Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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" .
'L '
r l
O Advertisements tinder thla head 10 cents per
Jltipforlhe flist Insertion , mid 7 cenls for each
* ttbet.'qiierit insertion 1. I >
Seven words wl I bo count cd lo the line ; they
must run consecutively nnd tniittbo paid In nd
vance. All advertisements m i be handed In
tioloro 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circAtm
Mnncw will thoj bo Iftkon or Utecontlnued by
rniilc ndvertl lne In lhf o pohnnn * nnd h v-
Injrtho miMTprs ndilre * ed tncnrnof ,
mil plenso nek fordiecV to enable them to ( tot
their ii tti rs , n IIOIIP will be delivered ctcopt on
proHnlnllon of eheek. All miMpr to ndvpf-
llM-iiit-i ts shcitilillic enclosed In envelopes.
&n , ( oo roiiioAN on unl ttnio. . Apply
P Immediately to iialloti HI-OS. , al ? s. imh M.
TXTOM.VTO I.O VN on hor'e * . wniton , f'ir-
i' . nltitic , ntclic . wllhonl ifinoviil. 'r < 'im < i
on y. < .1 fn rell HIHIIII in. Irtin llnnk llinl.l- .
' ff , Utli mid rnniiin. . Take fleVHinr. ' '
$ I no. ( inn to lonnnn city recldenco property.
Oto.V.Iaj , I&0 Tut until. a
rpo LOAN Moitpr m any nmount ,
JL On nd ehiM-os of securlly.
Phort time loans on real o'tnto.
I mir tlmo hmn nn real estntc.
Mone > to lonri on chiitlcK
Mom > > to loan on rollulornU.
Money to loan on any peed ecnritr.
TeiniN tn y , time toiult
Apply attlieOmiilia Vlnnnclnl Kxchiuiso ,
llnrker ( < Imlldlm ; , S\V corner of
_ Mltctnlh and ruinam st .nnslalrs _ 7nt
M NiY : for everjDodyt Von cnn borrow
money on furniture , boi cs. wnrons ,
plino ( , flock of all klmlK , diamonds nml tlno
watches on your own time. l'niiiciitaiccalted
t any lime , mid interc t reduced pro rntu.
Property left In jour own ] > on c loii. Terms
( wiiflthc lnwe i. ( 'nil und MII moIlnslncss
confldentltd. No advantniro taken. W. It. Croft ,
lloom 4 , WithncU'fl New llull'lni ( , ' , Noithcar ! cor
ner 15th mid llarncy. 7T5
ONI5Y TO T.OAN O. K. llavls A. Co. Held
M Eotalo nnd Loan ngcnts , 150T > l-'unmm St
MONT.V TO T/AN-On peed Fccnritlos. A
McOavock , room 7 Jledlck Illock , 1.W t'urnain
TV f ONI ! V TO 1.0AN-n ) chatlels , AVooley A
J'l Harrison , room ! 0 , Umiiha National h'ltik
bulldlmr. TJT.I
ONiv TO r.OAN On real estate and chat
tel. 1) . L. Tlioinin. (00
MONIJV TO I.OAX IilEttms oriaXJainfllpt
wnnls on tlrst-clms real estate security.
1'oltor .t Cobb , 1515 Kiiruam St. Nil
' . l.OAMM ) atC. V. Itred * CVs. Loan
olllce , < m furniture , pianos , IIOIPC * , waifom
persomil pro | > crty of nil kinds und nil other ar
ticles ofnlne. . without removal. Over IB ! Nat'l
llnnk , corner 13th and Fiirnnic. All business
ftilctly i-onnilentAl. Mt !
ITU ) IS S \ I , K Small Mock of ill mrs. meilldnc' .
J and the only one In a lively ca-tcin Ion n of
Nebraska : Involro SiiVl ; irii < on lll lonllno to
piautlei'iilono. K. M. Kiuccorlmi , .M.D. , llerlln ,
Olop lOiinty Xclirii'-ltn. _ WMl *
F Ois.\I.i-.Miu | Dnlry , Hbont U. ) cows nnd
out lit , ami land to Icato. D. I * Uliotuns ,
lloom M , Cielgliluu block. Ml
CMl S\IjK Ono of the best stock fniins In
thcftato , : ? ! miles cst < u Omalia , uonsibl-
ol ubont doOaeies ; would take n lioiisn und
lot as piu I payment , llallou llroj.ill * H. l.lth st.
B IISINisS : CHATJISi : A line clianco refiilr- |
' Intr ten or twenty thoifimil dollars cii h lor
ono or two biislneM men looking for I i- '
inonli" . dm 1 o investigate. ) I'.v i nllln ? on or ad-
drcssliiif. ) . Ij. Itlce , \ ' 1'uiinun si. 771
oil SAI.i : Unrdwiirj business In Onmhii.
Address . 4'i lleo Olllcc. 7V.'foliH
FOKSAf.i : An ostubllsliMl roKfainaiitdoliiK1
n Kood business In Omnliu , price flHW. Gib-
( < on ft Arelior , Itoom i ) , Wltlmell Illock. 7U8
T71OU SAI < I < : AVe olfcr for falo for the next 30
.U days u ncll oMablMicd and jiaylmr liiMmoso.
The only luisltie of the Und In the city mid
count ) . llii'-iiic'-B eonsl-tM ol' pump * , tnliintr ,
pipe1 * , pus llxtuics , tool" , WIIKOIIS , harnet-'i ,
boisoi , and tlio cxeln&lvo apeney lor the city
nml cnunty for the Holiday liolliso | and Anlt-
honfo M hid mills. Capital leiinliod. nbont live
IhiiUMind dollars. I'or piirtlcuhirsaddie s How
ard & . lloltiu. Lock Ilex Ml , Kearney , Neh.
{ SAM1 : The Commercial Hotel lit South
FOI . Nob. . piIco.i'i.M'OU ' ; terms easy. Ad
dress T.V. . K , Ilex 10 , South bend , Neh.
FOK SAI.K-Or cAchniiKo Twelve hnmlred.
und elulily neresof 51o. , timber and IMIISI
Imul , lorty miles east of Knneas City. AH rich
poll as any Imul In the Mate , will fell all or part
nt lllteen dolfais per ncioorwlll excliatie | for
Rood Improved or unlniprovcil NobnisKu land ,
llcdford X Saner. 1IJ5
171OII SAl.i : Oil TIAIi : Vor ronlr < tuto , tlm
Jv lOMiiiirant , tl.\tuies und contents ot tweh'o
fninlbhcd rooms on the 8. U. cor. ol IL'th ami
Capitol iivcnno. Cost $1,500 to lit up. AV1U eell
for jtUO wish , or on tlmo loirood rcsi onsiblo
paity. Apply to Coibctt , S. AV. cor. 15th and
Fnrnam18. . , npBtalrs. 4V.I
KAI.K-3 lots In Fpilnu Hill , $4'fl each.
FOIt o un estahllt-hcd biniKIm , * bnslueis In Ne-
brnt-Ua , county t-cat. Ulbfon i : Archer , llooin
UAVIIlmell Illock , Omaha. l.1. : !
Oil f > A T.R lie ) only kather nnd
bn > Irics In Mncolii lilch has licon car
ried fin lor ten ) curs very nieces ? fully ; the rea
son for hcllii'.K , death of the propiletor ; capitnl
re < | ul nil , fiom iil ; l to SU > J. Address .Mrs.
Jncoli llaherlo , Lincoln , Nob. f)7-
MAKSHAI.l. Jt l.oilKl'K , real
linvn a llnoll tof Improved and nnlinprmeil
lots In Omaha ; nciesncur thocity and hi.ndicds
of thoti andsor neresof land lor sale ; eorio-
Bpondonco solicited. .Mur.sliull .V I.obeck , l.MXJ
I'lirmimsticet. Ollicuopcn till 0 p. m. < Wl
T O.vr A roan pony ; return lo Furuy's barn
JJnuil iccelvo luwmd. KU
3OST One odicinl sl/cd envelope addies.-ed
' lo 1.M.TIiomiH , Oinahii , Neb .lost Irom
ilollvui-y waRim I'licillo KvpiOiS compiiny , .lunu-
ftrv 11 , IKSII. I'ludcr will plctibo lotuin to the
ollloo of tliel'aellleKxpicsj. 603-18 *
" 13OOJ1 nnd bonrd , JSpcr week ; very bestlo.
J.V cntlon. IbH Davenport St. IWJiinlu *
TIIIK . C. MetznerStovoHepaTrCo.H18outh
t-ltliyt. bctwpim Uodiro and Uouglus.
Nonri : oi' lti.Ai : VAl.-Mr. Henry Pin-
eeiP , the dyer , formeily dohiK bnslno'-s lit
att'l'lilrli'ontli Mieit , bus removed to his resi
dence , ili.lackson : street. I'er.'ons tmvlnr loll
any w oru imut c.dl lorsamo within ten < bis ,
olhorwlMt they will ho Bojd. 78 .111
LAUIiS : in want of Rood domestic help rnn
bo gnpplicd by culling nn the Omalm I'.m-
Olllce , Itoom I , lluahimiu'd Illock. Mrs.
Sloymenl oi pioprlctor. b"4
KALn-Airood No.a typo writer. AV1II
sell on monthly iiiiymenu. II. U. Stripe ,
lloom 4 , Itedlck'H Illoek. KC.
1OH weather strips , ntorm siibh und
toK. U. JlcudVJS. . ietht. H"U "
FOK SAI.i : Two Iota in rellunii riitcp.ono
lilock fiom ttrcct cur truck. Injuiie"l8f ( ,
laibm reel. KK >
KALI : A biirtfidn riirnltnro and mi-
doitakinj , ' stock ; onlygloio In town ; now ,
clonn stock ; comny mat ot lloono county ;
ohiuiKO of Imalni'Kitlio ronsnti for fellliijf. Ad-
drew 1. J. Uldd , Albion , lloono Co. , I 'h. . ,
KAI.i : The loncu nnd fnrnllnro of the
Metiopolltun Hotel ; house iluliiK n Kiunl
ImslnrsJ. tlood mini cnn imun JUKI per month ,
AVlll trll reiiHMiublo If taken utonco I'orimr-
tlcnliiin Imiulio of J. C. I'ltzgeiuld Ar Son.Tro-
niont ' ) , . , .
: . Mlilille n od wld-iw FOllclU po-
Billon of mitt. oiild take charge ot widow.
cr's family nnd house , where good boruints
uro kept. IlGteiimcudtfUcu and roiilred , II4 $
lU.00'l'pp ' W-l
) : , \ , A line full lot , tplendld mm4 -
loom cottiiKo , e\ery conviMilenee , will be
Bold vheap to a ii > pom > lblii i eixiu on ( mall
.juonthlyoriiiniiterly iiiyinents. H'JJN. tfltliht ,
77MO *
a numbm of uppclul
' Him lo udvprtl > o
If you tire looking out for buruntus , cull or ml.
drts J. U like , ISSi l-'ui mini. 77U
> lics.ONAlVet : ( inilnirudilltlonloispur
I phiued now , whdo they mo uolmr. cheapen
ens-y tirms. AVill lolurn jou u hand > emu dl\l-
Oeiul In bl\ months : cull nod find oul where lids
iiddltlouUlocutod ; ! twlllpuy you. J. K lilco ,
1 M I'uriimn. ' 7S
tirANTKIi flootl fflrls for nen end house-
ftoik , pooki ) , tie , Omuliii Inlelllirpnco
Olllcc , Itoom 3 , S , II. eor , 15t
W ANTKI ) A nuisotlil nt ViI'.irk \ ino.
\ \ * ANTin-nirl : for ( rtnoinl liniKt-nork In
1 smidl fnmlly , Isaac I. > > w , 101 S .tth SU
. jo "prlraio fnrallle
VT tlie snmeil' y ij | order * Ipft. Cnll Or sand
your oMpr to Omnha Iniclneciico oiilee , lloom
: t. S i : lotni't nth nnd HoiiRlns * ts. 7CO
rilA ; n'liprnoman to do
forfimillj. lli3N. : lUth st. ftf
\\TA\1 ii : > t-nnrut ( tlrN for c nprnl hoii o-
< > work. (1Nlinn htr for hotel , ehambor-
inn1d , illtilnjr loom iMiK cooln for hoardlmr
linu p , pie. Ctdl nl the Omnlin Kmp'OTmnnl
llnipnu. 1129 rannim st. Good wngcs and Small . " . 187
"l\AVrit : Oltlq for pr-neral hon nwnrk !
ii n oil plnecs nnd fffiod W BC < ; pliiecs iflven
f rep ( ' .ill id lln Ictli M , .Nebraska llmplo.i niont
Apf ney. Craunco Illock , G < W
vv ANTii : A competent Klrl for jre'irnd
hotitowoik , Inqtilio ire ( ' ( invent t. WMi
AY * AVTii : > Iitimi'illntclr. n SinmllnhYtan
Kill. Apply nt the IHnhur Hall , 4H i . 18th.
V..V15 ' *
irANTitnItiirrnmn : ) | | fflrl nt the farm-
> er's House , cor Hlh and Ilnrncj. TliS-lfl'
_ _ _ _
\\rA > TI'.li-At 8.V. . cor. I'nli nnil t.i-iivoii.
> vortli sl . . t'lrlto Oo KOIIOUI ! hoiuuniirkt
( H'rmiui prcfoirul. list
GTxiii ( iini.s uppiii nii jromi i ] iiiioc in
iiilvntofiiinllo : < tii'corimiffi'iittlioOmnlm !
IntolllBfiicoollico , ltooini ( , S. Ii. cor. Ifith nml
DuiinliiflMs. V.'l
\\rANTr.U-nooil ( frl : UntrlHh proforrod.
> > must bo unit Mini ullllnir : imill fninlly !
llirlil win k. Cnl ! between 12 mid 2 or ovculn ? ,
ISld C.ilirnt nlii. T44
\\rA'sTiii-At : thn WnlmMi Hotrl. S'linlicrry ' ,
M Mo. , a nrsl-chi scook. None otlicr < tipi-ii
npdy. | _ _ 7iVJ-lfl
\\A > Trn-tooil kltchon pill. ATpi7nt ) N.
> > W cor. Kid mm ttmininSU CS
" _
l ) riut ami second ooolt nt Uonin
Wi House. 7i.l
WAM'I'.U A KOOI ! nptlro wonmn to do
( hnmbcnvriik cs$4 per ui'ck. Apply
bctwcoa tlio hours of II ami . 1)1" ) Douglas st.
_ _
WANTKO I'flinputpiit plrl to coolt , vrnsh
and lion ; Uenmui prelorrcil. Apply N ,
E. Wlh and Ciillfoinln. Mr-i. U. Wuki-loy. UiO
WAN'I'KD ( ! ooil irlrU for uonrtMl
ork. Situ , . .1.V. . Moii'ifon , ixiom 4 Husli-
iniinl5loc,10tli ! nnd 4SU
" \ ANTIII : I'lrM-cta" illnms-room uirls nt
> > tlio Mctropolllau hotnl. HJ1
Itolinblc mnn who nn Icp'
M euro of hor-pj wonM like sitimiion us
coiichiiian or lo drlvo delivery > uijron. Aildroaa
HC2 , llceUlllcc. S31-1C *
AWANTi : ! ) A ynnni ; man who has tint ] PX >
i > pcili'oco In si limp KooiN to sioio ; ( inn
\vllIlniMo make hlmsell Boiicially uteliil. Ap
ply aiiis. ir.tii. T'JO
vANTiu ; Salesmen in each county to In-
i' Iroducon no\v patent Bpriuv " 'lillllolico.
Sells iikowlUlflro. 1'ioUin laruo. Aildi-es" , with
Htnmp , King \Vldillou-co Co. , Vutun. Neb.
7CM9 *
" \\7ANTii--A : yolinp man hn.l eleven jeurs'
o\poripico | lit olllco work would like n
situation ; utpresi or Iruhtht prelcired : mod-
eiule to commence. 1M' ' , llcu < ) llice.
V\'ANTii > fly a jmimr man , u Mtnntlon In
> the drv foods , elolhlnc.or procory busi
ness ; S ) > c.i.s ! ( ierimin , KiiHlish und liohemian ;
> rood ic eicaccs. Addicss box i.'OI , Lincoln ,
Web. 75ii-15'
\\ANTii : > Pltinillnii liy conipptcnt rppMor-
H oil ( Inur C'lcrl ; . lllslit JPIIM ovpcrieneo.
llofercncollrstola-s. H.II. . AdUress care Hce
iill'u.0. 7J ir. *
\\TANTr.l > Ilidson tuklnsf down a brick wall
> at 11. helm & Iliiekson's. bli-18
n 1 Ucovory of Coal. Mr. Jliitldas
Kew Itlio DUII'T nt AiKlaciosof land In
L'onua , liiMin iiinnty , Ni-b. llohas learned that
roiil lius In on ilisvovciui ! un his liiuil , nnd luis no
tlmoto Invo-Iitme himself , 1ml wantn some nno
I'ainillarwlili coal nilnlnijlo guiipiind laokat It.
Matlilas New. Ts'l-lS
\\7ANTI5n To icnt " fnml-hcd rooms snlt-
l ulilo lor llb'ht housekeeping. AddiiBjl1.
D. IloxfiU , Oinuhii. 7- <
\\TANTii : > Hoard. Permanent A ( rcntlo-
11 timn and wlfn Mould llko to enjiiiRo two well
fiirutshedtecond lloor rooms and bath , will )
Inblc board In a stiluilv pilvato lamlly of iidulis
Will pay a KOO l price forsntNluelory nccomiuo-
ilatlouR. rleaO with n.nno , location
nnd pi ice , In strict conlldeiico. 11. 1' . ' . Hoe
ulllcc. 7M
FOK KINT : Stoic. Aniilyut llill Farimm st.
' , tv >
KINT : HOIICO , : ) rooms. $ r. G. i :
Thompson , S. AV. cur. lltli m d Hainoy. ' . !
FOK KINT : Iloiisoon 17th St. , near Capitol
nvemio.Sll. S Lehman. 7U ?
KKNT 7-ioom liniiso , ptahln and car-
iniuo house , 'Mi\i \ r'ass Btioct , tuo blouKa
limn liluli sohool. IV s-os-lon plveo about I'uL * .
1st. Jinpilioof K.T. AndrewOUN. lUth t.
" [ J1OK IIIJNT Cottnio of 7 looms , larpo lot
J1lthhaiiion pruiulscri , only i > block Ironi
Mrcci OMM ; toll per month , rotter A : Cobli , 1515
Kai mini St. 70'0 !
ITIOK HliNT flood eotttiKO.r ) looms , $1S per
JL1 month , roller fc Cobb , r > 15 Karmim. bUO--'i )
J\im \ "lYnNiFi ) ii T livs i > ? - ooin lTonTo"tm
1 Howmk ft. : ID-acin ( rnnlcnilh i-roi ) > m
lioiiFeadjomini ; eiiyMi ; nciu lana , 17 miles west
jf Um.ilia ; ( I lniMnc.t < s lots on t-t. .Mary's nvo.
Apply lo i : . II. ( Jliapumu iS : Co. , 1 17 llmuml at.
OK ICKNT Six houses fiom ten to nfly
dollars per month , llallou llioi. ,1)178 ) lith. :
777-1 S
" [ 7'OK KINT : Slorn ronm on wist side liith
-L street , between .larkson and .limes PIF. , with
en Ihlnfr rooms attached. Htimtm , V liiown ,
111 N llth Els. 7ii-lS
OK ItUNT Itaseinont and bake oven , John
irek : , UI5 N. 18th St. 75.febll
Ipoit Jtll.N'i' n lotTai cotttiffo , < tl , house north
Irom St. Mary's ave. , on rimrlos street ,
Clark's mid. ; ti tick I'lirm wni-t of eitv ; Broom
hom-e , bnin.ete. , Suundcrs bt , K. V , Itinirer ,
IU mil Hi 15th. Wt
FOK HUNT Store , 309 Koilh 13ih St.
ITtOK KIC.VI' Hccond and tblr stories of
L ? brick building on I'm nam HtreetvlW. ( .
viitor. 11.4'J , ciuo lloo oltlco , fHj-li
OH Itivr : Thrco housn < i ot 10 , 0 and 1
rooms eucb. ,1,1'nlpps Itoe , f > .Vi
dTTTTlCN'r JS'ledTlviTnioin ei.ltiiiro , 8.
FnVa Center. A. P. TuKoy , ] ; JJl Fiirnam St.
701 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOIt Itlv'/T Two pounces , Jl. % und J1S per
month. AVSwll/Jor , Oianito Dlocl , . ieu
171OK IlKNTXdv house at Ifu'i ) Jackson at
Apply at ( . unnln lmm & HronnnnX lull
POK Kl'.NT HoiK-o bclonelnir to tlio estate
of.ludffo Child wick , WJ 1'ark avenue. W.J ,
L'omiell. 231
FOK HKNT Two now8nndSi roomed hoiuos ;
Inrnace , batli room and all modern conven
iences , one block from t-truct ears. Inquire Jo.
F. lliirton. ill -otli I et. , or Smoltlm. AVorks. k'Xt
KiNT : A ftoro n > om with ijood collar
Foil Hint street. Apply toJn.i i lUu mur.
< Oll KlJNT 2 noros on tu and Ix nvenworth
17 bts. ] store on Bouth lUth bt. Iloth llrbt-chus
tinelnets Iccullon * . Also Uousoj to rent. A. Mo-
[ Juvock. AUI
KKNT Kurnl'hoil room with hoiird for
two ieiitloiiieii , I4ir , Joiiej st. Itefeianccs
jAChiinifed. B.V-SI *
FOK KKN'l'-Uiinfuriibhcd looms , tU3 S. 10th.
OK KINT : AVlili bonrd , In private family ,
nicely furnished ftont idco\o n > om : Kcatle-
man and wile or tuo Kcntlciiicn ; llriit ela s pur-
lies only : rdeiencos ulvon and ruiulroil , Ad-
II61 , lice Olllco. 78V10 *
ijioil m.NT furulkhed looms. ± ! 09 Dodiro.
r [ oic-ib *
17011 IIINT : Itoom with board. 1013 Tnpiiol
1 ? live , ( Ul-Si *
FOK HUNT front parlor with Ixuird for two
or ihreosentletm n. ItH Duvenport bt.
Foil IlKXr I.ursu furnished front mom
uith also tack room. 1712 Call for-
ula tt. , 7tO
IjAOIl li\T : riirnUliedroonib for ladles und
L t'eiulerien. | jo | ( 'npitol uvene.o. LUl-lii *
Foil HUNT KnrnUhod room. Inmjlro joih
and Donyhis. C.vj
i\oii \ IIINT : ruuiikhcd rooms \ifi \ Cuss Si ,
ou iuNt-romj : > lPtclr ,
room * nnd both , Address 11.
It TNT Xlcclr fnrnl'hed room. S AV
lor. intli nnd ? t. Mnry's IIVP. CH
r < lfl IlKNT-rurnUhptl front room nits life
1 of bntli i-oom : plcnjRtit location. Inquin
nt t ollice otr. K. Mnrnc. IMh and Km num. 0.
'l7iill ufST Two TiiHs of 4 rooms ench
1 : I'lcrefeittPCt bctuccn IMh mid SMi. hn
quire llth und rarnnm. 1' . Morhlo. >
IICNT rurnlslipd room" . ySi
rurnlsiicd rooms , 1'ffJ Ilnrncj
lliNT : rnrnlslied room w ltd board
11OII bl6fort 0fcntlemen. trn t
SAMVe : t I'limln-rlold only $ S7Si ono
1 lentil down , luil.inco JIO per niontu. .1. ii
Hliosa \ rnrnnin. _ ll' ' „ _
IjiOltoAt.n- lots In 1'niipoet 1'lnpp STO
JL1 lloiuiniind lot f ' , Vo , monthly pnympiil * . l.o
' 1' . llcml < ir
In Npl'on'd nddltlon fclTUO. Ueoige ,
nml UoiiKlas. " '
ITlOlt SAt.U-llnv n ioTitTAViol Cnmlnirnid.
J.1 oiith of AVnlnnt Hill ! only S-'w. .1. 1 , , llko
1SJ2 1'iiriintn. _ . _
IJAtHl SAiri-lj7l'ottPr : ! .V Cobb , Ifd.-i 1'armin
JL1 H . 1 Inl In AVest Und nnd nt ? ( WO.
U lots In Shlnn's M mid nt { Wi pach.
A Imveliolcolotoln Mntsh's nt $ ls < rflpnch.
liOMiAt34onli ! > tb,3 blocks ftotn pii > emont
1'liif ncro In Oclfo'o ndd , SldtO. .
S of the chcnpcil lots In I'lalnvlow , only $4 <
each. Tilt
_ _
fTMlIt CholcpHflnrnlii. In renl p'tatp , call at the
J1 ollice ol IheDinahu Heal KMiite tt I oiin Co ,
looms si nnd1 \VlthnelI llulldliig. ( iinalin. 7i >
bin TohMii'ittir than ii'iy ncru
' tsp\erolicied In thl lmirl.Pt. See It lu
foio bnylatf. Ames , 15U7 rarnnm.
. AVei-tCiimlitR lots mil } f T.I ; oan
tenlh down , balance flu per month. ,1. U
Illcp.ZZ \ Knrimm. BIO-l.'i
Foil SAit-lly : Hell & McComlllsh , 1511
DOllBP It.
A Hr t-pl.i ip-Mencn propcrtr In Denver ,
or will ovehiiiiLMi lor Omalm properly , VI.OO' ' )
I'lnp I arm In Smpy pnunly ; lll ovchnnye foi
Omalm property , ( -7.AiH.
Choice re'ldpiico In St. IonU ; will o\elianro.
Aero lot and now house , IHmclmitgli'B add. , ) .
llti-lnc * lots on Donelus t. . $1,700.
Tuo-sioiy hoiiflc , lull lot. North Omnlm , | 3uOO.
( hoico ncre lot , tlKo's a.ld. . SLIM ) .
ltlisine. s lot.houup and barn. Doilgost. , } " , & 30.
I.OM III We t Mile , filll to SI ) HI.
nmifflas county liirin , 1IM iicroa. $ . 1,0 0 ,
T o treed resiliences on I'm It in enno. 701-1S
' In aero lots should see
Newport ,
III l lltOM ,
lljilol'.irl ; ,
I oto lliilhanto ,
fcia Amesl."i071'arBnm.
FOIt SAl.U Ily Dcxtpr fj Thomiis { c Uro. ,
loom b , t'relithlonhlock :
Mt leet on Fin 11:1111 : st. jv'.OX )
Mo.l.VI , s. w. tor. 17th and Center , S2OOD.
Wixl.Vi , llanscom I'lnco , t7iW
nlotslO.xUi * . on Hum llton and Charles Bts , $600
to fsm , il bloektvet of coin cut ,
fJi\Un , cor. Chillier und Mh els. , $700.
: > ! Kird , nllli house and bain , near "Oth and
renter , $ llli . A'cry cheap ; small payment !
balance monthly.
luxU.'i , lith ami Charles , with house of 5 rooms ,
ivcll. etc. , JI/XK )
2 lots , l.o\voV nddltlon , fOOO nnd SS1J.
2 lot . AV. A. llcdlck s mid. , ? l iH ) .
I .nt cor. " 7th nnd lnvciiiort ) [ , M. . " > 0fl.
\Vo think nil the above baijrnlns. Cull for
Iprm ? . Dexter I , . Thomiu i : llro. , Itoom H ,
Ciolghton llloelt. 5J-
< oilSAl.i : AVp t Ciimlmr lots only $ -75 ; one-
J7 tenth down , Imlanco $10 per month. .1. L.
Illcp , IW Km mini. 810-15
Foil HAI.i : A few choice lots In Tx > wo's ad
dition from $375 to ? .V > i ) , ANo lionsi ) and lot
$05'J ' , on easy terms. Totter i : Cobb , 1515 Kur-
1H11I1 bt. 7I > 3
200 TO * 3.-.o for 11 lot In Ames Place ;
chcapesl lots lor sale.
BIS Ames , 1507 1'arnam.
T71O11 SAI.IC A low fjooil lui In tllllshlr. Mo.
J. : ono on Dnvoniiort and Chlcniio st- . , cheap
nl S7 , > 0 to 150 eiicti. 1'otter.Cobb . ; 1515 I'ur-
liiini St. ' 737
"I71OIISAI.K Coiner on Cnldwcll sticet , near
-C S.iiindPis , ! ! 0" leet fiontaso. Urulinm ,
Croit'hlon , Illock. 7111
. . : AVpstCiimlniflotsonly $275 : one-
tontli down , Imlunco # 10 pur inoiith. .1. Ij.
lilco , 1 . - I'lirmim. bl'l-lfi
lCK'S UOVi : Onn mile from post
ollico duo west , $500 to SI JOO n lot.
817 Ames , 1.1U7 rarnam.
FOIt SAT.K A special bargain In business
pioperty , Ni leot limit on 13th ft. by 1W ) lent
deep. Ilest buslnp-s point south of theinlbuiy
tnieK. On puvod struct , cur llnu , etc. Only SW
jierl rout foot. 1'oltor & Cobb , 1515 Kiitniunst.
! JOO TO : ! SO for u lot In Amen I'lnce.
813 Amos , 15J7 Kuriinm.
i : Adjoining tlio Imrrauka on
B the noilh , has the advanlajfo on nlco level
driveway , beaiitllnl location , tlno views , and
pverythlny else that oes to make up a splendid
place lor iv losldenco. Son Holvodere. It is
chcnp propoi ty , and no mljtaku' C. B. Miiyne ,
S. W.cor 15lh and rarnam. 51) * )
SAM5 Ity the Oninhi lloal Kstnto &
Foil Co. , Itooms--J and .It , Wlthnell block.
lOlolcIn llanscom 1'luee , from J.MW to 1,8JO
n lotIn ijliuirsadd , liom gOJto ; frl JO.
7.Vacin lots near the eliy.
I lot with. ! houses on Jsih street near Loavcn-
woith f.'i.iWJ.
] lot with ' . ' hoiiFcs on 21st street. $ ! , .V ) ) .
AsplendlJ corner on I-cuvimwoith with 10
loom housi nml line stabloi , ? s.tu
77 feet on' siivenworih nciiriuth 8treet$10ono
40 lots on . , i Cumin ? , from $ JOJ to $ JUU ,
monthly payments.
81 Uot on rarnnni ; easy terms.
; i line lots nciir the hl li school.
7 lota on S IMIi mid 1Mb 8tf > . These lots are CGx
lS7.lromM.Umof. ! , ' ) ! > > .
0 tlno I arms all wltuln l"i mllosof the city.
A piece of pioncrty on ' 'inil &t. that will pay 10
per cent on tlio investment. boa-16
KAI.b' Two flood lot-i In llnnpconi
ITUMt , $ $ . ' < ) cueh ; easy turms. ( Iralmm ,
Crclghton Illock. 7H
city IOM from J'.iO to frwHn
OIIKAPKST . Amcj , 15J7 rarnnm.
T71OIISAI < K lnrjo liniiw nml H nlcclyelevft-
J-1 ted lots In Plilmr ' 'd mid. H--X ( ) . Ala' ) line
8-roomed honf.o on Clark meet , nicely eloviitinl
lot , $5,000. Oiljson ic Archer , Itoom U.AVItlmeU
Illock. 410
T71OK S.Vl.i : Choice fi or 10 acio trnets , 4 miles
Jsonthwcht from point lioiif > u , I'i mllosfiom
junction ot U , I' , lly. and Hell Line , ami 1 mile
trom Stock Yards. Lies well ; all under cultiva
tion. Can be hoimht lor f\ \ ( ) and H'Oi ) per acre ,
If sold soon. Cncnppit property in vicinity ,
I'otter & Cobb , IM'i Karnuin bt. "JS
Asms I'l.ACi : Cheapett city lots , jax ) to
$ UiO. Ames , 1507 l''urnam ,
IJATHM'K'S addition on Paunders street Is
the cheapest piopeity hi that part of the
city , Bticotcar * rim through tins addition.
School * urn convenient , ImMnoss reaches It on
two Hides lor cmivenleaco and desliablo local
ity 1'atrlck's addition haa iminy ailniiitiim'H.
Cnll mid IiiM'ntlBiite , Lots only $700 to JUOO
each. C , H , Mayno agent , H. AV. cor. 15th and
rarnam. Iffi
" '
A Mis : IM.ACIlZbnly fJOO to S3 > 0 a lot. SOD
It. Ames , JOJJ I'liriium ,
FOK SAI.r.-I lson Doilice St. ,
monthly rajmcnts. unrhiim , Cieluhton
Illock. 71S
"iruw NAI.I : on i\tm.\Nci : ; ciioke in
X' I.oup City , county seat of Sherman Co. ,
Nob. Cillifon \ Aieher , Itoom 'J , AVithnell Illock.
GltiiNAroon : : Lieiuitltnl acre nml half acio
lots , line locution , : i'i ' miles from 1' . O. , only u
few moments walk Irom llunwom 1'ark. Acres
flOO. Hull ucres- , 10 peit-ent cash , baliuieu
monthly payments. U. i : . MuyucV , cor. 10th
uud 1'aiimm. 473
OKUK'K'M ( lltovi-ju : | | | from postollieo diio
l\ west , JlOto tl..XiJalot.
fcCJ Amog , 1607 I'uriiain.
17 * OH KAI.I { South Ironts in Clifton 1'laeo ,
-K tlooo eucli. AV , T. Uruhuiu , CrelKhton
Illock. 71
EOH l.i-I.oU In llurtlett'8 add. , $000 ; easy
terms. Orahain , Cieli.'hton lllock. 717
FOKSAf.K A tvvo storr i ZixM. frame build
imi , suitable for a btoro , near I'Jtu ' tint ] l'iir-
nnm Sis. Applyat tbU ollloo , tin
FOIt SAI.U-J10.000 10 per cent dividend
paylnif MiK'k. aib&on A ; Aieher , Itoom
3 , WUliiicIl Illock. iaa
"inoit SAl.i-lXts in lur > .h' * udd. , tl iolo
-L1 tl,5U ) ; termi to cult jiurclmtcr. Oiuliiim.
Crelyhtoii Illock. 7t
Sii.I.lN : J on lt inerltK , New | > oit , neuroit and
tluost txeiu pioptity. Ames , \W Farnaui.
-TUI.VIntin-Acro ; lot nt $2W to fl-fl. Kftoh
I ) will mn1 > ofiii7i to 100 per cent profit before -
fore nrtt NowiVMr'dilny. t.15. Mnjiic , < sol
.S. AA' . cor , 15th fttnl rflrmim. 5TJ
Ptockdftlo & Utinelior , l
lot on U.ivcnpoil St ; lecd' ndilitlon.choii ]
OtlSr , onvoiiier , In Phlnu's i'd , n bargain
' l.l tjonr I'nrpnlnS wltli ni. and nlnfiy en n
boforp buylne. ( Ipen PVPIIIIIRS. Stoekdalp A
lliineher. Kill UodRo Stieet. Him 15
1 mnrclmniilscTliiisInesj
X' In n rapidly iminini ; to rn not far from I.ln
eoln. lle. t trmlo nnl location In town. A splcn
did opportunity for n party wHdnir n iwo >
opommf , and havinir.froni jorentotcnthotisnni
dollai s In ca ti. T Will sell for ca < h only. or par
i h. balance rviUstiito In Umiiha. Addrcs
Merchlint , HodOfllco. ftij
$801) ) TO Sl.qno foVrilot In Hed k'stSrovo"
814 Ames , I.VTT rarnnm.
AiiK-ity Mopkdnld& iiniictipr , n cn
J fiontlotn In Klrkwood.
7 room house and lot Davenport St. , cheap.
Itm-Kiilin In all directions.
Fw nsbptoioyon lmor ell.
Stockdale & Itimcher , 1511 Oodffo Pt. 770-13
. : IT nnd bt > conilnced that the
J nparcst note pioperty I * Newimit.
K.D Amos , IW I'm nam ,
IJIOIl S.\ri-Utiyn : lot AVe t CuinTmTiidilT
a ? ( > uth \VfdnillHlll ; only ? 27S. J. Ii IIlee ,
112 I'nninm. 811-13
JM > K SALi : i.nips mm small stock ranches
1 with orwltlmut fltovk.
I'or Siile-n Ion In Sprlnif 1III1. flV ) each.
lor Sale IMnblKhod banking business In
Nebraska , comity cent. Olbson .V Aichor , n'Oin
a , AVItlmpil Illock ,
I'oi UAchflnRp Nclirn'Un farnn for Ontnlin
property ; n'.so Inmls to exchange for stocks of
Wanted ,1 hiitlness lots for cash within 4
block * of pos-tolllco.
I'or KxciimiKP IfiO ncre Improved fnrm , Madl-
son Lonnty , Neb. , ( or house ami tot In Omaha. .
KorSido Ati-nerv Irucl 4 inilpv of
hon o cost $ lMO.forl5jO ' Ciisli.lll)50iiAAnilicr ,
lloom a , Witlmoll liliH'k. ; ti-i
\\TISTSII : > I : Rtntlonon tipnvpnuortli strpul
will Intlio junction of lliu .Mo. r.ic. am
licit l > mo. 1/ilfl ) iurclm fjil HICID now will n >
turn ii Imiitl.Koino pt-ollt to thotitijvr Inn von
hoi t time , lloll \ McCiUiillish ami C. K. Muym. ' ,
ITIOK SAl.lI-lluyii lot In West CiiinltiK ad I .
X1 fouth of Wiilnnt Hill ; only 5-7o. .1. I. , lilco ,
I2X-4 rarniim. HlM.r >
. OIl SAI.i : Cheap lots In Ilnuscom I'lnco.
I. Aild.-f sO. I1. Stubblns. WIJimlt' )
Ipoit SAl.K-ltotifo nod lot Sin SSfltli Ft. ichonp
iiml ini.MUL'iiU. Adilroas C. S. Clilpiiian , Lin
coln Nub. o71
FO1ISAI.K rnio UOIIIT lot. cast nml ' until
litnit , Hnnstom I'.uco. W. T. ( liiilinut ,
CiolKhton Illock. T1J
BKD1UKN ( iIiOVi-fOOtol,1JiOlllot : ; niilo
1 1 inn postoll.oo ilno we-t.
Sia Ames. 1'07 rnrnnni.
: lltiyn ot In Ur t filming ni
JL1 Foiith of Wiilnut Hill ; only WT5. .1. I , , lllcc ,
1223 rnrnnm. Ml-lfi
T AM ) SIIKIUS : : : , ATTKNTIOX For full
J-JpiirtlciilnrsHbout free nml chonp liuida lit
Westurn Nebraska uililrows Tlio < . I' . 1'nttoraon ,
, Nurth'lntto Xub. W
FOK fliolco Hart'alns In real p tntpcnll at tlio
iilllooot the Oiiinhn Heal I'-luto.V loan Co. ,
rooms nml \Vltlincll HiilldliiK'.Umulia. 7iiS
pAOK SAli : lIy C. K. JInyno :
illO Full lot , small hoii o , AVIIcox mid. , 5750.
310 I'n 11 lot im ) Lciiven worth st. , new house ,
all modern convenience * , f.S"HU.
SIS Lot on rnninnUflsl. near " 5lh St. , house 9
rooms , all moiloMi Impiovements , ? 7r > OU.
SW Two lots , tjvo Konses , 'Jiith near Howard ,
Mi-Lot U.l'xUI.8 < mtllI20th st , jjood homo , 51,8.7) ) .
Monthly payments.
" , ot loilv.-'Ofllroiitliisr two streets , nice cot
' „ n ftnr. ' nrk , $4.800.
310 Hnndboinolot , irtco coltr.Ko7 rooms , Gcor
314 Ix t fptlxl'w , fsth and Hnrney , house 7 rooms
$4,000. I' '
CtK ) Tlnee acres , oed house , fruit , etc. , Lcav-
200 1'ull lot. two eoltasci , Shlnn's add. , $2 .10.
KB Hoiisn 7 ii ) iu . ' < 'ii t Iront , bcautltul locu
tion , Ilansinm 1'laco , fli > ) J.
I KIcKimt reMUciico 10 looms , two lots , fine
locution , overy. posalblo coincidence ,
Wj Corner lot , nlcocollaso Grooms , ono block
, , oJt Sunniiei-fl st.pixio. ; !
llS-Jliiiia'.oiijew ) ynn0 ( | ln Omaha , fl rooms ,
bcaiitllnl li'f , OPoi > ; . uv. > S.-IMII
175 Lot Vi\140t ( hoti o 4rooms , bouth KftU st.
ICO ( ! oed hoiiPoO rooms , full lot. Hickory und
lllth , S1.7IXI ; very cheap. C K. Mayno , S.
AV. cor , 1.1th and rarnam. KW
pIAATOItT Jlost popular acre property ;
-i sells on Its merits. Ames , 1507 1 arnum
List of letters reniaininp ; uncalled for
nt tlio postollico for tlio week unding Jan
uary 11 , 1880 :
AcUcrman IL Arnnol 1)
Austin 0 AckleyOF
Andipws C A \V L
Andiew ( t Aimcl J
Andress AVO An 'pl Vr Brown
Aim A Atkinson K A
r.alwlso W lieiiPdickJ M
Itattleliold D llayaid.l U
liiophv D JJurwelira
Uairutt K ' Itomher O
ISostick 0 Heal \V 11
Hrucr ( Jtait'uttDlI '
l.uliable ! T Heardslee A
IterKinan A Hell A S HuiiLsJC
lialtptibousc J Hnunt J
Hums , ) Hock ,1
llinwii A Hell S W
Itachman Helluisle K A
Jiynini A Hvmoum Ii
liiown C II Halloa M
J inker Ii I ) 11 JJa > aid V
Crawfoid A Clpse H H
Caiaman J A Campbell. ! M
Chnke.l K Campbell J A
Claus.scn 11 Campbell J
Ciump ( i Collins < ! S
Cowlis K Conn A H
Caliill C d Cooppr C F
Cm He .1.1 Cast ( )
Clark C K Cop \ \ ' K
Collins W Curtis W I >
Cowley S J Cioltli
CherokoCo Conradt A
Couu A11 CollHll U Ir
Cord A
Drcds ( J JMlpyWH
Denman T S Ivhiman ) K
Dm spy ( ! Mi IrakpKI <
l > avios K Jonelson F
navies / Ditnlay J
Duttlo I , Day T
DoolittleT II DickMin W
D.ilu'iieaultK' Dt-nlek T.f .
Ueivin \ > Dawson 11
DoyiirA I
Kdstom I ) Uvoiitl C
Kkhlrom ( ! ( } Kwiiij ; N K
Klliott JV \ IMwards A
Khflnaito W W Hilekhon A
l''laua an J Konder .1
Koater 1) FleKer D
KiimlmnuF FiPpNO
ritZKuruld J Foiht J
Krc'iieh 11 A Franklin ( B
Feigusoa H H ' [ r Friiik X
fountain W J " FlemlUKJ U
J'lulk C < } , , . Foe. C Js
( ilbson ( ! II
Unlit J
( lalli an ( iimi'don J
( iietcoiy A K „ ( ilaslip > ( ! M
( ilHU.sser K it ( I i \\coek U
( ileiin H J i
( iiJebpl.IM . . nacliL-I W
llonkland ( ! T > . > n Hummer ! 11
llolilermaii .1 J > ' Hamilton J
Iliimphley J > llotlmiiuJ
Hall ( id llpimanV \
HeunlnuiiA , . Hair J I'
I latter 0 1 ; ' 1 Hopkins O A
llanspii U , ( n llairiiiKlon J A
, HoclLstiiiprO
Ilohlisli oh , Hail FT
Ht'lldPlhOII Ii Hay waul h 0
1 turnery J It Haliday K
llammeit II lli'iniiui A-Co
llanliiL'toii US llacablng C 1)
llarrlbU Hill J
Johnson J A Johnson X G
Jolco.l J Jones F 02
Jones I ) ] > Jaeobson J
Juinreis N Jensoii M
Jenkins ( i Johnson JV
Jolnibon Ij JeniiiiiM ( 0 R
Kates M Knluht 0 J
Keith MO KwumiyWI'
Kparnoii J F KPJPS L' U
KohptlclcJJ Ku lk.1
Keybtonu M Co Koelz D
Kline 11 Kelly ( i H
Kully T Keif J
Klopper F
LInilboru N l > LatnijoV \
Landal D hamaitin l !
Larxipn J Luthuixni J K
Leasard O Lord J F
iPKboru KJ Lancaster. !
hlmlKien KV IJndt'tenV
Ien\cr K Lut > iii ) A t )
hand It IV Lopiu IIV \
l.ochowlt/ Leper L D
I.audgaard Ii l.liinpy 1-
Lawrcnpp 11 I.lttlp K 0
Moon K Mclioinclo J
Mclionnin J MPlSpo U
Mcl.pod 1' Moore U A
McDonald ? ; Moon-head I * 0
Maitin ! ' K Morton , t Kro
Maj ii 0 K MpKpkron 0 U
Monks 1 Moon \V F
McCnnnAV MaMipIdV U
MpKppvrr D Morris H
Mnrluii K MotiIn 1) ) W
Mori Is.I T Me.AIahou M 11
Mealier M 0 Mason fc Welch 3
Mitchell M M Mptr M
Moiso W 11
Xiwton K E XlUon K
Xtuli-n O Nelson U
XIlls-oii J
Otl < .1 V Omnti J
Ulan dor O OnKshutt
O'Connor C
I'pini 1) 1C I'lciMin It
IVisson V 1'oitpr F ti
Patlpr.-oii J 1'0-st ,1 J
I'm sous SI ) TollocU M
1'nitliicer I'oidon X A.
riiptflpy I , Voland M U
1'clpison O 0 1'atki J A
I'nrlln ( .1 I'erioy J
'Ioy J
Itoaph 13 Kleliards-on J B
liopford 0 It Itichaidsl )
ilsliy . Hiilseho T
llPaif I Ilnpiiirr M A
Unwell Kauch J
ItuiliS I )
Itpilmond IJ lllcc W It
Iloberts I , Jt - C 1.
KIlTCPtt M 0 U F
Ilynii ] ) Hots W 8
ilowlaml J
Stephens 1) ) 0 hvoboda.T
Shorn * (1 ( Slack (1
Snnpiiovpry 0 Shear 1-
SwnwV Hhcniimtoti J T
Kriiiirgpin j Scott .r
Hti'ina J Schults K
Slmtl.i.I IL Span-
Shields US \
StahlnlckerJ K Street S D
Saw It'll H Sooy K
Spiimlr It Stt'MMisG A
Smith 0 Schmidt ( i I1
Salsnn S Kehroptlor T
SasPisTC StoIllPll T
Spafy I. Spere U
SloUeibeny 1' M Stolpo O
HcottJA Suhicr I )
Scaulon II M
Towner .1 Trlininor J
TiunlcaJ W Tobiti 'I'
Taylor.I mat c
Torpy J 'roino7ln I'
Thomas J ' [ ' 01(7. ( 11 '
Thompson 0 V TtnAiiH II
Toinkliis L 0 Topper N A
Tra\N A H
Uninnsky J UtylprJ D
Ihdin K IJ lyssus J
Voll M. Vtmw G
VaiHlcrpool W
WKnii C Cr Wilson Hio
William I ) K William 1)
Win-sham .I H Williams .J S
\\aleott V Watson J W
U'llllains A Co Williams KG
\ \ ay A N Whltlock N G
Westman K Wolph T
Wonwboren Wldtuhcail S
AVslsou .J Wnionpr W
AVoilaml P \VeIch M
Younger YunibaiiKh K
i.Ainns * r.ihr.
Andrews Mis O K Adam1 ? M" ! TJ
Ueedlp.sMrsJ Uertholas Mrs N
lioolh A
Hi own Mis LA Hio\\n Mrs A Jl
HelineyMrsLA Uiittor Miss 1
HaikerMis U Hull Miss S
Uliss Miss MA
Cathro Mrs M A Cllnkcnbpwl Mis C
Cunningham Miss A Cox Mrs M
Combs Mr * A F CunieMisM
Conlev Mrs J Cooke Mis K N"
Caiv Mrs I'll CasiloMib II
C.nlsonMisfJ Ciivuiinuili ; Mrs 1 * 7
Callagan Miss J Chiistine Miss At
Cmtis Miss H
Dillon Mrs K Dillon Mrs M
DeCamp Miss L Dunpan Mrs A L
David Mrs L Drum Miss F
Dover Mis Dab ! A
; s C A Kiiekson A
Kills Mrs C
Fianklin M
Oilman Mrs K dim L
Cowan Mrs A B ( looilalo Mrs L O
nnnldMjss CA
dlceil Jiiss.i
Hayes Miss It HniupcrLMiss fj
Iloaan Mi > IC E 2 IIolNtMrsM 15
Hassln Mrs A lIoopurMis AV A
llciron Mi.s X HentVrvMrs'l. '
Hildiii'Mi.ssX ( Hail Miss KP
Hanson Mrs II H.niey Miss M
Han Pii Miss T
Ives Miss G1
Jones Mrs W Jncobson Miss 111
Jensen J
KauklsMisS Knowlton Miss S
Knapp Mrs U AV Kicals Miss \ ,
Lawbon Miss K Loiifliajji > ] i Mrs J
Lyda M yi
Montasno Miss It yiMontaRiie Miss A
MeCariy Miss M MoTiimiiiPrMrs A
McManls Mis M McCoy Miss J G
Moii ! Mis F Meyer Mis M
M.ison Mrs S Mitchell Miss C
Mansfield Miss F K
Nichols Miss O Newman Mrs A
jN'alvcssMis M
O'Xeill Miss C A Olson Miss T
O'ConplI K O'DonnellMiss A
OichaidMrs A M.
TiipoMissL I'lekensMlssN
I'iekPttMIss L I'afjo Miss I ,
1'owell Mrs L Varmeleo Mrs A K
1'cntiuld Miss At IVny Mis J
1'arson MissT
nnhoMIss Hussi-IlMi-sSE
lion Miss I liogers Miss It 13
JScvcIn Mm
Sullivan Mrs .Sniff Mis UK
SalquistMlssl .Siuitli Miss A
StPilinu' Miss L Strong Mrs C
Smith Mrs K Sn > di-r MissO
Sti all Miss 1 Slater Mrs S 3f
Miss Sainpson Miss M
SehiodprMrs J
BehallerMlssX .Splilcmiiipr .Airs F
Slovens Miss M Stomcs Mis C
Tuclther Miss A Tyh-rMrsCJ :
Thrap M i MI
Wood Mrs A Willis Mrs S E
Williams Miss A Wlleox Miss A J
tVlnlbepk Mre L 0 AVhlttaker MKss M 2
iVpatbpsMrsJ White Mrs. )
Whitney K C Wells MrsM"
Wallmaii Mrs C A Whltcomb Miss A
\Vcmer \ M bs 0 AVaid Mis \ \
AValsh Miss M
YoimerMIss M"
y.eigloMis XM
John Loiip ; , n Iturlin lon cl arninktr ,
, vas to ilpath .Saturday niKlit. His
) ody was found lying on a bitlowalk on
The Great Invention ,
> n//iu Harm to FAJlUIUur IlAXliS ,
and particularly ndaplcd to ll'iirincniixilei.
No family , rich or jioor , should be wllhout Jt.
Sold by nil Grocers , hut Iteicareot Tllolml
tiilons , rEAitT.lXJ ! is manufacture
only by
National Bank
Noilhnest corner rarnnmand Utli Streols ,
? aid up Capital , - $200,000
Fund 60,000
1'iesldenl. A IPO I'realdont
Cashier , Ac ( > l. Ciuhler.
Aopountssolloited mid prompt nttentioinflvou
o all butlnt'ss ciitnioteJ to Us care.
1'uyo 1'lve per cent on Tliuu LDiOilU. )
TIA t iM1 i t PTM vn t tpniAi n
A Furious Foot Unco to Sell Wheat , Led
by the Bears ,
A llpv < ? r o Condition In | r nIslons ns
tt ) 1'rlco An Iintnpimo Aiiionnt ( if
I'oi-fc ChntiKt" * IlantliTlio
lihc Stock Mnrkcts ,
CnirAno , .Ian. I.V fSptvlal 'I'plPicram. ]
\Viir.\T Theioas an Ptiorinou
tlon In Axlit'at ajjaln to-day. Valnpi
jn t haiclj stt-ady , but on a declining spali1
for thp Hist two hour * . Thp oiiunlng wni tf
@Vp abo\n jt lerdav'a olo'.llip , a IIID-
si > pplhp tlpctpaso of 7'ii.tKH' ) to luuo-
OKI btisttcls and rppoiletl lipavy jmr-
cha t" < on account of a Xmv York
pimibinntlon , bolnc thp piliipliul otpinputi oC
slt-ptipth. Tins tpmppf of tlio prowdat
HPivtiu , hnwovpf , nnd a ilpsnlloty trailo nn
alatKPscato Avntho feature of the eaily
hours , l.atpr Infniiiinlloti ipnelii'd hew of an
actual t'xjiiul shlpnipnt of f/iOO.OOO / In jfolil by
Hi-own lliotliers , and vulnots of additional
iiuaiitltk's to j-o out snon. A few bin
houses just look aihatilaco of thu
Jicwfl. Thpr iit'ia fpllliiK May when
Itvas about ' ' 'V. The crowd quickly
( might on , and HIP liny to sell bioko
thp mniket to bl'aQ lftft' , tlio low-
p t point yet ipachpd. From 80c to .V4' '
f-t t it wa a toot laep. Ho.irs who had bopn
\\altinc for a phance to 501 on top weip ciuzy
lo sell , and bulls \\lio weiualtltiR for an i > \ -
cnso tiiitiiload stiu.-ulod to thp Itont. The
only putehaspisOIP * hoitsvlio ASPIC Avlll-
ItiKtolakp In the piollts. From 10tO : ! to 1
o'clock tlu1 amount of bit-tines * transacted
Avas API.V lamp , anil thp CM'llenipnt ( iient.
Thpj p.loslni ; at 1 o'clock on a basis of Mpf
C'f 'vC foi May.
MINOU ( ! IIM.Coin was ilull and
felluhtly lower. Oats \\PIP dull aiuUlpaily.
I'POVISIOSTho pit was the soonpofox-
clleiiu'tit and exceptionally heavy tiadlti ! ; .
1'ilces of the ho pioducteio1ilKhPi all
aionnd , pork advauciiiR DO.- , und I.inl and
ribs Collowiiip. Dealings weie chlutly In
potlc anil In May lard. Maypiitc oipnpd ]
T'i'c ' higher mid advanrpil to SUMO , tlropplni ;
back uftci winds to Slo.s : ' < , where It lested
at tlm User lOO.iwr bauols ot poik
changed liatuK
Ai-ir.uxooN' UoAiin Avas fairly
btpady nn the aflernoon board , but elo.-od
VPI.V nervous. Other coie.ils nnehaniceil.
I'oik advaiicpd .V and ippeiled " % < * Provis
ions may be quoted as c\cited and stioin , ' .
J:4. : ' > 1) ) . in , Puts on Jiay wheat , hl c ; calls ,
8p. .
CiiiCAno , , lan. 15. [ Special Tplecram.J
CArrt.i : Poreattlp the demand was aetlvp ,
and prices at least llirfSIc hiiilier than Tims-
day and Wednesday , but the advance A\as
mainly on fiesh arrivals. About pvmytlilni ;
that was n < p | nl or parried a fair perci'iil of
llpsh and lat , sold l. > f'I'i"Ji ; higher. Canning
top ) : , cow.stocUamliiullssold a.shade higher.
StockPis anil Ifcilcr trade pontlnnus stpaily ,
with little or \aii.itlon in piicpsShi | > -
] : nto nee S4.orf5.riO : ; i-joo
toiy.01bs , < ; l.OO/'l.riO ; 050 to 1-200 Ibs , S.50C ; ! ?
-1.2.- .
llor.s Tratle active1 , Avllh shlppi-rs boom
ing thu mailtot to tha pxtent of an advanccof
a MtoiiK 5 10c as pniupaipil with the close
inni nicht , and 10@15c as compaied with me inoininif , Piimn assoitcd
heavy shipping guides sold at 81.10. . i'I.Sii ,
and K0l | ' ° choice ) ) : ipklng sorts at S.N ! ) ( < 5
4.01. PacUin and shipping , 'JTiO to 100 Ibs ,
New York. Jan. 15. Moiv : On call
casv at l' < ffr ! > i per cent.
I'itiMi.MKiiOA\Tii.i : 1'A.rr.i : 1G5 per cent.
' FoitmoN KxciiA.vni : HILLS , Dull at
SI.NijH lorslxtv dav.s , and S-1.8. ) for demand.
GovLiiN.MH.vrfi Dull , but steady.
STOCKS Slocks weio linn nnlil about
noon , when It was announced that Hiown
Hios. < tCo. hadengaiccilS5iK ) , < KOiii pold lor
Blilpineiit lo Kmoi ] ) ; lo-moiiow , and this np-
peaied to be a signal for a heavy sellln
movement that drove prices cloAvn H'tol' .
per cent , Later there Avas n ipaction lor frac
tional amounts , mid In the last hour a
feverish , IriPKtilar and Avpak mailict nnlil
thQi'loip. 'I'liero was a plentiiul supply of
repoitsof cuts in passenger lates past fiom
Cliicagoanil wpst from Xew Yoik. The de
cline , compaied witli last evening , is 1 to
only - per pout for the most active stock , the
marltPt closing at or near the IOWPSI IILMIIPS
ofthoday , Lackawana shows a loss ol 2' '
and Delawaic it Hudson UK per pent. Van-
duihilts AVi'ru lipcly sold , both lor long and
slioit account. Lake Shore Is down a and
Now Voile Cpntral \ % ppr pent. I'ncllic
Mail suH'eied tiY and Missomi 1'acllio "H
per pent.
SJJppnt Imiuls. . . 101' ' iC. &iS. W 1005/
U. S.-i'-j's ' ' . prpferred. . . l.r ! >
Xew-l's * lSJjiX. : ) V. C 10 . > ) i
I'apllicfi'sof "J > . IiM Oil-son . . " '
Cuntral 1'acliio. . 41) ) r.-iellie Mall
C.&A 1IOK I'M ! > 1C
prpferred. . . . 151 IM' . ( !
C. , IJ. itJ ( IWl'i'lHopk ' Islann. .
Jan. 15. FJour Qulpl and
winter \\heat Hour , SiIO < ( .I.Wi ;
sonthein , fil.oodiJ.M ; Wisconsin , s-
Michigan soil siiilng wlipat , SUOMI.OJ ; Min
nesota bakers' , & ! ! , rOfcl.U : p.itpiits , S1.7V )
5.f)0iyo ! ihmr. iiulpt at tS.i ! : ! ) ( < . ! l.tiO In bar-
iels , SUO ( .sIO In sacUs : buckwheat
Hour , 31.001-1.00 In bauels ; S-.00 ( ' 4,2j per
awl. In .sacks ,
\Vheat U'i'akcr and yp-stcrday's advanpo
lost ; openfd ) fo above yostoi day's rlnsp.easwl
elf > { < : , Ihi'ii deeluipii MI ; latpr sold oil Jbc
: ind closed t-tpadlm1 at about ltv uinlpr > es-
U-rday ; TS CjsOc lor cash ; TSjrp lor .Intimity ;
rail 7l' ! ' p lor Kcbrnary ; 'y > ' @ 7ie lor March. !
> l ) < < 'CXc \ tm May.
Coin bull and unliiteiestliiL' Avlthout
special clmilgo : Wi@'itI' P. lor pash ; lid'tp lor
January amf Kubinarr ; : WKijai ( : c lor Mav.
Oats Slow , and d'lll ' , but steady and Illtli !
liPttPi than yi".teiday4si4p ; lor ; Q dS
Js)0e ) lor Jaiiuao ; iib c lor I'Vlnnatj ; Jllj i !
I'or May.
Jt > D About unchanged and dull atf > Sc.
Dai lev ' Dull and no muteiial cbnio ! at
Timolhy .Slpndy ; prlmo 81.78.
Flaxseed-Steady ; Xo. 1. SI.12.
Dl'oik Active and unsettled ; oppupd
-lionu'tir. advaucpd J ! < ( ii.'ic , with a rPduetlon
> l IllMl-i'nU. ' inllli'd l.lai'iOi ! , but helllcd baek
iLVIOc-and closed hte.ulv : lor
? asT ) and .liinimi ) ; . lu.WJ iflO.Gi lor Feb-
Laid-StPi'dv , advaiicpd'ijil'l.'ic , A > ith fair
leimnid ; Sli.Ol d/d.lOior c/ish , Jaiuiaryand
l'VbruarySi'ir'iM : ) ; > . : MMoi M.iy.
Hulk Meats -Shoulders , si.n.y.T.oO : | ; hliort
' Jpar ,
JparVhlsKj Sl.Hi.
HuttpTCood to fanpy Pipameiy ,
rood Io plioico dally. l-Kll'i'K.1 ' ,
Chpp.'pTall 'heddais , October
make , t'WMfis ' ? Hats , Hi@ lUo ; youiif Amer-
s lJnchaiicd | ; pait puivd , SWSKO ;
'rwn , bo ; heavy KIPPII MiltP < ltf > fi ; ; llilii ; rte ,
e ; dry Kilted ,
Iiv Him , liiwne ; pall id , I in. lo i- ; ;
Tallow -UiMilmnirPd ; No. I couiiuy , 4Jfe ;
S'o. a country , 4c : Mkn. .lu.
KecehiU bhlimipnls.
h'lour.bbls . -I.O'XJ r , , ( > M
tVhoiit. bu . U.IXJO . ' .
Joriiuu. . . . . . . . . : . ' > W ) > > "
Jlis'bU . . . . . . WfM 4 ! . l
- ' - ' . ' 00
u. . 31.000
St. r < nni , Jan. ir . - Whpatctlvo but i-
wpak , closing V < ? V undpr yiMcidax : No. 'J {
ipd , p.nsh , sstifs ij < ( ij January. 8c < nominally ;
Koliniary. si' ' p { March ! > 'J'p ' ' ; Maj.'M ' 4 ' .
Corn -Quipl andPasy ; > o. J inlxcd , p.iIi ,
RV ; January. * ' 4C aked ; lYbrnar } , > * sc ;
May , : ! 0 c
O.ilsSteady nnd tinphnncrd ; > o.
tnivoil , ea h , "s'jpi-'flJ-.j'c ' ; May , ; tl'a ' > i' ' ! 8p.
lt\p-\o mnikcl.
1'otk Slioiii nl SlO.r-0.
Lard Kltni at S'UtVtt.OOQtO.fS.
Whisky -stead ) al Sl.10.
HuttPi Unchanged ; cioamery , SS JSOc ;
'AVTIUM : > I > .V Hruit : > WhpalSteady and
' * 07V better. Corn A shtulo belter. O.iU
Me.ul > and unchancpil.
Now < ) i It nni , Jan. If' . Corn Dull , A\cak
and loweij while. 1" lip ; mixed , 15c.
tMts Steady ill STftftOp.
CoinmiMl QulPt at * -.IO.
llo > ; 1'iodupls-In light demand but hold-
pis mm.
Kiitmnq City , Jan. t.X !
p.i li. ni'4phid , iWjc asked ; iVbiuary , 07o
bid : Ma ) . -i57tp. : ( .
Coin spndj | ; en-di , 8Sc inked ; IVIiruary ,
2sp bid ; ' isp asked ; May , SUV bid , 8PBo
( ' .its N'ominal.
Tolpilo. Jan. 15. Wheat Closed qulot ;
en-di , St'j ' s'i'.jc1. ' '
Coin . < 5tp.\dypash ; , "t'c ' , .
Oats -Unchiiiitfpd ; pa-di , ! llc.
Liverpool , Jan. 15.VltpM \ 1'oor do-
maiid ; IIOAV .S'o. - Inter , 7s IJfd , steady ;
IIP.W sprint , ' , 7s i\d , slp.uly.
I'lotirPoor dpinand al bs 2d , pasy.
Coin-Fair dem.nnt : old mlpdIs 7l d ,
dull ; now inlxpil.Is vi d , tliln ; Januaiy , Feu-
luaiy and Maa-h , lirinnlts'Jd. .
Now York , Jan. 15. AVheat Hppclpts ,
1,700 ; pxpmK noii ; cash , lower ; options
oiwtipil lit m , latpr wcakpupil , dpp'lupd ' " 4alp ( ,
plo Iin ? stcndAvllh a slluhl jvpoApry ; un-
cradpil led.Sifitl'l jp ; No.'JiPd.lO' o In plo-
valor , tUo nil ! delivery , lUl4e paiial , alloat ,
Foluuaiy eloslns allKl' ' c.
Com Spot a slmilo hm < iPr but les aPtlvo ;
oiitions opened Mini , laterilpplini-d ' ( , © U'c ,
piosltiK sleaih ; ipccljils " 0tKHj : ovjioi Is. liV !
No. tt. miiii'.yp'jo ' In e'lovator ; I'Vbiiitiiy clos
ing atts'4p. .
tats ) \ 01 y qulpl : tpcelpts. 27,003 ; cxporls ,
ll."i ; luKcd XM'Moni , "O'-iiuj'W'tfp ' ' ; whlto Avcst-
L'lll. ! l"fn 1I' < P.
I'ctiolpum Steady ; tniilpd plospd at 8SXP.
Kfg--lIpa\y | and lowoi ; icccipts , ! i,100
paeU.igpspsiprn ; , C'iC-'iliP- (
> I'oijc--Firm and moii ! acto. ! . Kales : Mc-ss ,
" Lard I.PSS acllvo. Sales : A\'p > tprn steam , " fl
spot. $ -rj'bGH.i.'u ' ) 1'i'biiiaiv , sn.u.
HutlerFinnith lair iiniulry ; Avcstcrn ,
l''Csiip ( ; P.lcln cic.niipiy.
Clipp p Steady but quiet.
Clnclnniitl , Jan. IS. Wheat Dull ; > 'o ,
Com- Firm ; No. " . mlxpd. : tp.
O.its htp.uly ; Xo.'J mixed , Ill'-j'c.
H > p iulpt ; No. 'i , Olp.
Hailey ( Juiel and unchanged ; extra Xo. 3
1'ork ouict but steady at 510..0. <
Lnid-1'irin at fi > .t)7K. ) <
Whisky-Stoailj at 5.1.10. . s ,
Itlllwntikoo , Jan. IS. Wla-at-Stcady ;
ish , 7s , e ; Febriiin v , 7 ' , p ; May , tjl iC.
Com Kasy ; No. a , Me.
Oats-Dull ; No. 'J. lis'.e. '
i\o : Duii : NO. i , nsc.
Iaipy-Stp.ul ! | > ; N'o.'J , n > .
I'nnisions lli'ln-r ; mess poik. cash and
January , Mti.55 ; Fibriinty.clo.f.i ,
ninnon > iilm , Jan. 15. Wheat Dull and
eloped weak ; No. 1 hard , eash and Jauntily ,
81p ; Foliiuary , Sl'jp ' ; Maich , NSI P : May ,
DlJi/e / ; \ . 1 noitln-in , Nt-loreash ) ami Jaiiu-
aiv ; Mi'jp ' lor l\-biuaiy ; M'.jC tor Maicht
fcTivo ( or May
Hour Inactive nnd little doing ; patents ,
SI.7."Mi)0 ( ) ; h.iUcix . , f:5 : ! : < o4.0il.
, -Wheat , 10I.UUO bu. ; Hour , HO
ShimncMitb U' , 13,000 bu ; Hour , 12,000
riileijo , Jan. 15. Thu Diovots' Journal
icpmts :
Cattlu IJppi'lpts 'lt)0j ! ( ) slionu'pr and 20o
hlulier ; shippini ; stci'is , tfi.W : ir . , r > < ) ; loclt'lrt
and ti'edi'i.s. ' f'J.Mm/l.ii.'i ; rm\ * , bulls and
iiilM-il , SI.WK'U.OO ' ; bull.yti o. . : i iTi.
II ( > ! ? . , KeceipN. : n.COO ; MIOIIC and fi@10c
blu'her ; iouh ; ; anil inlved ,
and sliiiiinir ] ) ,
Sliei'ji Uuri'lpts1,000 ; steady ; natlvo.s ,
? .IO < ol.0 ' : \\pstcni , S-J. . ' <
M.W ; lambs.
UiiiiH.-m City , Jan. 15. Callli' Itucolpts.
fO > ; shliiiiii'iilri , none ; shout ; and uctlvi-at
Id'd.'o iiinher ; ) \ | ) oilir.ri.uOuiii.'i.'Ji ! ) ; com-
moil locholcu hhiiijiiiiK , Sl.lA > ( . 'l.i ( ) ; .sturlc-
eis and lecders.i0 ; ( j..75j cows , § -.00
. .
Hogs KrwInLs , 10.000 ; .shlpment.s , 000 ;
.stiontrand r > c hi liur ; oed to rhulco , S3.WJQ
1.00 ; common to niudinm , 5f.y5jt.7.5. : ; : )
St.OIIM | , Jan. 15. Cattle Kocolpts ,
AOO ; slilpiniMits , MO ; film and all .sold ; mar
ket IOiflT ( > e hiiiher ; common to cliolco ship-
jilinr , S.'I.K'KdS.IO ; biiteliPis' slccrs. S'J. : ! " > t > ; cows and heileis , S'J.A'V 't.iiri ; stocki i
and U'cdeis , S'J.'iOfn H..IO. '
JlojjH JJi-nslpts , li.OOU ; slilpiiiPMts , : ! ,70
arlivc and 11V liiKhei on j'fx'kin ' and b
JiiMVv ; bulrhoib' and chuico heavy , t. > .
( ' 14.10 : inLsed packing , S.i.OOti.'l.tfl ; llfc-1
Fiiday Kvcnlng , Jan. IT
The paitlo maiket stronger to-day
iillgiades. Itulpliersstock was In lair
maud but sales wen ! light as local hutch'
bought ( inito heavily the pasl few iayn. ! Go
coin led hteers would ha\o bion ht u In
hptler pi Ices.
The nog maiket was steady lo-day and
iccplnts lilipial. Only lour loads wvie
over. Thu inailcot opened witli a sliong i
ing but thn seven ) Au-athi-r luedietpd indi
.sellers to elosi- out as laphlly us possible ,
avoid loss hum holding over.
J J Ogh . -
Xo. Av. Tr. No. Av.
5 , . .HH ( S'J.W ) 'M. . .1015
11. . y..H ) u. ,
Xo. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av.
1. . . .lU'JO '
No.M. . Av. T'r.noes. Xo. Av.
M. fi7. .
. . . . . . ; ! . iu ast
17 UIS
( K ) 'JM : ) . 10 ' . ) ' ! ! ! ! | (
li ! ! 'JI4
us a use ii ! 10
o ; y.v.1 : i. 10
fi'i yis . . .i.s.7 : ; .
wi. .
ra : )
01 .Nl : i. ir , ( ii. .
inMI 't.-ir. M. .
( ii urn -nn
.VI "HI r.i , . ' MM
115 : ii : : " ! ! ; ir'j i. , >
711 'M'J 17 ! .ioij . * i , ; ira i
53 'J.-.7 jom \
rAr-Ki'.ns' I'l'ii iiASKH ,
Showing tlm niimhar of c.uilo , bogs . I
ihee | > puiclm L'd by thu local tuckers on . ID
luiilicl to-day.
I. K. lioyd 1 ' . .
i. II. Hammond it Co il
jhccley it Co , * . > >
Showing the highest and IOWPS ! prlPPS p-i I
in this maiki-t lor hoxs iluiln- : the | u
dx ( luj.siuul lor thu poiresponilllii ; JIPHOII
, t t month :
K T Jain7iir. .
' ' ' ' ' . " ILL.- ' 2 ' > ( | "tvlil ! ti"fiJiiit.'i l
Koto All sales of slop ) ; In this mnikcl ar <
mule per CM I , live wi-luht nnliHS fitberwis i
tatcd. Dead lio/s sell at lo per Ib , torn I
"sjkliis"oi'lioxswplglilng less lh i
t o Ib , , no value. l'ien'iKiut su\\s uio dopkel
Kilday Kvcnlnir , Jan. 15 ,
Goiioi'iil ( arlcotN. ,
s DmiiiK thelixttcinticold weather oy thnimtiket luled Him ntto ; I
linco jo.sieidav , however , it hhuus coiisbi )
'iiiblu ' Wi' ; , and wiles of Milptly lir \
\nv\i \ wore made at 1N&11'Vith ' nillde1
MMther a further decline may bu looked lei ,
ani il vgzi , aiu not wanlcd al any prlco.
Ui'Ti' 'I'ho demand Is ( iiilto brisk for
IIIIPJ tablii butter , \\lillo inleiior htocl ; con-
Iniu-s ciy dull. Strictly rhuuut mil , HftUV ;
( mil ml , ll'-U'k ' : ; lair loll , b ( IOc ; poor , iat