Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 5, Image 6
r THJB3 OMAHA DAILY BIDE , TIIUKSDAY , JANUARY 21,18SC. A SUCCESSFUL BOARD SLATE. From Which the Name of Ohris Hartman Was Intentionally Omitted * STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The Money They Made nnd Ho\v Tliry Slient It Tlio liclulitoii-Clitrko Inmirnticc Vcrcllut Tlio Two Courts nt I.liionln. i INK ntr.'s M N co is ? When tlio tlnio came to elect o Ulcers of the Slate Hoard of Agriculture je tcrdny , it was found that a slate had made up to defeat Chris Itnrtinnn for treasurer. The ofllcers decided upon by tlio governing powers were S. M. Marker of Merrielc county for president , U. M. Henry of IMatto ami 1'rank Holt ot Ciago for vice- pre-ideiit" , and H. W. I'urnas of Hrowns- \illo for uerotnrj , with h , A. Ivont of Kearney for treasurer. The lirst four were elected without opposition , lint HnrtlnanM friends rallied to his support and he was defeated only after n Hard struggle , the vote standing lid for Kent to 27 for lliirlinan. The reason advanced by tlm manager- for put ting Kent for ward was that the pi evident , vice-pros- idcnt and secretary weru nil from tlio o.'iHtoin part of the .state , and that tlio far western section was entitled to repre sentation. 1'iesldtml Marker's first work was to name Kdv Alelntlro , J. U. Dinsinoru , Nut Dnrhainl. \ . N" . Grinnell and 11. It. Nicodotnus as u board of managers for iaS < 5. The ro | > ort of Chairman Wheeler of the eonunittci' to whom was referred Iho uMiniimitlon of the seei clary's report caused considerable e\eilenien1 , and after a long debalo was adopted. In it Mr. Wheeler s.iid that "so far as it was pos-ible to lind out , with no bills , receipts , \oitclicfr , or other tlata at ham ( , thu re port is correct. Not believinir in the di vine ritfht of k'niKS and bclievlnp' that UinK < erras other jioor mortals do , wo respectfully submit , etc. " It was this limgun ) tliat led to the debate , il l > ein < r gen orally nndorslood that it was a lilow at tlio manner in which the managers have been running things to suit their own sweet wills , nnd cipocially al an ilein of $1,000 and over voted by the exec utive board to themselves. Tliu secre tary's repoit as returned by Mr. Wheel- orV > connnittcu , shows the total receipts of last j ear's fair to have been iJ-Ipi.iJ8 ! ! , and espenililures e-i l.i0 ! , leaving * a net lialanco of $ ! ) ,0i3.8. ; : ! 'J'he amounts voted by the nnfniigcrs to tlioinselves are as follows : "J. Jensen. $ l23. ? < i ; L. A. Kent. $1(58.1)0 ( ) ; E. N. ( iriiinell , S1015.8.T ; S. M. Harker , § 00825 ; K. M'clnt.yro , . ' 1.75 ; C ) . M. Druse , ? 100 ; J. 15. Dinv- more , sir,0r. , : . II. Harslow , § 113.75. In addition to tlio above Secretary Furnas gives in liis report tlio following expenditures : lladge piuiidnins ? IfiO.OO rieinlinni 5,42'i.l5 Sliced pii'iiiiiiins ! l.b"J3.20 ( iimi'ial expenses Incident : ! ! e\i Hotel hills. . . , I'lIntlimaiid'adVcstlsliiK. . . . . . . . . . . 2'HS.N'j Sefiolsiiy'H salaiy 1,000.00 TicastuciV.ilaiy 230.00 rosinu'o and btuliuneiy libi.on 1 liibnr. ! liO.OO AssKtutit hiipeilntenent aur.-io Oiatoi 180.00 Linnlier. H0.i5. ) Clmi lotinces 100.00 1 licj chi races JOO.OO Hand inces , 17oOO ( latcUeojtei s 3 Police. . . w.'iob Michlnciy hall 2is.H ( ) Assistant treasiner * Assistant ' -ccielaiy Class snpciIntcndents Hwllchlnp ; cais rooo Clearing giunnds lb . General Miperl ntendent 12.VOO J. C. Honnell Hi5.4) .2,4(51.30 ( On motion of D. II. Wheeler , Iho presi dent and secretary of the state board wore named as a commilteo to meet with the managers of the Omaha Exposition association in Omaha on the 2illi ( hist , to arrange a fair circuit that will not inter fere with the one already established by the states of Illinois. Iowa , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Kansas and Nebraska. The secretary's salary was placed at $2,000 per year , and Iho Doard of live managers allowed $1,000 a year , or as much lliereof as may bo necessary to meet their expenses while engaged in fair vvoik. Til 15 U'.IQIITON IKSUKANCi : CASH. The jury in the Leigliton & Clarke in- Miranco case came into court ; yesterday upon with a batch of twenty-four ver dicts , and were discharged. Eleven of the findings were in favor of Loigliton & Clarke , and thirteen against them , the whole being virtually a compromise of n very complicated case. Just after the lire Iho loss of heighten Ja Clarke was adjusted at some § 10,000. divided be tween twenty- four companies. Thir teen of the losers stepped to thu front and sclllcd , but Iho other eleven were obstinate , and heighten &Clarko brought wilt to compel payment of the policies. Then charges of fraud were hinted at , nnd the ready thirteen sued to recover the money they hail paid. Tlio verdicts as rocouled are as follows : % AOAI.VST i.r.iaA-roK & crAHKn. Fire Assmanco , Philadelphia . S 101.07 Slcrchants * Insurance company . 103.75 Orient Insurance company . 45)3.73 ) Hpiincllclil Kirn awl Mm hie . 403.0J Aniciu-aii Fiio Insmance company. . 5187.17 Homo Insurance company . 4'Jo.OO Northcin Assurance company . National 1'lro Insurance company , . . Washington Kite ami Maiine . Wcstchi'htcr Kire Insurance company WO.W ( iermnnia I'lro Insurance company. , 4' I'onns.vlvanla Insiuance company. . ii .r.i Bcottlbli Union . ) Total S7os.n : ; IX 1'AVOll l.KHilllON i CI.AlIKi : . Wnshluton : Inxiuaiico agency $ i.Kii.K ) llartfoid Insiuance company. . , , . , , : iiai.H ( ) National Insurance company l, I'liiijnlv I nbiiraiiro company 775.IK ) yKtnu Insurance comiiany 1C < 1 ' "i Fhcman's Kiiml ' > ' ) Uciman American \ , ' - : ' -i Imperial Insurance company Lanrahhho Insmanco roiupany. . , . " > \\rl Insunmce company of Xoith Amer ica 775.00 Union Insurance cominuiy 775.UO Sia.un.OS The result is a disappointment to both eides , and motions lor new trials will be filed. As none of tlm verdicts exceed $5,000 , no appeal can be taken. Count ing tlie money already paid , and the dif- f01 unco of f0.000 in their favor awarded by the jury in those cases , Loigliton Ar Clarke get something like $30,000 in- bteail of the $10,000 at which the adjusters lixed the lo s. In other words the insnr- unco companies &avo about $11,000 , pro vided thu verdicts stand as returned , 8TATK fcUl'ltUME COUItT. Ilitlo vs Hcintblican Valley railway , Motion to dismiss overruled. State ox 10 ! the attorney general vs Iurr. ! Committee ordered to report on or before February t ) , 1880. The following causes were argued and submitted : lioyd v& state ; Hoggenkamp vs S. E. Eloy ; state ox rel Sage vs Ucn- uott ) Colors Cole. linn ? vs Cornelius ; orior from Hall county ; reversed and dccreo entered for jjliiinlUV. The court adjourned until Thursday at 9 a. in , UNITED STATUS COUIST NOTES. In the case of Ellen Chcetiey vs Isaac K , Ilccd a verdict of $100 and costs was given to the plaintitVyesterday. In the matter of S.imuol Y"ourso vs Uuiliugtou & Sllisouri Itiver railway n _ _ . < tfi > - motion wa < made ycsiordny lo remand the case for trial to the district court for Pawnee county , from which it had been impropcrlremoved. . The largest verdict given by tin1 jury at this term so far is that of $2,573 74 and cost * ! n favor of Frances Jt Hickov vs William O Itnnnc * , Thp call of the law dotkrt was con tinued Yesterday * with the following re sult ( rasc3 iMtnibsT 270 , 281 , 288 , 200 , y.n , 2517 , 300 , 301 , " 0.1. ! W7 , 303 , contimipd. Case * number 2(50 ( , 2r,1,20 > ,20n , SOI , 207 , 2C , VM , 275 , 277 , SM , 28 % 2811 , 201 , 21)3 ) , 8IK5. SlM.UW.DOl , 30a , 300 , 310 , 311 , foot of the docket. In a number of minor cases , where one side only was icprc- spilled , judgments were entered , but the real business of the term has not com menced yet. IIKUT MINTIO.V. : The police wore on the warpath yester day after Mrav dog" , and up to noon had dispatched fifteen homeless canines to the unknown land of ctmlom. Fred ISInxior , licensed of intimidating n little boy into stealing from his father , was discharged by Judge Pitiker ycstor- day , the case having been compromised. Editor Hyde , of the Evening News , sent an urgent telephone mes.sago to po lice headquarters yesterday , asking that an o Ulcer bo sent to take charge ol a bclligcicnt dog. The policemen lotind ti thrco months old pup having a good time playing with ono of HydcM old shoes. Only this and nothing more. 1 ustcrday afternoon a young darkey fresh from Ihe reform school earned an other term bv slipping inlo a butcher shop and stealing > " fiom the till. Dr. Uurth , the stale veterinarian , sprung a two column address on the Stale Hoard of Agiieultnro jc-terday. Forlunalely , Ihoro Mcio no deaths. The burden of tlio doctor's talk was hog cholera , and innocnlatlon its only cure. Judge Paiker tied J. W. Wylie and Emilia Clmrllon tiglit in Iho bonds o' matrimony yestcrdav. The will of Josopli O.ades , Ihu Wavcrl ; . farnier who suicided hf-t month , has bcei admitted to probate. The propcity goc' to the children. Oillcer FoAvler arrested at Crete ycstcr day one Charles Ely. wanted at Masoi City , Iowa , for burglary. Ely had beer livinij in hincoln lor some time , but go1 wind of the fact that Fowler hud spollei him , ami tried to skip. The oflicer fol lowed him on the next train and overtooK his man at Crete. AK1MVAI.S. A. Agnew , Htibbcll ; E. S. Diindy. jr. Omaha ; J. H. IJroady , Beatrice ; E. Wig gcnhorn , Ashlaml ; Chas. Jlet/ , Omaha S. 11. Calhonn. Nebraska Citv ; W. A Cotton , Nebraska City ; C. U. Wood am V. Holes , Ulysses ; W. J. Wildman , York John Ellis , Beatrice ; M. M. Coad , Fremont mont ; Uev. E. II. Aslmman , Syracuse Claudius JoneK , Sevvard ; E. N. JMorse Fremont ; W. F. ( tin-ley , Omaha ) Morrissey , Flaltsiuonth , Tim OMAHA BOOJf. A Vow Pertinent anil I'olntoti KemarkH. OMAIFA , Jan. 10. To the Editor : The great interest which every good citi/.cr takes in the " -olid advance and prospcrilj of our city prompts mo to join you it sounding a note of warning to those who have , without good foundation in fact an overweening the "boom c-in go on and on forever. There are doubtless thousands of people throughout the country who stand ready to come lo Omaha and become valuable citi/cns in the near future- they could bo assured that the younger members of their families can lind employment Unless homo enterprises are started that will give an opportunity for the young people to earn a fair living and devote- portion of their wages to paying for now homes it is a foregone conclusion that wo cannot e.xpcct llic grpvUh and subilantial increase in population and wealth that so many unthinking people asiumo to bo a positive prospective fact. In many cities in the older states it is customary for the local board of _ trade or some sim ilar body to lake dolinite action to secure the location of responsible manufac turers employing large numbers of pco pie ; in some cases it is done by subscrib ing for stock , in ollier.s a bonus of money or land is given oulrighl by subscription. Omaha must , awaken lo Ihe fact that somu such means will have lo be taken lo back up the "boom , " or some unplca-- ant day the "boom" will break and the collapse and shrinkage will set us back so badly that years will clause before wo can recover. Another point about the "boom " People fi om abroad complain of the priees ot real estate hero ; it may , or may not bo , well grounded , but to the average property holder let me say "Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg. " Sabov 15. You can buy tnrnituro cheaper of A h. Fitch it Co. , 12th St. , bet. Farnam and Douglas , than any other plasc in thu city. AMUSEMENTS. HAItlilSOX & GOUlil.AV 'JO-Nir.lir , The popular comedians , Louis Harrison risen and John Oourlay , assisted by a clover company will present their suc cessful humorous oroalion , "Skipped by the Light of the Moon , " at Hoyu's opoiu house to night. The piece is described as irresistibly funny , sparkling with a high order ot comedy and will nndoiibt cdly make a bit licio. OTIIEU ATTKACT1ONS. The Romany Hyo will bo produced at iho Hoyd Friday and Saturday with matinee. Salvini appears next Tuesday evening in his masterly performance of Othello. The sale of seats opens Saturday morning at the opera liouee. PILES ! PlljESI PILES A sure cure for Blind. Weeding , Itchin and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icmcily ) , called Ji Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnglo box has cmcd the vvoist cluonlu cases oC''a or 0) cats standing. No one necil wider live minutes after applying ( his wonderful sooth lug medicine. Lotions ami iiiatiimicntsdo iiioiu haim than good. Williams' Indian IMIi ) Ointment absoibs the tumois , allajs the intense Itching , ( partlculaily at night utter petting warm In bed ) , arts as a poultice , gives Instant lollcf , ami Is prepared only for Piles , itching of pi I vato paits , and for nothing else. HIUN DISEASES UUJIEU. Dr. Fra/ler'rt Maglo Ointment cures as by magic , Pimples , lilack Heads or Ciuha , Hunches and Knintions on the face , leaving thoHkln dearnmt beautiful. Also e.uiesItch. Halt ithcimi , Sore Nipples , Hoio Lips , and Old ObhUnato Ulceis. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of M ) cents. Itetallcdhy Ktilin & Co. , ami Schroder & llceht. At v.hoIeiHilo by U. F. Uooilmati , I'reparcd nlth upecUl retard No Ammonia , Unio or Alum. fRICE BMINO POWDER , CO. , CHICAGO. AT. LOUIS. IRISH LEAGUE OF LIBERTY , Tbe Executive Committee of the American Auxllliary Meets in Chicago , LETTER READ FROM PARNELL. One Iliuiilroil Thousand Dollar * Col lected Shier the Iviint Convention I'rrsltlent KKIUI Dors Not lie- -Tlif Demonstration , A. GiUlirrliif ; of IrUlimrn. CiiK'Afio , .Jan. S.U 'J'hc executive nilllcfl of the Irish National leatrtto of Amrric.i hold two sc iionf licre to-ilny. President ] : taii , llurimrlM O'itellly trcaiiiier , Jtozer Wnlsli secretary , nnd : i l.irKO number of < lelpfae { ! < < were piemen t. A number of tch'qiatiMnniUctti'rs Iroin piom- Inent citizens \\cio icad , C.\IIPSH'IIK ) | HIP lironiNc of sj inpalhj and snppoi t. Itev. Dr. O'Kcilly runil alcUvrrccdtcil front 1'arucll , which lead as follows : LONDO.V , Jan. & . My Dear Dr. O'ltdlly- 1 IHJX to aijkmmk'dqu the receipt cit your letters of the Uth nml loth of December , ad- vNiigme that joulmu * Tot \ianlcfI t\\o drafts for 1,000 inch tn Mr. Harrington , and pay able to inj-order. At tlioeommpiireinrnt of llic lerent electoral contest , and whim laiRo fiibscilptloiH iKulctmiiiH'iiral to nrri\e lively fiom Anieilca , Itns tlwnied proper hy my collc.imieith ! my column eni'o and ap- uloMil , ( o aiipolnt t\u > mldllloiml tteaitui'i * for tin1 custody and e\itmdltuie ot the luill.iinuntaty Kind. Mr. Justin McCnithy , M , 1' . . and Mr. .loM-pii liliririin M. P.ciu accotdhigly MI appointed , and now and himei'lorwnid act as joint tiiusnrrrs with Mr.V. . ! ' . Maloncy ol the luiul. Will you theu-foic , for the fntmo , in maklnir lemlt- 1 a n CM for the ctedlt of the liarllaiiicntary fund , kindly direct them ana innKr drafts p.iyable to tnwc throe gentlemen at the IrNh p.uli\iuuntnry oilier74 I'.il.we Cham- IKMS , U Hildgo stiecl , Wi'Muilifetur , .Lon don. 1 hiiM ) to thank yon and thioiiglijon the gioat oreaniz.itlon ofhlch jon ate tiiwun'r for the icniaikable and most \alunlilo exertions \\hlch have been made for the last few months In aid ol out movement. Had it not bei-n lor the piompt and most timely as- Mstancihirh ) leached na almost dftily fiom Ami'iic , ! during the piogie-jsof the election ramp-tlgn I fear many of our nomination * miistluiM ! fallen tliioimlijor want of fluids , 'ihe contlniied Biovrlh ol the movement thioiighont < the union and Can ada atlouls ii' ! 'nil on tills hide the > gie'itust iiosslbiCs ciicoiiia ciiitMii. and wo toeln-.imed th.U nothing will be left undone liy.Airnrrlc'a to ctiabhuis speedily anrt siucly to wln'UicJc'iriSlatlVc indejiendeni'c ot iroland. ' , Wishing you 3llharipinii : < } nnd the roninli- miMits ot thu season , I nm , my deai Di. O'lluilly , yours \clytnilj' , < S. PAUXIII : , . Mr. ( iniinon then alluded to tl/e / ( | uteniiina- tion eipiessed by I'icsldent Kgan to iosi n his position in the league , mid proposed a involution that his leslgnutioa bir-not ac cented. Mr. McCarthy , however , proposed as t\n amendment Unit the losienation IHJ ielemit ; b.iclc to llu1 purulent for Ills iccon.sidcialion. The amendinent e.iuied. The inciUU'iit tlioii said hu lind fully dqtei- mlned on condnghcnitoicslgn , but "in con- sidoiation ot the unanimous icnuust of thu. committee \\ouldicconHldcinaiidglMin leplyithin an hour. This was denied to him , and lie then accecded lo the request ol the meeting to hold the olllce at luabt till the lull convention. IJcfoin adjoiiniingthc executive committee adopted the Inllnwlng resolutions : JJesolvcd , That we apmove ot the course of I'lcsidont Kgtm In mafsfug the piepaiations lortlmeoiiMMitlon by appointing as a com mittee of arrangements c.x-1'icsIdoiitAlex- nmlcr Sullh.m and theolllceis ot the Ic.iguo lor the city ol Chicago and state ot Illinois ; \\econgiatulutc that eommltteo on the breadth of views which it took ol its duties by luitlng to serve as a committee of recep tionvltlt the governor ot Illinois as clmlim.m. 5,000 leading citl/cnn loiHOsoiitlii ? all classes , p.utles , meeds nm" pursuits ; \vocommendtholidclltyaiu. . devotion with which thu committee ol aiiangemi'iits has ncrlected all thu details lor the coiucution ; lor the i.iilioad and hotel accommodation- the delegates tie lieland and Ameiica , and for the great mab meeting to uci held in connection with the convention , nnd wo heicby appoint the samu committee to pcitonn the .samu luncllons tor the convention to bo held when the date can be auangcd by communication between the league executive and Air. I'arncll. 'llio treasurer repoitcd that since the Bos ton convention w,000 ) had been sent to Iielaml , and them was sutlicleiit on liand to maltu the amount $ tOOUuO. At thu meeting John Fitreeiald of Xe braska piesentcd ; ? 3.-100 raised In the city of Unjoin. l'i\o liundicd and eighty dollais was iiresented by John F. Aimstiong ot Augusta ( < ia. ) , and a telegram was received Horn Omaha stating that $1,000 had been .sent to-night. Notwithstanding the heavy snow btorm. eveiyeat ( in Cential Music hall was occu pied , the occasion buingadQinonstiatlon , the door i ocelots ot which weioto be iratheied into the National League treasury. Judge Moian of Chicago nicslded , and addtcsses wcio m.uio by I'atnck Kgan , Key. diaries O'lteilly , M. V. ( lamion , Col. M. Uoland and otheis. The aiullcnee numbered lully.1,000. SOCIAL I'l The J'"n innci'B' J'all Last Kvcniug Tlio aictropolitan Club. One hundred and twenty couples danced to the strains of the Musical Union orchestra last evening , at Light Guards' hull. The occasion was the third annual ball of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Kiigineers. Every po.ssiblo preparation for tlio event had boon made beforehand , and in every detail the ball was a perfect sue All who vvero present agreed that it was undoubtedly more enjoyable than cither of the two preceding annual balls given by the brotherhood. The committees in charge of the afl'air , to whom all credit is duo , lire as tollovvh : Committee of arrangements , with red badge , A. L. Johnson , George Myers , M. Decker , Ben. F. .Johnson.John Hill.Fohn M. Byors. Matt C , Parr. John B. Nel&on , Z. T. Hprigg , Noah S. Clarke. Reception committee , with bine badge , T. O. Livingstone , M. W. Uurnham. Noah S , Clarke , John M. JJycrs , John It. Nel son , E. H. Fonda , John Hill , Ben. 1. Johnson , B. C , Howard , William Jobson. Committee on invitation , with purple badge , all nieinburd of Division No. 183 , B. ot L , E. THE 3ir.Titoroi.irAN cum. The calico iiaity given by the Metropol itan club at their hall last evening was a pleasant all'air. About forty couples were present. A atlkiulo 1'iirly. In the east , society is amusing itself with a now form of ploasure-divorblon , the "Mikado party. " All of the arrange- mcntb for the ball are made on the Japa nese plan , as developed in Gilbert & Sul livan's latest comic opera , The supper , ball room decorations , etc , , are all pat terned after tito style of the Japanese , while thu costumes of the ladles and gen- llunien in attendance are , as nearly as posatblu , exact counterparts of the gar ments worn by the lo\ ely Vum > Yiun and the htatcly loid high-chancellor ( etc. , etc. ) Pooh-Bah. Tlio cnuo has already struck Omaha , Tlie lirst club togivo a "Mikado party" in this city will be the "Homo Circle. " This inti'ii ting event will come off next Friday evening , January 29 , at Light Cimrtls' hall , ami will bo attended only by the nu tubers and friends of the club. All of the costumes will be new and strictly correct Every arrangement 1m been inailo to ensure the success ot the affair , and it will no doubt be one of the most enjoyable social ovont-j of the season - son , Gospel iiH'otinga are still in progress at the Itiintibt uluiivn , and iuoreusing in Ju iciest every evening. Service * at a p. in , and 7 p , in. Dr. Dewltt ureuuuea every evening. Til 13 OKAXI ) ,1L'UV. SOIIIP Knrtlier liktct-osttiiR I'ncts AVlint , ( U < IKOVhkolry Hnys anil did not Say. "There is ono littk * point in connection Mith tliogrand JIIT.V jiand reeently drawn by tin1 cotnmis-icfhui ; . * , winch has not yet been mentioned o \ thn local pross" said a gentleman to a representative of the 1JKK lastliighl. "What ia that ? " inquired the reporter. "Snuplj this. 'Ono ' of iho mrmbors of this important and responsible body , an individual named A. li. Willis , isa negro porter in thu gamblmg lioti c oVer Horn- bergcr's saloon. ( In what grounds of Htiipsslin wiis over put on this body is more than 1 can iios ibly divine. 'But look the matter up ; and joti will lind that what I am you is true. " The reporter at oneo posted to the gambling house over Hornbergcr's sa loon , and found ; Mire c'liousrh ' , that the colored man. Willis , wasono of thegrand jurors. lie lias been a ort of porter , or man of all work about this gambling room. His duties Inn o been to open or dml the del. door , wnteh the "spy-hole , " fetch drinks , etc. lie still docs oild jobs about HID establishment whenever he gets a rlmnce. He will probably give up this position at olicu to accept t'liat of grand juryman. Another ono of the grand juror.- was defendant in a criminal action for assault with intent to kill in the last term of the district court. He was put on the .stand and sworn in his own defense. His testi mony was disregarded by the jury. Several of his acquaintances swore that they knew him to bis a man of sorry veracity , whom they would not believe under ten thousand oaths. The o are but two samples. SUM 15 roi.l > I'AC'l- . In connection with the im'M'iit agita tion concerning the grand jury panel , the ver. > interesting question lias arisen as to whi'thcr the dismissal of the grand jury and fliu drawing of another one , would bo illegal. That provided such action were taken at least ten days before the opening of the term , during which .such grand jury was to serve. In certain quarters it has been stated that .such a procedure would be illegal. That is lo > ay , it would bo contrary to .some law * . What law ? That is exactly the question which a leporlerftir the Biiput : : to Judge Wake- ley on Monday evepiug , in propounding the query : "Is tlii'ic any law which makl'slt Illegal for a grand jurj to be dismissed , and apothcvoim fo be drawn , at- any time licfoic tcn.daj's liom Hie opening ot tnotcimV" This question was put to Judge Wake- Icy himself , because he was considered to bo as well ported on the matter as any gpntfpinan accessible to the reporter , lie answered plainly , "No" that there wasj no such law on our statute books A misconstruction , willful or otherwise , has beqn placed upon the local interview nublished in Tite-day evening'.s UKI : . Judge Wakeley did not say. nor was he matip U ) say in tnoIVnr. , that n grand jury ( for any reason whatsoever ) could bo dis missed and.aiiother'ono empaneled in its place during ' a l term of com ! . Tlijs , the "best "authorities are agreed , " would be plainly iu conlrailietion of the.- ruling of the supreme court in the ese ! | of Jones n. the State of .Nebraska , , The interviewer ( lid ask .Tmljjp Walveley wjintlipr theic was any InW winch inailo It illegal for a grand jury to b6 dismissed and another 4 one drawn in itt ! place , piovided wiieh ac tion were taken : b'eloru ton days from the openinsrof tire term , that is before llio opening of the teim , not within the lirst ten davs. It was to this question that ' Judge'Wakeley replied "no. " The reporter 'called upon the judge last night and had' a further interview with him about tlitf matter He declared that lie was uver.-e to settling legal ( IN- putes in print outside of his court-room and disliked to say anything further. When , howeyer , he was asked again whether there was any law which would make it illegal for the present grand jury to be dismissed and another one drawn in its place , provided it were done outside of the ten days' limit , ho again replied that there was no such law. "and , " he con tinued , ' 'there is no law authori/ing the judges to take any such action , cither. It would be foolish for me to tell you now what I would do in tlio matter , were il to come up. The question has not arisen , and is not likely to. It would bo like my trying to answer your question , if you were to ask mo : 'If A comes to you and asks for a writ of habeas corpus for U's release , will you grant it1 I will sav , however , that I am clearly of the opinion that , according to a icccnt decision of the supreme com I , a grand jury could not be dismissed and another drawn in its place during a term of court. " COUXTIT oinuit's PRUS. Gustav nciickc Makes His Keporl mid TuriiH Over the Cash. Yesterday afternoon Gnstav Bcnoko , ex-county clerk , made a report to the county commissioners of the fees re ceived by him during his term of office and turned over lo thorn the balance due. The report shown the the total amount received by him from August SO , 1835 , to January 0 , 1880 , to be $1,1)15.10. ) Of this $ l,03v')0 ; ) was expended for clerk hire. § ; ! 01.10 for copying the tav lists , and ? 910.03 for salary of ilia clerk , leaving a balance of tl70i.2'J , which was turned over to the commissioners. This is the largest amount ever turned over to the county by a clerk in the histo ry of Douglas , although the term was less than live months in duration. Miislo Tor tlio The twenty-ninth programme of the La dies' Musicale society was rendered yes terday in Meyers' hall , a largo attend ance of members and their friends being present. The programme was one of un > usual artistic PAcellcmce : ( a ) Hy Moonlight Humid. . . . ( b ) Mazmlea. op. 11 ( ! i untcld Mlsi Minnie'liothschlld. ( a ) "Thou'it Like Unto ! Flo\vei , " , . . . . , 4' HiiblnstPln ( h ) " 311/spah / , " ( Slebel MlsKll".gcr ( , Etude * 17 ami IB , ( in , 41. Heller Miss Minilia Blown. The Lost Choid..M..J. , Sullivan Mis , Lstabroolc. Die Forello Schubert-Heller Miss JeamUo May. "Si o Ver , " , . , , , f Mattel Miss UlaiuVe Olher. frt ( Kiuitasle , (0 ( mfnoM Hacli ( b ) Waltop. , . n. Nv > . Mos/koHski Miss Olllcer. ( [ The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER Without Harm lo FAJIlUOor ITAKDS , amlparttcularlrndaptedtoirurmCHmutM , No family , rich or poor , should be without It. Sold by all aroocrs. Uut beware ot vile 1ml Utlouu. " VJiAJtLixis l * manulacturol oaly by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORKj * j COMMERCIAL MEN IN CAUCUS Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Natiooa Board of Trade. PROCEEDINGS OF YESTERDAY , KosolutloiiK rnvorhiR A National Hnnkrttpt , Suspension at Sll\cr CoiunRo ninl au In- ( . refine of Anierlenii I-Mrst Day urtlic A W VSIII.NOTO.N , , lan. ao.-'J'ho sixteenth an- mini meet I us ; ot the natlunal ho.ndof titulo cominoncod In this cltj" at noon to-daj , Vicdeilck I'laloyof riillndclphla picsldlng. The toll call disclosed the iirc cncc of foitj- five delcsrale- ' , ivpir.-eiitlin : the trade organ * Irntlons ol ISaltlmore , Haslon. Chleaxo , Cin cinnati , Indianapolis. Milwaukee , Minne apolis , Xcw lla\cn , Now York , Philadelphia , 1'orllaiul ( Oiouon ) , San Francisco , St. Paul , 'Iioiiton and Hildgcpoit. The annual lopoit ot the cveculho council explains tin1'icnch sUlin lor Iliooneoui- aucinctit of the shipping Interest , and sajn it will prcpaie a way lor the discussion ol the1 subject ol Amnicaii shliiplnir. Tlicie aie certain question1 * , sajs the leport , on which thehoaid ha * , passed so frequently , amillli so near an apptoach to luiandnity , that It may bo said to line cio.ilcd a platfoim tor itsoit so far as tlio- aio conceined. Among them we may nientlnn thu enact ment of the national brmkiiipt law , the establishment hy llic United Slates gou'iiimont ot poslal telogiaph and tele phone , suspension ol column-ol the standaid slh01 dollar , and the mipstlnn of iiniioiiu legislation in s'.atfi. 'I he repoit is loipcct- fill \ ii'l'ciicd to tlH'coiumciclal associations ot tfiecimntiN lot thclrcaielnlcoiisldeiatlon , and lor SIKH H-commendatlons as they nmj decide to maUc. At Ihe conclusion of Ihc leading ol the le- poit , which \\iis adniilci ! , thoMeichant's , as- soclallon ot Milwaukee was admitted to the lionul. The elei.'tlnn of olllccis foi Iho ensuing > eai lesidtcd In the nnaiitmoiis ip-electlon of Fiedctick Haley of 1'hll.uU'lphla as pipsl- dent , and among Ihe \ Ice piesiife.nts , ( Jcoiuo M. Howe ol Chicago , K. H. llncon ol Mil waukee , II. H. ( 'amp ol Milwaukee , C. M. Lining of Mlnnc.ijiolls , and I' , 11. Kecly ot St. Paul. The subjects of b.iiiKrnptey legislation and those iclating to Intei-vtate ciimiiieice were placed in the hanlls ot special comnilttocs lot in\L'-llcatlou , with insll neitons to icpoit at a Bul > - > emiuiiC meeting ; Twoviibjects , "Theocean poital service , " pioposcd bj the Philadelphia fooaid ot tiade. mm "A meilean shipping inti'iests , " pioposcd by the New Voik hoaid ot liado and traits- mutation , weietaKen up and discussed at length. The follow ing lesolutions were then adopted : I'esohcd , That the national boaid of trade lerognl/es the necessity ot adopting the same methods pursued byom compctltois lo establish fiuickand licquciit communication with loieign maikels and place our ship nwncit > upon an equal footing with those ol other countiics I.esolved , That It expedient for the na tional go\ eminent to assume the lull expen diture authorised by law lor the eiiiilagoot mails to foreign coimtile.s in American \cs- scls , and congicss ; Is meed to apjiropilate a fin ( her sum not gi eater than tlllity cents pel ton. giovs icgibtcr , lei C.MIIJ thousand miles of ai.tual NOjagoasa subvention to Amcil- can \essclsot over l.OCO tons aclilnllen - g.iircd in tuiclgn coiamcicc. The president appointed a committee to pu'scnt theforecolng icsolutlons to the ap- piopilatecon-jiCssinnal committees and accei- tiiin w lien they can bo gi\cn a hcaiiiiK In theii-bohall. The Kjiceial committee on Uaukiuptcy legis lation olleicd the following le&olulions , and recouiiiicndcil their adoption : Kcsohcd , That this boaid again most em- jihatlciilly and uniesei\dly oxpicsscs its sense ot the grqat iiimoilhiicc ot HID iinnie- diato ciinctniMit of a jiiit , cconmlcal and es.- jiedlUous national bankruptcy law ; that this boaid bcliescs that a bill , drafted by .Judge Towell is one possessing these losliablo finalities tliu substantial niovKlons whcicot' aie also Contained In the bill- , now pending In congress and which been icspoct- l\cly intiodiiccd by Hon. Ueorgc K. Hoar in the United States senate , and by Hon. I' II. Collins in the house ol icpicscntathps , \\hiclimcasincs aic heicby hcaitllv ap- piou'd and ondoisod by the boaid ; be it 1m- Ihei llcsolvcd , That congress fs heicby moil icsicctfidl ' wigi'd to unto Ihe ] > giant com- mcicial Intcipsts of thn country protectIgu and lulicf by an Immediate enactment ot a law containing the provisions ol the bills hcicinbtiloic mentioned. A committee of one liom each constituent l.ody ol the bonul was appointed by the chair to present the ic oliuipns to the house judiciary committee. Adjourned until to-monow. licnl Kbtntc Transfcrfi , The following transfers wort filed Jan' 1 ! ) , with the coitaly clerk , and reported for the UEB by Ame * ' Heal Estate Agency Ilcmy Bolln , tieasuicr , to John Ticdcinan , so cor of lot 1 sec KMU-M , B f.O-NX ) acic.s. and e lOacicsot w'JOacics of n nt lot 1 sec 10- 10-13 Douglas Co , lav deed Sl.fii. T. H. Uucnand wile to Pnttlck and Ie- ! glna Monow.lot 5 block ! 1S iind lotO ; block20 , town ol Klorcnco , Douglas Co. . w d Sl'J. .limit's H. Kanihwoith and wile lo Hciman Koiint/e. undivided yt of nwjf ot no X ol no \4 \ sec 15-15-lil , Douglas Co. , n c SIO. Thos. Jiijaut and wife to Herman Koiint7e undivided > < Jotf n\\ } { of ne } { scti 15-15-ta , Douglas Co , qc SI. .rames Kcnnolly and wile to John Itegan , Iot _ Uilock ! 5 J < iiiint7u's 1th add Omaha , w d ben'nls Cunningham and others to the pub lic. Cunningham A : Ihitnnan's add Omaha , ot block 4 Cunningham's subdivision , dedi cation. John L. McCaguo and wife to Charles P. Kinzol. lot la block 'I Haw thoino's add Oma ha , w d-SKO. ICpl'ulrii ISngler and wile to Christine HojclotM aiidwo2fl of lot 0 block Ib'JK , Omaha , w d SVX ) . Sam'11 . Cuitls and wife to Olof M. Olcson lot 1 block 1 Uclvidcre , Douglas Co. , w d SylOO , L'hiisllneUoye to Mary M. Englei , lots 3 , 4 and w a-Jlt ot lot S block iwy , Omaha , w a Kobei t Jf. Taylor and wife to Omaha Bolt It. It. Co. . parts ot lots lit and 14 block iM , Walnut Hill add Omaha , w d-S451. Patiick A. Uclineldcr and wile to Ceo. II. Hoggs and others lot 1 and e } of Jot 'A block 85 , Omaha , w d $15,000. .JeficiHon W. Ucdfoid and wife and others to Napoleon B. Apple , lolsO ami 7 block 3 Havvtlmineadd Omaha , wd 51,100. ( ! eo. II. Uoirgsand wife to .Joseph Kralche lot B block 8 Aibor place oxter-slon , Omaha , wd-Sm Mou Is W. K , Purchase nnd wife to P.Ik- homelty cemetery association , 4 ncres of so cor ot vv e # sec 10-10-10 Douglas Co.v d Hemy Itasinuss and wife to John \V \ ( Joodliaul , lots r and i : block 4 town of Kllc- hoin , Douglas Co. , vv il feSOO. Tliomas lliennan ( single ) to C , J , Smjthe. lots -lii and 47 Cunningham it Uiciiiian's add OmaliH , w d § 000 , John W. ( ioodhaid to Mrs. Kmnm Uasinus lots 5 nnd ( l block 4 town of Klkhoiii.Doiiglas Co. , w il- Nannetta Uaunier to Ketdlnaml Stioltz , all lights to any part of Hnitman's adit Omaha , j u S.W , Atteinpicd IJurglars iitlomptcd to enter the resi lience of J , W. Bell , No , 1100 Park Wilde ivoiiuo Tuesday night but awakened tlio family and "were driven away , Kvorybody should bo sure to get their namu and residence inserted in the now jity directory to bo issued in a few weeks , J , W. WOLKK & Co , , I'JO S. Uth st. Now Clly Iliroclory. Parlies having ohncgud their ivsiiiiMice > r boat ding ] ilaeu in tlip fit. ) should simd n their new location at oneu so that it iYJl ] appear in the diicetory correct as tliu > ook IS o\lensvely } used In the delivery ) f mail mailer throughout tbp city. J , M. WOI.I-K 6Co. , IMtfS. l1ti ! St. 1 Dr , Hamilton \ \ arron , Kcluotio Pliysl * iun and Surgeon , 703 N , 10th fctiuot , ' iqar Wobstcr. Day and night calls promptly attended to. BAH SWINDLES BAFFLED , Roscoe Fhilpot It Go , and Their Attempted Frauds on the Omaha National Fully Exposed , An attempt to perpetrate an e.vtcusivo swindle in the name of the Omaha Na tional bank lias just been discovered , and the Associated pros' ? oor tlio country thU morning contain tlio expose and warn ing.On On Monday last the. Omaha National received a , letter from Maun , a riiiladol- phiu lithographer , enclosing letters and a specimen draft blank on the Omaha National , which ho bad rocehcd from Koscoe I'hilpot it Co. , of Laporlc , Ind. The loiters from I'hilpot ordered " 500 drafts like the specimen struck oil' . Natur ally concluding that a bank would attend to Mich matters itself , Mann sent the whole coriespoiidence here. The bank people atoneo tclegiapiicd him that Phllpol & Co. nor any party aside from the bank it elf , has the light to such papers , and that a fraud was being attempted. Tlie mailer had been dropped when vcMerdav Mr. J. II. Millanl , the presi dent of the bank , received n communica tion from UIQ Western Lithographing company of Ue Moines , with enclosures "initial- licit received from Mann. The I.a Porto coitcein had here again sent a "M'elnien blank of a draft on llie Omaha National bank , and as before ordered BOO printed. Once more Iho lithographers scented the Inve/.o and turned the matter over to the bank. Mr. Mlilard now seeing that an ev- teni-i\e selieme to defraud was brewing , ordered this Dos Moines linn not to re spect the older , and at the same lime sent the following lolcgram to thu Asso ciated Press. OMAHA , Jan. 0. Letters dated LaPoilo , Intl. , .lanuaiy 1C , and lb , signed ltMou ( Phil- put ite Co. , and adiliessi-d to Mann. I'lilla- delplda , the Wc-flein Lithograph Company DoMolnos , and peilmps ( illicit , oulcilng a small nnuilicrot ( traits and critllicatcs pin- soiling ' lo be lor the Omaha National bank .1' ; dialls addii'ssed to the Kouith National bank of New York and Union National bank ol Chicago ) have been .scut out , and as the Omaha National has _ no knowIcdgool any such turn at LaPo.ite , Ind. , or elsewhere , and always 01 dcis Its own drafts in huge amounts , the transaction is doubt less u fiaud , and banks , merchants and otheis should been on theiool < oit | 01 they may be swindled. Mr. Milluid WH : s.onn in regard to the mutter last night , and said "I regard Ihu whole busines-J as : i scheme on Ihe part of the self-styled Kos- eoe I'hilpot & Co lo defraud unwary parlies. I'he scheme is s0 Irnii'-parenl , nowevcr , that it is blocked at its first step by the lithogmplicis Had cither ol1 both ol the two concerns failed to ' 'u through it or been dishonest enough not to question il , UK : plan might have worked extensively with MiccoiS The specimen blank Irom which PlnlpotiV : Co. wanted the drafts made docs not in the least resemble our.s , and consist moicly of a form employed by some other bank with our name marked in to be used in the print. Phil- pot & Co. hadl the names of our eoriospomU'iils at New York and Chicago wrong , for initead of the Fourth Na tional and I'niim National they arc tho. Chemical National and First National Further , our blanks are not lithographed but are Mill engraved by lliuAinciicaii Bank Note company of Now York , The. ( liHcrenco , liowj\or"wroiild ( for a while have boino no oll'cpl ami fraud by their nso could have boon widely practiced by Plnlpol & Co. , whoever 'they may be. Tins exposure will probably cJicek lliem. Had they succeeded in accomplishing their doiigns they could have been pun ished for lorgery , but as iheyhavo failed and their intentions tins yd bill presump tive it is hard to * ay that , in the e es of thu law , tliei are so lar guilty of any eiime. " A HAMl'AXT A'NIMAI. . Fif'Cceu Docs JtlttcMi hy a Blail J'eUow Canhii ! . Yeteidiy : aftcinoon a mad dog on South Twenty-second street created a dire commotion. Ho WHS wildly rabid , and ran , ffolhiug and foaminj ; , up and down the streets , frightening everybody so badly that all retreated to house shel ter. The canine then whetted Ins teeth and bit lifteen pliic'1 dogs that chanced to stray across his path. Things began to lookdesporUc. Finally after much deliberation n paityof men anil boys slllied : forth , resolved to c.xtcr initiate the beast. They Avero armed with all manlier of weapons revolveio , shotguns , bowie-knives , barrel stave- , , clubs , rocks , etc , etc The mad dog was soon driven into close fjimrters. He niiulo desperate attempts to down hi * assailants , but was sadly unsuccessful. The superior forces of the enemy proved too much for him , and ho was soon a bleeding , pulpy mas on the snowy ground. No one was seriously bitten. as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Oreatest jledtcal Tnnmph of tbo Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER. I.oi ofnppciltc.lioweliicoitlvffl'alu In Ibe bead , with u dull aeutatlim in tko back , 1'aia norler parr tlio lionJder- blBde , Fulloeia after vJttlag , with arlU laclluntlon to exertion of body or mind , Irrltablltiy oftomiiert I.oiv Hvlrlli , with ufoelliiBoriiavlnijrneeluctod toinodutr , Woarlums , DlzzlneB , riultoi Inent Ihe Heart. Dot * balurollio erei , Headache over thu right ere , Ite tlcMae , with fltfal dreami , Illshly colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. TDXT'8 I'lIiLS ara especially adapted to cucti cases , ono tloia ctrecta such a change of fcelln,7H3ton3tonlalitllosurreiTr. 'f bey Iiicrenio t lie Appetlteikiiil came the tody to Take on tfleili , lhU3 tbo iTRtem It lionrlihod.anil liytlitlr Tonic Action on thb UlfeitlveOreaDBTtctriilur8toolNara produced. | Prlco aS14 > furrav Mt..IV.V. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Konovatej tlia body nmkea litalthlleili. . BtreiiK'theni tlie wcat , repalrntbo wastes of Vie fly stem with pure blood and hard mu&cla ; 101103 ths uerroiu trstwn , larlgoratos tlio brnlo , and Imparts Uia Vlior o uiunuaod. 11. Sol.l br ( IniD'iUts , OVi'tCK 44 nlnn-HySt , . New Vorlc. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA'S ' LAUGHING FESTII/AL / Thursday Evening , Jan. 21. The Popular Comedians HARRISON &GOURLAY And their FAMOUS COMEDY ORGANIZATION n the Piny that has made all America Laugh SKIPPED BytteLiglitoftlicMoon Tlio rolKiitntr rage ot louklitfri' or ilic pnst. 'UiCCciUiS ) In ( ill ihtijirjr.oipn ! cilics ol Amuii- u.l l inn Now Voil.'toHun I'lnuclscu. The bait ; of oatf ooiaincucLBVodnfiduj' aoruliie' itt tliu box uflioit. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. VlXS & CUUllCIlHiK , N-\V. Cor , intli and Dongl-ts SU \ \ \ J. 313S. Uth Street. GKOKOiV. : . DOAXK , ATTOUVEV * T lavr , Falconer's lllock , ISIli unit K. n. corn ns" , ATTOIINKV AT I .AW , Collections > nndo I'wniiill.r ; Uoubtfitl rlnlmsft lriy 1'Hniani. OKO. S. SMITH. W. II. Mt'urn SMITH * Ml'lli'llV , JSOO rarnnin Strrot. ' Lou s I ) . Itoi.Mi s. , lonv T. nil.t.ov. IHhMis ) : & nil.LO.V , Unomi 8 wiiil 10 , 1'lcu/rr lllook , Oppo'llo 1'osU olllco. GE.V. J. K. Svntu. Joii.v C. Snex. SMITH , < t S11KA. Pinctlco In flnlo , loloriiliunl $ UirfMnoeouit | , ntti'iitlon it\\on \ to I Inntiilniiil ( > n or tlllc , cfi\cyiuichifrniul ) ! tollccMon uT oltilniB. I.OAUS RPcuu'tl ; ul ° o tlio Mile nuil tontid ol lenl relate All h-Riil bii liu > ildiiii ullli ( lltimtuli. Cull on ( irnililin 4Siiilth .V Slioit. ntlonu-js : it-lmv , i-or- ncrof 15ih RliTot ninl t'nnllol mcmie , iienrI * . Wll.SUN" .Vi'KATTON , Connnetdnl I.iw ninl Moivanllto collections a fpccliilty. licrt'iciico : Moivliiiut's Niitloim Hunk. , " PHYSICIANS. DR. ELEANOR STALLARD DMLEY , Oflico nilit llL'stilcncts 005 JN. 17th STREET. JAMP.S II. PKAHODY , M. D. , 1'lijsleian and Surgvon. t IlosMencp ) No. HOT .Tones PI reel. Offlco , ojil'sOpoi 11 House. Tolephoiui No. ! - " > . Dit. JAS. iucictrrr : I'n rsici.ix AMI SirndKON1 , Onico aliil Keslilcnoc , V-'l N. Ifilli St. , OiOUUA : A. AK1JUCKLE , M. C. M. DIXSMOUE , A. M. . , M. IX , \VIllius' ! ! | Klock , 111 ST. tittl'i St. . 11. \VOIII-\M. ! : . U.s Onice I ll ! > linage PtrcL-l. Tolopliono S. ! . Jtietc'cnco m Cupltnl A\c. Tell pliouc 540. I/VAX t'AMl'M. 1) . , Onicn. 1.11U Blicot , opposltq PoslolHco. T < ; lo- phone l.U. 'tN , soili t-tioit. Tvluplmno No. 110. Itoom 7 , CrcijiVtoii Illook , nth nnd bttcct . . Ollico ToicplKiiiu , 44-1. Itrflilcnto , I1H 1 Oillloriiln St. Ollico Hoiusuto4 anil " to p. m rTM7CHAl > WlUK , . ' . 1'hy.slcian andSurgcop , . Telephone tW. Onico3in H. litli st ' .Dlt.-W. ( ! . . KKMl'EIt , Ilculschcr Ar/t. . ODIre l..OT . I'm iinin At. Hours 10 to U p.m. IteslUclu o Cor. Ccntor nnil H. lith. DKC. P.HAKHIGAJf , Phj'frielnn. and Smgeon , nieoiuiJ icsiilcni'o lEOUI' ' IS.V. . CONNKLL , M. D. , . ' * Ilomcccipatlilst ; Office. 'finB. UtUst. Tclophono CIJAS. Jt. COM , M. I ) . HIJ hlduu and Surgeon , Cor. poiiRlaa and lOtli Bt. , Oinnlm. Ne i Dit. M. J. O'lvOUHKK. Plijsician and Surgeon. Oflico nu8liiiiin'R ] block , KHli and Dougus st. ' ncsldrneo 17 1 Webster 6t. Olllcu liom 4 10 to 12 u. m.y ; tofip. m. md- 7loop. in. OMAHA SANITAUIUM FOR 1 > .VDlEa Honrs.n n. in. to ) p. in. , weekdays only. Williams' block , 111 N. Ifith at. UllI'll.VU. DlNSMOIlK , Sllpt. ' . ; > DR. .1. W. DTSAHT , Physician and Surgeon , ' ' N. W , Cor. 12th and Howard Sts , ' OlTlco noun , 10 to I" a. m. , nnil n lo fl p. m. Toluphono , 80. Dentists. CHAltLKS it JACKMAN , Dentists , JfilBDodRO Slroot , Northwest of ! I' . 0. J. 0. WHIXXKIIIIV , D. D. ti. , Dentist EncccEbor lo Clinileg & Wblnncry , Street. JK , CHAS. 13. C. HMITJI , HUltOKOX OKNTIBT. COIINFIl OK jr.TH Si. AMlCAI'lHH , AVKMJE , ( Jlicoba lllocK- . ) N'Htninl tcc'lli pie& r\od , Uicffiilailllos of L'llildlf'll'H lUf'tll ( OUOUKd , ClI-l'llMH Ol lllOlll Illlll MIIIIIHCIIKU , K M anil plnHtiu illllHH' , polil-llnod plain ? and ici-lli wltbout plutus. All workKimr- iiiitffd , anil nt most reiiMiiuililo rulcc * . UlHco lioui.'i IIIHII 'i u. in , iti n p. in , dully. Painting and Drawing- Instructions in Drawing and Painting AiidoidoiRllllid hy MISS OAJW1K liltdDT. Htiullo. W AilIiiHton liluolc. Luiidgrapo mid nonvib , ' .lilnii juiliiiiiiir , reiKMineuroik , lluurua In oil and uiilnicnlnr , liutiu piilntlnif. btildicd wltli II. B. Oltrord , A. Iliirmun , Art f.ciiKiio ' , Now Vorlt Cllyj Mrs. M. JloU. Bhlrt Factory Omaha Shirt Factory , PH. GOTTHEIMER , Manager. Fine Shiits and Undenvear to Older. SObNoillilOthSt. UPHOLSTERY. Upholstery & Repairing 33. B. FJSZjUO'W © , No. IfiOl Cu * fill eel. InUcb over Mnttrc < iB , iciinilu riirnltiiro nnd iinhf It ua fixJ ) as iioiv. I'lllawB mid ilolilcri nuilp to oid r , t'liidrd lubtuttil , lownr li MI ) eUvwIifin , nnd > io ilo our nn oiU. lloji ire not cinplovfid S nd poktnl uu < l wu will tul' m jou.