Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BJfiE , MONDAY , JANUARY 18,1880. 5 BLAST Or THE BLIZZxilll ) , iA. Family of Four Persons "With Limbs Badly Frozen. THEIR RELATIVE'S ' INHUMANITY. 1'oi'ord to AVot k Wtillc Tliclf Were KottltiK Cioin tlio Kllecls of I roslCost of tlio Incline Asjliiin by Con n tics , lltlf'M Tllf lllf. ' l.KCOf.v lifllRtf.1 I. .ile 1 rida > evening a man and woman and two girK aged 8 and 10. all Millerinc from badlj fro/en limb < * , were left at tlic W , sbington bolol in this city. ( . ovoni r Hi irhley was called to attend them and found the man in a horrible ( onditloii n < > th his bands wore badly decavid , and from the right three lingers had dropped away. The right foot was il o blaek witli mortification , and Dr. Ueiit'litit } at once decided that to a\o his life fbe member must bo amputated at the knee and the right hand taken ol ) ' at thewrisi The woman's hands and feel were al'O rotting nway , her hands c - pdciall > being a fearful sight. Tlie clilldn n vvireaflliitcd with fio/on lingers and toes , but their condition was much lo s serious than that of tin ir parents. Saturday evening the little ones were sent lo the Home for the Friendles- ) , and tlie man and woman to the medical in stitute , where a number of pl.v-iciaiis nrc looking after them. From the wo man. who appeals to bo quite intelligent , it was learned that lh"are . man and wife , and that flic childn n are their own. Theii name is Koebcr , and up to about two j cars ago they were inmates of a poor hoiiso m ( tcrmany Then tlio wo man's brother. ( Jeorgo Pirnor , a well-to- do fanner living near Lincoln , sent for them and put them at woik in his diir\ : , . Lately he lias treated them ver.v harslil , and tinting the ti.rrible storm ten days ago kept them at work out doors most of the time. It was then that thooldurpeo- pic vveie fro/.en and compelled to keep on with their tasks without medical licalment , until Ihov actually dropped in their tracks , and Pirnor was obliged to 'end them to town. Tlio day before lhcv , were Mdpiicd into Lincoln the wo man sa H that her brother , Pirnor , forced her lo milk twelve cows , although at the time her bands wore rot ting oil' , and she was suflering intense pain. Koeber , her husband , was not allowed oven to liavo his boots taken oil' alter liis feet were fro/.on , and when they were cut away Irom iho dc- caiing limbs Saturday they had been on over nine daj'.s. The woman's story brands Pirncr as .something much worse than a heartless wretch , and it would not bo surprising if ho were visiU'd b.a . vigilance committee. Pirncr is said to bo a nuin of considerable moans , owning in addition to the Hawkeye - eye dairy a line fifty acre farm , and a large number of horses and cattle. WHAT Till' IXSANT. AhVMJJI COSIS. Auditor Uabcoek lias had compiled from the records in his olliee a table showing tin1 amounts paid by the various counties of the state towards tlie snppoit of llin hospital for the insane since the opening of the institution , The ligurcs are- 1'OST INSTALLATION' . L-iii-i-uKui. Post , 0. A. . ! { . , and the Woman's Koliof corjs joined hands Sal- unlay niglil in the installation of ollicers for 188(1 ( , Comrade Parker conducting the double eoromony. Ex-Commander lloag- land made a graceful .sticcch of retire ment , bumming up hriclry the work done during tlio year by the order , and return ing thanks for tlio able assistance rc- oeivcd John C. Bonnell , the now com- inaudor , followed with words of similar impoit , which cajlod out hearty evi dences of appreciation. The ollicers in stalled wore : Commander John C. Boimell. Senior Vice Commander Joseph Tolor. Junior Vice Commander L. M. Scot- horn. Adjutant 1 > . T , Cool ; . Quartermaster O. C. Boll. Surgeon J H. Haggard , M. 1) . Chaplain II. MnMcrnian. Ollicor of tlioJay H. U. S. Cochran. Oiliccr of tiio Guaril--J. H. Btng. .Sergeant Major F.T. Beach. ( jinirtunnnstur Sergeant M. Howe. Ordnance Sergeant S. Pearl , lusiilo ( iiiardV. . II. Beach. Oulsido ( iuard II. V , Iloagland , iniir.r .MKSIION. The biting of the Windsor house en- gincor Friday afternoon by a dog hup- jiosed to bo mail has brought on a war of o.xtcrmination against the canines. Mar shal Hcach has issued orders to tlio po licemen to kill on .sight every dogj found on the street without a collar bearing lhu ami address , The mother of Willie White , the boy sent to the reform school last week , has boon taken into the country by friends who claim tlmt her husband is abusing her. The woman Is millering from can cer , and , it la alleged , was beaten ami kicked about because aho could not do a full dayM work , Patterson , the man who stabbed John Sliced v , has been jailed m default of § 2,000 bail to await the time when Shecdy can appear against him. The wounded man is resting comfortably and , barring backsets , will got around in a few days- Jon O'Pelt , the Nebraska City hotel man. is said to have secured u lou o of the Arlington , At any rate Joe teems to bo in a very happy frame of mind. Slierill'l-owlor of Choyonuo count j' was , a visitor lo Nobesvillu baturday. having in tow a Sidney tough sentenced to seven years imprisonment for murderous av Mllllt , Dr. ( Jorlh wired fo Dr. Billings of Now York Saturday to send on some of the hydrophobia virust for itsoon the Windsor house engineer , with directions for vac cination , Yesterday ho received word that it would bo impossible to reach * Killings until Monday. The temperance orusado will opou to night in tlio cily hall , and continue eight ilayn. The speakers will bo Montague , ( St. John , Sobieski , and Finch , Fred Blaxier , a btreot Arab of 10 , was arrested Saturday for compelling Con fectioner lloyt'o little son , a lad of l > , to pick his father' * pockets and turn thu inonoy over to IHa/.iur on pain of being thrashed , SfATK AKKIVALS. P. J. Jones. Yorkj W. J . Sapp. Falls City ; John Melville , Syracuse ; A , P. Hopkins - kins and S , H , Johnson , Omaha : J. It. Smith Bloomington ; J. Wellon ami Mrs. K.A.Colo , Bloomingtou ; J. Murdock , Viiiaha. COM ) TKUTIIS TiitSiijY PUT. Tlic Short nn ( I tlic LOUR of the Kail- road Question Tbo Cost of Mo\ hit ; tlio Cioj > . D.vvtti ( "ITT. Kob . Jan. 11. [ To tbo 1'ditor.j My attention has been called lethe the labored ellbrU of the Lincoln Journal ( weekly of the ? thi. ( o o\tcrmlnnte EQUIP one. I nppn'e they arc after Brother Camper , of the Pro . If so wo can de cide who i "in ane" after Casper gets tlirough. 1 am persuaded to write not in defeii o of Caper. llo lsotiito , oompo- tent lo lake care of himself agniiisl the chosen vvi e men of Lincoln , as was ilem- ou lratcl in iho last legislature. A Mr. licro saj' , "Principle is lour shibboleth " Mr. Ct. says thr > rate on corn fioni Huid : City lo Chicago is 2c per owl , in which lie is mistaken. It is f3e ! ] > r ew t. . or a dill'ereuec in I lie to tal tax- for transporting Butler county's crop to Chieairo over what the Journal sns" of JltU.oot ) , four million- bushels being our 010)1 ) as giv cu by Hon. ( Jon It. Lane's " .statistics , " in Ins census report for last , \ car While we are dealing in facts and ligitre" . let u < see wliat it will eoM. to ship our corn crop to Chic-igo nt the rates now charged bv tlio railioad tax ga'hercrs : Four million bushels of weHis ' . " . ' I at iWc corn oyo.OOU . pounds , per owl , * \\olinvewilliiuourcoun- : ! ( - ly * M miles of railroad , which , according to Mr ToU7.alinV tc tiiuony given before the stale Kciiato railroad cimimitlee , live years ago. em : Im built for sfl'.OOO pi r mile , or a lotal of . < ? < ; (10,00 ( ( ) . Wo are la\cd for moving our corn crop s7Hooo more than our .V ) miles of railroad cost. Wo have wheat , oats , h.irloyyt \ < t niid other farm pioducls in large ( pmulities which pay a like tax for tnnispnrlatioii. Without speeillcalions vvo are warranled in placing our tax for traiisporlmg our farm prodttci1 to imu-ket at one million dollarSomeolio pav- > tax likewise on our supplier w Inch are transported into the country. We pnj al-o for an occas ional ride on the ears. We Imve no spe cial I rains of palace ears vv ith railroad of- lieials for Jiavcling companion1 , "all free" at our command. Wo know tlmt one million do1lar = for this county to pay is too much. Though We bo adjudged "iu ane" for attempting to reduce tins enormous bunion , vvhicli has well nigh citiMieil Us , wo are willing to embrace. an.\ means ; though it "bo the p'riueinlo of aiili-monopoly , with Senator Van Wyek as cantain of the host , assisted by other honest men , it-publicans and , lentoernl . I 'roni the e we expect succor or we per ish , for in all the ycar.s wo have read the Lincoln Journal , nol once have we known il to condemn any abuse of the arbitral y power as wcilded by railroad lax gather ers. On tlio contrary , invariably , Mr. ( torn has been tlie apologist and defend er of whatever they have done. As to the long haul < ide of the question wliieh Mr. ( J. Mieltor& behind , let us look at it , with the understanding tlmt from our section of llio slate the local roads receive four-tenths of tlic tlnoiigli rate for hauling to the Missouri river. If four-tei'tlis ol ( ho tlirough rale is enough for tlio serv ice on through or inter-stalo service , vyhv is not the same amount for local billof lading to the river , fairand just ? Mr. ( Sere oontomptously asks "who buys corn in Omaha except lor shipment cast ? " We would enquire of Iho learned gentleman , who buys com in Chicago except for shipment cast. Oul of sixty-two million busl.els of corn received in Chicago dur ing the year 1885 , only 1CU.011 bushels were withdrawn from store for city con sumption. Why not permit it to bo bought through legitimate channels at the trade centers of our own stale for shipment cast , thereby in a measure lemoving this long haul and short-hand myj-tery from this every day question , which should be understood with Iho same simplicity that our mail facilities arc , and as open to every cili/.oii on tlie same terms. May vvo ask Mr. Gere if he don't think that when corn is worth : ! fJe ! in Chicago , tlmt 1818lOOe per bushel is" too heavy a ta\ for transporting it to that point , es pecially since vye imder.stand that lie is in favor of making the man who produces il pay more tax if he ships it himself , than if some middle man did the ship ping ? Docs Mr. Gero think it an couit- able division for Iho railroads lo lake a little more than half in gross , and leave us to pay the commis sion men at both ends of the roadv The Journal man will call us insane , olc. , yet in such oiithels ] and face mak ings no argument is made , fee please al low us lo proceed. At the rale of tax tor tiansportaliou from our place lo Chicago tiOO bushels of corn ( which is exactly four- Icon tons ) costs S81.40 ; tour-tenths of that amount is $112.5(1 ( ; which is llio amount the local road receives for hauling to the Missouri liver , distance 100 miles , or S'.iJJ.S-l 1 per ton per milo ; fourteen tons at 87-100 of 0110 cent , per ton per mile as is claimed by railioad olllcmls as the amount charged on through trallie would amount to * UM8 , a diHeronco of fi''O.iJS on each 500 bushels of our corn 01Ic nor bushel , in tlio aggregate amounting to ! ? 100,000.00 on our present crop. Enough lo pay all of our state , county , school , road and munici pal lax , and buy each farmer's wife , and daughters in our county a dress fjno enough to moot our board of railroad commissioners and their companions in when they visit us , in all their pomp and splendor. Principle is what we con- loud lor , Jot il bo in llio mailer of 4 flu or f 100,000 ; the larger more serious the con sequences lo us. Wo liud no fault with the railroad commissioners for what they have done. It is what they cannot do under Iho meagre law which created them , and which the people most em phatically said at HID ballot box- they did not want. Their holplosMioss wo do- plorc , ( iive them u chance lode do , and wherein Ihoy fail llu ) Lincoln Journal will i > iij > l > ly with i ) ) olo2ios. Jt wo tire fortunate enough to evade the Journal'.s board of insanity , it is our pur pose to ask space in your v aluable col umns again as the battle wa.xeth warm. Cold facts are stubborn Ihingssomelimes. Before Senator Van Wyck is retired to his Oleo county ostalo , llio Journal and Us cohorts will find the rank and file of the farmers loaded with truths which cannot bo brushed aside by calling hard names , Thu mud-bills are loaded lor the light. We aio patiently pulling for the point where we may poacably secure some relief from this tax gathering monster , who takes the lion's ' share and isjiistilicd and defended by iho great Mr. d'oro , also by every other man who cries , "Away with Van. Wyck. " AFAHMII : { . ( iicecflhas declined to disaim. The Lotas club catcitalncd Lieutenant ( Jieeloy Saturday night. Winston , newly appointed minister to Poi- sla , bus sailed lei his post. Five numbed cijjar packers will Join the Xovv Vork cljrar makers' strike. Jack liurko ami Flunk ( ilover liavo signed to tight six lounds , February b , lu Chicago. Tliosccictary ol thu navy has directed a vessel ot the Pacltio station to be sent to thu Sam.ion Islands , The Woitein docket y company , Mil waukee , is In the hands ol aiecciver. Liabil ities. 551,000 ; assets , S30.000. Itlsiumoied unconditional pnidon will bo gi anted all pilsoners undorKolni ; sentence for participation In Iho Kiel icbelllon. 1 no National base ball league has deter mined to place a club In some west cm city , Kansas City is the tuvortto for the locution. * A tight omiricd between twenty .Mexican customs guards and ton Texas heidors. Thu herders wcie muted and tied. ovcral of tlieh number were severely wounded. Tim municipal council ot Nova Scotia de sires a rcclmocily treaty with the United States , including the lisliiiik' Inteiests. PallIng - Ing lu this Un > y ask aimed protection from the Dominion ' COMMERCE BETWEEN STATES , The Subject Discussed in Written Essays Before the Senate Committee. VIEWS OF THREE AUTHORITIES. John D. Kornaii of Vow York , ttic Kansas Itatlroatl Commission , anil lre lIciil PCI kins of the llur- OfTeiArguments. . Inter-State Coininoruo ] ) i < citssoil. WAsinx ( < rov. .Inn. U. Senator Cullom's ecloct roinniltteeon Inter-Mntc i.tllioad tians- jioilatlon will piobablj tvpoit to the seinito to-moriow orTtie'daj an original Inter-Mate commerce bill , and at the same lime submit an exhaustive lepoit in its support. The committee , which spent a eood pait of the simimei In Investigations' , has been holJIm ; dallj sessions since the assembling of , lohn I ) . Kriuan , chaliman'of the Xovv York railroad commission , eontilbules a statement saiiplemental to the views he ox- pii'sscd olally to the committee , lie deals rt with the liistoiv of tlio contest between the i.illioails and their patious , lu tla'pie enee of which hlMory , he says , mniij ciitfle ideas as lo the U'elulness and piactieabllity of into tixlui ; . penal Icirl Nation , I" " ' 'lll : hiW4 , niaximum and minimum into laws clc.enliiclj dls.ippcai. and it became clear that the ploimsed loclshitloti must be iiroadoi in Us aims ami leosdlMiuhlnu in Its action than that hcio'oforc ' at times much hi vo-tuo. Tlie low Ilitcniu'li latesot to-da.v. ho siv . aie pointed oat by the lallioads as a leasnii wh.v legislation need liaxe little to do with the tiucHtlnn , The.v aiea iiliase of llio uuiveisal depicsslou. Intensified by icekloss and nceilless coiiMriictton. l"u- necess.iiy lalbo.ids sooner 01 latci brcomo imblle bmdonsj they me nellliei elllcleuth nmiiiti'ini'd ' nor operated , noi do they iieimit coinpetlim * lo Itilllll Iheii public obllgntiolii. Coinjicss cannot apph the lemeih cldetl } . needed. Tlie stale whose i.tilioads me al- icadv sullicii'iit in niimber and extent lor public use can ami oimht to enact. Ills ) , a law that no new loads should be cliaiteied unless public neccssilj 1m a line is touud to exist , as in Massachusetts , and as lecom- mended by the Now Voik I'dboad commis sion to the le islatine. Siccoud , that at least 6u per cent ot tlie stock be paid in betoie tlie domain Is exeielsed or ( oiistiudlon bo iin , and that the Issue ol limuls sli.ill IKMI- lair iclation to the stock issued and paid in. It is at Ihclocallnon-i'ompctltlvc points that Hie- lion exists and wlieie moteclion tin Milppcis it necdid ol'iei ' titan tlmt alloided liv the uucoiiliolled aibitratlon ot tlie earlier. The peculiaiitv ot tlie pii'sciit situation Is that the lailroad and Us mauaiienieiil act as the fudge and jui.v.anu the shipper is co erced out ot the deal liu'lit ot having the ( jucstion between lilmsell and the caiiler taiil } detei mined bv an impartial aibltei. The le all/im ; of pools Is coiisideied oh- jectioualile. Mr. Klei nan advocates tlie cre ation ol a national commission vvliosu tmd- in ) ; upon all iiiestloiis | ot tact- should be ac- eepfed in all couits as iiiima facie tine. Sucli Undines , he declines , aie the one thine need- Id ! to make the couits available tothecai- lieis and s'.iippeis as against eacli other. The boaid ot laihoad commlssloiieis ot Kansas contiibules to ( Ids volume a pauer wliicliexpiesses the opinion that a national commission should be established , vested with ceitain supeivlsoiy jioweis ovci the subject ol Intel -slate oommcice. Tlipsppow- cis should be eonliiied to the function of iculat'on ; ' ami not to the management ol Intel-stale toiumeice. Jl would , tlio boaid tldnks , seive no U'Ctulor puipo e to slve lo such poinnilssloa puvvcr tucstuh- INh niaximum laics for cither iiasseneoror Height tiafllc over intei-stalc i.dlwajs , the subject helm ; too lario and intiicate to lie in- tclllKenll.v dealt with by : i single bodj of men , even tlioiu'h coinjioscd ol men ti allied tothe study and liiisiiicss ot itiilioail allaiis. Theie aio , the boaid snjs , two classes of inlei-sta'e ' tialhi1 ovei laitioad line- > ; one be- ivvcon lutciloi point- and tlie scaboaid and the other acioss slate lines , hut still local. It is obvious that latos adopted foi one class would tmnlsli nociltir m 01 base of latcs tot Ilieolhei. The eieat ecieal ciois ) laiscd in the Mississippi vallov ami products in tlie liaiis-MissKiii | | ) , in ( lie continued pio- ductlon of which tliecoiinti.v is vitnll.v intti- ! osted , ( an onl.v be maintained hj a system of tales foi their tianspoita.ion to the .seaboaul. vvliiih while they involve no loss , would if the same laics wcie oliliitatory upon them as to all tialliccaiiled over their line ? , consign ev CM load in the business to bankiuptcy. To devise a sjstem ol maximum i.ites cover- hie eveiy spt'cles ol Intel-state tiallic , on a basis ot Kites foi Ion ; ; hauls tiom thcc.xticmc west to the east , would p.uale cveiv laihoad encased in business. On ( he other hand , to eiiuall/e lates as be tween font ; and slioit hauls would , if lailroad primeitv is to lie iireseivcd ami itrt eilicieiicy maintained , advance rate.s on gical distances to such an extent as to put an cmbaigo upon the movement of the cereal ciousof thuc.x- ticme western tians-Misslssiiipi , theicsiilt of which would 1)0 little less disastioiis to the cast than tlie west. While the power to establish minimum late.s toeovoin Intei-stato t raffle could not tlieieloie be vvlsd > or use- lull } cmplovcd by a national railioad com mission , such a bodv mlelil uselnll } e.xeici o the tiuictlon of cnteil.ilniiii ; complaints tiom slilppei ? ot iindiic or unieason- ahlo chaises on the prut of laihoad companies , and jmK'e as to Iho icasonablo- nes 01 otlieiwiso ol ( lie charges complained ol. Inthlsw.iv a pilma lade casu inlu'lit bo made lei tlie comts. Complaints of alleged cxtoitions and unjust dlsciimlnalioiis mleht be investigated in like maniiei , and whole evils ot the classes named were found to exist and remained uiicoi i ected. an adequate and appiopiiale lemed } could bj evolved thiough tin . nits. Ne.ulv all tlie causes of complaint on the pait ot shippers ailsimc in tliu business ol tiansioitation ] might usciully be commuted to Ilic investiiration and coiuvtlon ol such a committee , ami the boaid teds sate in ox- picssini ; the opinion , based upon tlio cxpcti- ence ol tlio state commission , that cases would seldom aiiso lu which acocicho power would have to be invoked to make collection ellectual. The boa til discusses the Impoit- ancoot iiiaintaiMliif , ' iinltoimity and stability ot intes , and tlio evils which icsiilt liom seciot concessions made to paitlciilar Indi viduals or communities. The told thinks violent fluctuations ot i.itcs ci &eiuent | on raihond wais icsult usually In benclits to the tew at the ultimate expense of thu many. Contiacts or 111:1 cements between ilval coiiipanicrt to c.ur.v on Inter-state tratllo should be submitted to a commission estab lished by coiiKicss , whoso judgment as to the reasonableness ol pioim-od inles bhould bu necessary to the val ! < Uty "t . tiiv c''Utrnvti . . ' i .1 .11 U'hl'lii.nt - - - . . . . , LII si mum men tie invested wiiu a leaal status and hocntoidblc In the couits. Thchoatd also dlsrus os tlie subicct of htiikes , and Hii 'Ki'sts that tlio national com mittee inlulit ho end listed with povvoi to ar bitrate and settle disputes ailsniK between companies and cmploes. Mr. Cliarles. Perkins , picsldent ot the Chi . Htiilinglon iV. ( JiiiiK-viallvva } comjiany contiibiilos mi IiitciesthiK paper , SL-ltine toitli what may pcilmps bu assumed to butlio railioad sble ol the question. Jlo assumes Unit It Is the settled policy ot most ot the states to penult railioad constiiiction to bo free , and also that Iho KliKllbh common law doutrlnesiehdivo to common catiiein are not now open to discussion , Manj ot them aio idles ot an a ro ot horse power or water cialt. Ho thinks the best method ot picveulint , ' extortion or imust | discilmlnatioii labyan aupeal lo thu couits , but ho sa\s that voiy little , It any , e.xtoitton 01 unjust disci imliiatlon IA pi.ictlsed , in ovldencuol whleh ho points to llio tact that Mv eases aio taken to a com t or made pub lic , and the iccoidot state lalhoad commis sions show veij low coninlalnts auilbtill lower decisions by tliccomaifcbloncisacaliibt the roads. Tliioush uites , hosayu , aio gen erally lower than local rules because through business \vholcstdo business , liu ei in amount and theiotoio less oxpeiibive to transact , and for additional rcasonn , that tlio competition for It Is govcic , ami that tliiou b rales nro moio Kenei-ally aflccted bydlicct water loute competition , Jlut it Is obviously Inexpedient to lequlie lallnAds lo icdaco local rates because the comlilned Intluenco of a lar lie and tlio competition ot ether lallways , water ionics , or ilval maikets , which intlii- ciu'c.-i. not tell ut local iioints , may mal.o It to their interest to luitlcfp.iti ) In tlirough busi ness on a voy small margin of jirolit. If all tnidos weie compelli'd to sell ovcrytliliiB on a basis ot the lowest maifdn of jirollt , which they nilulit lind it neccss.irv to do on some onotldiiK , the clfect would bo the same over a wider field us the effect ot icquiiiiig rail roads to ( 'ivoup tin oiiL'li Imslncbs or icdiicti their local rates accoidingly. Is It more for tlie Interest of the public to make lalhonds unpioiitablo tlinn to make business geneially uniiiolitabloV Pcrhapi , tlie best evidence that tlie loca - - T late * of railroads tnoiiehovt | the coii'itry tire rcioiiable Is to be found In the prosperity of local points all over the country , and by a lomparlson with railioad charces elscwheio In the world. It has sometime licen assumed that competition doc < iiot exist nt what arc called "local points' but this Is not tuio. The desire of tlic railroad to Increase the volume of business upon which It imiM , alwajs depend for Its snppoit. n asaltist sometimes quite distant recton * served by other railwa.vs Uibutary to the same or compeliiiff markets concludes- active competiiion. " Itatcs between local points on a line of road In northern orccnti-al Iowa , and the maikets of Chicago and St. Louis Intliience the rales iK-twecn local points on a load In soathcin Iowa and those markets , and vice versa. Airaln between two railroads , even If they arc a considerable distance apart , t licit1 is nbotit a half way belt of cotiutr } , the In habitants of which can ceneiall } KO to clthei load , and the contest between rallwavMo scenic the bushier ot that belt Influences pric M of trausitoitatlon not only on tlmt pai- tlctdai traille but on oilier business which H tmii actcd at the s-aino stations on thcie- sportive load * . Itallrn.uN mutt leiuala In theeoiiiitr } wlieie thov are , whatever hap pens. and their puiiMimont for excessive cliame . while It would be a little slower In coming tlmii that of an mer chant , would be far moio ceitain and sevens because their business would be mined , 01 othei loads would I e built as a pcimaucnt comi'ditlon. .Novel thdess It N tuto , and will n'liialn trueaslon as inlhoads aie cou- duclcd on business piinciplcs. tlmt tiade centeis will be able lo obtain lower nites of iuiiispurlatiou than local points tor pieclsel } the same icasoii that such plnee * aie able to obtain many conveniences and luxuiics which local points do not and can not enjov. The lowest iate of freight uiuM K < i wheie theie mo onoiiuhotlici poisons who do-die the same lo make It pioliiableto suii- plthem. . Tills N Hot because the lailioads AVish It to be so. bat because in tlie natdioof tlilliir.s it must be so. It Is manifestly not for the luteiesf ofauv laiboad to aihitiaillv diive biiMness away tiom a local point vvheiethe tiallic must be divided with other loads. II lias been s.dd tlmt railioads make tlie tiade ceuteis , lint such Is not the tact. The tendency ot i all- loads Is to put iltltoient trade centeis on an equality h.\ the annihilation 'it distance , but thev no moio make centeis ot population and trade than do tin1 otliei nmnulacU'tcis 01 trades who seek Midi points lei their own protil. Most , II not all , the cases of alleged mi- leasomibleness in laihoad chaises will on caictul investigation , be found to be due tea a misappiehension or mi-uudci-tiuidiiif , ' ol the tacts. 'Iheexpciienee ot the slate eoin- missions bassbown this to be tine. To ic- ( pilie absolute piiblicllv ol rates , and tlmt changes should not lie made without public not lie , would bo a ui cat inconvenience to the business commuuli } . MISS UAVAISD'S DKATII. The Scerotni-j's Dini blci.Suddenly lOxiitt-o" of Heart Dlhoaso. \\'AsuiNiii.\.lan. ( 1 ? . Miss Kate lt.i\anl , oldest ( kiiiehtei ol thesccietai.v of stale , died suddeiilj about "o'clock vcsteiday attcinoon. i'ho icccptlun at the white house was sus pended immediate ! } on tlie news of hei death. Miss Kayaid diopped dead at her home jusl asshu was Mai tine to the white house to attend Miss Cleveland's icccption. Miss tKijaid bad acLcjited an invitation to assist Miss Cleveland at hci leceptlon batm- dayaftei noon , and that lady and lierKiicsN , Miss Ulley and Misst Love , wlio weie also to assist at the iccepttoii , weie avvaitiiiK Miss liayaid'sanlval when they iccehcdtlu1 news ol her death. It was jut live inlnute toil o'clock , and the ivception was to begin at that hum , TbeMailne band was stationed in tlie main vestibule , and the leadei was convcisiiiK with Col. J. M. Wilson with ie. gaul to plajing a tune as the signal foi the opening ot tlic ice-option. Many calleis had alieady anived and weio waiting tor tlie doois of the blue loom lobe thiovvn open. Tliepiosident was eniraged in conversation with a visitor in the libiaij and Mi slevo- laud and her guests weie chatting with Col. Lament in the paiJor m > tincroud lloiu , in ior to desceiidiiu < to the blue loomwneie tin ; icceptlon was to take place. The absence ot Mss | IJ.n.ud was com- ineiitcd un as sinmildr , as shu was usually vciv pioiuit ] in siicli matteis , and was mo- mental Uy e.xpwted to aiiive , U Idle they wcie woiulenng at hei ilela } , a messeiifrei niitilied Col. Lament thai Jlau.v J5iiu , pii- vate secietaiy to Secietaiy IJavaid was in liis olliee and had something impoit.uit to communicate to the picsidcnt. Col. Lament excused liimsell and went toseelJiyan. That gentleman inloimed him that Miss Kayaid was , and becielaiy Jiayaiil hud iiistiucted him to communicate the tact to the piesidenl. Col. Lnmunt at once informed the picMdout , who was % ciy much at the unexpected intelligence , and the two gentle men joined the JiidiesaiidaiiJiouucedthestid- den death ot tlidr tiicml. Outers wcie at oneu issued to close the house. The band was dismissed and thcpcopicin walling noti fied that the leceptlon had been postponed. Usheis weie stationed at the main duui and at tliocariiairoeiitiaiii"oto iuloiin all calleis that the house was closed for the day. Tlie news spiead quickly tlnoiigliouttho city , and univoisaf icgicl wan o.xpicssed at the sad oc- cnucnee. Tlic president , upon reccljit of the inessago f i oin bccietaij Itaiard iinnoiincing tue death ot his daughter , it-called the invi tations to a dinner which he had intended to give on Monday evening In honor ot Mr. and > lr.s. Kisatus Coining. The immediate cause olr.Miso Ilayaid's dcatli was disease ol tlie heart , She had been troimled witli weakness of that organ and had been tieated by the family plnsiulan at inteivals lor seveial .veai.s. At a'icception at liei lathei's house Filday nlgbt It was ic- niiUked that liss liayard was umisiiall } animated and taxed hci-clt to tlic utmost to cntei lain the guests. It is piesiuni'd that llio illume w.eition may have precipitated tbo fatal attack. The joun , ' I.uly retired about 1 o'clock expressing a vvlsli to bu left uiidis- tiiibed till noon , lietvveen 1 and 'i o'clock in theatleinoon hei .sl.sti'i endeavored tn awake her , and stiuck by the peculiar c.xpiession ot her lace , called lor assistance. As boon as thefiimil } iccoveicd liom the consternation Into which It had been thiovvn , plijsiclans woio summoned and powciful restoratives , Including clectilcity , wcio aillcd ] ) , lint In vain. Tbo physicians cxwessed the opinion that Miss u } .ud liad been dead tor sevcial IIOIILS wlien the attempt was made to awaken her. The Intel ment will take place mobably on Tuesday ne.xt at Wilmington , Del. , vvhcio Secretary Hayaid's paicnls are buried. The newrtot M isss liavaid's siiilden deatli caused a prolound sensation tlnomliiiut Hie city and torn time , In tlie absence ol any delhilto details - tails , a numbci ot wild minors weie ch- culftteih The I nets. hQwuvor. us stated abpvo - THE FIKi : UICCOHD. CnnlliicratloiiH al Washington , St. l.oulH , and Other PointH. W.VSJIINOIO.V , Jan. 1U , A fiio .vesterdav destioycd a long line of * tluce-story frame houses on K stiect southwest , known as "Uowaul How , " tiom the I act tlmt It was It } ( ii'ii , llowunl the buildings weie con.stinclcd dining Iho war to allorJ iiomos lor trieiulless negioustiom the tjnutli. The conllagiation tlnowh out into the cold about tilt } colored lamllies , niimbuiing fully two bundled people ple , all ot whom aiu poor , The buildings were woi th Jbocxi , iThe tire eieatcd a panto among the occupants , and theio were main nauovv escapes. IJiia'Uah Kdwaids , a mid dle aged negio , tiled to climb down a watei jiipo from tlie third stun , llo tell headloni ; to the Kiouml and vvatmnlly iiijiued , ST. Lot'iD , Jan , in , The laigo tom-stoiy building , ! W to 'JT fcijutl ) I'ourtli stieet , was complotefy dostio6il by liio lids iiioinin . Thu first iloorand c'ellar1 ' oocnplcil by C'ollei- atn Sons to Co. , extensive luilt dealers and tliothico ujijer lloms by the Texas & St. Louis Nariow Unugu railioad company. The Hie stalled In the oaseimsnt and npread rap idly to tlio lloors above. Cofloiata iilaces his loss upon stock at fcJO.OOO ; W. C. Wcttei's book stoie in the adjacent biilldiiii. , stock damaged seveial thousand dolkii > . 'iho loss lo the Texas it .St. Louis tallway and the owner ol the building is not known bat It Is believed to bo heavy , Killed by u Colorado Avalanohc. UI.NVIII : , Jan , n. Tilbiino-lleptibllcan , Ouray , Goloiado , sppelal : Huby Tnist's cabin in Mount tihetllc wus eaiiied nway tlds moinlngby asnowbllde , burybiR sis men. A icllcf paity was Immcdfatelv foiuicd and the victims soon recovered. Martin 1'eauon and Andy J'cteison wcie lounil dead , and tlio other lour badly injured. Weather For To-day , Jlissoum A'Ai.nv : ( Cloudy vveathei ; lo cal Knows ; winds becoming xulublo and generally shitting to c.uturly ; guueraily wuiuiei ; luwt-i baitomctcr. THE WEEK ON WAIL STREET , Hopes Built on the Trunk Line Pool Knclcly Slintteredj COMPACTS MADE TO BE BROKEN. Naltininro , \ : Ohio Cm Promise * a C.nlllot ofljoiiu Uiirnllon Its Kf- I'cct Like an Iceberg Dropped on the Stuck Market. lways Xooil Patching. Nivv YOIIK , .Inn. IT. [ Special Tin1 developments ot tlio week ale nol cxactlj what could be vvNted for Ilia bust- lies' ! SCUM' . The slock tnnikcl In parllcalat has Miflcml considerable shock. To a { 'real extent the advance In values since last fall was built inidii the. Idea Hint the new trunk- line agi cement wassoiaethlnt : moio. than tlio man } compacts , pools and agieomonU which have preceded it. No mallei lio\v Mi lucent thoh leims it was the iuvatlablo cxpoilouco thai vvhenovei It became to the leal 01 appaicnt Inlctost of anof the i on d < to cut rates' thej would always do so. It was Ihciefoie announced with A sieat dfal of emphasis thai the now pool mowing out of tlic Vamleibllt-Peiiiis-ylvaiila deal was soiiicihinsfeiiliicl.v novel in ( hewn ) of rail- loadacioemeiils. Tin1 Implosion Bought to bo lomojcd by nil IntoicMcd was tbal under tlie loini of federation of the loads of the eonutiy sublect to the pieponderatliii , ' inllu- emeol tin * li link lines KAIL w Mis win I.D 111 : .v 'iiiiNo or mi : I'Asr. An.v fiilinc outbioaks woie tn bo hratled off by aibltration ot dlspnled qtirMlims and v loletit eoiiticlltioii | Mas to be made impossi ble In the futine. In aoid the ju'neial tenor of the aiinimcut was stated lobe poi- mancnt ) ieai-e and not tiuce. such a- * the pic- eediin : atiieoments had been. The lirM check win admliilsteied when the it.dlliiKiie \ Ohio lotusod to enter the passemoi division of the pool in be bound b.\ the ic-Cstablished taiill of fines , llaviuif as jet no load of its o\\n between Daltinioie and N"ow Yolk , it was dependent on the Poniisvlvaula tor present faeilities to eoinpete lei New Yoik business. borne time pie\ Ions the latter eompan.v had eut ItolT tioni tlie pilvilej'C of having its tinlns hauled lioin Italtimoic to Now " \oik. ami in eonseiineure ot tlio fart that It had ( jommeiieed buildlm ; a Hue ol its own be tween those points , vvhicli tin ; Points ) Ivanla icfraidcd usan invasion ol Its tcultoiy , tlie two companies woio unable to aijico upon a basis by which the IJaltiiuoio V Ohio could obtain Hie coveted entiauee to New Yoik. It hasaecoidingl } been only a < ol time as to AMIPV Illl. Ol IllllKAU VVOfl.I ) COVIi : . The lialtimoio A : Ohio kepi the iatc ] tiom lialtlmoie and Washington at cut li'-ruies ' , and the Pennsylvania could not well main tain the pool late to these points and see Its business disappear. So soon , therctoie , as the Pennsylvania met the BallimoieiV Ohio inte toils local tciinlnns , the Dpltiinore A. Ohio cuiied out its tluenls and boldly eamu to Xow Voik with a cut latu which lias thiovMi the whole i ail wad Inteiost into o.x- citcuient in slant , it piovos that tlie meat airieemeut did not decide an.v thin ; , or olter any moie anbstnntlal piiaiantce against the iiituie than has been the cast1 in the past. Tlie Ualllmoie * xOhio's attitude is not leassiiiinjr with icgaid to the liituie , and it does not seem that pacification ot the exist ing tumble can be easilj accomplished. It has incieascd iU demand as to peuenl.uros. ot the passenger pool business to a tiginc which theothei loads cannot teuaid but n cxoibitaiit , and the only thing which can be appichcudcd is that the ; ro.xn.irr wiu. nr.oK i.oyo nini vi iox. It .such be tlie case , nothing shoit of a uilia- elc can keep the other loads in line , anil .is soon as the passennei pool is biokeu , a viola tion of tlie late agieement , which lias not oven icaehed ( he foim ol a pool , Is only a ( luesllon of a liltlu v\hilc. It is , theiefoie , daw ulng njion the people' * minds that iail- road earnings may not Impiovp In tlio pio- poitions vvhicli lailiond liaimouy and en- iorcement ot lemuiieiatlve rates v\cie to bring about. Another ou-uuence which acts in the sumo ilhuctlon was the decision ol tlio South Pennsylvania oa es nilvciscly to tlio Pennsylvania lallioad , and it only needed an oeeiirionce like tlio re-election of P. U. ( iovven to the lieadlni ; pie = ; idciic.v to Klvo the .situation a bcai comploslou in every fcattnc. .Mr. Covvcu gee back to the Head ing without having foi gotten any of his enmities , and ceilainly has Icniucd no pin- dunce or modci. it Ion. Only liiiuly in tlio sailille , his ] ) iosrainme will be one of wai. lie v\iil liplit the Pennsylvania at everj point ho will be able to reach them , and will thoiouglily dcmoialii'o tlio anthiacitc coal business. How his antics will affect tlio Heading ilscll Is a niattei of sccomlaiy con- siileiatlon. Under thee circumstances thcio has been bomothliig moiu than slump IX 'I III. hioru MA1IKI2T. The Haitlmoio Ar Oiiio cut was enough to tlioiou lilv chill tlio temiter ot hpeeuhitoi.s. Theiemnant ol the outside public who weie long ot htocks commenced to get lid ol their holdings , and tinduisgenpially tcndod to the hlioit side. At tlio .same time the appearance was Hint tlio difliculty iiil lit bo patched up any time , anil this made tlie big bears cau tions' about inauguiatiiiK any geneial celling movement in tlio eaily part of tlio week. De velopments hovvovei , assumed a nnlfoimly unluvoiablo cast , and added to the continued ontpouilngof long stock , the past twodavs have Mjon a vigoious bear onslaught. Tim WojiIschotVei-Cammack jiaity h bcllove.1 . , , mn ror n loin ; time past. Some of the declines liavo been leinaikablc , and hackavvanna in paiti- eiilurhaHKivciM'vidence that HOIIIO Insiilcis luuu unloaded. Tlio whole tempei of thu btieet Is ilecidedlv bearish , and the uiniroof juices Is cencrally expected to go lowei. although tlio foiinatlon of a laig ( < slioit may Keep the maiket lioin u decided bieak. ni'.vivAI : , or dor.i ) SHII'MIJ.NTH has not tended to improve tlie guneial tooling In linamla ! clicle.s , but geiieial business inteiests aiu as jet uimflecled by any unfav- oiablu Indications. AN IMl'OUTAXT 'J1UA > SFKlt. Tlie Oinalm Iron Worlcs Itou lit hy a Chicago SI xlr Coinpiiny. On Saturday an important biiMiies- , trmisfur was made , as announced in thu following from T.V. \ . T UiclmnU : "llavin tliisilay traiitforred tlioCiniilia ) Iron works property to Jtobort ViiMliny , triisteo , for ti Mock company to bo formed , 1 desire to Wiank the pnbllo for the putronuKo in the pn t , and bp > ] ifnk lor the ni vv c-ompany , withenlargeil capi tal and practical experience in tlib lmi- net , ? , the most liberal support on the imrt of Omaha people. Uiuier tlio now man agement and with the support that It deserves - serves anil blionh ) reeeivo , tlio business ran. and I trust will , boon bo amen tlio leading mannfucturiii' ; inlcru ta of Omaha. " J\Ir. \ Vicrlin , wlio is now in the city , ift milking arran emcnth to be ih tlie biiii- ness ofthe new companj on an u\tciialvu scalo. It intended to inve- about $30,000 ill tlio works , wliieh will employ from 75 to 100 men Pursuing the Htauo Itolilier. ( leu. Ilowaid f > aid Satin day that tlio soldierd were still ] uirMiiug the btujo rob ber who held up tlio ppaeh near la wes City on Monday mornin < | . The clue is believed to bo a yood one , and will , it h thought , load to thu capture of the rascal. Tit ADI ) AND IiAllOUi Trouble Anticipated in tlio 1'oniioyl- vnnl.i t'oKc HoRlom. PirTnriia , .Ian. IT. The Post's Mt. 1'lons- ant , Pa. , i > ccirtl ? , > ! Serloni IrouMo niul PCI Imps bloodshed ! r\pe tt- < lat thu Hand- aid fc Moorewood coke works to-moriow. The strikiuc lliiiifrniinni hau > born drink- incall d.i > and tlueatcn Molence to any of the men who Ro to woik. The coke com pany Imve secured n nuiubor of woiUncn and will attempt to operate theli ovens In the immune. I'enilne an outbreak , the sheriff of AVestmorelaiKt county , in u' ponp to a telegiam aikine for assistance , sent a i > os o of tvvcntv men fioni drppnMmie to nljtlit to piotcct the \vnikintMi and oompan.v's iunp- city , Nine Itoim Moronflor. Sr. l.ol is > lan. IT. The Xationnl Hilek- InjTtV and Malms' ussivlaMon , whloli has IKTII In secret session hero for several da.vs pa t , adjoin ned la < < l nlislit to meet again a jear hence In Washington. Theoklit-liour law was the subject of a lone discussion dur ing the session , and a eompiomlsovvas ilnall.v allected liv the adoption ot nine hours for a dawork. . Tillnde iroe-i Into oflfwl tluiniscliout tlie counti ) the lUst of ne.vt motitli. Tiuiiblo In tlioVlii ljy Pool. ProisiA , .Inn. i ; . The tumble in the whis ky pool heie seems to be that not enough money was Milwiibcd to i a > foi sin plus poods. 'Iheiehasbcen moieor less cuttllit ; on tliiipool price tot -nine time. Spelliuan A ; Co. of 1'eKin aie diaiO'd wltli tlaaaiit bleaches of theli auieemeut In tlie pool , wlille lids chaiL'es that the fault is with the IVoiia house. Moaej Is being sub- .sciibed loboosi the pool. fmime Tronlite * . Xt.w Votiu , IHv. to. Thino are no new di velopmeiits today In the dlfieivnce be tween the ( "itr.u Maiialactuieis'association and tiieemplovcXolieewas posted in siv tcen sion | | controlled by the association to day unless ( be men who have Mi nek In Levy lliotheis and the othei two shops ie- tutu to \\nil ; wltlilli tluee d.ijs a geiieial lockout will take place on Wednesday mom- Ing next in sixteen Minp- * . The AVIsc 31 on of tlio Von < t. Pn isiii IKI , Jan. 10. The national coin en- lion of join m\\ men bakei s adjoin ned toda.v aft PI electiui : rhailes It. l.ock ol Xew Voik , national scciet uy , and adopting a icsolulion to boycott the piopilctois who icfuse toie- diice thi1 liouis ( it lulioi to twelve houis | iei day. The ne\t convention will bo held in Chicago.Iannai , ) ! . " , Iws7. Arbitration Sullied It. Pun. vni.i.i'iii v , Jan. IT. An amicable agieemeiit has been leached between an aibllialion eommillee of the Knights ol l.aborand Iheiiioiuietiiis ot the liloucesler City. N. J. . gingham mills and liV ) ol the . | ( KI strikeis will ipsiuiie win It at the establish ment to mm row moinint : . ASM'.SIJMKXTH. ' Closp or the l-Moi'oiiro ICnyaKOinonl The Suvi'oil Concert. TliP elo-iii" iierfoimaiieeof the 011 1 1'- inent ot the lloieneesat the Hoyil batur- day eveninjj ; was , like its jiredpoi's'-or- . , very siieecsM'nl and hijjhl.v satisfactory. As "Captain Cuttle , " in loinbev ) , A ; Son , jM > ' . 1'loreiiee gavon representation which parried his largo aiidieTiec with him , the appreciation of the acting being inani- fpstoil b.ImrMn . of meriiiiient and ap plause. "The Might v Dollar" also drew a largo audience at the inatinuo Satur day , and the entire engagement proved a giimd siicees- both financially and ar- tiMioally. 'mi , VIM.\x irvi.i VN orrisOJIPANV. . The concert given at llio opera housu last night b.v tlio Jlilan Itallai ; onora eompanv was not a < well pa roni/od tin jt should Imve been eonsidering its mer its. Tho-o w ho remained away certainly - ly missed a'treat The various numbers of the programme , most nil ot them irenis of Italian opera , were well icndeied and were gicetcd with deserved applause by the audience. SignorTjiglieri sang that beautiful air from I'lotow'.s "Alaitliti. " "Xon I\I'ap- \ pare , " with charming ell'eet. His voice is rich .nid well modulated. Asa violinist , .Moils. ) loiilin , while not ] ierlnis ] as finished in his playing as other artists who have appeared hero , has a dash and spirit in his execution as well as a delicate power ol expulsion whiuh entitles him to high rank The piece he selected was "Loghedor. " "Lilly Aottiirno , " and his rendition of it certainly left nothing to be desiied Mile. JNIoi'se , in rendering "II Segreto" with its piofusion of trills , high notes and delieato runs , contributed one ot the most enjoyable numbers of the piograimnc . Her voice is a rich alto , and is under perfect control. Mile. Ilomeldi lii : a clear , thonghlight soprano voieo of remarkable .sweetness. iMlln. Varena sang a ( lerman air with siusli ofl'eet as to earn her a recall. The second part ot the programme consisted of the third aetot ( ionnod's great Ivric work , "J'aust. " The east was as iollows- Maigiioillo -Mile. Uomcldi Sicbcl Mile.Morse Kansl blgnoi T.iglleii .Maltha Mile. P.tuleo Mr-phistophele Sjignor Ilologna it would have been more enjoyable , no doubt , had the entire opera been given , instead of merely the last act. Hut , on the principle that a half is better limn no loat at all , the audience was well satisfied. The interpretation ot llio various parts it would have boon haul to improve upon , and detailed criticism is mineep sary. bignorlltologiia asMophislopliehi was as satanie as could lie desired , while the " very < 'eivcd"vVith marked appreciation ( i.viiNi : r.vix'is. ; On Thursday nlghl Harrison AHionrlay in .Skipped b'.v tTm Light of the Moon will be the attraction. Friday and Satur day evenings Itoiimny liyo ] W , ! } . Aniiin has gene to Foil Uobiu- on ro DO aD oni two \vo < 'i ; Leav ill's gigantoans passed through tlio city Saturday , ca-lward bound. The mas- , chorus concert ol tlio ( ! cr- man societies of tlie cily will bo held on February VI. Acting AsMstanl Surgeon A W. Marber , U. S. A. , has boon ordered to report to the pommaiidiiiu olllcor Fort 1) , A. Kiln- sdlVyo. . , for duly. The Omaha Wheel club after a pretty hard struggle has hiiceeedcd in paying oil' its debts , and is now free to plan their .spring tonrnmont. Tlio icemen tire Improving every hlijn- ing hour mid arc cutting largo ( piaiitlliob of ice. It is .said that thai tlio ice this year is of hardly as good quality as labt year. Tlipro will bo a meeting of the board of malingers ot the NVomon'c. ( Jhrinlian as sociation at Mrs Pratt a , No. UlOTwontj- fourth and Fariiam , on Monday ut 3 o'clock The of Mrs. .Schimoiiski wax hold ji'ntciday at Hollvue , Hov.V. . \\r. Jlai'slm coniliiitling the hurvieos. 'j'horo was a largo attendance of rolutivcs and friendn. An adjourni'd monting of the Omaha board of trade will bo hold at the hoaul rooms this evening at 8 o'clock , to afa-isl in the organization of a company to manufacture steel mills. Cilixens inter ested , not members of the hoard , aie in Vited. At the annual meeting of llio Mockhold- prs of the Western llor o and f'altlo Jn- .snranco eompanv , the fdlotving ( gonllo- men were elected n.s director.- servo for the oiisiiing year Henry I'undt , Max Moycr , Mdmiind Pojcko , F.niost Poyuko. Charles 1C. Hiirmoator. The oilicord of the company are ; Jlenry I'niidt , jiresi- dent ; Kilinund Poyeko , vice jiresaliiiit ; Max Moycr , treasurer ; Charles K , IJur- mostcr. ( ecretury , Kuiodt I'oycke , man aging director. ft'lllf IM'Allll'VI'tl 4 I ( fl AlM fPH StRU\OR \ GliNhRALSfll'Mlh ' Mr. Gardner , the Newly Appointed Official , Talks. Whnt He Iui to Say Hc/jardliiR / 111 * Appointment , tlio Opposition of Sillier null Ho ) ( I , nml the Duties of tlio Ollleo. Surveyor ( leniraKinidncr , vvhnwa ro ivnllv appointed to olVice. while in ( ) mn ha Minda.v , was interviewed bv a reprc * seutativ o , w ho called hi * utti ntiou lo v a- rioiis niticles in recent issue * of tlio lloiald legnrding his appointimnt ami the duties of tlie .surveyor general "Dr. Miller sajs he never recommend ed an.v bodv for the sm-v ov or general s olliee. ' said Mr. ( < anlnnr. ' but m < vcilht- loss Mr , Bo.xtl read n cop.of n letter to mo. in which he said- that lie ami Mjller hail recommended Mr Clogg of Falls Cil.v for the MIIVO.VOI- generalship , llo also sjiid ln > had rccommendt-d Mr Hum- toy of Plattfiiwulh , and re id what he claimed to be a eopvv of that letter Both thee lellors were signed bv Ho.vd and Miller. Miller charges that il isa dis grace J'or mo to retain the oilieo vvjieii tlictc is nothing to do. Now , if thisi1 true , and I was actually to ixsigti to-moitow , the president would ha\o to till iu > place a ! once , uulcs-s tlio law eicat- ing the ollleo l repealed and the oilieo abolished. The patties that are now clamoring to have the ollh e abolislu > d ilnu'l "com lo know that the net of eon grcas orealiiiii1 the ollleo rcinivos | that il shall uol be closed or transferred lo the stall1 nulborilies until thev have made suitable inovision for llio eu're and uis- lodv of tin * uvonK filed notes and plats of the ollleo. No such prov ision bus been made b.v the legislature and unless : i special session is called none can hi made until the regular session , P < i ? . li is hard- h probable tlmt the governor would put the stale to the cxpoii-iMif an extra session - sion for Hie sake of clo < ing Hie olliee , es- rcoiullv as tlie expense of the olliee is Iiiirimb.v the national government " "Is it true , Mr. ( iurdncr , t hall hero is practically notliiug for the surveyor general lo do ? " queued tlie representa tive of the llii : , . "Tin1 public survey of the state , " re plied Mr. Itarilncr. "is nearly completed. A portion of the Mntu annexed in 183'i from Dakota , coiisistingof aiiout twenty- two townships' , lias not .vet been siir- ve.ved. At ( lie present time that tract is mainly occupied b.v. an Indian reservation. Then1 is a small uiiMirvo.vcil scilion in tlio interior ol the Mate , w hero a contract was-let , lint mi returns have jot been iimdnotits completion. Yon must ic- member that 1 am Mirve.vor general lor Iowa as well as Nebraska On last Tlitmtla.v 1 let a conlraet lor a small surve.v in tlie state of Iowa vv hii li , of course , will take .some lime to complete. Nobody knows bettor than Di Miller tlmt much of the surve.v ing done during the past fifteen jour- bus been fiaudu- lent. Complaint.- roach the oilieo almost daily , showing that in maiij towii'-hiiis noinleiior work was over done , jet field notes on file in the oilieo and aJMirovcd bj the suno.vor general , show thai Mir- vo.Vsof those townships have bet n ooiti * lied to ami paid lor. These complaints- come mainly from tlie northern and western sections of tlie state. AUidavits have been forwarded , as I am informed , to members of congiess , calling niton ( .or. lo the character of those sin\e\s , , and HHpicsting some action b.v tlic do- paitment. I called the attention of Com missioner Sparks to this subject b.v letter on December ill , 1885,10 wbicli ho 10- spoiided that under ruling ol the depart ment it would require an act of congress to icmody it. If congress sees fit to take such action M ) that the slate ol Nebraska nmy be properly ivurvcj'cil and mapped , il will lake .several ycar.s to complete Iho work which tlic survejor general would Imve to siipcrv ise. ' ' "Do you propose to rcM-nv" " "I mil readj and willing to ic-ign and' ' sun-'dor Hie olliee whenever the com- miss.oner of the general janil olliee or hoerolarj of the interior notifies mo that , the services ot survo.vor general aio no longer required in tliolistrict of Ne braska and Iowa. Meantime 1 am under % ; ! 0,00l ( bonds for ( ho custod.v and care ot Iho ollk'c. and Ihu accomiiKxIatioji of llio public , who constantly require informa tion about plat.s and hhrvcjn All the hind ollicos in the stale liavo to be fur nished both plat.s and diagrams from tlio siirveyor-geneial's olliee , and the depart ment'at Washington lequiro.s plats and records. Kvcrj' railioad that rmiH through Indian reservations requires plalH and ( ihigrums. It would be impo-.sibiu for setllorn on lands thai are cut up by railroads logel an exact location of their homesteads and pre-emptions " Personal . Hon. James Laird of Hastings is at the P.i.xton. James Kwing , editor of tiniactte , . nrns , . . ngsoy , ncon ; F. L. McOaden , McC'ook , were amongthe lironiinonl stale arrivals at the hotels jestcrday. _ lOxporllnu Gold. Xi-w Voniv.Jan. 10. J. Kennedy. Teed & Co. have engaged Sl'JT.WX ) in gold bain for shipment to-day , 'fills IH In addition to tlio tl M-nt by Iho Ililtlanic. Thotutal gold cxpoit to dale is RilH7,0K : ( ) , 1MMCS IX ) j ( Mis standing. No one need siiOVr live minutes alter apiilybiK this vvondeilid south lux medicine. Lotions and lnstiiuiioni.sdo moio lull m than good. Williams' Indian ) Ointment ahs.ubstlio tumoiH , allays the itching nt pi i vale 11,11 fw , and lot nmiiH : ( 'He. HK1N JHhl'JAKIM ( JUKIID. Dr. Fra/lci's .MagicOintment cuics as by music , Phinile.s , lllack Heads or ( iiubs , Itlotcho'i ami Kiujitlons on the fuu1 , leaving the skin clearand beautiful. Also cinesltcli. .Salt Ulicnm , Hoie Nipples , Soio Lips , and OldObstlnatolJIceis. .Sold by diuggists , or Jiialled on iceelpt of KOicnts. Kclailcdhy ICnhii it Co. , and .Sclnoolei < k liccht. At wholesale by 0. K , ( ioodman. IlllMllOSH Tl-OlllltOH , ST. I.oi'iH.lun. 10. John S , Uinorj .V ; Co. , extensive dry goods dcalcis ol Si. .loscph , have executed a died ol tiiiol to Iheli cudl- tots to the amount ot S'-Ti.OJU. 'I'hu linn's flu- bllitles ummiii to tills hum , ass MOST PERFECT MADE : I'rciarol wllli tprclHl rcyanl to luulli- . No Ammonia , l.lmoor Aluru PRICE BAKIfJO POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST..OUI * .