Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1886, Image 1

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IntToduccd in ths Senate by Messrs. Wihon
and Mandcnon.
A Hnicli of U'cstorn Postal Clirmsrs
liiitc Army Ordcra lisiiril
JllllB Introiliiocil Ity Messrs.
AVa > cr and Dorsi-y.
Very Important lo ( lie Northwest.
AwnvitioN , Jan. IK [ S ] > cclal Tele
gram , I Some1 measures weie proposed In the
fcrnnti' lo-tlav by McsxisVIKon \ of Iowa and
Mandci on of Nebraska , which are of very
nmlethdliiU'iest to army men tlnoiighoul the
countij. but especially of tlienoithvvestsinco
Ilicj bfni np < ni subjects width have there
been much agitated of late.
Mr. \ \ lls'in'H ' measure provides that , In
view of Ihe special leipilroincnUol thcaitlt-
IcrvauiKif the seivlco , theto bo cre.itcd and
nialnlalni'd as a put I ot the peimanvnt estib-
llsliim nt of each leglment of nrtllleiy , twelve
caplaincic In addition lo those now author-
l/ l li > law. which shall b lilled In each tcgl-
iiient bv promotion according totho seniority
of first lieutenants thereof ; that cap
tains thus tiuthoil/.ed shall be assigned
in their iesp ctlvi > regiments , one
to each b.illcry as junior captain ;
that the number of first lieutenants In u reg
iment ot llrstaillloiy shall hereafter bo 10
dueed to fourteen , two ol whom shall bo ex
tra lieutenants , and shall bo assigned to duty ,
one asa adjutant , and the other
( , . id regimental iUaiters | ; that the pay of the
Jt captains heteby authoil/ed shall be Sl OJ : l
year when dismounted , and Sll 00 when
mounted , together with llm allowances at
taching" to this gudo , and an Increase of pay
fortlie lengih of scivico now piovlded by
law ; that whenever a vacancy shall occur
among the lir-tt twelve captains of any icgl-
nieiit of arllll.'iy , it shall bu tilled by the
senior captain of those of such leglumnt heio
piovlded for. who shall Ihereafter loceivo the
pay and allowancesota captain of uillllury
as now established by law.
Senator M.nidwson'.s bill provides for the
appointment of hospital .stewards in the
United States at my , and HMM their pay and
allowance. It make ; the two elus-es ol
ho-pital stewards appo'nted ' by the secretary
of war and permanently attached to the
medical ( h'p.iiiment , as now provided for , to
constitute Ihi' Hist class , and tho-e. appointed
b } the wiillc. ! ) order of a commanding olllcer ,
upon iccomiiinndattnii of a medical olllcor , to
constitute the second class. The pay of the
Ihtt dass shall bu 5"a > mouth , aim that of
the second class fc-5 a month , all other allow
ances to lemain us now for lur-pltal stowaids.
The nmnbiM- fust class stewards shall bo
determined fiom time lo limn by tlio secre
tary of war as the necessities ot tlio service
may lequire , upon llio recommendation of
theoiirgeon general , and no peison shall bo
appointed lo that position unless he shall
have passed a satisfactory examination as to
his Illness and ability to perform Its duties ;
nor shall any poison bo designated for
c.xaminallon except upon wiitlcn authority
of the surgeon general.
not si : Mr.Asunr.s nv IOWA Mivntit : ! : .
In the house to-day , Iowa members intro
duced measmcs as follows :
JJy Mr. Murphy-l-'or the icllct of William
Mcliairalmn and for the adjuslmenl ot his
lights In the Xevv Idila ( iiiicksilver mines of
By Mr. llondcrjon l-'or the relief of
JJrldgct O'Dilen. *
Uv Mr. Stiuble To provide for a uniform
ballot box to bo used in federal elections , and
appropriating money for the same.
J5y Mr. Conger For the teller of Itiehaid
( ! eur.
JJy Mr. Hail-To pay S. T. Maishall of
Ki'oknk S'r ' ! > M and interest thcieon , money
expended by him as disbursing and pur
chasing agent of thu United States commis
sion sent to California In 1S" 0 to make
treaties with the Indians ; for the enforce
ment of judgments and decrees of the United
Stales "ouiis In oilier stales than whcro icn-
deicd ; for the iclief of Oison Young of JJur-
llngton , He/.ekiah Harvey and Kowland
Jly M r. Hepburn For the relief of Mar
garet Hall , and to establish a board of com
missioners of intcr-stato commerce , and to
regulate suchcommeice.
wisTiitx : : ro-i'Ai. OHAxni : .
I'ostmasters wcio appointed for the follow-
Inglilaees in Iowa lo day : At I'eorson , S. J.
McKee ; Klgln , K. Wohllieter ; Harper's Feiry ,
K. .Mnllaly ; J acoim , MIA M. Sheets ;
West I'olnt , J. Kempker ; Itunnolls , I ) . T.
Itiown ; St. I'.iul , U. K. Junker ; Shainbanxli.
1) . Slaylon ; Coiiher , K.Thayer ; DodgovlIIe ,
Mrs. It. Kline ; Donulson , A. Wiegner ; Kver-
green , W. W. McKlhlney ; l/.icrevv , IE. II.
For Xebraska the followIiiK postmasters
were appointed : At reterson , Mls3 M. 1'eter-
son ; IllueSiulngs , W. M. Voung.
The Council itlulfs and Urniiswlek railway
postolllce line has been extended to Mobeily ,
Mo. , and will heieafler be known as the
Council Hlnll's and Mobeily railway post-
olllce , ' .v/l miles in length.
I.ATI : .MIMV oni > niis issnn. ;
Maj Kobeit II. Hall , Twenty-second In-
faulty , Inspector general of the depaitment
of the I'lalle , has IK > CII oulered Irom Omaha
to Foil Xlobrara , Xeb. , on special publlo
biisinesp , and Capt. James lEucUwell , Jr. ,
oidnanee corps , chief ordnance olllcerof the
depaitment of Dakota , has been ordered by
Cen. Terry from Foil Abiaham Lincoln ,
D.ilr. , to St. Paul on olllelal business.
Among HID army I'm loughs anthorl/.eil to
day was that of I'rivalu IV'ter Urllllng , com-
juny ! ' . Kleventh infantry , Fort Abraham
Kincoln , Dak , , who was given ten days ex
mi.i s nv NWIHASKA Mijinr.ns. :
lteiiesi'ntalvu ] ( Weaver of Xebraska Intio-
duced In the house to-day bills for thu relief
of Lewis W. Am'.saud Frank Llghtncr. and
a joint lesolullon dhcctlni ; the postmaster
general to teadjust thu sahulei ofceitaln
lioitnnsteis In accordance with thu provision
of section 8 of the act of June I',1 , IbiV ) .
Mr. Dorsoy introduced a bill for the tellof
of Kobeit , late lieutenant colonel of
the twenty-second West Virginia volunteer
Intuntiy ,
TIM : i niii' : : SUIT.
The suit lo lest thu validity of the Hell tele
phone patent , which was iccommcndcd to
the attmnoy general by the scctctaryof the
Inlciior , will piobably be brought In the
name of the United States before the coin U
of thu DIsti let of Columbia , This is a some
what dlircrcnt programme from that expected
by those Intoicstcd In thu ilval companies ,
who hoped to hco Memphis selected by the
dupaitmcnt of justice. Solicitor ( icncral
Ooodo says U la thought to ba moio conven
ient for all concerned to have the trial In
Washington , whcto most of the papers nnd
witnesses are at hand. Commissioner of
1'ntcnts Montgomery Is of tlio opinion that
Iho suits should bo bronchi vyhcto the corpor
ation concerned has n lyexistence. \ . In
tbocriso of the lloll Telephone company ,
which war. incorporated under the laws of
Massachusetts , linston would , ho thinks , bo
tliv prjpo ) I'Vc. Thealtorae'K" how
ever , proposes to bring suit against A. ( ! ra-
ham Hell as agent ot the Hell company , and
this ran be done In the district of Columbia ,
where Hell rr.'ldos.
.Senator Manderson Introduced In the sen
ate to-day a bill anllioiiilng thn comptroller
ofcuncncy to allow the Omaha Xatlonal
bank lo Increase u- capital .stock to any sum
not cxcrcdin ? S2.000,0X ( ) .
Xothlng new has been developed in the
Hnhaiinon case slncp the writ of error was
allowed , Senator Manderson said to-night :
"I suppo-e the next thing will be for Attor
ney ( ieneral I.eeso to move a hearing of the
case before the supreme court. "
nofst : ANI > sixAii : nii.r. .
UIIINOTO.V , Jan. is. [ i'rcss.l Amont :
the bouse bills Inttoditrcd today was one by
Mr. llreckenrblue ot -nluckv , providing
for Hie asslgnufeiit of nimy olnccr.s as mill-
taiy attaches to L'lilled States legation i at
thu principal powers of Kuropo. It "pecllics
it shall hijtlielr duty to secuio accurate In
formation iclatlve to military alfalrs ill those
Mr. Clardy of Mlssouil introduced n bill lo
icfinid toall A mei lean steamboat captains.
pilots , nittineeis and mates the amounts
paid by the'ii lor United States licenses be
tween May 1 , Wl , and April r , , Ifvs. , less the
sum of Illty cents for each license.
A bill was Introduced by Mr. Hland of
Missouil to amend the statutes in iclation to
the election ol dliectors of national banks seas
as to provide that each shaieholdcr shall have
the light lo cast as many \otes In the aggre
gate as shall equal the number of shares bold
by htm. multiplied by tin * number o ! dlrcelois
lo be I'loi'toil , and eacli shareholder may
cast thu whole number ofoles lor one
Mr. Osbnrn of Pennsylvania Intioduced a
bllltodeline Hie invossiiy and pioper ex
penses incidental to thu nomination and
election or appointment ot f-enatoisor icpic-
seiitatlves In rniij-ioss , and to authcui/.e thn
payment theieid. The bill makes it a mi'do-
n lean or , punishable by line or ImpiNonmont.
or both , lor a candidate lor nomination or
lor election to the senate or house ot repie-
sentatlves , to pay or contribute , either dl-
lectlv or Indirectly , any money or other valu
able thing to secuie his nomination , election
or appointment , except to pay the necessary
expenses lor piloting and tiavelinglor the
dissemination of Information to the public ,
and tor political meetings , demonstrations
and conventions.
The senate committee on public lands to
day authoil/.cd Senator I'lumb to lepoit back
favorably without amendment thu bill in-
liodnccd by Senator Wilson of Iowa to ( inlet
tlio title ol settleis on the DCS Mollies river
lands in the state of Iowa.
Hy Senator Vooihees 1'rovldliiff for the
admission of Iho tciiitory of Montana into
Hie union ol state" , with one lemosentutlvo
in congress until the next general census.
H.v Senator Van Wyck To give iccelvcrs
of tailed national banks nuthuiltv to buy
property upon which Hie bank holds mort
gages wlien the piopeity is to be sold under a
derive ol com I.
Ily Senator CockrellTo iccognl/.o tlio
r.teambont inspection seivicc. It abolishes
the ollice of supervising inspector geueial of
slcamosselsund i educes tlio compensalion
ot the ten supervising inspectors Irom S
to Slr 00 per annum.
IN rim ixmiKST or wATr.nwAvs.
About thhty-livo delegates fiom the west-
em waterways conventions lield at St. I'anl ,
Kansas City and Xuw Orleans met in Joint
canteicnco this evening. Hcm.iiks weio
made by several delegates , counselling unity
of action among tlie delegation. On motion
ol Congiessman Adams ol Illinois , a com-
millpo of tbioe was appointed , one
from each . delegation , to consult
with the committee on rivers and haibors ,
and form a plan for ( he pie-entallon of icso-
lutlnus and views of the thieo conventions
lepie.scnted , and to icport a subsequent meet-
lug of the joint conleienco. The St. I'anl
delegation appointed Mail ; M. Dunnell of
Minnesota , the Kansas delegation W. II.
Miller , and the Xevv Oilcans delegation John
W. Hivant of New Oilcans. The meeting
then adjourned till to-moriOvv evening.
Senator Van Wyek's bill Introduced to-day
Is snuplemental lo Hie national bank act of
isiil , It provides that whenevera iceeiver of
any national bank , alter qualihcatlon , shall
deem it necessary in order to fully piolcct
bin trust In icgaid to any leal or personal
piopeity by reason ol legal claim attaching
theicto , and which piopeity is to bo sold by a
decree of court , ho may ceitify the facts
and value ot the propel ty and his inteiest
therein to the comptroller of eimency , with
u iciiiiest for pei mission lo employ so much
of the money ot his tnut as may be necessary
10 pineh.iso the piopeilyat the sale. It the
tequest Is appioved by the comptroller ,
it shall , together with the tacts
in the case and his -commendation i as to the
amount which ought to be so used , bo sub
mitted to the solicitor ot the tieasmy , and
it apmovcd by him , the icipicst shall be al
lowed atterliling tlio papeis in theeaso with
thy lieasuier of the United States.
When any such icniiest shall
bo allowed , the complioller of
cnriency Is empowered to draw upon thu
Inndsol any such trust as may bu deposited
with the tie.isiner of the United Stales for
tlio bcnellt ol'tlm bank In inteiest to the
amount recommended am ! allowed.
WOIIK orriir. COMMITTHI : * .
Iteprescutatives Townsheiid and Weaver
appeared belore the hou = c eommitlco on ter-
titorlcs this moinlng and argued In favor of
the passage ot the bills intioduccd by them
lor the creation ot thu tciiitory of Oklahoma.
Delegate ( illlotil ami Hogiesontatlve Kiod-
prick will appear before this committee next
Wednesday in snpnoit of their bills iclating
to tlio admission of Dakota as a state.
The hou > e committee on education met and
or ii nl/cd to day. Monday was decided upon
as the icgular meeting day cf the committee.
ACIII AIIAIXST : roM.Miiri : : : .
In the supreme comt of the United States
to-day , the caspot Samuel A. Walling against
thopcoploof the sl.ileof Michigan was de
cided In June , lssj. ; Walling was piose-
cuted In Michigan under the state law im
posing a lav on peisons cngaued in the busi
ness of selling liquor in tlmt state to bu
shipped tiom any other state. He was a
diumiiif r for u Chicago linn , and was con-
\Ieted ol selling liquor at wholesale without
a license , and sollcillm ; and taking orders
lor Its sale without n license. Ho was im-
iulsoned In delaultof payment of the line.
The ease was cauicd lo the supioiuo comt ot
Michigan , who decided against him. The
Hiipromocoutt of Iho Pulled States held that
a dlsciimlnatlng tax imposed by a state ,
operating to thu disadvantage of tlupio-
ducts of other slates , is a leiriilatlou in re
straint ot commercu niiioug the states , and
assueh is a usuipatlon of the power eon-
feircil by Iho constitution. Thu judgment of
thusupiemn comt of Michigan Is jeversed
and lemanded , with Instiuctiouslo take such
Anther proceedings na may not bo Inconsist
ent with thu opinion ,
Tlio Sliver Movement in Oermimy.
Xr.vv YOIIK , Jan. IS. ( Special Telegram. J
In a London dispatch lo the San , Win ,
Ileniy 11 in limit conlhms the punious state
ments In those dispatches that thu au'ileul-
turnl classes of ( Sermany are making theni-
selvo > hcaid in In favor of testora-
lion of silver and against the single gold
standard. Over 150 persons Irom tanners'
unions and ovi-r foily from peasant unions
have been sent to the Heiehstag. llinlbuit
adds : "This means business. Xogotlatlons
are now going on between icpit'seiitatives of
the agileultural Interest as Siicha.'id ' a pow-
eit'ul paity led by Heir Ximlthorsl , which
aielikely to make this silver HUM omen t In
( lOinumy as iMpoiiaut , relatively , as the
bllver inovcment in our own country. "
An Advance In Lins'-ed Oil.
St. Louts , Jan. IS. Tim price of linseed
011 on the niaikct has gone up one cent a gal
lon , the result of a secret meeting a few days
ago of the seed ciushcis ot the west , and held
with a view to the icoiganl/atlon of the
wchtcn consolidated crushers pool , Another
mooting will bu held In Chicago Thursday of
this week , when the price of linseed oil will
bo uxaln advanced , this time from tlnce to
live cents.
tlio Itcgolntioiis.
ST. I'.vui. , Jan. IS. The chamber of com
merce adopted. a mcmoilal to congress to-day ,
asking for nn Incieaso of the appropilation
Ser the upper Mississippi river , and on dors
I ig the icsAilutloiisOt the Kansas City con
The Town of Papilllon Visited by a Serious
Conflagration ,
Tlio Contents Slinrc In the Ilcslrtiu-
lion Six ItiiRlness Houses , \Vltii
Stocks Tlicrrin , Totally Wiped
Out , at Beatrice.
I'npllllon Scorched by Klre.
PAnt.t.tox. Xob. , .Tan. 1"- [ Special Tele-
Ritim.J A disastrous die began heie at Si
o'clock this morning. 11 was discovered
In Stclnbanghs bather "hop , which Is near
the MMitli rnd of n long low of frame struc
tines on Main stn-ot. The town has no lire
department and the cffoils with buckets and
\valiravailed nolhing. The llames covered
the barber shop , liainess shop and llemp-
stedt's store building in live minulesallei they
weie discoveied. When these buildings
were beyond hope of icscue , all elfoils weio
directed to keeping the llames fiom spreading
to the m > iHi. The flic was finally checked
after binning lour buildings and the entile
content * , cieatiiiR a total loss of fcluon. (
Xeaily all tliu mall In the postolllcovas de
stroyed. The families of ( Jeorno lle-iipsledt
and II. K. Wymouth , living over thu post-
olllce. naiiovvly escaped.
1'ollowlng Is a list of the lus-es and In-
suiance :
( ico. Ilcmstcd's general store , building and
stock , Sii.OOO ; Insurance , Sl.lKX ) .
I ! . S. Caipeiiter , poslolllce Ilxtnrcs , stamps ,
etc. , S.'KX ) ; no Insuiance.
Frank Steldlc , stock of harness , Sl.-iiW ;
Insurance , SITO.
U.K.'jmouth , household goods , STOO ;
no Insurance.
.Julius Krassie. building occupied by har
ness shop , 81,000 ; insurance , Sow.
Chas. KPJ-H , I'r.uui ) buildlm , ' , SMO ; no in
A. W. Claik , damaged by icmoval , 51,000 ;
fully insured.
All the above in inaiice is in the I'lia-nlx ,
of Iliooklyn , except that ot Chirk , which is In
the llomeof Ts'ovv Vork.
ANOTlinit ArrofXT.
An excillng liie took place here this morn
ing. About 10 o'clock liie was noticed in
Jim Ktoinbangh's baiber slu > p. The building
was of wood and the lire spread rapidly lo the
adjoining buildings , 'I'he whole side of the
stieel is built of wooden houses and con
tains among other places of business the
post-ollice , ( ! eo. Jlempstedt'.s general store
J. Krassic s saloon and ( Ihuk's general stoie
and banking house. Kveiy body expected
to see the whole side go , and only
well org.inl'/cd and hard labor en the p.ut of
the citi/ens saved one-half of the town fiom
the flames , .lust north of the barber shop
stood a building owned by Chailcs Keys , and
now occupied as a law ollice by Judge I.ang-
ilon. Mr. Keys paid 51,000 for this building
and had no insurance upon it. Judge Lans-
don succeeded In saving a p.ut of his books
and olllco finnltuie. On the south
of the baiber tihop was the Iiai-
ness shop , lliebiilldlngovvned by J. Krassic ,
the M.iloouirtl , and was Instiled for foiu 01 Ihc
hnndicil dollar * . Tlio harucssniaker caiiied
a line slock , estimated at S2.Wi ) to $ , ' > ' , ( ) IM , in-
.Mined for 5400 In the i'luenix insiiranco com
pany. His loss will bo about S'J,003. Xo\t
to the hai lies ? shop stood the grocery store
and iwslollice. Ill llempsledt opened up this
place about Unco months ago , and had It
well stocked witli fiesh gioceiies. On the
stock he can led an Insurance of S400 , and on I'liu-nlx. Ills family lived
over the store , ami were gl.ul to escape with
\vlialclothlngtheyhaoon. \ Xo stock was
saved and Mr. Hempstedt will sustain a loss
of about $ l,000. ! The postmaster is Mr. Car
penter , and had his olllce in one corner of
llompsteadt's stoie. .Nothing was saved ex
cept the mail that was In the bags and the
registeted letters. The olllce occupied by
Judge Langdon stood not moio than a foot
liom the saloon , and it Is a
maivel to all that the saloon was
saved. The snow on the buildings , and the
excellent woilc of the bucket InIgade , which
was huiiledly oiganlzed , Is , peihaps , all that
saved it.
A.V. . Chnk sustained considerable dam
age , having icinovcd ncaily all his goods.
O. W. Itoecolmd his face scotched by the
llames , and ( ins IIneck was considerably In-
juied about the head by a falling timber.
tco. ! llempstedt was also se.oie.hed. The
family of Mr. Wymouth lived above the
uostollico , and was glad to escape with barely
enough clothing to keep them warm. Dad
enough for some , but might have been worse
was the geneial veidict.
A. Ill ; ; lllaiu at Heat rice.
IJKATiiin ; , Xob. , .Ian. 18. [ Special Tele
gram.1 A Iho last nlcht on 1'ltth street , one
block noith of the roint house , totally de
stroyed six Iramo business houses and dam
aged stocks of goods and adjoining
The losses am : U. AV , Davis , finnllnre ,
fully insured in the .Sprlntjliold of Massa
C. 1C. White , building worth S.100 ; insuicd
S0) : ; In theSpihiKlield.
Slthell Hios. , Imlldliiff , wonh Sl.OOO ; In
sured 8700 , in the ( ierman American ,
C. K. Kees. building , worth 6001 ; insured
5400 , in the Xmth American.
.Schell t\2 \ Nicol , stock ot boots and shoes ,
worth SO.OOO ; insured for .55OJ3-'il'i03 In the
J'iieman's insurance association , sl.OOU In
thu Commercial Union company and
81,000 In the NoithHritlsh and Mercantile ,
S 1,500 In the Klieman's l-'iind. Most of their
stoio was saved. The loss will ba
Ceorgu Hinllli , stock In meat niaikct , woith
g.MX ) , liisuicd lori > 0 , in the Commercial
Union ,
W. 1) ) . Cox , building woilh Sl.'JOO , insmed
for 5SOO in thu Xoilh Ameilcun. .
John Teihnne , stock' of palntcis' goods ,
\\oitliSS.OOa , insured for jj 1,000 In thoJiomu
ot Xcvv Voik , I'henlx of Diooklyn and
JIaittoid Kite. Onulmlf of his stock
Uuclmnan Uros. , and Laselle , building
woith l.coo , no insurance.
A. I1. Sperry it Co , , stock In bakery ; stock
K. M. Hill & Sons , building , woith SW ,
pnillally destioypd ; loss S7V no Insurance ,
Klein & Co , and J. II. Alden , acioss the
sticet lioiu thu lire , had several hundied dollars
lars lobs in clacking of plato glass from the
All buildings except Illll & Son's were
totally destioycd. John Terhunu's stock of
S,0t0wasln the feheilrt's hands on attach
ment. Thu Iho started In a vacant buildln g ,
and was undoubtedly Incendiary. The row
burned was frame , but when rebuilt must bj
brick under thu ordinance.
The water works proposition will bo most
sure to carry after this experience with no
water. The question of voting SSO.OOO bonds
for water works comes up on January 22.
The deali'is burned out are alicady getting
new quarters , vvlillo the owners of the gionnd
aio auangiiii , ' to icbuild with brick. The
total loss will not fall much shoit of SI0,000.
It is the first Ectlous fiio that Beatrice has
had. Thcte was no wind or the damage would
have bi'CU mucli greater.
Oinnlin IiOiuls licnvcr ,
Den-oil mill .Milwaukee.
HOSTO.V , Mass. , Jan. IS. The following
table , compiled from special dispatches to the
1'ost , from the leading clearing hou es of the
t'liited State * , gives the gioss clearances for
the week endlnc January 10 , with percent *
ago of decrease and Increase compared
with the correjpomllni ; week of 1SW :
Xoi i : Minneapolis , Denver and ( lalvcston
not Included In totals.
Weekly Itcvlovv ol'Itritlsli Trade.
I.OXIKIV , Jan. IS. The Mink Lane Kx- , In its weekly review of Iho Hilllsh
gi.iln tr.ule , sajs : Despite the fact that there
have been violent storms during the week ,
wheat crops have a satisfactory appeaiaiice.
Trade was eliceiless , nnd values are weaker.
Sales ot Knglish wheat dining the week.
. " . ( .IB quatters at ' . " .is 10d , against s..SKl
( piaiters at : > ls 'M thcpoiicsjionding week
last jear. Flour was tieoly delivered ; prices
favor bujeis. Thomarkc.t for foreign wheats
Is stagnant , Kussian and Indian selling
fieely at the lowest rates ; South Australia
has tor the Hist tlmu an cxpoitable
smplus. Thu maiket for caigoes
Is quiet ; supplies have been small :
two outgoes ( iirived , two cargoes wore sold
( one of which wasXo. 'J Amciican red win
ter , the supposed price being Ms ! ! d ) , thieo
eaigoes weie withdrawn'nnu'oni ) lemalned.
Trade I'orvvaul is ( pilot ; several cargoes of
Califoiniaold ( lor prompt dcliveiy at ! i3s I'd
Oiitts Oil. At to-dujs market , whcal was un-
impioved ; J nglish ( id lower ; Amuilcan llour
cheaper ; bailey dull. _
A Dakota Hank Simpc
DIVII > LAKU. Dak. , .Tan. IS. The bank of
Devils Lake , Hie pioneer bank here , sus
pended , local bank depositors issuing writs
of attachment lorSSOOO. A. M. Foriis is
picsldent , II. ( ! . Stone vice-president , and 0.
B. Coisett cashier. The two loimerweie
connected with Hie XoithWcstein Car com
pany ot Stlllvvater. A.'moitgnsuTol'S > no-
IWO was iccently lilojttoiamst Mono ,
coi-ntf. . n .ntt.1 niij abouti,000. : and Ferris'
5510,01)0. Dejiosits amount to about S'i. > , )0 )
The Xinth Xatlonal bhnkof Xevv Voik and
the Fiist Xatlonal of St. I'uul are cones-
pondents ot the suspended bank. The only
member of the linn icsiding heio is O. 1 > .
Corset ! , who was cashier. Coisett savs the
liabilities aie about 825,000. Ho thinks the
assetts sntiiclent to cover these , being cbielly
leal estate and the bank safe , vault and
The Visible Statement ,
CmrAoo , Jan. IS. The following figures ,
to bo posted on 'Change hcie to-moiiovv ,
shows the amount in bushels of gialn In stoie
in the United States and Canada , January 10 ,
and the incieaso or decrease from thu pie-
ceedlng week :
Wheat r,7nsisi Decrease r , < vi7 : ;
Corn < V > ' .i5,100 Dew ease 1'J IOS5 ! )
Oats 2,07.V. ! r Decrease . ' : , IS'.I '
Uyo 7ss-l Increase lii..iso
Hut ley 1'JiM.bSr Dociease 74,018
The piopoition of Ibis In Chicago elevatois
was :
Wheat llrni,710
Corn 2,4l)7b.l ) :
Oats , } S > ? \
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Harley..V.V..V..V..V..V.V.V.V.V.V. IW'.WJS
Dairy 'larkct.
CmrAoo , Jan. IS The inter Ocean's
Klgin special : Thu butler market was a
little lirmer to-day. Jtegular sales , 172-tO
Ibs at : w ; . < i. i'4c. ' Cheese was dull : sales
light. Seventy-live boxes of skims sold at 5e.
1'iivuto sales of V.-U ) 'hs ' ot butter are ie-
polled. Total .salesMlbs. .
Al'roniinont I'liysiclan of St. Joseph
I.VHtcrloiisly Disappears.
ST. Josr.pii , Mo. , Jan. 18. Dr. S. A. Iticb-
inonil , manntaetuier of patent medicine , has
been missing since Thursday last. Two ye.u.s
ago ho was sued by an oastein adveitislng
agent for for bleach of contract. The
case was locently comiiiomlscd tor S7,0X ( ) ,
which lilehmond a reeil to pay. On Tuesday
last he left a siclc bed and went to Chicago ,
i chiming Thursday , but has not been seen or
heaid of since.
The theory prevails that ho was physically
and mentally exhausted , and mobably wan-
lieied into thoMlssouii river , the channel of
which is open in tiont ol the Francis street
depot , whole he loll the train. Diligent
search has been made , but no trace of him
can bu loiind. Ills wife Is completely iiros-
"liatcd with gilof , and can olferno explana
tion , I'wept that her huslund was not
in his light mind , and has not been tor
sovoiul weeks. Ills business was win Hi sev
eral bundled thousand dollars , and his who
owns onool the most beautilnl homes In St.
Joe , vv 111) ) probably the finest conservatoiles
ol any private person In the wo-.t. Xo action
has yet been taken concerning tlio manage
ment of the doctor's business , hopes being
onleitalncd still thai ho may turn np and as
sume chaigo again hluisx'llt although the in
dications aio that thcie is little foundation
lor such hope.
A VoiuiK' fiU'l Hurled Allvo ,
WooitsTOf ic , Out , , Jan. 1H. Itecently a
gill named Collins died'liofe , . It vvas sup
posed , very siuldunly. j\ , day or two atro
the body was oxhiimeil , pifor to Its icmovut
to another binlal place , when the hoirlnlo
discovery was made that till ) gill was buried
alive. Her shroud had iK'oif tom into shieds ,
her knees diawn up to tliuildn ; , one of thu
aims tw isted under her , and her fcatuius boie
uvidencoof a dieadful torture.
Cut In UatoH to.Npvv Vork.
Ciiif'Aiio , Jan. is ? . DcmoralUallon In east
bound passenger tralllo Is cropping Into the
icgular olllcos licio. To-day at least thieo of
the 8tlonger lines wcru sellliu ; over their
counter thiough tickets to Xevv 1 oik for Sir
If the customer could not bo induced to pay
icgular fate. Scalpeis were selling Irom S'i
Klllod by Coal ( Jaw.
Annr.vx , Mich , , Jan. it- . Thomas Cowpsle ,
Sr. , an old icsldent of this city , was found
with his wife insensible fiom coal gas. Mrs- .
Cowpsio died al a o'clock this moinlng and
her Husband cannot sui vivo. .Mrs , Cowpslu
was 111 and it Is Mipiniscd her husband ie-
moved a tea-kettle to mix vvaim meillcinu
aid torgot to leplnce the ttove lid.
Fears or Foul Dealing.
OAIIIO , 111. , Jan. 18. John Tuiley , land
agent of the Illinois Central rallioad. loft
here two week- , ago to-day to look at land on
the Calioix- . Louis rainoad. nnd nothing
has been hoaid of him since. It U tcaicd lie
has been foully de-alt witlu
The Visiting Delegations of the Legislature
ou Their Junketing Trips.
Various lilts offlosslii of Mattel's PI-PS *
cut nnd Prospective , of thr Session
ATcrrilila Caliinilty nt Cfe.stoti
to\rn Specials.
The llnwkoyo State Holnn-a.
Dr.oMoixrs Iowa. Jan. 1-Special. ( 1
The people who have been bored by an aimy
ot olllco seekers for the last ten days draw a
sigh ot icllef , for the leplslalmo has ad-
joinncd. The solons at the state house who
have devoted their mighty eneigics to the
woik of organizing and getting themselves
In line with the box ollico so they could draw
their little stipend , have concluded that they
need a lest and so have taken one. adjourn
ing till Monday , theSfllli. In the meantime
the membeis who have had the distinction of
being chosen visiting committees to the
various state Institutions will stall oat on
their junketing tiip and ilnd over.v thing proP -
P lied for making them happy. Tlio cullmiiy
depailment nt the vatimis hospitals and
other public Institutions is by no means
neglected by those In charge , and the visiting
biethicn may boassined ot a full laidcr and
a choiceeulslne. Of coui e under such cir
cumstances ho\v can they help lindlng oveiy-
thing lovely and In most admirable older.
So they w ill have a good time , and come back-
after the icecss and congratulate the state
upon the excellent condition of its public
Speaker Head will improve the time toper-
feet his committees , If , as minor suggests , ho
has not aheady made them out. llu is so
completely In the hands of thiee or four men
who seemed his election that them Is not
much speculation as to whcio the chief places
will go. They have alieady been appointed ,
and In all piobabllity weie bctoio Ids elec
In the senate Lcut ! naiit Governor Hull
has alicady announced his committees , and
the selections occasion a good deal of unfa
vorable criticism , There seems to have been
nn Intention on the part of Hie piesldcnt lo
11 = 0 the committees to some extent lo tevvatd
favoiites and pay elf some political grudges.
Some of the oldest and strongest members of
the senate were given no chaiimanshlps , or
If any , those ot Intetior committees that
amounted lo little.
The senate so far hasn't loomed up Into
public favor very high , it has developed a
most nlaiming tendency to nepotism which
Is do-crvlng ot suvcie rebuke. II chose lor
secictary of tlio senate , a position of gieat
impedance and icsponsibilily , the son of
one of the scnatois , and no one supposes
that he ever would have been elected had his
father not been a member of the electing
bodj. Then the MMiute decided to elect
seven pages and for live of the seven It
chose ons or grandsons of Its own members ,
some of the > e little chaps hardly yet out ol
bliis and lucl.-.M- _
, lucl..MAlIqlLtIlRSQ hoya draw
63 a dnyiulnry for the entlio session , and so1 *
llvosons or grandsons of the men who chose
them are given positions which many a poor
boy with a widowed mother to support would
gladly have obtained if ho could. Witli so
many poor lads suffei ing for the ncccssaiics
of life and begging for woik , itisnocicdit
to a senator to put his well-fed dilution in
these places which Iho stale pajs for , and
keep the staiving bojs out.
Both blanches of the legislature so far
have Fhovvn little disposition to get alter
the railroads and other corporation ? , though
they will not get their guns fuhiy unlimbered -
ed till later in the session. Thcio aio some
members in each house who wouldn't have to
linn away horn their own looking-glass to
sec a demagogue. They , will howl the loud
est about the acgiessious of railroads and
feel the meanest if they aie forgotten when
the passes aie dlstiibutod. They may make
some tumble for the comnanios , but it is
doubtful , for them Is a pietty level headed
man In the governors chair.
Itcptpsoiitntivo Weaver , ot llardin county ,
who was defeated for thespeakeishlp by the
snow blockade , Is vciy popular wlili the
members , and bus been elected speaker pie
lorn for the session. Ho will till the speak
er's clmlrwlionover Mr. Head is absent.
Senator Whiting , of Monona county , who
was the late democratic candidate for gov-
ctnor , has dropped into complete ob-cuiity in
tlio senate. Ho hasn't the lirst qualilication
for leadership , and so doesn't try to lead ,
but sits as quiet as a duck on a log , only
speaking when his name is called for the
ayes and noes.
Senator Knight of Diibuquo will probably
bo the leader of the dcmoeials in the senate.
He is a rattling talker , a line lawjer , being
slate.solicitor for the Illinois Central , and a
well poised , well hied man.
On the tepubllcan side Woolson of Henry ,
Siitlon of Maishall , and Hiilchlnaon of
Wapello , are the ,111011 whose counsels and
wonls will go I'aithost In diiectlng afl'uhs.
In the house thcii ; Is such a mob of follows
that it Is haul to lull just who will load.
Thorn are at least a do/on ot each paity who
think they have been forordalned to that
position , but theio will be fewer bel'oio the
session Is over.
Torrllilo Dlniihtcr ill Ooston. !
Cnnstox. Iowa , Jan. IS. [ Special Tele
gram , ] The mammoth tank In Iho render
ing establishment of Shoit it Cooley , at the
Chicogo , Hurlington ifeQuincy stock yaids ,
n ed for eookin ; : dead animals , exploded at
H'iO ; ! this morning , blowing t'io ' entire build
ing lo atoms , Instantly killing two workmen
and badly wounding four oilier-vine of whom
will die. HundieiNof clll/ens are visiting
the .scene of the disaster , ami the sight of the
dead and wounded , mingled with the debris
of Hie building and HID cooking mass of dead
hogs , Is most appalling.
The hilled and wounded are :
Xflson Cone , hiboier , killed , leaving n
Milehe.l ! Severe , aged 15 , killed.
F.d Shot I , a piopiietor , badly scalded about
the taco , and bruised ,
William I ! . I'Msklns of Chicago , engineer ,
bknll fracluicd , will die.
Tom S. CJaik , foieman , binlscd and
John Hoyer , woikman , aim broken.
Thu vvoikb have been In opuiation but a
few months and v\eio doing a linking busi
ness , jcnderlng all dead animals Jiom Ihu
stock yauls , The disaster was caused by n
defective tank , which was wai ranted to stand
ICO pounds pressure. Hill lilty pounds of
steam weio on when the explosion occinied ,
Thu building Is n complete wicck. The loss
Is 510,000 ; no Insuianco.
Fatal Fire.
HANQOII , Mo. , Jan , ! . Saliiiu'.iy night a
llio was discovered In the house of Hery
Cookson nt ( Jiecnbiish , fifteen miles fiom
his city. The flames spread rapidly and Cook-
son , In endeavoring to rescue his son's wife
and two chlldien , was caught in the lulns by
thu falling i oof , just as ho passed the second
child out , and ho was binned to death. Ho
was T5 years old. The woman and chlldien
\veio teiiibly burned , but will it-cover.
The Ctormitn 1rltffco4s hotter Ct-ontos
n Sonsalloiii
Lovrtoy , Jan. W A sensation lias been
created by the publication of a letter from
Ulsmaick to the pope , acknowledging the re
ceipt of the deeoiallon of the order ot Chi 1st ,
icoently confcirod on the ( lOrman chancellor
by Ids holiness. The letter commences by addressing -
dressing Iho pope as "Sire" and M.VS : "Vonr
kind Utter and decoration havegieatly grati
fied in ) sell and Huipeior William. '
It then goes on to state that
Iho pope's wouls thai the papacy
means to practice the woiks of peace ilrst
suggested to 1'rlnce Hlsmarck the Idea of
seeking the mediation of Ids holiness in the
Caiollnes question , and In deference to ids
talthnnd nuwoakcncd cotiildonro in the
pope's elevated vlevvsand Impatllallty hose-
Iprtcd the pope asan aibiler ot the dispute.
( icim.iii ) ninl Spain have no oauo to com
plain ot the terms ol the pi otocd and the effect
of the mediation will be lasting , The prince
will not neglect his chances to attest his
lively gratitude , lilghe-t devotion and deep
est te.speet for Ids bollm-ss In Hie futuio. Tlio
lettei Is signed , " \ our veiy humble soivant ,
DiMiiarck. ' '
Doings ol1 ( lie Ili-illsli Cabinet.
l.oxtiox , Jan. is The ioval speech was
drafted at n moating ot the cabinet to-day ,
Loul I'andolph Churchill ovoroamn Iho de
mand of a section of the cabinet that the
whole oooiclon act be icnovvod. The gov-
einmeiit will lely upon a division of the lib-
eialsto secuio the siippoil of its liMi pro-
LoidSallsbuiv has consented to tecoj-nlzo
China as a nominal su/.craino over Hiirmah
on condition that the I'cliin government
abandon Us claim to tiibuto lo Hnimnh. and
open thu Chinese frontier to Hrltlsh iradets
at r > per cent ad Miloivin lates , except on
opium. _
More Coercion Tor Ireland.
LOXKOX , Jan. 11 The qnecu to-day .sent
her private .secretary to Mr. Gladstone with a
letter on the Irish situation.
It Is slated the government will at the
eailiesl moment Introduce u bill in parlia
ment making boycotting a felony , enlarging
maglst rates' powers of summaiy luilsdlctlon.
and olheiVYise strengthening tlio eilminal
law. Tlio Introduction of this mcasnio Is
said lo have been decided upon at the cabinet
council to-dayi
VMIlor Stead Itolnmod.
Loxnox , Jan. I1 * . Mr. Stead , editor of the
1'nll Mall ( iiuctto , who , In Xovember , was
sentenced to Hnee mouths' impilsoniiiont for
his connection w lib the Kll/i : Armstrong ab
duction ease , was released fiom mlson to
day. .Stead Is well , and will speak to-nlghl
at a meeting ol his tilendsandsvmpatiil/.cis.
He will then take a loitnlght's. holiday.
n Will Denonncp tlio r.jeajjiio.
LUXDO.V , Jan. IS. The St. James ( iavctte
says : Tlio queen's speech , to bo dcllveied to
paillamcnton Thursday , will denounce the
Xatlonal League as an iinlawlul oiganl/a-
tlon , and ask patllamcnt lo suppoit a bill
eithei loricgulatlng Iho league or to sup-
piess it.
Tlironloncd With Dynainlto.
LOXDOX , Jan. W. A number of the piescnl
and last mlnistiies have tccelveil letters
thieatcning letaliatlon witli dynamite it a
coeicion policy in iclatlon to the Irish Is
adopted , or if homo rule for thai counlry is
Ornn o Idiocy.
HiirA T , .Inn. ] 8. A gieat meeting ,
Hinder , , tlio ausiilces.-ol' lliQi.Loyalnand , , ! } ;
tiiotiu uiiio'n , was held he'ro to-day. "A rose
Intlon was adopttid pintvstlng against the
passage by patliamcnt ol any mcasiiio grant
ing home rule lo Iieland.
That Seine [ ( > r tlio ISiii-tcd Xniiticokc
* 31 i no ra are A lire.
AViucR HAISIII : , Jan. IS. [ Special Tele-
giam.J One of the men now at woik dig
ging lor Hie entombed miiiPisat Xantlcoko.
came up witli tlio icgular shift Satuul.iy mid
night and icpoi ted that while at work he had
seen a light ahead of him. If this statement
is true of com so some of the men Imprisoned
in the mine aie still alive. The light was
visible only a moment. The men at woik
lapped long and loud , but icceived no le-
sponso. It is thought if thu men aie alive
they were too weak lo respond. It is possible
somu of them may have subsisted on nude
flush , and it Is exlicmely prob.iblu if so that
they have had plenty of fresh air and water.
At lii it Davis's story was not believed , but ho
was so emphatic that additional men weie
put to work. The wildest excitement has
been cieated , and ncaily all tl.o citizens re
mained up all Sunday night , watching and
hoping. Should even one man bo found
alive it would bo the most miraculous thing
in tliohl.stoiy of miiio disasters.
Wn.iu.s : U.vnni : , IM. , .Jan. 1" . fl'iess. ]
Theio is no change In tlio condition ot affairs'
atslopo Xo. 1 ot tlm Xanlicoko mine where
tliominets aie entombed. Thef-ensatlonalie-
poitstaited yCMtculay that a lesning paity
discovered a bright light ahead of them Is de
nied. The woik ol closing tin ( lie gangways
continues slowly , Nothing lias been discov
eied ini to noon to-day of Hie burled men.
A eousldciable stieam ol water is now i mi
ning along the gangway wheio the men uio
at woik and another iiish ol sand is expected
at any moment. Fiom all appearances this
morning It will bu weeks beloio the bridles of
Ihc men are reached , if limy aio ever lecov-
eied. It Is poisibio , however , that if the vic
tims wcio caught In thu gangway and over
whelmed by the Hood , their bodies may be iu-
covered any time.
Ail Ohio Ulvor To iv Itoat Kinuslicd
into Small Pieces.
lYrrsnrito , I'a , , Jan , IS The bolleis of
the tow-boat Modoe exploded about b o'clock
this inoinln : ; near the Sixteenth slicetbildgo
on the Allegheny liver. The buat was com
pletely demolished. The pilot , Joe Davies ,
was Instantly killed , anil the llicman. Mat
thew HiL'glm , and Captain Jell' Kv.ins
lulidly Injuied. The luhincp of Iho ciew es
caped tinnnii. The fireman bad lust tired
np when the explosion oceuiied. 'I'he con
cussion was tenilii ! and the boat was
ion ) asunder , thu Inumcnti being seatloiod
live bundled .vauls. 1'llot Davle-i was blown
Into the i Iver and Iho body has not yet been
lecoveied , Flieman Illgglns was blown on
ton ratt and It Is thoiighl his injinlc.s mo
lalal. ( 'npt , Kvans was badly hint , but will
Piobably let-over. Otheis wore blown Into
the i Iver and named iininjiunl , 'I he cause
of Hut explosion Is not known but It Is
thought the feed pipes clogged with Ice and
thu bolleis becoming diy .exploded. The
boat was owned by Capl. Kvans and valued
at tf 1,000.
Knurlli fiainoofilio Cnnss Contest.
Xr.w Vomc , Jan. la. The foiiilh game of
chess between Messis. Steinlt/ ' . and Xncker-
toil was played to-day. SleinlU huvng ! vvon
one game /uckerlomvvo , gieat Intoiest
was iiMiillcsti-d to Know who wonC-l win to
day. Kdltoi- , Dana , l ! < ; ld , I'nllUor and Ot-
lendorler weio as invited guests , and
among expeits piesent wcio Cap
tain MrKon/.louml McssrsKm.rciic ; , Hiinham ,
Llojd and Ljons. U was tfiOlp. in. when
the conlp.slanls l 'gaii Ihu game. Slelnil/ .
iihijed the Ifuy Lopiv. knights gamlill. At
the end of the tliU-ninlli ! move Steinitte -
signed , the time of game being thicound one-
hall hours.
Tim IH Iillliidor.s on Trial.
ST. Louis Jan. 1The largest crowd
over in the cinmlt comt altonded
thai comt this moinlng to witness HIP open
ing dial ol the Chinese Ilighblndeis. The
Chlncso inliabilaiits of this eit > went piesimt
in lait'o numbers. Thu opposing factions
JIong-Kongilcs and Cantonese , occupied po
sitions on opposite sides of thu loom. 'Iho
morning trs'slon was occupied by loimal
openingpioceedlngs ami wrangling by op
posing counsel over some technhallties id
the law , A ircess WIN taUcn at 1 until y : w ,
when It is expected Ihu taking ol tc-timuio
willb in.
Report of the Gnllom Committee on Rail *
road Transportation.
Dlprrlmlnntlon DcttiniuN I pe
Islal Ivi * Limitations I'avorlnu Wa *
terwajs and in National Com
mission The Ciillotn Hill.
The Transportation Question.
WASIUXOION. Jan. IV-Thoieport of thrt
select committee of the MMiato upon Inter *
state lullroad transpoitatlon , to accompany
the Culloin Inter-stalo commerce bill Inln-
dueed tinlav. foiiusa pilnted volnmo of 81(1 (
paces. It says the outlook Is not good for
the United Slates to ship ineadstntTs In nn *
limited qtuntltlcs tluomhuut the clvlll/ed
world , and the pilnclpat maikets both for
bread and meats must honoofoith bo sought \
at home. In Its discussion of the power of v ,
congress to logulato commeico , thu commit
tee reviews exhaustively the declarations of
the United Slates supiomo comt on the
Unjust di eilmlnatlon , It says , Is the chief
cause of complaint against the management ,
ofiallioads in thoeonduet of their business
and gives Use to much ol theiuossnio niion
congu'ss tor u icitulativo limitation , The
talhoad companies do not tccognizo as they
should the ( act that the ) sustain u dilTeient.
lelullon to the public fiom poisons engaged
in ordinary business ontoi prises. The rail-
mad cumulations nocoss.itj | | lost under Iho
same obllgallons to deal falily and equitably
with all cltl/ons , wllhoul favoritism , us the
state llM'If.
Tin-subject of competition between water-
vva.vsand rallioadsls discussed brlelly , and
the conclusion Is leached thai waterways aio
most effective regulators of i.iinoad chaises ,
and the impioveuicnt ot our waterways Is iv
national necessity.
Ol the llennepln canal llm committee savs :
The commerce ot the nation would deil\o
lii'sh ami continued advantages tiom the
eonsiuictlon ol this canal. Cheaper trans *
porlution between Chicago and the seaboaid.
the committee sajs. Is ussniodbv a line or
fieo water communication open thiough Iho
great lakes , thn Kilo canal and the Hudson ,
and no method has been suggested by which
the controlling inlluonooof that water com
petition could be extended over so wide , pop
ulous and productive u ten itoiy and also at so
moderate an expense , as by tlio conslruellon
of Ibis shoit canal of seventy-four miles' ' ,
which would plve lo tlio people ol the upper
Mississippi stales diiect water transit con
nection vvi'i ' all llio states of the Atlantic
seaboaid , and with Kuropo. Tim necessity
of lids impiovement is made morn nigont by
the high and oppiossivo tales of height pie-
vallingbelwecn the grain piodnclng slates of
the no'ihwest and Chlcano , as eompaiod
with the charges made between thai point
and thu Atlantic coift bj the construction of
this canal. These charges would be malei-
lally icdiiced , and HIP giain producing stales
would be given that cheap ti.uislt which has
now become necessary lo enable them to
successfully place their surplus products in
the foielgn market.
The committee formulates Its conclusions
as lollpvvs ; Tim public luteic&l demands
regulation of Hie business ol tiansuoitatlon ,
because in HIP absence of such leirulation Iho
canicr Is actually the sole and final aihltur
upon all disputed questions that ailse bc-
Iwcen Hie snipper and earlier as to whether
rates aio icusunablu or an unjust dlsciim-
innllon lias been piactlccd. H is the duty of-
congress to undertake the legulatlon ot the
business of transportation , because ol ad
mitted abuses In its management and of
acknowledged discriminations between per
sons and places in its practical opera
tions. Xiilional legislation is necessary
to icmeily tlio evils complained ot , because'
Hie operations of the tianspmtiilion
are I'm the most pait beyond the juilsdiclliui
o. ' tlio states , and until congress aclH , not
subject lo any governmental eontiol In the
public Inteiest , and because the business of
transpoitatlon Is p-sontlnllly of a nature that
requires a uniloim system and method of
regulation , which the national authority
can alone pic'eiibe. The failure ofcongicss
to act acts as an oxenso lor the attempts made
by the railroads to regulate the comiueicy oC
the country in their own way and Hi thojf
own intcicsts by whatever combinations ana
methods th"V aie able to put Into
npciulion. That u pioblem of such
magnitude , impoilanco and Intilc.icy can bo
summaiily solved by any master stroke ( it
Icgistlvo wisdom , is , the eommltti'o says1 , be
yond the bounds of leasonablo belief. That
railuuds , unaided or unio-traincd , can or
will eventually woik out its solution seems
highly impiobablo. judging from past ex-
poiloiice , and cannot loasouably be expected.
Thai a satlsfactoiy solution ol the pioblom
can eltlierbo sucmed wiibont the aid ol wise
legislation. Ihu committee does not believe.
Thocomuiitloedeclare-i publlcilv as Iho best
lemcdy for unjust discrimination , and rec
ommends the jiusting ol rates under llio di
m-lion of a commission.
The concluding chapter embodies n IPOOUI-
lucmlatlon for the establishment 01 a na
tional commission to enl'oieo fluj leg.
islation which thu counultluo leeommcnd.s.
Provisions oT ( he Culloin HIM.
WASIIIXC.TOX , .Inn , IB. The following
Is a brief synopsis of Hie bill -to
ate commerce , repoi ted ( rum the M'linto
lecleommlllepupon Inloi-stuteiallio.ul trans-
poitatlon to-day by Senator Cullom :
A f I cr.specif j Ing the clns-es of r-aiilagc" , or
rather the hinds of trallic to which the ICKII-
latluns nioscilbed are to apply , and de-
elaiinir tliat all charges made by-.noli oni-
ileis shall be leasonable , tlio pielimnaiy |
section alms to piolnbil evciy Miilely of nn-
just djscrlmlmiHon ; to picsrribc , ideiiato ( | }
peniilllos thoioforo , ami lopresciibe im tnelr
enloicement in tlie coinfot llio Unhid . >
Slates. The sections im-ludo Hie U'iine- |
nu'iit lhatall c.uiieis siM | | all'oid iei-oiiablo :
lacllitles lor the intcicliango ol liallic
with connri'iiir. lines , nnd the
ptohlbltlon ol a greatei cnano I'm a sboiler
than a loiiL'or dNlanco , oNoepL when it can
be iilllimativei.v I'slnbll-lied b > Ihc i.inlur
tliat such ch.n e does not cuiislilule unjust
dl'-ciliuinatioii , such ( imimon rauiu may ,
however , In special CI CM be aiitliiiii/ed by
thecomiiiission lo cliaue a Bloater amount
lor longer than tor slim Irr distances tor Ihu
tianspoitation of passenger * ami pi op-
city. Another section lequhos all car-
ilers subject to the provisions pioposcd In
the act to tile their taiillsand silications
with an intcr-stalo eoiiimeico eommls.sion ,
and iiiovlde.-i they Fhall bu posted or othoivvlM )
published , but leaves It to bo deter
mined by thn commission the man- j
ner ot publication and the places ' ,
nt and between which rates shall be pub- - }
llshed. J'lovlsluii Is madu lor itnfoiclng the ' j
icqultomcnts ot the coiiimlsslun In Ilieso
lobiiects tliionith Iho coinlH , and lor the
malntonanco of the lain that may bu thus j
publlsheil. I'rovlslon Is also made lei llio j
aiuiolntmcnt bv thu piesidcnt ot five commls- j |
sloneis , to bo continued by the senate , Iho - ,
( ' ( apiiolnted lo contitiuo In '
olllcu lor tlio term ol two , llnce , loin , live
and slveai.s tespectlvely , beginning the Hist
day of July next , not moiu limn Unco of
which shall bu of Hie samu political
jnily. The salary of cadi commis
sioner Is to be S7 , > ( )0 ) per annum ,
Seveial f-ectious aio devoted to ] iu'scnbing
the duties of the eomml.s-loneri > and tlu < man
ner III which complaints aio lo bo Investi
gated and pioseciitions instituted iindci Its
dliectlon when found mc'ssary ,
County TrntiMirnr'i * Kafo
Ni.w UASII.K , I'a. , .Ian , IH. The saij | IM
Cintnly Tio.i-nii'i1 Ilaitmaii's otllce was
blown open Ib.s morning about j o'clock by
thieves , and tcioi In money. SIO.OOO in notes
ani.5l.OJ | In county warrant t.iken. Tlio
notes wcio tlio pcisoiul propeily ol Deputy
'j'rcasuici iShaUer , | iay.iblo to bis older , and
ot no value to any oilier jierson. ' 1 hi ) wai- :
lants had just bcon signed by the county ;
coniinlssloiicr.- as they had been iceoidcd j
by the ticasuiiT they aio woi Hilda- . .
l-'or 'J'o-day.
\'AI.I.I.\ I'alr weather ; ecu-
e rally colder , lolloucd in o.\ ncutheia
jioiiions l > > slowly ! : teinpeialu > o , ue1"
ITl ) UHUl.x