Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 8BB , S JANUARY 10 , 18815 , li
OrriCRi Jo. 13 Pearl Street.
t' 1n inl by cnirlfr In nnj pint of tlie lty nt
t f nl > ftnl jfrwiik.
11. W. TII.TIIN , - - - ManaRrr.
111 slVf-sOtui i : . No. 4' ) .
Mu.llTiiHTOli. : Xo,21.
MI.NOll 3liXTIOX. :
1'nnls to orilcr , from * ) \\\t \ \ \ , : U
Wuntoil A I'linnibcrtniiiil nml Inninlry
{ , 'irl to ilo iilnin wsi'liiiif. : nnl irnnin .
) 'u iri'lln ; si ; .
The Danclio .orn'tj' Inul sill t-iiio iiblu
jiarli Satiinlny ni lit.
Kuvival ini'L'liiiK * sill tii ! < wn-k : > l tla1
I'niloil I'rcsljjti-rian cliiifcli on Ti-ntlt
"ioninn.K.M ( . . - " ! . to li ylvf-n at ( In-
ojicrsi lioii'O U'l'ilncMlity siinl Thnr-ilaj
'I lie .Milan ojicrsi coniiiinii njiiM'sir : il
Ilii ! ojM-rsi lioti-i' 'I'tit'-iliiy I'vcniny In "La
Traviatn. "
'I'lio mail li'ailin c lo tin1 1 her is in u\-
rclh'iitliai i' ainl many lciirliloaiU i-ro * "
to Omaha.
This IVi'inont. Mlkhorn k. Mi onri
Valley roail 'Ni- ] ) l aboul twi-nty ncxv 0:13
ijoaclii'S in a fv ila\- < .
The Methodists IISLM- : ! _ .oi'lal tn-inor-
row evening at tin1 ri iileiifir ol 1' . Jl.
( Jrcull , on Uaklaml avennu.
A i-ieial | ) nntsieal iiro rannne wai well
li.M.'cnicil yostenlay in connection uiih
tlic Mirvii-ui in lln ! l're b\lerian clinrcli.
For Sale- Tine > well lioilv anil Port
land I'titters niannlai'lnred liy K. ' ! ' .
\Vatunnan expressly for n * . Keeline iV
So far aswli'ighinjr was eojieerneil , the
Smlmtli iiitsved ojl' very imielly. only : i
mnll nninlipi- eiitt ; i > belny out as
compared to : mj day last week.
The Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's
elmrch holds its annual mcdint ; at the
home of Mr . ( ti'orjie Itnnrn , JCi hth
itivut , til-morrow alternoon at 'J o'l-loi-U ,
.John Cole i > , to ho i\cn a hcarin in
court to-day on tin1 charge of a anlt and
liatteru lie having been eoneenied in a
rowiir.Joiin Nichol.son'saluoii Satunhiy
ni lit
A fcOlow named Don-koy was arrested
by the police .Saturday iiiH'1' ' ' foiIjoiny
n ly drunk. Ten dollars is dejiositecl li\
a friend to tccuru his aiipearanci1 ! ) ! court
this niornii ) ,
Walter IMoore , thuyearold sn of
Mr Clutrlcs Moore , \\hile playing anoiil
Itis home on Toui'lli Mruet yoiterday , fell ,
fr.iet tiring his collarbone and dislocalinf :
bib shoulder bone.
The \isitors appointed fur the institu
tion form the dual auddmnl ) llii-.U'nr are
.Senator Harrett and ItepivM-ntatives
Thomas Teale , of Duealnr , ami II. ( ' . .S.
Kanek , of Johnson.
A. H. Iiiiylnim , of Macedonia , now Mif-
fers from a dislocated shoulder , the result
of hi.s bein tlnovvn Irom his -leigh , his
team nmniii away. One of his horses
ran into a tenee and was - badly hurt
that he had to be .shot.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodurtha , while
turning the corner of Hrjunl and Hroad-
way , .Saturday eviMiin1 ? , were thrown
from the .sleigh. Mrs. Itoilnrtha received
some .slight injuries , her busband e cap-
ing without a suratvli.
liarku's photo rarlt K'l'l ' ' > ry on Main
hlrcot , has been closed by Si. Louis cred
itors. Mr. Jiarko is in ( . 'anada. having
{ Tone there some time ago. He will prob
ably remain there , and not seek to make
a hettlcmcnt of his atTairs here.
Three of Hello ( Mover's frail onr.s were
called to police headquarters Saturday
for not paying their monthly line. They
declared they would slay in jail rather
limn pay , bill alter a few hour.s' trial of
durance vile they concluded they would
] > art with the cash and lake liberty.
The press of this city have been a little
premature in announcing that the Im-
jicrial club arc to donate $ ,10 to either the
olnuity bailer the poor fund. The club
has not taken any definite action in the
matter ami as yet only a few of the mem
bers have talked over the subject.
Tom Harry alias Irish Tom , was arrested
last night for .stealing an overcoat and
watch belonging to II. Frederick from
bis room in the ( ! all house Saturday.
Tom hail pawned the watcn , bat il was re
covered , together with the other proper
ty , and the thief was lodged in Tom
had tiiKcn a trip to Omaha and return on
his ill-gotten gains.
"What does it cost to own a cutter for
hour or two ? " said a Hr.i : man yesterday
to a liveryman. "A dollar and a half tor
a fcingle cutter for the hour , seventy-
live cents for the .second ; two dollars for
a double cutter the h'rat hour , and one
dollar for the second , " came the reply ,
but the lii ! : : man did not buy.
At a regular meeting of CYmcordia
lodge No. fW , K. of P. , on Friday evening ,
the following ollicerh were installed for
tin ) ensuing year : A. Hoker , ( ! . C. ; Henry
le ) Har , V. C' . ; II. Heicherl , M. of F. ; .1.
Ito.itor , prelate ; Joint Kost , M. of JO. ;
John Koit. K. of II. & S. ; II. Ilighman ,
M. of A.- William Hit/cnhoof , K. C ! .
A. W. t'ar. on , the general agent of
H.V. . Davis & Co. , of Cincinnati , re
ceived a private telegram Saturday to the
effect that the carnage factory was not
destroyed , as .stated m the general tele
graphic news. The lire only damaged
tbe block in the repository , so that busi
ness is in no way Mopped , and all orders
will be tilled as usual.
The \'ni iv..Ii ' 1 Saturday evening by
the rental ol iw,73 W - ' esbvlcrian
church reached the snug htin * . Of $2.lon
Many who were unable to bo present to
inako their selections n\pro.-.s their in
tention of renting sittings , so that this
amount will bo increased considerably.
A goodly nnmhrr of choloo seats inVio
been lelt for the fi-oiMj-o yj liuusicnls , bo
that the church \ \ \ ibo \ prepared to give
wolooiUo to these who do not rent .scats
Judge Loofbonrow has Used the bail of
( Jeorgo ( Jerspueher at $ ' . ' ,0)0. ( ) Ho gave
lull yc > lerda3 and regained his liberty.
( lorbiiicher being indicted for murder , it
M'l'ins stri'iigo thu amount of his bail
t-hould be low but il is
- ho , generally un-
dcratood that Ihu most ( hero is against
him is that ho seemed to bo tr big to
tJiiold Major Williams from too damag
ing evidence , and was a little reticent m
regard to .swearing to fact.i , which , when
oil' the bland , ho staled Irocl } and fully.
In his i-erinon jesterda.v morning llov.
( j , W. Crofts , at the Congregational
church , spoke of "The long Mill'ering ot
God. " In his treatment ot this tome ho
ihvclt upon ( ho great love of ( ! oil in a
manner in strange contrast with some of
the utterances from the pulpit given in
years gone by and occasionally at the
prc.-cnl day , Ho believed that ( Soil was
118 much more loving to sinful man than
nn earthly father was to a wayward son ,
as intinitp love was greater than human
love. His Kcrmon hail a more gentle doc
trinal touch to it than the iron , tyranni
cal grip of t-omo of the theologians.
Itov.T. J. Mackoy took orcabion in his
bcrmon yesterday morning to sharply re-
bnko the prevalent spirit of rivalry in
society , which leads some to try to excel
their neighbors and friends in the do-
ganeo ami elaborateness of parties. Ho
pictured how true hospitality should bo
fchown , and while not believing Unit social
tonality is possible in human society ,
% till lit ) did not countenance this seeming
Rivalry , Ho gave .some plain , seiisiblo
f nggcstions.hich wcro listened to with
I nterest , Whether they will bo followed
tuu is for the future to tell , bat the
% Jianees are rather against it ,
Some of tbe Past and Coming Events in
tlie Social Circle.
l'l-oliilltioiiisl Delegates l < > DoOIolncM
A Stolen AVntoh , ntiil | Tlilcl' .
Art-cot rdTrnlim Jlotltn-cil
by Hncnv C/int-hy / Hull.
Hoclnl Skimmings.
The social events of the ) ) ast woe.kno \ \
bcr-n few. 'I In ; pleasant moonlight
nights and elegant * b-gbing ! atlr.iclcd
the pleasure s-r-kei-s outside. Large
] eigliing ) ) : irties , followed by an cy-tor
siippi r , St'cnt to have had fauir.
OnTne-day evening Mrs. F. M. ( built
onlori.-iined the Whist club. TheriMvere
sis tabb , and iiroj Tessho v.bist wa the
order of the cvcninjMrs. . ( ieorgc Hoi-
comb \\as awardid the ladies' pri/e , and
( ieorgcV. \ . Thump-on the gi itlemen's
AI the residence of M. K. Smith , on
Wednesday c\ening bc-t , the Married
Ladies' Prosrrcr ! Kiiehn- club wa > eti-
terlained by Mrs M. H. Smith. Mix A.
T. Kltti'H rccei\cd the ladie ' tir-t pri/.e ,
and the gentlemen's HIM ns awanli-d F.
M. ( lanlt , while Mi s Nellie Smith , of
St. Joe.lio is tin1 gni'-l of Mrs. Horace
Ku ' ! received thu "booby" | irl/.e of
the ladies , -uid J. J. Hro\\ii thr wilts'
"booty " 'I her.1 was a large atteiiuanei !
of Hie club , and eleven tables accommo
dated llu * pla.\ors.
On Wednesdacxcning Mrs. ( \ P.
.Sheird ] : ctilerta'ir.ed a nninber of her _
Inonds at progressive cui-hre at her resi
dence , No. HIT FhM avenue.
On Tlnu-Mlay o\enin < r the Imperial club
gave their fourth ball of the ca on. The
night was a sloimy ono ami the snow fell
thick and fast lint a number attended.
and from all appcarance-sllie all enjoyed
lliontsehos highly.
Friday night being tbolirM anniversary
of the Diligent Doenliich is composed
of memb.'i-s of tin1 IHoomer high .school ,
most of whom willgradiiale in .lnni < nil ,
guvi1 a sleighing part.\ alter which they
were ho-nlilly | : entertained by Mrs1. J ,
I ! . AtUins at lier ri'sjdeiici1 on Si\ih a\e-
iiue toimiof Sixth street. Miss A. II.
Siiiires | gave an addioss , Miss Ia.\ la\-
enporl an es < ay and Miss .Inlia .Indsoii a
poem. After supper there were toasts
and response- , \ocal and iiisirumcntal
nin-.ii- and pleasant .social conversation.
A happy sleighing part vSatnrilsiy even-
iug consisted of Miss ( Ida I MY. , Iowa
Hall of Omaha , Li//ie Leonard , Li//ie
Carballyof Omaha , Nannie liardin , and
McssiIluirv Kalder of Omaha. Ining
Pai-sotis , Wallace Shepherd , Will Huntington -
ington anil Paul Shepherd. Konntifnl
refreshments were sUrved MIU ! a merry
tinio had at the home of Miss Lntx.
The i-oasting season fairly opened last
week , Willow avenue being the merry
scene. The sport has not developed to
so much of a craze jet as last season ,
but on s ( > v era ) evenings there was quite
a crowd. A large number of "travelers"
carried the gay loads down the hill at
railway speed. The tooling of honi .
ringing bells , merry laughter , shonls and
occasional .screams of those oapsi/.od ,
made the avenue lively , while bright
lights added to the charm of the scene.
Old and young , married and single ,
seemed to alike enjoy the coasting. Ono
evening some of the ladies appeared in
coasting costumes of white. If the
cour.-o and weather are favorable the
sport will bo at its height this.eek. . r.vr.NTs wnnorrMiAPows.
The coming public event of tins season
is the charity ball to bo held in Masonic
hall on Thnrsda.v evening of this week.
This event being for "s\\eel charity's
sake" should be patroni/.cd by everybody
who can rake up Js-.M , as the * nn"erin { *
among the poor during the cold snap just
passed lias been = o "great that each and
every individual who has the least inter
est in Council Hlnll's should put his oi
lier shoulder to the wheel and heln inako
it a success. "Kyory little helns. " The
fact that the lirst movement for this
event was started by a lady , Mrs. Dr.
Macrae , and that movement was alone
nntij after she hafl .secured the hall , the
music , "tc. , should bo encouragement
for the ladies of this city to help push the
ball to success. There's no doubt but
that it will be a success , but with the help
and support worthy of it it will be a
grand ail'aiiand ono of which every
resident of this city will feel proud.
What promises to be the most import
ant social event of the season will , in all
probability , take place in a few weeks ,
the particulars of which will bo an
nounced in the IJii : : later.
The Merry Thinkers take a ivrps's this
week and meet awenkfrom to-night at
the reidenee of W. W. Wallace , No. ! J7
Ulnir street.
The X Y 7. society are to give a novel
entertainment on 1-rnlay evening next at
thu institution lor tbe deaf and dumb.
Humor has it that the imperial club
will become a permanent institution of
the city , anil will bo an important factor
in social circles next .summer.
Host coal and wood in the city at dlca-
.son's , 0 Pearl street.
O. H. Jacmiemin & Co. , No. 37 Main
street , take pleasure in announcing to
the public that their stock of articles , or
namental. stylish and useful goods ,
is complete in each anil every de
partment , and cordiallyinvitc everybody
to visit their store , inspect their goods
and compare prices. No trouble what
ever to snow goods.
. .
Slaughtering Horses ,
About 1 i o'clock sau-.y ; : ! morning , as
n Koek Island switch engine with two
cars attaei-.jti bur ! , ' ! down
Was : : ; ? to the
slock yards on die Northwestern stock
yards side track , the head car was struck
by a Wabash freight train on the main
line on its way to the transfer , The col
lision took place at the crossing of these
two tracks on Fifteenth avcmto and
south Fifteenth .street.
The car that was struck contained
horses that were billed to ( ! . W. Jvlston ,
Columbus , Neb. , and were loaded at
Columbus Junction , Iowa. Nineteen of
the hor.scs got away , but all have been
found except three , One hor.-e was
killed outright , while two of the injured
ones had to bo killed on reaching the
block yards ,
There is no llagman stationed at tlio
crossing noraro iliero any signals. He-
fore crossing , the train ? are supposed to
stop ono or two hundred feet away and
whistle , which the Hock Lsland trainmen
claim they did , while the Wabash did not
whittle or flop at all.
The Wabasn people claim that their
engine was on the crossing when the
Hock Island struck it.
Which is which and who Is who will
probably only be settled by an investiga
tion into the facts , as no disinterested
spectators were on hand , and only two
crews know anything about the details of
how the accident occurred.
A general agent of one of the roads on
which the accident occurred , yesterday
told a HIK : representative that no matter
who was to blame , each of the crews
should bo laid otF , as there was no doubt ,
in his mind , that all hands on both trains
were in the cabs by the lire at the time of
the accident.
. _ _ _ _
Partial lllockiulc.
The least lilllo snow now seems to
cause a partial blockade on the roads.
The snow of Friday , although light hero ,
caused all thu roads > oniu trouble cast of
| hero , ns is shown by the trains due hero
Saturday morning all ariving lalo. The
I "Q" came in an hour and a halt late , as
j did the Hock Island , while the Milwaukee
was three hour * behind and Hie Sioux
City thhtyh'vo minutes , The Noith-
" . . stern , duo here about it o'clock Satur
day morning , did not reach this city until
! J o'clock vestcrday morninjr , and it i <
said that all casj bound train" erc "held
for orders' * at Hoono v.fier ! i o'clock on
Saturday iuor : iig on account of the
blockmi , on tlie dm ion east of there.
Yesterday morning all the trains came
in on time except the Milwaukee , which
was again three hours behind , while the
Sii'iis City was twent\ minutes late.
Tor first ela s Missouri wood call on
GlcaMjn , at his coal olliee , 'JO Pearl street.
For even thing in the grocery line give
the new linn of Kintx Ar Kleeb , IIWHroad-
way , a trial Everything nou and fresh.
Faiu-y groceries a specially.
The Qlnu Hy Hull.
On Saturday evening the committee on
the sale of tickets met in Cory A : Con-
over's olliee under the Citi/en's bank.
The ehaiiman , A. M. Jackson , presided ,
and Spencer Smith served as secretary.
The city was divided into districts and
sub-committees were appointed to .cll
tickets. Ma or Vanghanis : selected
commilleeman at large.
For the district , all cast of IJryant
street , the following gentlemen were sin-
pointed : Simon Kiseman , chairman ; T. K ,
Ca\iu , ( leorgo Iveeline , Mark Duryea
and Spencer Smith.
Second district , all north of Hroadway.
Itianl street to North western depot.
Thomas Bowman , chairman ; Dr. Seibcrl ,
and Dr. Wade Coiey.
Tldid district , all sonih of Hroadwav ,
( Jlon avenue to Northwestern depot , A.
T. LimNcy , chairman ; W. O. Wirt and
W. I ) . Coeke.
Fourth district , all east of Main street
Iroad\va.v ! to Hock Island depot , J. W.
Peregoy , chairman ; ( ieorge II. Cham ) )
and A.'M. Jackson.
Fifth district , all west of Main Mivel ,
Hioaduay to Hock Island depot , F. A.
Conovor , ehaiimait ; J. J , Hrown , W. C.
James and Herl Kvans.
SKth district includes all the railroad
depots , treight houses , etc. 1) . J. Hock-
well , chairman ; I' . .M ( iault and Thomas
The above coinuiitteos are to meet to
morrow evening in Cory tV ; Conovcr's ol
liee , and beside making reports of pro
gress made Ihe last days work- will be
The price of tickets has been placed at
% 1.M a couple , and $1 for additional
ladies ticket. The following form the
general committee on arrangements : A.
M. Jackson , F. A. Conover , D. J. Hock-
well , W. O. Wirt , W. 1) . Coeke , X. T.
Lindsoy , Judge James. Dr. Corey , J. W.
Peregov , F. M. ( ianlt , Herl Evan's , < ! . A.
Kcelme. T. H. Haldvviu , Dr. Seibert ,
Simon Kiseman , Mark Dnr.vee , J. II.
Craig , T. K. Cavin , Spencer Smith , ( ! eo.
II. Champ and Thomas Howman.
Haying pat in a complete new slock of
clothing , Inrnishing goods , hats , caps ,
etc. , Foit lltighc.s , No. ! ) l."i Main street ,
invite the public to give them a trial.
Their expenses are .small and they can
and do sell cheap.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. , & E. L. aiiuirc , 101
Pearl itrcet.
J. C. Hi\by is sntVering from malaria.
Col. Keatley is back from DCS Moines.
Senator Carson is at home from Dos
Miss Iowa Hall , of Omaha , is visiting
Miss Ida Lnt/ .
Miss Corbally , of Omaha , is here , the
guest of MissLi//io Leonard.
Jacob WilliamVi , of Omaha , wa greet
ing his friends here Saturday.
Thomas O. Carlisle , Missouri Valley's
new postmaster , was here Saturday.
Miss Ida Weis has gone to Chicago to
attend llic MisseJrant .seminary.
Prof. McNaiighlon and family this
week move into their new icsidenco.
P. Lacy has returned from the State
Firemen's association at DCS Mo'mcr. .
Messrs. Hcmington and Sharp , of
Omaha , were looking the Hind's over yes
Miss La Lommis left Saturday for
Hockford to rcsiimo her studies at the
seminary there.
Mi < s Anna Felt , who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fell , has returned to
her home in Sioux City.
I. M. Fliekinger , who has been visiting
thu Fliekinger brothers here , has returned
to his homo in Independence , Iowa.
J. H. Qninn , ono of the linemen of the
Western Union , who has been laid up
with chickenpov , is out again , and L. W.
( Julbcrtson , of Omaha , who has been ( ill-
ing his position , lias returned home.
Mrs. T. A. Clark , her daughter , Miss
Sadie , and her brother-in-law , J. W.
Clark , have returned from an extended
western trip , leaving Mr. T. A. Clark , lo
cating engineer of the Union Pacilie rail
way , in western Nebraska.
F , W. Hallard , who has been MI lonjr
engaged in the horse collar factory ot
Chamberlain Bros. , is now in the smit ;
linn of work at St. Joseph. He returned
here to spend Snnda\ , with his family , and
retains his residence hero for the present.
Lost Dutwcon Ninth strertuul : trans
fer depot , a Munll black Any ono
limling'tho same nml returning it to Col.
1) . 15. llailoy , i-itlii1- at his residence or
oflicc , will bo liberally rewarded.
Took n Ticker.
L. S. Hicks , of ( Jlumvood , while on u
recent visit to this city was relieved of u
wt".n'r.r.l ' \ chain. Ho nils'efl inn " , , ! ! ' ! "
bles wliilo with goino others in John
Nichohon's saloon. The police have
bison at work on tliu ca&o ami Saturday
niTisMi'il Clmrli's Lawson , charging him
with tlio theft. A watch ami chain worn
found upon him , and Hicks , who arrived
here Saturday night , identilies them as
Tor haul wan ; and house fnrnililii < r get
prices ot Cooper & MclJisc , No. M .Main
strucl. _
In rciponso to the call for a .stale con
vention the Council HliiflV > Tcinperaiice
iillianeo mot Saturday afternoon and
elected tliu following delegates : L. W.
Tulleys , A. Overtoil , O. O. St. John , P. J.
Montgomery , Jacob Sims and O. L. Har-
rctt. The convention is to incut in Jc- >
Moines no.\t Thursday.
Council Hlull's has taken olllcinl action
relieving new inanufaeturiiig eiitei-pricea
from city taxes for a term of ycnrri , thus
encouraKinjjfactories to htarL hero. Now
Den Moinus follows suit. It hits been
snjrKcstod that tholcgUlaturo take similar
aclion , rolinving new factories in Iowa
from all state taxes for H term of years ,
The fctato tax is &o light , in proportion ,
that relief from it would not add greatly
to the inducement already oll'urcd by thii
Cottajro ranges. Garland stoves Ha-
dlant Uomcs and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed rock prices , ,
nt Cooper & McUee's , Main street.
These who have tliodiibur.sintc of fumU
for charitable purposes say tht > y are
pestered with a bwarm of chronic cashes
of pauperism from all uart of the conn-
try , 'I ho cause of such a riK'h of appli
cants , they say , is due to thu fact that
the newspapers of the city are tayJiiy o
much about it. f.npv.doncf1 ( lint advertis
ing attracts attention , and that p.iper. *
nro till rend. M < M.of the e cnrotiic
claimants are elahiorous Mid n k for
even thing , ome- wanting even a hou c
and lot. J'li ; % , pin POM * of those special
fund * , Contributed by generous eilucns ,
'B ' for the purpose of relieving special I
and tempoiary caM > * of want , lea\ing
tlie county fund to bonded for tlie regular
poorclaimanls. Theiv'au1 plenty ot ca es
needing help , and thrt most worthy are
generally the len > t elamorou * .
Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Ks-
tate Loans at Mi'Mahou fc Co's. , No. !
Pearl street.
Money to loan on eliatleK by Terre *
Smith , 130 Main Mi-eel.
The third annual ball of the Hrolhcr-
liooil of Loeomotjvc niigineers Division
No. 1SJ : , is to be given at Light ( Juard
hall , Omaha , Wednesday i ening , Jann
nry SO. TieKeK , admittiiig lady and gen
tleman , $1.00. TlicM1 tickets include
dumim fare both \\a\- . and admission to
the ball Council Ulull'i partie * de-iring
to attend can lake either tlie ( ! : ! ! " > | i in. or
0:10 : p. m. dummy train. A > > peeial re
turn train will be run , -tnrling from
Omaha -'o'clock a. m. Imitatiousaml
tiekeli can be procured at Foster' * * druir
-tore , or of C. K. Ta.\lor or K. U. l-'onda
1r.itt ! IM Iiiiri. . n \ > AN ori'oiin s
in of knowing that Dr. Kidmiotid'x Sa
niiiiitan Nervini ! . acts as an irreMMable
speeilic in Livei-l'oinplaints , Kidtiev lis-
eases.Piilmouar. } AH'eetionsi.HIieumati-m ,
( ! out and all disorders prociding from
a depraved eonditinn of the animal
llnidTo deiMint1 taking a' lire remedy
when sick , is to court Millcring and iii-
vite dis-itli. At druggists ,
An object of public eurio-ity near New
Philadeljiliia , Ohio , is a man uhone\er
shears the wool from his .sheep or plucks
his gecM1 or "rings'1 hiswine. . Ho sa\-s
it is sinful to interfere with nature. His
own hair and beard are inner --liorn , nor ,
are his nails cut. ICver. } utoiiMl about
Ilie farm is homemade.
Charles D. Fredericks , 770 Hroadway
N. Y. , the celebrated photographer , sivs : _
that Allcock's Poioils Plasters have been
used by himself and family over twenty
yeaix. lit1 found them wonderfully elli-
cacioiis in coughs , colds , and pain in the
back and side. Applied lo the pit of the
stomach they quickly cured him of indi
gestion ami dyspepsia. lie also found
( hem admirable liver regulators when
applied on the light side.
In the stomach of a thirly-live pound
codfish sold in the lish market of Hjoer-
ring , Denmark , one day in November ,
were found another cod , tifteen inches
long , and a very large duck , pcrfccllj
fresh , and apparently swallowed aliv'o
and whole. J-Acept lor a bite in the neck-
it was uninjured.
HOUSKKKKPKHs'thaTfail to ae.maint .
themselves with the value of J.\MKS
PYLK'S PKAHLINKin the kitchen and
laundry deprive themselves of the most
coincident and useful article of the age-
All employes ot the New York ,
Pennsylvania tc ! Ohio i railroad whose
duties require them to observe signals ,
have recently been examined for color
blindness , and about -I per cent were
found to have detective sight. One of
thu and most lucky passenger
engineers was found totally blind to any
dillercnce between red and green.
Young or middle-aged men , Mill'ermg
from nervous debility or kindred ad'cc-
lion * , ttliould address with 10 cents in
stamps for largo treatise , World's
Dispensary Medical Association , Hnll'alo ,
N. Y.
The shcrid'of lonroe , (5a. ( . last week
attached the animals in a circus for a
debt of islO.OOO. An elephant , monkeys ,
a sea lion , etc. , were quietly handed over
to him , and he has since been in a quan
dary. He cannot handle or do anything
with the auim.-tls , and the circus men
imply stand oil' and enjoy his '
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
-AND -
1) . L. SHANK. Siipeilntcnden
A.C.HUIINIIIM , VlCS. l.\V. Tl'M.KVH , Vice , '
N. Illio xCn-.lii'r. !
National Bank
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 250,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do nKcncinl bnnMiiK lmsln"ss.
AccountB of limili-i , Imnkrra , nu-rc'hnnt1 : , man-
tilncttircrsnnil IniJUKInnls iccclvtil on finoin-
Mo ti'inis.
Dompftlo nml taiclttn 1'xchmipo.
Tho\iit-ylipst of attfiitInn g-lvcn to nil UusI-
ness connnltlccl to our cm o.
In Council llluffa having :
Esoa/p ©
And nil iiioacrn ImnrovcinuntB , call bclld , Ilia
ulurin belle , etc. , Is the
No'lj , 217 and ' 19 , Main Sticct ,
MAX MOJI.V , J'roprlotor.
I' . T. M A. S. HA/KI.TO.N
+ ni nrv-- . . * -
P. jL.Mit/i/ne M Co ,
Real Estate Exchaoge
No. Iff ) I'carl H Ircd , to\incll \ IlluCfs , Town.
Dealers In Jowo , Kiniem and NobiitsUii l.umli
Itral Hstato bought : uu' ' h0'1'- ' '
N. SCH0B3 ,
Justice of tlie Peace.
O/lice / Over American Express Coniiun | ) ' .
R. BICE , M. D.
PJKPPPQ "r other tuin irs removed ivhliout
IfflntDUO the Uuifo or iliawlnu or blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES of 11 Mndi . . < r.
Overthlity jcaib' iimct.fal experience. OiUo
No. 11 Pcail Hlii'Ct , Coillli II llluUs.
England , France & Germany ,
Thu ttcnniilis | | of this well Known lluu aiuull
ot lion , In water tl ht c'omimiiim'iilH , anil ro-
luinUhcil tvlth I'vcryttilnif to inuku tliu jui s.i''a
both mlo unit iitrici'tililij. Tlioy carry the rniteil
btatc anil KuiiiiH'.in lualU.aiul IcutoNew Voik
Thuibdajauntl # aliinliiyJ tor I'lynmmli , ( I.OX-
DON ) , n.oiboiiif. tl'AlllS and HAMIIIJIU/ ) .
llalCb J'htt uiblu , ioU-ll > i t-ttir ) Me ( to
NOTlCSpccM ! ftivcrtl ] emenH , sucli n ?
Ix > t , Kouuil , To f/ , For Sale , To Kent , Want *
llonrillnp , etc. , will be InfcrleJ In this column nt
lliclonr.ito of TUN t'KNTS I'Ell MXK for the
I first Insertion aivl rivi ; CKXT3 I'KIl I.1XR for
tncli subsenucnt intcrdon. t/cavo nilverllso-
nientsnt our olllje , Vo. t ! 1'cari ' street , near
llionilwny , Cnnncil IlluiK
K1OU ltiNT--Tlu : < llmpMoijlirlck hti lnr
- hoti'o loniicilj oi'L-iiiiic I by < itom-wi'e A ,
Hlior-mrcii. Kii'iulieoi ' McMnluui & Co. , Xo. I
UU.IN . .VVAI.U 1:11 : , Xo. : w MHII ( Minn ,
> > innilrri iii/iiii' * llitnki , teal t > titti < nnii HUT-
cliiMKlisci'M-lmiiffpliroKois Our books me full
of | li\rpiln : , lint It U Impossible to pub-
IWi iiii'IlaliloilM lioiiitliclnct ot iu mini ) tin \ \ -
( linnyr * . What wi > n k l : If JIIH mint 'to * cll
( ii triuti > iiii > ililiir ; In our line , write m unit o
lll < .piul .Mill 11 iillo of liutfrnliiMu cpk'ct Iron ) .
l.ninl liiiprini'il or imlmpnncil , cllj ortonn
piopoilv , " -loc-k" of tfooiU of mi ) kln'il In run
IIUH-C. II SIM li jon Inuo or < nehal until let u fiolil Jim. Sunn \ Walker , ' Council IH'iITs '
\\'ANTKU-flooil hlil lotlo houscnoik it I CIS
llnm-roll M.
I OII KIINI'-A lluoly linnlihc-l Iront roru
JLA NII. yj | Vimvlici't. ' .
Ui t * ) I\ Clinic In " ! ilny * In n lilil.x n ri-til ( il llic
I' lJ : ] ! . \\V unm M\ more lite
! > Ht'iitc , mule m li'iiuili1. -\'pH | ' In | i < rMtn or In
' ti'ito \ \ in. Itnm'all , Snpt. ol win- 1mm ( -
ill III ill ? , limn.
\ \ * \NTiH ; ( 'iinvn 'i r < . } .M n tiny. nli < In
M liiMm- li tnvivi iiml iiiinlllio. Tiiilloi.v |
UlM'U III NYlinitkii mill limitt i-iiuipli' I rp.
is Noiihinin M. , Council llliitK MD lu iitnl T
to 11,01 till Km until St. to I.
17 A KM I'Oll SAM ! Mil lmrj.iln if
- i , Hi mill" * * oulliwi' t ill Omnlii. : 0
loom Imtisc , pM-olliMit it HI ami clsiein. : ; barn ,
one lor i-lBht hoip . one lor ai cn : hen. tool
Itllll UIIIHHI hon l"t ; Illj IICIC * III limolll ) : IIVIOI
lore1tii'us ! , roltou HOOI | , black walmn , it'll iiml
miiplc : irooil ou'liiiid , apples Hunk'- * , plum * ,
Hi-apes iiiul small litiil * . NDIIM- lulling ' .lock
witti'r. II. I1 , Ol HI Ml , W ) liio.utnii ) , Council
Mlulfs , limn.
i.ioi'sr.s roil HUNT -At .McMnhoii * cv .r
I A No. 1 IV'itrl xlu'i'l
Mnuufncttii CM sof nil t\jv \ * of
K'prcliilly Dolgncil for
MILLS , (515AIN ( KLiVATOI.S : ! ,
Tulnilar and Locomolivo Hollers.
New liissillon TliTO > li'r5 ( ! .
Cnivyand Voolb ( l y llorsu J'owors.
Portable and Traction Engine1' ,
Factory la illon , 0. Brainih House
o/O IVnrl St. . Council Jlhilld.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Onretook Is now cninplptc- rvory dcpmt
mi.Mit and contiiins nil the hitoitstUosuutlo ll'cct
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
SA.Ml'LES fiirnlshcil upon npplkMtloii to down
town pan los.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
4O5 Broadway.
E. B. Oadwell ,
Real Estate , Protete
No , 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
n OB. orriCBit. w. n. u. I-USEV
KstabUtiiul 1W5.
UAMH'ACTL'III.11 > Ill'.tl.UI 1.1
No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffi ) .
rr.r.s 01- AND DI-ALKHS IN
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy G-oods.
\\V ninko the ci-lclii.itril I'lnno * , aim HIP Whitney m-gaifi , a
Kvriy Intliiniii'iitniiantct1 , SIMH ! for i-atnliiul ; ( < .
Ml'KMiKIt Ml SIC CO. , Council
nny klml ril ol or mnvoi mil UH'.i-tu > u' ol. Friitno housm movoU
on Mtitu Cilnnt iniL-Ub-llm lc ) = t In the \vorlJ.
808 Eiglitli Avenue and Eighth Shvet , rminoil Mlnll'4.
E )
If you buy any where except at Metcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at < \
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps ,
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , ' silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc ,
METCALF BROS , , 344 Broadway , Council
Bluffs ,
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly nltt'il and fntnibhod. Opp. Hio.uhvay
Dummy Depot. il.ftO per day.
L. II. HEIISHAW , Manager.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wliolcfiilo nml Ilotull Lumber , I..Uli , f-liliirles (
Path , Doois and llliii < l . Polo iitfcnts for the
ri'luln atcil Mmblulicml Concent ml oil Wlillo
Mine. H. 1' . M * CCOS.VII.L : , JIiiiiHt'er.
Tc'loplKinn Xo. i'S.
No. 710 Main Stu-ot , Council niuffs.
, ,
Queensware & Glass
At Homer's ,
No. ; t.Main .Street , Coiincil HJnlPs , la.
Opposite ( lly IlinldiiiirsCouncil Illulla.
Wnini loniiifa iniO t'ooil bnnnl nl icaMiii ililo
nil i.- .
PinctlcPS In Mat. * and 1-Vileral Coat Is.
Koouib 7 mult ! , Sniiu'iiil Jflorlc.
Miiin St , CoiiiK-il Willis.
Near the ( ' . , . . \ . Q. ; ( ' . , M. V : St. I1. , ami
( \ , It. 1. iV 1' . inihviiv il-ioti ( ) , . bin-el c.u-s
IMV > tlu < iloor. JCvi'r > tiling now anil lirit
j'lojiriulor nml }
Taiiof !
KO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs ,
J , L. De BEYOISE , Agont.
No. 607 Hroiulirnr. Council muffs.
Railway Time Table.
Tim followfiij , ' is tlio llino of nrilvnl niiil
ilepntiini-ol trains by ( vnliiil Miimliiril linn > , at
tlie local ilr-poN. Triilns lo.xvii nan-fir depot , tun
inlimiest'liillcr utiil nrrivo ten minutes Juirr :
" " ' " "
' " "
'ciliCAiio A. MWinwisim.v.'AI""VK' :
0'JlA. : M . . . . .Mull innl i\inchs : . . . 6AOi ; | v
1-HOr.M Accommoilatlon , . , , ,4oi : > u
' '
tiCOiM : i\inrk-i : UIOOA'M'
' '
fl21A. ; M .Mnllllllil IXpiesS A.-SOl * . v.
7:1.1..M AcioiiniiiKliiiion 'IH.IP'M'
: fUl-.M Kxpifss . 'J:05AM :
CIIH.UJO. Mii/uf U'icii : , t KT riui. '
! laA.M : ) Mull anil ixiii : | > * 4. . . . ; .ioiiu
UiCUl' . M llxpifss. . U-UJA u'
' '
cmcuio. iii'iii.i.voioN , v oui.sur.
0:40 : A. M Mull nml K\pii H. : . . . 0Mi' : .
bGj : | ' . > i. . . . .liAjni-s ! i05 ;
WMIAHII.M' . 1,01 I'll , IMI'llll- ,
. ,
: itu : i > . .MTuinsliti-M.
, .
10:1UA..M : Mail tun ] i\inL-bH. : . . * . u.
OilO I' . M -
"ini-x n i ( , e i'ini'
' , ' : UA.H . . .fllotiv ( Ify Mini " . " " , . f > : M p. M.
i > : ; ; 0 r.ii . . . M. 1'mil I'.XIMI-H BI A.M.
JO'iA. ; : ! M lleiivrr i\iietfi ; | . . , : ( , I' , M.
; \'li \ : M..Lincoln rnFf. . ( > in. A II. V . . : ( ! . ' , e , M ,
7CiJr. : M ( Jvi'iluiMl D.Mii'CSi . . Ul5A.u. ;
Uuvc Council I./-.I"-1 " ! : : " , " "j.- : ! ° | ( ! : ;
iiiii : ' > . , ' y5 \ i''i l.rfl' ! II 111 i > . in. I.e.iMi ( Jim-.liii
U.l1 : 7"ri-KWJ : : 10:0.1 : 11 : 0 H , in : IM S-M
Oij-lUJ : j .01 : : II ill ) | i. inHiinilnr " ' ?
CJ11:01) : ) n. m2l : > J U. ( - - --fi.Oa--l:0.-- ! : iiU
Chicago V/atcr Woior Co ,
1'ower finnlslin.l fiom hyilrnnt preises for
ilnvlii ! , ' nil klmli of lUht iiuicliliii-rj. iiccinl
iillcnMonuhen In nuriiu binning unit
inn iirlullutr prosscH.ineat i-liojiiicrri , Icm-mim
lice/ers , | iullniii lullun , fi-wliwiiiiti-lniiriJi i-li- ,
Tim lii'st fhciipcM niotdiiMinlo. . N'U'I fur elf
i-iilnr. In na i In Council lllulH by
lieu joli ( illicit.
I'IICD . liniMl.incat nmiket.
( lilcn.10 Minit MuiKcl.
LiHl/cndoifiT'N 31 rul Maiket.
. - iiillll S .Meyru.
Km tKlci'br"lfi'"Kilnilcr. .
llnbc-il .M
c'clllnif AKfiit , IS Miiln H . Co line II Ulu.lo , low
I il JIU J uui ilu rl. , UiiKihii.