< f ijr-WJ'wW'w-f ilMni * "Mfl W9B t-itxr ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , JANUAHY 20,1886. 5 1 THE JUDGES AND JURYMEN Doings of the United States and State Supreme Oonrts Yesterday. THE KOEBER FREEZING CASE. A Former Iitncolnltn l-'ro/.cn lo Death How n 1'oet wn i Successfully OnMvttcl ! IJrlcsl * Alnlteri of Capital Interest. TIII : nr.K'tt uscot.x nynr.AU.1 GJndgo Dimity opened business in the United State" court yosloi-dny with a call of the equity and law dockets. Of Hits : equity causes thu following worn contln- I ued to the May term : American Freehold Mortgage com pany vs James P. KliiD1 same v.s Anton Kcmcnt ; same vs G , Goctler : tame v.s Albert Ilacliman ; same vs IJyron 1) . Hro\Mi ; same v.s Nathan Itttmse.1 , ; Now England Mortgage company vs Jacob Klfcr , Williiuu II. Irvi.ii vs First National bank , Moiiinoiith , Illinois ; Kilns C. Heno- diet vs St. Joe & Western- Union Pacific vs Washington county ; ( ! eorgo Hogs VdL. & N. W. Hallwayi Credit Mobilior vs Thomas C. Durant ; iMnrlin S ] > iloy ! fc b" v.s Tlidhitis C' . Durant ; State of Nebraska v.s John M. Young ; Union Paeille v.s Commissioners of Miillcr county. Decrees were entered for complainants in Iho following causes : Henry Hakui-vs flames P. Coons ; l.sattc Willis v.s James 15 , Jones' , Now Kngland niortgag.0 com patiy v.s Charles OT llartols ; same v Annie nio C , Trine , same v.s' Daniel S. Miller ; American Freehold Manufacturing company - pany vs Willlaiii J. Slater ; IJenjainin Ki'od v.s Jonathan C. Cope. .Submitted Kaglo Manufacturing com pany v.s Daiiiol S. Imrr ; tJnioii Pacific vs Oiutiliallelt Lino. Dismissed American .Freehold Manu facturing1 company v.s James A. MillctU In the cause ot Joseph Richmond vs , Joseph' C. Cwpoly , defendant was given > s ' . ' Icavo to. answer in twenty-live .days ; " AJon o. It. Valentino VH Taninc H. Wisc- - * man , leave to take proof in term llniuj Annie O. Mitchell vs John Quinii , setllu- iiieiil on pleading : On the calLot the laW -docjiel hc fol lowing ease.svero continue , ! ! : ' United States ox rel John T. N.uwtim vs Dodge county ; John Ooinstoek vs W , . A Pol lock ; Plitrl/B It. H. Linton vs Thonuts C , I'clle ; same v.s Adam Siiyder ; S. Starr Clinton vnC.St-P. , M & O.railwav"Wni. ; .II. WidamanV.s saniotlefomlant ; llamiali Corrigan v.s sainet' Ira K. Strang xs same ; ] ) : M. . Toinblin VH Milton Tootles ; Anthony SabosU rs Union Paeilic ; Josoiili A. llurlbuct v.s A. GrooiiwooilEagloMniinfacttiritigcotn- ; puny vs Warren H.CoUrollSmieea ; n.Kiiu- bark vs sama ; Anton Soknp vs Union Pa cilic ; .1 M. Fnlmorv& .same : United Stales ex ret Ih'iu-yM. Daist vs Dodge cquntj' ; Ashnclot National bank VH school district 7 , Valley county ; United States ex rel 11. U' . Morton v.s .school district 49 , Atlaiiis cqufilj ; Isaac L. Seymour Vs school dis- trie ! 5 , Day/sou coiml\ ; John I. Ulair vs Cuin'mg counly ; 'Allrod-C. IJarnes'VS * school ilistrict 10 , Sherman count v ; Union Paeilic vs Solon T. Glidden ; M. . 'V. Palrickv.s Krwin Davis ; rrocniau C' . Dodge v Pho'tiiv liifatinuico. ctmip-iny ; Plow coiniiany vs . Knimti Holt ; Sowing'iSIaeliine company vs . P.arke : Walter Craig vs II. O. Jones ; W. N. Color vs school ilistrict I ) , Sherman comity ; Davenport Plow com pany vs-l'ayton Jl. Colwa'rd. I'.MTIU > &TATKS COCllT KOTUS. AVrits of attachment amounting to $0,8lfi.'J5 have been placed on the stock I of Daniel Furrv and William Snyder at Blue Hill. Jiidgu Dttndy yosterdaj- granted an in junction , on motion of coniplainanl , in tlio action of ( Seorgo W. llowell vs Rich ard I ) . Johe.i , the bond being $ ' 3,000. John L. Webster , on the strength of a physician's ccrtilieat * showing1 inability toattend court , has si-cured a'eontinu- . mice in the case of IL C. Gnilith , of * Almal..chargcd with assisting in the issue of crooked pension papers. In tlio matter of Greoiiloaf Simpson v.s Lancaster county , lilaintilV'.s attorney , James M , WooKvorth , has tiled a reply , asserting 'that no notice was ever served on pjnintitl'of defendant's desire to re- 'fuhdltha Vonrls , find that no tender of the intertst orsprijicipal then duo was ever made. Tlio jury in the Lplghton insnraneo .case oeeupied a room in common at the. Commercial , being letxilit only at meal times. Al'thapresent wHtrug then ! are no signs of an stgrcOjueiil , the twelve divided as to their ver- = . Tiui ] ; iiiN'r.i-KOiiiKu : ; , lr.Siinlnons bobstii ) Borencly as the .Uofi'nderof'OcoTge 1'irncr , , lho man who urovu Ills lister and hoihusbulul and two little eiiihlntn out doors to freeze during tht ) recent , .bitter Morius. The doctor .say.s t.hal "Pirmsr and his wife tire both Iaril ; workers and lutvo fared about a's hard us thu Kocbors. They all lived in tiie same dug-out and all worked out togethordtiring thotbittercold weather. " This may bo fo , but the following adver tisement signed by Pirnor , shows that ho is not a poor man by any means and that there was no necessity for his enduring any hardship * , or forcing his relatives to , "For Sale Ono hundred head of hlRh grndo Short hoi n cows ami hollers ; ono : ! -H'ai-oUt Shoithoni bull ; ouo bny imne , h veins old ; ono sonel male , 7 year.s old ; one jriay mare , 4 yeiirs old ; two ijood Norman colts ; two sots double harness. " The Koobors are getting along nicely , and the physicians are awaiting the lime when they tire thoroughly thawed out tea a just what operations are necessary. Tlie publication of their ill-treatment in the lir.i : has drawn from Mr , liriigman. of the SUuitti Anzelgor , ( ha statement that last .spring ho received a letter from u priest in Huvaria , asking him to look after the Koebur's , who hudgonoto Amer ica to frcttlo near Lincoln. Sir , Urugman could not Unit them , anil inserted a notice in tlio An/.eigur , which called from Piriier the assertion thai tha Koobors were living with him and prospering BO that they would boon own moro land than the wealthiest landlord in Uavaria. Pimm- is now negotiating with the county com missioners for Iho earn of the ICoebor.s. which tloos not look as though they had accumulated much propoity. A U.\roi.NtTi : KltO/.KN DKAlir , Mr , Wililnmn , who arrived from Cul- bortson yesterday , brings tlio Had nov > -n of thu death tit that plueo on thu Mill just , of iL II. Letiguo , a former resident of Lincoln , Lcagito was a harness maker , and by html work had established what promised to bo u paying business , and was full of hope that aflor a life of toil ho was in a way lo place his wife and four little ones beyond want. On the night of the llth League attended the installation ceremonies of ti. A. K. post No. Mil , and tlio next morning ho was found fro/on to death loss than 100 yards from his own door. Tim coroner's inquest developed the fact that League , who was usually a very temperate man , had on the night of his death taken u number of drinks of brandy , and is supposed to have fallen clown In a drunken htupor on his road homo. Luagno'jj family are left in me almost dcatitniu condition , and some of the solid people of CulhurUon aru talking of bringing u suit for damages in their buhulf against the mun who sold him the liquor. SLTIIKMI : couirr IIUSINKSS , The state .supreme court met yesterday nnd disposed of thu following cases. Smith v.s liecohcr , : iDinned. Cole v Cole , twenty days to plaintllT to file brief. Anderson vs liuohunan , sent to foot of docket. Muthows v state , ton days to phihitilV o 111 * briof. Hubbard vs Walker , submitted on briefs. Mnrtrj vs state , submitted. Ilrond water vs .Incoby , Htibmlttcd. McKeiglian v.s Hopkins , reversed. Held , the continuation of ti sale cures all irregularities in the proceedings , but such sale may be afterwards set nside in n proper easu for fraud. The rule ap plied. nnd mortgagor allowed lo redeem. L. II. Kvnrtvs. * . Snmeekcr , tiflirmcd. Held , when evidence lias been received without , objections tlio com t may , after the verdict , permit the petition to bo iimomhid to confoim to the facts proved. nine Valley bank vs. Clement IJiinc & Co. , reversed. Held , that the mort gagee who takes possession of mortgaged property upon which other creditors lm\c clainus occupies a trust relation in regard to snph properly , and in disbursing it will be held to strict account. ot'rwiTTiNO A rnirr Ivv-Spoaker Humphrey has an auto graph letter from Oliver Wendell Holme' , obtained in ti rather shrewd manner lifter Iho "Anlneratof thcHreak- fii't Table" had giu-n nollco that nmier no eirctiniMances would he write his name for anyone. Hnmiihrey read an article by Holmes in Iho December Atlantic , in whjeh was i ; Miitcnienl that , he was considering an oiler from English publishers to prepare an tilbum , Hninnh- J'ey at once made a wager of $10 with a friend that ho etnild get Holmes' .auto- graith , and wrote the noel a letter . latiiig Unit it would give Ilolnies' many friends in Jlie west great pleasure to seu the vvoi'k publislied , and that he for one would make a liberal donation. The re turn majl brought an autograph letter of thanks from Holmes , showing that gre.at men of loiters are no less susceptible of liatlery- than the 'ordinary run of man kind. ; fiuir.r MENTION . , } . A. Tlioiiii- , who skipped'from Lincoln ItistNtivemb.er abbnt'jJl.lOO short in. his 'heeounts.1 as adimimtnvtor of Ilio MRC'andle.s1 ; uMnU' , has boon hoard from iii Canada. . llo re.cuntly wrote to his w ifo asking her to surrender . their properly hero to.satisfy the claim against him , and Iio would 'join her lit Bolivar. New Vork. where she was to make her home. ' The 'bolidsincn have aeceple'd .Thoinp- ion-.s ' offer , "and his shortage has been. " ' Ilio nin.ii jiccitscd o.f slab bing John Sheedy , ' was committed .to jail yestetday by Judge .Monljioiiiory , ( n dofatilt of fc-.OUO , . .to4and trial at the liext term ot Hie iliMriet coitrt. C. W. Jones , who was conviclcd in the county e.ourt lust weel ; of keeping a dis orderly hous-e , is put with tmotico btatjng ing that , ho was imposed nnon in renting part of his rooms , that Iio Imd tlriv'en the. " objeetiohablo parties "out , and that his rooms arc now for rent to 'respectable people. Tlio biting of J. S. Domino. by an angry dog last Thursday has set nearly every body in Lincoln to .shoiitiilg "mad dbg , " but none have been teen a yet. The latest alarmist is-a Mr. Tenvilliger , who was bitten by his own doy Sunday moru- ing and .at once desn.itelied.tho canine. Tor-will iger says the dog bit two of his hoi-M's , ami it numboL- other dogs. J. J ) . Calhoun , of the Topics column * , ropiidiates as an insult to his common son c .the report that ho Is ajjoul to em bark in the novvspapei : bu.ibess . oil his Own account. . Phillip Ilertrick is sueing for divorce lh Iho distrjet , court from Jiis wit'O , Barali .lane Ilertrick , whom lib alleges is living in open adultery with : i man 110,111011 'Amo.s f. llertriek' , ii-esumably his rotll- or. Phillip wants an absolute divorce , and tlie custody of hit , two children , aged bix and Unco years' . bTATI ! AKUIVAI.S. 1) . T. Tonnl , Uinaliti ; 1'red tiordor and Frank -H. Wilsoii , Platlsinoutli ; 15. U. Robinson , Othaha ; C. W. Conkling. 'J'o- ettmsoh ; P. J. Nichols , Omaha ; IL'Il. lleury--Colunibus ; S. G. Couch , C. Pnrk- cijind O. Porr.son anil 'wife. Omaha , C. U. ( flavor , Long Pine ) II. G. Clark and JI. Hiiekon-sderfer. Omaha ; C. C. Cam * , Seward ; Wm. Gill , Scwanl ; G. V. Me- Keo , Syracuse ; C. A. Potter , Omaha ; P. C. Callahan , Friend ; C. A Kobiuson , Dorchestar ; J , C. Warner and Alux Bentley - " ley , Red Cloud : L. S. Alley , Wilber ; Jas. Bradford , J. At Piper , Alma ; Ed Mar shall , Bloomington ; L. W. Colby , Beat rice ; R. O. Stewart , Riverton ; L. H , Kent , Orleans ; F. H. Holt , 1'eatrieo ; E. N. Griimell , Cnlhoun ; U. M. Taggart , Nebraska City ; Flemoii Drake , Omajia ; George A. . Brooks mid wife , I5a/.ile Mills ; D.lw. Dare and wife , O'NeilH John F. Paulson , Omaha ; W. H. No well and Perry Walker , Plallsmouth ; Charles E. IHirmcistcr , Howard Smith. Omaha ; W. L. May , Fremont ' ; G.W. . llonry , Civigh- ton. _ , KNICSirS OP TUH 'J'lio Tliirtl Annual Hull to Occur ThiH JOvuiiiiij . One o the most pleasant events of the. i-casou will bo the third annual ball of the Itrothcrhood of Locomotivu Eiigin- cer.s , Division JJo. 185 ! , to 1)0 given at Light ( iuartl litlll , on Wednesday evening , Jan. SO. Very neat invitations have been issued , and it i * expected that a largo n umber of guests will bu present. Every preparation to insure ; a good time lias Ijuon made. The muster of ceremonies- will bo M. L. Van Arsdale , with white badge. Committee of arrangemoiits , with red deception comniitteo. with bine badge , T. C. Livingston. M. W. IJurnhnm , Noah S. Clarke , John M. liyors , John U. Nelson - son , 15. H. Fonda. John , Hill , Hon F. Johnson , I ! . C. Howard , William Jobaon. ConlnntloM on invitation , with purple badge , till members of Division Js'o. 18' ' , U. o" ' L , K. I'crboiuil J'lii-iixrapliH. Hon. Cliiirch Howe , of Auburn , Is reg- htored at the Paxton , A. Mniidelbur tut'.irned yesterday fiom a shoit trip to Lincoln. C. H , Valentino , court stenographer of the Ninth distriol , is iu the eity , F. E. Joy , a well-known business man of Kline , Mo , , was In llm city yo.storday. W. A. Paxon ! and John A. McSlmno returned from an eastern trip Monday. Hon. James Laird mudo a brlet May in Omaha Monday on his way to thu na tional eanital. O. It. Clark , esc | . , of Upston , with Mrs. Clark and their -on , Allie , tire guests of Dr. Parker. Mr.s , Clark is a sinter of tlio doctor. They have not seen ettch other for liftooni ears , Mr. Clark and family are on thofr way to California where they expect to reside permanently- Among the prominent stnlo people at thu hotels yostoiday were Charles A. Chauron. KIklioi-ii CUj'w CemctPi-y. Articles of incorporation of the Elkhorn - horn City Cemetery association were filed in the ollleo ot thu comity clerk yes terday afternoon. The ineorporalors are S , S. Blaii'-hnrd , Hiram Culp , John Bry ant , Omar Wliilney. William R. Turner , O , A. Woleott , .John Knox and H , A. Gray. Card iil'TlinnU-H. Mrs. Ol.scn , widow of the late Samuel Olson , dcbirc to return thanks to the many Iriemls who kindly utteiidud her husband's bedside during hl.silllicds , and especially to tlm nieuibers of Planet LcilL'c und Omaha No. SO K. of P , CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS The Senate Grants to Moody of Dakota the Privilege of the floor AFTER A WINDY WAR OF WORDS. Senator Teller ofColoi-atlo Continues the Dlsonsslon of Heck's Sllicr Jlesolntlou ( Jcnernl Work or Jiotli Itrnnclies , Senate , WASHIXOTOX , Jan. lU. Mr. TngalUj from the committee on rules , icported a seal for the ifc of the senate. Mi. Ilnwlej fi oin the committee on mili tary affnlr , icpoitcdn joint resolution ai > - pointing ( lencrnl John F. linitrauft of Peiinsyivaula , as one of the mamitrers of the National Soldiers' home In place of ( ieiicr.il Mcl'lcllnn , tlecea-ed. The icsolit- tlou passOil , Mr. IlaiiNon's ir olutton ot jcsteulny to odmitMr. Jlooilyor DaUota , to the lloor of Hie senntens laid liofoie that body. Mr. Vest said he j lelded to no man in the ootmtry. he he a political or personal oppon ent , btitthJmirht the people whom Mr. Moody ii'ini'-ciiti.'d had not been courteous. Mr. Vest believed this comiesy should IKS icclp- local. Thrre people ha\e rebelled nstaliist the deliberate iinrllnmcntary action of con gress , mid hart taken action that Mr. Vest de clared to lit" icyoliillonaiy. llri denied that .Dakota wns-tt slate , either do jura or do facto , or that it. etmhl bptomevlhotlt ' ( the an- tkuiltv t'f cniWU' * * . He. iinoted leumrks iiC'.lUilgoCamHbiUl t'o IheelTert that Dakota had -ilffht to become n stUti ! in spite ol eon- KJVSS. Iteferrlnt ; to Mr. , llanlsm's ' allusion yostoiday trt Tdomas lieiitoii , of Mlssotul , Mr. > Vest doiiled thcie was' aliy .atmlouy h'L'tweun theeasoof.twadmls ) l ( > U of Mlssom ! and this easu pteseiitod by Dakota. Mr. Hen- ton had dsruiicd ! ! his duty as a senator , and Mlssotnl took the distiuuui hcd imblle service , but Mr. Vest did not agree \\lth Mr. Itcntdii. Huoulil bo peculiar , ho said. If Utah should come IKICltha constitution icpiibjieaii inloi In , and' thotmht Mr. Mairl- sou's inewdeiit miL'ht bueoiuc lntciestii | | ; . He knew the resolution would bo adopted , as \\as1u > l of the pnuniniiiiu agteed upon by tint committee on toirltitrlcs , Mr. Uarrlson df'iilcd that It was paitof the "pioirnuunc. " Tlio icnolutlon was lulro- duced1)yhlms2lf without ivleienco to the com- .mittce. > lie defeiuU'd .Indue- Moody acaiusl theaspiMsiousvhlvh lr. llairlsou said had boon eilst ujion him by Mr. Vest. Mr. Haul- Son dt'ulcd tjiero was auythlui ; except eoar- Icsy to the settate In the course piifnied by Dakota to secure admission. It had never been said that a like course pin sued by other ten I toile.S halt been dlto3pcclfiil to roniiess. Thc2i'lOOU ! ) citizens in Dakota , who had com bined in a leNpccttnl petition for admission to the nuioii , MCIC entitled to luspcettul trcittincnt There nas nothing In their chawcter or conduct to wnirant the eonnling < it Dakota \-lth Utah. Mr. llauisou btiellj rpvluwed the case of D.ilu > ta and urged that cointesyvarrants Judge .Moody's admission to thu lloor. Jlr. SaUlsluirymoxed to amend Mr.JHaui- on'.s resolution by addiiiR > 'bat ' the eouileny hcieby extended shall not be conflicted as any icco nitlon of Dakota to admission as a state into the Union. " Mr. Ve.st s , id he had not been pcisnnal , as Mr. llairisoa's lemaiks Imiilled. Jlad he \\Nied to be personal ho coufd present col umns of vltupeiatloii that would put to shamu the worst billlngspite which had been published against him ( Vest ) In thenons- nappisnf Dakota. He had no objection to the MMiale littln : . ' tip "sofas around the cham ber , but it should not bo done inidurthcim- ii i esslon that tlieic was a inecedciit lor it. iiH o emuhatfc illy denied sucli lucccdcut. Tho.Saulsbury amendment was lost yeas 2 . noes 2'.i. The icsolution admitting Mr. Moody to the courte.sy of the lloor was then aaieed to. Mr. liifjatls' resolution ot yesterday was placed bol'oio the senate , calling on the secrc- taty of the tieasitry for information as to wh.it mopoitiou ot the SIO.OOO.OOO bond call lot 1-ebitiary 1 was held by the national banks , and how much by each bank. Mr. luptlls inodllli'ii his icsolution by withdi-awliiK the clause requlriiif ; Hie naming of spei'ilic banks. He did tills he said , at the icijuestot peisous interested In some bank" whose bonds had been called for the iuy munt ol the 1st ol February , and who leaio that the publication of the ( act might Inter leie with or impair their credit. Mr. Frjo's ie.solutloii ot yesterday , lesaul- inic the iiiesidcnt's iccommeiKlattou lor a hshim ; commission , was placed ucloro the senate , anil without debate leferied to the committee on loiuign lulatlous. Jlr. Conger said heotild postpone his in tended lemotks on this subject until the re turn of the it-solution fiom the committee. .Mr. hmalls olfuicd a lesohiiion , which , without debate , was agiecd to , dliectiin ; the seciotary ol the treasury to infoim the senate what amount ot siher million had twcn pur chased lor coinage slnco July 1 , IbSl. in \\\u\t \ \ maikct the same hud been pinchased in each ease , and from whom nad the piiro paid ; nlso , where in any Instance all ttio bids had been rejected , and if so , lor what icasou , and lu what money or cuiieucy JKIJ incut tor such silver bullioa had been maile. The pre.shlenlial count bill was iilaced be- t'oio the senate , but Intoiimdly laid aside. Mr. Teller then nddusscd the senate on the silver Qiie.stion. Without a sulliclent amount ot money with which to do business , Mr. Teller said , thu energies of the people were depicssfd. Money scaiclty meant dull times , and low wngci or on wages at all. The per sons who sntlcicd the least fiom such scarcity \\eio the money Icndeis , bill dLscounters , and pa\vn biokcrs. Tlioso who .salfeied the most \\oie the laborer. 3Ir. TelletiPiescnied clnlioi ale. tables , showing the coin circulation ot the \\oild , liom nldcli It ai > peaied that the sll\ereiiculatlon of ( iieat Uritaln was S-.OO per head ol population , ( ioimaii > § 1.07 per head , the United .States S4.bS jic-r head and Franco § 15.7(1 ( pur head. Hat gjild and sll\er had been found In sulllclont quantity to cairy on tlio business ot the world , and all nations icsorted to paper cur- icncy , based on these metals. The whole amount ot iiaper money issued hail been Sil' : , l00.000I | which was more than the whole amount ol either gold or silver. If , then , gold ami silver have been found Insnllieicnt tocairy on the world's trade , what loason was them tor supposing gold alone would bo salllclent4' Thehcadeisof bonds , moitgagus and goxernment secuiltles constituted a now- crtitl class ot ciedltors , and they want silver domonetl/.ed because ot the cense < uieut enor mous Increase In the purchasing power ot gold. They inlsed the cry that goal would leave the coiintiy If wo did not suspend sil ver coinage. They raised the same cry In 1S7S nuainst the passage ot the sllvorcoluatro act. There was but out ) nation to-day that had moie gold than Iho United States. That iiatlouvasFi.uire. The coinage of silver had not hint our national banks. .Mr. Teller analy/ed the national bank re- tin us In support of his contention , and showed that the deposits of to-daj aio nearly double those of ls7 , while savings banks deposits am now 80,000,000 moio than the deposits of four years ago. The whole con- iljtlon of our country , Mr. Teller continued. was an eloquent denial of Iho pu-dlctlons ami complaints of the enemlus ol silver , The stoppage of silver coiiiagro would bo equivalent to an addition ot 5 00,000,000 to the national debt. Itould add from 20 to ! ! 0 per i cut U < eerj dollar of debt In the land , an amount almost too gicat for computation. 1'ho seciutary ot the tieasuiy had told us that the lahoilng men would Hist suiter trom slhcr coinage. Let that guntituimn , said .Mr. Teller , sneak lor the gieat moiilcucorpoia- tlons and for the bondholder and caiiitalists , In it not for the laboiing man , The laboiing men weio well awaie that that great department of our govern ment had passed Into the colitiol ot the b.inks , bankers and moneyed powers , They know that the statutes paa-cd to cmtall the powers of thu moneyed corpoiatlons and capitalists worn violated u\ciy day in the tre.iiiuy deimituicnt. The present dhtmbcd state n ( the pnljllfi mlmlconi-einlng silver Mr. Teller ascribed to the attacks made on it by goveinment of- llcials. K\ery fcchemo that could dltrncu silver had had thii M.inctlou nt that dcpart- mi'iit It it did not directly orlginatoin thu de- iiaitmunt. Thetivasmerof the United States had men gene Into a coinentlon of titty-four bans ) , a convention whosu object was the dupiccUitlnii ot biluT , and his ] ) IL > SUIICO amoug the banKers \\as cau-fully telegraphed to alKoiacis of the . earth. That wasasclu-mo to filghlun the pconlu Into the ide.i that silver coinage would bilng I niiii to pur Indiistiics , and llui treasurer's piesenco In that coin en- lion was the moat hide uiislbio attack that had evci been made on the ciedlt ol ( he go\v eminent by Us own ollldals- , sworn torcspcct and execute the laws ol the country. Another attack on silver was found In the system of book keeping npwly adopted by the tivasury dopart- .iicnt , In tieatmg as n liability and not as an asset Uwoo"X , ) ( > 0 ol \UIIIHI Wfcitf n rir"ttii 11 i i ilf , held iu order to irtmem greenback. * . AccordIng - Ing to this Idea , the more money the govem inent basin Its vaults with which to redeem its paper money mr pay Its debts , the greater Its liabilities. This change of liookkeeplmr came of long experience In Wnll itreet. It was for the purpose of deceiving the people astotlioamountof-avallablo funds In the lirastny , as It would nlvvajs show 8100,000- XXW less than was n < ttinlly In the treasury. No doubt the ttv.isfny otflclals believed the contliiurd npcinmilnlioti ami retention of the money of the treasury was bencticlal to the country , ami that the suspension of silver coinage would also IM benetk-lal to the tieas- iiry , but the troiihlo with the tieasury nmelals was they had consulted the national banks ami money league , ami not the real business men of llm country. Hail ever the coxernment ollichiis e\eeuted the laws of the Uuil as tlie.v found them , thute would have been no tumble with the silver question. Mr. Teller did not demand the forced cir culation of silver , llo mcielv demanded for it an equal chalice with cofil. When that was iloiio ho would abide by Ibc decision of the commercial vvoild. If Itwcrcsaldthnt the special lutcicsts of Coloiailoai | > cd Tellers judgment , ho would lonly although Coloiailn piodiiced oiicfui.utcroriili the annual silver yield of the world , jet the question of silver coinage was one of but little moio Import ance to Colorado than to the other slates of the union. Mr. Morilll ga\o notice , "lelitctantly. he sild. of bis intention to ask tlie senate lo lis ten to him foraslmil time to-mouownu the subject of silver ; a stibjecl , Mr. Monell Ironi cally luumikcd , vvliicli seems In attiact so en thusiastic a gallieiing ol senators to Ibis chambci. The .senate then ailjouined. House. W.V.IIINOTO.N' . .Ian. IU. A large number of executive coiiiinunlrntlniis wcie laid befoie tlie lioiisi > by the .speaker. Among them was a letter fiom the chief of englnecis , asking for an im.iicdiiile appio- Dilnlloii ot § 50,000 lorgcnoial vvoik on sui- MSJ-S on tlie Mississippi. Mr. llragg , from the eomiiiitleeon mtlltaiy aflahs , icpoited back thcsenaleblll nr.iklng nn apinopilatlou for the imu'hase of tlio 1'iodiiee Kxehaugo building al New Vork ntv for in in j * pm noses. Kcfoned lo tlie committee of the whole. Also for the leliel'of l < 'il/-.lohn Poiter. Placed on the house calendar. It nutlinilrcs tlio ineslileut to appoint Fit7.-lulili Poiter to Ilieimsitlon of ( oloneliii thearm > , ami in his ilisuictloii to iilace him on tlie ictiied list ot that grade , providing FltKtlohn Poiter shall iceelvo no psiv , compensation or allowance whatsoever pi lor to his appointment under this act. The committee adopts the rejunt submitted to the last congiess , bat adds that it has carefully coHsidcicd the objections made to the bill iu the veto message ot President Arthur , and is eleaily of the opinion they aie. not well I'liiimfed and should not lntcriunt the eouise. The leiioit is signed l y all the democratic members of llm committee. Mr. Hammond , liom tlio committee on judicial v , loported hack the bill to prevent claims ot war taxes under the act of August r , iNii. ltho United States being set olt iiL'ainst states having claims against the riilted Stales. Placed on the house calen dar. dar.Mr. . Malsoii , trom Ihe committee on pen- slons. iciKiited baric tlie bill toinciensc the pension \\ido\NStioni ? 8 to SI- per month. Itefeucd to committee ot the whole. In the morning hoar , Mr. Nelson of Min nesota , on lielialt ot the committee on Indian all'alrs , called iip ho lll iiiitlmrb.hig the use oteeilain unexpundoit balances , amounting to SU-VWO , for the Veh f of tlio noitlieiii Chey- cnue Indians in Montana. Mr. Nelson stated the object of. the bill was to lelleve about TOO CheyennCf ! on the Hosebud and Tpngiie rivers , who vieie in a destitute condi tion , " with their annuities entiiely exhausted. Mr. Weaver nLlovra , wnlle lavoriug the measuie , critlcis'ed ' the iireseut policy fol lowed bjthe. government in dealing with the Indians , and cxities ed the hope that at no distant day some sensible policy would bo adopted. Tlie bill was pas ertV No other bills woiue.illed , up In ( lie mom- In u , ami wn molion of Mr. K. IS. Taj lor of Oliio , the house proceeded to the cousideia- tlon ol the senate resolution accomp.myitig tliestaluo ot Picsjdeiit .himes A. llarlield , piesented by the stlit < | il Ohio. Alter biieliy ealoui/.ing tlie miiiiy'liicli private and public mi.illtics which tlio distinguished cineer ol ( lie dead piesident-pie.srnted , Ir. Taylor said : "I'loltlent ( iailield stands among Ihe fathers of the icpublie , by ( he side of his suc cessors , and in Iho pieseiieoof some of his eoiitumjioiinj' jiatrioH The martyr jui's- Ident Is3 not far away in this ex alted comp.mj' , 1'rpsidont ( Jarlipld is not out of place. Ho came last Into it , but ho meets these only his pcci.s. His compatriots who arc standing in that silent senate of tlio dead , If in life , would recognl/o the Illness of the association , and none more leadily than Ids old fiiend , matchless orator of ( ictryslmrg , llbeiator mesident , immortal J.incoln. Accept then Ohio's gilt , thu image In umliirlng maibh * of ono she loves so well , tendeicd as it is with patriotic aspUatioii lor tl.o prospeiiij * , the haIncss ] ) | , the continuance ! of tlie gic.il Amcrlcin union , one and inseparable now anil forever. " MPSSIS. McKlnlej' . Gothics ami Uuttcr- worth ot Ohio , and IVttibonc ot'feniiosseo , lormur pupils of ( 'ailield's , also paid tiibiitc to the mcmorj'of tliclatc picsidont. The icsolution was then adopted. Mr. Iliagg of Wisconsin made an attempt to have the Fit/-.lohn I'orter bill made the special older for Satiuday , the t-'j'd , but Ir. Dunham ol Illinois objected. The house then adjourned. AVontlior l'oiXotlay. . MissOfiti VAI.i.i\-Warmcr : ; incieasing cloudiness , witli local snows ; southerly winds ; falling baiometer. ItrcvlticH. .ro eph Svanda and 3Iiss Annie Hpicak wore married Monday in .Jtidyo Horka'.s court. SherilV Coliurn is issuino ; niid sorvins Biiiinnons for the new grand jury as fast as possible. The Ladies' Mu.sicalo Society moots Wcdnestlay iiftornoon , eian. 20th at Meyer's hall. The Hoard of Public works have ex tended the time for oiionin bids on pro posals for paving to February 8th. A Mreot car ran into Dr. Moore's .sleigh at the corner of Fiflccnlh and Farnam , yesterday afternoon spilling the doctor and wrecking the cutter. A plat of an addition to tlio city was lilod in tlio county olurk'.s ollico yester day , to bo known as Cunningham iV : Hrcnnan'ri , The now addition is north and wosl of Wuliuil Hill. A number of ollicors of the police force are laid up with .sovorq colds , including Captain Corniick. OIKcor John Curry returned to Ills , be.at last night for the lirsl tiino since January 5 , Marriage liceu es were issued vostor- dav to John P. llonvht/ and Mrs. Louisa ] ) . Tininie , ( iottfriod Knlm and It. C'alh- ariiio Manor , and Uaus Chrisleiison and Mary Hanscri , ajl of Omaha. The bids tor lllto vmduet are now being carefully eoninMtcd _ ' by City Engineer Ko.-owatcr anil ( I'lmirimin House , of the board of publio , works. Thu contract will not bo Jet for a ityiy or two yet , Mrs , T ( } . Magnum will give a private party to her soh < Marhund , their friends at nor dancing academy on Friday owning next Ooqu miisio will bo in attendance ami a delightful' thrto assured UUK-O who may attend. q Tlio friends of "lltibbi lleiison will bo pleased to luarn that his four childrcns who have been ooiilined with t > carlot foyer for the last ( wo mouths , are on the fair way of recovery , and the Kabbi' , home , which has been closed during that time is again open for the visits of lijs friends. Lieut. Frank L. Palmer , Tvvonty.limt infantry , has been relieved from duty at Fort Fred , Stcelo , Wyo. , n .J from tlutv as member of Iho general court martial appointed to meet at that poit , and will proceed to Fort llridgor , Wyo , and re port to tlie. conimuuding olheer of that post for duly with company II , Twenty- lira ! infantry , A rate chance for ngood hotel man One half interest in Dewey llonsd ( or Haiti iSjiIenilid location. Cause for selling in * torustud in other bnsinuss , For full par ticulars address A.L.Andorscn , Shot honu , Idaho , Hciureii-e luvvey& Stone.Uiuahn. TECUMSI3H TOOTS. Business runt Political .lots from that Hooinlng llurff. TrrrMsr.if , Neb. , Ja.n 10. [ Corrc- spondunce of the HKI : . ] Our late nn- pleasantness with cold weather is getting to bo more tolerable and trade is slowly reviving. Country roads are being shov eled out , and we look for better times in the near future. Our citi/.ens are agitating tlie formation of a stock company to start a packing lionsp. Some ono wishing to engage in that lmsinos.0 would do well to come and see n . Having four railroads and being surrounded with hogs on every hand , there i a bushel of money in il. Our school is running lincly with a corps Jof nine teachers. Good attend. anco is reported , and the pupils advanc ing nicely. There is getting to bo quite n little ev- eitemcnt about our postmaster. Some time last full the democrats had a caucus and they claim the. republicans came in and beat Wilson by live or six votes , and not being a popular man , the democrats are signing a petition for 1C. Keplinger for the position , llo is a gentleman in over * , respect , was chairman of the demo. eralic central committee , fought three years for the union. Yesterday all the incoming and outgoing county of ficials signed Koplinger's petition , and we suppose ho can beat Wilson live leone one on petitioners. Let them have their fnii , lint give us good men for the olllce. Vim \\yck is ahead in this county as his own successor as it now stands. DKATII OK A ilolui ( i , llruncr , of West Point. Dlesnt a It UK : Old AKC. John ( ! . lirunor , one of the prominent pioneers of Nebraska , died at his home. in West Point yesterday morning in tlio eighty-fourth year of Ills age. He was the father of T. ( ' . . C. 1C. and .1. 15. ru- ner and Mr < . Jacob Swart/lander , of this city. His other children are Uriah lim ner , of West Point , J. J. Ilruner , of Oak- villc , Mrs ( 'has. U. Mohr , of Kansas , and Mrs. J. J. Hiley , ot Sehuyler. These living in this city start to-day to attend the funeral. One son , Mr. J. J. 15runer , is now detained on the Leighton Clarke jurat Lincoln The funeral oo- curs on Friday afternoon from Iho late homo of the deceased at West Point. Mrs. IhMiner's aged wife survives him , the couple hhving celebrated the sixlieth anniversary of their marriage on August last. _ NEW YORK PUBLICATIONS. The Grout Number anil Variety of j.llio | Newspapers untl Period ic-nls. Hardly any Now Yorker , unless in some way connected with the business , has any accurate ido.a of the number and variety of journals and periodicals pub lished in the city. He has , as a rule , very little knowledge of or interest in any others than those he hnpnons lo take and read regularly. He would scarcely sns- peel that thirty-throe dailies are issued then ) . Of these two are Italian- , one French ( tlie Me ager Fraiico-Americain , died last year ) , one Spanish , ouo IJoho- mian ami live Herman. There are more than 150 weeklies of all kinds including a number of trade .journals- , about WO nionthlici and twenty-live ipiarterlii's. Of the monthlies , some thirl.v are maga- y.iues , although not more than seven or eight of them have any distinct literary ' character. A number 'of the weeklies which are quite prosperous are not gen erally known in the community. Of ono weekly with a cirunltion of more than 100,000 , hardly anything is known. Wo doubt if any of our readers could guess its name. So many dailies , wookljes and monthlies are coming into and going out ol' life in the citv that the public takes no note of them. There is no more active and precarious occupation than } hc pub lishing of newspapers and periodicals. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost hero every year in such enterprises. Not Spoiled by l-'luttoi-y. Boston Record : .Miss Winslovv , the American beauty who has been dividing with Miss Chamberlain the admiration of the gay world ot Hamburg , belongs to u well known Bo-ton tamily. 'Her father was the late George S. Window , wealthy dry goods merchant , and her mother is a member of tlio Ho\bury tamily of Train , of which the late Enoch Train was in his day aconspieuotis repre sentative. The Wnislows used lo llvo in the swell-front brick house on Boylston street , opposite the common , which is now tenanted by thu Boston Whist club. They lived elegantly , but not o-teiitaliou-ly. Tliejr parlors were adorned with choice paintings and en gravings , and their receptions were in the best taste. Mrs. Winslovv. who is a handsome blonde , liked to draw about her literary and artistic hoeicty , and among the artists ami men of hit torn who wore most frequently mot with in her drawing rooms wcro Howse , whoso orayon heads have gained him such a wide reputation , and Henry .lames , whoso novels have matlo their mark in two confluents. Ono of Itovvso's best ellbrts was the likcnc&s of two children's heads of surpassing beaiily , ono of which crowns the .shoulders ol Kloanor Winslovv , the "Boston beauty , " whose at tractions have beuii acknowledged in the most fastidious courts of Kuropo. Miss Winslovv is a blonde , tall and stately in person , with regular features ami the air thill people cull "aristocratic " .Shocamo naturally by her personal attractions by her mother , whoio portrait , painted b'y Porter before he had bccomo lashion- able. , preserves the features of one of the most beantjfiil women the Hub has over known , Miss Winslovv has been well brought up , and is not spoiled by atten tions which would turn tlio head ol or dinary girls , llot'oi-n Hanging. lr , Wm. B. ia/iirtl , u St. Louis physi cian nays : Any ono would miiurally sup pose that appetite for food would fail the condemned prisoner on tlio morning of his execution , but It would appear that Iho rule is froiiuently the reverse of lliis. Ho cuts a good supper the night before ; follows it with a substantial lunch at bed-time , and sleeps ? ound ail night long. As tlio fatal moment diuwn nigh , hu devours - vours with gusto a breakfast tlmi would prepare a laborer for a hard day's work , 1 can not , like Victor Hugo , mentally ohango places with the condemned in his last hour , but 1 suspect that something of the condition ol'mind charucloria' tin of the victim of cancer In Its last .stages must bo his at thu huprcmct moment approaches' , AH hope is lost , 'apathy suc ceeds tlio altej nations of conllicting emo tions ho fell while his case was fought over in the conrtx ; the snlleiinoss of iles- pulr benumbs the higher intellectual taculties , until at hist the merely animal instincts provai ) . Hu cats his hist break fast with thu Biuiio eagerness us ho clutches al the rope which suspend * him. The brutality of our ( practically ) public executions is unworthy of an enlightened ago. Death by the headman's us , by the giiillotmoqrby tin * .Spanish arroto is moro merciful and le-s degrading lo Iho spectators ami thoio who road of it. Lleetricity , in some overpowering form , Imitating the lightning's ' stroke , would Miako tlio vongcunco of outraged law moru uvvit inspiiing , painles , and alto gether moro scicntilic than in possible by tills remnant of the barbarism of ihumlu- dlo ages , the hangman's noote. At tlie Fair To-morrow. Bunt Calico at lo per yd , between the hours of throe ( ! J ) and four (1) ( ) o'clock in { lio'aftornoon onlv , , .1. ( 'ounip.no , Prop. . I 01U South 13th sticct , cast mile. TUB 3iAiicirc HASKKT. The Delicacies Now Olitnlnnblc In the liocal Mnrti. FISH. Tlip most foothsomo food at present in this line are I tin white Itshailil trout , sell ing for 1 > ccnt a pound , Fresh cod fish is ( o bo purchased for lo cunt" a pound , whtlo Halibut steaks and eels nro worth iM oonti pound. Kloutidors nrn worth I'-l cents ti ] ) ound. Fresh mackerel brings 15 cents apiece. Sim-Its , though not plenty , are soiling for 15 cents a pound , Striped buss are p scarce as to Iw nn- quoted. S.ilt cotllish tongues sell for 13 cents a pound , Oysters , Of standard quality and slzn , are selling at10 cent * a qt. The * elrets briny CO cents a qt. Cans 20 tote cents , MlT , I'Ofl.TIIV AND < UMi : . Theru liave been no material eliulis1" ' in the line of meats' , The InM outs of sirloin sell for 15 cents ; rump" and upper ] inrl f round steak at 1S | . Koa-tiuij ribs , linn and juicy , can bo bought from 10 to 12 } cents Veal is extremely scarce and comes high , from 15 to UO cent- ! , according lotlie elioieuness of the part , Sweet broads can bo pur- dialed at 25 cents pair. Corn beef is bulling nl from 0 to 10 cents , nccurding to cuts , Prime lei ; of mutton can lie had for I',11 ; cent- ; mutton chops l''J to 1ft cents Ham is worth 12 } cents in milk , SO cents sliced. Pork , It ) to 12 } cents. Snn ag < * , 10 to 12j cents Vi'iiNon , rich ami juicy , can bo fmrelui'.cd for 20 cents The ten derloins of sluei > killed for Christmas will be line , and should be &pol > cti for in advance. Chickens are worth 1ft cotit > a pound , turkeys and ducks ' , ' 0 cents u pound. Knhnitb , dres od. can be purchased for 10 to 12V cents each. vr.or.TAtii.us. Unions are .selling at DO cents a peek. Turnips are worth 20 ecnl.s n peek , Kutaliagas 2.1 cent's. Calbngo is bring- in" t'J ' to 15 cents a head. Potatoes , | Harktics ? | , are \\ortli TM to ( W. Salt Lake potatoes are selling for STi cents a bti'-hel. Sweet potatoes , aru worth ( W cents a peek. llnbbard and Marblehead sqnaMies sell for 10 lo 25 cents apiece. Carrots are worth 25 cents a peck. Oyster plant sells I bunehoa for a quar ter. Parsley i.s sold at 5 cents a bunch. Parsnips at 25 cents a peck. Yankee pumpkins are woith from 15 lo 25 cents each ; sweet pie pumpkins the same. Celery tells at 00 cents a do/.en. New hot-house radishes CO cents a du/oii. Let tuce 75 cents a dozen. nirns. Florida oranges are worth 25 to r > 0 cents a dozen , according lo sue New California nrangci from10 to fiO cents a do/.en. liana- nas are worth Irom ! J5 to 50 cents a do/ en. lii'apes ot the Malag.i variety sell far ' ! 0 cents a Dound , while Catawba grapes floll for $1.25 a basket. hirgo si/.e. Ka'iMiis can bo liad for trom 10 to ! )5 ) cents a pound , dried currants 10 to 15 centa pound. Candled citron is worth 50 cents a pound. lig.s are worth from 20 to 25 cents a pound , cooking Jigs 20 cents a pound. Cranhorries are selling for from 10 to 15 cents a quart. California nears are worth 15 cents a pound. Good Persian dales are worth 15 cents a pound , and Black Fan ! dates 20 cents 11 pound. Apples , choice Michigan varieties , are worth $8.25 to § : ! .ftO a barrel , New York states § ! ! .00 a barrel. Missouri stock in worth from fW.no ( < > jsu.oo. Iliekon nuts are worlh 50 cents a peek ; shell barks and ha/.ul mils are selling for 75 cents. nurnu : AND i : < : cs. lint tor , dairy , is bringing from 25 to ! ! 0 cent' ! a pound. The best creamery can be purchased at ! V5 cents a pound , l-'ggs sell for the standard price of 25 ! cents a do/en. AMUSK.MI2XTS. ATTUAC1IUNS AT Till1. 1UIV1) . On Thursday evening , the well-known comedians , Harrison ite Ootirlay , will ap pear in their great , comedy success , "Skipped by the Light of the Moon. " lie- served scats o on s.ile to-morrow morn ing at tlio booflico. . Tlio great English melodrama. "The Romany Kye , " will be produced at the Ho.yd on Friday and Saturday wit h mat inee. A rKi\ : IIAT.XT. Siguor Salvini's appearance at Boyil's ojera ) houon ! Tuesday evening , Jan. 20tli , will be on < ! of the rciflly great dra matic events of llm season. Tlio great tragedian's tour this .season , w ill cover new fields and will extend for the Ih-nt time as far a- > San Fr.uici.seo. Sulvini is now plaving at SleVickcirV theatre , C'hi cage , and ins houses are crowded nightly. "Othello , " Salvmi's grealcnt. character , will bo given here. Air. Chi//ola , the manager , has engaged a supporting com pany of eminent American artists and nothing has been left undone ID I'uriiHh a worthy background for the grand central liguro. Salvmi's perlormaiico will mi- doubtediy bo the grunte.il , dramatically , that Omaha has over seen. The advance sale of seats will begin next Saturday morning. Prices of the reserved seats will bo $8 00 and .fl 50. Tlio MoroliantN' National Hank. The Merchants' National bank is pre paring to creel a magnificent new build ing on their lot , northeast coi-nor of Thir teenth and Faruam streets , and the plans for the strueturo are now in process of preparation , Mr , Hen Woods , cashier of the institution , informed a reporter > otor - day that work would bo commenced on the building in Match or April as soon. in fact , as the state of the weather will permit. The ground lloor will bo UOx-10 In dimensions. The Miucturo will bo of iirovrcd brick , and live stories in height. The details hnvo not yet boon agreed upon. _ < lay ( iotilil'h Money. This fortune at present is principally invested in and controls ( ho (1,01(1 ( ( miles ( ) | ) the South western -MUs'iuri Pacilic. system ol railroads , .and the $271- OOOjOUO of capital thai they roiiivtont. Tins doe.s not include the nou disintegra ting \Vabash Pacilic system , with its : t,5.'iO milts of roail and SISU.UOO.OOU of obligations , direct and indirect. What is of nion4mjortaiieo lo the country , thii fortune contiols over 1.10,00(1 ( miles of polo lines and t\vo Atlantic cables , besides sides other telegraphic facilities that are capitalized in the WiMorn Union and auiliarcompaiiic.s at $12.5,000,001) ) , JVIr ( iould al-o has an almost ahsolnlo owner- shli ] of the olovatoil railroad system of Now York , which \ slocked ami bonded for $15,000,000 , making the total amount , par value , of tlio svcurilios c.out rolled , not including llm Wabaah-P.icillo , fWH- 000,000. , 1'JLKS ! I'llTlCHl 1'ILICS A MHO euro finliliml. . Hlcc < ] | ij ] _ ' , llchin nntl tJlc.ct.iH-d Piles lius been dlnco\cicil liy Dr.VIIIIiiiS : ) , ( an Indian ii'inedy ) , railed Or Willi.iniv' Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A sln 'lo box has cuii'il Ilio worst cliionii : c.iseol " ' or i-0 > CIM ; Blaiulln ; , ' . No mio need suiter live nilnuti's alter aiijilylu this wnmk-irul so.xh ink' nu'illi'liu' . Lotions unit iiistiiuacnlsdo nuiit ) liauu tliiiii KOOIVIllluniV ) liullau Pile Ointment ; -oilntlm tunxiis , nlliiys iho. lutLiiso ItchliiK , ( p.iitlcuhtily at nlulil alter L'i'ttliiK uiinu In tn'il ) , acts us : i ] > oiiltlc > c , ulves llHtant iclicf , mat is tirepaicil oi * ) > Im 1'jlet , , lichliii ; of iniviitu parts , and tor nothiiiKcl.si' . SKIN UIKKAKICK CI'IIKI ) . lr , J-'iii/iei's .Millie Oiiitiauiit uiuas RK \ > y tiirh ; , I'liiijilua , lilack Heads or Uiuba , iM and j-iiiitloas : ) on tlm face , Ihflbklu clcaruiul luuntiful , Alsuciiiesltcli. halt Khfimi , Soio .S'liMili'.s , .Soru Li. \ \ ' ami .Sold by ilnifulbtti , or ninllcd on receipt oC W ) cents. KrtaiUM by Kitlni & I'o , , and Srhrot-ter & UucUL \vlieltoalc by C , iJooJinaii. . Police Court Oookol. Indgo Stenberg dl po ed of the follow ing cases in police court yesterday ! David Trostin , drunk and disorderly , $10 and costs , committed in default. John McClelland , petit larceny ( of overcoat from L. K. Neill ) , IWdnys ia county inil , last til on bread and wator. ( ico. Kogers , disturbance of tlie pence , discharged. James Hrady , suspicious character , glvon 2 hours to leae city Kdward ( tialiam is the name of a yonnjf man who Monday afternoon was nr- rested by the police while engaged In a row with a darkey. ( ! raham mndo desperate attempt lo e < eapo and pushed OIHcer Dempsey against a lot of bnllery jars in the rear of the Western Union olllce , spilling the tluid all oxer him. The struggle was at its height when Olll- eer Howies hove on the scetio niid helped to carrj the oll'endeioff to jail. ( Jrahain was lined sJ'W and posts , niul in default was sent njt to the county jail. A Xe\v Vli-m. A P. Sehack , who i < well-known as an old and reliable commission merchant , has sold his bu lncHS lo Klisehbnulu & Sons. The members of the now firm linxo already established reputations of being thorough business men and under their management the boncelilchls one of tlio olilest in Nebraska , will no tloiibt continne to be well palroni/.ed , Mr. Jack Mo.Miihau returned from Chicago y.--terdai. While there ho hail Iho pleasure' meeting Jack Jacobs , re- eentlv connected vith the Herald , and who skipped town so suddenly a week or .so ago. Jacobs frankly admitted that liu owed about $100 in Omaha and thought it was good policy to leave the city before - fore it became too warm for him. MOST PERFECT MADE1 rrepirwt with special roniml t No Ammonia , l.luianr Vlnm. PRICE BAKIHO POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS Or tlif Miiu > r llnltlt , l o < iillioly Cured by Aitiululslcrliiff Dr. lluliics' Ciiltlvii Sprt-inr. It can lOKl > en Inn oiip of runroor Int without tlipknnnhMlKourtlioiwnou takliiKll.lsaliiolutelr burnil , niul ulll iMlect .1 iKtninnciil niul Kppcdy cnru , n'lu'lli'.T Iho | ntlf nt It a moiltmitt ! drinker or nn nlruhollu wreck. It tint bi'i'ii R\ | < II In tliau- B.UIUIotcawinncl In p\or > - liislinru iicii > L-tcuro liaifullonnl. It neirr Inlls. ' 1 IIP syslciu once lniircgniti | : > i | ltli HIP "pcclllc. II ticcoini'Snu ultor luiliosiltilllly for tlicli'iuor npiu'lltu tooTht. FOll BAI.K 1JV rOI.r.O\VINO DIlUCOtSTd : KirilN A : CO. . Var. ISlli anil Itanslai. nnil ISIIi iV ( Jiiinlnu ; Sin. , OniulmNob. ' A. n. I-OSTJR : i.v niM\ , Ciiunrll lliiHs , Inivn. Cull orrlle fur | iunplilct : ruiil.ilnliiK liundrcit * of ti' < tltnnnliil Jrointliolicst ntinien ami men from all p.-ulaot tlir ro'jntl v. GOLD MEDAL , PJililS , 1878. BAKER'S 11 Warranted nbtntittelu juira Cocoa , fiom wllcli the oxei'si of Oil li.w been rf movcil. H bint fire * ttmeithe stiength of Coco.i inlied witli Blurcli , Arrowroot or Sugar , and U therefore far moro rcuuoml. cat , letting leu thitn one cent a cup. It U dcllctou" , nourlnlilng , BtrrnKtlicnlnB , ennlly illgcttctl , unJ wlinlrably nJaptcil for luMilkla lu ) well as for pcr onn In ht-altli. Sold l > f Ufoftrn ererywliere. W. BAKER & CO , , Dorcbester , Mass , 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlin Urilii | I mill Only ( ciiiflup. Rita Ui4 & ! ; Rell M lli * Kr or wuHhlr * * loilltlluni. luJlipcixtble to LADIES. A k 7-vir llruuglit lor "Clilrlic tt'r * * f.nKll lr * ot l * * Bo p | it.or Invite 4c. ( lUinpOW IM tar riirllculart fq trtltr lif return IUH | | . . . l'Mtlil"Ur L-lirinlml Co. , NAME PAPER. " . , t5 11J-MMtalllll.llulirttlhl411. < | .11. At DrurcUU. Trndk > .ltd li ; Fuller A bullet Co. , ( .Tilmcu. 111. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA , Paid up Cnpitul . $250,000 SuplusMlay 1 , 1885 . 20,000 11. W. YATI , President. A. E. TOU/.AM.V , Vice President. W. II. S. lluuiins , Cashier. , , . . W. V. MOUSE , JOHN S , COM.INS , II. W. I'.vua , LiwisS. ; UEKU , A. E. T BANKING OFFICE ! THE WON BANK. Co . l"tb nnd l''nnmiii Kl reels. ( Jeuenil HmiUiiK' Ilusiiiuas Ti ansuctoil. A Siiniliiiil .Medical Work for Voting A Mhlillo Asuil .Men , only | liy mail postpaid. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK OH MANIIODD Rxliat | p < l Vlt illtr. Ki > rroni nnil I'lirilcil llobltllr rrcninturn Doi-llnudi Mini , Krrnri < it Voulli.iirnl tin iinlol.l niloirlc' * KHiilthu from linllKi'iuilon niul HI ii'Kti'H. A Ijoiik lor every riiiin. yoiint. inlililtHn-jail iimlulil. Itruiiluliu IJiiirmulnllimH fiirnt nrulnnn'l ' iiriiilrnli.iM | > ii.ncliuiiuiii wlilrti l > liivnlii'ibla. Sn Juunil tiy ttio Mtitlior whoMt oxiiuilnncu ftir ' 1 yw\n li null ui | > n > lilily navur li f'H"U'll lolliti hit nr uny | > li > l > li < lnnui ; : | > iKOi , liounil lit b.t.iulirnl I'lvuM , milt. lliii-inl > i > > di | < iiu'r > , lull L'llt. tfil inuiliiU'l ' lo luiullnnr % \frUJn ff\vrt muni iilnlitiiiU-iil. litDMry iiu < l pr tfui , ( .lnii'il Iliiiniinr iillirr work In tlii * riiuiury for IUH crtlic I'liinc ) will hun-fuml In nvcry lii liinrn. I'rl's nnly II liy null , | io u > IJ , IlluitmliMl nuilii , i > i % K'liclnoir. o vl | nioilnl Minir.tml Iliciiiilhurlir tliu N * . Jleill-il , , Afturliilluii , Hi tlitiottlri'Miif Jrhicli Id "Vliri"hili'CflnfIJfo lioul.l Lurrnd liy tlio voting fur Inntrm lion imil li > iliauiuiulia lurrtllff. U will Uuu * . lltill. : l iniluti Uiiu-cu I'lH'ti'U nuiiiuiiiliornf i"lcif ( owlmni thaSctoiei nf J.lfu n 111 not Ua u f ul , wliolliur jruulli. p irtinl , uutr- llluii.lnflrurioriir iliifxjfiipin. Aiuun.iiit. . Ail. In mli" I'mlmily ( luillnil InntUuli. . orDr W. IL 1'iiriur. NIL 4 llulliliic.li mi-el. | ! i tun. Mn , wlm nur I'C cutiiiilli-O < . 'ii nil ill < ca i n'gulrliiu iLIII uiut uipurl- i nc < > . riiriiino niul ol iiinim iliMi uu-i tinn Ij.'illlcil tin , Milllol all ( illiiitiiliydl - llutio , 11 > i > crlatty , Hncli Ircii'ol t-iic ( < H > rillwitliuiit | nn instiiiiL- ) fllulliiinMt'illliiu lliU liuuui- . HAMBURG -AMERICAN | IPaclcet ConapaTajr. A nuir.cT uxi : KOII England , France & Germany. Ttiti * teimialil | ( if IbU well ktionn Hint aru all ul lion , lu vviiii.r llwiit coiiiiiiuloiuiitH , 11111 ! ro- IlltlllslllU l.'llll UdlOllllllif III Illllku tilt ) | lum.tli tiorli bull ) niul iifitcalilu They I'Hiry Iliu UnlloJ htiiichiioil Ilinoiifiiu uiullb , niul InuvuNi'tr V < nl 'jliuiMli ! iunl MHiinJuy > lot 1'lyiaoiith , 'I.ON DONl , Cl.n IX.UK , ( I'.VItlriuinl IIAMIll'IKli. , lUti * - | - i galjiu , iiIW. . feii > t < r 'u iu N Vork , 1 1