Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 6, Image 7

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o. 13 Pearl Street.
flilhcrol by tnrricr In nny pnrl of the cllr ill
iwtnlj lints pir tmk.
II. W.TIITOX , - - - Mannsfcr.
HuMNr'sOmrr , No. II.
Nroiir tniTOii ; , No. 21.
Pants to order , from $ ? up , fit Keitcr's
Ilic noxtdnnco of the Imperial olnl
takes plnco ono \veuk fiom to-niglit.
Tlio city council fulled to moct lasl
nljjlil , mul city business Is again in a fog
A number fiom Council Hind's allcndol
the ongitieerV ball in Omaha last uvcii'
IKLcavo to marry has boon given to
James M. Killlan ami Mary J. Oard , botli
of Oakland.
Komany llyo was given last ovciiin
at * tlm opera IIOIIMJ. To-night tlio siiuu
company appear again.
Tlio isvangelistic ! serviees continue tr
bu held nightly at tlio rooms ol .ho 1 . M ,
C. A. Alfarc invited.
Tlio ferry cars arc to he pulled oflftO'
day , .ht ) river being so fro/en that teams
can cross on thu leo between the twt
Tlio funeral of Mrs. Sallle. A. Jones ,
wife of J. W. Jones , will be held till'
afternoon at the lesidenee , No. T''llKotirtli
Et cry old soldier and sailor in tin
county should ueml his addicts to Count }
Auditor Clnu cn. that the list may bo com
plete and aceiuate.
William Wilson , who stoic three pool
balls from ( iipson's .saloon on uppci
Broadway , was je lerday sonteneed tc
the county jail for tldi ty Jays-
A trio , John Anderson , M. Waltore
and T. Hyan , were yesterday given the
regulation close prescribed in tlio police
court for tliOMi who are sobering oil.
' A farmer's team was left staudingattha
coinorof Broadway and Si Mh * trfets
yo.steiday fiom 0 oeloek in the inomiii"
until nearly eveniiir } , when tliu nutrylifl
took thepi in charge.
The Mairied LadiuS Progressive oluli
, wlll'bo entertained on Satin day miming
byMrn.ll. II. Van Hnmt at her residence ,
No. IS ! ) Fourth street , assisted by Mrs.
. ( icorge W. Thoiupson.
The jury in tlio casc _ of Moore vs Hunt
have joined in si written request to the
Union I'.ieilie. railway to _ reinstate Hunt
to the position from which he was dis
charged on account of thu Miit.
( Jionoweg have about set
tled in their new building. Jt makes a
line appcar.mco with the largo oilicu ,
Kanihi ) rooms and all needy aeuommo-
dationsfor transileting their large and
incieasing wholesale business.
Remember thn supper to bo given by
the Women's JXehango to-moirow , Fu-
iljiy , from 5 o'cloek to 10 o'clock p. in.
in the , .storotoom formerly occupied by
Ueno is Co. , Main street. Admission
and supper , twcnty-livo cents.
John McAndrows , bhenlV of Madison
county , has been hoio two days hunting
for a boy named William Zook , Avho ran
uwny from there about tlii'co weeks ago.
Tho'boy was at Silver City last Saturday
and left from there for this place.
Mrs. J. J. Brown gave a small but ele
gant musical reception last evening to
Sir. and Mrs. F. K. Stubbs.of 1'coiia , ill. ,
who aio hero on their-wudding tiip. An
other reception will probably bo given
thorn by others before the clo o ot the
week , as they expect to dopait next week.
The Ogdcn house livery slablo changed
hands yesterday. Air. Wheeler retires ,
to devote his time and means to his other
lines of business , and is succeeded by Vic
Kpllcr and Matt Harlu. flicso gentlemen
are well known here , and will doubtless
carry on the business with increased suc
cess. Tlio Main-street stable will al'o bo
in their hands , the transfer including
both places.
A twolvo-ycar-ohl boy , a son of A. C.
Cook of Omaha , was injured while coast
ing hero on Bluff street Tuesday night.
Ho was pulling his sled up the hill , Justus
another tied came Hying down , and
something else attracting his attention ,
the Hying sted struck him. The bono of
the boy's leg was fractured hist above
thq nnklo. Ilo was wrapped up , placed
in u hleigh , and taken to his homo acioss
the river.
Thomas Barry , known as Irish Tom ,
arrested for stealing a watch , overcoat
and scarf from 11. 1'l-Qiloriek , was yester
day sent to tlio county jail for thirty days.
Jt seems that he with otlicrn were on a
spree , and running out of money , ho
sought , to raise some on I'redcrick'rt
watch. The charge of stealing the over
coat and scarf were not sustained , and
the value of the watch being under
twenty dollars , ho got off with a jail feon-
QThi farewell ball of tlio Rescue com-
puny was an enjoyable affair. Jt was
largely attended , and all teemed to enjoy
themselves. There were a goodly mini
bor of ohl lircmon , and a general com
pliance \\ith the request inndo by the
committee ) that all .such should wear as
much of their unliorm as they had .still
pieservcd. There was a gieat variety of
iircnian'h furnishings thus presented to
view. Music , supper , In fact all the
arrangements wcie wisely planned in
every detail , and the o plans were
happily earned out. Tim KOnoiies dis
band now , and their farewell ball proved
a happy finish ( o their history : u > u
Ten now show eases arrived jesterday
at Kiseinan , llodda & Co's , which will bo
placed in their fanoy goods dopaitmcnt ,
Conect Abstracts of Title and Heal Ks-
tate LoaiiHut McMahoii A ; Co' . * , No. !
Pear ) street. _ ,
Substantial abstracts of title and real
state loans. J. W , , & K. L. Squire , 101
Pearl btreet. _
Cottage ranges. Uarland htoves Ha-
tllant Homes and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed rock
lit Cooper & Med'iHi'H , No11 Main street.
Personal l'.miii'aptie > .
S. 1) . Hohrer is
' A. W. Street is homo from his liiji to
1) . it. Connell of Omaha , a brother
of the o.\-coioner of tlili city , w.ts hcio
Arthur \V. \ Avery of the Fremont , Neb. ,
Tribunci was among yesterday's callers
at the BKR olllco ,
George Holder left yesterday morning
for Nebraska to visit liia customers in the
interest of Meters. UroneNveg & Schocnt-
gen ,
Ctipt. L. Kirscht , who has been confined -
fined to his homo Mneo Chribtmas , is
nguln ablu to bo out looking ; after busi
ness.W , W. Chapman has ircturncd from
his trip to Kansas City , but did not bring
Ills bride , as it was expected that ho
W. S. Caldwell , ono of the clerks in Z.
T. LI ml t > ey & Co.'s store , has gone to
Cltirimlh to look after their branch estab
lishment. _ _
Dechtmto , or vanadato of lead orinc. .
has been discovered iu Montana. Ore of
this nature is worth $10,000 , a pound ,
There ia a man in Georgia who can
write without knowing the alphabet , or
being able to rend an } thing except his
own letters.
Thieves Break Througli antl Steal .and
Sneaks Abound.
Helping Ilic Poor A. 1'nrrton AVnntcil
Ilic Kttticrnl or.laiues fi-nlncj
Oilier IlnnticnliiKft About
the lllufls.
Thlcv .
Ynstonluy inovnlng It was tliscovcrctl
Hint during the previous night lunglars
bail isitL d tlic clothing storu of L. II.
SIoslor , No. r > 08 Hro.ulniiy. An entrance
hail boon gained by brcnMiigonoof the
large show windows in front , and the
interior of the store shownl that the fol
low had hastily gathered up what first
eatnc to hand. Clothing , bo\c , do. ,
were l ft scattered about in disorder.
Thn amount of goods taken could not be
ileliifitcly determined , but from I In ; num
ber of overcoats missing , suits gene ,
boxes of gents' finnishing goods gone , it
i.s thought that tlm loss i\ ill roach into
the hundreds of dollais. The gas was
liifl burning in the store all night , ao that
the thic.ves could easily lmbeen ob-
hervcd by any passer by. Anderson , of
the inerolmnLs1 ) iollco , is satisfied that if
thu burglary ocotnred in the way thought
it must luivo bern after 5 o'cloek in the
moining , as heus at the "tore M that
hour and everything was all right then ,
no windows broken or other evidence of
: mj thing wrong about the place.
Yesterday n tr.imp came to the IJlulY
Oily liouse and induced Iho proprietor ,
Peter Haslian , lo give him his dinner ,
lie allowed his apincciation of tlm gener
osity of tlio hotel man by slcalinji u fur
cap'belonging to ono of the boarder : * , An-
diew Horgs.
'J'\vo overcoats and a \tn\v \ \ of boots wore
yesterday .stolen from J. L. roiman'H
store. 'J''lie coals were afterward found
in an outhouse not far distant , but
the bools had gone with the thief.
A.elnk ill S. Tierce's boot and shoo
Htoiv , corner of AVillpw avenue and Main
sliTc'l , noticed two fellows sneak a pair
of rubber boots , and giving them a chase
around tlm corner recovered the foot-
coverings : and let tlie follows go.
Ahiiealt tliiaf nipped an ovcieoatycs-
toiday fiom in front of 1'ov & Hughes'
clothing store on Main street.
'J'hleo cheeky thieves meeting an ohl
German on lower Main troet yosloiday
aftoinoon , made him pait with his over-
coal , which lliey apnropiialod. Ilo fol
lowed them clear to the North western de
pot , and tln v linally threw him back his
coat and skipped away.
Host coal and wood in the city at fJlea-
sOn's , 'M Pcail Mieet.
C. 15. Jacqnemin & Co , , No. 27Main
Mrcct , take pleasure in announcing to
the public that their slock of aitielcs , or
namental , stylish and useful goods ,
is complete in eacli and every de
partment-and cordially invite e\crybody
to visit their store , inspect their goods
and compare prices. No trouble what
ever to snow goods.
Tlie Jjiixury of tlio
Litigation is expensive , and a ea e re
cently tried in Justice Sehur/'s court
shows how often a long light in courts
resultb by the stubbornness of parties ,
and jnuch money is spent over a small
amount in controversy. A young mail
named Hunt , an employe of the Union
P.icilic , hud been dealing with Moore A :
Co. , of Omaha , buying grocciies of them
for his house. The lirm's books showed
a balance due from him of about $20. lie
thought tlio amount duo was not over
$17. Ho oU'ored. to p.vy the firm the $17 ,
but they would not accent it as payment
in full. The difloreneo of $0 has canned
both parties a heavy amount for lawyers
and other expenses. The linn garnishued
the young man's wages , looking up $45
of his money by this process. The young
man w.u removed from liib position , be
cause of a rule of the railway company ,
discharging employes who do not pay
their bills. This leu him to claim from
the grocery house , as an qfl'ot to the bill
against him , damages to the amount ot
$100 for wrongfully attaching his
wages. A trial was bad of the case
but the jury disagreed. A second trial
was had , and the last jury has found in
favor ot the grocery liouso _ for the $ 17 ,
which the young man admitted ho owed ,
but which ho claimed to hue tendered
them. The. court costs amount now to
about $75. Some question has arisen as
to whether thcso co ts .should bo taxed to
thu phuntifl' defendant , and this is to
bo argued yet and decided by the justice.
Kathcr than p.iy ? ( ! , which ho thought
was tin overcharge , the young man has
lost his place , has been put to till this , ex
pense and to the annoyances of a. pro
tracted trial in court. The grocery hotito
has got a judgment for no more than the
young man oll'ored to pay without any
suit , and has had togo to a largo expense
aNo. Such is : i fair illustration of thu re
sults of litigation. It would have been
cheaper and better for both parlies had
they settle their § 0 diil'crcnce in some
other way than by rushing into coiut , but
such was their privilege , and bitch was
tlio result of their availing themselves
of it. ,
For first class Missouri wood call on
Ukwon , at his coal ollice , 20 Pearl street.
Tor everything in the grocery line give
thu now linn of KinU & Klcub , 10J Hi oad-
way , a trial Kvorything new and fresh ,
I'aucy groceries a &poeialty.
Think * ) It HurmlcsH.
The Des Moincs Register thus speaks
p.ditorlally of the manifesto of Mayor
Vaughan , published in yoslerday's Biu : :
"Mayor Vaughan , of Council lMnfls.
through thu courtesy of the associated
press , is out with another haranjjito on
prohibition. .Ho soars high this time ,
and pol cs in mid-air to with
lunching pathos the frlimds of personal
Jibmtv to como to the heln of tlio poor
sullonng majors who won't enforce the
law. Since the last mooting of his sym
pathetic band ho appears to linvo on-
laigcd Iho sphere ot his responsibilities.
When the limt mayor's convention wns
held , they only assumed to speak for the
individual cities thntthuymisrumo-cntcd.
Now ho ulono assumes to spuak for the
whole blato of Iowa , and with a litlle
urging would probably do as much for
the United Stati-s. : flut 'a little thing
like this pleases mm , ' and his man-
fuitos are always harmless. Ho wants
another meeting of non-unforcing ami
law-defying majors , but their first expe
rience ) iuito | hatibfied thcmt and after o\-
posing themselves to tlio ndicnlo of the
whole slate they li-.ivo no dcslro to repeat
the experiment , "
Monoj- loan on chattels , by Torres
Smith , 130 Main sticet.
James Jfralnoy died yesterday after
noon. .Funeral notion \ > lll appvnir hero-
tiftcr. ,
Get Your Jtinullca Itenily.
( tJ.vciL DLI-FFS , Jim. 31 , 1880.
To the Editor of the HIK : : This city
has been vnry thoroughly canvassed for
the fcalo of tickets to the charity ball to
night , so that there is not much morn to
bo done in that lino. Hut n great many
gioceryincn , merchants and others Imvo
Mgnifieil n willingness to donate goods.
To enable nil to contribute the 111:13or
mul chief of police will start out this
moining in a fottf-liorso cutter , ncconl-
panied by two other policemen , who will
go from hou e lo hotto alone ; the streets
and will gather up thogoodsHiat clti7en
in.iv donate. The lirst canvass ill be tnndo
cm Uroadway nnd Main streets , nnd it is
hoped that every merchant A\ill give
fcomcthing whatever they hnvo to do
natc , whether of nmcli or little value ,
but lot all give something. It is hoped
that enough provisions and clothing maybe
bo gathered to feed the hungry and clothe
the nearly naked. Givcl Olvcl ( > ivcl
Mike Weathcrby , the popular liveryman ,
furnishes the turnout for the jaunt free
of charge. Let everybody emulate His
liberality. Vorv truly ,
W. K. VAUOHAN , Mayor ,
lCrsicotrull | ) Itcfci-red.
Cor.Nctt. Hi.frr , .Ian. 20. To the Kdi-
lor of the HKK : Since it has become nee-
e sary , ouing to the Improvements of
Indian creek that < ovoral of the bridges
Inwo become impassable , \vouldit not bo
n good idea for the city council or street
supervisor to provldo temporary foot
bridges. Especially nro they needed at
the crossing of Fifth nnd Union aveiuies ;
also to have the Union Pacific dummy
bridge planked over , so that pedestrians
cannot fall through as did one of our
Cm-tin street school teachers to-day. It
shook her up quite violently , and she
saved herself from going to the bottom
of the cicek bv grasping on to the cross
ties , and only htul time to extricate her-
M-lf befoietlie dummy train passed by.
Several others have met vith a like e\--
poticncc formerly. \\ould bo well for
tho-io who arc delegated with power to
act taking the necessary precautions to
avoid accidents and piobably a heavy
damage suit. ACmx.nx ,
AVnnts a 1'artton.
Mr. Isaac Uarrctt , who spent the early
years of his lifo in llaxel Dell township ,
nnd is well known thiough this part of
the country , has got into trouble in
Colorado Ilo has been in the west for
home years , and was for a time city mar
shal of # 0.1110 place , but seems to hnvo got
to drinking too heavily. For some Of his
wild scrapes ho was convicted and sent
to the ppnilontlary for a term of years.
His wife , who is an estimable lady , and
who has also many .friends in tlus city
anil county , is busily circulating a petition
heiefor his pardon. Many of the old
residents , who know him so well and es
teemed him so highly in the years jrono
by , me cheerfully signing thu document.
This petition will bo used as supplemental
to ( 'Hulls being made there to secure his
release. It is thought that with the
whjsky out of him and Iho experience
which is now in him , he will beh.ivc him
self if he guts his fieedom.
Supplies Tor Charity.
Mrs. Dr.Macrae and Mrs. J. H. Atkins ,
as a committee , have secured room 5 on
Pearl street , and will there receive dona
tions of charity and piovisions for the
poor from all charitably inclined people.
All contributions , whether pound pack
ages or otherwise , as welt as all pro
visions for the supper , are to bo lelt at
this place instead of being brought to the
hall as announced yesterday. ! N'o package -
ago Of this kind should bo brought to
the hall. Provisions for the supper
should bo brought in before noon to-day
if possible.
The Charity Ball.
To-night the grand charity ball takes
place in Masonic hall. The committee
have mot with encouraging1 support in
their efforts to sell tickets and coirtplcto
arrangements , but there is still much re
maining with the public to make the
iillhir a success , financially and .socially.
Everybody should have at least ono ticket
and all who can should be present to en
joy the occasion. Council liliiflb should
swell this benefit fund to such proportions
tionsus will carry relief into every home
of want in the city. Each should gladly
do his part to secure this end.
Funeral ol" Mr. Frniucy.
A telegram was received yesterday
from Capt. U. B. FraSnoy , brother of the
late James Frainey , stating that ho had
reached St. Louis , on his way to this city ,
and would arrive hero this afternoon
over the Wabash This has caused the
friends to complete the arrangements for
having the funeral at the Catholic church
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The
following wjll fcervo as pall-bearers : O.
\Viokhiun , J. J Hi own , Peter Tholl
Jumcs. Madden , Marlin Hughes , James
Fit/guru Id. J. U. Davidson.
Regular meeting of Harmony Chapter
No 25O.E. Star this '
, .Thursday , evening -
ing at 7o'clock at Masonic hall. Installa
tion of officers and other business of im-
poilance to bo transacted. A full attend
ance of I ho members is desired. Visit
ing members nro cordially invited to meet
with us. By order of the W. M.
Ncoln Notes.
NKOLA , Jan. 20.-K.T. Lovcll and J.
A. Hamilton have returned from Chica
go , whither they went with eight car
loads of cattle and struck a very poor
Deputy Sheriff Unities was iri town
Monday with a landlord attachment
against Ed Gorman'B corn ,
T. It. Bardsloy has concluded to be
come a road agent , and many a harrow
ing tale ho expects to toll.
Our live implement dealers uro paint
ing the country red with bobsleds. Five
years ago biich things went unknown In
this vicinity ,
E. P. Hiown left Tuesday for OUninwa ,
and on his native heath will make his
fuluro homo and amass a fortune by that
buro road to wealth , the newspaper business -
ness ,
The boaid of Irado of Noola are mak
ing a corner on lots in the now town of
Brulo , Neb ,
The Noola cornet band have fitted up
neat and comloi table quarters in the
Fun all building and will make it cnlor-
taining tor the neighborhood.
Bland Hishlon proves lo bo a difficult
pu/zlo to the biiifiiess moil ol Ncoln who
have closely wulched the progress and
complollon of hjr. roidoncu , but the
female iiii't thcro. Humor says ho staked
and lost her on a game of sovcn-up when
ho was biioued in \Vcston. .
City politics are beginning lo como lo
Iho .snmeu. Mtior Clark , it is said , will
bo his own riiiccesior , but rumor says
that the ( jrappvJno , the publication of
which has been so long delayed , will
shoitly make its nnnoarunoo and will
make Us inilucnco felt in the choice of
city ollicials. BILL.
A.C.UL'itsiMM.Pres. I\V. Toi.t.iivs , Vloo-I'rcs.
N , Jlilow.v.Cushior.
Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital , . . , 850,000
Stockholders Reprcfient 1,000,000
Do R gencinl banking buslu"3i.
Accounts of tmiika , bankers , inertliants , iuuu-
uluctumdiwdliiJlvjiUmls received on fiivori-
bio terms.
Domestic and foreign exchange.
The very bunt of munition ulvcn to nil bu l-
iH'rs committed tootircttio.
FAVOIltTn 1fO > fK KK.MiiV : l wnr
THE rnnte < l not to eoutnln n sliiKlopnr
tlclc of mercury or nny Injurious sub
MnncP , lint < s I-LIIH.V VFO . \ni.n ,
JTV1I.J , rtUIP. * t.ll II K SBSCM7I HI 11V
Iihll \ > 0".MfT Of T | G MVPH , K1D-
. ,
If ronr llvor Is out of order , ilien yoni1
whole system Is deranged. The tiloixl Is
Impure , the brcnth oircn < l\e , jon hnxo
hendnchc , feel limtnilil , dispirited nnd
lurvous. Toprevcntn more serious con
dition , tnho lit once Simmons
I IVPR HlMt'IjATOIl. Ifcnt lend n odentnry
iJlIDU nrc or gutter with KlIiM.v A
in old 5tlmnmts nml tnko Simmons I.Ucrltegu-
Intor. Sure to rcllo\c.
Ifjou hnxconten nn.vthlnfrhnnlof dl-
lon , or feel hoiuy nfter meals or
iilfflit.lrtko n do o nnd jou
will feel relieved mid sleep plco'iuiUy.
It > o'u nro n mUcinblo sulTcier with
CO.NSTIPATIOV , l\si' < l unit llii.ious-
NiS" ? , peck teller nt oneo in Simmons
Liver IteKiilntor. It does not require
continual dosing , and costs but n trllle.
It will euro jou.
If jou waVoup In the wornliiK wltha
bitter , bad tnsto In j our month ,
TSVP Simmons l.Uer Itejfnlntor. It eorrects
1HJVD ( | 10 unions Stoitmcli , Sweetens the
Ilicnth , nnd demises the rniredToiiBlio. Cultr
lilihN often need some HifuCiitlmitlo nndTonlo
tonxert nppronchlnir PlcKnt-ss. Simmons l.Uer
IteRillntor will > elle\ < ! Colic , llendacho , Sick
Stonmchlndtffc < tlon , lsentcryiuid the com
plaints Incident to childhood.
riHIT ; partnership heretofore cxlstlnir between
JL Muv llmdy nnd 11nIs t'rledmnn under tlio
firm unmoor > fav Iliodj' A ; Co. , doliiK bnslncsg
In tlie tonn of Tabor , I icmont count j. town , Is
thisday dtssuhed by niiitnid consent , Mr. llrody
ictlrinir I torn the Mint. Iluxls riiedman iissnmes
nil nubilities anillll collect all ilclils duo fiild
linn , and Is ulono iinthorl/ed to receipt for the
same. M llnonv ,
Council lllnrfi ! , Iown.lnnuniy 1C , 1 ! < M.
The public nro Informed tlmt n patent has
been allowed to (3co ( , lt.tiiv oion his Improv
ed ( iiii l.mmiN nnd mnmifnctnied bv us. Mr. C.
\Mlllams hour niitlioil7O ajrent lot- Council
IllnlTs nnd Omahii. public nro cnnUono I
not to buy anv of thesu > ras lump1 ? o\cept
( lit onuli Mr.ltllams , in nil olheis oircred lor
Milonto Infeliure'iieiiH Uon | cinr lump. (2.11.
Dui n-s &Co.\iuuilaclnrers ( nnd Solo western
s , No. m , Ucntl orn St. ,
In Council lllutTs Imvltiff
Fire Esoa/p ©
And nil inuocrn improvementa , call bolls , fir *
ularin bells , etc. , is thu
Noc. > 15 , Ui and Slu , Mntn Street ,
MA V MOHN , 1'iopilctor.
P. T. M VVSK. A. S. II i/ii.TON :
P. 'JL\Mm > ie & Co ,
Real Estate Exchange
Ho. 103 I'eml Street , Council HlillTs , Iowa.
Dealers in lo n , Kansas nnd NcbrasKa I.unJj
JJcal K tate boughf. : ind solil.
Justice of .the Peace.
Office Over American Egress Compiinj- .
B. BICE. M. D.
or other tum.irs lonloveil irldiout
the kiiiro or arwtue > of biooJ.
CHRONIC DISEASES of all kinds n
Ovci tlihtv jcnrs" iract.enl expoiioiioa.
No. 11 1'eiul Slieet , Conn : U Blulti.
" '
Infantile ami I5rlh ! Huinoi'.s Speedily
Cured by Gutlciii-a.
T7IOK eleanslntr the pkln unit Bcnlp of bfith
-U Inmiois , lor ulliivlng1 lleliliiff , IniruliiHr uml
liilluiniiiation , ) or ciiilNif thu Hist sjiiiptninsiiC
ix.veimii > orltiM' , milk enifct , ciild ln'iul , scio-
iiilituiid other Inherited HUniuidliloodill eiise-s
l.'utlcum , tlio Kient M < ln cine , nnd Ciitluuia
boiip. mi exquisite tl < ln lieuntlllcr. e.\teintilly ,
and Culiciuii lle ) lv ent , the neu blixul puvltler ,
Internally , QIC infallible. Absolutely pine.
Mr.nmlMis. Evciett Stcbblns , llelelmitown ,
? ! > < „ iviite : ' 'Our little boy as lei i Ibly iiflllct-
eil itli sci ot nla , Miltilieiim and cr > hliuaH | ever
slucohu vvusboin , and luithlnx' o could give
blin helped lilin , until no tiled Cnticmu Heme-
< IIcM , nlilcli K-iaduallycmcd him , until hols now
us lair as any child. "
" $3)0 ) roil NOTHING. "
Win. Ooidon,87 Aillnytnn A\c , , Clmrlestoun ,
Muss.H , riles : "IuvliiK ! ] > nld about S UtoIli.-t-
cluisdoctoistoeiiio my baby without biieees" ,
1 tried thoCutlcuia Ileiiiedlc" , which completely
euicd , allci Ufcliiu tlueo pntknges. "
IIU.VD TO nrT. "
Charles En > ro Hlnkle , Jeiroy nty Heights , N.
J. writes : "Jly son , a lad of tvvolvojciuM , was
completely cured of a ten Iblo ease of iceina
by the Cutlcura Heniedius , from the top of bis.
head to the soles ol his foot M its ono mas Sot
Ftabs. " Kveiy other icnicdy and phj bielaus
had been tiled In vain.
Nash .VNasli , Covliwiou , Ky , , vviito : "Onoo/ /
0111 cuMoineis IxiiiRht joinCutlema lteinedei [ ;
for his little boy , who had a kind ol' humor Ju
the hcail , so that ho vuis u wjlld sent ) of KHCP.
lie was entliely cured , and his Inther nv hu
would not be uidgo ? VW lor the good ft Uixit
done him. "
Solil ever > vUieie. Pi leu : Ciltleura , AOcenln :
ItesdUi-nt. JI.OJSoap ( ; , icontB. 1'ieimitdby ttio
1'OJTblt DltL'Cl AMI ClIKMlfUj CO. , lloijton , !
JJu < s.
Send for "How to Cure Sklh Diseases. " '
R1RY UbO CIITICUIIA So vi' , an mnuMiely per-
until iniiii d KKI.N llKtirnnm.
AC'IIK , weiikneM and weailneM
caused by ovenvoilc , ( llislialloii | ,
titundlntr , wiilklnif , or llu.1 M'ulnjr laa-
chine , cured bj tlm CuiKinii A.vri-
I'.u.v 1'r.vhTi.n. Now , elegant , oilg
inalund Infallible. 'I'M.
' }
jLa. !
„ . , < „ . * „ .
9 tt cUit t > f f bv pc * > , int t * ll tumo l artpki TIJ II. mi
J. W. WCrPIBUAtf'J , CCLS A32 r ,
ei itnoAuwAy. K , r. _ /
Contractors and Bnilderg , Notice.
. pioposaU will bo received until I'cb-
SKAI.KD 1st , IbM , ] S in. , for the imrcbasu and
removal before March 1 , IfW ) , of tlio CoiiKrcua.
tlnnui church buildltiKi tornci10th and Chicago
Btrects , inirclmso not to Included buck founda-
1lon , luriilluro nnd tlxtures. j'or nirllnupur -
tleulms apply to I.KAVITT liUHKJIAM ,
Secietury Church Ilulldlnjr Commlltco ,
England , France & Germany.
1 be eteumshlps of tills well known line are nil
of Iron , iii water tight compurtinunU , andiu-
furnlshed with ever ) I him ? lo innko thu passage
both BUfo and acrreeublu. They carry thu United
blutcs and Kuropcim malls , und lemoNow Vorh
'lhuiEdus and Saturdays for 1'lyinoutb , ( UN-
UOK ) , Chorbouir. ( i'AHIS and HAMUUHO ) . „
Hatos-Flr t tablu , | 60-1UO. bteerrt o to ow
NOTICK. Special tdvorlliemonK such ns
lost , Found , To Lonn , For Sale , To Kent , Wants
Boardingetc. . , will bo Inserted In this column at
thclowrato of TEX CE.NT3 mil LtNB for tlio
flrstlnscrtlon u4 WVK CRNT3 PKIl LINK for
each subsequent insertion. Lenvo ndrortho-
mcntsAt our on ! so , Na U Pearl street , uoar
llrondwnj- , Council Illuffs.
First incnuo.
Fm KKNTVho thco-Mory brlekbnMiicM
hoti-o formerly oeeniilel ! ) ( Jionowej ? ft
FchoontKcn. Itaiuliool Mc.Miilion A. Co. , No. 1
1'eml street. _
OWAN * WAI.KlIlt , No ! B Mntn Street ,
> -.J ( under Cltlron's It ink ) , real rslntnnno tnei1-
chHiill o exuhnniro brokers. Our books nrc full
ot special Imixnlns , but It | 4 lin | > o slljlu to imb-
Imi a iclinblo list f loin tlio fntt of so mnny imlty
cliaiiKi1 * . Whntwon k Us If jouvnnt to sell
01 tiH'lunnjtlilnpr In our line , utltotis mid wo
wlll enil jouniilloof linrtriilns to elcct from.
I < atirts Improved or unimproved , city or town
prtipcily , sloi'Ui of pooils of nny Kind In nny
jilnccIf such Jon Inuoor Elicit jouMIIII Ictus
iicnrfrom jou. S \ \ u .V Wnlker , Council Ill'tUs
* l1 fp Jliuln In HI On IN by u Imly acnl of the
PI- , , iiUltnbki. : | Wo want Mt mote li\n
njront" , nmloor fumnle. Apph liner on or by
> lei' tr. Win. Itmulnll , tiupt. of ngenclos , Conn-
. U lllull" , lo\vn.
WANTUD C1unvn eiM , $20 lulny. Siller to
business ) i in-sp mill fninlllts. 'IVrrllnry
Chen In Nebnwki utnl IO\MI. ( < nintlc.'a | fiec.
IHNoith Miiln bt. , ( Council lllnirs. S to Id and T
to li , or 1111 l'aiuumSt.Uiimlut , 11 to 4. It. 1 < .
A llM ToKSAI.K .Vta Imiirnln If hold MIOII ,
IT JOincro , O'J ' miles emuthnixt of Oinnlui. 0
loom hoii'-i'i oxiollentell and lUtuui , burn" .
one lor olulit lioic . ono for 'M ooue ; lien , tool
ntiil uiucon lion L < i ; 10) ) neiesln timothy : ir , OX1
foieM trco , collon uoixl.lilnclc ulnnt , a h mid
iiiapluiKooil oixliiuJ , uiplo | < i , dirt rlc" , plums ,
Km pea mid f > mall ft nits. Never fnlllnir stock
Muter. II. 1 * . Omcni , DJJ llroiuluny , Council
llluirs , loun.
T At JloMahon A Co's ,
jNo. . 4 1'earl sticet
Mnnufncturcisof nil filre ot
Especially Dc IjTiicd tar Itunnluir
Tulmlnr and Locomotive Boilers.
Now Massillon Threshers.
Carey and "Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Ma sillon , 0. Branch House.
510 Pearl St. , Council BlulFs.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our stock IB now complete In every depart
ment nnd contains all tlio lutcoUM Icsand effect
Largest Stock
' Lowest Prices.
BAMW.US fnriiNhcd upon nppllcitlon to down
tonn jiaillcs.
Carpet Company
5 Broadway.
E. R. Caclwell ,
Real Estate , Probate
No , 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
rnos , orncEit. w. n. u. ruser
Establlsnod l M ,
No , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
nw UP MPIWI , $20,000 , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,00 ,
Instruments ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy Goods.
We make the celebiatcil llanlinan Pianos , ami Iho Uoyal Whlluey organs , a specialty
Eveiy Instrument vvanaulcd. Semi foi catalogues.
Ly.U'.R MUSIC CO. , Council UlulTs.
( .1 !
IJrlelt litilldliifi of nnr Will rihal or imvnt in ! sitUfAOtlon j-mruit < 33J. Kiaiuo Uouioi movail
on l.ltllc Olaat truoks-thv 1)0. 1 la tlio
SOS Eighth Avenue nnil EislUh Strocl : , Council
If you buy any where except at Metcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc ,
METCALF BROS , , 344 Broadway , Council
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly lilted nn < l fmnlslipil. Opp. Bio.idway
Dummy Depot. S1.W l > er day.
SAMUKL TATli , Pi op.
L. II , W-i.31JA\V : : , Munnger.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Aliole iilo nnd llctall Lunibcr , F.uth , Plilu-rlo-i
Ha'h , Doois nnd Hlinds. Solo iidentti foi'tho
eeli liiMlcd Maiblchend Concentnited h'to '
Jirae. H. I' . .MA ,
Telephone > < o. "s.
No. TIC .Main gtrcol , Council UUiffs.
Queensware & G-lass
At Homer's ,
No. 2.MiiiuStwl : { , Couiidl ninirn. la.
OppOtlltH ItJ Illlilil.llJOlllHll Illllllj.
\Vniin KHiins and good boat d nt ii'tuoimbln
In Stall ami Kedei.U Cotirls.
7 uin ) 6 , .Snu'- . > rt I1 ! < .K' ! : .
Main St. , Council Jllufls.
Near the C. , J5. .t Q. ; ( ' . , M. & St. P. , mul
f' . , H. i. & 1' , ialhv.iv depots. 'Miee.l
iia btlio door. ICu'iyllilns now nuil i
da , , Opened DC- .
| : | |
I'toiuletot mulMaunder. .
J. M.
Tailor !
NO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent.
Ko. HOT , Council niuffi.
f&ailway Time Table.
The follow Ini ! ' Is the time of arrival on < l
ilcjmiiiiruol trains by tential standard limp , at
Iho lociiliIcHt | , Tialns Icavo transterdopot ten
ininuteHcailiur und uiiivo ten niliiuioa later :
llwlAIIT-ciii ino & . , ) . , , , ; . -
'J.A. ) . w. . . . . . . . . Mull itid | i\ui"is ; | . CMi : > . M.
. .
p. M . K\jire s . U.05A. M.
& IIDlh IKI.A.N I.
. Mail and i\piess :
, . .y\ > niinodatlon
cmc.uo. HII.\\AUKH ; & sr. I'AIIL
U.SO A , M Mail and lUpiess : .Vr. ) M.
fciWi'.ii KxpioH 1),05 ) A.M.
U1IC4UOI llimi.lMllO.V i. glll.NCV.
V-MAM Milll ami IIxpii ss < ; : r,0l' .
' wxiuxii , Mr. I.OUIH h I'Vciua
2l.'l ; P. .M IXKIll M , liOllfS KxplC.H IxK'lll
JW i' . v.'riaiii-lei-M. Unils iY.Tianhfor.iiO : : : : i : u
JO.KM. M , .Mull iiii'l i\ne.a. ; | ; , . . , , r > ; 'Av. M.
' M511 , * ! UxintsM Oi 'S i. v.
. ' . ' '
' .hloiiK rity Mull ( : ) . H.
i < : 'iUi'.M . M. J'niil I\PIC-BS : brJi .M.
UMON i-Ainno.
10 ; ! " . \ . H. , lli < i\w Kvptusa : , : tr.u.
al : I r. M .l.lnt < ilii J'lioH. , Oin , A. It. V , .x'lo : r. x.
7Sl' ) . . , OUTlund i\iirud4 : blfi ; t. M.
I.f in u Council llhillM 7lH : s > : i tijiKl innn
" ' ' '
JJM5 p. in. "hui'id itR- " iri'-n.'ij' li iiu n. in :
' . ' - , i. "i i ! , : ii--lll"i p 111 , l.umi ) oinahit
6:15 : 7."i-8Vj-JQW ' : : ' a. in.w \ y.w
OJ-IOJ : 'j OJi-llid' . 1I:1D : ji. in. Hiindiih ii.O
Chicago Wafer \fow \ Gc.
rower f in nMlio4 from hrdrmit piossoi for
driving all kinds ol llghl inacliliuiy , tijiecml
attention tlv en lo chuich oiiran hlowirij. UIH !
tun pilntinir presbeg , moat UiopjiLi * . Itoiioain
Irec/ert. pulUlilnvUtliM. tmrliiir inm-him * tto
Tlio host i bcapcst motor made , fcviid for cir-
unlur. In use In Council llluna li ) '
Ilfujoli ollice.
J'uooi H < 'liiiiillriH : t niurket ,
( /Ilk aitd Meat Market.
lit\u \ ndorinr's Meat Market.
Hnillli A : Meyer * . . ,
Km IA. . Kliiuti , uiffto ft\nAr \ ,
, , . ,
Selling Aiient , H Main t , I ouuvll 11 iill. , low
ui.J 11)1 ) I uin lin tt.