THlfiOMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , JANUARY 18,1830. AlroltiiPly Free from Opialis , Einellcs anil Poison. PROMPT. AT uncoe.iSTS jiKn DUUEES. THECHAnLES A.VOOFLCn CO. , DAUTIMOfiT , MO. , Pole J'roctlHor * . A hniiilanl Medical \ \ ork for Young Men .Mlelellei Ab'c'il M'n only M b > mull TOW A GREAT MEDICAL Y/ORK / ON MANHOOD Kilmimtpil Vltnlllr. Vrn'om nnil I'liT t l Dchllltr iTpiiiniiirc Uprlinain Mnn , Krrori nt vntitti.nnil tliu iinloiil inl'trld f'tilllnitfrfiin Inillscrctliin find rr Fffpt A look lor "very limn , 5011117 , nililillo ncoil nncl lil . Hcontiilni iliprc'crlptl'ins for 'ill nrttin nn I ilirnnlc'tlppiiM'.cnrlinni ) in wlilch In Imnlunhlp Sri lonnii l > y HioimtliorwlKno nii > riiiicn | for 21 joiMli rurli n Wai nhlr novrr boron- foil to Dm lot of any I'hjMrlinl. iniinnes lioiiti I In Inniitlful Vtfnr \ mm lln , < mlxiMpilniTiT * , lull cllt iriiinntro I to lion ntift work In Torrwim1 mi-rliniilril Ilicriry nml prnriM Htmnl tli-tnmir nlnor work In thlt rountry forlj H trtlip moiioy will torpfnnil In ovcry ln tinro. 1VI o imly II by nmll | io tiiil | | llhulrntoimplc , (11 ( , Hrml now floM inn I il ntrnnlc 1 thn nutlmr lir ttin W tlmuil Moillcnl AMuclntlon , to the ortlcnrs at much u j fnUionll liorciil hy thoyoun ? for liinriiellnnnnil liy tliu iimictea for relief. K will beuo- 111 nil l.oiiiluii I.nneel IlirrpU no niriiiliprof fnclcly lowhnm Hi ( < clPnCi i > l I ir will not l > oa < ornlnliotlior ) iulipirenliuir- illnn ln iruU'iror < icr.ymnii .Mvmmit * . Ail < lN-.illi I'liliuly Mill < si linillnti' or Or WMI. 1'urkcr So 4 Iliilllliii U olroct , llanun MUM , vrboiuir I pcoiiMilteclon iillillsi. isi-3 riqulrliiKaklll nri.l t'ipori- i-liK ( lironu mul nliiimuto < li i > iios Hull N uu Imlllnl tiiDtltlllor ullotliorplijsi. 1/NflW dim * . u iioclull } UiRii'l lull ; H filicpwrmii vi ! limit nil Instunca eriiillinu Mi'iUloii Una luuur. tea Meal InsU KChartercJbytlicStntecdlH- Jnols fur tl.L'Cxucsjpuri)05c | ) /of civiiiKlmmciJiatc : rcllclla [ \nllchronldurincrynnd prl- MWfVnilWf tfAtlies.testcdinBiwlrnri WJiSii Vfe SS liiierlitU'nicllcr. Jjeminal W ccltncss , Ni"nl Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Hie PaceLost Manhood fi-iv it . ///cif / r < l. { 3 no rjfjtrrlinriittint. The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- nonal or by letter , t-acrcdly confidential. Med > Iclnes sent by Mall and Uxprcss. No marks on puckace to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204Wasinalont.Ciicanoil. ! ! ! ; EPITHELIOM A ! OK SKIN CANCEK. \cni" ? I Biiimcd with n rnnrpr 4Dp. rx > IIILH. liiglil iruilillis ntro u lnuiul r * LOIII1IK Illllll till 11SO Ol Sl\lft h f ] > L'iliC llllll 1 llO- iLiinliuil 10 iniil.o nn ( 11 onto M 1 1110 it. In Ilila 1 WIIH siutiHifnl unil li pan Us iifcp. 'Jlio liillu- inciMil tlm muilli Ino in llisLIIH to Rimmulmt iiKK' " " " Hi" KIIU : but MIOII tliu Jiillnni.ilinn Viisnlliij oil niul I liunni to Imp nvo nltLr tlio llr t low liuttli's. M ) IT' iifiiil lionlili ImsKiciily InipunLcl. I inn filioiiK'or , nncl ulilo to iloany Mini of oik. Tlioiunrci on inj IIIPO liuK-m to iki loii'o unit tin uloir lo In ol , until tin 10 Is not u M stltfo ot It k'lt enl ) iilllilo t > cni murks the plntc. Jlu . .loiur AileUov vt.i ) . Atlnnlii , On , Aujru t li , I'-BS I ! in\o linil n tniicci' on inj fnco for omo juirs nxli'iidlm. lioin "no chcuK bonu nciosa iho noi-o to the otlii'i. ] t lias jrlMii mo .1 Kieat iknl ol pnln.iit iiiiii' liuinliiK' unil IK-hliiK- such mi cxloiil tlnil It Nil * tilmciul unlirnrabli' 1 coniiiiLiiccil iislii Swlit h Spcclllo In .Mil } , l 'i , niul li nn ii-filcl lit liiitlks. it Inn irhon the ( ruiili"i | iillcl hv rcino lnj- the inllninnlkiii : uul jt-stoi iiirfinj goniniljicultlt. \\usj-s. . , ISSI 'JrL.itlsoon blood mul tkln iltetttscT inullcu 'llmBnirtSpuclfloCii. , DIHWCI UAtl.inta , Gn N. V , liT ' . -'Jasticct. I GIT Nt. CHurIcMHI.SI. J.onlaio. Arrcolirtrajuittof two Medical Collrcci , h i hetnlonr r ensured lmh irfl * il trc&'mentof CIIBOSIC. Nicrat * . Buy aail HLOUD Ui i u * liiin oy other t tiyileUa lutit.Loult , Nervous Prostration , Dolilllty. Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial anil other Affec tion * ol Throat , Skin or Bones. Blood Poisoning , clJ Sores and Ulcers. Are irrttrj ith uara n < i i > * DlseasesArlslng from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , uid. . rroJnco > m or tin fjUowlnc cITcct , i cervutt.iit'cf , debility , dlmncii or ndilrr cllTe memory , | Imi leion tbq rier , pbrilcil Je iy , D lo the t cUtyof remslei , euuruiloa of ! d M , cto , r nil < rlnE Marriage improper or unlmppy , ' PrrniicvQtlcurfj. . l * iuiiblet(36t ( | duQ tbe buie , lent iuHtlrdcimtopr , rrootohuy nddrcii CoDtultatluaator * Ceecr tj mill Trif , Inrlteivuditilctly e uDdetilUt. A Posltlvo V/rlttcn Guarantee clvcn inticryci. rablt eu . Medlcloo cnt i. very wlicre by mill oreipr n. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 380 PAOES , VJNK n.ATEa. ct'tmt ( loth na lilt t ludttif. tenlad for BOO ln | etimorvu.reury , Orer ! Uly rml [ > a | Uturri , Iru t6llt t nrnaUioiitfco ftl'JI V ' . . I w Mi tlvjtl % ' " .f r.OsT Al 4Million. IIMIIMI . .SLKVOllFM H. Wv f.A K N I'l _ JMo UuurktpT. IMIIM'll IV I'B. llnok hy mall Kl.AT I < > I'ltl I. " . MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO.N.Y. ixcuuiva lleptio J' ' ttt , bnasins , Fulling sickness , Con vulsions , St. Vlt- 113 Dnnio , AU-Q- holism , Ojl in Eitlajr , SetnlualVc'ulviita , Jiuiwtcntr , JypUUls , facrofulu , and all Nervous and Blood Dlsoasos. CS > "ToClcrjO'incnl.n"tycHlLlter rjAIei ] , Jlcrclmnts , UanKcrtf , Liuflea mid all whoso ecilentary employment cntiEe 'crvoiH I'ros- tralloii.lrrcinilarlticsoftIiollIoixlStoina'.li , llowclaorKlUnos , ori\ho rrqulru anenu toulc. oppctl/ur or stlwulaut , Samantan A'ciTliuahnaKMe. \ . _ _ 2Thousana $ , proolahiUtaoinost wonOcrrul Imlgor- nut that over sus- tnlncUabInWiiK6s- teni. HIE DB. S. A. JllfHUOB ALK)1\E ) \ ST. JOStl ] Tr , MO. CorrfjpondcBco in cljr amwcrcd by Itijiiciact. 1'or tMtimonlalj ninl circulars cnij etanip , 3 FOU SALU nr < 7. JT. GOOJJMAN. A Clear Skin Js only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. TIII inllTMll\ViT < 1Ml 1 PAVIM II T THh iRREl'KESSlBLE CONrllCT Labor Saving Machinery and Its Effect Upon the Market. Nabobs and Monopolists AVcnltli TlitoiiKh Modern linen- AVIillo ( lie Man li CroMitc-d to t ie Wnll. ( .nrrrnt. It i fet Innate lhit : llio United Stales i ? rondy , thus carlj in Iho innicli of ] note to ilenl dilcctly uith the labor Ami the labor question , in ] ihimoitK i * lor > stlie nntfliino help iiiniikiiiil ? Anil if it tlo , tloo il help the poor nun as inmh ns thu licit man' Within thiityjcnn Hid crowd of work- ingtncn Knthuu'il by oorpoiations Inu1 oigani/od for suit proloclion. U'hc cor porittions were founod for the purpose of opri.itiiiK intu liini's. The lion of manual labor may thcrofoio be paid to tirKo unlucly out of the inaehino. AgiicnUuiul purnlK wheic the ninchlnu lias not iiSH'i led iu monopoly , ha\o never cvoh od a labor union. So Iho ctie | < < iion lemaiii1 ? "JJoos the inaehino belong t < > the capitalist or lo mankind ? " Tliis moini'iitons pi oblem is boloi-u us. 1'ei haps the Cm rent may not ciasn the question. I'cih.ips the tton IMIOI M ) ll1l lut ! all tin ) pio-yar- tieles on eoinmunlsm winch till \\luil the no\\-itinnmcrablc labor papen call "tho eaitalistic ] j iis ; < < , " teem lo either miss 01 dodjre the issue which should bo looked lor "I'lopi'ili ! " Property ! " 'lirieks the editor \\lio has a hundtud inillionaites for e.ilieis. "Man was foiccdl ) } fiost to 1.13 np fcomcthiny for winter , in lefitain to do so , then he perished ishedhiiiicc i > iopptly , mul hence the di- \tnil > ot pioporn1" 'J' is all \oty pnoil , so far i\-i it frous , but it ib woilhy of Cabol clay Us piopor date as an ar- KuiiH'iil is ] ) io\ioiis to the imentlon of tne sie.nn pncino and the toleji.ipli. Did old Vandoibill one of his < -otis fl'jjlilj millions lo biidgo him o\ei be' tuecn slubblo and pui'-iT No. It tin principle of jnoneily in nnu'hincry bo ( ! ! Miie , then for the hum of the m- M-ntois of thu in idunos , and let the AV.Uts. tliiStcili'ii ( ons , ( lie Mof-es , and all their line d\nlo : the lealm of Pliilus * 'J he noikin man ' -ai-i the machine do- PIIMH him of 'ohltimo libettiis and ilt ni- : , him all Iho lewanU il has Inou ht itilo Ihoo < ld. 'Llio hoiking man "aj sit is a ilcli man's m ichitie The noikmgnun sa\s it not onlj lilotls the iieh man s ( isl.ito but it is an in tin- ment of -lavoineut more valuable ) to the L'ieh man tlian was the whip of - slavery ery , for nowaday- , the woin out sla\e is tinned aw.iv to die in juneity. The workmcinan aslvS , "Who is the moio noble , In1 M ho , with a machine , made 5riUO,000 hoe lnndlo , in Ihiily roars , or he who made ? . , 500,000 ? And wnj should he who inado lliu hoc handles die in the pool hoitic , and ho who jathciod the dollats die in a palaee , while carts loll thion h a btti-oL lillod with sympathising ; s.iwdusty Now , in llns oar ISfeU , we are likely lo be. hold the beginnin < ; of &oino Kind of u new sotial adiiibtmciit. That it is to eomc = o oailv argues that it will be peaceful and w itlioul the oiyies ot Iho I'loneli eanelism of 17S ! ) ! U , for blooel satiKlies nolhin r The woikiu - man does not feel t > uro lie can bolter his f uo to any appreciable extent. Almost surely , ho cannot Duthefcius thu ma' chine will not enl } nnpo\ciish baton thrill him. Thuiofoio ho will ntop elass ftiowlh and jnobably abolish inetisidual irolitb as now gained from machines The oiganj/cd manual laboreis lead their own literature. They ha\o moio to load and t > ludy than diel Plato and Socra tes. Plato and Socialos aio moio likely1 to aiise air.on thorn than among the so- lieitois of coioratioiib | who now hugely compose the political go\oiniug body of tin nation. Theie icniain the vast body of the fai ming cla .s to judge between the iwo acthe toices glued anel want. Whatever \ordict shall be rendered , the two aetivo classes will be foiccd to abide theioby. If wo may judge bv the tide that has tinned against the ibls.the fai mer eido with the labor unions. How , then , may wo expect to behold the beginning of Iho end of piopt'ity in ideas machines' The Knight * of Labor will ( ill the logislatnies. The Cm i out nndei stands that the law-makeis of Con necticut and Massaehusetfs this winter : ne made up of an extraordinniy number of labor union men. Jt is in the e vciy stales that the triumph of the lioh man's machine over llesh mid blot > d is now Ihc mosi complete. Thus it is the olel story of the patience of the common people and then the uncxpcclcel nlihhvind of their wialh. When thu states general met nt Yetsaillos , it was Midelonly dis- covcicdthat the third catato ( the com mons ) hael thocntiiesymnathy ot Ftaiieo. Of no avail , the aiguincnlb of ptiosts ami nobles , "Alas ! " eiled Alaiio Antoinctto , "tho stupid prejudice of the masses"1 So cry tlic bankero of the cast at this lime. "Alas' ' cannot these westein people ple see that we doshe the country ' .s goods" ' "AlnsJ" cry the lailroad lawyers and mill-solicitors of Massaelms oils anel Connecticut , "cannot the people moie wisely Unst ns than those phalanges of labor demagogues ? IJuttho people are1 tinned awayfiom the old gods. Of all cynics the populace is , the most romoucloas1. Diet the Hankers' absoolat'on ' , when it met in Chicago last August , nee any cloud in the sky of linanco ? Not at all ! "Wo must have our lights. It is for ute - , to IK the measure of values. " So they re olvod. They said .silver imiM dopait , but while they were iinpotunl to more than older it o , they vveio able to attiacl the gloat ga/o of the peoplo. The p i tienl , ovi'ihmdcned mabses 1'oiiiu'd thiir own opinion The "piojuelico" became li\ed. Now , fitieldenly , an unuM'd com- milteeship ot tliei house ot loinesenta lives becomes a Mecca Me > n wlio would Iiavo put their heads in-thcir iiillows anel wojit if they had been denied a place em thowa\.s and means thoappiopiia lions , now move heaven anel eaitlilo be'romu members of thei committee on h.bor wlutv meroli the month- jiiecos of homo labor unions , whom the ) stove makeis , luitlurs ami oth cTgoeHldamo Paitinglont , have blaok- litteel ami swept h.iolc oceaiiwaids1 I'hoto are lie ) labor unions ! " fry the hhcelnien in congres- , denying that theio be hired mcnonU-idoof congicss ! "Thoio tuo no labor nnioiia ! " they erv , as the an gry eild maiehionncts in ' ( i-te" eiies "r aio no Kcclci' lhcy don't o\l t' ' " Vet a hnniircel ticmbllng solkitoia po o be-fine tlio this inter " countiy vv as "labor e-ongressHien , " ami next winter it will bo twe > hundred , Again , the bojcott stalks befoie the imlu.-triul worhlliko a Scclio. | ) When the state Miall stuke at it , there in the senato-hou-e will bo thotioops of "la bor legislators , " caieful to catch the fiown or the emilo of the onco-dcsplbeel labor unions. Cautious manufae- tm 01 died thu taint of thu bov colt , as a good woman dicails the breath of bcandal. Uo not these signs ami ) > uiteuls go for something ? Such are some of our intellectual and in- conditions , Thhlysijeaia be- foio the li ouch revolution , Loul dies- teillclel wtote as he Ir.uolcd thiough 1'ianco : "In ahort , all ( ho Miiptoms which 1 have met with in history , pro- vjeits lo great changes and involutions in yo\ \ eminent , now nvist and daily in- erease ) in Trance ' ' bo may the Current in e-ntoimgnpon an upoch whiehmusl ) > rovu notable in thu history of its 091111- tiy , eipinu thciu is now , in Ameiica , a eotciio of me n , gooel , bad anel indiller- cut , enjoying u rapidly ending ixign ; of , nnel poner , by the divine right of wheels anel elirine llnid And no other set of me n , in anj country , in anj age of the fntuio , car ever hope to praeefully remain in pos ses-ion of so great power ntl so mucl privilege. THE GRAND ARMY. Illds to l c ItcccUcel liy ilic Coin- inanilcr I'or tlio Xexl Heuiilein , Dcparlment C'omnianeler A V. Cole , o the Nebraska department of IhoCiiam ! Ainii of the Ucpublic , has Issued gcncia order No. 17 from his home at J'aniata Neb , as follows Ji MATV , Nob. , Jan. 4 Vor the pur po o of seeming the location of the eighth annual minion of Nebraska soldiots and sailois t ( bo held in the joar eif ISMS , at Mieh time as mav bo designated by the ninth annual encampment , department of Nebraska , ( i A H , I will loceive .scaled pi opo-ah at mv hcadqnaiturs in Juiiiutn. Neb , until I cb 10 , 1830 , fioin cities , towns and illage3 of the -Male. Pieito ) > ition must bo accompanied wilh a written guaianlco eniloised by live 01 more iesjpiisiblopeisons s-iie documenl guaianleeiug that their localit. ) will fur ; nish giatis to the ( ? A K. the following 1 At lea t U10 acres of land for sucli reunion , suitable for camping , locate plat stake out the camp , anil pi epaui hinne for occuii.incy a Seventy live tons of liny , fifty tons oftiaw , 100 coieli of wooel all cleliv- creel lo the qu.utonnaslcr of camp em the leunion giounds , b ) or bcloie the lirst Prltlaj prior to the letinhm. ! 1 rtiimsh suitable guard for such piopeil , > fora iieiiod ot nine davs snel giiaid to be uuelor the olderand diicction of the commander of camp I. Agoil quality anel sufllpiont quan tityof water to be delivoied in bairels under the elnccliem of the cemnuandcr ol the cam ) ) feir the needs of oO.OOO people one week for dunking , eookig anel washing purposes Also enough stock water for . ) , OUD teams of hoiscb , mule , etc , one week ( "i 1'orlv ' tons of ice to be delivered dining llio week of the leiiniem on the onler of the comunndttr of camp. 0 To transport fice finni any point in the United blah's , anil reluin s.iino , any tents camp en garrison c'quipage , muni tions eif war hiiuel by or loanoel lo the ( t. A 1 ? fe > r such Leunion , ice-e no all ma- teiial fiom the ladioael compauv , haul same to camp , pitch the touts stuKe s imo , ieaek ) anel iclo.ul all mateiiatal clo > i' ol lomiion. 7. To linnisli a ge > od ami sullloienl amount of tuhuiUsing and distribute the samf , the expense ot vvhieh in total hhall aggiegato at least ? . ! )0. banl advoilising to bo out ut least six wci'ks befoiu the 10 union anel done under the eliicUion of the leunion commute e fen1 Iu31i S To insuio all such piopeily as miv have to be insured In sometellable iiisiir anee company or companies for the- full peuod ot tune llio | iioieilmav | be in the tr.iusit to , iu use al , or in li.uiMt while being retutueel horn the iciiuion I ) To fmnish , under the appointment of the commander ot camp , ami pay lor such services , a sulllciout number of gnaiels to ] > ietcel ) piopoily and aid the commamlui ot c-unp , to carefully poliec the camp , ami maint tin a piopcr efc icc ot oulei iluiing the week et ) the lounion 10. 1 o fm nish lift saddles for use ot the cavalry division , lo be tmiioel over to the colonel commanding the said elivision , who shall ho luspoiisiblc lor Ihc bafo 10 linn of bamo. II. All expenses incident to the reun ion in the way of ammunition and male nal needed ami used in cairving enl of piogranuno of paiadus , sham battles , amu'cments , suuriso and sunset trutis , caiing fe > r the _ pav ilion , lighting same for camp lilt's hiimgof sadelles ami saeldle hoisosfortho eonuiKineler of camp and his stall' , to bo boino by the city , town or village that shall bocuio the location of said leunion ; anel all the lights to main tain anil rents accitiing fiom the sutlois' bloies , booths , dining halls , and all busi ness linns , places of amiHunifnt , shows , t\c. , to bo luceived by s.nel city , town or village ; pioviiled , that no gimbling , or jilaco lo vend spit ittions liquoid , VMiica , or malt beer , shall bo allowed on the giomuls of llie leunion. ! ' , In addition to the above the locality must give'i coi lain bum of money as a cash elonation for seeming the reunion ; said sum lo bo paid to the dcpaitment commander by or befoie August 1 , 18bO , fe > r the use of the dopaitmoi.t of Nebras ka , Cl. A. H. IU All bids must be indoicoil on the cover as follows. "Pioposals foi seeming the eighlh annual reunion of Nebraska soldiers and sadois , " and tiildiessed lo A. V. Cole , dcpailmcnl commaiidor , .In niata , Nobiaska. H. All posts of the G A. 11. will , upon the receipt of this older , at , once bung it to the attention of the public in their lo calities bj securing thu gratis publication ot the same in the papois ana in other wavs momulgatc it. 15. DIP dcp.utmcnl of Nohriskn , ( i A. R. , icsoivcs the light lo i eject any and all bids 1J. ( All bids will be opened and u-tul by Iho assistant aeljutanl geneial at the mooting of the conned ut adininNtiaiion at He'd Cloud. Wednesday , IVb. 17 , ISSli , when the s-election of location-will bu maelu. Skilled Ijabor. Savannah ( ( ! a ) News The- value of RCI viee-s icndcic'il b > killeel wenknion should not bo calculatcel by the limo jt lakes to pciform the task Allow aneje should be made lor the weeks anel months fcpont by thoioiigh woikmcn in le.nning how to do their wink we'll This knowl edge has its mone'j value. While Judge Tiaei was on the uiictiit , going from coiiit , his tiaco biokc. The Judge spniit over half an hour tiding to menel it , butte to no pntno > o His patiunco wasu\hauet od , anel no exne'sscel | his \nx.ition in woiels. A negio caiue along , anil the Judges told him of his double. The mj- gio lejl out the trace , cut a hole in it , and tlio job was done "Why , " haiel the Judge , "could 1 not huyei thought e > f that * " "Well , maistor , " wild the negiei , "don't 3011 know some fe > lkn is jest natu rally .smaller than Pothers' " "That'h so , " siiil the Judge , "What whall I ji.iy ion for lixing my tiace ? " "Well , mais- ter , lilty centb will elo , " saiel the negio , "IMty cents' ' " said the " Judge ; 3011 vvcici not live minutes at it " " 1 elo not chaigo jon llfty cents tor doing it. " i-alel the ne gio ; "I uliaigo jon Iwenty-livo e-outs feii ejoing it , nun twenty-live cunts for Know ing how to elo it. " Hood's Sar-apaiilla has cured then S'inels of e.i.-i s ot iheiimatisin U'his i * > abundant loason for belief that it will cm03 on. Try it Ai > | ) rccliUct ! Illw Coiielltlon. lr\\ \ ill jou pay mo this bill , sirv"aid a tailor in Hcgeuit sttoet , Lontlon , to a gun- tie nuHior who owed him a pretty long bill 'Doou owe anvlmely anv thing , sir ? " a-keii the jouth , "No , Ir , " oaiel Iho tailor. "Then 3011 can alloul to wait ! " and oll'ho vvalked A iho or two after- waiel the tailor called again. The m.iblicr was not at his wits'enei jot ; w > , tinning to his cicelitor. hoaid : "Aro you in debt to am body ? " "iVs , sir , " oniel the tailor. "Well , why don't you payt" "I've not the money. " "That's just mv case , sir. 1 tun ylael to bco u can nppio- elate my condition ; give us jour hand ! " Whim ll ljiru aid , we J ; TO ItrCastoris , When the wa a Child , ahe cned for Castoria , \Vhen itio liecxnie Mljj , she clang to Caatoria , Wb u ib * b d ClUldron , ibe re ttom C'Mtori * , Nothing Liko' Ncm in a Critical Emcr gency. How n Trnmi > Printer Hocti lie rated Ills KnllPn rortuties. i . 1 had been de-vil in the Uitgler ofllce , in a town inclovta , about four month when the editor was ono day called away. The manwho , was noting as com peWitor , inc nian , job ptiutci , eolloetor , solicitor , and-D foi th , seized the oppor- ttuiity to go cifl on a "spree , nnel 1 w ns tints loft in olc charge. , Just after dinner , as I was washing the leillcr and cleaning up gonerallj , in walked the lint old " " "printer bum" 1 had ever scon. The duds on his back weren't worth a. silver citarter. | In * hair was long and unkempt , his face covered witn eliu ntl bristles nnel his breath scented llio room. Hi1 was lagged , eliily , liontele-t , and penniloami had been let out of the county jail , eight miles away , that morning. "Howdy , boy ? " he s-ald n < ho came In ; niiel witlio-.t n ccond glnncc'at mi * lie took a at the elo k and ntlaoked Iho leiihiins ot my lunch When he had eat en the last crumb he ] ) ickcel hi * tcelh with the ediloiial pen. peeled oil his old coat , and commaiiiled "llov , hunt mo tip u job slick. " 1 diet it , and us ho lee > k it ho walked ovc'i' to the rack , slung in Iwo or thiee liiius ol display lpo , and then stopped to the' small pica case and sot up the body of a cltciihir reading in. it vs vmtivit : > ! mi : sou M.I ) i-ituK. PI ir.n-il M.Mill 1.00,1 is 1 I Ml s\liinsll I'imi.Neit.oot-Tl Viol" . IVU'H lias endued hii > tier's Hall feir the ovc'iiiiiK e > r Sept.- ! . ' , ISM ( to-mouuvv evi'iilnj ) , anil will ii\o llio cltl/e'iis eif Catiu- ei rit > an exhibition of Ills wiiiiile'ifnl povv- eis In vi'utrlloitil ] m , iiu'tntcrisin , anil plucnolo/y. \\ill Imitate tin- links of nil bliils. win speak to vein In sixteen liiiiKiiiKc" < . Will w.uoi SUM to S" that ho I'.in mc'stiic'il/onnv poison In llu. ' audience. Can lead join iliii.ulci lij fccllnvol join luytl. U'lll leiik'it S MJ it he- lads in a siliulo cast' . Mod iN limn all the ci owned heads of Kiiiope. riatteiini ; pn ss notices liuiu the' ' leiilliu ; ucttsinpeis. ] . of the woilel Lveij- boilv linn enit. Aeliiiissioa null twenty-live cents. Chlhlien lice. llej plaei'd this matter on iv galley , pnlleil u pioof and eoiii'cted il , anil then cut a lot e > f pi hit paper to the light si/o anil si ill to nu > ' ( Set np llio lollcr and loll for mi- " 1 complied , and he vv in kcd oil'200 of lhociienl.ilHo was not onlv a good compositor , but hewiestleel that old hand picas aiounil like a man who hael never done an , ) thing PIM.hen vvo had tin i-hi'd ho sale ! : " 1'akc the tin piil and get me a quail of bi c-r Tell 'em to charge it lo the OlllCL- ' i I J was afiaiil > oniho man , and I got the bcor unil paid for it out of mown 11101103. Iloelraiik Iho whole quaitwith onlv one bicatlir- "Novv , Ihc'iiv tike lhc o c'irciiliits enl anel elistiibiitc- , " ho b.nel as ho put tivv.'j ' the pail. "Ho a gooel boy and I'll give yon two tickets lo this gie it enter tainment " was inelurtMuont enough , anel in two honis , with the help of anothi'i boy , 1 had lulled the town.Vhou I i dinned , the "bum" had aihed iij > , combe'd his h.lit , and had on-a now suit ot clothes lie had gonoMd' ' a c-lothiei 'a and bought tlic'in unil liaet them cliargeil to the olhce , claiming hn h < l boon cngage-el as feiie'inan. Pitrthev than that he had huen and engaged-tho liiill. I had bcen'btck eiil.v live niinntuH when the boo/\ com iw itot eamo in * lle > hael soaicely outcieel the- door when the "bum" 10-50 up , waved him back , anel tragicalli cxelaimc'd "Go hi'iicc v This is no pi use- for the depi.ivTil1 How dare ou entoi 1113 ollico inotii present condition * " The "c-omp" backed down stairs di linker than ever , and after the stiangor had que tioni'd mu as to whi'ii the e-elitor would lotiitu ho wenttei tliu hoUil and engagi-el the be-.t loom. Iliad hoaiel that somebody held : i moitgage on the ollioe , anel it struck mo that this mint bo HIP man's agent. I was jonngimd gioen , and had never been a display of tiaiup piinli'is' gall Ne\t morning he took pos oision of the-ollico. When the now sobetiul com positor airivCel the "bum" solcctoel copy for him , and boused him mound , anel thoiewa'no icbi'llion. He wioto and sot up sovoial ediloiials hiuiai'lf , made up the > ontsielc p.igcs of the paper in a manner , auel worked on two jobs tor which fJ.7. " ) cash was paid in. Dining the'day two snbs"iibeid paid in $1 , and all the money wont into the stranger's peiokct. The cetitor was lo bo gemo two days , and the man took Mie-h e-oniph'to pose - > - seiem that vvo bolioveil in his light , anil eliel not kick. Dining tlio elaj ho treit a hat and a now pair ot boots the f-.tino way he got the clothes , anel ho drank thri-o quails of beer til our expense. 1'iot. IVters' di pillars Idled Snj dear's hall that e > ve > ning lo ove'illowmg and il was the old bum who stood at the door and took the money When the lu l per son h lei p.i > M-el in , the eh)0i he'opor slid into the daikne i , and the jiooplo thoie1 lor half an hour bofoiet thov ii-al- i/oel that they hael boon duped Then : i giaud man hunt was organi/oel , but it was too lato. The bum had Melon a hkill' and dionjioel elown tlio ihor , just about $ tir > 0 ahead of the town. jumouisATic civil , snuvior ; . A. Wont to I'emniUMtcr Kvann , or St. Joe. St Joe Oa/otto You are in. You are postmaster You aio chief. A paitv is like an army.Vliun it whips the other iiuny it nppiopiiitos it- , lings , takes po-- M'sfrinn of its aimanel ammunition , utjl i/es it qitaifenimistor anel e' ntoroanel e'lthiT paioles or impnsois | itssolelieift Theie lmjiihl hccu tigicat baltlo fought bo een thijilemocraU mid the lepnblioaiis , wlu'ioin the domourats whippeel the lepnblicans out ol their boots ; but if out1 can tell to diiy thofcl low who whiiijHilnnd Iho follow v\lioge > t vvlilppc'd , ho has never jet come among ut HI a piophe'l. ) It is trno tint , ] lii > diplomatic * corps is rubicund will ! joitng blood and roaiale with r < 'constmetiV ii , but who eaies be- jond tliu inieTO ot a elio-'S coal or a hnioll- ing bottle vvhciJiu. those ) foitiign giiiith1- mon go iu ItiUiIaUii IWIJ , it our bioad- shonleloieel , ones uspe'iideie'il , hog aml- hemiiny oatin ff'lows ' are -till to be kept enl in the c-oicij the ) place's thov ought lo have -till in the I mils ot the' ' sleek , we 11 leel auel p.UUlk.1l | l ollie ial C'laniWlm IlilVO bi'eii drawin > ' jiinernmeiit pay in one . and anoiTiei tiom Uianl to AitluuV Vo sjioak m the nnmes of the workois "iof the ji.utv mon vv Ho hav o bi'eii hewing w oed and di aw ing water in this \ei\ state ot oura iortwonty jcars When we say woikero wo mean men wno go in. Who cairy torches Jlaieh in pieice-ions ( Jive ot their tub- stance to hh < ; brass banels and pay for speakers. Helpat baibccties. Stuyoiit ot nights , Splash about In Ihe imiu and Iho lain. 3lako nil rallying occasions jubilant with bonfires and tiiumphunt with aitillery.Vhonever bcratch their tickets' . Who aio men poor , it may bo , and humble , and unknown to fame yel high enough and pi mid enough to hold Ihcir own political honor too dear for any bujur'a liand to touch , and thetlr own political allegiance too splendid in jts devotion for any renegiiele'o slander to assail. Above evi'iy other kind eif a democrat wo woulel dosiio to bee Postmaster Kvans fill ovoiy [ ilaco in his ollico , limn lop to bottom , with such u elumocrat us wehavudu- Loive no republican m r i.i'i or boy , male or female , out with tin whole lol , anil out with it spioehly 'i'his is a government of demoirat > , and dom oi-rats juonose to run it Never minel the howling The democrats lash was never jet liieiwell acio's a bat k that the said icpublican did not seiuirm and vvngclc like a blacksmke. Never miiul the threats of a republican senate there never was a < ; piiate vet since the 1'omaii Kmperoi C.iligula maele a senator out of a hoi e , that elid Hot eower at the fact of the executive power The one * plain , simple thing for our slaunch olel demoeiatic pi tmastei , John Kvans. to do , is to put a tie in o\civ place iu his poMoiliie Ne ) matter the position , put a douiociat to fill it Anel , if about the picmNes amuhcio there au-eithci lathohsormice Imles i e that the occupants of each aio a1 o elemociats Make this gieat contial citaelfl of the foulth eougies-ioiial elis tiiel instiiiet wilh demoeiaiy. Avvay with the drones Put mpn there who know how to disllngiiish the ililleieitt diniocialie bugle calls , so thai when one sounds , be it ever so little in its ui'cd , the1 whole baiieled arne ol demoeiatic em- plovos call swat m out as so maio Iraiiunl S ( lellors , lit foi anv pailisan work , fiom canning a pumaiy to stoiming a con- 'venliou. ONEOFTHE FOUR. _ A Uttli : Keniltilscenco of Senator Spencer. Washington Coiicspondenl .Minno apolis Tribune- Standing iu the Kbbltt house lobby the other day with an olel citi/cn of Nebiaska we noticed ox Senator Kellogg , of Louisiana , pass bi " 'Iheie is one ) of the four , " s-iid Iho Ne- biaskan. "What four ? " wild thoTiibune coru'spondent "llio four senators which our icgimont gave the I'nited Slates , " was the toptv' . "Kullom ? was our ( malleimaster. John 1U. Ihayer was our colonel lie was aflciwaids senator fiein Ncbiaska , anil Tiplon who was chaplain of the legtment , ufterwaids iene ] enled our state in the senate tor six jears The othei was bpciiur of Ala bam i , and ho v\a the vvor-l of tliu lot of thu . e-arnet-b.ij ; I'lemunl Soncor ] ) went etil wilh IH as sutlci of the 1st No biaska After the battle of Shlloh he took a hotel at Coiinth , which had boon abatielomd 1) ) the rebels , and inn it as a soil of ollleers' heailqinileis That is whe IP he made' the st.ut m his foi tune. " "Whit soil of .1 sutler did ho make' " 1 iiumiied. "lie was the damnedest scoundrel that ever solel bad lobaceo , " was the lepl.v " \ \ hj , that fellow bpon- cor would irn lo the sergeant after each engagement ami irel a list ol the killed , and then thu villain would chaige up against thi-m enough te > take pictt\ \ near every cent of the paj coining lo them. You uueloi-land the sullersi' accounts were1 p.utl by the p ivmaste r , ami as the pool elevils weio eload , ami no one could di-pule his claim , mini of them weie tobbeel ouf of their lituct earned wagers , which WMV so Indly needed by tlieir widows ami children Alter lie geit thiough the hotel business he seemed a commission to enlist a legimeut ol caval ry iu Alabama , which known as the 1st Alab iiua c.ualiy , and I don't believe it was in inoio than one engagement be'- foie the whole' eiowel wore captmoel You see , most ol the follows vveic lebels , and Ilioy de eite'd and joined tlu > con- feeleialo ranks as boon as they yol a chance 1 am Miiiiiseil | , " continue el the speaker , "tlial no one I'vei gel on to Iho tact , that bpcncci was our sutler while he was in tliu senate , llo was accused of ncail.v ovei vthing else , and I never lieaiel nn accusation igain-'t ' him that was .in unjust one Yet somehow or oilier his enemies never seemed the ical eanso of his joninoy to the south was. " THE INGERSOLLS. Their Now Iloiniin Xcw York. Now Yotk Lettei 1 eallcd upon the family ol Col Iiiger-oll in New Yolk the- othei'day lameeitain then nunioioiis liiumls w ill bu glad lo know how com- toilably the > are located for the next eight nionths. After the h isty hale of his house in this city in Novcmbur the col onel and jMis. Ingoi'soll weul at once lo New Yoi k , hoping lo luul an iinftii iiishcel house in a desirable locality w hich they could lent and furnish lei themselves. Uitt the ke ison being a little late for icnting unfuiiiished house's they had to take one tuinis'lied which belongs to a gentleman who is in E iropo with his family The family expect to return to No\v 1'oik in October , .so the colonel only luntcel the house until that time , and then hopes to be able to liml an nnfiiinishcd hou-o it ho concludes to icniain in Now York another winter. The housowhich _ lie occupies is on Tilth avenue , in the sqnaio below Chickening hall , bill on Iho t'.ist side ot the street. It is one ot a low ot lariro blown stone houses with a high llight of stops leading to the enlianco The hall is wielu with a long pulor to the ) light. Hack of th s large loom is a smaller par lor The-o 100111-9 are fuinishcd in I'lench st > le , the frainowoik oflhofur- iiitiiio being of black and gill , while the uooiUvo'-k et the loom is touched up with gilt to eoirespond The loom is fics- coi'd in panel elesigns , = o that no pictures are iM-ii Hack ot the secoliel jiarlor is the ilining-iooni , which would accommo date ) a dinner paity of twenty easily. This loom is furnished with solid iniihog- nny , uirl has a 1'iigo window looking into the vaid. H tek of the main hall on the lirst llooi is a small hall w hich leads te ) the HlnMl'.vtho me > st hpllie like loom in ihu ImiisK , and Iho one in which tliu taniil ) pie-fi r tej sit. This loom has a large- window looking Into the iaid. but heav v cm tains are diawn anel Iho light onl\ \ comes in Irom above tluongh soft 8taiied | glass windows. Tlieio is a laigo haielwood mantel in llio loom with a hie placu under it laigoc'iiough to aci-ommo- date a good * i/e'd hg ) A willing liible > occupies the center ot the room anel c-ihy e-halis and lounges aic overywln re about The bookc-i'-cj an- low anel ivach ontiio ly arounel the uioin The second floor is occupied by the Col anil Mis Ingeisoll , llicu- two daughtc-ts , and .Mi § . P.siken , Mis Inj ; . i MIPri mothei , : is hlc'e'pni" loomI'lu llnid lloor is 01 e upiiel bv .Ur and Mis r.urrll their little daughur , with onulaige loom furnished iu blia 10- served lor guests. Tliulmutc is so con vcnicut to tlio leading hotels , theaters , nnel stoics as to m.kko it ve-ry elusiiable 'llio Colonel at the time 1 siw him was hiilloring tiom a bove-io sore throat , 1ml Ihei dootor w lu > hael him in cnaigc v\is fysl helping him , bo mat ho etxpictcd teen to bo all light again. His throat was so but that ho had OOIMI obligi el lo cancel till of his loctuio ungageiiiuiiu for : i time , bul hoped late-r in tlio wintir to be nblu to Icctuieagain. . Twoveiy iniuitant ] memui-r ol the colonel's family'lie the two dogs-one ) an lii'li setti r named Kusk lor the \Vis cousin gentle man who presented him to the eolone-l , ami Iho other a small Mei can dog.thoiiiili neit tiuo ot the haiiless v.unity , whii n in the paiticular nut of the iwo young kulie s llvoiy morning the , wo joung ladi' s t.iKo the-e ilogs ever let Madison "quaiv and give tholn tlu-ir ex erciso. Tin-dogs have the liglit of way o\ei tlio ent'io hou o , though the colonel saiel he thought that MM Juge-isoll was Kolliiig a lUtlo .paitiotilar aboiil hum , for one day the eamo into .ho dining room uiit befoio eliunor served anel found Kusk. the biglilsh Miler : or , walking nmong the disnes , oveing lovingly a large lo.ut. Mis. IngoinoH then annoimecd that ho would have to Iiavy thu line at that and Husk must loreafter eonlino his ] ) ioiuunmles to thu leer whilu in the hoiisu. His Uojicl'iel Son raiiu'il ' on lee t'Ino. Clue-agoIKiald : "Now , Shakoy. mine , " eahl u dcalci in cheap clothing to OTO is One of the Kest ami Largest St-oo'ts ii the U.S. ioSelect front. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M , BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Gio : untKK , UNION STOCK YAnDS , OMAHA , NEB. ItUfEHKNCKS : Mr > iilmnls nmt TarmorV Itnnlf , DivvM City , Neil ) ; KmrnojNittlonivt py.Ni'li. ! Cohiinbu ytiito Iliuii ; , Columbus , > , ol.t McDotuilil 3 Hank , Noitli 1'l.ute , Not ) . Umnlm liunnl llntik , Uinnlin , Nob. custoinuu'eir.vll with bill otlaJlua nttaclied , fur two \tM VAlu of stock. his eiMcst born , " 1 must ilghelnvaj to go , mul I le-aves elor sdoio unel eier bceviie' s in iotirhaiults Dot v as a line biunco for vein , mine solm.1 ilaku piomibiid to ciulo.ivor to make good use of his chance. "LTnd , Shake , mine solm , vile 1 vas avay jou mighd elo a good mlioke of bucvncss hci > Colel vethlcr is eoinin' on , unel v oil inuM mark up all dor gools in dci MOIO Don ilaul a big bankiupt sale- , and make ) believe vou ell do/e gools fci'fti jcr cent oemeler cost -hev ' Fell do/o people s elot dor olel man vas lumloel ava.v to shwiiulle his gieelitois , und lo/egridileiis slecd | ) ) ) in mid v ant to git dive gools ava.v , almost hev * " \\hcn I ho old man icluined liom Imf- falo he was snipiised to liuel Hie store locked it ] ) , and yi't more sui puseel when he Icainoel that his liopt'fnl son had sold oireveiithing ami chaiceloul wilh Ihe ontiie as-e'ts of the establishment. "How elol uo.y efei le.nnlto bo bo elis houe'st , " saeliy ob crved the old man , ' is moio as vet I can't never make ovvct. " glit to lion aictnlior ol' tlio S. I'J' . I1. O. C. T. A. Mrs. Clamvvhonpci , a fashionable Nc-vv Yoik lady , has a pet n.urot of which she iseiy loml. A few davs a"o he r hits band was moiikoving with tliu paiinl , when ho sueldcnlv e-iienl emt in anguish tiiul danced aieiuiul the room , holding his lingi'ibin liismoiilh , le-movinglliem liom time lo time lor the pnrpe > * e e > t using his mouth to luin lee e a loircnt of ] ) iolanu language1. "Iteiol giacious' ' What's the mallei , ClrHi'sv" said Alls Clannvlioppe-r " 'I h it accuibcd pauot ! " ejaculated the fcullormg man. " 1 hetiio ion h.iven't hint the dear biid " "No , but the dear biid has bit a piece out of my Huge r. " " ( geoiluess' ' J hope il didn't bite it clean oul. " "Yes iteliel. " " 1 wish \ou would bo moie caieful , Chailos. The mm L bought that bit el ef tolel me not to lot it taslo me it under any ciieunistt'iiues , Poor Polly ! Polli want a crackci'V" lie Wasn't "Warned Detioit Kn'o Pic ss An old auel inno cent looking man was waiting at the Third btiei-t depot the otliei day for a tiain , ami as bo was vvalking in ami out u gooel deal the police olhuci on that boat cautioned him to look out foi confi dence men. "Oh , I know all about confidence men , " was the icplv , auel that cneluil the convois.ition for a lime. In about an hour tliu old man came lushing up in an excited state of mind anel cried oul : "Some inloinal skunk has picked mj pocket of i. 2. "Well , 1 cautioned you. " "You'ie a liar ! You told me to look out for confidence men and never saiel a woiel about pickpockets. While ) 1 was a-lelling one chap tliat 1 was no giccu- hoin ami that nobody coulel confidence mo , his pai tncr got into my pocket. You aie a nice old police loico , ion aio. " True 1'ollii-iicss. Uflioit Fieu Picss : Dining the great liic on now yu.u' elav. , and when il boemi-il cei tain that the ttamu buildings on Cioirhan sttcol nuustgo , a man calmly ascemlcd the liemt steps of one Imuso ami rang the boll. A woman caino te > the door and he removed his hat and said- said"Madame "Madame , I c.imo lo oiler my f-cmccs in riiug | ) ] up u.upots ami taking elown bedsteads. " "You aio very kind , indeed , " she 10- plied , with a benv , "but wo aie geiing to take- our chances. The ( list galoot who jumps iu hcio to giab luinittuo will never know what broke his neck I" "Ah ! " " ( ! oed moining ! " STRBCTLY PURE. n ? COJUTAIAS.\o 01'ir.iri.vAAVronir IN THREE SIZE BOTTLKS. TRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENT S , AND $1 PER BOTTLE fKCENI BOTTLES mo put up foi th u /Sprjeuminoiliitlim ul till \\lio dujlru u ( , . mid lou pn I Cough , Gold and GroupRemsdy J1IO-1 JjfsllllSU A IirjIFIH I OH CONJSTTMPTIOKT on vsv LUNG DISEASE hlioulJ ci run tin lH < re > { ! liuitlos DueiLtlon ue.coiiiMiiniK ] iaii ! but llu Sold by all Medicine Dealers , Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? Jt is for infltimmr.- tion of all flesh. Nebraska National Bant OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Tnid up Capital $800,000 SuplusMuy 1 , 1085 . . . . J2B.OOO II. W. VAIIW , PteoldiMit. A. 1 ] , i\ , \ ice I'tcsldont , \V. 11. 8. lirmii. * , Cashier. ' " \V. V. MOIISF , .lollN'S COU.INS , U. \ V.Tvir. \ Li.vv is . Hir.u : , A. I' Tot'/.AMN , BANKING OFFICEi TJIJB JHON JtANJK. fo . I2tli niul rnriiRm StrooK General Him > IUK lIUBlui'sa I'uuisautoJ. IS CON'UL'CI ' I'.l ) HV E.oya/1 . Havana Iiottery IMmtl'TlOV Drawn al Havana , Cuba , Januiry 2-IG-30 , 1886 ( V < 0I I IISMI NT -Shi 111 1IOX ) ThKets inl Illlislioks $5 ; riiiLlIons pro inlaMilijtct to no innnlpulnlloii , not rontitilloil liy llu piullos In Inluust. It U tin Ituiust tliiniflii tin * naliiru ol i IIIUHD In IMOIK o. I in Ik Lots iipph loMlll' V , . ' CO. . l12Hioail- V TIM : jM. OITI.N1 * . \ ( O. tll'l Jlilln Ficot , luuibiis OIlj , Mo ,01 1UU liuiuiin Mrml , Ulllllllll. IUllll."i\V ( rSTABLISHED 1Q03. CHANDLER BROWH CO GKAIN AND PKOVJSION I B CHICKS ; / nnnnlef _ Tinilo , Clininl'i'r ol Cut. , .icreo , Cliicano. iSlilviaiilvC'c. H C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor , Solicllor , 1J5OI Doug las St. , Oinali.i , Xoli. Bail way Tiiise Table OMAHA. Tiif > fiillonlnir Is the tlnu' of nnivnl ninl Ue- pnrliuool tiiilni by Onlinl Sluiiiluril llnin nt the loinl ilrpiiiK , 'J laliisoC the I' . , M. V.M.St U. nriho mill ilopuit liom Ihcli iluimt. coinar ot lull 11 nil \ Vubli'i st i cp | ( 1 1 iilii < ) on iho II. A M. , < i. II X Q , unil 1C. C . hi .1. .VI * II. from the I ) . A. M. ilopot : nllothciA Horn the I'nlon I'uolllo ic"ot' immnii TU.\INS. llrliljrolinliH Mill loiuo I . I' ilnpot nt O-.J , ' , , 7EiH IW-S.4H H M II 1(1 ( 1)011 ) : On. 111. , 1 00 - 1 MI I W-ll : > . ! , ) .UO 1.00 5 U ii.W-O.OS- 0 m7OU11:10 : : p. m. ' Ijpiiiotrmiiti'i for Oniulm n 7:12 : l > Hlri a .TO - 'I.4JII 10. i 10 17- : n. in. ; ll ; 2l.l ; II Z 1 ? .lll : ) J ) T t.y" 0 15 O.Jo 7.0-7.'O 11:5. : : p. 111. * riN MNIS. : Aii Hnl ninl iluiniiiuin of luiliis from the tiniisfri ilcjiot nt Countll HlnlTs : Dl'I'M'l. AlllllrL. i HICKMI .v Miitrnni siniN. .1:114. : > i . Mull mul ixpiuS. ; 7.01 11 , u IJ M p. M . . Acioininoilnllon . 4 : > 0i > . M 5 Mr. M . llxpna-M U.r > A. M LIIICICO 4. lllll.K 1MI.AMI. oir. : A. M Mull ninl IIxpiois , 7 CO p. M 7n : v. M . Attoiniiioilallon r. Jp. n C1IIC4CK ) . MII.W VI1K1hi. . I'MJI , . P.10.4. M Mtiil unit Ktpiuss . 7 00 l > . If S.1J r. M. i\pitt8 : u.riA. M < IIICMC.O , iKim.iMiioN ti.Ti , M . .Mui ! mul i : pios9 o JO iM li .l > ) ' . M . Kxpn FH (1.1'lA. M U All lOIIIKfcl'U 8'fii' . M.bicnl H liOiils Lxnie IR I J.WI1-.M 'liitnsluibt l.eiiiislx.Tiiiiislf ! r ll.Ml'.tl 2:11 : A.JI . . . .Mieil'iiinl i\pitis : T.nv. M J.OO I' JI i\inoss ; U.l : > A , u siout e in & I'M u ic. . (7. ( / . . . Hluiix. < liy Mull . TM > > . M n-M \ - M W. I'niil I\IIH : - , ( i. r > A. u lltlMllt. wi'.srwAitu. AlllVU A.H . n. I UNION I'M II 1C' . I 1C , ,1'llLlllll : ' . i\pn SS 7..MIU M. liiii , Uc-nvi i Uxiuoss . . . 4:10a : O .S Hill' . VAI.UJV. I ] . "Oil Mall ninl I'.vi.ii'ss . < . . . . II , \ .M. IN Mill. I S.lOn .Mull mul Ilipiimti I 0Ji : . . I ei.oin _ jSlnlH . \ | ! iIO.IDl DI pin. hoiriliu Aid ) . AulriT A M. I I' . M. I'A < iriC."A M. , I'.M. lej.JJii. . . Dili IJxpUK" .J h.lM ) .Muni Kxprus1 K I' . , hi'.I & I' II. o. ° nil t.ri. A'ill J'l UlnlMOIIlh 7.oo.r. . . _ Duimit. _ KDIII'IIWAItU. Aillvo. A n I' M I < ' h'l' I' , M A , I ) 1. H i I' . M. b.Wi. I Slum ( lt > Kviui'iti . I I O.'Wj . r.IC. > ( ) iLkl uid Aiioiiiliioil u III.IXMl Uip.ul. CVStW.VItl ) . Aillvo A.M. I' . M. I I , II Si if. V M. I'.M. r. 0 I - \ III flat Miieiiilli U. 0 hI'OC 1C VAItlW 'IIIAINH Will Iciiiii C. | * . di pot Oumli.i nt ' ) .If ) B.'ll- 10 Vt IU f.'in iu , " . .mI I 'ill ' .r"i | > in. l.iHM filoi U VnnMlm Dinill i nt , , 'jt 10.J"iil. in : M 01-1 .i | .in 507 ( IJipiu Nun V liniimlnllj , ll.ilniiy i MI | it Rnndiiy ; C' ilnli : citoiit HUunliij . I ) , iliii > vcc'it | .Mini- da\ . ouunvATon AMD MOUSE- NCDBASKA ofl > rs ui Hi , > on 1 i ' i uiiiiini , I- I I , I II ll'l I It. 1 Illl u I 1 I ll I (0 ( . 111).Ill ) . n vi | I linhi j M ' Hi | M t mill d.i il. ti , awilTH. Pub , . Om.ilui , Net ) . i II ty. U" Mnn. h xl A.I | n liul ii lln < i in iv 1 rmurniitly liiiilld-ntLrislaHli i.lon If-curt ulilrtii ) uil ) cud J I I'.i I i lili rill.wsin f r A i ' i j H in ivj.H.uc'u uutm-diiut s A FiMJ LINK Ob OMAHA