Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 3, Image 4
"IP * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , JANUABY 21 , 1886. llinitr.ST AND LOWEST. Showing Hie highest ami lowest prices paid on tills market for hogs during the pn t HX days and for the coircsponding jxtiod ; last Iliontll ! Iccomlxrr ; | Jnnunry. Thursday . . Ft iilay I ! U7 : i.4- > Saturday I Wi't XM Moliilay. . . . . . . . . . ! l/i"i MrUJtfi Tuesday. . . . . . . . n.20 i&i \ i Wednesday W.T.70 Note All sales of stock In this market at o made iiorcwt. ll < c welclit tinless otlipr\\i o stated. Dead liois sell at Ic i > cr Hi , for all \\cleliLs. "Mklns"or Iios cliliiii2 loss than 100 HM , no value , rrcgnant sow s are docked OMAHA \V11OI , ICSAI.K \Vcilncsdiiy Kxi'iilnir , Jnn. " 0. Gctiornl . 'Inrkom. Knni The market was iinlct to-day and % ery low CL'RSSPIO inovilij , ' . 17yi8c is nil tlio inaikrt'nlll Klntid. : : Fancy full cream chrddai . Oc- 1olL-r make , lie ; Mats PJc ; > oini ( ' Amcilca. llSo ; Ili t nn.illly Swiss cliL'ci' , I DCS .ocond iiiallty | , lUdii4c ( ; bilck cheese , l.'Jc ; I.imlmigcr , llr. I'ori.Ti.Y Tht'iovns very lltllu dolnir In tlio poultry mnikPt. Uhlckunsrrc , lu\v at Ci ( 7c ; ttn l < i's , UKif i le ; BL-P'-C and ducks , Ntflic. iA > ii : Tlic nintUpt is fnlily slintiK and ic- ccljvts lluhl , owlnj ? jnlncipally to the o\ilia- ) tlonof IhcMMMin. I'rali In clilckinis S-.T.V'O : i.oo : diioks. iiinllnitlS < J.40aui : ducks , teal , ; tliifl.1. mixed. SI.QXgUjQ : nuall , < fl.u.V > < > l.M ; Kitlpc , l.oocM.S.Fi ; KPCSO , SJt.MKii ! : .7.'i : jack inblnts , s.00 : : uOsinall : inbblts , Sl.oa. SAL-KII KitAttr Heit cutnllty , $ r'X ) perSO Hi bntrul ; per bbl. S5.70. I'ltKsKitvi'.s , ) ii.t.u : : < ! , r.rr. I'ipsetves ! nil kinds , 'JMb , palls per Ih. , K ) ) : do 10 pall ual. . 10c ; assorted Mb. palls per ( loz. . SS.OO. .Iclllcs , nil kinds , Hist Kiade , 20-lh. palls , per Ib. , br ; assintcd , m'-uli' , Mb patls , jicr doy > . .Wdo \ , : Hu lulls , jiff do ; . , S'J.75 ; do , l-ll ) palls DPIrase. . 'J do/c. . S'J.i'ij do M'hoonpr.s per doM.'i , ; do , tumblcis. per rae , 'J do/ . , Sl.-ll ) , all kinds srcniul ( jradc , 30 Hi. pails , pur Ib. bMhico Meal , host Rrmlo ' ( bbl. . per Ih. , 7c ; do. IS , ! ! 8 and M Ib palls , per Ib. , " 'so ' ; do. fi-lb. palls , per do/ . , 0.00 ; nniilo hntlor , cxtnx lint1. V bbl. , ucr Hi. , 7edoiolb ; pails per ll > . ,7 > { ; do. 5-lbrall , per doz. , $ il.X ( ) ; peach nnd vliuii liuttcr1011) , , jialls i > er Ib. , Ukp ; tieiich. plum and qiilmo mitt cr , asMiited , Mb. palls , tier doS7.W ) catsup ( Snydot'.s ) , lintst niaup , pur e.T-e , " dew. pint hottlux. sX ( ) ; hoiso i-adisb , pint bottles , pur doSIM. . Nt'r.s Hickory nuts lane per bit. S1.40 ; do .shell baiksl.7ricIiestuutM ; , Pi- ; pecans law Dolhlii'd , lie ; pucan.s nipdlinu , lie ; KiiKllsh wihiiilH , 1-lu : nlmnnds Tarra onii , 20c ; do , l.niiHiii'iioc , 17o ; ilr.i/.ils , I'.v , Illboils 'lie ; peanuts , hand picked , Iniioy Virginia , 7c : do loasti'd I'l- . I'lOS I'KHT , ' 1 liltT. , AM ) 1/AMllS'ToXr.tTKS et pur V.bbl.v 84.76 ; do. H bbl. , ercl , new. i > ur ensi' . Wl cans , JjO.fiO. COMII Jlovr.v Calllornla S ib fi-atne CO Ibs In ease per Ib. , Ific ; extracted , i ! Ih. In cans , 3 doIn rasp , pur case , Sl.oo ; 10 Ib. frames , Nehiaska , the. UIDKII New York rellncd , per bbl. , 57.00 : do. half bbl. , S4.W. ( VixnoAit AVhltc wine. lOc ; elder , l- c. CocoANtns At si.oo5/ Niw : r'insAxi ) lA'tis : Kltrs , bmyina , 100 Ib. kens , JILT Ib , He : la > iT , , 1J and 10 Ih. boxes , per Ib , Ki JlTc ; layer , laney. 45 Ib. boxes , per Ih , 'J5c : lajer , lancy , a Ib. par- teens I"1' ' ' Ih , U lc. Dates , fancy Kard , 13 Ib boxes , pur Ib , He ; fancy ruisIan.M Ib bo\p.s , per Jb , He. 1'iunclle.s , S5 Ib boxes , per Ib , l e. e.i.r.jtoxs .New Messina , per box , 53.00 ® 5.60 5.60OKAXOIIS I.os AtiRpIes are niioted at S2.C5 ® l. " > ; Hivci.-lilp , S-'l.f-O ; Navels , S4.00. floii- n.oiantji'.s me steady at S4..10 per bo.v. CiiANiir.KiiiKs Capo Cod , lancy dar ! : , per bbl. . SO.OO ; Capo Cod , fancy dark , ft bbl. lots. iicr bbl. frS.fiO ; Jersey JJcll and JliiElc , per box , &J.60 ; Wis- coiibln licll nnd Cheiiy , per bhl , § 0.50 ; Wis- ronsin J3ell and Cheny , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl , 80.iTj. OAi.iKOitxiAi iiuiT 1'ears KiJetnroand poiuul pears , per box. Sil.00. Ai'i'i.iw r'aiiov New Vorlc nnd JIiclilian apples , per bbl , § i7.Xf"(3.00. : lancy New 1'oik and Michigan apples , fi bbl. lots , per bbl. , ; fancy New Voile and Michigan apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S..r > 0 ; Illinois apples , per bbl. S-.1) ; Illinois apples , .r > bbl. lots , per bbl. , S1-.1)- ; Illinois apples 10 bbl. lots , jier bbl. , S'J.-JO ; Jlishouil lienitous , 6 lib ! , lots , per bbl. . $ ! . ! > ; Ml.ssoutl Ccnitons , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , § : > .0 ( ) ; lancy eatinir , jer bbl. , SJJ.'Jj ; limey Michigan litdt. Wt.uofJfl-r . L ( iiiAiT.s Malara , per bbl , 87.00. I'noviHioxf. Hum , 10HjJllc ( , breakfast bacon , B oi'Jc : clear .side bacon , 7e ; dry salted Bides , ( ! p ; .shotildeis. cined , r u ; mess not k per bbl. . SUf.OO : laid. 40 Ib. cans , per Ib , 7@7Je ; 10. 5 niul U Ib KuUbnnks , 7 ( W.sC ; dried beef hams , I''c. OvbTints N. V.eountB , 4 * > c ; extra selects , 38e : seleuls. : Ko. ! : staiidanls.0u : ! : niediunid. 'J5c ONIOXH Ball Lake stock Is .sclllm ; at Sl.OO p er biiKhel ; poiniiion hoineBiown icdR , 70@ 7 6e. Theio aio a lew extia elioico in the Mai ket that are held at Sl.OO per bush. i'orAiois : None mo eoinlnir , and piices are nominal at .V ( iCOc foreliolcu stock. aroHIANS : Iteeeipts ot inferior MOCK are : irain | acciinuilatlni ; . Good elean stock Is hulllni ; readily. Hand picked navy. S1.75M S.OO ; naiiil-plclfpil medluin , ? l.W ) ( < ? 1.7.cood ; clean count rv. Sl.'iX < ei.40 ; Interior. TAptfH.OO. < JitAix The loliowiiifr ate tlio iiiuvnllinir pilecs paid lor wau'on loads on tlio stiects nnd at the mills to-day : Corn , -Me ; oats , ' -u " ) a.V , wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; ryil' 6fl7c. Klcvalor pi Ices lor oar lots : Coin , iil/jTc ; oats , % ; \\heat. 6'J ' fc : ivel'c ! : barlny. 51 'Vj'e. ' Kr.oiin nnd 3lni.sTirrs Winter \ \ licat Firm ; best quality patent at S Second quality & 'J.60@i.X : ( > . Spring wheiit IIust quality patent at S .rx ) ' lnokwheat Flour In banels , S'i.75 ; ready raised 3 Ib packages , 54.00 ; 0 Ib packages , Urnn 55e Chopped L'Ved 1'erIOO Ib Coin Meal White , Nc ) ; yellow. Wo per cwt , ScreenliiK No. 1 , 75e per ewt ; No. - ' , .TOc. Hominy S1.10 jicr c t. } jliorls-COc perewt. Cinlnim $1.75 jier cwt. Jlnv Wales. S0.00i < 27.00 ppr ton. I'uus AN tiuiNS I'rices on fm.s and feklus titu ste.idy. _ Mmk , each , _ _ 10ff30o ( ; . . . . . . o. monntaln. $ J. ver , S1.60GCJ.W per Hi ; lov. each , Sl.40Vtl. ( ) : deerskin : , dn vlnter , l.'XiClbo peril ) ; do. lull and summer "Ooiiac Jliiii'.s 1'ilcesaioeak as is usual at this hcason of Iho vear. ( iieen bntcueis' , 7c ; Brcen ctiictl , sjjfufti ; dry Hint , Me : dry halt , lUo ; dnmtiKi'd hldas t\ui-thlidspilce. Tallow le. ( iiease , j > : lmu white , 4c. Sheen J'elts I.KATIIKR No. 1 i'ittsburclmiiipss.1. C. L. Arsons , ! o ; No. 1 Plttsbmc , K. A : S. A'aNo. \ . Cincinnati , ! "m ; No. 1 lace leather , OOc ; mlmo NlntiKltlersolo lealher. 'ixii : ! e ; uilino oak sole Ipather. < ' Ma : : i'e. ' t hiper leather , per loot. KOC ? are ; Hem kp,7.i ! ( rs'ooakklplt55 ; < WlK > ! : Kiench kip. 8l.WKrfl.Oij Hem calf. Sl.wmio. oixlc eall. Sl.tKlWI.'J-i''Kieiich calr , Sl.'tol.W : Morocco - rocco Iniot lev , : ' ( ) ' * 'o ; Moioeco oil pebble. . toppliik's and UnliiKs , SrO.ooViilo.w ix-rdo/ t'OAi , Aiilhru'llu'fale : } , SS.60 ; P } % SS.M ; innjre , § 8.7."i ; i-hentimu S.1S ; Iowa. & 3.SO ; Walnut bliH-k , ia.75 ; Illinois , $ r..oo ; Mlb- Mini I. S4.K ( > . IIK.VVV llAitiWAiu : lion , nttcs , E2.25 ; plow pU'ul , speelnl , 4e ; eruciulo steel , Oo ; enst tools do , liMlix ! ; WUKOII bpokes , jierhct , Sl,75Qit.OO : ; hubs , tier M't , &l.'Jo , lelloet- , sawed dry , 81.40 , tonue ( > , each , 75e , axles , each , 75o ; wiiiiuu nuts , per Ih.niic ; coltchuin per H > , U'o ; malrublo , bo : lion Meajjes. tic : now- bus , u ; hnnow teeth , -Ic : smlii ! ; steel , 7So ; IHiHlon's liiiisi ) shoes &l.-t ; liitrden'H mnlo bhooh , $ .V.5 ! , Wai bed Who In ear lots , Sl.OO per 100 tts. Jion Nulls Hates , 10 to CO , SS.oa Shot Sl.f > 0 ; huckbhot , 51. ; Uilental powder , kejjs Ssi.fAiM.ootdo.half legssa.oo : ; do , quarter U'KB. S1.60 ; bliistini ; , Keifs , ga.ilj ; fubo ! i er 101 ! ; ! t. rA % I.eud. Bar. stoi iJitv 1'AiSTfi Whlto lead. 80 ; French zmo , ' . , , bltliiKeom'l. U4oliimiibli\ck.tiermantown : , l-o ; lamiiblack , ordinary , lOc : 1'riisblau blue , .Vk' . , untrnmailno , ! ( : Vandyke , brown , to umber , buint , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , bin nt , 4c ; Bienna raw , -tn : 1'arls crcen. ci'iiu- lue , iUo : i'aiis Kreen , common , 'Me ; chrome Cieen.N..2Cc ; ehr mo BJCCII. K , 12c ; vermillion - million , Knglish. in oil nsst I5o ; raw and burnt umber llbeans. luo ; raw nuil ournt Bleiiua , lOo : vandvko brown , lUc ; ruuiiid lampblack. r.'o ; roach black anil Ivoiy bluM ; 10c ; diop black , U'c ; 1'iusAlan blue. 40o : ul- tiauiarliiobliK' , It-'c : cluomu utecn , 1.M it l > . ,10o ; blind and bhutter men , IM. . & 1) . Ific ; 1'arls KIOPII , l oj Indian led , isc ; Veno- llan red. Uo : Tuscan red. fto ; American \er- million , h. ] > . , die ; yellow oenre. Uo : Jj. M iV O. D. , Ifc ; coldvn oehio , 1C. ' ; patent drier ( jo ; ernlnini : colois llpht oak. dark oak , wal nut , che.stnut and asu lx\ ! D J'AINTS ix On.N hite lead , Oumha , P , P Tc ; white lean1 , St. Loulipnre S7.SO ; Marsell les preen , 1 to 5 ib cans , 2Cc ; French r.lno rrccnwal , 13c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; Frcnrli varni hnss ( , 20c ; French zinc 7r > \pnnllliou. : . American , 1 ( ; Indian , red 10cro : e pink. 14c : Venetian , red Uookson s 2J c : Venetian iedt Ameiican , l 4c ; red leid 7Uc ; chiome yellow cenulue. ajc ; chrome yolJoxv , X , 133 : ochre roclicllo J'o : ochre , Frcneb. 2 > ir ; ochie , Amprlcnn , iic ; Winter's mineral,2j cs U-lileh brown , iikoj Spanlsn brown.Ui < c ; I'nnce'smlnciaiyc . UH.S HUcarDon. j er trai on. lie : 150 i head light , jcr ) cnllon , 1 'c ; 175o Jicadllgiit , per gal lon , iiJc : 1M water white. irc ; linseed liard " - " - ' ' boileA sperm.V. . U. , per uallon. ; lishV. . 11. , per unllonV > c ; ncatsfoot extra , per pallon , 70cNo. 1 CSc : luhrlcatlntf./ero. per Ration , . . summer , l&c : eolden machine. No. 1 , IHT pallon. 80e ; No. a 2 : ; sperm , slcnal , j > crcal- Ion c'turpentinei > erBallon,40iilcj iinpthn. per Ballon. 7ic. , , . . * AKNisPr.s Uarrels , per callon : Furn1 tnrc. cxlm , SI.10 ; furnkinc.'No. 1 , Sl.oo ; coach , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20 Danmr , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum extra , S5c ; shcllftc , S .W ; liara oil linlsli v bi'intrs-'o1ognesililts ( ) , 183 jnoof , Sl.l'J do 101 proot SIIH ; spirits , second oualltj 101 jnoof. Sl.l'J ; do , 1 S jiroof , Sl.ll. Alco hoi , 18S proof. S2.10 per A\ Inc gallon. Uedls tilled whiskies , S1.00M1..V . ) ; gin blended Sl.GU.oo * ! ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00@0.oi ( Kentucky nud I'ennsylvanlaijcs , S'J.OOcart.rK ) sheaf , bouibon nnd rye whiskies golden . . . lirandles-Imjiorlcd , S.VOO .50 domestle , Sl.tWWaoo. ( Jins-lmported , S .W WO.OO : domestic , SI.KVrfaoo. Ittiius Im jMirted , S4.fXf. ) .OO ; New tneland , SiOO .OO domestic , Sl.WfTi.oo. ) : ChaiiipaKiics Im jiorted. per case , Sis.oo3l.oo ; American , per ease , SIO.OOWI0.0(1 ( Munn's S't No.l 1/b T00 4 00 H ( B 2 0 * > 1 70 7.1 f3 70 J/KO Glb'od I'anoy.ll l ) II Mil W I HI ) 1 Wl , ISIM U 1'KV U'dSll'ru l'"e | ll UU.8 M ! l gj _ 1 70 1 fiOi75 M | BO ' _ _ _ _ _ llbls. Hall llbU Q'r llbls' ' ? ris . M ) , ItW W W 40 , Sr IHoaterMc's. , , . . . Sri 01)18 ) 00 10 Si 9 ft'i 7 .10 I 01 i.x. : No. ISIi'r. . . . M IM 13 M 11 ! Wfl , HOB 10 I No. IShoio . IH IW ! l M' ' " no i ton ' .m i K Mod. No. IHhoie. . . 13 ui. 7 m. n : n .1 fir , u toi : " " liny . U m < M n4Vitnam : 7 : ranuly . n no r. ID 1 MS Wi'S ' 101 li. " Fat 7 00 4 m n ira | ) . - , 70 , v I.AKI : visa. VICKI.KI ) HAT.MOV. IMI'OHTEO hu.viiiis ( : Domestic Holland herrings , kegs , We : KtibSlau satdiiies , 43c ; Ancho vies In Rlass , Oic Hull brann. per do/ . , Si.oO : ; Anchovies In kejjs , X Ole hull brand , Sl.OO ; spiced Hnmbtii hetiing.s , skbis and heads off , jicr pail. Si.tx' ' . CODFISH r ow lariro bank coil , 4c ; sea 1:1 n. tf , ( iconrcs chunks , Ojtfe ; rlover leaf , ( Jeornes strips , tljtfc : 1 Ib lolls , a Ib boxes , tic. iiraliio llower , 2 Ib brlck.Ce ; wild rose , 2 Ib bilcic. 5e. SMOKID : FISH Halibut , now , PC ; now scaled heirinus. 2 'c ; mackerel 12o ; salmon , r.'c : Miiokcd hturit'on. U'c. Holland herrlnp , new , i er kc ? , 7."c ; new Ions split stocklish , lOc , new shott sjilit btoeklibli , 'J e. _ Grocers Svnur Stnnd.ird C aic , bbls ; .Standard , new , tg3fe } ; raspbeiries. new. Mtg'JTc : eur- rnnts. new.7J4a5e ( ; prunes , new. Sj gfljifc. buo.vns owdereil , be ; cut loaf. NJ ; ( ? r.ui Dialed , 7 ; < H'c ; confectioners' A. 7 , ' c ; atan daid e\tia 0. o c ; extra C. fi'H'c ' ; medium yellow. O'/o ; New Otleans. 5 ? ( Sfi ; < jf. CANNED ( icons Oysters , Standard per case. SXdO : strawbenics , a-lb. , jiercase. S3.sO ; laspbeines , B-lb. , per ease , S'J.JJo ; Calllornia pears , per case , SS.OO ; aiulcot , per case , S4.dO ; jjeaehes , per case , 54.73 ; white eher- MATCHES I'cr caddie , Sic ; round , per case , 4oc8qunio ; eases , S1.70 ; Oshkoili case ? , ur. , Sl.-U : iniilti tiinmn * . Sl.- > . SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 51.55 ; Afihton. In sacks , SWi : > 4 sacks , Ashton , 'JOc1 bbls dairy. < ii2.7.r bi'icns ( iiound Black pepper , boxes , 15 ® -'c ; allspice , 12@tL'c : cinnamon 18@'iJc ; cloves , ISfeSSc ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustard , 1D@ liic. liic.UOFFKKS Ordinary grades. Tc ; lair , o ; 10c . ; prime , ll Uj o ; clioice. ls ; M3Jc ; lancy KICPII and \cllow. ni < j ( .HKc ; ohl cov eminent Java'Ai@40c ; interior .lava , 1G } @ 20c : .Mocha , Jiia-Jlc : Ai buckle's roasted. ri , -Miil.atiKhlln'a ; XXXX loasted , Uilwoith's. I3l e : Kcd Cioss , Dilwoilh's. A i buckle's and McL XXXX aio sold 50c per case elf above prices n ! ! -e. bo lots. ! ! 5ffl40c long , choice , 40 iXkKiipllbh ! : Wreakfnst , good , iiO Oo ; choice. 50 ( 05c ; ijouchoiig , good , 80 9 35c ; choice , x > ® ir > e ; Japans , fair. 2o@r : > o ; peed , ii.'xrat.'ic ; choice , & 5a7jc ( ; ; Tea Dust , ir o ; Tea Siltlncs. ISe - - ' - Hori : Sisal. Jf Inch and larger , 8cinch \ , ; ic ; inch , U > ic. OANDV Mixedf@l2fl ) : stlclt. OJ/Mlic. SODA In Ib papers , 3.v5 ! a case ; "salsoda kOB per Jb , 62.25. VlNKOAB ClUEB 13@16cUtO ; WillC , IS Sricr.s ( itound HIack popper , boxes , If fi'Sh ; ; nliiplci' , lii Wc ; clniminon , I8 < VT'j5u : cloyc-j , 15Wo : Kinder , IV-25 > s ; niiLstatd , 15 I'JCKLES Medium In barrels , S7,00do ; In halt haircls. 94.UU ; small In luncls , S8.00 ; do in lialt b.iiiels , ; gheikliid In barrels , S'.i.oii ; do In half bairels. S500. UiiAcuicits tiarneau'i * ! > oda , butter and picnic , 5 } o : creams. B 'cj ginger snaps , Sj o ; L'itV Mldtl. 7Jifc. OAXIILKS ItoxesJOllj , Cs HKc ; Ss , HKo ; boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , ll > ie ; hall box , ! iOU , "FINK CUT Jlaid to Heat , 70c ; Ciiarmof tlio West , COc ; Kimiiluln , 70o ; ( Jolden Thread , 07o ; Kavorlte , COc ; Uitd-f. Mo ; Hocky Moun tain , Wc ) ; Kaney-irxj ; Daisy , 40o : North Star , 70n : ( iood l.uck. 5.5 ; Our HMt , tv'c. } " SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , 53.00 ; Kirk's satinet , ; Kirk's standanl. Kl W ; KIrk's Whlto Husiinn. 54.00 ; Klik'a Whtto Cap. 80,60 : Dome. SU > . lry Gootls. J'jiiNTS Steel Jtlvi'r , i'/c ' ; Ameiican , ftK : Ainoid's , fkj ; Cochcco , tic ; Manchester , fie ; J.yman. Co ; Gloucebler , &Ve ; Duunell Jac- qnard , Co : Uunnell , fijfe ; Windsor. Oo ; 1'n- cllic , ( ic ; llaimony. 4Kc ; Anchor Shirtinsrs , 7Hc ; Merrimack Shlitlnss , 4 > ; c ; JJetwiclc , Co. Co.Ui.KACHKn Corroxs. Farmero' choice , OVo ; Cabot , c c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , r 'c ; Hill Jtf ,05/c ; Loiifcdalo , 8-i Fruit , 8'4c ' ; Warn' sutla. 10 > < je. CopiiT JEANS Kcarsarge , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; IVnperell , 7 > fc ; Indian Orchard , CVc ; NtiuuiKcac. 7c. JiBnwN COTTON i.awrenoo LL , Bet Hha\v- FINK HitowKtono.vs 1'upiicrcll ll.6/c ; 1'eiipeif II O.5\c.Atlns,6 ; c ; Statue of Ul > - ertv , Cc : Satanao It. O.Hu. II.MMS : Heaver Creek AA. Ho ; Hca\or fancr. 13 > fc' Kverctt , 13c ; Haymaker's blue and brown , 7 ! c. iurK-bnblcaclied ) ( ) Soz. Magnolia , 10 10 or Magnoim , i-2o:8oz : , yest I'olnt , 10 o ? West Point. 12'ic iHicK ( eoloied ) Hoston 0 oz. brown and drab , 13J < rc ! Uoston O 11 brown and drab , t > o ; Hoston XX brown nnd drab 10e : Koston XXXbrownnii'l tlrab.ll'ic ; WostonOl'blue , ll' c : \ \ niren Tricot , l&o. TICKIXOS Amo > kcae ACA 12' c : Thorn- dike OOO , 7'fc ! Thorndlke fancy , o c ; " \ ork lOi c ; i'oik fancy , 12Sc : Millbury , 12) ) < o ; 1'earl Klvcr , llHc ; Hnmllton. 12c : Swift Jtlvcr. oj4c ; ahctueuets , sue : She.tucket . SS : Montnuk AA. 12c ; Monta Wll , Omcea ACA , umc. UINOIIAMS Itentrew. tWlOUc ; Amoskcai ; dtess. lie : Amoskeae , stajle , 740 : Ivanhoo ti'jc ' ; Wamsutta , 1lle ; Nubian. * } ( c ; War wick. SHe : WhUtPiidon.9c : Uatcs. dress So ; Uates. ftajile , bjfc ; llandolpli stajile , , C > fo I.ansdowne , 7c : iJloucester , 7' e. Cnr.vioTS Amoskeatc , cliccks.OJVc : Amos K3ag , stripes , 8l , < c ; Slater , Mrlpes. f < o : Kdln- bnrg , tii \\ldttpndon : , Mripps. 8c : ( Ilen- IOSPOO ; Otis , checks , 0)tc ; Otis , slrlj s , Oc , Uoyal Co : Amoskea ? , namxMl , 10c ! ; Lu- rny , book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book fold , ll'fa ; Knuurance , book fold 12c. DTT litnnbor , DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIKIIS. | l2 ft II ft'lC ' ft'l3 ' ft 20 ft 22 ft S4 ft. 'is ' oo ir..oii H.nd io.oo 17.00 IR.OO ituio 2x0 . 111.53 14.W ) I4.M Ili.fiO ! . ) Itl.5fl20.fi0 2x . , . . .1500 l.VIM 15.00 Ifl.OI 17.00 18.00 10.00 2x10 . 115. ( 1,1S.00.15.00 , Ifl 00.17.00 21) ) 00 SO.W 2xr ; . U5.roi5. , ) \ I-8J18 . | 13.00 ] 15.00 ! 13.01) ) IO.W.,10.00 Clear , ( Inch Yellow i'ino . 21.00 Clear. # inch Norway . . . 14.00 8d Com. , JV inch. Noiwav . 13.00 P1N1KIIINII. 1st and 2d Clear , Iincli , s. 2s . SMI 00 mand2d Clear , 1'f and Inch , s2s. . . . : > 000 ikHIIearf \ } Inch.s2s . 4800 ! id 'lear , IKandU Inch , s 2s . 4800 II Select. Iff , IK and a Itiph , P. 2s . : V5 oo IM and 2d Clear , 1 men , s. 2s . .M)00 ) i'di'lear. 1 Inch , s2s . 44.V ) A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000 U Select. 1 1 IIP ! ' , s. 2s . , . s900 ! WKI.I. , IMCKITS. : O. C. Halts , 2 > J Ilicli . tOO 70 " Uxi. : s Is . LX10 ) 3 Inch Well Tubing , 1) . tc M. and Hev. . 20 M BOAIIDS. No. llwards , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . , . SlO.r.0 No. 2 boards , 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( 1 1 . KM ) No. : i boards , 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 12.00 No.4boauls , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 10.M ) FINCINU. : No. 1 , 4 ifcG Inch , 12and Hleet , rough. .810.00 No. 1 , 4 , t 0 Inch , lOleet.iough . 10.75 No. aJ ito Inch , 12 and 14 feet , lough. . UI.75 No. 2 , 4&OinHi. lOfeet , lough . ll.'a I'AltllllDN , 1st Com. , ? / Inch White Pine . SHO.OO 2d Com. , Yi Inch While 1'lnu . Sl.OO rr.ooiti.vo. 1st Com. Olnch , white pine . ? 30 00 2d Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 'M ( K ) 8d Com. 0 inch , white pine . 2900 J ) . fllncli , while jino . 2000 Com 4 and t ) Inch jellow pine . 17.50 Star4 and fi Inch jellow pine . 21.00 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. . . 21.50 81II1' l.AT. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Incb . 817.00 No. ' . ' , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.00 No. i , o. a . n.ta rorr.Ait I.UMIIIII. : Clear Poplar Uox : Uds , jf in , s 2s . $3ti 00 " " } f in , panel stk w ide , s 2s. 27 ( X ) ' " Cori ? ugated Celling , ; . . . . 2900 SIIINOI.KS , LATH , . . § 200 5inch , clear , § 1.50 ; 0 inch , clear . 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Lath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y.S2 20 POSTS White Cedar , fi Inch , halves . 5 U " " 5Jf " " aiidSlnq'rs i ) " " 4 " round . . . . 11 Tennessee led cedar , split . 14) STOCK IIOAIIDS. A 12 Inch , Is 12 ; 14 and 1C feet . 51 00 JJ " " " . 41 00 c " " " " " . no oo . _ No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 50 No.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1850 Xo.2 " " " 12. 11 and 10 ft. . 1550 i.i sin , IYIC. Qulncy white llmo ( best ) , 85c ; cement , Akron , bl.7. , ; plaster , S2.$0 : $ ; hair , per bushel 'We ; sash , CO pur cent oil list ; doois , blinds , nioiililliitfs , so per cent otf list ; tarred felt , per ewt. . § 1.75 : straw board. 551.00. THECHfiCAGOAWD NORTH IB MMMIBtfl Omaha , Council Bluffs AM Chicago Thoonly road to tnko for Drs Molncs , Mnr- Blmlllown , Cedar llnplds , Clinton. Dlvlc , Chicago , Mlhviuikco nndRll polnlactist. To tlio peoiiloof Nebraska , Colorndo , Wyomlnjf , Utah. Idaho Nnvndn.OrcKon , Wnshliitoii ( nnd Cidlfoniln It oilers superior advantages not posslblo by iiny other Hue Among n few of tlio numerous points ot supe riority enjoyed by thopntronsol thla road bo- tncen Onmlm und Chicago , nro Its two trains u dny of DAY COACHES which nro tlio llncst thut nmmin urt nnd Inuonnlty can crcnto. Its PAT/ ACE SUIEl'ING OAKS , which nro models of comfoit anil cloiriinco. Its I'AUI.OH DltAWING ItOOM CAHS. unsurniissud by nny. and It8 wide ly celebrated 1'AIjATIAL DININO CAHS , ( do equal of which cnnnot bo found ol-owliuro. At Council HluffH tlio trnlna of tlio Union Pnci- 1o lly. connect in Union Depot with those of tlio JhlciiKo & Noithwcstern Ity. In Chicago tlio tridns of this Him muko close connection with tlio-o of nil custom linos. For Dotiolt.Coluinliufl , Indlnnnpolls. Cincin- nntl , Nlnirnrn Full * , lluffulo , 1'lttsbnrnToronto , Montreal , Iloston , Now York. I'hlladulphlu , Dal- Imnrv.WushlnKton nnd nil points In thu enst , uak the ticket iigcnt for tickets via tlio "NOKTH-WiSTiilN : : , " If you wish the bcEtncconiinodiitlons. All ticket M.8.IIAIB , Qciiurul Muuiigor. , Gun. I'uts. Atrent. CI11CAOO. WHO IS UNACQMINTEO WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Or THII COUNTRV WILI tee ny EXAMIMNQ THIS MAP THAT THE CHICAGOHOCKISLftNDa PACIFIC RAILWAV llr reaion of IU central pojltloii and close relation to nil principal linen ha it mil Weit , at lnltl l ami tcr. nilnal point * , constitutes the innut Inipnrtant mlJ contliuulftlllnkln that fjtttm ot through traninnr. tatlon which lumen nnU UcllltalrH travel anil trlllm lutwecu cltlri of the .Atlnntlo met I'ucino Coaiti. It l alio the furorlla mid l > it i-outu taapdfroiu polntu r i Koithont and Boutlirnit , and comrpuudloir | Jolntiv , t. hoilhwcst mid Scutlintit. The Croat Rook Island Route Ouaianteei 111 | iatron that icn.o of pereonal ccu. rltr nitordfil liy a ullJ , IhorouulilT tullaftid road. " "jiiiuoojIitrucU ot coiiilnuoui uleel rail , nib.un. ttall ) built culr rl nnd Li lilirw , rolling lock at m-ur porffctlon an human .1.111 fan make II. the afet npll | ; nciof patent buirrr , i > latrorui > nnii ilr braker iidiUM ollurdlwlplli LkliRor < ni"tlii ! pfoj : lffi&ffiti&t % $ $ S filftl.ft.1Sv a ! ? SKtJSSSS1 C9U1/oltl / aua The rut Kipren Tralni hctutfn Clilfico nd Peon U , Council llluOTi. Kaniai Clty.l r iwoitli n3 Alflil.oD are compowd of well ttutllatnl. iliiely up- ' ' " ' " ' " Couhci. nay MoBUldccnt rullmaii I'ilaoo ealtn. lletweenChlMiro and Kaniai Ulty and Alcl ru aUa run the Celebrated Uecliulng Chair Ca . The Famous Albert Lee Route Ii the direct and farorlto line bctwcfnChlcaRoanil flliineapoll.andlit. 1'aiil. vhcra conufrtloiiaremide jn.V''luuOCpot foi-iill polnu In the TerrltorleianS lirlllih l'ro lace > . Over thli route fait Kilrtt * Iraln , are run to the watcrlutr | il i luuiinrr r" orti.putiirwiui Ioc4iinie .an3 luinUnir and n hlne erouBdioC Jo. * and illiuiMota. It li olio the nioVt LINK , Tla . Seneca and Kan. - - . . i . = * . viiviivii b twten < * tncliinaU. Indian. ln'a"ll.L ' raJr"ell"1. < 1 ' HlulTa. KanVaicUj. : -o.unctl UlnneapolU and St. ! ; Paul and - Interiiiidlate iwluti * . . tor detailed Information . . tea Mao nid Kold.r. .rcll a , tlcketi , at all jirln"l | lTicket umcct in tuo U<b4 CCAtci and Canada Lv dlt.ilDit ' ur " * &ii R.R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , I'l ci't A. Otrn'l Jl'it'r , Oen'l TM A J'tii. , Bt , OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Billiard Table * , THE ] IHt'.VSWlOK-l Al.KI > tXUKNDKH ) kCo. Manufacturers of Billiird & Pool Tables , And Pnloon , Office nnd llnnk nature * . Mnrtct nnd Huron Sts. , Chlvngo , ill. Omnlm office , t ) . ) 8. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc. * * IIKKS PltlNTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illonk Hook Manufacturers. Nos. 106 nnd 1HSouth ( 14lh StreetOmnlm , Neb. Butter Tubs , J. SKY.MOUIt , Manufacturir of Butter Tubs. Efi nKO > ; 40 n > , .TOO : = : & > , stc ; 20 m , 220 ; uw in , WXISth nnd Picrco 81 . , Omaha , Ne _ Cigars and Tobacco , " " " MAX JIUYint.t CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Gum nnd Ammunition. 217 to 22H South llth btioet , 1020 to lift 1'ainain Street , Onmlm.Ncb , ISTKIt-OCKAXCllHU FACTOIir. WKST &FIUTSCIIKH. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholeenlo Dealers In Leaf Tobnopo . Nos. 108 and 110 N. 14th Stiei t , Onmlm , Nob. _ CorniceS , Eagle Cornice WorFs John Hponelcr , Protulctor. Mnnufiu.turer of Gnlvnnl7iil Iron and Coinlru. iCIDodru nnd 101 iiiidl05Noitli 10th Street , Onmha , Nob. _ ' KUHMPING & 1IOLTI3 , Manufacturers of Oiimmcntal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnH Kte. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono _ innnypnttorthucoiintry. _ Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. Galvanl/ed Iron Cornlccx , Etc. Spceht'H l-n- proved Patent Motiill'cSkj light. COS and 510 S. 12th St. , Oinalm , Nob. _ _ Doors , Sash , Etc , Gate "City Pkn'ng ' laill. Door ? , Sash nnd IHImK Al o all kinds of turnliir. Scroll nnd Stair Moik of o\ery du- horlptlon. Mnniifnctnrer and Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Itnlh n cpeolnlty Tclrphono No. 02 _ 1Mb ami Marcy fcti. , Onmlm , Nob. _ Electrical Supplies , ' " L. W. WOLFE Si CO.Klcet7ielans' Electrical Supplies , Masonic Illock , Omaha. IlurKlar Alarm1 : . Hells , Fli o Alarms , F.lcctrlo Mat tin t , SnealiliiK1 Tubes , Gold , Silver and Nlekol Platlnjr , Ktc. _ Iron and Nails , " " " OMAHA NAUj MANUrACruTHNG"cai Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nails i > Specialty. Omaha , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery. Custlturs , Stcnni KiiBinc , Ilollcru , Arclilti-ctnriil lion Work , lion JlrI < lK''S. M niul .Mill Machinery. Olllco niul works , Union 1'acltlu It. It. 17th unil ISth Street" . WKAHNE& : Foundry Works. Cor. Hth nnil Jnclt on 'Stp. , prepared to ilo nil Idnils of Iron nnil Ilrws rii tfnirs ; nUo.O , U. ' i Itocltlnsf Ornto liars inanufiicturo 1 i Mattresses. Mattress .Company . , Mnnufncturlnir Jlntti-Ot cs , HciUllii ? . Fcnther 1'Illnn-b , Cots , Ktc. 1JOO Una 120S loiif'lus ) fctrcct , Onmlm , Nob. Overalls. _ " * ' D > r. sfrFACTUnTNG CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pnnts , Shirts , ntc. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas Street , Omnlm , Neb. Bridge Maltria'- , HAVJIOND & CAMPI EM , , Engineers and Contractors. Iron Conililimllon and Ho o Truss Il , Yiidnct | ami HoorTrui-tos , Steam I'llo lti\insr ) , und Oak Timber. IJth St. , near Furnani. Tele ' Safes. Omalia Safe Works , G. ANDIIKEN. Mamifnctutcrof riiniinil Ilnrtflnr Proof Snfo ? , Viuilt Doors. .lull Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. Hth nnd .lucl.Mn 8ts. , Omnlm , Neb. Soap. P. J. QU1UI.KV , Soap Manufacturer , Ofllco nnil rnctory , nniil'o \ \ lcr Onmlui Xcb. Wagons and Carriages. GHATTON tc DRtfMMOND Mannfactui'ers of Fine Carriages , 1311 mid 1317 Hniney Mivet , Onmliu.Nob. Bola Aiffiit inXcbuiskii forJouiV Cclubrutcd Split klmlt .Sulkies A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , M'J mid 1411 Dodge Street , Omiihn , Nob. White Leao\ _ OMAHA WIUTi : J.KAD COMl'ANV , Conoilcis nnd GiJmlcrsof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Oinnhn , .Vcb. J.ovi fniter , 1'ics ; C. W. Mend , v'lco I'rc-fc. : II. W. VnlLt , tiiv. iiinn'reiiti. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Millard , fj. Eliciirt- . K. Mnrkcl.Thoi. gnobc , Proprietors Omidni , Xt'ljrnskii. Arcade Hotel , Jnuien Cutqs , I'l DIH li lor , jSUi nnd Ix'IT Jloiik'Jas tU. , Onmlui , Neb. Ihciiulionugoot coiiiinoiclul men letpi cifully t-olU-llcd. 'Hiey will nnd this Hie best { J u ili.y lioii-o wc t ot ? lanters House , o. E. rr.hiufi , iMiopitiETOii. Ilatcg , il.M per dny. Mrcct cnio irom I1. 1' . lepot , nliiiin o u block of hout > u , Couicj Doclyo iiml lUtliEtait Omuhu , Nob. The Cozzens , P. numsoy & Co. , Proprietors. Rates < -.CO per day , no dark rooms. Omnlm , S't'b. Also propiiotoiaof Puluce llott'l , t-iintu Fo , Nu\v ilujilco. Canfleld House , : or. Nlnili and ruiimm Ste. The Iwt { 2 per .lay hotel In Oiuuhu. HeniCMlelCHl , relunilblie/J , eik'CJ iiiitLdionublocklioni uriny licndiiunrteru , ippobito Union 1'iicltlu lu'Udnuaiiers ; Btivct ears mbS the door. Goorgu Ciintleld & Co. , proiirlu- orb. Alto Union block VuiUS Hotel , South Jinuhu. Hotel de Gees , 1 * . G0 < 13 , Proprietor. European Mirti , 'I hu only cent rally located $3 day bouee. Thrtu doom from lloydX Opera lioubo und ono-hulf blwk from thu J'ostollico uid the Court liouto. 1JW. 10JU , l&U Futuuia : t.Ouj < iliU.Seb , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , MNI.NOUK VMETCALV co , \Vlioleca1o Dealers in Agricultural Implements , OfJlce , Corner 6th find Pacific Sts , Omaha , Neb. PAHLlKroitKNDOHlT it MAKT1N , Wliolos.Jo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Wagons and llUfrsles , Omalm Nob. CllUUrlllUi 1'AKKKll , Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carr.'ascs nnd llusRle" . .Irncs St.ln.'t. Ptli and 10th , Omalm , Nob. Boots and Shoes , " " * " "w. V. > I01ISK .V CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 3411 Fnruain Street , Omalm , Neb. Manufactory , Summer Street , MoMoit. Carpets. S/A. OIlCllAUD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting ! ) , Curtain Goods , Kto. , 1433 TArnam Street , Omaha , Not. Coal , Lime , Etc. " " " "jhFF W. UKlK01tl , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 2138. Hth rt. , Onmlm , Neb. Yard ? , Mil nnd DcrcnportStreet ? . COITANT & SQUlliKS. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. IlutMirltlK . Onicr,2l3S. ! 3thSt. Telephone No. ! 4ttJOmalm , Neb. NIUIHASICA VUlllj CO. Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 S. lOtb St. , Onmlm , Nob. OKI. C.Tuwi.i : , I'lesldnnt. CEO. I'ATTi'iisox , See. and 'I'lea * . J.1I. HUI.IICIIT , r.A.llM.Ctl , Propilrtor. MiitmBcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKIIUASKA. OfficeJ.M7S. l.itbSticct. 'I'clcpbonoP. l < ro.l * . , Pics. C. K GOODMAN , V. Pics. J. A. Su.MiMir.vM ) See. nnd Treas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbeis of haul niul toft conl.WJS. IJth St. , Onmlm , Nob. OMAHA COAL AND PHODUCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Eaclu < < ivo dealers In Iloiildcr Colorado Coal,21T ontli llth Mi cot. Coffee and Spices. CI-AKKE ilKOS. &CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills , Tons Colfecs , Spices. Daklnp Ponder. 1'lavorlno : ixnactLnnndry : llluo. Ink , etc. 141MU liar- noy Strcot , Omaha , Neb. Commission Etc. . . , _ _ _ " " ' 'HUANCH & co. , Wholesale Fruitb1 , Produce , Oysters , 1121 rarnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our o n pack- tiiff-Plntt V Co.'s Tim-p Hi nnd OiitoiP , llnttor , Kjrps , Gnmo , Poultry , Potiitoes. _ General Commission Merchant , Produce , PioviMons , I'rnltP , lloitr nnd reed , 10,1 S. Hth St. , Onmha , Neb. Consignments solicited. Itotuins nmdu piomptly. Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cliccn ) , SaiistiRt's. ] "iult" , Hiitcliors" Tools and Supplies , l-lo. louts St. , Omaha , Nob. A\r. 13. IUIDKT.Ij , General Commission Merchant. .hs Cbro'-e , llutter. r.prtt , Poiiltiy and ( iiinic , 112 S. 14th. , ( ) nmlu , Nob. Tclo- plinno Xo. W . _ _ _ D. A. : HTKMY : , Commission and Jobbing , llnttcr , I'mrs niul 1'roilnco. A full line ot Htone- /iiiL * . Consignments tolloJtci ! . 1411 llniljru St. , Oiiinliq. K. MOUONY , General Commission Merchant , llutter , V.vtif , Cheese and Countiy Prodnco son- 01 ally , : W ) S. 12thSt. , Omaha , Nob. MfSHA.VK & SCHKOlJDElt , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ilcfrlirerator and Paoldnj. House , I ! tb A : f. ( avon- Vionh St. , on U. V. It. II. Tiacli , Onmlm , Nob. Ei-fnhllslicil IbTO. ItOIlKIlT PUHVIS , General Commissioo , S11F. 14th St. , Onmha , Neb. Ppocinltlcs-Iluttor 1-tfBN , Ponltiy nnd Game. PEYCICE IlllO ? . , Commission Merchants , J , Produce and Piovlslons , Onmhn , Neb | vIHS < Ulil'AUN & fcONS , to A. P. Sehuck. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South K'th Stieot , Oinalm , Nob. & WILLIAMS ; Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruit * . Moiir. Apples , Stnnownre. nilfr.Vinoffnr. Glass Seeds. ItiUtor and I'.KKB , Uia and ! IS South 13th ttiect , Onmha , Nchrubka. WIEDEMAN & CO ] ' Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Hutter , Game , Fruits , Etc. ' . " 'US. 14th St. , Omnha , Nebraska. i A. Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Meate.I.ard , .lolliiw , Diittrr , KKKI , Choose , Etc. No. ! iU5 B. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob. WESTEHFIELU DUOS. , General Commission Merchants , JlO&nndfju Struct , Omaha , Nob. Con&iirnmcnt * Solicited. ] { . McDOXALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 115 istli Micet. Omaha , Nob. Gpevlnltlcst Hut- lor , KKEB , nnd ChlcHons , Crockery , Aueni for tlio Jlanuracturors and Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , ChlmnojB , | 5tc. Olllco , : )17 ) South nth Street , Omaha , Nob. Dry Goou's. " " " ' " * " J. J. I1HOWN & CO , , VTholesale Dry Goods and Notions , J323 Douglas Snoot , Ouiulm , Nob. It. GINSIIUHO & CO , AVIioleealo Dealers in Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Jjici'ii , Embroidery nnil M'hltu Goods. IttO Douulnb btrcct , Omuhu , Net ) . Engines , lillOWNKU. ACO. . , Tlie Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary und portable cuKlncs , boilers ana htet Iron woik , wnminu , niiVicnliunil Imiilo nentf , iminps etc , I'-'lJ-moLuncwvorthbt. Leather , Hides , Etc. L. C. JIUjmNGTOX & HON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , ; llllJuckboi ; Btiect , Onmha , Nub. 8LOMAK Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , addlciy und Fhoo l''lndliurti , Hides , Wool , 1'urr. _ j 'lt * * . < 'Hti6e , Tallow , Kto. , Oinahti Net . Flour , Etc. ( It.O. WJI. PI ( ESI ON & CO. Wholesale Flour , 08 , lOuudCl l'icicoSticct OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY nnt'xo TZSCHUCIC , JR , Ag-cnt Tor J. C Hottinnyr JkCo. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr lly Holler ami 1unjrrlan ! l'n > cc s. Warobouse , 1213 Jones Ptrrct , Omaha , Neb. W.J.WKI5HANS * CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Wclslmin ftCn. ' * QnlcV ItixIMiiff lluckwlieat Hour and proprietor ! ) Omntm City Mills , cor. bth and rarnam Streets , Omnba , " " " PsVLlc , Succcs'ora to Ickon Slcinsscn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , mporters of Koreten 1'lsli , Nor. Pll-in Jonci t * . I' . Tr.tck , Onmli.i , Nob. _ _ j Furnittire , Etc , HKWKVBTONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Fiirnnm Street , Omnlia , Neb. Groceries , " H1103. , Wholesale Grocers , _ 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Onmhn , NVb. _ E. II. CHAPMAN A CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco ami Smokers' Aitlcles , 1217 Howard t. MKVKIt & KAAl'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Clgai s andTobapeos , 1317 nnd IJlUIouiT > Ins Strcot , Onmha , Nob. " " McCOUD , lUtADVA , COMl'AXV , Wholesale Grocers , Cornir lOtli nnd rarnam Street * , Onmlm , Neb. 1'AXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noi. 70i ! , 707 , 701 and 711 S. lOtb St. , Onmlm , Neb. Hardware. " w. j. imoATCir , - Iron Steel Heavy-Hardware , , , Fpilnps , WIIKIIII Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. I'M ! ) and UM1 llarney hticct. Onmha , Nob. _ lUNiV& ) : OIIIIION , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carrlniro Wood Stock , Heavy llaidwaro , I'.lc. t'17 nnd 1219 I.cavoiiHoitli Street , Oinalm , Nob. HLMIIIIAUGH .V TAYtJOlU Builders' Hardware , Mechanics1 Tools and lluiralo Scale * . HOi Dong- Ins Sticct , Onmlm , Nob. Mill , VllinD & CO. , Johhers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Ktc. Apents for Mono Scales and Miami I'outlcr Co. , Onmha Neb. ' JI1LTON ItOGIJnS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Gintcs , Brass poods. 1KU nnd 13.1) ) Far- liiiiu Stieot. _ KECTOH & WIl.HRI.MY CO. Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Dncrton Steel Nnll . Cor. 10th and Hniney Sticots , Onmlm , Ni < b. Harvesters , &co.cmcA ( ; ( Manufacturer of tlio Deering , Harvester Goods , Write to Win. > I. Lorlmor. General Atrent , Onmha. TclcphonofilU. Iron Pipe , Etc. ( .OWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbers In lion Plpo Iron rttliifre. Iron uml Hi-ass Goods. Kmrlneors' Sup ] > Ues. Htn nnd OodRO fticcti ) , Onmlm , Neb. A. IA STIIANG Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Itnlln ay and MlllliiffSuiipllo , Etc. _ ' . ' -0 , IB2 und IK1 Fnriuini St. Omaha , Nrb. cnimrinr.L PUMP co. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. Hoadqnartcid fo- Mtibt Foo't Co.'s Goods. 1111 I'm mini Street , Omaha , Nob. Jewelry. " " r.DHOLM & KHICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers , Dealers in Silverware , Diamonds Watrhas Clocks Jon elers' Tools nnd Mnterlal" , Ktc. , 101 and 103 , IGth Sti cot , Cor. Dodgu , Onmlm , Nob. 4 J3JH . L'Ye ' Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yardage CharRod. Clot-o to IT. ] * . llildKO. ilpuclnl neoominodatlon nnd a peed nmi-Kct lor liotfs II. U. Cooper , Man- Ollico , South Stli Street. M. IIUUKn & SONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. Ilniko. Miumifcr. Union Stock Yards , 8. Onmlm. Tclo.ihono 583 \r. F. iinowN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Olllco Kxclmngo Hulldliiir. Union Stock Ynrds , . t-ouih Omaha , Neb. TclophonoNo. OU.I. , 'rT N MALIXHY , SON & CO. ' ' Live Stock Commission , Union Slock Ynrili , Chlcafjo , 111. , and Onmbn , Nob. 1'rank Chlttendci ManiiKorOnmlm liiiinub. relephono No. 2S3 , Established 1 0. . W. L. PATUICIC & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Address all connminlcat Ions to us at Union Stuck 1'uiils , Houlh Omaha , Advuiio s nmilo on clock. . Union Stock Yards Company , OP OMAHA. Limited. John 1' . lloul , Hiiporlntnidonl. [ .SAVAUE & ( MK1CN , ' Live Stock Commission Merchants. Sblpinontfi of any ami all kinds of muck solicit id. Union blr.cK Yiuda , Onmha , Nob. Lumber , Etc. " " "l/JIJIS IIUADI'OKU , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , 3 fli , UOOIB , Klc. YiinlA Cor. Ttliunil Douglas , Cor. I10HN MANUKACTUHING CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MonldlnKf , Stair Work and Intoilor HaidWood rinlsli. Just oiMMK'il. N. n , uor. nth and l.oavoo- orlli Slicots , Onmlm , Nob. CHICAGO J.UMllUlt COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , ill S. lltb Stioot , Oiimlm , Nob. Colpotzcr , Munagur , C. N. DIETA Lumber , _ IStbnnd California HticoH.Omnha , Nob. HIED W. QUAY , " Lime Cement Etc Etc. Lumber , , , , , . Cor. Cth and Douglas Streets , Onmha , Neb. OKO. A. IIOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Onmlui , CHAS. 11. Jr.K , Hardwood Lumber , rVtxton Ftock , Fancy \Vood8 , llrldtro Timbers , & .O. , ft. Vf , Cor. Ulli anil JJouirliU.Omauu . 0 , i Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ; , DullillHK P l > cr , lite. South IJth fctreet , Oiuithn , Nebraska Lumber Co , I'uld in Capital Slock , . I/XgLrrriiinanufaitiiitird nnd nholu ale denl i-n. illlls t.MurrUI , Wls. WhoUi .ilu und tojidl ilbtrlbullu.'yiuil , Oinuliu , Neb. Gil S. V > lti dU OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA T. Mlir.K CO , Dealers In All Kinds of , ' Building Material at Wholesale , Iftth Street ami i n o I I'.IL n Track , Omshv nKHMAX H.WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , COth nnd Irrml Streets , Oninha , Nebraska. " J. \VAKKKir.U ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , tlnlMliif : Pupcr * . Snsli , Doors , Itllnds , MonKV IIIRP , 1'lckctg , Post , Mine , Plaotor , llnlr , Cement , Nltttn nnu.lone ? , Omnhn Nob. Millinery , Jmportcrs nnd Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , _ 12Ullnim > yPtiectOtnntinNoh. Musical Instruments. " ii : > lILM . 11HICKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stelmvny I'lnnn * . Wolier , Decker , Unities nn ' ItrlKKA 1'iunoq , Piicknrd Oiirans , Clmfo Orir.Mi * . ; 101 niul U lM i street. Notions , Etc. j. u iittANiir.s * SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Good * , Notion * , Oont ' FimiMiIng Ooo > 1 > , Uootta from Now Vork. Tindo sales daily. MJ nnd WS South 13th St. , Onmlm. C.S.OOODHICH A CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , DuipKl'ts' nmlBlntlnnnrV Fnndiles. ULMMr * imm.Omiilm , Neli. , J , T. Robinson Notion Company , 4 I ntut 4M P. 10th St.,0ninlin , Nob. Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd dents' Kur- nlshliiR OooiK Oils , Etc. CON ) I.UATnu"TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mica AxlodrciiMi , Klo. A. H. Illsbop , .Mamiprr , Onmlm , Nob. Pork Packing , JAMKS II. 110VD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oinnlin , Ni'biuskn , HAUUIS fc KIKIU'.II , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onicc , Union Market , 1517 Dod c Stirct. PiieMiifr lioiiho , II. 1' . It. It. Truck , Onmlm , Nob. Telephone - phone No. ir > " . Safes nnd Locks , r. norint * co. * Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock Co.s' Tire and llur lnr 1'roor SufcsTliiio l/oeks.Vnnlts nnd . .lullork. . KCU I'm-num clicut , Otnnlin , Neb Seeds. " J. UVANP , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Agricultural. Yvirrtnlile. lUc. Odd Fellow1 Hull , N.\V. Cor. llth nnd Dodjro Ht . , Oniulri , Nob. Drugs , Etc , " 11. T. cr.Aitici : DHUO COMPANY- , Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers of Vulnts , OIK Wlnd.nv Glins Kto.HH llniney Slicol , Onmlm , Nob. THE riOODMAN DKUG CO i Wholesale Druggist' , And Denier in 1'nlnts Oils nnd Window Gliu , Onmlm , Nob. , > Wines and Liquors. _ a ic miT.oNi : & co. ! Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , r JJ02 mid VMl Douglas St. , Onmlm , Noli. l' o un lM-Nos. ( 4 and : ) ( U , : ; d aibt. N. Y. , \j cno. : w. DUNCAN , Successor to JlrN.VM.un. tc DUNCAN , Importer * ami Wholesale DeiderA in Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 214 nml KID P. 1 lth St. , Oiimlm , Nob. it. it. GHorrn , Wines and Liquors. Wi'Btoin AKcnL.1' ) < ) . Sfhlltz JlioiUiw Co. 710& S ' . 'Hi ' Klieel , Omnlm. IIIINHV HOUNIIKl'tOKH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. llii ! Doiulas Street , Onmlm , Nob. 11KR & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And M < ] iorH. ! Polo iiininifiictniors uf Kennedy1 * I.IIM India Hitlers. 1112 Ilnrncy Street , Oinnlia , Nob. I * P. I-A11SON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies Amiriinini , nnd Gciu-rnl ABonts for the I'lilllp llostB1 Culobiutud MIlwuuKuo Hour , Omalm , Nou Harness , Etc. WIITV : * I.ANDUOCK , Jlannlnetiiiei.s and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Good * , IllanU'ta and Kobe * , lli'l I-'arnura _ Street Onmlm , Nob. Chicago , Milwaukee & Sit , Paul The Short Line and Best Route From Omahajo the East. TWOTHAINS DATI.i" IIKTWKIJN OMAHA AND 1'lilfflfro , .Mlnnt'npoll * , Milwaukee/ bt. I'anl. Cellar IlnpliU Davenport , t'Jinloii. Dilbmiuc , llockford , Hock Island Kreopoil , .lancgvlllo , Hljrln , M lulls-oil , UiClosso , llclolt , Winoiin , Andullotlior Irapoitant | > uJnl < Kast , Nortlicast Ticket onico at HOI rariiam slii'ot , ( in j > ftxtoii Hoti'l ) , and at Union I'aclllo D | ol. I'ullmnn Pluopui-H niul tliu I'lin-bt Dining O.m in th o N > 01 Id am in 11 on tlio nmln Ilius of Ilia ClIirAllO.MlMrAIIKUK&tiT. I'VUI , IUIUV4T , ItllJ rvciy attention Is jiald In piiisuntrerd by coin to- It , MII.I.III : , ( ionoial .M. J. K. TuciKiiii , Amlniiint ( luneral Mnnascr. A. V.II. UAin-Kxrhii , ( loiuial J'ussciitfor nj TlckotAiiit. ( ir.o. K. iiKArroiiii , Assktiuit GenernlFotEi-n b'cr anil Tk Let AKIIIU , P. BOYER &CO. v IIUAI.KIIS IH Hall'sSafesVaufgJimeiocks ! and Jail Work. 1020 L'aniuui Street , Oiutilm ISflfiC GRIFF ITH , Commission Merchant , And Wholesnlu Dealer In "ountry Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc. GOODS ON CONSIO.NMUNT A 61'ECUI.TV. 320 N. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb. llofciciioiis , liv permission first National ' ] Hunk , Oiiliminu ; A. B. ( litiretson , Ctishlor Klijnx S'utlimul llunk.hlouvrity ; lonuKutloniil IliuiK \u \ * Jluliub ; It. M.KIiiKnnin , AtKlktunt ( 'usher I'lrnt NiitloiiBl r WANTED BY R. E , Filonfc , Lincoln , Mtfc , HJghos. ularket Pnco Paid.