Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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    " * ' . "T ryi ? * lW | < 'fi ' *
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M iiiinn > Ta iMaw MUMMM > i no n i nirir Ti' ' iimrwrrromirrm"f"rm ' ! * > j- ! > in .niin i ! i -
Jisaao S , Rascall's ' TamHy Disrupted b ;
Ohargea of Infidelity.
Serious Clinrfrosn.nel Connlrr-Clinrcc1
fro n \Vliloli Kiel ) DcvcloiHiicntH
Ai-o IHjKM-tcd Awaiting u
Vri ( Hot City N'exx8.
A HroUrii Up Household.
It lins long br-cii common rumor th.-i
tin1 faimli e'ire-lt' of the lion. 1. S. Hii cnl
\rnsdtsniittui ] beyond remedy and Hint M
fiprions n Im-neli liuel lie-i-ii opened be
Iwrcn Mr. lliixcnll and Ills xxlfo Ilia
rccont'ilinlloii was improbable this Mile
of oternily. A f w Imvo been in pns.-es
felon of tlio dctailfd fact" , bill a fueling o
consiilunUloii for liio ngi1 of tliu partii"
lias ri' traiiii'd ( lioir publication. Actioi
fortllxoret'eHi tliu purl of Airs. Iluscalllirt !
for inontlit III'PII untlclpnlud , and to-ehry
llic long dt-ferrod dalu is so nearly al
Imttil that tlioro is no further nerd ol
withholding tlio nunoiiiire-iiuMit. Mn ,
JIiiM'itll'a counsel xxill e-ilhur to-day or
curly next xvcok lll u petition for hot
divorce from her husband on the grounds
of general unfaillifiiliieKs.
Mr. Hawaii , himself , has 'o well rerog-
nlttitl tliu ini | > -ilility ) of withholding
the inatlor from ultimate publicity that
some months tiyo ho prenarod a Mnto-
inenL of th(5 This writing
1m turned over to the editor ot
the Weekly Wnlclmnin , with the request -
quest to publish it tin ; moment Mrs.
liu&call filed her bill and I lie scandal bo-
eamo public prope'rly. The WiiMininn
this morning prints the statement , and
hurt ! it is in all the unction of Mr. lias-
call's self-defense :
A most iiMloituiuitc affair ( lint lias but
i nitially boon Icont tiom the ( sjeof the i > ul > -
li ie lor .soino tluu ; luck , Is ribout to bo e\-
iileiiled In Hie conns tliKHiL'h counsel ol Mis.
J. S. ll.iscall , xvlio is instituting pioccuilim s
against lu-r luibbiiiiil lor ellxotejej on the
KiiminldC Inlidelitv.
Kvuiyhody In Oinnlm knows Unseal ) , the
px-cuiiui-lliiiiiii , ox-caiullila'.u lor mayor , and
tiu man HiroiiKhlmuctroits that Doillun ol
the city lylna sontliot the ( nicks \\as tin-
jnoved wltli mailo.i , soweih. gas lamps , lall-
ways ami other things lainely In ndviinco of
Other moio thickly sottleil pails ol the city ,
vhcretiy hobciioiltk'd liluibull'as well as his
Jlut all ol this success rould not ileliar the
uod of discoid liom t'liloiliiK tlio I Install
lioiiseliold. ilr. and ilis. llascall : uocll
advanced In yeais. They li.uo lived long
r , mid tlio tesiilt has Ijccn u e < niile | nt
clillilii'ii and giaiul-chlldien , xxlw now icbltlo
In this city.
JIoio than a } enrage ) Mr1llnsrall bocnnio
a victim to crjsiUL'las , which atlectcd her
iiiliul. She xxus tioulilcil xxlth dieadlul pains.
and fiequently , liom their ellccts lap-ed
Into a state ot dementia , which innilo her a
nouncotreal ( iiiinoxaiiu ; : iu < l solicitude to
her husband and Irlnnds , as they claim.
When labelling under the effects ol abhcia-
tlon she was most x lolciit , abuslvo and ci uel
tohersolf as well as toothois , and was only
wixed , they hay. liom the asylum by the I'oi-
uearaneo of her husband.
The sickness dually was icmovcd , though
the mind of the patlenl lenmlncd tilled \vilh
the vatjaiies it had olli-u choiishcd. Amom , '
those ) xvasnRtaitlliiK doubt as to the lidellty
of Her husband. Sheoliaiwel him xxitli im
proper relations \ \ ith a little.Swedo ii 1 whom
they had in their emphiv. Jmmedlatclv , to
satisfy Ids xvlfo , Jlabcafl discliaiced thc'girl.
Later , she , as it loruetful of her Hist htis-
jiicion , hlu-d the Kill the t-econd time , then
icncwed her charije , detailing tliu act of liax-
Ing seen the littloSwede , ono night , slttint , '
on his lap in the liltclum ; and foiccd by .siui-
ilry threats 'of physical tin jury the young
woman Into an admission of tliu act. A aln
the gill wont , but the peace of the llascall
household xvas toin Into Iracments by the suspicions of Ills wile.
On the other hand rumors affcctlnc Jds.
Hascall'.s lidelily came to her husband. Ho
employed detectives who watched and
shadowed her , and linally brought to him
conclusive pioof. as Is stated , ot her guilt ,
connecting with It a certain man who , not
lout ; since , drove horse car Xo. inn the Thir
teenth titicct lino. It Is claimed the meetings
of the txvo weie frequent and sinful.
Fiom tlio time ol tills disco vciy , It Is said ,
llascall has studiously lofuscd to llx'o with
his wife. Ho has separated liom her , and is
llvlngat his "Cosmopolitan , " w liilo she abides
with a blood iclatlon.
It Is noxv nndeistood that Jfrp. llascall xvlll
commence le al pioccedinss lor divorce , and
also for one-hall of her husband's ptopcrty ,
Midi a sliaio of alimony at the same time.
Kho will charge inlidellty on Ids pa it , laying
especial emphasis upon the snnpoit ot'two
Kirls at ono ot the hotels In this city by llas
call. Oneol is a tall hlondoith line
livslijue , the other a "polite" biuuette.
The yory clox-or newspaper item from
Mr , llaseall's oxvn hand contains : i fairly
btraight statement of the ease. , although ,
of course , imputing Mr. llascall's innocence -
cenco of the irregularities his \vifo
charges asainst him. For the present it
is snllicient and constitutes thus the first
installment of a very unsax'orv mut sala
cious chapter of domestic Jifo. Mrs.
llascall will brlii some scandalous evi
dence against her husband , ami Mr.
llascall , it is alleged , will return the com-
plimiMit in like manner. To the people
of Nebraska who Imvo known Mr. lias-
call in ( lie legislative halls , the swim of
politics and many cntornrises of trade.
this denouement in his advaneed tstago of
llfu xvill bo a profound surprise.
Tlio IJoiRlitou & Clitrkn InHiirnnco
' CIINO Suliinlitcd IniHt NlKlit.
All day j-estorday the United States
court room was lilled with interested
parties to Hhtim to the arguments in the
Leighton & Clarke insurance caso. Tlio
lawyers exerted themselves to their ut
most In the interests of their clients , and
their remarks were listened to xvith great
Intentness by judge , jury ami others hi
the room. Hon. T. M. Marqtiott made
the closing address as counsel for Leighton -
ton & Clarke , and Judge Dundy then pro
ceeded to charge tliu jury in the twenty-
four suits which had been combined in
ono. In spite of tlio length of the trial
nnd the knotty poiuts Involved , the
judge seemed to Imvo retained his good
humor , as was manliest in his remarks
before beginning tliu formal charge. Ad
dressing the jury , ho said :
" 1 do not know how U may bo with
you ; 1 do not know hoxv it may boxith
the outsider xvho comes into court and
Bits around from day to day apparently
to sco and hoar what ho can , perhaps for
his oxvn information ; but I knoxv for my-
foil that , to far tu 1 am concerned , ( ids
trial has been of the most intense inter
est from the day the jury xvero
lii > t empannollcd until the present time.
It is true that a great deal of time has
been consumed in the trial of this ease'
Occasional ly it seemed to mo as though
the lawyers wore u little tedious ; but , on
tlio xvhoto , till things considered , it seems
to mo that no time has been nnnece .saril v
or improperly consumed. So far as 1
know thorn has been no change in the
form of the govcrnmrnt-of the Republic
of Mexico bineo this trial commenced.
It xvus winter then , mid is winter now ,
and no ono can ml.-tnko that fact. I can
BOO no change xvlwlevor in the color of
the hair or board of the xvell preserved
nnd venernblo Judge Savage and Mr.
Doano. I can EOO no change in the good-
natured and clever Tliurntoii and t'oiifj-
don , They Imvo seemed to stand the
storm as well as .you and myselt. Hut so
fur as tlio sharp , x"iiant ] , youthful and
energetic Hall and Ourr are concerned. I
cannot but think that time has had its
ufTcct upon them. At this time , so far as
I can see , they arn not at all combative
nnd uro really as harmless as the other
juwjors. Jlut lioxv with our Urother
Montgomery , vxho appears to be ab cni
the greater portion of the time
He seemed to do the heaxy sittitif ;
around. After he had introduced in evi
donee the policy issued by the companj
that he represents hoeemed to have
fought Solaoe in 1coi , and ho has evidently
dently got the rest from his labors thai
lias been dtniod toall the oilier members
of tlio bar engaged in this trial. Hill
how with the 'old man eloquent' V [ Mar
quoit. ) I saw al the outlet that ho was
unable , in justice to him elf , to lie here
to attend to the hardships and trials ill'
Hdcnt about a case bkn this. The onlj
relief that I luxe In the premises , ami
the thing that plea'-cs ino mo t is that the
trial is aliout to close , o that IIP may at
oneo eek thn homo that he adorns and
lovea o x\ ell , there to receive the support
and assistance of ono that he has so re
cently taken unto himseli. "
After the aboxv bits at the length of
the trial and the lawyers engaged in it.
Judge Diuidy delivered a lengthy nnd
oxiiauslix'o charge to the jury. Tlio
charge xvas in xvriting , and covered all
the points in tlio eases , xvhich are legion.
( ) w iug to the complications e\i ting it is
impossible t < > gixe any idea of tlio charge
without reproducing it in full , but both
sides expressed themselves as .satislied
that it xvus thoroughly impartial. If tlio
jury is able to agree they xvill be obliged
to bring in txvontx-four separate nnd dis
tinct verdicts By agioement of the
counsel , the comt ordered that the ver
diet bo n sealed one , nnd in ease tlu
jury agreed during the night , they xvoro
to put in nn appearance at 10 o'clock thi
morning , in order that any crrois thn
may exist can ho corrected.
Additional l'm'tn Almtit dm Strange
and Painful Mnlndy.
Owing to the lateness of the hour xvhei
the fact became known that men ha <
been seized xvith the cais on disease
Thursday night , it xvas impossible to secure
cure the c.xaot particulars , but nil the details
tails obtainable xveio published yesterdaj
morning The full particulars of tliu
case are as folloxvs :
As the las.l daylight shift xvas coming
out of the caisson by xvhich tlio loxvn pioi
of the noxv Union Paoilic bridge is Doing
grounded , one of the men , named Patrick
Carroll , fainted. The whole crexv lnu
been liberated ami xvero throwing on
their coals preparatory to taking
their throe hours lay ofl" . As
Patrick fell ho uttered a sharp cry , nnd
after liiiig prostrate a moment began
manifesting great nervous excitement ,
hii.i foxv minutes lie xvas in parox-ysms.
His telloxv-workmon ran to his side , and
as tlu x started to lift him , Thomas Test ,
one ot their number , foil and xvas shortly
in convulsions similar to Car
roll. The men xvero both
remox-ed to a tool shanly and xvlicn Dr.
( ialhrnilli arrived , at his request a loco
motive xvas run doxvn tlio spur , on xvhich
building material is carried to tlio bridge ,
and both men xvero placed in tlio cab and
brought over to this side xvlicn they xx'ore
placed in St. Joseph's hospital.
The sutVeriiigs of the two unfortunates
xvero extreme. As they writhed in the
agony of convidsions that almost dis
located their joints they begged the at
tendants to kill them. lr. Galbraith and
his assistants at once proceeded to ad
minister soothing potions , and after ab
normal struggles against the drug , slum
ber at last allayed the the tortures of the
Carroll and Test arc old men at caisson
\vorlc , and both hax'o had this trouble
many time's before , but never so seriously
hey say. It results simply trom
ho mysterious reaction the systo m un-
forgoes when the body passes
f bin air under artificial pressure into tlio
natural atmosphere.
Tlio physicians of tlio city are taking
Stoat interest in the caisson disease since
llic txvo cases developed , anil many
theories as to its cause have been brought
forxvard. Ono of the best knoxvn theories
from physicians xvho have investigated
the disease in many localities is that of
Prof. Arthur V. Meigs , of the Pennsyl
vania liosnital. His belief is that the in
tense neuralgic pain , nausea ami vomit
ing , vertigo and coma arc caused through
Iho sudden xvithdruwnl of jiressiiro upon
the blood vessels and vital organs. A
bottle corked securely at the bottom of a
caisson xvill explode xvith considerable
force xvlicn taken into the outer nil. The
blood having boon forced into the deep-
seated portion of the system is liberated
with force and the attendant results are
In the St. Louis bridge the men , after
coming out of the air-lock , had to climb
a long ladder of over a hundred rounds
and arrived cold and exhausted at the
lop. Aftorxvards it xvas found best to
raise the men by oleviUor and give them
11 warm room to dress in. The change
proved wonderfully beneficial.
I'reifuently the person shut up in the
nit-lock experiences an intolerable pain
in his cars. If bloxvmg the nose or sxval-
lowing water to inllato tlio middle car
through the eustachian tube does not re
lieve the agony the person must instantly
retire , for ho cannot stand tlio pressure.
Uut this is one of the least dangerous of
Iho symptoms of tlio caisson disease. The
ilisoaso is liable to attack the men in tlio
nit-lock xvhen tlio pressure is first taken
Dll'or xvithin an hour afterwards. Where
organic : heart afl'ections are present the
ittaek is almost always fatal.
Unking Afrnnuciiionts for Tlielr
Grand Anniversary Next April.
The general committee composed of
eprosontatix-os from the four subordi-
late lodges I. O. O. F. of this city to
make preparations for tlio nnnvottaty !
if that order to bo held hero next April ,
not last ex'oning at Odd FolioxxV hall. J.
k\r. Nieliols xvas chosen chairman , N , IJ.
Ileim secretary and Krnst Stulit treas-
irer. The folloxving snb-coinmittecs
ivero appointed :
Hall-vSlessrs. Stuht and Strilllor.
Corrosiiondonce Messrs. Nichols , Ol-
-en and WliiUon.
Finance Messrs. Loronxen , Stuht and
Music Messrs , Uoohl and Stoxvart.
Printing Messrs. Olson , Pruitt ,
iVooley and Stuht.
Hcfro.shmoiitsMessrs. . Sloxvart , S trill-
or and Wooloy.
Railroads ami Hotels Messrs , Stuht ,
lloim and \Vhlt.son.
The event for which these preparations
mi being made is tlio sixty-sovonth anni-
rorsary of Odd 1'elloxvhip in America ,
ind Omaha xvas decided upon by tlio
stale grand lodge as tliu place xvhoro it
should bo litly celebrated by tlm members
> f the order m Nebraska , At the moot
ing last night it xvas decided to issue
special invitations to all the lodges in the
> tate , 150 in number , and to tliu lodges in
Iho Missouri river towns in loxva , It is
expected that the invitations xvill bo
Amorally accepted , and that about 0,000
LJild Folloxvs xvill gather hero April 20.
Correspondence has been opened xvith
Past Grand Sire J H. Nicholson , of Phil-
ulelpliia , the most eloquent and honored
Jcld Fellow in the country , to induce him
to bo present and deliver the address of
welcome , it is expected that tliu meet
ing xvill ho hold in the now exposition
building , as no other structure would bu
suniciently conimpdjous to contain tlio
numbers xvhioh xvill attend. During tlio
unnivetsary there xvill bo a ball banquet
and parade , and n grand time generally
is expected. Arrangements are beintr
madu xvith the railroads and hotels to
furnish reduced rates to all xvho attend.
The local lodges xvlll do everything in
their poxver to render the occasion a
memorable ono , and their ell'orts xvill
xxithout doubt prove successful.
TIH : mAis >
A Scxcn Daji * Iti > n1 K tate llcvloxx-
Tnlk on llic Subject.
Doi-pito the unfavorable ? weather am
the dullness usually peculiar to this linn
of the year , teal estate business dtirinj
the past xx-ook has boon fairty active am
( he grand total of the funds changing
hands in the course of transfers compart1' '
favorably xvith the record of any eqna
period during the past year. Following
is llic record of business and the aggregate -
gate of money represented for each daj
during the xxcck , from January 7 , to Jan
uary 11 inclusive as obtained from U. W ,
Amos :
.Ian. 7 10 tiansfers . S fE.S4 (
Jan. Ha " . in.2x (
Jan. U .I " . ll.W
Jan. U 15 " . 13C !
Jan. fi-11 " . 67,11 *
Jan. 13-ni " . r.aK :
Jan. U 0 " . 7tUf
To I als fid transfers . S H0,4"i (
The fact that the snow has covered the
ground during the week , thus prox'onliiifi
satisfactory inspection of lots anil
premises , has done1 much to depress busi
ness in veal estate. It is a notoxvortliv
fact that little lias boon done in tin1 \\i\y
of speculative dealiiigand nearly all pur-
{ hasps of property have been made xvitli
intention te ) improx o and largely for actual
residence purpo o" . Many inq'ulnes have
boon made leading , in all probability , to
future IransaetioiH. J'hu opening ol
spring is generajly anticipated to proxe
a busy season this year.
As though to meet the active traffic in
piomiso , the ranks of real estate agents
are steadily increasing. Mr. John Hush ,
late county treasurer , xvill embark in
that business in connection xvith an in
surance agency. Mr. I'ush is unques
tionably highlj qualified for such a ven
ture. Light years of practical experience
in tlio ollice of the county treasurer has
given him a thorough knoxvludge of
propoity x'alues and drilled his percep
tions to readily detect investments of
promise. T. S Clarkson , xvho formerly
resided hero , but has of late years boon in
laud speculation along the line of the
Union Pacific and living at Sehnylor ,
xvill shortly return to Omaha and enter
the real estate business hero. Other
such ventures are knoxvn to bo in con
A GKAXi ) .iimv.
One Called for Next , Term The Petit
Clerk Ijams yesterday morninirdrexv the
grand and petit juries for the county term
of the district court as folloxvs :
OUANU .iruv.
Alex mack , 15. E. Livoy , Win. Me-
Qucnny , Peter O'lluurkc , Cins Hammel.
Lawrence Dugiran , Jesse Osterhoup ,
Peter Clinton , Collins Jordan , Peter
Cross , J. W. Itunce. Julius Kudoxvsky , H.
Cordon , A. 11. Willis , U. Lovott , Ed
I'KTIT .H'llY.
Andrew Mackelmass , Charles Y. Kendrick -
drick , Samuel Heiohonbnrg , Koland W.
t'urtin. K. L. Falkner , Michael MeCai thy ,
August Wolilgeh. Jacob Seldecht , Wil
liam Malioney , Charles Dougherty , K. G.
Humphrey , John Kylcy , Louis Thomas ,
John MeJNabb , James P. Hanson , Henry
Hitter , Frank Kammer , Michael Demp-
soy. Jacob Frank , L. B. Wisby , Samuel
Hell , Hiram Avery , Henry Puii'dt.
Mr. Jianis xvis ; asked xvhy it was that
i grand jury had beeiidraxvn xvhen a laxv
liad boon passed ordering the district at
torney to file informations instead of
liaviug indictments prepared in the grand
iury room. Ho replied that there had
been some question about tlio constitu
tionality of this nexv laxv and that in the
ibundanco of their caution , the -J judges
if the district court thought it best to
: ali a grand jury. "There are several
nurdor cases coining up for trial at this
.orni of court , " said Mr. Ijams , "and I that the judges want to be on tlio
, ale side and call a grand jury on this
iccount , so that the supreme court will
ind no Haw in trial proceedings on the
{ round that no indictment had been re-
.urned. "
District attorney Estelle said that ho
lad not been consulted about the calling
) f a grand jury , but supposed that Judges
iVakeley and Neville bad taken the
iction because they wanted to bo on the
iafc side.
Mayor nnd Marshal.
"I wish you would say ono thing in
; our paper for mo , " said Mayor Uoyd to
i reporteryestorday , "and that is this : I
taiinot suspend Marshal Cummings , as
ho council is noxv composed , and there
s no use for mo to try it. 1 have got to
mvo a majority of that body that is ,
even to sustain me in my action. On
his point I have consulted the best legal
idyieo , and all agree xvitli mo on that
) oiut Of course , 1 could prefer charges
igainst Cummiugs ami try to suspend
urn. Hut what good would it do ? None
vhatux'cr. He would still remain in
illico as marshal unless 1 was supported
> y the council. "
Meanwhile , Marshal Cummings is as
iool and placid as over , docs his work
ike a little man , and takes regular qnun-
ities of food and sloop. lie says that ho
lon't intend to resign until the 11th day
if April , 1887 Then the mayor is xvol-
'onio ' to appoint ; i nexv chief for the po-
ice force.
Delegates to Howard.
The annual convention of state firemen
iccurs next Tuesday at Seward. The
lelcgates from Omaha are as folloxvs :
sro , 1 llo o company , Charles Hunt , W ,
F. Whitohonso. No. 2 , 1) . W. Lane. No.
i , Lewis Faist , ( loo. Stoelo. ThurMon
lo o team , Jerome PontelV. , . ,1. Coots.
) elugo hose loam , Charles l-ishor.
The txvo factions last year were the
lutle't and anli-Hutlor , This 3 car all is
larinony , for all feeling between the txvo
actions has boon wiped out. "Wo pro-
KISO to sou hoxv Butler treats us thin
oar , " saiil ono of tint delegates xvho was
strong nut ! Butler man in the last con ,
onventiou , "and if he behaves nil right-
re can and xvill elect him to Iho prosi-
enoy. "
At the residence of Mayor James E.
toyd Thursday evening Miss Margaret
loj'd gave a progressive onchro party
rhieli xvas a largely attended and a picas-
nt affair. About sixty couples , roprn-
iMiting the fairest and most fashionable
I Omaha's elite , gathered around ( lie
iblos. , some lifteon or sixteen
i number. At 11 o'clock refreshments
, 'ero served and play xvas then resumed.
'ho first pri/.u for gentlemen , a handsome
apanoso xvasto paper basket , xx'as won
y Mr. Patrick , xvliilo the first ladies'
ri/.u xvas xx'on by Mrs , Wilbur. Mr Nato
Irary came otVtno booby of the evening ,
ml was rewarded xvith a cabbage head.
Sued lly a Cliiiroh.
In the county court yesterday the
iiso ot the t.'iisteos of tliu Third Congro-
ational church vs , Gustav Suhill , xvas in
regress of trial , The churchmen MIO
Ir. Soldi ) , xvho is a contractor , for about
700 damage on account of lailuro to
nish the contract of building their
hurch as soon as agreed , and for various
npcrfcctions in the xvoik.
A South Oimilm "Weddlujj.
Justice Anderson Wednesday evening
initcd in marriagu Miss A nniu Miehner
ml Otto Wcibol , the ceremony occurring
, t Kesslur's hall. The wedding xvas
undo the occasion of very pleasant fos-
ivities xvhich wore participated in by a
argo number of guests. The feature of
ho evening xvas a speech by Mr. Chris
jpeeht ,
A Meeting Held Yesterday to Consider A
OrnaLa Base Ball Club.
Hotel * In the Vclloxvstotio I'ni-k Ai
tcicstliiK K | i mlo nt tlio
Iicpot Cold Weather
liounl Note .
llasc llnll
Mr. Ted. .Sullivan , the baseball man
left yesterday for St. Paul to mak
arrangements for the admission of a clnl
from that city into the Nortlixx-esten
League. He xvlll probably return t <
Omaha in a foxv days.
A meeting of .several gentlemen interested
estod in baseball xas held yesterday al tin
Millard hotel , and the subject of the ad
mission of Omaha to the Xorthwe-ten
League xvas thoroughly discussed , It ap
pearcd to be the general sentiment thai
a Joaguo club could be supported it :
this city it it xvero proporl.x
organised to begin xxith. The capital
Mock , it xvas thought , could not be xxcll than $ .1,000 or ! ? DlH ) ! > , paid up and
non-assessable. A committee1 xvill be ap
jioinlcd to solicit cash or stock giitxorip
lions , and lo see what can bo done
Several prominent gentlemen have ,
agreed to lend their aid and inllueneo t <
the movement. In all probability it xvil
result in the1 formation of a good clu'j
licro. The present grounds on Sixteen ! )
street can bo secured for Hit
season , thought there appears to
be a sentiment in certain quarters favor
aide to the securing of more accessible
grounds If the club is orguni/.ed , it xvil
be composed entirely ol profession ; !
players , xvitli first-class records. The
members of the olel Union Pacifies , at
present located hero , could bo used in
such games as are plajcd in Omaha.
In speaking of the standard of the
players xvho xvill compose the clubs in
tliu league , Air. Sullivan said to a re
porter : " 1 want to make a comparison.
We will gixx1 jiisl as good ball gamus as
the either league clubs because
the nines will all bo so even
ly matched Tlio j ( layers xvc gel
xvill bo of about tlio same1 class all good
players. And xyo need not pay e.xtrav-
agant .salaries cither. It is Justus oxeit-
iiig to xvatch a'J. ' , ' . " ! horse race as it is to
.see a 'JilTi race if tlio are evenly
matched Noxv wo can say that our
players are about Iho - ! ' , ' ; class1 , but xvo
shall have some pretty games. The
Yale anil Harvard nine are not profes
sionals but tlie-y play just as good ball
botxxeon themselves as prolessional
teams. This is because they are so evenly
matched. "
Kurtlicr Action Commenced Against
tlio Noxv f/aw.
Judge Soldon lias determined to hasten
Iho action of the supreme court on the
constitutionality of the noxv three-justice
laxv xvhich applies lo this city. In con
sequence ho entered quo xvarranto pro
ceedings in that high tribunal , challeng
ing the right of Justice lierka to
L-xorciso the functions of a justice of the
peace in this county. The
summons upon Judge licrka , to appear
before the supreme court l-Vbruary ,
\\uic cxi-vod liy Sheriir Coburu ycster-
ilay afternoon.
The fact is that all the } defeated justlcos
; ire behind Selden and the expenses are
qually shared by them. Judge Andres ,
lioxvover , is cxeoptcd from the
list as ho has already turned over
liis dockets lo Justice licrkn , bis
successor. The litigating justices
hold that Iho noxv laxv under xvhioli their
continuance in ollicexvas denied by pop
ular vote , is unconstitutional because it is
not general in its apulication and is so
framed that it has effect only in Omaha
: ind Lincoln. They have secured as
counsel , Messrs. J. W. Lytlo and ( J. W.
Donne , anel xvijl jmsli their cause. The
noxvly olectcel justices xvill defend their
alliccH and llioir courts witli good legal
.crvice. .
Justice Helsloy , in sjicaking of the case
to n repot lor. said that the ncxv justices
ix-onld probably employ as their lawyer
to tight the case in the supreme court , A.
L1. Troup , through xvlio-o agency as a
member of the slate legislature , the jus-
ice laxv xx-as passed at the last term.
'The olel justices haven't a ghost of a
hoxv , " In : continued. "They are grasp-
ng at a stra\v lo save themselves , and
t is a very weak straxv at that. "
V Ijittlc Woman nnd nine Trunk ,
Xowhimpcr I'ropeity.
There is a good joke on .some journalist
) f tliis city , outstanding and lor the
loner of the "perfcsh" a certain matter
iliould bo cleared up.
Just before the evening "Q" ( rain
nilled out- for the cast Thursday , a little
.vomau . hurried into Iho dopol anel in a
jrcathloss voice asked Mr. Knapp , the
jver genial ticket agent , for a ticket to
"Oh , I'm in such a hurry , " and she
; lanceel nervously behind her , "and I
mist iio quick. Hoxv much did you say
he faro was ? Txyelve dcdlur.sV" and her
'ace blenched xvith dismay as a nervous
on in her purse brought out but eight
lolliirs ami a small fraction.
"Have you any baggage that you could
civo as security to the other end of the
iuey" asked the agent.
Yes , the lady had a trunk and this she
rhully pledged for the payment of her
h/jrtago xvhen i-ho would reach Chica-
; o. 'lo Mr. llomcliii' , , lliu baggage
ige-nt , she gave the name of Miss Miiltio
larris , the wife of a noxvspnpcr man ,
rom \\hoiu > ! IM xvas running axvay , and ,
ill , ove-r so afraid that ho would overtake
lor. Mr. Homclius xrrote doxvn Mrs.
ilattio Jlarri.s , but she 'corrected him
nd said it xvas Miss , xvhich
lorrection lie very ohediontly but
hoiiglitfully mado. The 'lady ' and her
rmiK xvero liiistloel on the train in just
n time to got axvay and ( hat is all that is
II that is Known oi this rather .strange
If any journalist or any body else has
o'sl a liltlo woman with red hair , black
y os. general good looks ami a medium
izcd.ino trunk , valuable data loading to
lor recovery can be obtained at the local
lopot of tlio U , ik M.
INNS i-'on
L Noxv Syndicate ) todtulld Hotola for
Che Niiiloiuil 1'nrk.
In eonversation with a reporter yestor-
lay Col. Kingmati of tlio department of
ho i'latto , engineering f-ervico , saiel that
io thought the scheme to form a noxv
ompany to operate six large hotels in
lllVerent parts of the park xvas a very
uasiblo ono. This new company is being
irgani/.cd under tlio auspices of the North-
rn Pacific and has Mich xvell known
olid men in it as 0. H. Wright ami J.
iullitt , Philadelphia , Charles ( iibson and
r. O. Perry , of .St. Louis , Frederick
lillings , of Vermont , ami M. 1) Carring-
on of Toledo. There is at present a
totel syndicate , kiuiun as the Hufiis
latch company , which has controlled
ho hostolrics 'in tlio park heretofore.
I'liis old company , of coiir-c , has bitterly
ipposed the orgaiii/.atiou of the new , but
ias been unsuccessful , and it is probable
that the noxv sjndlcale xvill be in aclh
operation before very long.
"The park nerds a nexv hotel eon
pany , " continued t'ol. Kingman "Tli
ono winch has boon in control for tli
past fexx jears is badly organized nn
managed. It ha < one large line hotel i
the park , but lourisls claim that it is'er
poorly handled. At Iho principal place
of interest the accommodations coiish
of nothing bu ( miserable liltlo tents. ]
this new hotel company can gel to xvor
it xvill operate1 , as I understand it , i
nexv hotels. This xvotilel greatly favo
tourist travel to the park , and 1 be-liev
that every one ef the SK hotels would b
xvell patremi/cd anel would make money.
"Hoxv many people xisiledlho purl
last voarf"
"About five thousand I should say , a
least. The number is increasing ever1
year , and the time i * not far oil' xvlici
lollowstono National Park xxill bo ( h <
most famous summering place in tin
worlel. The policy of the governnien
has boon , ami xvill lie , to spend aiinualli
n large amount of money on the p.rk : , ii
improving it ami putting in roadways-
etc. , etc. . so that year by jear the totiris
travel is bound lo increase. "
It is said that the largest and finest o
the now hotels xvill bo at Momnieitii Ho
Springs. The largo hotel nenv in eon
trol ol the Hufiis Hatch combination
xvill bo purchased or h-ased , if possible
by the new company.
Anothof ley Wave Icni-ln Down on
Tills l { < * gloii ,
The black thig xvas run up to the neali
on the federal building late Thursday
afternoon , anel the citi/.on read as ho ran
that Hir/en had found another cold wave.
The night passed x\ih \ ( a light snow fall
ing freim time lo time , and the day
dawned cloudy xvith the mercury at HI °
above and the wind in the south. From
that hour , however , llaxeii began lo real-
i/.uon his promise , ami tlio brce/.o veereel
about , the needle sweeping half the hor-
bon until it xvus staring on" in the direc
tion of Alaska , anel there it stayed.
Meanwhile the mercury had not been
idle , but had actively put in its time gel
ling into winter quarters and had yet
as tar doxvn as 1111- above by noon , anel
12" above at i ) o'clock.
The1 colel wave seems to bo general
throughout the west. The temperature
at Denver this morning xvas 1 1 ° above ,
a drop of 27 * in the last txvonty-'four
hours ; at Clie > yenuc , ! ! ° above , having
fallen -Mi0 ; at Deadwood , : ( = 'beloxv , a
fall of 180 , and at North Pintle , DO
above , a drop of 22 o . U promises lo bo
a e'olel night.
The. snow xvhich has so far fallen in
the past txvo days lias be'oii too light ami
tlio thaw has boon too steady to impcele
trallio. The trains on all the roads1 are
moving regularly and on timo.
Tlio marriage ot Miss Carrie M. Dins-
more lo W. II. TrciiKinn toolc place
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. ' The
ceremony xvas performed by Jlov. lloberl
Doherty , at Iho residence of the bride's
father , Dr. C. M. Dinsmore , corner of
Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue.
Only a foxv invited friends and relatives
were present.
The bride is one of llic most popular
and accomplished young ladies in Omaha
society. She received a diploma as a
graduate of Hroxvncll Hall in 18b : > . when
she carried oil' llie bishop's medal as a
roxvard for highest scholarship.
Tile jiroom.Fr. ] \ . Tnnnunn. is a xx'ell
known stockman , being associated in
business xx'itli his father in South
Union Star Sfasqucraele.
The first masquerade party given by
tbej Union Star occurred Thursday ex-c-
ning at Metropolitan hall. About eighty
couples xx'ere present on-masquo and
an equal number of spectators. Every-
had a good timo. Shortlyaftor llo'clock
they unmasked , after xvhich supper xx'us
served , when dancing xvas again re
sumed anel continued until a late hour in
the ; morning. The ball xvas a success so
cially as xvoll as financially , anel the fol
lowing commit tee is to be credited for
their efficient management : Master of
ceremonies , N. II. Nelson ; floor commit
tee , Henry Dunn , Ira Vess , T.V. . Burch-
mcrc anel John liorchmere.
Tlnilxvay Notes nnd Personals.
William H. Itusscll has boon appointed
lax agent of the Union Pacific railway
company for Nebraska , loxva , Wyoming ,
Utah , lelaho , Montana anel Oregon , vice
I. I ) . Hvans resigned.
T. S. McMurniy has been apnointcel
special agent of the law department ,
Union Pacific Railway company , xvitli
icaelqiiarters at Denver , Col.
Special oar 08 , containing J. K. Choato ,
superintendent of the Colorado division
( f the Union Pacific , came in yesterday
in1 * .
0. V\r. Mink , comptroller of the Union
I'acilie treasury , wont east last night.
Raymond it Campbell , the bridge
mildcrs and architects' of Council ISIull's ,
mx'c opened an ollleo in the Hurkcr block
) ii I'arnain stre-ol near Fifteenth.
Applicants Tor Assistance.
Yesterday the county commissioners
iVoro busily engaged providing for and
ooking into the numerous case.s of dosti-
ution in llie city for the relief of xvhich
ipplicution xvas made. Over 150 families
'coeived Imlp from the county , xvhioh is
ho largest number xvhich have applied le >
Im commissioners in one day this winter'
.ast xvimor the largest number in onu
lay xx'us WO , The ca.-o.s xyill probably
noronso xvith the coming of the present
: ohl xx'nvo.
Must I'jty Tor Ilia ItoeitN.
Milton M , Sloniaii has commenced suit
u Justice Anderson's court to garnishee
ho salary of a young gentleman quite
irominont in Omaha society circles , xvho
efusos to pay for his boots. The hitter ,
s'hieli xvero of costly make , were elolix'-
reel to him in good condition , lint for
omo reason ho declined to pay for them ,
Uidgmont was rondoriMl against him
omo time ago , and now Mr. Sloman has
efcortcd to garnishee proceedings to sat-
sfy his claihi.
> | I-K. FiniMliilii'K .Suit.
The coustabli'.s xvho so cleverly failed
o catch Mrs. Fountain at the depot
I'hursduy subsequently xx-eiit to her reei-
leneo and levied on her horse to satisfy
ilr. A. M. Clurk'r , ehiim of sf-WO. 'J'his
norning some arrangement xvas made by
vliicli tlio lioiibe xvas not taken , ami Mrs.
'ountain promises lo pay.
Mrs. F. has nol left tlio city.
Clean Your Sldoxvallcs.
OMAHA , Jan. 15 , UNI. Mr. M. E.
de-any , Dear Sir : Yem xvill please notify
ill persons to clean the MIOXV oil' their
leloxvallis in aeeordanee with tlio provi
, ioiis ol the ordinance. Yours , etc. ,
J. K. Iou ! > ,
Attention ,
Members of Omaha Lodge No. 20 , K.
if P. , are requested to assemble at their
'asilo hall .Snndiij at 1 o'clock n. in. to
alopart in Iho funeral of their dcco.itud
jrother , S.plocn.
O. Uiion : , C. C.
Xhp l-'leii-encos In "Our Ge > xornol
The Florences nrc such familiar n <
auainlances of the public Hint little1 ca
bp said of "Our Governor , " presented n
thp eipern hon e laM night , beyond moi
tinning the fact that tlio clevetrno s c
Pinto 1'oitoi hon e Perkins and Miss Mi :
tildn Starr was the same as has mad
thorn fatuous. Despite the chill nigh
and the imprinting blirznrd the audione
xvas largo. Its appreciation of the man ;
good ( lungs of the play xxas marked b ;
liberal laughter and applausp. Ouo note
worthy point forced nnoii thp atteiitiot
in hearing tlio I'hirciie-esnoxvada.xsis ilia
thoniU xxInch haxo gamed tlu > m celebrity
liavo boon widely copied ami mnnj
of the lie-host Kernels eif their perform
aiiee-s , allu-it original xvilh tlioin a
an aboriginal dale , haxe become chest
nuts , iloxvex-cr an audience sitting be
fore a piny xxhieh is the fountain neat
of je ts now become trite can forgot the
familiarity of its gooel peiiuls amVoiijoj
them in the company e > f tho. spirits win
created them.
The Florences present "Tile Mightj
Dollar" at the nnitinco this afle < rnoon
and to-night , Dickons' best story , "Dom
bey and .Son. "
Mary Laudem , a xvhite woman , swore ,
nut u xvnrrnnl in police court joslordnj
for thiMirrest eif Mis. Taxlor , a color
eel wennaii , who luul useel obscene lan
guage toxvard hor.
The finest assortment of single nml
double cutlers to be fotiiiel anyxxliere in
the city is on exhibition at tlio Liningor A :
Moloalt' Co. repository , corner of SKth
and 1'acilio streets.
Fred Salfeldt , an emihiyo ] of Lange &
1'oitick,1 Thirteenth street , met xvith a
collision xvliilo out sleigh-riding last
night and .severely crushed his hand ,
breaking u number of bones.
Messrs. Vierling , McDowell xCe > . , of
Chicnge ) , have purchased Kichimls1 foun
dry , on tlie tluirn 1'acilio tracks , near
Seventeenth street. The deed xvas trans- gentlemen yesterday by
T. W. T. Uichaids. -
Clmrles Gordon and J. It. Hughes ,
Unituel States iiriseiuers for counterfeiting
ami false sxx earing rc.spcelivoly xx'erp yes
terday released from the county jail the
expiration ol tlieir liltuen days' term of
Freel Lexvem , the West Omaha farmer
xvho xvas reported as lost in the blizzard ,
turns up safe and sounel , having been
comfortably housed at homo during the
weolc of storm. Ho eloe.s not knoxv how
the Charlie Koss story about him got emt.
"Col. " John Stoxvart , the crank xvho
while laid up at St. Joseph's hospital , de
manded the assistance e > t the G. A. H. be
cause he xvas a member of the gallant
Sixty-ninth , and was ivlused because he
xvas a fraud , xvas given a ticket te > Grand
Island unel hustled oil'thither yesterdny.
John Mikesxvcll alias Ma\xxroll , the
spiritualist and " ' ! er - ! evconvlet and
general crook' . ! ia > recently ligureel
prominently in o .i eis and the police
court , left yesterelii for Kansas City
xvliere he xx'ill take uj ) permanent rcsi-
If jon went a gootl single ordonblecnt
lor at a moderate price , you hael belter
pay a visit to tli Liningor r Metealf Co.
repository , corner of Si.\th and Pacific
streets. There } on xvill lintl the largest
nml best selected assortment eif .sleighs
of all kinds to bo keen anywhere in tlio
state. '
Kd Smith , a teamster living on North
Eighteenth .street , is mysteriously miss
ing from homo. H iv\ lust soon Thurs-
( afternoon . , on his xvay home. His
xvifo is nearly crazed xvilli grief exror her
liu.sband'.s di.sappearanee. Jnfornuition
of ( ho matter has been lodgeel with the
Mr. Jno. I ) . LaCpurse , the U. S. mail
agent , xvho xvas lying HO seriously ill at
the Canlielei House , is improving very
much , anel Dr. Lee , iiis alte'iidiug physi
cian , says that he xvill be xvell enough to
bo out in about a xveek or ten days. His
father , xvho is District Judge at Berlin ,
Ontario , is at liis bedside anel xvill remain
here until his .son is xvell.
1'ollco Co ii i't Docket.
Judge Slonbe'i'g elispo.sed of the follow
ing eases in the police court yesterday
morning :
Sadie McBride , the notorious , paid a
line of $10 and costs for stealing articles
uf clothing from a iaely of color.
Gus SohulU ami Mrs. Scliullpaiel a
like sum. The'y hael indulged in one ot
Lheir periodical quarrels last night , anil
were arrested by the police. Mr. S. paid ,
ind his xvifo xvent lo jail to board it out
ivith the coimly.
( lop. Wilson , accused and convicted of
stealing txvo pairs ol gloves , was sen-
: enced to thirty days in the comity jail ,
lie first ten' anel tlio last ten on bread
mil xvatcr.
Jiaiion lliles , drunk and disorderly ,
vas jiued $ . " 1 auel costs.
Will Jaekson , ehurgeil xvith vagrancy ,
, vis : discharged.
A sine earn for liliiid. IJIeediiif , ' , Itcliln
mil Ule-e'iated Piles lias bcen ; discovi'icil liy
) r. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr
iVIIIInms' Indliin I'llo Ointment. A single
( x has cuied the xvoist e-liionic cases ol' ' > or
10 jeaisstaniliiiff. No one need suTer ( lix-o
iilnute-s after amilyiiij ; this xx'onderful ho th
UK medicine. Lotion- , and Instruments do
noio liana than gemd.Villiaius' Indian
Ho Ointment absoilis the tiuneirs , allays Iho
ntense Itcliln , ( paitle-tiluily at nlulil alter
: otilmr xvarm In lied ) , artas a poultice , u'lvi'S
iistiintiellef , and is | ) iei.ued | only for I'ilc.s ,
telling of pi i vale nail- , , and lor nothing ehe.
Dr. 1'iazler's .Mauic Ointment i-iues as by
nau'ie , rimjiles , lilaclc Heads or ( iiubs ,
llotclies anil Kiuptlons on the face , leaving
he skin clearand beautiful. Also e-mcsltch.
ialt llbeiim , Smo Nipples , Sore Uiis , anel
( Id Ohtlinatu Ulceis.
S ild by diiii.its ; ( , or mailed on icceljit of
Hetailed by Kiiliu .t Co. , and Schroder &
let-lit. \ by C , ] ' . ( ioodmaii.
I'cr-honal I'nrjiui-anliH ,
U. C. Hotisol , a former old ; resident of
) malia , but noxv of Chicago , is in the
Mr. Daxvson Mayer , of Noxv York ,
rico President of the National Travelers'
'roteetlvo ' Association , is in the oily , and
. ill bo present at the meeting to bo holel
atunlay attornoon , Jan , jitth , at the
lillar .llotol. All traveling men in tlio
ity , xvhethor members ot the association
r not , are cordially inxited to attend.
'ho meeting xvill lie called to order at
tronp'-st Natural J-Tiiit FU/orn.
ure nn
Vanilla , l-i-mon , Or.iiiK" . A'ni urn. Iti'Mt'tc ' ,
ilaVor u ai ler.te'i ' ml i antnlly us tliu inut.
Absolutely Piss-e.
Tills pntrilrr nnvpr x-nrlos. A mnrxel of nilrl-
t.\sii-iiulu unit ttlio | < oinmi ( > fl Mme ectmoin-
Icnlllnin tlietit-il'iiaM ' Kind , nml eiiiinnt lie Mild
In rompotlttoii ultirtlio miilllluile nf low tit
slioil xMilnlil i , ilium or iiti plinto pn < lor . Sold
mil } liiciins lloyut 1 akliiu 1'oMilur lomimiiy ,
Wnll Street , N. V.
OFnrns :
llnniil < if TuiiU' , Clinmlipi- rominei-L-e ,
Ctiloa o. Alllxx-ankei * .
H C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor ,
Local IliiHlnrsH Solicitor , 1J)1
lim St. , Oiiiahn , Nel ( .
JfaNtrnf IHillnR Vclilrln nmilr. Iticte im eaM
iUiimoiH'r oniiBtnu. lliu HpriitMft Irno'lion anil
lihnri-ti according to the we'glit tU-r carry. Kquall *
rll nilnplril II ) rnitsli i-oiinii-y roinN titul
ti-1 * tlrl cHfif rltitf * . , Xt iiTiliiriurfct nmlr.nldtiy
M" I "ilii'a C'-u-rJti. o I'.iuMi-r.i uuil Mrnl rs-
13th St , Cor. Capitol Avcnuo ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMENANlY"Proprietor.
Sixteen Jciira' lloHiilial nnd J'rivulu l-rucilco
VVolmxo tlio facllltici , nimratiii | > nml rcmcillcs
for tlio eiiccossfnl trcalincnt uf utcry foim ot Ula-
ea c rtmilrliifj cither nixllcal or pur lcul treatment ,
anil Imitenll tocumcanil liiVttlfritifir : ( lic'inscltca
or corrcspoiul wllli us. Long rin'ricnco | In tront-
ln"Cft e liy letter cnnblcsiiH t trcut many cosci
eclciiliflrally u itlioiit gL'uliiL' Ihcin.
XVUlTi : rOU riltCUl.AU nn Deformities ntyl
Unices , club Feet , Curvatures of tliu Spine ,
IISEA"E8 01XVoMF.N. . 1'lleH , Tiimnra , Cnncers ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inualatlnn , iicrtrlrltjJ'nrnl : -
jfls , Kpllcpsy , Kidney , Kjc , jnr , bkln , lllood and
all Kiirylc.'ii operullunn.
liiiMi-ili-N. liiliulcim. llrncps , TrunsrH , and
all klnilx iif .Xteillcnl nnd Surgical Appliance * , niau-
ufactnrcd nnd for file.
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special ' Nervous Diseases
frcim ulinlu\urcaiii'c'rndiiceilRiiccoN | } fiill'tri-iU'il. )
XX'u c.ui remove Sypmlltlu pulton from tlio cjetoni
without mercury.
New rotnrnlltptrrntmrnt for lossofltnl power.
Cull niulcoiiKiilt na or tend name nnd pont-nfllcd
acldre8 plainly urltten enclose stump , uud wo
\UII scud ton , In plain uiapiur , nur
ut'ON rnivArn , HTKCIAI , AMI Ncuxoua DIHHASKH ,
HKMISAI. XVrAnNts1) , Si-FitsiAToniitKr.i JJU-OIEN-
or , Svrinus , OoNoniniii'.A , RIERT , VAinrocEi.B ,
RiiucTiiiip , AND AI.TI nifr Hr op TUB OKNITO-
UiiiNAity OIIUANS , or ( end history of juuroiio for
an opinion.
t'crsont unntile tn xUlt us may lie treated altlielr
liorncfi , by correi-pondciite. Alnlicineiaml Instru-
uirntB K'nt liy 111:111 : or ctprcsa rilU'UHCIjY PACK
ED I'ltOM 01ISl.HVATlUN.iii ) marU Inliulicnto
contcnti or punder. Ono person il Interview pre
ferred If coincnlont. Fifty rooms for ( lie accom
modation of patient" and nttendaucv at
reasonable prices. Aililnnsall I.cttern to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Inslitnte.
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Ave , , OMAHA , NEB.
Medical Work for YOUIIK Men
Jlielelli ) Aged -Me-u , only § 1 by umll
Rxhfiiiiti" ! VltMllly. Nrrroin nn.l . I'hyMnil Dithilliy
reiimiirpl | crllnnln Man. I5rrr , nf X'oulli.anil thu
iilnlil mlji'rlct rptiiltliiirfrinn IndlKirctlitn HIM ! r
i1" . A , liook for i-ycrr nun , JOIIIIB. mhlilliinuuil
ml olil. It ronUilm 1'ii | irii rrli < Uoiiii fur Ml nciilo anil
iirniiloilippHiiDi.t'iiiiioiMMii whidi l liivainulilu Ho
> ninl l IlinaiilliorwIiiiHii miu'rl.Hic'n fur 21 ymra |
irh up iiriiiiHhljr rinvi-r Imfurc r ll in the lot nr any
hjflfhin. .f | niiot. liiiiinil in bt > antlfiil fioni h mm'
n , i'Mitioi c'il < on'r , lull tilt , cuiiranti-i'il In l , aiinr |
( iikliiiniT-n ) ii ii iiiorhinlriii , iiii-rniy and prufni ,
onnl tliiiiinnyiittii-r work In Ilih roimiiy forf..Vl
rllioiiifiiicy will Im rofiirid In nvrry IIMIIIIIIC. I'/lsij /
lly 11 by nmll. pustpBld. llln-lrHti',1 rimiilp. AII
Pint now. Onlrt moiliil iiniinliMl tlio author hr the Va-
( mill Mu.llcal A.noclMtlon , to IhuiilIIfMTflof vrnleli lin
JlioSclcceof Ufoilioiild Imreail liy thoyouiufor
rlriiclliiniinil hy tliannilclud furr Muf. H wllltieiu * .
'I li ( > ril lionn'MilJcr cjf incli'lr to nliotu Km Solnnra
r I.He III nut Im iinuful , whuiuur youth. iMri'iit i/uir.
nn.liijtriH loror eliTuiiinui AIKUIIIIIII ,
Aililri'Mlhu ' I'imlioily Mvtllial limtlluln , or Ilr XV. II.
urkt-r. No. 4 UuUllmti trett , lloitton , la4. , Hlio may
u toiibiilli" ! on all ill i > ii i > iulrlnu aklll und uiperi *
icee'liiiiiiiiMiinl iilintliniKi I-IIMH | | | llmttmvo
iilllnil iliiiitklllnl iillolliui-iiliyxi-
mi" , u xpi-i-litlty , , 111-Ji llnniil
iciiniliillwltliniit mi instanuu
I fin I u ic , Miuiilim llila luinur.
fraud Sacred Concert
ii v THI :
lilan Italian Opera Co.
jvcn Concortcd Nuuibora , Concluding
with tuo
rhird Act of Faust
Ailin > elinu us ic e-rrrO no.iuSooilra. .
- ' ( ill b on sulo yutuH * ) .