Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 3, Image 4

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    "IP * *
llinitr.ST AND LOWEST.
Showing Hie highest ami lowest prices paid
on tills market for hogs during the pn t
HX days and for the coircsponding jxtiod ;
last Iliontll !
Iccomlxrr ; | Jnnunry.
Thursday . .
Ft iilay I ! U7 : i.4- >
Saturday I Wi't XM
Moliilay. . . . . . . . . . ! l/i"i MrUJtfi
Tuesday. . . . . . . . n.20 i&i \ i
Wednesday W.T.70
Note All sales of stock In this market at o
made iiorcwt. ll < c welclit tinless otlipr\\i o
stated. Dead liois sell at Ic i > cr Hi , for all
\\cleliLs. "Mklns"or Iios cliliiii2 loss than
100 HM , no value , rrcgnant sow s are docked
\Vcilncsdiiy Kxi'iilnir , Jnn. " 0.
Gctiornl . 'Inrkom.
Knni The market was iinlct to-day and
% ery low CL'RSSPIO inovilij , ' . 17yi8c is nil
tlio inaikrt'nlll Klntid. : : Fancy full cream chrddai . Oc-
1olL-r make , lie ; Mats PJc ; > oini ( ' Amcilca.
llSo ; Ili t nn.illly Swiss cliL'ci' , I DCS .ocond
iiiallty | , lUdii4c ( ; bilck cheese , l.'Jc ; I.imlmigcr ,
I'ori.Ti.Y Tht'iovns very lltllu dolnir In
tlio poultry mnikPt. Uhlckunsrrc , lu\v at
Ci ( 7c ; ttn l < i's , UKif i le ; BL-P'-C and ducks , Ntflic.
iA > ii : Tlic nintUpt is fnlily slintiK and ic-
ccljvts lluhl , owlnj ? jnlncipally to the o\ilia- )
tlonof IhcMMMin. I'rali In clilckinis S-.T.V'O
: i.oo : diioks. iiinllnitlS < J.40aui : ducks , teal ,
; tliifl.1. mixed. SI.QXgUjQ : nuall ,
< fl.u.V > < > l.M ; Kitlpc , l.oocM.S.Fi ; KPCSO , SJt.MKii !
: .7.'i : jack inblnts , s.00 : : uOsinall : inbblts ,
SAL-KII KitAttr Heit cutnllty , $ r'X ) perSO
Hi bntrul ; per bbl. S5.70.
I'ltKsKitvi'.s , ) ii.t.u : : < ! , r.rr. I'ipsetves !
nil kinds , 'JMb , palls per Ih. , K ) ) : do 10 pall
ual. . 10c ; assorted Mb. palls per ( loz. . SS.OO.
.Iclllcs , nil kinds , Hist Kiade , 20-lh. palls , per
Ib. , br ; assintcd , m'-uli' , Mb patls , jicr
doy > . .Wdo \ , : Hu lulls , jiff do ; . , S'J.75 ; do ,
l-ll ) palls DPIrase. . 'J do/c. . S'J.i'ij do
M'hoonpr.s per doM.'i , ; do , tumblcis. per
rae , 'J do/ . , Sl.-ll ) , all kinds srcniul ( jradc ,
30 Hi. pails , pur Ib. bMhico Meal , host
Rrmlo ' ( bbl. . per Ih. , 7c ; do. IS , ! ! 8 and M Ib
palls , per Ib. , " 'so ' ; do. fi-lb. palls , per do/ . ,
0.00 ; nniilo hntlor , cxtnx lint1. V bbl. , ucr Hi. ,
7edoiolb ; pails per ll > . ,7 > { ; do. 5-lbrall ,
per doz. , $ il.X ( ) ; peach nnd vliuii liuttcr1011) , ,
jialls i > er Ib. , Ukp ; tieiich. plum and qiilmo
mitt cr , asMiited , Mb. palls , tier doS7.W )
catsup ( Snydot'.s ) , lintst niaup , pur e.T-e , "
dew. pint hottlux. sX ( ) ; hoiso i-adisb , pint
bottles , pur doSIM. .
Nt'r.s Hickory nuts lane per bit. S1.40 ;
do .shell baiksl.7ricIiestuutM ; , Pi- ; pecans
law Dolhlii'd , lie ; pucan.s nipdlinu , lie ;
KiiKllsh wihiiilH , 1-lu : nlmnnds Tarra onii ,
20c ; do , l.niiHiii'iioc , 17o ; ilr.i/.ils , I'.v , Illboils
'lie ; peanuts , hand picked , Iniioy Virginia ,
7c : do loasti'd I'l- .
I'lOS I'KHT , ' 1 liltT. , AM ) 1/AMllS'ToXr.tTKS
et pur V.bbl.v 84.76 ; do. H bbl. ,
ercl , new. i > ur ensi' . Wl cans , JjO.fiO.
COMII Jlovr.v Calllornla S ib fi-atne CO Ibs
In ease per Ib. , Ific ; extracted , i ! Ih. In cans , 3
doIn rasp , pur case , Sl.oo ; 10 Ib. frames ,
Nehiaska , the.
UIDKII New York rellncd , per bbl. , 57.00 :
do. half bbl. , S4.W. (
VixnoAit AVhltc wine. lOc ; elder , l- c.
CocoANtns At si.oo5/
Niw : r'insAxi ) lA'tis : Kltrs , bmyina , 100
Ib. kens , JILT Ib , He : la > iT , , 1J and 10 Ih.
boxes , per Ib , Ki JlTc ; layer , laney. 45 Ib.
boxes , per Ih , 'J5c : lajer , lancy , a Ib. par-
teens I"1' ' ' Ih , U lc. Dates , fancy Kard , 13 Ib
boxes , pur Ib , He ; fancy ruisIan.M Ib bo\p.s ,
per Jb , He. 1'iunclle.s , S5 Ib boxes , per Ib ,
l e.
e.i.r.jtoxs .New Messina , per box , 53.00 ®
5.60OKAXOIIS I.os AtiRpIes are niioted at S2.C5
® l. " > ; Hivci.-lilp , S-'l.f-O ; Navels , S4.00. floii-
n.oiantji'.s me steady at S4..10 per bo.v.
CiiANiir.KiiiKs Capo Cod , lancy dar ! : ,
per bbl. . SO.OO ; Capo Cod , fancy dark ,
ft bbl. lots. iicr bbl. frS.fiO ; Jersey
JJcll and JliiElc , per box , &J.60 ; Wis-
coiibln licll nnd Cheiiy , per bhl , § 0.50 ; Wis-
ronsin J3ell and Cheny , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl ,
OAi.iKOitxiAi iiuiT 1'ears KiJetnroand
poiuul pears , per box. Sil.00.
Ai'i'i.iw r'aiiov New Vorlc nnd JIiclilian
apples , per bbl , § i7.Xf"(3.00. : lancy New 1'oik
and Michigan apples , fi bbl. lots , per bbl. , ; fancy New Voile and Michigan apples ,
10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S..r > 0 ; Illinois apples , per
bbl. S-.1) ; Illinois apples , .r > bbl. lots , per
bbl. , S1-.1)- ; Illinois apples 10 bbl. lots , jier
bbl. , S'J.-JO ; Jlishouil lienitous , 6 lib ! , lots , per
bbl. . $ ! . ! > ; Ml.ssoutl Ccnitons , 10 bbl. lots ,
per bbl. , § : > .0 ( ) ; lancy eatinir , jer bbl. , SJJ.'Jj ;
limey Michigan litdt. Wt.uofJfl-r .
L ( iiiAiT.s Malara , per bbl , 87.00.
I'noviHioxf. Hum , 10HjJllc ( , breakfast
bacon , B oi'Jc : clear .side bacon , 7e ; dry salted
Bides , ( ! p ; .shotildeis. cined , r u ; mess
not k per bbl. . SUf.OO : laid. 40 Ib. cans , per Ib ,
7@7Je ; 10. 5 niul U Ib KuUbnnks , 7 ( W.sC ;
dried beef hams , I''c.
OvbTints N. V.eountB , 4 * > c ; extra selects ,
38e : seleuls. : Ko. ! : staiidanls.0u : ! : niediunid. 'J5c
ONIOXH Ball Lake stock Is .sclllm ; at Sl.OO
p er biiKhel ; poiniiion hoineBiown icdR , 70@
7 6e. Theio aio a lew extia elioico in the
Mai ket that are held at Sl.OO per bush.
i'orAiois : None mo eoinlnir , and piices
are nominal at .V ( iCOc foreliolcu stock.
aroHIANS : Iteeeipts ot inferior MOCK are
: irain | acciinuilatlni ; . Good elean stock Is
hulllni ; readily. Hand picked navy. S1.75M
S.OO ; naiiil-plclfpil medluin , ? l.W ) ( < ? 1.7.cood ;
clean count rv. Sl.'iX < ei.40 ; Interior. TAptfH.OO.
< JitAix The loliowiiifr ate tlio iiiuvnllinir
pilecs paid lor wau'on loads on tlio stiects
nnd at the mills to-day : Corn , -Me ; oats , ' -u " )
a.V , wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; ryil' 6fl7c. Klcvalor
pi Ices lor oar lots : Coin , iil/jTc ; oats , % ;
\\heat. 6'J ' fc : ivel'c ! : barlny. 51 'Vj'e. '
Kr.oiin nnd 3lni.sTirrs Winter \ \ licat
Firm ; best quality patent at S
Second quality & 'J.60@i.X : ( > .
Spring wheiit IIust quality patent at S .rx )
lnokwheat Flour In banels , S'i.75 ; ready
raised 3 Ib packages , 54.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
Urnn 55e
Chopped L'Ved 1'erIOO Ib
Coin Meal White , Nc ) ; yellow. Wo per cwt ,
ScreenliiK No. 1 , 75e per ewt ; No. - ' , .TOc.
Hominy S1.10 jicr c t.
} jliorls-COc perewt.
Cinlnim $1.75 jier cwt.
Jlnv Wales. S0.00i < 27.00 ppr ton.
I'uus AN tiuiNS I'rices on fm.s and
feklus titu ste.idy. _ Mmk , each , _ _ 10ff30o ( ;
. . . . . .
o. monntaln. $ J.
ver , S1.60GCJ.W per Hi ; lov. each , Sl.40Vtl. ( ) :
deerskin : , dn vlnter , l.'XiClbo peril ) ; do. lull
and summer "Ooiiac
Jliiii'.s 1'ilcesaioeak as is usual at this
hcason of Iho vear. ( iieen bntcueis' , 7c ;
Brcen ctiictl , sjjfufti ; dry Hint , Me : dry halt ,
lUo ; dnmtiKi'd hldas t\ui-thlidspilce. Tallow
le. ( iiease , j > : lmu white , 4c. Sheen J'elts
I.KATIIKR No. 1 i'ittsburclmiiipss.1. C. L.
Arsons , ! o ; No. 1 Plttsbmc , K. A : S. A'aNo. \ .
Cincinnati , ! "m ; No. 1 lace leather , OOc ; mlmo
NlntiKltlersolo lealher. 'ixii : ! e ; uilino oak sole
Ipather. < ' Ma : : i'e. ' t hiper leather , per loot. KOC ?
are ; Hem kp,7.i ! ( rs'ooakklplt55 ; < WlK > ! : Kiench
kip. 8l.WKrfl.Oij Hem calf. Sl.wmio. oixlc
eall. Sl.tKlWI.'J-i''Kieiich calr , Sl.'tol.W : Morocco -
rocco Iniot lev , : ' ( ) ' * 'o ; Moioeco oil pebble.
. toppliik's and UnliiKs , SrO.ooViilo.w
t'OAi , Aiilhru'llu'fale : } , SS.60 ; P } % SS.M ;
innjre , § 8.7."i ; i-hentimu S.1S ; Iowa. & 3.SO ;
Walnut bliH-k , ia.75 ; Illinois , $ r..oo ; Mlb-
Mini I. S4.K ( > .
IIK.VVV llAitiWAiu : lion , nttcs , E2.25 ;
plow pU'ul , speelnl , 4e ; eruciulo steel , Oo ;
enst tools do , liMlix ! ; WUKOII bpokes , jierhct ,
Sl,75Qit.OO : ; hubs , tier M't , &l.'Jo , lelloet- , sawed
dry , 81.40 , tonue ( > , each , 75e , axles , each , 75o ;
wiiiiuu nuts , per Ih.niic ; coltchuin per H > ,
U'o ; malrublo , bo : lion Meajjes. tic : now-
bus , u ; hnnow teeth , -Ic : smlii ! ; steel , 7So ;
IHiHlon's liiiisi ) shoes &l.-t ; liitrden'H mnlo
bhooh , $ .V.5 ! , Wai bed Who In ear lots , Sl.OO
per 100 tts. Jion Nulls Hates , 10 to CO , SS.oa
Shot Sl.f > 0 ; huckbhot , 51. ; Uilental
powder , kejjs Ssi.fAiM.ootdo.half legssa.oo : ;
do , quarter U'KB. S1.60 ; bliistini ; , Keifs , ga.ilj ;
fubo ! i er 101 ! ; ! t. rA % I.eud. Bar. stoi
iJitv 1'AiSTfi Whlto lead. 80 ; French zmo ,
' . , ,
bltliiKeom'l. U4oliimiibli\ck.tiermantown : ,
l-o ; lamiiblack , ordinary , lOc : 1'riisblau blue ,
.Vk' . , untrnmailno , ! ( : Vandyke , brown , to
umber , buint , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna ,
bin nt , 4c ; Bienna raw , -tn : 1'arls crcen. ci'iiu-
lue , iUo : i'aiis Kreen , common , 'Me ; chrome
Cieen.N..2Cc ; ehr mo BJCCII. K , 12c ; vermillion -
million , Knglish. in oil nsst I5o ; raw and
burnt umber llbeans. luo ; raw nuil ournt
Bleiiua , lOo : vandvko brown , lUc ; ruuiiid
lampblack. r.'o ; roach black anil Ivoiy bluM ;
10c ; diop black , U'c ; 1'iusAlan blue. 40o : ul-
tiauiarliiobliK' , It-'c : cluomu utecn , 1.M it
l > . ,10o ; blind and bhutter men , IM. . & 1) .
Ific ; 1'arls KIOPII , l oj Indian led , isc ; Veno-
llan red. Uo : Tuscan red. fto ; American \er-
million , h. ] > . , die ; yellow oenre. Uo : Jj. M
iV O. D. , Ifc ; coldvn oehio , 1C. ' ; patent drier
( jo ; ernlnini : colois llpht oak. dark oak , wal
nut , che.stnut and asu lx\ !
D J'AINTS ix On.N hite lead , Oumha , P , P
Tc ; white lean1 , St. Loulipnre S7.SO ; Marsell
les preen , 1 to 5 ib cans , 2Cc ; French r.lno
rrccnwal , 13c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
Frcnrli varni hnss ( , 20c ; French zinc
7r > \pnnllliou. : . American , 1 ( ; Indian , red
10cro : e pink. 14c : Venetian , red Uookson s
2J c : Venetian iedt Ameiican , l 4c ; red leid
7Uc ; chiome yellow cenulue. ajc ; chrome
yolJoxv , X , 133 : ochre roclicllo J'o : ochre ,
Frcneb. 2 > ir ; ochie , Amprlcnn , iic ; Winter's
mineral,2j cs U-lileh brown , iikoj Spanlsn
brown.Ui < c ; I'nnce'smlnciaiyc .
UH.S HUcarDon. j er trai on. lie : 150 i head
light , jcr ) cnllon , 1 'c ; 175o Jicadllgiit , per gal
lon , iiJc : 1M water white. irc ; linseed liard
" - " - ' '
sperm.V. . U. , per uallon. ; lishV. . 11. ,
per unllonV > c ; ncatsfoot extra , per pallon ,
70cNo. 1 CSc : luhrlcatlntf./ero. per Ration ,
. . summer , l&c : eolden machine. No. 1 , IHT
pallon. 80e ; No. a 2 : ; sperm , slcnal , j > crcal-
Ion c'turpentinei > erBallon,40iilcj iinpthn.
per Ballon. 7ic. , , . .
* AKNisPr.s Uarrels , per callon : Furn1
tnrc. cxlm , SI.10 ; furnkinc.'No. 1 , Sl.oo ;
coach , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20
Danmr , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra , S5c ; shcllftc , S .W ; liara oil linlsli
bi'intrs-'o1ognesililts ( ) , 183 jnoof , Sl.l'J
do 101 proot SIIH ; spirits , second oualltj
101 jnoof. Sl.l'J ; do , 1 S jiroof , Sl.ll. Alco
hoi , 18S proof. S2.10 per A\ Inc gallon. Uedls
tilled whiskies , S1.00M1..V . ) ; gin blended
Sl.GU.oo * ! ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00@0.oi (
Kentucky nud I'ennsylvanlaijcs , S'J.OOcart.rK )
sheaf , bouibon nnd rye whiskies
golden . . . lirandles-Imjiorlcd , S.VOO .50
domestle , Sl.tWWaoo. ( Jins-lmported , S .W
WO.OO : domestic , SI.KVrfaoo. Ittiius Im
jMirted , S4.fXf. ) .OO ; New tneland , SiOO .OO
domestic , Sl.WfTi.oo. ) : ChaiiipaKiics Im
jiorted. per case , Sis.oo3l.oo ; American , per
ease , SIO.OOWI0.0(1 (
Munn's S't No.l 1/b T00 4 00 H ( B 2 0 * > 1 70 7.1 f3 70
J/KO Glb'od I'anoy.ll l ) II Mil W I HI ) 1 Wl , ISIM U
1'KV U'dSll'ru l'"e | ll UU.8 M ! l gj _ 1 70 1 fiOi75 M | BO
_ _ _ _ _
llbls. Hall llbU Q'r llbls' ' ?
ris . M ) , ItW W W 40 , Sr
IHoaterMc's. , , . . . Sri 01)18 ) 00 10 Si 9 ft'i 7 .10 I 01
i.x. : No. ISIi'r. . . . M IM 13 M 11 ! Wfl , HOB 10 I
No. IShoio . IH IW ! l M' ' " no i ton ' .m i K
Mod. No. IHhoie. . . 13 ui. 7 m. n : n .1 fir , u toi :
" " liny . U m < M n4Vitnam : 7 :
ranuly . n no r. ID 1 MS Wi'S ' 101 li. "
Fat 7 00 4 m n ira | ) . - , 70 , v
I.AKI : visa.
hu.viiiis ( : Domestic Holland herrings ,
kegs , We : KtibSlau satdiiies , 43c ; Ancho
vies In Rlass , Oic Hull brann. per do/ . ,
Si.oO : ; Anchovies In kejjs , X Ole hull brand ,
Sl.OO ; spiced Hnmbtii hetiing.s , skbis and
heads off , jicr pail. Si.tx' ' .
CODFISH r ow lariro bank coil , 4c ;
sea 1:1 n. tf , ( iconrcs chunks , Ojtfe ; rlover leaf ,
( Jeornes strips , tljtfc : 1 Ib lolls , a Ib boxes ,
tic. iiraliio llower , 2 Ib brlck.Ce ; wild rose , 2
Ib bilcic. 5e.
SMOKID : FISH Halibut , now , PC ; now
scaled heirinus. 2 'c ; mackerel 12o ; salmon ,
r.'c : Miiokcd hturit'on. U'c.
Holland herrlnp , new , i er kc ? , 7."c ; new
Ions split stocklish , lOc , new shott sjilit
btoeklibli , 'J e. _
Svnur Stnnd.ird C aic , bbls ; .Standard ,
new , tg3fe } ; raspbeiries. new. Mtg'JTc : eur-
rnnts. new.7J4a5e ( ; prunes , new. Sj gfljifc.
buo.vns owdereil , be ; cut loaf. NJ ; ( ? r.ui
Dialed , 7 ; < H'c ; confectioners' A. 7 , ' c ; atan
daid e\tia 0. o c ; extra C. fi'H'c ' ; medium
yellow. O'/o ; New Otleans. 5 ? ( Sfi ; < jf.
CANNED ( icons Oysters , Standard per
case. SXdO : strawbenics , a-lb. , jiercase. S3.sO ;
laspbeines , B-lb. , per ease , S'J.JJo ; Calllornia
pears , per case , SS.OO ; aiulcot , per case ,
S4.dO ; jjeaehes , per case , 54.73 ; white eher-
MATCHES I'cr caddie , Sic ; round , per case ,
4oc8qunio ; eases , S1.70 ; Oshkoili case ? , ur. ,
Sl.-U : iniilti tiinmn * . Sl.- > .
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 51.55 ; Afihton.
In sacks , SWi : > 4 sacks , Ashton , 'JOc1 bbls
dairy. < ii2.7.r
bi'icns ( iiound Black pepper , boxes , 15
® -'c ; allspice , 12@tL'c : cinnamon 18@'iJc ;
cloves , ISfeSSc ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustard , 1D@
liic.UOFFKKS Ordinary grades. Tc ; lair , o ;
10c . ; prime , ll Uj o ; clioice. ls ; M3Jc ;
lancy KICPII and \cllow. ni < j ( .HKc ; ohl cov
eminent Java'Ai@40c ; interior .lava , 1G } @
20c : .Mocha , Jiia-Jlc : Ai buckle's roasted.
ri , -Miil.atiKhlln'a ; XXXX loasted ,
Uilwoith's. I3l e : Kcd Cioss ,
Dilwoilh's. A i buckle's and McL
XXXX aio sold 50c per case elf above prices
n ! ! -e. bo lots.
! ! 5ffl40c
long , choice , 40 iXkKiipllbh ! : Wreakfnst , good ,
iiO Oo ; choice. 50 ( 05c ; ijouchoiig , good , 80 9
35c ; choice , x > ® ir > e ; Japans , fair. 2o@r : > o ;
peed , ii.'xrat.'ic ; choice , & 5a7jc ( ; ; Tea Dust , ir o ;
Tea Siltlncs. ISe
- - ' -
Hori : Sisal. Jf Inch and larger , 8cinch \ ,
; ic ; inch , U > ic.
OANDV Mixedf@l2fl ) : stlclt. OJ/Mlic.
SODA In Ib papers , 3.v5 ! a case ; "salsoda
kOB per Jb , 62.25.
VlNKOAB ClUEB 13@16cUtO ; WillC , IS
Sricr.s ( itound HIack popper , boxes , If
fi'Sh ; ; nliiplci' , lii Wc ; clniminon , I8 < VT'j5u :
cloyc-j , 15Wo : Kinder , IV-25 > s ; niiLstatd , 15
I'JCKLES Medium In barrels , S7,00do ; In
halt haircls. 94.UU ; small In luncls , S8.00 ; do
in lialt b.iiiels , ; gheikliid In barrels ,
S'.i.oii ; do In half bairels. S500.
UiiAcuicits tiarneau'i * ! > oda , butter and
picnic , 5 } o : creams. B 'cj ginger snaps , Sj o ;
L'itV Mldtl. 7Jifc.
OAXIILKS ItoxesJOllj , Cs HKc ; Ss , HKo ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , ll > ie ; hall box , ! iOU ,
"FINK CUT Jlaid to Heat , 70c ; Ciiarmof tlio
West , COc ; Kimiiluln , 70o ; ( Jolden Thread ,
07o ; Kavorlte , COc ; Uitd-f. Mo ; Hocky Moun
tain , Wc ) ; Kaney-irxj ; Daisy , 40o : North Star ,
70n : ( iood l.uck. 5.5 ; Our HMt , tv'c. } "
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , 53.00 ;
Kirk's satinet , ; Kirk's standanl. Kl W ;
KIrk's Whlto Husiinn. 54.00 ; Klik'a Whtto
Cap. 80,60 : Dome. SU > .
lry Gootls.
J'jiiNTS Steel Jtlvi'r , i'/c ' ; Ameiican , ftK :
Ainoid's , fkj ; Cochcco , tic ; Manchester , fie ;
J.yman. Co ; Gloucebler , &Ve ; Duunell Jac-
qnard , Co : Uunnell , fijfe ; Windsor. Oo ; 1'n-
cllic , ( ic ; llaimony. 4Kc ; Anchor Shirtinsrs ,
7Hc ; Merrimack Shlitlnss , 4 > ; c ; JJetwiclc ,
Co.Ui.KACHKn Corroxs. Farmero' choice ,
OVo ; Cabot , c c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , r 'c ;
Hill Jtf ,05/c ; Loiifcdalo , 8-i Fruit , 8'4c ' ; Warn'
sutla. 10 > < je.
CopiiT JEANS Kcarsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; IVnperell , 7 > fc ; Indian Orchard , CVc ;
NtiuuiKcac. 7c.
JiBnwN COTTON i.awrenoo LL , Bet Hha\v-
FINK HitowKtono.vs 1'upiicrcll ll.6/c ;
1'eiipeif II O.5\c.Atlns,6 ; c ; Statue of Ul > -
ertv , Cc : Satanao It. O.Hu.
II.MMS : Heaver Creek AA. Ho ; Hca\or
fancr. 13 > fc' Kverctt , 13c ; Haymaker's blue
and brown , 7 ! c.
iurK-bnblcaclied ) ( ) Soz. Magnolia , 10
10 or Magnoim , i-2o:8oz : , yest I'olnt ,
10 o ? West Point. 12'ic
iHicK ( eoloied ) Hoston 0 oz. brown and
drab , 13J < rc ! Uoston O 11 brown and drab , t > o ;
Hoston XX brown nnd drab 10e : Koston
XXXbrownnii'l tlrab.ll'ic ; WostonOl'blue ,
ll' c : \ \ niren Tricot , l&o.
TICKIXOS Amo > kcae ACA 12' c : Thorn-
dike OOO , 7'fc ! Thorndlke fancy , o c ; " \ ork
lOi c ; i'oik fancy , 12Sc : Millbury , 12) ) < o ;
1'earl Klvcr , llHc ; Hnmllton. 12c : Swift
Jtlvcr. oj4c ; ahctueuets , sue : She.tucket . SS
: Montnuk AA. 12c ; Monta Wll ,
Omcea ACA , umc.
UINOIIAMS Itentrew. tWlOUc ; Amoskcai ;
dtess. lie : Amoskeae , stajle , 740 : Ivanhoo
ti'jc ' ; Wamsutta , 1lle ; Nubian. * } ( c ; War
wick. SHe : WhUtPiidon.9c : Uatcs. dress So ;
Uates. ftajile , bjfc ; llandolpli stajile , , C > fo
I.ansdowne , 7c : iJloucester , 7' e.
Cnr.vioTS Amoskeatc , cliccks.OJVc : Amos
K3ag , stripes , 8l , < c ; Slater , Mrlpes. f < o : Kdln-
bnrg , tii \\ldttpndon : , Mripps. 8c : ( Ilen-
IOSPOO ; Otis , checks , 0)tc ; Otis , slrlj s , Oc ,
Uoyal Co : Amoskea ? , namxMl , 10c ! ; Lu-
rny , book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book fold , ll'fa ;
Knuurance , book fold 12c.
DTT litnnbor ,
| l2 ft II ft'lC ' ft'l3 ' ft 20 ft 22 ft S4 ft.
'is ' oo ir..oii H.nd io.oo 17.00 IR.OO ituio
2x0 . 111.53 14.W ) I4.M Ili.fiO ! . ) Itl.5fl20.fi0
2x . , . . .1500 l.VIM 15.00 Ifl.OI 17.00 18.00 10.00
2x10 . 115. ( 1,1S.00.15.00 , Ifl 00.17.00 21) ) 00 SO.W
2xr ; . U5.roi5. , )
\ I-8J18 . | 13.00 ] 15.00 ! 13.01) ) IO.W.,10.00
Clear , ( Inch Yellow i'ino . 21.00
Clear. # inch Norway . . . 14.00
8d Com. , JV inch. Noiwav . 13.00
1st and 2d Clear , Iincli , s. 2s . SMI 00
mand2d Clear , 1'f and Inch , s2s. . . . : > 000
ikHIIearf \ } Inch.s2s . 4800
! id 'lear , IKandU Inch , s 2s . 4800
II Select. Iff , IK and a Itiph , P. 2s . : V5 oo
IM and 2d Clear , 1 men , s. 2s . .M)00 )
i'di'lear. 1 Inch , s2s . 44.V )
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000
U Select. 1 1 IIP ! ' , s. 2s . , . s900 !
O. C. Halts , 2 > J Ilicli . tOO 70
" Uxi. : s Is . LX10 )
3 Inch Well Tubing , 1) . tc M. and Hev. . 20 M
No. llwards , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . , . SlO.r.0
No. 2 boards , 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( 1 1 . KM )
No. : i boards , 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 12.00
No.4boauls , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 10.M )
No. 1 , 4 ifcG Inch , 12and Hleet , rough. .810.00
No. 1 , 4 , t 0 Inch , lOleet.iough . 10.75
No. aJ ito Inch , 12 and 14 feet , lough. . UI.75
No. 2 , 4&OinHi. lOfeet , lough . ll.'a
I'AltllllDN ,
1st Com. , ? / Inch White Pine . SHO.OO
2d Com. , Yi Inch While 1'lnu . Sl.OO
1st Com. Olnch , white pine . ? 30 00
2d Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 'M ( K )
8d Com. 0 inch , white pine . 2900
J ) . fllncli , while jino . 2000
Com 4 and t ) Inch jellow pine . 17.50
Star4 and fi Inch jellow pine . 21.00
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. . . 21.50
81II1' l.AT.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Incb . 817.00
No. ' . ' , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.00
No. i , o. a . n.ta
rorr.Ait I.UMIIIII. :
Clear Poplar Uox : Uds , jf in , s 2s . $3ti 00
" " } f in , panel stk w ide , s 2s. 27 ( X )
' " Cori ? ugated Celling , ; . . . . 2900
. . § 200
5inch , clear , § 1.50 ; 0 inch , clear . 1
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Lath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y.S2 20
White Cedar , fi Inch , halves . 5 U
" " 5Jf " " aiidSlnq'rs i )
" " 4 " round . . . . 11
Tennessee led cedar , split . 14)
A 12 Inch , Is 12 ; 14 and 1C feet . 51 00
JJ " " " . 41 00
c " " " " " . no oo
. _
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 50
No.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1850
Xo.2 " " " 12. 11 and 10 ft. . 1550
i.i sin , IYIC.
Qulncy white llmo ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , bl.7. , ; plaster , S2.$0 : $ ; hair , per bushel
'We ; sash , CO pur cent oil list ; doois , blinds ,
nioiililliitfs , so per cent otf list ; tarred felt , per
ewt. . § 1.75 : straw board. 551.00.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
AM Chicago
Thoonly road to tnko for Drs Molncs , Mnr-
Blmlllown , Cedar llnplds , Clinton. Dlvlc , Chicago ,
Mlhviuikco nndRll polnlactist. To tlio peoiiloof
Nebraska , Colorndo , Wyomlnjf , Utah. Idaho
Nnvndn.OrcKon , Wnshliitoii ( nnd Cidlfoniln It
oilers superior advantages not posslblo by iiny
other Hue
Among n few of tlio numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by thopntronsol thla road bo-
tncen Onmlm und Chicago , nro Its two trains u
dny of DAY COACHES which nro tlio llncst thut
nmmin urt nnd Inuonnlty can crcnto. Its PAT/
ACE SUIEl'ING OAKS , which nro models of
comfoit anil cloiriinco. Its I'AUI.OH DltAWING
ItOOM CAHS. unsurniissud by nny. and It8 wide
ly celebrated 1'AIjATIAL DININO CAHS , ( do
equal of which cnnnot bo found ol-owliuro.
At Council HluffH tlio trnlna of tlio Union Pnci-
1o lly. connect in Union Depot with those of tlio
JhlciiKo & Noithwcstern Ity. In Chicago tlio
tridns of this Him muko close connection with
tlio-o of nil custom linos.
For Dotiolt.Coluinliufl , Indlnnnpolls. Cincin-
nntl , Nlnirnrn Full * , lluffulo , 1'lttsbnrnToronto ,
Montreal , Iloston , Now York. I'hlladulphlu , Dal-
Imnrv.WushlnKton nnd nil points In thu enst , uak
the ticket iigcnt for tickets via tlio
"NOKTH-WiSTiilN : : , "
If you wish the bcEtncconiinodiitlons. All ticket
Qciiurul Muuiigor. , Gun. I'uts. Atrent.
llr reaion of IU central pojltloii and close relation to
nil principal linen ha it mil Weit , at lnltl l ami tcr.
nilnal point * , constitutes the innut Inipnrtant mlJ
contliuulftlllnkln that fjtttm ot through traninnr.
tatlon which lumen nnU UcllltalrH travel anil trlllm
lutwecu cltlri of the .Atlnntlo met I'ucino Coaiti. It
l alio the furorlla mid l > it i-outu taapdfroiu polntu
r i Koithont and Boutlirnit , and comrpuudloir
| Jolntiv , t. hoilhwcst mid Scutlintit.
The Croat Rook Island Route
Ouaianteei 111 | iatron that icn.o of pereonal ccu.
rltr nitordfil liy a ullJ , IhorouulilT tullaftid road.
" "jiiiuoojIitrucU ot coiiilnuoui uleel rail , nib.un.
ttall ) built culr rl nnd Li lilirw , rolling lock at m-ur
porffctlon an human .1.111 fan make II. the afet
npll | ; nciof patent buirrr , i > latrorui > nnii ilr braker
iidiUM ollurdlwlplli LkliRor < ni"tlii ! pfoj :
lffi&ffiti&t % $ $ S
filftl.ft.1Sv a ! ? SKtJSSSS1 C9U1/oltl / aua
The rut Kipren Tralni hctutfn Clilfico nd
Peon U , Council llluOTi. Kaniai Clty.l r iwoitli n3
Alflil.oD are compowd of well ttutllatnl. iliiely up-
' ' " ' " ' " Couhci.
nay MoBUldccnt rullmaii I'ilaoo
ealtn. lletweenChlMiro and Kaniai Ulty and Alcl
ru aUa run the Celebrated Uecliulng Chair Ca .
The Famous Albert Lee Route
Ii the direct and farorlto line bctwcfnChlcaRoanil
flliineapoll.andlit. 1'aiil. vhcra conufrtloiiaremide
jn.V''luuOCpot foi-iill polnu In the TerrltorleianS
lirlllih l'ro lace > . Over thli route fait Kilrtt *
Iraln , are run to the watcrlutr | il i luuiinrr r"
orti.putiirwiui Ioc4iinie .an3 luinUnir and n hlne
erouBdioC Jo. * and illiuiMota. It li olio the nioVt
LINK , Tla .
Seneca and Kan.
- - . . i . = * . viiviivii b twten < * tncliinaU. Indian.
ln'a"ll.L ' raJr"ell"1. < 1 ' HlulTa. KanVaicUj.
: -o.unctl
UlnneapolU and St. ! ; Paul and - Interiiiidlate iwluti * .
. tor detailed Information . .
tea Mao nid Kold.r. .rcll a , tlcketi , at all jirln"l | lTicket
umcct in tuo U&ltb4 CCAtci and Canada Lv
dlt.ilDit ' ur " * &ii
I'l ci't A. Otrn'l Jl'it'r , Oen'l TM A J'tii. , Bt ,
Billiard Table * ,
THE ] IHt'.VSWlOK-l Al.KI > tXUKNDKH ) kCo.
Manufacturers of Billiird & Pool Tables ,
And Pnloon , Office nnd llnnk nature * . Mnrtct
nnd Huron Sts. , Chlvngo , ill. Omnlm office , t ) . )
8. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc.
* *
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illonk Hook Manufacturers. Nos. 106 nnd
1HSouth ( 14lh StreetOmnlm , Neb.
Butter Tubs ,
Manufacturir of Butter Tubs.
Efi nKO > ; 40 n > , .TOO : = : & > , stc ; 20 m , 220 ; uw
in , WXISth nnd Picrco 81 . , Omaha , Ne
_ Cigars and Tobacco ,
" " "
MAX JIUYint.t CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Gum nnd Ammunition. 217 to 22H South llth
btioet , 1020 to lift 1'ainain Street , Onmlm.Ncb ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholeenlo Dealers In Leaf Tobnopo . Nos.
108 and 110 N. 14th Stiei t , Onmlm , Nob. _
CorniceS ,
Eagle Cornice WorFs
John Hponelcr , Protulctor. Mnnufiu.turer of
Gnlvnnl7iil Iron and Coinlru. iCIDodru nnd 101
iiiidl05Noitli 10th Street , Onmha , Nob. _ '
Manufacturers of Oiimmcntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rinnH Kte. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono
_ innnypnttorthucoiintry. _
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor.
Galvanl/ed Iron Cornlccx , Etc. Spceht'H l-n-
proved Patent Motiill'cSkj light. COS and 510 S.
12th St. , Oinalm , Nob. _ _
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
Gate "City Pkn'ng ' laill.
Door ? , Sash nnd IHImK Al o all kinds of
turnliir. Scroll nnd Stair Moik of o\ery du-
Mnniifnctnrer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Itnlh n cpeolnlty Tclrphono No. 02
_ 1Mb ami Marcy fcti. , Onmlm , Nob. _
Electrical Supplies ,
' "
L. W. WOLFE Si CO.Klcet7ielans'
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Illock , Omaha. IlurKlar Alarm1 : . Hells ,
Fli o Alarms , F.lcctrlo Mat tin t , SnealiliiK1 Tubes ,
Gold , Silver and Nlekol Platlnjr , Ktc. _
Iron and Nails ,
" " "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nails i > Specialty. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery. Custlturs , Stcnni KiiBinc , Ilollcru ,
Arclilti-ctnriil lion Work , lion JlrI < lK''S. M
niul .Mill Machinery. Olllco niul works , Union
1'acltlu It. It. 17th unil ISth Street" .
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hth nnil Jnclt on 'Stp. , prepared to ilo nil
Idnils of Iron nnil Ilrws rii tfnirs ; nUo.O , U.
' i Itocltlnsf Ornto liars inanufiicturo 1
i Mattresses.
Mattress .Company . ,
Mnnufncturlnir Jlntti-Ot cs , HciUllii ? . Fcnther
1'Illnn-b , Cots , Ktc. 1JOO Una 120S loiif'lus ) fctrcct ,
Onmlm , Nob.
" * '
D > r. sfrFACTUnTNG CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pnnts , Shirts , ntc. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omnlm , Neb.
Bridge Maltria'- ,
Engineers and Contractors.
Iron Conililimllon and Ho o Truss Il ,
Yiidnct | ami HoorTrui-tos , Steam I'llo lti\insr ) ,
und Oak Timber. IJth St. , near Furnani. Tele
Omalia Safe Works ,
Mamifnctutcrof riiniinil Ilnrtflnr Proof Snfo ? ,
Viuilt Doors. .lull Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnd .lucl.Mn 8ts. , Omnlm , Neb.
P. J. QU1UI.KV ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofllco nnil rnctory , nniil'o \ \ lcr
Onmlui Xcb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Mannfactui'ers of Fine Carriages ,
1311 mid 1317 Hniney Mivet , Onmliu.Nob. Bola
Aiffiit inXcbuiskii forJouiV Cclubrutcd Split
klmlt .Sulkies
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
M'J mid 1411 Dodge Street , Omiihn , Nob.
White Leao\ _
Conoilcis nnd GiJmlcrsof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Oinnhn , .Vcb. J.ovi fniter , 1'ics ; C. W. Mend ,
v'lco I'rc-fc. : II. W. VnlLt , tiiv. iiinn'reiiti.
The Millard ,
fj. Eliciirt- . K. Mnrkcl.Thoi. gnobc , Proprietors
Omidni , Xt'ljrnskii.
Arcade Hotel ,
Jnuien Cutqs , I'l DIH li lor ,
jSUi nnd Ix'IT Jloiik'Jas tU. , Onmlui , Neb.
Ihciiulionugoot coiiiinoiclul men letpi cifully
t-olU-llcd. 'Hiey will nnd this Hie best { J u ili.y
lioii-o wc t ot
? lanters House ,
o. E. rr.hiufi , iMiopitiETOii.
Ilatcg , il.M per dny. Mrcct cnio irom I1. 1' .
lepot , nliiiin o u block of hout > u , Couicj
Doclyo iiml lUtliEtait Omuhu , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. numsoy & Co. , Proprietors.
Rates < -.CO per day , no dark rooms. Omnlm ,
S't'b. Also propiiotoiaof Puluce llott'l , t-iintu
Fo , Nu\v ilujilco.
Canfleld House ,
: or. Nlnili and ruiimm Ste. The Iwt { 2 per
.lay hotel In Oiuuhu. HeniCMlelCHl , relunilblie/J ,
eik'CJ iiiitLdionublocklioni uriny licndiiunrteru ,
ippobito Union 1'iicltlu lu'Udnuaiiers ; Btivct ears
mbS the door. Goorgu Ciintleld & Co. , proiirlu-
orb. Alto Union block VuiUS Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
1 * . G0 < 13 , Proprietor.
European Mirti , 'I hu only cent rally located $3
day bouee. Thrtu doom from lloydX Opera
lioubo und ono-hulf blwk from thu J'ostollico
uid the Court liouto. 1JW. 10JU , l&U Futuuia
: t.Ouj < iliU.Seb ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
OfJlce , Corner 6th find Pacific Sts , Omaha , Neb.
Wliolos.Jo Dealers in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
and llUfrsles , Omalm Nob.
CllUUrlllUi 1'AKKKll ,
Wholesale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carr.'ascs nnd llusRle" . .Irncs St.ln.'t. Ptli and
10th , Omalm , Nob.
Boots and Shoes ,
" " * "
"w. V. > I01ISK .V CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
3411 Fnruain Street , Omalm , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , MoMoit.
S/A. OIlCllAUD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matting ! ) , Curtain Goods , Kto. , 1433 TArnam
Street , Omaha , Not.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
" " "
"jhFF W. UKlK01tl ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 2138. Hth rt. , Onmlm , Neb. Yard ? , Mil
nnd DcrcnportStreet ? .
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
IlutMirltlK . Onicr,2l3S. ! 3thSt. Telephone
No. ! 4ttJOmalm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
114 S. lOtb St. , Onmlm , Nob.
OKI. C.Tuwi.i : , I'lesldnnt.
CEO. I'ATTi'iisox , See. and 'I'lea * .
J.1I. HUI.IICIIT , r.A.llM.Ctl ,
Propilrtor. MiitmBcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OfficeJ.M7S. l.itbSticct. 'I'clcpbonoP.
l < ro.l * . , Pics. C. K GOODMAN , V. Pics.
J. A. Su.MiMir.vM ) See. nnd Treas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbeis of haul niul toft conl.WJS. IJth St. ,
Onmlm , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eaclu < < ivo dealers In Iloiildcr Colorado Coal,21T
ontli llth Mi cot.
Coffee and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills ,
Tons Colfecs , Spices. Daklnp Ponder. 1'lavorlno :
ixnactLnnndry : llluo. Ink , etc. 141MU liar-
noy Strcot , Omaha , Neb.
Commission Etc.
. . , _ _ _
„ " " '
'HUANCH & co. ,
Wholesale Fruitb1 , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rarnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our o n pack-
tiiff-Plntt V Co.'s Tim-p Hi nnd OiitoiP , llnttor ,
Kjrps , Gnmo , Poultry , Potiitoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , PioviMons , I'rnltP , lloitr nnd reed , 10,1
S. Hth St. , Onmha , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Itotuins nmdu piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cliccn ) , SaiistiRt's. ] "iult" , Hiitcliors" Tools and
Supplies , l-lo. louts St. , Omaha , Nob.
A\r. 13. IUIDKT.Ij ,
General Commission Merchant.
.hs Cbro'-e , llutter. r.prtt , Poiiltiy
and ( iiinic , 112 S. 14th. , ( ) nmlu , Nob. Tclo-
plinno Xo. W . _ _ _
D. A. : HTKMY : ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
llnttcr , I'mrs niul 1'roilnco. A full line ot Htone-
/iiiL * . Consignments tolloJtci ! . 1411 llniljru St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
llutter , V.vtif , Cheese and Countiy Prodnco son-
01 ally , : W ) S. 12thSt. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcfrlirerator and Paoldnj. House , I ! tb A : f. ( avon-
Vionh St. , on U. V. It. II. Tiacli , Onmlm , Nob.
Ei-fnhllslicil IbTO.
General Commissioo ,
S11F. 14th St. , Onmha , Neb. Ppocinltlcs-Iluttor
1-tfBN , Ponltiy nnd Game.
PEYCICE IlllO ? . ,
Commission Merchants ,
J , Produce and Piovlslons , Onmhn , Neb
| vIHS < Ulil'AUN & fcONS ,
to A. P. Sehuck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South K'th Stieot , Oinalm , Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruit * . Moiir. Apples , Stnnownre. nilfr.Vinoffnr.
Glass Seeds. ItiUtor and I'.KKB , Uia and ! IS South
13th ttiect , Onmha , Nchrubka.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Hutter , Game , Fruits , Etc. ' . " 'US. 14th
St. , Omnha , Nebraska. i
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meate.I.ard , .lolliiw , Diittrr , KKKI , Choose , Etc.
No. ! iU5 B. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
JlO&nndfju Struct , Omaha , Nob. Con&iirnmcnt *
] { . McDOXALI ) .
115 istli Micet. Omaha , Nob. Gpevlnltlcst Hut-
lor , KKEB , nnd ChlcHons ,
Crockery ,
Aueni for tlio Jlanuracturors and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , ChlmnojB , | 5tc. Olllco , : )17 ) South nth
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goou's.
" " " ' " * "
J. J. I1HOWN & CO , ,
VTholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
J323 Douglas Snoot , Ouiulm , Nob.
AVIioleealo Dealers in
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Jjici'ii , Embroidery nnil M'hltu Goods.
IttO Douulnb btrcct , Omuhu , Net ) .
Engines ,
lillOWNKU. ACO. . ,
Tlie Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary und portable cuKlncs , boilers ana
htet Iron woik , wnminu , niiVicnliunil Imiilo
nentf , iminps etc , I'-'lJ-moLuncwvorthbt.
Leather , Hides , Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
; llllJuckboi ; Btiect , Onmha , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
addlciy und Fhoo l''lndliurti , Hides , Wool , 1'urr.
_ j 'lt * * . < 'Hti6e , Tallow , Kto. , Oinahti Net .
Flour , Etc.
( It.O.
Wholesale Flour ,
08 , lOuudCl l'icicoSticct
nnt'xo TZSCHUCIC , JR ,
Ag-cnt Tor J. C Hottinnyr JkCo. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr
lly Holler ami 1unjrrlan ! l'n > cc s. Warobouse ,
1213 Jones Ptrrct , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Wclslmin ftCn. ' * QnlcV
ItixIMiiff lluckwlieat Hour and proprietor ! ) Omntm
City Mills , cor. bth and rarnam Streets , Omnba ,
" " "
PsVLlc ,
Succcs'ora to Ickon Slcinsscn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
mporters of Koreten 1'lsli , Nor. Pll-in Jonci
t * . I' . Tr.tck , Onmli.i , Nob. _ _ j
Furnittire , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fiirnnm Street , Omnlia , Neb.
Groceries ,
H1103. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Onmhn , NVb. _
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco ami Smokers' Aitlcles , 1217 Howard t.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Clgai s andTobapeos , 1317 nnd IJlUIouiT >
Ins Strcot , Onmha , Nob.
" "
Wholesale Grocers ,
Cornir lOtli nnd rarnam Street * , Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noi. 70i ! , 707 , 701 and 711 S. lOtb St. , Onmlm , Neb.
w. j. imoATCir ,
- Iron Steel
Heavy-Hardware , , ,
Fpilnps , WIIKIIII Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
I'M ! ) and UM1 llarney hticct. Onmha , Nob. _
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlniro Wood Stock , Heavy llaidwaro ,
I'.lc. t'17 nnd 1219 I.cavoiiHoitli Street , Oinalm ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics1 Tools and lluiralo Scale * . HOi Dong-
Ins Sticct , Onmlm , Nob.
Mill , VllinD & CO. ,
Johhers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet lion , Ktc. Apents for Mono Scales and
Miami I'outlcr Co. , Onmha Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Gintcs , Brass poods. 1KU nnd 13.1) ) Far-
liiiiu Stieot.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Dncrton Steel Nnll . Cor. 10th and Hniney
Sticots , Onmlm , Ni < b.
Harvesters ,
&co.cmcA ( ; (
Manufacturer of tlio
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. > I. Lorlmor. General Atrent ,
Onmha. TclcphonofilU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
( .OWING & CO ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In lion Plpo Iron rttliifre. Iron uml
Hi-ass Goods. Kmrlneors' Sup ] > Ues. Htn nnd
OodRO fticcti ) , Onmlm , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Itnlln ay and MlllliiffSuiipllo , Etc.
_ ' . ' -0 , IB2 und IK1 Fnriuini St. Omaha , Nrb.
cnimrinr.L PUMP co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Hoadqnartcid fo-
Mtibt Foo't Co.'s Goods. 1111 I'm mini Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
" "
Wholesale Jewelers ,
Dealers in Silverware , Diamonds Watrhas
Clocks Jon elers' Tools nnd Mnterlal" , Ktc. , 101
and 103 , IGth Sti cot , Cor. Dodgu , Onmlm , Nob. 4
J3JH . L'Ye ' Stock ,
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardage CharRod.
Clot-o to IT. ] * . llildKO. ilpuclnl neoominodatlon
nnd a peed nmi-Kct lor liotfs II. U. Cooper , Man-
Ollico , South Stli Street.
Live Stock Commission
Goo. Ilniko. Miumifcr.
Union Stock Yards , 8. Onmlm. Tclo.ihono 583
\r. F. iinowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Olllco Kxclmngo Hulldliiir. Union Stock Ynrds ,
. t-ouih Omaha , Neb. TclophonoNo. OU.I.
' ' Live Stock Commission ,
Union Slock Ynrili , Chlcafjo , 111. , and Onmbn ,
Nob. 1'rank Chlttendci ManiiKorOnmlm liiiinub.
relephono No. 2S3 , Established 1 0. .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address all connminlcat Ions to us at Union Stuck
1'uiils , Houlh Omaha , Advuiio s nmilo on clock.
. Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . lloul , Hiiporlntnidonl.
[ .SAVAUE & ( MK1CN ,
' Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Sblpinontfi of any ami all kinds of muck solicit
id. Union blr.cK Yiuda , Onmha , Nob.
Lumber , Etc.
" "
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
3 fli , UOOIB , Klc. YiinlA Cor. Ttliunil Douglas ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MonldlnKf , Stair Work and Intoilor HaidWood
rinlsli. Just oiMMK'il. N. n , uor. nth and l.oavoo-
orlli Slicots , Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
ill S. lltb Stioot , Oiimlm , Nob. Colpotzcr ,
Munagur ,
Lumber ,
_ IStbnnd California HticoH.Omnha , Nob.
" Lime Cement Etc Etc.
Lumber , , , , , .
Cor. Cth and Douglas Streets , Onmha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Onmlui ,
CHAS. 11. Jr.K ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
rVtxton Ftock , Fancy \Vood8 , llrldtro Timbers ,
& .O. , ft. Vf , Cor. Ulli anil JJouirliU.Omauu .
0 , i
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ; ,
DullillHK P l > cr , lite. South IJth fctreet , Oiuithn ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
I'uld in Capital Slock , .
I/XgLrrriiinanufaitiiitird nnd nholu ale denl
i-n. illlls t.MurrUI , Wls. WhoUi .ilu und tojidl
ilbtrlbullu.'yiuil , Oinuliu , Neb. Gil S. V > lti dU
OMAHA T. Mlir.K CO ,
Dealers In All Kinds of , '
Building Material at Wholesale ,
Iftth Street ami i n o I I'.IL n Track , Omshv
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
COth nnd Irrml Streets , Oninha , Nebraska.
J. \VAKKKir.U ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
tlnlMliif : Pupcr * . Snsli , Doors , Itllnds , MonKV
IIIRP , 1'lckctg , Post , Mine , Plaotor , llnlr ,
Cement , Nltttn nnu.lone ? , Omnhn Nob.
Millinery ,
Jmportcrs nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
_ 12Ullnim > yPtiectOtnntinNoh.
Musical Instruments.
ii : > lILM . 11HICKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stelmvny I'lnnn * . Wolier , Decker , Unities nn '
ItrlKKA 1'iunoq , Piicknrd Oiirans , Clmfo Orir.Mi * . ;
101 niul U lM i street.
Notions , Etc.
j. u iittANiir.s * SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good * , Notion * , Oont ' FimiMiIng Ooo > 1 > ,
Uootta from Now Vork. Tindo sales daily. MJ
nnd WS South 13th St. , Onmlm.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
DuipKl'ts' nmlBlntlnnnrV Fnndiles. ULMMr *
imm.Omiilm , Neli. ,
J , T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4 I ntut 4M P. 10th St.,0ninlin , Nob.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd dents' Kur-
nlshliiR OooiK
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gasoline , Mica AxlodrciiMi , Klo. A. H. Illsbop ,
.Mamiprr , Onmlm , Nob.
Pork Packing ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oinnlin , Ni'biuskn ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onicc , Union Market , 1517 Dod c Stirct. PiieMiifr
lioiiho , II. 1' . It. It. Truck , Onmlm , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. ir > " .
Safes nnd Locks ,
r. norint * co. *
Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock Co.s'
Tire and llur lnr 1'roor SufcsTliiio l/oeks.Vnnlts
nnd . .lullork. . KCU I'm-num clicut , Otnnlin , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural. Yvirrtnlile. lUc. Odd Fellow1 Hull ,
N.\V. Cor. llth nnd Dodjro Ht . , Oniulri , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
11. T. cr.Aitici : DHUO COMPANY- ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of Vulnts , OIK Wlnd.nv Glins Kto.HH
llniney Slicol , Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Denier in 1'nlnts Oils nnd Window Gliu ,
Onmlm , Nob. , >
Wines and Liquors. _ a
ic miT.oNi : & co. !
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , r
JJ02 mid VMl Douglas St. , Onmlm , Noli. l' o
un lM-Nos. ( 4 and : ) ( U , : ; d aibt. N. Y. , \j
cno. : w. DUNCAN ,
Successor to JlrN.VM.un. tc DUNCAN , Importer *
ami Wholesale DeiderA in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
214 nml KID P. 1 lth St. , Oiimlm , Nob.
it. it. GHorrn ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wi'Btoin AKcnL.1' ) < ) . Sfhlltz JlioiUiw Co. 710& S
' . 'Hi ' Klieel , Omnlm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
llii ! Doiulas Street , Onmlm , Nob.
11KR & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And M < ] iorH. ! Polo iiininifiictniors uf Kennedy1 *
I.IIM India Hitlers. 1112 Ilnrncy Street , Oinnlia ,
I * P. I-A11SON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
Amiriinini , nnd Gciu-rnl ABonts for the I'lilllp
llostB1 Culobiutud MIlwuuKuo Hour , Omalm , Nou
Harness , Etc.
Jlannlnetiiiei.s and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Good * , IllanU'ta and Kobe * , lli'l I-'arnura
_ Street Onmlm , Nob.
Chicago , Milwaukee & Sit , Paul
The Short Line
and Best Route
From Omahajo the East.
1'lilfflfro , .Mlnnt'npoll * , Milwaukee/
bt. I'anl. Cellar IlnpliU Davenport ,
t'Jinloii. Dilbmiuc , llockford ,
Hock Island Kreopoil , .lancgvlllo ,
Hljrln , M lulls-oil , UiClosso ,
llclolt , Winoiin ,
Andullotlior Irapoitant | > uJnl < Kast , Nortlicast
Ticket onico at HOI rariiam slii'ot , ( in j > ftxtoii
Hoti'l ) , and at Union I'aclllo D | ol.
I'ullmnn Pluopui-H niul tliu I'lin-bt Dining O.m
in th o N > 01 Id am in 11 on tlio nmln Ilius of Ilia
rvciy attention Is jiald In piiisuntrerd by coin to-
It , MII.I.III : , ( ionoial .M.
J. K. TuciKiiii , Amlniiint ( luneral Mnnascr.
A. V.II. UAin-Kxrhii , ( loiuial J'ussciitfor nj
( ir.o. K. iiKArroiiii , Assktiuit GenernlFotEi-n
b'cr anil Tk Let AKIIIU ,
Hall'sSafesVaufgJimeiocks !
and Jail Work.
1020 L'aniuui Street , Oiutilm
Commission Merchant ,
And Wholesnlu Dealer In
"ountry Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc.
320 N. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb.
llofciciioiis , liv permission first National ' ]
Hunk , Oiiliminu ; A. B. ( litiretson , Ctishlor Klijnx
S'utlimul llunk.hlouvrity ; lonuKutloniil IliuiK
\u \ * Jluliub ; It. M.KIiiKnnin , AtKlktunt ( 'usher
I'lrnt NiitloiiBl r
R. E , Filonfc , Lincoln , Mtfc ,
HJghos. ularket Pnco Paid.