THE OalcMAJJAILY BEE. , WEDNESPAtV JAOTAUg 20. KPECFAL NOTICES. this head 10ttnlsp ° r Jim * for llio flifct Insertion , mid 7 cents for each mbeequonlltsrrtloiiau'l > I. * 1 lie porimm'l' ' . , Bcven words nil bo counted io tlio line ; they tmntiun consecutively n.l must 1)0 ) paid In nd TAnce. All advertisement m i t behniuloj In before 3 o'clock r. m. , nd under no circum- ttnnccs will they bo tnkon or discontinued br telephone. Vnrtlcs advertising In thrso column * nnd hnr * Inc-tlio nn wer nddrovcd incnro of I'm Hue. will plen o nk fnr cliocH to cimlilp them to pet tliclr MU-rs. B none will bo delivered except on i iire ciitmion of check. All ntuwers to ndvcr * IKciru'iils MiouM IIP ctidopod In I'liyplopes , " TO LOAK-MOHJEY. MONI.Y TO LOAN on horc , wneons , fur- nlluro.'wnlclif" ? , without removal. Torma easy. C J I'nincll , Itooin II ) , Iron Hank llullJ * Ing , l th nnd Fnrmui. . Tnko ok'vntor. COO-lcb , * $ tnoooo to loan on cltv residence property. Utu. W.lhiy , 16TH Fnrnhtn. BB rPO LOAN Money in nny amount , JL ( n nil cln' rs ofteciirll- . Hhort time loam on real estate. Ixnitf tlmo loam on i ml cstnto. Money to loan on chntlcli. Mtnioy to ; loan on collateral's. Money tu lonn on nny peed security. Terms pny. tlmolopult Apply nt tlieOmalm Financial Exchange , Ilm kcr's bitlldluir , 8W corner of Hftccntli nnd Farnnm st * . , upstair 79i MONKV for every body 1 You can borrow money on furniture , horses , winning plnnfi" . Mock of all kind * , diamonds nnd Una wntcliciou your own time. 1'Hyinciiu received nt any time , and Interest reduced pro rain. 1'roptrly left In your own IK > SSCSROII. | TITIIII Mrnslfip lowest. Cnll nnd pee inc. ItnMticst confidential. Nondvnnlnpo tnkcn. w. It. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll'n NowliullOJiiir.Noithcantcor ner IMh mid Ilnnicy. _ ' < ' & T O r.OAN-O. * ' . Davl i Co. lloal MONHY nnd Loan rtfcnts , 1105 Farnnm St MONKV ToLOAJ-On jrond Pcciirlllos. A ilcduvock , room 7 Itcdlck Ulock , 1JOT Fntrmin St. 377 _ _ _ MONKV TO lrx > AN-On chnttcls , Wooloy ft Harrison , room SO , Onmba Nutloiml building. 711) ) M ONKV TO T.OAN-On real cstnto and chafr tc'.s. 1) . I * Thoinus. tX ( ) MM M ONRV TO LOAN-jTiBllins wnnl1 ? on nrH ; liita ( rcnl cstnts BnouHty. y J'0 | Jcr & COW ) , 1515 I'm nnm Bt > ,801 C. P. ccd&Co's. ollicc' , oirfurnlturo , p'ni" ' > A liorsosMvitirotis IfTSomil property of nil Kinds iintl nil other r- llmof vnlup , without rcmovnl. Ove'r 1st Nnt'l llittik , corner loth and Furnatq , Ml business Eirlctly confldontnl. KU BUSIHEB3 CItATfOES. 1A paylnjr noivspnpor business In < xto I Nobro'kn lonn ; prlco , $2,000. . Ulbsou It/Ai-chcr. n WHn3 , Withnofl lliook. "tut "lirl STHO ThodltTzons of York hnvosub * I T sci I hod about f B.VJO to start n canning factory torytinu vt'aul'l Ilko somu pi-itctlcul mftii to put In Imlnncirof capital and taKe tlm management of business. 'Address IV I * Ely , York , Nob. . 895-M ) * rno UXCItANOi ; Wanted to exchange , Im- i JL proved residence property on Capitol Hill , lor wood ucro property. J. L.ltlco , 1 Faruum. wu -iTA Jit SAtiV Or to trndo forOninha rcsl- Jl' dehcu property a farm of Itt ) acres , part aiiKlor culliMillon. nil Ot for oulthiillon , ndjolu- - Injr Uio city llmltsof O'NoIll , Holt ro.'Nobraskn. It hns n house , barn and wlndmll' . A special Invcsttnenrior n farmer. Uy Oeo. vv. ijay. 100'J gar-mill. 88C-2Q. riTioiRAtU A JO.OOO stock' of Rone'rnl mcr- JL' chniidlao In n rnpldly pi'OwliiR town cou- tnliilii r)00 ( ) Inlutbltniits nnd " ruilronds' , situa ted In ono of tlio best fimnliitf mid Ftock crvni- tlos In Suutliorn Nebraska , lluslncssls thee d- cst , location , the best , nnd trade the laitrcst oC nir > - liousq In town. .No bettor opportunity can bo found for ntiy ono wishing toinguso In nboro Uuslnoii. Special 'Induoomonts olfored purcliuser. Will soil or rent 'building for full particular addicts Oonoml Merchant , llco Ollicu , Oninlia. 657-ai" TTIOII KXCi/ANGK-Stff'cit of.Kcnornl mcv- : V cht'mdfso for land ; impi-oved jiroforrod.- Address Hn.v.lCO , ilnrno , lu. 830-19 * "ITtOJl SALi : Clean now stock , oC srrocorlos In JL ! flrst-clnss locution In Omnmi ; Stock nnd tlx- turosabout $ l , i > 0. < A.ddre3 F.O. Uoxtt ! , Oiliahn. T71OII fjAI.I' : Small stock of drug's , nicdlcjno .i X1 ml the only ono In a lively eastern town of Nom-uRku : Invoice ? ; Wl ; reason , will coullnoto lrutico alouo. K.-Af. Kreecoriaii , W.D.lterlln , 'Dtoti county. Nebraska. * ' TTIO.U 8AJ.K Milk Dnlry , nbout 25 cows ftnd JJ outfit .and , hind to lease. O. L. Thomas , Itoom s , CrofKhton block. 801 F IOJl HAKKMIard-wirr. ) liuslnoss in Omaha. Addrcssll. 45 JteoOlllco. " 7Sfobll TT1O11SALB An osta'bllshed restaurant doln JJ n peed blislncBS In Omaha , prjoo JTOO. Qlb- on & Archer , Jloom 3 , Wlthnoll .Ulock. 728 Foil PAIVI- The Commercial Hotel ut South Tlend. Neb. , prloo SS.OOUMcrms easy. 'Ad - dreS3 T. W. K , fiox 10 , South Uend , Nob. . . Ci9-feblO * "ITIQIt { JAIiK-Or oxchanpo T velvo hundied. Jr and otehty uorcs of Mo.- , timber and KIIIBS . land , lorty miles cimt of Knnsna City. As rich Boll iis nny land In the slate , will cell all or part nt fifteen Collars pcfr acio or will oxcliuiiKO for Kootl Improved or unimproved Kobroska land. Knlfdrd XSaner. . ' ] M J TTIOIt SAI.t : oil TJlAlJi-ror ronlestate , tlio ifcjj i-eMutJrniit , fixtdros and contents of twelve fuinlHhcd roomson the -8..1 ; , cor" , of i"th and Cflpltol AVCIlllO. COftttlUXtO IItllp. Will FC'll for f 00 dush , or on lima to irood rvsjionslblo parly , , Apply to Corbctt , S. W. cor.'Uth and 1'iinmm stfl. . upglnlrg. 459 ' ' ' . .TnOll , 8Al.i-r3 : lot In Sprhiff U'ill. 54Wouch. JL Also im established bnnkltitr business In Nb- brnfkB. couuly scat. Gibson & Archer , ' Itooin awttlinoll lllock. Oiualin. ; ' S3 TJ1OU SAI.i : llio only lonlher and finding A TjuslncFS -Lincoln , which 'has been cur * rlcd nnJortcii yeiirsjcrybiiccessfullj'ftho ieu- ' ton for Belllnir , death of the proprietor ; capital 'lutliiiri'd ' , from nUOO to.Jl.OOU. AddlesMrs. t Jacob llnbcrlo. Lincoln , Neb. . C72 . w " - - ' In I'rotostnnt famlljvbonrd nnd L JIKIT loilKliiff for Kentleimui , wlfo and thioo H ' - nmll uhlldiun ; cential location ; good refer- Address II05'llco Olllco. ' BO A It I ) for thrro 'Reiitlamon In private fnm- 'Uy , near limlitvsd contor. llefuruncea it- qulrod. 4 UN. ITth at. tW-Sl " . _ _ -JCK JIOOSI and licit Donrcl I.Mn week ; very best locution , lit ) 8. llith st. 81T .a * OO.M and board , ( o per week ; very bust lo cation. 1814 Davenport Bt. 4 or 5 lots In " 'X limiH'om I'lnco ; send No of lot and block , ! , Vvitli price nnd terms to J 1lllvu , K i I'ariinm. PKIIKONAI When the robin * nnst ngnln West ClimluirlotB Mill bu double tlio pilco they van bo bought lor to-dny. They mo on the foMioworiiosuow. Nop.iorlotn fn tlio uddl- i ' 'lion , For rule by J. L. lllco , 1ZX Furnum bt. ai _ _ ' ' T\K. K. 1 > . AKNor.i ) . Oculist and Aurist , re- ' " JLf moved to 1511 Douglas fctroet. b7J MAItSHALI. * I.OllKUK , reiil estate , hiivn llnullstof Improvtd and uiiimproveJ , lotk In Omaha ; acroHiicar the city mid hnndicdi ot tlioubiuidn of acres of laud lor eulo ; vorro' vnondenvo bollclKnl. Jlursludl & Lobuck , 1500 Inruiuu street. Olllce open till 9 p. in. CBl T OST Illnck Gordon sutler dojr , rod on nose , M curosiiil foot ; iinsworp to the nnmoof Cap ; Iiuno on ono bind leg ; Imd on leather with u short plccu of rope atlaohed. Finder will ] ilcii $ return him to 2012 Wobttar st , , or to Leu , J'rlod . Co. , 1103 and HiaHnrnoy. bg-2l ; L OS'S A roan pony ; return to ruray's barn and rccolvu rnwaul. HU4 BXOVB E.EPAIHB. LIU i : W. C. llctznor Ktovo Itcpalr Co. . Ill South 14th St. betn run Dodga and Douglas. L ADI US m want of peed domestic help can bo supplied by callinir on thu Omaha Km- Sloyaifiil Olllcu , Itoom 4. ItUiliutuu'b lllock. Mrs. , w. Morrison proprlolor , 74 itnniu J..vilis : of Omalm are iwpucifully Inv - v , , ,4Vltinl loCUll Ulul ni.iiiiluo tllll etOCK Of belli 4 kln Cloaks nud other I'holpo furs tu latest . , , * Jiiipt > ! imulbtylitb , ut'lho l.udlu * ' Metron ohiiui IMiU'liniliii ? Aiicnoy.rarlois iu nud 11 , Aill llkick , Douithu bt , uoxt to 1 > . O. MM ADllt.S' ecaUklu Cloali , Dolmans nnd Jinn- " ' ' - J louver nml tidal Cupeatllh multu , JS , bt-panito inuifti , fiiv lined circulars , chlldresia' sets , gentloiueus' overcoat oolluru uuilftiirt , curilojtojxjbcs , i'loj ull to l > o sold ut irnmtly mliu ctl pni-oj , ut the Ijulles' Metronoli- utau ruroliusliiyifiiiH'y. . 1'uilor * rinnd 11 , Ar * H WnCton block , lknliu ; St. , uu.xt to 1' . O. bt'J 1 ' on luonthly payments. ' U.'U.'Slnvo. Itootu'l , ! ( odlcU' lllock KB fj-Olt .SAL1-Oilo0.f:4illc lion ) . Ininlro 1511 1 Podf/o. e v i p . ftorm M < h nndiloors.go toF. U. Mind 2WS. ICUist. WO . S Vt.n Atior o. clienp : price $ W. Court * nty S : ro. , 2itluimt u u'cii'iKirt. ss-o : : rioil . AM' T > o lots in rclhmii rincc.ono 1 block from iltcct car truck IcqulroulBP. 1.1th street. _ _ _ _ & > ' _ SAiriA linrtfnln rurnlturo nml im- dcit.nklnrf stock ; only store In town : now , clean Block : tounty cent of lloouo rounl.v : clmuRo of bu liioii the reason for selling1. Ad dress M. J. l.ndd , Albion , llooiie Co. , WAHTED rxaiAiE HEI.P. AA 'A'NTKO Oood phis for dlnlnjf room , plrU > > for clinmlior work , cook * , for Loanllnir housew nnd rotnurnnH , dlghwn hiTj nnd latin- tlrc'scs , frlrl * for prlviito famlllts. tall 112.1 j ar- nnm st. . " "A > 'rin Ohl to di general housework at S. II cor. 21st nnd Icaouworlh sts. SIS AATANTKO ( ItrlTol-Knuornl housework. Mrs. VV U.S. Smith , 611 N.lDthBt. 872 tllrl for Roncrnl lioufcwork In W -gmiill fnmlly , lenao J. Now , 101 B K5th St. 800-10' A rrooii scrvnntRlrl In email fam WANIKli . 11. O. Stripe , 1014 Ciilirornln st. hit * cc ° " (1Krl | ' " WANTKD-A Rood cook nn rmnllj-br two ; Lpslof waKosPnla' . Mrf- J. Vf , Jloirfeon , Hoot 4 , Iiuthtnnn'8 m ° ck,10th nnd Douglas. 6 < M WANTKO-OIrl for kitchen work oxchnlvo- ly , _ N. W Cor. HUh nml 5 ! a on. aVi-lB * i7ATiidood : wirls fo r Rotiprnl work. cookH , etc. Onmliu nffon Olllco , lloom IT , a K. cor. 15th nud Uongliis sn. 7tW _ WA.VTKU iiirTforlfpiicrnl liouibwork. qulro nt 107 South Uth ft. SV > WANTKO-niil forKcncrnl hoilsownik. Al > - ply to SKD imvfcnport fct. BII-1S' "lA/'AM'KU I'ompotcnt 'Klil ltr SJrornl rt housowork. ' i irs. Hammond , Oiu Vlrfi.uta nvc. .S rimilt-licd to prlvnto famlllaa Of tlio snmo ilny ai orders left. Call or send yuiir order to Umaliu Intuliixonco ollico , lloom ; i , B.1S. toniur 15tli nnd Duiiglus ets. TO ) \VANTKD OhU for ( rotreral housework ; goad iiluves nnd itooii WHBOS ; tilucoatrivvn frOo. C.ill nt llli , AclilRjlia Kinploymunt cy , Cioimio llluck. flaj GOOlK' < llItl.S supplied wttli Rood places III iirlvat o families 1 100 ofthni BO nt tlia Omnlin- Intcllitroncudillcu , Itodm'J , H. I. , cor. 15th iiiul . ' . . T-l XT7ANTjn : Good girl ; KmHIsll pro/orrcd , ' VV. must bo unit unit nilllmc ; sinnll Inmlly ; llKlit orlc.Unll between \ nnd - or , oxcnlii ) ; , IblO Crtlltiiijilo. ' -741 _ _ : MrANTiu : At tlio Wnbiifeh Holi'l. Slanbcri'js Aio. , rttlrst-dasscoolf. 'Nouu others nuud ' apply. _ . - SM'J * " "ANTini flood kltclicji plrl. Apply nl N. Vf. for. 23d nnd Varnum sjt. IZX first nnfl second cook -at Uonln House. , W _ _ WAJiTUIl Rood RlrU for. poncral house work. ' Mis. J. W. Jlorrlson , room -Illiisli- inim'lllbck , 10th nnd Uodyliw. 4M ) . \\rASTEli Flret-class dinmBroom eiris at TI the .Metropolitan liolnl. . IWI WANTED-MALE HSLP. WANTKIi An cAporlor.qjil " .bookkeeper would.-litc a situation. ' Addi 033 11 Hi , tlt-o WANTKD 2 machinists immediately. Omn- lui Uurb Wire Co. , cqr. Bill and Capitol uvo. \T7ANTIJH Collector \lnry paid to ( rood f V men ; references required. "Audrros 1J" 51 , Hoe Qlllcc. CJ-lit * _ WANTKli An A.I Uuslnoss iimn.wltli rofoi1- oiu-ps nnd security for n good position. call m south icth st , , WANTKIJ Men nnd womch to" start n now Imslnosfi nt their homos ; can bu uoiio ovcnliiffg and Icnrilcd In an hour ; nny noron making Jo. 3 tlinn loa toTOc nn hour should send lUo at once for a puckajo of cnnlplcs of fioods , nnd"4t\rDrlnr } ( ) EiunplC3 ( foivnulnsi IP uommoiicu on. " Address Albanj- Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y. ' ' . ' . 8Btl7 ' ; > ( Snort nfTontS for a last selling 11. C. Boru , S. W. for. Ot i & DOUR- Ia3. ' ' B54-li ) WANTKI > A young man who ( ins had ox- perleuco 'In ' Belling goods in Htotoone' willing to umko himself generally useful. Apply - ply ailt 8.15tb. . ' " .71)0 ) IT/ANTKU Salesmen m icach county to In- ti troducon now "patent spring whllllotrco. . Sells Ilko wildflro. I'rollts lurjro.- Address , with stamp , King Whilllotreo Co. , I'utan , Nob. , BITUATIOU3 WAHTED. ' ANTKU Situation by n first'class broad mid colio baker. In the city or country town. Nicholas Schinltttoth,1302 California Bt. , 8M-1U * VT/ANTKI ) Doartl. Permanent A frimflo- V i man mid vlfi ) would Ilko to ongnKO two well furiilsliodfccond lloor rooms nnd bath , with talilo board lu urstrictly prlvtito lanilly of adults Will pay u nooil price forsdtlsfnctory accommo dations. I'leado ndditits .with uumu , locution nnd price , lu strict conttdcnco. U. 42. Hoc ofllCO. ' . ' 73S \ \ JANTKI ) Itooin nnd bonVd by 2 > OIIIIK men \ \ withinGblocks ot P. O. . AddiTSLstntlnur opatldn , terms , etc. , M. & 7) . , Ix > ik ! IJox UfiT. WAITED To rent 2 tuinl'hctl.rooms suit- nblufnillKlit housokuopinjf. . Address P. O. Iloxr > 12 , Omnlin. .727 rOtt UEKT-gOTJBEB AUD LOTS. fTlOIt HKUT Urielhouse , fulllotcorner IFlh J3 and Wobstcr ; low lout , C. I. , Uarrbon , 1HIU l-'arn n in. 8U8 TT1OU"illiNT Stoic. ° Apilynt ) 1211 i'arn'am el. JU " 7115 THOK IMCNf House , 3 rooms. $7. G. K J Thompson , S.'W. cor , lltli nnd Uurnoy. 71W Tmoit itKNT IIoiiBopn I7th sf , uonr CiuiUol JU uvciiuo , 8U. H 'Lutininu. 7U < KDK ItKNT CotUiifO of 7 rooms , larifo lot with ham on prumfsoi , only ! > block Irom i-truct * urs ; KJO per month. 1'ottnr &Cobb , 1515 Kiiriuim st. 710 20 TTtOIt KUNT flood cottnso.B rooniH , $1S per J : month. I'ottcr A Cobb , IS 15 rariinm. bUO-2U Full ItUNTUU I.KASE S-room lioiiBii on Howard St. ; 10-acro ( 'Hrdon with 6-room liouse tiiljolnlm ? city ; 80-ncro Inrm , 17 miles west of Oimilm ; U liutlncsi lots on St. Mary's avo. Apply to IS , U , Chupuiua & Co. , 1")7 Hounril su TTlOlt KENT Rneomcnt and buko ovon. John X1 Kratc , 15 N. 10th st. Wfobll FuiTTn NT-Ai room cotiago , Ul. homoTiofflT from tit. Ilnry'H nro. , on Churlos street , Clark's ndil , ; IrucU farm wu t of oltv ; S-room houbu , barn , etc. , Snundcrs St. K. 1' , lInor. ( 11 j north 15th. O'.y TTTOH JtiXT : Tlireo tiousos of 10 , 6 nnd i J.1 rooms ouch. J. 1'nlppsltoc. ( MJ TIOJI ItKNT Ice flvo room cottn o , 8. IMIi ? near Cciitor. A. 1' . Tukey , l'J > l Farnuiu St. 101 PU HUNT T ro coltnffcs , S15 and f8 per mouth. W.Swltilor , Urnnito Illoclt , ibJ ItKNT Now bouso at LVM Jaokson st - Apply at Cunuluuliuin & llicnnim's , lull Dodjro fct. 1D-J TTton ItKNT House bcloiiflnjf to the cMato J3 of Judifo ciiuaivicii , toy rwk nwuuu. w.j , Council. ssi TlOH ItKNT Two now B undo roomed houses : X' f uruaco , bntb room nnd nil modvrn convim- Icnce ? , uno blookfrom Street cars. Inquire Jo. F. llartou , 1114 2Cth St. , or Kmcltlixc Works. KX5 " | ? ( llt JUNT : A ttoro room wlUi pooj collar JL1 1'JOO Uuuttrctt. Apulr toJoUa Uau mor. _ _ _ _ 140 _ Tj > OK ltiNT- : stores on Oth nnJ l < oavcnworth J.1 MS. 1 stern on South Lit liEt. InisI nosa Iccutlons. Also tiousoj to rum. A. Mo. ( IrtVOCt. Clli FOB ItEl/T-BOOMB , T71OK ItliNT Kurnlshod rooms. IWS Davcn- J port. ea.-a ) * Triou 1UJNT Furnlshod room wltli board for uvo Kt'ntlanipn. 1415JoufcssL Itoreranoos Ijiou UfcNT-store , H North 15tU st. J ? j _ " _ _ ] Ttb "iiiNT--a : Urjfo room * . S. U. CorTTuifi -L nn Trum Jti.Nr-S uiit'uruUlicU rooms , V13 sr J } BJ ? ItUVT-ltOQm With 'bOttTO. JCW Crtpltol IOK 1 flvo _ - - * v. ! 1'S1 tttNT : Iurnl hnt or nftirnl < shrd Ir 1 rocni" . 700 North SMPt. _ iiou IIKNT Nicely fnrii : li l roomsflvo 1 1 blocks from postoHlco. W7S. 16th * t. ' WO-Zl * oit itiNT Ofllcc nnfl do's ! ! rortm. rronzcr Hlock , cnst P. 0. Inquire lloomU. * 77 " " Iti\r-Iarso : furnished front room 1 with closet , nlso back room. 1713 Califor nia St. 703 _ _ ItKNT rurnlMiod ro&m. inquire .lOlli FOK Douglas. ' " < * " 3 ou ItliNT Nlcply furnished loom. 8. W tOr. inth nnd St. Mnry'B avo. 6H _ _ Tmoil ItKNT I'urnlshcdro m 17WCnis8t , JL1 fln.l8 | 7 ( ) ll ItKNT Two suits of 4 rooms each , JJ Plerco street between IPth and 2JtU. I'.n- qulro llth nnd Farnam. P. Moohlo. KW I IOU KINT : I'urnlshed rooms. S2J N.vJOth. . OK ItKNT 1'urnlslioi rooms , 15OT Hnruoy 137 fTIo K UKNT Furnished room with bonrd J suitable for two gentlemen. 1314 UodRnst roa SAT.E-nouans-r.oTS. Ion SAM : 2 mil lots on Nicholas f t. , each. Cunnlnyhnm i'llrcnniui. 1M1 1J1I H HALI2 .TO lots In Swocsy's addition on J Calllornla and Cn s ctrcet' . Call for partic ulars. Cunningham i Hrenmm , 1511 lodKo. iritMrRAl'.irr.rero lots In WiwhinRton Hill ! J' 42 loti told glnco this nddltlon wni plnood on the market. You can hnvo yoiircholao of thoUS lots unsold at ff > 00 an ncio. CutmliiBliam < V liren- mm)511 RAI.H Lots In Cunningham & Ilrcn- nan's now nddltlon on the Military Hond. $ -JV ) : f J rush , balance on monthly imjmontBif dcshcd. Cunningham & llri-nnan , iSll Dodge. OJ2.-.0 buys n full lot In CunntiiKhniu & llron- P nun's luUllllnn. f pi [ SToiIKAVKSTlols aio In Cunningham * A HrcnnaiYs ndditloii. Terms ? W cash , bal- nuco on inontldv payment ) . Cunningham it lliumum , 1'ill.Uudjo. "IT1OU S.VI.K Porno splendid aero properly , JL3 ntnr the i-lty ! 40 notes 111 bo cold lor ? 2iU nn acio. CUnnlniliaiii * ; Ilicnrtan. 1511 ToJtfq. ) FlTll MALi-A" : peed homo nnd lot , COxlO' . on Popplclon nvQiiue , south 1'ront , 2,500. Cun- nlliBliunuV : llronnan. YOU "WA ST n very pretty cpttiifro ami txni IF ' good lots unar S t Mury'n ncn'ue , call nnd t-eo us. Wo litivonliiirgalu. * Cunimiirhaui ic llr'un- iiqti , 1511 DoilHO. . ' 1WJ-10 ' T7\OU \ 8AM : lluy u lot n'Wost"dtllillnfr nddl- JL1 tloii. ; . , B7ti 171(111 ( SAC.K Hylldl&McCnnilllsb,161fDodifO JL1 Street. llouto and lot , linrn , etc. , Diivcnport St . SO.C03 House , 7 i coins und lotneur l.oiui'invoitli ; very easy terms . i . . , ( , . JJ.300 XHOstoryhousonndlot.UogKS HIirs add.- . ' ' . . . \ . . . . . . . ; . j . , . Corner lot and house iu Shlnn'a add. , pt Icfstliuncort- : . . . . . . . > . ' 3,000 Hotlso and acroof ground : Himcbnugh's mid . . ' . : . . . . f . JT.W ) ) Well Improved roiiduiKJo property In St. , ' Louis and Denver,1 to exchange. . . . . . . . . . Three houses and lots in Ho Drs'mld. , cvsy tCrnjs . . . ' . . . . . . . \ ' . . ' Flnufurm In Snrpy County . : . , . . . ' . . . . 7,503 lUst front HanscOiuTlaccnt 4790 . . to.- : . : . . . io5o IAH In Wnluut Hill , south front , hair oaslr. ( VX ) - Farm In Douglas coputy , nearly 000 ucrcs , fi'tT- " ricrncro. Acre property nt $100 to $1,600 per acre. , West Bide Jots friVJ to ? CK ) . ' _ ? _ . TTlOlt SALE West Cutnhifr nddltlon ' lots "for J ? i-qlobyJ. L. Ittto , 18B FornilinSt. 'HSO ' "I71OK SAL'K Flno pluco 'ou .Ocoi-o-la nvo. , full JL' lotnith nlrio loom- house , 8J OX ) ciusli.Jinl- . nn en In th i cocnr.4. . Cor. lot , Sherman nvo. , two. blocks I'lom street t-ur3-lOiHJ.i Thisis a bmgulii. Lota on monthly < pry ment-i t Some bnigaliis In two and tbicoacio -lots. Stockdale if Ilunchor , 15111)cdiro st. . ' sni-l'J ' FOlt. SALS At ti .tint coin. .V'uw ; business. property on y. , 13th , $ ) xlJOrt. , This C.TII ho" bought tor $2,000 less thau llotnal vuliio If taken ntouct : , If jpu wiiui an invcstjnunt look lit this. Cochran tiro's A : Go , , 15OT furnnui , 816 11) ) " " ' _ _ jrg'o I iidloulu3. ) ' " ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' & ; { . , \ \ , \\/"ANTKO Stock of gioccrlns in Omuliu Iti eicliana-ofi.r .No. 1 liii-m. Coclirun Ilros. & Co.,15QUt'anniiii3t. „ i 84C-10 POHSALE tiyl'ottor tiQtihi 151G t'urnam st. , 1 lot In West End and nt $ wo.n . ' S lots In Khlnn's 3d add at $75 each. . ; , , * . > A low choice lots In Marsh's ntf t.bOOEacli. : Lot 0xl34 onlUth , ! ) blocks Irom ptivcmont , only$1800. ' ' - . . Fiiio ucro In field's add-$1600. " 3 of tha cheapen lots in Pluluvlow , only f 45Q each. . . ' . 7U4 Foil .SALB Houses and lots'from 81.003 to SI.COJ. forsnlooiicnonthl } > pnymout8. Coah- ranHro'sAiCo , 15gi ) rariiiim / 84411)f ) FOI { Cliolco Ilargnlos In real eslatt ) call at the otncoof tlioOinaliiUteal Kstuto A : Loan Co.j- ' rooms 22'and 23 WilhiioII liulldliig "Omaha. 708 ' NHWl'OllT has sold faster than any aero Io t ever plforod In UUs. market. 3 < * o It be- , fora buying. ' Ames , 1507 Ii'uriiam. , . , - ' lots in so'utlf p'ait of . city nt H los-s than actual value . Only ! ! down balance 2 ycais. Cochran Ilros. .V.Co. , 1L03 Farnam Bt. 1910 IN VJ5TOttS " In ucro lots Bhoujd see Newport. UVluhton , Ilydo Park , Cote'H-llllunte , ' . 812 > " _ Ainos , ISOT'Fat-naio. TjlOllSAW : WestCumlnff addition lots for JS sale by J. L. lllce12-- ' l''nrnam Bt , 6faO . T OK .SALE ny Dexter I , Thomaa & llro. , J-T room 8 , Crolghton block : "JJO loot1 on Karnam st. StfftO ( JIxlH ) . s' w , cor , 17th and Center , $2,00) . COxlfiU. Hanacom Place , f 700 - 01oUOxl57oii ( ! Hamilton and CUarlos Ptsv JCOO to tn.X > , 3 biocka west of. convent , TiUxllS , cor. Charles and Bth Bis. , $700. ' " UJ.xluI , with hoilso and barn , near 20th nml Center , fl.lfii ) . Very cheap ; small payment ; balance monthly. 50x145 , iHluintl Charles , with house of 5 looms , well , I'to. ' , f 1,000 2 lots , I/OWO'H addition , * ? noo' and toy ) . , 2 lot ? , W. A. ItCdlck's Odd. , 51,200. Lot cor."tth and Davenport , Jl.flOO. Wo think nil the nbovo bargains , Cnll for toiniB , Doxtur L. Thoiiuis Si ilru , , Itoom S' Crolghton Ulock. 522 TpOIl SALE At n barp-uln-flno bnslno'8 piop- I ] ortyonsouth lllth. Mxl6)fcot. ) 'Ihlscan bo bought for $2OOJ Iocs than uotual value if taKen nt onco.l f you want an 'Investment look at this. Coohrnn liros. & Co. , I'M Furnum st , h45-l'J 171OU ( jALK A few cbolco lots In Lowe's ad- J-1 cllllon from $375 to .UO , Also housn and lot 5050 , on easy terms. I'ottorCobb , 1515 Far- uum et. ' 33 POIt .SALI ! 10 choice lots in south pill t "of city at } j less than actual viilno. Only ' 1 down , palancfi 2 ycais. Co.hrun Ilros , & Co. , 15uorurnumBt. tiiU-19 $300 TO 83SO for n lot lu Ames Place ; cheapest lots for bale. 818 Ames , 1507 I'arnam. -rnoit SALE A fovrgood lots in 1 llllslUo Ko. Jono on Davenport and Chicago Hts. , oheap at 97CO to W5'J each , Potter li Cobb , 1515 Fur- nnm st. 737 [ 71OK SALE Two largo lots with 4 hoiigoson 4 : 2'thst. H bought teen will yield 24 per cent oninvcatnieiit. A very rare bargain. Coch- run Ilros. & Co. , 1WJ Furnam st. IjtOIlbALU WpstCumlng addition lots for < sale by J , U lilco , lFurnum St. BdO _ _ IlilCK'H uiun'K-Onu mlle from offlco due wcbt , $ (00 to fUMJ u lot. 81T Amus. 1107 Varnort. ITiOll BALK A epoclttl buruiiln In J-1 property , 66 feet front on 15th ft. by 1W fool ileoii , llost buslnosa ] > olut boulhof therallwuy track. On pnvud stroitt , cur line , do. Only fcW per front toot. I'oltur & L'obb , tOlfi rarnnin st. TJO SALE-ltcalKstulo. 37011 1 1'or Hulo Miig-nlllcont houeo nnil lot , 40x13 : ! , In Itcdlfk'a add. , olosots , ( jaulrv , ci-jtein. oul- houses. gtc.Ji'UW , Kor Solo Tn-p lot * . 1'nrk WJldo five. , two nfaat houses , tuo barne.eliuils , etc , , * iu , l-'or Sale Two lot * unj two ) ioli. ( 8 rontlnjr , | n Credit 1'Vinolor add. , east front , Irult ( 'nidon. und inodorti Jtuprovoment ! , u ducideu I'orfialu Substantial liouto MnJ lot with till coiivenloilcut , most dfjlrable lAtmlon , ' | 5OtX ) . I'oitiulo - > -Ix > U lu UooJ's , Klrkwood'i ) , KoiIllUo'd , BllUU' , t-uundCrii Hi lllllleblnigu'rJ , nnd olhnr additions ut low flgiires. Tar Bnlo lx > ta ruii lnuIn prlcu from (300 to | 8O > j on easy tcriim. 1'ur Hulu-l < 'artu under cultivation uuU luildd of nil dosctlpUon In every ndjoiuhur state. Kor Sulo Twenty-ttvo faici lu the niOjt nrpg- IH-roua and | iroeru iilvi > couutlon of Ncbrusuu. For | mrtlculai-8 call on Aiox. MtOnvock , 1U.-1 Kstiitu Avtul , ItoouiT , llCUIc.n liloclf , rurnum at. - " ; ' " " r ili- , , i n 00 TO 83BO . $3 $13 _ _ ' : ' * Amoi , 1507 Farnnm , -OoruprfPii Cnldtro llstrcot , nonr Snunilors. ! avB-tcol frontnifp. Ornhnni , , lllock. ' , - , 71:1 : BKI.Vii : iitK4tldjnjnlnR : the Imrrnck on the north , hn lMiovadvnntnKo on nice level drlvcK-ny , bonutllifl 'hfcntlon , tlno view , nnd everything else than p&j to mnko up n opltndld plnco for u rosldonco. See llolrtvlore. It Is clicnp property , nnd nn mlstnkc' C. K. Mnyno , 8. W.L-orlSthnndKHroim. COO Foil SAI.n Onn tenth down h nil It f.pcuro n lot la Westi-Mmlng ( WJ - 12S I-'nrnntn StrcoL. B7J I710U S.VI.E-At > Jlni-R.iln. Vine bi lno J.1 property on H.ailflWwxlGfl ft. Thh cnn bo bought lor'vC ' jnc ; itMiiinciintvnluo It tnkon ntoucc. If you want nn lnvo tmotit look nt this. Cochrnn llro > & C'o. . inoa Tiunura St. 8 < > nddltlqn on Sminders street N -L tlio cheapest -pnipc-rtv In that imrt of the rlly. Btreotcnis run thrown thU nddltlon. Schools nio convenlont. buslnefg renchps It on two pldps for fOnvcnlenfo nnd domlrnhlo local * Itr 1 ntrlck nttdltlou hn innny nilvnntniroj. L'nl nnd InvpstlRiito. Lots tinly $700 to fWt ) Mich. O. K.Mni < ouaeut , B.V. . cor. loth mid Farnnm. 656 AMI5S IT.AOU Onty ( WO toMVnlot. See it- Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm. Kit 1710K SAKK LotMin Uodffo t , $ ' > 0 to fMO ! -L' tnonthly .pRyiuunti Unrhain , CrolKhton lllocfc 715 AMIS : n-AOK-cuenpcft city lots , $ : oo to KM ) . Amos , 1507 Fmnum. 1I\OK \ SAI.K-On'o tenth down li nil It takpsto J-1 Bpciiro n lot In WcstCuniliiff ndd. J. 1. . Kloo , "I71OK SALK t.nrgo house nnd ! 1 nicely olova- J-1 ted Iota'nShlmrs 2d nddi $ C OH. Also tine 8-roomod house on Clark ! street , nicely elevated lot , f5,000. Gibson & Archer , lloom 3 , Wtthncll lllock. ' oitSAnK-WcstUnralnir nddltlon lots for sale by J. U lllco. I' . ' .Fiirnnni St. bSO Poll SAMC Choice fi or IP nrre tracts , 4 miles southwest from court house , U miles from junction of U. 1 . Hy. nnd llplt Uiio , nnrt 1 mlle iroin Sloth Vuuls. Lies well ; nil under oultlvn * tlon. Cnn bi > bought for f 175 end faw per ncio , If sold soon. 'Ihcnncst property Iii-vlclnlty. 1'ottpr ft Cobb , 15i : VnniHtn at , ' TO5 7 < OH SAu-Two lar to lots .with t houspsun L' 1C hoiiKht soon will'yield Xt .per cpnlon luvostnipiit. A'votyrnro bnrgoin. Coch run Bros. JtCo lVrtFarlinm st. ' C-ln-11) ) ' I pll SALT- : Two coed lots In Ilniifcom \ I'lnco , &JM caali ; oiisy terms. ( Jriiliani , Crrlshton Hlock. . , ' 714 ' | 70USAbK Ijuyulot InVct Cumins ndd 1 ? tlQir. . 871" OHBArnST city lots Irom f2X ) to 5050 In Aniojl'lncr. . Amos , ljJ7Furnnm.- 818 ' FOH"SAt.V OtiyK \ lot In West ' Cuhilhfnddl - tlon. . , U78 EOJl SAI.K Two Inrgo lota with 4 houses on JCtli ft. If bought boon will ylcM 24 jier cont.on Investment. A\nro bnrtfiilu. Coclirnn Ilros. A : Co. , I53'J Furnftni st. ' 8IS-1 ! ) TmOIl SAf.K Oil KXCIIANGK-CHoICO lots in J.1 Ixiup Olty..county. Beat of Shoritum Co. , ' Nob. Gibson -Aicher , Koonl a , Wthiicll llloclr. ' . . . 721 / NniiNWOOlUouutltul noio nnd halt tosfA VJlots , line local Ion' , a'/j mlles Irom 1' . O. , only a fovmomentR wnlk from Hiuiscom'Tark. Aero $100. Hull ucrasSiJjulff percent cash , balance monthly nn'ymonts. . C.-U. iluyiic , S. W. cor. 13th nnd Farnam. 'IV. ' K 473 > tie | from postoiBcoduo west , J3CO to sft'OJ n lot ; STJ i i MH Ambs , 1507 Fnrnam. Foil SALKovkh < * -onts iu Clifton Place , * 1,000 ouch. Y > ' . "r. aruhnm , Crolifhton lllpdc. . If. * l " -jn . 710 , Foil SALi-j.oJht. ; ifiirflett's'udd. . SOOO ; easy tbrin's. UralnUfi. Ci 'gliton lllock. 717 17IOKSAI.E A r.ya hry , 22x30. frame bulld'i J-.IHKsulttibloTor.ii' . , Joro , noarlOth-andJX'-- " namSts. Applyatjtuls.vlUco. ' r 547 , > ' Foil SAIlS-.Utx-a'ltf''Jn . | ( Cumlng : rddU tlrin. . . , - . 7b _ FOIl SAT.K-yHli lwJflaiid1otfroin S1.030 to. SI.OOO , for sniponmonthly imymoiite. Coch- j nn Bro's A ; CO , , IW-Kiiriium. " - * BU-ljiQ' * FOH SATR-iS10r ( ( " ? iJJper cent- paylno : BtockUlbsou i ; Archer , lloom \Vitlinoll HlocS. ' 43'J P1 f. LOIS in Marsh's add. , $1,000'to - ; ; , aUQ ; terms tt > sult'puichosor. Uniham , Crclghton lllock. f ' - 71B CJEL'l'lNG on jjg inerits-Nbwport , nearest and kJ unost aero property. " Ames,1507 rnrnnin1. BKrVKlK E-Acro lots nt 21 will mnko you 78 'to 100 per cent profit before - fore nuxf Now 1'ear's dn > * . C. E. ilaync , solo agent. B. W. cdr. 15tli oud I'arnam. . JjjJ TTtOIl SALE-Iluy.nlot In West Cumlngrnddl- JJ tlon. ' .b78 T71O11ljIiJA Benei-al mcrcnnndiso business Jm.n rapidly Krawint ; town not. fnr.from Lin.- coin. Host trade und location In town. A splen did opportunity for"u party wishing .n .pood opoulntr , and huvhiir from seven to ton thousand dollars In casli. Will sell Jor cosh onlyor part cash , balmica real estate In Omaha. Address Merchant , ilooptiloe. ttio $ 800 TO Sl.jj&bfor ulot In ltodlck'8 Orovo. 814 . ' I ' Ames , 1507 l-'arnimt. IT nnd be convinced that tho" JL2J nearest acre pioperty 1 Newport ftiO _ _ Aipea , 1J07 Fmrnain. IftOKSAl.K inrKO.nnit gmall stoclc raiiclits 1 with or without Mock. For SiiIo-3 lots hi Bprlour IIIH , JIM each. For Sale Established bapkliiir business In Nebraskn , county tent.'Gibson & Arc-liar , room : \Villincll i jiock. ' . I'oi B\ohnnffo Nebraska farms for Omaha property ; also laml * to oicliuiiL'u ( or 'stocks of goods. , ' Wnnted business J6ls for .cash within 4 liIoclcRoC posiolllco. For UxohuiiKo ItiO ucro Improved farm. Mnttl * POI : county , ; Nubn1or house and lot In Omiilm. , For.Salo A5-aero lru > t 4 miles of postofllco ; house cost fl OO.foi-Jl.&OO cash.Glbgqn Arclier , Itooin U. WUIinulI'lilock. . SX WKST SIIK StutlonotiI/onvenworth street vlll bo the junction of tlio ilo. 1'iiu. uiul IloltLmo. fxits ] > m chased Hioro' now ; > rlll ru- turn a handsome prollt to the huyor Inu vrry Bhort timo. Ui-ll it'McCaudllsIi ami C.'K. Muyne , ' BOlo agents , 6V. F OR S.\li-cheap lots In Hanscom Plnoo. Add.-essU. I' . Blobbl s. SOOJnnlT * TTiOHrtALK-Houso nnd lot 213 829th et.chonp ; -L and pnyniL'iiUi. AOdiosi C. H. Chlptuuu , Lin coln Nob. 571 imOKSAM3--irouM4Aiid lots , from 1 1,00 ] to -I. f IUK ) , lor sale nn monthly payments. Cooh- ran liio's i ; Co. < , J6 > iF.irnnm. 8U-W FOH SALE Fuo ( corner lot. east nnd south front , Iliingpom I'.acu.V. . T. ( Irahum , Crolgliton lllock. 712 GIIOVi-$800 : to fl CO IllotJ Illllo J-V from postoffloo duo west , 819 Ajpcs. 1507 Fnrnam. _ _ "IT1O15 8AI.K Onatontli down iTalTit Takes to J-1 secure n lot iu Wt-ot Cumlng add. J. L. Itlco , 1222 Farniim 8t trV , ' LAND Hii'Ki ; : ; TTKNTIOX-For full particulars about free nod cheap huuU in Western Nobniskul'iidddoai Thos. 0. i'uttoraou , l L'latto Nob. UH Foil Cholro llargalns In real ejtnto.ciill nt the ollico of the Oiunlui Heal IChlnto & Ixinu Co. , rooms 22and \Vlliljll | | } llulldlng.Omnha. 768 TjlOK.s\LU-Omittw'ilMlowiilmdl ; ; It take ? to JL1 Eocuro u lot lu AiV'tlit'unilntf add. J , L. Itico , 1222 Farnaai Htreeti 'i ' 70 NKVVroilT Most nopulsr nero property ; tills on lu merits. Ames , 150' rarnaiu , 8JFulj lot , eraalijipu' , Wllcox add. , $750. 840 1-ull lot on r ayeiiworth St. , new bouse , I all ruodtirn convomcnccd , fUJfOO. 3U3 Loton Furnam bt. Hour 25th St. , house 0 rooms , all modern Improvements , f 7,500. 83fl Two lots , two houses , Will near Howard , JOfWJUi 321-lxit WxlSI.SouthlMth st , good house , fl,850. Monthly payments. JUO Lot lQOi2W , fronting two etroots , nice rot- tJgo facing Hascom i'urk , $1.500. ulG lliuulMuno lot , nice cottugo T rooms , floor- trla inu..fJWJ. 3U Ixit Wixlfe ! , 2flth nnd Hartley , house 1 rooms 21)9 ) Three acres , good house , fruit , etc. , Lcuv- rnn-urtb bt. , t-'AA ) . 200 Full lot. t\rt > cottages. SUInn's add. , ? 2 50. 228 Hoiiio 7 rooms , raet front , beautiful loca tion , Hanscom I'Uro , ( U,50J. 21 Kk > uutit residence 10 room * , two lots , fine locution , ovcry posjlhlo couvt'uluneo , W1.00U. 103 Corner lot , nice cottage 0 rooms , ono block oir tiuundqis tt , , J3JXXI. 1U Handsomest cottage In Omaha , D rooms , beautiful lot , ( Jcorgla avo. , WbO ) . 176 IxitCOiHO. house 4 rooms , South 13th 6t. 100 Hood housed rooms , lull lot. Hickory und loth , H.7UO ; vcr > cheap. C. E. tloyue , K. W. cor , 15th mi.l r.inuua. Kti Storm AK 'Uic penning- n great slorm la hrraWptt by Ilio display of onnlionnr.v sTgnnle. so is thotip'iironc'ii of tlml ilrcnd and falal disease , Consutnl > Unii of tlio Limps , ti.Miallj : tinnotincod in ndvanco by piiniilc' , Llolclics , onilloiifi | ) , ulcers , glandular swellings , and kindred outward mnnlfi'sUUjo'n of tlio inlcrnal blood pofcbn , whfuli , If hot promptly oxpcllod i'toln tlio systonl , attacks tlio delicate tls- sues of tlio ItinKs , ciiushiK them to ulcer- nto and break down. Dr. 1'icrco'a " ( { olden Medical Dlfcovcry" is tliopreat remedy for llil.J , and for all diseases Imviiiff tlii'ir origin in bndjblood. Jt im- lirtivos the anpctito and digestion , In creases nutrition and builds up tlio wasted A llallluioro paper . : tys : liuco pie is ono of the relics of the semi -barbarous limes. Hot well , itean absorb nnd con ceal moro heal ami keep it longer than any other substance or cotnlnnatiou of Mib'stances ever invented. And to digest It. would throw a saw mill out of gear It is rank Hood's Snrsaparllla lias cured thou sands of cases of rhuumalisni. This Is abundant reason for bcl'.of that it will cure you. Try it. Tlio Lutheran church almanac for 1830 returns n total of 8t2,8't | , ) members of the Lutheran church in this country , in cluding 7,200 in Canada. Of thn aggre gate U3 1'JSO belong to the general council , 209,100 to the synotlical conference , ID- 571 to the general synod ( south ) . 132,033 to the general synod ( north ) , t ud 9,10 , KM to independent synods. There nro in all lilly-slx synods , with 3,702 , ministers and 0.770 members. WEARY WASHERWOMEN ; liceu made clud by the introduction of JAMES PYLE'S I'EAUUNE , a peerless compound for the .laundry. It cleanses llio mosldolicato fabric without injury. Sold by grocers. . . - i , - The Clicmist'nnd Druggist tolls liow im tusluto rascal has boon plcvmgwhat the American ' would call the .disinfecting racket' . " Ho appoaVls with a charcoal furnace and some brimsio'ii'e , spying lliat the hcallh'board luts sent , him to .disinfect the house.Then , ho. blows 'ui > his fur- nacoYind o'reat-us BO oulifagcotis a stink Unit tiio hofvauts leave tho' house , nnd ho sbon follows . I h'em with , every thijig lie can lay. his hands on. . A Rnbblt Foot.s Fortune tb two Ladies JUrs. Jf. A. Naglo is it-widow lady who ic- sidos-au South and Tennessee- . , In Sgnth Memphis. Xearhnr lives * Airs.Chas. . Knoll , tlie wife of nn industrious. Swede , now with the- Memphis nnd Kwisns Oily It. 1 ! . ' It 1ms been tliuir custom to inirchabo toRcther frac- tloiial liclcets In the Jjouiilnna Btuto Lottery. Sfr. Knell siilil lie had -la Ills i > oclct a. rabbit- " foot ; ho had .cut in Kansas , -mid it would bring hide If ho wns allowed' . to buy the tick-1 .cts. They tavo him We , each , and ho purchased - , chased a one-tenth ticket , and nailed the rab bit's toot 'tirtho wall and wrote the number of ilia ticket ; which wns fliViVi , nnd It drew one-tenth of tho' Capital Prize of Sir.0,000. Memphis ( Tout. } Avalimchc , Deo. 22. The-yast cxtcnt.of British commerce.fs -indicated by tile fact "that- nodaypasses without soiu.Q IS'ritish vessel being , lost with nil its crow. Indeed the "statistics for the niontli of November show" a much ' groato.r 'average loss llian this , foc'tiuring its thirty days -no fewer than seventy-four ships with ail on board perished. This c'onstituti a ircluendoiis toll , but haviilg tlie o'arr.Viifg trade of Ihq world chioliy jn ihor handSj-liritannia is .able to bear the strain. , ' . . % < . - * ji i j.i ; j ( Thomas Manaliau ' , No. 33 Montgomery .strcct 'Hudson' , lsr : Y. , two years ago was given up.-by hi plij'sicians. He was af- liiictod 'with dyibpep ia'and obstinate cou : st irftlbil ) luitl.'loSt ' forty 'pounds' ' in wb'i'ght rid was a bou-riilden invirlidHo com menced taking Brandroih'S . doses of live , fouiytwo andonp. ; .Tlien ho took two ovorjrii'chff fo'r a month , gained eight pounds -Weight , , and was able to attend to business. , Ho look-two pills ov.- ery night for tlio" following six weeks , ' , The Suczcaual isiilncty-two miles long and t'wiinly-six fedt-dcdp , tlio conetruction having covered a periou.of th'irleen'j'ears , and the capital ' employed amounted to $85,000,000.iii round .numbtrs. Of the tonnage between the east and tlio west , the proportions arc 101 voyages by the canal and CO by the Cape of Good Hope.- ' CAI'JTAL' ' 1'UIZE , ? 75,000 TlcUuts only K. Shi.ros'ln 1'roportlon. LOU1SIAM" STATE LOTTERY .COMPANY. "Wo do licrohy ccrtily' that > vo supervise the arrnngonioiitsfornll the Monthly and Qnurlcily Drawings of TliaLoiijilami Sfuto-LotUn-y Company , and in "person mamifro nod control tlio lirawiuga thombHvos , and llult thcstiinoaro eouductod with honesty , Inlrncs nnd lu good .ftilth . toward all pni tics , and.vo . nuthorUo the Company to usu this cart Illnito , witlrfae-slnillcs of o\irsl/fmiiuros / nttuphoJ in Ha advortlsmont. CO.MM1SSIONB11S. _ Wo , the undonilgiifd Hunks and Hankers , will liay nil PrUes iliawn In The LoulslanaSluto Ix > t- teries which may bo presented at our counters ,1. II. OULKSIIY , Pres : Louisiana National Bank , SAMUIL n. KKXNRIH' , Pres , State National Bank , A. HALn\VIN. Pres. Now Orleans National Bank. Incorporated in 180S for 25 years by the Joarls. latino lot Educational and Cliitrltnblo purposes wilh n capital of Sl.noo.OOO to which reserve fund of over t.wo.ouo 1ms glnco been added. liyaiiovcrwlKilmlMg popular vote Its tranclilso V' n maila a part of the present etato constutlon adopted December d , A. I ) , 1879 , The onlr lottery over voted on and endorsed by the people of any elate. It never scales or piiHlpones , Iisirraiideluglonumbur drawings take plnco monthly , und too oxtraordlimry drawings rcgu- ahiy every tlueo months liiktoud of fcuiiil-uniin- ally ns hbrdtoforo , beginning > | areh , lw > 0. A Hri.KNDii ) Oi'pomuNiTVTo WIN A FORTUNE. d Grand Drawing , Cliisi II , In the Academy of Muflc , Nuw Orleans , Tuesday , Tub. ( Ith , 1B43 IH'th ' Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. 1 OO.ttAJ Tickets tit Flvo Dollars Knoh . Fiacllon In Filths , In Proportion. I.IHI 1 do do . 25,000 . I do < lo . 10U ( ) f PBIZKS OF , . $ .000 12/WI 6 do „ . 2,000 10,000 10 do . . . . . . , . 1,000 10,1100 M do . , . 600 10,1X10 100 llo . . , , , . 21O SX > ,000 BOO rill . < . . . . . . . . . . 100 ! iOOOJ 0X1 do . . ! . , . . . , . . , , HI 25,000 IOOU do . , . . . . . . i'5 25X ( -tM'llOXIJIATION PllliCI ! . a Approximation I'rizcsof $750. . . . . . . . 6,750 o do ' do tew . , tjm a flo do 0 . .250 1W Prlzi } ? . nmoniitingr to . t2ii8.50) ) Application ior rutci lo clubj should bu madu ontf to the ollico ol the company in Now Or i'op further information write clearly , ( rlvm ? nillaadr * - 1'OSTAL NOU'Kd , Express Jlono/ Ordorg. or Now York Kxchungu m ordinary lat ter. imrruucy bvoxuiosamllsmnsof (5 and upi - , i Nuw Orleans , La. Or M. A-DAUFHIN. . - tVa liUiirtoiiJ > , 0. Or JLOUTaNs 4 ; CO.,15 < nFarnam et.,0mabu ' llako V. O. Money Order * payable and address t'tfbtemi trftani to MffWOlttBANS NATIONAL HANK , New Orleans , La. PREDICTING SEVENTY WHEAT Smiling Boara Grow Happier at the Con tinued Downward Movement ! MAY TUMBLES TO EIGHTY-THREE During tlie Morning Session , nml Sold One-IIniriiowor on thn Afternoon Hoard Provisions Strong nc'.l Quoted I II j : her. C1IICAOU GK A IX CincAno , Jnn. 19. ( Special Tclegr.un.-- ] WHK.VT Wheat was the only vcak attlclo in this spcculatlvo list to-dny , It opened slronjr enough on lliolslblo supply decrease nnd ndvnncud M'c troni yesterday's close. The crest of the wave touched Sl.'f c for May. The first great decline brought May down to Kc. ! Thcro was not much trading nt that UK- tire , but tlio jccord was inarto nt Wo. The re bound carried the mm kct up to nnd prices touched Hint limit maiiy times dtuing the morning after dropping Jtfft-Yi ! below It. The market floundered nboiit without - out much solid .support fioni any nuarter. The public cables were quiet nud private ca bles "sick , " while thu temper of the local trading ciowd was decidedly hcailsli. Pro fessionals who have been ildlng the market for the last three month1 ; aio stronger , richer , nioiemimeioni , and ns determined as ever , while the bulls , weakened by chronic defeat , aicbiipposed to boin no mood to do battle. The beai accordingly talk conHilently about 70c wheat- , while the bulls me doing very little In the oratorical line. ' Selling today'was thought to bo largely by "longs , " several parties vho have been cllns- lug to property" from OOc down havtui ; lei go their loads In considerable quantities.The. . mnrkctcl6-Btl ilnallyntl o'clock at the very lowest .point touched during thn morning .hours , viz : & 2Xc.'for .May. The lupoit that the queen Was gplng-to'' the. putting of a duty on wheat , or thatslm had done so , and that-such action would bo 'tMcen by tlio government , was circulated' with depressing ctToct. It wns not vdillieil , however , and tlio news was'set. down as a.canard. COUN There Was some action In May corn to-da'y f or the fiist time In week * , the -price advancing from 39 < j to10 , ' < c , - ; 1id closing at-JOc. llttslhess. Was fairly lively nt times. The declliio In tlio visible did it. OATS Oats were rather bettor. RisoyisjoNS lU'ov islons " were strong and higher. Po'rk advanced" , but the market. was not Hii lhlucd , falling back ' 'Oc fiom tlio top , lint closing f all ly strong at'I o'clock lOo belter than ydstorday. Jtibs weiolfxj higher at thoir. be'st. but the net'galu at tJio closing was fie. No spccjal change In lard. Ail In- .creasing Undo OH country account is no'ted. 11 was tlm demand fiom thitsomce that put ' prices up early.- When th'is Imiuhy was satisfied tho'madcet cased. oJT. . ' AraKitxooif BoAnn'2uO : p. 'm , May wheat sold down. to S3J4@ftJj c on "thoaltei - 'MOOII .board , 'but. the inniKet recovcicd totfnids' tlio close. Pork .was in demand at improved llgures early , but later the maik'ct fiol toned and piices fell away.Blltriitly. Coin was easier. . GillCAGO lilVK STOCK. Cin'cAno/Jan. 10. fSjidcial T.elegrain./ pATn.i : IJisincss | this' morning was very felow , The general run of oaltlo wasralher la'rgc , but later on it was idarncil the proportion tion of good to choice bcef cattlc was only small , and the buyers showed mote life. The 'market became sictlvd and" values generally firmer. " In .loifld case gopd to cholc"Q "bcc.vei sftlll 50105 hfcJjwv Vit as.a rule theie was no quotable nlferntlon. The. * niaili.ct fbi' common tp "fair and medium' grades was nnimpraved in pil'ce , nnd , as.scv-t era ! .iale'smen said , 4he.itwero . ) too many cattle of ono kiuil. Tlio dressed beef men bought perhaps' dozen carfe .of co\Vu at 88.85(33.00 ( , ( ini.l n 101 hci'd of 7TO Ib Indian' cattle at § ! X < > . > ; alsd spine .choice. 1337 to 1557' " Hi cattle at S."i.03"5.43. Ono 'lot of 873 Ib stems sold nt1,15 , , ' and some rough 186015 c.Utlo hard to sell at about" $4.50. Ship ping steers , 1830 to J.IOOlbs , S4.oq@5.4."li.X ; ! ) to.ly3 ; Ibs , 53.75@-l.CO ; 160 to iUOd ibs , ? y.00@ 4.20. . . ' . Ilqqs The quality was far superior ( o Hint of yestoidaj ; , and among to-dny's nrrivnls wore many loads of ilm best that have been liure tills Reason. 'The matket opened steady J a fact there worn a few sales.of prime liea'vy made at a light advance over the close of last night. I'lio'a' thcru Was a slfght de cline , nud at the , extreme close valu'es were back ngaiu to the openin. ? prices oT the day. rcimo nssortctl heavy sold nt ) ; , imcUlngsoitssoIdat S3.)5 ! ) 1.10 , anil rough odds and ends at S3.70 ( < TLbO. : Pnefelnc and shipping , 250 to.l&l Ibs , - FINANCIAL. Now Yurie. Jnn. 10. Mp"Kt' On call cnt/nti ! nor cent. ' I'm BU : MnrtRANf ir.u lAi'iu : mr 'por cent rOKUIfiJf KXttirANUK UlU-S Dllll "Init e.teady ; Sl.80 % for sixty days , gl.y ) for do- riianii. OoVnwjfMCNTB Yorytlull but steady. STOCKS To-tiny , nltnoiujli tlio slocl { mar- Uqt was acllvo , Its special ( natures were lim ited. Thcro was nu liiftrular opening , fol lowed by decided activity' and conjsiucrablg llrmnass for most blocks. I > ackawanna , hi tor many llnctnatloiiH nnd a .display' ot decided tcveililnipss , closciUit anctunln ot 1 } per cent. The t'Oneral list was quiet nnd fiteadv niter the lirst hofir lor iv time. Later It yielded a fraction , nnd After 1 o'clock a-rnln bccaiiiQ ilini , which developed Into di-cfded hti-iiilli ! lati-r In the day on n report that n nicetii ) ! ; had been held nt tlioonicuof Din.scl , Morgan A ( 'o , , and nn agioc .lent . had lieen reached to leave thu dltrcirnccB between tlio liiiHhiioio Ohio nnd Pennsylvania to nilil * trillion. Altlioiigh the repoii was not denied liel'oro tlio close of thn boaul. lliero was ti fractional reaction in latu dcafiis ( ) , the mar ket closing Irregular nnd romparatlvely dull , ilr , Morgan Is antlioilty for the btateiiient Iliat time Is nocliaiiL'o ii | tlio position 'of tlio lialtlmora < V-Ohio , Vniidoibills continue to show decided strength. Aiming tlm UKUIKOIH SI. I'anl was veak in tlio niornln1 , ' , but. later It ii > t ! . nnd oloM'dvltli an ndvanc ofy1 { while prefoia-d Is up \ % per cent. The other Important advanced 1110 Union 1'acillcyt \ and l'.iclilo Mall 1 ? per cent. 8TOCIC8 OH WAI.r. HTIIKET. flWccnt lionets. . . 100J < 0. iV : . W nieforred. , New 4V * WU N.V.O racll'.ofi'Hof 'IW , 1254 OIPROII Trail. Central I'aciflo. . " ' l'.iellioMiill. . . O.duA I1. , J ) . JfcK 1W4 jirefeiTcd. . , , ioi r.r.u \ iniv O. , . AJ l5 ! ! ilock Jslanu. . . . V.7 D. , J- . & \V 117 ' H 1.1 * . A B. K. . . - D.-cJ.G. ( . . . : . . . preferred. Uric. . . . . . 0. , > l. A : St. I' . preferred. . . . oii lirei Illinois Contra. . . .BSJfSt. l'.tO ' , . . . I. . It. & W 25X | prcforruti. . . Wf ! Kniibas ATcxnsZSlsTcxna I'ftcllla. . . IJyj JvakeHhoro h3 % Union P.icllie. . . filV L. it K 9m\Yf. \ , St. f. . < te P. . 1 > K lllcli. Contr.ll. , . . 7' $ preferred. . 3jo.Pacllic. . WMf We eria ilon KOI them Pao. , . CO 0. ritonuon. J'lonr Dull nnd biiclcwlu'nt ( lour " , gl.COj/l.&O i-iicd with u ! for I'Vh- . , . . . . . . . for aiay , Coin- 1 "I rm and asliiutu lil'l { T ; inlcd linn , al olio ( liiUi about HO aboi'o yostenlay , nnd dosed with fa of HID ndvnuco lost' : iG ? c for cash : fto Tor January nnd luurunry ; ! > ? { for my. tor Muy. Ilyo-DullatOTi- . Uailov gulut and dull Tinioihy-lt'lilsher ; jiilnic ls c.i < ih hiul filhucS " 40 IMrk--llfNkuii rnreY.lnitnctlV'jflncttinlcd ( within a innifo ot * ( ? ? & nnu.dosed steady at medium liirnrp : JflO. < VIirMi.ub ( for cash mul January SUW ® 10.U7 { for February ; $11.35 @U.57U for May. Lard Steady nnd unchanged : SlXISfV ? ! for cash , .Ininmry nnd February ; SW ( G.SK for May. Hulk Meat * Shoulders * S4H\.Hor ( > ; short clear , Jf.5.707. . - > ; short rib1 , f.W-'WJ'-f. \Vhlsky--SUB. Butter Dull : peed to fancy creamery , 21 ® Kfc- Rood lo line dairy. lG@.Mc , Steady ; full cream clieddars , O'r ' , * ' " ; do. , summer make , 4 ( < jbc ; youin-Anieri ! i country , 4c ; mKc , Itcci'luts. Shipments. Flour , bbls ! iKH ) lo.OOO AMlCfltbtl..k It.tKKI "J.OOO Corn , tin 138,000 M.OOO Onto , bit TT.IKX ) 77,000 llye.bu none llnrley , bu 60.000 80,000 St. Ijoulq , , lnn. 10.Vheal VnMy nrtlvn but weak , closing lo under jiisteiiluy ; No. ' . } red , rnsh , Sl sf 'p ; Fobrttniy , b e ; March , KH i May , IKc ! Coin ( Julia nnd nlimtt steady : No. 0 mixed , cash , r ! jc ; January , ai v ; May , "O.'tC , Uyc-Wtfi'lilil. WhIsky-Slcadv nt 81.10. Poik Flrmat Sll.OO. l.ard Steady at Si5.U.K < ? 0.10. Huttcr Quiet and 1-aj.y ; creamery , iiTx AiMT.iiMKi.v HoAim-Wheal Irregular and MC loxvi-r to tfe. hlRher. Com Mo.idy and about unclmiiKed. Oats nominally unchanged. Toledo , .Ian. 1 ! ) . Wheat-Closed actlv'o but wcnk ; cash , t c. Corn Steadycash ; , 89o , Oats Nominal. Liverpool , Jan. IP. Wheat Poor de mand ; Xo. 3 wliitcrnnd xpilni , ' , 7s Id , dull. Corn P < mr duiniiiid ; , old mixed , -Is 7 ! < jd , dull ; new mKod.Is 1KU , dull * ; .lannanvFeb- ' i-y .and ainrcliIs . I d , dull. -Oals Aonilnal ; no nuohitlons. Now. Yftrk , Jnn' . 10. Whmit itecelpt.s , 2bOO : oxpoits. ftJOJJ ; spot lo"\\erjind * lienvyj , iptlo\iaopened \ stums unit < " " higher , but'Miouualuiuud nnd'ttruppcd hfti'c > , I'lovlnjr Iti-nvy : uiiKr.idoil red , h iKJtiu ; No , U-led , bS.'jc. ' nijjtoie ; I'ebiuary closunr .at b7Wc. . . . ' Corn Spot lower and 'quiet : .options open * ' cd lil hei-and closed dull with" the advance ' lost ; leoeljits , 41,000 ; exiwrt.s. 12aOiKJ : un graded , JiKjCllte : ; . Xo. 'J-lit ; < @ 5iV. in clpx'atoi1,31'ic rtlloat ; J'elinuiry.closinfi'-at " . 300J.xts Lower ; receipts' fl 1.00.1 ; experts , 1- 300 > ; \vesletni'AlXfi'Sc ' ; ; white west- Petroleum Steady ; niilU'd closed at , „ , . " i Kaslerandilull ; recolpta , fXH ) pack ; PPojk-FlriniyiielTl''moss , . 10.2.pii10.7ii ( ' ' J.iiul 3oro ! doliiK'ln spot lots : MiloAv\rcst ; * ' frii steam , spot , 3U.45 ( ( i.0 , ; I''cbnaiy | , . ' uj-I13 ( < ? ( ' > .50. Uutter Steady nnd dcuinnd fair ; western , UtiKOc ; KlKln eivamery , : Kirft.'ic. ; . phceso Firm and nioder.ite inquiry'at 7@ . . Cincinnati , Jan. ID. Wheat Dull' and lowjfr ; Xo.-iwl , Wie. . . I. Corn Heavy. No. 3 mixQl , i)7(2 ! ) ( 7Jfc. , Oats Scarce and lirm ; No. 8 mixed , .tic. Itje Lower rtt tiCc. . . . Uailoy Steady nnd iiiiclmiiKctl. . IVnU Firm and held nt SUW. > . Lard-Dull nt'SG.lD. Whisky Steady at S1.10. . " . . MUwttiikco , Jnn. 19. W.ieal Weak ; . . cash , 77c : Vubrtiary , Titfc' Mnyj S'ijSfc. . " Corn Finn ; No. ! i , 'Ki c , Data Dull ; Xo. 2'ViS c Kyo-l/uH ; No. l.r.Tc. Jaif demoialUed ; No. ciihli nndIuuuury6J > u i -uumiuj , , vwv- for Maich ; V9a lei May , sales i\t tlmt piice-No. ; northern , Muvlt'cled ; Jnn nary , 7Sc ; February , 78 > i'c ; MarC'ir , 71) ) 0 ; ' May , .8. - bld . ' Kloiir-iDuli and nominal ; ' patents S4.700 C.oo j bakers , . : i. ' 5@4.K ( ) , . . ' . . Rei-uipts-Whcat , 70,000 Int. Shiiuncnts Wheat , . 5,000 bq ; flour. U.003 bbls. . ' " . ' , . . . LIVE , Jan. 1'J. Tlio DrovL'ts' Journal jpmts : . . ' CaUlWr-Keccipls. .BOO ; steady and IJrnicr ; . active and Him on lii'htgrndt'.s : light weights ' weak ; butclieis' and clioico Jicavy , fj4.on 4.Ji ! ) : mixed packing , JfcM.'Xgs.tiu : . light , Kansas City , Jan. 10. Cattle Iteeelpts , 1,10) ) ; shlpmejit-s , 000 ; sJilppini ? Brados ftlow and barely steady ; butcher slujl lalily actlvo , ; exjioiters , gl.Ml'i.lJ ( ( ; common lo choicu hhiiiMir | | , & : i.OUOi > j..1VO ; titcloirs and feeders , "ijoKS Itlct'lptsl" " "o.oiw' ; ' shipments. ! UO ; nctiv.o and r > dilOo higher ; KOOI ! to choice , MVU HTOOIC. Tuesday Evening , Jan. 10. 'J'ho llvo stock marlit : was active to-day and nearly exciythlng was hold out. At thu closooftho market the yauls were neaier- clcaivd than nl nny tlmo xlnco the HUOW ilockado two woeln ago. Tliuro nro no hogs loll In the ymds and the ftiw ealtlo hold o\cr am mostly iioor giadus nnd not wauled. The cattlu maiKct was stendy at about 3'os- toidny's ' piico.s. Jiiiichura * slock was BOW | at S2.75 to & : ! . ! i.V choicu butulii-rs1 slosk would uivn M > lit qnlto leudll } ' , Tlu io nro not many bulls coming in ; pricesrungofrom i S-.75. Jiesscd beef 1,150 to 1,100 pounds am In demand mid weio tjuotcil to-day at Sl.oo to Sl.'ri. Tlioieceipts of hoKSweiu lluht to-day and not equal to the demand. The packlni ; houses were nil anxious to buy and thu pent- w 'io denied caily In tlio day. Tlio market wus steady at ycbtetday's pilcca. uucuirrii. Cattle , ,200 IloSi. . . , 1-JOO r.i : . . . . " . "M ; , ' .M ) . ra : M IIIHIIMT A.VIl LOWlIbr. HhowiiiK the hljjhet unit loxvi-st prleos pahl on this maiket lor liox durin-r the pa HK ! days and for tint coiresponding period labt month : _ _ _ " " | "Jfceuiulicr. TJiniMlay "Vi ti { j.a ' ' Hiitinilay . 111 Uj. . . .