Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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A Bitter and Acrimonious Partisan Debate
in the Honse ,
Botttcllc'fl Kosoltitlon n < to tlie Con
duct Thefeof I/ends to ilto Pre
dicted Stormy Session Wise
on the Defonilvc.
\VAim.\fiTox , Jon. 2 J. Mr. Jlrrbcrt , from
the committee on naval nffnlis , icpoited back
Mi. Hoiitelle's lesolullon calling on the secic-
tarj of Hie nnvy for Inclination lelatlvc lo
thonllegeil ei-a uies of ccitaln Inscriptions
and the dismissal of Union soldiers nt the
Norfolk nnvy jiud , with an amendment ex
tending the fiHiuli ) to dismiss ils madont the
navy joid nud lighthouse dlslrlctat Noifolk
dm Ing the term of the Immediate predecessor
ser of the piesent secrelarvof the navi. Mr.
llcibert Muted that the resolution was the
same as that offered by Mr. Itoiitell , except
that II w at somewhat broader , nnd demanded
the picvlojis question ,
The republicans icslstcd this , but weie out-
Tellers weio ordeied , and Iho body otic-
publleaiiM letrnined from voting , nnd on tin-
noiiiiecmenUof the lesnlt lit toll ) Ml. Pei-
klnsialsi-dn point of no quoium
had voted.
"It N evident , " < ald Mr. lleibeit , "that the
gentlemen want their own Intellogations
nnsweted. 1 wlthdiaw Iheiepoit. ( Applause
on tlm dcmoeintle side. )
Mi. lloutelle If 1 may wiv so I object lethe
the withdrawal ot tlmiepoit.
Mi. Ueed of Maine The icpoit Is being
acted on nml cannot be wltlidiavvn.
The speaker held that as the icport was
niado to the house bv older of the committee. ,
it could not be withdrawn without le.ive ot
the house. ( Applause on Hie leptibllc.ui
side. )
Mr. IJecd I suggest thai the. gentleman
fiom Alabama allow Ihe amendment lo be
olfeicd by my colleague.
Mi. Herbert I bavo no instiuctlons to al
low any amendment.
Mi. Heed The gentleman can allow
amendments to be olfeicd.
Mr. Ik'ibeit 1 decline to allow nny to bo
ofteied. The icsolullon embodiesstibstnu -
tinilvnll thoiiiquliles In the original icsolti-
tlon ami I move n call of the house.
Mr. lloutelle luqiilied whether the gentle
man had stated tliu committee h.ul Instinctcd
htm to call the pluvious question.
Mr. lleibeit 1 made no such statement.
Air. Houtellc He AVU.S not so llistiueted.
Mr. . Herbeit 1 made no sudli statement.
The republicans opposed the motion in * a
call o ) the house , but Itwns oulcied by a uilc
.of yeas tKl ; noes I2ii.
. On motion ol Mi. lleiboit , ajcsolullon was
adopted dliecltng the seigeant-nt-nimsloni-
lest and bring to the barol thu house such
membeisas weiu absent without leave.
Mi. lleibeit Immediately moved that all
fuither pioceedlngs under the call be dis
pensed with. The sole question which now-
existed was tlie question of liberty ol debatp.
No unieasonablc Ifmu was asked by the mi-
noiity. It could not be that the gentlemen
on the other side , with a majoiily ol foity ,
weiedesltuusof snppiesMng debute for fear
of any consequences. No linrm cvci cnmc in
a fivecountiy liom a fiee discussion of a
legitimate piimositiun. Mr. Huiburt stated
the rules ol thu house prcscilbed a reasonable
time for debate on a resolution ot this cliai-
acter. Tidily minutes weie allowed lit teen
lor each side after thepievlousquostlon was
otdered. It was simply a lesolutlon of in-
( itiirv , and theie was nothing to debate until
tlio Inmili v had been anawoied.
Mi. Ifeed suggested that the committee on
naval allaiis had added aiiiimcudment to the
resolution , which debate would show to bo a
mistake nml eiithely lutlle.
Mr. Huibcitreplied his side of the house
was eiilliely willing to accept the consequences
quences ot any mistnkcwhich might ho niado
by amending the icsolutlon. II an addi
tional InquliywnH made lutlle , the answer of
the seoietarv of tlm navy would show it.
Mr. Itecd insisted tlie house had the light
to debate any question coming befoiu U , and
It vvni not foi tiny man or nn > set of. men to
decide whether the proposition was n pioper
one to be discussed.
Mr. Ilpwlttof Now Yoikameed with Mr.
Iteed In maintaining thu freedom ot debate.
Mr. Heed's motion was voted down , and
after n short wait. Iho soigeant-nl-aims
brought to the bar of tliu house Messrs. Low
den. Itiggs and Hingham.
Attei being consldeiably giijccl by their
associates , tlm excuses niusunted by thuso
gentlemen wciu deemed satlsfnutoiy and
they weio released liom custody.
At 2:30 : Mr. lleibeit thoughtlic had secured
n quotum ot the demociots and accordingly
turtlici pioceedings under the c.ill were dis
pensed wItli.
Thu pi ev ions question was then ordered
yeas I.V. ) , noes 01.
Then commenced a political debate which
was opened by Mr. IJoutello , who piemised
his diiect speech upon the lesolutlon with a
remaik calling attention to the fact that the
iirst leglslallv o act of thu bouse had been the
passage , by unanimous consent , of a bill ic
moving tlio political disabilities ot an ex-
confeduiatc who had waited inoio than
twenty jeais before discovering bis desho
to bo placed In the line of eligibility to an
appointment under the executive dcpattiiicnt
ot the Untied States. In contiast w I ( lit his ,
bu ( lioutellu ) had bcun Intormed that lilteen
minutes time was ample allowaneo In which
to piesent the cusu of tlio outrageous
dismissal of disabled veterans ot the union
army liom Ihe employment ot the „
nient , aud | the obliteration , defacement nnd
removal ot the Inscilpllons commemoratlvo
of the success of the union aiuiy. A Noi-
folk paper had stated that Commaiidanl
Ttiixton , In place ot censmc , was entitled to
praise. Tlm paper said when ho had taken
charge ot the Noitoik navy y.ud , ho had
found insciiptlons Intended to keep alive
tlioblttei meiiioilcs of civil stilfe , and | iad
patriotically oiduied them to buiumoved.
Mr. lioutello then luleried In the rcmova
of thu siipeilntendeiit of machinery at the
navy raid because of liN demiming to the
defacement of the diy dock , and thu appoint-
incut of a man whoio title to thu position
restf d on his service in Iho conledeiato army.
If , said Mr , lioiitullo , the time had come , Or
should come , to oblituiatu the gieat nicmoric'
of tlie lebellioii , thu monuments of the rebel
lion Itself should thst bo toin down. Let noi
tlio vvorl : 1m begun'by taking down Inscrip-
tloiis commemorative of tin : victories of the
armies of the United States. Ho lint
n list of igieat monument' ! growing
up all over this laud tu peipettiato
the cause of tiuason and lubcllloii ,
Thu soldiei-s who camu to Washington tulghi art luposl
torv of thu city looking for a counloi felt pio-
Hontmfiit ol one of thu lieioes who siistamei
the 'ing ' of the union. Ho would find tha
the only men who weio memoii/od and 10
luembeied In Coicoum Ait giillmy weio H
K. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Them was
no justice In the claim that a bioad n.itilat
Ism lequlred obliteration of the i ( voids of the
grandest tilumph ever made lei immaiilt )
since Hist the morning stars sang together
[ Applause on the icpiiblican side , ! Tlio pee
pleof the country ought to say , us old Gen
lJx said In regaid to the Amerlcai
Hag , "If any man attempts to pul
down tbuiuemoihdof tliu gieat tilumph of
the lojal people of this countiv , shoot hlu
on the spot. " ( Piolonged npphiuso on thu
leimbllcaii side. ]
Whether his poslllon were that of n mom
berof congress or a citizen In mivulo life
ho onteied his piotest agidnst this nioibh
suiitlmontallty , against tills li-.lsu Idea of
ninuiinnlmlty which would foi one
moment tolurato the layins of hands
of desecration on the mumoilal
of the tiltimpli of the union aims. .
In the cabii of the Noifolk navy yard ant
custom house , gallant , cfliclcnt , woithy
mid tallliliil publlo servants , who had foi
lowed thu Hag ot their country acioss n bun
died battle llulds , had been turned out thai
their places might be given to men who
( might to dcatioy tlio goveumicnt. fAp
plaviso on the lupiibllcan side , ]
Mr. Wlso of Virginia said the ( jcntlemai
from Mulno wanted to know It a iinioi
soldlei bud been dUclmigod mid a confederate
erato put In bis place. Ho would In foim tin
Kontlviuan fiom Maine that the maifwliowp
disclmigud had never been In tlm unloi
army , had never been within one tliotisau ; :
miles of thu line of battle , aud hail , i\cve
heard tlio naislo of thu mliiiilo bullet. fAii
plause and laughter on the demo' ratlc side.
Mr. Houtclle-Uld ho not leTider great ser
vice to Ids country V
"No , sir,1' renllea 'Mr. Wise. "lie. sir ,
was In jecujptoV a jargo gaiary in a uomb
proof posltiou while bravo mCU foueht the
u lUwOr their country. The confederate ,
C" " uiau , whom you ( Mr , Uoutellc ) allege i was
appointed on accouut of his scivice In the
confrdeiato niiuy , wn ? appolnled alter , a
competitive ox&inlnntlou , aud the mau to
whom ) ou iefer was removed foi
beastly Intoxication. " [ Applamo and
IntiKhter on the democratic side !
"One other fact I eommend to your consid
eration. During / rthur's ndmlnlstration the
postmaster nt Poitsmoutli , who wns a union
soldier , twice wounded and tvvlco promoted
forirnllautiv.wjis iemo\ed nt tlie dictation ot
Wllllnm MntMial. " [ Applause on the demo
cratic Ride ] .
Mr. Wlec then referred to the appointment
of John H. Mosby and lionzstrefit to Import-
nut positions under republican ndmtnistm-
llom , nnd said : "Why is It , 1 will ask tlio
gentleman from Maine , tlmt we Iiav6 not
heaid .n howl from that Ire-hound legion
about these appointments1 [ Laughter on
the democratic side | .
"Does the gentleman desire a repli1 in
quired Mr. Houtellc.
"No sir , ' ' exclnmed Mr. Wife. "Go read
the speech of the ; senator of the United
.States uh < > < with all kindness , Is in the esti
mation of tliu whole eoutitiv a better man
than joitme. ( > o read tbcspecchof Chnilcs
Siimner , of Massacluisetti. "
"If Charlps biimner Knew hln mngnanl-
i would be tiuoted by jou for
such a puipobc. he would turn in bis grave , "
exclaimed Itoutelle amid much confusion.
" ( ! o , " eontimied Mi. Wisp , "lead tlio
speech ofChailes Sunnier and mark the con
trast between Ihe lender of the federal iirmy
and the gentleman fiom Maine. 'Ihe last
wonts opokoii bv that gieat leader on his
dj hit ; bed nt Mount MtUiegor weie that ho
thanked nd that he closed his e > cs on the
world , believing that ponce had icttuncd to n
distracted counlrv. " fAjmlaitso on the dem-
oeintle side. ) "Now , All. Speaker , I want
to s.ij one wrud more to the gentleman trout
Maine. Wlillc-wcsltl.cicaiid vote pensions
to Jour soldlei s ' 1
' Our soldlcts" exclaimed Mi. Houlclle.
"Yes. " u-nlltd Mr Wise , "ouroldlcis. . We
aie In the house of our fatheis and we have
come to stay. " [ Applause on the democratic
Mile. ] "While we aio lendy and willing
to vote pensions to honorably dlsiluuged
boldleis who Mjnud Ihelr.eounliy in time of
war , wewill IIPVCI consent that it shall bo
belli and piochiimcd on Inch thai one who
happened to have been in" the confedeiate
niiuy Is loieverdlsbaiied Horn the eiviceol
his countiv. I piotest tint the hotioiablo
'oldlctsnl ( he union aiiny sluill never again
be subjected In the tieatment that theywuie
subjected to undei the late lulmlulstratioii.
When men who had fought bravely lor the
union , undei a circular beailng tlm name of
William Mabone as ehaliman , and .lames 1) ) .
Urady , piesent member of this house , as see-
lutaty "
"Tlieiewasno surh cliculai , " Intenupled
Mr. lliiuly. " 1 challpiige him to piodueu the
eliciilar. "
" \Vhen \ , " continued Mr. Wise , not heeding
the Inleriuptloii , "they were lequhcd under
tlm will ) ) ol the master to give money for
iiaillsan inn poses , icinilied like slaves to hold
tlfplr ballots up that their bosses , minions
might see whether tltey voted light. Oh !
what an attitude in which to place the dis
charged soldier of the union under the whip
and lash otucontedei ate bripadlei. " [ l.oud
and continued apnlaiisc on the dcmuciatlc
side and in Ihe gallciics. ]
The icsolutlon as 7111101111011 by Ihe commit
tee on naval alfalis was then adopted and
the house took a icccss. tlio evening session
to be for the consideration ot pension .bills.
The bouse at its evening session passed
sixteen pension ami two disability bills , and
ndjoiuncd until Monday.
A veiy fashionable nssumbly met at the
chiireh of St. Kmjcno. Palis I" witness the
maiiingu of Mine , do MontegnjItemam y ,
the celebrated planistc , with M. du Senes , dl- of the Austrian railway si s-
Violet Wordsworth , a granddaughter of
the English pout , was mauled alAiublcslde
the other day tea Llvcipool solicitor named
Jones. Mr. Jones then changed his name to
tlio nioiu poetical onu of Woidsvvoith.
Lady Magdalon Yorke , when she was mai-
rlcd to Sit Illchaid liulkeley , in Kngland ,
tlmotheiday , was clad In a gown of while
satin tiimmed with swans'-dowu. So , too ,
the biidesmalds vvoie satin and svvaiis'-dow n.
Adlvoice was iccently granted toMaiy
Ann Staples , ot Cential City , Col. , liom
Thomas Staples , with the light to icsiimu
her maiden name ot Maiy Ann MilK Jllss
Stills Immediately stepped Into the ollicu of
Justice Jones , \vlieio she wns mauled to
William Penn Ihega.
The maiiiago ol M . Fomnciet , Piesidcnt
( Jicvy's nephew , to Mile. Sailln , waspei-
lormed at tlio Lljse.0 by $1. Kocehlin
Schwartz , who was so roundly abused by all
good republican papeis for saluting tlln
dauirhtci ot the Duo do Chatties as "toyitl
highness" on thu occasion ot Jier mairiago to
Wttldemar ol Den mat Ic. ,
At a wcddliig in Uinuliighaln thobildo-
gioom was RO drunk that liis.bildo had to
lead him to thu altar. The ofllciatlns cleig > -
maii retttspil to pcrtoim tlie ceiemony ,
dusplte the earnest entieatius of thewou'J-
bo-bilde , who swooned when theclci ymaii
oideied the paity out ol the chinch.
This is what a young lady Is icpoited lo
hae said apt epos ot nun lingo : ' 'Well ' , no , I
don't know it I vvould many for money
nlouo ; but if n man had plenty ot money ,
allied to n sweet disposition and a moustache
that curled at both ends and nice blue eyes
and a hocinl' disposition : II ha hul : ; x distin
guished status in a profession , or oven a mer
chant ; and his t'alhor wuic lich and his
niothei and lather in istociatlp. : and ho want
ed to marry mo and he would inomlsu to lot
muhave my own way In everything and keep
mo llbi'inlly supplied with money and have n
splendidly furnished townhousc and a biind-
some country icsidciico ; was liberal about
diamonds and other genii , also about the mil-
inery , novcr grumbling and lieally .tnil tuily
loved him , I wouldn't consider mauiage a
diaw baek. "
WiiKKi.ixr . W. YO. , Januaiy 10. A wpd-
dlng wasccleoiated at Claiksbuig last even
ing under rather peculiar cliuunibtancus. The
lirtiicipals were Miss Nussbuim. of
Ularksbuig , and Isaac Clluo , of Wcston ,
and Kabbi Susslur was .sqnt lor to pc-ilona
the ceremony. Owing to the heavy
sloims llio Iralns between Chuksblirg
and Wcston , n distance of twenty
miles weio blockaded , compelling
tlie gloom to do thu distance in a cutter. Ilo
aiilved at Claiksbmg with both Iceland cats
badly lio/en. In spite ot histuulblepiedlca-
iiieiil ho still kujit his pluck and Insisted on
mi Immediate man lage. althouuli unable to
stand on his feet. The llabbi yielded ty his
persuasions and those of his bride and mai-
i led them as thu lady stood by hoi Intended ,
who leulined in an easy ehalr. Owing to
tiio condition of the gioom thu wedding ic-
coptlon nndbildal tout h.uu beeuludeliuitely
Miss Nellie Connors , of Lalro City and
Oscar OlsPii.otAnimns Folks , wt'iti marilcd
on the summit of the Hocky Mountains at
an atliludoof iXXlcet : ! ( ) , the paity being on
snow-shoes. Miss Connois agieed to meet
Mr. Oloson on the summit , biiiiglng her
li lends witli her , and .Mr. Oleson was lo approach
preach the summit with his iileuds , coming
up on tlm opposite side ot the mountain. Tlm
bildu lull Lake City accompanied by her two
brothers , and Oleson lelt Aiilnms Forks at
the same hour , accompanied by Kev 1'atliei
Ley. of Sllveilon , ami a tow fiiciids. The
only way ot scaling the snow-covoied moun
tain was on snow-shoes , and the cllmbiug
was ( aligning. Tlio giouiu and minlstpi in-
lived lust at the designated meeting point ;
but they did not h.ivu long to wait lor tlm
brliluandlierbiothcis weio soon seen neat-
Ing tlio spot , trudging along cheerily. Altei
a shoit lest Mr. Ley performed thu wedding
ceiemony with as much impicsslvcness as if
It had taken place hi a chinch. The minister
nnd the bildo , the gioom , and tlio witnesses
ol thu manlagu gumned themsclvos together
as closu us the Canadian snow shoes would
penult. _
Never stop at the ehtiich door to ask about
the music. In choir within.
The melancholy dn > s hi < vo almobt come
the saddest of the year , when Joseph Cook
begins a set of "Monday lectures" In Huston.
When the German crown princessoli
sausages at the recent eli.iiityb.unar In Uer-
lln shu chained $15 lor each link live
It Is stated tlmt among the pending pio-
ccudlngs In Knglmid undei the corrupt iniie-
tlccs nut a piospcution will bo instltiitei
against a clerg ) man on a cliaigo of Intliiiidu
ting a voter.
A cleiuyiuan who was otllciatlne at the
funcml of ajouuggirl be nn Ids discouiso
with. "Oh , may this beivaved lather nnd con
eolatloii for the death of his only daughter *
and then happening to icmember thcio
wns another ( laughter/ ollspilng of a second
end mauiaije , hu added hastily "by lib iir t
vvllo. "
It is said tlmt the Catholic rlcigUion ai
some noble duque In tlio l'resbteiiuu chui'cli
could only Induce the ladles to bang their
lints up lu tlio hull dmlii' ' sci vices , It would
bo along stop tovvnid reform. As to tunties ,
a lumio through Wubstei falls ti litid the
w out. It must be a Kauuque word , uot used
In biuuies.
The Present Gold Wave Knocks Its Prede
cessors Oomplefely Out ,
Torty-Scvcri Heloiv Itccordctl ht St.
Vincent itnllro.ttlfi ARnln Inter-
fcrcd AVItli Xho Btoriti
lit Cnlirornln.
'Ilic Manitoba Icicle.
TIio AVcnthcr.
Cmc.vno , Jan. 2J. TIio signal sculco pro-
( lict-t niiolhcr cold wnu' , hlchllt caii'-e
the lemimrnlmo to tlroi > llfteen totucnl-
lictlcj'icosltliln the next t \ \ rjitjfour to
foity-fight hoins. The \ \ enlhcrAl of hure
Iseiyjcert1. .
MAIIOHAM.TOW.V , Town , Jan. 23. The
Iill7/.ail Plmolc this section at ' - ! o'clock tills
iiioiiiincaiiileieijtliliiK Issnoucd Inltb
the \\lml still lilpli. Snow Is hloulnp , and at
( 'o'clock ' Iho inciriuv vas 'il below. On
the rallionds the cut nrenll lltled and packed
hniil niul olitl. All HKitls are knocked out.
; No tr.ilns lor twcntj 'four and not likely for
loitj-plijhl bolus.
Sr. I'AVJ. , Minn. , Jan. 22. Tonlny as Iho
coMeil of the prevent spawn. The nterciuy
early tills 11101 nlnt ? lanced from as lo in be
low 7cio. At noon It nmikcd'-'O to 2S below -
low \\lth hl \\lntl lilnuliiL' , niakhit ; It cx-
loullnnly dlsnmeeablp , The i-allioals ( are
p\ieileiicliiispilous | ilinirnlty liom drlftiHK
"now. Tliefjieatest trouble on the Milwau
kee load Is near Lake 1'eplnheie the wind
| s blowint ; snow elf the Ice on the lake Into
the cats nlotiR the road , foinihiK n heavy
blnckitilcniiil tiicatly dcliijlni : li-ains. Four
t'liRlnes moat work since du > light to clear
tlm ttnck.
WINXIIMUJ , Jan. 2-J. At Jlediclno Hat
last ulplit lit 11 o'clock the ineicury reilsti'H'd ;
II belou. aiulat J'oit Asslnnbolne-l'.i ' bt'low.
Cold and clear to-day. Xo ItltiL-katle.
ST. I'AiiuJnn. Si The bllraulbich has
been inclUK since last nlulit Is the \\oist
known ninotiK the railiuatls foi > eai > . In
eveiy ilheotion Ills \eiycolil and blow lugnt
aleiillic late , llllinj , ' cuts In the stiutlicin
] > ait ol the coimtiy , anil innklin ; it Inipovil-
hle lo kceji llicin clear Ion ? : enough to urn
tialns. Trains nil tlm Southern .Minnesota
< H\isioii ot HIP Milwaukee Juno been
doncd , and on the Iowa A : Minnesota none
will ai i i\o mi til about lOo'clock this eiilnu ,
None aiCKolm ; out on tills line. On tlio
ii\ti'dl\slon ! | u hea\y iicl Iiltinin Is stuuU
In the snow near Lake Oily and
tumble is being expciioncetl in Kdtinglt oat.
This has dpn ) > vd the thioimh tinln finiu the
east until it now Is nboiitnino hours late.
To the noi tli trains ate piactlcally on time ,
Ilinitgh c\iicilencinjt lonsjli weather. Itls.vr
Imltiwnont St. Vincent. On the western
ilivKions of the Milwaukee & St. Jjouls
evcij thing Is all rltiht , though tlipro Is 111010
orlessdilfliiip. The second division of the
St. Louis south of Albeit Lea Is abandoned
and their ) l:30tiain : for St. Louis will not 11111
until the storm abates. The Burlington it
Not them is also badly blocked. The Omaha is
all right , on time liom the cast , anil nbout
an hour late liom the west. The Noithern
1'aciliu and Manitoba tinins are on time. The
\\catherJ8 \ intensely cold north and west , but
no blockade.
Wlteporls fioiu points alonp Iho Xorliicrn
I'aciucandMnnitnba iue\eiy meacie ; , bat iu-
tllt-atcn tciiiienltine | ot SO below or nioie ,
with liitfh winds.
MiNXKAi'OM ? , Jan. 2 ? . At sunilse this
moinliiK the mciciiry stood : oa lower than
tit lOo'clock last night , orlS.5 dpgiccs. At
a. in. it reached its ininlnitnn. "C > below , and
at noon It had retained under the iiiilticnce
ol the sun to only 23 below , mak
ing the cxticme lange for the
twonly-fom houis ending nt noon today
atiis. The protection atrouleil by tlm build
ings of the town minced the sensible foico
ot the bll//aid considerably lint a lew laim-
ers who fought tlieir way Fn liom the coiin-
ti v rcpoited a stoun of terilblo se\critv ,
IIIUXDAII : . Oak. , Jan. 2J. With last
night came the coldest weather this winter.
It snowed nil nlaht. with a stiong
noitli wind diiltini ; the snow bad
ly. The llieinmmcter this moining was
40 below 7U10. The storm has passed and It
is now clear.
Sioux CITY , lown , Jan. 2i The weather
\\as\eiy cold , and 21 below this iiiumln ? .
Ti.ilnson neatly all the loads aio se\cial
hours late , and the Illinois Ccntial is still
Cr.iiAu UAPIOS Iowa , Jan. 23 , Ten below
7010 heie. Xo tiains in fiom the west.
llmlliigtoi'i. Cedar Kaplds it Noithein , Spiilt
Lake nnd Deooiah tiains aie abandoned this
nininlng lor teat ol a blockade.
Dunugui : , Iowa , Jan. ! t ! . The thermom
eter boio is IS lo i : > below and eiowiug colder.
The i.iilioadb arc blockaded woiso than at
any time this season. No trains on the Illi
nois Central west ot here to Sioux City were
movinc to-day. The snow , bll/.zartl and
blockade , iiaitfciilarlyon HIP wPstem Imlf be-
joml Koit Dodge , is the most severe yet P\-
iicUenced. The passenger train which lelt
Sioux City Tlitiis < lay evening got stack near
Itemscn in a drlttii.OOO feet long and twcntr
deep. The eiigincs aio dead and no prou-
blons obtainable. The thcimomctcr in Hut
legion of the state Is 2. ) to oC below.
Superintendent ( Jillias says it will
take thico to tour days to open the load on
the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul. A
tiain is silicic near Winona , with thiec
freight trains fiom tlm noith moving , but
not on time. West of Miiiregor the iialns
me stack and nothing moIng. . Two passen
ger trams aio at Column. A negio iniiibtrel
company Is snowed in near Marcus and ga\o
a luirfoimnnca on the tiain. The snow
which has lallen has been very light in
weight and dilfted easily.
Dinnoir , Jan. 22. A blb/aitl stiack this
place this at toi noon. The meicuiv Is down
to 7cio and the- wind is finluin. licports
from dllfcient pails ol the peninsula indicate
the stoim has been general.
KAJS AS Cn v , Jan. ii. . All tlu-ongli tiains
wobt aie abaiiiloncd. The sloim is the woist
in many
CUICACIO , Jan. 2Alfltough no snow foil
in the vicinity ol Chicago to-day , the dilftlni :
of veiy line snow was such as to make mll-
loadinireiyliaid and to delay tiidns. The
s-iino state of nlFui , fiom dispatches re-
L'Ohcd bylhoiallwny mall seniee , exists In
Jowav Wisconsin and Minnesota , and the
olllco piedlclsthat to-mouow mails liom tlio
west and noithwest will bo fiom ten to tif-
tcpn houis late. The .mcictuy ilcsrendp < l
inpldly hprolhlsalteiiiuon , and to-night was
10 to 12 below and still falling.
SAN KitAifrisco , Jan. tM. Uoneinl Tiallic
Manager J , ( X Stubb * , of the Southern I'n-
cllic comnany , icpoita the company' lines
butwpi'ii Xcw Oilpims and Los Angclos open
and all tiains between tlioio cities nuiniiig
on time tolay. . The steamer Ori/aba ariiN
to day liom Lns Angcli's , and bilngs dclulls
of the devastation modaccu uy the slot m In
that city and \ lolnfty. The lalus ot Sunday ,
Monday and Tuesday wi'io jelnfoice.l by u
cloud bin st In the San Feinando valley on
Hut last named day , and tlio Los Angeles
riuT , almost without warning , bo-
caimi a laglng toiicnt and soon
Hooded the smithem part of tlio center
of the town. The water also covered o\cr
tOiXnciiMof ! ) orchaidb and \liipyards , nnd
lose two loot higher than tlm Hood of Felnti-
iny , 1SS4. O\er llfty Jiouses were washed
away or completely wipcked , Kxeiy bildge
ncioss Los Angeles ilvcr was swept away
and also luindieds of teet of track of the
Soathcn I'iiciiic and local rallioads. Tele-
gi.ipli poles wcie iuchidcxl in
the general destitution and for
thico dnys the iilnco wns cut oil' tiom tole-
grophio and nillway comiLiinication with tlio
rest of the woild. The damage to property
In the city and county of Lo Angeles is
estimated at half a million.
Nclii'iiHkn Jnttlncu.
Gage county is kept warm by twelve
newspaper .
Lewis Talmago , of Hntlor countj- , lost
if 1,000 worth of bheop in the late storms.
Crete failed to support a democratic
najior , and the editor of the Nonpariel
lias departed for fresher liclds and ya < > -
turps new.
The Suttoii creamery has declared a
tlividend of 10 per mil for 1885 , notwith
standing a large amount paid for im
A good shitro of tha ew 555 distributed
t13 uirep monlh lo the Indians at 1'ino
Kidgo , lindb its \vay into ttie hands of the
merchants at Valentine.
The Kansas , Nebraska & Dakota rail
road company has a corps of surveyor/3 /
opcrntiuf ; north from Ivorfalk along a
branch ot the Klkhorn river ,
Chris AuliI , an employ of the packing
Jiouse nt Nebrnbkn Citj\ at the point ot
death from bloml'jVoisonlng ' He Is liter
ally decaying and Ids body presents a
horrible sight. |
The coroner's jury , nt North Pintle , in
the case of Donognn , who shot Smith ,
brought in a verdict that he did it with
premeditation aiut graded the ciime as
murder in tlio firsf ( U'giee.
U * . C. Cliildcr" , a freighter between
Children nnd Fort Kobinson , was found
frozen to death in a cabin on Cotton wood
creek , tcii miles wc t of Chadroit , on
Mondaj. lie leave * a largo family in
destitute ciicnmstaneos. !
Sattuday night h scoundrel named Hen
Now ers was whipped by a orowd from
the city to the Missouri Pticilic depot , a
dNianco of nearly half n mile , for wilt
ing an insulting letter to the wife of one
of rail City's citizens.
Tlie Hastings gas company ofl'ers to
put in a $15,000 plant in Grand I1aud ,
provided an exclusive franchise i ? given
by tlm city council. Tlio latter body has
decided to examine tin * works at Hastings
befoio taking linal action ,
A freight train on the St. Joe it Oraud
Island railroad struck a bioken rail near
Ilnnccn , ami the last two cars ami ca-
hoe o tumbled down n ten foot embank
ment. Two passengers w ere injured , and
lied Slaughter , n brakcinan , had his
shoulder dislocated.
A little child belonging to a family
named White , who hail recently tiriived
tit Hapid City fiom Klkhorn , Xeb. , was
choked to death on some mall object ,
presumably n screw , which found its way
into the windpipe. aid was
summoned , but it wn lee late.
lovvn IteniH.
Progressiv e cliclirc Is storming the social
batlleiuents of "Aatoiloo.
Seventeen iiloon prevent a prohibi
tion drouth in Mnquoketa.
Montgomery county harvested in thu
neighborhood of U.UOO.OOO . bushels of corn
last year.
A Cedar Rapids blood was lined $10
and costs for attempting to kiss a water
nymph at a hydrant.
A ffdelieipucy of over $700 has been
found in the accounts of Auditor 1" . M.
Spearcs of lav cite county.
Tour wives are laying for Matloek , the
bigamist , at Logan. They are deter
mined lo send him over the road.
_ A convention of colored men to con
sider Ihe condition and needs of Ihe race
is called to meet tit DCS Moincs Match 0.
A business association designed to take
the place of the board of trade has been
formed at Davenport to secure grOatcr
railroad facilities.
Eighty head of cattle belonging to G.
McDnlly , of Union county , wandered
away from homo during the late bli//.ard
and had not been found at last accounts.
During the twenty-two weeks that the
Spencer creamery was in operation inl8S5
it turned out 125,100 pounds of No. 1 but
ter , and paid out for cream $14,110 , and
for labor for making , s ? 1,000.
Two policemen made a raid on a bach
elor sleeping apartment at Creslon Sun
day night , and captured two prominent
jouug men of that city and two damsels
of Corning , whosp reputations were not
us spotless as they might be. The parly
contributed § 20 to tlio city treasury next
morning. * - '
The Iron Hill inino1 is earning about
$25,000 over expensed
15on lloiiunc coiml.f armors sold . ' "jl.S.'iO
worth of fruit last year.
Subscriptions ill Sibttx Tails for the
new railroad now * amount to $10,000.
Petitions arc in'circiilation in Sanborn
county pr.iying for the removal of Com
missioner Spaiks0 i
Several of the heaviest stock raisers in
tlio vicinity ot Yankton have , joined to
gether and will makui , ; shipment of 000
beef cattlq to the Chicago market.
Sonic 8,000 acres of land have been pur
chased in ( lie south part of Bon llommii
county by p-irties supposed to be in the
interest of tlie Milwaukee railroad.
The grand jury at Deadwood has re
turned indictment's against Sheriff Gar-
laud , Col. Tracy , John MeCaithy and
others , chargjng them with issuing lulso
evidences of indebtedness.
The new court house completed at
lirookings is a surprisingly commodious
and complete structure for the $7,00011
cost. Tlio city of Blockings gave $1,000
of Ihc amount.
The legal fee for marrying a couple in
Dakota is but $2.50 , which is said to be
the lowest in any territory , Montana
charging $10. This is an inducement to
matrimony in the territory.
Mrs. Henrietta Swift , of Hinghamton ,
N. Y. , who says that she is a widow ,
young and prcttv.adyertisus in the Yank-
ton Press and Dakotian for a. husband.
She wants one with a good homo and
A claim to a quarter section of land
has been filed for recoid in IJrookings
county , b.y viituc of a "military land
warrant , " issued in tlio name of Almon
Howard , of Caplain Pierce's company ,
New York militia , war of 181' ' .
A Vltglnla cuiiosity Is a woodcluick witt |
a haie-hp.
A tame cougar followed like a dog at the
heels ot a wild cowboy in ( ho sheets of Ppit-
land , OIL . , Ihuothct daj.
Mice recently took possession of two bee
hives at lloidoiitown , N , . ) . , dioveotit the
bees and ate bull the huiiu ) .
Jacob Miukcl , lesldlng tlnco miles fiom
Coi > don. Indiana , has a muie thiityjeais
old which lias n sucking colt.
"Thelaigest tiger In the United States , "
sajsn news item , "died last week In tlio
Philadelphia /oological golden. "
A black bhd , neaily as large as a looln and
ot an unknown species has mudu its home
foi some time past with n Hock ot sheep be
longing to a fiumcrot Ualton , Ore.
A baboon on Stutou Island is .a contained
beei-dtinker , and olten gets hilailous on it-
makes a man ot himself , as It weie but will
not toleiato the music of a band In his vicin
ity If hu can pievent it.
In Sulaeoc. < > a. , Jives Col. lliichcison , six
( cut seven Inches high , and his throonoiis ,
measiiiiiig icspeetlvely six' feet suven iiuda
half Inches , six loci sK inches nnd six leet
six Indies , each w etching about-JUJ pounds ,
Somu Indian niiow-heads weio lately
shown at thu boclele d Amhiopologio which
weie iioUoncd witlf&irffteovei n century ago ,
but still letalncd thoii deadly pnvvei. .Small
animals scratched with Itliem died in hull an
Yestciduy , whlluJiiiiitlng along the Hum
boldt toad , a man shot aod killed u beautiful
buck duel on the "comity seat giado"a
shoit distance above ithe Tcn-Milu House.
Thuileut was vvliltOi.asjshovv , imd plnkinos ,
and Its bail soft silk , IChico
was as ( Cal. ' )
Clnonlclu , Uee.'JS. < * '
One of the best collections of blids and In-
seets in Ameiica was that ut Clmilui liuelt-
1101 , aCeiman at JiuilbiKlon , Iowa. Thciu
were In the collection , if,000 ) i are bugs , Hies.
WOIIIIM andtho like. ' 1 lie tire tiend lolled nil
thostt like so many dainty morsels under his
toiicuo of tlamo on , Sunday night , and now
Nntuiallaf Uuettiiei , Js disconsolate ,
It Is stated in the last'lssim ot .Science tlmt
Dr. lU'chstuln asseits tint thu liousu sjMriovv
could bo taught to speak , and mentions a
clurgjman of pulls who had two ol these
blids which could icpeal Hie fourth , tilth ,
sixth and seventh commandments. It is
giavely stated that when lhe e birds quar-
iclcd over their food ' 'uiio ot them would ad-
monlsli tlio otliet with the leiuaik , 1'u no
. ' "
Uuion Sowing Macl G , SQG'y. iOth.'St. '
Pianos Tuned at Hospo's.
If you buy lumber anywhere without
111 so gelling Hoiiglands prices you will
lose money.
A Itoautlful Htoro.
The finest and most' complelo Art Store
west of Chicago is Hospo's , 1S18 Douglas.
Pianos Tuned at Hospo'i.
Fatal Sequel to a Poker Qnmo on a Biv t
Sweetheart niul l orer Meet at the
l'Utol'8 Point A lninl lcrWln )
llli Stnke nt tlip Sncrl-
'floe of Two Lives.
My earliest.recollection , of dueling con
nected with tlie poker-table goes back to
U few j cari aflei'the war. I was an un
willing spectator of a trairedy on board
of n Hod Uivcr steamboat thai will haunt
my 1110111013 until I die. The railroads
that now reach in all directions through
Te.xas were not built , except on paper ,
at the time of this episode. All the Ir.ule
in the noithein part of tlio stale Avcnt lo
Shreveport , a city nt the head of mxvigtt-
lion on Uetl iiiver and not far from ( he
Texas line. Magnificent steamboats de
parted dailj lo Now Oilcans , u distance
of 7.r > 0 miles. It took thico or four days
to make the down tilp in high water anil
a Week in low water. Laige droves of
cattle weie cruelly huddled together on
the boiler decks of sleainboats and
shipped to New Orleans. The owneis
took cabin passage and beguiled the
time phi v ing cards , it was a poor tiip
down that did not carry u bundled cabin
passengers and atloul several big g.tmos' '
of poker. The captains of the boats al
ways phned , to show their hospitality
and give tone to the games. In Septem
ber , 137 , I look nassago on the Daisy
I'loom for the Crescent City.Vo bail
over a hundred passengers' , ! ! 10 head of
cattle and 1,000 bales ot cotton. The
owner of the cattle , lloger O. Simnson.
was a large , line-looking limn , about ! M
ycaisold. Ho was a typical Texan as
they were in those days , vvoio sombrcio ,
bell-spurs , buckskin leggings and the
inevitable six-shooter , lie deposited
what cash he had with the cjcik of tlio
boat , ami then gave instructions to two
Me.xican greaseis who had charge of his
cattle on biMid. As lie tin ned to go to
his stateroom a flashily ilre Td man , ac
companied b.y a woman with a handsome
face , passed him on their way to the
clink's olliqo. 1 noticed that lie gavo. a
start of surprise , but instantly checked
himself and coolly walked down the
cabin. After supper a number of tables
wore arranged in the f i out pait o | the
gentlemen's cabin and several poker
gaiue.s started. The captain of the bout ,
thu llashly dressed man an several oth-
el's formed one party. An' imitation
wai extended to Simpson to play , but he
refused. Now and then ho watched UK ?
game , but said nothing. The handsome
woman sat behind the captain and
seemed lo be leading Ji book. Her hus
band said the game would have to go on
without him unless his. wife was piescnt.
"That li one of her hobbies , gentle
men , you know , to keep tin eye on me , "
ho said in explanation.
The players thought it queer that his
wife should desire to be present , but said
nothing. The iirst night out lu.sitlted in
the captain's losing several thousand and
the others a few hundred dollars. The
flashily-dressed man had w underfill luck
and seemed to know just whfm to bet.
The captain said to Mr. Simpson the
ne.xt day that he wanted lo get even tlmt
night , but that he would not play if Iho
woman read a novel at his elbow.
"That is just it , captain , " icplied the
Texan. " 1 am dying to take a hand , but
dnrn me if I can have any luck when a
woman is present. Ten to one she is
giving that husband ot her's shin * . . "
Both agreed to ask the husband to
keep his wife away or the game
would not go on. Ho pioniisod to try
nnd coax her to stay in her state-room in
the ladies' cabin. After an hour or . = < >
he came with the good news lhal his
wife would not witness the game. Tlie
Texan said little to him buj'ond the fact
that bo intended to play a big game or
none at all. Just after supper , befoie
the table was prepared , Simpson took me
aside and asked mo to do him a favor.
Anything that was compatible with hon
or and that lay in my power 1 agreed to
do for him.
"I want you to slay by mo to-night ,
and and well , promise mo you will not
leave until Ihc game is concluded , " ho
said , in slow , measured tones ) .
"Why ? " I asked.
"Well , I was not always a rough cattle
man. Years ago I lived in Virginia.
When I graduated from college 1 began
to practice law and was uiistiecessiul.
I loved a beautiful > oung woman , and
would have married her in n week hud
she not lied with tlie man 1 hated. He
won her by lies ! Yest lies that he told
about mo , black as night and ciucl. 1
gave up the law anil went to Tevas ,
where I have prospered in thocattlo
business. 1 think this flashily attired
gambler is the man who tan away with
my butiothcd. I heard ho doseited her.
Till" * woman willi him does not resemble
the girl 1 loved , and it it is .she , time lias
changed her wonderfully. "
1 intimated that this had nothing to do
with tlio game.
"No , oh , no. Hut I have a premonition
tlmt this man is ho and lhat 1 .shall settle
old . "
scores to-night.
1 shook his hand and piomisctl to act
sqnarcl.v as his Iriend. I did not an
ticipate trouble , for poker-playing was
indulged in to a great extent ami few-
fatal lostilts wcro chronicled.
A KA'lT.n'l , I'OKCIt ( UM1J.
The table was placed nearer the bar
, than Iho picvioiis night , FO that tliti bar
keeper could hand drinks readily to one
ol the players , whoso capacity appeared
unlimited , Tlie explain never diank ,
except when lie drew "a book" in order
to change his luck , hn said. No one un
derstood the llnshil.y-dre.ssed nian'n
nativity , even when ho ordered a drjnk ,
which was Holtlom. "Gimmn a gin-sljng ,
thin , and water , " ho would older in a
dry tono. 1 noticed that ho always man
aged to drink the water and simply touch
the trm to his lips , Simpson , who sat
opposite tlio hitler , drank straight
whisky at long intervals. The gani"
opened in a dull manner and with very of heavy betting , Tlio cap
tain was in hotter luck and won several
largo poU , I sat not far from the Texan
and to the right of the captain. At 10
o'clock a young man with blonde sido-
V'hiskers and ot exceedingly low stature-
look a scat almost behind Simpson. Al
though 1 had been on thu boat over
twenty-four hours 1 did not recollect seeing -
ing this young man ; still I did not think
it strange , because ho might hav'o got on
at some of tlie towns we
landed nl during the day ,
He appeared to bo u casual observer
like the twenty or thirty other passen
gers who sacrificed sloop to watoh the
game. It is a ppctilmr fact tlmt u big
gameofuoker will kuop oven men whenever
never played it out of bed till night.
Thoio w as a inKcil crowd around. LVCJI
one of tlio greasers came up from mind
ing the cattle bolw ) to see the gamo.
Tlio pilot who waofl' duty in order to
leop , ptoferred to watch the chips , and
the second clerk , who complained of
never getting any sleep , kept Mill coin-
puny. Mnny of Iho lo crs- were
i it'J' < 'i > r-us wno nndoislQoil the game
'thoionglily. It was a respectable second-
night audience. 1 never moved fiom
my chair , and neither did Iho blonde-
-whiskered young man. The Texan lost
Vight along aflor 11 o'clock ; the captain
and the flashily dressed man won , The
fourth player , who drank frequently ,
held hiso\vnrncvcrbolting Unless begot
1lnes. > . ) Vhenovor he lost liu said :
Throes , by Jove ! Thpy were woitli Jt , I
paid fora eight. * ' At a litlle after mid-
iiigiitlho ciowd had dimlii&hcd greatly.
The blonde young man still lemaiued.
Slmj oh wns "till losing , nnd sent to the
clerk for the deposit money.
"I have here $ ir ,000 , " heald. . When
I lo o this I shall bet my cattle off. "
"Never fear that \oil will come to that
ja s remember , it s n long lane that
Ilai no turning , " remarked llu- captain ,
"Majhe ho luH JiHt entered the long
lane , " spoke up the man s\ho drank
Steadily. .
Tile gambler ordered a third gin-sling
nnd water , and ald npthlnir more. The
captain now began to IOM * . Kver. ) thing
seemed to fa\or the lln lilly tirp > i'd
gamhler. He won without trouble Hv
1 o'clock only .fo.OOO WHH left to ( he-
Tc\ui. : Hea < iiutalcd Ml his bad luck
and disposed to pick a quarrel. The
game was now getting exciting. The
gambler dealt Ihc cauls. Simp-on dis
carded and irow ) two card * . The cap-
lain and the hcav\ drinking man threw
up their hands. The gambler drew one
" 1 hot you $1,000 , " coolly said the
"I = t-e it and rai o you $2,000 , " an-
sweied the gambler.
" 1 go you $ ' . ' ,000 belter , " replied the
Te\an , pulling up Iho last cent of money
he had.
"Ten thousand dollars "
more , slowly
said the gambler , watching lib oppon
ent's face.
"Icsilli ouilh OJO head of catllo , "
was the answer.
"I accept the collateral , " replied the
gambler , this time eagerly.
"I have four queens , " the gambler
said in confident tones , shotting hii hand
and starting to lake in the money.
"Not so in "I I haAc four king1nnd a
conllueneu card , " tairly hi cd the Texan
in hii face.
"Confidence card ! " shouted the gam
bler. "What is thai * "
"The ace , " was the qtiiek reply
"VoulnnosixcauK too , Mr , and I
win. " mockingly jeered the gambler.
"Where are tho\ ? "
"In jour hand , ec. " The gambler
took tllu confidence caid and --tripped a
( bin card fiom il appeared to be
glued to it. It was one ol the bid tricks
the sharper attempted to play. Quick as
lightning the Texan aro-e and dealt the
gambler a stinging blow in the face , say
ing : "You thief , take that , and dKgorgo
what you haetolen " Theblondo\oung
man sprang to the table and said : "Cap
tain , sue lair piny. "
mi : uui'iu.r TIIAOI : V.
The. gambler was oil his feet in a second
end , the blood "streaming from the blow
in Ins face , \\lth -pistol ill his hand.
"Don't shoot now , " quickly said the ,
caplaiiit "Adjourn lo the hurricane root
and have a lair pop at each other. I
don't want a piitol discharged in the
oabin to disturb my passengers in their
sleep. "
In a few minutes we stood on the InH1-
ricancioof. It was a moonlight night.
Not a sound was heard but the steady
puff , pull'ot thoc'eapipipes. . The uilot
at the wheel said , by way of advice :
"I siy ; , cap'n , ju-t lei 'em stand aft ;
tlieie is mole light , and the smoke-slacks
' shadow. "
won't throw a
"I'll do it , Mill. Don't be afeard , " lie
aiisweu'd , duly.
The eaimiin then asked who would be
HIP gambler's si.vond.
"I Mill , " answered a clear , silvery
voice. It wn thn hlondo young man. i
agreed to do that ollice lor tlie Te.xan.
Tlip capons seleolod were six-'Shooters.
to Iho once and \yait ordur.s for a second
lire. The piinoipals were placed ten
paces apaii. At the wonU "takeoiir .
stand , rentlcmc'ii , " tlm gambler Marled
to walk to his place , icelcd and
fell. "He is tooM'a | ; fiom the
shinning blow IIP got , " < -poke up the
captain , who bout over bis lot in.
"Then the duel is oil' and I have no 10-
venge' ' " said thiiTexnn , with anger.
"Oil , no ; 1 am his > pcond and must
lake his place/ ' quickly responded the
blonde young man.
We inteipo rd and tried to porsuadfc
the rash second to wail , mgingthat by to-
luniiow his pi incip'il would bo able to
light. Jl was no use. HP said that Iho
insult was lee great to his principal to
admit of a postponement.
"As jou please , " linally said Simpson.
The men were placed , the captain act
ing as the blonde jonnu man's second.
"Are yon ready , "entlenicnV"
"Ye.s , " was the 'almost simultaneous
.iopl\ .
"One , two , IhiPe , lirp" '
Two reports rang out a few seconds
apart and the lull lorm of the Tcx-.nn
icoled and loll heavily. I ran up to him
quickly and siiid aloud : "Simpson tire
yon hint V" He lid not answer. Then I
called him by his light name. Hoger. No
sooner had 1 uttered that word than a
shrill , piercing shriek camp liom the
young man. Ho rushed ( o the lalluii
"Uogcr Simpson , I muideicd him ! " be
cried , pulling oil' Ids faKe \Vhfeknrn and a
wig , and letting a mask of daik hair tail
over hishoulders. .
"Speak to mo , Roger , and say you for
give , " she said , kissing his silent lips.
Another rcpoit startled us all , and the
woman tell dVad on the man she hlid he-
traI'd ami killed. Herslajer was her
Xcw City Directory.
Parties Having changed their lesidcnco
or boitrding place in the city should send
in their now location at once so that it
will appear in Iho directory correct as the
book is oxU'iiriivuly used m the delivery
of mail mailer througtiout the city.
J. M. Woj.n : & Co. , 120 S. 14th st.
Everybody should bo sure to get their
name and residence' insprteij jn the now
city directory to by issued in a few weeks.
J. M. Vfou'KAsO'o. , ISO S. Ulh st.
Union Sewing Machine , 2M N. lOtn St.
i i -
Aiaie chance ! for a good | i otclman
One half intnrehtin Dowcy House forsalo
Slondid ) locaiion. Caui-o for spiling interested
terosted in other business. Tor full par
ticulavs address A.h.Andcr.sPnShosliono
Idaho , llofeiciieo Dewey tfc Stomt.Omahii
Ice mtni along the Kcnncboo and Pen-
obicot livers are preparing lo gather this
winter's ciop. It all the Maine houses
now empty bo lillml it is said that Iho
crop will be the hugesl ever gatheiud in
that section tooling up favuuovo 1,000-
000 tons.
The Qreatost dlcal Triumph cf tUo Age !
I.0i ol'nppul III ) , Uuuola COB live , I'uVutn
ilie Iirnil , willi n dull ovncallonln tliu
bacll part , I'ain uu'ttr tba dljouldcr-
tlado , i'lilluoo nftor c tluir , wHU adit-
Incllnatlou to exertion of iiadr oi-niluil ,
Irrllnlillliyoriciiiper , lio\r spirits , trlth
ufeellnffof linvlna nrclfciful nometlulf ,
\Vcoiltiesi , UlzxInvBH , Finite ) ! u at > > :6
I'enrt. J ytu l fforp > ' > e& , HumlucU *
bvcr the Tltlil ere , Rcntlchiiuem , trilb
flttXll drennn , lllulilycolnleil UtlBetaiiil
TDXT'S 1 > 1 1,1.8 are especially odapteil
to aocb casoa , 0110 doao olTccia sucli a
eliaiiKoorf.olliirrnston3tonl. litli06"itprrr. |
TI'CT Inrrcuictlio Appctlte.aod rause the
bcdy M Take on i'Hsli. tlini Iho t ) tcm Is
nouriikeil.oi" ! by tlidrTonlo Action on
the lllu-cHivcOru iiiilteaularHtooUrro
proJiicml. l'rln Itftu. BttirravM..N.V.
IluuQTataD the body , matra linalthjiksli ,
ttreilsttier , ? the weak , repairs t lie waste * of
VJie eytteui nitU pure blood ur.J Imrd jiiusuloj
tunes ttio nertoiu si stem , iiiTlgorutea the
brain , rnul Imports tliawor of manhood.
$1. Son hv dni.jel ts
Ol'tflCIZ U : urrHStMNoiv Vorlc.
TriA kri'rity TMfn ifyfrt ? f / < ijffcWf'Hl iriflrt I'M1 ft 4
Last Day's Prococdiuga of tie Nations1
Board of Trade ,
llcsoltitloim Adopted Knvoilnir : th'
lutoi-Slnto Coiuniet-co Jlcnott.
wltli Few I-UcPiitloiifl Ilnn-
( | ltM Ml Imst
'the Natlonnl Uonrd of Trntle.
W.VsinxcnoN1 , Jan.J. . On u assembling
this morning , tlie National Hoard of Trade
adopted le.sohitlons tutting upon rongrpM
tlie Impoitancc of passing Mrlnppiit laws to
prevent uiidervatuation of moiclmudl'-o Impelled -
polled , and the enactment of laws to prevent
ciicioachmont on Ihe harbors and uiulirnlilo
vat ex.4 by vvharvlng , etc.
A lesolutlon by Minray of Ciiielnnntl ,
'iccommcnitlng ' the adoption as n standard
by this country and others of Ihe "cental
sj stem'1 of grain measuie ( icpio'onthig 100
pounds avouluiHilsMS ) uiloptetl.
Thobo.iid leeelviHl , nud aftci a long do-
bale , adopted b.v a v ole of ) to S , the icjioit
liom the -special committee on interstate
ti.Ulle. It luMitllyapmoves the bill to legit-
late commerce , with tlie exception of the fol
low lug amendments :
t bulking out ot section-I , which pio-
hlbllschaining oi receiving any dealer com
pensation in the aggrcgalc lor tlio traiiMpoi-
tatlon of passencei or piopcity tor a shelter
than for a longer distance over tl.o
same line In the samudlicction and fiom thu
same nilgimilpoint ofilepaitiite. Thebonid
deems this to IKIUII tmiiecessarj icstrletlon
upon the freedom of trniispoitallou , aud one
in which Its piacthal application would result -
sult In Inctensing theiaies eliutired for long
distances , mthui than diminishing those
cluugid forshoitei ones.
U The test of the second clause of .section
I makes HIP piov isions ol the bill npplj to the
trniispoilatlon of passeitgi'ti 01 tuopOrtj by
any vessel orPSMIS. . In the judgment of
thetmaid the competition of watprwajs Is
sufllcicntly extensive lo alloid tuiipln piolec-
tlon to public inteiests without luilhei legal
a The sahnv named for each commLs'Ioiicr
should not b le&s limn 810,000 per aniiiu.i.
The follow ing icsolullou , pu-sunted bv the
Chicago boatd of tiade , was adopted without
debate :
Itcsolvcd , Thai the national bonnl of hade
ip.illhms ib action last vear In icgaid lo for
eign disciitulnatlon against AmeiUan- pork ,
ami luges the niomiit passage of house bill.
No. ! lUsi ) , that pun Ides lor the inspection ot
live slock , hog products and dicsscitbeel for
export , and lliai gives the piesldent power to
pievent the Impoitatlon ot any loud 01 diiul.s
ndtilteinted to an extent daiiguious lo llu >
beallh or vvelftie of tlm pcoplu of the United
Stales. J
The icbolutlon icpreseiitedbv the Phlln-
dclphlabatud ot tiade , that the usefulness . '
ol the postofllcu deiiailment hhould bo extended - T
tended in the dheitloii ol lelcginphlc com- f
niuiiicatlon , attei an animated discussion , . 5 ,
was del eat ed by a vote of 11) ) to 1'i t
The lollovvlng ictolutlou was adopted i >
without delmtu : i
Itesolvcd , That thu mnisuiu now pending - 4
to amend thu constitution of thu United f
Status , so as to allow the piesldent tij veto i
sepaiaiu Items In nil annual appiopilutlon
bill , Is one which should bo adopted.
Adjoin ned blue die. . '
Tin * delegates weie given a banquet this j
evening. > |
'flip members of the national boaid ot trade j
called at the white hou o In n bodv to day and . 1
paid tlieh luspects to the president. Shoit
addiesses weio inntle by l-iedeilck l-'ialoy , .1
president ot the boaid , and 1'ntlc.ison of New 2.
.leisoj , to which thu pics'ulent made u l.ilef I
icsponsu , sajiug tlieii visit icinliu' 'J him ot \
thu impoilaiico of tlio Intcicats itpiesenteil i
b > the board , and giving assurance that they
vvould teceivp due consideration at his hands.
1'ialejl said to the piesiduiit that hu had been
delpgatcd to infoim him of the boaid's ' en-
doiBCiucnt of tliopoliej of the administration
iniegaidto thu silver jiuustioh , ulv II soivlqe
lufoim , comuiuielal iccipiocity titaties , etc.
Tlie Imagination. .
The man of iniaginalion that is to say ,
of drop
of wntnr , can construct the forests , the
riveis and tlio seas. In his presence all
t he eatai nets , tall and fo.tin , the mist * rise ,
the clouds foim and float.
To iciilly know one fact is to know its
kindred and its neighbois. Shakespeare
looking at u coat of mail instantly im
agined tlio society , the conditions that
produced it , and what it produced. ' Ho
saw the castle , the moat , thu drawbridge ,
the lady in the tower , and the knightly
lover spurring over the plain. _ He saw
tlie bold baron and the riido retainer , the
trampled serf , and nil the glory and the
grief of Ipudal lite.
The man of imagination litis lived the
lifool all people , of all races. Ho was u
citiren ol Athens in the days of Pericles ;
listened t | > the eager eloqucncei the
gieat orator , and i-al upon the. clil ! ' , and'
with tlie tragic poothcard "the iniiltitmlt-
nou's laughter ol thosua. " Ho savvSoc-
talcs thrust the spear of question through
the shield and liuart of lalsehood ; was
p/escnl when the gieat man drank hem
lock anil met the night of death tranquil
as the star incuts morning. Ho lias lol- '
lowed the peripatetic pliilosophcr.s and
haXbcou pu//ledbytho sophists. Helms
watched Phidias as ho chiseled shapcles *
stonuXlo foims of love and awe ,
Ho lilvs lived by the slow Nile amid the
vast ajiinupnstions. Ho knows tliu very
thought tlMt , wrought the form and '
features of the Sphinx. Ho has heard
gioat Monition's morjiing song , and bus
lain him down with'tho embalmed.and
waiting dead and felt within their dust ,
the expectation ot another Jilo miugled
with cold and sullocating doubts the-
children born of long delay , Ho-Jias
wilkcd the vvavs of mighty Koine , ' ; ind
has seen gicat Ciesir | with his legions in . '
the field , ami has stood witli vast , ilmi
motley thiongs ami watched the triumph
umph- ) given to victorious men , followed
1 > 3 unctowned kings , thu captuicd Hosts ,
and all Iho spoils of ruthless war. Ilo
lias heard the shout thai shook the Cell
fceiim'h 1' walls when from the reel-
in-I gladiator1 * hand thoshort sword fell ,
while from his. bosom gushed the stioam
of wasted life.
lie has lived the lifo of savage men ,
has trod the fotcsl'n silent depths , and in
thodesppi'ato giimo of life or death has
matched his thought against thu instinct
ol tlio beast.
He knows.all crimes nnd all rcgnits , all
virtues and their rich towards. He lias
been victim and victor , pursuer and pursued -
sued , outcast and king has hcaul Iho
applause and curses ol the world , and on
his heart have iallen all the nights and
noons of failure and success.
Ho knowb the unbiokcn thought ) ) , tlio
dumb desires , and wants tmd wa\sof
beasts. Ho has felt the douching tiger's
tlulll , the tenor of the ambushed pioy ,
and with tiio eagles ho hits binned the
ecstaoy of flight nnd jioiso and swoop and
ho has lain with sluggish serpents on the
barren rocks , uncoiling slowly in tlie
heat of noon.
Ho had sat beneath tiio bo tree's coii'
tuinphtlivdshudo.rnpl in limldahs mighty
thought , nnd he has druumml all dreams
lhat Mghl , thu alchemist. Imtii wionght
from dust ami dew nnd stored vvitliiu the
aluminous poppy's subtlu blood.
He has knoll witli nwo and ( tread at
every hhrino , lie hah olk'icd every sacri
fice and every prayer , has fell Iho conso-
Jf.tion anil the shuddering fear , has scon
nil dovilc ; , has mot kcd and worshiped till
thn gods enjijvcd all lieavous nnd tolt
the pangs of ex cry boll.
Ho has lived till lives' , and through hit
blood and Inain have eicpt the shadow
and the chill of every death , and his soul ,
Mu/.cppu-liko , has been lashed naked to
the wild liorec of every fear and lo\o and
The imagination Imtli n slago within
the brain , whereon bo sots all scenes that
lie between tlio morn ot laughter and tlio
night of tears , and vvlwro li | jilajcrs body
foitli the. faUo and true , llu jo.vs and
griefs , the careless shallow * anil thu
tragic deupi of every lift ) . -JMcrt 6' .
Inautoll. in ( lie Xort/i .Imeri'fin 7/t ri'cw.