Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1886, Image 1

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Thirty-Nino NewLurg Miners Killed Out
right by the Fearful Explosion !
Heartrending Sight ? at the Scene or
tlio CnliiinHy SoirovvInK Keln-
lives JIlooU the Month urtlio
Shattered Khnft.
Corpse Covered Mini * Floori.
WniiiiNV. : : ( . Vu. , Jan. ! W.-S | > ocIiU ills-
pntehcs to tlio Intelligencer : Tim Fconoof
tlio mine disaster continues topresent a heart-
lending spectacle , 'llio east bound train today -
day brought ngicat inunbci of ueoplo fiom
Clniksbuig , Knliinonnt , ( hafton , nnd Intel-
iiR'dlntu points , nnd sympathising filends
nine from as fai east as Piedmont. They
Hwollcd the hopeless , helpless ciovvd tlint
luniif nboiit tin ; jilt's ' month. Men , women
nnd ehlhlien weio gathered theie , pale , trem
bling , weeping , stnilng at tlio shaft almost
dumb with constcinallon. Few words\\cro
exchanged and these In a low tone , lor the
people thcio hn'cw that
of thirty-nine men who went down to death
at "o'clock jcstciday moining. In half an
hour nioro they would have been out.
A.s 1 reached the spot men weio still nl
vvoik icpnliing thn bhat cicd timbers of the
shaft , and other men wcio In a hncUct going
down the black hole Into the bluuker deep
below. He-tinning they brought no tidings
for the nn\lous ciowd , but soon a minor
spread that the seaich party nad found at the
bottom ot the hhalt Dan Miller , the eager ,
and his son , 15 jears old ; the diher , jonng
Timmons n tiappcr , and joung Chuk , a
drl\er. One of the paily was quoted as sayIng -
Ing they found Klnney's mule blown sixty
feet out ot the stables , with Inshnlteron.
The si-aichois themselves would-say nothing' .
lt\\ns thought better to
KiiKi * iin : DiinAnror.
that the lumps levcaled beluvv until u wider
bcaich biotight more delin'le ' Knowledge.
Theiu could bo no ccitalnty ns to the
Identity of the blackened icmalns. The
buckets went down and up , the men weio re-
palilngbienks in the alrslinftas they lonnd
them , the crowd was growing linger and
picssing hauler on thorupcs stietehed about
the shall so eager weio the people to get even
a look down that ten Ihlo hole. A temponuy
lenceot boauls was hniiiedly putnpto make
an enclostiio In which tlie woik might go
on without intoifcienee. As soon us the
shall was hulllcicntly repahcd a casro was
) ) iit on to tnkeilovvnn lai er woiking foice
in hope ol
iiniNGiNci n OMI : noi > ns :
and beginning an inquest. Coionei Jones of
Twin Alta , summoned a jury to be piesunl at
the woiks at 5 o'clock , but the piogrc'-s was
slower than the coionei expected , and tiic in
quest va.s postponed for nil houi. It then
became appaient that theiewas little piob-
ability ot any bodies bclntr biought up to-
nlehtand theIiuiuestwasadjouined untilb
o'clock to-moirow moinlng.
The woik in thoniino will be continued
thiougli the night , by icllei iiaitlcs composed
in pait ol men who have latheis and biothers
inn onifiiNOF'iHr. nmsinn
Is variously deteimlncd by experts who vaiy
In theories. The gencially accepted tlieoiy ,
which is tliat of thn compaiiv's iepie enta-
tlves , is that Nick Williams , who was cut
ting a ditch thiougli n brattls at the oxtiemo
end of the woiking to let the water oil ,
knocked down a door to glvo him a better
chance at this woik. The door played an
Important pait In the sj.stem of ventilation ,
which was thus deianged. Foul gas collected
in a gicat volume and was Hied by the
inlnci's lump.
Mr. James Wilson , shipping clcik , was
standing litty icct cast ol the shaft when
the explosion came. Ho says : " 1 hcaid a
thud which was accompanied with a dense
mass of fog and mud. lieforo I had lime to
icallzo thoslluatlon , In hall a minute a second
end shock came ,
A TinuiFia UUISST or GAS ,
ripping elf the weather boauling and dcinoi
alUlnjr the upper part of the shaft , thus cov-
cilngiuucli of It , but It had caught thlity-
nlnc pooi fellows down thcie , mull think
theli doom Is sealed. "
At the bottom of the .shaft the scene of
wicck and confusion was honlble. Men ,
mules , shatleied cai.s , and all soils of dcbils
weio piled up In conluslon. The men tied
on a body betoio they know how near they
vv cio to the dead. Fiom the wreck below It
is supposed llio explosion was violent enough
to bio vv the men out of the most icmoto i oems ,
though experts differ as to whether the shock
would neeessailly bo fatal. Tlio Idea Is ad
vanced that the most cxpciionccd miners ,
knowing the nature of the gas , If the
MK.V wiuiNor : KII.LII : > AT ONCK ,
they would have thrown themselves on their
faces , tlieio being the least foul air on the
lloor. This gives their filends some ground
for hope , but It Is BO slight that It Is not cn-
Jtis bollovcd by some men who ate familiar
with mines that the looms In the extreme
portions of the "woiklng" aio eompaiatlvely
liTofiom gas , and that they may have af-
fouledaiefugo to those in or near them.
These gleams ot hope are mot by the aflllcted
families with moans of despair.
vvn.i. OAtifai : annAr surriintxa.
The calamity falls with tcnlblo foreaon
the little town of Nuwbuig , The recent cold
weather froio out the niliieis , and they could
not woik for ten days , nnd little money is
coming to the men who aie on the death loll.
A few of them had no havings , and their tak
ing elf will leuvo their famllle.s In dcstltu-
Xlio Senator Desires n Thorough In-
vt'Kticiition of tlio Itrlhory Charges.
WASHING i ox , Juu. ' . ' J1 Senator Payne to
night mailed n letter to the clmlimanof the
U'cently appointed Investigating committee
ol the lower house of thu Ohio leglslatuie , of
which the follow Ing is u coj > y :
Uxtriin KrA'us : SKN.VU : , WASHINGTON ,
D. 0. , Jan. 'Ji , lion , Thos. A. Cow-gill ,
Chairman , Columbus Ohio. Sh As one
branch of the general assembly has appointed
u bpcchd committee , ot which you
nre the clmlunan , to investigate the
conduct of the democratic caucus
which In Januaiy , 1681 , nominated u c-andl-
itnte for United btates senator , and as tlio
matter Is thus jailed to the phino of icspecln-
blllty nnd plnced In charge of Intelligent nud
honorable gentlemen , 1 propose to give it
nppiopilato attention. Foriujself , I Invite
the most thoiough nnd ilgld snutlny. My
pilvato coiiuspondcnco and , hooks of
uceountswlll bocheeilullyMibmlttcd to youi
inspection If son deaho It. lonly Insist , in
casenny testimony | gi\cn widch in the
bllghteat dt'gice inculpates mo , 1 may bo
ntloided the oppoitnnlly of tippearing befoio
I \eiyirspcctfullv , your obedient s > cr-
\u.t , II. U. '
A Kurnuco Caves In ,
I'liTsnuno , Jan. ' "i The furnnco In
couise at constitution at Lliule. , Steel woiks
caved In jnsleiday , Instantly Ulllln ) , ' a Polo
nnd luhirinB William johajou so badly lliat
Jiaiued iluriiif iho iilstit.
The Irish Antcndincnt lo Address
Olndfttono Xoddcd Assent.
LoxDoN1 , Jnn. 22.-0'Ihlen'9 amendment
to the address In icply to the queen's speech
ccitc's that the depression in agriculture
ivoiksgrievous haidshlps upon the tenants ,
who form the bulk of thn people of Ireland ,
nnd being destitute of capital they nro
tumble to obtain cicdlt. On I lit ; to the
succession ot bad seasons they aio
icdiired to n helpless condition and unable to
pay full rent. Their hardships aio aggia-
vated by an Inconsiderate use of legal power
b > the landlords in enforcing evictions and
lefusliiK thn abatement ie/inlied. This
house , therefore , with a view at Instiling ic *
sped foi law nnd ordei , Should consider ns
HOOII ns possible mcasuics bv which tlio lilsh
couits will be enabled to May evictions and
mmngon settlement bctvv ecu the tenants and
landlord' ' .
Tlio Test says that OJndslono nodded as
sent when .Mr. Selton , in the house ot com
mons , stated that he nndeistood Gladstone
favored the lestoiatlon ol a native legislature
to lieland , piovided the Integilty the em
pire , 8tipieumeyvof Iho crown and ntithoilty
of the Impcilnl paillameiil should besccuicu.
Silver Prosrcss in Unropc.
LONDON , Jan , % The annual meeting of
the International Monetary Standaid associa
tion was held today. Henry H. Gibbs , gov-
cinor of the Haul : ol Knglntul , piesldcd , and
In an addiess admitted the piogressof bi
metallism was slow In Knglaiul , but
' aid It was advancing In Oeimaiiy.
Ho said ho believed that the lovnl
commission on the deuiessed condi
tion ot Hade in Ihltnln would lejioit
that tnc pie eiil condition of the silvci qucb-
lion Inid an Important healing on the depics-
slon. IleniyM. Oieentell , al eel tlio Hank
ol JiiiKlnud , uxpiesscd conlidenco that the
United blales senate would not alter the con
dition ol llio island bill. Hiinetallism ,
CSiccnlellaid , wa ol vital Intciest to tiado
and agilenltuie. Thomas Sutheilniul nnd
Samuel .Montague , mcmbet.s ot paillamcnt ,
nnd other Kcntlemen , also deiiveied nil-
diessc . Tlio mcetini ; icsohed to lonii a
cold and silver league on a popular basis.
The Kpyptian ; Army.
CAHIO , Jan. 2-2. Moukhtar Pasha , 'i'uiklsh
commissioner In JCgypI , pioposed that the
Tuiko-Kgyptlan nimy bo organised lor the
defcnso of Egvpt in place ot the English
anny now In the countiy. In his opinion the
latter army Is too costly a buiden for Egypt ,
\iewot its limited levcnues. It Is said
Sir Ileniy Drinumond Wolll , British com-
missioiiei , lias applied to his government for
advice ns to the couiso ho shall follow In 10-
gaidloiloukhtai's proposal.
Ordered to Hocoinc Scarce.
HKIIMX , Jan. 22. .Mr. Hciniichscn , tlic
: \meik'an citi.enlio was iccently oidoied
by the goveinment lo leave Gjennes (1'ius- (
sia ) , has icceivcd anolher notice liom the
covcinmcnl oidciing him to quit the eountiy
beloiercbiuaiy 1.
Stanley as u Hailrondpr.
I.OXDON , Jan. 22. The Congo inilwny syn
dicate appointed Hcniy 31. Stanley manager
of the woik ol laying a line ol lailwaylntp
the Congo countiy.
Fires in France.
PAHIS , Jan. 22. A number ol cabinet fac-
toiies weie dcsliojed by fne last niijht , in-
juriux soveial vvoikmen anil thiowing J300
men out ol einploymcnt.
A New Secretary of AVar.
LONDON , Jan. 23. Viscount Cianbiooklms
been appointed sccietary of state for war , In
place of Mr. W. C. Smith , who has accepted
the ollice of chlet secietary for Iieland.
The Crew Savcil.
LONDON , Jan. 23. A part of the crow of
the ship Frank N. Thayer , from Manilla lor
Now York , before repoited burned at sea ,
weio saved.
AVIicro Parliamentary Law is Knocked
Higher than Gihleroy's Kite.
CoLU-vinus , Ohio , Jan. 22. In the Ohio
senate this morning , the question being on
tlie nppioval of the jouinal , which was tabled
by the adjournment jesteidny moining , the
piesident held that it was rcgulnily before
the senate lor approval and that the proceed
ings only weio tnbled ; having reference to
the lesolulion to take fiom the hnndsoftho
committee on piivileges nnd elections the
Hamilton county contest cases nnd consider
ing the same in open senate. Appeal vv as taken
from the decision of tlio chair nnd Iho decis
ion sustained. The Journal of Wednesday
did not thoiefoiec'oino up lorappioval. Gen-
cialKennedy , piesident , rose to a question
ot privilege , and In along .statementciting
authorities as to the scope ol his
duties as picslding ofuccr. announced tliat
ho would perform Ills duties in accoidanco
with I lie law nud precedents , legaidless of
tlie uiles adopted by the majoilty , abridging
him In his constitutional lights. Tlie state
ment went to the committee on privileges
nnd elections.
Lntci llio committee on pilvllescs and elec
tions made a leiuut. asking further authoiity
to make Investigations , and n mlnoiltyof
the committee made a icport that the com
mittee bo lolioved fiom fuitherconsideiatlon
ot contest cases , nnd the matter be bi ought to
the senate. On the adoption ol the mlnoilty
icpoitnnd all other motions i elating thereto ,
the chair held thai the four Hamilton county
members could not vote. The democrats 10-
fused to veto on any question , and the chair
deelaicd the icpoit adopted by
a vote of 17 lepublican votes , us
that would boa majoilty under his iiillng.
The feeling grew Intense , and the lieutenant
Kovcinor put the motion and deelaicd the
senate lecesscd. The piealdent pie tern , Mr.
O'Neal ) , took thoehaii , nnd the democints
icvor.scd paitottho ptoccedlngH which had
been taken , although they did not leconsldcr
the mlnoilty report , The ionato adjouined
tot p. m. Monday.
JiKLio itcmunus.
Masked Thloves Steal a Valuable Lot
of Family Heirlooms.
TAitiiY'iowN , N. Y. , Jan. 22. Six : masked
buiglnis lobbed tluee houses In North Tarry-
town last night. Their most successful laid
was that upon the widow of Gen. Henry
Storms. The only persons In the house wcio
Mis. Storms and another lady. The burglars
tciillled them with threats of instant death ,
nnd almost smothcied Mrs. Stoims with a
pillow. They then lansacked the house nnd
canicd away eveiytlilng that they could lay
hands on.
They cm iled nvvny n servjco of silver pinto
weighing COO ounces , vvoirli was piesented
by a biigadoofcavahy to their commander ,
General Stoims , besides other articles of
high value to tlio family ns lellcs. These in <
eluded a pair of candle sticks , v eiy massive ,
which weio biought to this countiy just
niter the close of the vyar ot independence ; a
silver hllteil sword , which Geneial Scott
can led at the battle of Luiidj's Lane. They
also took nnothcr tllvei hilled swoul
bet with gems , which OIKM belonged to Gen
eral Maisena and was used by him in the
Italian campaigns ; chilstcnlngcaps of si her ,
apostles bnoons , nnd nil the ac'cuniulated do
mestic silvei\varo of tlneo geneiatlons. The
bmglais , in addition to tlie ubovu took till the
money nud family je\vchy they could llnd ,
n lot of bri-a-hrae and antique cut glasswaic.
The pioueity stolen wns valuedat many
thousands of dollais. Kvery elicit' ' "
made to captuie the lobbcis.
Pic Tails Sue for Damages.
SAN I'JIANPISCO , Jan. 22. A number of
Chinese have begun suit In the United States
couit against the city of Euickn , ( Cain. ) foe
8192,000 damages , alleged to have been sus
taiiieil fiom lobs of pioucrty at the time of
tlieh expulsion from tliat city In Fcbumiy
l allnre.
Sr. Joihi'ir , Mo. , Jan. 2-3.-J. W , Bailey ,
an extensive dry jooiU merchant , closed his
stoic to-day for the second time In twoycais.
LialjiUtles SM.OO.'aiid assets about 40,000.
Able Arguments Presented for the Miss
issippi and Missouri ,
The Iowa CoiiBrcs'unan's Fomlncs'f for
the Sontlicrii Fire Eaters West
ern I'obtal Ohanscs Various
Washington Matters.
AVho Is Mr. Sullivan ?
WASHINGTON , Jan. 2LSpecial Tcle-
Krnm. ] The session of the house committee
on livers and haiboM was again devoted to
nigumentfiom fiiends of the western and
northwestern water vvajs. Two Bentlcmcn
of the northwest spoke in bclmlf ot Impiovc-
menls of the Upper .Mississippi nnd tlio .MU-
souil ilvew. Mr. Sullivan , of Xebmskn.
had only three minutes In which to explain
the needs ot Omaha and the towns along tlio
Mlssouil totlio northward. Hodldhls work
well , however , nnd Impiessed llio committee
with the Impoilanco ot the linpiovcmcnts
which had nhcady been made.
The speech of the day was made by Colonel
I'lntl Walker , ol Minnesota , lie spoke for
npv.aidsof half nn hour and the committee
testified to tlio foice ot his arguments by or-
deilng them pi luted for futino reference.
Colonel Walker was thoroughly plepaicd to
make a foiclblo aigumcnt. lie Hit forth the
Kiovvlng Importance of the Mlssotul as n
highway for the commerce of the
gieat northwest valley and pointed
to the fact Hint the Impiovcmonts made thus
far on the 1,200 miles of the navlcablo vvnteis
ot that ilvcr and the Yellowstone had only
cost the goveminent SSTS.OOO. This high
way , ho ingcd , was absolutely nccessaiy lor
the tianspoitatlon of men and stoics for the
goveinment to the mllitaiy nnd Indian icsei-
vatlons of Montana and Dakota which can
not be leached by iall. The pioper Impiov e-
ment ol the river would , hochilmed , cheapen
transportation nnd alfoid a means for ic-ach-
ingnmaikctfoi the immense farm products
ol llio valley ; and speaking ot tlio upper
Mississippi and tlio woik that has been done
on It , Colonel Walker said that In spite of the
fact that the appioprlatlons for this portion
of tlio fnthcr of wateis had been meagre in
the extieme , the icsult had been mm v clous.
The constiuctlon of the headwater dams and
wing dams have proved the wisdom of that
policy , and weio even now bejond tlio ex
po Imentnl peiiod and a pronounced success.
Instead of a minimum depth ol tlneo
feet of water n oin ft. Paul down , the dams
have made it possible to keep a unltoini
deptli of more than lour leet at all seasons ol
the v car. Ho stated that if live leet could beseemed
seemed a number of capitalists had agreed
to guarantee a into of 7 cents a bushel on
wheat Irom St. Paul to the levees , as against
24 cents via the'Nevv York i onto to tlio ca-
boaid. Tteieuing to the publication in tlio
eastein press to the effect tliat the commetco
of the gieat iheis was on the wane , Colonel
Walker quoled liom Iho icpoit ol the supci-
vlslng inspector of steam vessels for the
fifth district , to show the tonnage of the dis-
ti let has steadily incieased , while tlio fi eight
and passenger business has increased to an
eiioimous extent. Liberal aid fiom congiess ,
Mr. Walker claimed , would further Increase
this business , and would niateilally help to
tiansfdim n vast region now little belter than
a wlldeiness into thousands of fertile faims.
Ho made incidental reference to the im
portance of the llcnncpln canal project. It
would not , he said , be used perhaps to as great
an extent by Minnesota and Dakota as by
lovvn and Illinois , but as a portion of the
gieat system of vvaterwnys lor which the
northwest nsks help fiom congress , It should
leceivo proper iccognltlon.
Among the very Hist members who rushed
fiom their seats in the house thlsatternoon
to congratulalo Capt Gcoigo I > . Wise ,
the Vhginla ox-conlederate , who traduced
the memoiies of tlio union boldiers dead and
belittled those living , and c\tolled the vir
tues of those who lought lor the "Lost
Cause , " was Gen. AVeavcr , of Iowa. Evi
dently the gencial's .sympathies and im
pulse led him to loiget Ills usual fox-like
cunning and diplomacy , lor no sooner had
Wise concluded his lia'iaiiL'iio than ho
spiang to his leet and went at once to the
oiator , and taking the lattor's light hand be
tween both of his own , bliook It heartily ,
spoke vvoidb of the wannest appioval ,
caiessed him fondly and followed him out
Into the lobby , wheio ho inteimingled with
the bouthein liie caters , and lor the time be
came as ono of them. Some smpiiso was
oxpiessed at Geneial Weaver's actions by
llioso who do not know him well , but It was
not &uipiislng to the Iowa membci.s. They
had obseivcd him expiess his sympathies
with the enemies of iho-union soldiers a
number of times during the past few dajs
while the bill to Incieaso liom 58 lo 813 n
month the pensions of boldlcis' widows has
been under consldciallon. Ho has voted
vv Ith the most labld and ultiaex-conteitcrntes ,
constantly lollowlng the lendeishlp of such
menus Itengan , ot Texas , who wns Jon"
Davis' postmaster geneial , nndGen. Wheeler
ol Alabama , who was famous as a conletlei-
ate coiumandci In the late war.
wisniiNrosr.u : : , GHANOI : " ) .
Philip K. McMuitiy was to-day commis
sioned jiostmastcrnt Goldlield , Iowa ; Andrew
Llschcr at Columbus City , Iowa , and John
Emanuel at Pleasant Valley , Neb.
The poslolilco tit Inland , Cedar county ,
lovvn , has been discontinued , Mall will go
to Ucnnett.
The postofhco at Yoik Center , Iowa
county , Iowa , has been iciuoved two nnd a
( piaitei miles cast.
Changes have been oidercd In the
time schedule of the Star mall
louto from Sidney to HambuiK ( Iowa )
as follows : Leave Sidney dally except Sun-
clays at 7:15 : a. m. ; urrlvo nt ilnmbuig by
11:15 : n. m. l.eavo Hamburg dally except
Sundnjs at 2 p.m. ; anlve atSldneybyO
p. m.
In the schedule of the louto from Nassau to
Deep lllver ( Icvva ) ns follows : LeaveXassau
Mondays , Wednesdays and Kildays nt 0
n. m. ; aulvo nt Deep Hiverbyln. m , Leave
Deep Itlvcr Mondays , Wedncsdajs and Fil-
dnys at 13 m. ; aulvo at Sidney by 8 p. m.
In the house to-day Mr. Muiphy intioduced
a resolution passed by the Jones County
Kttimerb' Institute , held at Wyoming ( Io\\a )
January IU to 15 , requesting congress to
enact a lawiequhlng nil Imitations of butter
and chec)0 which nro not the product of un-
adultciated milk and cienm manufactured in
tbo United States , to bo labelled with a stamp
imposing a tax of five cents a pound. The
icsoliitlon was icfcncd to the committee on
way and means.
WASHINGTON , Jan. tl. fl'iess.j The sec
ietary of vvnr to-day submitted to the piesi
dent the leport of the fortifications bonul. It
Is estimated it will leqnlre § 120,000,000 to
establish a good bystem of defenses. The
locommcmlntlon is made that anappiopila-
tiQi ) ot 531,000,000 be made at the piesent ses
sion ot rongicss to secme thu neecssaiy
plant tor beginning the cunstiuctien of such
heavy oidnancu ns will bo icqulrcd. The
board also ! > urgf-iH ; the establishment of tv\o
t'ovc'iumcnt joundiies , ajidiccommcmjb the
construction of torpedo' bf > ats for harbor de
fense. . .
II. W. Cannon , comptroller of currency ,
tciuieicd Ids icsicnntlon tq Iho piesident to
day , to lake effect Fcljrtiary 1 , in older to
nccept the ofllce of v let-president of the
National Hank of the Hcjiubllcof Nevv\ork.
The noiiso conimittco on invalid pensions
to-day ngieod to icport favorably the bill to
intend the limitation clause of llio arrears of
pension act lo January 1 , 1888. The bill
will bo favorably reported to the house at the
fust opportunity , with vlovvof relieving
the wiifovv s' pension bill } > amendments In
tended to accomplish thowamo object , It bc-
Inc the Opinion of the committee that the
measures should bo separately discussed.
The committee also discussed the bill to pen
sion nit disabled solcllers'dapcndinK on their
own manual labor for support. Final action
on tlds question was not' taken.
The rivers and harbors conimluco to-day
heard a number of delegates Irom the river
iinprovcmentconvcntlon , Among thospeak-
c-rs wcro : J. Phelaii Of Memphis , on the Mis
sissippi river ; James FIovvci of Now Orleans ,
who icad a paper for K. K. Converse of New
Orleans ; Dr. Arthur of Kansas , A. 1C. Sulll-
Van of Nebraska , P. . WnlUer ot Minnesota ,
S. Y. Tmipc'i-ot South Cmolina. John bcri-
vcner of Geoigln , and Major C. W. Kaymond
of the United Slates army.
run TEt.nrnoxn SUIT.
Solicitor General Goodc today received
fiom llio Intciior department all lliopapcis
bearing on the cnso of the Hell Telephone
company. Ho savs he will consider the mat
ter at once , nnd probably direct the Institu
tion of a suit to { test the validity of the Hell
patent caily next week. He hnsnotjolde-
eldcd whoso thu suit shall bo bi ought , but ho
Is understood to piefer Washington ns the
most convenient plnro for the purpose ot the
Kovcinmcnt. The attorney goneml has de
clined to take any part in the case , and has
placed its entire management in tlio hands
of the solicitor general. <
Uoynton , Kngel and Jplinson , of Dakota ,
aigucd bcloio the house committee on teni-
toiies tills morning in tavor ot the admission
of thoentiii ) tcnitoiy ns a state nnd airalnst
division. They took the mound If division
was decided upon , the Missouri ilverbo made
the dividing line nnd the tcrritoiy divided
fiom north to south instead of cast to west.
The house committee on Indian nffaiis to
day reported favorably llcprcsentntlvo Nel
son's bill providing for the appointment of
tlneo cominissloneis to obtain from the lied
Lake Chippewa Indiniis of Minnesota re-
relliniuishmentof their lltlo to their jeseiva-
_ _
A Chicaco Whisky Drummer and Hla
Mistress Pass in Their Chcckt * .
CHICAGO , Jan. 22 [ Special Tclcgiam. | A
tcnlblo tragedy was enacted ina house of ill
fame on South Clark street this morning.
Chailes Clowes , agent of the Western Export
association and secictsny of tlio ilivciton
Alcohol woiks , shot 'his iiilstiess , lilanch
Grey , nnd then coinmtqd ] { suicide. Thcio
vvasnowitness to tlie ? sm'fvl deed nnd no
cause will over be assigne , as the lips of the
only ones who know anything of U aio
sealed in death. Clowes , and Blanche weio
out riding all day ycsteidaVj leturning to the
house at S ) p. in. Uoth 'appealed ' in good
spn its nnd chatted men liy with the women
in the hduso until 10 o'clock , when both re-
thcd lo a loom In the second slory.
Tlneo hews later , reports of two
pistol shots moused tlio women who
vvero lying 111 in an ndjolnlne room. The lat
ter screamed for aid and rang an alnmi bell so
lustly that these on tVo lower lloor ran up
stairs in gieat nlanin- Efforts to open the
door of the room oecupldd by Clowes nnd his
iiilstiess pioved'unnvalllng. An oflicerthcn
rushed up stahs and by a scries of powerful
kicks toic the door off llio hinges. The sight
which met tlio gaze was sickening. Clowes
lay on the floor nearly dead. The blood
which was still flowing fiom a huge hole
over ids light temple , had stained the bosom
of his shirt , and discolored the heavy caipet
upon which he lay. A icvolver of laige cali-
bro was clutched in his light hand.
The olliccr bent over the prostrate -
trato man and lilted his head
upon his knee. Tlie dying man gasped once
or twice and then e.cpircd. Blanch Grey lay
in bed w illi her arms folded aciossheibieast.
The diamonds inherearsspaiklcd biilliantly
when the policeman lltpii additional gas jot ,
nnd the rubby in one of the rings upon the
Joie finger ot her left hand was nearly as red
as the lifo blood which was tiickling. over It.
When the olliccr lifted the woman upon a
pillow the icnt in her chemise disclosed the
vv ound just over her heart. The revolver had
been held so close to the woman's breast that
her gai ment was burned by the powder. Pa-
tiol wagons were then swmnoned and within
nn hour ntter the shopting the two dead
bodies wcio Ij ing on the marble slabs ottho
Clowes' father died in Springfield , 111. ,
about two months ago and lelt him a hand
some loitune. Ills mother , who lives in
Ilydo Paik , has not yet been appilned of the
fate of her son. While Clowes claimed ho
wns mauled tlnco months ago , the Inmates
of the house weie unable to give the addiess
of Ills wife. Blanche. Grey came from
Spilngfield , where she Hist met hci slayer.
She was about twenty yeais ol age and a
blonde ot gieat beauty.
CHICAGO. Jan. 22. [ Prcss.l Chailes A.
Clowes , n wealthy young nmirled man nnn-
deiod lilaneh Giey and then shot himself at
n disicputablo lion e , 411 South Clink sheet ,
eaily this nioining , both dying Instantly.
Thcio weie no witnesses to tlio deed. They
had been together nil the altcriioon and ie-
tinned In a cab about nine In the evening.
Theio weie no evidences ol a quaitel. Clowes
was lather Intoxicated , hut the woman was
in good apults. The two ictired imme
diately. About 1 o'clock the house was
startled by two shots. An emplov o called a
police olllcer who burst In the dooi of the
loom. The girt lay peaeolnlly 'on the bed
bhot in the lelt bieast Young Clowes had
fallen on tlie .side nt the bed and blood was
flowing fiom an uglyi wound in the light
Clovvesvvas sceretaiy of IHverton Alchnhol
woiks at Spilnglleld. HI. His
lather died nt Sfiilnglicld about n
vcar ago nnd lett iiim n fortune
estimated at 8100,000. 'For several yeais ho
spent much ot his time In Chicago and made
many acquaintances , spending money lieely.
Ho was n veiy hamlomo ; man. of strong
build , linn eyes and ileli dark hair and mus
tache. His mother lived ? n 'Hv do paiknnd
with her Is Clowes' y.oung wlto whom ho
mauled only tluee inoiiUis ago. The ghl
whom ho shot lud bejju fin Inmate of the
hoiiso two yeais. She jras v < Jiy pretty , with a
wealth ol black hair ami liUfj'e lusti ous eves.
She had a petite tormtind aicsed in good
taste. She Is descilbed as being quiet and
temperate. At tliohotise His said she had
been Clowes mlstieas tor six jeais. Ho as
sociated with hei In Pcorlri and Sprlngllcid
nndbionghthcrlicic , It 'Is stated that the
dlicct cause ot llio shooting was the glil up
braiding him lor hia maiilngc. Tlio wile
whom Clowes mauled si ) short a tlino ago Is
said to be a most estimable lady , and the
shame and honor of tlio occuueneo has uttei-
| y piostiated her , nnd leaisnio entertained
tor her Hie. Uotli boilles weie taken to the
nioi gue.
The coronet's jury tendered a verdict to
day to tlio elfect that CJovves lired tlio fatal
shots that put an end to himself and his mis
tress , Blanche Giey , i
A Patch on Her Heart.
Kioia'K , Iowa , Jan. 23. Miss Maggie
Harrison sued Lawrence Jtciner for bieach
of promise. The case was on dial for six
days In the supcrioV court nnd nttiactcd much
attention , The jmy awnided tlio plaintlit
SWXI damage *
- - * -
DynninitCTH Bout Up.
SAN FIIANCISCO , Jan. J. Jjynamlleis
Welshman , Koosher and Mlrtlestadt , who
weio convicted January 0 , of having Illegally
sloied guniHMvdcr vvltliln the city limits ,
Wfie senleiKixl to mbnthifliupijsonnient |
each , In the huiitcof coiiecllou , ji'i
Butler County Bonds Purchased After They
Had Been Declared Illegal ,
Lincoln Completely Snowbound An
other Nebraska Hnllrotul Moet-
of Hu.ibnmlmcii State
and Iowa News.
From the State Capital ,
Lt.vcoi.x , Neb. , Jan. 22. [ Special Tele-
giam. ] The jury in the cnso of
Frank & MeNalr , of Now Yoik , against
liutler county , on ttial in the United
States conit , ictnincd a special verdict to
day , Ilndlng the fact as presented , and leav
ing the Judge to pass on the many law points
Involved. The plaintiff sued to iccover
S",600 duo on coupons of bonds Issued by
Duller county to aid the Lincoln lallway In
1STO. The county was repse entotl by lion.
J. C. Cow in , and put on the defense tliat the
bonds were illegal , the commlssloiiois hnving
no power to Isauo them , and tlio amount be
ing In expess of the debt limit allowed by the
statutes. Just after they were Issued , n tax
payer named Sturok obtained an Injunction
icstrninlng thoaudltoi and sccietary ot state
fioin icglstorliu : them , and later the state
supreme court inonounccd them illegal. De
spite tills they found purchasers at ftJ j cents
on the dollar , and the holdcis now want their
money. The entire Issue of 800,000 Is in
volved In the decision of the pioscnt suit.
The conespondenco passim ? between the
board of railway commissioners and the
Uuillnglon & Jtlssouil nnd Union Tactile
ofllclals , relating to the of the Bur
lington to iccetvo at Kcainoy height shipped
by Meyer IJios. at Giand Island via the
Union Pacific , has led to the abrogation of
the ngieemcnt between the roads , as will bo
seen by the follow Ing letter :
OvtAiiA , Jan. 20. U. U. Cowdery. Esq.
Dear Sir In icsponso to your renuest of the
13th lust. 1 have notified the Union Pacilic
company tliat the agiccmcnt heretofoio in
elfect between our companies , which prov Ides
that freight tondcied either at n junction
polntand destined to a local point on the line
of the other , would bo ret used and cancelled ,
and tliat hereafter all ficight tcndcied our
comuany would be received legardless ot the
destination of the Fame. 1 have also in-
btiuctcd our agents at all Junction stations to
iccelveall tieight ofleied and bill the same
at the taillf to the most direct dellvcilng
point. Yours truly , Tnos. Mir.i.nn.
The high winds Tuesday night filled the
cuts on nil the loads running out of Lincoln
with snow dilfts again , and n complete embargo
barge on traffic is tlio result. With the ex
ception of one tiain from tlio south on the
Union Pacific , there have been no trains
hercsinco Thursday , and railway ofllclals
aic icticcntaboutpioinising when the icgu-
lar schedule will bo resumed. Tlio city is
full of blockaded people , Omaha being un
usually well icpiesenled.
Incorporation papers of the Chicago , Ne
braska , Kansas and Southwestern railway
were filed with Secretary iloggen yesteiday.
The load , If built , is to iun fioiii n'polnt on
thosoiith boundary of the statc , between
Franklin ( ririd. Webster'counties , to n point on
the Missouri ilvcr In Cedar county , opposite
Ynnkton , via Omaha. The capital is lived at
§ 0,000,000 , and among the incorporate ! ? are
O.K. ChancyH. V. Shiiley , A. II. Kaley , E.
B. Smith nndox-Gov. Gather.
The Nebraska Shoithorn Brcedeis' asso
ciation was oignnlzcd here to-day , with J. B.
Dinsmoro president ; J. Kdwards , tieasurer ,
and O. M. Druse , secretary. Annual meet
ings will bo held on the Wednesday of each
state fair week , at the place wheio tlio lair
is held. The secietary was instiuctcd to In
vite all shorthorn bieedeis in the state to be-
The State lloitlcuHuial society closed its
annual meeting to-day. The most import
ant business transacted was tlio passage of a
resolution askingcongiessto make an appio-
priatlon lor the department of agricultuio to
bo used in experiments on In j in ions vegeta
ble fungi. ' _
Kcimiaiits orRagmoiiny Men.
Dr.s MOINKS , Iowa , Jan. 22. [ Special Tel-
egram.J Theie was a seciet confcicneo of
the icmnant of the Iowa giecnback paity to
day. They discussed the pitiable state to
which they had come , and denounced sub
rosa Weaver and the other bosses who had
sold them out to the dcmociatlc patty. They
adopted a long meinoiial to congress and the
Iowa legislature. In their addiess to con-
giess they opposed the constitution of fui-
tlier canals , but lavoi n national double-
track steel laihoad. They also
ask for n goveinment postal telegiaph and
condemn the linanclal policy ol the admlnls-
tiatlon , nnd thank Senator Beck lor his
vvoidb lor silver. In their mcmoiial to the
leglslatuie they ask for n law taxing mort
gages and lecluclng passenger rates one
cent per milo on all loads in tlio state ; also ,
lor tlio icductloii of legal intciest fioiu 10 to
7 per cent ; also , that the lailrond commission
bo abolished , and that pooling discrimina
tions bo prohibited.
An Unfurtuiiiito Fatality.
H.VMiituto , Iowa , Jan. 2 ? . [ Special Tele
gram. ] I-dw aid ileaton , a biakcman on the
Kansas City. St. Joe it Counell UUifls rall-
load , was Instantly killed at this place to
day noon while shitting cars on tlio switch.
Ho was on the cow-catcher , and while tlio en-
glnowas limning up to thocais escaping
steam enveloped him so that neithei himself
noi cngineei could mcasuio the distance , and
the engine and car eaino in violent contact ,
catching Ileaton at the waist , neaily sevei-
ing his body in two. Ho then tell under the
engine and was hoiilbly mangled. Ho was
n brother of Passenger Conductor William
Ileaton ot , the same load nndnnmaiiled.
Thn lemains wcio taken to St. Joseph on the
train which passed down soon alter. The
weather Is bitter cold , the thcimomcter lang-
ing fiom ID to 10 below /cio dining the day ,
Beatrice Will JInvo Water AVorks.
UIIATJIICE , Neb. , Jan , 22. [ Special Tele
gram. J The proposition to vote S8.000 vvoith
of bonds for water vyoiKs lor this city ,
eairied to-day by 518 majoilty. The opposi
tion was made principally by men who
thought the amount too large. The bonds
draw U per cent and will bo put on the maikct
in about tluce weeks. Ulds for putting in
the sjstem will then bo adveitiscd tor and
work will bo commenced as soon ns possible.
Last night's blow Idled up the city again
nnd no tialns aio itiniiing heio to-day.
Coal Sluito CalaiullicB.
OiruMWA , Iowa , Jan. 23. Tlio apion of
the coal fchnto at Laddsdale. on the Hock Is
land toad , n few miles west of Kdson , fell
down this afternoon and cut off the cupolas
ot the cabooses of two freights going east.
Fiank Crt'sco , biakeniUn , ot Ttenton , Mo. ,
in the firnt cupola , vvab killed , and \Vili
Jacks , bmkcjiinn , pf Trenton , In the same
cupolu , was badly huit.
A StiotiK Tciiipcranco Dose.
MAK JIAM/JOWX , Iowa , Jan. J. [ Special
Tolegiam.l The tempeianco people aio
pushing the uifoiceineiit of ) > roliibltlon all
ulong the line. Tlie saloon keepeibheiohad
haul times to-day. 'Ten ot them vme lined
SOOOnnd eosta each. 1'our moid weiu lined
frl.OOO each , and all to bo hnpilsoucd uutll tiiu
0AP1 tf Afa AND tjAHOH.
The Coke Strike. Inorcftsln > j In lum
ber No Violence llcporteil.
Mr. PHAS.\XT : , I'a. , Jntu 2'J. No dlsttir-
banco repotted at nny point in the cokoie-
glens this morning. A largo mass meeting
of miners , nnltvoltungarlansnnd coloredmcn
was held licie for the purpose of oreanlzlng
the Ilnngnilan , who promise to stand by
the Amciicnni until the strike Is gained.
The men vvero all intnvorof staying out
till the into which prevailed In it&fH re
stored. The speakers denounce the operators
and tlio 1'iltsbmg police John Nugent , an
unoffending man , It was said , had been
Initially assaulted by an olllcer , and It was
decided to raise n fund to prosecutohis ns all-
ant. The men at the meeting dispersed to
mectattlneo this nfteinoon. If tnopollre
attempt to Intel fere , ns It Is announced then )
w ill ceitalnly bo trouble.
Ninety per cent of the miners In the region
arc now Idle nnd It Is estimated now that the
strike has already cost over SiW.OJO.
I'lTTsnititd , Jan. 2' ' . Commercial ( In/otto
Mount Pleasant special : Willie n mass meet
ing ol stilkeis wns in progiessto day a police
earcamo up and was stopped by the strlkeis.
Serious double was picvented by Hov. Father
Lambeig , who addressed the mineis. The
stiiko 1ms now leached the proportions ol
the largest stiinrglo ovei known * between
labor and capital In the coke legions. Over
0,000 men mo now out. To-mouow is tlio
general pay day and tionblo is anticipated.
All races of stiikcis held a meeting to-night
nnd oignnl/.cd for futino woik.
The CleartnaUur'M Strike.
Nr.w YoitK , Jan. Bi. Tlio clgni maker's
stiiko is unchanged liom jcsteiday except In
ono spot. The committee appointed to wait
on John W. Lovuicpoited to-day that they
came loan agreement bv whleh his emplojes
aio to leturn to their benches. Mr. Love-
ngiccd to pay his men the old ulo of wages.
It was decided liy the locked out men to send
another committee to confer vvltli tlio man-
utnctmeis upon the .situation.
The Cuban clgai makers employed by
Oltenbmg A : Co. and bv Jneoby Ai Co. , to-day
vventollton astiike. The stiikns to-night
Issued an answer to llio challenge of the
bosses to arbltiate. Tlio men say they will
submit toaibltiation piovidlilg the old rates
prevail pending tlio aibitiation. Theinopo-
sitlon ot the manulnctuieis was that the new
scale prevail pending llio icsult ot aibitra-
tion.Work will bo icsumcd In Love's factoiy
on Moudav. It was stated to-night tliat
Kautman liios. & Honda had given up nnd
that they would set their men at woik Mon
day next.
The Biothcrhooil of Locomotive EiiKincers
have decided to contribute 75 cents-par capita
monthly to the support of the men dining
the strike.
Grievances and .Differences Con-
Hid crod by Western Pools.
CHICAGO , Jan. 23. llio Chlcaco , St. Louis
and Missouri Hlver 1'assenger associntlon
made no piogicss to-day towaid nhcltlcment
of the iclatlons tliat aio to bo sustained with
foicign lines , orliow to act and to what ex
tent commissions shall bo paUh To-monow
the session will bo continued.
Delegations of merchants fiom St. Louis
and Kansas City had a conlcicncp heio to
day wltii the geneial manageis of the lines
fouiiing the faoulhweslein Kailway associa
tion. Thogiievanees ol the commeiclal In-
teiests of the two cities weic voiced
by K. F. Kelley. ( Joneial Giecn ,
( feoigo Minch. cx-tioveinor .Stannaul ( it
St. Louis , and by W. U. Cliimcs nnd II. J.
Latshaw of Kansas City. J.M. Nave , ot St.
joe , also , upoke. The principal "concession
asked was that thn same thiougli into bo
mndu per ton per mile a5 * to tlm northwest.
The pool manage ] s stateM tlio matter would
bo taken up in conjunction witli tlio freight
agents ol tlio vaiious lines and a lormal le-
plv submitted.
Tlio Western Tiunk Linoliipaititoassoci- ( )
ation in a mooting heie to-day conslueicd
the demand ol the Bock Island nnd SU I'.uil
loads lot n icduction in the pciccntage
awarded the Wabash. Manager James
Smith , of the Wabash , declined at lust to
submit the question to aibitiation , but finally
agiced to take the matter under advisement.
Awarded the Contract.
ST. I'Atir. . , Jan. 22. Telegiams to Hie
Noithern Pacilic headquaitcrs heio fiom
New Yoik , say the diiectors nwiuded the
CascnJo tunnel to NeKon Ucnnett ol Mon
tana , who has the contiaut lor the extension
ot the woik.
_ _
Succeeds His Fathcr-ln-Tjaiv.
Ci.KVii.ANi ) , Jan. ti'J. M. MclC. Tvvomblv
was to-day elected director ot tlio Cleveland ,
ColmuluK Cincinnati A ; Indianapolis load In
place ot William II. Vandeibill.
< -
Thc"lrKIi Lad" rrotliy For a Fij-ht
AVith Jim Smith.
Fjir..viiu ( > niA , Jan. 22. Jack Biukc , the
pugilist , now In tills city , issued a chiil-
lenpo to light any man living bailing John
L , Sullivan , llio light to be sK or clglit
lounds ol to a finish lot fiom 5,000 to 510,000.
In his challenge Bml.o calls attention to the
announcement that Jim Smith , the English
pii/o flglilei , will cioss the water after his
light witli Gieonlield to seek a mutch
with Sullivan and says tlioio is
no need ol Smith waiting lor Sullivan to
make a match , as he ( liuiko ) Is leady to meet
Smith atany time. IJuiko says ho means
business , and will po t a loilclt within
tvveiily-foin houisaltci Smith's 01 nny other
man's acceptance with Ilia editor of the Now
Yoik Cllppoi 01 the Chicago Tilbu'ne , the
editor selected to appoint a Inml stake holder
The Dean knler'H
Bosio.v , Jan. 20. John L. Sullivan an-
tlioil/.es tlio lollowing announcement : lie
will light any man in the vvoild within lour
to sK vveeks , the match to bo tor liom 83.100
to SI 0,000 a hide. London pil/o lint ; niles ,
and to bo ton linlsh In ( hi ! piescncn ot live
poisons only , tlio challenge to lemaln open
only one week.
The Xanticoko
Wjr.KisiiAiiii : : , Jnn.23. The mine Inspec
tor of tlmliiuith , .second and Lacl > uwanna
dlstilcts , together witli n number of other In-
spectois lell tor Nnnllcoko this moining.
They will visit the scene of the disaster and
enter the mine ns tar as they can to leain the
tuio state ot afialis legaidlng the entombed
men , and make n icpoit to the mine inspector
Tlio Failure Score.
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 2) ) . IJnslness failuies
( lining the last seven dayt ? , as lepoitcd by It.
G. Dun it Co. , number lor the United States
801 , for Canada 20 , fi total of S2U , as against
! ! 3'J tlio lastweek. andSiii the vvcok jnuvlous
to last. Moio than two-thlidh me lopoitcd
liom the biiuthcin , westein nnd i'ac-1 lie stales
The Fnr .
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 22. Nichols Iholhcrs
Co. , furdcaleix , f/X ) Uioadway , made an ns-
filenmcnt to-day for tlio benefit of ciedltois ,
to Win. I' . Djon , with pioteiciic'us umount-
ing to S51bOo.
Weather Jtor To-Day ,
MISSOUIU YAM.IJV Increasing cloudiness
nnd local snows ; wanner bouthc-ily winds ;
lulling baiometer.
Gold for
Ni'.vvYoiiK , Jan. . ' , Uiovvu Bros. & Co.
have ciiiiatjed 6503,000 In gold bais for
shipment to-moirow by thu ste.uiitu Oiegop.
Miss Mills , tlio Ohio Kill , with tlmntcincc-
feef , olleieil some tlino ago lo many any man
who would t.iUu hyr , her leet , her S5.000 anil
Iierfaim. And now a bold J'ittsburger has
accepted thu lady with all her encumbrances.
As tliucoiiplo when miinlcd aio to live in
ritlbmg tlioiesldents ol that city aio won-
dcilngwheio they aiotoins , ' to reside : lint
the voungniaii who takes ilbs Mill * dues not
appear to us to be i\Hocthc'r ; loollsli. lie gets
n good deal bcjliles hci feel , andean ic-st as-
suii'ilof ouo veiy uriccablu liict , wliii-h U
thntpvei > time lib vvlluopdiii Jtui mouth situ
will u-i ' 'put her foot iu it. "
A Veteran Missionary Among the Indian !
Speaks His Mind.
And In Tlino Would Itcicuino Self
Support In { ? > The Ijeaderlcss Con
dition or the Democrats In
the Senate.
A Competent Opinion.
WA < miMU-o.vJnn. 23. fSpccInf. ] "Thoro
H , to my mind , but one solution to the In
dian pioblem , " said leather Conrardy , who
has for fifteen jeais bean n missionary
nmoni ; the Indians , spoaklng to youi corre
spondent this morning. "That solution con *
templates civilisation lor the Indians. I
would cfvlll/o them by nllotlng n faun to the
head of each household say 100 ucies ami
build houses upon the land nnd stock It. The
Indians mo no neaier self-suppoitlng to-day
than they were ten yours ago 1 mean these
supported wholly by the government. They
aio placed on rcscivatlons without nnjthing
to woik with ami nro given an annuity to
live upon , Now , an Indian Is no more lay
than a white man , but he Is not going to bog
Implements lo faun with , especially when ho
can live without II. Then ho has no land ho
can call his own , and ho doesn't want to 1m-
piovo lands for othois. "
"Do the Indians k'ain farming lapldly ? "
1 asked.
"Oil , veiy lapldly , " lepllcd Father Con-
raidy. "Thoy have as much genius as cun
ning , nnd are pleased to see the icsults o
their work. Iwlllgunianteo If the govern
ment wilt glvo 100 ncies of land to thu head
each of 111 teen families , then put comfortable
buildings on tlio I aims , nnd give them Imple
ments and seeds to work with , that it will
make- them self supposing within tlnco
veaisnt the faithest. They can make a much
bottei living than tlio government gives
them , and they know it and aio anxious to
tiy it. I have been woiklng with the
Indians In eastern Oregon , but they mo all
the same.Vo must colon I/O them , "
"Aro not the women the most Industrl *
ous' . " '
"No ; that Is n mlslake most people enter
tain. Tlio boys , who have not accumulated
indolent habits , are the best to woik ; but
they w 111 all vv oik. Now they all believe that
they will he united out of their homes , and
feeling this insecurity they would take no In-
teicstevcn , if they had Implements , etc. , to
woik with. If the land weio deeded lo them
It may bo held against transfer or nioitRngo
foi a number oljcais , it the government dc-
siies they would leall/o that they wcro
building pcimancnl homes. "
"The women must have tioublo In learning
housekeeping' . ' " '
"Veiy much. If possible ( hey leain house
keeping moio slowly than the men lake to
fanning. Hut It would oveicomo this by
having white lady school teachers sent to
them , visit the homea.ot . the Indians once a
week' , nnd teach them housekeeping. " Tub
squaws aio natuinlly uncleanly , and It will
lake some tlino to get tlioiu to comprehend
what It Is to keep house ; but this they must
learn sooner or later , and the quicker It is
begun the quicker they will Icain. " ,
vvnimur A coMi-iyiE.vr LUADRJI.
It seems that the demociatlc paity In cori
giess Is without a leader. No one so fai has
been able to cope with the lopublicans In
the silver discussion or the demands that are
being made on the admlnlstiatlon foi information
mation conccinlng icmovals liom olllcc. It
begins to look as though the men who have
stood up lor the masses of the paity have
giown weak-kneed , and thiougli flight ic-
luse to come to the liont again , or that they
have been themselves disgiuntlcd and dis
pleased , and do not want to stand by the nd-
ministi.ition. The ical icason for the scat *
tcrlngsymptoms Is that tlieio aie too many
ideas and no powcis of concentration ; that
no one is willliiK to stand back and
iecognl/0 a leader or give way to the ndvlcd
or better judgment of homebody else. Every
one seems to aspho to bo n leadei , yet no ono
seems equal to the occasion. Tlio consequence
quence Is the demon .its meet moio of the
Issues with theli usual andfoimer/cal and
eflectlvcncss , and it looks ns though the nd-
mlnisliation would have to tluow up its
hands. Atpiesent the maioilty In the scn-
nlo has the lulmlnistialion by the tluoat.
The piesident is in n hole In icgaid to mak
ing removals of republicans for political lea-
sons , nnd none of his lilunds aio able or in
clined lo pull him out.
Two Destructive CoiiflaratioiiH in
Chicago Last NlKht.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 23. Within a few minutes
of each oilier , and only a few blocks npait ,
tlieio stalled about 10 o'clock In the central
pait ol the business poitlon of the city , two
Hies that piomlsed dlsislious icsiilts. The
fust was In the paper box Jaetory of Duck
i\s Wllcox , 181 and IbO East Monroe
sticct. This was n three story
liilck , the lower poitlon of which
is occupied by Ceo , II , Taylor &
Co.'s paper waio house. The other mo was
at 118 and 120 Goulli Water felicct , a fom-
btoiy stiuctuie , also of bilek. I'ago &
Osteitog , J. W. Jcnniteo and d. W. Wagner
A ; Sons , all commission and bill lei mer
chants , weie the occupants. Tlio iho at eacli
place had food of the most Inflammable du-
scilpllon and quickly dcstiovcdlall within KB
icach ,
Thollres woioconlincd lo the building In
which they oilglnatcd. The total loss la
about SiTi.OOO , mostly Insuted. Duck As Wll-
bon suffer n loss of about WO.OOl ) , and ( ieo.
A.Tn > lo - te Co. SJO.OUO. The otheis aio small
Causes Its victims to bo miserable , liopolcss ,
eouf used , and depressed In uilnd , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. It is a dlbeaso
which docs not set well ol Itself , It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw oft tlio causes nnd tone up the diges
tive orgins till they perform their dutlos
willingly. Hood's Saisap.ii Ilia IMS proven
Just the required remedy In hundreds cf cases.
" I h.ivo taken Hood's Karsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from vUilch.1 have sufToml two > ears.
J tried many other medicine * , but none prov ed
fo satisfactory as Hood's B.irsaparllla. "
TnoMYfl COOK , lirusli Kleclrlo Light Co. ,
yew York City. 4t ,
Sick Headache
f > v
Tor the r it two jcars I have bci n
afflicted with tevcro headaches and d > spci > -
tla , I v\as Induced to tiy IJood'n Biiwpa-
lilla. and liavo fyijnd ( jrcat icl'cf. ' 1 cheerfully -
fully iccommcml It to all. " Wiw , K. V ,
A.VNiin B , New Haven , Coun , 9k
Mis. Mary 0. Smith , Cirobrl < Is < port , Maw. ,
was a Etnicicr from dyspcjiiU anil slcls Jiuad-
aclie. Bhe lock Hood's S-irsaitarllla and
found It the iiCit remedy iho crer Uii'd ,
( Sold liy all druggist * ft ; six for J5 , Mada
tub * by 0.1.1100U i CO. , I.ov.cll , Maw.
) , Doses Ono