Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Image 2
A SAVING FOR THE SETTLERS Who Took Up Claims on the Grow Greek and Winnebago Reservation , HARRISON TO THEIR RESCUE. An Amendment Hiiumlltcd to HF | ) Da kota Hill \Vhlch Contemplates .Keller to Those Who Suffered by the Proclamation. the Settlors' ApppnlH. Jan. 20. [ Special Tele- ginm.J It is very piob.iblo that the people who settled on the Crow Cieek and Wlnnc- hngo Indian icscrvallon In Dakota between Februaryi7and : April 17 last , under the provisions ofn pioclamatioii Issued by Presi dent lithnr , Ihiowlng the ip civntion open to settlement , and who Avcre compelled to move oil of Ihe settlement1 * they nlado by n proclamation Issued on the latter date by Pccstdent Cleveland , revoking the founcr pioclamatioii , will IK-paid for the looses they sustained. Kver sluco the invocation of Piesldeut Aitliui'spioclamallon , the sulTer- rrs from It have been appealing to tlio pi evi dent nud interior dcp.iilincnt for icllef. They say they made entiles on the icservntlon In good fnith , hnv ing n perfect right to do so under the first proclamation , nnd that two months after- want , when they had just . ' ( ot , settled In their new homes thcyweic foielbly driven away , vvheieby they lost all Ihey expended for their buildings , fences , etc. , nud the sacrifices they made in leaving their old homes , since 11 was by deception o i the patt of Ihe government and an older over which Ihey had no eon- tiol. That thijy sustained their losses liicy very naturally concluded the troveinment would lelmburse them. To-day in Iho senate Mr. Harrison 10- Hpomleu to the appeals of these disappointed settler * , nud proposed an amendment to his bill on the subject ot the division of Dakota and the admission to statehood of thu south ern poition of it , which contemplates the propei lellef. Theamendment piovldcs that for ninety days nfler the passage ol this act these settleis may re-enter upon their claims nnd complete the same as icqiiiied by law , nnd their claims shall for such a time have a piefeience over later entiles ; nnd when they .shall In other lespccts have complied with tlie law icgulating such entries , especially liomesteiulcis , shall bo entitled to have .such lands , and patents theiefor shall be issued. Tlio money paid for pie-emption nud town silt ; entiles shall bo such ns aio mpilicd by law in oilier cases , and shall be paid Into a geneial fund. The piesldent shall appoint a special agent under the dlicc- tion of Ihe secietaiy of the Interior who shall as soon as piacticablo nuiko Imnitiy and ic- poit to the .sectetaiyoC the Intel ior upon the claims for losses of peinous who In good faith , between Fcbruaiy 27 and Apiil 17 , ISS" ! , settled upon any of the lauds In the Crow Cicck nnd Winneb.igo reservation. The agent shall have power to cause witnesses to come befoio him nt some point convenient to the reset vation , nud to administer oaths. He .shall lopoil the inipiovciiieiits made by such poisons , the value of thu same , the losses sustained by reason of the i evocation ol tlio executive older opening these lands to settlement , giving the particulars of any such losses and all other iacls connected therewith , and. In case the consent of Iho Indians Is not obtained then Inquiry and repoit shall be made as lo nil per sons who made claims upon that pait of the reseivation which Is not Included in the new reservation. ThoDakola statehood bill es tablishes the icpoi t of the special agent shall bo tiansinlttcd by the sceietary of inteiior to WHSTEIIX POSTAL xr.wp. Commissions were to-day issued for the following Iowa postmaster : F.lKlin W. Uicen , nt Weaver ; Chailos W. Finnoy Selma ; John AV. Ciouch , JJedding ; William Wall , Foiestvllio ; Josinh V. Dollauhtcr , Dodds : Cathailuo Bayne , Climbing Hill ; iind for Austin W. Sloan , nt Vcrdon , Xeb. Tim time schedule for the star mall loute liom Biooksvlllo to Dado City , Xeb. , has been ouloicd changedas follows : Leave Biooksvllle on Mornings and Thurs day sat 7 a. m. ; nulvoat Dado City next day by 11 a.m. Leave Dado City on Tuesdays nnd Fiidays at3 p. m. ; aulve at Biool.svillo next day by 0 p. m. The site of thu postofllco nt Pilot , Ouster county , Xeb. , has been moved 0110 mile northwest. The postofllco at Lava , Cheny county , has been discontinued. Thu mail goes to floi- ilon. roXFIllSlATIONS AXI ) ArTOIXTMKNTS. AVAhin.Noro.v. Jan. 20. [ Piess. ] The senate In executive session continued the lolloping nominations : To bo consul , Win. A. ( iiiiish ot Missomi , atMaitlniqiio : Win. B. Mcl'onneil ot Dakota , associate justice of tlio.supiemo com tot Dakota ; Isaac 11. May- naid of Xew Yoik , second comptroller ot the tieasury ; 1) ) . M. Fox ol Pennsylvania , to bo Mipciintcmlcnt of the mint nt Philadelphia ; Wm. A. Day of Illinois , to be second auditor of the tieasmy ; John S. Wjlliamsof Indiana , to bo thlid auditor ol the tieasury ; Adlai K. Stevenson of Illinois , llrst assist ant postmas ter gencinl ; Baitlctt Tiippol Dakota , chief justice ot the supiemo couit of Dakota. Postmastois t ; M. Shelly Kansas " " * wotitm nin \ i * ' * wui'JtJt ' * ii tt iJl IJ i Mo , ; X. K. l\es Minion , Iowa ; Paul Dowllu , ( iieeiitlebl. Iowa ; Samuel L. Cbllds , Atlantic , louii ! hS. . HiM < * lUivMniint. . Vi'i nnti. Imi'ti * in my promotions. Tlioiie.slilt'iitsentDtho ] following nomina tion to the tunatu to-dny ; Cliailes J. Cniuln of New Yoik , assistant tieasuror of tlm United States at Xow York ; cAi'ii'Ai , HI ! .AK & . The house commllteu on leluim in tlio civil Muylce , to-day unanimous Instiuctcd l'iilit/er to icpoit ndM'iM'ly the bill Intiodmvd by Senoy lortlioicpeal of Iho civil seivleolaw , A sub-commllli'L1 , eonsi.stlm , ' of Clements , Pulitzer and Spooner , was appointed to con sider nil tlm hills H'latin ; , ' to the repeal ol thu tenmoof olllconct. The slxteontli niniual meeting of the na- > ttoiuil board ot trade was commenced In this fityiit noon today. Kmleilck Fravvloy of Philadelphia picslded. Foity-llvo delegates weiu pic > .eut , ieiie ) entlnK tlio leading trade Oiiranlzations 01 Iho country. ' Thu committco ou livers nndhnrboi.s to-day heaid nruuiuents by delegates liom the west- em vvntcuvay Iminovemeiit convention. Addie.ssos ) vt-ro made by Kcpicsontattvo Duniicll for tlio St. Paul convention touchIng - Ing thu impiovumcnts In the atcisof the iipxr | Mississippi nnd Mlssouil valleys , W. If. Miller of the Kansas City coin ontfon on tlio Mlssoml liver , nnd Col. ( loo. W. Wiight of Missouri and J , T. liunton of Dakota on \vustuin water ways In general. The session of the committee on Friday will bo devoted to hearing other gentlemen on the . -amo subjiot , riTK-JotiK rourr.n's CASK. Ihoiuliioilty loportot thohousn committee - too on military nffalis , on ( ho bill ftn thu 10- liefotKitjs John Poitor , was laid lielorotlm house to-day , The mlnoilty if the bill does not nominate roiterto uillco It iinn ab- eoluto nullity , it U does iiomtiuiUMiim it Is KII Invatiyu or t'itiemuUvo | < iciox lK' . It is advice or law. If advice it Is useless , and law It ls usurpation. Jf tlio court martini crrrd , there \va4 no appeal. The minority respected Porter forhlsperslstonoo , Mill it could not but believe thai his disobe dience and Inaction cast a shroud of woe over thousands nt homo , aud brought dls- nsler to the nntlonnl cause. Jir.NlKS AM , Tlin CIIAtlOE . The seeietaty of the treasury has rccehrd n long coinmuiilcatloii from lieoigo V < Hiovver , general appraiser at tlio port ot Xew York , In regard to thn charees preferred ngaiust him rcecntlv by H. IX Phclps of Xovv Yoik. Ilo makes a broad and general denial of them nil. n.VKOTA. MATTF.HS. WAsitixnTo.v. Jan. so. Judge M'ooily.wlio was clectrd United Stales senator by the Huron ( Dak. ) leeiilatme. lo-day addie cd the house committco on tenitoiies In fnvor of Ilio ndmisslon of soullicrn Dakota as a state , nnd tlm ciratlon of n tcultory out ol tlm noitlirin poition. On Trldny , Jlr. llojii Ion , of Dakota , and others \vlll ndilicxs the rommlttco lulavorot ndmission , but acalnst division , SKNATIJ lllU.S I.VTliOnirrKI ) , By Senator Wilson of IOWA To facilitate the business of thp supiemo conit , ciicult cotut and couit of claims. Hy Senator Logan To oxlend the pro visions of the act for the irllcf of puichasers nml locaters of swamp nnd overflowed lands. AN KM'JOANT lIOhTll ) . lit n HcvolvciAVIth a Urncc- lot on Ills Throat , CincAno , III. , Jnn. 20. fSjioclal Tele gram. ] A dating rolibeiy llmt would do credit to thi ) . Ies e James pang occtiricd on the west side last night. Four men cntcied the jevvchy Htoro of Sovein Pios. nt TTfl West Mndlson stiect. Ono of them asked to see some watch cliarni" . Ilcniy Scvcin , who is a young man nbout y years of age , was alone In tlm stoical the time , nml In msponso to the icqucst placed ntiay full of chaims ol nil dcscilptlons bcfoic him. Another ot the four asked to see lings. As bev eui piocecdcd to leach Into the case for the tray of lings the first man moved behind the counter between two show cases , nnd , as the piopilctor attempted to linn about to resent the Intiu- slon ho was caught by the neck. A man in front suddenly plated a lovolver in close pioxlmity to his nose nnd n quiet but em phatic coi.mand was given to leiualii per fectly quiet and say not a word , unless ho wished lo give up his llfo with Ills jewels. The jeweler , taken completely by surpiise , was unable to make a move to defend him self. The youngest man in tlio party can led a , laigc bag on his arm and in a few moments hoand his disengaged companion slipped be hind the show cases and completely emptied them ot watches , lings and oilier valuables. Mr. Scvoin say.s ltdid nol seem more than a , minute and a half befoiQ the cases were cleaned out , Xot- vvithslaiidlug their haste , the men took noth ing but Iho most valuable , thus showing they wcie no oidlnary sncak-tlilovcs and their movements indicated that they had studied up Ilio case in advance. When Ihe booty was seemed , the thief who still held the piopri- ctor by the throat , loosed his hold , and mov ing aiound In front , pioduccd a revolver and covered the victim -while the other tlnco He- paited. Severn and his enforced vis n-vlsie- malncd in this position tluee or four min utes when the last robber , cau tioning Hie young man to 10- inain wheio ho was for at least live minutes , followed his companions. Sev ern's confusion andastonishmentcauscdhim involuntarily lo a obey Iho injunction. As BOOH as ho iccovercd himself ho inn and gave the alarm. A patiol was called , but by the lime the ofllcers arrived no trace of Ihe rob bers could bo found. The value of the pio- pcity taken Is placed nt 51,500. Severn isnot sure he can identify any of the lobbers , ns his attention was principally taken up by the grip on his throat and the muz/.lo of the ic- volvcr. SXOWnOUND ON THE PLAINS. The SufrcrliiRS of Vivo Hundred Pns- scngcrs in Kansas DrlflH. Dnxvr.ii , .Tan. 20. The snow blockade on the Kansas division of the Union Pacific is again bioken , for the second time In two weeks. Most of the passengers wore de tained in the diifts between Ellis and Brook- ville , Kansas. The delayed tiains brought about thli teen tons of mall , some of It cx- ticineiv ancient , thiity Ions of express goods and 500 vveaiy and tia\cl-staincd passengers. Those who weio not in the Pullmans make bitter complaints of their suflfciings and ticatmont dining theirimpiisonmeiit In the drift. Few supplies could Do had , except at extortionate prices , and water was a luxury that money could not Diiy. Many say it was so scaico that tlio passengcis were not able to bathe their hands and laces. At Biookvillo the Iiungiy passen- gui.s wcio about to assault a icstnmvuit In force lor food when the keeper of the place suiicnileied and tlio niilwiiy olliulnis wcia foiced to deal out n little food to the starving passengers. Tlio passengers \vcr closely packed Into tun cai.s In eider that tlio other caii might be loluined to thu east , and' they had lo light for seals. THE FIUI/KKCOUD. A Heavy , nnil 1'rolmlily Fatal , RI.izo in i'lilladolplila. Piiir.v ni.i'in.v , Jan. 20. A lire bioko out nbout 5 o'clock this evening In a no-il of old buildings on Aich sheet , occupied as oil waiehonses etc. , nud for a time tlneatencd a serious conflagration. By haul work , how ever , thu liicmon managed lo confine it lo Unco buildings which \\ero gutted. Tlio Ilio stalled fiom the biealclii'- n lamp by a man named Kessler , who was smlously binned aud Is now lying at the hoipltal in a ciltlcal condition , Samuel Ualloy , nnolher employe , Is also missing and Is believed lo have been binned to death. Two young ladies mil rovvly escaped tl.o same late. JMSA . Jsr.Wiomr , Jan. 20. Shortly bcfnro 2 this nltciuoon tlio biowcry of lleumin Koehler it- Co. , n\onue , cauylitliio anil thieatens to assume largo piopoitloiiij. Tliu Silver Question. WASHINGTON1 , Jan , -0. Tlio house com- mltteo on coinage to-day postponed until iioxt meeting consideration of all bills relat ing lo thu coinage of silver dollais. The committee will then begin the discussion of the dllferont Phases of tlio question and dis pose of them us inphlly ns tlio impoitanco of thu question will allow. It was the general undmstandlng of the committee that thu bill Intioilucf'.l by tlio ehaiinuin to utpeal that poition oftho act of Juno l > , IbTD , piovldlng for tlio exchange nud ledumplion of subst- dlaiy coins lodawlul money should bo 10- poited lavoiubly. Final action ou Iho bill was not taken , as the committee thought it miglit lead totho picmatino opening up of tlm silver question In the house , All bills re lating to tno trade dollar wciorelcned ton sub-committee , consisting ut Kcpiescntativcs Lunh.un , JicCicery nnd Jiimoa , utter which nn adjournment was taken , AVttiitri lo Come In. ST. I'AUii , Jan. 20. J. j. Uiowno o Wash ington teultory is here , on route to Wnsli- ington. lie says the ienltory desltes admis sion ns a state , nud claims northern Idaho dcMics to bo ndded to Washington , whoso leglslatuic is now In session and will enact mining laws favorable to that section , which Is mineral. They fiiHt Disarm. ST. I'tri Knsnuiui , Jan , 20. The Journal Do. St. PvJtersbuig bays : "The dignity ol KuiopodcmamU that Iho power ? should re double their ellorts to compel ( Jieccc , Scrvla ami Bulgaria to dl aim so as lo move-lit cnlamitie ? tlio extent niul Usnu ot vvulch no ono can toresce. A CARCASS COSTS A LIFE. Bloody Nebraska Row Over Wolf Bait With Bullets and Olubs. A FUNERAL IN THE FUTURE. Soi'lons Uallroad Accident Near Grand Island--\ City of Conven tions Skipped With the Firm's Money The Vlrcmcm Flei-co IfaniHy Klglit. PO.VCA , Xeb. , Jnn. 20. Tliu details of a bloody an it fatal low , which occurrcil near licro Mond.xy , has Ju t been iccclved In all its minuteness. The paitlcipanls In tlio fracas were Iho faint lies of W. W. Westbrook and A. Olbson. The founcr consisted of the father null three sons of lighting a'je , and the latter the old man nnd 0110 son. Some daysnio the ( ilbsons secured a mnlo careas" to bait for wolves. ' It was so success ful that \Vcslbrooks raided the bait and carried oil halt of It to plant on their own premises. This plating brcat'h of pioporty rights was piononncccl a casus bellli and the Gibsons took down their lllnt lodes ami lusty navies and went gunning for the Westbrooks. They met by chance on the highway. The Westbrooks had heaid of tlm declara tion of war , nnd had thrown out a skirmishing linn to pievcnt a surprise. AVhen the factions hove in sight , the West- brook light mtlllcry was unmasked , and a bullet pleiced the heel of Gibson's mule. This unguarded shot smote the bull's-eye of peace In the old man's licait , and ho chaiged on the enemy with n wild war whoop. The onset \\asnol unllko acyclono in a land locked valley , and paralyzed the Westbrooks , both sue nnd sons. When hostilities ceased through lack of ammunition and nm- teilal to play on , three Wcst- brooks lay bleeding and dead on the field while the fomth , coveiing the foim of old Gibson , rammed a pistol into his ear and snapped the tiiggcr several times. It failed to explode , and Gibson lives to attend the luneral. Old Weslbrook got a bullet wound over the right cyo ; his son Tom icccivcd a dcith wound in the neck ; and Jim , another son , had his scalp funovved with a shot. Gibson suricudcicd to the atithoiities. A City ol' Convention. Hr.s MOIXKS Iowa , Jan. 2' ' ) . Several state oigant/.allon.s have been in annual session totay. . The State Temperance Alliance hoaid repoils from ditTciont congressional districts as to the enforcement ot prohibition , and elected as olliccj s for the ensuing year , president , J. A. Harvey ; ticasuier , Judge C. C. Xouise ; secretary , Mis. A. E. McMuiray. The socrctaiy's icpott shows a gencial en- foicement of tlie law in most parts ot the state ; that 701 saloons have been renoited by justices of the peace as closed , that 137 towns have reported a major ity of population in favor of enforcement , that about 80,000 in lines have been paid by violators of the piohlbitoiy law in justices' com ts alone The State Horticultural society opened the second day's pioceedings with a large attend ance. Tile society discussed the subject of propagation of fruit anil lorest tree seeding , and the subject of fruit display was also dis cussed. A largo number of well known hoitlcultuilsts mo present , and a line display of fiult Is piescntcd. Theboardof directors of the farmers' pro tective association met to-day , and audited the accounts for the past year and discussed subjects of Intcicst to the membeis of the association. The millers of the state met and organi/edastalo association , and arranged for mutual piotectlvc rules of tiadc. PrelRht Car and Caboose Derailed. Gr.ANi ) ISLAND , Meb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegiam. ] A serious accident happened tea a fieight train yesteiday on the St. Joe & Giand Island railroad , about two miles south of llansen , caused by a broken rail , which doiallcd the hind car and caboose , throwing them down nn embankment about ; ten feet , leaving the caboose standing on end. There weiosevcul passengers In the caboose at the lime , and some of them iccelved seilous In- jiules. W. L. .Baker of Hnnsrn lecelvcd a severe bum on the leg iiom the hot stove in the car tailing against him. Another passenger , whoso name could not bo learned , had thieoiibs-biokcn and iccelved other serious Injuries. Onoof thettaln brakemcn , Fred. Slaugh ter , iccelved the mo * ! seilous injuries , hav ing both shoulders dislocated nnd collar bono broken. He was taken to Hastings and is In nciiticnl condition. Conductor C. 15. Munn had an rum badly biulsed and iccelved other blight In juiies. lidfl Without a Farewell , Nr.UiiAPKA Cm" , Neb. , .Ian. 20 ( Special Ti' ] Developments made tills evening - ing place William U.mcrott , late Raveling salesman for I ! . Lorton A ; Co. , wholesale giocers , under a cloud , as it Is thought ho Is ahead of the linn In bills collected nnd no 10- pottm.idoof the same. Bancroft resigned Ills position in December. His last oidcr came In December 'SO , and fiom that date Ilanciotl's wlieieaboutu to the Him have been unknown. Bancroft was nmuicd hut last fall to an estimable young lady whoso parents lu.sldo in Lincoln. Humor lias It that slio Is also unappilsed as to his whetcabouts. The amount of the cmbcizle- inciit cannot bo given ns yet. Tire F SnwAitn , Xeb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tclo- giam. ] At n meeting of the State Fliemen's association hera to-day , John H. Uuttler of Omaha , was elected picsident ; A. 0. Leder- man of ( Jrand Island , and W. H. Xowberry of Lincoln , vicopiesldents ; J. T. Lyman of Lincoln , secretary , and W , 11. McCallister of Grand Island , tieasurer. The next tourna ment \ylll bo hold at Fiemont In August , and tie ) annual meeting at Columbus. The hoard of contiol consists ot Messrs. Dibble of York , Hull of Fjemont , Hohman of Lincoln , 1'aratt otKeauicy , Mullingerof Seward , Schwaitz of Columbus , and Jennymnn of Grand Is land. Made the Old Man Angry. MONTICIU.O : , Iowa , Jan. 20. f Special Telegram. ] Btadloy Stuart , 20 years of age , iccently man led a lady of 23. The boys theieupon gave him an old fashioned horn ing. Ho w as veriy angry , and yesterday ar rested the ringleadeis for ilot. Ho also { nought suit for SliOO ! damages. Jieforo the first tilnl was ended ha agreed to a settle ment , which was etfected to-day by the de fendants paying the costs of S130. Whisky Was the Cause. MoxTJcr.r.r.o , Iowa. Jan. 20. | Special Telegmm.J P. J. Brady , living near here , was run over by the cars and killed last night. Ho was Intoxicated. Weather for To-Day. Missouw VALIJJV Fair weather : slight lisa in tempcmtuio ; falling barometer ; viuiabio wluib , gt'iicinlly Minting to thu boutlit'Hy. THE RIOTING COKE WORKERS , A Battle Between tlio Policemen and Strik ing Hungarians One of the Dis turbing Element Killed. I'tTTsnvnn , Jnn. 20 , A dispatch from Mount Pleasant to-nlgljt says : ShcilIT Stew art and forty deputies , nnd Detective Bropliy nnd twenty armed polifo from Pittsburg , had a desperate conflict th B aftcinoon with iBO strikers , who had attacked the men at the Alice works in the moinlng. The iloters rested for dinner. Then they massed at the Mutual woiks , near Sloncrville. At this point a negro , without pro\ocatlon , fired at the Hungarians with a shot gun , but failed to hit any of them. They surrounded his house , dragged him out , boat him fearfully and left him for dead , with his skull frac tured. Ilo will probably die. At1 ! o'clock the.stilkcrspassed up toward Morowoort , llouilshiug every manner of weapon Irom lovolvcrs to case serapeis. They wcie headed by Stephen Stamix , main agitator of the strike. When they readied shaft A , Morewood mines , they cncouiitcied sixty-two deputy sheriffs and policemen drawn up for battle. Detective Biopliy talked to the foreigners , telling them It wns useless to icslst , and that ho would arrest the ling- leaders , liiophy arrested one striker , which opened the ball. The combat was hand-to- hand , but the olllccis won , anestlng tlilitecn men nnd one woman , who were sent to jail at Gioeinllle. The balance retreated. Over n hundred shots woie filed and several Hun- Kalians injincU. How many ts not known , as thoyweio c.uiicd away by companion * . Only one olllccr was slightly hint. The authorities , it is stated , telegraphed to Pitts- burg lor more olllcd * . The strike is only in- nuguialcdnnd moio bloodshed Is feared , Tills strike Is undoubtedly the most dan- ecious In the history of the coke country. Tlio operators have an entirely different class of men to deal with , as Hungarians when drunk ate unmanagnbloand mote like fiends than men. In loimcr bliiUes this element was not In the field , and the operators had more intelligent men to deal with. A leellng of insccuiity prevails and citizens near the vaiious tlneatencd districts are arming them selves and otherwise pieparing to defend their homes as best they may. A dispatch at midnight says It is thought one Hnngniian killed in the fialil with tlio police this afteinoon. A special train lelt Giecnsbiug tliis evening with the prisoneis guaidcd by policemen. A liot Is also icpoited to have occuiied at the Donni'lly and Diamond works , al)0ut ) tlneo miles east of Mount Pleasant , in which live Hnncaiians and three Ameiioans were Injured. The condition of allaiis at mid night is pood. A special train has just nr- ilvcd at St.uidatd , with a police lorce , which will bo used tonight to aireit some men charged w'lth assault. STOXKVIM.H , Pa.-Jan : 20. The situation assumed an alarming phase in tlio coke re gions tills moi ning. Three bundled strikers , armed with bars , coke-Jorks and revolvcis , stalled on a march. Thcydto\c tlio men fiom woilc at the Alice , and chaiged the wardeiibol tliecoko. yard at a place a mile southwest of heio. A boy named Meurer was tenibly beaten , and a yard uoss ham mered. Every o\en tiont was crushed in. The greatest trouble Is yet to come. Satur day will bo pay-day , aim on Monday ten days will have expired since the notice to quit had been given to the strikois in the company houses. Thcie will likely be serious trouble when ejectment Is attempted. The rcpoit that the governor has Ijecn.called on for aid is nntiue. The sherilTtwIll not send until lie finds himself uiuibldtoi cope with the dis- tiu bed element. d " TJio Clftarmnker's Strike. Xmv YOIIIC , Jan. 20. Nine thoiisind cigartnakeis and other employes of the tiade , employed by the Cigar Manufacturers association , aio idle to-day. The diiect cause of the trouble is the icfnsal of Levy Biothersto declaio their strike against tlio new uniform price lists off and return to woik. The employes have banded them selves together to icslst this demand. By to morrow the pack eis in all the shops will have to join the btrikeis. Tlio stiike extends to the cigar box making trade. When the pack ers quit woil : the number on strike will have swelled to 10,000. The cigar manufacturers this afteinoon Issued a statement to the public. Tlio state- made by the men are declared to bo mislead ing and untrue. They , tlio stiikeis. quoted several cities as paying higher prices than ollored by this association , leads tlio state ment , but they have tailed to say anything about many other places wheio prices lor labor aie infinitely lower than the prices olleiedby this association. The association offers the following pioposition : The whole to ho settled by any fair mode of arbitration that may be i suggested and agreed upon. Pending such aibitiation wo to open our tnetoiies at the schedule prices , and any dlll'cicnco between those piiccs and those ngiecd upon to bo paid to our workmen at the termination of the conlioveisy. This statement is ofllcially signed by the ninniifacluiors. The men to-night state , in legaid to the manufacturers' piopo<lon , that they will not accept any aibitiation , TIIK QUERN'S SPEECH. An Outline or the Document Victoria Merely Slsns. LONDOX , Jan. 20 , The queen's speech was lead at a ministerial dinner to-dny. llcfcr- liug to Iiulaiicl , the hpcech says : "Although in some icspccts theio aio ivoiablu Indica tions of piogicss towards older in that conn- tiy , yet at pie.sent Iicland Is dlstuibcd by an increasing tendency to icsort to unlawful piactlces and a disposition to set law nt naught. The govcinment , thereloio , recog nizes Its duty to take eni'igctle i.tops to cnfoico law and oidrr. to provldo sccmlty lor life and piopmty , mid to maintain to its fullest meaning the intogilty of the union , Tlio nieasuips nucessaiy to bccuio these endb will be .submitted to jiaillamcnt. Tliofapeech fiuthcrpromlbcs a local gov ernment mcasuio for Knglaud , to bu followed by similar mea-mici lor Scotland ami Iirland , and a bill to cheapen and faclliato tlio transfer of laml , It lefeis to the hoputul prosppcts of tlio Egyptian coinmi sloin establishing a htahlo govpinmciit in Kgvpt. It says that tlio ques tion of annexing Burniah will not bo decided until LoidDulleiln ifiorts ] ) on tlm subject * . but that the disposition of Thcbaw Is necossaiy , conuratulatcs pailiament on tlio peacctul lon'lgn relutlonH of Biltain , nnd trusts that peace will bo maintained In the lialkans through the self control ot all the powers Inteiestuti anil concludes by ex- piesslm , ' the hope that/ ' the npw pailiament will luilow the gieat traditions of toimer pnillnments. j The QUI-CII tin London. LONDON , Jan , 20r-TJm queen aiilvcd In London to-day fiom Windsor castle. She diove fiom the railway station In an open cnnlago to > palacc , and leeolved an ovation along tlio route. Her majesty , who Is In excellent hciUh , will open pailia ment in peibon tq-inorrow. Reinforcements Scat Out. CAT.CUTTA , Jan , 'JO , A Bengal native resiment has started for IJuimah to reinforce thoBiltUh St. Joc'h Hiff Hotel. ST. JOB , Mo. , Jan , 20 , Ira WlUo.ii , present landlord ot the Pacllio liniibo , backed by J. B , Kitchen , of tlio Paxton hotel , Omaha , has elf eiedS 12,500 a jear lent for thu hotel on n live year lease. His Jeas-ohas neaily expired and the stockholder am conblderlng the oiler , The majority of stock was bought gome time ago by V. A. Hammond , projul- ctorof the Union Depot hotel , and a row tiionds , and under that niiantremenl Mr. Hammond was to have the hoiibo at S'J.MX ) a year , and the company make the needed leA - A Deautirnl Store. Tlio finest and most c-umpluto Art Store west of Chicago j , , Hospo's , 1513 Douglas. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS Senator Monill Addresses the Senate in Opposition to the Coinage of Silver. A NATIONAL BANK ARGUMENT. A Colorado Congressman Lois Him- selfl/ooso on the Silver C < > Innc ; \Vlillo Another Qurstlon is Under Consideration. Senate. N , .Inn. 20.-0n ( ho opening ol the senate to-day , Mr. llalo olTeied the follow ing resolution : Iiesolved , That the secietary of the tieas > - urybo directpd to fonsaid to Iho senate nil papers in relation to the contract let to Brain- ard& Co. or other pai tips for the woik , or any f-oit of the same , of putting an additional stoiytothol'poiln , ( III. , ) uostonico in ISSS ; nlso , nil piotpsts filed by labor leagues In le- Inllon thcipto : also , a ropy of tlio piotcst filed by Stinub > t Co. , ot Butlalo , Now Yoik , giv ing Information that the woik of said pon- trart would bo peifoimed by convict labor , and consequently the contiactois who cin- iiloycd fieo laboi could not alfoid to compcto for the work. In otreilnplhc resolution , Mr. Hole said no had not been mcp.iicd to believe without. urther intormatlou that the seeielary ot tlie treasuiy Would let any contiact lor woik to bo done on puiilie buildings In such way that the work would bo done by coin lot mbor. Ho ( Mr. Hale ) had locelved Inloimntlon of such character as made It desirable to ascer tain the facts set liirth In Ills resolution , Ho did not belicNe a contiact for public work should bo let topinplojeis of convict labor when theie was no lack of ordinaiy labor In the conn I ly , Ilo did not believe that lice labor should be put on competition with con vict labor. The ipsolulloti was azreed to. Mr. Moirlll addicted the senate on the silver question. He picuilsed with the ro- niaik that the elaborate speech of the senator fiom Kentucky ( Buck ) seemed to throw the buiden of the lojolnder on the tnoiids of the ndmlnlstiatlon. I do not mean , lie continued , tocncmacli upon the pilvileges which so many democratic senators appear so eager to enjoy of rushing totluucscuo ofthe piesulcnt and the becrcmry ol the tipasiny , against whom the ciuel ittack is made , upon tlio cnidinal mcasuia ot the ndmlnistiiitiun , us 1 know the fate oL those who ventuic to In- li'ileio with family miaueK But this measure , thiongli w lilch sliver might bo main tained on a par with gold , is so wet thy of all accppllon that I fear It will not have , after the heat of demonstration , an acknowledged leadci of his patty In tlio btato asaiusl it , or thai unanimous suppoit to which it may be laiily entitled. In the first place , let me say there are no pai tie * , so far as 1 know , in the senate or out of it , that pioposeor h.x\o any wisli to deinoiipti/.o It , for to cluuceotheiwiso is a baseless assumption and unwoithy ol the aicna of fair debate. K\eryboily is willing- nay anxious to kpcp ns much of silver as can bo done and keep it at the bamo time nt par with our gold coinage. Tlio only hostility aiisesiiom whathociiis to ho a mixed and passionate puiposo on tlie pai tot some ot its advocates to promote such an exceas of silver coinacn as will drive cold out of the countiy , anil IP.IVC our vast tiadu and commciee based upon sliver only. In reaching ; tills position ot .silver inoiiomct- nllsin , it is impossible to 1)3 ) blind to the dN- nbtioits contraction ot the piteulating mpdi- um of the country that would at once occur , tor when tlie moment anivcs that gold com mands a premium it will beheld as a rom- modlty for. sale , not chuulaUng on n small or 0 per cent premium , beine : as pioducthoof universal hoaiding at Sopor cent , and no possiblondvantaso to our people could bo ex pected Irom following the lame and fpcblo example of India or Me\Ico in utill/.ing sil ver currency only. Mr. Morrlll insisted that theio wns no war upon silver , but liom the substance andel- fect ol the declaiation of wai that bait been made upon gold by the leader ol the demo cratic patty in the senate , liom the plcasuip which the senator Irom Kentucky had evinced In delivering in tlio senate his an tagonism to tlio piesident nnd scciotaiyof the tieasuiy , it seemed to Mr. Moriill that that senator had been for the moment under a delusion. He was still belaboring with left-handed compliments some republican picsident and secretary , but Mr. Monill could look on with compostne , confident as lie was ot the suivival of the fittest. His ( Morrlll's ) convictions that continued coin age of largo amounts of silver would drive nil gold out ot the conutrv , was based on the expeiieneo of all clvlll/ca people that inferioi money never failed to expel superior , and tlio fact that our own silver mines furnished moie than one-half of thu annual silver yield 01 the woild. Mr , Moirlll denied that there had been any failure on the part of the treasury ollicials to comply with the laws regaiding the applica tion of the money recehcd Irom custom duties. It would not bo contended , ho f aid , by anjbody , except , poihaps , the senator 1 10111 Kentucky , that as each piece of money was iccelved at a custom house it was to bo branded and set apait in a sppauto eompait- nient. If it was in the ticasmy , that was enough. By the repoit of the United States ticasuier , Moriill continued , itappc.iislheiu Is somewhere In the treasury Slii'i15'J5XX ( ) of stiindaid silver dollnis which wo are strug gling how and where to sately stoic , until by some miracle they can find moio favor in this wicked world. The percentage of those dollars In actual ciiculatlon outside of the treasury , it also appeals , has been constantly giowlns less since IbSl , being then S0.8 per cent , and now only le.8 per cent. Woliavo coined over two hundred ami fifteen million silver dollars lars , and have only been oblo nt anytime. through much cost and tribulation , to gel not quite fitly million Into spasmodic circu lation. The people do not , like to bo com pelled by law to c.uiy it. We donotiPccivo It hem ouiselves with any pinlsowoilhy coullallty. Whenever thu government , liom inability or from indisposition , shall fail to maintain the silver dollar on u par with gold , all of the silver coitiliratesns well as all tlm other paper curiency. together with tlio sil ver dollar itself , will lull to cvact tlio eom- meiclal value of the bullion contained in tlio standaid .sliver dollar. All nur legal tender must tlipn stand on tliut basis. Themis no financial or legislative witchcraft tliatollois any other late. The senator from Kentucky ( Mr. Bpck ) ot course expect * to cany the Kuiplio state in IbSS on his platfoiiu , Ilo Is not himself eligible as ii candidata for the pieshlcncy. The distinguished senator nls banner , reckless ot tlm clouds without any silver lin ing which betoken tlio fate of any democratic son of Now Yoik who may soul ; to conquer under that sign. The inevitable icsult ot using silver inpayment of ( lie public debt would bo to banish gold , or Iwo-tlilids of all Our present iiu'talliuclieulation , and leave. ! UH with nothing but silver coinage. Our live or : hlx hundied millions of gold \\ould soon command a premium , incieasing day by day , Go where it nilirht , it would have mnm ap preciation , and its depaituro could not hill to pioduco a sellout : mouctaiy citsls , a conduction which congipss would be piomptly ui-ked locum by an indefinite - definite issue ol a now edition of legal tender gicenbaekson aiovlsal of "wildcat banks1' to supply tlio pt'.ico of the dcp.ti ted gold. This , or mi ) thing , tlie supreme point has alieady announced , congicss may do nt Its pleasum Such a step , once taken , however. thu experience ) of the woild shows cannot easily be let raced. Mr , Morrlll contended that the public faith was pledged to the payment of fhq bonds. both principal and liifeicst , In gold , and that our credit would bo dUhonoied by paying them oil' In silver woi th 7'J cents on thu dollar lar , and concluded as follows : "Tho fact that the , and spcictarv ot tlio ticasury. tlio tieasmer , tlio dim-tor of tlio mint and thocoinptiollcr ot cuueney , oxperlcncedlipasury officials , no less under the piesent ndmlnistiatlou than under tlm nieccdlng , ntenll agiecdlu uigini ; cougicss to ceaio tlio piesent colnagi ) of tltosihcr dollar , goes for nothing with tlio senator liom Kentucky and his obedient tolloweis , " .Mr , Beck said tobtoptho coining of silver money in oulcr to make MT ! money moio valuable was like stopping giinding wheat Into flour in outer to make mom value. The pmposo was to suspend it now and never lesumu roinnup. The arguiiient showed that silver was good enough lor everj bed v Imt tlio bondholder , who was the only pel son that had In wiitlugneu'Pdtp liikc' It. The baukeib- and boudlioMtra of Wall street , MrJrcV ! mtedv.i-oropninb1nR ; ! ' . " ' thoilllifortuups or the people , nnd should Hot bo allowed to slrlko down oue-hnK the coinage of the world. This was a govern ment of itfonle , by the people , and for tlio people , and the people would see It was not turned into a government of bondholders , by bondholder * nnd for bomlholdcis. Mr. Beck gave notice that in duo time ho. would icply to Mr. Morrill's speech. ifr. Morrlll said that Mr. Beck's reply re minded him of tlie sloiy of boy who ciled when his mother whipped him , nnd when asked by his mother why ho cried so much hauler than had been lift custom on similar occasions , replied , "because , mother , I sco von are giowlne wrnker and weaker every time jou flog me. " [ Laughter. ] Mr. Teller denied the slatPiupiit by Mr. Moriill to the olTcct that IOT.,000,000 of the 21UOO,003 silver dollars nlicndy coined could not bo got Into cliculntton. That statement bad been mndobythc pieMdetitamlsccrctniy ol Ilie tioasury , and had not been made by accident , nnd so far ns the treasury otllclals WPIO coucci nud it wns Intended to mislead nnd had misled the people. By the tame piocess nf lo lo it could be asserted that SSV- ! 000.000 of gold In the trcasmy could not bo put Into circulation. The government , Mr. Teller said , had made 52i , OiWoot , ) piolit on the coinage of silver. The talk of the BOVPUI- iiu-nt lo'lntr moncv in silver colnaeo wasall bosh. Mi. McPhcisou p\pnM ed lilm clf in ta\or ot ai much silver coin us would keep It on a par with gold , and argued that Messrs , Teller and BOCK , and the i > poplo of their way of thinking , weiepudcavoiluglo bilng the countiy to a silver basis. Mi. Beck said the people of the west bail shown fheir confidence In silvei' . Tlu-vhiul sent east ( iO.DOO.OOO gold dollais and took sil ver cpitllicalos lor them , sustained by silver aloni' , until the treasury slojipcd It. Mr. McPhornou asked il M r. Bivk meant to say that all this vast amount of gold had been sent to the tieasury ftom the east lor the pui pose of potting sliver ccitlllcatcs ? Mr. Beck said ho did. Mr. MePherson "Lot mo tell the senator exactly what was done. The senator knows that lorn longtime past there has been a largo Incioaso of the gold roseivo In the banks of Xew York , They have been np- piehi'iidliig exactly such trouble as Is now being foiced on the countiv by the ooiitluu- mice ol silver coinage. What do they deV Theyha\o dope itotl their gold In the sub- treasury at Xovv Yoilc , the original ccitlll- oatcs find been * ent to the lieasmy nt Washington , and silver ccitlllcnles had been Issued upon that and ciiaiged against the silver upon deposit in tlio tieas- nrv. Xovv then , becomes of the ccitifi- catesV At cettnlii limps a > astnmount of cinrency Is needed at dKVciPiit places in the west to move their ciop- " . The tioasuiy itscll agiccs and takes upon Itsell the lesponilbllity and i-uit of trans porting these ceitilteato to tlio west without cost to the Innkuis. The bankers have deposited thoie the cpitlticalcs and taken what' . ' i\cliauge. : Whj ' . ' Because tliey w em in possession of u.\chaugo nnd wanted mom euneucy. The bankets bilng it to Xew Yoik and iccoup themsclvps out ol lliu ovehaiigo theie. In other wouls the banket has made a Jiandsomc financial tiansaction by depositing his gold , which 1m did not waul to use , for the ptupose ol gel ling a reitillcalc. ' ' Mr. Teller , in whose tlmiMiioit of the debate - bate had taken place , declined to yield any longer , and continued liNiemaiks. Heio- pudiated the idea implied bj the gold advo cates , that the people whom ho icpmsoulcd meant to scale the debt. The debate then came to a close , and nftci an c.xecutive session , the Donate adjouined , WA .III.VITO.V , Jan. ' 10. $ lv. Thomas of Illinois , liom Hie committee on naval nfTnhs , rcpoitodn bill uuthoil/mg the piesideut to icliie Lieutenant W. B. Itaiidalltii lieutenant commander. PJacciLon the jtilvafe calendar. ilr. Batloiitiue , fiur.i the samii coinniHtce. rpporteda.blll : Uutliorl/.ing the voInntary'i'c tircnuuit ol nav olllctiis who have irnueicd cousjicuous setvkn in battle , or who have served thirty jears'in the navy. Placed on the house calendar. Aflor a long discussion on the pension bill , Mr. Moiiison of Illinois moved the house ndjouin , but the house voted the motion down , and on motion of Mi. Matson went Into a committee ot the whole with Mr. Weber of Texas In the chair , the pin- pose being to continue the discussion on the pension bill. The Hist billon the calendar , however , was the senate bill for the purchase of the old pioduco exchange In Now Yoik city , and Mr. Symesof Colorado , receiving locogultlon ot the chair , slated that that was thopicclso bill he wished to talk about , nud immediately proceeded to deliver u speech in opposition to the suspension ol silver dollar coinage. Ho ildlculpd the asset lion made by tlm preii- dentandsccictaiv ot the ticasury that the silver dollar could not bomadolociiculntu , and dcchucd thai lite coinage and legal len der laws had been willfully violated by the executive olliccis of the goveinment. The lalsooutciv that the people would notic- cclvo the silver dollar was madn for the pin- pose of deceiving the people. It was mndo in puisuanco of u gieat conspiracy formed ot the bondholders , capitalists and monopolists ot the money centers to dumcnctl/o onu-hnlf of the metal money of the world , nnd it was a matter ol seilous public conccin that the highest officials of Iho goveinment wcie aid ing this conspiracy by violating tlie plain letter and spiilt of the law. Ills criticism against tlio piesent adminis- tinllon , ho admitted , applied as well lo Iho past icpubllcan aaminlstiatlon. In conclusion ho wauird Iho house ; that tlio dcinoneli/ation of silver would create a fiat money paity In tills country , computed with which tlio ciuunuaclc patty iiom tim close of tlm war to 1HTO was small and lusiguilicant. The house was then biought luck to the subject under immediate couslduiation , being tlio produce exchange bill. It was passed , and the hoibo then ad jouined. AMONG TIIIO K.UMIOADS. A TJOIIJ ; WruiIo ) Over CominlHHlons In Iho Western l'assoiiK i' I'ool. Cnic'.voo. Jan.0. . At iv meeting ol tlio Chicago , Sr. Louis and Mlssouii Kivcr J'as- songcr association , held hem to-day , thorn was a long ami bittci wrangle as to whether commission shoul < l bo confined to the ticket agents , or extended lo the biokeis as well. Adjournment wa- > taken until to-nioiiow , with ilio uiuleistaiullng that In any event the association should bo continued thlity days , a committed in the meantime to tiy and bolvc tlio pmblem. Or anl/.ln n .Sixth Pool. CnicAQo , Jan. CO , Ileprescntatlvi'S of the rail load lines Interested .In foimlngn sixth pool on soutlmtn buslimss in connection with tlm Chicago and Ohio Klver pool , worn In session hero to-day , endeavoring to ar- laiigo pcicontagps. The meeting will bocon- tinned to-mormw TIJLUOUAl'Jl XOTKS. Zuukcrlait won Ills fourth game in the chess conl < i.t yesleiday. At thu llighbliidei's trial at SI. Louis , IPS- tiiiionyiw given showing that H conspiracy existed to minder Lou Johnson , Cashlei Cotsett , of the suspended Devil's Lake ( Dak , ) bank , attempted to skip , but was captmedninl placed under aiuM. TlioXatlonal Association of General Bag gage Agents Is in session nt Cincinnati. A ii.uty of niiiocowboys atttiinpleit tomn the town ot'Builington. Texas The shmlll killel lour of them. . { in.OO Ilumtrd For the arrest of two boys , wlio stole my whUo-facc'il sorrel pony from the post- ollluo alley. Notify K. KICANCK , Oniuhii I'ustolliuo. 1 ' A raio elmnco for a good hotelniun One half interest in Duvyey House forsnlo. Splendiil looaiioii. Cmiau for selling in terested in other business. For full pur- lioiihirs addicts A. LAiidirscnSlio3hono ! , Idaho , Reference. . Dovvoy & StoiieOnuilm , , ' ! ' - Shannon Letter Bill FiloFilinibinots ; ( and Ciidus. Schliulit's ' Htandnnl Indoxus. 21U lath street , opposite Nub. Xut'l Bunk. If you buy lumber myvvJicro without flisogetting JIoa < jlan4i prices you will lose money. BUSINESS OS A SOLID BASIS The Predicted Effect of MoPhorson's Btinli Circulation Bill , FRUIT FOR POOR PEDAGOGUES. Iho I'coplc Appottilod Vttttef ClVlt Sol-vice Ilnles Played Out X rnuliora > d tjawyors I'nb- llc ItUlldlnu I'rospects. WASIHXOTOX , , lan. 20. [ Special. ] Flnnn * cleis in tin ! house nud senate say that the MePhpi son bill which Increase ! ) the volume ol circulation of national banks to par value of goveinment bonds deposited with the troasmcr , will bilni ? up the cltculatlnff , mcdlnui about SIU,000OCO , and that the bllN will bo pi cd In time to penult Us going Into' effect by , Inly 1 next. They piodli-t that It will assist \ory umtoilnlly In helping the business liiteiots ot the country on n solid basis. "What tlio people want HiM now moie than anj tiling else , " said n ivpicseiitallvo from the cast , to-day , "Is something tome action of congicss , majbe which will make It look like Inflation. Au.v tiling that will gho ail air of mom money wilt be the right thing. Them is plenty of money , thctrf always Is , but thu people aie continually gctr' ting it into their heads thai .something is going \ ing to happen to clo c tip the channels of. business. They are alw ays hedging , and the way they hctlgo ts to lioaid up their money1 and refuse to loan or Invest It , but wall for tlio panic , Wonm alwnjs on tlio elgo of a panic , if wo believe a largo element of the people. Tiio small capitalists am the ones who cry wolf llrst , and close up tlio money vaults. They refuse to supply the light de mand , under the linpicssion that a panic Is coming , and they force a panic upon the larger and smaller capitalists. Wo biing panics upon ouiselves.Vorn It not for tlio light among tlio people who have small amounts ol money lo loan the.llltlc . misers wo would have no tumble. Them is mom fight than anything else In panics that is in the beginning of them. " HAVIX : roit nnoKiix now.v TRACIIKIIS. The couiDlaint having been made thai nlaigo ninjoilty of the persons who have passed .suc cessful examinations before the civil soivloo commission woic college people , liiquiiy has beer made at tlnco or fourof the dupnitments into which mo t of the nppoiutecs under civil service ntlcb have gone , whether any consid erable piopoitlon ol those who have obtained places woie giaduates fiom piomlncnt edu cational Institutions of the country. An ap pointment cleik said , nud ho seemed lo cover the situation all aiound : "I don't believe moiothnn per cent como fiom colleges and other educational places , nnd lam sum that not ovci 25 per cent are direct fiom any school. About half of the people have lately been teachers , aud piobably ball of them have only been out of school a short time. The othcis am largely lawyers , doctors , and of the other piofesslons , vvhem they hn\cbecn unsuccess ful. K may bu tine that the goveiumenti service IS becoming a haven for bioken Sclfool teachers and people from the profes- - slons ; but if tiup It Is a surcease to a very laigo element of woithy persons. I don't believe - lievo tlio slalemont Callously made that after a while people will be educated lo pass civil seivico examinations and for govern ment work. If line , however , il will show a decided impiovcment over Ilio old way OH doing things. It u pd to be necessary to only have influence , and qualification stooil for nothing. The people who am coming in. am not so well qualified to do the woik as olih employes , but they will learn mom rnpidi-Hj than the old ones did and in lima will nmi > j a perfect seivico" I'UllLTO 11UII.DIXO PJIOSTKCTS. There is not much assuraneo or hope * nr- nislied tlipsmail cities thioughout Ihocouiwiy , who government buildings lor United Stii swan wan t com 1 1 oomc , postolllces , etc , by the lion ' u committee on public buildings and giouuitV ? ! Some of the incnibcis of Ibis committcu < ; ' press the belief Unit the gieatcst care shoulnj bo exeiciscd In tlicso expendituips. Whilei they lecognl/e that inllic long run it Is econ omy foi tlio govuinmeut lo eonstiucl thesn buildings and save rent , they say there isTiJ general feeling against it. People , they loiuu donotuiiduisland that whcm , say S50.00J oti x 5100,000 is expended for the puichaso of J.iJ site and tin * constiuctlon of a building , tlM goveinment saves liom ? : ) ,000 to § 0,000 a > car\ icnt. 'J'hcy am going on the piusumptloii'j that Ihopeoplo think the public building' business is all 01 namcntal. | , nnuuiiATixn iNnn-sTATn : coMMnncn. "After some ol these little things which occupy attention foitlio piesent get out ot the way , " / > aid a senator lo your coiicspon- ilcnl , "threwlll boconsldeiallonof llielnter- " slate commeico bill , I can tolljyon one thliifc for a dead ccitalnty. A bill of some kind ou S tim subject will become a lawbythlscongmss. Mr. Cullom , who conducted tlie investiga tion of iiiter-stato commeico matteia , say.s the people demand a law which will insiiio equal tieatmeiit lor all shlppei.s , and ho thinks the way Is clear now to PUSH u bill. Tlio hfiuso Is elamojtpus for it. " Rheumatism t TVo doubt If tlico : Is , or can lie , a epcrlfk k'cinoily for ilieumallsiii but thousands wlio Jmo suffered Its pains luvo been gic.ttly lien. cfltcrt l > y Hood's Harsaparllln. If jou liavo failed to fimliullef , tiy.lliis eiratioimily. "I was anilclcil vvllh rlictmiatlsm twenty 5 cars. I'rcvlous to less I found no relief , lint Brew worse , and at ono tlnio was ahnoit help- lees. Hood's 5ar.inailll.i Uld mo tnorogood than all tlio other incillelin I over liail.1 JI. T. JIAT.C09I , Blilllcy Village , Mass , "Jli.idrhciiiiiatlsmiliroo j cars , and cot no relict till I took Hood's Barsap.ullla. It has done fe'rcat tlilnjjs for mo. I recommend It to 'J.uwis HUIIIIANK , IIUldcfoid.Mc Hood a Saraipaiilla Is characterised by llireo jicciilUiltles t HI , the combination ot remedial naentij 2d , the jirpport/o/i / ; 3d , Ilio ) jioce-,3 of fcccuilna Ilio active medicinal qualities , Ilio result ha medicine strength , ctrettln ciucs Idllicrto unknown. Bend for book containing additional evidence. "llood'.s Baiwparlll.-v tones up my systeip. ptirlfloa my blnod , hliaifiensniy apin-IIU1 , and hccins to iiinl.o mo cntir. " J , r. Tiioin-soH , Jti'lilsterof Jlucds , l.o\\cll , Mass. "Hood's Sarsapurllla bc-ats all others , and Is worth Its wolglit Infold. " I. JUnr.ixoioN , JOT Ji ink Jjtiea , Now Voile City , Hood's Sarsaparilla * Bold by alt ilriigijlsls. f I j six for t5 , Madt only by C. 1. 11(300 & CO. , Jewell , Jfass. ICG Doses Ono Dollar. Mendelssohn & Fisher , ARCHITECTS ' AMU - It , J..hUNB. ! fjupcilutcndou