Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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f he Transfer Scheme Another Case of Cais
son Paver General Jottings ,
of ScliooJ Districts Moving
the KenccH The Cold Wave
General Court nnil I'o-
Itiilhvny Notei.
Mr. Ourslor , tlio local freight agent of
( he Union Pacific , who was to act , after
tlanuary 1 , as tlio local agent of all the
transfer roads , has as yet rrccived his
"coninii'-sioii" from thcMilwaukeoalono.
Thus that road is virtually tlio only east
ern line with a freight italion in Omaha.
The reason is not apparent for the delay
in consummating tlio freight union pro
ject which was favorably passed upon
last fall by the eastern lines. It was do-
cldcd by them to establish each on this
side u freight ollicc with Mr. Ourslcr actIng -
Ing in the rapacity of joint agent , repott
ing directly to eaeh roa'd instead of to the
Union I'ltullio as formerly.
"Why is the Milwaukee the onlv road
that acts upon this glorious fccnomol"
wns asked inilividttallyof renrosi'iitativcs
of the Northwestern and Hock Island
yesterday and | : i vague "dunno" was
the solo reply. It may be that the others
intend to go back on their agreement in
llio matter but if .such is the intention tlio
t'nuio is not apparent nor are their loeal
agents informed.
\vtiv Tin : WINKS SNAP.
"Tho wires work hard to-day. " said an
operator to a reporter as ilm latter
walked into one of the railway telegraph
offices of the city yesterday.
"You see , " resumed the brass pounder ,
as ho was questioned for ihu reason of
the bad order of aflairs. "It does not re
quire ice and wind alone to down the
wires. The air can do it under a clear
sky and with not a breath of breeze
stirring. It of course requires cold air ,
and when the atmosphere touches a
temperature several teens below zero
it is almost as destructive
on the lines as u cyclone. Yon sec thai
cold contracts ( lie wires and when they
draw up their slack they begin to pull.
They can hardly pull the poles down and
as something must give way the wires
usually do so themselves and snap oil' .
It is causes us lots of trouble , delay and
expense , to bo sure , but so far there has
been no remedy for it found. Probably
when the vexed problem of healing tlio
street cars is solved the genius who docs
it will be hired by a , syndicate to work up
a scheme to keep telegraph wires com
fortable in winter. "
A rail on"tho Tenth street crossing last
night , slumped in two , but the break was
discovered before any damage resulted.
Jt is supposed that it broke from the cold.
The trains are all running fairly on
time , although the intensely cold weather
makes everything drag.
The Union L'aeilic issues a circular an
nouncing $50 rales to and rctniii from
San Francisco on the occasion of the
Grand Army reunion this year.
Another case of the caisson fever oc
curred among the bridge workmen on the
other side. The victim was brought ouor
to St. Joseph's hospital and attended by
Dr. ( Jalbraith. Tins last case is not very
serious. The two former patients have
so far recovered that one of them was dis
charged and went back to work this
morning while llio other is rapidly im
proving. On the suggestion of Dr. Gal-
brailh tlio shitts have been changed as
the depth increases , from thrco hours oil
and thrco oil' , to Iwo on and four oil' .
A circular issued by Albert Keep , pres
ident of the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad , announces that in the law de
partment the title of general solicitor has
ween changed to general counsel , and of
assistant general solicitor to general at
torney. Mr. William ( J. Gomly is gen
eral counsel , and Mr. William 13 , Keep" is
general attorney. .
McctliiK or tlio State Association in
* this City.
The third annual convention of the
Nebraska association of civil engineers
convened in the oflico of County Sur
veyor Smith two days ago. Tlio attend
ance has been Vathor small on account
of the severe weather and the dilliculty
of traveling , but the session has been an
interesting and profitable one.
The following members are in attend
ance : A. Dobson and J. P. Walton , Lin
coln ; G , Tillson , A. J. Grovcr , Gcorgo
Smith. C. II. IIpwcs and A. Hoscwatcr ,
Omaha ; L. II. Spencer , Wilbur ; W. II.
Hill , Itlair ; A. B. Codding , York ; .Josso
Heard , Stanton ; J. C. W. Kline , Blair ;
A. Schlogiil , Long Vino.
J. 1' . Walton , of Lincoln , president of
the association , has presided during
the session. When called to order Mon
day evening it was decided to dispense
with the minutes of tlio last meeting , as
they had been printed and furnished to
onoh membor. The reports of the seerc-
tary , treasurer mid executive committee
were rend , showing thn association to bo
in a nourishing condition. The follow
ing wcroithpn proposed as members of
the association and elected : Jesse Heard ,
William F. I'aino. K. A. I ) . Parker , Win'
iiold S. Collins , Alexander Schlegel and
J , C. W. Kline.
Gcorgo Smith , chairman of the com
mittee on legislation , read an interesting
paper on statutes alVecting surveyors and
uivil engineers.
Mr. A. ,1. Grovcr. chairman of tlio com-
iniltco on public highways and bridges ,
reported in the form ot a pamphlet , by
Mr. Sanborn , relating the results of ex
periments on the subject of friction
occurring from travel on diil'orent roads.
Mr , Blair , from the committee on in
struments , blanks and records , reported
that ho had had errcspondeneo with dif-
erent parties in Kansas , and presented to
the association the replies received.
The chairmen of the various com
mittees were by vote iiiblructed to pre
pare written reports and Jilo the same
with the secretary of the association by
March 1 ,
At the session last evening , owing to
the absence ot the president. George
Smith presided , who , after making a few
remarks , called on Mr , A. J , Grover to
open the evening's programme. Mr.
Grovcr read : v well prepared and inter
esting paper on the "Methods of Con
struction and KtVcct of 1'ilo Dikes on the
Missouri river. " His views were based
on data collected from the rccont works
along the river anil from his own obser
vations on the United States works in tlio
\lolnity of Omaha , on which work ho
was tin assistant. Ho referred to tlio ro-
suits of the work above Omaha and
stated that tlio greater purl of this work
was far morn elllcaclous than the public
generally boliovod. Drnv > ings , maps und
photographs of the works were exhibited.
Mr. Clinu of Washington county , read
an artielo on the Fish Creek improvement
jn Burl and Washington counties , this
Btivto. Ills paper was particularly inter
esting inasmuch as so great an amount
of public attention is at the present time
being given to the maltir ot drainage of
low Tint li-rtilo farm lands not only in
Nebraska but in nearly every state. Ho
elaborated on the method ot drainage in
the above referred to counties , and ex
hibited many intero&Ung feature con-
pooled therewith.
Mr. Geoigo W. Tillson was the next on
the programme who road an article on
lue "Preparation of plans for bcwcrago
.V rf.te-.yjk.
" Into the illsciission of which lie
wont with vigor. Jtwa" purely technical ,
ntul from his deductions jio .snnnncd up
many practical ami ii cful principles nnd
fonniilrohlch nroiitlll/ctl in the designing -
ing and construction of complete , elabor
ate nnd ecoiioiniciil sjstcmi. Ho went
ever the peneral ground thoroiifthly ,
sralhoriiifr data from prominent works in
Europe and adapting it to cities of the
count rv.
After the rending of this pnpor nn in
formal and general diicti < sion en iied
upon the aiticlus of thu evening , nnd
llnally after thn transaction of some pri
vate busine < i ? the society adjourned.
County Siipcrlittcnilctit Uriinor rtllii *
Istci-liiR to IMibllc Convenience.
In rcsponso to petitions filed with him ,
Comity Superintendent Hruner yesterday
morning made tlio following changes in
the school districts of the county !
Detached from school district , No. 40 ,
llio n. w. 1 of section 20 and n , o. } of sec
tion 87 of township 10 , range 11 ca t , and
annexed the same district Xo.-ll.
Detached from school district No. 41 ,
the s. e. 1 and c. i of the s. w. 1 of section
10 , township 10 , raugo 11 east , and an
nexed the same lo school district No. 52.
Ho .sent notification of those changes to
the district and county olllcers who must
innko proper revision of the public
ledgers accordingly.
" \Vhat \ is thu purpose of the change i u
the form of dislrietsV" asked a reporter
yesterday of Mr. Hruner.
'Tor the convenience of the children
in that part of the county. You see the o
districts all touch each other and the
troubles which the change mends probably
grow tip among the people living on the
border districts. It ia our purpose in
forming n district to shape it with refer
ence to convenient access from the cen
ters of population. In a rapidly-growing
county like Douglas conditions change
and as school houses cannot bo dtagged
about from ono locality to the other , wo
are forced in time to make alterations. In
llic case at hand , you see that the school
in district titty-two was more
convenient to a number of the residents
of 41 and they thus wished a change. To
get the ground ceded as they desired they
nml to nropitinlo their fellow district men
by obtaining an allowance Irom district
40 , adjoining on the other side. Then
when everything was satisfactorily ar
ranged they all three petitioned for the
change ana all that remained for me waste
to order the change. It Is a delicate task
as it is hard to please all and a school dis
trict row is worse than a national civil
war in the intensity of sectional feelings
it arouses. "
Cattlemen IlcqucHt Thnt the Execu
tion of the Order bo Delayed.
Messrs. William A. I'axton and John
A. MeShano returned Monday night from
Washington whither they went some time
ago on business of importance. Their
object , was lo confer with President Cleve
land and the secretary of state with re
gard to the order for the removal of
fences on all grazing lands. Messrs ,
Fusion and McShauo botli own largo
ranches in Keith , Sioux and Cheyenne
counties , anil the.yldcsired to have tlio exe
cution of the order delayed until June , at
"Our conference with the secretary of
the interior and the attorney general was
very satisfactory. " said Mr. I'tixton , in
conversation with n rcportar to-day ,
" they gave no dctinilo answer to our re
quest that the fences bo allowed to re
main until June , but gavq us to under
stand that they were inclined to accede
to our wishes. "
' "What is your object in having the exe
cution of the fence removal order do-
"Simply because lo take them down at
the present time in the dead of winter
would bo too great an inconvenience.
It would require an extra round up of the
cattle in the spring , inasmuch as the
herds would become scattered were the
fences to be let down now. "
"Will this removal of the fences in
jure the interests of the largo cattle
men ? "
"Not in the least. Wo would as soon
have the fences down as not , the grass
will bo there just the .same , "
Iiow Tciuiioi'iiturc , No Snow nml Ijit-
tloVinil Generally.
Yesterday wrs the coldest since the
very cold week between the 7th and 14th
inst.'a. The thermometer recorded Ito
below nt sunrise and rose butliltlo during
the day. The most intense cold is pre
vailing throughout the northwest as the
following from the signal ollico reports
will show :
Fort IJ'iford ' , D. T. , 42 = > below.
Fort Assincbolno , ! il ( c below.
Bismarck , 80 ° below.
St. Vincent , Minn.,27 ° below ,
Huron , D.T. , 2 ( ! below.
Holcna , M.T. , Sto below.
Moorhead , Minn. , 2tl ° below.
Yankfou , I ) . T. , 17o below.
Denver , 11 ° below.
North Platte , ! { o below.
The cold wave Hag has been ordered
down as an indication that tlio worst of
the wave has wsied and that warmer
weather is lo follow. Ono peculiar fea
ture of the present snap has boon the low
ratu of wind. The highest speed recorded
throughout the nortInvest was at Huron
and there but 8 miles her hour. Dead
calms existed generally and hero the
brce/.o stirred but 0 miles per hour. No
smow lias fallen at any point and railway
trallio is llms far not interfered with.
The astro-meteorological forecast for
the coming week ending Wednesday ,
January 7 : Killers fold , with scattered
biiowfulls milder , with precipitations
generally heavy downfall in tlio hlmpo of
MIOW north , sleet in middle , nnd rain in
southern suctions cold , unsettled , high
winds and gusts ; clearing to ( ino olosp.
( Electrical activity probable during this
week , in the shape of thunder and light
ning south auroral displays over north
ern sections. ) _
A Slugger Sentenced.
Tom O'Drlon , n hack driver , was ar
rested yesterday afternoon for committing
an assault and battery the night before
upon Fred. Brooks. Tlio Iwo mot in a
disreputable crib on Ninth street , had a
few words , nnd the result Is that Brooks'
eyes are closed , and ho wears a delicate
assortment of black and blue spots on his
faco. In fact his face bore only n slight
rcsomblanco to that of a human being as
ho stood up before Judge Stenbcrg to
testify against his assailant. After hear
ing thu testimony the judge sentenced
O'lSrlon ' to sixty days in the county jail.
Tom wiib only recently released from the
bamo institution , where ho had bcon
forving n sentence for tlio robbery of W ,
It. Archer , a St. Louis traveling man ,
hut summer ,
A Painful Accident.
Goo. M , Alvonl.a . brakenma employed
on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Oninliu road , while coupling cars near
i'lorcnco yesterday mot with a painful
accident which cost him three of his
lingers. Ho was coupling cars when his
glove , which was slightly wet , fro/a to
tl)0 ) coupler. IJefore ho could pull his
hand away two car * came together ami
nnibhutl his linger * . Dr. Peubody
amputated them.
The Reason Why it Does Not Pay to Specu
late in Onttlo in Omaha.
How Oinnha Unso linllists Stand on
the IOHuo | Question Social
Events Soon to Transpire
01 her City Xows ,
Oinnha Stock Vards.
"By the way , " remarked a live slock
dealer to a BII : : reporter , "have you no-
( iced that wo have no active speculators
in live stock on'.tho Omaha market ? " Jt
is a fact , however , and this very thing
goes to prove that Omaha is a good mar
ket. All other markets ot any import"
mice have speculators who buy up .stock
of all kinds , which they ship to other
markets , whcro they expect to realize
better prices than they paid. The same
thing was tried hero by men of experi
ence , and lh > t-class buyers , but they all
made n failure of it and had toghelt
up. Some of them went back to Chicago
where- they came from , other * sought
new lie-Ids for speculation and others
still remain here , buying lor packing
houses or following sonic other line ol
business. None ol them , however , arc
speculating in livestock here. Jt is no
secret that the speculators lost consider
able money hero last summer and fall.
and I could mention the names of .several
whoso pockets are lighter by reason of
their operations on the Omaha live stock
market. "
"That gentleman , " continued the
speaker , "standing there , worked all last
Mimmor and fall buying and shipping
stock and came out $ . " ,000 behind , and
had to give up the business as a losing
game. The reason for all this is plain
enough. When the tock yards were
opened , tlio projectors of the
scheme , the packing hou c and
in fact everybody ho had anything to
do witli the yauls , realixed that the only
way to bring stock to the yards wns to
pay good prices. As a result the prices
paid for both cattle and hogs were so
high that the speculator could not pay
the prices and ship withoutlosilig money.
If tlio specuIatorSj who know all the ins
and outs of the business , cannot make it
pay to ship , the original owners of the
stock certainly cannot afford to do so. "
"I might mention several instances
whcro Ihj ! owners of stoek refused to ' ell
at the prices bid on the Omaha market ,
and shipped through to Chicago onl.y to
lose money. 1 remember one train of
cattle from Chadron was shipped through
to Chicago and cold at ? : ) . ? " ) after an of
fer of $8.85 had bcon made hero. The
owners of another train of twenty-one
cars of cattle from Oregon relused an of
fer of $4.r > 0 in Omaha , and after paying
transportation and shrinkage- , sold llftoon
cars in Chicago for § 4.50 , and the other
six ears for S54.2.1) . I might mention a
good many instances of the same kind
but will put it oil' until some other time.
However , so far as the Omaha hog mark
et is concerned , J might add that if you
will compare prices , taking into consid
eration the ditl'erenco in transportation
and shrinkage , you will iind that the
Omaha hog- market is very frequently
above the Chicago market and never be
low it. _
An Effort to Put Omaha in tlio West
ern I cngtio
A dispatch from St. Joseph bearing
the date of January 18 , says : "Tho
Western Base Ball league organi/.ed here
to-day , with St. Joseph , Lcavcnworth ,
Topeka , Omaha , Lincoln , Denver and
Pueblo. E. E. Murphy of Leavcnworlh ,
was elected president. It is expected it
will bo self-sustaining , as the members
will pay the visiting clubs a stipulated
guarantee , and the home club will take
all gate receipts. The next meeting will
bo held in Omaha in March. "
The gentlemen who represent the bnso
ball interests of Omaha emphatically
deny that this city wili bo represented by
a club in this now league. "We don't care
to have anything to do with such a pic
ayune all'air as this , " remarked one of
them when his attention was called to
tlio dispatch ; "wo can't ail'ord it. The
cities are too far apart to make the cir
cuit a profitable one. Besides there will
bo too many one-horse towns in the
league. The project of the Northwestern
league certainly appears to bo the most
feasible one. The six cities which will
enter this organixation , St. Paul , Minne
apolis , Diiluth , Omaha , St. Joseph
and Kansas City , are thriving ,
prosperous places , and certainly
ought to support clubs. Yes , J think
that the prospects for the organisation of
a base ball stock company hero are ex
tremely favorable. "
Other gentlemen interested in base
ball expressed the same opinion. A
committee wilj bo put in the Held very
shortly to solicit subscriptions.
They Cast ThcTr Shadows Before
The next few weeks promise to bo
prolilio of social pleasures. Following
are some of the events of the remainder
of this month :
This evening the Metropolitan
club will give a calico party at Metropol
itan hull. The hiuno evening the engi
neers give their third annual ball at Light
Guards' hall.
On Sunday afternoon Iho Musical Union
orchestra opens its season with a con
cert at the opera house.
On Monday , January 25 , the Burns
club will give their annual banquet and
ball at Light Guards' hall.
The Turn-Voroin will celebrate tliolr
Thirteenth anniversary at Gnrnuinia hall
January 2(5 ( , with concert anil ball.
Ontho27th the Apollo club will hold
hi < * li carnival at Light Guards hall ,
Thn Sans Coremonio will give ono of
their fancy dress parties at the Millard
on the evening of the 23th.
On the S'Jth ' tin ) Homo Circle will en
tertain their friends at Light Guards hall ,
The mployes of Krug's brewery give
a grand social ball at Kessler's mill on
" ! ! the invitations
Saturday evening , January ,
tions for which were insued yesterday.
Tlio Charity Hall Ijooinoth ,
Mr. Frank CoJpet7er , chairman of tlio
managing committee in charge of the
charity bal ) , accompanied by , Mr. John
S. Collins , started out on a soliciting tour
Monday "afternoon , They were highly
bucccssful In the course of a few hours
work they secured over $1,000 , from the
business men whom they visited. They
luivo but partially covered the ground ,
and expect to secure $3.000 in subscrip
tions before they clbso heir work. Last
year this portion of the proceeds
amounted to $1,700. Mr. Colpel/er ox-
poets that n thousand tickets to the ball
at § 5 each will bo sold in advance , Last
year about 200 tickets were sold before
the ball. The aft'air will take place in all
probability , on Thursday evening , Feb
ruary 25. in tlio now exposition building ,
A Frontier School.
Tlio Orleans college in Harlan county ,
Nebraska , is considerably west , wo be
lieve , of any school of high grade in
either this state or Kansas. It was pro
jected by a poor but energetic and dee
termined people on the frontier immedi
ately following thcycara of drought.
It is now in the second yrar of success
ful operation as a rmlicnlly ( "hristian
school , under the control of the Free
Methodist church.
Limited in resources , it greatly needs
immediate enlargement and incieasoof
facilities. A more worthy object of
liberal palronago and bonoliccncn by Ihc
friends of frontier Christian education
docs not oxi t in this country.
It has opened a seven years'scientific
and classical course under an enterpris
ing faculty of truly Christian instructors ,
who add to an efficient , intellectual
discipline , a line system of physical and
moral training.
Board is furnished at nelual cost.
Tuitions , $1 , $0 , $8 and $10 , according to
the grade. Expenses conducted in tin ,
interests of poor 4udenls ,
We dcMrc donations of bedding , peri
odicals and books , excluding lieiion ,
physiological , chemical and philosophical
apparatus , and money for buildings im
peratively needed.
Send to.l. N. Smith , agent , ! )0l ) South
Twelfth street , Omaha , or to Kov. C. M.
Damon , preiUlent , Orleans , Harlan
county , Nebraska.
Short Interviews Gathered In the
Hotel Itottindas.
Lot. llrown , Unite , Mont. : [ Mr. Brown
is traveling agent of ( ho C. , B. AJ Q. , with
headquaiters in Montana. ] "Butto is a
bustling , progressive town of at least
20,000 inhabitants. Its growth whieli has
taken place almost entirely during tlio
last two years has been .simply phenome
nal. The principal resources of the town
are the copper and silver mines which
are located in the heart of the eity.
Heavy shipments ? Well , 1 should smile.
The copper mines on an average send out
twenty-six cars every day. This metal is
shipped to New York and thence to Liv
erpool , England , and Swansea , Wales ,
where it is put through the refiner
ies and is then rcshipped to
this country. The silver mines ship in
bullion about $200,000 , every week. Those
mines are situate in the very centre of
the city. There is considerable indignation
in Montana over Commissioner bpark'.s
recent ruling in regard to proving up
land entries. A committee of Montana
men headed by the governor , will shortly
Icavo for Washington to Iny before the
secretary of the interior , urgent reasons
why this ruling should be set aside. It
will certainly work a great deal of barm
in Montana. The sentiment in favor of
the admission of our territory as a state
is growing. So far as population is con
cerned , tlie territory could bo admitted ,
as it has already about 1(50,000 ( inhabi
tants. "
dairies II. Handle , Alton , Ills : [ Mr.
Ramllo is tiio secretary ami treasurer of
the Drnmmonil-Handlo Tobacco com-
imny of Alton , one of the largest institu
tions of its kind in America. ] "Tho to
bacco crop last year was one of the
largest ever known in this country. It
wa ° , however , of an-inferior quality.
Nearly all Iho tobacco now used by
American factories is grown in Kentucky
with the exception of the wrapper leaf
Avhich is taken from the fields of South
Carolina. Plug tobacco is becoming
more and more popular every year , an > !
fs altogether displacing the Jinecut
article.1 May. Fremont , Xeb. : [ Mr. May is
member ot the state lish coinmi'-.ion.J' . "I
am on the way to Lincoln , with my col
league , Mr. Grinnell , to couler with the
state board of agriculture , \sith regard to
the lish exhibit at the coming state fair.
If we can have a suitable buildingprovid-
cd , wo spnd will selections of lish from our
hatchery at South Bend. In addition we
want to make the exhibit a general one
of everything pertaining to pisciculture ,
such as rare .specimens of
fish , drawings , apparatus , etc. , etc.
The plants of lish made hist0iiraro
all doing well. We distributed altogether
about 100,060 brook and lake trout beside -
side about 3,000 carp in private ponds.
Next year we shall , in all probability dis
tribute 100,000 brook trout and oO.OOO
lake trout. Fifty thousand of the o
brook trout will be from eggs hatched
in our lishu-ry at South Bond , while Iho
other 50,000 , will bo brought from Wis
consin' 1 want to say right hero that
Nebraska has supplied the orders
lor carp from its own fishery.
This is more than ean be said ot Iowa ,
Illinois , Jiuliana , Ohio , Missouri or Kan
sas. "
Hon. Bench llinman , North Pintle , Xcli. :
"The recent blockade , so far as 1 have
been able to learn , has not done any ma
terial harm to the cattle of the western
ranges. Out our way the fall of MIOW
was not over two iiiche0. The storm was
not severe in its effects west of Kearney. "
The First Congregational Church
Ijcavcs Its Old Sanctuary.
- The First Congregational church bade
farewell to their old building last Sun
day to enter upon a temporary occu
pancy of the skating rink while a now
$10,000 , cdillco is being erected on the site
of tlio old. On the occasion of the clos
ing services the pastor , Uov. Shorrill ,
said the following , from the text , "Take
heed now for the Lord hath chosen theo
to build an lionet for the sanctuary ; Ijc
strong and do it. "
" J should bo glad , " said the pastor , "if
the congregation would miiko this pas
sage a ircimont study during the year.
The walls ot this old building never wit
nessed a church quarrel. Wo want the
now church solid , largo ami homelike ) ,
not bare of ineonveniein'o , but no need
less expense , for in this homo missionary
stale wo want , to send money
that could ho used for filagree work to
aid the churches that have not enough to
raise four bare walls. The building com
mittee have agreed to let a contract for
not to exceed 10 pur cent , above what is
on the subscription papers on tlio 1st of
March. The pastor then gave a sketch
of the history of tlio church. The build
ing was erected in the summer of ' 70 and
demented in September of that year.
People from nearly all the congregations
intfiocltv were present and helped to
raise $1,000 to pay oil' the indebtedness.
The church membership then numbered
nominally sixty-eight , twelve of whom
are still In active relations with the
church , Wo have uddod 475 and have at
present ! MU ; 200 having1 gene by death or
dismissal Wo havu wit oil' two other
churches [ the St. Mary's nml Third Con
gregational. ] The souiety has been kind ,
patient and generous with its pastor.
The chinch has had continuously a good
choir and the Sunday isohool has for the
most part been u comfort and help.
Sued on u Contract ,
Benj , T , Logan , the contractor , com
menced suit in tlio county court yesterday
against August Bcnzon for n balance of
$ .083 . alleged to bo duo him on contracts ,
One item of this amount is tlio sum of
$775 which Mr. Logan claims on a contract -
tract for several Icehouses which , as al
leged , Mr. lionzon refused to allow him
to linish after ho had neatly completed
Examinations 1'ustponod.
Arrangements had been made to bold
teachers' examinations for county cortili-
oates in the rooms of Superintendent
Bruneion Saturday next. The death
of Mr. Bruncr's father , howpver , has
called him away , auil the examination
will accordingly bo postponed for an
other week.
The mcrclunit who furnishes Tun LIUST ron Titu MOST ACoxnv ? or the one who furnishes Tin : MOST ron
LKAST MONEY ? The Only Misflt Clothing Parlor. * , 1119 Knninm St. , 1ms so far established themselves from the Uni
versal Satisfaction furnished' their patrons , thab they have long ngo been classified us Iho ; . Saving Hank fo
Mun. HOW DID THEY GAIN THE TITLE ? H is easily cxpliuncil when you Hud what can be done for mnu m
Clothing nt tlus eattiblishnient. If you can use an
$3 fiO 1 hat was made lo order by a merchant tailor for. . . , . , 18 00
! ) 40 dodo dodo do SO 00
It 80 dodo dodo do 551 00
12 40 dodo dodo do 28 0 < f
1470 dodo dodo do I0 ! 00
Hi 00 dodo dodo do as oo
18 2o dodo dodo do 10 oo
13 00 dodo dodo do 45 0(1 (
23 CO dodo dodo do < iO 00
25 70 do do do 55 00
And many others cut in any style you enn mention. You will albo find if you can use a
8 : to dodo dodo do 18 00
1) ) CO dodo dodo do 20 00
10 40 dodo dodo do 21 0(1 (
12 20 dodo dodo do 27 Ml
14 10 dodo dodo do . ' ! ( ) 00
15 70 dodo dodo do ; w oo
18 00 dodo dodo do 40 00
23 00 dodo dodo do 45 80
24 (10 ( do do do 50 00
These nre made up in the most artistic manner in all styles of frock and sack coats. With thesecan he found sepfil'ntO
2 05 Will buy a pair . pantaloons made to order by a Leading Merchant Tailor for , S (5 ( , 00
" .1 II II II 41 II * rn
8 00
4 20 10 00
5 15 IIII 12 00
C 00 11n IIU 14 00
0 80 n U 10 00
These consist of nny style of cut and the most prevailing styles in pattern. TJie truth of the'above statement js
what gave the undersigned the title of The Savings Bank for Man , Your benefit awaits you the next 15 days at tlitf
1'roject to Unite All German-Ameri
can Societies ol' Omaha.
There is a project under consideration
by a number of prominent German citi-
/ens to brine ; all the Teutonic organiza
tions of Iho city into one grand associa
tion , in which they shall each be mutu
ally interested in maintaining the spirit
of Gorman-American citizenship anil the
amelioration of the condition of all its
members. The school is the center of
this enterprise anil in it tlio greatest
amount of the good reached by
such an organization will bo
accomplished. The institution is
h to-day certainly in a Nourishing con
dition , with a largo attendance , good fac
ulty and liberal store of funds. But not
pnblicspirUcd gentlemen sco tliatit is now
lilling the scoiio of its iioseibilitics and
intend il possible to enlarge Us sphere.
The German-American association , un
der which the .school is conducted ,
aheady exists but its membership is
almo-it exclusively from the Turn-Vercin.
Jt is now thought to make it more
completely the property of German-
American citix.ens by enlisting actively
in its control , all classes of that nation
ality. This can best bo done by forming
a federal ion of the societies to which tlio
German element belong , and the initia
tive in such an enterprise has already
been taken. The Concordla with its forty
member- , has signified its willingness and
de.Mro to take part ill the project , and itis
believed that the others will follow.
There yet remain outstanding , Iho 1'latt-
doutsch-vurcin , the SwoilKcr-yeroin and
the Miunnorehor. Thcsoocioties / com
prise about thrco hundred people of good
standing and thcno combined with tlio
two huiuUed already within the organi-
zalion will form a formidable backing
for any educational institution or any
other enterprise that might bo undertaken
for the public good.
i > i3TJ3C'.rn ES"IN i uj
WJiat Col. AViloou Says About the
Stnfo Ilol l > ery.
Col. Wilson returned Monday night from
Fort Robinson where ho has been en
gaged in Iho search for tlio robber who
"hold up" the coach nearDawcs [ .City a
week ago Monday and carried oil' § 0,200.
Col. Wilson , after it was found that the
search tor the robber and the money
would occupy some time , telegraphed for
moro money and paid ofl'lho soldiers and
olllcerd at Fort llobiuson before his re
"Tho soldiers have given up the ohaso
for the robber , " said Col. WiKou lo a re
porter [ lor the Br.j : , "urnl the pur-
biiit is entirely in the hands of
the company's detective ? , They
have what they claim to bo
a very good clue , though they keep their
movements very quiet. How far they
have progressed , no one knons , except
themselves. All their correspondence is
done in oipher. I bclioM ) that they Mill
recover the money eventually , though It
will probably bo t > omo time before they
do , Thn story of the di Ivor of tlio coach
is generally accepted as true , although
there arc a lew who profess to believe
that ho is not tin honest man. Yes , the
express company will make good the loss
of the monoy. They have already noli-
iiod mo to draw on them , and that they
would honor the draft at onco. "
Col , AVilson , who has just returned
from a tour of inspection to Fort Niobra-
ra , says that ho found everything in sat
isfactory order at that post. Thonnw hel
of ofiicciV and cavalry barracks have
been nearly completed , They will bo
ready for occupancy by early spring. "
The bank clearings yesterday were
The old Irish parliamentary building i
Dublin , is nearly semi-circular in fern
with a line Ionic colonnade , the column
being about sixty fcot high. It was bcgu
in 1720 and completed ten years later. 1
remained in use as the parliament hoiifc
nntill 1800 , when the pa.ssaeieof the act c
union extinguished the Irish parliament
It is now the Bank of Ireland.
This poweiprnovor vanes. A nmrvrl of purl
ty , Btiongtli nnil nliolccnnuinos * . .Moic nr-ononi-
iciiltlinn tlio uidlnnry Mnil , and minimi be i-onl
In competition \\ltli din imiltHiido nl Jmv test
elioit o if lit , iilinn or plufiplmti * ponders SnM
only in ctins. Itnynl liul.Inir I'onUcr Comjmny ,
WuilrJtit'iit. N. V
OiUco , Cor , Ulh nnd rarnuni Streets , Hooni 10
CKOIIOI : Iluiu.i.syHor" , wiih r. tl. Kil
Fullest ItldlniT Vo ! > lcn ! > mule. lliCm u cat
williono jorounratwii 'I li < > I'prlnuii It-nntSii-n n 1
( ibnrtenni.ccrdlrjtulioiTC ! eat tti i < wry , JJ ualij
vrfll nilinilc-il to rniiHli iiiiiitr-f ri > ( ii ! iir I
UiUMtrlvcisuti'ti Mititiiitirl ri < tnuii iolilty
kil lcadSnuVrsiif-o In..i.rt viii > ' IIP-\'I"H-
Tlio fuliffiaph 18 rapidly dl-plnelny tlio pon.
llrnsrm how sou may ) on ivnnot itlTortl to do
wltlioul It.
No other labor saving Intepimn Ims so less
oned drmlueiy or I'rtiln ' nn < l lnuid , or tn\ul.
such n IUIHU porcentnjtc of dcut lulior ,
riirmotliiu Itlimisotr Imt Iw.ui nn ini.cli
wort Inn given tlmu tin does the j en lit t-usily
llOCS till I'D tllllOi 113 11UU h ; Illlll It KlMMJOllMV
ernUtco lotuaduily aa nnd iittuiLSt on join-
investment. 1'ot cluultiiM nml HxHlini'tis up-
, , lyto II. OfcTltIl'iiiuitlm : ( , Noli ,
Kcnl. Airent tor NubumU und Wostyin Iowa.
JIIllllONrUnduiwood's ( best ) lor nil kinds or
13th St , Car. Capital Atcnuc.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. .
ftislcen ruV 11 jiilal mill J'rlvulo rrntticc
Wolmo llio fncilltic ? , nppaiatua uml runctltoi
for thoeitccciafiil ticiinicntoroicry form of die-
ta o icmiiriii ; ; clllici or Mirulcal trvntmcnt ,
nncl Imltonlltoc'omouiil lnvisllfatc ; fortliunsclvej
or coi respond ullli H * . J.uiy cxpnicuru In trcnt-
imcasea ; toy Icllor rmblou us to treat many cusis
eclPiilitlcallV itlio'it Keoln.f tliiin.
WIIITJ ; K0 | { CIHUriuMl on Dcrormltloi iinil
Braces , Club 1'eit , C'uiatuiCH of tin- Spine ,
] ) ISKKS t > v WOMBN. Piles , Tinnorx , Cnncin ,
Cfttnrili Bronchitlti Inlnlatlon 1'nnil-
, , , Kltctrlcity , -
ytls , Kpilrnoy , Kidney , Kjc , Jjjr , bkln , Ulooil nml
nil hurlciil ; operations ,
, Inliiilrri , Uniors , Trust ) " " , nml
11 kind * of Medical nml Aiipllai.ccp , mau-
uf.ictnreil and for N ilc.
The only reliable Medical Institute mailing
Private , Special S Nervous Diseases
1 A M'ljriAI/TY.
from nlintctfrcmiiMMirmliueil.eucruxafully trriildl.
Wo cm rrinovu Syphilitic pohoafrom the j lim
without nitrcmy.
New roi-lorntlvp treatment for lots of vitnl power ,
( ' .ill and consult ua or mid niino nml prirt-oflku
r.ildrc'38 plainly r ttcnoneloso slnnip , mid wu
uillFcnd ton In nliln n-i iinnr. nur
UPON l'jiMH ; , f-rum , AMI Ni.nroi'a
S ui IN.U. WI-AISNCX , hn.iiVAionniiu'A I'lnno , .
17 , Sri-iiiLii , ( lOVoniiim.A , ( ! ( iar , VAiucocr.i.1' ,
brullTUIE , AM > All. DI'IVKBt ( ll 1IIB OENITO-
ITniNAiii OntuM , urscud history of join tae foi
un opinion
IVison * inutile t ) visit 113 m.'iylm ( rralfdnl lljclf
Iiouicj , bv torifJi'iirJc'iRO ' Mi'ilicmi'Hitnd Ji.n'.rii-
racnts font by mull or ( " .prr'f HIX'l/KIiliY 1'Al'K '
r. ! ) I'llO.M OliSIUtVATlON. un maiUaloliidlialo
innliiili or tender Ono pusoniil Interview pro-
fined if loiivcnlant i'lfty looms for llio atconi-
modtitlon of paticnli Jlo.uil mid nt Initialled nt
icneoiuiblo pilcfB Adrian all I.cltcru to
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute- ,
Cor. 13lli SI. anil Capitol Ave , , OMAHA , HCD.
.Anil do ion want In hnndlo tlio licet srwlnir uiu-
cliiiid unit imiiiov can lm > / II t > o , lur ; nu-
tlctiluis , tcnni'i anil ( uitcs , nildiiteb ,
206 North IGlli Street , Oraalia , Nebraska ,
' At | lici Woild'8 ivposilloiNo\r : Oilcans , Iho
i I nlon hnnliiK innclilno tuts nniudi'il It-l 1'rcinl-
I inn iiinl UoM JlLilal p\oriil ] coinpiitltoig , on tli
1 lnoiid vl.ilui i > t Btijifiloilty aii u fuinlly SmviiiK
Jt J oi-luiinil in iincnllonnnd jinsec- * :
point j onliicli yon line ; no coinj.L'tltlon
It Is tli3 Only Hacliino that lias Reverse
Feed ,
I'liubliiiif llu1 Ojierntor ( o Sow Hacker -
or Koi'\vavila
without clmivltitf or etopplti HIP ninoliluo.
'I lib point iilonc Inciuuvi * ila vnluo lioni i5 lo
i'lQimu uKllnUi } innulilnos In the i'j t' uf oi ry
hUllt-llllO CUslDHll'l.
Jl JMU moiitood llvt juofc'iewlvo dciilw Hint
\MlllHolllinillc .1 l u lllilO lllUt nlH IIRHlleU
youi lutdi mid flu a' jmir iii-.loiucrb , vrrllil
lei pmtlcuhua to
Union Man'f'g Co , ,
206 N. 16th St , , Omaha , Neb.