Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 7, Image 8

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THE OiliM : ftAILY BEE-fentfUSDAY , JANUARY 21,1880.
n KCEN I , BOTTLES nro put up for the n
i jBcoiiiinrtiUiUoii ot ull nha desire n BOO
nml low ( irlcrat
Cough , Gold and CroupRemetly
Should secure tlmlartro SI bottle * . Direction
i bottle.
Sold by nil Medicine Dealers.
1 nni n inulvo on iRliuid , anil wlillo T wnsln
Iliut L'uuiitiy 1 contracted n torillilo blouil
polfoii , nml for tuo } cim was under troatiiiunt
nn nil out-dour imtiunt nt Nottliiwliiun llosiiltul ,
ItiiRland , but HtK not cuicd. I HUlTotcU the
inoHt imunl\i\n \ \ pnlns In my bones , mul was cnv-
ureilnllli eoics ull over niy body nnd limbs.
FInnlly I comiiliituly lost > \ll liopo in t lint coun
try , and salU < 1 for Aincrlcn , mid wni troato < l at
ItouRtivclt Iu this city , us x\ oil us by n prominent
lilijslcimi In NouYoik lin\lntr no connection
Avllli Iliu liosiillnl' .
I saw tlio mlvtntlsomtnt oC Swift's Spoclllc ,
mid rdctonnlncd to nl\o It n tilal. .Itoolcslx
bottles and 1 can eny Itli Kix-nt Joy tlint tliqy
Inivo ciucd mo oiilucly. I njn as sound and
voll M I over n as In my lifo- „ ,
I/VRED HAtiFonn.
Now York City , Juno 12tli , ItST. .
InJlnicli odiist jcnrlMl ( ) , T contracted bldod
rolfon , and holng fit Suvannnb , On. , nt thotlmo ,
J wint Into tbi ) hospital tlioro for troatiiiunt. I
btilTuiod Miiy miicli from ilioumatlsm nt the
tntno time. I < IId nol cot wcil under the treat
ment tlioro , nor \ > as 1 curoil bynny of tlio usual
mount. 1 have now tithon sovoa bottln < i of
Bwll'n ( HpecIDO nnd am eotilid und well. It
clo o tUu i.olson out tluougli bolls on llio sfcln.
Jersey City. N. J. , Aujr. 7. 1885.
Tteatlso on Illood and SlcLn Dlscnsca innllod
TUB SWIFT SI-I.CIFIO Co. , Bruwcr 3 , Atlanta ,
N. Y.,157WS3dat.
017 Fit. ClmrlcK.St..81.1.onlHIIIo.
Arrtn1 > rir > 43 > t < if t o UedlolColUcci , Lnbcealantn
icgitrtdlatlieipe:1 * ! trealmcot-of CMKUHIO , NiBVout , Svttf
knd OLOOU DiitttKi liananr other rhrilclta liiSt.Loulf.
M eltr ptpen ibow aatt til old reideoti | KDon.
Nervous Prastratlon , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice-
lions ol Ihroal , Sklnor Doncs , BloodPolsonlnj ,
old Sores and Ulcers , > re trcitrd nhb
ueeeif. cnutcstielentlflo prluclplef. fi f lf. rrlntely.
Diseases Arlslnu trom Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure Or Indulgence , vhteh prrJore tome or 11.
following cT ( etj t ncrvDosQcM. dtbllllr. dlmneit of debt
uldcrtctlrBBiiiKirplmclsionthe f > , phriienl dte r.
T riloQ lethe B clfltjof femalei , eoQfuiloi of Ideas , cto. ,
render-IDE MnrrUiU Improper or unhappy , > ra
rprmtDfntij cttrcd. r mptticSapi C3)piitbeaboro ) , eeat
Inifalcd eufelopB. freetocnynddreii. ConililtKllonttof-
( ceor by m ll fidInrltcJ > nd ililctly ctbndcutUI *
A Positive Written Guarantee iiven in . rr .
tatittOMt. UedlclDqicatGFcrjrwbvreby matl r apreai
960 rAGE3 , FIVE PL ATE 3 , clnnt clolb and gilt
blQillDr.fflaledroraOo | > in rF < nseoroair < ney. Orer flft/
vondftrrul penplAturet , true 19HiJ rtlvl on tbofollowing
ubjfctit who w / Birrjr.whojot. whyminhooJwomia ; -
fcooj. pbriteit ilfOf , cffcot * 01 ctllutajr KB J * KC I.D , the fhyt
| oof | ofrrproduetloDi and mrmjr more. Ihoie tairrlM o
contetnpUUDg marrlni * ttiould re4 It * I'-noUr tdlllOn
r ccrcr. USr. AtSttreie nbo i D . VThltMir
t You nro allowed a free ( rial of thirty daws of the nsc
jot Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt \vlth Llec-trle Sus
pensory Appliances , for the ppeedy relief nnd per-
niancnt euro of ffenovs imi/ . loss of IVfa/lri/aud
Jl/an/too > CLnol rill kindred troubles. Al3o for tn&uy
otlierdlaoasoa. Corapleto restoration to m-allli , Vliror ,
nnd Manliooilkimrantii I. o rink Is Incurred. Illus-
Crated pnmithlpt In .
VOLTAIC JJEIJTCO.njuriliullmiclii ,
Chartered by theStateofllll-
Inois foplheexpreEspurnoie
of civlnclmn-.rdlate rclielln
oil chronic , unitary nnd pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphillo In all their
complicated forms , nlso all
discuses of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by remc-
dtestestedinar'ilVnr >
. „ _ _ _ , t > l > eelal2'rartlet > . Seminal
Weakness , Nicht Losscsby DreamsPimples on
Ihe Face.Lost Manhood , iMUtHvely en red. Tliere
ino experimenting , The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
anal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.No. 204WashEngton Sl.Chcaoll. ! ( ; !
Royal Havana Lottery
( AfOViil.NMr.NT ! : 1.NSTITUT10N )
Drawn al.Havana , Cuba , January 2-16-30 , 1086
( A < lViilMIiXT ) : : t STIrUTION )
TIeUets Inrifths ; Wholes ? 5 : Fiactions pro
bnbject to no innnlpulution , not cnnttollod by
f the jmrtlos lit Inter-t. Jtis the lulrost tliltiR In
thu iiiiliuo of vhiinco In ovlalonou.
J'or tlcltets npply to 8HI1NV , t CO. . lull ! mond-
way , N. Y. CityM. . O'lTIINS A ; CO. , Bl'J Jlnln
Froot , Kansas City , Mo. , or 151U J'luimiu btroul ,
Uuinhn. '
DYER 200,000 ,
.Ui. , , i.nml rrlceaou nppllratlon. Sold by
iu b i > t I'nrrlnL'o liulliicm unit Dealcrg ,
UINU1.NNAT1 , II. S. . \ .
Cublu Aihlrt-as. COO-CJN ,
Pianos and Organs
A Clear Skin
, is only r. part of beauty ;
but it is a part , Every lady
may have it ; ; , t.least"what
looks like it. , Magnolia
Balm both * freshens and
fci&&fc 4 > , *
Cnro or Animals In Winter.
The American Humane association of
fcrs the following suggestions relative to
fowl9r , horses ritnl&Ulle to persona hav
ing"thpso in charge , tn the northern lati
tuilcs , during the winter months.
Do not compel' domestic fowls to rees
in trees. Aside from danger of being
captured l > 3 * owls and ether enemies , the
swaying of the branches upon which thej
nro silting will prevent them from get
ling roil- while in the severely colt
weather , thus exposed , feet and combs
nrc fro/sen find the bird so bcnumed as to
nuiko It impossible for it to bo of mucl
profit , on the farm. Securely shcltcrci
from wind and storm , and allowe'd io si
on a broad it > est , feet are thus hop
warm , refreshing rest is obtained am
the fowl is much stronger , healthier am
more profitable to its owner.
DUo not clip horses during the winter
mouths.Wyll the riailio' ' propriety we
might cnt the hair fnim'uiilog or shear a
shoe ] ) at-thifr tison 'of the 3 oar. The
argument in behalf of the practice is Ilia' '
Ihu horse iu perspiration will dry more
quickly if the hair is short. If the nnimu
is thoroughly- blanketed and kepi in ti
sheltered tir warm place , after being
driven , no danger results from porspira- _
lion , whatever the length of hair ; while
the horse that has been dopiived of its
coat in the winter lime Millers perpetual
ly while beinjr exposed to the cold.
It JS cniell3" inflicted upon beautiful
carriage horses for the purpose of style.
Blessed is llio ordinary work-horse , in
the winter time , for , however much it
may pqrsplre , it is allowed to carry its
full growth of hair during the cold weath
er.JJo not leave cattle to stand shivering ,
while extremities often freeze , in the
snow storms anil severe winds of winter ,
when n little time would sullico to con
struct of boards , rails or poles , a support
upon and around which imi3' bo iHiiceti
hay , -straw or weeds , thus making a
shelter -that hi ay comfortably protect
them. ' Crtttlo kept in fairly wurm con
dition throughout tho. winter \yill. a
injlkcrp , giro aJnrgor and bclcr yield ol
niiIk'Uinlas bepvos will take on llesl
much more rapidly than if left exposed
la Inclement weather.
Aside from a question of humanity ,
llio more attention and care that is
bestowed upon nnimnls , with a view to
their comfort , the more will thoj * bo of
service and a source of profit to thoii
Tlie Truth About Fnrmiiii : Iti Ne\\
lCn laml.
Hulland ( Vt.V Herald : The vital sta
tistics flf the state of Maine show thai
there is a larger percentage of insanity
in the farming class thnn "iunuy oilier ,
and the publication of this fact has ex
cited general surprise. Tlio popular
presumption is that farming life , through
its freedom from daily excitement and
mbntal stress ; it ? put-door lifo that favors
Vigorous bodib' exorcise , keen appetite
and solmd digestion , -plight to contribute
a smaller per cchUof insane persons lima
city life tnat includes so jnaii3- restless
brain workers of all sorts. The truth is
the average farmer of Now England in
tlie small towns , the farmer's wife and
daughters are not seldom as grievous -
overworked and as much subject to per
sonal anxiety and nervous stressas ( ho
acliye workers of , cily lifo. To lake aNew
Now Knglaml farm and make it pay means
toil , incessant toil , earl3" and late ; physical
ly the farmer , and especially Ihe farmer's
wife , is oflcu severely overworked to the
extent of a brokon-ciowu nervous S3-stom.
The food of the fanner is no bettor ; not
always as healthful , as the food of me
chanical city workers , and the fatigue ,
exposure , anxiety , and overwork ot tlie
average tanner is more than is ordinarily
encountered by .tlio city worker of the
same intelligence. Give a farmer time
to stop from his toil , and ho is not with
out plenty of means of diversion for his
tiretl body and mind , lie can fish , ho
can hunt , lie can boat and sail if ho can
find time ; but few farinor.s. do find tjme ,
and it they diop under their load , it is
because , all things considered , they car
ried a more galljug burden of 'jodily ' toil
and mental anxiety ; than thc3' are credi
ted with 1 > 3' those philosophers in the city
who view thu farm and farm lifo through
a glass of carupagno. If anybody doubts
that farmers , have to work hard to got
ahead let him look at tlio number of bro-
ktmldown , 'dyspeptic 'farmers' ' wives ,
barely tunica of forty , that you can see
at stale and county fairs. The farmer
can't hide his land or his stock ; it is inc.-
vilabl3 * taxed , and it is a smart , indus
trious , sober , energetic farmer tlint can
make his farm pay aix percent in New
England. Hundreds of sturd3r farmers
in Vermont inako less than this out of
their farms , and too many of them are
tortured to death l > 3r the effort to pity for
a farm tlic.y have bought with n mort
gage attached. If it bo true that the
tanning class contributes largely to the
insane it is not because they are brooders
over the little , mean , local WOOH of lifo ;
it is because us a class they work Very
hard , both men anil women ; because 1)103- )
have to Cany more anxieties and troub
les , \ylth less time tor relaxation than
the cil.y worker of the same grade of in
Profit * ) na Artificial Poultry
James Itankin. of Bristol ,
inventor of the Monarch incubator , and
a practical poultry raiser of some twenty
Veara' experience , said in his address be
fore the Massachusetts state board of ag-
risullure : "Tlii > ro is nbsolutoty nothing
within the possibilities of farm industry
that is capable of making so rich re
turns as poultry growing when nrtilioially
conducted. " broiii > his own experience
in artificial poultiy raising , Mr. liaiikin
declares that a j'oarly profit of 100 per
cent can bo made on all capital invested
in buildings , machinery , stock , etc.
Ilorois his account for the year ending
September 1 , 1SS3 :
.Stock on hand September 1 , 18S7
ill I pullets at Sl.a1 ! each . S fiOifiO
Siuiplles and food of all kinds . 751. Hi
05 gallons of oil . 7,00
Total expense. . ,
Slock on hand 3entuiabi.'i l ,
G3 1 millets anil chickens . S K50..V )
l.oifi dot an CMS sold . .wt.'J-S
JXHhens soltf ? . . . . . . . . : iU,75
l.JJJclileU'jis touh , ! . 1-too.oi
Total receipts . S'J.TW.M
This shows u clear profit ol fjn.iio per
head on the Block fowls. No account is
made of t hii work of earing for the fowls
and chicks ; which does not appear on the
credit side. Incredible as it may seem to
Ilioso who do not know how thoroughly
the work in such poultry establish-
menus is syntumalli'.qd , Mr , Hankln did
all the work connected with the euro of
this poultry , while his farm hands were
doing the feuding of the Mock in the
barn and milking. Mr. Haukin cared
for liio chicks , attended the incubator
and was rendy to lake his place in the
field at 7 o'clock. ' 'With the exception of
a half hour or so in the middle of each
forenoon , and afternoon lie held his own
in Uui field with the others , Mr. Kankin
gayutho following figure * fonceniing his
luck business .for the year 1835 :
Stock off haull' January 1. JS l.
Udiuvks and di.ikosutSl.60 caul . 5 ( W 00
r'evd consumed. . . . , . . - . < > w w
IB jrals oil nt s > iu per gal . S TS
Total expanses . , , , . . . . . .8103UO
U ( in Jiiuul Dcci-'iulicr I , ISf-o.
lUr.ikcTatSi.5UHtdi..SJ : 0 oo
* . . , . j,5lM71
VJilo/.eJl efJtablilil . , . . . 01 00
VsO fbs leathers sold atJOo i > ur fli. . . . . CO 50
Total aveulnti
A profit of almost $11 for oauh duck.
No , iii-ifun't reckon in nuvthluj ; any
thing fur labor , but for lubor $1
n day for the whole time and thus will bo
left a profit of ortr * 1,000 more thai
many farmers make from tliMfr whole
As soon as circumstances will pcrniih ,
shall visit Mr. llanktn'st place in 'searcl
of "further particulars , " and will rcpor
Contagious Diseases In Stables.
Spirit of tlio Farms When wo consido
for a moment the number of diseases of n
contagions nature to which liorsds are
subject , mid the careless maiincriu whlcl
they are exposed to the same , it is aston
islung that we do not have epidemics o
this kind oftencr with our horses. To fill
ly appreciate tlio risk that is incurred
wo need only visit the citv or countrj
towns on court days or Sutttrdavs , ant
fcce the number of hor. es of nil kinds ant
conditions that stand tied and a lines
touching each other in every available
space about town , to say nothing of the
numbers that arc packed together in the
public stables. The Jatter , as it rule , arc
much safer from coming in contact will
disease than those outside , for no sons !
bio stable man would ailmit an aniina
inside of his stable that Is ull'cclcd will
any kind of contagious disease jf lit
knew it ; but it often happens" that neither
the owner of the horse nor the stable
man is aware of the ulscaso until it is too
late to remedy the evil.
Contagious diseases of n most virulen
character may bo perpetuated for an in
dillnile length of time b3" feeding horses
in stalls where the disease has existed.
Of this kind we may mention glanders
and Spanish itch ospcoinlly. Lithcr of
these most fatal disorders ma3 * bo con
V03'cd to other horses 03 * feeding in t
stall where horses sulVering with then
have been kept. To destro3' the virus
take a pint of sulphuric acid and put 1
in a bucket of water , and with an old
mop wash all parts of the stall , especial
ly the trough and manger , as well as the
sides of the stall. Then put a few pounds
of stick sulphur In an old iron pot , and
stopping the stable us well as possible
burn it , so as to fnmigaro the slablo
thoroughl3f , taking duo precautions
against lire. It is a good plan to set the
poUinatub of water ; then whitewash
With llmo and carbolic acid. This will
protect thorn thoroughly.
Seasonable Suggest Ioii9.
It is said , and well proved , that tlio
more quiet sheep are Icopt flit ! more
quickly tho3k will lattcn.
Hotted corn cobs are a valuable fertili on any soil that is deficient In polasl
and .are Worth saving fo'iv this purpose
alone , while if rolled with manure thpj
are considerably more valuable , and in
cleaning up the hog pen considerable
pains should bo taken to .gather up am
mix them with the mnmiro.
It was nt one time supposed that tin ,
more dirt a fowl ate with its food the
bettor , but wo now know that when the
hens want dirt they can produro it with
out assistance.Vo know also that eat
ing dirt induces disease , and the carofu
poulti'3'man will never feed soft food in
any manner except in troughs or on u
If the onions become frozen do not dis
turb lliem. Jf handled Ihey will soon
rot , but if 11103- have been stored ill a
place of _ oven tomperatuic , or where the
lluctuations are gradual , tho3 * can bo
kept very pasity. Onions should not bo
piled too thiokl3' , but should be spread
out so as to permit of a free
circulation of air , while moisture in the
room should bo avoided.
There are several kinds of lice that in
fest llio hair of cattle , tho'common insect
known as the cattle louse boinc least in
jurious and less dillicult'to destroy than
what are called blue lice , " which are much
larger in size , morol.tonaojoiis of Ijfo'and
more ditlioulb to rid animals of ; because
they Harbor in the sides ot wooden build-
bujldiugs , perhaps in the litter beneath
Brooding sows and stock hogs should
not bo neglected now but .shpiiUl receive
good attention , bo well provided with
warm shelter , and be well fod. All kinds
of stock , in fact , should receive the best
of euro anil bo kept constantly improv
ing. For tlio swine a little powdered sul
phur in the slopj ! once n iluy or three
times a week , will be of great benefit.
Let them also have free'access to some
charcoal ; also to an abundance of liquid.
It is not so much what a bushel of corn
ma3 * bo worth on the farm as what i tinny
contribute that is important. When con
verted into beef , butter , lard or pork it is
not onl3' more ea5il3r transported bulalso
moro rcadil3' saleable. In the conversion
of com into concentrated or higher-
priced products , matter is loft
on the farm , instead ot being carried en
tirely away , as would be tha case if the
corn" were sold in its grain form.
The lirst cold snap us wlion cows show
the greatest tendency to fall "olf iu their
flow , and if they can be tided'over ' this
period without tailing materially , it will
bo found comparatively cas3" to maintain
a full flow of milk ( ylicn moro severe
weather comes. Great pains should be
taken now to keep up tie ) 3'ichl of milk ,
uM now is Just the time when milk and nil
daiiy products are becoming moro valua
ble , and the 11101103' i.s to bo made out of
the dairy business if ever.
A YOUIIB German Forjjcr Arrested on
n Steamer.
New York Journal : A revenue-cutter -
ploughed through the big pieces of icp in
the lower bay 3'estcrtla3" morning and
steamed alongside the Gorman ctcamor
Funda , which had lust arrived from Liv
erpool. Thu revenue cutler waited long
enough for Deputy MaiMhal l > erihurd | to
catch hold of the side ladder and acram
bio on board.
The doput3' mai > lml wandered from
cabin to steerage , quietly scanning the
faces of thopas enger.s , A ncatl3" droned ,
slim young man , with light brown hair
and bright grty C3'es , attracted his atten
tion by his ollbrts to keep out of tlio way ,
I'olitely dolling his hat the marshal ad
dressed him with a request for a look nt
Ids passport ,
"rassuort ? " said the passenger.
"Why , 1 thought 3-011 didn't need any
horo. "
"Oh , 3x8 , " replied tlio Marshal. "I
must see it. "
"Well , hero it is , " said the young man ,
! > reducing the document. It certified
Hint ( . 'h'-istiun '
Stonger , twentj'-fiyo years
old. had the permission of his imperial
iuajust3' to visit America ,
"Your pookutbook , please , " said the
oflleor , and the young man handed him a and battered leather wallet ,
Hidden under the lining of the wallet
was a small piece of paper , , a police
mthori/.ation pnrmitting Wilholm Stopf
o reside iu the eit3 * of Augsburg.
The young man' face grow pale wien !
10 saw thi ) toll-tale paper which ho
houglit ho had de.stroyea exposed , and
li.s knees trembled.
"Stopf. you are the man I want ! " said
ho marshal , displaying a warrant , and
the young man fell almost fainting
igainst the sjdo of llio cabin.
When arraigned before United States
JominKiiouor llettij the ( ionium consul
ihargotl him with being a. fugitive J.rom
ustiee , a charge of forgery being pond-
ng against him , Stopf admitted his iden-
ity and bald that debts and dissipation
mil caused him lo forge the signature of
iVolfsheimer , Schmidt & Uo. to a draft
for 5OfKl tlmlor. Ho is only nineteen
years of age , and it was his youthful ap-
luarauco that betrayed him ,
Ho van thrice arrested by Gorman po-
ieo olUcaro before ho embarked at
iremon , but his passport always secured
ds release. Ho won committed to J > nt-
ovv street jail. ,
The pistol was. invented at 1'islola , in
Tiiscaiiy , by CamillaVitelli , iu the six-
centh century ,
. „ , . , - - ; . _ . , . uny question as to
the jnrisdlctioit'otcongress over nil Inter
state commcr fe , " is also conceded tlint
the ctato , nitJiui state limits , has llio
necessary poft < s'to fix rates awl assume
full control o/ / all tlio details of Clio busi
ness of coinrn.dlt'carriers. It 3s behind
the niillmitod"inu'ltipllcity of conflicting
interests nnd laws produced by n co-equal
national ami to l jurisdiction , the latter
shared by tlwrljroiglit slates , that the
railroad lawyers entrench themselves.
They oxulflnglyY'nnd perhaps truthfully
claim that under these circumstances no
cohesive system of control can by any
possibility bo citacted which will prevent
the loads froin ] exercising the supreme
powur of iK'uig rates and arranging
classifications. Blit there is a vlo\v of the
question of jurisdiction which Is rapidly
gaining ground In the minds of constitu
tional lawyers , and which will probably
soon bo tested \n the courts , which i will
briefly present. The constitution grants
to congress tlitf power lo "establish * e
post-roads" and "to make all laws which
shall bo necessary nnd moper for carryIng -
Ing into execution the foregoing powers ,
and all other powers vested * w * In
the government of the United States , or
iu any department or ollicer
thereof. " "To establish po't-roads"
is a broad power. "Establish"
may mean to declare an existing
road a post-road , qr it may moan to con
struct a post-road. Congress habitually
exercises both of thee powers. If con
structed , congress has equal power to
construct a wagon-road or a railroad.
To construct necessarily implies and cm-
braces tlio power lo maintain , protect ,
control in snort ( "the essence of owner
ship being control" ) to own. Article ! IV ,
section 111. of 'the federal constitution
provides that congress shall have power
lo dispose of and make all needful rules
and iTgulalions respecting the territory
or other property of the United States.
Therefore , the nation may acquire juris
diction over all post-roads which may bo
established within its borders , oven if
such jurisdiction does not , abs-olutoly pass
with tlio conversion ot n railroad which
the government does not own into a post-
road , of which there is little question.
Kvtixnuu suite-rights - democrats of the
old pro-slavery school di-ny this last
proposition. But the nation 13 rapidly
unltying , and llio old school is passing
away. JSTow comes the fac-L that there is
not a railroad of any consequence in the
United States which is not also a po t-
road' Lot tlio public necessity for
national jurisdiction over all railroads bo
ouco conceded , as it soon will be , and
national jndiciiil decisions nrfliming Mich
jurisdiction will soon follow.
Recurring to state jurisdiction , it will
be found that the state can not only con
trol rates within its borders , but can also
exercise tlio s.uuo control on business , go.
ing from it into'dr through other states.
This principle was allirmod by the supreme
premo eoui'tQJJinie'stato of Illinois , in a
case broughtTiy flit ! attorney general of
that state'ut tlib instance ot tlio railroad
and warelionjc ? uoiiuntesionors , upon the
complaint orlsailoy & Swamtcll , of Gilman -
man , in flic Ford county circuit court ,
taken to the Miprftme court on writ of er
ror , and df.cidod at the Juno term of
188. . This deoisDfin allirinod that the Illi
nois statute a j.i ] ji existing extended to
all Iraiisportoftouof freight or passengers
by any railway company doing business
in other state's ' , ' whore any part of such
trausportatidn i as in that state ; that the
legislature hAd fllll power to Icgislato.and
that such legislation was not in contra-
Von ion of the constitution of the United
.States. This { dgniical principle-has , f. am
'informed , beoji 'qailo recently ailirnjtSd by
tlfo supreme eoilvt of the United States in
a case originating under the regulations
of the commisionors of Mississippi and
taken up on appeal from that slate. Not
having the text of this late decision at
hand , I am _ unable to state the exact
points which it covers.
The ou"oc.t Of thbsc decisions can bo
lomporarly warded off as the inconven
ience of shippers 03' the companies , re
fusing to is uo bills of lading bayond
state lines , or Hie terminal points of roads
upon which the business is taken. But it
is plain tiat | the power that can cover the
first point can tlio last ; if it can control
the rates of contracts it can control
them in other particulars.
Hut the great point of a divided and
confusing power , caused by tlio co-equal
jurisdiction of thirty-night Mates , remains
untouched nnd must it-main so until : l
harmonious system of laws can bo built
up by co-operative state legislation , or
until full jurisdiction is assured and over-
cL-cd by the United Statos. Tlio first of
these hypothesis is hardly possible. The
last is not onlv possible , but is ono of the
probabilities of the near luturc. Indeed ,
it is quite likely that the roads themselves
will soon usjlc it , as n resourceto re
place the failure , of the pool systemand
as a protection from contusing and con
flicting shite legislation.
The stock argument ot the railroads
against government control of freight
rates is tlio divority of circumstances un
der which those rales have to bo fixed.
Thc o. siiy the managers , render it ini-
possible for any central power to ar
range tariffs that would bo adapted to llio
varied anil constantly varying conditions ,
"Tho opil of service is different on differ
ent roads ; oven on the same road the cost
of certain .services may vary greatly , "
says Mi' , Fink to the Culloin committee.
Again , ' 'Government olHecr.s in Wash
ington , who hayc no intercourse with the
public , as the railroad companies have
tliiough their agencies , cannot bo expect
ed to establish tariffs for IW.OOO milo.s of
road. .Supposing llioro was a station for
every .six miles , there would bo about
20,01)0 , ) stations , If a larifl' was to bo made
from each of tliu.- 20,000 stations to the
ether lltK ! ) ! ) , what a work Ihatwould bo. "
lit will supritio many people to loam that
Mr , Fink got that oil. But Im iictiuilly
did. 1 quote from the official testimony. ]
I do not can ! to lessen the force of tneso
arguments. Jtjs a fair reply to bay that
ing'Wlth u system "of details in tlio post-
ollieo dopartrtrent quite us complicated
anil oxtoiisivc as thosii the railroads have
to deal with. The dilli'rouco is , that by
the adiiiissioil.jdf/p'ilieir . / bust authorities
the roads havii uourly failed in maintain
ing farm's , tfoUtt'poolH have constantly
broken down raid llioro is very little
time when sum'jJAf llio pooled road.s are
not warring QDOK'hu others ; while the
government ifgfiH'A'ast urtcliino of mails
is omiiioiitlyaHJiL'Oqssfiil. The causu of
Ihis tliflbrilnewjfpright here ; the govern
ment has 'jvirjlj ' established princi
ple for a vja/is | , llio roads have
noiio , 1'osJ r lcs are made by
law , details anutUT.'iugo by tidmiiiiilra-
tors. Cost of YihiMisorvii'o varies as imii'h
as cost of rail -fiprvico , but rates are uni
form , I do iKildii orlook the ajiparont in-
ronslstonoy iiii the comparison arising
front the fact that dolloioneios caused by
varying cost of service are made up by
appropriation whruh cannot bo done In
rail service. The pools have , however ,
attiMiip'cd tin cqimli/.ation similar In its
nature as between roads of dillcivnt cost
of coiiatruotion , different mechaulful
grades , dilVoiTut aiuouiit of bonded debt ,
anil coii cii5iiti\ ( | , a different -oost of.or -
vice , bv their systiMiis of ovcnmg and by
the fntifo ovjicilifiit of ilivurting trafllo ,
This iitti'inpt has of coiii > ii hlgually
failed ; but some features of it luuo huon
pervi-rled bv men of wajs that are dark
and trick * tltnl are vain into aiils to their
stock Jobs selii'iues , The fact remains
that roads of thu lowest grade ami , the
loastih'bt IIUMI nil advantage in any pool
that t-an. ho iiimln ; tuul liiiiuan nature is
such that their agents cannot refrain
from using this advantage even though
Hiichuctiou violates tin1 pool agreomouls
of their company. This is u case M hero
it is fortunate that corporations have no
sonte , The basis I proposi' for rail service
would bo free from all these ditlieulfics
1 divide the costofoper.xting n railroat
Info four divisions , viz , '
First Actual cost ol carrying , inelud
ing wages of all train men , machine am
car repairs , and fuel and water.
Sorond 'Administration and statioi
including all snlnr os ether than those o
train men. loading and unloading
agents' ' commissions , etc.
Third Maintenance of roadbed , rails
bridges and buildings.
Foul th Interest on Invpstments
The o headings Include the total leg
itimate expense of nintnlnlning and opcr
ating a railroad , and are fairly classified
Now , I propose that tlie irovornmi'iit filial
fix a maximum rate of interest for the
fourth item , and provide for a genera
supervision that would prevent as ncarlj
as possible the undue absorption of gross
receipts through fraud or otherwise to tin ,
credit of the other items ; and that the
term "investment" shall be interpreted
to mean "ho actual cash cost of building
and equipping the load. This basis ,
not essaying to liv actual rntc < , but onlj
enacting a general rule n lo got income ,
does not coino within tlio pale of Mr.
Fink's objections as to the ditllculty in
volved in an attempt to Ik rates for ! 20-
000 stations. Varying circumstances as
to cost of construction and carriage ,
volume of business , etc. , are loft to have
their legitimate iutluciice , no attempt , lo
make rates uniform being made , only
the general principle of limiting nut in
come to a fair return upon the capital
actually invested being o-slablished ,
Such a law enacted and enforced , railroading
reading would cease to bo speculative
and precarious ; roads would not bo buill
to bo unloaded after construction and
bankruptcy upon their unfortunate com
petitors , or their equally unfortunate am1
victimised bondholders. The doleful anil
somewhat amusing request of managers
to have pools legalized and theiroontr.icts
enforced would then bo granted , weak
roads being protected. Increase ol
tonnage Jwould then mean dccivtiM ol
rates instead of increase of securities
anil the public would share the benefit o ;
the grants of public powers it has inside
to construct public highways.
Tlio vicious principle of "what the
traliic will bear" having been destroyed ,
fair classifications might be adopted
Four clashes , instead ot ono hundred ami
fifty , as pool commissioner Vininp re
cently said ho would have , would lie
amply sullioiiiiit. Weight and cubic
measure , facility of handling , instead ol
commercial value should govern this
matter. J. Isuimows ,
FIM.KI' , "Neb. , .Jan lfi. 1830.
1'oi'sons oflllih Social Standing AYlio
DcCrnml tlie Custom House.
Philadelphia Times : "A vast amounl
of smuggling go on at this port every
day , " said an ex-inspector of customs yes
terday , "and you'll bo astonished if 1
wore to toll you the names ot tlio people
who attempt to bring in dutiable goods
without paying the charges. An inspce
tor has 11111113' queer expei-ii-nces. 1 have
known men who are wealthy and would
scorn to do an act that they considered
dishonorable , attempt to evade the cus
toms duties on articles Which they know
were dutiable. The professional smug-
glar is easily detected , and it is not often
that one successfully evades the inspec
tor's scrutiny. The smuggling is done by
people that you would least expect to do
that sort of thing. Duo case in particular
1 call to mind.
"A gentleman well known in social and
financial circle's arrived hero on one of
the American Line steamers. lie chooi'-
fnlly consented to the examination of his
baggage by the inspectors , and was will
ing fo pay the charges on everything
that wo pronounced dutiable. Ho walked
about while we were inspecting his bag
gage and freely gave up his keys , iie
had .strapped over his shoulders a small
Russian leather bag , and , after wo had
passed his trunks , 1 requested permission
10 look through this bag. lla flushed
scarlet and explained that it only con
tained toilet articles. I suspected that
there was something else in the bag and
lie reluctantly allowed me to cvamine it.
There wore toilet articles in it , it is true ,
but it also contained a package of jewelry -
elry , principally diamonds , which the
appraiser valued at $ l-,0di ) , The gentle-
excused hiuiMilt by saying that lie did
not know thai articles intended for per
sonal use were dutiable , bill I knew
this wtrs all gammon. Thc'-'o cases are
never heard of , because when detected
the amalenr smuggler always pays up.
"Ladies ol tlio highest social position
make continental trips an.i return loaded
down with dutiable good- , which they
sucicc.ssfull3' smuggle ashore. They don't
consider it any disgrace to evade the ous-
loins in fact , they rather pride them
selves on their cunning. They wrap ex
pensive lacc.s about their forms , secrete
diamonds in their pockets , the hums of
their dresses and oven in the heels of
their shoes , and toll the most barefaced
falsehoods unblushiiigly to evade paying
tlio customs due. We can't .search thorn
on aeeountof their high social position ,
but wo know that they are smugglers.
"A young lady whose father KS 0110 of
the wealthy ini-ii of the city went abroad
last summer in eonipany with two icla-
tiycs. They sailed fioni this port and io-
turned hither. They allowed tlioir gen
eral baggage to bo i nspoctod without a
protest. Tlio young lady carried a di
minutive don in her amis. The animal
was particularly ill-uafurod and vicious ,
but tlio young lady appeared to boary
fond of the brnlo and earned him in her
arms all the. time. Ho were a blanket
and had a collar around hl.s neck.
" 1 got close enough to see that the
blanket was a mass of expensive lace
tacked on it , the blanket , to enable her to
evade duty on it , and that the collar was
literal 1 studded with diamonnds. What
could we do ? If we had hold tlio dog
there would have boon a great howl over
thn Indignity , ami the girl's father hud
influence enough to have us nil dis
charged. We consequently allowed the
$10 pug , with hid ! j3,000 blanket ami his
ijlO.OJU collar to pass frtiti of duty. Ladies
and gentlemen ot wcAIth , refinement and
high social position do not scruple to
evade the customs. They have trunks
mtide with false bottoms , and in the receptacles -
coptaclos thus provided bring in hundreds
of dollars' worth of dulahlo articles.
"All the sailors hinugglo. They secrete -
crete goods all over the . -hip and derive
a profitable trade by bringing in duitablo
goods without subuiiltlng thorn to the
appraiser , FaKe loukerd are made in
the cabins and a thousand odd nooks
and corners on a ship am ntili/cd to con
ceal smuggling goods. They do not at
tempt to remove those while the vessel is
disoharginji her cargo , because a great
11111113-At the inspector * are vigilant and
honest , and tlio goods would bo apt to
bo confiscated , Thov wait until the
cargo is discharged and after tlio inspec
tor lias gouo over tlio veisol and certified
that no dmt-iblo goods remain on her
they bring out tnoir hidden treasures
and carry them ashore. All sorts of
goods are smuggled , and there are lots of
common ailois who are in Ipuguo with
professional .smugglers and bring in con
traband goods on oyory trip.
"Occasionally goods-are smuggled in
C.irougli thu connivance of a dishonest inspector
specter , but thesu cases t.rd nuo , for the
liiajoiity of the customs ollicor.s are hon-
pet and incorruptible. I have no means
of estimating just how much dutiable
goods aiiniialh oseapo appraisement at
tliis port , but f should judge it was several -
al hundred thousands of dollars' worth ,
Verj'oftuH iuug > gliiig is tlono tinuon-
fsoiousl.v. Men and women buy presents
for their relatives and friends abroad and
bring thorn wifely through the customs
under the apprehension that 1)103 ) ; ! | re not
dutiable because they are Hot intended
Otic oftfw Best and Lttrgest Stocks in the U.8 , ; §
to Select front.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
OKO. HUltKi : , Mnnnjrer.
KErnilKNCKSs Merchants mul Farmers' Itanh , Dixvld Clly , Nol > . : Koftrnoy NntlonM nnti
nerNob. ; Columbus Stnto Hunt , Colutnlnts , Nub. ; McUoaaM's Unnk , Noilli I'lallo , Nob. OurnUft
Natfounl Hank , Uniiilin. Neb ,
Will pay cUBtoiuors' draft wttli 1)111 ) ot Indlns ttaohca. for two-thirds value of stock.
lo bo sQ.d. A man , for instance , will
make a hurried bushies * trip to Ku laud
and bilng home a couple of thousand
dollar ' worth of iiresent.s for his family
and friends.V. know him to be a man
of high uluiractor ami don't subject his
lJ1KgnpU ! to riiil { scrutiny. Ho assures us
thai his trunks contain nothing dutiable
and we pass them without examination ,
Ho honestly incai | what ho says , but the
government is cheated out of its duties
all the same. "
TVTicn B Tiy ITM cVoV , wo'Rave her CogtorlA ,
AVhon tha WAS a Child , tlio cried Tor Canlorla , ,
Wlico slio becune MUi , BI clung to Caetorl * ,
Whtu > bo li d Clilldroc , elio gars tltom Cuatorla ,
An examination of a choked sewer iu
Maryville , tjal. . the other day , revealed
that the trouble was caused by &ovornl
bujihuls of bottle btoppcr.s. How such a
quantity got there is a mystery.
Edward Sloeum , of Xew Richmond ,
Mich. , received in pay as n ' oldlcr the
Hr t if 1 greenback issued , marked scries
A , No. 1 , and dated August 1 , ISttt , and
ha still has the bill in his possc.--Mon.
c , Hrnilnclie. Toollinclic- ,
.S [ > raln , IliiiUcK , etc. , etc ,
Price , lit ty Venn. At Dmsslsts nml Dealer : .
THE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO. , Solo Proprietor
Asthma Cure.
This Invnlunlilo spnciflo rend My nnd perma
nently cuios nil Kinds of ARthnin. Thu most
Dbstimito nnd lotiirstundlnjr cn'OT > lc-ld piompt-
ly to Its wonderful cutiiifi pinpprtlo1) . ft ) s
known throughout the woild for Its uurlvnlod
J. L.OALDWELti , city o LincolnNol ) . , writes.
Jnn. S3 , Wiil : Since tiBlns : Dr. Hiiit-'s Asthtna
Cure , for mete thiin ono yrnr , rny wife lilis boon
entiiejyvqll , and not oven n symptom of llio
illt-tiiMi hns iipiiuiucil.
WILLIAM IIKXNirrr , lUchlnnd , Tow.t. writes ,
Nor.lM , 188J : I hnvo been nflllcled wilh liny
I'uveriuid Asthma since 1S.VJ. I followed your
ditcctions und utn linppy to Biiy thai I never
elojit better in my lifo. 1 nut plud Unit I urn
ninonjr the innny who cnn Speak so fnVnrnbly of
jour tomedlcK.
A vuliiiiblcOt pafffi ttcatUo contiilnlu slmlliu
in-oot from every [ .tiito in tbo U. S. , Cmmda nn > l
Girut Uritaln , will bo mulled upon application
Any diuetrlst not bavin ; ; It In stock will pro-
emu It.
Cocoti , from which
OH him Urn remoscd.
tlmeatlK strength uf Cocoa mixed
Mlth Slnrtli. Arrowroot orSiieJr ,
and U therefore far tnoru economi
cal , tostlng lts Man one cint a
cu/i. It U dUlclouK , iioiirl liln , " ,
atrrngthcnlnff , easily dlsfc-ftcd , nnd
admirably adapted for lii\alIJ i na
veil n < for prrMiim In Lialtb ,
KolJ by C'roffra CTcrynhcro.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorclicsler ,
> r thu l.liin r , > < , , ! 11 mly
Ciii-t'il by Ailuiliiihlcrlii f Dr.
HitliiDv' ( iiilik-n 'jjici-jlic.
It can hOKHiHi Inn cup ot luDVo or lpM\Hliont :
thu kuuwlci'igpof thu | > or : iti InkliiK ItIsuhnulutely
luinulc'n. mul ntlliMlt-il a pcrinaiii'iii anil Mx-vily
cure , whvlbvr Hut p.itliint hu niiiiluiutu chliii.i-r or
un nlcuhullcvreik , It 1ms Ijicn rl\fn In Iliou-
Bauds of ca'rs , nnilln v\vry liistiiiiiuitiiciriit i-uto
husfullourd. It imvur fulls. 'Iliu Rystrmonco
Impr.'gimtrd With lh hicllU ] - , It ln'coim-a nil utlur
Impovslli lty ( or the liquor nppctlto to oxUt ,
KUIIN A ; CO. , Cur. 15th mid lUusl.i * , uud
18th tV Cnmlnc Sin , , OmuUti , Neb.1
A. II. I'OVJ'HH M IJJU. ' . .
Cfiuncit lllulTH , I < nva ,
'Call nr irrlta for pumiililct uoi tululiw livndlrpda
ol tP"llp.ioidnlniouininILht uoniL-u and men from
nil tmrisot thuiRuntrv ,
Cure without moill
A POSITIVE LlltU. I'JlUlltuJ OclO-
bm-10 , ] H7fi.
Dun box will
ho inoM obtinntneaso In foiiriluyj orlu-ij.
\'o nau804)ii % doses of uibelH , copallmcir olon |
and.ihuHxt that nru ot'tlnbi ' to prodiH'O dyapon-
i.t by ( Io < tio\lii ) ; the i mtlui * . of tbo Etniiinch ,
lic'fjSI.W. BoM liv all ilui-rjt.H or inullcd un
( > c-oltot | ) pijce. I'oiturlliur piirlloul.irs
oi-oiroulur. I > , O. JlnvUJI.
C.Kl VnrKCURE. , .
Kl John l. , Nwv VnrK ,
> R * < u * u w < ri4.y. r.c n
BuUI3FbRllllB L.UI Dclil'.ity , fxwC Man.
jiocxl , ic | iav In ttli l Iti uln ei pry Inou u rci.ul > -
I" * rtl i V ( red * ilmitoi o1f .ciite , lilch Iu I'll c-nt
1 ItKK. ti liU f < 'Ijw sun , r r < Aili rrw
J , II. UU \ Ub.ilCUatlyiui ttrcot , N : , , Vf ii Oltf.
ierchants i
nonril of Trrulo , Clmmlicr of t'onrtnovco ,
Chicago. Milwaukee. J ;
M C , MILLCR , Western Business Solicitor ,
Tiocat Hiisliiess Solicitor , IKO1
1 St. , Oinnlin , Noli.
A Sandai ( I Medical AV oik for Voiinj ; Jlen
Jlltldlo Aged Ale.ii , only 51 by mall
illty.Korvom nml riiTBl
rri-nniitroDpPllhofn Mnn , Krrors nfroiith.onit ths
nntoiil ml i'rlo ro'iiltlim fnml ludltcrcilon mul ox
cp ( c . A liooli lor Pvcry num. j-onn , inlitilln ajrod
niul old. Itrontilliii liiprorrrlptlnn fnrnll lUMilonnil
rlininloilln'iif-on. cntti rtnu otwhloli li ln\al > ublc. Ho
Jonnd by tlio nntlior vrlioBO oxprrloncn Tar 21 yoirsli
moh in prnlmlily novcr lu'fnru fell tntlio lot of nnr
| > li > < tlclimntlinEe | . bniinit In b-iiutlful KroncK mus-
lln , pmbos-pd coi-pr * . full cllt , inn r-intocd to hon ttnar
work In PVI " SEiisa mpcfiinlcnl. lltpriry nud nrnfnv
rlorinl lliknnnrothpr work In this e-ou n try fora J.51L
IT llio nionpy will lip rcfiinil In oypry ln < tnnc < . Prl :
nnly II by- mull , postpaid. Illii'truteil xampln , no ; .
hcnilnnw. Oold raoJnlnwnrJpil tliomthnr hy the Nv
llonnl .Mcdlnil A < nclntlon , t Hie ofllcpraof wnlch ha
rt > '
' . lioiill 6c ny tUavonnufor
InHructlon nml by the ulUlcluil lor rclloU will bono-
lllnll. London J-iiiKel. r
There l nn racniher of foclcty to whom Ihoflclonca
f Lite will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , gair-
Ulnn.lnHmctoror tlprgyinan. Aiiwiidiit. . . . . .
Addre' the I'rnluiily .Mt-illcul luMltuto , or 1 > T W. It.
1'arker. No. < llullllnch htruut , lloiloil , Mul . , who
I'o consulted on all ill eu c ro u1rlniBLUI uuUoxpori-
< ncc. < Jironiu ! and obstlnnto dhe ivt tlint Inivo
banicd tuoBltlllof nil ether iihiHlVNrtXV
cian ? , a nncciilty. Such truuiol AHUII
Fiicessfully without an Inst-inoj
tlfailuro. Jfrntlon tliU Paoor.
Teu Years Llaintainetl Superiority
American Broalcfast Cereals.
Ask for A. n. C. Dinnd nnly. ( ItOKistcrod Trildo
Mtuk.I 1'orfiiilo by nil Send foi- Ire
ctllor. TJIBflJItKALS M'Fd CO. .
83 Mui-rav St. , NEW YORK
The Orlirliinl nnd Only ( ji-niiliie.
Sire talilnft t nrllaM * K WBte or worth lr ImltAlIont ,
lnll.Kn.illo lo LADIES. A U -nr J > rujllit tat
"Clilcnriitf-r * ( . .iitcllktAUI ! tftktt on otbci.ur luclota 4 < i ,
fft Utter hy rttuiu InulL
N A M E P A P ER. < rlic.Srr ( .brmlral Oo. .
2KI1 ! Mildlvuri Ngu ire. 'tttlilll. . I'tt.
At nrneeUtn. Tr do tujfllnl L ; Tullrr .V 1'ullcf
C'o , < Ti7riirn. : il.
NCnnACKA oflerNMiinctlilua uonilerfiil in rrt-inliimi ) ,
K * > nil )0ui naijie mid ndilroit an ft | > oitnl curd for t n > iiU
ioin mid rcu ill tie d > * ll hlul. > lonilon llii ] nr | and
uldio M. n * . SMITH. Pub. . Omaha. Neb.
Time TaMe
Tlio following Is tlio Him1 of nrnval nnd do-
pnrtiueof ttalim hy C'ciilinl Stamliinl time nt
HIM locul doiiolf , . U'lulnsof tlio < ; . . hit. I' , , i ! . It
0. nrrlvo ami iliipurt Iroin thoirdount. corner
nI Mill unit \Voliklnr ftiocls ; tuilimim tlio U. It
M , , C. , II. & ( ) . , nnd 1C. 0. , St. J. . % 0. II. from tlio
II. & M. dupot ; nlloiliuiH Itoni the Union 1'uoldo
JlrliUriitiiilns u-jil l . 1' , ilfporat OMJ
H7J. : " > -h.U ) 81U ; H.WJ IllUiUO-II : t ) n. in ? . 1:00
' ' " ' ' J' " " ' ' '
0li' ; ) 7wV'lilo" : | > . m.
] .cuvu Irtiti'-Ur tor Oiniili.i a 7tlJI > fl5 : | 9iQ : ]
: 13 11 10n : ; in ! 7lll : n. in. ; ' "
Arrival mul iloutriin'o ol tr.ilus from the
trnii'-fiJi < lt-ot | nt Council Illults :
JIKI'AI'T. ' Allllti'K ,
( juirvoo & MtiiTiitvi SIKH.V ,
! i15A. ; Si . Jlnll nml IXJIITM. ! , , . t-.Oti'.it
lL',4li ) > . M Arconmioilutioii 4 ; | - . M
Or.Mr. M l.ri8 ] > - , USISA.H
0:1 , ' . A.M . . . .Mull mul lUpios-i , . . . . 7(0 : ( r. it
7:15 : A , M . . Accommodation. , , . . CtfJr.M
t > : 'M l' . H. ixpii : ) 8 , , , , . . .1:15 : AU
OilOA , M . . . . .Mull nml l'\iiiSi | ! , 7lVi' : ) . u
5:13 : r , > t , , . . , IJvinois UI5 : A. u
l'IIIC\iO , WIKMMHO.N .V Ijtfl.NUf ,
) ' . : ) . -IA. M , . .Mul ! nml llxpinsa O.nOc.u
fijr. ; si 15\iirsu ) Uli ; 4. Ji
\iiAhit.or , wiuis h ru inc.
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. ) . . fit. ( 'mil IXIH : SJ . . . . U : : A. u
Dcimit. WlIhTWAItll. Arrlvo
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HASTWAUI ) . Airlvu
I * . 11. i f1. , It K. Q. I A.M. ! f. M.
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