Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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- * V
OFFICE ! JTo. 12 Pearl Street ,
IH-lltciod by carrier In nny part of the oily ( it
twenty tents i er week.
It. W. TIM ox , - - - Manager.
FfS Orncr. , No. 4i :
n , Xrt. 23.
31 1 NO It MKXT10.V.
Pants to order , from ifi tip , nt Roller's.
Topic nt Hromhvay M. K. clittrcli , Sun-
lay nlchl , "Wliat's tliu MattelWitli
Penult to mnrry wns je lcnlitj' pivcn
to Martin Hurku of I'oatanelle , Iowa ,
and Miss Alicq McGrew of tint fily.
Kisenian , Rodda iV : Co. arc' ?
froniu srcat iinproveiiicnts all tlieir IVo-
* t. plc'H store. , repaintiiiK and re-arranging
If the illireruiit dupartments.
Cuir Johnson , who was sentenced for
life , for tlio murder of a farmer , lias been
fjpt at work in the Fort Madison peniten
tiary , carrying iron to tins shops.
Mrs. Henry Van Hrnnt , assisted by
Mrs. 0. W. 'I liompson , will onturtatn thn
Married Ladies' Progressive Knchre elltb
lids evening at the home of Mrs. Van
Hrnnt , No. 121) ) Fourth street.
Miss Julia Judsou entertained the Dili
gent Do/.enThurMliiy night at her home
on Sixth avenno corner Tenth street.
The next regular meeting will be held at
the homo of Frank Chamberlain.
The police have found and arrested : i
boy named William Xook , who is wanted
in Wlnlei.set , Madison eonnty , by Sherill'
McAndrows. The boy t-oems lo bo a run
away , who is to bo .sent to the reform
school from Unit county.
There is being held iu the county jail
a man named lilakely , charged with
stealing from the Wabash freight ears.
IJlukoly'B f.unily are reported to bo in
destitute circumstances. The ease seems
to ) > o a hard one , anil .should be looked
lltisincss is so dull In police circles that
feiicli a commonplace occurrence as Fred
ijorhtenberg beating his wife excites at
tention. ] < reddle was sent to jail for ten
days yesterday , which will relieve the re
porters from the wearisome task of re
producing this item for si week at least.
The police yesterday learned that Miss
Ada Gritlin , the 115-year-old girl who run
away from her homo in Eastporf , Iowa ,
is in a house of prostitution here. The
girl says she was driven from homo by
the abusiveness of her father , and refuses
to return. Jt lias not been decided what
shall be done with her.
Joseph Reek died yesterday morning at
0 ojclock. aged 01 years. Jle was the
father of Peter IJcck , of the linn of Sny-
dcr A : IJeck , and father of Airs. J. M.
Snydor. He had been in comparative
good health and was able to be out an the
street Wednesday , so that his death comes
quite suddenly. Notice of the funeral
will bo given hereafter.
During the hog cholera trouble com
plaint was uindu that many did not bury
their dead animals but loll them in piles
on the ground , or hauled ( hum over the
country to rendering establishments , thus
causing the disease to spread. Senator
Carson has introduced a bill requiring
those who lose hogs by the eholcr.i to
cither burn or bury them.
Ivanhoo eonnnandery , Knights Temp
lar , have decided to give a grand ball in
the Masonic hall on the evening of Feb
ruary S3. This is the lirst atlair of the
kind undertaken by the pomnmndery ,
nnd it promises to be a social ovcut of
more than usual interest. It is expected
that the knights will anpear in full uni
form , and that an exhibition drill will bo
among the features of the evening.
The funeral of thn late James Fraincy
was held yesterday morning at the
Catholic church. The church was filled
with sympathising and , sorrowing friends ,
and despite the bevcrity of the weather ,
many followed the remains to the last
resting place. The tribute of respect
liaid to the deceased and his family was
an indication only of the strong hold
which Mr. Frainoy had upon the hearts of
this community , in which he had lived so
_ _
Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Estate -
tate Loans at McMahon te Co' , No. 4
Pcdrl street.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W , , & E. L. Squire , 101
Pearl .
_ _
I'crfloiml J'arajjrupIiH.
Mrs. F. W. Olmstcad has been quite 111
for two Weeks at her residence on Sixth
L. W. Holmes , who travels in Montana
and Idaho for the Council lilufts nursery.
has returned from an eastern trip.
G. W. Curloy , manager of the collec
tion department of the Sandwich Manu
facturing company , is visiting the Coun
cil Inulls olliee.
"IV F. Swan , of Denver , who has been
visiting in Mississippi , has returned and
is stooping with his father , Mr. Henry
Swan of this oity.
Henry Swan of / . T. Lindsoy & Co. ,
who has spent the past eight months in
Europe has arrived homo and is in splen
did health and spirits.
I ! DHon. C. S. Rank , of Jolin on county ,
ono of the legislative committee , ap
pointed to visit thn institution of the deaf
nnd dumb , arrived in the oity yesterday ,
The two other members , Senator ISarrett
nnd Representative Teal are expected
on the nrst train.
Does everybody know about the low
prices at the lioston boot and shoo store ?
No , 417Iiroadway.
Col. Cochran'H rtcclpu.
Col , Cochran , an old resident of Coun
cil Hind's , nnd who has a largo rancho at
Little Sioux , relates his experience with
hog cholera.
Business called mo tuvny from homo
last tall , and when 1 returned I found my
hogs wore dying at the rale of twenty to
thirty ncr day. The previous sprinff I
i had planted many pumpkin seeds , and
the ground was covered with the ripe
fruit , FO 1 told my men to commence
feeding pumpkins , and so they brought
in loan alter load and wo gave- the ho"s
all they could possibly eat. For the lirst
few dnyrf them were several deaths , but
they boon conned , und that was the last
1 saw of the cholera on my place. The
reporter immediately scored a point in
fnvoy of the pumpKin , and gives all
readers the benelll of the same ,
Try Adams Uros' goods and see if you
don't get your money's worth in boots ,
shoes , slippers and rubbers.
Killoil in Coupling.
William lleaton , of this city , the well
known conductor of the Kansas City re
ceived a telegram stating that his brother
Edward Hcatou had been killed nt the
depot in Hamburg while coupling an
engine to a freight car of the train of
which ho was brakeman , The unfortu
nate man full under the wheels and was
cut ) u two. _
The Council lilull's members of the
Equitable Mutual Lifo and Endowment
association of Waterloo , are notilied to
meet at the , new ollices of the company ,
No. 12 nnd 1 ! ) Slui ; > .vrt. Hmio block , on
Saturday evening , January 'Ji ! , at 8
o'clock. Every ninmlior U dcahvd to bo
present. MAHK DIIIUKK , Prcg't. ,
It. E. I.Nii\HA.M ( : , Sfo. aiulTreas.
A Company Being Organized With Big
Capital ,
KilliMl by the Cars nt Inniljnrg--Bc-
Intecl Trains Dr. Cross Admit
ted to Itull-Otlicr Council
1 Jinn's Items.
A Company With Money.
The connnitlco of ( ho board of trade ,
who o special proluce is to look after
manufacturing interest" , lias taken up
the plan outlined in the Hun , for the for
mation ot an incorporated company , to
encourage manufacturing here. It is
proposed to organize the company with
$100,000 capital. The stock will bo di-
\ ided into shares of $1,000 each , and the
cash on these subscriptions will bo called
in only .so fast as the company linds need
of it. The purpose of the company will
bo to secure manufacturing enterprises
hero , and , when nccccssary to invest
money to got manufacturers lo locate
here , there will be a capital to draw upon.
For instance , ( hero are parties talk
ing now of starling a certain kind of fac
tory here. They want to start with
$35,000 eajiitai , and propose to put in two-
thirds of t themselves. They are men
of experience and capital , and are will
ing lo invest both time and money. Slip-
pose the manufacturing company with
$100,000 of capital stock should , after in
vestigating the matter thoroughly , con
clude it was a good thing. The company
could decide lo invest one-third with
these men. The 8.000 thiHrequiied eonlJ
easily bo had , for it would bo an asNess-
nient of 8 per cent on the $100,000
capital stock. A man having ono $1,000
share would be called on to pay $80 on
that share Many citizens would bo will
ing to contribute that much for .securing a
$30,000 , factory hero but under this arrange
nient there is no begging for donations
or solieitinjr for subscriptions to stock.
The shareholder by pajing his $80 in
vests that much money in what promises
to bo a profitable business. Another fac
tory may be started in a dill'orcnt line ,
but in the same way , and the shareholder
by paying his assessment pays that much
more on his stock. The money which ho
thus invests is so divided around among
the dill'orcnt factories that oven if some
of the enterprises should not prove as
profitable as was hoped , still the invest
ment as a whole must pay. All these en
terprises cannot prove failures , and the
chances are that the. investments will
prove profitable , while at the same time
the city is built up and all branches of
business increased and the value of
property enhanced.
There is hardly a business man in this
city but what would gladly invest $1,000
if guaranteed that the city would thereby
secure within , two years $ ! 500,000 of now
manufactories. That is just what Mich a
coin puny proposes to do. It calls in the
capital only as good chances for in
vestment present themselves. I5y the
lime all the stock is paid up Council
Ulull's would h < no secured : i Mart in
manufacturing which would give this
city such an increase that every kind of
business would bo benelitted , and the
business man investing and thus leaping
a double benefit , could well afl'ord to sub-
sciibo liberally.
A short time ago an instance occurred
which well illustrates the advantage of
such a company. A manufacturing en
terprise ot great promise was oll'orcd to
Council UlulN. All that was necessary
to secure it was for the citizens to invest
i3,000. The man had some capital and
long experience , and proposed to put in
time and money. With such a company
as is proposed the matter could be looked
into carefully , and if the enterprise
seemed to justify the investment the com
pany could have easily secured the $ U,000
by assessing the stock 3 per cent , which
would amount to ! ? : ! 0 for a $1,000 .share.
It would hardly pay for n man to spend
his time looking alter a if.'JO investment
in a manufacturing enterprise , but
the company with its total interest of
? 3,000 could well afford to have a careful
oversight , and through its olllucrs take
an active interest in its. wise management.
In whatever way the plan may be
vicNvcd it seems feasilve , and it is safe to
predict that the organization of this com
pany will insure a manufacturing boom
lor Council Blulls , and without the sacri-
lice of any personal interests.
A number of the most careful and sub
stantial cili/enb have already expressed
tlieir willingness to take at 'least fcj.OOO
cacli in the company , and there now
seems every reason to believe that within
a few weeks cyery dollar of stock will bo
taken. With a Homo company of $100-
000 ready to invest in legitimate manu
facturing enterprises. Council IJlull's will
bo in a shape to talk business to those
\vlio desire to locate hero. When the
citi/.ons of a place have iaith enough in
its future to invest their money in enter
prises of tins sort , it is comparatively
easy to inspire a like confidence in those
who ar& non-residents. Money talks. It
is all well enough to urge strangers to in
vest their money in manufacturing enter
prises hero , but such advice -counts for
little so long as citizens themselves refuse
to invest a dollar. Witli this new com
pany and its $100,000 capital , Council
BliiU'coJi act consistently , and can talk
business to those who mean business ,
For first class Missouri wood call on
Gleason , at Ids coal oflicc , 20 Pearl street.
Money lo loan on chattels , by Forrcs
Smith , 130 Main blrcct.
Cottage ranges. Garland stoves Ra
diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed rock prices ,
nt Cooper & MeUeo'g , No. 41 Main street.
Broatlwoll With the Stripes On.
Deputy Marshal Mullen returned yes
terday from his trip to Fort Madison ,
whither ho took S , A. Droadwcll , who
was sentenced to three years in the pen
itentiary for obtaining money under
false pretenses , The trip thus taken by
llroadwell was in blrango contrast with
that taken by him over the samb road
not long ago. Then he was a prominent
real estate dealer and money lender at
Logan. Ho had gained not only a high
local standing , but had a wide acquaint *
anco throughout tlto Mate , and boasted
of intimacy with the governor , occupied
n position on the governor's Mall' , nnd
was on the top wave with a sunshiny
sky. When ho wont over the road about
that time , In company with some follow
members of an association to which ho
belonged , his money was being tpent
like w.itcr. He had n special car , and
champagne , and cigars , and delicacies
were furnished by him for all , free as
This last trip over Iho road was in
strangq contrast. With cruel shackles
upon him , ho had to content himself with
n seat in an ordinary day coach , nnd thus
pass the night with an oJHcer for n com
rade. On the trip lie met but one ao-
quainlance , and no , was only a casual
ono. Deserted by nil those who in his
prosperity fluttered about , him | the trip
was a dreary ono. Still liu stood up
bravely under the burden of sorrow , and
showed no siglis of breaking down , until
after the penitentiary was reached , Af
ter ho had boon taken into a side room ,
his clothing changed , and ho reappeared
with the haled aripes upon him , then ho
teemed to bo able to stand the disjjraco
no longer without yielding lo lcar . A
full description was taken of him , and he
was then placed with the other convicts ,
the particular place assigned him being
tiio shoe making shop.
If you buy footwear \\itl.out first get
ting prices at the Ho ton b6ot and sTiOc
.store you will lo o money.
For hardware and house furnishings
get prices of Cooper & McGcc , No. 41
Main street.
Charily Unit Fundo.
The committee of gentlemen who have
had charge of llic f-alo of tickets for the
chaiity ball which was hold on Thursday
lasl , met last evening in Corey & Conno-
ver's olllce and formed a permanent
organization for the distribution of Iho
proceeds. F. A. Connover was elected
president , Thomas Italdwin , seerelnry ,
and F. F. Gault , treasurer. Tie | sub com
mittees which sold the tickets reported as
follows :
Khst district , 51SO.-IO
Second dlstilct < H.OO
Tlilnl illotilrt W..V )
Kourth district 2WO
Fifth district 2.MW )
Sixth district TC.30
The total amount turned over to the
permanent treasurer is $ l.0")9 , with all
expenses paid , and about $300 worth of
groceiies , etc. , that ha\e been donated.
Resolutions wore passed llKiiikitiq Iho
11111301 * for his labor ; also lo Fidelity
Council Royal Arcanum for a donation of
? 35 , Pat Lacy a ml Thomas Otliccr for
contributions of tf'W each. A committee
wls : appointed to look after the needy
and supply their wants. No money is to
be distributed , but aiplication arc to ba
furnished for needed articles Of clothihg ,
proyisions , etc.
nTlie following committee , were rlccled :
Dr. C. Macrae and Dr. Siobmt to act as a
committee nt large ; in the lii t ward , J.
L. Darnel and J. L. Forman ; in the second
end ward , Spencer Smith and 'William
Groneweg ; in the third ward , Simon Kins
man and Thomas Caviu ; in the fourth
ward , Dr. Lawrence and J. J Ihown.
For hardware and house furnishing get
prices of Cooper A : McGcc , Xo. 11 Main
Rest coal and wood in the city at , Glea
son's , 30 Pearl street.
. A "SUIT" CaH6.
Yesterday another gun was tired in the
coronetlight. . A petition was liied in the
ollieo of the clerk of the courts by which
Dr. F. P. Uellingor seeks lo have Iho
board of supervisors ciled before Judge
Connor to show can = c why his bond as
coroner shall not be accepted. The peti
tion recites that the plaintiff was duly
eleclcd by the people to fill the ouiee
of coroner for the next two years ; that
the county board of supervisors , as a
board of canvassers , so declared tlto re
sult ; that on the lirst Monday in January
he was confined to his homo in this city
by illness , and not being able to attend to
any bnini > s , ho notified the board , which
was then inession , that ho was unable
to appear then and qualify that the
board granted an extension of the time ,
giving him permission to colne in be
fore they should adjourn , Iho latter part
of the week ; that in necord.Xnco with this
arrangement lie appeared belqre the
board and presented his bonds , but they
refused lo accept them , claiming they
had already elected another coroner
He wants the board to show their hand
to the judge , to whom he will present his
bonds for approval.
Delated Trains.
The storm knocked the railway time
tables .silly yesterday. The only trains
arriving yesterday morning were the
Chicago , Burlington & Qniney and the
Kansas City , and they were both badly
delayed. The Kansas City went off the
track at the transfer , doing no special
damage but causing some delay in clear
ing the track.
The Wabash passenger , due hero in the
afternoon was stuck and did not get in
at all
The Rock Island List evening was a"bout
an hour late , and the morning train ar
rived about 0.80 last evening.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
was reported as five hours late la t night ,
and the Kansas City two hours behind.
The Northwestern last evening was re
ported as stuck at Booue. A stub train
was started for Carroll.
The Milwaukee & St. Paul was reported
last evening as stalled at Perry.
Admitted to Hull.
AVright , Baldwin & Haldene , the attor
neys for Dr. Cross , yesterday afternoon
said that Judge Loufbourow lias decided
to admit him to bail , tUc amount being
lixcd as before at $20,000. Ho will doubt
less arrange at once to furnish the
amount , and thus secure his liberty
The city council last night failed to go }
a quorum and will try again at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
Omaha ,
Council Blnffs
And Chicago
The only road to tafco for DPS Molnos , Mar-
BhnlllownCednrltaplds , Clinton. llvlgChlc > iiKO ,
Milwaukee and all polulb cnst. To tlio pcniiloof
Nolirntlm , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
NuvudaUrt > Koii , Washington and California it
oilers eupciior advantages not possible by any
other line
day of BAY . _
human art end ingenuity can create. Its I'AL-
ACU BliKKPINQ CAItS , which tuo models of
comfort and eloBnnco. Its 1'AItLUK UUAWINU
KOOM CA US. unsurpassed by any , and Its wide
ly celebrated 1'ALATIAL DININU OAH8 , tlio
iqual of which cannot bo found I'lcowliuro.
At Council lllutTs the trains of the Union I'uci-
flo Hy , connect in Union Depot with those pf the
Chicago * Northwestern Ily. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara 1'ulU , Uultalo , I'Utbburg. Toronto ,
Montreal , lioston , New York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmore .Washington and all points In the east , usk
the ticket agent for t IcKotHlallao
If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
Qeueral MftnttgerOca. . Pass. .Agent.
Cure without medl
A POSITIVE cine. 1'atcnted Octo
I berlfl , | bTO. ,
Ono box will cure
the most obtlnate case In four days or loss.
No nauseous doses of cubebo , sopalbnor oljoh
BandaJwood that are certain to produce d > spep-
slo. by dehtroylnp the coatings of thejitomauli ,
Price $1.50. Boldliy all drusrviMs or mailed on
iccolut of price. For further particulars sena
for circular. P. 0. Hoi 1533.
T. O. u L.UIjA.2T ! CO. ,
tJ Jobnet. , New York- .
A.CXnrRMiAM Trpfl. MV. TCM.BVS , Vice Prcs.
, TtMK < N. T
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital. , 850,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do n prvneinl bnnUntljusln ° ss.
Accounts of hnnKo , Imnkcrs. iiH'rchnnt , mnn-
iilncttirersntKl tndhldimls ic-tclM-il on fiuorii-
l > lo terms' ' . ' *
Domestic nnd forclfc'n { 'xchnnsc.
Tlio\oiy liost of nttqntfnii t'lvcn to nil busi
ness commlttcil to oiu inie.
Dissolution oTPitrtiicrahip.
| mitnet > hlp lieu tolore o\lsthijr between
. MHX llroilv mill Dn\H I'l taltnnn um'crtlio
flrm iinmont Mnr llKxiy & Co. , iloliifr lmslne s
In tlie town otTnlior. I'loinon ! county , lonii , U
tnlsitny illscohi'il by imitttnl coiiwnt , Mr. lit oily
irtliiii'f from 1lio III in. Dnvls rileiltnnnn < Mimfs
nil IhiMlltlcs mid w III collect nil ilulits duo sola
Htm , mid Is iilonomitUoi7 ] 1 to receipt for tlio
fume. Mx Hiionv ,
Council llliilT , lnnn.lnnuiry 1C ,
J , L , Do BEYOISE , Agent ,
No. COT Hrondwny , Council Hinds.
Railway Time Table.
The follonltifr Is tlio tlmo of nnlvnl niul
ilc'imittnouf tuilns hy cent nil Mnmlmil time , nt
Iliu locnl ilcpolo. Triilnt lcn\o tliuisfcrili-pot ten
minutes ciiiliinnnO oiiho ten minutes litur :
n"MBT-uiiCAiio * MUTmvKsTKIv.AI""VK- ,
:2tA. : .v Mull mid i\piess. : . , , OiVlp.t. .
] -:40r.M : AciimiiiioilHtloii 4"iUp. ! M.
UilUi' . M I\IHC- * UUJA. : M.
tiurMlo & iioi'K ISI.VND.
a:31A. : M. , . . . .Mallmitl i\pit-ss. : . 0:51i' : . M.
TtS : A. M U-coiimioilutlon . .rM.- < . M.
tlUf. : M v..i\prcss : , U:05A. : M.
D.20 A. M Mall and ivpic:8 : li:50i' : . M.
tilNJl * . M ixpu : > H U:03A. : M.
cnicujo. iiuiii.i.snro.v A QUINCV.
0:40A.M : Mull nnd i\picss : . . . . < ) : * /Or > .
Ui&JP.M. . . . . . . .I2\np | s. . . , ' .1:05 :
wAiitHii , * n. u > tfis& r.iemc.
2ifi : i * . M.l.ucnl St. Louis H\pic j/ocul
UlOi : * . v.Tuuisfui'St. Umislx.Ti ; iHfei.iop. : : : : M
10:10 : A. M Mall and i\piess. : . . . r > : , 'li'.M. ' )
V'iWil1. ' il . . . i\plc- : " Ul'JoA. M.
SIOUX LI1V ii 1'U'lllC.
7:15A.M : . . . .SioitCilv -Mall. . . . . . . f'V\ : ) > . M.
( jU : ! r.M. . . . M. 1'itul L\prcs4 8'J3A.M. :
UMO.N picmc.
10"iA. ! M Di'tiM'i : K\pics9 . . .fistriP. M.
Jri r. M..Lincoln Pa . , om. v It. V. .2:15 : r. M.
7Ki : ) > .M Oveiland IlMires . . . . 8:1SA. : M.
Lcmo Council HlullH 7l.'i ( bu * UiiK-10TO ) :
llui : ( a. in. ; lo : : ) . ; iw : t.W : uiK : ; iO
11:45 : p. m. duiida > t - -7.IB-a.3J-ll,10- : , m ;
a.JU .i..M-5.S-i-0ai : : 11:15 p.m. I.oiUo Umiihn
0x : > 7ir : : > b)0 : lOiUO I1U ) n. m : l.UO a:00- :
00 4OJ : 5 .OJ : 3a'i : 11:10 : 11. in. Sundiijs U:3j :
60-11OJ ; n. m.:2:00-aOJ-5Oo-0Oj-H:10p.m : : : : : :
Conxini UnvANT AXD Vixn STS.
Opjioslto City lliiildinpoCouncil Itluirs.
Wni m 1001113 nnd good board nt icasonnblo
Piactices In St.itJJaiul Feilei.xl Courts.
Kqoius 7 anil § , Siiuwit Ulool ; .
Muin St. , Council Hlulls.
Near the 0. , U. .t Q,1 ; C.J M. & St. P. . anil
C.r K. 1. & 1 * . railway ilewt-j. | Stioct cais
pa the tloor. Cviiryllilnj ; new anil liist
class. Oiicniid Dec. 1st.I'HIL
1'iopiictor anil Manager.
Chicago Waiar [ Hoior
51 DEAllKOilX Sl'JlKET.
Power furnished fiom hydrant presses for
drirlni ? nil KliiiH ot IlKlu muchliicry. Bppoal
to church oi un liloulutr anil
run pilntliifr picest'S , meat chopppis , Ice ort-nni
ficc/ers , ] > ollshlii7 | lathes , toning uinuhmeg , cto
1 ho best cheapest motor iiiiulo. Semi forclr
culur. In usu In Council IllulTs by
lleo Joh olllco.
1'aco &Schmdlincnt : mttiUct.
Clilcatco Meiit Muiket.
I.iiRl7undorfci's rt-at Maikct.
Smith A. Meyers.
Kurt/ KU't-1) ) , coffee in inder.
Itobei t Mullis , collco Blinder.
Pelllntf Aijont.lH Main sticot , Council
Iowa , and 1111 Fauiain Eticct , Omaha , Neb.
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly littcil nnil fiunlblicil. Oiip. Ihoailway
Duiinny leiot. ) Sl.&O jier day.
L. II. I3EIISHAW , Wauagcr.
Mercliani Tailor !
HO. 7 and 9 MilN STREET ,
Council BlufFs > Iowa
' " L ' " " ' " -i-1 ' ' ' ' " 1" * '
" " ' " " " - -
p. ' tCo
. n'.JUfvyiCfi < ,
Real Estate ; Exchange
* i
Ho , 103 Pcnrl Street , Council lllutre , Iowa.
Dealers In Iowa , Kuusus and Nobriisku Lands
KstatQ bought niul sold.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Express Company.
B. BIOE , M. D.
riKPPR's or other tumors removed whhout
VflnVDnu the knlfo or drawing of blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES of U1 kinds a specially
Over thlrtjearo ) * practical einorionoo ,
Ifo. 11 1'enrl Stroet. Coinull niutts.
| 3rt'OhSUL.TATlO4 FA Hi ,
NOTICE. Special adrcrtlsoments , such m
Lost , Found , To tonri , For Sale , To llcnt , WnnM
Itoorillnpr , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column At
Iholow rate of TKtf CKXT3 PRIl MSB for the
flrstlnscrtlonund FIVE C15NT3 I'Ell UN'K for
each subsequent -Insertion. Txinvo ndvcrtlso.
mcntsnt our oflleo , No. 1J Pearl street , near
llroadwoy , Council lIlttlTs.
. -
Ilrrt avenue.
HHNT The three-story brick business
JUouo fonnrily ocuiinlnl hy nioiiowotr A :
Scltopiitgcn. Kniiiltoof JloMnboii A , Co. , No. 4
\V\N A WAI.KKH , No. 3 Main street ,
( tiiiilerntf/on'g Ilnnk ) , real rstnte nun moi-
Umndl o ctcliatiffo brokers. Otir books nio full
of special bntcnltK , but It It Impossible to pub
lish niollnbloilM lioin tholiul of so ninny dally
clianjrci.lmtvonskls : If j on want to seller
or tviidbmi ) thing In our line , uiltom nnit wo
ylllsenil you aiilloof lint pulns to * ck < ct from.
iJiuJs Inijitovod or unimproved , city or ton n
ppipcity , slocks of KooiU or nnyklml In nny
phn.11. II such joii liaxoor such ion wnnt let us
hour ftomj on. Sunn & Walker , Council Illulfs
ll I ( JMn.lo In HI il ) g by n lady n funToMho
p 1 \J iiiliabk''r : | Wo wiuit lv inoio ll\o
s male or luinale. Applr In per nit or by
loitrr lo Win. Haiulall , Slipt. of agencies , fouii-
til Illiilfr , Ion u.
\\rANTKD Pniivn er , JO n itny. Pales to
? Imslni'ss hiiisos mill families. Tonllory
ulven In Nuhumkii mid lo\ui. Samples lieo.
IHNoitli MnliiSi. , Council lllnlH. 8 to 10 mid 7
to II , or 1111 I'luuuiu St.Omaluill to 4. H. 1 , .
I i'Ait.Mim SAM : At u bniKnVuirRoiii eon ,
liiUntic * , flij millftoiithucst ol Onmlm. d
loom house , excellent well and ilstcm. : ! Inn IK.
one lor olKht lior > c . ono for a ) cows : hen , tool
and uiuioii houses ; 101 ncroi In timothy ! b * > , vi
loip t ttees , eollonuood , black walnut , ash and
imiplc ; good oiiluuil , npplo * , eheirlos , plums
prapi'3 mid small nulls. Never falllnjr stocki
wilier. It. 1 > . on icilil , fiJO lliotuluny , Council
llllllffi. lonl. _ _ _
HOtIMis : HinfiNT.-At ) : > Ic5rnUorr Sc'Co's ,
No. 41'uail stiuct
MnmiCncturcisor all Mio3oC
Efpcclnllj lcrljncd ) for liuiinlni :
Tubular nnd Locomotive Boilers.
New Massillou Threshers.
Carey and Woodbnry Here Powers.
Porhihle and Traction 'Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Blulls.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our stock js now complete In every depnit-
mcutand contains lOltho latestslilcsaiidotloct
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
SAMPLES furnished upou application to down
town paitles.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
& 05 Broadway.
E. R. Oaclwell ,
Real Estate , Probate
No , 504 Broadway , : Council Blulls
KstubllBiicd 1805.
No. . 337 Broadway , ' Council Bluffs. .
$20,000 , , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $10000 ,
er ic Company !
, .
Musical Instruments ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description ,
Toys and Fancy Goods.
\Vcinake the cclehratcil llanlnmii Pianos nnd Iho Whitney oigaii" , n specialty
. .
K\eiy liiMimiicnl unlimited. Scad for catalogue *
, . . .
MUKUr.U MUSIC CO. , Council HI tiffs.
Rubber and Oil Clothing and I
Felt Boots.
Immense stock and eastern prices duplicated.
"Write for prices.
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office 412 Broadway ,
- Icrwa ,
W. -A.-5riL.swoR.TH : : : ,
IJrlclc . buildings of any kin 1 r.AKal or moval . and aatUtxctlou iruiirintasJ. IVnino housoj moved
on I.IUlo Giant trucks the best la the world.
808 Eighth Avenno and Eiglith Street ; , Council Bluffs.
If you buy any where except at Hetcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc ,
HETCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council
'Jho public tire Infoimod that a patent has
lioun ul'nirod ' to ( leo , H.tiioiroryon Ills iruruov-
ed ( las l.umiid , and inaiiutaciuiud by w. Mr. ( < * .
A. Williams Hour iiulhoii/o agent lot Council
HliillsatidOiimha. Tlio publiu aio caiillonol
not to buy anv of thesu gus lump ? t'.xioj't '
llnough Miv WllllamB , as all otlieia o'Jcitd toi'
Fnloaiu liileliuoii'ents'ui on oiu lamp. ( J. II.
] ) Ut'H'.sMiimiluctmerd ' und roluVceluin \
Agents , No. Kl , Duui loin M , , Chlca-rn.
Iu Csun : ! ! L'Jul * having
Fire Esoa,3pe
And all jnoaern Imprqri'inonti , cU bulls , 11 r
ularro bells , etc. , Is the
Kui. l&i " 17 and 219 , Main Street ,
WAX 110IIN , Propriutor.
, ,
Queensware & Glass
At Homer's ,
No. ; j Jiiiiu Street , Council IllulTs , la.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Itctall Lumber , Lnih , Shingles
Sash , Doors niul Illlnds. Bole iigcnta for the
cdebiatcd Xiublehcail Concenti.itoil Wlm'i
Lime. H. 1' . M * CCO.SMI.I. , M
'rclt'phoiie No. St" " .
f < o. TIU Main tetiott , ( 'oiincll Jlluir * .