Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
THE CXttAITA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , JANTARY 18 , 1886. A MAX OF M-\\Y \ tJtlnu V/l Jltiii I A Story of Bignmy , Horse Theft and Tor gtry With a Sad Sequel. AN ARREST REVEALS A ROMANCE The Coltl , Oilll WoollierThe Trnv I'rolwtlvi ! A s .iK'lallon Jr. Swclimin's Ansvvci 1. 01:11 1. A Doiihlc-Djcil Villain I aac II ( Jornian , slu-rilY of Wn.Mir eoutitj , Indiana , accompanied by T. M , lYancKuo , n livi Ionian of I'ichmnnd , Ilir counly si at ot Wayne , nrriuul in Ihe city Saturday on the search for 11. llaye ( laiie , w.inlcd in Indiana fur forgery mid horse theft and in Nebraska for bigamy. 'Huh1 search wns rewarded in the evening - ing , for about 8 o'clock , a * the i came into tlio depot from Council Claire slopped from tlio ear right into the arms of SlinrllT Ciorman. In the romini iioii of his vniioiii offences - fences Claire has created a ehapler in criminiil lii lory that must read liku n romance nit , sf imoi. Ti\f : urn. When the ilrM , iiil.llng of lite Indiana hlierilV's million in tills city was di'-cov- ored , a icpoHor for llio HIK : , noting upon the fact that Claire had been a school tuaoher in Nebraska , called upon County Siicrinlunilctil ] ) limner in tlie hope of loaclilng delails. Thai gentleman re lated tlie following fii'-ts in regard lo flaile's hUlory in Ibis coiinli : From September , 'HI , to April , ' 8. " ! , Chiite was u school Icacherin the county , having charge of district No. ti , two miles we1of ! Omaha on the Millard road. During ( bis period ho made hiin- .self generally obnoxious , and it was with relief * thai the hoaid and coinnmnily about him SIVY him go. IAVAII : ! AND It seems that lie bad at one lime studied law , and having aeipiiied a small . ' lock of funds he went to Noilh Mend where lie embarked in Ihe practice of thai profca- hion. Clair was a well educated , clever and rather relined fellow , and put ting himself on Ins best be havior he soon joined good social Mantling. Shoitly after his arrival in the town lie made tliu acquaintance of , ) . K , Dors'jy , a North Mend grain dealer , a cousin of Congiexilian George \V. K. Dorsoy , and one of thcmoit prominent , wealthy and inlliienlial citi/cns of Dodge county. Air Dor-ey was plea ed with Claire and shortly iiermitled the lawyer's introdnetiim into liN family ' 1'hc llovver of the Doraey lioiiM'hold was the daugh ter , Nellie , a charming young lady ol l ! ) years , upon vvlioMS education and accom plishment in all nollle ails no expense liad been .stinted. I'o this young lad } Claire paid thomo'-ta'-idtions attention , and as weeks pa ed on his designing suit < -eomed to meet hoiie-l return lie > , i her heart. IIOIM : iiniM' AND roitnnt AIoii" in .Inly he made a trip to In diana , from which stale he had originally come , and went to Hiclmiond , Wajn'o county. While theie lie forged a check on Ids mother for $00(1 ( , and siole a team of lior.-ua. After ho bad secured hiill - gotten mime.v lie rcali/ed that a liastv , llightwas incumbent upon him , and in M ) doing liit upon a novel plan , lie went to the livery stable of 1 . M. VranoNco , attired in a Prince Albert , white necktie and trousers , and hinting that be Was about lo get married in the country , liflecn miles out of town , hired a buggy with a double team. D o.vEuiioL'sv.yi ) JIII.KS is v nr inv. Tn lead of taking the road to llio north Clair drove to the west. On the onl- skirts of the ( own ho took up bis bag gage where he had secreted it , painted out Ihe distinelive marks of the hordes and went on. Despite llio fact that the most desperate ulVorb , were made to can- lure him be .succeeded in driving boldly across the stales of Indiana , Illinois anil Iowa , in a vveMorn town of which last he disposed of the horses and buggy. HIS ItKTUKN' AND MAUIIIAdB He. reached North Heinl after this per formance in tlio early part of September. With an inililluronlaulianco of detection that is wonderful to consider , ho resumed his fulso position in the community and preSM-d his s nt upon Miss Dorsoy. Com pletely deceived she gave him her hand , and her family .sanctioned the step. On December iJIld the nuptials were consum mated , and the elite of Dodge county as sembled in the home of J. K , Dorsoy lo bunor llio occa ion. TIII : THIIIIIIIM : Titrrir. Mr. and Mr . H. Hayes Claire left North Hunil on n wedding lour when Ihe ceremony was compleleili and journeyed eastward. While Claire was thriving on liis mis representations in Nebraska , the authori ties back in the cast where his crimes lay against him were patiently working out tliu problem of liis retribution Almoit on llio any of his marriage llio shorin"at Richmond located Clair and started for him. OIIPO Bpottod his path was easily followed , and on Friday of last week , in nn Iowa town whole Mr. and Mrs. Claire bad stopped , the ollicor .sei/.ed his man. Ilo secured a confession of the vvhore- abouls of the horses , but before further steps could be taken the culprit eluding observation escaped. The poor child wife , broken hearted , returned to her home , reaching North IJend on last Mondav morning. The hympatby of the community and the entire stale alliey learn llio facts , are as strong for her as the condemnation of tliu wretched author of her sorrow in deep and bitter , Shurin" ( ionium says that Claim adds to his numerous mis-deeds ( he crime of bigamy and that ho bus to day in Indi ana a wife and two children' whom he debited homo years ago. HOW ' 11111 AIIIIKbl' WAS MAlli : . Claire's arrest was noallj accomplished by means ol a decoy telegram. Sheriir ( jormaii learned lliat ho was in Stuart , Iowa , and as he wanted him hero , ho .sent a dispatch .signed "Neltio , " saving that she must meet him in Omaha. ThK liad tliu desired cll'ect , and the arrest followed. Claire was completely overcome whim hf > realised ( lie situation , and accompanied Shorifl ( .ionium , the two taking thu train for Hichmond , This is the tnird arrest which Sherill' ( ionium lias made in lids staet in thu past three months , In Oclobnr he traced a man hero and arrested him lor forgery , and u few weeks later ho sue- ccedeil in running down another ono wanted for poboninjj. Some Facts About ilils jver 1'riiit- . Ail Theino. Haven has advanced in his business so that ho can now hit a prediction fair accur.iey. Ho promised this cold wave , and hero ita \ although not so illsngreoably intense , it can bo happily b\id : , as it predecessor of a week ago. T/io / mercury scorcil ! ! s below Saturday morning and rote under a clear sky and genial sun to ' ,5s , ix-hip-dug again as Iho shades of night crept , on. Veslciday t morning the told \vu a trlllomoro not - t ticeable , lliu jiii-n-ury r-'achingu maxi mum of V abnvo during i.m day. A light snow fell al inUnaK dining the day. The cold is < ; uoral as ihu lollotviug trom yeatordaj 's report of the B. iVM. . bhow - Hcd Cloud , S ° above , cloudy. Jloldrcge , t > ° above , clear. Orleans , Ov above , clear , Arapahoe , ycro , clear. McCook , 10Vabove , clear l&enkclnian & , 2 ° above , clear. Kckli , 2 ° above , cloudy The snow was nol hoav v enough to pro- dueo another railroad blockade , bill in ome localities Iraflie was impeded. The Mis'otni I'acilie train due Saturday morning - ing wa abandoned , as was al o llie out going one of the night before. The L'nioii Pieilic trains wereaho slightly bo bind lime Saturday , but ye-terday all wcic iiinningoii time. Travelers' I'rotrulivo AssouliUion. The meeting of Nebraska I raveling men for the organicitimi ( if a Nebraska division of the National Traveler1'ro- lective a = ' > cialii > n , was held al the Millanl Satunhiy siflornoon. There wen- ' i'kly diebircd member- < in atleiidaneu. ( Jeo. W. WiKon. Ilia : iplointed ] iirn ident , presided and Mr. licorgiV. . Crosby acted as secretary. Mi1. Daw on May ; r , vice-president nf the National association dclivert'd ' the open ing address and llio following ollicers were clecled : _ ( ! . W. Wllsiui , president ; C. O. I.obcck. \ice president , and ( t. H. Crosky , secre tary and ireasinvr ; F. II. Piigli , lien ( iallaglicr , .1. F. Stout , W. 15. Lminis Ic-se White , jr. . ilneclors. MaxMe.ver. president of' be noard of trade , w as ea'lleil upon for remarks , and said IIP hud al- wii.vsbeen a ( raveling man , and the as-o- elation bad Ihe co-operation ot his linn , and be Ihoiiglil would have the cooperation tion of all the business houses in Omaha. About tidily new members were admit ted In I ho association , and the meeting then adjoin nod. Dr. IS Some da.s . ago , it maybe remembered , Mr , Mary Saxc commenced a suit in the district court to reco\er 10,000 from Dr. .lames M. S\\elnam on account of alleged malpractice. Sii aecu = cd him of having infected heruilh puerperal fever , from another patient , in delivering her of a child , and of pprlormingspAprnl nnskil- tnl operations on her , \ \ liieh , it is alleged , will lender In ran invalid fur life. , Dr. S\\etnam's answer to this petition v as filed in the di-tiict court Saturday He admit * , that more than thiity dsiys jirior thoreti ) he had allended upon a pa tient who died of puerperal lever , but avers the fad to be lhat at the time he thoroughly disinfected himself , ami used ail the prcc.iutions kmnvnlnand general ly used by physicians. Ho expressly denies that lie negligently or in any manner Irausmilted said ii oa o to Miid plaiutiir. lie admits ( hat it be came necessary to heform several minor surgical operations upon the plaintilV , but lie avers that the same were skilllidly performed am ! were without any unnec essary injmy or pain lo tlie plaint ! ! ! . In Icmoi'j ol' .Major Itlnrphy. 'J'he follov , ing resolutions vM > rc adopted by local assembly No. .Ml 5 ICniglits of Labor , at their regular meeting Friday night : OMAHA , NVb. , .Ian. 3.V Wlieiens. It has jiloa-od Aliiiiuhtj ( ! od to call fioni inn niiiNl one ol em .itilest , most ( ni'iifptteanil iiuichcstceniedbiothci kuigit ! = . licit tlipietoip Kesolved , Tliat we , the "Kiil htsof Labor' ' ot Uninlia assembled , do e.xpie-s our deepest iCKiet and sonovv In li.uiu hist one ot our uiosl devoted inombeis , uiie ot Dinaha's bt'st and UMii'st citi/eiis , and a in. in or unalloyed piitiltitisin , both lei his adopted couutiv and tlie l.ind ol his hiitli , in the' iieison'ot Ihe Hon. l'.F..Viii.hy. | IJe-tilved , That the Inborni ? nin'iscs o ) ( ) IIMII | : aie Keuiily sensitive to the loss of a ciliren ( it Mich wue motives , steiliui ; woilh , and uutiiiii ncjispvciiMiuu in ulevutiiif ; tlie coiidittou , ; ind in the pioiuutioa ot lliu pour mini's vI'lf.ue. \ . Uesolval , That we condole with and Ion- del1 our deep symji.iiliy to his f'ricftiirleii wile and little ones , who have to mourn the incdi'idalilo loss ota tender husband and iilVeetiouate lather. Kesolved , That these in-oiutinns be suicad on the lecoidsol the minute hueks ot oar nsM'iiibly , and that a copy eujaossed bo scut Ids bcicaved vife and family. Kesolved , That these isolations be jmb- lislied in all the moiiilng , evening and vveok- ly panei * of Omaha. Hallway Notes and I'er.soiialH. W. D. Sanborn , general agent of Iho Chicago , ] 5urlmgton A : Quincy on. Hie I'acilie coast , is in tlio city. A passenger item Denver who loft that L-ity Thursday night , feaj's the blockade has been terrible on roads leading into that city. The Santa Fo had no train from the 3d until Iho afternoon of the llth. The Kansas J'acilic was blocked Dii the 2tl , but got two trains through , ono on the Oth and another on the 7th. It was I hen again blocked , and was not open when the passenger left Denver. The. Burlington had a similar experience but i . open again , and has been tor seve ral da s. 'J'he .lulesbuig branch of the Union I'acilie was blocked only two days of tlie entire time , ami that was by rea son of the snow at ( iilmoro. The bllle railway paper called the Hail- way News grows brighter with each issue. It is out again , and lakes mightily with ho railroad boys. 1'ollco Court DocUct. Judge Stcnberg disposed of Iho follow ing ca cs in Iho police court Saturday morning : Barney Maginnis pleaded guilty lo soil ing liquor lo minors , jlo wa sentenced ij > W and cosH , and paying this , was re leased. Mrs. Taylor was convicted of using ob- = ecno and threatening language toward lior neighbor , Mary Lumlon. bhe a line of . js.'i and costs. ilcssio .Montgomery , n sprightly young woman with a penchant tor lioeonnn Intoxicated , came to ( he relief of the nut- iiieipal treasury to tlio e.Ment of .JS and L'OstS , .John Anderson and Mat Cormish , L-harged with intoxication , were released , Last Illtcq. The funeral of Samiu.1 ONen vvashcld j-estci day afternoon from the iinderlaKing iistabli > lmient of Diexel & Maul , and was largely attended. The services were under the direction of the Knights of I'vlltias , of which tlio deceased was a member. Hcv. H. ,1. Fre/e , pastor ot the : ionium Lutheran church , preached the 'uneral sermon , : iml the services at 'the jravouro conducted by the Knights of I'ilhias , A large number ot friends of ; ho deceased were present to pay tin ir last respects , ami accompanied Iho . cinains to Iho cemetery. Kor Sale A Saturday , u police ollicer on Doug- as street was accosted by two illy-clad > oys who produced a ponderous slung- hot and asked him if no didn't want to my. When questioned , limy said that hey hud been sent out by a woman liv- ng on Twelfth and Cass streets to sell ho shmgsliot. They were lakcn to jail vhoro they gave the names of ( icorgo unl John JtosMtcr. The ugly weapon vns taken from them , and they were eiit home , Cruelty to Animals. Special Policeman James , of the Law mil Order league , lilcd a complaint in lolico court Saturday morning against Thomas Kiloy , Jo.opli Ijiley and 1'atiick liloy , cliiirging Hum with cruelty to mil' mils' . These men arc traders and ire cneamiiod in t he soiithwt stern part of he city. It is charged that they allow heir animals to icniaiii out in ibo coldest dorms all night , without flu her or pro- cction of any &uit. 51UMOUSKV At her home , near nilmore , .Suiy ; | einintv , XchiasKa , Chailotle Soiliia | , w ilo of .S.v. \ . T. bliimytisUy , aged 01 jcais , J mouths , ODDS AND J.NDS. Strny t.eaten Krtmi the Xotc-Hooki. "The lir t telegraph ojiprntor in Ormv ha , " snid C'oiineiiinan ( Joodrieh the othci day , in dwelling upon themes of ( lip paM , "was a fellow named Martin 1'cck. Hr cnme here in'rtl or ' 02 , 1 thiiiK. 1'ccl was a ipnet , xte.idy fellow , ami madt many friends in Onialia 1 remember thai lie was a linn believer in spirilual- i m , and nspd lo attend every soaiice thai he could. According lo hi own story hr was -ometbing of a medium himself , 01 nI any rate was iw-sp5cd of n certain supcrnntnral second sight. Ilcv.'enl mil west , embarked in the milling lm ine- " and liccame imm'-nscly lieh. 1 shall never forget his telling mo how be dis- coveied ( ho rich mines of Mount Shasta , in Califoinin. Jlevvas stranded on tin coast without a single cent , In his wan derings he was going by Mount Shasta ono da. > when , while passing a ceilajn locality , something ' . . ' The thing said to him .ctop. mysterious voice from within ( old him 'Here is ( be to lind wealth ! ' Hi' ' immediately went to Ihe parlies who owned ( he tract and agreed to buy il from ( hem , | ia.\ing the price , sj-T.OOO , at the expiration of eight months' , lie went right to work and 'struck it rich. ' Lon beloie ( he eight months were up he was ready to pa.v Ihe contract price. Within a jear or iwo be was a wealthx man. A short time ago IIP sold a one-tenth inter est in Hie mine lor ? SO,000. " _ If Marshal Cummmg * is forced out of bis ollice which is a contingency not lo be thought of-he has a good trade to fall buck on. Tlie marshal Is an accomplish ed blacksmith , and before appointed 10 his position b v Mayor Mnrphv , "hold down a good pos'djoii in the U. I' , shops. 11 was witli some misgivings that lie gave ill ) his place there to accent the marshal- ship , for his wages were tlien larger than the salary he has received as the chief of tlie police force. Ho has many friends yet among bis old associates in the hop- , and some of the best and most ellicicnt ollicer.s on liis loree have been taken from the men who worked with him at tlio anvil. "See Unit young woman across the street , " said a gentleman pretty well posted in local allairs , to a Br.K man yes terday. "She lias a history , which is as sad as it Ls interesting. I won't tell yon her name , but possibly you would like to know her history. Ten years ago she was an innocent and happy Doling girl in Deli oil , llic daughter of wealthy and respected parents. She met a handsome looking fellow one day in front of her father's house , and fell straightway in Jove vyitlt him. The fellow succeeded in inducing her lo elope with him. They came out west , to Omaha , and it was hero thai Ihe trirl discovered that herlninband was a professional cracksman and a riitlhui of the worst character He finally doscited her , lesning her , however - over , with considerable property. Shortly afterwards , she became acquainted witlt and married a travelling man. He , too. dc ertcd her , after he liad robbed her of every cent she. had in the world. Other unpleasant vicissitudes have crowded upon her until now , though only twenty- four years of age , she has seen more trouble than most women of lilt } ' . Yes. she sliil makes her homo in Omaha ami refuses lo go lo her parents in Detroit. " "Under tiie arm of a well ordered and vigilant police the city is quiet enough llicso times , " said a pioneer , "but I can remember the day when a person could scarcely walk the length of Ninth slreet with safety. Holh his and liis life were in jeopardy on such a trip. There were more rough characters in and about Omaha in the early days1 than any seltle- mcnt up to the Black ; lills times. Vetcr- : in loughs , who caught Ihe 'busted' end of Lhe Pike's Peak fever and hardened old ' 1'Jers ( lowed baek upon this budding center of enterprise and mixed with renegades of every stripe from tlio east , and you bet they made a rough 'so cial fabric. ' Omaha was winning laurels ; is the initial terminus of tlie great trans continental stage line and money was free hero. Among Iho disreputable char acters who made life a burden to the would-be lawful citizen , was a class of Fellows equally undesirable but less dan gerous in their way. Thev were shift- toss follows and relied quite altogether upon their wits , living frequently like jackals upon odds and ends of plunder trom their more desperate and fearless males. I remember 0110 trick of these worthless wretches , by which they be guiled the winter monllis lo their profit. \ ranchman or farmer would conic into town on his way to Council BluH's , then the center of trade. He would bo hailed fiom the .sidewalk by a man who oMensi- tily wanted lo quolo prices on produce. \ \ hilo this conversation was in progress , two oilier men would walK out and e.x- imiuo the horses , complimenting them is thoroughbreds. Trolly risky to cvo = s Ihe river to-day. Man broke through this morning and est his team , ' one of the strangers would : cmark. 'Well , Iviim ! D'ye think there's any lunger ? " the anxious granger would in- Hiiro , 'Well. I should say 'less yon had a juido that 'ml show you the way. It'.s hinted dangerous. ' ' ( Josh1 ! Hie now thoroughly startled in- loccnl would ejaculate' ' 'Say , friend , 1'yn know the ways' Like a book ; but I ain't got no time lo jo over now. sorry to nay. ' 'I'll ' make it worth you a couple of dol- ars. It'll only lake von a minute to trot wi and back , and 1 'vu got to gel to the Yielding to ( lie consideration of $2 00 ivhieli was collected in advance , the mis- ralilo .shark would guide Iho farmer over ho river on which ( lie ice was Iwo feet .hick and a regular tboroughlaro of watr- m and foot travel had been formed , The icamps would work this scheme irom Iwo .o a half a dox.en limes a day and whack .ip Iho ill-gotten proceeds. "Tho exposition association or what- ) vei-vou call it is modest in the matter of tilting its building , " said an Oild-Fel- ow , talking on the quiet to a reporter I'ostorday. "How Is that ? " naturally queiled the onortor. ' 'Well , you see , " said the meinlinr of homj.stio brollipihood , "wo are going o have a eelebralion in April next of tlio 7tli anniversary of Hie estaiilishment of ) iir order in America. There will bo ibonl five thousand .strangers in town mil wo intend lo celebrate in great shape , iVhile looking for an availalih ) building n which lo hold the banquet and ball vhich will bo a feature of the occasion , vo called on the exposition people to no- { otiate for their building , what do you .upnoso they asked ? \ on give it up.'cliV A ell , they only asked $ ' , ' 00 tor the 110 of hat building for twenty-four hoard. 1 vvo will banquet out doom. " KS KIOIC TUB SNOW. x Ilio IMeasnrn of the I lour Some ol'tho 1'Mno lUf-n , There has been a carnival of sleighing n Omaha during the past two weoka. Jarring the few extremely cold days on vhicli no one ventured out on the street kho could possibly help it , every day has utnossed a gay turnout of sleighs , louble and .single , and of all makes and Icaoriptions from the hatidaomu Portland : iilttT to the homo iuado article , maiiu- aeturcd of a dry goods box- and a pair of vooden runners. Wednesday , Thursday md Fridayof.lastvveck called outn | largo lumber of Uuyotecs to sleighing pleas- ires. The favorite drive was Sixteenth street , out even as far sis the barrack' The central trecls of the cily vveic n\ \ tlirongeil , especially llmso which weii not rendered impassible by heavy drift of snow. "Omaha can bonst of n good many liiu sleigh liirnonts" 'aid an old horseinai to n reporter Salnrday ns tlie two VVCIT taking in the sights on Sixteenth streei in a Portland cutter. "I'll name over ; fovv of them. "Lew Illll has one of the nicest roa 1 stcrsin Omaha , which ho drives behind ; Portland cutler. The animal is a VCIM dm k bay Alarm cell and can kiek snov into ( he face of almost am tiling on tin load. "C. 'V ' Wnolwoith drives a line blue ! , mare , 'Clip , ' to a Portland culler , am frequently stirs' himself in a dushovei the crest of the beautiful snow. "Dr. V. II. ( 'oilman handles the rib lions behind a bamNome span of blacks "One of the gnvest turn-outs to be cei on ( he road on an afternoon like this i- that fiom Happy Hollow , driven by Nel1 Patrick. It is a great , double --Idgl drawn by four In-plnmcd horses , all o tin-in licet steppers He is never s , happv as when he has n parly of JOIIIM , people with him. "Captain Alar-h delights to spij throiitih tin- streets in a handsome 'swell bed , ) ' culler , attached lo an elegant spun of horses , a sorrel and a bay. "Aleck Heiiluini has a magniricenl black mure , and a I'm Hand culler. "John S. Collins drives a sorrel mar- : , " ( icorge Canlield Uses a span of high stepping brown's. "Kev. W. J. Ilarsha fmakes pastoral calls in a st.vjlsli cutter , drawn b.j a pail of handsome blacks. "lien Woods has a fine team of caper ing Imjs. "James Stepbeiison has a pairof pranc ing blacks , out of which ho can got con siderable speed. "John L. V > eb-sler uses a team ol bl.icks. "H.J Dimiont drives a fast bay imiru lo a Portland cutler. "J. 15. Kitchen lakes liis airing in a Portland cutter behind a licet bay nag. "Joseph ( iarnean , Jr. , has a splendid white her u , which has considerable speed , and can easily do u mile in 'oO or better. "John A. Mi-Shane generally rides be hind a ti-tiin of high-spirited bays. "Charley lliggins takes bis family out sleigh-riding behind a span of licet bays. "John 1. Hediek drives a well matched team of fancy whites. "Col. Henry sports a handsome rig in the shape of a bay and blown team , at- laebed to a Portland. "Lieut Price drives a sjnglu gray of considerable speed. "A. L. Poloelc takes outdoor o\erciso behind a handsome Jilack horse. "J. A. Hoeder spins along behind a pair of llect bays. "I could name for you a large number of oilier line turnouts , but J guess I've given you pretty near enough for one day. Among others who have line liorsi , there are C. K. Mayne , Judge Tlmr-tof ] , Lewis Hradford , Dr. Swetnam , Hubert Livesev. Joe Withrow , 1'airotle Bros. , John T. Clarke , J. M. Melealfe , Harry Rollins , Charles lialbach , Charles Wood work , Aug. Hensou , J. A. Cameron , Frank Ulnllips ( ! uy ISarton , W. H. McCord , A. J. Poppleton , Robert ( larlich , Charles Cole , Ed. Meadimber , Mall Clair , Hugh MeCaflbry. Arthur Johnson , W. H. McCord , John' D. Creiglilon and J H. Grillin. The cold weather of the past twenty- four hours has rather put a quietus on out-door amusements , but next week promises to be warmer , and innumer able .sleigbrides will doubtless be enjoyed by tlio people of Omaha. GOO1 > WORK The Report or the Woman's Christ inn Association. During the last two months over twcn- ly-fonr women and children have found temporary rest and shelter in the home of die Women's Christian association. The young and the old. come , or are brought by llic policemen at all hours of the day and night. Some remain but a short lime , oflen but a day and nighl , bcloro a home and work is found for them. Others stay several days- , and sometimes weeks. In November the Home had one patienl from SI. Joseph's hospital who remained three weeks. In December another who remained but one week before ready for work. A very sick young German girl , brought by the po lice , remained two weeks , An old lady , robbed of all her money on the car.s , came to remain a few days until help could bo obtained from home. A young mother and babe , deserted by her husband in Lincoln , was brought to the home at midnight , remained ono day and night , when the county commis sioners sent her homo. A .young girl wandering on tlie streets late in the evening , not knowing where to lay her head , was brought to the homo by the matron , given a nighl of rest and protection , mid work found for her in llio morning. A little child was left in Iho home ono week when a boarding house was found lor it. During the months of July and August , vvo eared for lifteen lost children. ' 1 hero lias been moro sickness at the home than usual during the last two months , bill since our organisation Iheio lias been but one death. The above may give Iho rea ders of the Hr.i ; u little Knowledge of the daily work in tliu homo. Our work committees have found it Impossible to attend to the necessities of nil who come for aid and have been nbhgud to .send most ot Ihe applicants to Ihe county commissioners , who have the larger work in charge , Special care , however , is taken of the siok and needy , whenever it is in the power ot the ladies of tlio home lo do so. They can not give money , but food and shelter for the sick mil homeless , advice in trouble or the L-omfort of ti Kindly word are always ready. Many and liberal were the donations in November and December for Iho homo , mil for llio New Kngland 'dinner. The loimlioiis in money tor llio support of : ho home from Dec. 2 , 1685 to Dee. S.IKKJ , ivlll bo acknowledged in the report for January. The following namctl ladies have sent limiting' Mrs. D. H. Scars , Mrs. Mo- ' "arty , Comstock. Hogers , Hums , ( iralV , nidi-n , Maul , Field , -McClnre ; parcel.1) , iJreokenriilgo , Humphreys , UollMer - lain , Carrier ; oil clolh lor I rout hall and itaii-s and carpet for two rooms and hall , Mrs. J. Millard ; bedstead and springs , Mr . Oallaway , cloth- ng and ono dollar , Airs. Mouell ; mo pitcher , bowl and box of candles , Miss llrocken ; 0110 basket of chickens , Mrs. Allen ; ono basket of meats , Miss Davis1 cooking school ; four cans of fruit , Mrs. Coo ; six chickens , Mrs. Covert ; ono tasketof applosandpotatoes.Mrs. Sharp ; mo basket chickens , Mr. Troxcll ; a riianksgiving donation ot clothing and .wo bushel apples , fiom thoLcavenworth icliool ; a Thanksgiving dinner and ? . ' . ' ) n money , Mr , Cailaway , two feather pil- own and two comforters , Mr. L , H , 11 illiams ; one boxof fruit and two pounds snickers , Mr. Fleming ; duster , Mrs. inello ; lamp , Mr. Burns ; a basket of ipples ami canned fruit , Mrs. Wrightcr ; vvo bushel potatoes , leu pounds beef , hreo pounds butler , Mrs , Prioo ; ten eaves of bread , a friend ; a sack of diied ipples. Mrs. Ames. I'ho Indies of the homo desire lo tlnink specially Dr. Spaldiiig , Often ho has : oiitnbuted his ellioient help day and nght without remuneration , Also to the ity hnmcopalhio di pc usury for MI ? v ices md medicine free of clrargo. JC" TO YOUR The nicnliniil wlm fmnUlnv , Tin r\sr ion TKI , MOST JiloxiA ? m-tii one who funiislios Tin : Mosirort ; THR LKASTMONIY : ? The Onlj JlnHI Clo.hiiig . Parlors , lit ! ) Km-nnm St. . has so established themselves from tlio Uni- vt'rsiit Sal is.fnct ion furnished I heir j-rtron" , Hint they have long ngo boon classified as I hi ; Saving Hank foi Man. HOW D1UTIIKY GAIN THIS TITL13 ? H is easily oxpiaineu1 wlu-u you find whul can be done for itinn to Clolhiiiy ul this cbtablNiinenl. If yon can 110 an fit ) lliatva * luudi lo older by a uieichiint lailoi for IS 00 ' ' " dele MOO dodo , lo do SI Oil. VJID dodo do dodo 28 ( M , 1-110 dodo ilo do ! tO 0(1 ( , HI 1)0 ) do do do 5 ( H ) 18 Vo do ilo , | 0 . (000 ( IV ! ( H ) do dodo do -1501) ) 01)00 ) dodo dodo do W ) 00 i-'n TO do do do 05 00 And many others cut in tiny style you cau mention. You will als.i . find if you cnn use u n erwpia FOR do do 1900 do .In 'JO 00 do do 1 00 dodo do 27 r l ) dodo do ! )0 ) 00 dodo do ; ! , - > 00 dodo do -1000 dodo do -15 fcQ do do fiO 00 Tlicicnrc made up in the most artistic manner in all sijlesoF frock ami sack coals- . With ( lu c can IJG foiuiil ? $205 Will b'uv a pair pantaloons made to order by a Lcadim ; Merchant Tailor for . " ft ( i 00 " " " " " " " " " : i : ; o . s on 000 1100 OSO ItiOO Those oon-ist of any si lo of ml and ihc mr l ] v\ ailing iylcs in pal fern. Tlio I ml Ii of I ho above it ! what gave the undersigned the title of The ti.nin s Bank lor Man. Your bi'iielit await- , you I lie np\r 15 days at the 1119 FARNAM STREET , CKUEI , TKI-ATMIXT. : AVhippInJliN Mules AVitli n ! ML , Cliain. "Hi , there ! Stop thai ! " was Ihe abrupt command .shouted into Ihe car.s of a Far nani street car driver late Saturday nijjht by a policeman. The jeliu , it seems , in Iryiiifr toDnako lii.s mules pull Ibo car u | the louy ascent fiom Fifteenth street , liai : bcconu ! "stalled. " The mules refused to ] > ull ando the driver commenced lo llo j them with a heavy whip. This did no good , and ho ne\t commenced to lay on the strokes wilh a heavy lop chain. While be was cujra ed in this inhuman operation Ollicer llmchcy came up. "Stop thai , 1 say , " repeated the police man , as the street car driver appeared to pay no attention to liis command. ' " 'Guess ycr don't know ' .s much about diivin mules cJ do , " said the jehii .sul lenly , as he continued to beat the animals savafjjelv. "Well , you want lo quil that or I'll have to arrest ; \oii \ , " returned OJlicer llincliey. The lellow threw down his chain , other means were used to .start the car , and soon it was moving up llio long and .slippery a oenl. "Sucn a nroceediiiji is an outrage , " re marked Ollicer JJinuhoy , in speakiii'iof the mailer lo a reporter altenvaids. "Such men oujrlit not to bo allowed lo remain in the service of Hie street car company one hour. That pull up Fur- nain Mrcet is a loiifj and slijipery ono , ami it is not to bo wondered at that one team has a hard time to pull a car up. This is not llio first lime I have milked biicli cruel conduct on the pint of one or two of these Farnain street driver * , and I am going lo do my part low unl jiutling a .stop to il. " A-HOUT HTKI'IfNAILS. . The l > r ioslloii | lor Tlielr turn l < lin ConMilcicil To-Ni 'it. ' The mecling of Ibo board of trade and interested citizens Ibis evening to assi , I in the formation of a company lo manu facture .steel nails will be an impoitanl one to Iho city. The closing of tlio nail works , thus throw ing out of employment a large number of .skilled workmen , has already been lelt in many quarters , and the rcoiieniiig of lliu indiistr.v is awaited with anxiety. Mr. ( ! . T. Walker , the founder of tliu works here , lias been in Omaha for home lime with a view of forming a stock company to buj the works and begin the manufacture. ot steel nails. Ho addreed the board of tradoonllie Mibject last Monday , and made Mich a favorable imiros-ioii | that the meeting was called as ah cadi .stated. Mr. Walker stijs that Meel nail- , can .be made al the Omaha woikb al a Je- > pi ice per ko < r than iron nails c.m be. as the material for a keg of hteel nails costs much less Hum for a of iion nails ; also , the manipulation of the material while in process of manufacture is > nnah oasio r and himplo. The reccnl change from iron to steel in many articles ol common use has created an immense de mand for Mod nailh , tlio old Iron-out nail being now almost entirely iieg cctcd when htccl nails nro obtainable. Jhuro is now a dillerence in the market value of fifty cents per Keg in favor of-steil nails , which will rather iiurcaMt as the advantages of ( ho Mm- 1 nail becomes more generally known. The present outlook is very bright lor the steel nail maker who U in a position to operate his factory. The total pivsent capacity of the mills prepared to make steel iiiiil * is a little over JW pi r cent of the demand which Is constantly meicas- , ng , while the nailers of the "western did- tricf'of 1'illsburg , Wheeling , and em bracing the stuul nail mills ol Ohio , Jn dian , Illinois an I Wisconsin , arc on ! .strike which commenced .Juno 1 , lfcS5 and each day's suspension of work tend to afelioitago of about 8,01)0 ) keys. Tlia there will be a "nail lamiiie" during ( In coming .summer there is no doubt , unless a compromise is speedily clTbi led , whiel .seems : is far oil'as over , both sides show ing unusual determination to "light il out"at all ha/arils. Thoprosj > ect , tliui fore , lor a hiippl.v of steel nails is vu'.v gloom.v.aud dealers and builders mils lie conlent to irne more or les , of the old .st le ir m nail in llio absence ol its snpi r ior .successor. A liively Kiinaway. A rather exciliiig riinaway oecurrei yesterday alleriioon which resiilfcd in strewing tilings around rather lively. Two young men of this city enga.crfd'a and cutler lo drjve to the 'UliiU's across the ice. The trip o\cr was madi in safit.v , but on the return , just as thoj , slinek llio bank on Ibis side o ( t1C | ! i\\i \ at HID foot of .Jones atrei t ( ho horse be came frightened ami started on a run. The young mi n were thrown out , the cutler overturned , and robi . , blankets , over.-hoos and a whip .seatlotvd along the .streets in Hie cour-e lakt n ! ) ; > the hor-e. Tbojoung nun followed in the same route on toot and picked uptlio pioperly , but it icqiiiied .se\i ral hours lo lind 'it ail. The horse was linally recovircd with llio ( hills still allathcd , the i tiller having been badly broken Absolutely Pure. SPHIHG OVKR 00,000 rr. 1mt II > t DB Volilr ! i isinilo. Mid < ; < ' < > " IWWI > IH UUMI0 1 "I r-l-rlllKnli lit" Ill-Ill . l MiurlfneeMirdiuittolliiiwyt'rtllwy n/ . .1 i dniUfd lu MIUIIIIV luiiiUiii. ii"iuHltuv.1liiVlll < " , ' " "j'1' ' ! ' - OtVSAHA St , Cor. Capitol Avenue , roil Till1 TliPATVLNT or AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENAWY , Proprietor. Sivlttii jtMti' Il"siiini ; iinl I'lUalc rinitlcu WoluMi llii ! fncilillc" , iiiar.Hn | niul n medics for the hut c > isfiil tnutinrnt nfoery fiirin of tils- c.t'i > medical or snrjjiral Ircntiiuni , niul Invite all niv.ttl ati njrtlii-uin'hM ( if corni > uiil ] illi ti * . l.on , ' ripi rli'iiu : in linit- Inncn'fR l > y K'lu ruijl'lcs \ In tuiny cased BCIrnlllli.ilfy ulllin'it n-rhiL' 111' 111 , \VHlTi : I'OK CIKCll.AK on Deformities nnd Hi ace.- , ( lull 1'i'd , Cnrv itiiipi of tlie bilia- | , HIM Ahis : uiYtouiv , 1'iltu , ' 1'iiiunrn , Camcrv , ( Ait. mil. liinndiiliiJnlrilatliiii , jirctrklly : , I'aral- ) i > i , I'lli'\ | | ) , Kiitncy , l.\c . , Jlir , Sklu , Illouil ami all hiiriiiil ! ojicrillons , D.itlrilrs , Inli.ilrrs , Iiiar4 , Truis > ) i , ami nil Klii'lH ' nf vjpillcnl : unl s'urn-tcal .vpiilluncei' , man. iirmiiiKil ninl for silc. The oiilt rcliatilo Medical Insl.lulo mnklnn Private , Special f Nervous Diseases ' ' ' A SI'lICIAl.TV. AM. CO.VTAiilOl b AM ) III.OOI ) 1HSHASKS , from Inlci i re uiw in mhu c.l , mi < t'Hgfiilly tn-nli'il , Wi- LOU iiinmi' i > liililio iioiton Iroiu tlieajflciu VMlluiiit mcitiuy. Niw H' l"r.ili\iilirntinfiit for Insi ofllal pnncr Al.l , COVIMl'SirVI'lONs CUXrillKVI'IAU. f'nll and toil" ill or Ki-nd ii.nni' mid | ioi > l fllti > mldr f > | ihiiiilr uniti'ii einldsu i-tumii , end uu v , ill mid unl. In iii.iln ui.iiinir , our PRIVATE CIRCULAn TO MHN i ros n.ii UK , Srniil. AMI Niuvoua DISHAH H , ( TJIINAL Wl ll.SI-f , Sl'l lOIATOIinllll A lill'OII.N. iv bii mi if , ( luNoniniii v , ( iihi'T , V'AIIICOI ni p , hum u i.i' , AMI AII > ) > i KM-M or IMI : HKMTP- I'liiNAui UiiiiVSiui JUKI Ul iciry of jour inscj fu- u > opinion. I'uiMiiu iin-ilili tilsil luinny lie ( roiled nt Ilidr IIIHUI s , by corn "pomliiat.VIiilirintH and Jiifctnt- iiii il mil liy mail or i'\ii | > ' > HIU I'lirijV I'.Vi'K- Kl ) rilO.M ( ) IISMA'l | IDS hi ) iiiiiiKsloiiidliiiUi iiinldUH or P niUr Din' | i unil Inlinlivi- jiie- : i | if i OHM lllcnt. lillvi OIK foi dm iirroiu- IllOll.lli'ill lit | llil Illv Iluild h.ld lltlOllllUIKO lit rc.isii.i il < l , ' julns Adi'i ' * .ill l.ttti'i i to Oinilia Medical and Siirrjical Institute. Car ISIhbt and Capitol Ao. , OMAHA. NHU. ARE YOU A DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES ? Audile > o i "Jill t liiiiulliII"1 lut-l hO'.vllW ma- limn linn mum \ inn Inii t II MI , lor piu- * K ill , HiU l ms mid pniiis , iiililiK'i' ' * , 206 North IGili Street , Onialia , Nebraska. \t llio Woilil" K\ioslll | < inNVn ( Illrillis , lliu IIIOII M-UllIU' IllllllllIC' Will IIUIIUlCll l t I'li'Mll- nil nil I U iilil VlKlnl uvi'i nil i mill" tltiiih. nil till' iiiiiul ( liiinuil biii lioulj in a luiiill ) . II Ikciilitlnnl In Invention mill | IIISM' M > > M Illnif IllilltaOII Ull.l II > IMI llllM-i III' CUIIIielit | Illll , t Is tlie Only Machine lliat has Reverse Feed , hiubling tlm Operator lo Hcvv llaclv- wtirds or l-'orwnrds \iiiiout liUiiiiliil itiiiioiiu'iin-isii ! Miliio limn r. lo liivivil ( iullii.u > iii.iflilin , ill ilin c-jruol n\iry i n-ilili' i u-iuiiii r. . , li j. at in IMI wood , Hi n iiioKii tiri * iliiilcrtina Mini liiliiiiiillM n mmlifiin tliM "III ImriMi-u u .1 ll.llll II. Ill | It ' } ' lir lllttUIIH'W , HlilO III JMIto Illlll IK Union Man'f'g Co. , 206 N , IGthS'.Jiiialia ' . , Neb ,