Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1886, Image 1

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Who Took Up Claims on the Crow Creek
and Winnebago Reservation ,
An Amendment Submitted lo Ills Da
kota Dill Which Contemplates
itellcf to Those Who Buffered
by the Proclamation.
the Settlers' Append ) .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele-
Cimn.l H is very piobable that the people
AV ho settled on the Crowd eck and Wlnnc-
bago Indian reservation In Dakota between
February"and April 17 last , under flio
provisions of a pioclamaiion Issued by Presi
dent Vitliur , thiowing Hie icservntlon open
lo settlement , and who were compelled lo
move off of the f-etllemcnts they nTade by n
proclamation Issued on the latter date by
I'ecsldent Cleveland , revoking the former
] > toclamatlon , will be paid for the looses they
htistalned. Kver since the icvooatlqn of
J'icsldrnt Ailliur'.spioclamatlon , the sulfei-
rrs from It have hron appealing lo the picsl-
ilpnt and Interior depaitment for
lellef. They say they' nimlo entries
on the reservation In good fuilh ,
having a pci feet right to do so under the lift
proclamation , and that two mouths after
ward , when they had just got settled in tiieir
new homes they wcie forcibly driven away ,
whueby they lost all they expended for their
buildings , fences , etc. , and llio sacrllicc.s they
made in leaving their old homes , slncu it was
by deception 01 the pait of the government
and an order over which they had no con
trol. That they sustained their losses , thej1
vpry naturally concluded thu government
would K.niliir.-e : them.
To-day in the senate Mr. Harrison 10-
npondea to the appeals of these disappointed
settlers , and proposed an amendment to his
bill on ( ho subject of the division of Dakota
and the admission to statehood of the south
ern poition of it , which contemplates the
proper relief. The amendment provides that
for ninety days after thu passage of this act
these settlers may re-enter upon their claims
mid complete tlio same as required by law ,
nnd their claims shall for sucli a time have a
preference over later entries ; and when they
.shall In oilier respects have complied with
the law regulating such entries , especially
homesleadei.s , shall bo en Titled to liave .such
lands , and patents therefor shall be issued.
The money paid for pre-emption and
town site entiles shall bo such ns aio
jequiicd by law in other ca es , and shall
be paid into a geneial fund. The president
shall appoint n special agontnndpr the direc
tion of the fcccictaiy of the Interior who shall
as soon as piaclicablo make Inquiry and ic-
poit to tliosecictary ol the Interior upon the
claims for losses of pcrnoiis who in good
faith , between rVbrnaiy 27 and April 17,1SS3 ,
.settled upon any ol the landiin the Ciow
deck and Winnebago reservation. The
agent shall have power to cause witnesses to
come befoio him at some point convenient to
the reservation , and to administer oaths. He
shall lepoit the Impiovemcnts made by such
poisons , the value of the bamo , the
losses bifclnlned by reason of the
revocation of the executive older
opening these lands to settlement , giving the
particulars of any such losses and all other
facts connected therewith , and. in case the
consent of the Indians Is not obtained then
inquiry and repoit shall be made OH to all per
sons who made claims upon that pait of the
reservation which is not included in the now
reservation. Thu Dakota statehood bill es
tablishes the report of the special agent shall
bo transmitted by tlio secretary of interior to
Commissions were to-day Issued for tlio
following Iowa postmasters : Kllsha W.
Oieen , at Weaver ; Charles W. I'innoy
Selma ; John W. Crouch , Keddlng ; William
Wall , I'oiestvlllo ; Joslali V. Dcllaiightcr ,
Dodds : Catharine Bayne , Climbing Hill ;
mid lor Austin W. Sloan , at Verdon , Xeb.
The time schedule for the star mall route
liom Biooksvllio to Dado Clly , Xeb. , has
been oideied changed , as follows :
Leave Biooksvllio on Mondays and Thurs-
dajsalTa. m. ; nuh oat Dado City next day
by 11 a. m. Leave Dado City on Tuesdays
and Fridays at" p. m. ; an Ive at Biool.svillc
next day by C p. m.
The site of the postofllco at I'ilot , Cusler
county , Xeb. , has been moved one mile
The postofllco at Lava , Cliciry county , lias
been discontinued. The mail goes lo Coi-
WAMIIMITON. Jan. 20. ll'iess. ] Tlio
senate in executive session continued tlie
following nominations : To bo consul , Win.
A. ( iaiish ot Missouri , atMaitlnlquo : Wm.
B , McConnell of Dakota , associate justice of
thoMipiemocouit ol Dakota ; Isaac H. .May-
iiord ot Ni'vv Voik , second comptroller ol the
treasury ; D , M. Koxot Pennsylvania , lobe
superintendent ol the mint at Philadelphia ;
Wm. A. Day ot Illinois , to bo second auditor
of thu tieasuiy ; John .S. Willlamsof Indiana ,
to be thlid auditor ot the tieasuiy ; Adlai K.
ijtuu'iison of Illinois , tlrst assistant postmas
ter gcneial ; Uartlett Tiippol Dakota , chief
justice ot the supiemo comt of Dakota.
l'ostma < * teni U. M. Shelly , Kansas City ,
Lisbon , Dak.V. : . P. Cair. Sioux Falls ,
Dak. ; W , H. Hairy , Watseka , Ills. ;
.1. S. It , Scovllh' .Mon is , ills. ;
Wm , Ionian. Ottawa , 111. : K. S. Ilawlv ,
llydfll'aik. III. ; ! ' . W. Havllle. Ml. Canned
111. ; B. D. Meek , Eureka , III. ; J. II. tiolden
Minoiik , 111 , ; Andicw Holders , Sparta. 111.
The senate also continued a long list of
nimy promotions.
Thopie.sldentsenlatho following nomina
tion to tlio fccnato to-duy ; diaries
J , Canda of New Voile , assistant
treasurer of the United States nt Xo\v York ; , ( IU.ANINMS.
Tlie house committee on relorm In the civil
service , to-day unanimous Instiuclcd I'nllt/er
to icpoit adversely tlio bill Intioduccd by
Senoy for tlie repeal of the civil service law.
A sub-coiumtttee , ( ' ( insisting of Clements
1'ulltzcr mid Spooner , was appointed to con-
hldt'i all tliu bills relating to thu repeal ol the
tenuioof olllceact.
The slxteonth annual meeting of the nrt-
tlonul bouid of trndu was commenced in this
city at noon today , Ftedeiick Frnwley of
Philadelphia presided. Koity-llvo delegates
weiu piesent , lepioentlng tlio leading trade
prganuatlons ot tlio countiy , '
Tlie committee on i Iv ers and haibars to-day
boa id arguments by delegates fiom the west
ern waterway liiipiovcmcnt convention.
Addiesses were made by Itepiesontativo
Dunnell tor tlio St. Paul convention touchIng -
Ing llio Improvements in the waters of the
upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys , W.
H , Miller of the Kansas City convention on
the Missouri liver , nnd Col. ( ieo. W. Wiiglit
of Missouri and J.T. Benton of Dakota on
western water ways In general. The session
of the committee on Friday will bo devoted
to liming other gentlemen on the tame
The minority report ot tholiou n commit
tee on military affairs , on the bill foj the 10-
Ik'tofFlu John Poi tor , was laid bplorotim
Jioiiso to-day , The minority s.ijs it the bill
doe * not nominate Poitcr to oflloo it is an ab-
Boluto ui'.lllty. lilt does nominate him it is
n Invasion ol lira cxccutivo j teio n'.lve. It
is advice or law. If advice It 1 * useless , and
law It Is usurpation. If the court
martial erred , there Wn4 no appeal. The
minority respected Porter for his persistence ,
still it could not bid bellcvo that his disobe
dience nnd Inaction cast u shroud of woe
over thousands nt home , and brought dts-
nstcr to the national cause.
IIKNIBS AU , Ttrn ciAnnr. ! .
The secietary of tlio trcnmtty lias received
n long communication from Gcoiga V.
Htovvcr , general npjiralser nt the port ot New
York , in regard to HIP charges preferred
against him recently by S. IJ. 1'holps of New
Yoik. Ho makes n bioad nnd general denial
of them nil.
AV'AsniNOTON. Jan. 20. Judge > roodywho
xvas elected United States senator by the
Huron ( Dak. ) legislature , to-day addiessed
the liouso committee on territories in favor
of the admission ( if soulhoin Dakota as n
state , nnd the creation of a territory nut ot
the noithrtn poition. On Friday , Mr.
ton , of Dakota , and others will addicts the
committee In tavorof admission , but against
MNAI i : IIIT.T.S iNTitoniTr-KD.
Uy Senator Wilton of Iowa To facilitate
the business ot the supiemo couir , clicnit
court nnd couit of claims.
15y Senator Logan To extend the pro
visions ot the act for the lellet of puichasers
and loeatciu of swamp nnd overflowed lands.
at a Hcvolvcr1 With n Kracc-
lot on His Tlii'ont.
Ciiio.voo , 111. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele-
giam. ] A dailiiR robbery Hint would do
cicdlt to Iliu. Jes"e James pang occtnied on
the west side last night. Four men cntcicd
the jewchy store of Severn Bios , nt 775
Wcf-t Mndlson street. One of them asked
to see some watch charm1' . Henry Severn ,
who Is a young man about 23 years of ago ,
was alone In the stoiont the time , nnd in
response to the request placed n tray full of
chaims of nil descriptions befoio him.
Another ot the four asked lo see rings. As
bGAcrn piocccdcd to icach Into the case for
the tray of rings the Hist man
moved behind the counter between
two show cases , and , as the proprietor
attempted to tuin about to icscnt the Intru
sion ho was caught by the neck. A man In
fiont suddenly placed a revolver in close
proximity to his nose and a quiet but em
phatic command was given to icmaln per
fectly quiet and say not a word , unless ho
wished to give up his life with his jewels.
Tlio jeweler , taken completely by surprise ,
was unable to make a move to defend him
self. Tlio youngest man in the paity can led
a laigc bag on his arm and in a few moments
hcand his disengaged companion slipped be
hind the .show cases and completely
emptied them of watches , rings
and other valuables. Mr. Bcvcin
says ltdid not seem more than a minute and
ahalf befoitt the cases wcro cleaned out. Not
withstanding their haste , the men took noth
ing but tlie moil valuable , thus showing tliey
were no ordinary sneak-thieves and their
movements indicated that they had studied
up the ca = e in advance. When the booty was
seemed , the thief who still held tlie propri
etor by the linear , loosed his hold , nnd mov
ing mound in front , produced a revolver and
covered the victim while the other three de
parted. Severn and his enforced vis-a-vis re
mained in this position tluee or four min
utes , when tlio last robber , cau
tioning the "joiing man to re
main where ho was for at least
live minutes , followed his companions. Sev
ern's confusion and astonishment canned him
involuntarily to a obey the injunction. As
soon as ho iccovered himself lie lan and gave
the alarm. A patrol was called , but by the
time the officers arrived no trace of the rob
bers could bo found. Tlie value of the pro
perty taken Is placed at 51,500. Severn is not
sure lie can Identify any of the lobbers. as his
attention was principally taken up by the
grip on his throat and tlie muzzle of the re
Tlio SulTcrliiKS of Flvo Hundred Pns-
seiiKura In Kansas Drift * ) .
Dr.Nvnn , .Tan. 20. The snow blockade on
the Kansas division of the Union Pacific is
again biokcn , for tlio second time in two
weeks. Most of the passengers wore de
tained in the drifts between Ellis and Brook-
vilie. Kansas. The delayed trains brought
nbonttliliteen tons of mall , some of It 01-
ticmelv ancient , thiity tons of express goods
and 500 weary and travel-stained passengers.
Those who weio not in the Pullmans make
bitter complaints of their sufferings and
ticatmcnt during theiriuiprlsonment In the
drift. Few supplies could bo had , except at
extortionate prices , and water was a luxury
Unit money could not miy. Many say it so scuico that the pa ? cngcis were
not nblo to bathe their hands and
faces. At Biookvillo the hungry passen-
geis wcie about to assault a icstaurant in
force lor food when tlie keeper of the place
suiicndeicd and the lallvvay olliclals weio
foiccd to deal out a little food to the .starving
passengers. The piisscngois were closely
packed into tun cais In oidci ; that the other
cais might bo lotuined to tlio east , and * they
had to light lor seats.
THE Finn itiocoim
A Heavy , nnd Probably Fatal , niazo
fi. l'lilliulllili. | ;
PinrAnii.i : < iiA , Jan. 20. A lire bioko out
nbout 5 o'clock tills evening in a nest of old
buildings on Aich sheet , occupied ns oil
waieliouscs , etc. , nnd for n tlmo tliteatencd a
serious conflagration. By hard work , how
ever , the Jlicmon managed to confine it to
tlnce buildings , which weio gutted. The fiio
stalled fiom the bieaking ol n lamp by a
man named Kesslcr , who was seriously
burned and Is now lying at the Inn
critical condition. Samuel Bailey , another
employe , Is also missing nnd is believed to
have been binned to death. Two young
ladies nnuowly escaped tl.osamo late. Loss
only 523 OW.
Jww ; YOIIK , Jan. 30. Shortly bofoio 2 this
nltcinoon llio brewery of Herman Koehler &
Co. , Klist avenue , caught llio and thicntens
to assume largo piopoijlons.
Tlio Silver Question.
WASHINGTON , Jan. SO , The liouso committee -
mitteo on coinage to-day postponed until
next meeting consideration ot all bills i elat
ing to ( ho coinage of bilver dollars. Tlie
commit too will then begin the discussion of
thodllU'iont phases of the question nnd dls-
pose of them ns rapidly ns the impoitanco of
the question will allow. It was the general
umhirolnndlng of the committee that the bill
Inttnduced by the chaiiman to repeal that
poition of tlio act of Juno t > , WJ , providing
for the excliango nnd icdemptlon of subsi
diary coins forlnwtnl money should bo re-
poitcd favoiably. Final action on the bill
was not taken , as the committee thought it
might lead to the piemntuio opening up of
tlio silver question In the house. Ail bills re
lating to tlio tiado dollar weio releued ton
sub-committee , consbtlngot llepiescntatives
l.anham , MeCicciy and Jnmoa , alter which
an adjoin nment wnb taken.
OH "W mil a to Coino In.
ST. PAW , Jan. QO. J. J. Browne of Washington -
ington tenitory Is Iicio , en loutn lo Wash
ington. Ho says the territory deslies admis
sion ns a state , nud claims northern Idaho
deslics to bo added to Washington , whoso
leglslatuic is now in session nnd will enact
mining laws favorable to that section , which
Is mineral.
They 11 nut DUurm.
ST. PKIKIISHUIKI , Jan. 20 , The Journal
le. ) St. Petersburg says : "Tim dignity ot
Kmoprt demands that the powers should re
double their efforts to compel ( Jreece , Servia
and Dulgnrla to dUatin so as to pievent
calamities , tlio extent ftud Isiuu ot which no
one can toresce.
Bloody Nebraska Row Over Wolf Bait With
Bullets and Olubs.
Sot-Ions Italiroail Accident Ncnr
Grand Islnnd A City oC Conven
tions-Skipped With the Firm's
Money The Firemen.
Ficicn Fnmlly
POXCA , Neb. , Jnn. 20.-Tho details of a
bloody and fatal low , which occurred near
licro Monday , has Ju t been necked In all its
The pniticipants in the fracas wpro the
families of W. W. Wcstbiook and A. CJIbson.
The fonner conslslcd of the father and tlnce
sons of lighting ap , and the latter the old
man and one son.
Some dajs ago the ( iibsons secured n mule
car i ? to bait for wolves. * It was so success
ful that the Wc lbrooks raided the bait and
carried elf half ot It to plant on their own
premises. This plating breach of pioporty
rights was piononnced a casns belli , and the
Gibsons took down their Hint locks and utsty
navies and went gunning for the Westbrooks.
They met by chance on the highway. The
Westbrooks Imd lieaid of Urn declara
tion of war , and had thrown out
a skirmishing linn to pievent a surprise.
When tlio factions hove in sight , the West-
brook light nitlllcry was unmasked , and a
bullet pleiced the heel of Gibson's mule.
Tills unguarded shot smote the bull's-eye of
pcaco in tlio old man's hcait , and he charged
on the enemy with n wild war whoop. The
onset was not unlike a cyclone In n land
locked valley , and paralyzed the Westbrooks ,
both sire and sons. When hostilities ceased
through lack of ammunition and ma-
teiial to play on , three Wcst-
brookslay bleeding and dead on the field
while the fonith , coveilng thefoim of old
Gibson , rammed a pistol into ids ear and
snapped tlie trigger several times. It failed
to explode , and Gibson lives to attend tlio
Old AVcstbiook got a bullet wound over the
right eye ; his son Tom received a death
wound in the neck ; and Jim , another son ,
Imd his scalp furiowcd with a shot.
Gibson suriendcied to the authorities.
A City of Convention.
Dns Moixns Iowa , Jan. 20. Sevcial state
oiganizatlonshavobeen in annual session
to-day. The State Temperance Alliance
heaul icpoits from dllfeient congiesslonal
districts as to the enfoiecmcntol piohibltion ,
and elected as ollieois for tlie ensuing year ,
president , J. A. Harvey ; tieasuier , Judge C.
C. Noinse ; secretary , Mis. A. E. MeMiniay.
The secretary's report shows a gencial en-
foicement of the law in most paits
of the state ; that 701 saloons have
been icnoited by justices of the peace as
closed , that 137 towns have icportcd a major
ity of population in favor of enforcement ,
that about 50,000 in lines have been paid by
violators of the prohibitory law in justices'
courts alone.
Tlie State Horticultural socl > < pencd the
second day's pioceedingswitli . go attend
ance. The society discussed the subject of
propagation of fruit and forest tiee seeding ,
and the subject of fruit display was also dis
cussed. A largo number ot well known
hoiticultiuists aie piesent , and a line display
of fiult Ispiescnted.
The board of directors of the farmers' pro
tective association met to-day , and audited
the accounts for the past year and discussed
subjects of intciest to the membeis of tiio
association. The millers of tlio state met and
oigani/edabtato association , and arranged
for mutual piotectlvo rules ol tiade.
Freight Car find Caboose Derailed.
GitANi ) ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. W. [ Special
Telegiam. ] A serious accident happened tea
a freight train yesteiday on tlie St. Joe &
Giand Island railroad , about two miles south
of llanscn , caused by a broken mil , which
derailed the hind car and caboose , thiowing
them down an embankment about ten feet ,
leaving the caboose standing on end. There
weio Feveial passengers in the caboose at the
lime , and some of them received scilous In
W. L. IJakcrof Hanson received a severe
bum on the leg liom tlie hot stove in tlio car
falling against him.
Anotlicr passenger , whoso name eould
not bo leained , had tlnco ilbs'biokcn and
ipcelved other serious injuries ,
One of thetiain biakemcn , Fred. Slaugh
ter , iccelved the most seiious injuilcs , hav
ing both shoulders dislocated and collar bone
biokcn. Ho was taken to Hastings and is in
a critical condition.
Conductor C. U. Munn had an arm badly
biuiscd and iccelved other slight Injuries.
Ijoft Without u Furowoll.
Nr.nitAe-KA Cirr , Neb. , Jan. 'JO ( Special
Telcgiam.j Developments made this even
ing place William Bancroft , late tiayeliug
salesman for I ! . Lorton it Co. , wholesale
giocers , under a cloud , as it Is thought ho Is
ahead of the firm In bills collected and no 10-
poitniadoot the same. Danciolt icslgned
Ills position In December. His last eider
camu In December ! ! 0 , and fiom that date
Bancroft's whpieabotitu tothe linn have been
unknown. Banciolt was mauled but last
fall to an estimable young lady whoso parents
icsldo in Lincoln. It inn or has it
that she Is also nnappriscd ns to his
wlieieaboiits. The amount of the embezzle
ment cannot bo given as yet.
i'H Flro Fighters ,
SnwAiin. Neb. , Jan. ! iO. [ Special Tcle-
gtani , ] At-n meeting ot the State Firemen's
association here to-day , John H. Buttler of
Omaha , was elected picsldent ; A. 0. Leder-
nian of Grand Island , and W. H , Ncvvbeiry
of Lincoln , vice presidents ; J. T , Lynian of
Lincoln , secretary , and W. It. McCallister of
Giand Island , tieasuier. The next tourna
ment vyill be hold at Fiemont in August , and
tlio annual meeting at Columbus , The board
of contiol consists of Messrs. Dibble of York ,
Hull of Fremont , Hohman of Lincoln , 1'aratt
ofKeainey , Mullingerof Sovvard , Schwaitz
of Columbus , and Jennyimm of Grand Is-
Made tlio Old Man An ry.
MoNTrcnu.o , Iowa , Jan. 20 , f Special
Telegram. ] Biadloy Stuait , 20 yeais of age ,
recently married a lady of 23. Tire boys
thereupon gave him an old fashioned horn
ing. He was veny angry , and yesterday ar
rested the ringleaders for riot. Ho also
brought suit for Sl.MO damages. Before the
first trial was ended ha agreed ton settle
ment , which Was effected to-day by the de-
i'cudants paying the costs of S120.
AVhlsky Was the Cause ,
Moxxicnt.1,0 , Iowa. Jan. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ] P. J. Brady , living near here ,
was r tin over by the cars and killed last night.
He was intoxicated.
Weather for To > Iay.
Missoum VALI.IY ; Fair weather : sliglit
rise In tempenUmu ; falling barometer ;
variable winds , gencially shifting U > the
A Battle Between the Policemen nnfl Strik *
ing Hungarians One of the Dis
turbing Element Killed ,
PiTTinvno , Jan. 26. A dispatch from
Mount Pleasant to-nlglft says ! Sheiilt Stew
art and forty deputiesTiUd Detective Brophy
and twenty armed polijc from I'ltlsburg , Imd
a dcspernto conflict tli afternoon with 850
strikers , who Imd attacked the men at the
Alice works in the inornlng. The liotcis
rested for dinner. Then they nms&ed at tlio
Mutual works , near Slonervlllc. At tills
point a negro , without provocation , Hied at
the Hungarians with n shot gun , but failed
to hit any of them. They surrounded his
house , dragged him out , beat him fearfully
and left him for dead , with Ids skull frac
tured. Ilo will probably die.
At ! 5 o'clock tlio stilkcifl passed up tovvaid
Morcwood , nourishing every manner ot
weapon from revolvers to case scrapeis.
They were headed by Stephen Stamlx , main
agitator of tlie strike. When they reached
shaft A , Morewood mines , they cnconntcied
sixty-two deputy sheriffs and policemen
drawn up for battle. Detective Biophy talked
to tlie foreigners , telling them li was useless
to lesist , and that ho would arrest the ring
leaders. Brophy aircsled one striker , which
opened the ball. The combat was hand-to-
hand , but the otltccrs won , ruresting thhtccn
men and one woman , who were sent to jail
at Greenville. The balance retreated. Over
n handled shots weie fired and several Hun
garians injuicd. How many Is not known ,
as tliey weio can led away by companion" .
Only one oflleer was slightly hint. The
authorities , it is stated , telegraphed to Vltts-
burg lor nioreolHcors. The strike is only in-
nuguiated and moio bloodshed is feared.
This strike Is undoubtedly tlio most dan-
pprous in the history of the coke countiy.
The opcialors have an entirely different class
of men to deal with , as Hungarians when
drunk aie nnmanagabloau'imore like ( lends
than men. infoimcr strikes this element
was not In the field , and tlio operators had
more Intelligent men todcal with. A feeling
of Insecurity prevails mid citizens near the
various threatened districts me aiming them
selves and otherwise pieparlng to defend
their homes as best they may.
A dispatch at midnight says it is thought
oiio Hungarian was killed in the flight with
the police this afteinoon. A special train
left Giceiibburg this evening with the
prisoners guaidcd by policemen. A
riot is also reported to have occurred
at the Donnelly and Diamond works , about
tlneo miles east of Mount Pleasant , in which
live Hungarians and three Americans were
Injured. Tlio condition of allaiis at mid
night is good. A special train lias just ar-
ihcd nt Slandaul , with a police loice , which
will bo used tonight to aucst some men
chaiged With assault.
STONKVIM.K , I'a. , Jam 20. The situation
assumed an alarming phase In the coke re
gions tills moining. Three bundled strikers ,
armed witli bais , coke-forks and revolvcis ,
stalled on a inaicli. Theydiovo the men
from woik nt the Alice , and chaiged the
waidcnsof the coko. yard at a place a mile
southwest of here. A boy named Menrcr
was tpiribly beaten , and a yard boss ham
mered. Every oven front was crushed In.
The greatest tioubla Is yet to come. Satur
day will bu pay-day , and on Monday ten days
will have explied since the notice to quit had
been given to tlie strikers in the company
houses. Tlicio will likely be serious trouble
when ejectment Is attempted. The report
that the governor has Ijccn called on for aid
is untiuc. Tlie sherifftwill not send until ho
linds himself nnnbie.toi cope with the dis
turbed element. ( > ' *
The ClKarmakcr's Strike.
Nnw Youic , Jan. 20 , Nine thousand
cigarmakers and other employes ot the
trade , employed by the Cigar Manufacturer's
association , me idle to-day. Tlio diicct
cause of the trouble is the refusal of Levy
Brothers to declaio their strike against tiic
now uniform price lists off and return to
woik. Tlie employes have banded them
selves together to resist this demand. By to
morrow the packers in all tlie shops will have
to join tlie strikers. The strike extends to
the cigar box making trade. AV'hen the pack
ers milt woik tlie n umber on strike will have
.swelled to 10,000.
The cigar niamifactmeis this afternoon
issued a statement to tlio public. Tlie state-
made by the men are declined to be mislead
ing and nntiiie. They , tlio strikers , quoted
several cities as paying higher prices than
offered by tills association , leads the state
ment , but they have failed to say anything
about many other places wlieio prices
lor labor arc Infinitely lower than the prices
otlciedby this association. The association
offers the following pioposition : The whole
difficulty lo bo settled by any fair mode of
aibitrathm that may bo suggested and agreed
upon. Pending such arbltuition we to
open our factories at the schedule
prices , and any dllfcicnco between
iliosoprices and those agiced upon to bo paid
to our workmen at tlie termination of the
controversy. This statement is olllcially
signed by the nianiifacliners.
The men to-night state , in regard to the
manufactureis' proposition , that they will
not accept any aibltratlon.
An Outline of the Document Victoria
Merely Sisiis.
LONDON , Jan. 20. The queen's speech was
lead at a ministerial dinner to-day. Uefcr-
ling to Iieland , tlio speech says : "Although
in some icspeets there aio favorable indica
tions ot towaidH older In that coun
try , yet at present Iieland Is disturbed by an
Incieasing tendency lo icsort to unlawful
practices and a disposition to set law at
naught. The government , theicloio , recog
nizes its duty to take eneigetiQ utops
to enforce law and order , to provide security
lor life and piopeity , and to maintain to Its
fullest meaning the integrity of tlio union.
The measures necessary to secuie these ends
will be submitted to paiIIuncut.
The speech further inomlbes iv local gov-
eminent mcasino torKngland , to be followed
by similar mousmes for Scotland and
Iiehind , and a bill to cheapen and
fnclllato the tinnsfcr of land.
It nil IMS to tlio IiopcJuI iiiospccts of the
JCgyptlan commission * establishing a stable
government In Kirvpt It bays that the ques
tion of annexing Ituriimh will not be decided
until Lmd Duireiln icports on the subjects ,
but that the disposition of Tliebaw
Is nccessaiy , coinmitulates pailiament on the
peaceful foreign lelatlons of Gieat Britain ,
and tiusts that peace will bo malntatned in
tlio Balkans through the self control of all
tlio powers Inteicstedl and concludes by ex-
piesslng tlie hope that ) the new paillaincnt
will tallow tlio gieat traditions of loimer
pailiamcnts. i
The Queen in London.
LONDON , Jan. 20. 'fliequeen ' ailived In
London to-day from Windsor castle. She
drove from the railway station In an open
carriage to Biickinghamspalacc , and received
an ovation along tltu route. Her majesty ,
who is In excellent health , will open parlia
ment in person to-morrow.
Hclnrorccinetitb Rent Out.
CALCUTTA , Jan. 20. A Bengal native
regiment lias started for Bui mail to rclnfoico
thelliitlbh tioops at Mandalny.
St. Joc'h JtiR Hotel.
ST. JOB , 5fo. , Jan. 20. Ira Wllso.n , present
landlord of the 1'acllic house , backed byJ.
B. Kitchen , of tlie I'axton hotel , Omaha , has
offcied 12,500 u jcar rent for tlie hotel on a
five year lease. 11U lease has neatly expired
and the stockholders aio considering tlio
olfer , Tlio majority ot stock was bought
some time ago by p. A. Hammond , propri
etor of the Union Depot hotel , ami a row
li lends , and under that airaniremcnt Mr.
Hammond was to haVe the house nt $0M ) a
year , and the company make the needed re-
A lieantlful Store.
The finest uiul most complete Art Store
weal of Chicago idlospe'b , 1513 Douglas.
Senator Merrill Addresses the Soimto in
Opposition to the Ooiuago of Silver.
A Colorado Congressman laMs Him-
soirijoose on tlio Silver Colnnso
While Another Ion la
Under Consideration.
WASHINGTON , Jrtii. 20-On thoopciiliigol
tlic senate to-tlay , Mr. Hale oITcietl the follow
ing resolution :
Kcsolved , That llio secretary of tlio
tirybo directed to foiwnul to Uio senate nil
papers In relation to tlio contract let to Hrain-
iiuufc Co. or oilier pintles lor tlio woik , or
any soil ot the same. ofputtlngnn additional
stoiy to the 1'eoiln , ( III. , ) postoflleo In IbSo ;
also , all protests Illed by labor leagues In ie-
latlmi thereto : also , n copy of the piolest Illcil
hySlrnubit Co. , ol Huftalo , New Yoik , giv
ing Information that tin' wotk of vrld con
tract would bo pel for mod by convict labor ,
nnd conseiiuently the contractors who em
ployed fico labor could not nll'oid to compete
for the woik.
In offering Urn resolution , Mr. llalp said
ho hail not been ptep.ucd to bellcvo without
further Information thaltlio seer clary of thu
treasury would let any conduct lor work to
bo done on public buildings In Mich way that
the work would bo done by coinlct labor.
Ho ( Mr. llalu ) had iccelved Infoiinatton of
such ohaiactor as iiiado It desirable to ascer
tain the tacts sol forth In his resolution , ilo
did not believe a I'outtact for public work
should bo lot toemployers ol convict labor
when there was no luck of oidlnaiy lubor
iti the country , Ilu did not believe that tieo
labor should be put on competition with con
vict labor.
The i csolulton was asroeil to.
Mr. Mon 111 mldtr soil the senate on the
silver question. He promised with the re-
niaik that the elaborate speech of the senator
from Kentucky ( Heck ) seemed to throw the
buiden of thu lejoinder on the friends of the
administration. I do notmean , hecontlnued ,
tooncmacli upon the privileges which so
many democratic sonatois appear so eager to
enjoy ol rushing to the rescue of the president
and the secretary of the tieasuiy , against
whom the cruel jtack Is made , upon the
caullnal mcasutd of tha iulmlnlstiatlon , us
1 know the Into ol those who ventuie to in-
teileiovlth family quanels. Hut this
measure , tlnough which silver might bo main
tained on si par with gold , Is so worthy of all
deception that I fear it will not have , after
the heat of demonstiatlon , an acknovvledued
leader of his party In the slate against It , or
thai unanimous support to which it may be
laiily entitled. In the first place , let me say
thoicnro no pnitics , so larasl know , In the
senate or out ot it , that propose or iiavo any
wish to demonetl/e it , lor to chaigeothcivvlsu
Is a baseless assumption and unwoithy of the
aicna of ttur debate. Kverybody Is willing
nay anxious to keep ns much of silver as
can be done and keep it at the same time at
par with our gold coinage. Tlio only hostility
arises fioiu what seems to bo a mixed and
passionate puipose on the pait ol some of
its advocates to promote such an
excess of silver coinage as will drive cold
out of the countiy , and leave our vast ttade
and commeico based upon silver only. In
reaching tills position ot .sliver monomct-
nlisiii , it Is impossible to 1)3 ) blind to tiic dis
astrous contraction ot tiio circulating medi
um of the country that would at once occur ,
for when the moment anivestliat gold com
mands n premium it will beheld as u com
modity fousalc , not circulating on a small pr
G per cent piomlum , being as pioductlvo of
universal hoaidlng at STi per cent , and no
posslblandvantage lo our people could be ex
pected Irom following the lame and focblo
example of India or Mexico In iitlll/.Ins sil
ver cnrieney only.
Mr. Merrill insisted that tlieio was no war
upon silver , but tiom the substance aiidoi-
fect ot the declaration of vv.n that had been
made upon gold by the leader ot the demo
cratic paity in the senate , liom the plcasuip
which the sonatpr from Kentucky had
evinced in deliycring in the senate his an
tagonism to tlio president and secietaryof
thetieasnry it secnieit to Mr. Monill that
that senator had been for tlio moment under
a delusion. Ho was still belaboring with
Icft-liandi'd compliments some lepubllcan
piesidcnt and secretary , but Mr. Moirill
could look on with conipoainc , contidcnt as
ho was of the sin viral of the fittest. Ills
( Mori Ill's ) convictions that continued coin-
ace of largo amounts of silver would drive
all gold out of the countrv , was based on the
expeiicnco of all clvlli/.ed people that Infeiinr
money never failed to expel supciior , and
tile fact that our own silver mines furnished
moie than one-half of the annual silver yield
ot the woild.
Mr , Moil ill denied that there had been any
failure on the part ot the treasury olllcials to
comply with the law s legaiding the applica
tion of the money iccelved from custom
duties. It would not bo contended , ho said ,
by anybody , except , pcthaps. tlio senator
liom Kentucky , that as each piece ot money
was jecelveilatacustom liouso it was to bo
branded and set apait in a sepaiato coiupait-
ment. It it was in tlio tieasuiy , that was
enough. Itv the report of the United Stated
tieasuier. Monill continued , it appeals tlieio
Is somewhere in tlio trrusmy Slj.i,5MiX)0 ( ) of
standaul fallvor dollais which wo aiosting-
gllng how and where to safely stoic , until by
some nilraclo they can Una moio favor in
this wicked world. The ncicontago ot those
dollars in actual ciiculatlon onUido
of the treasury , it also appeals ,
has been constantly giovvlng less since
18&1 , being then 80.8 per cent , and
now only lo,8 per cent. Wo nave coined over
two hundred and littcon million sliver dol-
laio , and Iwvo only been able nt anytime ,
through much cost and tribulation , to get
not quite titty million Into spasmodic circu
lation. The people do not like to ho com
pelled by law to caily it. Wo do not icceivo
It heio omsclves with any pialsowoithy
coidlality. Whenever the government , tiom
inability orlrom Indisposition , shall fall to
maintain the silver dollar on upar with gold ,
nil of the silver eeittllcalesas wellas sill the
other paper cm lency , together with tlie .sil
ver dollar itself , will hill to exact thu com-
meicial vnluoof tlie bullion contained in the
stundnid silver dollar. All our legal tender
must then stand on that basis. Thoieis no
financial or legislative witchcraft that oilers
any other late.
The senator from Kentucky ( Mr. Heck ) oC
couioo expect * to cany the ICmplio slate in
IbSS on his platfoihi. JJo is not himself
eligible as u candidate for the presidency.
The distinguished senator waves Ills banner ,
reckless ot the clouds without any sliver lin
ing which betoken the fate of any democratic
son of Now Yoik who may Fcelc to conquer
under that sign. The inevitable lesult ot
using silver inpayment ot tlio public debt
would bo to banish gold , or two-thirds of all
bur present metallic elicnlntion , and leave. )
us with nothing but silver coinage. Our live
or six bundled millions of gold would soon
command a premium , incieasing day by day.
( lo where It miirht , It would have moio ap
preciation , and Its depaituro could not
hill to piodtico n beiious monetary
cilsis. n conduction which pongtcss
would he promptly asked locum by an in
definite Issue of n now edition of legal tender
greenbacks on niuvlsal of "wildcat banks"
to supply tlio peace of the dcpai led gold ,
This , or anything , tlie supreme com11ms
nheady announced , congiess juay do at its
pleusuie. Such a.step , once taken , however ,
the experience of the woild shows cannot
easily bo ictraced.
Mr. Morilllcontendcil that the public faith
was pledced to the payment of tlie bonds ,
both principal and infeiest , In gold , and that
our credit would bo dishonoied by paying
them off in silver woithl'Jcents on the dollar
lar , and concluded as follows : "The fact that
the rpicsldent and secictary of the
tieasury. the Measurer , tlio dlioetor
ot the mint and tlie comptroller ot cuiiency ,
experienced tieasnry olliclals , no less under
the pic.sent administration than under the
jnccedlng , are all agreed in uiging congress
to cease ( lie picseut coinage ( if the silver
dollar , uoes tor nothing with tlio senator
from Kentucky and his obedient tolloweis. "
.Mr , Beck said to stop the coining of silver
money In older to make silver money more
valuable was like stopping giinding wheat
Into Jlour in older to make moio value. The
pniposo was to suspend it now and never
lesumo coinage. The argument meiely
fallowed that silver was good enough lor
evcrjbtdv but the bondholder , who was tlio
only pet sou that had In wiltingaeierd to
take it. The bankets and btmuliulikra of
Wall street , Mr , JlrrV 5 ertetlworopanbllig ! )
' . ' the mHoi'tunes of the people , and should
not bo allowed to strike down one-lmlf the
coinage of the world. This was n govern
ment of people , by the people , and for tlio
people , and the people would see It was not
turned Into n government of bondholders ,
by bondholder ? and for bondholdcis. Mr.
Deck gave notice that In duo time lie would
leply to Mr. MorrilPs speech.
Tifr. Merrill said that Mr. Heck's reply to-
minded him of the storv of hey \vho etled
when his mother whipped him , anil when
asked by his mother why lie cried so much
hauler than had been IIH custom on similar
occasions , icplled , "because , mother , 1 see
yon are gtowine vvrakernmt weaker every
time > on llog me. " [ Laughter. ]
Mr. Teller denied tlio statement by Mr.
Monill to the elfect that 10.tKX,000 of the
aM.OOO.OOD silver dollars nlrcndy coined could
not begot into cliculatlon. Inat statement
had been made by the piesidentsind sccietaiy
ot the tieasuiy , and had not been made by
accident , and so far as the treasury otllclals
were couccined it was intended to mislead
and had misled the people. By the same
piocess of lo le. It could be asserted that SSW-
000,000 of gold In the tivasuty could not bo
put into eliculntion. The government , Mr.
Teller said , had made S20,000UOt ) ptotit on the
coinage of silver. The talk ol the eovein-
ment losing money in silver coinage wasall
bosh. Mr. Mcl'hcrioti c\ptes ed himself In
favor of as much silver coin us would keep It
on a par with gold , and tiigucd that Mes < i $ .
Teller and IJeck , and tlio people ot their way
of IhliiKliisr , weieendeavoilnglo biing the
country to a sllv er basis.
Mi. Ju-ck said the people of tlie west Imd
shown their confidence in silver. They had
sent east OflK)0,000 ( ) gold dollaisnnd took sil
ver ceitltlcatcs for them , sustained by silver
alone , until the treasury stopped It.
Mr. McPhersoii asked it Mr. Uoek meant to
say that nil this vast amount of gold had
been sent to the tieasury from tlio east foi
the purposeof getting sliver ceillllcalesi'
Mr. Heck said ho did.
Mr. Mel'herson "Let mo tell the senator
exactly what was done. The senator knows
that lor a long time past there has been a
largo incieaso of the gold icseive in the
banks ot New York. They have been ap-
nichending exactly such trouble as Is now
being forced on the countiy by the continu
ance of silver coinage. WJmt do they do' . '
They have deposited their gold In the sub-
treasury at New Yoik. the original ccitill-
catc had been sent to tlio tieasuiy at
Washington , and sliver ccitlllcales
had been issued upon that and chaiged
against the silver upon 'leposlt In the tieas
nry. Now then , what becomes of the ccitlll-
caiesV At ceitnln times \astamonntof
cmrency Is needed at dlli'oionl places In the
west lo move their ciop-i. The treastny Itscll
agices nud takes upon itseit tlio
lesponslbllily and coil of trans
porting these ccitilieates lo the west
without cost to the bankers. Tlio bankers
have deposited thoio tlie certllicates and
taken what' . ' Kxchauge. WhjVUccausothey
weio In possession of e.xehaiiKO and \vantcd
moie cmrency. Tlie bankeis bring it to New
Yoik and iccotip themselves out ol
the exchange theic. In other wouls
the bankei lias made a handsome financial
tiansaction by dcpo itim : his gold , which lie
did not want to use , for the pnipose ot get
ting a ceitiliciile. ' '
Air. Teller , inwho.-c time mo-t of the de
bate liad taken , declined to yield any
longer , and continued hKremaiks. Heie-
pudlated the idea implied by the gold advo
cates , thai the people whom he lepresented
meant to .scale the debt.
The dolnto then came to a close , and aftei
an executive sesiion , the senate adjoiuned ,
Jan. ! JO. Mr. Thomas of
Illinois , liom the committee on naval afl'aiis ,
icpoiteila bill aiilhoii/.ing the ptesident to
icliio Lieutenant W. H. Itandnll as lieutenant
commander. I'lacotlon the pilvate calendar.
Air. liallwitlne , from the 'saino committee ,
rpportcdaJiIH : anthorl/.lng tlio volUntiryjri-e-E ! >
llrcmcnt ol navy olllceih who have rrndeicd
conspicuous bervlce in battle , or who have
served thirty years in tlie navy. 1'laeed on
the house calendar.
After a long discussion on the pension
bill , Mr. Monison of Illinois moved that the
house adjouin , lint the house voted the
motion down , and on motion of Air. Alatson
went Into a committee of the whole with
Air. Weber of Texas In the eliair , tliopui-
pose being to continue the discussion on the
pension bill.
The liist bill on the calendar , however , was
the senate bill for tlie purchase of the old
pioiluco exchange In Now Yoik city , and
Air. Symes of Coloiado , receiving lecognltion
ol tlio chair , stated that that was the picclso
bill he wished to talk about , and immediately
proceeded to deliver a speech in opposition
to the suspension of silver dollar coinage.
Jloiidlculed the nsscitlon made by the preil-
dent and seoietarv of the tieasury that the
silver dollar could not bo made tochculato ,
and declaied that the coinage and legal ten
der laws had been willfully violated by the
executive olllceis of the government. The
false ontciy that the people would notic-
cclve tlio silver dollar was made for the pur
pose of deceiving the people. It was made
in puisuanco of a gieat conspiiacy toinicd of
the bondholder : ) , capitalists and monopolists
of the money centers to demcncti/c one-half
of the metal money of tlio world , ami It was
n matter ol seiious public concein ( hat the
highest oillcials of thogoveinment wcie aid
ing this conspiracy by violating the plain
letter and spiilt of the law.
His criticism against the piesent adminis
tration , ho admitted , applied as well
to the past ippubllcan amuinistiution. In
conclusion ho warned the house that the
dcmonctUation of silver would create a Hat
money party in this country , compaied with
which the cicciiback paity liom tlio close of
the war to 1SVD was small and Insignificant.
The house was then brought luck to the
subject nndci Imincdlateconsldetation , being
the pioduce exchange bill.
It was passed , and the house then ad
join nod. _
A I/onjr AVranjIo Over ComnilHHfnns
In tlio Western l'asjeiiK''r I'ool.
CHICAGO , Jan. KO. At n meeting of tlio
Chicago , St. Louis and Mlssouii Jllvcr Pas
senger association , held heio to-day , theio
was a long and bitter wrangle as to whether
commissions should bo confined to the ticket
agents , or extended to the brokeis as well.
Adjournment vvata'cen until to-monow ,
with the niuU'istandlng that in any event tlio
association should bo continued tlility days ,
u committed in thu meantime to tiy and
o ptoblcm ,
a .SKtli Pool ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 'JO , Iteprescntatlves ot the
rnllinad lines Intojvstud , ln foimlngaslxth
pool on southern business in connection
with tlio Chicago and Ohio JJIver pool , vveio
in session heio to-day , endcavoiinu' to ar-
lange peicontagPH. Tlie mcctlnijvvill bocon-
tinned to-morrow
Tl-iljEGUAl'U NOT13H.
Xucliortoit won liis fouith game in tlio
chess contest yesteiday.
AltlioIIIghblndPi's trial at St. Louis , tcs-
tlmony wan given showing that , a conspiracy
existed to minder Lon Johnson.
Cashlei Coisett , of the suspended Devil's
Lake ( Dak , ) bank , attempted to ftklp , but was
cnptuicil and placed under aueit.
The National Association ot ( icncia ! Bug
gage Agents is in session at Clnclnnali.
A paity ol nine cow boys iittemjited to tun
llio town ol'Duilington , Te.vas. The sheiilt
kilhU lour of them.
jjin.oo Ituivard
For tiio arrest of two boys , who stole my
whito-fact-il son ol pony from tlio post-
ollleo alley , Notify K. KKANCK ,
- ° " 1lliu t'u'tomuo.
Araio chftiico for a good liotclman
One half interest in Duvvoy House for halo.
Splendid locaiion. Oatisu for selling in
tercsted in other business. For full pai1-
licnlnrsiuIdlcssA.L.Ander.soi Slioshono ,
Idaho. Iteferencc Duvvoy & Stone , Omaha.
Shannon Letter Hill KiIuViHng Cabinets
and Cases. Sclilluht's Standnrd Indexes.
211) ) 13th street , opposite Neb. Nat'l JlaiU : *
If j-ou buy lumber anywhere without
flisogetting Iloaglando prices you will
lose money.
The Preilictetl Effect of MoPhcrson's BanH
of the People Appointed Under
Civil Service llulcs IMnjciI Out
Teachers nnd lawyers Pub
lic Iliilldliij ; Prospects.
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 20. ( Special. ] Finim *
elers In the liouso nud senate say that the
Mel'herson bill which Increases the volume )
ot circulation of national banks to par value
of government bonds deposited with tlio
tieasuier , will bring up the citcuInllnK ,
medium about 3lt > 00OCO , and that tuobllH
will be passOd in time to penult Its going Into *
elToctby July 1 next. They predict that It
will assist very materially In helping the
business inteiests of tiie country on a solid
"What the people want first now moie than
anythingel < e , " . aid a ropiesentatlvo fiom
the cast , to-day , "Is something tome action
of congress , ma > be which will make It look
like Inllatlon , Anjthing that will give ail
nlr of moio money will be the riglit
tiling. Tlieio Is plenty of money , there *
always is , but the people aie continually got- '
ling it into their heads that .Himethlnir Is goIng \ .
Ing to happen to clo > o up the channels ol
business. They are always hedging , and the
way they hedge Is to hoaid up their money'
and refuse to loan or invest It , but wait for
tlie panic. We are alvvns son the \crgo of a ,
panic , 1C we believe a largo element of tlio
people. The small capitalists aio theories
wlio cry wolf Hist , and close up the money
vaults. They infuse to supply the light de
mand , under the Impicsston that a panic Is
coming , and tliey force a panic upon the
larger and smaller capitalists. Wo bring
panics upon ouii > elves. Weie it not for the
light among the people who have small
amounts of money to loan the little misers
we would have no double. There is moro
light than anything else in panics that is in
tlie beginning ol them. "
Tliecomplalnl linvlngbecn imidothntnlargo
majority of the persons who have passed .suc
cessful examinations befoie the civil soivlco
commission weie college people , Inquiry has
beer madent tlnee or fourof the departments
into which most of the appointees under civil
scrv Ice iulc.s have gone , whether any consld-
ciablo piopoitlon ol those who have obtained
places were graduates liom piominent edu
cational Institutions of the country. An ap
pointment clerk said , and lie seemed to cover
tlio situation nil aiound :
" 1 don't believe moiothan 10 per cent como
fiom colleges and other educational places ,
nnd lam sine that not over 25 per cent uro
direct fiom any school. About half of tlio
people have lately been teacheis , and
piobably halt' of them have only
been out ol school a short time. The others
me largely lawyers , doctois , and of tlio other
piolcssions , vvheie they havebecn nnsuccess-
fuh It may bo true that tlio goveniment
service is becoming n haven for broken dovyu
'tSclfooI ' teachers nnd people from the profcs- -
sions ; but if line It is a surcease to n very
element of , I don't
laige worthy persons bo-
Hcvo the statement -variously made that )
nftor a while people will bo educated to pass
civil service examinations and for govern
ment work. If tiue , however , it will show n
decided Improvement over the old way ot
doing things. It used to bo necessary to
only have influence , and qualification stood
foi nothing. The people who are coming In |
aie notso well qualified to do the woik asoldt
employes , but they will learn moio
than the old ones did and in tinio will
n perfect scivlco "
There is not much assmnueo or hope * iii-
nlshcd the small cities tlnoughout thocomwrry ,
who government buildings lor United States'
waiitcoiutioomp.postolllces , etc , bytlichon , o
committee on public buildings and gioumrVjj
Some of the members of this committee ov-1
press tiio belief that the greatest care should ! i
bo exercised in these expendltnies. Whilci
they iccognl/c that In llio long run It Is econ
omy for the goveniment to construct thesw
buildings and save rent , they say there is' 3
general feeling against it. People , they ICIIKJ
do notiindeistand that whcic , say 800,000 old
§ 100,000 Is expended lor the purchase of J : $
site and the construction of a building , thin
government saves from g : > ,000 to gO.OOO a jeat\
rent. They mo going on tlio presumption J
that thopeoplo think the public building'
business is all oinamental , / ,
"After some ol little things which '
occupy attention for * the piesent get out of
the wayald a senator to your coucspon-
dent , "HfiSrovvllI bo consideiatlon of the inter
state commerce bill , I can telljyou one tiling
for adcndccitalnty. A bill of sonic kind on
the subject will become n law by this congiess.
Mr. Cullom , who conducted the investiga
tion of inler-sfato commcicu niuUeis , says
the people demand a law which will insnio
equal ficatment for all shippers , and ho
thinks the way Is clear now to pass iv bill.
The house Is clamojtpus for it. "
Rheumatism f
Wo doubt if these H , or can 1m , a spcclllt
k'Cnicilyfor ihcumallsm ; but thousands vvlio
liavo suffered Its palna have liecu Hit-ally ben.
efltcd liy Ifoocl's Karsaparllln. Jf you have
failed lo find idler , ttyjlils if incdy ,
"I was : ifillcteil v\llh \ rheumatism tv\enty
years. 1'rcvlous to jesa I found no relief , but
Brew worse , and at one time was almost lielp.
less. Hood's Sars.njiatllla dlil mo norogood
than all tlio other incillcliia I over liaU. "
M. T , DAT.COM , Blihloy Vlllarjc , JJass.
"Iliadrhciimatlsnitliroo years , and got no
relict till I took Hood's S-irsapaillla. It lias
done ( jrcat thliiRi for mo. I recommend it to
others.1 J.uvvis UUJIUANK , lllUUefoid , Me. r
Hood a Sampaillla Is cliaractrrlzcd by
three jiecullaritles : Ut , the combination ot
remedial ngciit.i j 2d , tlio proportion ; 3d , tlio
jdo * a of fccturhig tlio active medicinal
qualities , The result Is a mcdlclno of unusual
strength , cJfcctlng cures Jiltlicrlo tinkiiown.
Send fur book containing .iittlltlonal evidence ,
"Hood's Kaiwparllla tones up my systcir/ .
rtnlllps my iiioou , hhaiiieiiainy ajii'cthc. ' anil
seems to iualo mo over. " J. I1. Tiioni'SON' ,
Jtejsfiter ot HeeOf , l.oni'11 , Jlass ,
"Hood's gjrsapaiJIla boats all otliois , and
isvrnrlhltsvvilelitliinld. | " I. liAitriiMmur ,
J o fJ mU tjtieet , Now Voik City ,
HoocJ's Sarsaparilla *
fioJd ly all ( IrusKlsts. tli six for tf. Made
oiilybyC. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
ICG Oosos Ono Dollar.
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
It , J..blANK. ! Hupcilutcndoa