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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. MONDAY , JANUAKY 18 , 1880. , TILE DAILY BEE , OMAHA Orrit tNoOti : , \ xn Olfi F.usx AM Si NKW YOIIK Omc - . , HOOM W./rmni'NF. Itni.w.vf WASHINGTON Oil II I. , NO , 61H roLIITCKNTII ST I'n1i1i 1iril rvtry nioiiiln ? , pjpppi Piimlnr. Tlif only Moiidn- morning paper pulillslibil In tlit ttntc. TMISI" ? nv MAtt , : OncVrnr . TliiM' Monlln . JJ- ( Ix Month . i. . i ft.MJ.Oiio Month . l.OC Tin. WEKKI.V IlJ.r. I'uMlMuit Hvory Wcilnojdnjr. rr.mif , rojTPAtv : OnpYfnr , Illi premium . J2.W Onci Yrnr , without ) ur > nilnm . 1. " ' t-ix Month" , without tiit'imtim . 7F All coinmiinlonllntu rc-lntlnir In nowi nml r.ll- Inrlnl nmllM should bo addressed to tlio ll ) > l- luuoi' 'in. 111:1 : : . iif i.\r.i ! ) UITTKIIS : All 1m IMO | li.ttcr * nml rciiilUnilfW RlmiiM tic fifldr'til tii 'fun IHn : I'rni.imii.vii CoMt'vsr , ( ) Mlt1)rfill ) . clitr-lM tind poMolllKt oiilrr toia \ niHde | inyti1ilt > to the 01 dcr of tlio wniijiuiij- . IDE BEE PDBLISHIHGliPM , PROPRIEIORS , i : . nosnwA'rnit. KIMTOH. Tin ; professional juror must go. Tin : "gram ! ' ' jury is anilhing but n grand jury. TA ( 1:1x11 grand juries la by no means anew now tridv in Omaha. Tin : grandjury should cither be dismissed - missed or reorganizi'd. Tin : few good nion on ( ho grand jury find themselves in | ioor company. A LINCOLN innnli a * been bitten by n mud-dog on the clicck. The dog is dead. of the grand jurors will probably In1 a'-ked to produce proof of hi- United States eiti/eiisliip. Mosnv , tin ) i-x-feiicrilla , lias opcnod a law olllcn in San 1'ranei-eo. Tlio law allbrds u better Held for guerillas than any other jirofu.-slon. Tin : skating rink lias ImndreiK of olnpeincnls charged up against it , and now comet tlio IK Wa that it lias caused n murder in St. Louis. Tlio rink must go. TUB NorthwtMloni ba'-o-ball league having boon formed , with Omaha , as one. of this members , wo tnko it for granted that ( he national game will bloom in the fcpnng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jrinii : DAVID DAVIS got his great for tune by being compelled to take , in pay ment of a debt , eighty acres of land near the village of Chicago when he was a young man. The land is now in the heart of the city , and so is the judge. MIC. LAMAU'S opinion regarding the Moll telephone patent has given the stock a downward tendency , it having dropped abotit lifteen points. The public docs not care how many points the stock tumbles if it can only secure lower rates. lit. Gr.HTH , the veterinary surgeon of I Nebraska , is endeavoring to got up a mad-dog acare in Lincoln. The Mlly sea son is 'generally .supposed to end with tlio last ro-fe of summer , but it seems that with Dr. CJorth it continues till the year round. Mits. DANIII : , LIMOIITON , of Sienben , pMe. , lias the poeketbook which belonged to the original John Lawrence , of Law- i renco-Townloy fame. There is nothing more in the pocketbook than there is in the imaginary $800,003,000 , Lawrence Townley estate. IT is proper and necessary that the sidewalks should bu cleaned of snow , but when the snow is shovelled from the sidewalks into the street it not only becomes - comes n serious obstruction to travel and trailie but a eonrco of positive danger. A sudden thaw is liable to ilood collars and basements and may ruin bloeks of costly buildings. A IMIOJIINKNT Illinois democrat , who is visiting in Wnsldiigton.liasercated . a small sensation by declaring that ho is not there to make requests or to seek any oflieo for himself or friends , but that ho simply do- Biros to see the city and its representative men. The man from Illinois is probably laying the foundation for a dime museum curiosity. Kuw JIKSIY : : democrats are greatly dis turbed over tlio determination of the ad ministration not to disturb the United States marshal and district attorney until their terms expire. Tlio greatest disap pointment , however , is among the hun dreds of candidates for the positions. Tlio ( situation in Now Jcreoy is very iimilar to that in Nebraska. T.IIL 1'apillion 2M thinks Hint "with ft Uvo lluMlSftud dollar salary as congress iinm , a three thousand dollar pension , tind the entivo state of Haslings behind him , Jim Laird ought to make a pretty loud splash when ho jumps into tlio senatorial stream. " Yes , with all those equipments , together with railroad pass books , ho will make a splash and a eplnrgo , and that is all there will be in it. IP there is anybody who hasn't a mili tary title , ho can easily get one by join ing the Salvallon army. In making u raitl on the army , in order to Mop street parades and the beating of drums , the police of Joliet arrested and locked up a general , u colonel , a captain , several lieutenants and other ofHcors , but no pri vates. The Salvation army , like the * Xgular army of the United Slates , is mostly made up of olllcors , Tin ; rapid strides that Omaha Is mak ing have o.xcited the jealousy of Kansas City , and the papers of that town are now endeavoring to bliow , in column burlesque - losquo articles , that Omaha is nothing but a village. With l ,000 , population nnit with evidences of steady growth and prosperity in every quarter , Omaha can fUlbrd to bo called a village. She will luiyu oyor a hundred thousand pooplu in 1800 , and in Jess than ten years slio will be n larger place than Kansas City. Crnvs W , FIJU : > persists in publicly 'carrying out his veneration for the memory of Major Andre , lie has ordered the demolished funco of the Andre mon ument atTappan to bu restored , and it is reported that ho intends to put up a now monument to tlio ingmory of the Drltish spy , In that event lie can look out for tuiothcr dynamite explosion , Vhile ho is ftbout/it ho ought to order a do/.cn Audro monuments to ho ran have them on hand to juplaeo Ih < d-unoli hed ones as fast sis tha dynamiter can gut in his work. i s fiovcrnor hnrrnbcc't ) InnuKtirnl. The inaugural of Governor Lnrrabcc was modeled after the late message ol President Cleveland. Us extreme Icngtli would , require two section ? of a freight train to transport it across Iowa , and it1 * c.\hantivencs3 would justify the author to have had it bound in calf and circu lated in two volumes. Its polished and scholarly diction is iaultlcss , and would have passed muster creditably had it been delivered before an as.-cmbly of Harvard graduateIf ' anything it smacks a liltk too much of the ehi'.Mcs for the plain , matter-of-fact granger , who makes mi nine-tenths of the population' of Iowa. Starting out with a grand flourish ol Hunker Hill oratory the governor soar * aloft and tells n.s why our ancylors , the early settlers of the colonies , rebelled against I lie iniquity and tyranny of the mother country and took refuge on 1'lynioiith Hock , lie then launches out into n disquisition on l'io\idcnce and eternal justice , of which the following o\tmel is a fair sample : Thete K by the law of natine , an inllnintr lelntloii betueeii the policies ami fates of Kou'nnnetiK Tyranny and wion ? Inevitably lead tosnireriuj ; nud decay , while modem- tion atul lidit load to happiness ami pios- perlly. Any nation dlsrccaulln ; ; thuptrinnl ititcof justice \\lll sooner or Liter pay the penally tor the tinii'-Kte'ssloii ; and the longer tliedclayin coircctlngthu evil , the MNcicr will lie the judgment. Our own nation 1ms proved no exception to lids iiilc. * * . * lliilllntit as woie the deeds of our noble sous dtirinr the stiu-rgle for the putsevnlioa of the union and the iccoRiiilloii of human lights , It took lour long years to dcMiov u sjstem wliieli lor n century wo had nuitured. With this grandiloquent opening as ids text , Ilis K.\cellency dilates at consider able length upon the duty of the republic to protect its eitixeiis in casting an honest ballot , and having it properly counted. This is just and proper enough if the governor would only point out how the Iowa legislature can prevent or puni-h bulldo/.ing and fraudulent voting in South Carolina , Mississippi , Ohio , or Illinois After the purging of the ballot box the governor grinds out some .stale platitudes regarding the policy of protec tion which in his great wisdom he con siders tlio source of all our wealth and prosperity. He repeats what many * unthinking stump speakers have lime and again assured us that our nation under this policy has , during the last twenty-live years , made marvelous progress , and has grown in all the dements that contribute to the greatness - ness and happiness of a civilized people , notwithstanding the great destruction oc casioned by four years of civil war. Like so many political surface-thinkers , Governor Larrabec fails to comprehend that while protection has stimulated our industries and was an essential factor in developing American manufactures , this lias caused depression policy over-production , pression , stagnation and lock-outs. Ho overlooks the fact that the prosperity of Iowa is mainly duo to her productive soil and the industry of her men and women , and that her wealth has been multiplied by immigration from abroad. The fact that ten millions of immigrants have made their homes in this country since I860 , and added to the wealth of the nation more than enough to pay the national debt has escaped his narrow vision. TliU is not computing the piodtict of the labor of these ten millions of people. From protection Governor Larrabec goes into a detailed discussion of the pen sion policy , taxation and currency , civil service velorm , the industrial question , national education , postal telegraphy , and other topics of a purely national scope. These varied subjects the governor han dles with laborious detail , as if ho were president of the United States ami his inaugural addressed to 'congress and Ihe American people. In this respect , liowcver , Larrabee only falls into the footsteps of many other stale executives who grapple with the gravest problems , not only of the whole United States , but iho rest of the civilized and uncivilized world. This is true , for instance , of an able message delivered by the governor of Massachusetts , from which Governor Larrabco has bodily extracted the greater portion of his dissertation on national nll'iurs. So far as the message relates to the itl'airs of Iowa wo admit that it is in many respects commendable. His con clusions on some of the important ques tions requiring legislative action are sound and sensible , and his recommcnda- ions will doubtless be carried out. On the question of railway tralllo the gov- H-nor , like his predecessors , leans to wards the monopoly : md makes ! V 1U110 | cxn"So tor the exorbitant rates which are exacted from the shippers and producers. According to Governor Larrabeo the the railroad commissioner system has been a great blessing and profit to the people of Iowa. He asserts that the rates of transportation have been ma terially reduced through the commission ers , and much relief lias been atlbrdcd in tlio correction of abiu-es and impoM- tions , This cither implies ignorance on the part of the governor or a low esti mate of the intelligence of his constitu ents. The only material reduction of tolls has been in the passenger rates which were reduced several years ago by a legislative act. The commissioners' of Iowa , like these of Nebraska , have simply sowed the purpose of tlio railroads to throw dust in the eyes of the people , by procuring trilling concessions , wliilo the mo'st glaring abuses and highway robberies have been glossed over and "explained" away. On prohibition , the big bono of conten tion , tlio governor delivers an elaborate lecture. Taking tlio legislature to bo a troop of ignorant school-boys , ho starts out by lolling them the nature of corn- juiu'Q ami tlio history of alcohol from the earliest days to the present time. As a specimen brick we quote the Ural few lines of tlio prohibition section : Alcohol tins been known from time Im memorial. Like gunpowder unit dynamite , It Is Vcnelldal to man when propeily iist'il inul lor ilglitlul purposes ; like them it Is tcv- ilbly destructive when liupiupurly used , Civilized nations lii\of.uftt'ied : Kicntor evils from the use of idchollo hover-axes than wcio contained in the fabled box of Pandora , After wading through an ocean of in k to define his views as to the evils of in temperance and tlounderlng in the mir- ngo of doubt and uncertainty as to the proper solution of the problem , the gov Qvnorwinds up , like Jack lluiiaby , with tin opinion as is an opinion. If anybody , nfter reading tlio governor's message , san tell what that opinion is , ho can do better than Capt. Cuttle. Viuwcd from an outsldo standpoint it strikes us that the inaugural c the now governor of Iowa would hav < been much more acceptable to th farmers , merchants and laborers ti that state if ho had faXorcd them wit a plain , unvarnished , matter-of-fact , btisi ness message , taking an inventory o the slate's resources , making an cxliibi of its liabilities , and recommending > vha in his candid judgment was most benc ficial and practical to carry on th nfliiir * of slate with duo economy. \Vlml Docs It Slrnn ? Under direction of the county eonimfc sioncrs a grand jtity has been drawn fo the 1'cbruary term of the district court According to Mr. ljnm , clerk of th' ' court , this action was taken by the ad vice of tlio indues , who deem it piuden to avoid all po iblo controversy as t ( the legal conviction of criminals by an ; ruling of the supreme court on the lav authorizing the commissioners to dis pciisc with tlio calling of grand juries So far as the judges are eoiu'crncd , theii mot'nes in ordering the gram jury are above suspicion. It i only when ( he IKl of grand juror is examined that grave doubts arist with regard to ( lie real purpose for which the grand jury has been empanelled , ll is a notorious fact that the mysterioii' killing of Mrs. Latter is to be investigated by this grand jury. The deep inleresi taken in this case by ail classes of ( hi ; community , and the universal dcsin thai the mystery shall be thoroughly in vestigated by men who arc capable of honestly weighing the testimony and arriving at an impar tial conclusion , demanded that tins grand jury should have been carefully chosen from among our best citizens ami most substantial business men. If Mr , Laiier is an innocent man lie can well afford to place his cao in the hands ol such ti jury. Such was the impression when the .special grand jury was con vened las ) fall , lu response to this over whelming .sentiment the following grand jurors wore drawn : C. II. Dowey. George 11. Guy , Hobarl Williams ( of Little vt Williams ) , John Grant , Herman Kounlzc , liobcrt A. Harris , A. J. Simpson , Frank Murphy , W. J. Uroateh , George S. Mills , Charles J. Kar- bach , Cyrus Merion , J. S. Cantlield , K. Wyman , N. A. Kulin , J M. Simenil. Had this grand jury , after thoroughly sifting all the evidence , refused to return an indictment against Mr. Lauer , our citizens would have given him the henelit of an acquittal. 15ul there is such a marked contrast between the make-up of the.special grand jury and the one just drawn , that we would be diroliiit in our duty did we not enter our most earnest protest. A glance at the following ] \ < l will .stifllcc : Kd. Walsh , Ales. Ulack , 1 ! . K. Livcy , Win. McQueniiy , Peter O'Hourkc , GuHam - mil , Lawrence Duggan , JCJ-MJ Ostcrhout , Potcr Clinton , Collins Jordan , 1'c.ter Cross , J. W. Bunco , Julius lludow-ky , 15. Gordon , A. II. Willis. B. Lovett. It requires twelve vote- , out of tlio six- leecn to find an indictment. If any live men in this jury are tampered with then ; can bo no indictment , no matter bow overwhelming the evidence. With all duo respect to tlnS jury , and without singling out any of its members , wo boldly say that tlicro will be no trouble to tind live Milnurablo men among them , judging from the general reputation which sonic of them have heretofore borne. Now , why did the commissioners make up such a list ? Why do they pick out professional jurors and men who iavo no visible means of support to .sit on rand and petit juries ? The law re- ptircs that they make up a ist of sixty names from among the known tax-payers and cit- citizens. The intent of the law is that : hcy shall "elect men of character , known lo them to bo law-abiding , honorable and ibove reproach. Tins is u sacred causc it involves the life , liberty ami pro- icrty of every citizen. How have the L'ommissioncrs discharged this duty ? Out ) f the 10,000 or more voters of Douglas county the commissioners selected the following names , from which the grand and petit juries were drawn : First ward Peter Trenton , John Me- M ab , John Garvoy , Charles Dougherty , Michael Tempscy , Jacob Frank , Michael Jobling and Charles Hanley. Second ward N. S. Blanchard , Julius tudowfiky , B. Kummerling , Michael McCarthy. L. 15. WisbvVooi \ Nestil , 15. Lovott , Gus. HammillPatrickMcGovern , lucob Schlecht , Alc.x. Black , Lawrence Duggan. llolchenberg , .lames G. Carpenter , Kd. Wul h , Dan. Kenniston , John Huwkin- iOll. iOll.Fifth ward Joseph O'Mnhoucy , dins. Panning , Win. McCJuonny , Charles Kemlrick , A. G. Humphrey , John Hiley , Samuel Bell , Fred. Kiimpf , Dennis [ jotigliaii. Sixth ward K. L. Falconer , Henry Hitler , John Hetliek , Jose Oslorhout , James T. Hanson , Frank Kammer , Col lins Jordan. Dmalm , David Heed ; McArdle , Hiram | Vvory ; Milhird. Andrew Mocblcman : Douglas , Peter Grass , William Maroney. Thiu array of names out of the 10,000 rotor * to pick from is an insult to the In telligence of this community. It comprises - prises a very large pur cent of profes sional jurors , many of whom luivis served in juries nearly every term including .ho last. If there is nothing crooked in .hischoico then itshows a lamentable lack ) f propriety , judgment and intelligence. Unfortunately for the commissioners- heir action cannot bo classed as an inintentional overnight. Two months ago hey dared not disregard public opinion > y packing a jury with professionals and Mimmors. They know enough business neu and irreproachable citizens to fill ho hat from which to draw a jury that snjoycd the unbounded conlldeiico of the ) coplo. Why did tlioy not pursue the amo course now ? In the name of justice vo demand that the jury which they have Irawn bo dismissed and u now Jury Irawn which will not be open to su . licion. IN regard to heating street cars , the ( root cur companies remind the Chicago 'Icniltl ' , as well as everybody else , of the mprovidunt cottager with Ids leaky roof , Vhon the rain poured ho couldn't mend ho thatch , and when tlio weather was ileasant there was no pressing need. Vhat's the use , say tlio companies- ox- icrinicnting , when the winter t > euson' ittlf over , and in btimmur whero's the ccdf As it is in Chicago , so it is in > muha. ninl Hominy. The Chicago 7'iwr. < p'rcsetiU an live ret lew of the corn and porksituatioi in twelve .states llllnoi * , Iowa , Kansas Mis.oiiri , Nebraska , Ohio , Indiana ( Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Ken tueky , and Tennessee. Tlio resume o the reports from these stales shows tha the corn crop of IFS.j has been ovcrcsti mated both in qunntily and quality ; tha the quality i far below1that , of Ihe cro ) of 18SJ ; that the movement of corn * fai lia been disappointingly small , partieu hirly in Nebraska , Iowa , Missouri am Cholera lias carried oll'larg ( number * of hogs , Ihe disease proving more prevalent and fatal than foi several jears. Nebraska has beel one of the heaviest .suu'orcr.s froii this di. ense. Not n single slate in tin corn belt has been free from hog cholera It Is claimed that as many hog * have been thrown onto the market for fear ol cholera as have died of the disease. The corn and hogsituatlon itiNcbraskti is thus .summed up by the Times : "Thl Mate has probably , taking the acreage into consideration , grown a belter croii of orn , so far as quantity and quality is concerned , than any .stale in the corn- belt. Dealers all over the slate , however , are of the opinion that the crop has fallen 10 per cent below ( he estimates made early in the season. A largo amount of ear corn has so far been cribbed nit. This stale hits not yet recovered from the cll'ects of the hog cholera during the spa- son of ISSl-'S. * ) . The disease at pre-ent seems to have spent iu force , and tie in crease in the hog product is looked for from Nebraska --luring lSSi. ( " The situation in Iowa is thus sum- mari/.ed ; "There is no uniformity with regard to the corn yield in the slate of Iowa. There will be little if any corn to go out of northern Iowa , as it will be about all required for homo consumption. In the southern portion of the state the crop is somewhat better. But , tukingthe state as si whole , there has not been more sound corn grown to the Mere than in the .season of 1 85. Very little corn has gone east , from Iowa thi.s wintci' . Hog iliseti.-i ! doe- , not .seem to lun o been as fatal a * in the .state of Illinois , nor widespread , but , owing to the loeal price of corn be ing .so high and the fear of hog cholera , hogs have been sent to market much more freely than Usual. " Street Cleaning. The city has contracted to keep the streets clean , and a special tax for street cleaning is levied to meet the expense. If it is right and legal to lax. properly own ers for cleaning and sweeping the streets in the summer , it in equally proper and legal to do so in the winter. As a mat ter of fact n snow blockade obstructs travel a great 'deal ' more than mud and dust. ID is inlinitely more dangerous. A tax for cleaning the business streets that arc blocked by snow drifts and hauling away the snow would bo more justiliable than the street sweep ing ta\ which has been imposed and col lected during the past iwo year. * . In dealing with the street-cleaning problem the sidewalks should I > R consid ered and treated ss ( plirt of the street. They arc such In filet and in law. A sidewalk belongs to th. ! public as much as the center of the-i .street. No matter what the penally , occupants of buildings and owners of lots never will keep the sidewalks clear of snow and ice. That lias been time and again demonstrated , not only in Omaha but in all other large cities and towns. . The owners of vacant lolswhether resi dents or non-residents , seldom if ever go to the trouble and expense to keep side walks clear. It is n question whether the public should exact this from them. They compel them to pay for pavements and require them to lay down sidewalks for the public convenience. Would it bo anything iinrei onablc to put the taxpaying - paying public to the ovpenso of keeping those streets and sidewalks clear of mud , snow and ice ? In any event the only way to make sure of payable and clean thoroughfares , winter and summer , is for the city lo do the whole job , either under supervision of the htreot eommis-jioner or by contract , MANunii-sOX's proportion to increase the olHcioney of tlio army by making tlio infantry regiments larger , and giving them three majors instead of one , ! > all right in theory , according to the St. Louis ( { lobc-Ji.iiiomil , but "could not the desired end bo more easily and economically reached , " pertinently asks that paper , "by reducing a fair share of the superfluous majors and other com missioned olHeer.s to the ranks , and thus establishing a proper proportion of mus ket-bearers lo sword-wielder.s , the want of which appears to bo the. chief dilli- cultyV" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Siivr.voK-GiNiit.\i ; { : : < G\jn > xr.t ! , as will be se'in by an inton low which wo pub lish elsewhere , is not yet ready to resign. In response to the question whether he is likely to die shortly , he replied , " 1 am in excolent health , tiiaiiK you. " I'OINTUD 1'AIIAU11UMI8 , Jloiaecdrccley Is repotted to have said that nny man woith moro than a million Is a mil- biinre In a fiee jtovenimont. It was Horace Uieuly whoeoiibhlcied the man who lemalned sober while enrouslni ; with a psuiv of Inebriates ' ns'hiwer unit viler than they. r , "JIny I help you to alight ! ) " asked .Unison politely us Miss Lo Jon > drove up lu her car- ilage. ' 'Thank joti. I,1 , ncyor smoke , " she retiuni'd coldly. ' Ills thought woithy of renmik that the PilnruolVuIo - , uses hln lingers when eutlng small birds. Itv oiul be s lilmoieiemaika- lle ) If he used his toes. ' ' People who play cauls tor high stakes aie pretty sure to liml out 'tliut'tlicio Is no K.IIIIH u which a sharper cuiinjjt ii aiiiiRe to filial- uatu neatly all the t'lciuqiita.of chance. in ubttrcabtk'nl wiItlnnf > iniQ , and then It Is not given as now , o-cttrs the saving : "i'urls thopunidlsoof women , the purga tory ol men tind the hell of horses. " Sits. Lnngtry Blanks of this eounliy as "her dear America. " it Is not announced when Mis. Langlry intends to ictiirn , bat IVB Inter that the time Is not very icmotu. Puttlm ; the mugwump into the dictionary ieoiii ! ) to imllcuto u curious belief among the exleotrnij > hei > that the cieatmo Imscoimno day , The word should bo mailied obsoles cent , There is considerable objection to the ad- nlsblon of any more slutua with ilouhle- olnted names. Olio paper says by tiny other .South Dakota would r.tlbo us much lialfo wanted a librettist , lie wa thed of he platitudes ho had been furnished H > IOIIK , mil niH-tlng a well known diumatUt urged dm to uudcitako the tasU. "Vou'll just btilt J me , " Mid Ualfc , "for you've no d-d poctr in joti. " The efforts of confess lo abolish poVer litho the army is not to be understood as nil luloi feieiicc w llh the roj nl llu h on Orucnd Phil ! Sheildim'snoso. No matter bow the rule ore clmnxcd. that w 111 sllll beat cveij thing. "How ninny tliups have I pot to climb ii | three Mights of | .iir * tocollrot this bill ? " s.ili a bill eollertnr to ( lllliooly. "You can Mil > our clf about , I'm not going to num down In ( he. cellar lor the accommodation o blllcolleeloH.1 + Can't Cm on the SpcnkcrN Kyc. If the democrats have any slnewdcr polill emus than .Mr. CnilMc , ho Is not in silght. to HcRln Afar OPT. Woman Mtffrnse In T'lnh fet * the \olool Mr , Da WPS as well ns that of Mr. Hoar Mnssni'liii < 'tts may thus bo conMdeied sollil on that cptislloii when U lelates to woman r long wn > off. _ ASH'oiiR Hold upon tlio People. Jninm ( "uiliifillllillil. / . Van Wyel ; has a stioiis hold upon the people ple of Nebraska , which all the power ol the corporations cannot shake olf. lie will suc ceed liImsL'lf In the United States s-juatc. - - * r * < Can't Spare Tliom IVoin the KchooK Jduffiiu'fin I'm 1'iv/ " . Over two thirds of thn school teachers In Ncbuslu mo women. And jet the Nobms- kniisfct'pp telephoning east.for wives. Aren'l school te.iehers good enough for you'/ The Suluiylor Ijynolilng. JVi Ju it'Iia din AV iw. Tliclmngiii } ; < ) f Lnpotir , tlio l.tihemlau at Scluiyler , by a mob , was a deed that none w II ! defend , hut nl the same time lew will con demn. Mob law Is lud , veiy bad , but some times it is neeessaty. lie Had Wi'iMtleiMVIlli Satan. The hackiiianlio iitluckeil the e\-Itev. Georjt ( ! Milu , the more or le-is futuoiii tie tor. umstliaveoM'iloiiked the fact that Mr. Milu has wicstloil with satun In days gone iiv. SHU. the fact of netting the better ol a hack- man Is not to he Micc/.cd at. Mr. Milu de- seientlie thanks of the community , The lletni'iii Coming In. ' ' ' I'/vimmf / 'J'lilmni' : Has It cvei stnidc the hasehall fialenilty that they aicwltlmui ieiresoiitaton ] ! In eon- gresV. ' This must bi ! looked to. [ Pldlndel- phiii Call. We have been looking alter the nuiller In Nebr.isUn. Cougtcssmaii Dotxey ia . dhxvlor In the Piemoiit Daseball associa tion. Co\ and I'opo lob. ' .S' ( . ftimlt Hi'inililltan. lu an interview published on Monday of this week Jisho ! | > Co\c of the Ptotestaut tipUcopal eliineh ot New York ojfposcs cre mation and sij.s : ' It Islioiiible to barn the body In an oven , " alter death. The blatant Col. Ingersoll has giowu wealthy by tle- clidming that It is hoirihle to bum what sut- vives the body after dwilh. 'the advantage ol Col. ing ci soil's luisltloii ib It him better. The Machine 1'ditors. 7'(7l'MIrHl | ( .S"f/llflf. ( Conressiaan Dorscy and Senator Man der- soiiaie covered nil oser with toft tall'y lor their hard woik in the Interest of Nebraska people , when they tiy to increase the number ol land olllces in the state. Senator Van AVyek , in a praetical mauiii'iintroiluced a bill which he will eairythiougli , as he Usual ly does anything he undertakes to create two new laud olllces , and he is denounced as n deimiiioguo only working for ic'election. Jlverythiiis may bu t'.iii in love , war and poli tics , but theio should be a conslltatlonal amendment to piovont a lew eianky imiehliie cdltois tiom iii.iking the molesslon , or trade , ot joiiruallsm lidiculous. Have Clianjed. Owing to : i collusion with cattlemen nun cowboys In the western nail ol Ihe stale , It has been supposed that James J tiiid , now congressman , and about whom the oul.vie- dociiilng feature is that he voted lor the re- iiistaleineut of VilJolin J'oiter , would be a formidable candidate lor the U. S. senate next lull , to succeed Van Wyck. JJ'it times have changed. Instead of the west being owned and inn by cowboys it Is now well populated by intelligent and woithy tanner- . men ol bioadand libcial views who will repie.seut them In the halls ot our state legls lid lire , men who are favorable to the re-elec- lion of Senator Van Wyck , who , by his po sition on the nubile and railtoad land grant question , has cndeaied himself to all persons L'ligaged in trying to get an honest living by tilling the soil. An KiiiiHbh licuiiiy in Chionuo. ll'il / fill/foil < ' , jiiCKinniflciicc < 'lilf < itiii A'dfa. The most succosshd woman here is Mi = . llelyar. whose husb.ind is a , niemher of tlio ISiltMi legation. Mis , lleljur , who is a jiivoui , bouncing , nuibilvc woman , after the iVltleiney-eow style of beauty made lashlon- iblobyMis. LaiiKtry , now iclgns as a star if ( he II rst magnitude , in Xew Yoik , as of ; ho lit st magnitude , lu Xew Yoik , as well is Washington , the people lave they ilon't : alk , they rave about her beauty. She is bs- > ieged with atteutldii.s , nnd her modest hotiso ni Ithode Island iivenuo is the lesoit of all he glided youth that can gain : idmlltauco [ here. Mis. and her friends in Kn- ; Iand are much suipilbcd at her blossoming ml as a beauty something which didn't lappL'ii until bhoeame to Washington. She A'carstho startling diess which everywhere llstliigiiLsheslhetine-biiiii linlini. .She has a jrlght-ied walUiug-aostumn that would set ho teeth on edge of a Parisian or an : au possessing I'teiicli taste. TJic Newest Jialo ; iiu , t > ' / . Jamei ( latent , iVotsldpoiicCod ; bill do nut .shun Enlightened ll lends who worship none. tlako to tli.VM'll'no . Idol ; sllll , JDW down before the people's will. Hiou shall not swear , "lib com so nud rough , Vdeclaiatlun's ipiltti enough , inprove tlio S lbatli : 'tis a day ixiccdiug lit lor woik ami play. loner thy father , but contemn VII that was honored most by them , llood'.hed ' Is very wrong , unless t helps a pally to distiesi. ! 'hou shall not .steal , t-aiibt not , Indeed , Jnder the soelallntlo eieetl. tear not I'aUo witness ; calumnies VIII seivo oiie'd tuiii as well lib llca. 'hoiislialt not eovet : 'tweie unliandsonio Vluui wo'\o a oiiPied light to iiinsom , STATW AXililtH ITOJIV. Xohrnhkn JottlngM , York is jiltinting strei t lamp- . . L'nmlng county has $ ' 37,287.31 in the i-ciisiiry. It will require § 82,000 to run Sarpy oiinty tliis jear. A now court hmit-o will etart the build- ig boom in ( Vcighton next spring. 'i'hoVest 1'oint Manufacturing coin- any cleaned up a not profit of * ia,8.pi.53 ( ) ist year. Jliirlington is the county seat of Cedar ounly , and this jail i located at St. Hole- a liflcen mlli't nwiy. : Plans aru being drawn for n large hotel I Kearney. The ground dimensions tire W by ISO , three stories high. The great Kearney canal has already > t f 100,001) , , and $ ? ' ) ,0ii ) ) will bo needed > cut the ditch to U oed Him1. Thu Union Pucllte Hull mill nl Grand island has started up again and will ru until spring If Millieiont old iron can b had. During the recent storm the no' drifted ag.thisl O. Nelson's sheep-sbeds r Sehuyler and broke them in , Mr. Ke son losl 1 10 sheep. Dan Donlin , of I'oiica , bears the dlstit gnisheil honor of being the lir < l whil child bom in Divon county. He lirs oeneil ] ) his o.vs in l 'if. Clark Slelien ] Dean , of St. Louis th olded living relative of Kthan Allen , dici a ] ( 'oltimlut" on Wednesday while on : visit to his daughter. Ho was aged SI. Dernard I ) odd. who resided near , Ieri cho , Sheninn county , drove hi lean over u blulV and wasiustunlh killed no was ivliirning from Loup City at tin time , .lolin T. Kekor , ponlined in I In * jail u Albion under an Indictment for felouv made hi-t esenpe l y reaching n window it the .second slory and making a rope o his blanket- " , let himself down to tin ground , The lain Idi/znrd leplenished ( hi poekeNof a numbnr ot idle workineii ii the stale. Hundreds were cmplovec raising ilio railroad blockade , wa'ue- ; ranging from if 1.10 anil board lo ! ? : i.0t per day. i'.F. O'SullUan , cdllor of the AVes Point Pi ogres * , denies that ho is an n ] > pliciint tor Ihe town poslolliee , and inti males thai the pre ent rciinlillcan oeiu jKint would resign and sell the lixlutc : f ori i1 1 , 500. The proprietor of : v reslaurant in Jlusting.s underlnok lo chastise liis cook , a muscular woman , but was knocked down and enl in ouo round , lie now wears a mourning eye and a crooked nose as relies of the melee. i'remont claims lo be the largest roost for hen fruil in the state. Lr i year ] , - llS.-lOOeggs were shipped from there , an increase ol 1(10 ( per cent over Ihe previous year. In addition lo this half a million pounds of butler w'ere disposed of , . | , .1'(1 ( barrels of apples and IjOol baskets ol grape- . l ! . II. Montgomery the Cambridge forger and dead beat , has been appre hended and arrested at Austin , Texas , and will be broiighl back lo Arapalme for trial. Hp idc.s beating the banks , lie con- luleneed his friends and left | , js wife in destitute circumstances. Albert Mi-Henry , alias W. II. Curleton , the dude tailor of Arupahoe , hastily lit out last week to avoid presiding over Iho deliberations of his wives , three of whom were about to assemble there. Albert endeavored to illustrate a now edition of an old law. that it takes four women to make n man hump himself. Four engines and a snow plow were hurled into the ditch while bucking drifts on the Omaha & llepubliean Val ley road in .Satimlei-s county on the JOlh. I ortunatcjv none of the men were in jured. Tlio next day another engine and plow met Ihe same fate between \\itlioo and Wcston. A construction train and crew worked on the wrecks till week. A seiious shooting a II ray occurred near \ \ oed HiverThursday. . Two farmer.s , named Iledrick and iicrmuth , got into u dispute legarding some private alriirs , winch resulted in hard words , and linaliv llermulh drew it pistol and lired at lied- nek , the ball piercing the hitler's fore head and producing a wound which it is thought will prove fatal. An old fend seoins to have existed between the two parlies. "During the past year , " say.sthe Kaglo , "Iho .products shipped from Weeping \\uter\\ould \ make a solid train Irom hereto Louisville , which would require .seventy-eight locomotives to move it. Six hundred and lilty ears of corn would be in HIP train , the balance would con- .MS | of other grain , lime , stone and stock , J bin does not include thejlarge amount of ( ruck that was shipped as local freight. " _ Iowa Items. Iowa Falls' improvements for the past year amounted to ? 00,000. Iloury Fey , an old citizen of Cre lon , was to death on the ! Jtli. Since .July 1. J.S8.1) , there have been shipped from Weslev , Kossuth county , 4S I carloads of baled hay. O. F. Coon , an express agenl at ller- iiando , thirty-jive miles north of Dos Moines , committed suicide by shooting un tlio I.'itli. Ho was short ' fSOO in his accounts , McGregor has passed an ordinance reHiring - ( Hiring transient merchants to pay a license of3aO before they can soli goods in that city , The expenses of criminal prosecution jiCoiru Gonlo county during the past i-oar loots up ? ii' ( 8.SO. As the result of ; lii.s expenditure ten persons were con- neted. A new phase of the enforcement of Iho iroldbitory law is now being tried at Dos Uoines. As fast as possible injunctions ire being served on the owner * of build- ngs wherein saloons are located. This s going larther lo suppress the liquor raliie than anything that has yet been ried. Dakotn. Rpillicld has decided to invest $1,000 in in artesian well. Aberdeen will put in astreel railway as eon 'is the spring thaw sets in. Springlinld is willing to give $35,000 for ho extension of the Northwo.slcrn from L'anklon. The now clock for the court hottso at 'argo , said to bo the largest in Dakota , is icing placed in position. The bell weighs , < ) ( ) [ ) pounds. Hunter , in Cas.s county , hits a .society if bachelors , which holds stated secret Heelings. The report has gotten out iiiiong the young Indies that these meet- ngs are hilarious ruvols inspired by liljulous exercises , and tlio mum born are hreatoned with boycotting by the fair ines. ' - 4 > . ' ' - ' > ( n niiiirnd over u hldo at J Jl Ull > IlltUSl. L. . . t 'ine Kiilge Agency on the hist beef issue lay , one Indian picked up his Win- Jiostcr and .shot his companion through ho. head , killing him instantly , it was injustlliable min-dur , for the victim was inarmed. Dr. lUeGilllouddy. Indian gent and deputy United .States marshal. inmcdiulcl.y had Iho murderer ironed nil placed in the guard house. Colorado. Two largo lynxes have been shot near llverton within a montn. The hi t ono i-eighed forty pounds , ISoiiuii/.a , in .Sagimelio county , that in t l had a population of 0,000 , now has nly iwenty-threo lainilles. The gold shipments of the Hank of .Iinti for 1HW amounted to $ IUU. ? > .iu. In amid numbers ij..ri7,000 . in gold dust and nllion was handled by tlio Alma and airplay banks hist year. Up in liouhlorumnty in the mountains , ear Hollinsvillo , is n goo o farm connoted - noted on quitoan e.xteiisivo plan. 'I'ho rolits ol the business frmn the sale of tnllmrd lust year WJis between 'Jl.O'JO ' and . ' .000. The register of the land ollleo at Punb- i rojioi s that he reeimtly hud a hearing i twenty-four eases of illegal homestead i trif.s , when none of the ohiinumts up- mrlug the ontne.s were cancelled. The lid grabbers aru getting soured. Now .M ox loo. Las Vegas expended fc'-'CO.OOO J < ul year new buildings. Georgetown has raised ' ! ,000 to pur- mso bioudlionndb to hunt Apaches. Socorro eoun ly hut > aiipr > prialed ! jr)00 ) to s used ingathering sliilintics of dopro- itioiis of Indiaiix in that bailiwick. The employment ot hloodlumuds to , n U tluApfirhiM MI nib lobe growing fnviir witn Ihi pi opl" of New Mexico ' - i-'Hl hunt for Im' A fcoi'oti-o liidj on a - husband droppetl into n Gambling room and seeing tin- object of her sidorntion seated at a gambling table , she quiolly took a sent bv h's sjdo and planked down a dollar for chips. The game didn't hist long. For 500 miles on HIP Atl.intio & Pacilio road snow covers the earlh. At tlio Ni-1'dlcs tlie weather is exceedingly cold , thp ground is covered with snow and the Mohave Indians are running around in bear leirs and breech clouts. Thpy don't know what to make of it. Thp university of NPW Mexico has for one of its departments an Indian indus trial school , tor which the American mis sionary association has voted an annual appropriation of f.1,000 for the support ot teachers. Congress has voted $21,000 for thp erection of buildings iml consiij- erable amounts have been gheii by pri vate parties. 1'nclllc"const. . Salt Uher Valley , Art/ . , will have not less than I.50,000 hogs to dispose of next full. Gypsum has bren discovered in it mine in payingipianlilieM near Phtcnix , Ari- y.ona In Sn'ller county , Cal. . 1 hey usi vl.Miin whistles to frighten wild geese oil' tin- fields. The fan Traiu-lsco cremation society has eommeiieed the erection of a ! ? - , ' ; ' , ( > ( )0 ) roaster. More than 100 Ititihlings wereeiei ti'd id Spokane lulls , Wyo. , during ItW , : il ace co t of . s'MO.OOO. Wiiineinueea , Xevadn , has just had tin Indian murder trial before a jury of twelve bucks. The ueciiM-d Indian was acquitted. Adolph Sulro is _ building u alt water aquarium in San Franeiseo baj , norlh of ( lie ClilV house. ll will be'l'0 feet ill diameter , and will contain all kinds of salt water li-di. A ledge of slate lit for roofing material has been found near Phienix. Ammiu. The slate splits vertically , and Ihe ledge is about forty feel wide , ami can be traced on the surface for several miles. A largo band of wild cattle , on Ihe hills on Lower Coos river , are Ihe olVspriug of cattle lost by the early settlers , ami us they bear no brand or marks of unkind , , arc considered public properly. Tlu-j will charge u hunter with licrci'iicss. The Tucson Slur's annual review of Ari/onu gives the lollowiug summary Imputation , < ! . " ) ,000 ; value ol real and personal proper ! v , ? ! ISMKX ) ; head of live stock. fiOO.OIK ) ; grain product , 7I00OOI ( ! ) ] ) ounds ; gold dust and bullion. sf''Hi.lll I , Mher bullion , $3U7l-IOO ; ore shiimients , ! ? l,8Jl.riOO : ; cojiper jirodueed , 21il(50,000 ( pounds. _ A Pretty iiotl Draw , lie C'nlleil II. One ol lirown's little nieces' holiday books is a seriiilnre picture book. Her mamma was explaining to her an en graving , representing the three eastern inouarelis bowing down before the man ger sit which two long-eared beasts of burden were quietly feeding. "Good draw , wasn't ? ' said lirown "Good draw ? What do you mean * " said his indignant sister-in-law- "Why , yes , " replied Ihe unconscious innocent , "throe kings to a pair of jacks , pretty good , I call it.1' Vnd no walked away , humming softly. CATARRH riilir. fit-eat llnloiunlc Dis- -1 filiation nl \\llcli- , Iln/i'lAiiu'i lean 1'lno. din- 1 mlii llr , Mmljnild , ( lover llloFboms do. , ciilliil SSVN- loim's lluiir.M , t'riiB , for tlio IniniL'dluto irlief mill ixn-iiiiineiit euro ol" o\erj lorni of ( 'Miniill , 1'ioni a simple ( "ol.l In thn Head to l.os * ol finel ! , Tiistu ami lleurlii , < ' < > UKli and ( . 'a- tnrrnhal CoMstimiitldii , Cnmplrtu licatniunl , consistIIIKT < > l oitu bottle lludloal I'nir , onu box ratarrlnil Solvent , and ono liniiiril Inlialcr , In nun piickiixu , may now lie Imiliirulliliufrtflsts lOl-Sl.OJ. AslC 101-SANHWll'S K.Um'U , I'l.'lli : , Complete Inhaler with Treatment , $1. "Tlio only Hli'olitto epcclllu wo Know of. " IMi'd. Times. "Tlio buil wo have lound In n Illo- tlinool Millt'iliiif. " | lov. ! Dr. Wljipliis , Huston. "A tier a IOIIK'SIIIII.'K'O ' with c'litiuih tlio Hndiciil ruin bus fiiiiiiiji-t'il. | " LltmS. . VV. Jloiuoe. Loulslniiirh. I'll. " 1 have-not found n OHSCI tlnit It did not icllovuat once. " [ Audi v\v lir , Man cliL'ster , Mass. I'otter DruKiind Chemical Co. , Kosloa. "I MYSELF MUST GIVE UP. I cnti- not bear thin | iiilnl iichonll o\t > r , and 1 tiy deus mi ; nay KCIOI ! . " weakness , Utei-Inu piln : , l"I , Iiiniji > f > s , Ilnt'klnK coiili ; , . - . I'U'iirl'y unit ulii'.sl piilns cnrnd by Dial new , oriKliuil and nloKunl niitldolo to iialn mil inllitiiiiitlon tint CiTit'iiiA ANTI-PAIN ris N II. U-pocIallyiulapled to ladles by itilurliiK IH < l llcalo oilur and uuntlo nieillelnal ijtialltlos , - " ) ! live liu-fl. Mailed 1 1 DO. 1'ottur I'lieniital Co. Jloatou > I tf&@i'l.J3 WHO n uiucg niNTto WITH IHE GEOOIUPH/ THII COUMRuiti ace et EKAHMMJ THIS MAP THAT THE P5 * > V Rr ; . . , % JA Iil.llA7tll , 'CF ' - JV'.Ha ' . ? ffr ? V.VM THi ; ' C 7jJir l t /t a * * JL GKICiGO.ROGKISLAKDaPAGIFIGnAILWAV lly roaton of 111 canlrnl poilllon ni | clo n rrlttlnn ti > lit iiiinrliial linen Kant * ml Wnt. ut lullUI onarr - inlliul iiollltd , ron lllnln < Oic nui > ! Illlluillaiit Illlif- rnnllnuiilM link In that ftiirm , > 1 tinouidi latlon vrhlrli liivlloi unit fnillllnti'j tlntcliuid Uultln licttTaviiL-ltlni vl the Atlaiulo ninl 1'uclflc Co ui. It Ii ulniiiliorarorltn nin lir t imilu lound from iiolntx I'.nl , Korllic'itHt iiiut Honthritft , oiul ftrieipgaiUae k- liblnti W st. NouhMoit ninl fluiillinutt. - The Great Rook Island Route Oiior ntrc4 Hi | > alron < Hint sonkn of II IIOM.I JMII. rllir airol.lo.l . ly n iw.11,1 , , llinimiKlilr lnll t" "one I. j , njonllilr.rl < nf coiitlniiMlH > f l loll , , " V | | l' rim-iiun an nuinaii t.Kin c-nn inaKiit tim urnllanrni or mieiit hiiir.i" , | , "l fbnn. > mi "u but * ' wi.l timt cxaclliiif ill * . li.iinu nlilili "lie i"i tnivuni * " i > Ural opcmtloii . . ? nil lu iruliii. . oilier i | > l"lli-i | iHV hi. roulv nre 'lmni > r ii At ll n.iinntl ii ? , iiU ' i Union Uin t . , | tliu an'l n iin-iirpa n u cvinruili ' v "ul" " " ' luxurloioMl r.uu iiKcr . | , A 'rjiB l' t Kiiirnn Trulnf lirtHo ri anil ri > f a.UiiuiiPllllliiltii , lUiuitl City , l Hi I ; imiiwiii AlPlilaun mil < -oiilM. > . , , | < , r vri.ll yfiilllo . , ! . II , , . , , liolslcrnl llnv ! . ) ucin. ( InKlilllrplll I'nlliiiail I'lilai i -i iir DIB | al t iff.l " n , an.l . iil.ltiuu" . ll i ii M , In nlilch l-i il ; < , y onf. nip , . , , , , | , | , , , i ly oitm llrtwrtnclilraeannil Koninully on Uli I liil nru nl. , . rim ( lie CclUiniluil KefllulnKaiali t'lir" ' The Famous Alljort Loa Route la the dlrwt onrl fuioilto Una hMHrcn Chlcaicaan J tlllmiMpollninlHI r < iill. ln. | ( . | . . ) iinwloii | , , if,1Mlliu 1 1''I'V"1 ' ' ' , | ' l'l" ' < " " 'I ' polnta III tin , liillloilFnuli.t . llrllUli l'ruvlliri'1. ' . ' Our Hill IIMIIB r at I'.llTctf Jlaliit niii inn to the nnlcilnv ilnii'ii , luinnicr la- i ri . nlrtiiiouinn In ; illtli , nn. . | l.nnllMK m l llahlnic : . ) , | luwa ninl MinncioU. ll I * ulm Ilio r.u.t ilralnltliiruuiBlu tli ruiiwlii > at tlilditiuj | > a lvinl . . liMU.or Intiirlor liol.dU i.,1 * " . " . onotlier liim.OT MSB. Tin I'rnini ' anil K n. . knkni. , liai bi-cn npcnvil III.IWKHI I'lnHiinnil inillnn. > i jHnn | , LalniHi. .mui L.mncll liluirj. KjH.aicar , , | ( J'.llilaliillliliTliUMllalBrolMn. ; " ' ' > " ijolallnl Inruniiglluii tiD * lnn | ninl I' , . MOCK. r > MalntMrui . ! ) a iiilou , 1,1 nil Mini luil'iicl | H ) mi. In lite 1'nUiU ' Utuu-i IMI > ! L'auiiU * ) 01 l > / uU- . K , CABLE , E. RT. JOHN , I'rcn't A ( Ii u'l JtX-'r. ( lin'l T'l.l < S , l-aii. Years Mnintitinod Suporiority. STEAM COOKED , RUSHED WHITE OATS ANI > OTJICJt Amoricnn BronUfast Ooronls. I , lor A. II. ( X Ilraiiil only. | -MK.'irilTrn < li > rlc.i l\n-mlo li > ' nil Krotm-rf M'liJ furlro IIIIAI.H : ; .M-I.-O Co. , B3 Murray St. , NEW YOHK