Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Page 2, Image 3

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for ( ho first Insertion , nnd 7 cents for each
( rubEcqucntlrscrtlonii > i si. * ill iie pormontb.
Be rt.t words nil bo counted to the line ; they
mult run consecutively nnd must bo pnldln ad
VfthcA. All ndvsri onjcnt9 m 'ft be hnndcd In
lioforo 2 o'clock p. W. , and under no circura
fctnneoa will they bo taken or discontinued br
tcleiihonc , i . . .
l'nrtic ndtcrtt inirln these column ? nnd hnr-
Inxtho ntUwera nddies ed mcnro ot lin line ,
tflil plenso nk for check to enable them to pet
their letters. n none will bo delivered except on
pre 6ntntlon of check. All nnsisett to ndvcr-
Mtr-HUiitti should In' ' enclosed In envelopes.
. -To LOAN o'n horses , n nitons , fur-
iiltnrfwnlchewithout icmotnl. 'J'erms
onsy. ( .1 rawed , lloom HMrmi llnnk ilmid-
Injr , Ktlt nml 1'nninn. . Tnko clevntor. ( AMoW
jtfliMtno to lennon ctv ! residence piopcrty.
$ ' ( Ho. W.Dny , 15JU Kniiinm. iiJ.1
TI1O I.OAX Money in imy amount ,
J. flixnJ clnsicsotteuuriiy.
Mitnttltno Innm on rcil c tnto.
Lon llino lonns on icnl estntu.
Money to lonn on clintttK
M < ITIO > to lotm o'n < 5 > llittcrn1 $ .
Money tt lonn nn nny j ; 'od
Terms c.i r. tnnoto it | (
Apply n thoDmnlm Tlnnnclnl Kxehango ,
lliu k ( r'g bulliliiiir , SW rtirnor of
tlftetnth und rarnnm su. , uustnlra Tilt
T fONIJY Tl ) LOAN on improved nnd iinlm-
JJ-L proved cltv properly. Cuuninghnm &
Hrennnn , 1511 Dudgo street. OH
MONI2Y for uvcrjbodylou cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , nitons ,
lilnnos , stock of nil kinds , dlxmouds nnd fine
wnlchc1on > our ottntlino , l'n > ments recoiled
nt nny time , nnd liitcir t reduced pro rntn.
I'mmrly left fn jour own possession. Terms
Iftwitflthp lottfst. Cnll nnd see mo. Iluslness
confidential. NondiiintnRO taken.V.H. . Croft ,
Itoom 4 , W Itbuoirs New llulk'liiK.Northennt cor
ner ir > tli nnd llnmoy.
IONKY TO T.OAJf O.1' . Davlft&Co. Honl
M Eotnto nnd Loan agents , 1J05 JL'arnnm Bt
T i"
ONHT TO LOAN"On peed securities. A
SlcUuvock , room 7 llcdlck lllock , 150 Knrnnm
Bt. JK7
ONIY TO TOAN On chattels , Wooicy &
M llnrrison , room 0 , Omnbn National bink
bnildinff. TIM _
M OXiv t < r.OAN On icnl cstnto nud ehnt-
los. ! D.7Thomns. fOO
_ _
Mosnv ao LOAN in Bums lit * :6o nnd up-
wnrtls on flrst-clnss renl cstntu ercuHty.
I'otter Jk CoVb , 1D15 Fnrnntn Bt. bOl
l.OAXnn nt C. r. HeedJcCo's. Loan
ollico , on furniture , plnnos , horses , itnjfons
porponnl property of nil Kinds nnd nil other ar
ticle ? of % nine , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
IJnnk , corner inth and Farnara. business
ttrictly fOlllldcuml.
' cnll on us nnd lot us
luke } ou 'jut to luvcstlKtito.
Full cot 1101 lot two houses , icnts lor f IS. Phil
Bhorldnu A\o , north of St. Mno'sAvo , $ l.8')0 _
Five loom liOil o and lot , 17th nml Hurt , $ -,2X ) .
Tinea looiiuluniso and basement. 17th and
Lonicnuorth , Sl.TO.
Two lolKTiOjilW ) , lour loom lioubo nnd sutnmpr
KltcUen , Hrnscom Phii-o , $1.NX ) .
I'll II lot. leu teem house , fct Mary's Ave and
SCthSt. $ J.'JOO.
I'lill Iotelegailt5 loom house , Piospect Place ,
Two full lots , four room house , stable , etc. ,
'Jtvo lull loH , IIloom house , icuts for $ CO ; Oth
licnr l.eiuCntt01 th , JO.OUO.
I'Ino honso. htrjro lot ; Impiotcmcnt Associa
tion n Id. , fl.sw.
TwololHiutd y hou es. Pliull s 2d add. , chrnp.
10 lots in Ilunccom 1'l.ico liom $ ? OJ to S OM
liots In Doni-e's , I.aNo's , I'ntilck's nnd Ox-
ford's ndils. nnrlb.nnd lols In Shull'g , llkkoiy
1'laco , West Omaiiit , lefs' { mid Jlur-h'a ndiK
south. If you -\uint to invest In biiignlim , cnll
nnd BOO u * . UdivnidT. 1'eteuon & Co. , Itoom J ,
8. K. cor. luth nnd Duuprlus it ) . ( HI-
"IjlOU SAI.K Or o\clmiiKO Tlio Jlqrclniuts'
JJ hotel , nflno now hotel hi Climb on , Nob. Itcii-
tnl icccipts now $ AK ) per inonlh. Will * ell or ox-
cluin o lor leslilcnuu iK'iir buslnefs pint of
Oinuhu. I'liriluif-olllnir ilejlro to lite In iv linger
city. Address , W. A. Luii\voiliy | ! , Chndioii ,
Tmoil i\CIIAXSi : A $7,500 stock ofdry
Jj goods for S cash ; bill inco unlnu'iunbcted
land or good Onialin piopcitv. for eAcbnngo
A $10Kifitock ( ( of dry goods loc W ca h , balance
tinlmciimbriod laud or good Omiihapiopeity ,
Gibbon , Archel- Co. , Hoom 3 , Wlthncll itlouc.
* JU
TTum SAI.I : A well bstnlillsluM bnuk In I'aM-
JL ? 01 n Ncbr.iska , county scat town for snlo ;
fl2OtXlcnpitulicquiicd. Adilicss U5Slteo Oillce.
TTHOK SALI" Apnjlng noi\spnpor business In
JU gtoJKiibinska townprUo. t.2,000. . Gibson
& Aicliur , Hoom it , Witbnell lllock. fc'Jl
) Tlieelti/ens of Yoik linvo subscribed -
scribed nbout SU.OJU to stnrt n canning lac-
tory.nud would Ilko some piactlcal man to put
In ImlancQ of ciipltnl and tal.o the mnnngemciit
Of business. AUdiessK. J > . Ely , Yoik , Neb.
flio KXOHAKHI3 Wanted to e\chnnue , Im-
JLprotediosIilonco propvily on Ciipltol Hill ,
" for peed nure , piopeiiy. J , L. Itlcc , 1 ' i'lunum.
Olt SAI.i : ( Jr to trndo for Omnha icel-
dcnco pi-opeilyu limn ol ICO neics. imit
under cnltttntlim. nil 111 lor ciillitnllnn , t djoln-
Invrtho city limits of O'Neill , Holt Co. , Nvbi nskn.
It lias n house , liiun nndlinliinll. . A Hjiouhil
' Investment lor A fanner. Uy ( ico.vv. Din. 1HW
l\irnnm. bbfi-35
IjiOll SAr.U A $ ( lfflO stock of ercnciul mei
JJ chnndl'-o in n iilpldly Browluir town eon-
tnlnlnKl.VOU Itilmbltiints ami " mlhonds , Bitun-
ted in one of thu tic t liirinlne nml floc-k ciym-
tloaiii Soul hoi iiNobrnsUu. llnshiojsM thee d'
, est , location tlio ho-t , mid trndo the Inrtrest of
nny lioubo in town. No hotter opportunity can
bn found lor niiy one Islihi ! , ' to . ? IH'IIKO lu
liliovo biiilno'-a. KiH' liitlucamoiils oltcii-d
jUii'lni"or. Will soil or rent bulldhii ; for full
pfirtlenhim iiddicts CJoiieral MeichRut , lice
_ _
hAT.i : Clean new slock ol gioceiles in
flr > t-clasA location in llmalui : stock nnd llx-
tnios nbout $1,200 , Address P.O. llox U , ' , Omalln.
* rnoll SA Li : Small stock of drugs , medicines ,
J. ' niul the only ono lui lively en teiu tounof
u , Nortnska : invoice $350 ; icn on , will lonlbielo
tlii a4 ! Ice alone. 1C. il. l\reccorinn , * Ll ) , , lluillu ,
Otot county , Nehin ka.i _ * frqvil *
TTIOU SAM' Mllk-D.iliy , about 2"i cows nnd
J3 outfit , nnd land to lcug. 1) . L. Thomas ,
Itoom 0 , ( 'rolBliton block. _ TO !
SAI.IC Haulwiiro business hi Omaha.
" * \H < -u Oillce. _ TUU'bJl _
: An ostabllshiil rcslnnrnnt doing
F.JU u good business In Omiilni , ] > i leu $000. Ulb-
'Aon & Auher , lloom 3 , AVlthiiull lllock. 7-8
( Hl .S.VlTr.-Thoromiuc'iclnl Hotel nt Bouth
llenil. Neb. , piku i--VUl : terms eiisy. Ail-
. AV , 1' . , Uox IB , Bouth Hend. Neb.
FOIt SAliK Or cAchniiBe Tttclto liundied.
nud elKhty netesof Jlo. , timber nnd irinss
land , loity mill's rnstol KIIIIPUS City. As ilcli
bolliif nny land In tbot-tnte , till ! Roll nil or pint
nt Illleun ilolhiit > pcrnoiooi will oxcbmiKO for
irnod impiovcil oruuimprotcd Nobiuskn laud ,
Uedlord A ; fcauor IK
TfTWK SA f.l5 OlTrTlAniJ ro' ' reideslnto , the
J3 re tnurunt , Ilituies mid eontentsfof ttvclvp
furnlched ioom on Iho S. 1 ! . cor. of 1-lh nml
Cnpllol avenuo. Cost SU-OU to fit up. Will wil
for iMM cnMi , or on thno loirood lesjionsiblo
i Hilly , Apply to Coibelt , B. W. tor , l&lb nnd
Flirunm bis. iipstnlrs , 45'J
FOK lols III t piliw Hill , $ rO ench.
Also nnestnblliliiHl bimkliiK1 biiplnOoS lu Xo-
lirntl.n. lonnty sent , ( ilbton i.V Au.-licr , Itoom
Wltlinoll Illouk , Oinnhiu ! ii ! _
TT10H hAI.l. Ube only li'iilhcr nud finding
.L' liuflncfs in l.Iiuohi , > thich husbcuic'iir-
rlcdoulorUn } eiiis\ery iioccflsfully ; the mien -
( on lor felllmr , drulli of the propilctor ; cnpllnl
miulied , fiom tn.lW ) to flOOU. Address M r * .
Jucob Hnberlc , Lincoln , Neb. ST-i
JDhT OI'KMIU A now lioardlnsr housoj new
lurnltuie , rloxn IHDIIIH , mid otciy loom tin-
nlshcd vltli hlindtuul fiu ) lieu ( u chniKU to
Itoiinlers ; tfuaviuilL'cil ciinal to uny K' noutii
wujtol Chktuo. I'tTihi.t VI , per ttiok. boaid
and led lnt , ' . f LOO ; ; iu N I0t1i bt. \K1-M \
\\rA\ ! nn : lu I lotesutnt Ini'itTiTTionrd nnd
f 1 loiltffutr for licntlomiiu , ttllo nnd tlueo
Enudl chlUlicn : > iiliul lou.itloii ; good liter-
* 03 , Addrws 1) ) 55 , Jleo llltlco , bO''O ! *
) for tbieo guulltmcn in pilvnto fam
ily , iioar bu ! uocenier ! , Itcfoieucos jo-
. 4)1 ) N. r.ib Bt , bv-'i' :
riCK 1IOOM ni : < l loiiil tterkj
l veiy befet locution ilS H. Ulh ft ,
nndbonr-1 , JSpcr ccU : bcbtlo-
catlou. IMt Duveui-ort t.
iTiui.Vantc > I to buy 4 or r. lots In
tlluilst'oni 1'mco ; f-pild No ot lot nud block ,
\tllli pikiMvna luuiis to j L. nice , liSJ l > ninia.
" "
K SOXAI W ht 11 the TTblus uobt nxuin
West Cum'iiif ' lots tvlll bn-doubli' the pitcn
they can I o bought lor lo-ilny , They uio on Ilia
] | iiv > biuit > oi'iin MHUo p or'mi in the tu'tU
Ufilni. forfalu b ) J. U Itice , t--J I'.iiiuiin M.
It. J. . I ) , Alx ) ! ) , oillin . \urj
mot I'd to UH lJoii0M.i5 tliL'ot , ft
. , & t.OMKCK , real cstnto
Imrr n mioll'tor Improved nml nnimprovci
lols In OiUfllmi litres nwu- the city nnd hi.nclrcd
ofthou'nndsof jrorcs of Innd for > i > loj corro
sponnence folicitwl. Miir hftll k lKbcck , 1V >
Inrnnin Mn-t-t. Oflicoopen till Bp. m. CTt
IOST lllnck Cordon bettor tlojr , red on no o
J cnr ml loot ; nniwera to the linmo of I up
Imno oil ono hlmt lop ; Imil on leaiher coilni
with n short plceo of roinrnttncliod. Finder wil
pttnso icturn hlurlo.HiWctoter Ekorta ( Leo
rripd&fo..llOS nnd 1113 lltimoy. _ 8Vi-3t _
L OST A ronn pony : return to I'uroy's hnii
nnd i eccH e rcwnnl. > 1 _
ri .C. Mel7nrrHtovollcpnlrCo..lllSoutt
JL UtliBt. botneonUodyo nml Uouslns.
ADIKS m v.nM ot peed domef tie help ont
> lie Fiiiipllca by cnllluK on the Omahu Km
po ) > mrut UfUco , Jlciom I , Itushmnn's lllock. Mrs
J. w , Morrlsosi projiriftor. B7I
TTOIt HAM : At n baiffnln , peed fnmllv hnref
Jwlili new plmolon nnd hnrncss. .1 L Hlec
l i ! rnriinm. IKU-2J
1OK SAM * tjrd'd fceond-lmnd plnuo ehcnp
57 , Ueo O.Mca.
rptlii i.AUlK'Sor omnlmnro rb'peotfiillr In'
J-\ltcd tu cull mid oxnnitnu-tlio 1-tocK of t-eil
fklu ( . 'loiks liiid Oilier choice furs In Inle'l
plmpcs nnd * t7.I < - . nt 'llio Ladles' Metro ) olltnn
rnnlin lilgAgoney , Vnrlois lu nnd II , AilhiKtnr
lllock , DoiiKlna hU , to l' . O. two
LAOIKH' Sealskin ClonVg , D.ilmnns nnd Mnn-
ties , UonViT nnd Senl Ciipcs tilth mulls ,
Iijnx Sets , f > cp rntomuiri , lur lined clieulnrs
chlldroitft * sets. Keiitli'meiiR' oM > rcont collnm
nud I'UITfi , eiirrlngo robes , rtc : ull to bo sold nl
Krcntly ndticed firicos nt tbo l.mlles' Mutiopoll.
tnn Pnrclmslnir AtrnncjI'mlois 10 nnd 11 , Ar *
ItiBtou block , Dod oBt. , no\t to 1 * . O. BffJ
TTWIK S.vTi : A iooii NoTiTtypo-wrltor. Will
-L roll on monthly pnj nients. U. G. Stripe ,
Itoom 4 , HcdkVs lllock. WJ
F isA < i-luoisraille ; pouy.
Dodge. BXW3 *
_ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _
TTMI11 w enthcr Ftilpp , ptorm cnsb nnd doors , go
J to r. 1) . Blend Uli ) B. 16th St. fclK )
17" " ) U BALK A hoi co. ehcnp ; price J03. Court-
JL ; ticy 5 , Co. , 24ih mid l > ivonporl. f - O *
FOIlbArl.i : Tno lots in Pclhnm rincc , ono
block liom hlicutcnr trnck ImiulroSIS ? .
] Slh8lrcut. 5.
T7 ) K hAI.K A bnrgnln rurnlluio nud un-
' delinking stock ; only stino In tottnj notv ,
clean stoct ; county sou , of Uoouo count v ;
chiuiBiJ ofbuslno.-s the lunsnn for selling. Ad-
diess M. J. I.iulil , Albion , Itoono Co. , Noli.
WAATii > Good girls for gonoinl house-
tu > rk ; cooks , compniilnns , etc. , In small
families ut good nnKcs ; wodo not uliurxo Kills
nnythltiij for 1m lushing places. Omuhn Intolll-
Kcncnollico , , room , Hll cor. loth und D uurlns
Street. VW )
\VANTii-AAo. : 1 cook , tthlto. for hotel ;
T treed niiBi'S : cnllnt loom a , SK cor. luth
nud Douglas Mrect. , . '
TTl ) Nu'ite7BiTrirtTliO& I'm nnm St.
TAXTDK Cooil KlU forffoneinl housonoik ,
imiuho 2J1U I'nliloiiilii bt.
iVNTKU A Kill to do housenoiknt 815 N.
lEtust. 1)10' ) *
ANTKlV-A trlil for light lioueckocplna ;
smnll ftimllv ; ( Icininn pieloncd. Apply
1013 Hninoysncetup stulra. UOO-iJ *
"VyANTKU Good gills for dhilm ? room , |
T i lor chamber work , cooks lor Lo.mllug
houses nnd lo liituant , dlshttiishcrj nnd liuin-
ilicvscsfills lor prlMito luuilltes. Call 11-0 Far-
nnm st. i-9J
° l\7"A , > Tii : ) Giil lo do general housework nt
T T S. U cor. " 1st nnd Lout onwortli eta. bGS
WANTii : > A good cook nndsccond girl in
fnmllyof itto ; best of wngespaid. Mrs.
J. W. Moni'-on ' , Hoom 4 , IJushmnu's lllockIBtb
nnd Douglns. b8.t
VTAM'in ) Glil forffoncinl houtottork. In-
' 1(17 ( houlh-lith fit. &J.1
W NTlIl - ( 'cm p 2 1 ent ( .1 1 1 For
bousuuoil ; . Mia. Ilamn.ond , CIS Virginia
Olils for jrcuernl housework ;
' prod plnccs nnd oed tviiges ; pliucsiflvcii
free , dill nt HI ) 1UM St. , Nulia9kn Umplo.t meut
Affeney , Cioimco Block. ( Wi
WANTJJO Good Klrl ; riiglfsh profotrcd ,
mugtbe unit mid uilllutr ; hinidl lanilly ;
Ilt'lit v , oik. Cnll bclw euu l nnd or et culm ; ,
IBlUCallftnnln. 744
WANTii : ) ritt und second cook at Boinn
11 onto. 7 t
" \\rANTI5l ) Good Kills fnr ( roncral bouse-
T uork. Mis. .1. W. JloiTlson , room IHubh-
man llloclc , Ifitli nnd Douglas , 4b'J
" \ \ ANTiu : I'lret-cInM dining-room irirls nt
the Metropolitan holnl. tMl
) Acmrlcr for u hoiso loute on
} > Dnlly livening llco. 1100
TT ANTin ) I'ii-st class cook und wnltermnle ,
V T lorsiiinll countiy tiotp ) : tobor iindexpoil-
onced. geoMr. Hinktoii nt llechlcl hntcl.t oim-
ell UliifTs , lUlo II n. in. , 01 nt AicnJo hotel , Omn-
hn , " lo R ji. m. , Thuisduy. IWl-'JI
WANTin : An oxpoucno d bookkeeper
nould like tt oltniUlon. Address It 5U , lli'O
Oillce. Bbb-ao *
ANTII : > 2 miichinisH Immediately. Omn-
bn Ilurh Who Co. , cor. Kill nnd Cujiitol nto.
WAN'ri : ! ) An A. 1 business mn.n with loloi-
onrcs and H'cuilly for n good position.
Cnll J41 fc'onlliinihst. MA > >
WANTI2H Men unit tt omen to stint n now
business ut their homes ; can lie clone
evenings nnd lenincd hi nn hour ; nny DOIVOII
mnUlnir lei < < than lilc lo f > 0o an hour should send
Wont oncofor n pucKnijo ol tnmpleH of Kood-i ,
inulL'I ttOiMiitfuninplCHformnliw ( ) locommenco
on. Addiem Albiuiy Supply Co. , Albany , N. V.
fcii7tl7 *
17"ANTKI > Situation ns liousokpeperoi to do
> housonoik In prltiito fuuihy. 111t
tH)7-i-'p )
) sluntlou Ladies lu want ol
jror l reliable domestic help onn bo accommodated -
modated by ( tilling at Oiniiliu liitclllgoncoOlllcu ,
Hoom : i , B. K. cor , 15th nnd Douglas BIS , Host of
loJcicucuafutnhhod ith every Kill. Ull
" \\7ANTKD A gentlemnn worn mnto , room
i ueur pixtolllfo : loleicnces tonulied nnd
given. AUdiiij-s It ill , IIcoollUo UlU'-Ua
\\ANTin , : llniird , rprmnnent A gontlo-
TT mnn nudttjfii ttoiild lIUolo eiigngo luo ttell
fiiiiilslicMUi'c'oiul floor rooms ami bnth , ttllh
tnblo bouidln n stiIcily pilvntu fnmlly of ndiihs
Will pay u good price I or satbilnctory nceommii-
dnlloiiH. 1'leiiko niJilii'fS wlili iiume , locution
nnd pi ice , In strict confidence. U. 4 . llec
olllce. 7JU
AMTii > To lent " JnmWind rooms suit-
nblo lor llyhl hoiiookuupln . Addreas 1 > .
O , ItoxfiU , Omnhn. . 7-7
JH5XT Coffiiffn. 7 looms , burn , ete.
FOJl bt. , liuuf SOlll. 1' . T. Amliow , OWN. lull
Stieet. Ul
II iTHilvlcliouso , full lot , coiner 18lh
- and Webster ; low lout. 0. 1. . Ciaiibon , lilld
'iinuini. Kta
UKNT 31010. " Apply at 12li 1'arnam stT
i7i , : - looim. $7. n. n
J 'Ihompaoii , S. W , cor. llth nnd llainoy , ? i < J
TTIOit ltUXT ] IoiiEioii ITlU si. , near Capllol
-U ammo , * ! ) , b Lehman. 7U7
FDK itn.NT Colt.igo nt 7 rooms , larso lot
v , all b.u non punnlsos.only Y block from
tticctoarbiS.u per month , rotter A. Cobb , 1515
i'aiiiambl. 7S9-0
_ _
i ! lll.vr Cjood rooms , $12 per
luuuth , I'oltL'i'X Cobb , 15ID Till luini. 6'jO--0
1 , 011 IINTUK ( : i.KASU-ioom houpo on
-1 : llinviud bt. r ID-acio Balden " ' " ' ( S-ioom
io\iM > ndjomlnif cit > ; MHujo lurm , 17 nillci wcbt
> f Umaha ; o l.iiiia < t.s lot * on St. Mmy.-i ntc.
Apply to U. 11. Clutpuutu iCe , , 11T llonunl Et.
HiXT llawilu'iit mid bilko ovtMi. John
5 N. IBtll bt ,
ltlxr : 'Ihreoliotisoi of 10 , .0 und i
iuj c.u'h. J , I'lilpiH Uos. & 55
lllVr-Mei > llto jooLicJUinrd , 8.15111
nwir Ucniei , A.I' . T U y , 1J1 rarnuin bl.
701 ,
. . . . Itl'ST Ttto CutinsM.Sli linJ Jia 1 < or
ir.or.tii. V , ' . twit.Ivr , Chan1 to Itlool. . 1W
TT1OU ItnNT Netf liAma nt 1K29 ,1no\son 4
Jj Apply nt Cunnlntflimn & Itrennnn's. 151
Dodjrofet. _ -J.w _
TT1OK HINT House tiolonKluft to the e tRt < '
Jl ofJudRO ChndwickW Park ntcnuc. W.J
381 . . .
Connell. _ _ _
'TT1OH IllIS'T ? rwonow8nnd9 roomed nouses
JJ furnace , bftth room nnd all modem convcn
Icnccs. ono block from street , our * . InqiilroJo
1' . llnrton , 314 S5tli St. . or SmcltlntfYorks. . fV
ilNT A store room wth peed collar
X HW ) Hurt street. Apply to Jolm Uautnor.
OiKE > 'T a stores on Bin nml lxnvcnwqitl
sts. 1 store on South Kith st. llotli nrst-cla s
bu lnesslccntlons. Also houb8 to rent. A. Mo
Gnvock. ai3
ft\on \ mxT : rurnUhefl rooms. 150. Haven
JL } port _ _ EKi-JO * _
'iT\oit \ Kr ; nirnl'hcd loom \vith tionrd foi
I1 two Kcutlomou. Ulj.lonosst , Itefoionoaa
exchanged. 8 9-"l'
if IlKNT Store , OJD North 16th Bt
, . , . . . .TNT : n lirgo rooms. S. K. Cor. ICth
JL ; nnd Loatcnworth. 8 > K1J
T7IOU UiNT-3 : unfurnished rooms , CIS S. lOlh.
j } WU
THOU 1U5NT Two nice , . comfoHnblo fur-
JL ; tilshed looms ; oonlinl locution. Mrp. Kon-
ilnll , Odd 1 ollotts Illcclf. UJI-81 *
l'u"rnlshed1oom s. li.M N. loth 6t.
POllltliNT 123-S8 *
"M U 1IU.NT Itoom nitli board 1618 Cnnlto
] < iM1.3tf
n\u. _ _
1J1OU itliXT Furnlihed or itnfunil hiKl
JL1 room ? . 70 Kmth SA1 Bt -
17T011 inixT Nleoly"fiTrntshcd roonw the
J ? blocks Hornpostollleo. CUTS. I0tlisl.
( >
1 ) lt KKTtT Offlco nnd desk room , rren/cr
Itlock , cast 1' . O. Inqnlic lloom I. B77
olt lll NT I.nrso finnlshcd trent room
P with closet , nlso back room. 17U Cnll Tor-
nln s > t. Ttfi
Kurnls-hod room. Inqulio 10th
FOIiniiXT ' . WM
IjAO JrisiISr Nicely fmnlstied room. S. W
JU cor , 10th and St. Mary's inc. _ 5U
17\OH HUNT Two suits of 4 rooms cnch ,
JlJ I'lorco Btioct between IMh nnd Mth. Hn-
h und I'm iinui. r. Moohlo. KW
HKNT rurnlshcd rooms. 2ii N. lUtU.
< on HUNT niriilshoa rooms , 1503 Hnrnuy
J V17
_ _
TTtOH Itr.NT rurnlshcd room with board
J ? BUltnblofortuo t'ontlemon. 18lllodROst )
TNVKSTIOATION will convince jou thill
J- Newport Is the ncniost und handsomest ncio
propoity for only SWd u lot ; Interest at 8 per
cent. .See Ne > v port and be convinced. This Is
tnotlme to buy ncio lots , spiiiuf prices will bo
higher. Ames , IM'l'nt mini. Ulfl
-71OK SAl.i : Allftyncio tmot In section 38 ,
-13 town klp 10 , laime TJ , II , pnoo S""UJ > very
cheap. 1'lno eust tiont lotm Doniso's add. , S8.VJ ,
onsy terms. Some t'lornnt lots In Itnuscom
1'lnco ou ( Uorprln undl'iuk Avoinifi. Como nnd
ECO tlioin. Stoolxda'o & Uunelicr , lull Dotlgo St.
POK SAI.t : Buy a lot n West CumhiK nddt-
tlon. b78
- Sticct.
llouto and lot , bni n , etc. , Davenport St. . . .83,000
lloute , 7 looms and lotiieurl.en > cn\voith ;
veiy easytorins 2,300
T Obtory house nnd lot loERS.tlllirs add. ,
Coiner lot nnd hou o in blihm's add , , nt
Ifestlmncobt 0,000
llousu unit ncio of giound , llimebnutfirs
add 2,000
Well Impiovod tosdenco : pioperty In St.
1-ouls nnd Lleinor , to uxolmniro
Tlueo houses nnd lots in ltogcis'tidd.iisy !
terms .
Finn fin in in Barpy county i 7,500
liust front lots in 1'Inco ut 7r 0
to < 1,600
Lot In Walnut Hill , south liont , halt cash. UO
Fiu in In Douglas county , nuurly 000 ncrcs , $ 'U
per ucro.
Acre property nt S100 to ? 1,000 per nno.
AVet aide lots g-'J'J ' to ) .
toil 8AT.K iots in riiuutujw , 130 ; onsy
terms. Griihnm.Cielghton lllock. yJ'J
NKWroilT Ivciucst , host ncio lots , reached
over level road. The uemost tieto lots ever
sold In tills mniket. I'lieo , WJi ) pur lot ; on onsy
toims ; 8 pei eont intuie t. These lots will double
lu vulno in next Wmonths. Ames,1507 Kmmun.
Foil SAr.i : TMO lots Inl'rnspect 1'lnce $ KOO.
Houfaonndlotlr oO , monthly pu > nionlB , Lot
in Nelson's nddltlon 41700. Geoiso 1J , Humls , 15
nnd Uouglus. 7w :
TT1OH SAU IlyPotter A : Colb7 1 < )15 Vui mini
JL ; ht. , 1 lot In West I'.nd nnd nt fVWO.
- lols in Shinn'e ! ld ndd nt ? 7'5 ci'ucli.
A lew choice lots in Mmsh's ht il.bOO each.
lxt Wi\134 on llitli , blocks horn im\cmcnt ,
Fine act o In ( ci'-o's ndd , J-KXX ) .
Sot tbochcnpest lots in I'lalnvicw , only $450
each. 7JI
T71OH SALK A few lots nonr Hnnscom I'.uk ,
JL ! 7W. C i iilimn , Ci elglilon lllock. VM
Foil Cliolco Ilnrsnlna In real eslnto , call nt tlio
ollico ol UioOnmhn Henl Ustiito A : l.oun Co , ,
iooins ! uiul8i Wllhucll Uulldmg Omnlm. 7UJ
TjAOIl 'HAKhi Ity Uoxtor L U'liomns & Tli7i
J- loom tj.Ciclghlonblock :
2UU leot onFniminist. f8,030
tU.\l. > 0 , s. w. cor. 17tn nnd Center , $3,00) .
CtlvlW , Hanscom 1'lnco , * 7W (
0 lots tfl157 , on Hamilton uud Chnrlos sis. ( GOD
to SbW ) , 3 blocks ttei-tot content'
nuvHB , coi. Chniles nnd Mb BtB . $700.
; Cl.vl."il , trlth house nnd bain , near 20th nnd
Center , $ linu. Very cheap ; Btnnll pajmeiit ;
balance monthly.
no.tU.'i , llth nnd Oharlos , wil' i-mso of 5 looms ,
well , etc , ? Ii > 0) )
J lots , Lono's addition , SfiJO : u , "a.
2 lolsV. . A. Hcdick'sndd , , HA'
J.ot cor. Llth mid Hut enpoi I , fl.TOO ,
Wo think nil the ntioio bargnlnj , Cnlffor
terms. Dovtor L. Thoimis & llio. , Hoom 8 ,
Cielghlon lllock. ft--
qmOKSAiai-Roniriot In Ilanseoiii.l'laeo.STOO ,
-L' ( Jinlmjii. CioiKlitiiu lllock. lJ7 )
SAI.K A few cholcolots In f.o\vo'H \ nd
EOK Horn f.175 lo iV > , AI.-o lioubo and lot
fcfc. > J , on cnsy terms , rotterCobb , 1515 I'm-
imm bt. 7iU !
"IJ1OKSAI < I2 Timber chum , home-tend nnd
pie-L'mptIon,4tiO ) iictes , nil lu ono bony ; only
U inllo liom Clmdion. I'rlco $400 ; million full
& r > pjijtor , ( Jliiidion , Nob. HU5W
TilOK HAlj A'luwood lots in 'illilalilo'No ,
JL ? one on ln\oin ) > oil nnd Chlc.igo SH. . oliotip
nl7M lo SP50 each. Potter A ; Cobb , 1515 I'm.
mini st. nl7
"fTlOR SAI.K A fpoclid linignln In bnslups ?
-L1 piopeiiy , b5 icot liont on luth n. by iw I cot
dco | > . Host biiilno-s point south ot tliernllnny
tinclc. On paveditreel.cnr Hue , ole. Duly sill
iier lioutloot. 1'oiterA : Cobb , 1615 ratiuiul si.
FOK Sale Mngiiiilecnt house nnd lot , 40Y13.1 ,
in Hcillck'H add. , closets , pantry , cl tuin , out-
hoiiso-i , i'to.OoO , ,
J'or Bale Two loin. 1'nrk WJldo uvo. , two nont
IIOUSIM , tu o bat iiB , sheds , etc. , $3U > I.
1'orS-alc Two lois nnd two houses icittlng , In
Credit Fonder ndd , , cnst fiont , trult gnrdeii ,
c'1-.tuiii nnd modem impioiomontp , u ducidud
noiifO and lot with nil
con\eiiieiu'es , ini t deslrnblo locallon , $ . > , uo > .
For ftilo fjols In Heed H , Klikuood'H ,
iCounl/.o'B , t-luillrt , Banndc'ih & lllinebuugh'H ,
and ollior mldllloiiH at Ion1 tlguios.
1'ortiiilo J/ots ranging In piico from f 000 to
[ H.ttWon easy terms ,
1'or.Sulo I'urnis under eultitntiou mid lands
of ull dciiutiptions In every ndjiimiug slati ! ,
For S.ilo fn entlive limns in tint iiio-t moa-
] > eious nnd proyioslvo lounlli'S
For piuliciihiis i-nll mi Alex. .Mc < ) a\ock , Krai
KnUUu Agenl , Hoom 1 , HodicK HlocK , Fariiam St.
1"T < OirwAliK Coim > r oii Faiiiiini , tiuiiic
1 irom court houbo , tl.r.0l ) . Uinhiml'iilgh-
ton lilouk. I'M
_ _ _
AjiTIs , 1507 Fnnium bt.
Ix.ibin I
lledlck'tiaioie . , . fViO
Amch i'lui'u. , . . , . . , . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . 2V )
Oik Cliiitinnn. . ' , , . . , . il i
l'l.ilnvlov\ ' . , . , . & 50
Clniondon . . , , . , . . . . . . iV )
Aillngton. . . , , . . . . . .ft . * )
MehotO Hill . . . iHO
Vrntt'h hilliiHvl lon. , , . , . . . . . . . . avi
Bjmlluuul Ineu . , , , . . , . . . . . T. . . 1W
l.ei\cn\vorthTeirnco.s . . . . . . . . 45(1 (
Harknlow 1'luco . . , „ , . . . . , . 'nx ' )
Newpoit . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . UOJ
I'olo llrllliimlo . , . , , , . , . , . . , . . , . 17A
] | > do Puik . * . IV )
l.ynuui I'luce . . . . . . . . . U > , >
U13 Anu , 15i)7 I'm 11111(1 ( ,
BKIA'i : I ) 13 Hi : Adjoining tlio barrnoks on
lie | notlh , hub tlio ndvantiiuo onnlcolu\t > l
iliheuaj , beautltul location , tlno view * , ( md
t \ci-jthfnx cUc that goes tomuKo upnepleuitld
plai'o lor reildcnto. Pee llolvodere. It H
cheap piopcity , mid no inUtuko' C' . 13. Mtiynu ,
\\.cor l.'illuuidl'ainam , WXJi
"fjlOIl h.VI.K At n baiKiiln. Fine business
-i-1 prupcity onS. Utb , WtlW ft. This enit l }
buiiglit Joi fJlOJle H tliauiictuuj vuluuif InLon
ntuuo. U jou want an liuoMinont look at
I Ills , Coiluim lru'd& ! Co. , 1WJ Fmnaiafct. 815
Fen flAll M 10 per cent OlvldcnO
pnjlnor Mock , oibson & Archer , Kootr
8 , Withncll 1'lock. ' IT )
pATltiCK'S ntlrtiilpil on Snundcn street Is
tbochcnpo t rWipAty in thnt pnrt ot the
city. Street cnrsiinilt , tliroiiRh this nddltlon
Schools nro convwtlotit , busliie 8 reaches It on
two fsldosfor ccmbrmionPo nnd desirable local
Ity Pntrlck's nddttton' lias many advantages ,
Cnl nnd Invesllgato. I/ts only ? 700 to flKK
rncln 0. 13. Mnynona-cnt , B.V , cor. 15th nnd
I'm mini. , 650
- LLJ2 _ _ _
Foil SAT.K-A rulllot nnd ! 1 room hoti o Vlr-
flnin nve , Hiul ihii jilace , jmt south ol
Iienvenuotthst. Aillficll for $1,101 If soM till'
week. Kdwnril T.I'ctilson&Co. . IlooniM .K
cor. , Cth nnd UouglpAj * . . ( GO
FOllSAi.ij ' l.nrcc bouse nnd 8 nicely clovn' '
led lots. 11 Shlnu'8 M ndd. $0 00. Also fine
Broomed lion < .oouTlnricsticct. nicely olevntci !
lot , Jf > ,000. Gibson & Archer , Uoom a , Wltlinoll
lllock. _ _ | _ Ho
T7\OU \ HAI.K-ChonAi 5 or 10 ncro trncti , 1 mllcf
Jsouths ust from ( iurt house. IU miles fioni
Jnnctlou of U. I . Hy.Jnud IJelt JJno , nnd 1 mile
irom Stock YnidS. llles well ! nil under cultlrn.
tlon. , Cnu bo bought for $175 nnd 5200 per ncro ,
If sold soon. Clicnpe projiorty in vicinity ,
PotlerfeCobb , 151 ? * tniniii st. 73J
-ITIOII SAM : on KjveiiANnr-choicoiotsIti
J \ loup City , county * cat ot Bliermnn Co. ,
ob. Gibson \ Arclivr , Itoom a , Wltlmcll Hlock
_ _ _ _ _ _ [ _ 7 ? )
GIIKKMVOOM Ueniitirul nero nnd hnlf ncrrt
lots , line locution , a > i miles from I' , o. , only
few moments walk Horn Hnliscom Pink. Aero'
? 400. llnlfncres"jj , W percent cnMi , bnlanco
monthly pn > ments. C. li/Mnync , a W. cor. 151H
nnd 1 nuinm. , ITS
Foil SAt.K South ironts in Cllflnu 1'laco ,
Jl.OOO onoh. w. T. Giuliani. Crelghlon
Hlock. 71B
FOiSA rJi : A fvo > story , 'z.'sSO , frame build
Inu , suitable Torn store , no ir WtU and Far4
nnmms. Applyutthls ollico. 47
FOItSAMi-Lota In Marsh's ndd. , $1,000 to
(1,500 : terms to suit purchnsor. ( indium.
Crelshton lllock. 718
Tj ) > irVii > intn-Acro lols nt $20a to n" > 0. Tnch
* > will mnkc you 75 to 100 per cent profit bolero -
lore no\t New Yenr'sdny. C. E. Mnjue , solo
ngentiji W. cor. 1Mb und Pnrnmn. _ 658
"I71OII HAl.i ; A Kenointmeiciinndlso business
J. ' lu n rapidly growing Town not tnr fiom Lin
coln. Hest trade nnd location In town. A splen
did opportunity for n party wishing n good
opening , nnd having fiom raven lo ten thousand
dollars in cash. WU1BC11 lor cash only , or p.irt
cash , balnuco real cstnlo In Omaha. Address
Merchant , HooUlllco. 8B5
ITtOltSALU Uirgonnd small slock ranches
1 with or without stock.
I'or balo-3 lots In Spring Hill , $450 cnch.
1'or Sale islnbllahed banking business In
Nebinskii. county seat. Gibson & Archer , room
a , Wlthncll lllock.
I'oi K\cluingo Nebraska fiums for Omaha
property ; nlso lands to ovclmugo tor Blocks of
Wanted 3 business lols for cash within 4
blocks of poslollico.
Tor i\chnngo : UK ) ncio Improved farm , Mndl-
son cniiniy , ft oh. , lor bouse und lot lu Umnhn.
1'orSalo AfMicto tract I mllns of postolUco ;
house cost S1 0Utorlr > uO cash.OlbsonArArclior ;
Itoom 3 , Wlthnell lllock. D25
V 7iST Slli ; Station on Lvavcnworth sticot
T > will bo the junction of the Mo. and
licit liiuo. Lots pincliascd thoio now will 10-
turn a handsome profit to the bn > or In n very
short time. Hull it MuCaiidllsh nnd C. E. Mayne ,
sole ngents. ( " >
TT\OU \ h.vr.i : llouso und lot 213 S 2ttli ft. ; ohonp
J.1 and pajmouts. Addiess C. S. Chlpman. Lin
coln Nob. 571
Foil SAM : Fine coni3r lot , cn t unit south
Iront , HaiibCom'11ni.o. W. T. Gialiam ,
T AVI ) .SIIKIKS : : : , ATTHN'TION For full
JLJ particulars about free and cheap lands In
Western Nubr.isk4addross Thos. 0. I'uttorson ,
llealKataloAgnUUY'orlirt Platte Nob. U33
Foil Cliolco Hnrjrnlp 'jn ' ion ! nt the
otllco ot the Onthhn Iteal IStnlo A : Loan Co. ,
iioms 22aml2J , WjtlineTl Iliilldlng.Omnlia. 763
roilSALi-IJyC.Tr : > rn > iio.
* r "i
M' Full lot , smnUliouFC , WIIcov ndd. . $750.
aiO 1'ull lot on lJ nVMhvoith St. , now house ,
all inodoru eoiivenliince' ! , SS.IUO.
338i-lxton rnimniiiSV.t near , - > tli St. , house 9
looms , nil moijcmipipiovomi'nts , S700. .
33(5 ( T\\o lots , n\o lioutes , 20lh near Howard ,
321-Lo'tyi\151Son < h rflhst , good house , $1,850.
Monthly payment * .
320 Lot lOUAii ) , Uroitlift > Iwo Bti cots , nice cot-
1.igo lnclnglla > conj.rark , $4.80J.
310 Hamlsolno lot , uliUJl &Vtuifo 7 rooms , Oooi--
314 Lot ( iGxlu * . 2bth nnd Harnoy , house 7 rooms
233 Tin oo acres , good house , fruit , etc. , Leav-
cnworthst.Wr > .X > .
SOO 1'ull lot. two collages , Shlnn's add. , $2,250.
22S lioubo 7 looms , east front , bcautilul loca
tion , ilanscom Place , 6J.5JJ.
224 Klegant ie klcnco 10 looms , two lots , linq
location , nvcrj pobsiblo eonvonionco ,
105 Corner lot , silco eottngo 0 rooms , one bloclc
oil S lundors st. , , < , ) , ( > XI.
308 Handsomest collage In Omaha , 5 rooms ,
bcnulitul lot , Gcoigin iue. , $3 , 00.
175 1/otbOjillo , houio4 I'ooms , bouth 13th St.
W 'OO.
100 Hood lieu = ofi rooms , full lot , Hickory nnd
lOlh , H.71H ) ; very clienp. C. K. ilajnc , B.
W. cor , IJith nnd I'tinuim. 55J
TIONALlbT , 303 Tenth btieet , between Fnrnam
und Huriioy , will , wltli tlio aid of guardian
EpiulB , obuiln for nny ono n glance in the
past and present , nnd of certain conditions In
iboluturo. Hoots and shoos made to ordor.
Pcrtcct satlslacllou guarunluod.
Those desiring to put out 1'iult or Ornamen
tal Tioos , bin libs , Plants und Vine ? , will find it ,
Kioutly to lhnlriiiletc t to consult U , L. Ilmory ,
li.i It tier or in poison , iuit'gnid to kind , quality
and pilce , huloiooidcriligof any one. Oiclcia
nbould bo given em ly. Ollico MJU Harnoy St. ,
it'-'idencioKOO : Fuiiniui St.
Proposals for Heal Estate.
BcalcdpioiosuU ill bo received by tlio tin-
derailed iinlll r > o'cloi k p. m .Monday , Januniy
with , PWl , lor n Iracl ot land lor a hohool tilte. Iho
.siiid land to contain nt lojit aj.UOU MIUIIIO leet ,
nnd to bo located bet tt con nnd Including
bi > lh sldosof Nicholas MI cot on thu north , Web-
Bid Mroct on tint honlli , Thhlli'lh sticct on
llio tvcst nnd Bjuudeishtreuton thueiiat.
'Iho board loseito llio light lo lojuot nny or
ull bids.
Uyoidor of Iho board ol Education.
On tin us Cn.Ntn MI , faieiotnry.
Blionff'a Bale.
VIHTUBof tin older of sale issued out of
11Y Dbtilct Com I. tar Douglas county , No-
In uhkii , mid to mo ilhfCted , I nlll mi the l.-t
day of I'ubriiuiy , A , 1) . IbNl , at ion o'clock n. in.
ut hiiid tlio uorlli ilnorot thueouiihnusu
lu thu city ot Omuhli , Douglas counl > .Nebinskn ,
nell nt publlo auction thn piopurty deuciibcd In
biiidoidorol mlo , us JolUiu.s lo-ult :
"A ceitniu ono siorV linme duelling house.
BltuiiteJ on lot Ion (10) ) , In b'odesK ' ( U ) , ol Cell
Icgn Phico addition to llio eity ol Dinnlui , county
ol Doughii.atid Hlntu ol fMibmskii , "
bald piopeiiy to bu Mld to Mithiy Jolm A.
Wnkullclil tluibiim oAiii U7 ilulit nnd ? > ltl 4
i-xisi ol suit , tsltii Inliiu-t tlu'ii'on 1 uiin the fitli
day ol October , IMfi , togelher with nconilng
co-is necoidlug to n judgment rcndoicd by the
JXnttlct Coiiitlor Hilil Douglns county , nt lit )
October loim A. D. 1 " ' , in n euitiln nelloii
then nnd thnio piiuilliur lioinln John A. Wake-
IlildttUi piiilntiirlKiiililV. 1' . ONnll et nl ttmo
deleiuhintt. . Wit. CUIIUltN , Mioillf.
Oimihn , N'l.hnil.W-l | tiX It
Proposals for Real Estate.
QHAI.KI ) inopoatils "HI bo iccolved by the
undesigned mil ) ) [ I'll' , in. Monday , .Iiiuunry
. & Ibbil.for iho folrA | > lug desciibcd ioal ( ilato :
U.ts . 1,2 nnd .1 , In t H-V,1) ) . lu Ho gH iV Hill 2nd
iddltlon ol the i'it > W i nnaha.
Tim bottid ictimi'tf tlio'iishtto u-Jcct nuy and.
nil bids. ' 'I' " .
Hy order of the Hrtnil'tlf ' llducntloii.
d"c20 t'HAhf COMIV fcii , bi'cietury.
Proponnls j Tjft
i < UAI.KI ) | iiOHHuU | ) uJJI bo n.coiicd by the
OundcrMgned iintlPII ' ) clock u. in. ' of Monday ,
ihohlhda ) ol riibumiT/.lH-o / , lor thu follow ing
kinds of puv ing mafeiliiiYvu. :
Blioot nsplialtum as p < * r hiocllloitious |
Abplinlt blocks nsTcrt pcclIUatlou .
Mou1'nlUgr.uilto nd per > > pecIlli > atlonK
Colorado bambloiio n pur ( pjcilloal onn.
Any other stoiiu ns poi1 bpccittc'iittoi ,
Maiiidum us i
Wooden blocks nap-i sjiu.lllcatlons.
Any bid lei piiiiK in nddltlon to bolnsr ao-
coullng to t.pocJltculion-1 may ale bo ncconthu
obiicli spcclllcathms , us the blilder mn > pio-
fccrlbe , llHifiime to boHtfoith in detail und to
uccompiiny bid.
K.ich bid thai I spctlfj a pi Ice porfounro yard
for tlio put Ing cimiploU on Iho btri-et.
Woikto boiionoln ni'iordanco wlthplaniund
spoc'lllo.Ulona on tile In the otllcu ot thu bouid of
iiibllo vtoikn.
lll.U to moimidoon printed blanks fnrnWiod
> y tlio board , anil aicompanioj wlih n eoiillled
elieckin thubiimof ono ilioiibund dollars , paj -
ililu to the cllv of Omaha as u gliniuiitto that
ho bidder Hill within thirty dayit from the
opening of tlio lihU tiJto bonds not euecdlhg
MO ihuuaaiid dollar * * ll ! ° major or cit ) coun-
oil may ii-uhu ( | that such bidder will unlor Into
ontiuctfor tmclj puvlng.of tlio kind nud ma-
eriali pociilcd , us may bo onlciod duilug llio
The bounl of publlo ? > otks u-orvqS thuilxlit
oiejuctuiu or nil I'd" nd lo uultoiuodo-
fccts. J , 1' Hmfc. . ,
lo < 7 Chairman ItuurU of i'ubiiu U'tnki
A Fast Track nml MnnjConstcrs -
Jttiildy Clicoks and Vnt-lcil
Tlio Now York Tribune snvs ; All
E scv county turnoil out Inst niRht tc
cclobrato tlio formnl opening of the lev
bogijan slklc. Old men nml children ,
young moil and maUlon" , wore there t
tlio number of two or thrco thousand , nil
niiXions to see ovcrVflitiipt thnl wns to bn
f-ecn nnd ( jnilo willing to take the chances
of being full over ,
Dyti o'clock llio curious populace had
fipcumulnted lu iot\l masses and thu
policeman's lifo censed to bo n happy
0110. Kvcry li.nm brought its load of
ciliions pcoplo rtnxlous to learn the dif-
forencft between a toboggan and : i
Conor bland roller coaster. The lamps
Hated out and slntfjjilod for supremacy
with the calm moonlight , the line of
gnyly drc 'pd toboggamsts fought their
way up hill through the crowds of sight
seers , who womlorod audibly "if tliim
tilings Was \vlint they slid on : * ' the gates
of the slides woio raised ami the btreani
of toboggans with thi-ir loads of laugh
ing , shrieking humanity poured down.
Tlio sllilh wns Jn line condition. Judl-
cions padding nnd watering on tins pint
of the young men in the red coats had
reduced it to n condition of superlative
ghirliiesst. President Tenll led the way
on his long Amenuaii racer , with Treasu
rer Powers , I'nrr ami ono other for bal
last. They left the head of tlio slide with
the blessing of the assembled company
and the request that if any of the
gates or other obstructions had not been
removed they should telephone tlio
information tip before any ono else
started. The racer rushed down the hum
of faces at a speed molted them all
to one expansive smile , ran up the oppo
site lull nnd out into the lioltl , scoring a
mark that was not often passed during
the evening. While on Monday the to
boggan ran silently and smoothly over
the soft MIOW , it tote along the cntst last
night with a sound like tlio scraping often
ton thousand matches , leaping and shift
ing to cither side like n wiukcu mustang.
J'ho attendance of members ami cucaU
was large , and in imitation of the his
toric king bf Franco and his twenty thou
sand men , the club ollieers marched
them regularly up llio hill and slid them
down again. All varieties of uniform
were represented , but there was a strik
ing nnilormity in the red checks , spark
ling eyes and ringing voices that told of
the liealthfnlness ol the sport. Among
the most enthusiastic coasters were Air.
and Airs. C ) , S. Teall , Powers Farr , Miss
Sallie Lawrence , John Lawrence , Chas. O.
Mnim , Air O'lleilly , Chas. A. Lnmmis ,
Miss linriics , Edward Kntipp. AIiss
Hong , Henry W. Tillingliast , K. P. The-
baud , Air and Mrs. linlton , Miss Kollv of
Philadelphia , Mr. Wriinwright , Aliss
Pryor and many people from the im
mediate neighborhood. The ladies wore
dressed , some in white , home in red and
some in coloicd suits ; while still others
weio not esnecially gotten up for the oc
casion. A genuine Canadian and n mem
ber of the Saeqno Hlon Tobogganing
Club of Montreal attracted much atten
tion. His coat nnd knickerbockers were
of a shaggy white , his mittens , stockings ,
sash and caw of red. The general efl'ecl
was that of a cross between : i polar boar
and a barber's pole.
Tlio number of coasters was .so great
that there was a dozen or more contin
ually waiting their turn , standing in line
with their toboggans on end and tower
ing above them , looking like a lilo of
Scythian warriors with their enormous
shields. Each man put-down his tobog
gan as ho came up to tlio slide , the mo
mentous question as to whether Annie or
Alaiy or Tom was going on this trip
was-scttlod , and the chosen ones disap
peared amid much advice lo "hold on
tiglit. " Tim slide of 1,01)0 ) feet , with a
tall of 127 feet , is traversed in about
twenty seconds. This gives an average
speed of a mile in two minute * , with a
probable maximum of n mile a , minute.
At , Russian railway stations passengers
now find a "grievance book , " in which
complaints nro. unteiud. This tecord of
wrongs renehes the central olliee once a
month , when the complaints are investi
Bi'IHIniit as Day.
The beauty of woman , is the. natural
and worthy admiration of the stonier hex
and to heighten it by all .such legitimate
means as are not inimical to health or
Mibver. ive of jtood morals .should bo one
aim of female existence. The skin is one
of thojsp parts upon which tiio most im
provement can bo made , and by the u&e
of l'0//.oni's '
/ / 'Alodicatod Complexion
Powder' ladies may overcome nnv want
of that peachy pulpiness that "pearly
brilliancy and velvety Miioollmois which
are its greatest charms. Unlike too
many pioparations this is perfectly
liarinle'-'j and can be used without the
fcliglilt'dl fear of detection , and will never
o\citu any of tliQ-,0 , diseasewhiih
roughen , render sollow or cause the ap
pearance of unsightly pimples. It is
used extensively by the Mars of opera
und drama , ami no fashionable lady's
toilette table is completely luraislu-d
without it.
Tlipio is a small island just olTofl5o .
toil harbor that is said to belong to the
Hritish government , it being onUido of
thu boundary li.\cd by tlio grant to the
original Massachusetts Hay company.
Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis
ngrceablo disease , liable , if neglected , lo
develop into morions consumption. Je- !
ngn constitutional diseiiMi , it roiiire.s | a
constitutional remedy like Hood's Hama-
paiilhi , which , acting through the blood ,
ro.iehfjb every part ol thu sy tem , I'jli-et-
ing it radical and pcrmatu'itt euro of
catarrh in oven ifs most siivi-re forms ,
Aladeonly by C. J. Jlood k Co. , Lonoll.
Alas * .
The inhabitants of lliu Laos country , in
Shun , nro the la/h'sl people in the world.
They nro so indolent that they do little
more than collect rico enough to keep
them alivu.
Coughs , Colds and Koto-Throat yield
rondily to It , H , Douglass it Sons' Caps ,
cum Cough Drops ,
Hico liquor is a favorito.boverago that
the New York Chinese soil and drink.
As it is alcoholic thu authorities have
prohibited its salu. without a licoiuc ,
* ta -
Young or middle-aged men , sufl'nring
rom norvon debility or kindred nllbe-
inns , should address with K ) cents in
tamp , tor largo troulKo , World's Dis-
nonpar , } Medical Association , Itiill'alo , K ,
i -
The potato was introduced into Franco
ono hundred yqaiv * ago , and thu Agricul
tural bocioly proposes noun to celebrate
Iho aniiiverrury ,
iiKO nittnrs tin not only illslln-
i themselves lij Ilicir iliuoi nml iiionuitlo
odor iibiiyo nl | olht ) # gynci.dly iibud , lint they
uio also u sine iueveniti\ool all disease- )
oii'lnutiiiirfiem ( uio diKi-sthooigans. Hu--
w.uoof conntuitells. A k yfiir jjioceror
( linguist tor the Keimliio nillcle , nnimifac-
tiiied Uy Di , J , < ! . U. iSlfjjeit itfcoiib ,
Tlio postoflieo ( lupnrtniont disconragi'j (
sub ollices in larytl cities as delaying
rapid delivery , unit fnvora un Snuroasu of
the carrier s stem.
Absolute stagnation does not exist nnj'-
wlivd ) in the ocean , not oven at tho"
greatest dutli. | )
The army of nititieinl ( lower makers in
1'nris ts said to number not loaa than ijU-
The last kncmit pensioner of the war of
181S died in Lowell , Alass. , la t
The Prevailing Tone in Wheat Trading
Ono of Very Gonofol Strength ,
Tlio Pork Donl Snlil tolc in tlio Hnmlfl
of rinnklnton A ll ht Advance
Folloucil by a Treble Do-
clliio--.jeuornl Markets ,
CIIICAOO , .Inn. 2oi ( Special Telegram. ]
WUKAT Thoie was more gcneml
niUcellmii'otts onKIdo buying of wheat
today than on any pros ions day
for some tune , nnd tlic market
ns n whole can bo classed ns very strong.
Wheat nt 7rt7bc looks dltt cheap to the
country , nnd whtat tor Mny delivery at Sic
Is tery Icmvitlnc. 'lucreiis vciy Httlo for sale nt theopuntntAhlcli \ta < < 3ii'8
% c higher than ycstoidny'sclirtiiiff ' , and this
gave cournsro in the nnniorbusfclass of small
traders who weio on the lookout for a
rebound , ntuUhoy bid the niaikel up fioni
iUXc to S4YW54) ( < fo with peed assistance
from commission huilsc" . Trading on the
advancing sealo \ \ , \ < * not e\tiapidlniully
heavy. Now Yoik was steady but not n Imiio
bu > or early , o.xpoit no otlntlons stieiiKtlien-
Ing the speculating M < ntlment at the sea
buaid. Fh t e.iblcs weio belter , but Inter
advices fioni Liverpool weiu ol a dlllcicnt
tenor , nnd the stiehgth sliown nt the outside
esapotnted. 1'ilvato wito houses began
selling for account of their eastm n client * .
Tiading late In the inornlni ! session was nt
inipiovcit values , and the 1 o'cloek close was
at nn advance fiom yesterday nf l lj e.
Coiix Coin sold tip } { c , and foil back
again. The dominating tonct hottotor , was
one of stiength. Speculative business was
OATS-Oats weio quiet and , gencinlly
speaking , htionir.
IMtovisio.vs 1'iovlsions wctc ueivous , ii- nnd nnceilaln to-day. 1'oik opened
5e higher , and dropped ITJ c under n lattllng
fno of. selling oiden , credited to the "countiy"
by some , mid set down by ollieis to nn alleged
combluntion of packer * , who \vuie suspected
of being deiluiusoChhuking out the "tallers'1
picpaiatoiy to woiking the in.uket up again.
The ninikct haidcncil later and adtanecd
to the opening tango by the liour
of closing business nt 1 o'clock. Laid
was rather weak tjian otheiise , and
ilbs moved In substantial accoul with pmlc ,
closing linn at the best piice-i of the day.
The .Mail asseits the poilc deal Is now very
ccilalnly in the hands of I'laukinton of Mll-
At.uilxoe. Then ; me. said to bo one or two
Milwaukee men associated with him. It Is
lepoiled lieie , and believed at the Cieam
City , that Plankiiiton Is of the opinion poll :
h gooil for nn advance of SI 01 M n bauel.
The advance which lias taken May horn
about S10.00 up to § 11.00 has teatly been en-
ginccied by him , but it has had all the ap-
neaiances ol being a spontaneous cotinhy
moteiuent ,
Arrr.n.voox JJoAnn The speculative mar
kets neic nil slimmer and ptk'es tvcio higher
on the afteinoou bonid.Vheat advanced
} c , coin } { e nnd puik oc. Busuie i was
'J.i > p. m. Puts on May wheat , bl.'j'o ; calls ,
CmcArio , Jan. SJ. [ SpccUl TuIoziam.J
CAI 11,1 : There was un nctive inoveinunt In
the mniket and values weio stronger. Theio
\\asagooJdcmandlioinneaily all homees ,
and pilceseiu about lO&hlghui than on yes-
teiday for all good giades. Common to lair
cattle weio in lalily Iar0'o supply , but they
hold bettei in sympathy with choicer kinds.
Theie weio some veiy choice cattle hcie , and
seveial lotsfof IWO to MsO Ib , cattle sold
within about lOjflJOD of the highest lutes ot
this .season. Common to medium cattle weie
within 'J % 10c ot the highest iates. The gcn-
eial market wat > lalily actho and the &upi > ly
was well eleaied. Tlio best cattle sold at
§ ' 5. < i0 5.'i. ! Some common 15SO Ib Indian
cattle Pold nt SO/JO. Among the sale
wcic some line 121 ! ) II ) steers at SViO.
Countiy bujerlinvo not 1 iteley
been in very large attendance ,
bnttheio ha\e been buyers enough licic to
take all the young cattle oll'eied at good
pilcp-s. A good many smooth , "giowlhj"
cattle , avcianing 1,000 Ibs. 01 over , have t-old
lound about 81.00 , and some choice feedcis
t-old as hi , ; ! ! as 5-J.0. : ! Common light cattle
hnvebeen olfeied in lahly large nimibcis.
.Shipping "teeiMVJ to 1.100 Ibs. , S4.7 : @ . ' 5.H- )
12UO to ICSOlb . , Su.15 ; OJU to 1'203 Ibx , S-J.GO ® .
llofis Ti.ule wns once mom active and
Prices nbout n nickle hlglier on the best
heavy , some st'lliug Ueely at SI.ISMI.'JX
1'ilm'e packing soils sold at si.)8@l.r. : ! ) , and
one 01 t\v < packing linns paid as high ns
S-j.'W ' lor wime lots. Hougli odds and ends
Mild nt $ : ! .wxg ; . ! i ; picking and shipping ,
jjO to C 0 ib- . ,
Now Vorlc. Jnn. iW. MONKV On call
east at 1H1I'd' ' wilt.
l'iiiMi.MiiiOANni.Kl'Ai'in : : 15 ( ? pei emit. K\cuvNii ( ; Hn.r.s Quiet , linn
nml unclianijcit ; Sl.bCJ foi s > l.\ly il.iyf , 5Lit )
tin ( Innunl.
( iovi ; : Dull lint hlc.uly ,
hmcKv-Tlit'io was little of inlcicst in
sales. Kniuois that thu Ht. Paul company
ttnsuboiit to issue ailditional boiuls lei the
mlc'iiMon ot eeitain lines led to decided
\tciiKncss in tint htoclc , closing wltli u net
Inss ol % po cunt , boiiis the hd'oiul most
uctho stuck. Jt is olliuiully htntcil tlio imvl-
ins ; held today had no iclciciKo to the al-
Jiuwl Issiio ot bonds. The ( "moral licllul on
tlw.stiwt , liottmor , id that ( lie : eomp my will
announci ) its Intention to Issue bonds un the
Kansas City extension nnd iiivllopiuposuls
lei llsconstiuution nt nn n.uly date. Vim-
( lei Wits wuio Hi m , but Xotv York. CVnlinl
and l.aKo Slmio win very fjulct. 1'ac-ilie
JIall Is unchanged utter ti ( Inutuatlon of l
nei cunt on only a moilciate business. Tlio
comnanv tonlay declared ill usual muituily
dividend ot 1'f ' per cent , payahlq . 1.
The .sniplns aitur tlio payment ( > t tlio divi
dend tull lu 6710,000. Tliu'mniket closed
qnlct and hte.uly , yet In a majority of cades
Hiuall Iractlous lo\\or than last mvnlnt ; .
Mih-oml r.iciliti Is down W , at 10 * . The
Illinois Ci-ntial couipanv to-day declaicd Its
usual hoiui-nununl dividpiul ot 1 pui cunt ,
paiubloilaic-li 1.
sjlcont bonus. . . lUO'tfO. ife.N , W
U. S.4 ' 8 ll'J uu'lc'ued , ,
Notv-l'h * 12 J' ' , x.V.o. . . . . .
1'ncilicO'hof "J1' , " . ; Oie ou Tnin.
Central I'adliu11 i'acilm.Mail. . . .
C'.fcA HO 1' . , I ) . itK. , . , .
iiiufuneu , I'.l'.t
0. , 11. ktl ( , , , Kock iBianii. . .
! ) . , W lirjj t. Lkti. K. . .
1) . , tJt. ( ! Hil iiieteucil.
l C. , M. it.St , 1
ineJYiro'l ' M %
Illinois ( Jmili-iil. . JiWJtf St. V-
I. . It. , t\\r IK i pudcruui. . . 10"4 "
Kniihas it I'ljxas. M $ Tovns i'-icljic , . . 1'J (
LnkoShoiti bl'ii Union 1'nciilu. . . WJ4
W. , M.I , . A : I'
Mich. Central. . . . IW piefi'iicd. . . Ih1/
Mo. IMelllo 10) ) UVsteni Union , 71"
Koi them 1'ae. , , 'M 0. ic.\X \ , iou ;
Iiu'luiruU ,
C'liln o , Jan. iX ) , Kloiir I „ . . . ,
ninter ttlieat Hour. SIOj I.Si ; smith-
cm , 81. .0.0.5 ; Wi0"11" * , S1"WTr' ; '
Mlchlsau soil sjnln whtnt , S" . "Oc < * 1.0Jj Mln-
niwta bakcis' , s.rAfM.60 : ! ; pnlents. l.m
r .oo : n'o ilour , ss 'Altfi. ) In UIIICH. Si.iu
M'f.40 In bacUu : InicUtthcat Hour , ? l.WJ l.6U
iicr baud ; . ' .00 uuttt. . In
VVlKMt Active buf uiiscttlcit : ojtoiird
btiontfor nml cvcltiu ) . ndtu unl ; / ' , nbuto
tcMculnv'sclositantl ndvarcttt ' v nioii1 , lei
lotted bt aHll-hl Mwtlon , hdi'i ndtniici-d Ic ,
later fell oil' Ic , nnd cl'M'il ' ! " cr -
ior ( . rliuml
for rcbrunry ; 73 i(3r8 ( ; < o for
81 p foriMnj.
Corn Finn ; ndvnnccdV nnu clo ed c
oxer yeMcrdnv : JiOVc for cash : rrfW"i" ) , < c for
Jnnunry ntul KcbnmryHXnlOUolorMnr. ; .
Oat's Stronger tint only uonihitilly hlnlipr J
2S fc forcaMi nnd.Ianntiry ; SSWcfor rebui-
nry ; 03kr < rl ? c for Mny.
Kyo Dull m f > 7c.
U.-ulct-ytilct nl GT@ftV.
Tlinothj Kaslcr nnd lower ; prime , 1.78(3 (
'Vinweil MQJfc hl hcr ; No. 1,81.10.
1'orK Attho outoasior , ilcollncd IXifllT'fc ' ,
rallied ncftiii , and clo-ioii linn ; StOittV < tU.tx )
forc.Tsh nnd .Iniuian \ SlO.W'vSlUO for Fcl > -
ru.iij ! Sll.-Oini.JiJ'n' ' for Sfnv.
Lnnl Steady ; ? n.l. ' > { H'.1714 ' for caslu Janu-
nry nnd t'obiiinn ; SH. ' , 'Crln.i ( : ! for ilny.
Hulk Meats-Shoultlors SI.OO-W.OO : short
ck-nr , sri.70.r\75 ( : shot t ribs , S5.5 , * > . 7 > 4.
\vidski M.IO.
lluitcr Dull ; nootl to fancy creamery , 3t(3 (
Tic : ijood to line dalrj . NXi ? Jle.
Clu-cso Steady ; full mum chcddnrs , O nj
10c ; do. , summer make , 4tJic ; youln ; amen *
Ksirs Light demand nt lO'itrWs.
Hides Unchanged ; patt cnicil , 8js1..c ;
cicoii , fc ; heavy iicen ? sailed , 8'jc ; light do ,
! i ' .HtU > ' clmll ; ( hide * . rcdty < ; Called , " "
div Hint , l"14e ; calfskins , lC@l'k < ! .
. Tallow ; Unchaiisredj > Jo. t country ,
ISo. 'J cotintti , 4oJ oaKo , fie.
Klotir. bbh. . . . 8.0JO 7.00J
Wheat , tin . 14,000
Corn , bn . 1-17,000 07,000
( ) nt < i.bll . 8. ' > ,000 40,000
Hji'.bll. . . . . . . 5.000 liolio
UnrleVibti . : uooo
Now Yorlc , Jan. 'M. Wheat Itccclpts.
18KXl ( ; p\poits , 24 OJJ ; cash , lilglu-r but nUlier
Millet ; options \cij htiongnndioMHchlKlicr ,
Oats lllKhei but\eiyqupt | nwlpls UW ;
e\poits , tr > 0 ; niLxetl wostein.iW inWo ; white ,
Petroleum Steady ; nulled closed nt SSJtfc ,
Uws Dull ami weak ; icculiiLs ii.OOJ pack-
nppwostcin ; , y.J.ti ( < fc ,
1'oik L'lun niiif trndo light ; IIHNS 810.35Q
10. IX ) . j
Laid I.o actito ; continct ginde , 50.15 ;
I'Vlnuniy , Stl.txgO.fiO.
IJutk'i Stcndy nnd In fnlrdcnmnd ; west- i
oin. l'3c ! ; KlKin ci camei . v. ! ! . < itr : > c. < '
Cheese rirm nnd medenite Imiulry nt 7@
73/c , ,
Cinoinniui , Jnn. 20. Wheat Khmer ;
No. 'J nil. We.
Coin Steady ; No. : t inKcil , 'ire.
Oats Stiongi-r ; No. 'J niKctl , : ! Jday ? c.
Itjc 1'h m ; No. 2 , ( i.'Jatic. ( (
llailoy Steady ; No. 'JHpiinjf , 07c.
I'oi ! ; ( Jnlct but linn at dll.OJ.
Lanl-btoady nt ? D 10GM1.15.
WliWcy Steady nt fil.lo.
, Jnn. 20. Wlipnt Stronst nnd
Oats Stonily ; No. 1 ml veil , cash ,
Mny. : ! lKc
Kto .Nominally al .V.'c. '
Whlskj SI.10.
Laid Steady nt s n.OOQn.O.- .
Itntloi Unchnnsed ; cicamcry , 2.@lOo ;
daiij , KXiJSIc.
Aif inr.voo.v HOAIID WliPat firm nnd
J/ & "tiC hlithci. Coin easy nnd 'j ( ho lower.
Oats steatly nnd unuhnnjrcd.
Toletlo , Jnn. CO. Wheat Closed active ;
cnsh , bbKc.
Coin SlioiiKica1 * ! ! . ! ! Pc.
Oats InactUc ; wish , nominally ntntc.
I/lvcrpool , Jnn. 'JO. Wheat , Olfcicd
fifctv ; No. iiwlntci mnl spiiinr. 7s Id , dull.
l''lom ' Olfpicd llccly , hut dull nt Ss.
Coin-Oircicd fiocly ; old mixed , Is 7l d ;
new mixed , 4s ivoi , dull ; Jniiuaiv , Fobiuary
nnd MnichIs ij-fd , dull. '
Kansas Oily , Jan. 20. Wheat IHglipr ;
cash , Ci'tf bill ; Fclnuaiy , liSe bid : ifnich ,
Coin-Slu'iiBCi ; casli. 23)/c ) bid , 28
nski-il ; Kcbiiuny , ' Oc ; Mny , al 8'c bid , SW
Oats-Steady at 23 > Tc.
NcwOrltnns. Jan. i0. ! Coin Dull and
loner ; w blip , J'Jj/r84.15e ( ; mixed ,
Oats Stead v nud iiiiii.
( " 01 Kit mer nt Si2" > .
Hot ; 1'ioducts Uiibctllcd , but
Laid ? fl.l'J > f.
Hulk mcats-Sliouldci-s , S 1.00 ; Ions clear ,
? r..f > 0 ; Blunt clean HIM , sr.r .
Milwaukee , Jnn. 20. Wlicnt-Slioiig ;
cash , hr'4c ; l-'clnuaiy , 8 Kc ; May , S life.
Coin Stioii } ; : No. " , liiiVc.
Oath I'll m ; No. 4 , S&J/c.
Jyi ! > -Inll ; No. 1. r.Tc.
JJatlev-'iulot ' ; No. 2 , .Vltfc.
1'iovKIons Sliomr ; mess poilc , cvsh and
Januaij , tlO.bO ; Jfelnumj. , .
Minneapolis , Jan. 20. Wheat Slioneer ;
No. 1 haul , Me lei cash nnd January ; h. " > > e
cbiiiaij ; 8ij < fc foi Mnich : ldVc ) for Mny ;
noithcin , Mh ! lor cnsh ami Jnnuniy ;
lor Kulniiaiy ; bO > jc toi Mnich ; WJ o lor
Fiom Unchanged ; patents , Sl.75g.j.00 | ;
baKds , " . .
irei-eipts Wlicnt , 71,000 bn : ilour. VS > libls.
hhipmeiitsViieat \ , 1OOU ! ! bu ; Ilour , S.700
Chicago , Jnn. 20. The Diovei-s' .rouuuil
icpniK :
Cattle Receipts 7iOO ! ; nctlto and btioiiBerS
shlppiliiJ steers , S ; ! . 00 .5 85 ; htocki'is nnd
iccdcis. S2.K4.:0 ( ; : ; rott'h , bulls ami mixed ,
' . ' ' . ' . : ! . ' .
feo.OJii ( S.'O ; bulk , S'.CO < ?
JlOjjs Ui'telpth. IW.OUO ; Hlnpments , 8,000 :
mniKct htionn ; heavy iiimci ; lonah nnd
mlxi'd , S.i.OJ Ml.9) ; packlni ; and .shlinilinr ,
Sl.lK)4fl.0 ) : ; ; light , Sj..WidJ.QO : ; skips , i&0 < ; 4
y. 10.
10.blicen Keccipts , 5,000 : steady ; natives ,
S-2.5X" . > . ' - ' " > ; wi'stuin. S'.7.r ' > ( -l.OJ ; Tuxans , , .J.5 : lamb- . ? l.r 0(4i.oo. (
Ht. IjoulH , Jan. 30. Cattle Keeolpts
nctlto nnd
liius-ltccclpts , ,00 ( ) ; sbliiments , 2.500 ;
iicliiemid5 < BlUililBlii'i" Cliolco heavy very
stioui ; ; ImtcheiV nml bu l heavy. tfl.Oi ) )
l.2 ; mlxcit iwi'klujf , 8 J.7.WI.'J5 ! HKht ,
K.IUIKIIS City , Jan , W. Cattle Hecclpls ,
1,70) ) ; hliiiimeiits , l.iojj f > tioiii ( > r ; oxjioilers ,
, COriti' ; common to choice
gli.lWMi.K ) : stockcis and fcedeis , S
uotf , SMH.t.I.HO. ) , .
llon'j < itecolpts , 1,100 ; hhlnmcntti , fJOT ;
Him , nctivu and n tilindo hlijlii'i ; iood to
I'lmlce , I.iki .U'i ; common tu medium ,
O.MA-ll.V fjIVi'3 ' STOCK.
WednesiIav Evcnin ! , ' , Jnn. " ° -
The iccolptsof ciltlo wine 11/'ht / today nml
llio laiiKiml pilcehiib nit the MIIIO ns ycster-
ilnt. ( JiKiil coin-led hU'inri , atciijin } 11W to
1'J.V ) , ttcio ( iiioled at ifit.TTtdeI.Ti , and tlmso
i\ciaKln 1 OJ to IMW nt 8l.OJ0ll.SO. Hutch-
[ ) ' hlock ttasln lair demand Kood cottttnt
Sfi.lti@'i.Miiinl : ) crimmon nt S-iMo i i.oo.
Thu lie mniket ttas ni'titcnnd nil 111-
'chit1) lonnd a icady sale. Tim iccclpls were
light and the mailed fully 5i higher limn tc.s-
leiday. in hjiito ot the nnlnvoinhle ndtiecH
liom 'lliu I'.ibt ,
NoKhcuifniocomlnjf In nndprlcosaio ( inly
nominal. IJtslit ho'h weni quoted nt : ) .10'
MX ) ; mixed , & : JJ5 ( < ! iJ.Ui , nnd heavy nt ! l.&OC'8
W" ° g
IJU rs. . . . . , , , . * . . . . . . . . ,1WU
iiii'iiisiNr.\TJvn : ! : : SAI.IIS. *
" ' ' ' "
No. Av. "I'r. fs'i ) . Av. IV.
1 . . . , litO gil.TC UO..VJ7& & 4. 0
1 ! ! VJJS1.15
50. Av. Vr. No , Av.1'r. .
" " " ' ' '
rows. *
No. Av. 1'r , Xo. Av. I'r.
Hi. . . . . . Siftl 5'V.K ) 4.DT5 SMO
s. . . . ; , Sii : uonous.
N > Av. l'ri- , 'No. Av. _ Pr.
aj'i ; , ' , ' ! : .i a."rM ' . ; ; ! ! ; : ) ' . ( J
rs : r.h ! i.w r.s ui
('l 'l/iTJ
o' ) . , , , , tiJi'i.tiO
51. , , . , 'ill U.M
ni.t2.Vi S'OJ ' ; > i. , . , , . ; > n ii. u
40 .0(8 ( JUli'if ' 111 ' 'J ! UOJ
i'\' ; pi iif IIASKH.
Slimtlin ; tli number otMo \ , hoga nml
lmtp nuichascd by the local packuib.on thu
nnlkel todd ) .
rvrni : ,
i , II. llainniond iV C'd. . . . . , . . . , . , . , . , . . . . . w
Local bull lid's , , , , M 1
' '
, ' . II. li'uimoml.VCo. . . . . . , ? M1
I. K. Uojd , & 7 <