Ai Af Tl CO I'l' 1)4 ) 1)4T | in , c-t : ctCl Cl th ill CoSI SI In hi ID * 8 ( r < ral ID U liHi Hi Hitl tl tlE ( ! i iU n di 0 W > a THTE OMAHA 3 , TUESDAY , JANUAKS" 19. SPECIAL NOTICES. OAlrcrtlemcntsnndtr this hriul Hnr for the first ln crtlon , find 7 cents for each subsequent Ireertlon . 1 1 * 1. I u < 1 i won ! BevciiTTords \ 1 1 bo counted to the line ; they muatrua conRCCTitlToly nml miiftbo paid in Bd rnnco. All Bdrfrtlsoments m t be handed In before 3 o'clock p. m. , mid under no etrcum- etnnces will they bo talion or discontinued bjr ttlophonc. Partlosnilvcrtl'lne In the o columns and hav- liiKthc niKwore Cidre pd mcnroof i in Hm , will | ilen o nsk forclieck to enable them to pet thcli-U tirro , n tiono will he ilr liverttl < 'XCOpt on iirospiitntlon of clicck. All niihucr * to ndvcr- tl'f m < nts MiOuId lie rnelo tnl in em elopes. TO ,1,000 IOItl.O\N on rial osliue. Apply $ liumo llnlcl > to linllou liius. , 317 .y. IHth PI. MONI.Y TO LOAN on hotws , wnKoni. fur niture , wmclii's , without icmninl. Tcima CRSy. ' .1 ( ns r < II. Hnoin IH. Iron Hank Hull I- InK , 12tb nml I m nun. fnko olovutor. _ W-lel > 7 $ tfipoonto loan on city resldonce property. ( Jto. W.Iliij. ir. W Kainum. _ _ s f1 I. ( A > MOIICJ many nmou'ut ' , JL On till cla K. s ofEcomlly. tlnirt tniio loans on ro < il oatnto. lj njf tluio loans on ical estate. Monc ) to loan on ( .hattcls. Mime ) to loan on coll.itnrals. Money to Unin on uny Rood security. Tormn nnpy , time tomtit Apply utthuOmnlia KUmnclnl lliu ker's bulldiiiif , S\V corner of riftecnth and rnrrnim sts. , uuslnlra 701 MONKV for oer > oodyl Vou cnn borrow money on furniture , borces , wntfoni , | ) | nno , i-toik of nil kinds , diamond * nnd line wntclioMm your own time. I'njmcnts iccelved t ny time , nnd Interest reduced pie rntn. Propel ly left in jour own iiosscssion. Terms l w us the louost. Cull mid t-ro mo. Htlfilncss conndontlnl. No mlvmitiitfo taken- \\.H.Cioft , Hoom 4 , WlilintH's New llulk'liiif , Noitbeuct cor ner Kith nnd Hnrney. _ ! _ ' ! _ _ T > t.OAN-0. F. On vis & Co. Itoal MONCY and Loan nycnls , 1505 Fnrnain St MONTY TO WAN-On ( roo.l Bccuiltlcs. A JkUnvock , room7 Itcdlck lllock , 1009 Kiirnnra Bt. 7T ONI : ? TO"MIAN-OH cbnttcH , Wooioy ft M Harrison , loom 0 , Omalm National bink bulldlmr. 71'j ' MONKY TO I.OAN-On rcnl estate and ehnt- tes. ! 1) . l , Thomas. HO MONKV TO LOAVInlums"or$2flOiimfni > wards on ( ItPt-clnPS icnl c&tiitu E ( cuHty. Potter & Cobb , 1515 I'uiiintn St. bOl M ONKY f.OAMi : > nt C. F. liccd & CO'B. 1-onn ofllco , on furniture , pianos , IIOIPCI , wngons pcrsomd piiijiurly oC nil Muds anil nil other iir- llclos of Milne , without romornl. Over 1st Nnt'l Hankcoiner lllli ! nnd I'linuun. All business Mrlctly coulldcntnl. \M CHANCES. Foil SAM : A Srt.WW stock of goncriil iner- cliandNi ) In u inpldlj lowliiff town con- tabling : l.t/oo / inlinliltnnts mid 2 nillioiids Eitim- ted In ono of the ho&t lutininr mid Hoeli C\m \ ties In S iiitlinin NebriibKii. Hiisinossls theo ( I- cst , locution the best , nnd tuido tliu lai estof nny hoiifo In town. Nohcttei oppoitniilty can bo found for any ono wishing toHKI'ITO ' in nbnvo lindneso. Special Imluconients ollcicd imnhiiser. Will sell or rent biilldiiur for tnll P'titlunlain iidditbs Ucncial Mt'icluml , Hco Ollico , Onmlm. 8-.Jl FOH ix : < ; ilANii-Slock : of Kcncrnl mcr ihnndlso lor land ; Imimncd picleried. Address Ilex M , Mm no , In. Kl.i-10' Foil SALi : Clean newptock of Riocoiles In tlrxt-cluss location In Onmlm : stock nnd tlv- linosnbout fl,2uO. AddiossP.O. HovOi , Omaha. B4J 21 EOH SAI.i : Pmnll ttock of dimrs. mcdlclnos , mid the only olio In ulivclj cii-tcin toun ot NcDiiifku : liAoiio fo'id ; lenonllltoiilhioto BiiiMkomono. K. M. Kicccoilan , M.I ) .licilln , tou count v. N'iilun ka. 005-il * rousALi-Milklnby ) , nbout 2.1 cows nnd ou'nt. mid land to lease. U. L. 'iliomns , Itoom B , ( 'iolirhton block. 801 TTIOUI'AM : One of the best stock Inrms in J- ' the i Into , "t miles west of Omaliii , consist- liiRolnloiit COOncies ; would take n hougo mid lot us pu t pnjinent. llallou Hios.U17 S. I Ith st. _ . _ 77C-IS TfJIOIt SAI.i ; llnnlwnrd business In Omaha. J Addl Oi-sJJ , 4" > Jloo Ollico. T feblJ l ( > iSAM ? Ah established resiiuuant dnlnir heooil buslness'ln Omaha , price ? UOJ. Gib son ft Aichur , Itoom y , Wltlmell Dlock. 7ib SAM : The Commercial Hotel nt South FOK Item ) . Noli. , price ? 2,000 ; terms oiisy. Ad- diessT. > V. 1' . , llox 13 , South Heud , Nob.w'JfoblO' ( w'J-foblO' "IjlOH bAIr-Or CAChiniBU Tnclvo bundled. JL1 nnd ehfhty iicicsotMo. , timber and nmss hind , loity miles cast of Kansas City. As noli soil us any limd in thostute , will full all or pait ni Illtcun ( 'olhuspor nciooi will otchiuiKO for Itood impioXLd or unimproved NebriuUn land. Ilcdfoid & Pnucr. IK > FOK SAM : OK Tl < A1u-r : < ir tenlestate , thn nii-liiiirant , lUtincs and contents ol twelve fnmls-lad looms on the h. L' . cor. ot 12th and Cnpltol nveniio. CostSUOOto tit up. Will sell for JtOJ eiihh , or on time to coed rcsiiontililo imrly. Apply to Corbctt , S. Vf. tor. 15th and Fnrmim htH. , upstairs. 4il ! FOK SAM-I : ; iota in Sprimr Hill , giro ouch. AUo mi cbtalillshed biiiil.liiKbuslines In Nc- brnfka. county sent. UlliEon teAichcr , Hoom n Wltliiioll Illock , Oinnlin. S t _ T71OK SAM : 'J ho only leather mid finding JbiiiIneis In Lincoln , Mhkh has been cur- rlcd nn lor ten j \oryGucccsslully ; tbo rcn- eon for sollinir , death ot the pioprlctor ; cnpital required , fiom tll.OUO to SI.OOO. Address Jlrg. Jac6b Hiihorlo , Lincoln , Nob. 67' ! I'EKSONAL. Pr.HhONAL-Wbun the robins nest again \\'e \ t CnmliiHrlots will bo double the piico they can I'o botiKht lor lo-dnj. They ai eon tlie KO , snow or no snow. No pier lots In the addi tion. Tor calo by J. Ii. Ulcer 1222 Fuinaiu ft. D It. K. U , AUNOI.O , OoilllH and Auii tie- mo\eil to 1111 DomtlasKticet. b"J UEAL MAHslIAM , A : LOIiK : , icnl estate. IIIIMI a Ilnellstof Impioxcd mid unlmpio\cd lots In Omaliii ; iicicsiiciu ( hedly nnd hundieds of thousands of neiesoflimd lor Mile ; cone- "Domiciled tollciteil. iMiiilnilt v LoliccU , I"i00 I'liiiiiiiii stieet. Olllceo.eii | . till' ) p. in. Cat LOST A roan pony ; loturn to I'may's bain and leculvo lounid. Wl LOST On Siuindoiimreut.miir tiio brldjro , n hliukbnv ciuiiiilnlns riilibur piping , Ions noodles n ml n gll\or iilitlod nlr pump , rimlcr \ > III plciim letiirn to Ur. 15. W. Leo. BjO TOSI' Hunch ot keysSunday , In jiostollico. J-l Kinder plcnso loavu ut llco olllcu und got 1 until d. MU-lb * | OhJ' Ono olllcinl sl/cd envelope iiddiusscil Jto I'.AI.TIioniiH , Oimihti , Nub. , lost fiom ilollvoiy Wilson l > iu-ilu | i\picsh : con ipuny , .Iniiu- nrylllt > Ni. rinder Hill plctue lutuin to the Ollico ot the I'jielllai\iii0b : . EOA11DINO. B nnd boind , (5pcr week ; very bostlo- eutlon. IbH Unvenpoittit. IWJanl'J" BTOVZI llHV. . C. JlctziierSto\oHcpr.lrCo..lllSouth 14IU8U betHcrn Dodyo nnd Douyhis. LAiili.s in Mum ol jrooii domeftia help cnn bo supplied liy lulling on thu Omaha Km- plojniem liaiu' , Itoom I. lluslimnn'alllocU. Mm. J , \ \ , iloi ris > oi : pioprletor , hH IOK JA1E _ * " " 1jWll \l.i-Airood : No U Iyiio.wilte7."wii | X' hell on muiuliljiiit } inunir. II. a. Stripe , Hoom t , He lick's Hlocl , . _ _ KK _ TjlOIl Member Hill s , storm Mibh and doorf > , go JL1 io 1' . 1)leud MJit . It.thit. MK1 FU > . \ LI. A l'in > e cheap ; pi ice Jill. Conn- ni'.v .V Co. , mill ami 1) iMiipoit. M"-0 * fTMii : f > Al.l-T o ii.tb ui I'dl mil I'lnce. ODD blicU liom ttitti ciu Imiuiio-'iss1. ' IT ) H SALi ; A bnu'iiin-l-tiniiluui nnd tin- v duilnl.iliK 8tncK , cnl ) Moie in to\\nnuw ; , ( lean hUHH ; iniiiuy Mn nt lioono county ; emnjc ! ot bu ne > H t ce 1 1 : > im lot K lilny. Ad- tlrcce il , J. l.tuKl , A'l ' iui , Leone In. , Aeti. \\7"A > 'rio : ( ilil ( o itn m m nil lnuucnorknt ti. 1 . cor.-Ut md l.cix < > i\voihiii | < . l < i > Tii : > ( iiil forti ! iicial houbuwoilc. > hs. . S , Smith , 511 .N. IVlh b ! . K2 TKI ) ( ill ) lor aencinl hoiijenoik In mll funilly , Itanc I , Ne , UH B I'Dth tt. rANTii : > A good fctviuit till In email tnm- ily , ilri. II. U. Stiipc , 10U Ctillfiiriil.i t > t , bTt ) need ( this for gcnoinl IIOUBO- ill hw ; hcin for hutub , eluimbet- ciulds , illnlujr loom piiU , couKs for bourtllntr tioustii * , etc. Call ui the Onmlm Kinploiiuoiit Uurcnu , 11.M : riuiuim bl. ( iced iigtb und tnuill WANTKD A from ! ff > o > t nnd nocond L'irl In family of two ) best of wiurn * paid. Jlr * ' J. W. Morrison , itoora 4 , Hiishinnn's lliock. I6th nnd Doiiffln * . " \\"AM'KD liiinfilntcU.ntrord jrlrforprn- ctnl Im joirorfc nt Xflll Pt. MUM'S nv . , ni.Uto oiiRicRutionnl chinch. Mrs. Jo Hell. 871 lo * AllllCS AND OiNTS : out of cmpo ! > mcnt t dm nmko fifltn W to to jier dn > mid ov rcntMbycnlllnirnt Kooni A,3a N. letli. Cftll brt eon 8 nnd IU , nnd t nnd a 700-13 * _ "IVA vrfn Olrl ft > r Mtchcn work exclusively - _ ly , N. W L'or. Hth nmlMnion. 8V > 10 " \\'AM'LI ) Hoed pirU for nencrnl bou e. woik , cooks , etc. Omnlm liitellljtonco Ofiico , lloom ; i , b. K. tor. l > th nud Uoiiglns ts. ' \V fASTli : ofrTfor ifcm-ml house w > T qulro nt lUi Month Hlh M. "lA ANTlJU-niil forpcncinl housewoik. Apply - > > ply to 2UO llnveni ort st. _ li'"ui ' ! _ " "o"t7f ) VnnlT irnT'lTcdlo prUnlVfiirallles the botno dny ns aiders left , ( 'nil or send jinir Older to Omnlm Inlcliiironco ollicc , lloom U , S L. corner IJth nud llouglns sts. _ TM \\TANTi : fliils for pcnrrnl lieu nworti t\ prod plnccs mid irood w.iiros ; places Riven f ice. Cull nt 111) ) 1Mb St. , Ncbtaika Lmplo ) mcnt Axenty , Ciounco Illook. _ C'- GOOD < 5IUI.S supplied \Uth good plitcosln prll-nto fiimlllc4lieo of chtupo ntthoOimiha Tntflljtrpitce ollicc , Hoom 0 , S. K. cor. ICth nud Iou lu3sts. Kl food girl ! VJiiullsh proierrcd , must ho neat \\lllliiHifniiillfamlb ; llphttork. . Call httvvccn U and S or oicnhitr , IH10 California. 74t _ A Ki'Mi Attlm Wnbnsli Hotel , Slnnbcny , Mo. , n th st-cluis cook. None others need apply. 759 19 * _ _ \ * ANTii > -lood kitchen Rltl Ajiply nt N. \ IV cor. "M nnd rarnnm ot. C-K ) \\rAKTUU 1'lrt.t und second cook nt Do ran T Ilousu. ? -3 : > Competent jjlrl to coolc , nnsh WANTii | Ocimuii piclortcd. Apply N. 15. Itith and C'lilifoinlii. Mr ; . , i : . Wiikelcy. OH ) WANliu : Clood clils lor Kcncrnl house work. Mis. .1. W. Mortison , loom 4Hush- mun IJloclt , ICth nnd UotiKhts. 48'J 1TANTii : > 1'list class dlmmr-room gills at the Mutroiiolltnu liotnl. Ml HELP. 7ASTin : 2 machinists immcdlntcily. Onid- AV ha Hatb Who Co. , cor. bib and Capitol n\o. lollectoi S.ilnry pnld to uood men ; icfficiiecs icqulicd. AdJt ( " > s IJ 61 , lice oiiico. An A. 1 business man with rolcr T > CMCOS nnd security lor n good position , Call l fcontli lutbst. VI/'ANTKIJ Men and uonicn to Btnit a new T i busliKjes at their homos ; cnn bo clone c\cnliirRimd ( knrntd In nil hour ; any nut-on nmlilmi loss than lOc to r > 0c an hour should send lUc ut oncofor a piicliiijfo of Eiiniplr" ) ol trootl . nnd 21 uoiKln.uhamples ( formulas ) tocmmnenct on. Addteas Allumy faupply Co. , Albmn * . N. V. \\TANTI3U Good agen's lor n last lioolt. H. 0. Horn , S. W. Cor. Utli A ; DOUR- : las. W4-1U * "tATANTKU A jonmr iimn ho hns hud e\ > peiiencr- selling- good * In btoie ; ono Milllnulo miiliu hlniSLll B"iiei.dly uselnl. Apply - ply illtlS. . i rANTlD Salesmen in cacb county to In- . 1 tioducon n ( us patent spilnprliltlletiee. . Belli [ ika ulUlflic. 1'iollts lillve. Addicts , \ \ ' " stninp , King Whlfllotico to , , Vutnii , NebWj10' Wj-10' EITUATIONS WANTED. - first clnss broad WANTKn-Situntionbyii nnd cnku Iniker , iu tlio city 01 conntiy toun. Mchohis Scluulttioth , 13tti Califoinia st. J A liousdiold irbl nnntsn eltuiv f tlon In n lli-t el.i-s lamilv. 1'loaso call at the bras * loundry on Vintoii Btrcot , near lias- cull's l1 ! ! ; . bVJ-lS * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\ANTii > Itoom imd boaul bvSjonnu men \\HhlnGblockfi of I1. O. AddiCBJ , Bt ocutlou , terms , otu. . Jl. & . U. . Lock llox 'M . ITA > TID Itids on tiiUlnir down n brick wiill t ut KJholm i Ui Ickson's. 6.1J-1S "V\7A > 't'ii > To icnt 2 tiiiiiMicd looms suit- T > ublo fet life'ht housukoepiiiir. Addicsil' . O. llox-OK' , Omaha. 7 7 . V\'ANTiiJ : Hoard. Permanent A pnntlo- T i iimn and wile would Ilko to entraso t o ell finnlslicd fecond tloor rooms and butli , nilli tulilo board in a strictly pilvalo Inmll } ot adults Will paj M peed piico for SRtisfactoiy accommodations - dations 1'lctiso ndilitus with mime , location and pi Ice , In gtilct confluence. U. 41. . Hoe o 111 ce. 732 FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. T710II liNT Store. Apply ut Ull Paimun et. Jv liO iTiou IINT : nonce. 3 tooms. $7. o. r. L ? Thompson , S. W. cor. llth and Ilatnoy. 70U mou ltlNT Hotieoon 17tb st. , near Capitol ? incnuo , $11. 8 Lehman. 7U7 OH ISKNT 7-room liouso , ftablo and car- o house , 201U Cuss snout , two blocks liom hlffh school. IV s esslon Rhen about Feb. 1st. Inuuito ot F. T. Andrew , 01.5 N. Kith bt. b * 3 Tf KINT Cottage ol 7 rooms , Inrsolot ulth Imrn on premises , only * ' block from tticetcmsbOjiermoiHh. ; 1'ottciAColib,1315 ; Kiiinaui ft. 7l"J20 TjlOll HUNT Good teems , SI- per JL1 month. 1'otter iV Cobb , 1515 ruriiani. gOU-20 KINTOK i.iAsi-3-ioom : house on rou Unwind St. ; 10-iicio j nidcn with ti-ioom liouso adjoining city ; H-acio I mm , 17 mllus west of Oniaha ; U business lots on ! > t. Maiy's ave. Apply to i : . 11. Clniimui ] ) cS ; Co , , 1 17 llonard bt. r < OK ISKNT Si\ houses from ten to Illty 1 dulliuspcrmontli. llalloiillios. , J17S , Uth. 777-18 FOK KilNT Stoio loom on west sldo llllh filicct , between Jackson and .IOIHM his. , wltli PII living looms attuelied. Hainllii A ; HIOHII , Ull B. nth sta. 7i'J-lS "ITlOIt KINT : liiisoiiicntnnd baKe oven. .Inhn -T Kick , UI6N. 10th tt. 7 ! robll 1" jvrnnriTvid'ioiinTcbltiijfii , 411. honsu 1101 Ih liom St. MIU/'H u\o , , on Charles Htreet , Clark's mid. ; tiuul ; larm ne > t of citv ; hioom houoo , Imtn.utu. , Saumleid bt , K. ! ' . Itlnirer , llaimith 15th. MM _ If OH HUNT Tbreo liousos ot 10 , 0 nnd i looms each. J. 1'ulpps Hoe. r > Vi UINT Nice flx'o loom cottmco , s. isth J.1 mar Center. A. 1' . TuKoy , l'JJ4 rarnnm Ht. 7Ut _ FOH IINT : Two eottneos , $ lr > and $ H per month. W.SHluler , aiunlto lllook. 4S.1 " 1I H HUNT Now house nt 1520 Jackson st - - Apply at Cunningham i ; Hrennun'H , 1511 liodKO bt. _ 11) ) J _ _ TT1OH HKNT House bolonsing to the estate Jt ? of.Iudh-u Chadwiuk , tOJ ! I'uils iivonuu. W.J. Council. 281 _ _ IjTloiv liUNTV-Tis'ti iiowhaiiTll ) ificimedliouiolT -L tut mice , luitli room mid nil modern convcn- leiucs , one block fiom fin ot earn. Inquire ) Jo. 1' . lliu ton , ullSSth t > t. , ortjiueltuiirVotks. . 8'Jc ) ITMJH KINT : A sioro room with jfood cullar J } WOO Unit struct. A | ply to Joint lliu mor. _ _ _ _ uu _ J7OH ISKNT U mores on Wn and Lcavenwouli 1 bta. Ibtoioon South 1'Jtli st. Holh llrst-chns biislncsb Icciitious. Alee houses to lent. A. Me- CM f OH JIEHT-iOOU3. iTioit Kivr : ruiniihoil room with boani for J. two litntlouien. HIS Jones at. Huloianecs OAchaiijffd , BJi ) 21 * i.iou ' iu.vr : store , ayy Ninth muTst J' _ _ rs , > - 2' ' JnOH ifKNT- luifc'o rooms. H.'i : . Cor. Kith _ 71OK HI.NT-2 inilurtil bed iooinscfJi-iOtTr. ; i-'U _ _ _ _ HKNT liunishcd looms. 2AI ) led ) e. i n : UINT : itoom with bo.uu. ima c.tpitoi i.1 me. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wi-S3 IilOH KiNT : 1'liinis.liedlrom loomwlti use of bath room ; plcnsant lotiition. ln < lulio nt otllieot 0 , i : . Mume , IMli ami rainam. 6.J7 FOH Itr.M' FuinklieU or unruniTshrd looms. W Noitli S.'d St. bK)22 ) 11OH HIINT-NTrely lutn'sheil looms tlvo blocks fiom pobtolllce. 607 S. ItHli PI MU-241 * _ _ iiNT-OiU'o : | nd deck room. 1'ienzer lllocU , tast P. 0. Inquire Hoom 1. b77 turnlslit'd ft out room wltb closet , also buck loom. 1712 Cull for- OUli.NTruiiilaheU ( room. Immlro 10th and ii T71OH HI'.NT Nicely furnlMicd room. S , W Jj cor , Uth nnd frt. 3lar > s n i\ H4 tru ) H HKNT rui nished ro t ins 17u7 Cn St , Jj GJJ1-I8 * N r Two suits of 4 teems o.ioh , F I'lcrcostiect hMween ll'th mid 2uth. Kn- quire llth and Tarnam. I' . Moclilo. ffti ni lliNT : Furnlstietl teem * . ' J N. lOtb. : XT 1'urnUhoil rooms , 1503 ITarney * _ 1.17 _ _ TTlOH HKNT KurntsheJ. room with bonrJ JU eultnblefortwopentlemon. 1314 Uodpost SALE-HOUSES LOTS. 7u luy'u ! lot n West CumliiK " addl- tlou. _ _ F lin SAM : Uy Hell ft JIcCamtllMi , ull Dodge Street House nnd lot , Imrn. ( to. , n.iyenpott St. . $0t03 ltou > e , * i loom * and lot , near Lciixennoith ; \cryensylonii9. . > 00 Two&tor } liouscaiidlotHotK&llHlsndd , , . . . . . I . H | WO Cornci lot nml house In Shlnn's add. , nt Icsstlmnco't . . a,000 ! loii oniidaneof t'touml. Illinebniieli s n.ld . . . . 2,003 Well Impiouid lo-idcuco piopeity In St , Louis mid Denver , to evilmnifo. . Thrpo houses and lots In lto cr3'nJd.ousy terms . _ . . I'iiio fai in In Snipyiount } . . . . i,500 llust Iront lots In Hunscom Place ntSioO Ute . . . . . . 1JMO Lot In Wnlnut Hill , Miuth fiont , half cash. urn I'm in In DouKlas county , noaily 600 acres , $ JO per iicio. Acie properly nt $100 to $1,000 per acre. West aide lots f J5U to SuOO. _ B5-S3 ; l OK ALK Went CnmliiK nddltlon lots for J3 Hilo by J. I. . Hlcu , 1222 I'lirmun St. _ M ) SAI.M At n bin frnm. I'lno business property on p. 13th , 8. > * 150 ft , 'llils can bo boiiKhl lor f-I.OJO leu than notual value If taken at once , It 5011 want mi Investment loolcnt this. Corlirmi Iho'a A QJ , . 1" > UD Fniimm , 815 Iff | 7 OHSATi-Tv\olot3 liiProxpeCt Plnco f 800. -L1 IlousoandlotSl,5.0 , niontbl } payments , Lot I'l Nelson's addition $1700. ( leoigo P. Hernia , 15 mid Dotinrlna. Wfl \\rANTnn Stock of eioceilcsln Omaha h i > oxchnnifo l < ir No. 1 larm. Cochin n Ilioi 4. Co , r > 0'J I'liimuu st. 81C-19 i : WcstCumliiif addlllon lots to - sulo by J. L. Him , l--'J t'lirnuni bt. 80 TTIOHSALi : lly Potter A : Co lib , 1515 Tannin JJ s-t. , I lot In West IJml nnd nt two. 2 lots In Sliliin's I'd mid nt & 7-i each. A lew choice lotsIn Maish's littl.'OO each. Lot ftlxiai on iuthi ; blocks liom | i.ueinciit . l-iiio iicro In Gcl o's ndd , $1000. 2 of the cheapest lots In l'liiln\Iew , only ? r > 0 each. < U1 FOU hATi-IIouscs nnd lots , fiom fl.fWJ to Pl.lOJ. lor sale on monthly paiuent8. Cooh inn Hio's it Co , 15UD rntnum ? ! Hl ! FOH Clioleo Ilarsnlns In real estate , call at the olliceol the Omaha Heal IMnte Ar Loan Co. looms2- mid : J \ \ ithnell Iliilldinir Omaha. 7hS K"i\vroHT hni sold faster than any aero lolseierollcicd In this niaiKot , Sco it lo- ) lotc buying- . Ames , 1507 I'timnm. IJIOKSAM-IO cimico lots in south pmt or J. city tit l $ less limn actual \iilue. Only'4 down balance 'Jjems. Cooluan Hros. iV Co. iron'mniun st. 818-l'J in acio lots should see IXVKSTOHS Nc t ott. llilKhlon , 11 } ( In 1'nrk , ( ole liilliiullto , 81i Ames , 1517 rarnnm. TTIOKSALK-WcslCnralnB ndditlon lots for Jsiilo by .1. U lllce , I--- I'm mini St. 880ii TTIOi : SALi : lly Dexter L Thomas & llro. , JL' mom 8 , Crclililon block : 3W feet on rninam frt. ? , OX ) tiUvlM , f. w. cor. 17th and Center , $2,000. WKlfiO. Hanscom Place , f7 ) Illots rn\in7. on Hamilton mid Cluules gts , $000 to f-W , . ' ] blocks west ol com out. GtlTlin , cor. Clmtlcs mid Sth pts , $700. ! * ' ! \151 , lth nml baui , near 20th nnd Center , SIliiO. Vciy cheaii ; binall balance monthly. ! > o\14"i , 'Jth nml OliiulesUtli liouso of 0 1001113 , well , etc , JI.I.UI ) i ! lots , l.owo'8 mlilltloii , ? WX ) nml 9039. y loti , % V. A. Hcdlclv add. , W.'WUj" Lot cor. 7th and D.ncnpoit , t.l,5W. ( % Vo think nil the iiboto batpams. rnll for term1- . Dexter 1 , . 'Ihomas fi llro. , llomu 8 , Croishton lliock. WJ SAf.i : At n barfrnln-ftno business piop- FOK south 1,1th , b.\15)lcet. 'I his can bo bonulit tort.Vlless ( ) ) 1 linn uutualalncll ttiKun at onco. 1 > on want nn imc-lmunt I ioK nt this. C'ocluan llto * . ACo. , 130. ) I'urmimst. MVl'J . ; A few choice lots in Lowe's ad dition tiom l73to ! SMO , Also liouso and lot tOTil ) , on easy terms. I'otlcr & , Cobb , 131. > l\ir- nuni st. 7iU ! SAT.n 10 choice lots m south pait of Poll city m ' ; lets than actual vnh'o. Only ' 4 down , biihinco y ycins. Coihrim llros. \ Co. , oo TO MI.IIJO lor a lot In Ames I'laco ; $ cheapest lots for bulo. b8 Ames , 1307 Kainum. "ruTfsAI < i : A fewKOod lots In IIIIIslilo No. I onoon Ilavonpott ami C'hlciiKO btx. . clieup at 87CO to tWW each. 1'ottcr vV Cobb , Ifiir. _ L"ar- mim st. VI7 "K1OII SAI.I : Corner on Cnldnrl Islruct , near J ? Siiundera , ! i05 leet fioutiufo. Uiiihnm , Ciolgliton , lllock. 71U niOlt SAI.i : Two Inrffo lots with 4 hoii'oson i1 2ithM. If bought eoon will jlold S4 pet- con ! on investment. A very rnro bin gain. L'odi- inn llros. i. Co , , IM'J ' I'm mini st. HUB Oll SAM ? West Cinnliiff addition lot ? for P pillo by .1. L. Itico , lai.'riinnilii St. BbO B KDIL'K'H < } KOVi-Oiio : mile from jiost- Ollico duo west , fbOO to $1,300 a lot. B17 Ames , l."U7 rnrnam , FOK SAM' A special baicnln In business propcily , t-5 leet fiont on loth ht. liy IM Icul deep , llest liu-lnobS point Houthol thoialhvny tiiiclc. On paved sticct , car line , ite. Only Jsj per liont loot. 1'olter i : Cobb , 1513 rmmiiiiEt. 7W ! TO war.o lorn lot in Amos I'laco. $200 813 Amos , 15J7 rnrmun. .sALi-Itonli-lali. : : Foil .MiiBiiilicent liouso nml lot , 40x1.71 , In Ktdlck's add. , clo ots , pantry , datum , uut- hoiiici , etc. , S-VAH ) . 1'or Bule Tno lots. ] 'aik Wilde nvo. , t o neat hotif.cs , t o limns , hlieila , etc. . $ stll. ( I'or sale Two lots nnd tuo IIOIIHCS rcntlna * , In Credit I'oncier mid , , cast liont , Unit K rdim. ciMoin ami modem lmpio\cments , n dooldcd , , . I'orSnlo Siibstmilliil houio nnd lot with nil conveniences , most dcbiiablo locution , ffifM ) . I'or i iilo Lots In llccd , Kiikuood's , ICoiint/o'H , Shull'8 , Saundem & HlmcbmiKh'f. , nnd other additions at Ion ll uio" . I'orSule Lots nuiKlnuln pi leu f lam 8303 to SH.OOi ) on easy leinis. I'or Sale I'm nm under culllvntioii mid lands nf all dcacilptlons In C'voi j ailjomniK bliile. Tor Sale T ontjllo Inline In the mo-t ( nob- peioiis and pie iu i\o Loiintlch ol Neliiuskn. I'or particulars cull on Al < ix. Miliiivock , Heal Daluto Acent , Hoom 7 , Itedicit Hlotk , I'.iinam bt. ( OWM ) _ _ _ _ _ Bit , > 'iTliiJC : AdJulniiiK the luiiiacks on the north , lias the mlvmuiiKo on nlcu loel ilrhtiua ) , bcautlliil location , line vlov\ < ? , and i > % cr > thing : cl.-o iluit goes to make up a t-pleiidld place lor n ii idonco , Hen liulveiloic. It U iheap propel ty , and no mistake' C. i' . Ma.Mie , 3. W , tor Ifit h and I'tu iiam. f l FOK h.Vl.i ; OIKI tenth dn\\u is all it laKc's to ( ceiiH' n lot in West Cumins ndd , J. L. Idee , 1222 I'm mini fell cot. b7U | jMK SAM : At n bmeruln. I'lno I - Ipiopcrty on S. tilth , tftxlOU It. This can Im lioiiKht lor . ' .UWIesH llinii lu-timl valiui If taken ill once. If jDiiwiiut an liuc'linenl look at tillCoLhiiiu llro's.V ( .o. , IW.M'aiiniin M. Sir , IJATKICH'n addition on Hauiidera ttiect is i. the cheapest piopciti In Unit pint ol tbo pity. SlKoleiiiH rim IhioiiKh this iKldltlon. Siuools ni convcnlunt , litihlnura leiiehoit It on l\\o bides for lonu'iilcnio and denlialilu local ity 1 'at lie ! , ' 8 addition has many iiihantiiKOi , Lull nnd im estimate. U > t only * 7IHI to flHM uih. ( . ' . i ; . Mujno ufciit , y. W , cor. l&th and AMI- riACj-Oniy 5200 to $ avi lot. BOO it. Ames , 1507 i'armtm , K-'l _ POK SA Li-I.oth : Oil UotlifK Stf450tot500 : monthly pnymcnts Uuilutm , t'rcluhton lilock , 715 A Mi : * ) l iACi : CUuiipi-st city lots , 5-2U ) ( o ix fJ50. Ames , 1607 I'lirmun , 171OK SAI.i : One tinlh doun Is nil it luKfstTi I-1 M cure u lot in Wist CumlDg mid. J. L. Itlco , I ! S KmimiuStieet. 7 _ _ POK SAM : Large house nnd 8 nicely eleva ted lota ! n ? hhm'8 2d add. ( nJ. ( . Also line 5-roomed liom-o on Cliiiu btioct , nkely olvvuteil lot , $ ouuo. llibbon \ A i chcr , Itoom U , \ \ Ithnell lllock. _ up. FOK SALi : ( 'Iioico.1orl0iarotracts.4inllc6 bonthnctt fnnneourt houte , | i , mllus tiom lunctlon ot II. I * . 11 } . mid licit Lhlu , und 1 milo liom block Viuds. Hot well ; till nuder cultlvu- linn. Can bo bought for $175 mid t W i > or uoio , It wild soon , fheuiii-st proptrly In vicinity. I'ottor i. Cubb , 1515 1 arnuiu st , 701 FOR SAl.K-Hy the Omnhi Ilcnl n t to X- I/onn Co , ituoiiii nnd „ , ' ) , Wlthm 11 liloi k. 10 lots in llniNetm Tlneo , Crom , f , lotslnShiillisndd.lrom V.0)to ) > l.i.o. 75-acrt'loHn nr tlie cits. 1 lot with ibiliu , son IHh street near Lcnven- noi Hi fVJOii. 1 lotw th Jlitiu ( von2l'it street. $ l-oi. A Silp.idl ] > l ctlriift on I en\rmn ilh TVlth 10 room lionf mid tine stable * , Stfm 77 loet on' m < > nwar hnc.irlSlh street. JlO.nffl 40 lot ? on . , it O'imluK. from JJJiJ to ? .M.iO , monthly pnyracnts1. Pllcot on Fnin.iin ; en y terms s nclir tire hleh "ehool 7 lotson S IVtli nnd 1Mb St . 'lho o lots nro Ms l : , from SI.lWov.VOi1. 0 tine farms nl | wllnln 1" mile1 ! of the city. A piece of prmiorty on 22nd st. that will pay 10 per cent on the in > osliiieiit. HiMO TT OH SAMJJ-TtroJnrjrolotS Mllh4 hoiHcsoii X1 20th § t If boujiht Mxiunlll yleM 24 portent tent on buostmciit A vciy iitro bnrjfnln. Codi inn llrog A Go .liull'arnnm 8t. _ IJ OH HAI.K T o good lots 111 Unn com 1'lnco ' , SiVl each ; easy terms. ( Irnhain , Crclithton lllock. 7H "TTiOH SAMI-Huj Blot In West J1 tlon. 78 t OIIKAIMST : city iota trom jw to $ aioin Amos I'lncc. Ames , 1537 I'm nnm. Bid At.i-liny n lot In AVost Cumiiiff nddl- tlon , & 7S FOUSll.i : Tn-otnr o lots lib 4hoitfos on ait list it boncht teen \\lll slcio 21 per cent on Invif tnient A rate unigufn. Coclitnn Hros. & Co. , ISJariiriinm St. 81e-Ul TTIOK SAM : OH lIXOHANOK-CholeolotRln JL1 Loup City , county scat of Shoimnn To. , Ntb. ( Jlbsou & Archer , Hoom U , Withnoll lllock. _ 1J i2 ! ! GKiiNWOOI-Hcautlliil : ncio nnd hnlf iiertt lots , Hue location , V4 miles from I1. O. , only s few moments \\nlk from llati com 1'nik. Aeio SltX ) . HnlfncresSJij , 10 pmemit cn h , linlnnco monthly pnj iiiouts. 0. K. Mnyne , S. W. cor. 13th mid I'mimm. Ita R inicC'.s : ! ( iit vnnio fiom posionico due cst , $ SiX ) to Si , " 200 n lot. 3 Ames , 1DOT Fatnnmi 771011 SAI.K-Soulh Jrontfl 111 Clifton 1'lnco , Jt ! $1,000 cacli. W. T. Uialinin , Ciclvhtun llloclf. 710 T71OH SAl.i-I.otsln Iliullott'eniltt. , frOOO ; oiisy X1 tcitiH. Uralium , CtvltrlitouJlluck. 717 FOUSAl.i : A two etor.v , S-'jfW. frnino build lii , sultublo fora stoiu , lUth ami unin Sis. Applyat this ollloo. 'J17 ] .M ltSAT.i : Huyalol In West Cmuiliij uddl. 1 ttoil. STS ITioit SAM : Hou < cs munon nom &ioxito 6I.IXW , forsnlocui luontlily pujinunts Cocli- ian Ilio's A. Co , , IJOS' ' raiiuun. blH ! a FOR h.\M : J10.0K ) 10 vcr cent i IvMt-ntl iciyliW Mock Olbsou \ Atelier , Hooin : > , Wltiincll lllock. 47J III Miwsh'fi add. , ! lCIOOto $ lrln ! ! ( ( inns to biilt intichiisct. Oiiihnm Cuigliton lllock. 71S SIM.IjlNO on its ineilts , Kcwpoil , nrnrot nni lluost ncio piopcity. Ames , 13UT raiiuun. : . : ) : : - - i < it nt ? wi to $130. ii. will intilio jou 73 to 100 per cent piollt bo- loio iicM Ifuw Vuur'silnx' . U E. Majnu , solo iiKfiit.S.V. . cor. h undrnMiaiii.M1 FOIt SALJ : Iluynlot In West Cuminsuddl tlon. b78 FOlt h.vr.1 : A ffeiioral niorcnunilisu buslnosi in n rnplilb/jgm < | j ] ! , ' town not lur fiom Lin coln. IlCbt tnulo anil ( oc.Ulon in tnun , A ? | > luu- illd opK | > rtiimtyiior a party lslilng u treed oppiilnir , and lnivlnir from povcn to ten tliouwiiid ilolliiisincnsb. 'j1Vill pll lor cash onlyor part rush , Imliuico rcAl Catntu in Oinubo. Adflioss Muichuut , HuoOttico.r KTi (2 < KO ( > TO Sl.a'ob fjr nlotlnllcdiclt'sGioxc. _ SH _ _ r Ami-3 , 15J7 Vin limn. EXA7.1INU ITJ iilul lie comlliunl Unit tlio neaiest : icie pioiMirty Is New poi t. hSl ) 'U Ames , IV ) " 1'iunnni. KclunsKa , counb' fi.l Gibson A : Archer , room U , Wltlmell lllock. I'oi K\cn nir < .T.Kulrn5lcii ) fiinns for Omulri property ; alsoanlo'-to- ( i > 111i 0 tor htocUs ol Kootis. S y1ltT , Wnnted n btfeinclj lots for ciisli within I blocks of postollibo. ' 1'or i\cliniifrc : HlO nciolmpioved farm , Miull- don comity , Neb. , lor liousu mid lot In Oinnli.i. KorSulo A 5-ncro tract 4 miles ol postollice ; honso cost Sl.atO.lorfl.'j'JO ' ' cash.OlbsoiuVAiclicr , Itoom ; t. W Ithnoll HlocU. U-Jo FOH SAM- Two Ilao east fronts , 13. V. Smith's add. IZa-t liont lot with two story liouso , with mod ern eonveiiluiicis , ami unotliorciist fiont wllh 1 loom lioii c ; veij n.'co and modern. 'Tills is gilt eiljfo piopeity and clo u to is St. car line. \\'o \ \ hnvo cnstouioiB lorlols ltli small houses for smiill pnjmcnt down and monthly InMall- nionts ; it jou liaxoMich iiinpmlj lor f = ale ll < > t \\ltlins at once. StocKualu i.V liunehi r , 1511 Dodge. Sttcet. b'fi 18 : SIDi : Ptatlonon I/eaxeiiHorlh street Wisr \\ill bo the Jiniction ot tliu .Mo. rue. and Holt fjino. Jx > ts pmcliit-cil there now will ID- tuin a hiindbomo piollt to the Imji-r In uery hoi t time. IU'11 \ McCandlish end C. K. Maynu , M > lu aijonts. fi ) . " ) Olt SAI.I ! Cheap lots in llanscoin 1'laoo. Iri 1 Add.-essO. 1 . Stcbblna. noijimli * FOIt SALi : IIbUM3 nnd lot Sill S 23th st.choup ; find niiymcuts. Addie 3 C. S. Chlpmuii , Lin coln Nob. o"l bi : SALi--lIoii : = ct , nnd lot" , fiom 51,001 to ) , lor biilo on monthly payments. Coeh- ian Ilio's & Co. , I Ml I'd i num. SH-10 roit.SALK 1'ino coiipr lot , east and south liont , Ilimstom I'.ucc. W. T. Griihnm , ' ' i 1 flock. 71S > ICDIOK'S (1 lOVi-POn to $1'CO a lot ; milo fiom ) ) ostolliui3 ( luu6t. . 81' ' ) Ames , 1W I'aiiinni. iiirii SALK One tenth down Is all it tiiKcsto f-eourt'ii lot In \ \ o l fuming add. J. li. Itlcu , 12-"J I'ariKim St. bTU ) SiiKiitS : : , ATTENTION' For full LAM piirtlonlnM about 1 roe und cheap hinds In Wontorn Nohraskn addrorts Thos. C. I'littorsoii , IteulI tatoA'fnnt , North lMuttoNob. _ _ 3H _ FOK Cholco Hai > ; alii < ; ln teal ostatocall at I ho olllcu of the oninh.i Heal IMmii A : Loan Co. , looms 22 nnd2i : , Wlllinell Iliillilliih'.Oiimha. 7iiij io tenth don n Is all It tnKcs to 1 } 8001110 a lot in Wect C'nmlni ; add. .1. L. Idee , 1223r irniiniPtieot JJ7U _ _ _ " \TiU'rOKT Most pojmlur ncio piopoily ; i-i fccllson lisineiltb , Ames , 1M7 I'm num. B2 j TT OK .SALi-Hy ; C. J : . Mnyno , ; iin 1'nll lot , Pinall hoiife , Wilcovadd. , S7M. JIO 1'iiU lot un Lonu'iiMorth st. , new house , nil modei n conveniences , fs/ju , Sti Uil on rarnnm fit. near : iiili st. , liouso 9 looms , all model n lnipiovoniuiilf > , tffitM. M T o lots , i\\o lujusey , 20lli near llowaid , , . 321 Lot U'MII.Soutli 20th st , ( rood house , $1R.V ) . Montlil > IMIJ inents. - JM Lot limi-M , iiontintrtwo stioots , nleo cot- t.uio Ku'liif , ' Ilii om 1'ark , $1,8W. 31B Iliindsomn lot , nlcu cuttiuru ? looms , uoor- . , , . ill Lot MixlJ1. , 26tUim4iJ'ainey ' , houo7 IOOIIH * -4OKJ. IS J I'.H ) 'linio acres , oodlionse , fiult.ete. , Leav- ( ilinurth . | , , ( ) < i 90 I'ull lot , twoeottiii-fli. Shliin'fl niM , $2.2 , > 9. J.'j House * loom ! . , east fiont , beautilul loca tion , Iliuiscom I'hico , , . 1 Llcymit loblileneu 10 looms , two Jots , line locution iiosslhlo Loincnlciu-o , , mwy ' ' Ml.wxi. lie Cm m r lot , nWC'cottuifu 0 1001113 , ono block- on" Saundeis NH , &tM. IIH llmidMimci-t ciHUih' * hi Onmlm , B looms , lienutltul lot , < ( 'OI/ii avo. , | .l .l0i ) . 175 Lot fctKliu , holliol 'luoms , houth Utb st. t'1,200. I00-lood ( liouso 0 looms , full lot. lltckoiy and loth , tl,7Kl ( ; voii iflieop. < - . li. ilujnu , b W i-oi , nth nrta I'Wmim. u-u MAO1STKK OF I'AlJitVSTKKi' AND CONDI- I'lONALlbT , UOJ Tenth htieet , botnueu I'lirmuu md Ilarnoy , will , wltli tlio uld ol guardian pirlts , obtain lor nnv ono n Khmco in thu liHbtHiul present , and of cerium conditions In holuture. Hoots und times madu to ordur , 1'crftttbatlslactloii pru.irunleod. FRUITS and FLOWERS Thosu ileflniiKto put out Tiult or Onmmon. alTices , hlu uba , I'l.ims und Vines , lll Him It fientlr to their Inlcicst tocoiiBUlt K L. Kmory , 0 ktter or In pci-bon , in ic/nid to kind , ( | Uiilliy md piicn , lietutuoulwliiKol unj one. Ordois .lioulilbo . ( 'H on early , Olliio IJjO lluuiey bt. , tsidcnco , 22W ruinum St , E. L. EMERY , _ _ Contractors and liaildois , Uotlce. UALI'.I ) proposuU wlllburfcoluil iintd reb- J luury Int , ISbU , 12m , lor the pm-clucu nnd omoVHl tiefuiii ilmcli L lt > iU | , of the Conwioan- ion u elm ifh building , miner lutb und ( blcaito luets , puichitcu not toincludiro buuk loundii- ion. luinltitruuiid tltuien Kor tiirthor par- ioulurs apply to LKA\ ITT Itl'UNHAM. ' Cbuicli lliiildlpL' i ommlitce. jrni lu Christinas for Horse" . The Now Vcnr's holitlius have rcnelioil a wider circle than ever thi year. Not only old and joung folks , nion nnd wom en , bojs anil girls , ohildrcn nntl babies hnvo foil the spirit of kindly good cheer , but even our dninb servants hnvo had something to bo thankful for us well. Thousands of thorn this jiast hnvo been emancipated from n U-rriblo cruelty nnd a lion id fate ; for there is , nnd can be novorso fnlo orgTntcr nllliclioti than to bp sick , and then in addition to bo tor- tnrcd with \iliainons dritfr-i nnd llm * in hcer ignnranco or brutality have their onh chance of recovery In t. lint thanks to tin ; progress of tin- ; i e , dtiriiifi this year ot grace , thousands of them hmo been emancipated nnd given n chnnee for their live ? , \\lwn sick , bv the tiso ( if IirMIMlKKYS' ' VHTFJll'NAllV Sl'E- Ull'K S. Their u o is cvtemling on c\ cry side nnd thonsniuh of the HH > * t intelli gent nnd o\tonshc slot-k owners und lircedors hnvo long since discarded every other mutliod mid rely upon thu VUTHKI- NA11V SPKCll'MC'S ; even thn cavalry of ficers of the United States Army huve on- tlorscdtuid recommended Ilium. Not only do the SPECIFICS euro promptly , but tlicynro given without the least trouble or delay nnd nro indeed si blessing for u hich to bu thankful. Dr. Formnd of I'liilndilphhi reports on 2.10 nutopsiuHon drnnktirds nnd lindsonly bi\ cases showing cirrhosis of the liver with contraction , lie concludes cirrhosis is duo not so much to heavy drinking ns to persistent drinking of spirits on nn empty Momnch. IMluS ! PIM3B A sine euro for IJlliid , Ulcedlnc , Iteliln nud llleeiatcd Piles has been discovered by \Vllliiiins , ( an Indian ictneilv ) , called Or Williams' Indian I'llo Olntmuiit. A sliujlo box has cuieil the woist eluoiitc cases of ; ; * > or ! iO ) ears standing. Xo ono need snlfcr li\o minutes aftet niuilylm ; this wonderful sooth int ; uiedlulne. Lotions ami liibtiinnents do nioiu balm thnn pood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absoibs the Illinois , allajs the inten = o itelilnp , ( paitlculaily at nlulit after icttliu ; warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , izives Instant lellcf , and is picpaied only foi Piles , Itcltliii ; of pilvato parts , and tor nolhlnj ; else. SKIN DISIOASKS CUKIOI ) . Dr. Fi.izlei's JlauMc Oliitiuent ciues as by iiuuiic , Pimnliis , JJlack Heads or Uiub , Itlolclics and Kinptions on the face , leavlm ; the ml beautiful. Also eiiuwltcli. Kail iilieum , Sere NipiIu.Koio hlw | , and OldObstiuateUlreis. Sold by druggists , or mailed on iccclpt ot 50 cents. Ketalled by Kulm & Co. , and Sclnooler & lleeht. At wholesale by C. P. lioodmau. Tlie orgnn question is under di.scnssioi by the Jew.s on the jontinrnl of Kurope A Vienna rabbi insists tlmt tlio orgnn is : ] iroier ] nitl in worship , nnd that some p tlio largest Hebrew congregation 3 ii Ameiiea nnd JCuropo lin\o inlrodttecd il If bilious , or snflunng from inipurit\ of the blood , or weak lungs , nnd fear o consumption ( scrofulous disease of Hie lungs take Dr. 1'ierco'n "Golden Modien Discovery , " und it will cure yon. B.y druggists. Police heulrnnrters : ( in Montgomery Ala. , nro gunrdcd by ennnon which wni used ngaiiiht the Indiniif. S00yenr& ngo. "Conic in tlie o\uiiing , or come in tlio morning ; Come when yon'ro looked for , or conn without warning , " tuv word * that might have been Ming to linker's HrenKfnst t'ocoa ; for , conio \vhen it will , it is nlways wrlromn. Morn ing is the approved time , but there \g'w \ time when il ia not retrr-liing. Foi nursing mothers , it is the niot t he.nllhfu nml iu > iiii hing uiticlo < > { footl ; it ! H boll incut nnd < bink , nnd is ; is grntoful to the as il is > bonelicinl in its ollects. Ohio 1mb more colleges thnn France nnd ( lormaiiy combined. Education , there ; is tlifl'uMvo rather than extensive. There is no attraction like n beautiful .skin. _ Po//onPs Complexion Ponder gives it. One of the Boston papers has us ! i reg ular feature of its amusement column n department devoted to lecture announce inenls. . II. DOUGLAS it SONS' CAPSICUM COUGH DROPS nro tlio result of over foity years experience in compounding cough mixtures. They arc the best. The Jewish board of giiardhiis- London is just now severely taxed to nrovido for the large number ot Hi-brew s who liavo been expelled from Germany , Koumaniu nnd Ku ia. The Great Invention , For EASY V/ASHENCi , IN HARD Oft SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER. iritliont Jfann to I'AJiJtlCor IIAXDS , nnd part IcuIarlyndapteiHoirVirwenma/M , No family , rlfh cr poor , should bo without It , Sold by ull Grocers , but liennreatlloltn ! titlous. 1'JlAJifjfA'JJ Is niamif.icturi < only by JAMES PVJ.E. NEW YORK ; GOLD MEDAr , , PABIS , 187B. BAKER'S \Vnrrnnttd absolutely ) > nra Cocoa , fiom vjilth Iliacsccsaof Ollliaa been rcmo\iil. Illauttaet tlmci Hie tlrength at Coroi mixed wllh fitarch , Arrowroot or Siiijar , nucl Ij thcaforc f.irmoioccoiioml- cal , coettnj Itit 1/ian one ttnt n cup , H Ii ilLllcloiw , nourii-hlng , ( itanglliciilui ; , easily dlgeittc. ) , nml ndmlrnblynilopud for ImjllJe ai cllnfl for pcrwMia hi LuillU. Sold li'Orucirajjierj'Hhero. BAKER & CO , , Dorclicsler , Mass , Kebraska Kational Ban ! OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ? nicl up Capitol $250,000 3uplusMfty 1 , 1885 20,000 II.V , VATKS , 1'reaidunt. „ . . A. K , TOL/AUN , \ ioo President. \ \ , H. S. llL'uiira , Ctisliler. " " ' " " " " iV. V. Jloitsn , "Jons S. COI.I.INS , 1V. . YAIIS , hnvisS. lli-.r.p , A. E. TOL/.AI.IN , BANKING OFFICE : THE IKON BANK. CoKth nnd Fnrnnm Streets. General IlanUbiK Uuslnrsj Trunsucttxl. IE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP Iho puM'onro Inloimod Hint u imtcnt bus icon idlowoJ to ( ioo , ll.jiwioiy.oii his linprnv- d IJIH l.umii > , mi.lmiiiiiiliictuiul by UK Mr I. \ . Willlauibhout nnthori/u ii cnt furCounci Iliuri , mid Omalm. Too publlo mo cuuilonol in to buy any of llin-o gus liniip. nxropt luoiiub Mr. WJIIIums- nil others oaercd lor iilouin InfcIiinomonU njon our luinn. (1. II. ) in'r-.iro..Mimiitucture und t-olu wcslorn a , No. UJ , lloarLotn &t.tL.tiIcinio , DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW , Weak Oables nnd the General Snow Tall Sciul Wheat Down rnrthor , BRISK STOP ORDER BUSINESS. fork MnnnRcra to Maintain mi Ac * tlvc Uoinantl niul Upward Prices Cntttc Price * Ocnornlly Ioner , Ilo-s Uljlicy. CltlCAOO OltAIN MAUKr/T. CinrAon , Jan. I1 * . [ Special Telegram.1 Win.AT Acty irrnrral tall of snow upon \ \ Intervlioal in the couutiy took tliu bitten- ins out of to-day , and befoie noon It sold tor .May ilellmj at tt.l'm1 , a decline fioni Saturday of 1 , ' c.Vak cables was another encnatitip factor , and a disposition on tin * l > nit of fiealpeis who Iiad KOIIO in lor an tip tinn to leali/o assisted to bllnht the rally manifestations of Imojaney. The mnikoi \\as steady for the lir t lioin or two at n tU'clino of ) fl'c fioin S.Uuidn > , but it \\ns obsciu'd that on e\cty hand tpot offcilims incirascil , and the Im- inossion gained mound thai sonic- body was "IceditiK" the cio\\d , and local ollcilnijs multiplied , pushing pi ices down. A laitfe quantity of propcity held on Mop ouleis caino out and business became ex ceedingly hi isle. A renrvtalof the Uslblusup- ply dccioasc talk baldened the maikct about 12 o'rlock , and pinelmses , chiully by Munis , put pilcos ni > 'Vi but the 1 o'clock closing was \\lthln J e of the lowest point picviously loached. Mtxott CHAINS Com and oats \\cio dull and without linpoitant change. ritovisioNs 1'iovlsious wi'io aRaln actho and excited , and juices consldeiably liishcr. 1'oik opened 10j4ir ( higher and laid U e htghci. Laid-soon dioppcd taek ) to tbo old Urines , but poik kept ilj'hl admiral a swing- InsKait. Thciewcie sales ot May poik at 311.JJO , but the advance \\as not susiaiiicil , the nmtket easingolTlOc.An iucieaseln conn- tiy ouleis was u > joitcd , but the bulk of bnj- \vastliouglil to be on local speculation account , tlicicboini ? no little coming. I'ie- dictions of a vciy huge iiieieaso ill stocks ol poik this month aie tieely made1. Ono con tinues to hear moio or less talk about manipulation , but nobodj seems to ha\c the deal " to lights. " ArTi.ttxoo.v HOAKII Wheat was rather quiet this afternoon ( and easier , Quotations \\cia n shade oir. A decline ol Ci o in poik occui led. 2:1" : . p. m. Puts on May wheat , S.U QS3 ( fc ea 1 Is , 8li < si&c. CHICAGO IjlVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Jan. lb. [ Special Telegram. ] CAT 11.K The run was tiuux-peeledly heavy , conMdeihifc lliu bit ; run and tlio bicak In prices last week. Tiadu u.ib slow tiom stall to linish , and salesmen geiusrally quoted pilces on all classes of cattle substantially lower than on Saturday. Dntrhcis' stool : and canning stock qcnuially sold .steadj , with huic and theie sales icpoited coiisldci- ablj higher than Satuulay. The hiipplj of toekcis and ieedris was light , will ) llltlo 01 no business. Shipping .steers , 1330 to 1510 lbsM.5S { ( > 5.ij : ; 1310 to 1030 ib-i , 53.75 1.50 ; 9V > to 1200 Ibs , b.00ei : ! I . "JO. Jloos Receipts viero not as heavy' IHcdirtcd Saturday. Tiade was actlvo liom the opening to tin1 eliKO , and'in a guncial way pi Ires weio odJlOe higher. 1'aekeis and slnppcispaltl .lOjTl.i1 ; lor prliuu to eholeu assoiteil heavy and S3 > X' ? 1.05 for fair toclrolee packing sorts. Koiijli odds and ends sold at Sj.TO@'i.5. : ! r.T'kiiig and shipping , 230 to 10i Now York. Jan. Ib. Moiv : On cal easat 1' , ( ? ? ! ? percent. l'itiMiAIiucANin.r. : I'AI > III : 1(35 ( poi cent KoitnoN JCxcirA.voi : KILLS Dull am imrhaiiucd. ( iovLK.NML.vis Dull , but stonily. siocKS Stocks vieie active but ural neaily all day. A tow .stocks monopoli/eii tbo iniiicipal poitlon of thu business. Coa stocks continued conspicuously ueak , inn. \\eio jollied by tlio Union I'acilie , I'.irino Mail. Kansas it Tt\as ) , and Western Union In all ol which tliriu vtns actho selling. On the other baud. Vandeibilts , especially Nr\\ Voik Cential , SI. 1'iitil , and Kile , writ1 rom- naiativcl ) sliomr. Alter an inemilm open ing , thomaiket almost immeilliilelv became vieak ami continued MIjth .slight lluetua- tions , eoiii ! { , ' inoj'iilar anileak lei the .slocksvli ! 'b ha\e been HO conspicuous lot declines. Thu net lesitltn n loss ofl \ } & In I'acilie AInil , IXin I.ackawauna , 1'f ' In Mis- souii , Kansas it 'J'e\as , 1' pei cent each in Union I'.icilic and U'e-tem Union. The otliei losses nicgrnornlly lor finctlons STOCKS ON WAI.i , Uflrent bomib. . . looijju. il IW I'KODUCH. CliloaKo , .Ian. is. I'lom Aiutei wheat liom. SI.-JOu : soutli- MII , Sl.onw t.rr. ; Wisconsin , H.Wif.'i.lO ; MiehiLMii .suit biuiHK wheat , S.l.TfK'W.OJ ; .Miu- icsota IwUi'i.W.flW ) : ] iatcnls , Sl.T.Vm i.VJije ; liom. riuiet at % 8.oiij.W : ; : ( in bar- el , and Si.lO/UO ( : In sucks ; Inickw hrut loin , S-l.fXM/5.00 in b.iiieln ; .5'-.00i.J.i" ( ! ! ) pert : \\t , In sacks. Kill lly aetlvo ; oppued afo lower , Icclintd 'if , i tiled lather steady torn while. leclliied 1 below outslili ) pi Ices , ieeo\eu'l ( Vti nud eloMil lrte under iSatuiday ; H' lor a-h nnd .laniiiuy ; 7" > 'io ' for Kvbiuniy ; M < < | ' , , for .May. Com Dull and unlnteiesling , with no iiiotabln change ; isu'ii1 lor cash aiidJanuaiy ; [ fiVjc Idi I'Vlittiaiy ! .V.i c lei 3lny. O.iNSteady and Him , but ( julct ; inled teady , with no chaii ! , ' ( ! Iimn .Sntuidnj's utci'n ; 'Jb c for easli and t'ohiunry ; 'J ) Be 01 Janu.ii v ; ai' ' 'c lor May. l ! > e Dull nnd quiet nt W' . H.iilej Dull , slo\\ and easy at nv < in. , i : Tiimiilnl.ltrhl supply and fall demand ; u hue , fel wn.VJ. KiuxM-ed-U'eaker ; SU1 > , ' for Xo. 1 f.ibli , ' 1'oilc - Unsettled and liregulnr ; oppneil lioiiLri'i nnd iiboiit , ' > e liiL'lier , aiUaiieeil''UiK ) : > < . ; later weaker , leceded jnfwl-j'jc ' , ami 'losed ' roinp.uathcly sti ailj : lO.ini'Viiu.O'i Inr . > ; 5lO.W * IO.O-yj Iui Fcbiu- iis ; &n.aOilJ.yi' ( ' lor .Ma.\ . l.aul Steadier iiml fetrnn'4ei ; advaueed : ' i : SH. 15(11(1,17' ( ( ' ; tor rash .J.iiinaiy anil cl.inarv : SfU'XMiWT'j ' lor ilaj. Hi IkIcals .SlioulilcM , si.uii'ii l.n.-ij sliuit lcaii ? > . ' 0"'X ) ; blioit iih- . * 5..trj , ( " ) . IU. liiilteijnict ( ami small ilenmuil ; cholro to aiiecre.unmy , ! iX'i"-lcs KOCM ) to choice dahj , ClaM'suFull eieam chuddar , OdiOVo ; llato , . Jllilei UiKbaiisi'd ; pait nurd , Mio ' ; unin. fee ; Iir.ivy Kitfii hallfil , h ) < cj light do , 'i4Crtlt.olmll ' ; hides. O cidii willed , W > < c ; [ iv Ilini , 1-xaUr ; call SiUius , 10@iJi : % Tallow L'Tiflmnai'il ; No. 1 cmiiiny , 4'j'c ; \u. yrountij , Ic ; cakr , .v. Kt-fi'iiiM. | bhlimients. riour.bbh . h.twi VJirit.bu . IMWii " , ofVJ 'oin.mi . IJ4 , < XKJ a 1,000 ) ats.bu . fc--WO ' , ' 2 [ ii.iju . 'J.WJ 1,00 Now Voik , Jan. 18.Vhrnt .Spot low- i but uiodrrathrlj ac-llvu ; omloin Jowor ml closed lunv > ; iriwljidy. 7,00' ' ; ixi > ort . 'OJJ ; uiiKi.ulii I it'll , b'l. ' ' . 'Oc ' ; No. a ird , } \r. In stoiclOift' nlUia ; tll4o ilrjlvncd ; Coin Spot dull ; option * opened In in Inn later declined , ploMns heavy : ; rccelph , 71- v OdO ; rvpotts , H.OOO ; uncnidedlliM"e ( : No. < JI n , 4Tiyj47'ic ' ; No. 2 FcbiUnry closing nt ( > .it's-l.own nnd dull ; receipts. v , oO ) ; ox-- poits , 1st ; mixed western , SoV'Wclulo ! AN ( "terniM. ! ! ! . ' > e. I'etioleinu Steady ; milted closed at STVc- F.KSS Dull and weak ; iccolbt.s 1,700 packages ; western , S-JitJiV. 1'oik Quiet but in inly held : mess , $ io.2 , " > @ 10.7- . . 10.7hard Ilhjher and inodrratlve acti\c ; west- rrn steam , spott $ ( V > 0tfrt.'W ( , sold to aiihe , f li.filrost nud iicmht ; Tcbiuaiy , P' ' > . lsirfi > . 'vo. ' Unller Quiet and strndy ; western , I'AiS Sir : IQII : | | cirameiy. JSXff.'VV. Cheese .Stead ) ; demand inodrralo ( wcsl * rm Mat , 7U'ar. ( Cliioinnntl , , IS.-Wheat-Dull ; No , S led. UI V'lViJa'C. Com Hood demand : No , 3 mixed , SftJ Uais stroncrer ; No. 3 mixed , 3Jo. li\r Stondv at Cie. Hailey-ljulet ; extra Ni > . : ) i ; , COi1. I'iiik-riimatSin.V ) . linid Stumper at ? rt 10c3fi.l0'6. \Vhlskj-btciidj al 51.10. Si. Ijotii-j , .Ian. is.-\Vhrnt-\Vrnk and ? (0i > lr lowei ; No. v ! uvl. cashxs'.c ' ; IVbmnry , M-/C ; Match , tt ) 4e bid ; Mn > , tM\e. Com Steady ; No. 'J iiilxul , ra h. "v\i § n-'i' ' * , < ; Jnuuaiy , ni'je ; Kebiuaty , : * ' ; Mny , SO , e. Oats-Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , Sf'.o : Jlay , ai'ic. ' JlM'-Ni-Rlcrtcd. AN'hlsky-61.10. Poik-Stionj : at 811.00. hniil-ntmali-ilo.VilO.IO. llutter-Steath and uiu'liaiiRed ; cieauiory , 2X < tlc : ! ) ; dairy , iSjQfJie. AriKKNoo.N ItoAiiD Wheat easy and ' ( ,08 , > 4e lowoi. Com it tegular nnd n wliatle lower ton sliutle higher. Uats uuclian ed. Kansas City , .Ian. IS. Wbe.itLower ; rash , av naked ; Kebmaiy , % bid , wo nsked ; May , 7J'jr. ' Com bleadj ; casli , "Tc hid , 28i- asked ; rebmaty , Use bid , Sf r asked ; MIIJ , aiUo bid , ill oa-ketl. Onts-Xomiiial ; ai'4e ' bid. Toloiln , .Jan. \VliiMt-Quicl \ ; cash , SSU.iMlo. ( Com Kiiin ; cash , U'.V. ' Oats -Dull ; cash , Hie. tilvcrpool , Jan. IS U'lieat I'oor do. maud ; new Xo. 'J winter and spiing , 7s IJ J , steady. 1'loin Poor demand al 8s Sd , easy. Com-Fair demand ; old mixed , Is 7 (1 ( , dull ; new mixed , Is 7'srd , Hi in ; January , Feb- ntnry and Match , -Is'Jil , linn. niilwnukoo , Jan. IN Wheat-Weak ; cash , 7 ' 4c ; I'ebrntny , 7b'idc ; May , Sle Com Dull ; No. - , Uiic. ( ) alsiasy : ; No. tt. Jj c. live-Dull ; No. 1 , TIN- . Uailey-Quiet : No. 'J , Me. I'lovlsions Illfiber ; mess poik. cash and Januarj , fclO.'U ; Febiunij. Mi.s.lf. ) niiiinoapoiis , Jan. IH. Wheat Dull nnd town to sell ; No. t hind. Mc ! foi Jaii- tiaiijHi'-ir lor Keomaiv ; 8ihV for Match : ' .lie loiMay : Nf. 1 noilliein , TU > , e foi Jan- titny : bOo lei Kebiiiaij ; Me for Maixh ; We tor May. Klom Is'oslcctcd : imtenls , Sl.l'SJr'i.Oi ' ) ; bak ers , . ' 5.75 4.01) . IfeceiptsVheat , P ,000 bu. bbipmeiits Wheat , 17.00J bu ; Hour , r , oao hbls. In Hloie-Wheat , f , r8l , J bu ; at St. I'.uil , 1UH,000 ! bu. New Orleans , Jan. 1S Com Dull nnd lower ; white , l 'jvi ' ( ) rv : mixed , Uij tSi * . Oats Steady and him. Coilimeal I-'iimeral i-'i5. llos ; I'loilttcts Unsettled , lint generally hmlici. I'oik-SlO.W. ] /.ud-Si'.lJj ; . Hulk meals Shouldeis , Sl.OO ; lonp ; clear , 5.50 ; bboit clear ilb , y .C > . UVE STOOIC. Cliloa ; o , Jan. If. The Dioveis1 Jouinnl lejiotls : Cattle Ucreipts , 0,700 ; stoadv ; shlpniiiK steels , S'J.MV'5.r : > ; stockeis nnd leedeis , S'j.7t ) C'll.JiO : rows bulls nud mixed , * l.lMi ( l.CO ; bulk , : Miecp licceipts , ! ! ,00(3 ( ; Mioujrer ; natives , f'-V."m > . .00istem : , 'J.noVil.OOToxnii'j1 ; S'J.'JO ( j..W ; lambs. ? I.OO.7. ( > . - > . A DKneis'Joiiinal sjirrlal hivorpool rablo- ciam icpoiN tbr eattlo maikrt siniiiirei than last week and pi ices I2c lilghrr , best Ameiifan stcei telling nt KVjo per Ib , diesbcd. Iiniixim City , .Inn. Ifi. Cattle liccellils , ! 0) ) ; sliipmenls , 700 ; t-trady nud laillj nrlhu ; o\ioilrrs | , Sl.Kfi8-.l ! ) ( ) ; common to choice shipping. Sr.'i..Wcul ' O ; stockeis and feeders , S..iOta.'U'i ' ; eow.s , 5J.OOC- ! . ! ! ) . ' --J lion's Iteceipts , 0.riOO ; sldimiriit.Sj 100 ; stioiiiranil fie higher ; f ? ° uil to clioiei1 , SA8365 l.W ) ; common to nieuiuin , S. < .55i:5.b ( ! : ( ( . Ht. Ijonls , Jan. is. Cattle Itecripts , and Icedei- , linn and aethe Holieceipts , b , 100 ; shipments , W)0 ) ; actheand r c lilj-ber ; biitobers' nml elioleo heavy. Sl.OOVil.l.'j ' ; mixed lucking , SATO ® n.'J5 ; llt'litS3.50i < ? J.70. OMAHA3 STOOIC. Mondaj Evonlu ? , Jan. 18 , Tiie wpok opened dull to-div bv icasoii of the liiclit icccipts. Tliedemauil as lull for all kinds ol stock. The cattle marNet was especially dull , only a fpvvrouh. iinl uatho f-tceis that had been held ovei eluttiKiiiK bauds. The mail. ctas steady at Satuulay h pilcos. Tliu quotiition publlslie.t this moi nlng of Ut nati\e steer , nvoiaiti1 11 ! ! . ! atSJ.fiOasan euoi : It .should ba\u been av. l.'i'il. Itulcbei.stock Is inllior slow ut S'.ioig.w ; . J5tdlsould lm\o sold at ii.r ( i Tliu Jioir inni kct was .tiou ei than on Sat- titd.iy and tins deimiinlas \ery Rood. On iiecount ol tlm Unlit i.'ccipts paekein weio iiuslotis to pick up as iii.iny Id. ids us possible. Clioico to esti.i p.ieKIni ; lion's lauded liom fc.l..T ) to SM : ! ( , nnd KOIK ! mixed p ickeis liom & : ! . 15 to WiO. Common iom < li IIOKS .sold at Sr'rito ! ; ii.-lO , Twenty t\\o cais woio lepoited on the \\ay to tin ; , slicinN . iiml should hiu ! niiiu'd ' in time lor to ilij's : mniKet , Tlieie is notliiiiKdoln ln lli Mic < 'i > mmkcr , i leu elioicoould acJl teadllj , but 110110 ; ue coming in. jirrH'rs. ; : i ninitnsr ATUI i.ownsr. tlio highest ami | o\\cst juices paid in this maiki't tor lin .s ilmiiu' the i > .ist iixlayhiiiiil ( lor tlio roin'spuiutln ast month : ruesilay ls.l.S.1 QS'.l.rx ) iVcilnosday : ( i.rr. rimi.-diy a.-i-i c < : wi H.rj'ifrt.'i.iir ' l-'ililny a.-jrij ( < i..1.'i ! i\tuiuay \ , ' Wjfn-JWi : iio.i7o ( . " .1.1 ( 1 (5 ( " I'AChl.llV I'l It IIASI.S. .Showing the numb.'r < > ( ratt'o , ho s and ! icei | piueha ed bj tliu lo".il naikrisoii the 11,11 ki't to-day. IIOI.S. ' . IX led ) 113' ! i. 11. Hammond it Co ll'J iliot'iey it Co ' " "t Note All Mlosol' htocK In this imukrt am iiiiilo Jill uui. Ihi'Miclit iniless dllien\io Intnl. Dead ho/s sell at Io per Ib , lot all trlKhts. " .Skins , " 01 \\rijiuiiii'less Iliiin LKlllis , noaluo. . Pregnant bou.s am docked Olbjainl sia.'sH ) Ib- . J.AIAH.XVIIOIJO.SAIi ; .Monday Ku'iiinir , , ltn. : is. Olllll-l'.ll . lilflCflH. KfH.s Thuiimikitlbrry ijulrt nud few ales air belli ; ; made. . KorM-vuinl dnj/ / . past SIM Jii\o IH-CII held Irom IbOilOc , but Hut ugubto-kson hiind .Hid tliu ( iiiaulltlcs of old 8tnr , mw that ain hclnij thiown upon bailemlid In Wisnki'ii | il : ci. It .not wife to iiii'ito ' abovis 17 ( < tlSu for to-day. Hi 'I'lic n reipls or clmlcti table Imt- ; -rai ( liililnnil ; nol ( | Io tlio iloiuaiiil. n In lur block is In no ilrinaiid , and hdU ! uul > , lt plieus ( Jlllltlll. htllcllj cllOtCU toll ,