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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY , JANUAKY 18. SPECIAL r > ; \,1xi r i f mcntsnnilcr this liond lOccntspc lii.c fortliellist IntfHiOn , and 7 cents for end nulisenrtont Irjortlon 1 Imp ' n Seven words vi I bo count e-il lo the line , the ; muitruu cnnercutlroljr nn > l must bo pMdln iu vnuco. All adrortlicmfnta m t be liundud I bvforoS o'clock n. tn. , nnd uniltr no circinr fclnncis will tliejbu tnkou or Uibiontlnufd b ttlcttboiip. rnrlk' < ndrcrtl lnir In these columns nml ImT Inpthi' nnswcrs ndititi'iHl in csrc of llr.K will pUi'fo n k for chock to enable tliom to pc thtir l iu > r , n none will be ilplivcint t-xcopt in prt'tntntlon or rhtck. All nnswci's to ndiet tl'tmenlsh'iil'l IIP r-nrloffJ In TO LOAN-MOHEY. : ! , oio l OK I ) AS on t < ul cintn Appl. $ linn.cJIalfly lo l.nllou llto * . . H17 S. Kllli - t. roNIIY'IO LON on lini M , winrnnF , fur MI I iiltuti * , vwtolii'4. without lemoval. 'lerni CHf.j. < .1 I IHHUI , It-join 11" . lion llauk llullil Ing , I .th and 1 ariian. . 'lake elevator. OX ) Ich7 Mloon to lonn on riu tetlilinto pioperty $1 < ! o W liny , in/.i raiimm a rpo M A > Mono ) many niuouut , X On nl thi'sf a of fcuui ily. f hurt time lining on u lnto Li/iijr tlino loans on i eal Pilnlo. Mom-ylo loan on chatti U Money to lonn on collaterals. Money lo loan on nnj need ( oeunty. Toruis uiify. limn to suit Apply ut the Omaha riimtielnl i\clmngo , HIM I.IT o : bullillnir , SW eornur of i mid I'liiiiMin Hi , upbtnlrs .1)1 ) MONI2V fur i-\fritodyl Von ran boirov iiinncy on fiirnlliiro , lioirct , VHtrons lilanns , Mock ol nil kind" , illnmoml * nnd Ihu wntclievoii ) oiiro n Ilirio I 'n > nionts tecelviu lit nny tlmu , and Intel on leduccd pie rntn 1'roperly hit In jour own | iosie slon. Tcini ! l w nn In , ' lo i t. Cnll nnd f-co inf. llit'ltiPSi ronllilPiillal. Noniitiintniru tnken. \ \ . It Cirtft Itoom 4 , Wltlimll's NowlIullt'lnif.Noillieiu'tc'or nor loth and lliirnuy. _ _ _ ld _ < INiV TO LOAN O. T. Duvls A : Co. Ui-a ! M Eotnto nnd Lonn ntfcnte , 15UJ t'arimm St. * ONKV it ) IXAN 6n Rood occnrllles. A McUttvock , room 7 Ucdick lllock , 1DOU Knrnnu B' ' ! f77 _ _ _ _ " TIT ON iv"r < i I.OAX-bn chattels , Woolcy J.U HnrriEon , room " 0 , Oimilm Kutlomil li building. _ W.T ONIY TO LOAN On icnl cstuto ami chut M 1) . I , . Thotnns. * W > LOAN-Tn Minis of $200nndup' MONKV10 flrft-clnps lenl cetntu EeciKlty , 1'otlci \ Cobb , 1515 Tnuinni St. Mil LOANKI ) nt C. nTTcpil R. Go's. Ioar MONKY oflicu , on liirnltmx > , phmi , lnin > p < , vnKons pcrponal piopcrty of ull kinds and all olhcr ar Helps of value , without rcmovnl. Over 1st Nafl Ilnnk.corner K.lli nnd Farnnni. All busbies : Mrlctly connduntnl. tu.1 CHANCES. , . . . . . , . > To nny n newspaper m n llvi . i country town In Nebraska. All cone MiondmiLo Blrlcll ) conliduniial. Addirss II5J , J eo i Ullce. M110 oil KM IIA.V < 7i7-.Stoek of pellet nl inci Lhand'se ' lor land ; Impiovcd pielened , Address llox IBd , Mai no , In. Mii-19' "VflOIt NAM : siinull Mock of dines. medUlnc' J and tin onl.v unuln nllvcl ) ca-tiiii tow not No'iraskn : Involic { T.VI ; iia'on. vtill conlluete irii'tlee alone. K. M. hieceoilail , M.I ) , llcilln , { ' . NJ-'l * _ ) lot countv.jN'cbuiskn. - 37ll > n.SALi-MIIiIiy | | ) , nbout 25 cows nnd ' ou'lltnnd land to lease. 1) . L. Uhoiuas , Itoom ( I , I'loitfhtou block. hot i : Olio of the best clock Tin ins In thpitato , ! ! ! miles west ol Omaha , uinslsl- InjTOt'iil'OUl liUOncics ; would lake n housonud lot as pa tpajmcnt. Hullou Hioa.ol7 S. nth st. .jii-ia Bl SINTSS UlIANUi : A flno clianto requlr- luff toi' or tivo'ity thousand dolhuscash for ono or two business men liokimr lorl nvest- iiiontN. Can ) < o Iim tmaled by calllujrou or ud- dicsslnif J. L. Illce , r."J I'm nam St. 771 SAM : HiirdHnrj business in Omnhn. roil Address II. 1" > lleo Ollico. T.VJfebll "ITIOIt HAlii : An established icstauraut dolnfj X3 iiKood business In Oiunhn , piIco * * OJ. Gib- ton & Archer , Hoom y , Wlthnell lllock. " 'B J71OK SALK \Vp ollur foi snlo for the ncxlSJ JL' daj B a will established nnd pnyhw busme-s. Vim only business of the kind In Hio city nml comity. Dullness consign of pinups , iiiblmr , plpex. ( ras IIMllros , tools , WIIROHS luiines * , liortius , nnd the o\cliifUo npenoy for the city mid county for the Holiday Kollpso nml Ault- lioiiM ) wind mills. Cnpitnl roiiulred , nbout llvo Iliousand dollnis. 1'or pmliculnrs nddi-c s How ard .V IJoltln. I-oclc Itu.x GSl , Kuurnuy , Neb. li'U-10 SAM ! The Commercial Hotel nt South Foil . Nob. , prlto J-.UOJ ; terms easy. Ad dress T.V. . I1. , llox 15 , South llend , Nob. CKl-fablO * Poll .SALH Or GJiclmiiKO Twelve hundied. nml elKlity acres of Mo. , tlmhor and ii ss Inml , loity miles east ot ICaiifa.s City. As lich Eollns any land in Hie.slate , will fccII ull or pint nt llfleenilollarsiierncioor will oxchmiRO for ( iood Iinpiovcd or unimproved Ncbtnsku liuiU. Jleilfoul A ; fsnuer. Kij ' ITtOll'.SALi : Oil TKAl > i-ror real o < = tnto , the X ? ivRtnnrunt , llxtuies and contents ol twelve fuinlhhed moms on the S. K. coi of 12th and Capitol avcniio. Cost Sl/,00 to lit up. 111 fell for fr.00 cai-li , or on tiino to t-'ood responsible srnrty. Apply to Corbett , S. W. tor. 15lh nnd I'nrnniii MB. , iipBtnlrSj 4"i9 SAM : aims inPprimrHiii , $ roeneh. Foii nn estnbllHhed linnklmr tinslneiss in Ne- Inaska , county boat. Gibson AcAiulior , Itoom UWItlinoll Illoclf , Omaha. yia _ SALi : The only leather nnd ( hidlnfr FOll business In Lincoln , which lids been rlod MI for ten j cars very Fiiccossfnlly ; the rea- con for sellhi ) . ' , death ol the proptietor ; cnpllal rc < | lllied , fiom f.'I.OOO to fl.UW. irs. Jncob Hnberle , Lincoln , Neb. ESTATE , MAItSIIALL Ai LOltKUK , teal ( "Into , liavo a llnellst of inipiovcd and iinlmpioveJ lots in Omaha ; nciosncnrthoclt ) and lu.ndieds of thousandsol acresot'lnnd lor ( snip ; imi-o- ppondenea Miliclted. Miirshnll & I.obuck , TKJU jLiiriiiun btioiit. Olllcn ojiou till 0 p. m. ( ! 'J1 ' OST-On t'nlinilcri htreot , near the lirlilpo , n ' bliuk box ( ( intnluln i nbber plplntr. Innx Diadles an 1 n hllvor jilatoJ nlr pump , 1'lniler \vlll plen u rotm n lo Tr. U. VV. iicu. bjii TOST A roan pony ; lotuin to 1'uiay's bain J-jund leeelvn lownnU _ bOl _ Ono olllcnil sliPd cnvelopo addroxsed 3OST K. M.Tiioinas , Oanili.i , Neb. , loot from 'delivery watfon raultli' U.vpic-ci poiiipany , Janu- niyH.lhNl. rindcr-wlll please loluia to the ollico ol the Vaclllu K\pre3S , NSMb * BOARDIITO. nnd board , f.'per week ; very bcstlo. cation. 1BU Duvemiort bt. lKjmrj' , 8VOVB | 11liw. C. Met/nor Btovo Itcpnir Co. . Ill South L 14th St. t'clwui'ii ' Dodt'o and Doimlas. " " MISCliI.I.ANEOUS. NOTIUI ! or Iir.MOVAL-JIr. Hemy Sin- cere , Iho djcr , foimcily doliiK business at UUOTIilrli'ciitlisircct , has ruinntctl to lili rc l- ilenou , lillu Jnel.bon htieot. Persons havinir lelt nny vvOIK imift cill forEtiinoitlilutendaj , otherul'-oHuiy will bo told. 78s-in AIM r.S 111 wnnt of peed domestic help cttn L bo euppllcd by calhn ? on thu Omtihn llm > iilovment Ollico , Hoom t , llUiluaaii'd liloek. J. W. Moirlso-.i propiictor. bt lOH , lt SAI.i : A trivid Ku.2 typowiiter.'TU \ F t-ell nn monthly lujiiicma. H , ( J. i-lilpc. m 4 , Hedick'H lllock. _ _ _ KB _ wcnthcr ttilps , gtoim nnd dooHio Foil 1' . 1) . M ci"4 .Ul . tilth at. oil K.VI.i : Two lots in Pollinm rinco.ono F blKk ( lioiu ttrict cm iruck , MtliFtioet. > OK SAM : A barsaln rnrtillmo mid im 17 deitaklUK stock ; mil } ' stoio in town ; IIM\ , clean Mock ; loiinty scat ol lloono eouiit.v ; chniiKu ot litifeliii'Mitho icason lor fcelllnir. AU- drueb M. .1 , Lndd , Albion , lloono Co. , .Neb. _ TJiOUSALi : The Uiato nnd furnltmo ot the J-1 Melloiolitau ) llott'l ; hout-e dolntr n freed IniFliutos. ( iood man can IIII\KO i.'iOJ IILImonth. . Will tell iciisouablu if taken niiinio I'orpai- tlcuhns imiulix1 ot J. C. rilucraldcon , Tic- wont lloiiM' , Lincoln , Neb. Gil SEKSOHAX. . _ _ - w'd"w ' would ient rTiinithed hoiifoimd board Iho owner 1C suinll inmlly. Must ho in nko liK'iilltv , uood hnucj and two pparo rooms. AdUiesj 1H , llcoOIIUo. b fc-KJ A 2ue full lot , splendid new I- room loltarc , ( very coiivcnlciiee , will bit Hold eliciip lo n if-puiiKlhlo pciton on t-iuall " fetionlhly or iiuuitcil > piymcuts. 1IJUN. Ifili bt , V5KiIsiTVA'l. Wt fmvoTi nuuilit'irof ( ipeeliii X biiitfiiliib tliut wpilu nol can1 \ mlvcilUo If yon aie looking : out for luuh'ulu > , c.ul inad , j Vli-Mi J , U llltc , isiti I'm nam. ? " ! _ _ | tlll * > ONAI.Vcsi t'umlllKnttiUtluil otgpur- X elnisul now , whllo Ihey in u iiolii > Mhcnp.on t-nsyleimti. Will letmujou n luiml-onu < illvl- dcnd In fix months ; cull and Iind out w lieie this iiddltlon 1 loi-ulcdj't will pay ion. J. U 11 in- , Iii. I'urnuiu. 7 ? WANTrD-F HAZ.B KELP. AM r.U-oirl forMtclif-n worV. cxiluMro ly. K W. tor. 1 Hh nnd Mnsnn. _ HVi ! ( A\ AMii > Onod pirls for ( -fncri'l bou f i work. cook , etc. Omnlin Intelligent- . Hoom ! l , S , K. cor. 1Mb nnd Iotirlas t . AM MA tiun e glif nt t l I'nrk Me. U"rAhTii > ( ; lrl for general housework In qulro nt 101 South Hlh ft. 83T. "XVTANTCH-CIil fin Kenernl hon cwork. Ap Womnnlocook toi lunch count > ci. flllS Mtli st , 8H-10 * I'AN I'CO r.Iil for ( j-cncrnl hou owork ti sninll fnmilj , hnnc I. New , 101 S 21lh St ( illtl.s fnnil e > l to GOOII nmediy ! nsoiders left. Call or enil ) onr oidtr lo Oimilm InUjlncenro otlice , llooir H. S I' , oonipi 15111 nnd Doubles its. 7 0 " \\TAM III ) A vrnMu rwoinnn to do wflihliiF for finiiP ) . Hi" , N. loth M. fcfi-l'i ' * "l\'ANTr.I liond irlrls 16r ( ii'tu-inl IIOH'P , woik , dl hwnsheis tor IiotuK ihnmber innld , dining loom Kill * , looks lor bunidln > ! hou e , M' . Cnll m the Omnlui Kniplovinrnl Uiiirnn , 11JO 1'a run m st. Oood waxes and stnnll Inmllfc' . 787 "VX ANTKl ) ( Jlrls for jri > m > rnl hoiifework ! 'T BMul places ond.rco'l w.igcs ; plaiiSfclven Irce Cnll at lit H th M. , Nebraska l.niploviiicnl > , ( "ioinifc lllock. fiJ V\ ANTMD Dinlntr room rlil nt the Kiinu' > L er'sjlonse. cor lltlinnd Iliuney. 7WJ-10 * Tr\f : > At y. W. cor. 1'Uli nml l.enveti' AfANTll > > vsoitli sts.fflrl to do Kcnoial hoiiiowoik ; Ocrninn preferitd. CS1 ( JIIU.v supplied with rood plnccilll GOOU iirlvnto families i ice of chnrptint tliu Omahii InlclllBenceolllce , Hootn'J , S. K. cor. nml Doiiglasfts. 7-'l AYrAM'i : ! ) Hood jfiil : in : llsh piotcrred , > > must bo neat und wlllliiK ; small fnnul > ; Hliht work. Call butwtim 12 and " or evening , ] 10C.ilfoinla. ! 714 " \\M > Tio-A1 : the Wnbnsh Hotel , Slnnhenj , > Mo. , n ( UM-cl.i'seook. None others need applj. 75'J-W "iirANTKiV-ooodl.itclipnY'tit Apjily at N" V 1 VT. cor. KM nnd rainain hi. CD 7ANTio : 1'iitl nnd second coolt nt Doian V House. "i-M " \\fANTiO-cotnpptoiit : ; pltl to coolt , wnsh i nnd lion ; ( jcrnntn pieloned. Apply N. 15. l'ili | nnd Cnllloinla. Mi < . \Vnkcley. . CIO > flood chls for jreneril house work. Mis. . .1.V. . Moinson , loom 1 Hush- man DlocK. IGth nnd Douglas -Ib'J \TfAN'l'ii : ) Tirstclass dining-room guls nt > l the Mctiopolilnu holnl. t'04 HELP. " \\7"AVni : > ( JonJ nsenls for n lust selling > > Uook. 11. U.Uoi n , i ? . W. Coi. Still i. las. " \\7ANTiD : Sub-contuiKtors lor ralboad wotk ; peed vvoikirnoil pikca nnd tree trunspoitation , S. H. Gibson , McliopoliUiu llolol. bM-10 > "t\7AXTio A > onnf ? mnn who hns hail cv- i i piileuco in KclliiKf poods In stoic ; ono Milling ID muKo hlniBclt t'cliurnlly usclul. Ai < - lily Ulb S. IMh. 7s)0 ) "X ASTIIO Salesmen in each eountv to In- t t tioilitcon neu piilonl Rpiltifr whlllleliec. Pellsili | > wlldllie. l'iollti. liu-Jo. Adilies-s , with etnmji , Klujf Whllllutioe Co. , Vntnn , Neb ) AI > II : * ANO OKNTS out of employment Jean maKe fiom S-l to $0 per day and ex penses uy calling nt Hoom A , Oil X. lutli. Call ui'tw con h nnd 10 , nnd 4 and 0. 7UMS * : --A younir inun Iind eleven yenrs' WANTii nt ollico woik would lil.e u Rltuntlon ; c\iress | or lielpht iirolgrted ; mod- crate enhiry to commence. It ii , Uuo Ollico. 701-lti * \ \7ANTKll Itcllnble mnnvlin nn IcrstanQs \ c.iro of hoisos would llku Miunllon ns roaehmanor to drive dulivcry wason. Address 11OJ , HcoOlllce. KlMfi * WAITTS. " \1TAN'rii > - lj icnt. n suit of looms , with or 1 > without board. COS S. 17th St. Ml-lfi * \\TANTI : ! ) Hldson ( nklrn ? down n bilck wall at r.aholm & Kilclvbon'b. 1-30-la V\TA > 'Tio-Toicnt 2 fiunlsliod rooms suit- > nblo lor llL'ht houtekcepiiiif. Q. HovSK' , Omaha. Hoard. IVimiincut A pentlo- T 1 man andwifo would HKoto eiiKayu two well fmnlsliodfecond Hour rooms and buth , with Inblo board In a Mi Icily pilvato Inmily of ndiilta JVIIl piiy u free I piico forsalistnctoiy actommo- latloa. " I'lcaso nddipss with name , location il pilcc , In stilct confldonco. 11. 41 ! . Hoc 733 BENT-HOTJSES A WD 1OT3. imoil JtltNT Stoio. Apply at 1111 l-'nnmui st. HUNT Truck fnrm near citv , B room Foil , North 17th 61. (1.700. Iloii i8 in llffcient pints ofclty. i : . F. Hinser. bW-10 llKNT-HoitiO , 3 rooms. 7. 0. U FOR , S. W. eor. llth and Ilnruoy. 7U.1 ltiNT HousDon nth St. , near Capitol Poll , 511. S Lehman. 797 ItKNT 7-room house , stnblo nnd cir- FOll 'O house , al' ) ' Cuss stioit , two blocks rom liiRli school. IV b pislon Ktvon about 1'ob. 1st. lilt ) II hi ) of r. T. Audiuw , I2 K. llitb St. OK 'Ituvr Cottiifro of 7 looms , laritu lot F with bain on pionilsos , only ' 4 block Horn troet e ars ; sju per month. 1'ottor ft Cobli , 1515 I'arnam bt. 7'.Bffl llOIl HUNT flood cottage , 5 moms , $ l"pcr -1 month. 1'ollerAt Cobb , riird'arnnm. bOO i ) rion IUNTUU : LUASI : sioom hou o on rr ' Hownikbt. ; 10-aeio KAiiIcn wilh o-nnmt ionsoadjolnlnKcityH-uMo ; ; ) lartu , Kjnlleswest n Omaha ; 0 bualness Una on l. Mni-y'K n\o. i\pply lo K. Il.'Clinpimm & Co. , 1-17 llowar.t bt. ItKNT PU houses from ten to llfty dollars pur month , linllou llros. , U17S. _ lUth. - lh 1IKNT Storp loom on west side Cltli EfOH , between .lacKton nnd .lones fits. , wilh en llvlmr rooms attached , llnmlln & llrovui , 111 H. llth 6(8. ( 7411-1 b IT1 OH IHNT llasomcnt nnd bake oven. John 1 ? lU-ck.Uir.K. ICUift. TSfifobll Ki.M' ti loom council. 411.1 Foil Bt. Mury'rt nvo. , on l.'hnrles stieet , ; inrk' ndl.liuck , lurin ivcst of city ; Sioom loiifo , hum. etc , , Snundcrj 6t. K , i' . Hinder , IJuoilh 15tli. IM ITMiTl HINT Thico houses of 10 , 0 und 4 L' rooms each. J. I'nlpps Hoc. .ViTi 1USNT Nlco llvo ioom cottac-o , S. 15th Poll Center. A. P. Tukey , KH ruiiiamfct. 7UI ITIOH HUNT Two oattnto , f\'i nnd $15 per U month. W.SvylKler , ( Jfanlto llloclt. IS ! ITIOU Itr..ST New liouso nt 15JO Jnekson st " Al'P'y ' nt Cunningham A ; llrcniian'd , 1511 .loditu . .St. _ llrt _ Oi ; HUNT liouso bolonjflujr to the estate ClindwIck.WJ 1'mk uvonuo , W.J , S81 _ IVo mnvhniid'J roonu llioiibU4 ; liniiaco , batli loom and ull iiiodein conven- dices , ono block from Mreet caiF. ln < iulru.Io. ! ' . llnrtoii , 3U : ath St. , or HnicltlugVoikj. . b33 OU lil-INT A stoio room with e ° m * eellar tr 1 HwJllnrt street. Apply to Jolin Iliumur. > K IINT ; _ ttore.s on 9tu nnd I.eavonwoith I7U us , 1 etoro on South Idthpt. llotli ilrn cs Iccutlons. AUo houses to rout. A. Mo invock. Wi TOU KEHT-310OMS , III NT ruuilshod mom it It li board for two Kciitlonivn. HIS Junes St. Itcfeienccs il. SJU 'Jl _ LioIt uiNT-fctorc , a/J Xortu 15th st. L _ _ & & ! -2 : ! I7IOK ltiNT : I'leaswnt cotnpon fwnt nlcovo I. loom , heatid willi sttam ; Imth , hot und nil vvatel ninlir.iN Private lurully , u-lcc. 11 iid i St. , near i'urimm , n 13 nnai.oavcnnorth. bVT-2 ! _ _ _ rpoi : ui\T-a : inifurnUlicdl'oouisfcia BriotTT. U b-M _ _ [ ToTt ItKNTWith board. inirh | to family , 1. nicely fiunlaheil Iiom alco\u room : i--entlo UHunud wlfoortwo irentlcmeii ; ilist-clus.s par- leaonl ) ; ipfeittucoj given nnd icijuhcd. Ad- IIOMI 01 , lice Olllcc. I7IOK ItKNT ruinlaliul looms. S-JuSDodgo , L' WO-lb- ITIOK JtiNT-Koom : vrltu toaid. loin t'jpito I1 inc. u.1-si * lti.ST : rurnl.-lud trout loom wlti use tpoit hath loom ; pleasant locution. In'iulto a ollko of C. C. Mii > ne , ijih mid rnimiui. U7 rolt ltF > T-Vi-oiit parlor with boarl for twi ] ' or thret gentlciiK n. IMt Davenport st. * 703-16 V ( Ml liTM' Large furnished front 10011 1 1 with closet , n'so bnck room. 171. Cehfor ifioit Itr..NT rurnI hcHl rooms lor J-1 Fciitlenien. 1313 Capitol uvcnuo. _ tfJlK ltiXT rurnlsliwl loom , lii'iulro lOtl FOlt DoufrlftS. 'M t ; > T Tin nlslicd rooms 1707 Cn < ? Bt. JJ CJ3-1S * iron ltiNT ComplPtt'ly ' furnlMusl tlAt. I JL1 looms nnd bath. Address 11.8. IleoOniec. li' ' liKNT Xicelv furnished loom. S. V < Fou . l < nli nnd Pt. Mnrj g y-c. _ M * | TIOM""IUNT ; Two suit ? of ) rooms inc'i ' JJ I'tcrcc trcPt bitween 10th nnd tfOth Kn quire llth ntul I'm num. 1 * Moehlo. BW T7IOIt'ji | : > f 'i7irn7shr'd rooms. S ! N. tnth OH rilLvT-1 uruUhod looms , 1M3 llnruej 1J7 IJiOlt HUNT I'urnlsheil room with bo J. aultnblofort ociillcmeii. ( 14 lodpp _ ron SAr.E-iiouBEa--i.oT3. " oir ALK blicnp lots i n nil parl B of t h p cTt y I.lsi vpurpropprlj with us ; wohavpnwa ) > < cash cuBtomi-rs for biirgnlns. CnultiKhniiiJ llrennnn , Till Dcdec. _ TTMMl SALK -Aero lols in VnshliiBton Hill HIM. is tlin best addition foi > ncte piopot ) . It U the thcapest be i-nuso the best , It Is jn t west of Wntnui lllll nnd n fc'.r minutes malk from the Itplt l.lnt dopot. Tlility cUht totcfl colil In tlnto ucoks , Severnl peiMins under continct tohnvcifooi liousat built llieroliororc iBi May np\t. K'unri nn net p now , nnd don't wnit until np\t Fpiln ? wlipnjou will Inivo to pn y SO IK r cent mure Cunnlnxhnm ' ; Jtrunnun , 1011 Dod re. S.VI.U Lots In Cininlinrhnm & Ilicn nun's uptv addition on Urn Mllltaty Itnnd , 1'rlco i''n. Terms faitnsli , bnlrtncc on nmnih' ' ly pajmcnt . Don't lot the oi > pottunlty go b > AMtllOUt llUISllllJ' . _ ' nddltloii on HIP Mllllaiy Itond 1 Ot'Hnew situated and near tlio lloll Line. Omiennu fee II mid coiiiparo the locu linn nnd prices nllh even other aildltion In the cltj. .t'linnlngham & llrcnmm , loll DoJje. "r,0bu a lot InCiiMiilM.ithnni .till riuiMn'p mV $ dltlnn. Ihi'vonicthe elicippst lots In the cit.v. 5'jciish , balance on monthly puymcnt * , & llicnnnn's infiUiton Is UK Oiinnlmiham cheapo. ? ! . 1'ull lols ? l ) . SALK HO Tiil In Snccsj'i nddltlon oil FOIt ' Cnlnoi iiln and Cn&sM roots Hniu is un op' portunlly to b\ivlU te'ass usldcneo pioptutj. J.ow iirlcps , easy tcims. Cumiintrhuin & JHon- nun , Kill IT'OU SALK ACIP lols in Wiislilliirtnii Hill ; J ? lull lot * In fiinnlimhn n . liieiinnn's nd' dilinn. Cull on us torpiutlculnra. Cunulnphain i : llH'uiian , lull lodje. ) rriOU SALU A bnefraln on I'opplrton avenue. -L Oood hoiit-o , full lot. Only W,5jO. Ciitinin- hniii X llrcmiim , 1511 Dmhjrc. _ HU-1B > oil SAI.U liy"ptorkdulo Ar IJnnchor " ' < 17 iicies y inilp north descent J.uKo fJIO , chenp. Lot iOAlU < wllli 0 room bou = e , Shlun's Ud nidi. , > 2SX AVoniomaKlns'Uii a line list of coed 'oiirjruliit. Pco uslicloio jon bu > or sell. SlockdnlLllunchci , lull Dodiru s-t. 8-'J 111 * KAI At u baijrnln. rnio business proppitvonS. 13th , b.-\l.-,0 ft. This can tip boujrht lor J2.0JO lcs thnn nclnal Milno if taktn lit once , If jou want nn Invest munt look nt IliI ? . t'OLhuin IIio'B.VCj. . 15UJ Kninum , 815 1 ! ) ITloit ALiTnolnts : Inl'i-oopect 1'lnco $ SOO. A. Ilon onnil lot ? ! ,5V\ monthly pnj incuts. Lot In NcNon'.s addition ? 17W. ( UeoifO I1. Ucnils , 15 nnd Douglas. TOT \\rANTii > Stock of ( nooerJesin Onnihain TT QM-liniior < .i o. 1 inrm. Coaluan Ilios. fc Co , liV.i.riirnnm St. . Sib-Ill FOKSAI.i : llyTottcr Ar Conb , 1M3 rainiim St. , 1 lot in West Und nnd nt S'JOO. " lots In Hhlnn's 'M ndil al < --"i cneh. A lew choice lols in 31aish'.s at Sl.sOO Pncli. J.ot lfl.\131 ouWth.U blocks tiom pavement , 3iilylt-00. 1 JIIP ncreln Gelso's add , SltXX ) . "ol the ihcapcat lo.ln l'lulniunonly S1DO > ncli. TJ4 171OK SALK Housca nnd lots , from Sl.POO to I ? JI.CO ) . lorsnlu on monthly payments. Cooh- nn lira's & To , 1MCJ rnrnnni Stl-11 ClioIct'RnrRnliisin real cstnto , enll nt the POIt ollicool thoOmalinlteiil Kstnto & Lonn Co. , ' andaJ Withnell HulldliiB , Omnhn. 7B8 _ ' ' hm sold luster Ihnn any acre N'KWI'OKT lo IB cvcrollurcd In tills market. See It bo- 'oro buying1. Ames , 1V)7 Km num. : NIXT thirty ilu > si < > lll oiler for ' cash rout my Lakcshoio Hunch near 1 ort "aUionn , Wushimrton Co. , ions | t UK of nine Hindi ed nctes In blue Hins iinstiir' > s , IM uiiiliT iiltlvation , inidtNoiuros of hnv luml. niiilu ] > il 11. K. U. Kennedy , Wltliuoll iiiilldlnf , ' . Omaha , NCb. Kil-W * .i : 10 choice lots In south part of ' citynt lj loss than ncliinl value Onlv ' lown tmlnnco 2 yonrs. Cochran llro . it < o. , COJl-nm-im st. fel'J-ll ' ) _ NVISTOKS : in acio lots should sco C Newport , lliiuhton , II j ilc I'ark , Cole Uiilllantc , kin Amoslr.07 Fnrnnm. IT1OK ijALi : Ily Doxtpr L Tliouins Sc Hio. , L' loom b , Crelghlon lllock : 21)0 loet on I'm nam st. ? PODO ( ! R\I,1 ( ) , s. w. eor. 17th nnd Center , -,000. NKl.V ) , Ilanscoin I'lncp , J7DO li lots fiO\l.ri7. on Hamillon and Clmtlcs tts. jrft ) o $ si l. ! | blocks west ot com cut. f.o\lir > . cor. Chnrlo inul Plh sis. , 700. ICI\I , ' , | , with liouso and bain , near 20th nnd Vntoi , $ llVi. Very cheap ; email payment ; inlsnce moat lily. IVKIIV.'tliand ' Cliarlee , with liouso of 6 rooms , fpll. utc. , 51/flO 'lots , Lowe's artdltlon , JOOO mid 050. U lotsW. . A. Keilluk'a mid. , * iJJO. Ixit ior. " 7th nntl Dmenport , ? 1,500. \V'o think nil the nbovu liarirains. Call for rrm ? . le\tor L. Thomas ii Itro. , Itoom 8 , : rei'liton lllock. - fiSi l SALK At n bnrfran ! llno business piop- crty < 'n s-outh 1,5th. MxIB ) feet. 'I his can lie niiuht lor C..liOOlc stlian iislunl vnl'iolf ' ' tiiKen t once. ' 1 > on mil nn inscMin'cnt look at Ills. Cochian llios. & Co. , l.'iOj rurnanibt. I.-1'J rjlOlt SALK A few choice lots In f-owo's nil- L ditlon iiom $ .175 to $5.VI , AlaO liousn mid lot rir > n , on easy toi ins. Potter it Cobb , 151" Vi\v am M. . 7r < _ [ TlOIt SALK 10 choice lolR in south pail of C ? citv nt M lets thnn niliinl vnlup. Only } i onn , bnlnncii 3 > cnis. Coihnin llro * . A : Co , , MW l-'nrniiin st. jsoo TO huno for n lot In Ames Plnce ; f cheapest lots for sale. blH Ames , 1507 l\mmin. lohl HlllMdii No - uncoil Davonjiort and 8H.clicnp t$7ffl lo StiiO oacb. I'ottcr i ; Cobb , 15lri Tai- nm st. 7)7 ! ) , "TTOIJ SALK Coiner on ralducllbtioct , near - Suindt'irt , ; M' > leot liontat'o , Umlmm , lelfliinii , lllocli. 71:1 : TlOH SAM1. THO lnrto lots vvllh 4 hourfoson - a th 61 , It' bought toun will > ieli"t | pir out oiiliivestmont. A very r.uo bargain. Coili- nn HIOJ , kv Co , lliOJ 1'ainamst. WM'J 5imjif-h : 'ciiovi : Onn inllo from Iios V oiiico duo wcit , ; aiu to SIIMO H lot. 817 A inns , 1.107 rnrmiui. 7TOU SALK -A special Imriralu in Imslncgd u piopcrty , Wi feet trout on ibih t. bj ivi leot ppp. itcst bitsinosit point soulhol thciallway ncic. On paved street , tar line , etc. Onl > SM er liont loot. Poltur It Cobb , 1S11 raiimm bt , TJO ! ioo TO 8 > aso lor a lot iii Ames PliiL-o. ' fl'J AmoalB07 raimun. > iLVii : : > iili-AdJolulnif : thu baunckri on > thu northhas the advantnso on nifolovel rlmv.ij , beaiitllul location , line viewn , and vurj tlunir cl i that ITOCK to mnkn up n splendid lace for u lusidonco. Fco llulTinlnre. It Is lieappi-opeity , and no mistake- , 1 ! . Mane , . W.cor 15th unit Kiirnum. 'M 71OH hALK At n bniKiiln. I'me butlnibn 3 propertyonS. loth , Wvl59 ft. This can bo ouKht tor t'COJloai than actual valno If taken t once. 11 you want nn iiivo-liiienl look at 1 1i 1 , Cochrnn Hro'sirCo. , 1WJ I'nyiiiiii ft. i-l 5 ATKICK'S nddltlon on Snundcu street i - thoihcapcs-l piojicrty In that part ol the ity. Bin ct cars nm through this addition. chooU nro convenient , biibhn s ivrtdies It on \\it \ bides lor couvciiicmo and dcsliablo local- y Pulriok's addition has many advantage * . nil and Investigate. IXJM only f00 ; to f'Mi , ich , C , K. Mtiyuij agent , S , W , cor , 15th and ui mini. IM VMKs I'LAClT-Ollly I'JOO to WW ttlol , FOO Jt. Ames , rx)1 ) 1'nniam. KH s.LI : I monthly ] > njmcuts Uurhuui , 'lock. 715 _ _ VMKS l'LACL' city InU. t'JM to tJO. . Alucd , 150 * rarnam. -tly the Omftlii lleil KMnlo J JL lx > nn Co , Hooms. nnd 'a , W Itlmell blook. lOIolsin llnnsooui Vitcp , from $ sotoflSX ) rlot < ln'hiillS ! , < ll , , tromOJtoSlm 75-nciplots thc-f eitv , I lot with j hoiifiis on Mil EtroU ncnr tcaven vorth t-i.ixio. I I 1 lot with : hoii M < > nZift A splendid tointr on Unvmnvoith with I room hou ? ' nnd line Mnblo , S'.HW 77 feet on' rnvcnwunlinear 18th stiect.flO.OO 40l < > Uon . . fuming , from $ J > J to fwo monthly pnymont't. , M ) feet on rarnam. en v terms. ,1 HUP lots near tbp htfli school. 7 lots on S llth mid Mh Sts. These lots nrp 06 ; ir > 7 , from SIIliOt ( > sJ-'W. ' n nnp imms nil w inm r mllpsof the city. A PS.PPP ot pioperty on 23 id st , tlmt will pny 11 jier a nt on the inrt tUfm. Ho-lfl SALi-T\iolinvfnlolB : with 4 homes J.1 2)th st If linufrlit soon ulll yleM at IM cent on I ivostim TH A voiy niio bnignui. C'o li ifttillios A Co . 1 ( iTiu tinni st. | If tin ' VLL' Two Kood lots In llnti coir 1 Place , jsw uich ; cnsy terms. Hrnlmm CiUihton llok. ! 7 | | OIII\IMST cit > ion fiom saw to $ : woti Ames Place. Amos , 10J7 1'uniiini , TTHHlsjALi : LnrifP hoiifn and 3 nleel ) clew JP led lots : n Slilnn's lid mid , SO YX ) . Also line S-ronined house on Clark street. nieelv clpvnled lot , K.WU. Ulbson to'.M\itlmel lllock. 440 ITIOlt SAM : cimlpc 1 or 10 ncio trnets , 4 mllcf -L1 soutliwostlroiHcoiut house , l i nilefiou | jiini'tlon of r. ] ] < y. imrt licit Mtic , inul 1 mile iiom Slot * YiiitN. LP | < well : nil undei culllvn tlon. < 'nn IIP liouirlit for * I7' > mid fam per neic , If poM MIOII. ( hpiiiipst piopertj In Affinity , Pottei \ I'oblr.n I-'miiuin 8t. 7 : _ FOKSALi : Twohirjo lots with 111011501 on IXtn 't If bought HOOII will yield 81 pri runt on Invibinu'iil. A inio baitriuu. coolirnli llro-s. \ I o. , I6W Tilt nntn s SALI : on i\uiiAMii-ciinico : : lot * in J.1 Loup City , county sent of lierinnii Co. , Nob. Olbsou i Atelier , Hoom 'J , Withnell lllock , 7iW GKIMXMVOOn-Heaulllul iicro nml half acr" lots , tine location , , ! 'i ' miles Iiom I' . ( ) . , only few' moments walk from Hanscoin P.uU. Acto' ? IOH ll.ilf ncrosSJJo , 111 percent wish , balance inonthlj piiMiiutils. C , L' . Mnynu , ij. W.cor. lrith anil I'mnuia , 47U 1 > ii > ICCS ! < ; ilOVi-Mllo : from nostollico iluo -IV . ' . ' - Wfht.f.OtoSJ.'OJiilot. JU Amos , 1607 rarnam. _ _ FOI ! SAM : uuth tronts in t'lltton 1'lncp , ? lao oueli.V. . T. Uinhtiui , CiulKliton llloeK. Tin "ITlOKSAMI-Lotsln tlat tlplfHiidil. , ? 000 ; oimy -L1 tuiniM , Utaliiim , Ctcltrliton liluuk. 717 FonSAM : A ITO story , 2J30. . frame build Ini ? , suitable for n. stoio , 10th unJ Far- nnmSts. thH olllco. 'J17 ' iTlOK SAT.i : Hou PS nmllot * fiom Sl.OM to Sl.rtW , for sailon monthly | M ) mciit" . Cooh- inn Itt-o' Jc Co , , liXi ? r.uimm. blt-l'ia j SAT.i : t0.0trt ! 10 jcr cent dividend .1' iiajlna1 Mode. Ofbson A. Aicher , Hoom it , Witliiu-ll IJlocU. 4'ill ITioimAM : Lots in Mnich't add. , $ lone to .1 &lriini : tuini" to suit imrclniior. Unilmin , Cicl ! itonlloek. ] 7IS KI.IjINC ! on Its mi'rll , Newpott. nrnrcst and Ihicst acre piopi i ty. Ames , 1507 I'm nam. BiVii : > : KI'-AciiJpt.satWvto51J3. ) Kacli v ill tiinhr jou TTi tfj 11)0 ) per cent profit bo- loio nuxt No\v Vcpijiili I.E. Jlnjiie , Fold njentS. W. cor. 15th ilnil I'm nam. 5VJ THOU SALi : A Kvnernl meicliatidiee business - - In n rapidly ( jruwnirflown not lar Iiom Lin coln. He&ttiado aud louitlou iti town. A splen did opportunity Itfr n paity wishing n jrood npeiiini ; , and havtis \ frdin seven to ton thousand dollars In cash.VillsOll for cash onlyor part cash , bnlaneo rcnl cifuto In Omaha. Address Mcichant , HecUMioo. ( 25 HOO TO Sl.ttodlJ-oiKnlot In Jtedick's flrove , $ 814 ' , , , , , Ames , lf'J7 I'm num. Foil SALK HyFtoulidnlo& lluncher , II east liont lots i n Kit ku ood. 7 loom house and lot Davenport St. , cheap , llin-trnliis in nil inflections. Hen us belorc JIM , im ) or sell. StochdnlOiV llimchfr-lr > lt l < > ,1 < roSt. 770-13 ; IT ijliiiMip'coiivliiccil that the EXAMIXi nunivst acre pioporly t Newiioit. b'S ) Ames , rx)7 Tuinnm. iTiOHSALi : i.arsonntl small block ranches 1 with or without'lock. Kor8alo ; i lots in Spilnir Hill , $410 encli. 1'or Sale Hhtablishcd lianklmr business In N'ebiaska. county sent , Gibson Jc Aiehcr , room 1 , Withnell Block. I'oi Evchnnso Js'ebruskn fnrms for Oninlin riropcity ; also lands to uiclmiifo for stocks of ; oods. U'lintcd fl business lots for cash within 4 iilocksof postollleo. Tor Kxcnuntiu 100 ncioimpioved fnrm.Madl. ion county , Neb. , lor liouso anil lot in Omnhn. I'orSale Afi-neio traet 4 mlloi of po tolllco ; lousoiost , lailoril,5UOcabh.OlbhOU\Aichor ) ) , Itoom U. Wlthnell lllock. Si > : SIOi : Station on Leavenwoith fctieot WJST be the Junction ol the Mo. Pae. nnd [ Jelt Line. I/us pniclia-id iliuio now will ie- inn a linndsomc piollt to thebujer in a vciy : liort time , llell \ McOandlWi and C. E. Mnvne , ole i SAM : Cheap loti In Ilaiiseoin 1'liiLc. F Add.'CssG. I' , atebhiiis. aOJjanl' * _ _ rrioil SALK House and lot Sl'1 S antli Ft.choap ; L' and payments. AdUroa3 C. S. C'liipimm , Uii- .olu Neb. 571 SALi ; HOUM * nnd lols , from H'X ' ) ) to Poll , ) , tor sain on monthly payaicnlCoeh - an llio's i ; Co. , IVKl r.iinain. MM ! ) fT'OK SALK Pine corner lot. east and south L liont , Ilnnscom P.acu. W. T. Urnhnm , 'icU'lilon lllock. 71J ' . Oalot mile RlClHOK'.s ciltOVII-JNJOtoSl ; 11 oin postolllo due wo-t. Hill Ames , 1M)7 ) I'm num. r ANI > SIIKIKS : , ATTKNTIOX For full LJ particulars about fioonnd cheap lands In Vustcrn Nebraska address Thos. C. PHttcraon , ' ' " aloAjront , North Platte Nob. 3.13 Cholco Hartrains In real O4tntpcnll at the Foil of the Omaha Heal Kstatu.S Loan Co. , coins1--'and : ; ! , Wllhiiell llulldlng-.Omalm. 7ii-S I71OII SAI.i : House , H nnd 0 looms each L1 Uhand Davenjioit , a ( food Investment ? n/i'Vl ' 'ino icsluencii , lull lot , Dulaw aio HI . 44iO BMd hoin-t" . , U lot , -'Hi , no ir ropploton nveniio . . . . nOlo ( loom house , lull lot , 1'ro.specl I'lnco . lVM 'nil lot , 'J loom IIOIIMI , Clink nenr IPIh ht. : i.r > ii ) cottiiKP * . lot ttlvlll" , SherMnnimd Hull. . ? I,51KJ Iluo icsldonem. ( jix.wln nvc , l.KW t-I.W ) Bva .ot JOJv.'IO , .Madison auioitagu.1 rooms , cheap . . . . . 4 lots , house o rooms , I'ark av i ) . . 1.70J /nfiOxIr > 0potUwoiiOiiufi ; , Vlrwlnliuivo 1,275 lenutltul loslrlonce , cheap , llth and Mar- < tluif-tH . . . . . . L701 hits with cnttuiKH , Io.iflas ) ( Iir2ilhf-l01 5'JOJ louse t looms , lol llvlll. Ilaiiiey anil L"M , ! lr,0 , lot uixlT'l.w III tindn lorl arm 'fi.oou .ol fit ) \UO , il room li < iiiMiliaiiicbhinn'3 ' addlllon . ' ! . ' , W3 lou-eil looms , lot C40 < ! , llnvcnpoit ncnr . . . . ' jHI\NS.lonosiieartmi ) M. . . . . biisliioss lots , lth nenr Douglas . l""i' ' MW\r.ti. ( Howard nein llthbt . . . 1S.VU , loih nonrJijql.8oii : 11 .W houw * , itiirt noiu 2-.M . O.UM 'ino icsidencu conii r Int. near A. J. Pop- ploton'h " > ' . . . 4VO 'nil lot , ] lrnoiiiliou > iitUlifoinl M . . KI.IHKI InlllotHhon cs7 loouit , Sliiiia'ri udd 7IUM , ot G > l\tt : ! . 7 loom loll.iKP.Hariie/ 2Jth 4iV0 ! .cittaulliurfuuiHluu | ; , fi.VO nnd f ! , - ll l tut h lit A < it i7\ll'ilo ! ' ] R yrooivn.l'thnr Niohohis U,0)0 'nil lut withhoueu.miil'iiieiirllith n.ilto lull lot . line coiiiivv. ; rlilnu'b add ; i'flJ , f't ' I M\lll , hoiltd 1 JtlHiair , Impioieilient A-s'n mid. . , , , > -.103 OIIH r lol , 7 mom IIOUM , ft oed liiiiiue : r Ciistollni school . . 'J.iOO Thi'KO two proiuuti | , , iuc ten cheap , , ot V\\ ) \ > , HaiiscoifljI'Jule. n liaij-'alu -.i-M ol lllvl.M. it loom ti/illsi.-Ii'lke'H add 'Jr > U ot IWKIIB , houto , Vi' . ' " ! ) . " ! -Ull ' > , 'led- ' i.l. ' ' 'dadd , , . al ° 0 Tilloiler U for/Tdnjir only. iiltK house , lotfi'-VirLTff ' Non's nJd. S.'iM lout-o uml lot on Dotiyms n . lll.UO lols on I'm k avi > Jliniscom 1'laiu. tl.OjO ol opiiosilo IliKli M'lionl . r > , DXI ) lota in Hau-c'Oin I'laie . JS00 to I/OJ lit on I'aplloliue . . 4lAi ) ) lottfWu-t Callfoi nlil i-l . . . . J.VjO to UXi i lots , Jlainh add . , . 1,01)010 ) 2lBfi iOlon | in Omaha View . t'-'JDto COJ Hoii8owl | | bo built < u monthly pajinents otsluKilbj I'luco itW to 45) ) 'i ' lot In Hun-Oak , il.a'iK-ash , vcrj cheap. lots in Him- Oak -VX > . ots in I'lalii Vlon f'M 10 iXK ) . it In Anns' plaw , V-i'ito ott , In tJoulhO.mihil , ? . to $ KKI. ols In nil additions. K ) ucii't near Pyndleate. HM per ncic. tocl. iumi , 1 J ) acii" , Men ill county , Iliiest lin- piovi menu in NcbiH An , only * 2.1 per acie. nfllonstcliool landfl.Uipir neie. > l ccies Hnolund in Hint iiuiniy , Wipci ncro > K ) acres in C dur tuunty , 1.0 xiacici under cul- tfviilloiiK'oodhhi < d > , \c , | V , , < | U. Ill lien bland InVahln ton < ount ) , tl SO. r/no licitIn Saipy loiinty in n bed ) , t\i \ > p 'i iii'iti. tin * out foriefeicacp. r. llliiKi-i.U3 .ISllibt. U-lt ) Muni pop' ' lai tt'io pli > pcil > . nils on its im-litf. Anici1.VJ7 IV.IIUIMI. B.'y I ? OK SALi-Hy : c. K. Mnynot tHfl Viill lot , sniftll houep , Wllcot mlil. , $ ; , V > , UK1 I'lill lot on t.cnvenworth t. , new bous nil modern convptiKticei , f.s xj. SB Ixiton rnrnmii tt , iieni 2.Mh ct. , lion o ioom , nil model n ltnproveinptit , $7r i. 300 Two lol. , two houses , siitli ncnr lloitnr , J6r , x\ 321-lrfit tfltmSontli ! Olli St , Rood liouso , $ lVi ( Monthl > pajMH-nt.s. ! T30 lot HH'vSii ) , frontltiff two street * , nlcp co t.i e fncliur llasioin I'nrk , $ , 810 Hnndsome lot , nice cottnge 7 rooms , Oooi plr. nve..f l.dxi. nil Uit ( lOtl K , i-th nnd llnrney , house 7 rootr 2OT Tlnee acre . tronil hou c , fruit , etc. , Ien\ diuoith st , fijt . 2 fl nm lot. tHoeottnRf , Slilnn' * ndil . $ : AV ! ftU Hoiln T looms , pn t uont , beHUtlfnl loci tlon , Hnntcom Place , Ji.6) ) ) . 231 KlpKiint incidence 10 looms , two lots , tin locution , cveiy posslblo tonvenlenci tllMi. lVi ! t'oiner lot , nlcp cottnfrr C rooms , ono bloc olT Saimdcra t . $ si'MO. I3 ! ' Himdsomejl cottage In Omnhn. r > loom : beautiful lot , ( Unrein nvc , ? ) , UJ. J75 Lol ( xlvliO. house 4 rooms. South 11th f 100 Ooodhoiupfl looms , full tot. Illckmynn inth , 1,700 ; vet ) cheap , u 13 , Majnc , S M cor , 15th nnd I'aniain , K . CHICHESTER'S ' ENGLISH. . . KA i it iintiiMon rnnarr i niiitun. . itt. At lriiril t > . 'IrntU > u | piled tj 1'ulltr A : I'ulicl Co. . thlrncn. 111. Of theLlin | r lliittil , 1'iisiiltely Cured l > .v Ailiiilntsleriny Or. llnliip'1 ( ioldeii Spcellle. It can be Riven Inn cup of renee ot ton wlllinn tbo k IIOM ledge of the porton tnkl IIR It , H nliiulnlrl ; hurmlc-ii , niulwlll ullvct n | * nnaticiit anl Fpi'id' cure , lit'tlitr the imlltil Is u mniloraH' ill hi I. IT eon on alcoholic un-cK. It has ticca gtvt > n In then BAiuh ot civ'os , n J In rvcr > InMniirc n l rrfoet run lns : followed. It iincr I IU , 'I lie s > stum onci Inipn-KiKili'd the Hpcrinc- lirroiiii'imi ultel Imponltillily fur tlio llquur nppclllc too\UU KOIlSAI.i : 11Y rOLLOWlNCI IIIIL'OIUSTS : KtiIN ; A. CO. , Cor. Mill mitt Uauci.ii , nm ! ! SIh CiihiliiK Mi. , OniuliU , INcl.f A.I ) . ro-Tiit iv DIM : . , ( ' ( iiinrll Itlnfls , To > rn. Cnll nrillo for | > itnptiU't enntalnliifr lirndrcil" oMpittmnnlnli , finMiihi'lie'l. noinea mid nu'ii from nil luirtsof tin' < uuntiv. The llcpnbllc In IV' Senator Mnmlerson , ( if XebnisUa , bn : ( INcnxi'ii'd tlml tin : republic is in n bat way , anil in the course of a speech lie live-red in the senale .yeslpriliiviliovv pnel a dark and forbidding picture of tin peiilsb.y which il is .surrounded thai thosp of his colleagues who heard bin will no donbl snller irom iiigliliiniro.s foi weeks to c'onie. Acconlinjj to the .sell' iilor , all I lie sijjns of tlielmics are poi1' teutons ni evil , and the laneied .seenril.v ol tin1 country against , foreign invasion and doine.siio coin ttlsioa is only a ilclu- sion and MI.U'U. Look Avliero we may , aiidve shall Iind abuiuliint grounds lin iiiisuivintrs as to thu fiituro On the soullnvi'steni fronlier Iho Apaches , whom , lil o Ihu jioor , wo alvvaj.s have wilh ns , are as usual on Iho wnrjuth ; in Ari/.ona thu bluodlhifsty Isavajoe ? nro leeitiny thu f-.iiiguinary deeds of their ancestors , nnd Mmrpeniii" Llieir toinahawKs and s-palpii.g knives , nnd in the northwest the o mosl ac- [ 'omplished enllhroats , ( he Sioux , and ilijijlinjX nj ) Iheir ballle-tuod and gcttin ilovyn their \Vinehebter r ! lies all ol which , a.s Ihu senator intimates , is nn- pleasingly sujr oslivc. In t'lali Ihu Sainls lire daily growing moru rislivn , and Iheir lioslilily lo the government , now UK- pn'cil in words only , is liable at any inoinonl lo take Iho form of an org.ui- i/cd rebellion. In nil llic * great cities the ioeialisls and communists are steadily liammering away nt thu pillars ot the > tale and ol social order , and lliegoipul } f ( lynamiU * is being ] ireauhed In igno- anl and hnngr > thousands every day by .ho aposlleo ot revolution. Jut ! , aeoorcl- ng to tlio stmilur , Indian outbreak.s , a Mormon rebellion , and communistic up- isincs ; are not llio only dangers Ihnl hrealen. Our relations wilh foreign lower * , appaiTiitly so paeilic mil satisfactorv , are , on llns ionlrary , he tells us , exceed * ugly delicate , and it would ap- > car , from Ihu ( senator's survey of the itnalion , that , iiolwilli.standingthu voeil- irousnchs v\ilh whieh the American etiglo las lately been .screeching deliancu at ho cfi'elu monarchius of thu old world , hat proud bhd is in imminent ( Linger ot civing its tail fonthurs speedily plucked i.y the ininions of tyranny and despotism mlcss. it timely beMir.s i I self.Vo \ are .ssiired by the senator thai our position k'ith reference to the isthmus canal and hu maintainaiieo of a complete neutral ly across Ihu nnirovy strip of land which eparates , etc , elo. , is liable to gel Us into rouble : it anj moment ; that our Atlantic eaboard is thnaleiied with attack by he nation which constitutes our chief ri al ( * i'c ) ; tlmt tin * , interference of certain ! mopcan powers with l he lights of Amer- ' an citi/.ens visiting their lormcr homes iiav becomn "o llagrant as lo be cntic , flli ; thnt the disputes which attend upon ur .sharp struggles wilh competing povv- r.s as wo seek markets abroad tor our urpliis- products am assuming very lireatening iihases ; and that thu invest- icnl by American eili/ens of over $ , 10 , DO.OOO'iu railroad and oilier cnt ( nii'i-e.s i' Mexico iniles interlerenco vvilli our omruercial rights which would not be : ) h'raled. ' are the outlines of the terrible ictiiro which the senator drawn , and he ould doublloss have inatlp it even more irbidden if he had lieaid in tiiiie of lis- ! mrck's lillle grab in Ihu I'acilic ocean. 'ho horrible llionglit suggests ii.j'll : k'hat if all the calamitie- Inch the s ( n- lor apprehemh should occur siimdtauo- uslyl What il the commumst- , . and the sclalislj. , and tlio Indians , and the IMor ions , and Prince liisimiick , and llic onse of llapshurg , and John Hull , and o .sisier ivpiiblic , and all the rest of our mimics , foi cign and domestic , should ill on us al the samotimc' ' Hut the lotight is too horrible to dwell iipon. lappily , tlio senator is able to point out n ave'mio ol i seajm Irom Iho puuls lii ( ! i threaleii from within and without. llii- is Incront'o the ho harden nl lliitoug rmy : nvl build a navy ; spend millions f dollars in a \y-ti in ot scacoasl delen i" > nd mlMions mole in lln < cstablinlmieiil f foundries to "for'c and weld mighty Jits ; " oicli ] vvidii Iiln doors ot the ( real- , 'v , in short , and H-ail" ! ' its hoaida iwdc.isl ; iiml Ilicn he telliii our one- lie- . can 'Vij hnv oe and let slip tlio dogs t war , " und liio old liag will - > lill bo it-re. Jl is ( i relief lo know tlmt the use is not hojiuIc- ; and wilh such a .tt'iant ' M'iiiiin'1 on tlio wati'h-towcr ns in Ncbi-.i kitntiin : in , the most timed 1 of ' s , en iliAill will iVi a n-f pri'siml would otliorwUu bo a lovUnih , he .ing' > ' _ L .A. & & SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I'or all Dl-on-i s of the ar , 1C i 1 i oy * . Hi i a i ' > ' 1'i This piinly vti'itanlo jiicpniiitlon , now < el In iiml n- i'aiullMe licmo , oiltfin.iuil m thPi-outli In l c. KBIILIS I'ciuU nu tin Illinois mid 1.1 tncy rtndeor- Ketk'Uie uiiHiii ol the liver , uml H , thcrefoic. IH' ! l.ot picpataloiy lac di cine , v\hali vr tlio tn.iiLt = nm ) luovo lobe In nil common dtfca-oiit will , nn- nM-Mod liy any oilit-i inivliilnu , ulfou u tJHld ) ItllC. Tin lltsiilntor U hafi to admliiUKi In uny mdilton ot UK t > ) Him , tunl nadir no cliciim- nncok ( im it tin linrni. H 111 1m ijfonilo like a n < it iuc , but 11 ( no liilosicaliu bi'Veua-o - . will jmmmto liullxi- ileuilli ) Inti ii'iu rum-i DO , hs i.m | ti < al.i , , i , iJ j.inuiill > tjao up l > } ll ! i > fci.i. THAI * ui ur.i Tin ; WHEAT DROPS HALF A DOZE Tor Two Weeks the Grain Scores a D < cliue of Sis Cents , A STRONG MARKET SATURDA\ The Provision Drill I'Mnln n rtt/j.le llcnvy 'J'rnn iiL'lloits iind l.'l > - \\nrtl l'rlcc < Ijlvo Stoolt and ( Jonornl CtllCAOO GIl.MV CiitrAoo. .Inn. tn. | Hpcinl | 'IV WnrT Thciv 1ms liccn n not ttrop of nbon Ocelli whwit in toifks I ast week tli ( IPC'lllH1 Of .11,1'MH U lUlPtIV10iullt | OS t catt'C no f-ju'clal cxpttoini'iit. Tin1 bu-nk n "clliln week iiuult' the bono oiai-k , ttuil Hi exi-itemont has bcon at fc\ei ini t ot th time. DiMllinjH li.uti boon conllnoil nUno.- OM-liishL'l > to siH'c'ttliitlxo ' im-iw , and tli volume oC liusliit'lias I POII lionvlor than n nn vnoUoiisCi | | ) luil tor ninnlli-i. It Is ctu lontly boIloM-d iioitli\\t > tc-iii capital Ishituncio lonj : lor P laiuo nmotnit o \\lioat for Mnyilclhciy , tiuloailod Hio bull ' or Iholr speoii'liitlvi' liutilliiKs on tlu > bioal : tliu uroprrty boinu' bntijilit In by local bcnH ti covoislioit sik-x , that i-lcmont nvalllng Itsol oi Hio oppiHtunlt ) that was pn-sctilotl fo Ki'ttlnu Tul of a iiioiiaflni ; lac tot In the mar lpt. ItvcvIplH oC uhiMt at piiimny point show a vui > meat falling ott coin pan ( I \\ltli la-.l wrck , nml slilpmi'tnl wi-iolcw. Mills at tliu ci'iilciri of mannrac tutohavo boon opL-tntcil < m n latliermnii ciiuiousscalotlian laM wool ; , ami a filk'lillj incirabcil uxpoil mowncnt , both of Hour am wliual , Is iiportod.VhoatiluelnpM linn not untiul m' niKlblajitiKMiwIIIIrs Knliy lialud by the bunts. Tins niaiki-t OIMMIW nbonthou > it K'sk-a last o\oniiii : , and in ( Min.'st . ilc-lio to ela lilllo ol Hit ; htulV maul kstnl iUoll lit nil pails of the Jilt. The tk-.i S as t nal , con li neil prinrlially | to May nhiihopoiieilnt blj c , sold down toM"fi' , d \atu-od to Sir , solluncd V nml tlion nd iiu Uiii'Ktil.ii1yloVi4't. ' ' , hiibseqiieiitlj IIIK ofl and tloslnu ; at vtc. Mt.Noii ( SiiAixs NothliiK nuw In corn oato and ininoriPip.iK. IlIovlslo : 8 J hi1 pioxisloii deal Is a pn/ ? .Ie. K\eiy luokor was in icwlpt ot boll huylm ; and ' -pllinR ouleis fiom nuiiieioii- anil umSCftwlsonicos ! ] ) and the ! iliillonbli\il\ nsoiioMeid.i ) . Tiatisaelloii- \\oioon a l.uirow.iKand the dtlll of inlir \\asslionih njiwaid. Ma.poik opened al nu.M ) , advanced to " UVJ" ' , duippod liik ! to SlO.b. " ) , and climbed hu'ijiilaily up to U.O'J' ' ; , nmlelosLtl at 511.UO. The tiadhiK ciowd Is dhidcd between two opinion on the niorlls ol the pi oMen deal. One theory is that heavy paeheii , who have been extensive .sellers lor Inline dellveiy aijaiAsl Hie jiioducl ol their estahlishmeiits have been induced by an nne.xpeited Miiinkage in the icecipts ) oL hogs and the piev.ilence ol eholeia , lo shilt tlicir position , and thai they have pollen under the inail.ot , Aiinoin and Kent leadins ; oir and the smaller packers following- The otliei llieoiyls that Ihey ha\e l.iUen olT tlie pu'ssiuc Horn on lop and combined to put pi ices hiirher , in cider to Mil tlieh actual puipcit } at better ll mcs , Hie eoveiinp ; lof shoits by the JJIdicdgo eiowd and other stionjbeais airoidinp ; maniifactuier.s of the pioduct a good ehanco to whoop llilngup , induce onUlde liading , leali/e piolH on the Uituiii ] , and couospoiulingly Kieatei pioiit on the decline laler. Theie \ \ ere no featuies in lo-daj 's In juslify the suspension of nitificinl stlmnhitloii. At n.UMioN r.o.viii ) . IJM5 p. in. Puls on May wheat , bl M f ; calls CVc. CJUOACSO IjIVIi STOCK. CIIICAOO , Jan. 30. [ .Special Telejrram.J CA'in.i : liccelpts weie he.n v , consideiahly in e\ee--ol the avei.ige lot Salnulay , and tiade nileillow Mom ln > l lo lasl , with pilee.s aiibstanli.tllj lowci than Fiiilay. HOGS Tiado opened aetivo on choice licavy and piime p.icKin ; soils with liltle erne no vaiiation as ( Oinpaied with ye--tejday , Ihueiy hist and closely a oiled heavy hijplng soils bejling al Sl.lOyil.'Jl ) , nml [ ) i hue iiai'klm ; soils nl cJ.UOr : ( < 1.05 , with com mon at : ( < 4i.hO. : Itcceljits lor the week , lO'.CbO , against 1J I.70S Insl ncrk. Imllcalions lie thai receipts lor uo\l week will also bo iea\y , mosl ol the lumber as high Now York. Jan. 10 , Mo.fnv On call " , \ \ al H'7J per cent. I'HuiK.MniiCANrinuI'Ai'nt HfK > per cent. Konniiix K.SCIIANUU UiM.s Dull , slf.uly .ml uiichaiiKcd. ( iovi.KNMi.Ms Oull , but steady. SIOPKSVuioaoHc and firm iliulnRthe inn nliiK and decidedly weak alter mid da > , nit ( 'lo Pd In in lor most of the ac'ti\o list. 'he lu'llel is\t > igeneinl that ci > ilain coal ompany olllclals aie woiking with pioini- lent spcctilatois lot a decline in Iho inlcuoC onlstOi'Ks bi'loio a coniblnalion Is loimed m ihecmienl > uar. It is ? .iiil that a hear iiol lias been toinied in 1'acilie .Mail , 'llial lock wa nnitstmlly af ll\ii and eonspleiioiis- v weak lo-daj. Compaiod with last night , liegcneial llsl shows a net decline ol 's to 4 pel tent , except In a lew' instances , wheio lie losses aiogUMter , including .Mlssoml 1'a- liieand l < ouls\illo and Nashvlllo each I per entand Uiilon 1'acilie i > h percent. STOCKS ox WAI.I. srnnur , wci'iit bouas. . . iiii'fiu. ' jf.N. W I. ! > . iSj's . n lA\ \ jiieleued. Cew l'h'v . 1'J-H.f Nr. Y. 0 \ieiiic ' ot 'in. liV oicKnn Tun. leiittal t'aeilic. . . " ' .I il'acilie Mall ! .A-A . JlO'i J' . , 1) . &JJ jnefeiied. . . . 1M IIM'.C1 UTJ5 bt. Jj. & S. I-1. . . . 'M < . 15 I unsleiicd. . . V , ; ic ! . -.iJs'O. , M. Ahi. . I' . . . ! M ? pinleiied. . , , f > 0'iiicfeiicd. ' ! . . lv0 ! lnoN < : . 'iilnil. . j : " i'SU t1. AO . ; i . . li , AV . ' 'ti.ji pielermi. . . tH' ' bO'j Union 1'aoiiaW in . st. i . A-I' . . , .A-N . iw. , > Wj lich. Cenllal. . . . ( lit pielened. . . 1S' . lo. I'.iciCie . JIKIVeteiiilJnion. . W < loilliein ran. . . .O .O. JJ.AvN . lei ; .fan. 10. KJotn Qidol and m-liiiiiKed ; winter wheat Hour , SI. 10 < t ; iiulhein , & > ; Wisconsin , S1..VJfur \ > ; llchlgan soil swing wheat , 5 1.70MI.O ) ; Mill- e.-ola baliei > ' , , l.fMl. ) ( . ) : ] iil.'iits . , SI.7.W , Wiyn ; Iiom. ( iiiii'L at i8..0 ( , < : i.r , < ) In li.u- i-N , and & . ID'S' ' ) . Hi in s.uli ! . : ImeKwheal ( inr. UH ) . , < r. . < x > in b.iiiels ; S'.ooj.yj per \U. in saels , Wheat DiiACltI l and steady ; opened at chlciilaj'seloM1. luhnnc'd le. i tiled oaslui ml eluded J < ji' alioM ) j.i ( > iday ; 7U > j for cash ml .Linn , in j 7t' ' , , iti i'J , Je for I'eliuiary ; b."v'b ' ( sTj'iC foi May. Coin ( Jnlet and eauy ; ' .t e for rash and annaij ; ! WVe lor 1'cbi 11,11 j ; ! & , ' < & I'J c lei Ia\ , o'aib-Slcmly and linn : > ' 4o for cash ml Kcbiii.ii > ; 2t > .iku tor Jammiy ; iil/clor ' ISmlixinlet ( at fliiC'iO'c. ' riaeed Uull ami easy ; > i'o. 1 , 81.13 ,1'J'te. , ' Timothy I'iiin and a slinUo lettei ; prime , I.TXitU'J. j'oil.Actlxo and advanced L'/ulT' c ; 10. Wu lo.T'i lor ea h I SlO.ViJif" IO.W foi .lail- , uj iiiiillMmmiy : hii.o-j' ' Ail.u'i for May. l.aid-Meitd.\yI ; ; ' JJ Higher ; W.W' ' M .i5 ncah and .lannaiy ; s LlSiHns ( ! for ebinaiyiK'T : ' ' . * ilor Ma > . JJnIU lejl--hlmidilci' , * y. t-W | ( ; short ib * fe.VJT'-di.VlU ' ; ihoit clear , feS.riOaJ.M. . . Hniter-bleady and muhanscd ; good to niecieaiimiy , > " > ' " ! Jcsgoml to chuke dahy , KM 'j * > t * I'litv-o Steady nnjl unchanged ; lull eieam lieddai > , Oclobei m.d.e . , l1,1 ' - ' ; llals , ' . ! ' Aliiellcai. lO dilli ! , : KV ; iOllllL' 'J-cK : ! lad ( * > ami unchained at IMiK'- ] . llidi-5 I'lii-haii 'd : ptit euitd , > "x c ; U-en N ; h < i s - ' . I a'"l ' ' . 'l ' "I < lu . . . i i .bull hut- ' 'lij < - I , li i > lluil , T.\llovv riiehamrcil ; No. I countrj , l c ; \ " Ko. S country , IP : mko. So. ' llcccints. blilPineuH. " Flour , bbl' I'OJO ' -,000 Wheat , bit 1-V iw 10ljOtf Coin , mi K\OOJ 3H,000 Oats.bu 7S.OOO 47,000 Jtjebu UWO " ,00 Barley , im W.OOO 1J.OOO St. lioiiii , ,1nii. 10. Whc.itSltougcr nnd V" ' < * hlRlicr ; No. 2 led , cash niiuMnnu- ntj , v ; Fcbiuaiy.wtic ; March , We ; Mny , ( , 'oiu in : . \ : N'o. C mlvril , cnsh. W , .Innu.uv. > > ( ; rdnunrj , J i4 < c ; itnidi , x > . . Mny , : xlic. , , , , , OnU-Slcady ; No. ' ) mKcil , cash , C 'ac ' ; Mny. : il V. lt\c Dull niul cas.v ; r > ? e btl. ! WhsU1.10. | . 1'oik .strmly nt S1U.OO. l.iiiil Jslcailv nl ? o.oo. Hiilter-lhill ; cieamcry , 2 , TO , ' ; ihlr.v , in fr'Xc. No\v Ofknim , .Inn.lrt. Poln 1 Mill , vvonk nml lovvcivlntc. ; . 4if ? UP ; mixed , 10- . Dais Sti-nil.v nl ; i.Vi/-lOc. ( 'inimical tjuli'l nt S'J.10. lloir rioiliicii In lifjbl ilemnint but lioltl- cis Him. ICatiHiiM Clir , Jan. in. Wheat--Weak ; oa li , r , ( > p bhi , oik' iiskcii : IVlnuaij , ore bid , OT'tPiisUcd ; .Match , O'.i'Vc ; MIIJ , 7:1 : bid , ( /out Weak : cash. 27c bid , ' 'Sp nsKcd ; Kclittinrv , iiTi , 7f4c bid , SS'jc nskwl ; .May , ni'fccbhl.n ! cn Ucil. Oats Nominal. Toledo , .Inn. 10. Wheat Vluii ; cash , S'.t Coin ( ) ulpt ; w Oats-Diill ; ciusii. : iie. lilvi > ri > ool.lati. 10. Wheat Holders olfor fieelj ; new > 'o. 'J winter and spi ing , 7s 1 1. ble.uly. Crtin Ofloiril tnodeiatelyj new niKedts "lad linn ; Jnmiau , 1'ebiuaiy and Match , if ! 2d , Hi in. Now York. .Inn. IP. Wheat Opened weak and closed stead ) ; leeelpK ] ,70 , ; e\- poils , none ; nmiraded led , 75ifHM ; ; No. 'Jied , IH 4P nlloal , MI.'JC Kubuiaiji r'clnuaiy clob- inirat Ni'ie , Coin Spot Him and nuuleiatcly active ; options unspltled ; leceipls , 'jtvjo ; e\poils < , | sooO ; utiRiadedHKiGOc / - : \n " , 1iitno ; Js'o. a , ' > OV' In ole\ntoi ; i'ebuiaiy closing ntls > sC. Oats-Dull ; icoolpK ' 'PPO , ) ; exiioils , ' > r.,000 ; mixed westein , twcj.isc ; wlille wc"lern , SlHi * . Petroleum Stead } ; united closed nt ST-V- . r.tfcDull and easier ; teceipls , 1,01x1 pacuastes ; wctciii. VS.jJ'i'i1 . 1'oik .SluiiiKer bill ijulut ; mess , S10.25tn 10. ' ! . ) . Laid Jtoreaethe. Pales ; Weslein sleam. spot , &i > . I ICM. 15 ; I'ebniaiy , & 0. 1'l' ' cMi. ! , , Uiittei- Mini ; demand lair ; we tem , K@ > "Ai" Jigln : rreameiy. : . " ( < ? 'IV. Cheese Steady but CliiolniiiKl , , Jan. 1C . Whcal-l.lght de- ll'aml ; No , a led , Uiic'tfe. Com Medeiale demand : No. It mixed , ! 37c. Oats-Sle.ul > : No. 'J mixed , llljjc. 1.M' ! Moadi ; No. ' ) , ( Me. ISailey UneliaiiL'eil ; e.xlia Xo. Hhpilncr , fifi ' . l'oik-KiniieralSlO/,0. , iaid-StioiiKerat SJ0.10. \ \ hlsky Finn at Sl.lU. nilhrniikoo , .Ian. Ifi. Wheat Sle.uh ; cash , 7ti1p , ; Fcbiuaiy , 7ijfe ! ; May , Wkc. C'oui Tame ; No. . ' , 'KJe. Oats-Dull ; No. - ' , 'JS\c. J ( > o Dull : No. 1. f.sp. , . l'io\lsions lliL'het ; iiepoik. ) . cash and .Jannaii , - lO.iO ; 1-Vliiutuy , fel . ( " > . iMiiiiienpoiis , Jnn. 10. Wheat Iilghl iletiNtiilos b > IniineiMimt good milling de mand ; No. 1 haul , t > T lor e-.tsli and .lannai ) ; S'.c ' Im KeliiiiaiN ; Ss' ' p lor March ; ! e lot May : \ , . 1 noitliein , M ) * c lor e.ish ami .lanuao ; Me toi Febtuafy ; b-'e for Match ; Sii' .e , lor May I loin ( Juiel ; patents S1.73(3. ( > .00 ; bakers , § ; ' . " , & -\.w. \ Kiieipls Wheat , rfiooo , hit. Miipmenls U'lieal , 7MJ bu ; Hour , ! ) ,00n bbl- . _ laviu STOCK. Cl lone , , Jan. 10. The Uioveib' .lotunnl lei'oits : Cattle Iteceipls , 2,700 ; slow nml I0p low er ; shipping t-leeis , fci.0l : < (5.1. > ; slockers and li'pdeis , w.rJwl.tH ) : rows , bulls and mixed , S'J.OK ( 1.10 ; bulk , Ni.OO.i W > ; hlop It-il Meets , S1.00fl.7. ( ! < ; slop ledcowrf and bulls , fti.00ji' : 'ilogs Uppc'Ipls,31fiOO , : steady ; ronu'h and mixed , $ . : . ( > ( : ; ; packing and Miiiinlni ; , ? : ! > ) ( < / 1.5 ; litjht , &U.50iii)0 ! ' ) ; skips , J.OO .i. .Slieei > Ileccliits , 1,700 ; Mcady ; natives , = : > . . - > Jc.i . 1.7 : : wesK'i n , 5ilW ( < i3.S > ; TeMins , S'-.OO it" . : o ; liimb.s. 5l.oic.j.75. ( Kansas 'oily , .Ian. 10. Cattle Uecelpts , CM ; slnjiments , none : o.xpmieis , . > . -0 ; common to choice Miipplng , sjt. ; < ije ! > " > : fitodceisand fcedeis , & ' , ' . ( )0 ( < i..i."i ! ; cows pJ.OOrr.UU. ( ; ) lion's Itecclpls , S.OOO ; .shipments , 2,000 ; inn : good to choice , S.J.SO 'i..b ' ; common to nediuin , { MJ5 . ' ) .7D. Hi. l/onlH , .Inn. 10 , Caltlo Kecolpts , MO ; hhlpmenls , TOO ; \cry little tiadmg lor Mint ot .slock ; piice.s linn and iiiospeets in- oiahle fora belter maiUel nexl week. ; Hogs le { < cipth.l.Uou ; shiplnenls , i,2)0 ! ( ; inn and 5 < f lOc higher on KOOI ! heivvjlicsl leavy nml oiilchuio' , si.iHirr-i.oo : ( ; mixed ii.iclr- IIJT , S.70e-i.t:5 ; ; .7j. ! Trai ! e Itovlow. Business in all lines of Hade has been loierclUe the past week than dining the leviotib week' . The -week opened active fler a week of Inactivity caused bs Hie .snow loekade. The wholesale Made Is betloi , and le leading houses icpoil aeiy salislactoij nslness lor Ihl.s Ihnuol the year. ASH Den ial Ihlng colletllons aie Mild to he better , ic inn ot live stock and giin ; ) iKulngmadu lonoy inoie plenty wilh the ( aniiois and le connti > moichants. The jnoduce mar- etsha\ebeen lalilv aeli\o and pi Ices have. in compaialhelj steady on most kinds ot nintiy inoiluce. Thogicatcst change is to 3 noticed in the ponltiy maiket. The laiket optuied fitiong with the . ginning of the week by leason ol Iho arcily of all kinds ol poultry. Theiecelpts uidnally Incieased and pilceh weio forced own about le all the way loitml. As the 'cclpls continued to incieasoaml Morlvshe- nn to iKcnmulatu the jnue- . weakened and oscd tin , weel. about & below the opening ilces. 'I'liu maiUet in tvgs ojiened ntiong n account ol the Meio and stiuni ) weather , llhongh Moclvs laid by the commlssjon mill's weio lai-je. 'J'lio mild wealhei and ea\y icceipts ol n lew ila > n laid weakened iLMiiail.fl , and the closing piicis ; of Ihu eek wne Mom le to'.V below Iho opening lice. Tlieliullei matkel has lomalncd iiulol liollKh"Ul the week. ItecclplH wi'K ) llf-ht niiiig Hie liiht halt nl the \\iol. , rind while ley weio mom libuial dmlng the past few- ins they ha\o nut beun cssccsslve. I'llion tow little 01 no change , ( iood eholeo ( able iilterM'INlaiily wull and nt u good /l / 'ine. 'he inienor u't.nles , pnoilj pacKed. are not anlciland will notf-oll except lo thu iiack- is. Ciamt ) has IK en coming In hlowly on au- mnl ol mm li ol u iiclng out of heasini and l-o because tinweitiier has been Mich as to eep tliu linnlcr at home. Although piahli ! lickens , cjuiil and deei ate out ol' hc'ison , icj tnestiil Mild to some extent In lids iiiai- el. 1'ili-i's Inixu i tinged very iileud ) , llnuo iiHC lulli' ot no i li.ingi1 hiin'i < the beginning I the Wck. I'dtatoes and onions nto ot m , ivhlT and ptlcLSjiid unlj noinlmil. It > ant c pali-il that | iotatoes will biinggond iici > - > in the hpung and will bum good do- u mil. While bc.ius aie coming lido Ihu lalKet to Mime extent lew nn * IK III ; ' Mild In1 ic ( { Ints aio mostly of inii'iior in duo oi U and nu' not waiiUd , Ynjlnilc i.un is hui'ii ji-rciMil the p.n > t week i \cijit in tar Is at tlioel < .llo | . TI-c'liM- | . o > inmUi'l hiih Khown ln < lea ed luil ) tin' pi-t vwi'K , Cijii'eiiill ) in bo's , lit' teci ij > t > ( < I cattle have nMi. < K''d ' lu lit. owl iiml well lalti lied 101 nledteeis .in In ted ili manil and t-f'l wi > ll. Chinee cows iwaNobeen In lau d < mand , Tli , * n < ipi eli i s have bfi'ii lua\ > and lni niioiig id active , The packing hmist.-t , u ' infill ) iviatlon and thu compelitlon ; UIMUO' Ihu O.MAI ! A. lMKTOIMC. : . Saltudav i\uiiln1 : , ' , Jun. in. 'J'he eallle imnkul wrii , blendy lo-uai and iclimd to bodull , Hntclieiii Htock wa-i in KOI demand and \ciy lew rhaiij. l liaud.s. iolcoin ! fed istceib mo bllll In ( jood iu- IPhl. Thehog iiiaiket wa- . active and llioppus ( . in neaily cleaied. Ilujein weio not ni ixlous to bnv un aicoiint 01 II lelntc tlui usoof tin * week ami did not pay an hliong icus n , on the diy ; puivioiin. Theie .ne no bluep In the .v.uds and pi ices u mil ) nominal and vvomd r.ingeallthd av Mom Srl.VMo JJJ.-VJ aicmdlni ; to iuallly. | ai ci ii'ia.