THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , JANUARY 10,18S6. THE WEEK IS SOCIETY. Xriof Notes * Personal and General , of Omaha Social Life. Hie Hliclby JIiiniict-I | llss Hoyd's J'roRrcsslvo Kuulirc Pnr-ty The 1C. of I''B MM MiiMuc | 1 1. A inciioinclrluiil. 'J'lic snow Ijlofkiiilc , f-o fnr us its pfl'eot.s on llic rnilroads me to bu considered , line boon entirely rtiisi'il. Xol t-o a con- ccrn Ibi uH'cfts on social movement1 ! . 'I'liG wcullicr of tlicpnM two weeks lias Henri y frozen out : tll hijjns of souiely life , though v.ith llie thaw of lli past few lny . tlirrc has been n lively eliango for thu better blei hiti IK the principal amusement nowaday s. The jonn man who can not Hjmrl a hatid'omu cntler ukli equine and bell atlaelniKiiif , is no lonpr the object of admiration in the eyes of Ids best girl. Tlmr'dni "lKMl > bein } ? mild , called out a large number of sleighing iiarlies , and tlic scene on tilt * streets Wits indeed 11 merry and lively one. The mTiuiKeincnN for tin ; charily liall ans nearly complete. At a meeting of gentlemen interested in tlio iirojcet , at thn Millard lOlldav ni lit , il wiis de cided to Jiold the ball on the evening of AViiihlngloira birthday , Kebriiary " ' ! , in thu new Kxjiosllinn building , which uill bo thrown open about tin ; l-'itli. An e\- ceiitive coinmitleo wa. ehosen , eoii-i' of .1 1C. Itoyd , Herman Konnl/.e -I. NN . P'.uldoek , Prank Murphy , lien .1. 1' HawkitH , ( iny C. Harlon and K. S. Untidy Three managers of the. nllair Were chosen , as follows : 1'rank Col- pet /.er , ,1. T. Clarke and A II. HNliop. A ntmiber of prominenl ladies will bu ifioeiated with these irentlomeii in com mittee work , ll seems strange that the. event should be delayed to Midi a late day as February S3. Jt is supposed to bu a chanty ball , and thu funds to bu used lor the poor and needy. Vet by tiie lime the moneisauiilablc the winter , with the hard-nipt and suD'cring ; it brings to the poor , will be over. Mr. P P. Shelby will leave Omaha with feeling' * of deepest regret , for Cover ing the ties which have bound him to this city for twenty years is not an easy matter. On Tuesday night he was given u magnificent hampiet by the merchants anil jobbers of Omaha. II was probably , for elegance of sen ice and perleulion of detail , the finest , banquet ever given in this city. The tables were set in llie main diumg'ioom of the club and were hand- HMncly decorated \\ith sinilax and Jloral < le.signs. The toasts given on the occa sion were replete with points of wit and eloquence Among those i > re > ent were C. It Kustin , C. J. ( Jreene , S. ll. John son , H Kitchen , ( jeo. K. Labagh , L. II. Kortv , A. H. Smith , \V. and ] . , . Gibson , D. O. Clark , II. A. Johnson , II. C. dish ing. T L. Kimball , Max Meyer , N. J. ( Jell , 1' . 11. MeConnell , John D. Creigh- ton , J. K. IJoyd , (5ny ( C. Barton , J. M. Metcalf , J. S. Hrady , W. V. Clarke , W. K. Clarke , F. Colpet/.er , C. II. Gnion , W. L. Parrolte , Levi Carter , Thomas Stt'obu , C. Parker , 1) . S. liarrigi-r , K. M. Anderson , K. L Stone , K. AV. Nash , J5. It. Wood. M.V. . Clair , It. C. MeC-lnre , ( J. A. II. McCauley , W. F. MeMillm ! , L. .Uiehardson , J. . / . Dickey , \ \ ' . T. llan- cock , li. M. lleunelt , C ! . S. Stebiiens , , T. W. Mor-e , F. K. Lawrence. U P. Funk- housnr , .1 C. CowinV. . F. Grilllths , J. S. Clarkson , F. 15. Whitney , P. C. llime- baugh , J. T. Clarke , T. J. Kogers , Jo . ( Jarnenu , Jr. , K. W. dray , V. II. Darin , J. M. Kddy , J. K. Markel. HenGallaglier , lloberl Kavon , , W. II. Megquier , 0. N. DietJ. . S. Corliss , K. Martin , K. P. Peek , W. II. MeCord. Geo. A. Ilongland. A. 11. Bishop , P. K. Her , L. Drake , ( Jeo. Patterson , J. L. Woods , AV. V. Morse , Dr. V. II. Collinan , C. A. Coe , J. II. Millard. Ben Barrows , A. L. Klrang , II. T. Clarke , J. M. Woolworth , F. W. Nash. Miss HI la King , from Bamboo , Wis. , is visiting her sister , Mrs. L. J. Nedd. Tlio Chautauqiia Cirelo met last even ing in the ir. M. ( J. A. hall and an inter esting programme , conducted by Miss Poppleton , was rendered. A very pleasant and literary en tertainment was given on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Parsons , 117 North Seventeenth street. The lol- lowing programme was carried out : Ovci tuie I'lniui . . Her Iiltlit ! Smile Haunts Me Still i : . \V. ICowley. Itccltntion . Baby In Cliiueh Miss Kmiim { 'arsons. Song . Whispei Ing of llojio Miss I'.vu and the Misses Kiiiinn antlJInuU J'ai.sons. Dhdopne . The Widow's Victim Miss Maud Parson * and Me5 > bi * . Chapman ami Deciles. Sung . One Day Miss Klchoin. leeltatlon.'t'he ! School Hoy's First Attempt Mr. Lew Chapman. Piano Solo . Tlneu Bell's Polka Miss Anna Shields. IXTIIIIMISSION. I'lunoSolo . The Shcnlmrd Boy's Eelio K.V. . Kowley. DlnloKiic . lUnviiii ) of the Widows Misses I'.va , Maud and KMHIKI Parrions. Hccltatlon . Setting a lien Ij. Chapman. Piano Duett . La Pot II Carnaval Misses Maud and Diiuaa Parsons. Recitation . ( iuilty or Not Utility MliS Maud Parsons. Piano Solo . Old Oaken Bucket Miss .1. M , Klchorn. U ocuut Ion . , . The Famine , Mr. It. D. DLVIIVS. rinnoSolo . Cliiuvo of thollussnrs \\Mtowley. \ . Negro DInlojtuu. . . . The SolillPi's Hoturn Intioduelng spe < M\lties by Messis. Dccnes and Chnpnum , A jtarty was hold at the residence of Mr. Patrick Connelly Thursday owning , which was in every respect an enjoyable atlalr. The muMeal part of the enter- tninmeui was well taken care of by Misses May MeAvoy and Hose Font , who nang the "Spanish Cavalier , " in a spirited manner to great am > lnu eus also ftQYnnil other soughs. M.ISS Franklin's recitations , "Gra M\elirco" : and the "Shamrock Immortal Green" were more than well received. Mr Jnmes Delaney Ming "Tlio Kmerald Isle , " and Dublin Hay recitations wore. < * iven by Mesirs. T. F. O'Brien , Ormsby and Donahua. The entertainment then concluded by the winging of "God Save Ireland" by Mr. Patrick Ford and the entire audience. Among tho.'O in attondancu were Mi.ssos and Minnie Donahue , Mary McCoy , Mary Bowles , Mit-s Judge , Miss Barry , Miss Kennedy , Mis > Boylan , Mrs. Bur- dish , Patrick Ford itnd wife , Patrick Douglas and wife , Mr. Boylan and wife , Mr. Hiloy and wife , M McCarthy , Ar thur Hurley , William iVnnklln , ll. Mo- Ginn , James ( 'onnelly , John C'ummings , Patrick Douglas , Thomas Douglas , M , Donahue. Mr. ami Mrs. S. A. MeWhorter leave for the bouth to-day for the benefit of thu health of Mrs. M. Mr. Italph Modjcska and his bride uro in Omaha , having arrived hero Thursday night. They have kept their arrival hero very still. For the present they will stop nt the Millard. The largest progressive encliro party hold in Omi1 ha thu season assembled at the residence of Hon. J. K. Boyd Thurs day oyeulii't ut the Invitation of Mis * Margaret Boyd. The game was spirited , but Tow progressed morn Hum half way up the line. Messrs. AI. Patrick , William Hodlck , Summers and Bishop , of the gen tlemen , played thu best game , Mr. Put- rick , in cutting , won the prirc , n supurb bmn/.o anil beribbonml waste basket. Air , Hediek captured the second prize , Japanese pauur cultcr. Mrs William Wilbur won the first prize among the ladies , -i beautiful vase , and Mis ? Cnrr the second , n pocketbook. The booby prize * were .1 hollow cabbage head to Mr. Berlin , and n golden broom labeled "A Clean Swoop" to Mtss Cong- don. Mr Berlin's feelings on receiving the cabbage head were somewhat as suaged when he discovered that it was packed with bonbons. The guests , ac cording to the K\celsior , were Mr. and Mrs. Kollina , Mr. und Miss Isaacs Miss Kimb.ill of Salt Lake. Mr and Mrs. C. S. Dundv , Jr. , the MNsrs Diiiuly. Mr. and Mrs. Itcdick , Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbur , Lieul. MeQuistoii , Dr. Summer * . Mrs Hu sell Harrison , Mr. and Mrs. Bierbower , Mr. and Mrs Joseph Gatneaii , jr. , Mr. and Mr l ) . O Clark , Mr. and Mrs. Jo ej.h . Barton , thu Mi ivs Congdon , Berlin , Ijam , Henry , Ko * . Shears. Doanc , Wakeley , Lelmior. .Ie l Millard. May Millard , Carr. AlcCormiek and Tomp- km" . Me rs. Melius , F. and \ \ . Hamilton , Keller , Beach , Itogew , Drake , AI Pat rick , .Nlegquier , Bishop , Berlin , Summers - mers ami Chasu. Mr. W. F. McMillan has gone to Chicago to cuter into business. Mr. and Mr . Harry Blair left this week for Salt Lake City , their future home. They will be greatly missed in Omaha musical and social circles lion. Ben Barrows , ex-consul to Dublin , has returned to Omaha and will take up permanent residence here. Among the Omaha people who started on the California excursion were S. | { . Brown , Kdward Peyeke and Henry Livcsey. Tlio Third Conirrcgalional church socia ble was held on Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. Ge.i. 1) ) . Albrecht. The next parly of the Sans Curenionii ! club will bo huld January 'J8 , nt thu Millard hotel. Thn wedding of I aac Kaufman to Miss Miriam Nuvil was solemni/.ed Sun day night at the residence of the groom's father , No. 1U15 Farnani street , Habbi Benson olliclating. The bride was at tired in u white satin gown and were orange blossoms. A large number of the Iriends of the pair were present and ex tended their hearty congratulations. Miss Novil several weeks ngo renounced her former faith and united herself with ISabbi Benson's church , thereby becom ing a Jewess. The new ly married coupl moved at onee into their residence , on Farnam street near Twenty-third. The grand calico ball of Myrtle divis ion , Uniformed Hank , Knights ot' Pythias , was In-Ill last eu'iiingat their hall , cor ner of Fourteenth and Dodge streets , and was an elegant all'air. There were about Jifty couples in attendance , the member- the. lodge being dressed in full uniform , The programme was compo - po ed of twenty well arranged numbers , and was carried out to the delight of all. The committees having thu all'air in charge were composed as follows : Master of Ceremonies Dave Kauf man. Executive Committee Thos. Burreil , II. D. Shull , W. F. Manning , J.Donnelly , jr. . A. Borden , Ivl. Crowell. Floor Committee Fred Iu Lorimcr , A. Burnett , C. A. Abeerombie , J. C. Whinery , A. Borden , J. J. Monell , H. M. Simpson , J. Harpster , Gco. Sabin , B. F. Madsen , J. Meyer , I. SehiH' . Mr. Martin Calm , of Omaha , and Miss lloo Kosunbnrg , of Chicago , were mar ried in Chicago Thursday evening , in the presence of a largo number ol friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Calm , sr. , of this city and Mr. Kiuannal Calm , Simon Ober- folder , Julius Meyer , Simon Fisher and Sol Bergman , of this city , were present. The happy couplis will be given si recep tion on their return to Omaha. They left last night for a tour in the east , and' will take in New York and Washington. 1111 : IIVMU\OMITIIE. : ; Once again the instrument is ready for its weekly ta k. The tales it tells , how ever , are very short , and can bo briefly recounted. Two young people who are soon to bo united in the "holy bands" are a .young man in the Union Pacific headquarters and freight department , and a young lady residing on Saunders street. The date on the dial supposed to represent the happy day , is somewhat blurred and Indistinct. It is understood , however , that thu nuptials are to be solemnized in March next. Another little matrimonial episode , soon to occur , is told by the instrument. This time the groom to be Is a young man formerly ol the National bank clerical force , but who has recently left the city. ' 1 ho youn/r / lady is well known in social circles here and possesses many charms of character. The following letters of her name , though blurred , are yet decipherable "T-/-l-n. " The ceremony , it is whispered , will soon be performed , ami will bo a very quiet ' all'air. Again the hands of tlio instrument move around , responding to the subtle magnetism of cupid's presence. This timu they point to the name of a young man employed ( in a clerical capacity ) In a large packing house here and that of a young lady living in North Omaha. The young man is saving up money rapidly , it is said , and will soon have enough to pay for tlio marriage license. Ho has recently arrived from Philadelphia , but intends to make his pormanunt residence in Omaha. The wedding is to occur some time within the ne.xt few months. Omalia Stock Yar < ls. Mr. Perkins , formerly buyer for Stewart Bros' , packing house at Council Blulls , has boon engaged to do tlio hoar bnvin" for J. K , Boytf at the Block yards. The Locke club mot Tuesday night at the residence of Mr. II. S. Hall. The literary part of the programme related to thu early history of Spain. Vocal and instrumental music enlivened the enter tainment. Halo iV Johnson , North Loup ; J , S , Yu- men , Friend , and others. Arrangements will bo made to got the repot IH from eastern markets at an earlier hour , HO as to induce thu opening of the market hero earlier. A rule has been made not to weigh up stock after dark. Omaha has been an evening mar ket long enough. It is anticipated that cattle will begin arriving at tlio yards from Oregon about February 1. Shippers in that country were very favorably impressed with tlio Omaha market last year , and have signi fied their intention of giving Omaha tneir patronage the coming season , They say that Omalia is as far east as they cu'n atVord to ship. TAKE. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Kor nil UUcii'os of the var , KM i oy-i , Stf.ni3li ; mil Biiljji Tills iwicly Toiretiiulo m-ennrnllon , now so celflbriiti'd us 11 I'limflr Modlclno , orlcinutiHl In tlie south In Isii. its ucu Kunlly on tlio tiowrU und kidney und cor- ructa tli union ol ttio liver , and It , tlitueforo , tlio bi'st nrcpmnlory medl- duottlmtoier tlio slctnoss iiiuy iiioro to bo. In till common aiwm.vps It will , un- MBistcxl by uny ulhur medicine , vffoul n t | > ct < dycuie. Tlio Itcfc-ulntor U info to ndmlnlitor In nay condition of the lystem , nml unik-r no ciicuin- btunvua CUM It do Imrm. It will Invlxnrtuo Uko u tln.-i of u me , but It Is no intoxicating beveragu to lead to IruoropoiHnce ; will promote Indiges tion , Jlssl | > ate ueudnchu , and cunurutly louu up Lot ) Mem , 131 ! ' " "j VOO GET THE GUNDINB. IT\Tf > MTMT i Mt Tfl I TXTP1 CHENARtTRAINEl For Business and What Becomes of Them , AVIint n Itcportcr Saw mid Ilcnril in tlio heading Hiiilness CollCKO of the West. "How's bu ine s " asked a reporter , wlio in his rounds had dropped in the Omaha Jnslne ! s College , corner Thir teenth and Douglas street , Hathbnn & Dailey , proprietors. "Never better , " replied Prof. Hathbnn. "I have been in the school business in this city eleven year * , and in all my exper ience tin. * has been the most prosperous your of them all. J .t think of itl One hundred ami twenty new pupils have en rolled since September , 1833 , which does not include those who huvo entered for telegraphy , short-hand , typo-writing , or ' . ' " "From what any of last year's erop. .source does your i atronage come ? " From Iowa , Nebraska , ICun as and Missouri " "I mean from what class of people ? " "It is not confined to any particular class. They eome from the high and the low , every one who aspires to be a business man. The farm , the workshop , thu cilice , and the public .schools all furnish their shares. " "What are you doing with the scores of young men and women yon are yearly Fending out ? " Kvery business community lias its demands for export clerks and aceoutants. Very many come here to lit themselves for positions they already have in view. Only a few expect to make a living by keeping books. " "JJoott , lure young men hero by promis ing positions1'1 "Farfi0111 it. Weonly pro- mi-e to aid them in getting positions and ho far have been < piite sueocfsful. " "Do yonuivcdiplomas ? " "When a young man completes the course and jia es a proper examination he receives a DIH.OMA. " "What is meant by tho'cour eV Do you have a regular proscribed course of study and business training ? " "Certainly. We lit a > ouug man for husinc.-s , the same as the litedieal college Ills him for a doctor ; the Law school the lawyer or the .school of theology for a minister. " "Do .you pretend to s-ay that a young man alter reeeiving your diploma , can go into any ollice ami give perfect satisfaction ? ' ' "Mainly , yes ; of coin-so there are a few details in every business that we could not be expected to teach , especially in railroad operating , but we give him such training that lie will very soon familiar- i/.o himself with new conditions and eventually give perfect satisfaction. Thu fact is , we put it in the power of every intelligent youii man to aspire to jiosi- lions he otherwise could not possibly have filled. " "We have what wo term the'theory' department , where the student learns to write Jan elegant , rapid , plain business hand. Here he learns rapid notation and addition , the English language us up- nlied to correspondence and composition , capitalization , punctuation , spelling and defining , aritliinstie , commercial law and bookkeeping. He is taught the u ( i of all kinds of business paper , such as cheeks , orders , duebill , receipts , certified chucks , certificates of deposit , endorsements ap plied to negotiable paper , articles of agreement , powers of attorney , deeds , mortgages , etc. After passing a rigid examination in this department he is promoted to the office , or buine s ex change department , where a. place of hllflinoaa , bool.n , blanks -unl lixUircm mo ready for Here he is thrown entirely upon his own resources. What ho has learned in theory miii-t here bo put into practice. Ho finds a ponderous ot of leather-bound books in which to record the business ho will be called upon to transact with oilier firms consti tuting the business community. Ho now learns the duties of check-clerk , bill- clerk , entry-clerk , collector , assistant bookkeeper , bookkeeper and proprietor ; he is vested with a cash capital which ho deposits in the bank , to bo checked out us the occasion requires. His work is crit ically examined ; if found to be "O.K. " he is advanced to the next ollice. On taking charge of the now books , ho ex amines them to see that they agree with the balance sheet handed him by the out going linn. In the real estate and loan ollieu ho learns to acknowledge papers as a notary public. When ho has fin ished banking the last oflico and made n good recenT , wo feel that lip is capable or doing biibiness in a scientific manner. Is it not a fact that not very long ago business colleges were considered mini * bugs , and their graduates complete fail ures ? It is , and m many cases ju.stly.tpo. Haso imitations are known to exist , which injure more or less everything of merit. Our business has not es caped. A youiig man who has learned to write a fair copy hand lack- iutr a common school education ami to tally unacquainted with business princi ples strikes out willi specimens ot orna mental penmanship , purchased at some factory , lands at .some small town , opens a so-called business college and in two or three months sends forth his graduates who have a'diplomat ? ) from I'rof. So and so. ' Tills injures schools of real merit , because tlio business man who has tried the young man and found him wanting , denounces the institution that turned him out. The young man's prospects have been blighted and he and Ins friends nroloud in their denunciations of the busi ness college. " "What has given rise to the change of ficntimtmt in this community and thu ex tensive patronage your school seems to be enjoying ? " "Matvy things. Firstof all I hayo made It a point to give value received ; have only issued diplomas to worthy graduates. I have yet to learn whore one has failed , and know of hundreds that arc in Important positions in this city. I think 1 have tlio confidence of thu business men ; it lias bocn my aim to teach what a boy would bo expected to do on leaving school and secure thu best talent as inbtruetors. On forming a part nership with Prof. J. T. Dailoy this idea was uppermost In my mind. I have known I'rof , Dailoy for the past ten yours , and consider him an expert , not only with tlio PIN : of which he is master , but us a teacher in any and all the branches in our course. Ho has chargu of the Husinnss Kx-clmngo. As far us pos sible wo do the tuaohlng ourselves , Wu fuel that our experience Is worth some thing and doriro to give the student the bcnelilof It. "Your fraturnity have an association. 1 believe ? " "Yes. It is called the "Jhisinoss Edu cator's Association a ? America" which meets once a your lo discuss methods of Instruction , course of study , and things gonenulv that have a tendency to raise the standard of our calling. " "Who bo- snlos yourselves in Nebraska belong to the association T" "Mr. Llllibndgo , Into of Davenport. " "What qualifications must one posauss to become a member ) " "We must bo masters of the subjects wo teach , able and enthusiastic teaeners , and above all , gentlemen. " STATE AND TRUIUTOKY. XebraHku ilottluus. West Point's record of Improvements for the past year foots up f lH,15'.l. ! The packing house question is agitating leeuinsehitps , and definite results are looked for at an early day. Johnson county gathered in last year $ luyi ! J in taxes from tlio t\vo railroads which traverse the county , The i-fetimatti of tlio expenses of Otoo county for the coining year is placed at $115,000. Kvideutlv Oloc county is run on the high pressure plan. The Klkhorn Valliy road has let the contract for the construction of a bridg < o\er the Platte ri\er at Fremont to a Council HUifT linn. It will bo 0,000 feel long. Louis O Kason. thu Iloldrcge lieide , wa \ictim of hypoehondria , and gashei his windnipe with a ra or during u blue spoil. He leaves a wife and four joung children. Johnson county i < reducing its bender debt at the rate of $10.000 a vear. Of tlio " total of $ 100,000otcd in aid"of railroads , but fGO.OOO remainsto be paid. TliL bonds bear 10 per cclit. U is given out in Nebraska City that jVIr. Hosford , supcrlndont of the Chicago , Hiirlington it Quiue.y stock yards. Iias been instructed to begin work on a large hotel and exchange building A. Fulton , of Table Koek , was relieved of i180 in cash while htng asleep in the depot at Falls Cily. Mr Fulton is the ? amo person who was injured jn a runa way at Hiimboldl a few weeks ago. The remains of Mrs. llobert Laird , mother of C'omrressiuan Laird , were laii at rest at .luniata hist Wediisday. Tin venerable bul.y died at the residence of a daughter in Ciillman , ill. , on the 7th hist The wrangle uniting the democrats foi the Nebraska Cily postollieo continues. Throe of the aspirants nro willing to sub mit , tin-question of "who is who" to a Mile of thu democrats of tlio town , bill the iotirth stands aloof and banks on cer tain "influence" at the white house. Iowa Items- . The Hock Island road paid its laborers ? ! ! per day during the recent blockade. The Scott County Soldiers' association has completed a monument that cost $10,000. Coal has been discovered at Victor al a depth of J300 feel , and that place will soon lime ti coal mine. Sioux Cily lias gathered up the snug .sum of * ' . ' 0,000 as a starlet- for a ehanibei ol commerce building. The Stale Hoard of Agriculture has $ < vVil jn llie treasury with which to begin operations on the next state fair. iluriiig the past .year 178 wolves were killed in Crawford county , on which bounties amounting lo $ ! ! oJ ( were paid. The Salvation Army , composed of two women and trheu men , playing an ae- cordeon and thumping a tainlnnuinc , paraded Main street , Uubuqiio , Sunday , with the " below Kinging hymns mercury SO" - low zero. Probably the largeel cattle sal ever taking place in the I'niled Slat-s took place at Cook's ranch , Sac county , a few weeks ago. Air. Cook sold 400 head of his young thoroughbred yearlings to a large ranchman of Wyoming lor the sum of $ ' , ' 0,000 , , an a\eragoof ยง 500 per head. The Iowa legislature is composed of 150 members , there being 50 senators and 100 members of the IIOII R. On joint bal lot the republican have a majority of ill. In the senate there are ! ! 1 republicans anil 1 ! ) fusionists , giving the former a majority of 12. In the house there are 01 republicans and ait fusionists. The Cedar llaplds Republican tells of an enormous snow plow which the Northwestern rou'd ' is using on its line west of that city. The plow ! > a marvel in its way. It was built for a Canadian road by n New Jersey firm , and at a cost ot $ ' .27,000. It works ! likc a lingo auger and bores its way-through drills , cutting out the snow in great blocks and hurling it to right and loft far over "its shoulder. " IiJiotn. Extensive ledges pf valuablemailil , have boon found uow.orcOnwood. Aluoli > f ii U hontittfiiliy variegated. Wontworth's now tow mill has a capacity to produce ten or twelve tons a day , anil il starts with 2,500 tons of llax straw on hand. Not counting ranch or range eattlo , Union county has the most cattle and hogs of any county in the territory. Clay county comes second. Spink county leads in Jiorccs , and llutehiiison in blieep. Hundreds of tons of hay that were cut , stacked and fenced by farmers living near the poit.on the divide between Hear Hutte and Alkali creeks , in Lawrence county , have boon destroyed by range catllo. The faculty of the Dakota univnrsilv have just scoured the service.- Prof. ! ! . S. Maslibir as professor of German. The professor is a graduate ot Kiull'univcrnity , Germany , and a scholar ot rare ability and attainments. The now court house at Fargo was for mally opened Monday night. Over 2,000 people were in attendance. The building was lighted from basement to attic and every oflicp was opened to the public. Tlio building is the handsomest in the northwest , the best furnished and the most attractively fini.shcd. Joseph Hull , formerlyticket , agontat the Union Pacilio depot , is confined to his home with illness. PiLL 26 YEARS IN USE. Tt Ortatest Medical TriumpU of the Age I SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oiiorappeiltp , JJovrelicontlve , I'nln In ( fee bead , wltb doll rn Btlon In llio back part , Palo BU T Ibe ilinuldrr- blade , Pullnan after tatlng , vrltli ndl - IncllDattan to exertion of body or mind , Irrltablllirofteinper , I.OYT i > lrltn , irllU afeellnarcf bHTlnguegloclcd ouieduty , Wearinen , IIIzzlncM , Flutlerinr at lha I'.rarc. Dot * belurollio eyn , Ilondoclia over the rlnlit eje , IleitlemneM , with Mtraldrentni , Highly colored IIi-loc , and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S rir.I.S nro eapeclally adapted to inch caloa , cno doio effects eneli a tianrooeonRftatotJitoniiosiiierer. TheIiirrtaie the Aipellteacil cause tlio body to Take on I'lnli , tlnn ( tin lyttrm la nnnrUhciUiinit by tliclfTonlo Action OD tlio l > tcc < tlveOruuiii,1triiilartJtnoUDro prortucf d. I'rlfa ! ? . 4 MliiirrBy Mt..N.V | TUTrslxTRACTTSARSAPARILLA Kcnarates thn Ixxly , makes lifallhy llcih , itront'Uiem Ihu w ik , rcimiru Iho nslc3 of vie eyblom with pin'a blfKXl and hurd muscloj tones the nervous nyettsn , liiTlKOratea the train , and liunarU the Tljjor of muuhood. $ ! SoM br ariiiririiU OFi'IOC 4-1 JTIurrirSt. , Now York. i ) Proposals For Pnvlng- SKAI.KD proposals vlil bo received by Iho mujorelidic'il until 11 o'clock n. in. ot Tuesday , IhoUtlth ilsy or JnnuarH8 ) , lor the following UlmU of pnvlntr materttl , vi ? : Bii et a-.pliiiliuni us pi < rVpi > elfo.itlons ] , Af phnlt lilnokg aa | iar Fjiecltlnulons. bioux Kallg Kranlto us pur n | > eollleutlonj. Colontdo biuidstono as per tpocllloat oaa. Any iilher ttlonu us pi < i i-peeiileittlons. Miin.ilain us porspfcltlcntlons. Wooden blocks us pur tpooltleuliona. Any bid tor puvlujf in addition to bclnjr ac- ciuion5 , inny olfo bo nccunllnar tobiieli upeeHleiitloiis , u < the bidder limy pi o- Evrlbo.thobunioto bo set forlh In detail und lo uccoinpiiny bid. Kncli bid fclmll epcclfy a p.-lco per fqunro yard for Iho paving oomiileto on the Bircot. \\tuk to bo done m accordance wlih plans nnd i-peclllcRtlonb on Ilio In the oltlce uf thu boaiil of puhllo works. Illdslumomadeon tnlntod blnnVg furnbliod by the board , and iiwomimnltkl u lib a eei titled check In the eum of ono thoiuniid dollutt , paj- iiblo to the olty of Omnlm n u irmiiuntee ilmt the bidder nnl within tbllty ilayn from tbo openlnifof the bliU jsho bonds iii.t nteciHlliiK tno ihoiisumldolliiM as the mrjoror citv CIHUI- clmayu | > ulio ttiat Mich bMdor will enter Into tontrnet for nueli pavlnir.of thokliv } und m lerlali pocltltd , as nmy bo oiUoiuU auilm , ' UK , Tlio board of imlillo works rc'crvo llio ilphl to leject uuy or all bids , am ) to nlo iinj Uo- Icou. J. K Hoi -B. dtu.7 Chairman Uourd ot 1'ublioVorts. . DIRECTORY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS , HiVl.\S : fc CUUncmU , , X-\V. Cor , Wlh and Douglas Sta. \V. J , BIDS. Hlb Street or.oitdK w. DOA.VI : , Arron.vtv AT Tw , Falconer's Itlock , loth mid K. II. COCIU5AX , ATTOIIM.V AT I.VW , Collodions umde promptly ; Doubtful elnlmsrt f pecliill.v. ito rnriiniii. GKO.S SMITH.W. II. Mi'tiriiY SMITH A MUltrilY , 7.Vifi Fnrnnin Street. r.oir s 1) . llnt.MK * . Jnti.vT. nn.t.or. . HOl.MKS DIM.OX , llooms S niul 10,1'ioii/cr Itlock , Opposite l'oJl > plllec. OE > . J. K. SMITH. .Ions C.Si'B < . SMITH ASHIA. : . I'rnctlcp In ftale , fcJcinlnnd * itircinncnitrtn. | nttentlon Kl\eil to the of tltli > , enmeyaneinirnnd collection of chilnn. J/ians Fi-ciued : nlo Ilio Mik' niul iciitnl of icnlo tnle .All lemil biislnc H done with dl'palcb. ( Mil on or nddro s Smith .V Shen. ntlnrnejK-nt-lnw , oor- ncrnf IMh Mi-cot mid Cnpltol nvemto , near 1' . O. , ,1mi > lis Illock WILSOX & 8T11ATTOX , ATTOIINKV. " . Coiniiioiclnl Law mvl Mercantile collections n ppeclally. Itelcruico : Jlcichnnt's National Hunk. _ _ _ ' PHYSICIANS. DR. ELEANOR STALURD DAILEY , OHIce ntnl llesklcnco , G05j N. 17th STREET. JAMKS II. l'EAUOI > VM. I ) . , I'lijclolnn ninl Suigoon. ItoeMonee , No. HOT .lone * Pncct. Oftleo , iioyd'sOpt-in House. Toll-phono No. 123. i > n. JAS. nr.cKirrr I'msiciAXAM ) SUHOnox , Onico iilidlleldciice. T''t X. ICtli St. , GKOUOIA A. AUHUCKLK , M. IX PHYSICIAN. C. M. DIXSMOKK , A. 31. , M. D. , Wlllliims , ' IHoclf , 111 N. 15IU St. ji. A. WOIM.KY , M. ! > . , OniccHld Dodue Street. Telephone \ . llcshloneo 1TICupltul A c. Telephone CM. 1. VAN CAMP M. 1) . , street , oppo'lto roflodlco. Telephone - phone I'- . lieslile.nci'.ft.MX. 20th trcet. Tolopliono No. DO. " . Dij.r. s. GIBUS , Doom T , TiPliihton lllork. 15th iinil Douchis street" . Ulliee Telephone , 41 ! ) . llp-idciue , lUlii Calllomln St. Teiopliouo271. Olllco lloilis , ! i to 4 iinil 7 to 8 p. in. P.M. C11ADW1CK , Plijsiciau mid Surgeon , Teleplioiio r,63. , Omco 313 S. 11th st DJV. ! . (5. KEMl'Ell , Peut. cher Ar/t. Onice ICOTVmnnm st. Hour * 10n.m. to2 p.m. Itesidonco Cor. Center iiiul B. lilth. 1M ! . C. P. IIAHHICAX , Pliyslcian niul Surgeon , Oniconml leMdenec IWiii U. W. COXXELL , M. U. , llomceopatliht , Omcc. B13 P. Hth st. Telephone GS9. U11AH. .M. CUE , M. U. Physician and SuvR Cor. nonplus uiul Ifiili 6t.,0mnhn , No . DIt. M. J. O'ltOUUKE , Physician anil Surgeon. Onico Himlimnu'fllilock , 10th unil Dous.ns st. Hosldenco 17il WnliMnr Ft. Olhcu hours 10 to 12 u. in. ; y to 0 p. in. mid 7to Op. in. OMAHA SAXITAKIUM TOR LADIES. Iloiirs.ti u. in. to t p. in. , week days only. William1 block , 111 N. Ifith St. Olll'IIA C. DlNKMOIti : , Sllpt. Dlt. JV. . DTSAUT , Physician and Surgeon , N. W. Cor. 12th and Howard Sts. Oinco hoiui , 10 to K u. w. , iiml U to Cp. m. Tcluj hone , ) . Dentists , CHAHLKS & JACKMAN , Dentists , Street , NortUwcst of P. O. J. C. iVIIINXKltUY , O. D. S. , Dentist , Successor to Charles & Whlnnery. iat < Fnrnnin Street. J > 11. Oil AS. 13. O. SMITH , 61'Hfir.ON DHNTIST. COIINEH or l&ni ST. AMI CA m ui. AVENUE , ( Jacobs Illock. ) Nalurnl teeth piescrvod , Ineg-nlailllcs of eliildi-en'o teeth eoi reeled , dlteiiMV of teelli and piiniH ( Mirou , nold nnd plmtle lllllnir , j-'old-llned plates und leolh Mlthoiit platoi. All workKimr- nnteod.und at limn roaionahlo pi Ices. Ulllco lioius fiotn U n. in. to U p. in. dully. Painting and Drawing- Instructions in Drawing and Painting AndonlerH tilled by MISS CAItlllk IIIIODT. Ftmllo , M A illusion block. Inn < ! t-enro nnd lloueiH'hlna palming , ropciiMo ork , llgurci In oil nnd water color , luatia pnlntlnir. fludird with It. P. ( lllioid , A Harnian , Art ! < > nfriio , Kow Voik City ; Mr * . M. ilel ) . I'ulUiiiiii , t'hlcngo. Bhlrt Factory- Omaha Shirt Factory , PH. GOTTHEIMER , Manager. I'luit Slihts nnd Uiitlcrwcnr to Order. UPHOLSTERY. Upholstery & . Repairing 23. S. ' S.No. No. . Hakes over MMIU-I , 111 i - Jrurnltnro aii'l imil.cs it lit trnii.1 1n | 'iid : nml llolMers iiiiulo to ciiJir. llimru I-MIK ) . lower prlcos IhH el-owiif IT. nii > l uoilxi ir o n oil. . lloj * mo u > t employed s'end puntal : ind wo will eitll ou > ou. TAILORS. J. C. VA roll , Merchant Tailor , Sixteenth Street A. KAUSII , Fine Suits to Order , rncllMi nmt 1'rrncli Mill hie , pnntq pnttenn , .eult < . the I'INKST. frt ) MI ri-tt Mm * . : SVTISVVC- TidvniMTtNTjr.Divi.vmvciif ! I.nrjri' t Mr - ( lnint'l'iillorln r.tiMvniicnl | | joiith of I'lii-nam st. 4tM ililleicnl pattern * ( if rood tncliet Irom. C'rtll nnil exiimlno KO nenllriloiu.810P. . . HthMicrt. J011X KKUVAK * CO. , Merchant Tailors , 4fl'i ! Slitli street. Suit * fromS'Hup lt ( t poods to ao'ed ' from. A tit iilwujs KUnriiiitiTil. Wo ina'KO n pinu'liihy ol peed diitnbU1 IIIKIIIPM illts. lle t "Irlillliiln.t nnd llfit eln work. Kepalrlin ; neatly done. DRESSMAKING. MUS. O'ltinKX , DRESSMAKER , Hn e liiMI liLMl her elegant diwsiimkmjr pnr- IOM in tlu < tu'W billldlnir oeeiip.vliljr tlinH. W. coiMIT of St. Mary's inc. mid Kill "I. Having lilid u lrtij.i'e\prileiiee in thn die" limMnirdo- piiilmetits of thf most fntnnni > niiiinfncturoi In Nrn Yorlielty , nnd u . | nir S. T. Tut lot's \erv mperlor j-li > in of eultlnir. slio feuM nble to Ciiainntec nillxfiu'tloii Tne l'el of veferenetM. I.iidlc.i nix' Invltod to cull. " " " DRESSMAKING" Jlim KANMK K. DOWN'S , Ilnsnlnnro n\peieiteo ! m n pioli" ' loniil dre'i- maker. SnlNrarllon M K en to alt , both In prlco nnd workiiuui'-hlii. Cnlliiml IIIIMI n lew minute talk for Hint eo < l nnllilnir , and joit iniiv save H freed sum and have butler voikby fnilolilrf. No 111 N Ifllli Hired , eilil * ldo , but. Capitol Ave and DodRe utteeli. MUS. J. KNOTK , Dressmaker , No Jill X. liilh Ptreet. Jla nlaireiiml lneiea liiK bnslni".s In die * . ninKliifr , ciillliiKiiml Illtlni ; , llehik' well known us n superior and e\pprlone < 'il inal.i t nt ladles' oiills , nn abiindanei'ol lni lii ( " < s l ea llyeciiied ( CiilUiriuMie-s us ntiove nml Iho mu&t prompt nttentlon will bo necoiiled , J. DUNCAN , Fashionable Dressmaker No. 1C03 Davouiiort Street , Soiilh Side , Be tween Iflth niul 1711) ) . Owlnir to my Iiufrely Ineroaalnur bui < lne , T have lieon obliged lo nmkolhlM chaiiRo of resi dence , and inn pieparod lo inoct nil my old CIH- tonicis nnd nn manv new ones as innycomo. I Kiiaianteo pcrlect lit and entlio tninlai lion. 11. I'ETKKSBN'S DININGHALL. . AVnrranlfu'tliohp'itrnn of coffee In Iho rltv. Jlenl * enniint bo equalled. Hoard by the M eok ? ( : Mnplo meal "le. 1UO people daily In altundanee , JIKS. S. F. W1LSOX , 71UN lOlh street , nenr Hurt , Restaurant , Cigars AND CoxvTCTioNr.iiv. Jfenls loonier A huBop.iliontijrelrom regular boardera : located near the ( treat rallroiid nlicps nml the Noi [ western depot. Itooin < i enn ho no- cm cd in this pnrt of town cheaper than la any other leepcctnbloloeatlou Itl Olnahii. The American Cafe , 503 SO. IHTII STHKliT , XKAK 11OWAKD. T/inlIci' and Giintluinen'ri Heelaunuil. Mcnls well cooked , well seasoned and well soi ved. Hall supper ? u specialty. Ilonii' and meal iloketB il. Host ctipot eoffeo in the cily. J , W , Jones , Has R iri'll furnlfclioil , well fcopt , lidy ontlnf : hoiisb ut No 1710 CoinlliiT ht. , mill all wlio K'VO ' lilm n trial will bo resularoiistomors. llodoos his ovt n cooklni ; nml liU n'lfo nttfinJK to tlio ro - tiuirniil , licincnthcni Is llitt class Into mid cvo- ij tiling us it Bliould bo 16th St. RESTAURANT CHAS. R. WEBSJER , Prop. Tlio noatcst nml liost comluotcd mtlslno In the northern purl ol ln n. Try us for 01111 wct-k , Kn. IK ictli near ChlciiRo t. The Norns Restaurant IF the very brst outing liouso In tlio city. Try It mill you will lie sntlblli'il. Tickets for "I innalri $ I ff > . Hoard ly Ilio week S f."j. JIual. < , 25o onoh. 16th Bet. Douglas and Dodge Sts. J1IIS..T. P. niLLUl'S , Restaurant , tins JiisttiiKcli Iho largo nml roininodloiiH rofi- tniiranl , lilluatcil at No. .W X Ititli ht , , and UM ! > It up with n line conlcctlonnry fltauil In the trout , wlilln Ilio Xltrluiii anil illnliw room U complrtiily lurnlRliril. Tlio iiitos 1110 ] > cr week lor ilnv NEW , F1UST-CLA53 Union Restaurant , folTro nnil I.tincli room , 1317 Harnoy St. , liot. IJIh Hllll Hill BIB. OKDKIl llll.l.OK 1 > 'AIIK JlLMt.S RKIIV- in , vi nouns. . Day liniinlU \ > umlijl per viirk. Mrs. Wiilli-r. 1'ropilutiVfR. OLD VIC'S Restaurant , L'll B l.'lh street. fn Kurniuu ami ] ) oiit > lax. Setg Ihu best ttt bio iu the olty , Meala ut ull hours. $500 Reward I'or n butter flip of coil eo tlmncim bo had ut the I unions l.ndlert and ( i ( nt J O > blera a Fpeeially , iittraet fiom bill ol laro : llniud.but. ler nnd iioliiloi H served llh nil mom and ocif onlers ; 1'iulur hiu u utoak Mo , uluileu rlti steuk thlrhiln hleak " < > e , iniition ohops IV , poik chop * r > c , ham nnd ew I.So . , liver and biieon l. > o , and I'vei ; IlihiK In piopmtlon. ; HJ ; ti. Jim street. 0 , J < . Bin ( Hi & Co , J'liiprk'tois. HOME RESTAURANT. XO. 1413 DOUGLAS STKEKT. For renl homo sljlo with lionio-inndo bread , homoeixtkliur nuil homo Ktlo ot tervleo uo t/i Mm. O. W. r.Hxlmnn'H Homo ItoM.innuu nd lun li Hooin. Iteuiilnr ni < alllelieunr board by the day or week. Uy turd sencd lo order , MECHANIC'S HOME , 710 and 712 S. 14th Street , C. JI. UlPPXfilt , rrojuletor. Day board r ; ) GO per week , lloaid und Ixxluing H COpor nock. EMPLOYMENT. J'HE OLD HKUADLK Employment Office , AtNo. ! . ' ! ? BlxKenlhst , , is etlll running , fur- bl-lilMK leniiili : help eieliHlvely , hiuHunu lor aotii lown nnd eonniry luriilshod on hhort no- IKe. Mm. .1 , W MniTliuu , J'ioiirlcloro . NBWS PT.'N11 S. E. I.KUMAX.V , FRUIT AND NEWSPAPER STAND , Dealer In nil kind * of 1ngli h nmt Tieseh tmpeil , Uirmnn paper * nnd book * , conjr book * , flbrntteiof nil kind * , Mory book' , lllernry nnd sporting paper ? , innvnrlne . ete Cut incinrnn hineiiny pni'cror periodical dollvcied nt their te MMieo. WilteK | tnlemd for u hat ) oil n ant. Vrult * . enmlles' nuts nnd CIRUM. 1 ! . l hmivnii , Sins. ii'iliM. ' " ' ' CLAIRVOYANT , _ _ _ CLAIRVOYANT. M.nlim T'itir ( < Ulclinnl'On , I'hrcnotogKt , * ! ln.t Ilotilcr nnd Prtipliot , I'n con onomliM ilpH-rlbrdt ttin riwtd lii urcp * * iiolntcM hill livpi > r l ) rlno < initlPM illroitpd lii * it | o < ( lull Mn r , eurf'i CnUiihn wllti licit' . ' Will poUUf ply cure lirmlm . , | | < Hi > ll nnlpn , ilir ninil ni rnliirili flint nil kldnpr , lUpr nml tpm- t'ccn lipilod by lior In rmp inniitli. Corn * nml iMtulont rurcd 'I lil ( M'lebrUril nml I'oiwlnr i > rt'titiUtjt nlll bu louiul nt loom 1. ' . M ) ! tr. \ lith M. Commission Merchants. SI.ll'EK A fiOULl ) Commission Merchants Grain , h'aj ' , Flour , Polahes , tic , , For Cilj Trade. Confections. DIMKSIl.VCll'S HOME MADE CANDIES. I'rulM ' . > i .ler , l.iitieli , ( "iHur ? , Toh.ieeo , Kti % flSPoiithtSthPl. TEAS- SAN GOON ! The Ural fieiiulno rlIINT.Si : 'I t\ ! . In quiutcr iMiiiinl , Inlf IHMIIUI inul iMiiinil | > ! U'lii.tH. ) Heal ( iiiiiii-toit ) Ili'st class m'iniliio 1'lilm'su ilrlnk ami not tlio tinmluiK piilntoil luii * . Sold ) by SAN ( lOlN' , No. 118 N. Sixteenth Sir c < I. ( It NH.MITII. CIIAS. B. HEEXIN , GUNSMITH , I'lDinpl iillpiitloil tfiU'tl to irpiililnif ( luin , Heel - \ol\ era , S'tm lii ( ? Mucliliiux , cte. SAWS FILED , LOCKSMITHINQ. . nth sin-el , Ointilm & ROSENZEWEUf Painters and Decorators WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES. 1515 Douglas Street. GOTTHOLD BflRTH , Saunders Street Market IX > i , Pull nml Siiiokod Montt , SniiHnire , I'oul- try , et ( . 11110 nunderd t > treel , ' 1'ull'n 1'lnef , Tciuphone ir.ll. IlOIir. U. 11IINCVN. AI.KX.WAM.ACI. Telephone 410. DUNCAN & WALLACE , ' Plumbers , Steam and Gas Filters STI.YM : Ilr.ATixr ; A SI-UCIALTV. Hstlniatibtiii-iil.slied , or will call personally. ABOIUM for tlio Imperial Cms .Miiclilno. 'JlUniul U'ln .lilth bt. OniiiDn. Nob. OT. E. EISDON , General Insurance Agent TIIil'KKSKNTS : I'liicnlx IiiBiiinneo Co. , London , CnMi A-etp $ rWll,000 Woitehester , N. V' . , Assets ] , ( XXl,0 < Olens 1'nlU , Axiotg 1 75,000 , ( liruiil I'lro. I'hUndelpliln , AhhelS ] ( XUUO ) Neir Jlniupslilra Cash Ant-cte 1,010,1X10 O. F. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency General denier * In Ilonl ISstnto nnd KoixlEstato vt/T > l''aifnani i-t. , Oiniihu , Noh. RAMGE , Tailor & Hens' ' Furnisher 1311 FAUNADI STREET. UNITED STATES National Bank XT. S. DEPOSITOR , iT. S. W , Cor. Farnam & 12lli Sts , $100,000 Capital , - , 0. W. HAMILTON ProsIOont , M. 'J' . IU1U.OW , Cashier. nillKCTOIIH ! n.Jf. rnldwrll.U. W. lliuiilllon , II. V , Bmlth M.T. Dnrlosv. U. Will Huinllloii. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK COIINKM liltli ANII Dnuru.AR STIIKKTH. Stock . $150,000 Liability of Stockholdora . . . . 300,000 riu > only K'Biilnr snvlnurt bunk In UK , oiutu , I'lvo t puM ouilu | > oull8. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE , JutncsT ! . lloj-il. I'l'Dsldiin ; : Win. A. PfltonVluo alili in ; I , . M . Hoiiinitl , MiiiniiiliiK Dl- iccior : Jolin \'IIUur * , Ci n. ( . . OAiii.iciis. r. . JOUNBOM Garlichs & Johnson , BANKERS 516 N. IClh STREET , OMAHA , NEB , Investment Spcii'Illcs , Moitf'iu < o Loans. I.rmns ii'Xi ( > Uatt.-il < m city piojiuily siinl Im proved lllllllK. 6j > orciit ! ltrroit ! ) allowed on Una ) ilcuoslti FIRST NATIONAL BANK U. S , JKrORITOHV. ) Omulia , Nebraska. Capital . t . $ (500,000 ( Eurjiluo . 100,000 llcnutui Kount/o , Prcftlilunt Joiin A. Crolslitou , Vi < ! 0 President. F.lI.lMvlB , Cashier. Vf. II. McKauIro A EBWAKD KUEHL , HAOIKTKH 01' I'AJ.MV.STIIUV I'lONAI.lJi'l' , wri'onili hui > l , botwtuii Furnam uiul llurney , Hill , wflli tlio ulil < < l KUnrilliiu FpllHs , iililuln for any onu a ( rlmico In Ilia jmet uiiil pruM'nt. iiiul of cumin ronilllioiii In jhu Inline. Hoot a nml blioun niKilw lo orJor. 1'crltfl buiUtuullou Kuurutilcud.