK tlio toirn with thosntii- ncbs of u ioiscy. and made of dark Labrador bluebonclcrloth , arc btyllslily worn over Ot toman wool hkuts of the same shade. A wide Fieiich Ulii belt Is added to the blouse , this Listening at the left bide with a iaruo sil- vt'i tlasp. ' The tashionablo ctaze for blul's plmnago as an aitlclcot temlnino decoiation appeals to have reached that point in Kn land where disgust its SHIP to hi ing leacl ion. A society has. been established in London , composed ot leaders of the most aiiMiocrntlc circles , which lias for Its put pee the piotcctlon ot the inhabitants of the air , now pciaccntcd almobt lo the point ol extinction. Onomaiked peculiarity about M. Worth , the r.nis man milllnci , Is his gicat dlsliko to ] > eitiime of any shape Ills workwomen aio piohibiicd fiom usliif ? scents , and even liom \\caiing ( lowers dming thciuwoiklm ; hours. When a woman hcnds him hei costly laces tor thoadoinment ol now dicbses , all odoi- ous liom long Rolonuilng In poiltuiud satchels , the lirst thing tlmt ho docs is to cause them to lie thoroughly ultcd. ItiicKlcs , slides , and clasps have taken a new lease of life , and dlvido popularity with bilk coul ornaments and ilbbou ttimmlngs ami fastenings. Thu novelties in thcso laneaiticles \eiyattractlve. . lliicklcs and uoman clasps especially aio holding a K < Pat mcasuioot afetj , thcso made ot oveiy brown matoiial possible to utlllzo lor such a pinpose. and sliovvlnga niilquuaiiilnitlstic milsh hithcito unknown In inu\penslvo 01- namentation. Tlieh ilcli and stylish elTcet upon diessorwiap m.iltuthu new designs \eiypopidarupoii nil stvlesof costume , and the Indications aio th.it their usu will become even moieci-nend than at picsent. Aiimni : the loithcomlnggaimenls for early BpiiiiK weal , the cleilcal hood will hllllap- pcarnpon Micct jm-Kettifind other wiaps. A wise w (1111:111 ( : oiuo sild : "Hoods mo piopurly the i ultimo ol bad or Indlllerent liu'iires ; lound shotildem aio paithilly concealetl by the iidditlon ol n lengthy , pointed moiiKS hood , and a .straight Injure , with not much taper at the wnlst , Is also Impiovcd by a him ! ' lurhood , slncolt gives thu npnearanco of bu-adth to nauow bhouldeis , the tapering liolnt Miirsestiiifr a wabt line by degrees and ueautltullv le&s. " It Is said on good authoiliy that silks hav loachmltholi lowest pilro , anil it It. highly Impiobiblo that thoyvvlll over ugain bo ho cheap. As II has been dcciecd that silk Is again to bo rostoied to Iho position II hold befoiu the tailor m ido costumes weie wet n , and the iisu ot hatln became gcnoial , Iho pilcoof silk has alieady advanced nt least n percent. Ameilcan black ellk Is now made of lu-autlfiil Duality and Is moio oiirablo than that of foreign niaiiufactine. Coloied silks ( it lioino pioducllon iini equal In f\t'iv icspect to the Impoiled ones. Ulai-k hllk pi ran i sis to bo us popular as. II wassomo \ cat i ago. DUOI'S. You can Jrcczo up a gas main but you can't hint thciiirlir. "TliQicmoiiohlui&lii last ' " & ycai'fl ncsls , Of nun so not. Thej'd bo loolish lor blajing in them such weather as this. Jselgh-l ! oauv do not jlnglo so sweetly ns Blclgh-bells hut the muslo of thelrbllver Is veiy swcit to the cat's of the lively stable until. ' With what an air of calm suiierloiltv alien will gobble a worm lifter llio loostcrhas scratched II up. Thoio ro lots ot hens in tint worjtl , "Hlu-s-i nit' , " ho Bald , InnlJiiL' nt the clock , "H'b altet 11. lieU the tlmo lllcs. I had no Idea It was so late. "ItS bitter late lhan iiov cr , " slip s aid , hiding a j awn. Oil the dooi-plato ol n Itiuoklyn ma ) be KMtl , l'Jlrs , ( iibbs , plocut ess , Wiisher anil lionei. " Tlio washer nnd holier piobaUly support Iho dQculIonbt and poetess. An Indlanapollb dealer advertises a " 10- foim cigar.Vuknowut nothing \\hli 'i ' Is mint ) in need of i elm in than tbi -rtKi.'el-.ar It has b04 < u too long stench in ( he m > stuls of the pul'lie. ' A man was lined 25 for applauding lu Ken * York the other daj. tt was In a court- loom. If ho hud hissed In a theatio llio ro- MiH would prol ably ha\e been the same. It is a qeecr world. An Iowa woman was severely burned re cently bv the explosion of rt lemon which isho was biking. That's probably th6 Kind they uc In Iowa for lemonade slncolt be came n piohlblllon stato. "Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Hnggcrty , December W ) , 13ST > , a diughter : wciRht. elcht ntitl oiio-o.uatlpr nound * . Mother and child doing llnuly , llianks to Dr. - , whd Is dcs- tlni-1 to bfcomq Olio of our leading phisl- clan . " rileikimcr ( X. Y. ) Clti/en "What Is the origin of motion1' nskcd n relcin-atcdpioachei ? Well , them arc many oil/ / I n" . A call to come up nnd Imvo a drink ; ! ; lulntr foilvmcn to their feet In n second nnd n Mifilor d"o\vn n Rirl' lCf.u9 ! ) tfio oilnili of the liveliest motion the world ever saw. "All. old tellow , I'm "lad to see j on I" said a gentleman ton friend who Is engaged In the patent mcdldnc business. "That bunion ( otighcuroof joins Is great slulf.1' 'Yes , ll's selling well. " "Yon put It up In eood ilintic. 'llinljcllow labells nltractlve. " "I doirt so nny j cllow ItbeK" "Well , It cured mo nn > how. " "Cm oil yon ? Don't 1 adver tise for people to 'bownro of Imitations ? ' " "This 13 a pretty time of night for jou to bo coming home. Wheio have jou been ? ' ' "Ucon dow n " "Xow , don't lull mo you'v o been \vatchiiic the old ) ear out. sir. 1 vo heaid that stoiy for 'JO joms. " "Xo , m' dear. .les' staid down to gicet th' now jenr. " "Oh. nonseniel" "Xo nonslipiiso rbout It , in' dear , llow'd you llko to boa now * j ear nn' como In nn' not have a soul In sight t' wel come ycV" A patrolman on Second stieet pulled Iho bell of a homo at 10 o'clock the other evening nnd said to the lady who came to thu dooi : "Aladame , n man whose actions nro veiy sus picious has lust entcicd the yaul by thu nlloy-galc. Wouldn't It bo well for mo to search the picmlses ? " " 0 , no , sir , " she sweetly replied. "That suspicious person Is my husband. When ho comes homo sober ho entcisnt tlm front door. When ho is tight ho Mionks In nt the back gnto. You need never laKe nn nlaiui over him. " [ Detroit Flee Press. lie was really n clerk In n gioccry stoic , but on sunilay nlternooti , mounted on n high lioi.se , ho looked as If he iulilit bo n member lie was pulling on more llinn usual dignity andgiacp , for iheio weio sov- cial Indies on Iho sidewalk ndmulng him. Ilo was satlslicd In ids mind that ho was cicatlng n Ricnl impiowslon when n small boy on tlw sldewnlk called out : "lloyl" Ilo looked mound. So did the Indies. "I say , mlslei , " continued the boy. last nliiht you onlv gave me live candles lor a quartei 1 ouglitercotslv. " Inaklrcrlcncc. They were waiting round the balhoom Pintle bflcht w Ith llghls and mhrois fine ; She tinned bet face fiom him away " 1'iay what dlstmbs thee , daillng mine' . ' Has aught I've said given offense , Oi might I've douoestianged thy heait'.1 Tmn not fiom me your sweet lacu hence t cannot must not fiom thce uait ! " "How foolish , Frcdl you know I'm fond ; Hut when \\o pass j on mirror bright I h id to look liom ) on bu ) end To boo if my new diess hung rlghl. " MUSICAL AND DKAMATIC. Jllln , the tragedian. Is artistically , but not financial ! ) , successful In New Y oik state. Ititblnstotn Kissed P.illi's hand on the btagcduiing her lecent pcifoimance at " \ i- cnna. Kdvvln Boolh plavs nn cncaccmentntllio ; Kit th Avenue theatre , .New York , on Febiu- aiy 1. Mrs.Tliurbcr is cntltcly satisfied with the icceptlon accorded her Amciican opera un- dei taking. Violet Cameron the English comic opera filngervvlth the beautiful tin oat , is coming over next season. Neil Buigess proposes to icsurrcet the "Widow Hedott. ' in Xcwi .England during the coming \\eck\ Mr. Ficdcrick Wmdo is to make his first nppe.iinnce in New Yoik at the People's theatre on February 15. Wilson Uairett lost S3 ,000 on n thrcc- wpeksiunot the Into Loid L ) tton'S nlny , "The Household Gods. " Lucy Hooper sajs that Mile. Weber the lately ciowiit-d oitccn of the Pniisiau stage , is marvclously HKc Hachael. Clara l < ouise Kellotrp resumed her concc : tom at Wilmington , Del. , Monday , llui tour bouth was intciniptcd by illness. Sol. Smith Kiibsell has been doing n good business on thu road Ibis season with his new comedy , "Fcli.\rMcCuslclr. " j Etlwaid Mayo does not go on the load with "Davy Ciocltctt. " but remains with his father playing the Prince in "Xordcck. " Adelaide Dctchon has become a champion whlstlei at fashionable London social recep tions. This lady was once on Wnllnck'd com- wany. ' The choinl societies of Vienna are forming a Daily ot 100 to make n tiip nt their own ex pense to Milwaukee to bo present at thq com ing Uciman festival. , Mine. Adda Adinl , who foiiucrly wai Ade laide Chapman , ot Boston , is a new Ameri can opcia snivel abioad , anil bho h.is cie.ited n considciablu nud fnvoiable sensation in Nice. ' , The fust volume of Marie Gclbtlngerjs me- mohs Is ready tor publication. Itsnpprai- nnco Is awaited with cuiloslty , lei , "die bchono Helena" has plentv to tell , and what .slio tells Is bliro to bo puiimnt. Anton Itubinstein has wiitten the lafct bar ot his nmvoiiloiio , "ilosi-s , " which vv ll bo the gicat attraction of the Leipzig Gewaiid- haus comeils this season. The work will bo rehearsed and executed under the diioctlon ol the compose ! . The phvBlcIan in attendance upon Mi. Tholnas Kceno thlnK ? that Ilo may sulllcicnl- lyiccovpr fiom bN paralytic stiokoso that ho can play iiKaln in Maich. 3lr. Keene is at Ills homo in Brooklyn. lieiciitly , dining tholasl acl of the "Two Oiphans" at New Oilcans , Mailo Wain- wnght'.s wig took luo fiom iic.iiidlu op the table , causing excitement ninont ; the audi ence , but she pulled thu wit ; oil ami extin guished the tile. The bailtono Lasallo and the Opeiatlc Comedy Combination will mal-o then debut at llnmburg next week. I'vpeclatlon is on tip-too. Tlio ( ii'imans arc much inhaled nl Ihii aiili-Wiurner cnisatht In Pails , but tliu Hamburgeis will not ictallate , ns they might , by hooting their Ficnch visitors. Chief Hamiigton , of SI. Louis , .says : Tlio lust iiino I saw .MaggieAlitchell wns In the old Uovviy Thpatcr in 'Novv Yoik in JWi. 'j hose weiu the davsof stock companies when n now pleco was plaved eveiy niylil. .Matfglo wa.s then doing a nice llttlo diincu lnluceii ! Iho acts. She M-emed to mo to be about 18 \caisold , nnd was npliimpand nttiautlvo lilth ) icil-hcaded Kill , who M-emcd to bo a gieat lavoilto wllh the public. In lbvi.fi.irs disllnct iipc | < of musieweio iiubllshed In ( icimany , tlio total tor lta.1 hav ing been fi.-W. ' . Ot the loimei number ii'il mu Unsullied us foi symphpnic oichesti.i , ft I tor jiibtiumeutal hands otherwise consti tuted , 4Uo lor blnglo-stiliiKCtl instiuincnts , 111 lor binclp-wliul instiiiments , 'J- ' " ' lor plaiiO'toite , liJiloiIthci ) , fr5 lot OIKUII , Mfoi liaimoiiium , 10 for haip , 10 toi guitar , and I ) 1 01 chlhlicn'b musical Instruments. The 10- maludci is accounted lei by lbffi ! vocal com positions ot all kinds. Too Cold for tlio I'oot. J'w/Y. / AS clear as n bliio-vvhlto diamond Wns the thilly w intei air , And ihostaiMul cohllj glltteied Thioiightho bi-anche.1 LMiint anil bate , The tuikoy was snugly catheied In a ballon the topmost limb , The moon Mione down on the bull-dog , Who leaped and barked with vim , And the poet thought , In hlfc bed-room , Ol the melody of the spheres As husjilvcicd and diew his ulster Atouml Ida musical cais1 , Them s\\o \ 123 American students at the University of Bpilin this j ear , Ovei thlity-cldit thousand clilldion attend Iho Catholic free schools of Xew Yoik city. Thoio Is n rumor that Piof. Coulter , the noted botanlsl of Wabash college , will silt- iced Plot. < ! i-.iy us botanist at Yale vojlego at no distant day , Daniels' Lchibucli dcr Gpographie for ISbo glvm the population of the woild nt M5,000 , . 000.000 , beaKliity,0&l | 'aiicuasei ' amUllalvi'ts , and cmbiacing l.lOOfoimsot idlglon , Tl'o ' Boston Cooking school has had six men ns pupil * during the jour. One man took a thoicniih course end the live other men looK Ifibtms tor llto peisonal atlsfaetlon of Knovring hovv lo pi ep.no tood. In U.n Philadelphia public schools 23,000 " girls recelvo Instruction In the accomplish- ruent orsewlngciittlng andxlninlng. This branch of instruction was Introduced Info the public schools about one ) ear ago ahd the results have been mo't sMisfnctory. The recent bequest of 55200,000 to Iho Vnn- dprbllt unlvcrsjty by the late Wllinm 11. Vnuderblll , ( ogctlier 'wltii other icsonrcci. gives tlmt Institution nn annual Income ot about S7S.OOO. II l t siippo'ed n pail of Mr. Ynnilcihllt'ftfuit will bo devoted to the sp. cutcmcnt of.ivw.i.11-equlppcrt llbraiy. There are now -'SO students at the university. The celebration of the filth cciilcnniyof the UnlvcHltytf Heidelberg next August 'v 111 bo n Blgimtfc nffnlr , over SO.OOD old stu dents being expected , ns well ns ninnj other guests , deputations , etc. The nrcpamtlons hnvo already .commenced. Victor \on Scheffel. . lilniself nn old student ot Ilcldel- bcrg , nnil lUl 5tJ5 Hi rt nullior of mniiv songs has vvrillon A jubueo liymn , ror nnlG ! ' . Vincent Laclmcr has compose the imrslc. Senator Stanford on building for tlio Stan ford University : Thev will notbo begun for some tlmo vet. L shall bo very caielul In thai icspoct , and have the nrchUccts look over nil the college sliuclures In Ibis country nnd L'niopo so ns to select the best plans. Gen. Francis Walker told mo the other day that nl Oxfoul. England , n cosily structure wns erected which was so unsuitable for the real wants of hounlveislty that It icqulml an cxpcndlluie of b'XX,000 ) lo reconstruct It. I do not want to make ai\y \ mistake of that kind and shall build slowly , so ns to be stlie. John W. O'Connell , school director , St. Louis : Wo hguio out that we need about ( if- ty new tpachcis In our public schools every ) ear , and we aim to get that number cither out of the noinuil school or by examinations A few ) pftts nco wo were supplied with teacheis liom the noimal. but now the noim- al docs not give us enough. At present there mo 1,100 teachers lii Hie schools nnd of that number only fifty-live are married women. Wo hao n rule w hlch demands Hie leslgna- llon of n teacher when she nmtrles , but often therentoclicumstaiiccsthnt cause them to return Ions after leaving. Some make un- foituualu maiilages and In occasional cases the husband may bo pioslialed and perma nently disabled by sickness. When this happens wo lake Iho leaelier bnck. Now and then one of them turns up w itli n dissolute anil woithless husband , and in such ca.so. alter satisfying ourselves tlmt the , husband has boon conducting hlmsclt badly for fiovcinl months we give the lady n place. Tlio The lUizrnnl came down like n thousand of biick ; Ills hi entlmlgs weic cakes of Ice four Inches thick , And his Imlr bticamcd fni oul iu n stiffness that bent Wllh iho swirl and speed of ihe pathway he went. Ills boaid that found loots to the lids ol his ojes Hid his taco in a haliy. unplciccd dl-sgulse , And sniend out in Ice-like ilgldlty lar Fioiii Ids ono eye that flashed like a pivotal blur. Unseen was the rest of tlio demon-like foim Of the sw Ill-moving Bll//Hid , Iho god ot Iho sloim ; But the presence was 1'clt of an unconrrucrcd will , ForUio fasl-umnlng livers stood suddenly blill. 4 ji And the noses of people w ho traveled the slicct Tinned white with ' alfilght , and the liuriyiug ' ' * tcet Were stung nswlth sling of n liuiuticd ol bees _ _ Willie Uio I'lOTil ' ciept away and allowed them tolicevL- . llov. MlssEEIlalHownid will preach icgulai- ly al Holablitl , Dakota , heieafter. Itev. .1. Watson Smith , lor Ivventy-ono j ears. : i Jfelnodist , has joined Iho Univeisa- llsls nt Boston. This j ear liasfer falls on April 25. Thedav is biindny. Ka3i , II Is said , has not fallen on the sitingjdatesince ; ITS ! . There aiu ln0Kngland and WnlPs Hh7i ! Chinch of Unsljind chutches , against L'0r , i5 Xonconfoimi'bt nnd l.ltoCatholic chinches. The chin ch of the Unity , Dr. Cell ) or's old pastoi-ato hi Chk-aco , has called the Itov. T. ( } . Millblead , ot Ihe Taunton ( Mass. ) Uni- laiian church , und he will assume his duties I'ebruaiy 1. The churches nt Pullman , 111. , aio heavily in debt , owing lo the excessive rentals , etc. , charged by Ihe Pullman company. Tlio min isters Uneaten lo resign. Five ol the bishops ol Ihe Episcopal chinch wcioborn in Ireland , one in Canada , and nine In Now Yoik city. Only two vvc'te ' boui in the stales In which lliey are bishops. It is shown by llioslalistlcs ot Iov > ntlmt thai state his a greater percentage of women ministers in uutivo work than any other , and also lhat It has a larger percentage of young men connected with its chinches. Cardinal Guibeit , arehblsliop ot Patis , late ly celebrated his Pighty-fouilli biithday. Be fore his appointment to the SPO of Paris in Ib71 ho belonged to tlio Oblate older. He was created cardinal by Poj)0 ) Plus IX , In 1871' ' . In connection with the Wesleyan jubilee it is proposed to i.dso during lbsO-37 5300,000 as a jubilee olferlng. In connection with iho samc-theie is lo be n "Golden Stliitlav , " on which old and young me to put gold In thu collection box. ThelJcv. liieliaid Hailan , a recent giadu- nte of Piinceton and a .son ot Justice Hailln , of the United States supiemo couit , has been railed to tliij pulpit ol the Fiisl Picsbterian chureli ot New York , ioltvacant bv thoiesig- nallon ot the llcv. Dr. William M. Paxton. This is one of the most substantial ot the cit'sold chinches. At the opening or the western ycaily meel- lug of Filends , Indiana , theiu were ten thousand people present lor woisbip. In Kansas there are home twenty thousand iiioinliei-b. Thu niimbcrn are incicasing , and 11 anpe.iicd liopi the lojioit which was lead at tlio Weslcin yearly meetinu thai evangel istic woik was being eauled on with vigor. Thogiovvthof Pipsbvlerlanism In Canada Is a special nnd renmikablo icatuio in the Kcneial piogie.ss ol that countiy , ns is shown b ) aricenily publiKiied comparison between thocliurch ns It was in ISTTaud iisltls to-d y. In that jieiiod the Picsb.vloilans have in- cip.ised six-fold , nnd in Now Biunswi < ; k the incieaKOhns been seven-fold. In the mov- inceof ( Jupbtc the incicaso Is tiom 15,000 to over.VX,0 ) ( , ami liom three to ovei sixty con- Kie .itlons. In Ontailo In IbTT there were iii.oooPieshrtcil.ins and ' . < mlnlstcis. Xow IhPiuaiuHK.otM ) with rM mlnlMeis. In the gieat noithwesl , pilor to IStii , Iheio wns only out ) minister : now there aio bis coiifieu'a- lions and stations , with which areconneitcd lr.U , : families and ' .M minlsteis. A St , Louis piper prinls Iho following in- tpivlovv wllb n cleigymnn : "Yoli may Niy that u clei rman , who lias been twenty ) IMIS In the pulpit , Is gieally astonished nt thu Ciowthot modt'rn splimiallsm , not only in this countiy , hutthioughoiit the vfoild at the present time. I j Is spreading In thu chinch- cs , its'well as oufsitlitot tliein' Its convPits iisctl to bo enthely liom thu Inlldel nud ntlip- 1st classes iu niiiih so that spliitiialKm It self was iamod ) nid ) rightly so as n species ot Infidelity , But now.vnst numboisoi puo- jilu wlmcoimiiuuu with Cathollo and Piotp.sl- ant cliuichei apt tieliovers In Sililtual ] maul- lestatlons. imd SVould lathci ulvo up thcii fhilstianli.v tlmii iihandon theli sjililliiallsm. The Catholic chinch nmdit u strong Jight against spliitualism , hut It Is nimble to beat it down , Spjnaff the most Intelligent Cath olics hero anivcUevvliore are among Hie most ardent spliltuatlits. 1 cannot say how'they reconcile thu onif bellet with the other , but „ . . .i5lo ( it nt k-ast they hold to then Catholic fidth opt'iily nnd to Ihoir hilr- | ittmlhtir Inlth Mi'ietfy.nd so with JMutlio- ilibt.s , I'lCftbtucniilis , l.iilists ! | anil Kiiifoiii - linns 'I'lit'iti Is-no t-liilstl.in ( leiiniiiiimtion lii-d.iy imil M vvlinbu inciiibcibhlji is not tinged with biitiitunllsni. ! I'lLKS ! IMI nS A sine euro for Blind. Bleeding , llehin nnil Ulcerated Pile- , has bet-n discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian lemi-d ) ) , called lr Williams. ' Indian PIle Ointment. A single bo\- has cured the worst chioulc cases ot 2."i or ; xp.usbtaiitllii' ) , ' . No ono need wifTer live minutes alter appl ) Ing this vvomleiful sooth ing medicine. Lotions nnd Instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absoibsthe Imiioi * , allays the Intense itchlni , ' , ( paitk'ulinly nt nlL'lit nfler cettlng wann li ) bed ) , nits as a ] xuiliire , clvui Instant relief , and Ispivpuvd onlv fm PU | , Itching ot pilvatc pails , and lor nothing else , SKIN JHBKAHKb OUUIJU. Dr. 1'rit/li-i's > IiL'le Ointment euivs AS by made , Plmplps , Jllack Heatli nr diubs , Itlotclie-s nml Kruptlons on the fare , hav ; ing the slxln clcu anil beautiful. Also cine.- , licit , .Sail , Iflieum , Som Nipiilo.s .Sore Lip' , uiijl OhlObstiimtol'Ireis. boht b ) dui''trisjs , or mailed on receipt of iti tailed bv. Kuhn & Co. , andSchiY > btiTi.V Bt'ilit At \ , 'hc'liulo b ) U. F. ( ioodnuu. LKTTKK LIST. List of letters remaining uncalled feint nt tlio postbllico for the week ending Jan uary SI , 1880s GENILEMKN'S UST. Arthur W Altocfer G Andte cn E Anci'll A : Brown Adam C F AcKcrman A Austin C AnneaW.H Burns M Hal tie W il BidbCH Uowker (5 Brccdon O Bmca K K Blain F G Urtbbel 0 Brown C A Blake 0 0 BorndiicekllG Brady H Blair At ! BellcksJ Bongs-mi J B ) brsoti J BovccJX t ) , A .AK JJi ° W VI , ! > . : j" . liuuy j i > BicvvMei OE Blown 0 A BlerleV T Cohn N b CIovlnCB Chamineu H J Condon Y Cooke AY U Coy 0 Chamberlain 0 K Calhouii C A Clark .1 E Clift L , U Coon L Cartel .1 Cnrpptitpr F Copp r Clark S a Clnuscn S Custello J Cahlll W H Convvnv P Davis T I ) DmvcrD.r Drclmnn A Dowllng WJ ] > IcdrlpK oii P Daley D Daily S W Dixoh j ar Day J S B P.rfckson C O Enoch .1 Konch H I'lynn W Fanand W FcinK rippiuon W N Fllnck A Finhm II U Frediiiskson 0 Fiancisco G 0 ( lalpsi : B Gmcc F. G Gavin J 'J Green J Goll H Gioss II Gal nor C M Glmnion W A Giaves S Gllle F Gen v ear C ( Jmnsey C W GcvegoCW Hushes U Hotfman > T Hothiiander A Hlgcens 12 A Aill T U Hcmleison W II Hunt F II Hopple FA Hamilton W II Haivey U A How aid A Hill A HowcttC HiiilmanTN Icom Clue Ino W 11 luo W P Johnson C .Tacobbeigcr F Jankowski F Johnson G N KarniU 13 Kuovvsl O Kollcs J H Knight JO Kellogg C W Knight OS Kaims 15 F Katjci H-'J Krenck F Lesch P-8 Lose M Libeimali L Lowes C LoveridgoL 0 Levin F II Low is A Leo C A Larson C Lennox G U Lennox OH McCormlck B MrCllutoclcJ 0 McLcod P Minklci O A Muiphy J Moirls J S 3 Sluirav J Moignn J S Mack W B MeCanny F MclCce F 3 McShauoTB Ma\vvolID II McDougall J Mohl E Mailcs A MonlsoiiCT Mnhoonuy J Nllson S Noonan A 3 Newman , T Nicms C Nelson L H Olson C A Osliorn U W PloetyJ Pot dnn Hf A Phelps U W Purklns H Paten H G Pcteison H Pace W T Phelps D Pattci son J Itobaig H lioblnson J It ) an J E Itcddy Al Uobiusou M IJoclte J' Kequa C L Saltor.1 W fchprinaii T bhcldou A\r C Sullcy A J SchiicbcrM falcbley A Stockwcll A hheny A Smith L.L-3 Stcwaid JE SpcinliovvcrG Schlotleed C StCKcncaDP Snillh C F SachesT Sluiney G 12 Tom ner D Thomas C W TutlloJ S TiielN E Topper N A Totltl E A Tiayord J ToipeyT J Tormalor V\7 VldeiiLA Williams W S Wcnning A AYiiKht H W AVilllamsC Walts W Wakclmld J A White F E Warnei (1 A Wiipht G I ) Wilde J Wudln H A Willis 10 Woods J Wcisl J J Wlsetlmj S Wiight F J Zetterholm 0 r.ADins' LIST. A-iideison Aflss J Andeison Mis C Uonanipvio HcedlosMtsJ " HiucoM"O Unhr Miss 11 Jhmvstei MrsC E JJjiokywMi Miss S JilimtMisC UiNcooMKsS ] iiovii Mrs MA Jliovvn Mis II 'A Hiimo A lianintin J ChaiolIoMissE Uiiidvv I'll Miss A. Craig Mrs O Cl.iilcMr.sJ A C.ulirm MisL Case Mi < A J Cleveilev Mrs WS Oallcin ifisb JC Calkin .Miss C DooIitlieMrsF Dates 3frs K B Doughcilv A Dcnison JIIss K Kills Misl : Ellis Miss N A Kiuis.Mii.UC ] ' "iecninii Miss. L l-'Isliei Miss IJ rilnitvli Cliay U Oiotrs I ) K Jlailnnd Miss A lliiiiiliii-y ] ) Mis 1 ' llowaul Mis A llnllVhb'll It Hara-urMi.ssM Hill Mrs A Ilw-ki'i MissM JleiiileiMMi Miss U15 llojt Mis A Hey MLssV JlnttU .Jones .Miss X .lolinsoti Mtss M Ken von MisA KiiL'iniL'r .Miss I , KuKliiMisbL I.nixon .Miss Lonincd Miss M l.aiM-n A l.c-oMis .IM J.niihiiin Afrs X J.illlbriilKO MipsJf JMnlliiiKcr Alr A MaiKlmiiiMlssN .Muyn.ml Mis G 0 Mnttei Miss Jt .MnllPii Mi s.\ [ Moiit-llMlssK Muinliy N MiiniinMis.l \ McKvenov Miss L McKay MtsM MmiKCi Mis I'M Mitclii-llMi.s K Mi-Iiito-li Miss FA MijUonal/1 Mis 0 .Miller A L 2s'oilstiii | ] A Nicinan U Olson MUs T. 1'lltr-rA 1'arkcr Mrs S P IVltc on JI J'lirlns Miss L Tivot MibsIJ 1'i.ittMhsM I'ojitlJIibO JllKhtbuvvprMii N Kibort Mrs C Ithddes .Mis11 Stndlditl Mr. I. Svvri-iiov MlssJC blniisiii | ( Jhs U KroltM'M .SanslMjpi ) .Mi < M Kdiioilt-i Mrs A Stovrins V StlMV.Ilt O .Smith .Mr * It .Smith Mit , U V bniitliMis- Stimlrr MibM Slll'II MlaJ SellaiiL'lc .Mnj tStonu L TjjJoiMi-nM T'npi-s ' Mit. It Whitnev J rn , \Vlws \ Miss M M Wulrli Miss U Wilson Mis 0J \\'ili.iiis.V.l ! " \Vcssc \ | Mi.s A \\ro ibMmM White .Mis WallacJMFb At Walsh MissM Waul ; A \ > & \iA'inn. Miss I.oonil.s MLssM iliovvn -Mih' , C It.iy Mi.s 01 ! tinssvtl .1 WiiiKiuu Unit iMiL-ck S B Thompson Mir. S llaifeton Mr KI51toot Col 11 ( J Clark MK.DMc-Muipliy MisM I'arrott ,1 HonUllii Y Kill ( us -Miss It C'ormick J J ( 'otlbuoitlt C. K. Cou TAN r , Postmaster. VThcn B 1 > y Wlicn alte irA3 a Cltllil , ( lie crlitil forC.utnrli , When iho became Mlia , elio clung to C'utoiU , \Vlaea the bwl Children , tlie g re lliatu UastorU , Tlioro. is not mucli luxury in litliny in a railway cab iu J'jjynl. The I yplhuii tlo not ujiptiHi- ha vo learned the Hit ) of bal- la.slfur i.iilroads , nntl liilmx on nno of their vnrn is almost ( | : ; lo n Miltot Chocks finni ( in I'lci'tilo Ij.itlt-rv , The sides of llio ear Aio ( ipmi , mitt vvlieu tliu suntl blows ft'uiu the tlu'iutil U uhmisl , luiiOoiljlc | for Iho tiavtiloiMo sea the per- jiou sitting nlongsiilo pt him , ( JivoNour chlhlronlj" IJ DOLT.LASS & SONS' fAl'blt'l'M COUCJJJ DliOPS for llurir'ou ( lis'olUiiil ( ( Sere 'Jluuats ; thoj will cuio speedily , uiu uuaiilCoS unri ; to the taste. JiiT OTO IS * * . " . . . - * . Q TT - .5 t ? i T\ i -sr - - - - - une of UIG Best amv jute ocios tn to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevatoij M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OHO. nUUKn , Mnnnpor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. nKrnilENTKS : Merchants nnd Fnrmors' Ilanlt , David City , Nob.i Konrnoy KntlnnM nati ncy. Nol ) . : Columbus State llant , Columbus , Nob. ! McDonald's llnnk , , Xortli 1'latlo , .Nob. Ornah * Kalfonnl Hank , Umiihn. Neb. < i Will pay customurs' draft i\lth billet Ifidluff attached , for two-thirds value of Mock. By a sort of rough wtiRRiM-y ninny stout mun on both siilus.of tlio SUM , uro known us "Jumbo , " nftcr the poor bunst that went the way of all llcsh last anmmcr Among tlio fut men so niulntmcd is the Duke of Portland , suul the duke lias good naturally accepted the nsnno by callin ; ' hia smartcsttwo-yoar-old "iMiss.lummv. It Is said that tills lilly is likely to win iho llrili.Hh O.iks next beason. CureB RHEUMATISM. Uncknctic. Hoailnrltc. Toollniclic , Nlirnlnn , Rrulnri , pc. , olc. Price , Fifty Cents. At Druggists nd Dealer ; . THE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO. , Sole Proprlotorj .b.A. ESTABLISHED 1803 CHAMEDROWN CO GBAIN AND PROVISION" I I OFFICES : Board of Tinae , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. Milwaukee. H C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor. Lioual Business Solicitor , 150 ! 1 Doug las St. , Oiualia , Neb. ICS CaraOiieueiof F2oVses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , pourvrnv , In use for over 20 years by rnrmcrs , Btockl rcctlcrs , Horse K. 11. , ie. Used by U. S. Government. STABLE CHART-W Mounted on Rollers & Book Mailed Frco. Rnraphreya'SIcJ. Co. . tO'J Fulton fit. , N. V. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No , In ntoBU ycnro Tlinonr ! uccDS fnl rfnitdj for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd 1'ioitratlon , from over-work or oilier c ner . Cl per vlnl , orfi vialHanillnrRO vinl poutkr. for 3f\ Miuirv DiaVynlrtiB urm-ntpottiialdoirecilplot . , JOU uLo l. , A. V. Of OKI Liquor ilulni , I'osilitol ) Curril l > y AdnilnUtorliipr Dr. IIllllIC" . ' faOlllt-ll Njll't'lllc. It run lieclxcn Inn cup of roIKuurtta\\lllmut the liiiDivli'ilgnof tlie jicrton taking Uliiil ulutuiy liariuleii , and \\ill i licet a prrniuiii'iit anil spei'ily cure , uliillivr Ihu imtlcut In a niodeiulodiltlkerur an alcoliujiurok It lius. Iiten hl > en ID tliou- nanit o [ cii-ef , uml In rvi ry Intluncca iujrfeil euro lint follomd It nrrcr Inlli , 'I tin nyhU > m erica Imiiresnitcd ulih tliu b | > vi IllrItliuonirnun ullei lmioiilbllll | ) foi tlm liquor apiuillp lucilil. ion s\i i : nv rori/wi.\i DiiunairiiK : KUIIN ACO. . , Cm : 15th nnd Darislnx , nnd JSlli tV ( . 'iiiuliiB Wl , , ( ) ni.'iliu'irrl.i A. I ) , I'OsTJSR A : IHtO. . ( Jouncll ItlnfTi , Iowa. C'ull cir rll < > for pi'nplilct conl.iliilnx hundreds of li'silijiDiiluU troinllmbeit tvoinin uml menlroiu Hof tliuco-uilrv. _ MEN. You nra allowed ajrca ( r/a ! oSIMrtu daijt of tlio " 50 of Jr. l o' fc lilmdc.l Voltaic IU It nltb I Iciirlcbus JiciuoiY Applliucvi , for iho mxiMy rcllff nud jxr- naDCiit ouiuof At-/ioi/jt Itettillty luiid of f , and nil klndrc l lrouhli * AUu for ninny otherdliic > < uc3. Complete rc tan > llun to Hvulili , Vl or , nnd tlanlmod tniunmu til .SD rUk la Inourr.-il. Illuv tn(4-il pmirtilol In * faMeutfb > it nwlUil fni.bynit 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'llio Original inl Only ( < i inline. g ( n iol Ll ij ; n ' .la" rrmrtarrturlliloalultalloBl lbjiivnfall l LADIES. Aal.-'r llruccl.l M I'tlilrliralrrV. Fngll.li" i t late n oil.-i cr u..lo la. ( ita > i * MJ . t-f I4iiit < J4 ttrr t , rttut-n innll. . < I'llhc.lrr < lirinlrnl Cu NAME PAPglT. ' , Jflr ! atl Jiliiur. ' , I'lillnilH.J'A. At llriirirlata. Tru > lc arj | id I'J 1 uller A. 1 iillfl Co. . ( Illr.IS" . 111. ' tSTABUSHED USED ! H ALL i &u4 ( Ill , tiii'afiln.'r \ 1''oit ' ' ' ' . ' flNC'l.NM'J'l. ! Railway Tinio Tabl OMAHA. ' " Tno following Is tlio time of arnvnt ondde- pnrtuiool tmlns by Crntnil Htnndard tlmo nt the lo.-iildoi'iit . 'I'lnlnsof the C. , St. 1' . , > l. * O. nrrlvo and depart Irom tholrdonol. cornqrl ot nth nnd WobMnmtracIt ; trains on the 11. ft j M. , C. , 11. & Q , nnd K. C. , St. J. .V 0. . from Oio f II. & M. depot : nllotheiA from the Untoa I'noiflaf. lcpot < mumiu TRAINS. / Hrldffot inlin will leave I. 1' . dopucnt QM , I ! 7 : . { . > 8:00 : 8 : < 0-hf : > u--ll IQiM-llu'Oru m. , 1:008 : 1MU 150 ! II n:00 - aOJ1OJ5:00 : : 5W:05 ) : ? 0:10-7:00-11:10 : : : p.m. | I.envo irnimlvr for Oinnhn n 7:12 : 1 > 8:15 : 0:30 : * IIMJ 11 I03-I0i7 : ! : : 11:17 n. m. : l:3f : 2:13 : U 2- : ! :30-3a7-4:37- : : CH : 7a I AnUnl nnd dcjinrtnio of tmlns from tlto - i-r depot nt Council Hlurfa : DEl-.VI'T. AimiVE , nuicvoo A Monriivv rsTriiN. f D:1 : < iA. M Mull and Kxprcss 7:00 : P. M h IJ:40lM. : . . . Accoininndiillotl. . . . . . . 4-.IO p. MJ Gi.'or. M l\ireass. ! | . . . 9:15 : A. M J ClllUVdU & IKK.lt ISIAM ) . * ] fi:15 : A. M Mull nnd Kvpiosi 7CO : P. M 7:11 : A. M . . . Acciminiodutlon fi:30r.M : 5:20 : r. M , U\prc 3. > . U:13An : CIIICAIIO , MlliW.VUKUC ft RT. 1'iOf. . 8:10 : A. M Moll nnd K\ptess 7OOl'.M : 5:131' : . M i\lllCJ8 : U15A.M ; ciiio.uio , iwitMMiroN A. gui.scv. it.a'iA. M . . .Mull nnd r.xiuus3 nMr. : M ( i:40iM : . . . . Uxpicsa 0:15.M : i , BT. i.otin A rvciric. 2lp : > r. M.Loc-ivl.St. liouls is\nrc < s l.ocul. . . . O.OOr. M TinnclurSt. Louis lit . 'rrnnsfor.nt ! iv.bT. JOU i COtlNCIUllUlIKFR. Sil'i.M .Mallami i\pioss : 7:35p.Ml : U.OO P.M. I\IIICM : . 0J5A. : M _ < cuv & I' 05 A 8lon\ City Mull. . 7:00 : l' . M. B-.W 1- . . St. I'nul lxiii5s ! | ! . UU5 : A.U Deiinit. Arrive A. M I1. M. UNION I'AOII'IC. . M. u K. SfMa . . . .Vnclllo i\pioss : . . . .llL'inoi ixi : > ross o. .vitni1. VAU.IJV. . . .Mull and i\iic : | > a3. . ailOa H. &M. IN N1JII. .Mull und Kxproas. . 0:401 : lOUJn Uepiirt. SOUTIUVAUD. Arrive A. M. i1. Ji. MlfahOUHl I'ACiriO. A. M. P.M. lllJUn : Dny i\piois : 0-J5d : .NlKbl i\picss : . . . K. C. , ST. J.A , 0.11. , 8:11b . .Via riitttsmonth. . . 7:00d Depart. A. M. P. M. I 0. , bT. 1' . , JI. ic O. A. H. I" . M. 8UOa : . . . . Sioux City K\pre . . 6:4Uc.'Oiil.lniid : ' Accominod'nUOOOo : Dcpiirt. Arrlvo A. M. I I' . M. I C. , II .V ( J. A. M. I P.M. 1) ) U ! 0:00 : I .Via I'lnttsnnmth. . . T 15 6TOCIC YAKDa TIIAIN8 Will IOIIMI U. i depot , Omalii , nt 0:40 : 8:3J | 10.45-10 B'm. m. : SlO-.l.60-fi : J3j ) . in. ' j LiavcSlork Vnulaloi Oiniiha nt7:5"i : 10:25 : O. m. : l..OI l.ffl 4:10 Ti.07 < < :20p. in. Nori : A ( ntlns dally ; ll.dndy except Sundays O , dully except Saturday ! U , dally except Mon * day. A Kjiiilnia Mcdtc.1oik foi Young Men .4 Aliddlo Aged ill' " , only si by iiiall t postpaid. A GREW MEDICAL WORK OH MANHOOD Bxlmintprt Vllnlllr , Nerrom tinil I'hTilonl Dntitlltr rrcnmturu Dcrllno ( n Mnri. llrrjito of Vontli.anil ilia unlcilil nilnorlcB rcsulllnj fr'i'ii ln'li ! > rrellon niiit cr Cfftft A book lor every inin. Jtmne , mlildltMiaoit uml old. Hciinlnlns IJTiiirfSorlnllonn form ! iicutonnd rhronldllfpnoi'j. rnchmiaor hlrh H Invulmihle. Ho Iiiiina li > llio author whoso oxpprlonrn for Zynirala \ mlin rrotinbly noior biifnri' foil In tlio lot of anr I'liyslclnn ; ( flJimqoi , bminil In bl > nillfnl Krcni-h nun- lln ( MiilKi-i'cil c ovrri , lull ullt , ciinraiitpeiltn liuailiiur ixirkliK'vcrvKCnan uit'clinnlciil . lllrrnry nnrt prorns. rliinal lliiiiinnrnilipr Mork In tlila inuntry fnrJ.'jl ortliomoncT will horefnml In niry Initnncn. l'ri-n only II by innll , i > n tmli1. IlliiHimloil namplu , m ? PctKliiow. ( loldnic Inlnwiiriloii tlinntilUor I > T tlm rii- tlonnlMpillml AnfiicliiUoii , to tlioonirrraot wJuclilia ie'lhoS < locoof7 < lfoahonlil boronil h > thOTOiinrfnt' JnBtrutilon unit liy tlio mulcted for rcliof , u will uono- IllBll. 1/inilon Jjiniet. Them la no member of xnclrtr ( o wlmui Ilin Sclonoa of J.Kc M III not bo u/icfiil , wliutnor j oulli , pnrciu , iruir- dlnn. Irfitrudnror clcrkoniimAmoiinut , Artitivinllia 1'iiilimly McUlc.il Inntltuto , or lr W , IL 1'uikcr. o,4 llulltliii'li ( In ct , llotluiu Alum , who may I'econstiltvUon nil ( Ksn u luqulrlni ; skill und of pact- ' OIK c. OliKinin uml nlMlmuu ilUnanuS tluil Inivo Imllhid thoKklllof nllotlii'i-physl. thins 11 HiiLUlnlly. Rmili United Fiiff / tfiillylthnnt iin liihtiinoa oliniluic. Jli-iiUon IhU imuor. IS CONDUCTIil ) I1Y Itoyal Havana Lottery . ( \OOVI IINMIiSf IMilllPIIOM Drawn at Havana , Cuba , January 2-1G-30 , 1086 i it uo\i II.N.MI sr iN-mii'TioM Th'lci'tg In rifths : Wholes ( n | I'uiotlons inln. . lilijcU to no mniilpiiliitlon , not coiili oiled ) < yj Ilin pai Ifeiln InlDKisl. Ills llm liilioit tiling In' tui | nuliiro i > l Lhiiiiui In ii\Uluiu'e. * " I'oi tlrl.ol * npply lo .SillISV A CO. , I ! J unj.N. V Cll > : .M. OITI'.NS A CO , , ( jlU Mulnf BKCI. liuiitrtsOIly , .Mo.or IJ'J ) rninniii Oinuliu. CULTIVATOR AMD MOUSE- , NGDRABKA ttflft. loin i M n , nuiulorliil lij ruutluinii , hrinl yuur (11110 n < ! I : n ' "in | < I il i H'l ' M ini'I" | . t CQI-J mit , on will Iv dcli.-ljlf I .Mi nluii iliit Hir | < ii > il t aUtliei * H. ! ! . UlYilTH. Put ) . . OllKlll.l. del ) . Hetoska national Bank ] . OMAHA , NEBRASKA. rnid tip Capital $260,0001 8uyluiMtty 1 , 1885 'JO.OOOJ II.V , YATW , I'niiidont. A. K. Toiv.AUv. \ K'O iVosidunt. \ \ ' . H. S. Jluunts , . . , lllHMJrlllth. , , .ar. J H.\V' \ VA , w' . ' Jj.vv'isS , Ki'i'u ; , ' | A. 1' BANKING OFFICEi Hi ON J Co1' . 1AU mi'l Fariinui Etieoio. Gcnt'iid Hun lnv HualnoM Trail jactat fin 9 ' B P.ESTORGp.ltniK.ly wMrt ttttfamS ' . > 'i/uiaurx.nth. * " BnflnnflfliJK'Kufe" ' l. ' .t Mii ; | . lu'Vl.ic liailnjtrii'ilun ii r knouuritual iMiiUJiiovorciluHlun'i ' o'f i c rthi 'tlw1 I M ' . ' .I ? ! . ) ' ! ' Mil' " : * mil " Aililr.- . - U.ltiUU4iiJCli4tluui : < l ct. J.'f.v York Citn.