Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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O1TICE : No. 13 Pearl Street.
rdhrifil by earner In nny pnrt of the city nt
Inrtitj i.tsi cr vutK.
11. W. Ttl.iov , Manager.
.Vo. l
Mixuii at
Pants to order , from * 5 ti ) ) , nt
i i Wanted A clmmbrrmaid and laundry
girl to do plain washing ninl ironing.
\ ' \ ( IKK ; Hoot : .
Mr. S ( 'i ors lists Mirceeded Col.
Keatlcy as cdiloiial writer for ( hiilobe. .
Tlii-ii ) is talk of forming a literary
society among tin- young men of the city.
I'onnit to vvcil liii" bi-cn granted Amini
Wolf ami Kiln Crofl , both of T.ijlor sta
Methodist < -ocinl this evening at the
residence of T. II. Oieulr , on ( J.iklaml
avi-niit' .
Mr * ! . Jones , 11 long Millorer from con
sumption , ilicil at ln.T honi'i on ruintli
avenue Suntlav night.
.SnniD Mieak tliii-f gained a dreS' roat
bysljly visiting tini evidence of A. J.
Hi own on bixth sliccl.
At a meeting of tlio tni li'i-s of tlio
public library iMen lay afternoon tlio
old o Hi CITS were re-elected.
Ton new * * liow can's an ivod yesterday
nl Hisi-man , Hoildii * V ( Vs , which will be
placed in tliuir fancy goods department.
All bound volumes of maga/incs and
reviews i-an bo lit-tcafti-r taKi-n from tlio
jmbliu library this by votu of tlio trus
tees yesterday.
Wliili-tlie city authorities arc urging
propel ly owners to olean tinnow lioin
sidewalks , il would be well for the eit.v to
liavo tlio walks ulcancd around Bajliss
Frank Peterson , a boy , attempted to do
inlsuhiuf to tlm leu skating rink .Suntlaj
nielli. He was given such a lecture trom
Judge A.vjeswoilh tiiat bait' fro/en tears
run down his cheeks as lie promised lo
behave himself hi-re.ift .
Hud O.ik i * > alreatl.v tickling itM-lf over
tlu > ] ) io-pucl ol hciii" tin- next pjaeo al
vvliieh Dr. Cio'-s will bu tried. It is welcome -
come lo ( lie trial , if il yearn * , for il. ] f a
fair tiial is wanted Council Hlull's would
1)0 as wise a olioleo as any place.
John Cole , who was arrested Saturday
for assault , had a hearing before Judge
Ayleswortli yesterday and vyas dis.
charged , ln > showing thai he had indulged
his physical stioaglh in punching u Id-
low who had insulted his \vifc.
A pleasant little card party was given
.Saturday evening by , Dr. Macrae , at
her residence 'J lie parly was compo-ed
of Mr. ami Mrs. W. ! ' . .Sapp , Mr. ami
Irs. ( Jcorgo 11 Champ , "Mr and Mv , V.
A. ( jonover. Mr. ami Airs. J. J. Jirown ,
Mr. ami M rs. H. Xerveley , Mrs. Mark
Dnryea and Mi * > s Kitty Conover.
The council is to : ncol tliicveniii' ; in
accordance with adjournment. The bills
for extending tiie ncw-ewerditeli cannot
be opened , however , as expected , but will
have to be put ovcrnntii to morrow even
ing on account ot Hie ollicial organ ne-
glceting to put in tlio advertisement in
timo. It is expected Iheii-fore that the
council will do little this evening beyond
adjourning for twenty-four hours.
The committees were out yesterday
selling tickets for the charity oall , and
meeting with pretty gooil .success. It is
e.xncctcd that every eitixen will cheer
fully buy a ticket , il financially able to
do so , and Ihe fund thus , raised will go
far toward relieving Iho bufl'erings of
many in Ibis city. Council Mull's has no
greater amount of poverty than other
cities , but there is enough in every city
to call forth a special showing of practi
cal clirlMianity on the part ot all who aie
able to divide their worldly possessions ,
In Justice Selling's eomt the time is
again being occupied wilh Hie case of
Moore ti Co. of Omaha against Hunt ,
who is also from across the river. The
suit is to recover ou a grocery bill. The
defendant claims that lie has tendered
to the ( inn all that was due them , but
Ihey refused lo accept it. claiming a
larger amount Ha claims that there has
been an overcharge , and that the firm's
claim is not just. The case was tried
last week , but the jury disagreed. Now
it promises to take up several days more.
One of the papers in this city made a
seemingly generous otter to the commit
tee of arrangements of the charity ball
ycuterday. The otter was lo donate the
lirst page on Thursday mornjng next ;
the committee to secure advertising , the
proceeds to go to the fund. The maker
of this otter intormcd them that the fund
could easily reali/.o § 70 from this source.
The committee started on the work of
solicitation among the largest advertisers ,
li.xing their rates for space on the $70
basis. They met with no success. They
doubtless blame the merchants , inward
ly , at leabt , for a lack of enterprise. The
true reason forlho merchants
stated by several to other parties , was
that the .same paper had only been charg
ing them f''O for a full page. The old
grandmother has a tender spot in her
heart , but under the circumstances it is
dillicult to get biihinoi-s men to pay some
thing for nothing.
Con cot Abstracts of Title and Heal Ks *
tate Loans at McMahon tV Co'rf , No. 4
"riic Tlokct ScllcrH.
Tlio commilTecs having in charge the
sale of tickets for tliei-liarity ball , which
takes place this coming Thur.-day evening -
ing in Masonic hall , wore out yesterday
hard at work selling. They all made
good reports to a Hic : man who vbiled
them last evening.
Mr , Simon Kiseman , chairman of the
first district nub-eomniltt'J.i , . " , : ' . ' . . ! : "iVe )
7-ominitteo will sell all the tickets wo
were given. The people are giving us
inncli encouragement. Mr. C'avin sold
all hid tickets ami has been back for moio ,
Tom is a worker , I tell you. "
Dr. Suv , her ! ot the .second district com
mittee , said : "VVo'ro doing bang up lor
tlio time we've had. "
, J. W. Peiegoy. chairman of the fourth
district , said : "I don't know how the
other districts havodono , but wo did lirst
rato. Andy Jackson and myself have
sold si.xty-Uvo on Main street and wo
didn't work very hard cither. "
'A T , LimUoy , chairman of tlio third
district , said : "J'vo been unable to jjo
out with the tickets to-day , but Mr. Wirt
and Mr. Cocke have had good success
ami 1 think to-morrow eonsidnrablo
money will come into the hands of tiu !
committee , as many poisons are jet to
IxjSSC.J. "
V , A. Conovor , chairman of tlio fifth
district , said : " \Volmvo had quite good
success , We've done pretty well ; wo'vo
Bold all our tickets , gel another bunch
and Ihcy'ro mostly all gone. . Only three
business houses on thu west side of Main
s t root refused Uf , "
F. M Canllsaid : "Allot the commit
tee of which J am a member ( the sixth )
were out log.-thi" thi * . morn'ng ' anil did
splendidly , but 1 can't sa as regards
this afternoon hc.auu.ich onu has been
working alone , "
Substantial abstract- tltJo and real
ebtato loans. J. W. , & K , L. ftintiie , 101
IVurl Btieei.
Cottage ranges , ( iail.uid stoves Ha-
tliant Horncti ami Hub Heater * of ihe
very latest I'Silterns al l-ed look prices ,
jt Cooper A : Mftiee's. , No.11 Main street ,
The Saloon Oases Form fin Interesting Game
of To anil Catch ,
Tinco Coroners In Quest of Ofllcc
Ticket Soiling Tor tlio Charity
llnll llic Governor's He-
iiicst | Mrondttcll ,
The Mliuttlocock
Tlio telegraphic news in yesterdays
Hu : that Judgu Shiras had rendered a
decision in Dulwptc in llio liquor cases ,
cruiesome comment here. Several
eases from hern arc in nearly the same
condition , and the dccMon is afoieshow-
ing of iiow thf-o home c.t-es will bn de
cided. In dili'erenl parts of the state
action lias been started in stale courts to
get injunctionretraining aloous Irom
doing bu-iness. 'J he defendants have
in many c.ies sought to have these eases
tr.nisfeired to the I'nited .States courts ,
ami while slate comts have in several in
stances granted this motion of transfer ,
tlio decision of Judge Shiras is tlio lirst
one given bj the United States courts in
this -tale.
He held that he mil'l remand the cases
because the plaintill's fiom their petitions
only a k to have panics enjoined fiom
Keeping saloons open , and that this was
a piopcr e\ereist-of police power by the
state and no violation of llio provisions
ot the fouitcenth amendment to the
constitution of the United Slates. He
clcarlv intimated , however , that if the
plaintiffs undertook lo restrain a brewery
from operating , or in any manner to de
prive parlies ol their piopeity without
compensation thai then his tilling might
be entirely ditt'eicnt Ho said that while
the attorneys in argument r.xisetl mid
discussed questions , which if actually in
these cases might give the federal courts
juiisdiction , still as the nlaintills did not
imdcitiiko to ilo anything inoro accord
ing lo their petition * , in Ihcsu eases than
to restrain parlies fiom earning on
saloons , ho could not now pass upon thcsj
nol fairly arising in Ihe petitions lor injunction -
junction and retain jurisdiction. 'Ihe
holding of Judge Shiras does not al all
determine that any pioeecding 10 enjoin
a biewery under llie Iowa statute would
be constitutional , but on the contrary
rather intimates that in sitcli si ca-e lie
would retain jurisdiction on the ground
that such restrain , ) , would be depriving
thu brew eis of property without duo pro
cess of law.
Tlie defendants have given notice of
an appeal to the supreme court ot tin-
United State * : , and some predict that they
will lie up the cases lor a year or so
It the cases brought hero should be re
manded hack it is claimed that there
Im no delay , as the rccoid here does not
show any 'transfer to the United States
eomt , the decision on the motion lo trans
fer being held until the United Slates
couit cxpie sed its opinion. Then the
stale com t , if the caeca are remanded ,
will simply overrule the inolion to change
and pioceed to determine the cases
Whether the Dubuipie cases arc in tlio
same condition as those here is not
known. Hcio Judge Loofbourowgranted
the motion to transfer , and the district
court iccord so shows. Hence in ease
the United States eomt icniands and an
appeal is taken to the .supreme court ,
delay may bo caused. In the cases
brought in the ciicuit couit here a like
motion was made lo transfer the caries to
the United States court , but a decision
on that motion is held back until the
United States eomt decides whether it
will entertain the cases. If it refuses to
entertain the cases , the motion will bo
overruled in the state court and proceed
ings go right along. Such is the hopeful
view taken bi those who have been inter
ested in the prosecution ot the saloon
Best coal and wood in the city at Olca-
son's , 'M Pearl street.
C. B. Jacmiemin & Co. , No. 27 Main
street , taku pleasure in announcing to
tlio public that their stock of articles , or
namental , stylish anil useful goods ,
is complete in each and every de
partment , and cordially invilc everybody
to visit their .store , inspect their goods
and compare prices. No trouble what
ever to snow gooJs.
Victory nt IjiiHt.
Key. J. Fisk , who has lived here for
years , has received glad tidings ot joy.
Mr. risk is an attorney as well as a
preacher. In his earlier years ho was in
the same law oillco with Stephen Doug
lass , and was acquainted with Abraham
Lincoln in the earlier years of that great
man's life. His reminiscences of some
of tiicso celebrated characters have al
ready found their vvay to the public
through the columns of the DEI : . Mr.
Risk's own life has not been lacking in
interesting events. Years ago he was the
district attorney of Now Orleans. Some
technical complications arose about his
successor in otticu , and Mr. Fisk liejd
over another term. Litigation began in
regard to tlio matter , and Mr. Fisk was
kept out of his salary and fees. Ho sued
the city for this amount. The city claimed
that there was a legal defect in his claims
on tlio ollice , and refused to pay him. lie
claimed that ho had tendered the ser
vices , ami of this there was no
doubt. Having rendered tlio ser
vices for two ycar.s , ami the city
having accepted of his services , lie
claimed his compensation. Thu ease has
been fought in tlio courts for years. It
lias been in the supreme court of the
United States for some time and now the
old gentleman has received word from
his attorneys that the eomt lias decided
in hisfavor. _ _ The amount vvMoh o jj.
decision will bring to the old gentleman
will bo about f 10,00. ( Ills to bo hoped
thai the good news may prove true , and
may be tollowed by tlio speedy payment
of the claim as lie is at a tune of life now
whun he needs all that is justly duo him
and : i snug little sum like tins would
place him in comtorlablo circumstances ,
Mr. Fisk has worked hard among the
various missionary enterprises of the
city and dona much to make others
happier and better , and hence many will
lojoice to see him get a bountiful slice of
For first class Missouri wood call on
tileabon , atliis coal oillco , SO Pearl street.
For everything in tlio giocory line give
the new firm of Kintlllueb , 1021h-oad-
vvay , a trial Kvorything new and fresh ,
i'nnoy groceries a .specialty.
AVoiiian'n Presence of Mint ! .
From tlio Creston Ga/etto are learned
the following particular- ! an accident
which befel Mrs. O , M. Hudy , vvite of the
local manager of the Iowa & Nebraska
telephone company at that place :
Mrs. Hudy prepared to till the tank of
a gasoline stove fiom a can containing a
.small amount of gasoline , having pre
viously , as she supposed , turned out the
ilaino. Such nnfoi innately was not tlio
case , and in pouring tlio gasoline out
of Ihe can into the lank nome of tlio
Iliutl was spilled on the stove and im
mediately ignited , eauaing the can to
c.xpjodo and selling Mrs , KnuVs clothes
on lint. Hero it was that she displaced a
wonderful presence ot mind that tew
persons would 1m equal to under such
circninManees. She rushed out of the
door , carefully closing llin door behind
her , threw herself on the ground and
, * - „ * .
rolled in the snow until the flamo" were
extinguished. Althoughu.leringsevere
ly from burns she returned to the room
xvhichwas still filled with llnnus and
telephoned to her husband at the central
oflico with instructions to turn in the lire
alarm. As onn as tho- fluid was ex
hausted the Jinnies died out with
out burning thn woodwork or
furniture. Seeing that no further dam
age could result fiom the fire , Mr * . . Hudy
again went to tlio telephone , counter
manding the call for ( ho department , jut
in time to top the chemical engine at
Montgomery trcet. The room was black
ened with smoke and the ceiling cracked
from one side lo the other by tlio osplo-
ion. Mrs Hudy sustained serious burn- ,
the mo-t painful on the throat and chin.
Her eye-brows were iugcd oil'and both
her cars and hands b.ully burned. _ Her
injuiies were very --overt' , but her friend- ;
in Council Itlufl' * . , of whom -he has a largo
number , will be relieved to learn that
her phy ioinn promises her speedy recov
ery without dMiguring scar * .
U road well's Case.
S. A. Hroadwcll , the Logan broker ,
who wussontonecdto the penitentiary , is
still being kept in jail here , but there
scents little prospect of his fiieuds com
ing forward with the necessary lull to
secure his libcity during his promi-o < i ap
peal to the supreme court. Uroadwell
has claimed to be a great friend of ( ! ov.
Sherman , and predictions have been
made that the governor would pardon
him. Mayor Vaughaii and other of llroad-
well's friend * * , while In DCS Moino , pre
sented the caeo to ( Jov. Sherman , nml
about liftccn minutes before I5ov. Sher
man retired from oillco and was * \\v- \ \
ceeded by ( ! ov. Larrabec , the following
was penned :
To Peirv Heel , Sherill1 Pottawatlamie
county : PlcjiM ; delay further action in
the ca'c against S A. llroadwell. and de
tain him inonr , euslod.v until his cast-
can be pii'scntcd to the attention of Uov.
Larrabeo within the nest thirty days.
15. It. Sill.KM v\ ,
( iovernor.
Sherill'Keel ays that it is a very pretty
letter , but that it has no o fleet. Il does
not pretc ml to be anything but a request ,
and ho does not look upon it us in an. }
way authoritative. Ilesn.vswhen he gels
ready to slait with ISnudwell lor thu
penitentiary he will stnt : The letter
docs not have ai > , \ weight with him. His
duties aiv dclincd , and he cannot lake Ihe
responsibility ot Keeping liro.ulwell in
jail here for thirty days. Unless some
thing more than frienillv letters results
from the ell'orls ot Hroadwcll'M tricnds In ;
will probably be stalled lor Fort Madi-
ton within a day or MI.
AVh. ; Is Coroner ?
With three claimants for the little ollice
of coroner , the decision is to be left to
the eonits. Dr. Itellingervho u claim
is based on the fact of his boiug elected
by thu people , docs not propose to submit
to ihe action of thu county board , which
body icftised to accept his bonds because
he did not qualify within tlio time we-
scribed In l.iw. It is claimed that when
the bouid thus rcluscs to accept the prof
fered bonds they can bu presented to
some judge for approval. Through his
attorney , Mr. Jacob Sims , ho his : peti
tioned Judge Connor , of the circuit court ,
tolls a tune at which the bonds can bu
piv-oiitod. So soon as that timu is lised ,
and arrives , the light will eom-
nience. It is under-toed that proceed
ings in quo warrunto will also be com
menced : ig.iin-t Coioner Faul. The third
coroner , Council , seems inclined to let
these light il oat , while he waits the re
sult , with thu intention of suing tin-
county for his feus , in case there is any
leg.d gi omuls to support his claim lor
the ollice.
Money to loan on chattelb } Foires
Smith , K0 ! Main sticet.
James lYainey died yc-leiday after
noon. Funeral notice vv ill appear here-
Personal 1'nt'iiKraplii.
George I lull who has been ill at Ueeh-
tele's hotel is recovering rapidly under
Ihe treatment of Dr. Jelleris.
Mrs. Ira Seolield who has been quite ill
is convalescing.
A. lilodgctt , proprietor of the hotel
bearing ln- > name , at Sheiiaudoah , spent
Sunday with Council IJIull's friends.
William Malom-y has returned Irom a
visit to his old home in Warsaw , 111. Ho
got snovyed in two days at Pacific Junc
tion on his vvay ea t , and has Ihrillinirev-
perienees to narrate concerning his jour
ney His preferences of summer tiavel
has been strengthened.
Henry Swan , the "Co. " of the linn of
Z. 'J' . Lmdsey A : Co , , who lias been .spend
ing the past eight months in London , ar
rived in New lork yesterday and will be
homo the latter part of this week.
Dissolution ori'ai'tncrslilp.
rilUK partnership liPiPtofoiooUMiiiff between
L JIov Ilioily : iuil Duxis KilcilniHii under tlio
film immuol Max Iliocly , V Co. , ilolntf liiiblnc' s
In the Inn n nl Tabor , I'lcinnut county , loua , Is
tlilsiluy illsi-olvcil by mutual consent , Mr. Ilinily
ictlihiK tioin tlm linn. ln\jr ) ] I'llc'dmim m-siimei
nil nubilities mid u III ( .oiled nil dcl > H duu Midi
thin , iimlis ulonuuutliuil/t-ilto iccuipt for tlio
EUiiii- . M iIlimnv ,
IHvis riimiviiN.
Council llhillglonn , .Tnmiiu-j It1 , Itni.
JvMfs N. ! ! HOV , Cnslilur.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 250,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do a gcncial Imnliint ; buf-ln Mi.
-Vcrnuiitri of lirtiih0 , ImnlK'is , more-hunts , iiii.n-
uliicturciannd Indlvliluiile ict-tlvcd oil fuvoja-
bio tcriiip.
Domestic nml foreign c-\clianirv.
Tlm V-or } licit of lltU'iUioii Klven to III ! biifcl
noescmiiinlui.'il to onri nrc.
In Council niuffs Imvlnc
Anil nil modern linpruvtinvnti , cull belli , Urn
lUunu bells , etc. , iulhu
Kc . 15,217 anil'If , Muln fitrtiet ,
MAX .MOH.V , J'rojiriotor.
I'.T. M.u.s'K. A , 8. ll\ni.ioy
P. T.May tie & Co9
Real Estate Exchange
No. 1031'ciul Blicit , rouncll niulTa , Iowa.
Dcnlcrs In Jowu , Kiuuns mid Nubrnskn Land ?
Itcal Kstatc bought and sold.
Justice of the Peace.
OlUco Over American llrpresu Coiniumy.
B. BIOE , M. D.
CANCERS ? WK lAilSl,5lonr0J.i , ? ! Jllh0ttt
CHRONIC DISEASES or nil kind , a S1eclal.r. , .
Ovi-r thirty jenib' prstt.i-al cvpcrltmco. Oalcu
No. 11 1'cnrl Mim , Coniu II Iliuilu.
NOTICK Spoclal mlrertComcnt. , fiicli n
trtPf , Found , To r/o n , For.4il < > , To Ilcnf , Want )
Ilontdlnff , etc.rill be linciloil In this column at
tliclow rote of TKM CENTS 1'Ell M.NK f < ir tlio
first Insertion and riVK CENTS 1'Kll MNK for
cnch subsequent Insertion. U-avo n < lvcrtl < 0'
mcntsat our oillco , N'OJ U l'o.u-1 street , near
Ilromlnnf , Council Itlnit ? .
irum lti ; > T--Tho tlucoMoiy brick ImMnco *
JIIOIPO formerly otcunloit hy ( IroticncffA :
Schncntpeii. iii'iulio : o | .Me.Mnlion & . Co. , No. 4
1'uirl street.
UN AN & WAI.KHII , Xo. : w Jinin sticct ,
\i ( under ( Itlron's lliinKl.ioiil cMntu nun incr-
ilmmll-oi-VL-hmw- . Our books uro full
> r i > tclnl Imiffnlii4 , inn It tt linpo ll > lotopul > -
ll h uieliulfioll'-t fiointhofnct of soinmiv ilallv
rlinnpcV 1 1 n two n k i * ; if jou want 'to soil
ortnitlomijlliltiff in < mr line , MI-UIMIS timl wo
will "end jon n pile ot bnitrnliH tolict from.
l.nttil * < Iinpum-il or Unimproved , cltj or town
piopoily. Mock * ol R-ooili of inn Klint In any such j oil Inucor such jon want K-t in
Iic.iiTtnm > oii. Swmi&vValkiT , C'umiill Illiiirx
iTiou HINT-A ; nmiiy tuini hca n-om loom"
JJ No. 2.J1 Vine li cot.
& 1 * ) ( ) Mmlc In ill ilnjt by n lailv nront "of tlm
p LV "llqiilliiulc.Vo wmit six inoto mo
HKctiK imilooi irnmli' . Applj tn | oion or by
leitor to \ \ in. llatuliill , Suiit. of IIKIMIVIO * , Conn-
( II lllnll ? , limn.
\\7.\NTr.U-Cnnvne-M * , $ .10 nilny. Pairs to
i 1m lnr t houxps mill iiimlllro , Tcriltoty
clvrti In N'l-htiislm utiil lo ii. Snmplcs ficc
IS Xoitli : Main St. . Council IlltilK s to ID ami 7
to n.ofllll rarnani St..nmiilni,11 t < i-l.
" " ! oit"SAT.iJ Atu imirfiTTTi ir sold < M > on.
IG'litfrt" ' , O'i inlli-i m > iith\\i' t ol Oiniiliii. n
loom hini ut-vt.oll-ni ( well mid cl tuiii'J lmin .
olio lor 'l htlioiNc . ono ( or 'M IUM : lion , tool
niiilMiiirnn liDiis ( > > < ; iuj HIM Mln tlmotlij : IH.UH
foie t Ileus , lotion wood , black wiilmit , iih mitl
mnpli'ipooil orchmil , nppc | , iluirliM , plums
jjriiprs iiml nmll fnilK Nt-vrr falling stock
\\ntpi * . It. 1' . umi Kit , fiiH HiuuilHiij , Council
Illullc. lim.i. _
I.lOn. r.SroillFlFNT-At MuMuhou & CVs. , "
I 1 Xo. 1'cail Mieet
MmiiiC.ict uiers of all sl/csof
De-lgiieil for Hiinnlnir
Tubular and Locomotive Holloa.
Now Mas-nllou Thro-licr * .
Carey mid Wootlbury Horse Powers.
Portable mill Traction Engines ,
Factory Fas-illon , 0. - Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Conijcil JJlulls.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our stork Js nor complete In every ilcpnit
mrnt ami conttiins nil tlio latejt&trlus.iinlollout
Largest stock
Lowest Prices.
SAMPLKS furnUbcd Uon | ) nppllcntlon to
IIKP 1IDUAI OTDnW lirAHlmA nnnnn
iiuarv lu vnunn
Carpet Company
4O5 Broatf/way.
E. B.
Real Estate , Probate
Ho. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
KstuulUncU 1W ) .
No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy Goods.
\Ve make the eelebi.ited H.inltnnn Piano * , and the Uoval U'hitney otgin' , a specialty
lively liislitinu'iil vv.ui.uitcil. Send foi catalogue * .
MUKLLr.Il .ML'SIC CO. , Council lltiK ! (
nay Ultil rnleal or movol nnl sitlsr.t'-ilo.i 1. Frame movail
on Mtlk-tiliinl trucks tbv best In tliu wotlil.
SOS Eighth Avenue and ICijjIitli Street , Council
If you buy any where except at Metcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc ,
METCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council
Bluffs ,
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly lilted and linnlsiieil. O | > ] > . Broadway
Dummy DejMit. & 1. 0 JILT day.
SAMUKL TATE , 1'roi ) .
L. II. HlvlJSIlAYV , Jlauaser.
Oliicago Lumber Co.
Wholcenlo umi llotnll I.iiinlicr , Lath , fhlnsrlej
Pntli , Uoois mul IllliuH. iolo iigonts for the
cplc-biiiloil Mitiblolicuil Conccntrntcil Whlto
I.lmu. i * . 1' . MAICO.NNULI , , M.n
Ti-loiilinnu No. Sf.
Xo. iio Main t-tiL-tt , Council Dhills.
Queensware & Glass
At Homer's ,
Xo. L'33Iiiiu.Sti-cel , Council \\\\\ttx \ \ \ \ \ , In.
Conxni : HUVAM- AND Yi.vii.Sis.
Oposllu | tilj lliiilillnjHCoiini.ll IllnUs.
Win in looms mul gnml lionul tit ii-iituii.tbl
i nti-s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'ractice * in Stuto anil federal ( Joints.
KOOIIIS nml b , tiluiK.ut liloi-lc ,
Main M , Council Hind's
Near the ( ' , , 15. . -v Q. ; ( ' . , -M. it SI P. , and
C. , | { . l.itl' . iallv\.iv ilrjmts hueet cars
liassthe door. Ku'iylliliiK new ; uid Hibt
claw. ' lJ ) . > " ' ,
, | : |
1'roniieloi mid Manager.
HO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Coimcil Bluffs , Iowa
J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent.
Now507 nroncltrnr. Council IIluffs.
Bailway Time Table.
Tlio following is the time of nuival nml
lU'luutuicortiulMS by ci-minl stnmlaiil time , nt
tliolor-nlilopots. Trillin lo.uo tianarcrtlnpot tea
inlmiiest-HiIlcr mul nuitu ton nilmilL's lali-r :
lIU'Altl1. tlNIIVK.
ClllUllil ) A MilTIIWl * ! ll.iI.N.
fl:2)A. : ) u . .Mull iinil IXpU'-s fij.lOi1 M
I''MUl'.M . Atcoiniimd.Uloii 4:1UlM. : .
tclOr. M KiH'5 | .D.OJA.M.
ciiiriuo & HOCK IM.\M- .
H:20A. : M. . . .Vliillami i\piess : , . . flr : > liM
T:1SA. M. . . .Acroniinodiitlnn . . .OHli'.M.
' ' ' ' ' u
I'nicviVi ) . Hii.wAi'Ki u & M. i-4ui/ >
n"OA. : M . . > Iitil anil i\irc' : | "i. , . ; .ViM. ) .
( j-liOI' . M. . . .IKPIC. : U.05A.M.
OMOA.M. , . , .VIalliimli\piibM : l.0l' : .
2:151M Ixxal Kt. l.onb i\-iiirss :
lItUi'M.Tiaiiart : > I.iJiilslU.Tiannrci.l. U iM
KA.vits cur. sr. Jon i COUNCIL HUH 11 *
10IUA. : M . .Vlall ami Kxpn-hS , , . ' > . : , ! ) i > . : i.
bipu.x i nyIAI inc.
" ' ' ' ' ' ' '
ui.wi-.ji . . , * > t. i-iuii 7Ivpit s . . , , , 'bias A''it ,
lO-A'iA. M. . . llenvei i\pn- : 9 .1:4.1 : e. M.
aUi' : . M..iJiuoln .s. it. v s.m iM. .
7Wifi. : . . .Ov ( ilnml liMnct..8:15 ) : A. - ! .
Leave council llhillH-'i:01-Uf-'J.0-10:3n- : ! ; ' ; :
ll.UI It. in.M ; ; „ M.a ; \ \M 5 : ITi-lli'W
J1M5 11. in. hnmlii ) * , 7 ' ) il..iU 11. ) n. m ;
. : .i.H 1'-M ii.ii : II Jl i > . m. Lento Oiniihu
0:11 : r'.l - ' ' ) . ) | 0TO : I1UI : n. in : l.m-ijj- ) ; (
ll-l:0)-- ) : ) , .U-flir ) : 11:10 n. in. Mimlny il 11
50 11:00 : .t. in. . iM5.0J ) : ! -lijOi-U.IJ jt m
Chicago Wafer Uotor 0@ .
Power finnl-heil fiom hyilrnnt presses for
iliivhitr nil lilinU of llKln intK.lilnui ) . * < pi.oiiil
ntli ntlonnlM'11 lo i lunch ou.ui lilonln - nml
inn luiiilhur mu-ot ) , mi-ul cluipin-u , li.oi.iruiii
Iri-ivtitJ , pollgliliiKlutlii'iFt'Winit iniiLliiiiiH , vlu
Tlio l.oet ultinputl motor insiili' . fcoml lor ill-
culm. In USD in Council lilullB by
Ill-l ) jflllClllllT.
J'nc < ! iV s < IniiMl.inrnt iniukut.
( likuxo Mi ul liil : > t. .
Lati.M'iiiloi liT'h Mull .M.nki.'t.
Miillll A. Mc'jrii * .
Knit/.V Kin
Mn'u ' Uuiu , lo v
oHil * i , U.nt4ti. : !
HIVJ : : > S k IMI
X-W. Cor , iSlli nntl Douglas StA.
,113 ? . 14th Street.
( JKOUC.i : \ \ ' . DOAXn ,
Anoitsr.v AT I/V-.T . ,
Vnli oner's Illoek , I.lth nml Pom-lit *
h 11. VOC11IAX ( ,
AlTOIlSLV AT I ( .W , )
Collectioniniiilo vi-omptly : Doubtful elnlmsn
fpn-lnllj. LXCJ I'm mini.
Tlio.S. SMITH. VV.1F.
1-Of s I ) . HOI.MI , .1on v T. Dli t.oi.
IIOLMI.S : mi.i.o.v ,
llooins Paiul 10 , ricnzer HloiUtppoflte ) Voptr
ollli e.
Oi.v. J. K. SMITH. .lonv C.SneA.
Pinctlco In tnU' ( reilornl ami silpivmr courts ,
attention ulM'ii lo Ilio rvamlnallon of tlllt' ,
lOtui-.Mini'lnKnnil uillrclloil ol clnliiK. i.oatn
hpuuicil : nl ollic .nli' ami iiMitiilnl rcnl ' lnli
All li'iral lnisiici ! < i iliiiic with Olvpnlcli. ( 'nil on
oiMuMirs Siiillh A. hlica. allonic } * at law , 101-
IUTOI IMIi Mici-t ami < upltol HMIIIII' , HI-MI I' .
0. . . lambs llliick _ _ _
. \TT01IM * .
rommeii' ami Mi'iciintllc collrcHonmi
fpiclitltj. Helen uiu : Muchniifs National
OIIki' nml ItcMilcncp ,
COflJ N. 17th STREET.
,1AM US II. IT. MIDDY , M. . ,
I'lijElclun nml PutBCon.
llc'lilincp. No. HOT .loni" Plioit. Olluo ,
iojil' .OM'i. | . lloii'i- . 'Itli-iihonu No. ! - '
Dli , JAS. mci\irr : :
1'inMriAS < M > Suimrov ,
Onu-r nml Hi-lileniP. X. Ifilli St. ,
Pin siriAX.
c. M. Dtxs.MOiin , A. .M. , M. n. ,
WlllitimV lllock , 111 X. IMIi St.
ii. A. OILIY : : , M. i > . ,
Onire 1119 Tloilrn Hlicct. T ; li-plmnu 482.
) 171 rapllnl Ao. . l'i M plionc nil )
1. VAN CAMl'M. I ) . , sticet , opposllo I'o olllcc. Tile-
pl.oni1 1U ,
HcsMencp.rerJX.Mth ticct. TelcplioiicJ fo. l > .
] ) K.V. . S. G1HHS ,
Itooni T , ricWitoi' Illoilt. 13th nml Doiiflas
Elifi-t * . , llllici1 Tclrplioin1. . , .
J i MiU'iue. 1DVI CiillloMila r-t. 'li' '
Ollu-o Hours , U to I mi'l 7 to t p. n
I'.M' . CH
rii > sioian and Smicoii ; ,
Tilcphono W. Ollicn : il jS.J4tli6M _
j , , w o..KMrKiT ] : :
Dciitsclior Ait.
Olliro irnrr.un.imht. .
JUMim.c ! Cor. Ct-ntor nml h. I iln.
JI5. C. I' . HAUIIKiA.V ,
J'lijslclan and Siimoon ,
Ollico nml if liUMice rtar.iiii.iin.M.
11. AV. CONMLLM. : ix ,
lloiuo'opallihl ,
o. 1)1) ) ) S. 1 Itli bt. Telephone 5S ! > .
CIJAS. M. con , M. P.
J Mi ) Mi-bin iiml SIIIKOOII ,
Cor. Douplas mul IClh fct. , Omnlm , No .
IK. ) M..T. O'HOtTHKB.
] Misdm | iiiul biiiKi-on.
nnico Itii limaiiV liloi-U , Kith ami Uo'.i .ns Et.
Ki-bldcncolT.'l Vi'rli-U'1 st.
Ollico hours 1U to l 'a. in. : ! I to 5 p. m. nml
T to U p. in.
JIonis..l 11. in. to 4 p. m. , nccUilajri only.
Williams' ulocl. , Ill N. 15th Ct.
ti : , Supt.
Dll. J.f. . DYSAUT ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
N. W. Cor. 12th and Howard Sts.
Ollico limit i , 10 to 12 a. in. , nml Ilo5p. m.
Telephone , W.
Dentists ,
t ul I' . 0.
J. C. WlllNMJIlllY , D. R.S. ,
Dentist , s
CilccctEor ID tnnrca n inniin. i ,
MM rmnnm ritii-Lt.
im. CIIAK. 13. c. sjirni ,
COIIM It Ol Killl ST. AMll'lllll.VIM'l' ,
( .l.ii obs lllocK. )
N'ntniKl Iff th JIM'MCI ) , Inr iilmiKi'f (
rhiklHn'h u illi i 01 n 1 1 oil , iU ( < IIMMI ! In Iti nml
tfiiiiiHi'iiiniii < > lil mul iilitsllo tlllinu , ) .iiM llnnl
plutc-h mill lei 111 v , Illiout plaK" . .VII vinl. KIIIII-
milf i'il , nml nt iiio-t it ahonnliliIIK | < * . Olluo
Illlllla IIOIII ! l U. Ill , 10 ! l p. III. llllllj , _
Pniiitlnc an < J Drawing-
Instructions in Drawing and Painting
Ami onli'ih Illli il b >
> ! I.Sk > CAKItli : IIIIODT :
Htitillo , "t > Aillii iun him k J.iiiHln urn nml
floure.'hlim puintiiiK. i < pi'iii-K1 iuk , llfUM a
In oil mul "iilri i film , liiftiii paliilliiK.
ftiiiliuliilli II H. ( Jlll'uilV. . Iliumim , Ait
Li-iiKiit'i ' Now \ oil. tllj Jim. M. ML-H , J'ultiiimi ,
Shirt Factory-
Shirt Factory ,
I-'IiiuShlitbiiml Unili'i\\eai \ to Oulcr.
_ _
Upholstery Si Repairing
E. 3. S- E-
MuKcfi\ii M.'iiii if , i < iKilis I'm nlturo mul
! ii.iUc > it n .i ml , ' i'i \ \ . I'lllnnri mul llolni'iri
mull' In in . . t I liu t M-M.ilcil , luurr prices
. IIUII Olk. 1 > O > N
11 u ' . biniHi 11 M. i \ ii.t I mulfo wJU ttU |
ill M'll. '