THE OMAHA DAILY /WEDNJSSPAY. . JANUARY 20 , 1886 MBS DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JAN , So. OFFICE ! Wo. 12 Pearl Btr - t. Delivered liy carrier In any'jmrt of lliocllv it twenty tents | cr week. H. W. TILTOX , - - - Mnnngcr. TKI.r.I'HONK3. nt' OrncB , Xo. 43. NinitT r.ntToii , No. 21. MINOR MKXT10X. Tants to order , from $5 tip , at Keller's. Ono plain drunk polished off in the po lice court ypstorduy. The city council meets to night to open bidn for the extension of thu new j-ewi-r ditch , William Wilson was arrested yeste.nlay for stealing three pool balls from ti Broadway saloon. N. Turner , it colored man , now suffers front a dislocated shoulder , iho result of a. fall while cutting ice. The Methodists had a pleasant social last evening nt the residence of F. II. Urctttt , on Oakland avenue. Robert Arnd lias bought an interest in Win. Lewis' carriage and express line , the llrm to be Lewis & Arnd. Thi'o. Lund , whoso largo Newfound land dog died recently , has .sent , the dog's ' hide east lo be tunned for a rug. G. A. Holmes and Charles M. Ilarle nro booked for .short speeches nt Iho fare well ball of thu Ko.seuo company. The Y. M. C. A. has opened a .series of Evangelistic meetings , commencing every evening at 7:10 : and closing at ! ) :15 : sharp. The remains of Mrs. Sarah Jones , wife of J. N. Jones , the yardmaster of Hie Northwestern , are lo bo taken east for burial. Arrangements arc being made by which Council Bluffs will capture Omaha at an early date , the invading lowans to go over thu river in sleighs. Contractor Murphy of Omaha , was here yesterday preparing to bid on the work of extending the new f-ewer ditch south of thu city limits. Very few merchants or business men have declined lo purchase tickets for tlio charity ball. Wouldn't n list of such make good reading matter ? Council Ultill's should have the next re- nnion of the southwestern Iowa and northwestern Missouri veterans associa tion , and could have it with a little ex ertion on the part of citizens. George Hall , who has been ill at Buch- tele's hotel , is recovering , but ho says his help did not come from Dr. Jell'rios , as wns stated m yesterday's BKI : , but from the treatment lie received from Dr. A , J. Cook. U. F. Croasdalc , a Little Sioux mer chant , Is reported to be in financial dis tress , anil M. E. Smith & Co. , with other Council BluH's houses , are attaching his stock , the claims against him amounting to about ifo.OOO. , On Monday evening the XY55 society and the Merry Thinkers meet at the resi dence of W. W. Wallace , on Hind's street , to make arrangements for the sociable lo be held at the institution for the deaf and dumb on Friday evening next. This evening the Rescue running team give their annual ball , and then this company will disband. All firemen are entitled to complimentarytickots. The ball will be given in Bono's" hall , and Dick Rickells is to servo an oyster sup per. There is talk of having a telephone put in the county jail. With the court house and sheriff's office located so far from the jail telephone service would save much log wear on tlio part of officials , and would often , especially during ses sions of courts , save much delay in many matters. All firemen attending the Rescue ball are requested to wear uniforms , or as much of a uniform as they may possess. If a fellow has only a belt left , or a cap , it will put him in shivery shape this cold weather , but it is supposed that the com- millee mean for such to wear such frag ments in addition to other clothes , and not to the exclusion of other clothing. Ono of the frail boarders at Belle Clover's ' claims to bo unable to pay her monthly line , she being in poor health nnd having a little sister dependent upon her. She appears nt the city jail for u few hours each day , enough perhaps to technically comply with the sentence of imprisonment , und returns homo to her meals and lodgings. Bert Sorronson , a boy- working on a farm near Wcstqn , was in the city yester day to jMst surgical help for his frozen feet. While shoveling snow last week both feet were frozen so badly that ho will lose several of his toes. He has been in ill health for sonio time , his blood thin , und circulation poor , so that the cold took hold easily. The people of Macedonia are making extensive arrangements for a grand Jloosier reception and entertainment on the 27th and 28th. Hon. AVilliam Cum- back of Indiana will deliver two lectures , entitled , "Invi.siblo Some People , " and "The Model Husband. " Hon. B. F. Clayton and wifowill give a banquet and reception at the hotel. Five hundred in vitations are out , Cedar Rapids , like Council Bluffs , ap propriated money to send delegates to iho mayor's anti-prohjbitory convention in DCS Molncs. Some of the citizens liuyo commenced suit to make the ofll- eial.s pay tlio money back into the treas ury. Council Blufls seems content to ap propriate $150 lo send its mayor there , und demand no detailed account of what his expenses wore , or ask of him any re turn of thu unexpended balance. But then Council Bluffs is Hush , and can afford to throw away the people's money. Ten now show cases arrived yesterday atKi.seman , Kodda , & Co's , which will bu placed in their fanuy goods department. Correct Abstracts ofTitfo and Real Ea- lalo Loans at MoMalton & ( Jo's , No , 4 street. I'orHoiuil r G. II. Do Golyer , of Cincinnati , is t > t tlic Ogdon. J. A , Nunn , of Fort Madison , was in the eily ye.storday , B. B. Blguall , of Chicago , was an Oixdon hoiisu gueM yesterday. OMrs. II. 0. Trumbull has been called to ( ilenwood by the illness of her sister , Mrs. T. W. Ivory. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clinton , of Weeping Waler , Neb , , are visiting relatives and friends in I ho city , Dr. 1) . W. Houghton and wife , of Fort C'alhoun , Nob. , are spendlnga few days In this oily with parents and friends. DickRawlhiR , late foreman of the Her ald , has gene with the Ulobo , and ex- County Clerk S , D. Street has bemi ap pointed foreman of tlio Herald. Georijo Rico , who has to face the north wind each morning for a two and a half s f , mile drive , is hunting for the follow who told him this was to bo an "open winter. " Miss Emma Josslyn of Janesvillo , Wls. , who has been visting her sisters , Mrs. H , W. Tilton and Mrs. I1 , M. Pryor. has gone to Fremont , Neb. , to visit friends I there. Mr , Frank 33. Stubbs , who was married to Miss Stella PalV , at Po.oria , ill. , on the 12th , has returned witli Ills bride to this city , having hail a yery happy wedding trip , returning by way of Minneapolis. They are at present making their home with Ids parents. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W , , & E. L. Squire , 101 1'carl street. DAY'S DOINGS IN THE BLUFFS , The Oharity Ball nnd Eelief for the Poor the Theme of Talk , A SILVER WEDDING SURPRISE. Dcatb - < Mr. ilninos Krnlnoy I'cr- Boi..ti rolnts Frosty Itouis Due From the Drifts. Another Manifesto. Cot'xnt. Ih.VFKg , Iowa , Jan. 20 , 1890. To all who love liberty in Iowa : As chairman of the executive committee of the convention held bv the mayors of Iowa at thu city of DCS Moiiies , December 10 , IBS. ! , at which a fair ami carefully prepared memorial was unanimously adopted and approved by the mayors anil other duly aulhori/ed representatives of the following cities lo wit : DCS Moiucs , Dubunuo , Davenport , Burlington , Coun cil BlufK Siouv City , Cedar Uapids , ICuokuk , Clinton , Ottumwa , Muscatlnc , Msmhalltown , Cre.slon , Iowa Cily , Fort Miiilifton , Fort Dodge , Lyons , Oskaloosu , Moouc , he Mars , lied Oak. and What Cheer , it becomes my duly to s'ay to the people of Hie state that the a-weinblago was truly a representative body of the conservative MCiilimcut of Iowa , and in no respect partisan in its character. The convention was made tip of city of ficials who had been elected to their re spective positions , some as republicans and others as democrat" , and all alike had the welfare of our beloved stale and its future pnnperily at heart. Theycanui together as the chief executive ollleerof their rcspcelivo cities , and as the repre sentatives of nearly half a million reput able taxpayers , who cheerfully make up , year after year , a very largo portion of the state revenue. In consequence of their ollicial experience they are , per- hum , better qualified lo suggest a practi cal way to put a stop lo the ' 'free use of whisky , " than persons who sire pro nounced prohibitionists. Why will Iowa , with her thousands of free schools , waste the llmo anil money of her people in an attempt to do a thing wherein older and younger states have made a total failure when trying to per form the same tiling. I cannot and will not believe thai , the non-fanatical portion of the Iowa legislature will treat the ap peal , made by tlio executive otljccrs of the cities before named , with iiulitler * once. But the prohibitionists all over the state are at work day and night , holding meetings soliciting delegates , writing letters and doing sill in their powcr.lo entourage and assist their friends in thc'gcneral assembly lo make tlio pro hibition laws of this state stronger and more tyrannical and fanatical if possi ble than they now aro. In view of this fact it is necessary for those who believe these laws to bo obnoxious , tyrannical and nucnforciblo as they already cx t , to say nothing of Senator Stilton's last monstrosity called a bill , and aU _ who dc- sire to see enacted a substantial license law that will put an end to free whisky and the pocket saloon epidemic , lo act together in concert without regard to party politics. All such persons arc earnestly re quested to meet in the city hall at DCS Molncs on Wednesday , .January 2:5 : , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , to aid and counsel the executive- committee , and to see and suggest to llieir respective sen ators and representatives the necessity of independent and prompt action in this important matter. If citizens who ear nestly feel impressed in favor of personal liberty cannot bo sent , let them contrib ute letter alter letter in order that over whelming proof of public sentiment maybe bo impressed upon the meeting , and that members of the legislature may not be in doubt as lo the duty they owb to their constituents. The executive committee needs aid at once. Delay is dangerous. Let every mayor and alderman , and as many others who favor a rigid license as may find it possible to do ho , to attend the meeting at DCS Moincs on the 2 < th inst. Come prepared to stay , if necessary , ten or twenty days. The Into interests of the people of Iowa are at stake. The ques tion lo bo decided is , Shall Iho old Blue Laws of Connecticut , of more than a hundred years ago , become the prevail ing laws of Iowa now in the evening of the Nineteenth century. W. K. VAUOHAN , Mayor of Council UlutVs and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mayors of Iowa. * Cottage ranges. Garland stoves Ra diant Monies and Hub Heaters of the very latest patterns at bed rock prices , ul Cooper & McUee'g , No. 41 Main btrect. Silver Wedding Surprise. A goodly number of Robekah lodge , I. O. O. F. , with the help of other friends , planned and executed u very happy sur prise on Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson , Monday evening , at their residence on Avenue B. It was the twenty-fifth anni versary of the marriage of this worthy couple , thus giving an appropriate occa sion for such an unexpected visitation of friends. A very happy evening was spent , and the occasion was also observed by the presentation of a number of beautiful gifts , sonio from friends else where , nnd others from friends hero. Among the gifts was an elegant lilting pitcher water set , given by the following : Mr. and Mrs. James Spare , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burhorn , Mr. and Mrs. John Bolin , Mr. and Mrs. Chris Straub , Mr. and Mrs. M. F. McCuno , Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. D. Talbotl , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watts , Mr. Sam Keller , Mr. and Mrs. John Doug'.iortv , Mr. A. J. Mcndul , Mr. T. ( J. F. Bronncman. Mr , S. Bowley , Mr.J.McMillon , Mr..I.SafelyMr , Jamea Matlhai , Mr. J. Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raeer , Miss Lix/le Raeor , Miss Barbara Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Luutonvausw , There wen * other line presents worthy of mention , among which was a line silver card receiver from Mr , and Mrs , Friedman , a silver butterdish and napkin ring from Mr. and Mrs. WilaooJ.iml James Alcorn of Omaha. Money to loan on ehaltcl ! ? , by Forres Smith , iao Mala street. c James Frainey died yesterday after noon. Funeral notice will appear here after. . i . Donth ofilniiicrf l-'ralney , Tlio death of James Frainey , which oc curred Monday afternoon , as stated in yesterday's BUG , has called forth many expressions of sorrow and sympathy Ho had been sufl'eriiig from lung trouble for some time , and for days had been in a critical condition , so that the sad cud came not without warning , Mr , Fralnoy was , " 50 years of ago. Ho came to Omaha in 1607 , and the following year moved to this city , where ho lias since lived , active in business , pleasant in social relations , holding the respect and esteem of the community in which ho was so well known. In 1870 ho was married to Miss Mary Buckley , of Bcloit. Wis. , by whom he had seven children. His only sister , Mrs. Mary McGarry , arrived hero from her home in Illinois several days ago , and was in attendance to the last. ( 'apt. B , B. Frainey , his brother , is now on his way from Louisiana , and la oxpectcd to arrive hero to-day. Mr. Frainoy has boon in the merchant tailoring business hero for years , and was able to actively atto d to his business until about ten days ago , when a t-evero cold brought on tlio lung difficulties , which led to a L. fatal : hemorrhage. The funeral services -will be held from the Catholic church i o'clock Friday. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , at his coal office , 50 Pearl street. For everything in the grocery line give the new linn of Kintz & KIceb , 102 Broadway - way , a trial tEverything now and fresh. Fancy groceries n specialty. Committees for the Ulinrlty Bull. The ladies in charge of the charity ball which takes place to-morrow even ing have appointed the following com mittees : On Reception Dr. Macrae. J. W. Per- cgoy , Spencer Smith , A. M. Jackson , J. J. Brown , F. A. Conover , Thomas Bow man , Judge W. C James. Simon Eise- man. Col. W. F. Sapp , Dr. Pinncy , W.O. \virt , J. N. Baldwin , George A Koolino , Robert Percival , Thomas Cavln , Horace Kvcrettand J. L. Fon-man. On Floor J. B. Baldwin , Dr. Gcorgo Brown , Bert EVaus. Arthur Reikmau , Henry Atkins , Dr , Soibert , Will ( irone- weg , Will Ki-oline , Charles Hass and W. Snpp. . jr. _ Best coal and wood in the city at Glea- son's , 20 Pearl street. C. B. Jacqitemin & Co. , No. 27 Main street , take pleasure in announcing to tlio public that their stock of articles , or namental , stylish nnd useful goods , is complete in each and every de partment , and cordially in vile everybody to visit their store , inspect , their goods and compare prices. No trouble what ever lo show goods. Pounds KOI ? the Poor. The committee of arrangements for the chanty ball have decided to * request all who attend to bring a pound Of something - thing , the articles thus collected to bo distributed among the poor and suffer- ihg. Sugar , tea , coffee. In fact anything which thu giver may select onlv bring a pound of Munnthing. Such .small amounts will not bo fi lt by the givers , and will help greatly in accomplishing the object for which the ball is lo bo given. Jf all comply with this request there will bemoans moans provided for helping many who are in sore need of help. S ? A fine sleigh ride free , a good supper and an old-fashioned "smgin1 skule'1 are Iho attractions offered at the deaf and dumb institute for next Friday evening. Admission , at the door , thirty-live cents. Sleighs at store of Harkness Brothers and ollico of Squires Brothers from half past six o'clock. A QUICK AND ACCURATE SHOT. AVIIllnm Graham or Knglnml .Shoots With Otto Hand Behind His Uaolr. The New York Sun says : Two hundred Jerscymen interested in trap shooting , assembled on Erb's grounds , between Newark and Bloomlield , yesterday after noon , and stood in the snow while Wil- his back. Sixty lull-fledged and strong- winged birds were placed in champagne baskets , and Graham stepped to Iho iront with a tcn-guago choke-bored breech loader. Tlio birds were trapped and shot with extraordinary I'apidily , Graham convincing Iho spectators in a very few minutes that he was a remarkably quick and precise shot. Many of the birds were almost as white as the snow which hid the grass in the enclosure , but this did not appear to effect the general result. He killed 37 out of the CO birds , and m nearly every instance an inert mass of feathers lay within live feet of the trap si moment after the sharp crack of the gun was heard. Graham uses an English wool powder , and his shells were loaded to the equivalent in measures of four drachms ol black powder. He used H ounces of 8 shot , and the discharge of his gun was ac companied with little noise or smoke. Aflcr ho concluded his feat he entered several sweepstakes shoots in which Lover , Bunh , Castles , Frecho , Harrison , Williams , Miller , luston , Heustiss , Ap- plcgato and other pigeon slayers contest ed. Graham won firat money. A Scandal in High Life. The New York correspondent of the Boston Globe saj'B that there is an 5m- me.nse lot of gossip in clubs and cafes anent the very large "row" in a box in the Metropolitan opera house last week. The names of the parlies are kept private out of motives of delicacy , and as it is believed that the cause of the quarrel may bo exaggerated , but they are of high social and political distinction in New York. The opera boxes at the Metropolitan are divided into two apartments , the front one the bosl proper , facing the auditorium , and the second being a snug little room in the rear\vhero Iho auditors may retire between the acts or at any time , and bo as private as they please. The occupants of one of these boxes was a gentleman and his wife. The lady is young and beautiful , and the gentleman handsome and strongly built , and look ing formidable even m his dress suit. The Queen of Shcba had been singing , and the curtain fell. The gentleman aro-'o and strolled out. Shortly afterwards the lady was observed to re tire , leaving her opera , glasses , however , on the front of the box. A few moments later , at a tap on the back door of Iho box , a gentleman was admitted. The husband , who had gone out first , was evi dently not pleased by his stroll , for ho had not been long absent when , with somewhat of a Middcnnc s , ha unlocked the door with his key , and , it is averred , found thu gentleman visitor , nol nearly his own hi/.e or weight , embracing his wife. wife.He is a very polite man , fie ho asked his wife to retire to the box in front. The lady did o with alacrity. The husband thereupon turned round , and without auother word sprang upon the offending visitor like a tiger , The visitor was wiry but not very muscular , and ho fared ill at the hands of the enraged husband , who punched him , choked him and finally .seemed on the point of strangling him for good and all , when thogentlemen oc cupants of the neighboring boxes , hearing HID humping , tumbling and creaking of iho wordless fight , rushed in and saved the visitor's lif/i. / Ho was dragged off in a filill speeoiless condition , looking a.s though he had been through a rag mill , put into his cab , and driven homo to nui'ao his bruises. The husband and wife had tin unsatisfactory interview , but the lady , it is said , urged the after-dinner condition of Iho visjlor , his genuine friendship for the family and her fear of making a scandal by making an outcry. The gay Lothario has , il is understood , apologized for his mis-conduct , and the husband , being unwilling lo make furth er scandal , lias , itis .said , accepted the amends. So there will probably bo no duel and no divorce. The Almanac Season Now Upon Us. "This is the almanac season with some of our customers , " said a real estate man to the Chicago Herald's rambler , "And what is the almanac season ? " "Doji't you know ? Why , just after the beginning of the now year a great many people place their faith in almanacs. In some publications of this kind three or four days of every month are put down as unluoky , on which days people are cautioned against transacting any im portant business. There are any amount of people who cannot bo induced to sign a paper on ono of these so-called unlucky days. Of course , more women than men are thu. > affected , but when a man is a superstitious coward he's more abject and determined in 5tsthai a woman. Wo call this the almanac senlion of the year because at this time the almanac has much more influence than It will have later on. Like diaries , good rcsolujions and other now vear uiftg.o. | the belief in the unlucky eharatncr of these days gradually peters out with most people , though it clings to a few throughout the year. These alleged unlucky days arc selected arbitrarily oh at random by the almanao makers , who ought to have sense enough to leave such things out of their book's. It would seem that Iho weather predictions and talcs of wonder ful cures by their medicines would bo enough to tax the credulity oven of the most inveterate almanac crank " Hojjcr A. I'ryor. Roger A. Pryor was once very promi nent in Virginia as a representative of the young gouth ; but , since Ihe wars ho has been a lawyer here in good practice. In early Hfo he was a firo-ealcr and duelist , Knowing that that sort of thing was the means of advancement in his native state. Ho had high hopes of the confederacy , and went to Charleston lo assist at the bombardment , of Sumptcr. He entered the rebel army , but did not particularly distinguish himself as a soldier. Ho was promoted to a brigadier- ship , but was for n long while in Richmond mend without n command. He then en tered a cavalry company as a private , and having been captured in an engage ment in Virginia , came north , convinced that his cau o was lost. Ho was one of the first to be reconstructed. Ho began as a journalist at Lynchburg. Virginia , beins the editor of tlie Southsido Demo crat , Aflerwaul he wrote for the Wash ington Union , and ids article expressing sympathy with Russia at the outbreak of _ the Crimean war , in which he antici pated the feeling of his country , led lo his resignation. Ho next edited the Richmond South , advocating extreme pro-slavery views. His challenge to John F. Potter , M. C. , from Wisconsin , and his refusal to fight with bowie knives is still widely remembered. He was conspicu ous in the Hcechor trial a.s ono of the counsel for Tilton , and went to England to defend ouo of the Irish assassins , but did not address the jury , learning that it would hurt his client. 'Pryor has ability and many good qualities. He is tall erect , well formed , with an aquiline nose , dark hair , worn lyug , and lustrous eyes , looking far younger than ho is. He is si .staunch d-mocrat , and hopes to be sent to congress ere long. Points on Poker. A poker peculiarity A whisky straight often creates a royal' Hush. "You cannot ride two horses at once" is an old saying , but it is u poor poker player who cannot stand on four jacks. A Mormon elder hns four wives , and he hays they are "all queens. " Four queens against a man often results disastrously. If you would forget your own troubles endeavor to solace others. But usually you will find a "sole aeo" comparatively usolc. > s when the other chap holds Iho three others of the suit. A Colorado man visiting an eastern city was attacked by a f unhand. With great presence of mind he picked up a large bluff which was'growing there , and b.Y nkillful use of it succeeded in frighten ing away his assailant. , ; It was a poker player. Who was hittlutr in a doze , And his wife was sewing buttons On his olive branch's clothes. And the.shades oPeve wcic falling When his wife toward him inclined , And astonlsucd him by nskinc If he would not . "raise the blind. " "Mr. Caution , " said Mrs. C. at the sup per table last night , "tho cook has ruined our preserve pot. " 'tWcll ? " "I'm go ing to do ii ) ) some quinces to-morrow and 1 want another stcwcp. JJicard you mut tering about sonic jack pdts in vonr sleep last mghl , and if tiiov are the kind that are lined with porcelain you might bring one home at dinner. " Dr. Li/.ens relates that he once trav eled with a South American "who first filled his nostrils with snuff , which he prevented from falling out by slufling shag-bark after it , and this ho termed 'plugging ; ' then put in each ch < > ok a coil of pig-tail tobacco , which he named 'quidding ; ' lastly he lit a Havana , which he put into his mouth. This person was thin as a razor and frightfully nervous. " The American colony of 3,000 in Paris is said by the shopkeepers lo be worth more to tficm than the 20,000 Germans and 28,000 Italians of the city combined. A.C.HuHsitAM , I'res. UW. TUM.KVS , Vlce-1'res. JAMHS N , Ihiowx , CiiNhlcr. Council Bluffs National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do u general banking business. .U-counts of banks , bankers , incrcliantu , mnn- ufactururs and inaividunla received on favora ble terms. Domestic nnd foreign exchange. Thovery best of uttcntlon given to till busi ness commuted to oui-caru. DiHsnliitlnn of I'nrtnorHhlp. rpHK purtnerahlp heretofore ovlstlng between JMux Urocly und IJuvU Friedman under the firm niimoof > fuic Hiody A ; Co. , doing business In the town of Tiihor-Fremont county. Iowa , Is tlilsduy illsholvud by mutual consent , Mr. Brody retli-lnjr trom the Him. Davis ] 'rlcdimm assumes all liabilities and will collect nil debts duo fin Id lli-m , und Is ulono inithorUvd to receipt for the same. MAxlInouv. IHVII ) FlIIEUMAN. Council Blntr * , Iowa. January ID , IBM. TH E GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP Thu public iiro tnlorinud that a patent lmn boon nllowod to ( loo. H.fliogory.on his Improv ed CIM I.iimns , and manufactured by ua. Mr. ( , ' . A. Williams Is our nuthorl/o' agent for Council lllutrs und Omaha. The public iiro cautlonod not to buy uny of tliosn BUS lumps oxcupt through Mr. Williams , us till others ollcrcd lor t-alonro infulmroments uion our lump. O.It. DUTWTH & ( 'o.Manufacturers und Solo \Vustuin Agents , No. tw , Dearborn W. , Chicago. ONLY HOTEL In Council Dluffa having Fire And all modern improvoyfs , call bulls , 11 r alarm bells , etc. , Is tlio CREST OF HO USE ! Nog.215,217 andl'19 , Muln Btrcut , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. I'.T. MAV.NK. - A. 8. H \/.KI.TO.N P. T. May > te & Co , Real Estate Exchange Mo. 103 I'earl Btrect , Cpuncll Dlulfs , Iowa. Dealers In Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska Lands LOTS IN COUNCIL HLUFFS AND OMAHA A srKciAi/rr. Jloal Estate bought ami sold. NTSCHTTBZ , Justice of the Peace. Offlco Over American Express Company. B. BICE , M. D. or other tunMrs removed wliliout the knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of 1 kinds a specially. Over thirty jcurg' cxperlouca , Ko. 111'etir ) Sum , Couni il Ulutts. ty-C'OASC.TATIOM SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE.Spcclfi ! advertisements , such fist tott , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants Hoarding- , eta , irlU bo Inserted tn this column at the low rnto Of TEN CENTS PEH MNE for the Drst Insertion and FIVE CKNT8 PEIt UNlJ for cnch subsequent Insertion. Leave advertise ments at our office , No. 13 Pearl street , near Urondway , Council BhifTs. WANTS. FOU SAr-E-Sealea bids will bo rocclvo.1 by J . W. Hodefer up to February 20 , 18S-0 , on clRhty feet front , tire story brick block , Nos. 23 , 24,20 and 28 I'enrl street , between IJroadway nnd First avenue. _ T71O11 UKNT Tlio llireo-story brick business - - bouse formerly occupied by ( ironoweirfc Pcliociiticen. Kuqulro of. JIoMahon St Co. , No. 4 1'cnrl street. WAN WAI.KKH , No. 18 Mnln street , ( under Citizen' * Ilntik ) , real eslntcanci mer chandise oxohnniro brokers. Our books are full of special linrpuliis , but It U Impossible to pub lish a reliable list from the tact of so many dally chiuiRes. Whnt wonslf Is ! If yoinvnnt to seller or trudo mi } thingla our line , wrlto us nnd wo wlllfond youaplloor bargains to select from. Lands Improved or unimproved , city or town property , stocks of Roculs of any kind In any plru.-c.ll Bucli joii have or such you ant Ictus hoar from you. Swan & Walker , Council ( Huffs Mndp In ni days by a lady a tent of the "Uciultable.1' Wo waniwlx moro Iho nucnts , nmlocnIcmulc. . App'.v In person or by Joilor to Wm. Itaudnll , Supt. Of agencies , Conn * ell mulls , Iowa. _ \\7 ANTRD-CanvasscM , 120 adny. Sales to M bushiest houses nnd families. Territory plven In Nebmska nnd Iowa. Samples frco. 18 North Mnln St. , Council niuirs. B to JO nnd 7 to I ) , oi-llll IJmiam St.Omnlmll to 4. U. L. Williams. F'AHM FOR SALK-Atu bargain if sold soon , JGO acres , flJ ! miles southwest of Omahii. 0 room house , excellent well nnd cistern * 2 bin-no. ouo for eight horse' , ono for 20 cows ! hen , tool and wagon houses : 103 acres In timothy : UiV ( forest trees , cotton wood , black walnut , ash nnd maple ; Rood orchard , apples , cherries , plums , Rrnpcs mid small fruits. Never falling stock water. H. l . omccn , BOO llrondway , Council IllulTs , Io\vn. _ HOU8HS FOH HUNT At Jlc.Mahon & Go's. , No. 4 1'carl street RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all sizes of AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed for Kimnlnsr MILLS , GRAIN ELEVATORS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Mnssillou Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mussillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. CARPETS. Council Bluffs Carpet Go. Our Stock IB noir complete in every depart mcnt nnd contains all the lateststylcsntideffect InCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. , KTO. -THE- Largest Stock -AND- Lowest Prices. THE ONLY KXCLUSIVB CAlll'UT HOUSE IN WESTKIIN IOWA. BAMl'I.ES furnished upon application to down town parties. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpel Company 05 Broadavwy. E. R. Oaclwell , . Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No. 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs HOB. OFFICER. W. H. M. 1-U31T OFFICER ft PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Estubllsncd MRS. D. K. BENEDICT AND UEALKII I HAIR GOODS No , 837 Broadway , Council Bluffs. IP yipfi m > JTM n.x PAID UP CAPITA $20,000- , m CJPITJI , i STJOOE3SSOI2S TO J. 408 MAJN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , TA , * s jK * V i IMPORTERS OF AND DKALKRS IN Musical Instruments , ; Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. We make the celebrated llardnmu Planes , ami the Whitney orpins a specialty Every Institimcnl warranled. Send for catiiloKue-i. MUKLLKU MUSIC CO. , Council Bluff ? . ' HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . . Brick buildings of any klnl rnlsol or inovo.l anil stitUCactlon runMiitooJ. Frarao houses luovod oil Little Giant trucks tlio best In the world , . 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. 1SS , * % ' --J- " ' * > - t/ * It If you buy any where except at Metcajf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc , METCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Northwestern Hotel. Newly fitted nnd furnished. Opp. lirgadway Dummy Depot , 81.50 per day. SAMUEL TATK , Prop. L. Jl. UKRSUAW , Miuinger. Chicago Lumber Co. Wliolcsnlo and Itetall Lumber , Lath , Shingle ? Siiih , Doors and JJIInds , Solo nsfonta lor the rolcliruted Miublolicad Concentrated White j.lme , S. 1' . MACCONNKLL , Jliuuisor. Telephone No. 'M , Xo. 710 .Main btieot , Council Hliiffs. EVERYTHING IMAGINAIHVK IN CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , No. 2 .Main Street , Council liliiirs , la. "ESSEX HOUSE , Conxr.i ! HIIVAXT AND Opposite Clti Buildings , Council Ululfa. Wtu m rooms and ( rood hoard nt icasonublo rates , _ JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJJSTOIXj BLj-CTFIfs. Piactic < "j In State and Federal Couils. Honins 7 n ml 8 , Shiu'iirt Jtlucl ; , MERCrEN HOTEL , Main St. , Council Hliiftl ) , Knar tlio C. , B. & Q. ; C. , M. it St. P. , and 0. , Jt. I. & P , iiillway depots. Street cans pass the door. Kvcrythlnt ; now and llrst - 1MnijMEIjENi Piopiietor and Mannser. . SMITH LEADING Tailor ! NO , 7 and 9 MAN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L , De BEYOISE , Agent. No. 607 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL W.UWS. Tlio following- tlio lime of nrrlvnl nnd ( lepiulurdoj'trulns l > y central stnndiiid tlinonk tliu local depots. TniiiH loiivo trmiHf < Til < ; pot tcti mlnntcH curlier and nrrlvo ton minute * Imur : IlKPAKT. AIIIIIVK. CHIC'AK ) & NOKTinVF. TKII.V , 0:2J : A , N Mull and l xpiotf liMr : , w , K:401 : * , M Accommodation , 4 : .r > 0 p. M. 0COl > . M Kv | u s l > :0a A.M. CHICAGO & HOCK 1J\.M ( ) , 3SiA.M. : ) . . .Miiilimtll'.xproMi (1:50i ( : > .M , 7:15 A. M Atvnmimxlitlloii ,1:45 : P.M. U.rOPw : Hxpit'ss B:0j.u : , CIIIUAUO. JIII.WAIIKKI ! H. hT. IMI1I , U0 A.M. . . . . . . . Mull nnd li.vnru-g ilWlr. : M. 0SOl' : , M. . K\III | > HK VMA.H , CHICAGO. niiiu.iMiro.s & IJIJI.NCV. ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' U:5'JiM.V. : ' . . . . . . . .Utpic'sa. , . . . . . Uj'oi WAHAMI , RT. I.IIIIIH& JMCIIlf. Slni : > , M. I.OCIII Kt , I.OIllH l\ptt' : K 1,01-nl Bl. I-oiih l-Iv. 'I'l-niiHrcr.JUllO p. M ICANSIS L'llV , Kl' , .101 ! it COUNCIL IIM'tTM 10:1(1 : ( A , M . . .Mulluiid r.\ui--s. | . , . . fi''Mi'.f. nioux'cnv fc I'MVini ; . " " rirA.M : . . .Hloiix City Mull l-Mp : , ji. uiu : ; f.M . , , , tit. 1'uni i-\pi : ] fs BtfoA.M. UMIIN runiic. IDA" A. > i . , llciivc-i1 i\i-cfc' ; | | " : ll ! I * . MUiu-oln I'IISM. , dm , ic It. V. .ia'i ; p. M. 7:60 p. M Ovi'iliuiil ; - : ) < 'St. . . . hliA. xi. DUMMV 'JII VI.Nrt'Id IIMMM. I.nvo Council lllnHB 7 : < ri Sua UMOM \ \ ' " " ' ' ' 11:15 : p. in."Puiidays" 7r : ( , a7j-U'ui ) : ) n. in ; 2lM-- ; : > : 'M b:2b : tvt } : : \\n \ \ i\i. \ in. I.fiivo OmiiLa - -an-T.3&--M-loan : : ( n. in : lifl:00 : ( : - 01 1OJ 5 ; 0 ] ; iai ; lltiu ii. m. Suiiilnjfc tf:33 : 5J' 11JO : u. lil , ; " ; < X ) ! l:00 : . iUO D0. ; ' , Chicago Water Motor Co. I'owor furnish od Horn hydrant prctses for < U-ivinr ; nil lilnds of Hirlu machinery , bpcuw attention given to church ortfun lilowiiw and rim pilntfnir prows , incut choppum , U'ouicum in cvc-i-ii , pulii > hliiKl..tliO-j , MJWliiKiiii'L'Imii-tt , oto Tlio lii' > t cheapest motor made , t-'end It'l ' CJr- uuliir. In use In Council liluttfi ! > ) ' lieu Job ollico. 1'acci &Schmdl.mcat : miu-lcet. ( .hlCUKO Meat Mm kcl. JiisUcndoiioi'B Mcnt .Market. Miiltli & Moyurf. , , Kurt K V Kleoli , i-ofto ! winder , i - . Agent , 18 Muln . , Council B lnir lo- . nilll fuiiHin * l.Omuluu