I junjpf i i i 15 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , SAT HID AY , JANCARY 10 , 1880. TJIK DAILY KJ3B. bA'ITHDAV MOHMNG , JAN' 10. CrriCE ! Ifo. IS Pearl Slrest. r lUtit 11i > ffimfi iti mi ) jnrlof tlioilty nt twoilj rent" i tr wi < K. II. \ \ . Tn.io.v , - - Malinger. 'ii i. HUMMUS on to , N'n n NKMIT liniToii.ito . MKXTION. I'.ints ( o oidcr , fiom * * i up , t Ki-itiVs. TinD.tni'bo MH'ii'tv Kivi' their iiii fnt < ! ball tlii < cxciiiii in Iti-no's hall Wanti'il A > liiinliiiinid : ) anil laundry to do plain \va lnnjj : and iionin < , r. 1'u IHC Hoi M : . I'rpaelihitfliv. tin- pastor in tlio UuplM clmrHi .Snniluv morning and i-vuiiliif ; . .Scats fu'o. All mo I'oiilistlly invittil. , Tor Sainllni' Mvi-ll body nnd Port land uitti'is nmiiitfiu'tiiu'il by K 'J' Wntriiiiini CNIIH s * > lj for us. Ivcullnu fc I'Vlt. I'Vlt.Tlu Tlu > funcialof thn littlu f > on of Mr. and MM. I' II William * was held iustcrday afternoon nt the rcMilcnuu on 1'iciuo hllM'l. histiro Ilcndiicksjc-tcnliij perfoinicd tile eeienionv inakinj ; as one , Mr. O. II. T. Hale and JII- * Josie Monalun , both of Omaha. Tlio Council HI till * Toniimrancc Al- li.inee meets at Ilic V M C. A looms at 1 oYloi'k this siflrinoon to sulcut dclu- cntcs to thu state comc'iiUon. The homo of Mr. and Mis ,1. H. Hell was the M-one of n MII piKi ) p.uty Tlnus- ilayovi'iiiiiK About sl\ty fiiendsniaicbcd in ujioii the vvoith , ) couple , and a merry tiinu followed. Theioaiua jroodl number of conn- tcifuildollais.tllo.il , Ill-it1 , o many , in fact , as to lead to thu supposition that onu liute is diati Hinting tlium fiom u supply phmltd in this viumily. Lost Hutvvi'on Ninth Mieot and the Itansfur depot , a small black v.iliso. Any OIK ! liinliii the h.imu and rctninin it to Col. I ) H D.iilui , oitlii'i at his rcbidenco oroRlcc , will bo Iibi'i.ilh ic\vudud. Honiei'S in thu Con ri /rational / chnieh tomoiiow as iMidl I'luai'hin bv the Moiuinii subject "foii ! i's Long j ; . " lviMim ] < . "Hiding God's Wonl in tholli-ait ' A coidi.il imitation is extended to all. W. ( ! . Nilioii , special a ent of the Conned Hindi iiiMiiauuo eouii.iny | , has ) ) iueliased a hotel at Wall Lake , vvliiHi vull be in oliaiyu of his vvifu ( lining hi.- , neuess.uy ab enee lioni home and atten lion to other IHISIIIO-S. Sheiifl'MeDoiiald , of Sioux Citj , ar- livid lieieistciila.v . , and found the t\\o men , Knight and Dunn , awaiting him. Ho onh wanted Knight : ia witness , and no diiugeh aio laid .tgiihiit him Dunn was letained in en = tody and taken baek. A joting l.itl > , who mgently debiies to have her name \\ithheld liom public g.i/o. had a toothsome meal Tliiiiadny ovi'iilng. A false tooth bloke tiom its beatings and befoie she could sivoit , thu time foi the swallows to Immcu.utl lly came , and down went thu tooth. Mis. Hiehard Kickett List tall had a tooth pulled , and in the opuialion some way her jaw wn- > hint , the bone being futctiiicd. Since then alic has been sut- feiing greatly nt times. fahe _ is again on the hick list , and Tliin-ilaj night iier hus band was cpiilo alaimed about her. She was better \ebtciday. Hovival soi vices will be begun Sunday night at the United Piusb tcuan chuich. on Tenth avenue between SNth and Seventh .streets , under the auspice * ? of the Methodist irission. Meetings will be held nightly , beginning at 7.0 ! o'clock. All peisoiib living in that poition of the city are united to attend , Unless thcie U some change in the situ ation in regal d to lit oadw ell's ca > e , the fllieiitl' will take him to thu pemtentiaiy no\t londay. He has held him at the suggestion of the coin t , in order to givu Ids li lends ft chancu to fin nish bail , pend ing his appeal to the supicmt ! eouit , but Uh the bad does not .seem to bu foilhcom- ing , thu .shuiilV cannot bu expected to hold him heiu much longer. It is rcpoitcd that Sam Mouison is going to sue tot damages the o who Matted the lepoit against his character. To a man who is innoeont , it ' eenis that no amount of money will repair tlio in- liny done by the making of sneh charges. Theio mo .stton" icasons , however , to believe that the enatgesere not made maliciously , but thiough some mistake oruitorin infotination. There ate only tbtce now who claim to bo entitled to thu ollicu of cot oner. Cou ncil claims that as his Micccbsor , Dr. Uollingcr , who Mab elected by the people failed to qualify , ho holds over , liel- linger claims that he did qualify , and is legally the cot oner. Tan ! , who was ( , ' ! IOMII by thu bo , ud , claims that this gives him a nine right to the olliee. With th KM' eotoueis toady to Mt on him a body htandrt a gcod show of being sqnec/ed bu- 3 end all tecognition. A. F. I'oul. traveling inspector for tlio Western Union Telegiaph company , re turned to tlio cltj to ilay ftont oil'a trip over the Union P.icilio i.iitroad. Ho was snowed in near J'lomont , and had to re main theiu four davs , dining which time ho hiiU'ercd a gieat deal fioin thu e\tremo cold , Mr. Toid rupotts that tlio icccnt Htorms have done much dainago to the telegraph service all over tlio states of Nobi.ibivii and Kansas. In many places tlio dnmage is o gieat that it will cost as much to tepair the lines and place them in Ihst'Class working order as it did to iiifet construct them. \V. II , Cop on , the tiitx editor of tlio Evening Ileiahl , tetirch tiom that posi tion today , Mr. Mnoliaid. who hab been the inaiiaging editor , will now look nfter the local news , and ( ill both posi tions. Copson lias done good woik in that depai linen ! , anil is u newspaper man who will not bu allowed to remain idle. The leeent newspaper changes on the uvening papets hero atu rather pecu liar. Thu Ilerald docs aw ay vv ith its city editor , and makes its managing editor its city editor Tlio ( ilobo does away with a managing editor and makes its city editor its managing editor. Or elsu onu Intends to do without u managing editor and tlio other without a city editor. licbt eonl and wood in tlio city at Olea- eon's , 2fil' arl sttoot , I'Cftiniinl I'lirjiKriiplis. Hob Uani , tlio nowspajior fiend of Missouti Valley , wius in tlio city ycstei- Utiy.John John T. Stewart and his son Charlie left yestoulay over tlioVabash for n trip to Lexington , Ky. \ V.V. . Chapman has goao to Kansas City , and it ib expected that on his return he will bring back to this city u bride , one who hab many friends here ; Mrs. Mary McGarry of Hatavia , 111. , is in thu city attending thu bedside of her brother , Mr. ilamcb lrain y , who is very ill. Ho was coiiMdmed to bo in a critical condition ye.steid.iy , but some symptoms wore more favorable than the day before C. H , Jacquomin & Co. , No. 27 Main eticot , take plcasino in announeing to thu public that their stock of articles , or namental. stylish and useful goods , is complete in oauli and every da- imitmcnt , and cotdlallyinvllo overjbody to visit their Kioto , inspect their goods nnd conipatu | ) tces. ! No ttotiblo what ever to bliow goods. For first class Missouti wood call on , at his coal otllcu , 20 IVarl btrcet. FRUIT FROM THE PACIFIC , A Boz of California Fmit Costs Less Than A Single Peach Used To. WORD FROM LONE WOLF'S WIFE. How Cn rs mo Multiplied in .Justice Court s Another Man Asks for Dlvorrc Ni'WhUntlioi Inns In mul About tlio niulTs. Calltotnln Pi nit. Some lime ago tlio Hfci. contained an inteivievv vvilh nn expei'imced linmller of Callfotni.i flints , in which the picdic- tion was made tl al not only would the California finit trade become one of the greatest industiics of tlio land , but that this eitj would be one of the gic.tl- cst disli Minting points. That gentleman , Mr O.V Hulls lias handled fruit hcie bj the cat load foi seveial Jiais , and so felt eng has become his belief in the ad vantages of this as a dKtubuting point lliul he has opened vv.aiehotis.es and Miles- looms line , and is pushing the business with much enthusiasm. Ho handles fruit huie for C. W. Heed , the great fiuit man of Califoinia , whoso name has been widely known in this line of business for man. } joais. As the shipment of this Califoinia ft nil Is becoming so impor tant a line of business , inlercsling many , all infoi million to be gleaned eon- cuining it is leudeageily. Tlio prospects for this season's trade are such that it seems safe to piedict that 100 etus ot fiuit vvill bu handled fiom Council Hlulls alone. The o shipments vvill commence within ii month and bu Kept up lively hoie liming the season. Some stmling ( changes aio promised in icgaid to this gear's tiadu which will inteiest eveiy consumer as well as dealer. Tlii'M ! changes aie ehielly in legaid to tianspoita'ion. An oigani/atioii lias been toMUM ! in Califotniti , Known as the I'ruit ( tiowi'is1 union , composed of the largest men in that line , anil the capital stock is if.ViO.OOO. Tlil > union is complet ing .11 rangemenls , which , if ppifooted , as thej doubtless will he , will icdneu the cost of transpoitation abottl one half. The lailway ollieials aio iigtiiing with tlii1- union , and there is a plan on foot now by which the union is togiiaiantee shipments enough to wanant the tail- wavsending a certain number of trains each week. These fruit tiains aio to consist of tifteen eats each , the e.us to be especially adapted for fiuit , and such li.iin is to be sent through on faster lime and at less rates Ihan ever It ispio- ppsed to ' end sueli a tiaiu fiom Califor nia to Council HI nil'in fiom thice to tlnee and u half dajs. 1 , i t se.ibon it took --even or eight dajs. hail jear the late was about $ < ! 00 a ear. Under this new airangement it vvill lie about half as much. Jt is figiued that three of these tiains a week , dining the season , will be needed to move the ciops. A meeting ot the union it. to be held on ( he 20th , at which time it is expected that the ar- i.ingenicnts will be coincided. 1 he \\oniloifiij lessening of the time and cost of shipping will eanse a ie- iluetioii in the eo.st of Califoinia flint , which will place the fruit within icaeli of all , and it is expected that the in- cicaspil demand will soon lead to other clungeii , so that the day is not distant when California fiuit will compote cabib in juice with tbatneaier home , and will be really the supply for the country. The piojioscd i eduction in freights will cause peaches to bu twenty-live cents a box cheaper to the retail customer. Peaches which .sold here last j ear at fiom 91.00 to it.00 a box ought to bo no mine than fiom $1.25 to $1.75. I'e.us , which i dialled last jear tiom $200 to ยง 1150 a box , vvill bo fiom 'p.OO to $100. Hwill not be long with these reductions befoie Califoinia fiuit will be in common use lor family pmjioscs , and people can alloid to put them up , the same as they now put up fiuitbgtown noaioi home. Mr Ueed recently ptepared a special aiticle on fiuit cullnic , which lias at tract ud much attention among the fruit glowcis of Califoinia , where bis state ments are looked upon as authoi itative. Hoiecites an intoiesting history of the giowtli of the business , and gives some valuable suggestions to fruit glowers and handle ) H. In the com so of this aiticlo hcb.lj'S : The ineiease of the fiuitindustiy in the past lew je.irs in California is sqinething almost in.n velous. The possibilities of its fiitine ate not rcali/ed by the most sanguine. I can remember to have ofl'eicd $1 each for poaches gi owing upon tlio tiees , which oiler was refused , ? , } each being asked. The liiat poaches giown by myself - self J sold at 25 cents each. Later on , when peaches weie quite abundant , they sold icadily in the maikets of Sicia- mento and San rranciseo at ? 10 per box- . Monej-was moie plentj * then than now. Later on all the mountain towns weio supplied with finit fiom their own raising , and the finit liccamo so plentiful am ! the market so limited thai 1 have shipped finit daily to San Fran cisco , for a whole month , and my letinns brought mo in debt $ . ' 0 on account of ficignt , commissions , ete. Still later , wagon toads were built aoioss the moun tains , and with the outlet made through the demand to supplj * the new conntij'of Nevada , wo weio enabled lo dispose ot our sin plus fiuit. That made Iruit-giovv- ing faiily prolitable , as the fiuit hauled acioss the mountains mid that used by canneries cieated a demund tor all the sin plus piodnced. INfKKAM , OP 1 IIUI r SHII'MKNTS. Still later , thn completion of Ihe over land railroad made a now demand for the finit pioduots ot Califoinia , as the ship ping of ft nits in eat jo.uls to eastern mat Kots became macticahlo , although we commenced shipping lo Chicago with fi eights at $1,200 per ear without any ex- peilenco in packing fiuil tor such long shipments , jet the business has giown constantly , year bj year , and w ilh n con lintions reduction in fi eights and in creased knowlede in galhciing and pack ing fruits biiltable lor long shipments' , we have in the ptistj'ear shipped over 2,000 c.u loads of gi eon fiuil , inclndingoianges In the ear 1870 thoio were seventjtull cat loads of liuit shipped , and in Ihe jear 1871 theie woie shipped 116 caihmds. At that time , in speaking betoio the Sacra mento Taiineis'club of the possibilities of .shipping gieon fiuit east , J ventiued to saj that the business of .shipping gieen truit alone should continue to ineiease until we could M'lid 1,000 carloads an nually from Califoinia , nnd that there was n nitukot in the east to which wo could send Unit much with prolit lo the pioduuor , by a little modification m the rates of freight , which were then f.OO per car. To say now that wo will ship 10,000 carloads within the next ton j-eats , annually , is not much of u stretch of the imagination as it was to saj' 1,000 car loads at that time. That the value of the fruit product ! ) of California vvill continue to ineteaso until they shall exceed in value all other products of the state com bined J hav.0 not u doubt THU KASTKItN IIKMAND , At tliis time fruit glowers are looking to the eastern states tor the gieat market of their moducts , and while huge quan tities olnoais plums , apricots , grapes , and olienies will be flipped biicessfnlly , it is inv judgment that there vvill in the near fiituiene mine peaches shipped than all oilier fruits combined. Tlio people in the east will use pe.iehes more finely than any other kind of fruit when they can obtain them at prices as low as v\o can atlord to ship them with cheap fi eights andmiiok transpoitatlou , With- out naming varieties mo t desirable for shipping , I will a > lute that , fiom iiij own experience , the j el low HoMicd kccp < better than the white I have hippeil poacher the past season to Xew York Cilj in pet feet older. JIAMlUSU VS1 I'A ( KINC ! Shiping ) ) fruit cast , to be s-tiocessfnl , iisl be done in all its- detailin the mosi caieful inmini r. and it will become net1 cs ai'i for all w ho me engaged it. the bus iness t < > understand all impoi taut detail" of gatheiing fiuit at the jnopor time , of handling it in themoot cmefnl manner. to avoid having it miivc in a damagotl condition , and theiebv making los cs in stead of ptoll(4. ( Veiy much of the fiuit shipped w hich ai t iv ed in bad order is due lo i aiele s handling befoie shipment. It N a common thing toi flint to bo gathered in lough basket" , pomed into wooden boxes hauled on dead-axle wagons' ovei lough loads and stieots , oxposi d to a hot sun , w lapped in piper while in that condition , and forvv.tded in cats ( oftontimo bj slow fioight ) without siuiugs , and withnopioteetuii fionilieal oxcont the n.itiital or single covei'mg of the oars And fruit thus shipped i ex pected to atiivo In maiket 2,000 or ! J,00 ( miles distant in a salable condition' II should be mulct stood that the oulj besl Itnltthat aiuves In good condition can ever bo sold with s.itjsf.ietoti pi ices to the shipper. So that it becomes neces- arto educate cvei. } one who handles fiuil for shipment to eastern iiimkcU to tindei stand now to gather , how to handle , and how to pack , that the impeiceptiblu damage ot caicloss handling befoie ship. nient m.u be avoided. With eliea ) ) fieight , quick transporta tion and tin1 proper hcleetion and pack ing of the best flints that may bo giown in California , theiu is a vast maikuteven open for our fruit products. Our dry and "iiun.N climate enables us to glow finit to greater perfection , and makes our finit of a quality lo bear long transpoitation supeiior to that of mi > other poition of thu coiintn ; for , had we a humid atmos phere and summer rains , jt would bo im- piaclicahlc to ship most kinds of fiuit to easlein markets liom California. Since shipping Iiuit litst began , verj gieat im- ptovcinonts have been made in all things connected with the business ; the finit ears tl.at aio now being used aie thor oughly ventilated from the end , mid have piovod supeiior to anything elsu thus iisud Vet it is possible thai the ingenuity of our people 111113 discoyei some method ot tianspoitatioii supctior to anything now in use. rin.suuviNG rut'iT. Experiments aio being made at the present time with pioees cs for the pies- ei vatioii of gteen linit , or for the ict.iid- ing of its lipening , which mav jirove of gieat value in thu futme to our fruit- shipping ; inteiest. Hut icoently I have leccived a loiter from Uavid Wing , of Hocliestor , N. \Viitingupoiitliu sub ject of preserving flint , he sa s : ' 'We were determined this season to establish thu value of the dibcovety. and to that end wu licensed a waiehoiiso to hecieclcd at Mitilboiotigh , on thu Hudson. It was put iiji in the most complete manner c.tpaoitvlO ; tons of grapes , and is now full. 1 he liist two looiiib vvoio put in in September , and the lirst week ot October weiu lillcd with ConeoHl grapes , and we have just had them opened to take out samples. After hfty dajs we hud the fiuit absolutely peifect , hay ing the llavor and bloom ex.ictly as if fiesh liom the vine- , . The berries are him on the stems , and to all appeal ances capable of bcnif' kept two mouths longer. it desiiablo. The looms weie closed agiin and will not be opened betoie the 10th or Ifith of Decombei , vv hen the li nit vvill be put on the maikct for the holiday ti.ulc. The owners of the wmehonso aru moro than pleased nil catty , as to ilay the goods would bring 1300 per cent moiu than cost. They have one i oem Idled with Niagaras , which they do not intend moving until January. What lias been done already demonstrates entiiely the piacticability ol tianspoiting California gi apes in peifect condition by oidinary heights , thus adding the saving in fieiirhts. to the inoht of having bound f " fruit. With grapes for wine and laisins ; with fruits of all kinds that are grown in a temperate climate , for drying , canning and shipping ; with nut-bu.iiing orange mid lemon Hues , nil growing side by hidu ; with thu industry and entet prise of an enlightened people , the fruit products of Cahtoinia vvill jet make this the richest , most beautilitl , most populous and piospuious state in the union. For ovcr thing in the grocery line give thu now in in of Kint/c & Klceb , 10213ioad- vvay , a tiial Everything new and ftesh. Fancy gioeeiios a specialty. Having nut in a complete now stock of clothing , tuinisliing goods , hats , caps , etc , Fox : iV Hughes , No. ! )15 ) Main Mi cut , invite the public to give them a lii.d. Their expenses aio small mid they can and do sell cheap. Gases. A short time ago , W. T. Smith , a workingman - ingman , had some trouble with bomo bo.vs named Wright , sons of a neighbor. He claimed that'thoio boys weio alnising his bo s and when ho went out to stop them they tinned on him , Hit owing stones , calling name ? , etc. lie struck or pushed thu bovs and in thu all'air onu of thorn was quite badly hint. Thn Wright sidnoflliostoiyuantli.it Smith hit the boy with a stono. .Smith has been held to answer to the grand juty , thu bail being fixed at $100. b.v JtMieo Hondiieks. Smith in tiiin had the boyt , arieslc I , the complaint being tiled befotu Justice Fiainey. They weio ohargod with as- fratilt. Thoc.istjs weie takun on a change of venue to Justice Seliur/ who , finding no evidence against the boys , dischaiged them. They had not inached homo be- foiuthoy weio icmicntcd , infoimations being nled in Justice Fiaimty'h comt ohmging thum this time with disturbing thu peace. It seems that there is baldly need of having so many infoimations liled and thu county put to so much ex- pmise , but lids beonii lo bu the policy of some _ Substantial abstracts of title and ical estate loans , J. W , , & E , L nquuo , 101 Petal btieet. _ _ Lost Hctwoo' Ninth atieet and trans fer depot , a situa black valise , Any one ( hiding the saino and letiirning it to C'ol. U. H. Hailey , uithor at his losidcnco or ollicu , vvill bu hbuially inwardod. ' Lone AVolC'i1 Wlfo. At the timu of the death of Dr. , J. Palmer - mer , better knmvn as "Lono Wolf , " it was learned that ho had a wife and family somowheie , fiom whom ho had been separated some time but their w huicaboiits was not known. Yestoiday Chief of Pollen Skinner iccoivcd the foi lowing letter fiom Chicago : KIND Sin : 1 liavo just icceivcd now& that my luibband , lr ) J. Palmer , died in Council IMulli soinu limo ago. Will 3011 please infoim mo it it is bound vvhcic hu is bulled. This is sail news to mo. Although - though ho had left me , 1 still loved him. Pluaao answer. ANNA PALMEU. For hardware and house futnishingget pi ices of Cooper & McGco , No. 41 Main btreut. Money to loan on chattels , by Torres Smith , 1130 Mainstiect. Coltago ranges , ( larland stoves Ra diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the very latest patterns at bed rock prices , nt Cooper A ; McGeo's , No. 41 Main street. Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es tate Loans at McMahou ! c Co's , No , 4 Peuil btrcet. FAMOUS MINT EMPLOYES , A Mute Oil 1 Who > Jmlo I'orooim t'alnl In Sitililc'sil1 ' ponklnu. "Anna litklti''oii vva * the greate'-t talker ever nnplovou in the mint of late jrat , ' * Miiil an old emplou of that in < titntion to n ipnoiloi * fet the i'hiladel pliiaTtmc * "Hut , ' ho continued , "there wn a dumb gill hero before tlio war who could out talk with the lingeis : ui\ womnn's tongue on the faee of the cm Hi. " Tlio old emplo\o v < asiu a iviniiii-eout mood Heaitl. . "Tht1 iitmu1 of the dumb girl was Kobeeea Javi ) * Slit1 was n teally beautiful woman and vvav eon- eious of it , a ino'-t pietly women ate She was emplov.ed in the mint in l ll , 7)'i , 7it5 'Hooky , ' as evoi body < | ) eke of her , wa liked b.v all Her i ter , n IrToinpkin * , kept a well known confeetionou in tlin-o da\s on ( 'lie tniit stieet , between Kleventh and Twelfth , whoto HitoliVtoio is now located , while entiioly dtinib , was not deaf. You could talk to her , anil she talked baek with her beautifully explos ive eves , her head , or her lingers She wao about 2. ) 3 ears of ago when she was lirst employ oil , of line ligitre , gi.ieoful in evorv niovenient , full of life , and alwa\s good naltiiod She went atwoik in the iliiMlng | loom One day in the winter of IVrtl she floated a coiistei nation in the mint that almost amounted to a panic \\hilo atwoik at her seat engagul in manipulating the blight gold eagles , she tinned her pietty face mound to the gill next to her and exclaimed loiidlv , "Uh , I believe I can speak1" Her companion to whom she spoke fainted outtight , and so did the ioung ladj on her loft The other women in the room left their places and i.m to the assistaneo of tlio two piostrate girls. Hock > ' ehatteiod like : i magpie and al most fainted hoi self. Her speech had conic to her so sudden that sliu could not reali/o it anv moie than her astounded loom-mates , to whom she had been mak ing igns for jeais. Shu remained in the mint tome jean after that , and her case nttraetod the attention of tlio gioatost niLdio.il scientists of the daj. Kebeoca was a Konian Catholio in lehgion. and in 18.)8 she entered a convent near tin- , city 1 do not know whether he is living jot or not , but she ceitainly scaled the gills on that day * "Anna Dickinson was employed heto dining the war She could talk on any subject and gossip with anjbody. Her jiolitieal dismissions with the oilier cm- ploves , male and female , weie iiumciotis and led to fieouoiit lojmt ts against her , One day she denounced I'lesidcnt Lin coln's vvav of canjing on the war. She did not like it. Shu thought it was not \igoious enough. Her theme from moining till night was the poor negio. Somebody went to Diiector Pollock about her denunciation of Mr Lincoln. Ho expostulated with her and linallv dis missed hoi. Some yoaisafloiw aid , when she became famous as a loot in or , she came hcto and spoke to a huge audience at the Academy ot Music. Her fiiond. Judge Keljey , was to intiodiice her to the audience , but he had not at rived , and the audience vvab pi ow ing impatient. Thoietvoio scvoial dis tinguished gentlemen on the stairo , one of w horn was e\--Jov. ( Pollock. He w as llually piovailed tipon to intuidiiee his former cmplovc in t lie mint , which he did in an eloquent manner. When ho had finished Miss Anna looked daggois at him and did siotstir ftom his seat. Judge Kclley came in a fijvv itinutes | attei vvanj , and she was again piexi'titcd to the atidi once. So jou see she got even with Mr. Pollock for ilisinissing hei bj publicly lebnking him. She wab a gieat gnl , and as smait ns a whip. "Thcio goes a ) ) er on who has been here lonjiuv tifin I have , " taid the veter an , as he pointed toward a lady of about 00 yoats of age , mound who o lace lin gered tiaces of former beauty , and whoso figure was , still shapelj and etcct. "She came hero a joiniff miss of 10 years , thirty-two vcais ago and is now the chief adjuster. During the time of her om- plojment she was mariied to a gentle man a few moments before he died , w ho had com ted her for some years. She is ically 'thu Mint , ' and knows moru about the business than all the rest of us put to gether " HIM I-'i oeiloin. J. C. Stiong asks lor , v divoice fiom Maitha J. Strong. The m.iniago , ac- cotding to the petition , look place in Hig Giove , Iowa , in 1870. The gi omuls fora separation aio those of cruelty and abuse. , Pros. T..W. TCI.T.HS , Vice Pies. JAMM N. llno\vsCii'-liler. National Bank 102 MAIN STKEET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent. . , . 1,000,000 Do iLKCMcinl lnnkiiipbu liio g. .AicountH ol lianlis , tianUcis , inoioliitnts niun- iilaUineiHaml individuals iittlvid on luvoin- lilo tmniH. Dome tile and foirlKn < iLlnuiK' ' . Thovtij best ol iilti'iitlon ulvni lo nil Inivl- IILBS commuted to 0111 raic. ONLY HOTEL In Council UluOs burin ? Esoa/p@ And all modern imprnveuHnti , cull bolls , lira lurni bells , etc. , is the CREST ON HOUSE ! Not. 215 , 17 and 19 , Mala Street , MAX JtOHN , I'jopilotor. r.T.llAl.NR. AS. IlA/rMON JP. 2' & Co . . May UK , Real Estate Exchange No. 10J I'onil 3 tint .Council Dlnirs , loirn. Dealers In Jotrn , Kunfits / l id Nebi aslw Lands LOTS IN COUNCIL , I5LLT1AS AND OMAHA A Sl'IXJIAL'lT. Itcul Kstate boughj ajl | ) sold , N. SCHUBZ , Justice of .the Peace. Office Over Amtrlcnn Impress Coni | > anj. B. RICE , M. D. flNf.RRS or "ther tumors removed without 1/nnVDllO / the knlfo or driiwliie of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES / U "Inds Bpeolal.r. . Over thirty j curs' practical experience. Ofllco No. U 1'earl Strict , Council llluirs. HAMBURG - AMERICANA A IMHECT LINE FOIl England , France & Germany , Thu tuamelilps of this "fcll known line are all onion , Iu water tlKht coiupurtmi.iitti , and iu- furni&hid with uvtiythlnK to muko the pasaa/u ioth bafo und mrrtcablo. TUcj carry thu United hliiuaiuul Kuroniun mall j , und leuvoNr\r Vork ahup > dabund baturdujd for 1'ljinc.uili 'I.ON' IJON ) , Chtiboug.d'AltlbUiiailAMIIl'lKi ) . -ri t tublu , JW-tlW. btttrujrt , to Xow SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICI : . Special drertl emcnts , fuch ns lost , Found , To Loin , For Silo , To ttent. Wants Hoarding , etc , will be ItKtnlcd In tliN column at Mm low rte < of TI'.N Ci.VT : Plllt MNK for tlio flrft Insertion nJ F1VK C12N PS PUU LINK for c cli pnl cqucnt Insertion. I.civo nd\citl o- mcntsat out ofllcc , Vo. U 1'o.vrl street , near llronilvtnr , foinitil llluir < WANT'S. J IHI ItllM'Hii tlucc-tiio lirUk1iu lni hoit'O foi MM i U nciMipIe I Iiv OtontMojX Pcnoentj'in lin nilit ol Mcviiihon X Co , No 1 lVurl litp | . .t VV\tKiit. : .Vo . ! $ Mnlu , . ( iiiidii ( Iti7p i s lliinki , lenl t tiite unit uirr- niinill < iM veil nivi'lnokur * Our liooks mo tull ol spffinl ImiKiilii" . lint It H linpn > ililn tn iiuli- Hli n ivliiililc II-l rioni tlmfiti t ol o niiitn iliiilx- . W hut \M u < k ! < > : Jf joinMint to ortuulo unj lliln In mil line , unto in uml HO will < nit .MIII n pile of lim-'iiln to ulcol from. I.HIKN lniiiov | ( . ' < l or nnlinpioxinl , lt > ot town propoiH.-to ol ITIHHU of unv hliul In iinv jiliai1. 11 siuh joii Imveor sueli jou vvunt lot in ho it from joii. Sunn . \Valku , ( oiincll lllulT.s \V.\X rr.Il-Cood lil to do hoii o ork nt CIS llnncroit H "IX'AN'I r.U I'wo tcllnlilo nirontn fet tlio li i : < nillul > t < > M itinil LlliMiml Ciiilouincnt Co. to-uoik In ( ( MiMoll lllultA | iplto Win C Hilliilall Silit | ol AirctlC i" , ORiloil lloil n. IflOlt Hr.N'P A tlncly fuinlsliol front loom 1 o. ! \ Vine stiLft. 1OII Ar.KMil ImwdiTTf PelT ( o < )7r. IVO.UI , miles Miiithnoit ot Oiiuihti n niuin hoiiv.cxullcnt well itnil tlstcin.y Imiti * . 0110 lotlalit lioi-si < , OIK * for M ions ; lion , tool aiKluniron houses. UM noics In tliuotli ) : lii.OiM forc-vt tiee * . iMtlon wood.lilrtLk wnliiiu , usli unit miiiUi | ; KO il ( iiclinnl , niilu | | , I'liui i iciiliinw. . KIIIJIUS mul Mimll f i ults NOVLI fullltDr stock wilier. H.I' . Hi 1 11 1 li , fiW llioiultMi ) , Council llltlllslonii. _ HODSIIS roll lIUNT-At MuMnlion A , Co'sT No. 4 I'eiul btiett RUSSELL&Co Mniuifncturcreor nil fl/cs of AUTOMATIC ENGINES Kspcclall } DflKiicd for Itiinnlntr MILLS , GRAIN ELHVATORS , AM ) ELECJ'RIC LIGHTS , Tulitthir and Locomotive Boilers. New Mnsaillon Threslicis. Carey and Woodbury ] Iorsc Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Tiaction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our Elock Is now coniplolo In every dcpnrt moiit and contiilns all thu lalcbttt vies and olTocta InCARPETS CARPETS , CUltTAlNS , SHADES DPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. , ETC. - 111K- Largest Stock Lowest Prices. THE ONLY KXCJ.USIVK CAIU'KT I10USK IN WESTCHN IOWA. SAMl'I.KS finnlshcd upon npplloiitluii to down toiMipnillcs. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpet Company 4:05 Broadway. E. B. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs 1HOR. OFFICER. W. H. M. I'USST OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , KstuWUned IMS. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT UAMUALTUIIlli AND UEALLII IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,003. , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000 , STJCCE3SSOF2.S TO J. : MTn33IjIjE3jR , . 03 MAIN STK2ET , GOUHCIL BLUFFS , IMl'Oin'EUS Or AKU DiALiilS : : IN Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. We make Ihecelohi.iteiHlaidinan I'l.mo * , ami Iho lloj.U Whitney OI.JAIH , a specl.Uty Kveiy liistriiiuuiil w.iii.iutoil. Send foi catalogues. MUILLIU : : MUSIC co. , council nimrs. MOVER AND ; ER IJrlck ImiMlius of nnv kind ril at or mnrol nnJ fiitlsdctlon s-'nrintool. ' Frame liousoj uiuvod oul.lttle ( Jlunt trutUs Hit latt In the noilJ. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Stioet , Council IJlulls. If you buy any where except at Metcalf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc. METCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Northwestern Hotel. Newly littcil and famished. Opp Jnoatlw.iy Dummy Depot. Sl.SO pel day. SAMUKL TATi : , 1'iop. L. H. BEHSHAW , W.m.uei. Chicago LumlDer Co. Wluolcsalo nnd llotnll Iiiiniljcr , r.atli , Shlntrlos gnsli , Doors unit IllhiJs. Solo ngcnts lei tlio ccleliintcd Mnrljlclicnd Contontnitcil VVIilto 1,11 no. S. I' . \cco.NM.Li. . , M Ti lopliono No. as. .No. 71U.Vhila Slicut , Council niillls. EVERYTHING IJiAd'INABLK IN CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , No. 21 ! .Main Street , Council UliiirH , lit. "ESSEX HOUSE , Con.sKii DniAXT AM ) Yi.ViSis. Opi > o ltollO llulldlnuu , Council I Warm rooms and good bonid ( it iiasoimlilu JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW 1'iactlcci in bt.ita mul Federal Courts. Itooius 7 uildS , hliun.ut Jiloclc. MEHGEN HOTEL , Main St , Council lilulls Near tlio ( I , U. & Q. ; ( ' . , M. & St , 1' . , mul C. , H. I. it I' , lallvvav ilujtots hln-et con pasitho ( loot. i\cr : > llilig now uud lii.it das , , . , - ) . . . , ( . 1'iopikloi J. M. LEADING Tailor ! NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. 607 llromlrray , Council lilulT * . Railway Time Table. COUNCIL Ilf.UlTS. The following Is thu tlinn of mil vat nnd ilcpuiltiiuol tiains liy Luihul hliindaid liiiic. al 1 tin total ( Ifpolh 'li.ilns li'.ui ) iiiiiisleriliiiit | ) ton iiiiiiiiliscnilltruud uirho Im iiilnutus I. Hi i : DEI'AIIT. MMIIVi : . ciiiLMi.o .v MHinnnsii iiv. USIA.M . Mull and i\jm : hs .ll.noi'.u. VtMv. M . . Acuininiod itlon. 4riili > . M. o.Mlr. M. . . . i\pioi : s U.OlA. M. < HII Mill ft ICOCK IMMM ) . . . 7:1fiA.M. : . .Actoiiiiiiodiitloii .ftH'n' . V. ( . . . Ul' . M. . i.Xllc-s. : | .11.01 1 , M. CIIILHC.O. MII.VV AtM ! I ! i. HI' . IMIII , 0.20 A. M . Mull Illlll i\plU4N. : II.Vll'l. . G.CUl'.M. . ; \ | f , , H.UI I. M. t'lllLAOO. IIIIIII.ISIDON V QIIINCt. J40A. ; > i . . .Mallainl i.xtn : | M il : Hi1. U.5JIM. . l\pl : ins . 'I. I ) , , \\AH4-ill.SI , I.IIIIKii I'.MIIIC. 2l/i : / I'.M I Kiil M. Louis t\pro-H ; 1,111 at .J.C'OI'.n.'I'iaiihror.Sl. l.oiil , llx.'liai li'i l. liu K.A.Nh\h ( ICbP. . JOt k I OHM II. 111,1 I l Mall unit i\iH'3f : | , . fi. H I' . VI. VUui > . M UJ'lA. M. hious. i in i I'vriiic , Till A , M . .hlonx t'ltj .viall " . .mivr. . t ; > U rM HI. I'anl 15\pum 8"i : v M , UMON I'.U'll 1C. 10..IAA. M. Illlinil i\liicfi : nrtiM. . . ' .I.I r. M .Mninln PatsDm , V lt.V . . ac. . M. T.&Ji' . M. . UxerlnmL Kxiuuhi s tr , t. M , III'MMV IIUI.S.s ID DM Ml t. I.ra\o Council Illiillh T ir , < a ' ) 1-IO l 11 , . l u. in. ; l.uU-J.jil l. l I II : fl fi.W 11:15 : p. m. Miinliijh - i'"i ' .1 ' ) 11 ' ! n. m ; " .l > , fi 'i'if II > i U 11 n 111 , l.tavo Oinalin OU-I.UI ! o/- / : ! i ii luNi " ' . ' " " i , 5 fJ 11 JO a. m.i'J.OO- -5.0J-0 Uj ll.lijpm Ohicago Water filotor Go. N .sriinr. ; I'nvnr fiirnl > . | iod fiom liydnuil IIIOMUV for driving nil kinds ol Hutu iiiiulilni'i ' ) hpii'iul nitdiiionifht n to ( liuiLli oi/iu lilowiiu mul i ill ) pi IntiiiK PI ( , M B , limit i huppeiM , M .i emu IrLtvtrx , pull ? nut : 1 11(1114 ( M UJIIKHUILIIIICB | , utit , 'Iho liL' tdii iipcsi u o in inadii. bend lei tlr- tulai in us , , in ( ; ( , unill Illulls Ijy Ik'o Jdbiillli o. I'atu \ hLliiii.ilt.iiHat mill Uul. I hliiiKo Vliiltlaik < I. 1 > ll-l/l li''oij < I'B Mull Mill kilt. hinllli.Lli.yi if , Kin IA. . KU'isli , loITi . .wiiiAj ) | Main t , ( uunUI 11 .ills , lou d 4111 1 uiiiiui st. , Onmliu.