Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1886, Image 1

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' 'S-nator" ' Edgezton Moving to Secure Sotno
Needed Mc isurcs ,
Tactics Hie DcinncratN of tlic Hotiac
Will Kmiiloy on the Question of'M ) Admission ( Jen-
eral AVnoIiln toii > iotes.
Needed ClinimcM In the IianM La\v.
i" WA"iiiM.'io.v , .Ian. 15. | .Spc"Ial Telc-
Kram.j-bt'iialor Kdgcrlon of Dakota has
been doing some linnl woik since his anlval
beie for the settlers of the northwest , llo
Iswoiklng with Assistant Socielary ot the
Intctloi Jenks lo secure the piomulgatloti of
an order which will alfoid Immediate icllcf
to those whoso land titles and leal sccmlties
havobcen jeopatdbedby lucent decisions of
the land commissioner. Hu asks that an
oulcr be issued icqiiliing a contestant ot a
case , after it has been passed upon bv the
local land olllcers , lo give notlto of the con
test and have a dial botoiotheiocaii be a sus
pension of patent. The piocediuo ho
proposes is similar to the contesting
ol a will , lie asks , also , that In
futiuc no title wheiu a laud olllcei's
iccelpt has been given on agricultural
land , shall bo suspendcdor cancelled
until a healing is had be Co to thu
local laud olllcc , with a light to appeal to tlio
land commissioner and sccictary of thu In
tel ior , and that at such heatings due notice
must bo given the patties intciested by pub
lication or otherwise ; that upon the govern
ment In these tiials must the bin dun of
piovlng that thcoiiglnal decision of the local
land ofllce was obtained thioimh fiaud ; that
all entiles on agilcultmal lands that have
been suspended shall be icmoved ami placed
on the same footing as cases aiising after
Issuance of Iho older. Senator IMgeiton
says that while leiucdy 111 the com Is may be
ample , they aie too expensive and opeiate
too slowly lo meet the necessities of the pee
ple. He also wants ptovhlon made tor ilio
piotcctlon of innocent piuchascis
of , 01 paitios making loans
uimn lauds , thu title to which was ob
tained by fiamN. He thinks an innocent
puichasci of a moitgago should be allowed to
enter the land on payment ol double the
minimum price , piovldcd It has been
.shown that tee oilgimd settler has
committed a liaud In "proving up" without
a snlllclcnt settlement on the land. He asks
also that wltmcssus be compelled to attend
tlietilals of contested cases , and has great
hopes ol having the inlcs modified to meet
all of these suggestions , Mr. Jenks Indicat
ing his appioval of them.
To-day Chali man IIIII , ot the house commit
tee on tunitoilus , inloimcd a delegation hcic
fiom Dakota that his committee will hear , on
nc.xt Wednesday , arguments oa the llairlson
bill to admit , south Dakota to statehood , and
oigani70 iioith Dakota tcnitoiy. Senators
Kdgeitou and Moody , Itepiescntatlvu Ka-
nottso and ( lovciuor Mclletto will speak ,
each one taking a distinct line ol aigu-
inellt. It Is believed Unit ( lie lactic : )
the demociats In thu honsu will employ
to defeat admission will ho to pioposo to ad
mit the whole tuiriloiy as one state , knowing
that the people ot the teriltoiy pi dor to stay
out rather than come In in that way. Then
It Is believed that it will boaigucd by the
democrats that tlicie is a division of senti
ment about statehood among the cltl/cns ol
/ Dakota. Should this be biought forward the
icpresentatives tiom the tcriitory now hcio
will propose that fongi ess pass an act con
firming the pioccedlngs. already taken for
Statehood , and admitting south Dakota
under the Han ison bill , piovidcd the people
of the whole tcnitoiy give a majority vote
for it. They say the piovlslons of the Har-
ilfion bill would bo. lalllicd by a vote of nlnc-
tcnthfl of llie population.
nr.i'tini.if'AX HKXA-'ions AND HK rovA.i.P.
WASHING TON , Jan. ir . fl'iess.l The re
publican M'natois met In caucus at 10 : : ! 0 this
mot ning , and adjourned at 1 : : > 0. Their pm-
pose was tocompaio vluws as to thu right of
the seimte to Inionnatlon as to thu picsl-
dent's ica'-ons ' for making icmovals fiom of-
tlee. Tim fact was stated that many Imiuiilcs
addressed to heads ol de | > arl meats by chaii-
men ol committees icmalned unanswcicd ,
bill up lo this time thcio ate no indications
of a pnrjiose to icfiiso to L'lvo this informa
tion. No foimal luonosiflon was made , anrt
no action taken. Whllo \\lclo vailely of
opinions louiid exnicsslon with icgaid to tlm
mopilctv ol raising a loniial issno with
the admlulstiatlon at present upon this
question , a niajoilly weio of opinion
that should the Information sought not ulti
mately hu foilhcomlng , the icpiihllcaiis will ,
lu justice to the men who have been sus
pended or removed lor supposed cause , be re
quited lo take sonio formal action In the
MMiatu to scciiio information or an avowal by
the picsldcnt that ho will not glvuhls leasons
lor making thu lemovals. There was unani
mous conciuioncu in the opinion that Ihu le-
niovcdoniclals huve a right to know whether
they were removed lor political icasons or
nml-adininlstiatlon of their trusts , and that
it is the senators' duty to sccmo the Intoima-
tlon if possible.
The postolllco ilepaitmeut has received a
letter fiom the ( ieimati dlicctor geneial ot
uosfs , iirglmr the United States government
to send an olllccr of thu postotllcu < Iepait-
ment InCoimany to pcisonally Inspect and
study the pneol post seivlco ol that country
with a view to joining the Inteinatioiial parcel -
col post.
The M'cretaiy of the Inleilor has lequesled
J the nttoinuy ueneial to Institute suits acahist
tlio Lacotta Cattle eompanv In the western
p.ntol Xebiaska to iccovei Sl'.ti.V ) , tlm value
of timber alleged to huvu been cut by them
liom public lands.
Ciii'ioiiN Coiii ] > llcaiIoiiH Rrowln Out
ol' n Itocoiit Trucedy.
Dr. ritotrJan. 15 , Kxtnioullnaiy complica
tions grow lag out ot the tragic fate of 1'iank
KiKH'h , his wife , and tholrtwochlldion , who
a couple of w'oeks ago were murdered and
the bodies bin nod lu the destruction of their
home , developed heio to-day. Within a short
time alter the tiagedy the relatives of the
mufdered family began to dlsputo over the
little projH-ity that had boon Jolt. Last week
( ! us and llcnuan Knoch Jilcd a petition tor
administration of thu estate , which was
valued at 8-lUOO. To day a counter petition
was filed by an attoinoy , asking administra
tion ot the e.stato ol Kiaiik Kuoch's children ,
This petition is on behalf of thu grand
mother , two uncles and three aunts of thu
deceased children , the thcoiy being that
1'iank Knoch was nimdoicd lirst , the two
children thus becoming Ins hciis , and their
belts being thu two giandiiiolhois. Thu pa-
tnrnal giandmother having slnco dlcil , tills
lelt her chlldion thu heiis. The whole case
tin us on the < | iieMlcU ! as to who of the family
wci-oliiat killed.
A StflkiiiK Htot.
CHIOAQO , Jan. 15 , This morn I n ( J A serious
llot occtincd at Halstcad and ( iiecu streets
between stilkers at Maxwell's and a number
.1 . ot employes Kolng to their woik. lint for
the mompt Intoi/eieuco ot the wollco the
result might bavu been sellout. Thu stilkers ,
who numhcicd tlfloen , wciu aimed with
clubs , whllu thu uon-unloiiisti wciu tlnx'o
iimu.s thcli number. The attack was fieice.
but fihoit lived. Only ono man was teportcd
injmvd. The police ai nested tlueo men ,
Bnow In To\ns.
Fr , DAVIS. Jan. Ifl. Snow fell throughout
Viesblloi'ounty during Wednesday , li ; soaio
u depth ot live ludie. .
Stormy .Session of ( lie Nn\nl Afl'nlr i
Other lectliiRs.
WASiii.vmov , Jan. IV-Tlu ? meeting of
the house naval affairs committee took a sen
sational turn to-day. The Uoutclle i evolu
tion Inquiring aboiitlhodlsinhsal of ex-milon
soldlcisand snllors fiom the Norfolk navy
ynnl. and theaiioliitiiicntof ] ) ex-confederates
in their places , and as to the statement that
coitain inscriptions comna'momtlvc ot vie-
loiies over the confederates have been de
faced , was called up and led to a heated
political discussion. Mr. Wise ot Virginia
made n speech denouncing the resolution ,
and Impugning the motives of Its
mover. Hi ; ( misled that the lo-olntlon was
Inliodneod fiom a decile to make paity c.ipi-
lal , andoxpie ed Ihcoplninn that it should
be amended Fo as to allow a gencial investi
gation Into thu conduct of the navy jaids.
llomged that a mcie newspaper ictioit was
tlie Mile loinulalion for thepionosed ln < | iiliy.
and that it was not becoming Hc : dignity of
cougi-ess to hied such sloiles.
Mi. Hoiilelle vltorouily defended the icso-
Inllon. He aid he had been nssmed by a
bnilhermcmbei that the ) inbllc.itioii was sub-
stantlall.v conect. He wanted the matter In-
Mi. Thomas pointed out that the resolution
was not toi an investigation. It was a sim
ple Inqiiliv , and if the stoiy was without
loundatloii the navy department could easily
piiek the bubble.
Mr. MeAdoo aHo contended that the la-
\estlg.itloii should bo goneial. licpiibllcaiis
had been discharged fiom other navv jaids
on flic easloin coast , and wliy not at N'oifolk.
Mr. Hewitt inquired If it would be con
tended that the victoiswcio not entitled to
the spoils.
Mi. Thomas acquiesced In ( hat assumption ,
but said in the case under consldeialioti It
was amic-itlou not of politics not whether
a icpuhllean had been displaced by a dumo-
ciat-hut whether the statute irlvlng pioler-
cnce to union soldici.shad beenviolated. He
wants to know whether union sohllcishad
been < ll > ciaiged ! to make place for icbelsol-
diets , and whether mcmoiial stones com-
nienioiatlng union vlctoilos had been ob-
Mi. Hewitt luqulicd if tlie gcntlnnan
would bave lolciatcd a conlcdeiatu inoiiu-
mciit conimcmoratlng the Mctoiy of Hull
Mr. Thomas iciillcd that ho would have It
nulled down. ! 01 innately the icbcls failed
in their object. He was not yet ashamed of
having fought for the union.
Othei menibuis ot the committee expicsscd
themselves In stiong language , and the ses
sion ended without action on the lesolutlon ,
which will come up lor consldciatlon at the
next meeting.
'I he house committee on public buildings
and giottnds to-day adopted a inlc foibidding
ihe same action has been taken at the last
two sessions , hut In those instances prohi
bition was contained In the joint rules while
the picscnt nilc Is a simple committee in der.
'Ihe hotisn ci mmlttcc on liveis and haibor.- ?
to-day icsohcd to limit the total amount ot
theappioiuiatiou for Iminovlng rlveis and
haibois to Sll,00ii,000. Thu sums iccom-
niendcil lor appiopiiatlon will in no case he
made public in ailvanco ol thu icpoit ol the
llousi ; .
WAsniNcno.v , Jan. ir . Mr. Uland Inlro-
diu'cil a bill icpcalingso innch of the act of
Juno 11 , IST'.i , as provides lor the exchange
and redemption of subsidiaiy coin. Ku-
Mr. Dockery , from the committee on ac
counts , lemntcdu joint ic-olutioa allowing
ibscliaigeil emplojcs ot Iho lionso one
month's evlia jny Alter nuisliluiablu do-
Uato the lesolutlon was defeated. Yeas TI ,
noes isS.
Mr. Vnriisey olfctcd a lesolutlon calling on
the sccictaiy ol the ticasiny lei lulormatloii
as to the amount ot money In the ticasiny
that can be legally applied to the payment ot
bonds 01 any other inteiest beating debt of
thu United States , and if thcru bo any such
moneys in the tieasmy applicable to the pay
ment of the obligations afoiesald , whythe
same havu not been applied. ICefuiicd.
Thu picsldentlal succession bill was then
taken ini by Mr. Dibble , who argued that
neither the president pro tern of the senate nor
the speaker ot the house was a United
Slatesolllcer , and in snppoit of his position
iiuotcd fiom the fourteenth amendment to
the constitution the distinction them madu
between a member ot congicss and a United
States officer.
Alter considerable deliate.SMr. Caldwell of
Teiiiicssco demanded the previous question ,
wnlch atlcr a little pailiamontary fencing ,
was oidcicd.
An amendment offered by Mr , Adams of
Illinois , striking out the clause which topcals
sections of the luvlscd statutes piovidlug lor
special elections , was i ejected. Yeas 113 ,
noes IK ) .
A substitute olfoicdby Mr. McKiuicy of
Ohio , leaving in lorco the pic-.cnt law with
the addition ol a piovislon lor the purpose of
having the .speaker of the house ol icnicscnt-
atlvos In ollicu continuously , was also ic-
On thnso two votes the house was divided
by party lines.
Alter a couple of 1mthcr attempts to 10-
cominit and amend the bill. It passed yeas
If-8 , noes 7T pioclscly as it came Irom thu
Thu negative vote was cast by thu ropub-
llu.ins , and by Messis. Bennett and Green ot
New Jersey. Among the icpnbllcans who
voted with the democrats In the allirmatlvu
worn Messrs. I lilt , LuKollett , 1'rlce , Stinble
and Weaver ol Xelnaska.
Thu house then adjoin ucd until Monday.
Serious Itln/OH at Cincinnati , Ileavcr
l-'nllK , l > n. , and Other I'oiiiiN.
CixriNNATi , Jan. 15. Hiram W. Davis &
Company's caniago factory at Flint , Wade
ami Dcnman sheets was binned this mnin-
Ing. Loss estimated at Sl.'O.iXK ) , insurance
§ 10(1,000. (
Thu vvalehman dlscovoied the flio In the
basement , vvheiu It was thought it caught
Irom shavings , Davis values his whole
pionoity , stock and matcilal at $ jnooo. ;
Uvvinglo thu piccautloiis in the stiitctuio
against llie , a iioillon ot the building was
saved , with aconsideiablii poitlou ot stock
and material. Two bundled and fifty men
aiotluown out ol employment.
Hr.AVim r'AU.s , ] 'a.Jaii. ir > . The llcavcr
Kails car vvoiks , toundry and machine shops
weiu binned to thu gumnd this nioiiilng.
together with the Chinese hoadiiiaitois | and
eviuy building in the siiuaie laclmr Sixth
avenue , except an old mansion house. The
liio oilgiiiated In the foundry lint the somco Is
not known. The loss Is not jet estimated ,
but It Is very heavy , as the pnmotty belongs
to the Kconamitc : . . 11 Is piobaulo laeiu Is no
Insurance. *
LKXIXOTON , Ky. . Jan. 15. At 00 ; this
moining a destiiictivo luohioko out In the
wbolcsalo grocery sloro of It. II. Inncss &
Sons , on Mnlnstieot. The lire sjncad rapidly ,
and was not brought under contiol until it
bad consumed the abovu nanicil irioeeiy , in-
siiied for tflO.otO : thu L'xinuton opcrn
house , Insured foi SIO.MK ) ; the olllce of tlio
Adams e.xpioss company with their extensive
Mahlcson Hroadvvay. The hardwaiu store
ot W. .1. Houlihan tVr Hios , was damaged to
the extent ot 5ooo. Thoe.xpicss company's
goods were taken out betoiu being dcstioycd.
The total loss will icach fiom SSo.OOU to
liAi/riMoni : , Jan. 15. A fire bioko out at
2:10 : thU afternoon in the Clark Waircn oil
works , Highland , a town In Baltimore )
county , and askistance Irom this city was
scat tor. Two engines ot thu county the
dcpaitincnt are at woik , bat not with much
etlcctivcncss. The Nicholas gasoliuo woiks
ire In danger.
ItcuiiU of n Kkating Kink How ,
ST. Louis , Jan. 15. At thu Star skating
linkcaily this morning , Hugh C , Itoblnson
was tiipjiod upvhllo bUatlnp by a voting
man named Webb. Hoblii'on demanded an
apology , and Webb's leftist nniscd a fjiiar-
lei. Upon leaving the link Hobliison. with
a party of friends , was attacked by Webb and
bis follovveiH , In the molco which ensued.
Chailis Hatched ; , cmplojed in thoMissoini
Taellic niiltoad ollice , was stnick on the back
ot the head with a rock , dvlng blioitly alter.
Gold 1'or Europe.
NF.VT Voniv , Jan , 15. Hiow n Hios. & Co. .
cngugcd S-W.OOO of gold to Iw n'lljipcd to-
moiiow by thobtcainvi Auioulu ,
A Party of Oow Boys Attempt to Corral a
Big Mogul Locomotive.
Ilovlno ISrnndors ol' IlufTrtlo Gnp Un-
dca\or t < i Organl/.e a Itiickvvoods
"SliliiillK" I" a Sort ol' AVI1-
The Cow i'linoherfl I'araly/.ed.
HrKi'Ai.o C.AIDak. . , Jan. 14. [ Special. ]
The advent of tlio railroad , and ll.s natural
accessory , the iron horse , has proved a phe
nomena to the wild and micoulb cow
puncher of this section. On the last trip up ,
while jour correspondent was uncaged In his
work In the mall car , an amusing scene , and
what foitunately pioved to be n harmless
one , occulted. A paitj of cow boysweieon-
gaizcil In painting the town of llulfalo ( ! ap
the usual vormllllon hue. when the passengei
tialn came Into the embiyo village. The loco
motive wasx ; wonder lo them , and In order
to satlsly themselves that It was alive and
could move , they held a consultation
and decided to "louiid It up. "
Their fust move was nn clfoit
to make Ihu machine dance , and falling In
this they pioposcd to lasso Ihu modern
monster of aitlhcial billows and snails , cor
ral the machine from cow catcher lo tender ,
apply their company's brand to the boiler
sides , and then turn It loose among the un
tamed bovines of tlie boundless pialile.
Commencing operations they pulled their
J.T-calibio guns and icqucstcd the engineer to
"open her up , " so they might have an op-
poitunlty to "haul her up , " and anui o them
selves by making the tenor of the Iron track
go thiough some tcipsichorcan evolutions.
The engineer , Harry Crislcr , and
John Mais , told them not to lire , as theio weie
passengei son board the Iraln. Thu Isolated
and would-be. hanl _ toughs at once com
menced to Jrp on the cab. They tired
sixteen rounds thrmigh It , fortunately with
no Injury to anyone , tlio leaden mes&ongeis
passing in close pioxlniity to tlneo persons.
The gang persisted in their fruitless task of
compelling the locomotive to dance until
they had exhausted alt their ammunition ,
and then mouinliilly took their dcpaituie ,
thoroughly convinced of Iho tolly of attempt
ing an impiovised hack woods ball with a
big mogul as the mister of ceremonies.
The nc.xl day they wcie "loumlcd up"
themselves , and aie confined in Toil Mead
awaiting dial lor their fun. When they aie
iclcased they will undoubtedly lefiain fiom
fntuie attomps to "loimd up" stcois caujing
ICO pounds of steam.
A lihicoln Ganihlcr dashed.
LIXCOI.X , Xcb. , Jan. 15. [ Special Tele
gram. | John bhccdy , Lincoln's most pionii-
ncnt gambler , was stabbed scveial times in
the neck and face to-night by a man named
J. I'altcis-ou. 1'attcison was put cut of
Shecdy's loom drunk , Shecdy following him
to the foot ot the stabs. There 1'attci.son
struck Shecdy and was Knocked down by the
latter. A shoit time atterwaids Shecdy
M-IUJ nont upon tiltMlCOt ami lll-
tackcd and cut by 1'atteisoii. He was not
dangciously injuied. I'atteison vvas anest-
cd and lodged In the cooler.
Tlio AYIntor Term Opened.
Lixcor.x , Neb. , Jan. 15. [ Ssecial Tele
gram. ] Pi of. Kdgien , of the chair of modern
languages , dcllvcied Iho opening address ol
the winter teim ot the university in the
chapel of the university tills evening. The
lectaie was upon "Buddhism , " and was lis
tened lo by a large audience. The attendance
is laigcrthis teimthan It vvas dm Ing tha lall
toi m , which Is something unpicccdentcd.
Thu tailing off in the winter term last year
was about thirty. The university is in a
veiy prospcious condition.
Subject for the Scalpel.
SCIIUYI.KK , Jan. 15. [ Special Telegram. ]
As yet Iho relatives of Lapour have not
been heard from and the county authorities
are considcilng the advisability of huiylng
him in tlio court yard. Indignant citi/.ens
living In the vicinity of the com t house are
protesting against making a grave yaid so
near to their picmlsos. The body will bo held
until to-moiiovv and in case the relatives do
not take chaigo of it , will probably be taken
to theccmetciy lor interment. It is a good
subject for some medical institute.
The Legislature Takes a liny On" for
Ten Days.
DisMoixis : : , Iowa , Jan. 15. Uoth branches
of the lesislatinu held shoit sessions to-day ,
In which a number of nilsr > cllancoas bills
weie introduced. Among them ono lor the
compnlsoiy education of all children between
the ages of 7 and 15 ; one for abolishing con-
liact labor in stalu prisons ; one for Ihe
abolishment of coiporal punishment In pub
lic schools ; ono lor better cnfoiccincnt
of thu penal laws ; giving the governor power
to icmovo mayors of cities that pcr-ilstently
lofnso to enfoico laws , lofoiilng paiticulaily
to the prohibitory law. In each house com
mlltccs lo visit the vailoiis stito Institutions
weio appointed , and the legislature for this
purpose took a recess until Tuesday , Januaiy
SO , at p. in.
found Torthe Defendant.
Briti.i.Nfini.v , Jan , 15. The salt of Helen
Talbott against thu Dad ) Cia/ctlo of this city ,
for libel In an article published in December ,
1 ! > S1 , has been on trial four days , and was
given to the jury this afternoon. The in-
sliuctlonsof the couit coveted twenty pages
of typo writer copy. Thu jury was out two
horns and found lor thu defendant.
Crushed by Falling Slate.
IKsMoixis : , Iowa , Jan. 15. William Den
ny ami Kdvvaul Lewis were badly injured by
lalllng slate in Walnut Cicekcoal mine near
beio to-day.
General Strike Anticipated.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 15. Over -100 cigar niakcis
went on astilku at tlio factoiyof lirowu it
Kaile. Thuttxi men who quit work yester
day in thu factoty ol Levy liiothuis aiu still
nut. To day a confcicncct was held between
joint committees ot Iho 1'rogrcssho and In-
teinational Cigar Makeis * unions and a com-
mltteo ropiosontlng tliu Manufacturers' asso
ciation. Thu union men insisted on thu old
schedule ot pi ices , and said that the men
would not woik under thu new system. Thu
mamifacliiicrs mot this evening and dr.-
Icimincd to lock oat all their men nexi Wed
nesday , unless the men letnrned to work-
in the shop of Levy Bios. , undcrtliu schedule
of prices posted by manufacturers on Janu
aiy 'J. To-night tlio cmploj es held a mooting
at which each pledged himself to his fellows
to accept the lock-oat and to stay
out mail thu-manufacturers yield.
Liquor Men in Litigation ,
LouiBVii.i.K , Jan. 15. The case of S. J.
I'lannlgan v.s Monaich&Co. , thu well known
Ouenshoio , Ky. , distillers , camu uj ) In tlm
United States comt this altoinoon. The
iilaintill's petition charges Monaich with
irauds aggicgatini ? over S.'iOO.OOO. Dcteml-
ant's answer Is n denial of all the charges.
Flannlgau's attoinoy madu a motion lor the
appointment of a receiver and au Injunction
to piuvcnt Monaich from conducting the
business Involved until thu cam Is disposed
of. Evidence for and against the motion
vvlll bo bcaid to-mouow ,
Dini ) i.v Tim
Several Deaths Iloportod In Nebraska
and Colorado.
Dr.jfVKii , Jan. 15. A report has roaohed
here from lienkelman , N"cb. , that twoscttlcrs ,
Koln ami Hums' , who left thcio a week ago
ifonday on a huntlnc trip on Hie Airiekoico
and middle folk of the licpubllcan , weie
found I io7.en to death eight miles fiom the
to\\n. Doth evidently attempted lo rctuin
homcaflei the bll//.ard came up , but wcie
lost in the blinding snow. Kohr had stanck
the muzzle of Ids gun In the
gum ml , laid down near It , and
died. Hums managed to got
SOOjards fuithcron before overcome. Hoth
were under large drifts of snow and would
not have been found bat for the gun-stock
sticking out of the snow.
A tcamslci and herder wcie found frozen
near the same place yestciday and were taken
to town.
Akion and Kastein Line. Coloiado , tepoil
several persons lio/en in the same storm.
They aie supposed to have been homcstciul-
ci.s living n gioat ways apart , who settled on
the lanu late last lall ahU wcio wholly tin-
piepaied lor such sevuto weather. Some
bodies when found showed thpy had been
attempting to icach a iiclghtioiing ranch
when ovcicome.
A JtankliiK House Collapsed.
\VA IIIMIIO.V , 1) . 0. , Jan. 15. Towers A ;
( liocn , conducting a small banking business
bcic , closed their douis to-day. They wciu
not toady to make a statement of the condi
tion of their allalis , bill say the failure Is for
r. small amount.
Nnvv VOHK , Jan. 1. . Hi own it Anderson ,
bankers , assigned to-dav , giving pieleionces
ol fc7s. n. other liabilities aggicgale S.10,000.
The Great Chesrt Match.
Xr.w YOIIK , Jan. 15. The third game In
the Stclnitz-Xukciloi t chess match vvas plaj cd
heio to-day , each having before scoicd one
victory. The attendance was larger than nt
any picccdlng session , Xukeitoithad the
move. Spcctilatlon wasiifoas to the open
ing he would choose. He selected the queen's
cambct. The game lasted live boms anda
halt. Xukui toil won in forty-seven moves.
Snlvint'a Tragedy.
Chicago News : Mr. Salvini is a great
actor and a great artist. He has a mag-
niticcnt ph.ybifiue , a noble voice , and a
splendid intellect. In certain lines ho is
simply incomparable. Hut wu do not
wonder that his performances are not
generally popular in this country. Hu
plays bis parts in Italian ; his company
ply thpir parts in Kuglisb. Could any-
thine in a dramatic way be moro pro-
posteron ?
To tlie lover of good round English the
Italian language is tlio most namby-
pamby in tlie world ; it is the vernacular
of tenor singers ; it is composed of live
vowels , wa\cd mustaches , and shiny silk
trunks ; its literature has comu to consist
of tliu measli librettos of adyingopcratio
What lover of English docs not revolt
against the translation of Shakespeare's
tragedies into Italian as a profanation ?
What have these bastard Latin tongues
the Italian , Krench , et id genus omnc to
dovith JshaksperoJ WJiula mockery it
is to bear Ilamlef called "monsieur , "
Ophelia addressed as."siaiinritiiTu-- * l-
Desdi-mona talkinir. # - " " father as
papa. " ,
During the performance of The Gladi
ator last .Monday night wo heard Roman
matrons the most austeio representa
tives of the feminine sex wo know of
addressed as "signoras.Vo would as
soon think of calling an Italian brigand
a dude I
Unt there are humorous features about
these Salvini entertainments which part
ly compensate us for this other desccra-
tiou , For instance , the dialogue of a
Salvini tragedy impresses the average
auditor as much as the subjoining dia-
loge will impress yon , gentle reader :
Viola Alien lou sent for me , me
lord ?
Salvini ( gloomily ) Si , signorc.
Viola Allen Wherefore , 1 pri1 thce ,
lull me ?
Salvini ( sei/.inghcr bytbearm ) Qucsta
infellicc grax/.iogugllolino si glaeomo
pxelm luustral
Viola Allen ( deprccatingly ) Oh , me
lord !
Salvini ( with suppressed rage ) Sospi-
ro , all ! m'appari quest ! adagio banana
rodrigo piano ?
Viola Allen ( eagcrlyOn ) me soul , I
know not ! f
Salvini ( glaring at Ijor ) Clio la mort
tostcnulo miserere pia/y.a milano presto
] ) atti ?
Viola Alien ( shuddering ) Mo lord ,
you aina/.c me !
Salvini ( dragging her to L. U. K. )
Spcrato hernani gucstato liabani viglio
genoa eoliiinbo gucsta gra//.ia nouvc.Ho ;
Viola Allen Oh !
Salvini Ucscendo , crescendo ct dimin
uendo pianoforte !
Viola Allen With a dagger , mo lord ?
Salvini Fortissimo.
Viola Allen When the pale moon
shines on your palid corpse ?
Salvini ( Irovvnjngly ' and hoarsely )
La//.aroni pianissimo I
Viola Allen Heaven's vvill bo done !
Hut what if lie bear It not bi.ther ?
Salvini ( raising his | < vvord on high )
Qucsta padre nouvcllopulla donna ttova-
lore. Signora ! die la itHV./a !
Viola Allim YCS , my lord.
Salvini Si ?
Viola Allen-Yes. '
Salvini ( approvinglyr-Si ) ! ( I'vonnl.
H.y this fair saniplo of Salyini's play it
can bu seen that a man wilii a fertile
imagination can derive- largo amount
of satisfaction from thq dago drama if
hu is willing to pay for the pleasing ex
Ilenl Hutato
The following traiidfrtrsVorc filed Jan.
14 , with the county olork , and reported
for the i3r.u by Antes' Real Kstato
Agency '
Christina Adam and , husband to Albeit
Nast , It a , blit1 , Improvement Association's
mid. Omaha ; wd-54 ? ! U
ICdvviird (1. ( 1'attcrson" ( fllnglo ) to Cbailos
V. Wilklns , It 4 , blk 8 , HanScom 1'laco , Oma
ha : wd-SfcOO. |
Chailos W. Touslcy and wife to Ivato V ,
Knight , Us 1 and 2 , blk'3lviikwood add ,
Omaha ; wd-SNX ) .
A. H. Swan and others to C. > f , Hunt ,
lot 0 , block 77 , South Omaha ; w d
"W. A. L. C.lbbon and Vlfo to Matilda
Jacobs , It 0 , blk it , Cote Drllllunte , Douglas
county ; wd * 17S , , ,
John L. Horbach and wife to Wm. Crason ,
nH ol It 11 , blk 4Horbach'f ( Second add.Oma-
1m ; WII-&M5.
A. K. Toiur.lln ( tingle ) to John A. Ander
son. H 5 , blk U , Hillside add , Omaha j w d
Iguaco Schorb and wlfo to Jens Chrlntlan
IVtiTson , s } . , ot It 4 ! > , Nelson's add , Omaha ;
w d-iy.,00.
Darius llarlson and wlfo to Mary K.
Meyer , oK of wK of It 1 , and of It ' - ' , blk 4 ,
Kountzoi Hutu's ' add. Omaha ; w d-Sl.OOO.
L , N , Gallop , of Stanberry , Jlo. , was al
the yards yesterday with six cars of corn-
fed natives. Mr , ( Jallop remarked that
it was apparently u btniugu thing for a
Misbonrian to comu avvay Irom St. Louis
and Kansas City , way ! up to Omaha , to
soil hi.s live stock , bitlAJhal hu could make
it pc.y to como bore.
Among those having cattle in thu
yards jesturday were A. 1' : JJIack , Hum
I'reek ; C Juvvett iSou : 11. Gilmore.
David City ,
Additional Tacts Connected With Omaha's
Sensational Suiculo.
The Prostitution ItoiiHC Proprietor
Sentenced mill Appeals lu tlio
On nor of the Huildliig Va
rious Lincoln Mutters.
( ritovt inn ncr.'s LINCOLN nrni : vr.1
Mr. Kd. It. Callaway of this city is in
receipt of 11 copy of the ( Salvo-ton New ? ,
whU'ii after reprinting the llr.r.'s account
of tlio suicide of Frank V. Adams in
Oninlia recently , sny < : "When Adams
was in jail liove awaiting trial on charge
of defrauding laishal I'liilllps and others
out of fJl/JUO , many of Ins lady friends
for lie was a deeidod bean sent linn
lloral ort'urlngs and delicacies , and pur-
fitnii'd notes of condolence and sym
pathy were nnnierou.s. Some of his gentleman -
tleman society fi lends even asked , and
were permitted , the privilege to sleep in
jail with him to relieve the ennni of his
cruel incarceration. When Adams pot
n to this trouble Mr. Callaway tele
graphed ono of his brothers n Wall
street broker Mating the fuels and
asking if he would do anything to
help Fiank , and ho answered :
"let the law take its course. " A few duj s
after this Mr. Callaway recehed a letter
from the brother explaining the telegram ,
: md stating that I'rank hailbeen in sev
eral serapes f the kind in New York ,
and the famjly had already spent a small
fortune onjiini in getting him out. They
had sent him toeu on a long cruise , and
had finally sent him out 16 Texas on a
stock ranch , hoping to get him away
from old association- , and break him ot
his old habits , and they had finally been
forced to the conclusion that there was
no hone for him , and now thought that
probably a term in the penitentiary
, inight prove beneficial to him. So he
went up for four years , but was par
doned soon before the expiration of his
time , and returned to Galveston , On re
turning , it will bo remembered that ho
made a statement through the columns of
the News , in .substance that lie came back
to live down his disgrace , was exceed
ingly penitent and made many promises
of exemplary conduct lor the future. His
penitence and seemingly sincere promises
of reformation enlisted the sympathy of
a friend who was willing to condone the
past , and , with the hope of making Ad
ams a better man , he was taken by the
hand , as it were , and given a position by
Mr. Fowler with his firm of Fowler i\ :
Walker. He repaid this gen-
curiosity by robbing the linn of several
hundred dollars , and was permitted to go
unpiiniuhcd lor this oll'ense , conditioned
upon his leaving the country. It was
then he went west , and finally landed in
Nebraska. This was < -omo time during
last spring. While in Ga1vo ton , Adams
_ L > .wpui'tuil tp.liiivu jinulo con-
"quests in aflUirslof love : and oven after
his rotnm'from Ilnntsvillo he became en
gaged to a' very estimable young lady
\\orc. \ llo was a young man of tine drsf-
inatie talent , anil at one time while in
Galveston was offered a leading position
with the latoMeCullough , the tragedian.
The trial of ( J. W. Jones before Judge
Parker , for keeping a disorderly house
and nest of prostitution at IfK South
Tenth street , resulted in the conviction of
the accused. The com ! was about im
posing a sentence ot sixty days in jail and
a line of $100 and costs , when a. question
was raised as to the legality of a double
sentence. In order to uu on the safe side
the monny penalty only was imposed ,
Jones being assessed IS. ! jn all. He
gave notice of appeal , and filed a bond
with Mayor Burr as surety. The action
of the mayor in thus virtually endorsing
a man convicted of a heinous otiuiiso
against the morals and peace of the city
over which ho presides is causing great
indignation and unfavorable comment.
Another bad feature of the ease is that on
appeal it goes to the district court where
Judge Pound presides , an able lawyer
and impartial jurist. Hut Mr. Pound is
the owner ot the building which Jones
occupies , and has been more than oneo
nolihed of the disreputable manner in
which his tenant was conducting it , but
has never seen lit to interfere.
Godfrey lllucdhorn , thu editor of the
Frio Presse , was held in $100 bonds yes
terday to appear in the district court to
answer to the charge of libeling Henry
Uriigman in the publication ol matter
noted in the Hiiyestciday. ; :
Three unknown men did a little shop
lifting in Aokerman'h millinery store yes
terday , walking oil' with $15 worth of
yarn. The propel ly was found at Hlen-
menthal's ' second hand store.
Thursday afternoon Superintendent
Thompson , of the Burlington A : Missomi ,
sent out some fitly men to Beatrice to
shovel snow. The men struck against
the food supplied by the company and
refused to work. When they started
back to Lincoln they were assessed sfLUU
a head for fare , on thu principle- "no
work , no pay. "
IA-//\Q \ Kggors1 , a German girl fiom
Itocn , swore out a warrant against Henry
Clausen yetorday , alleging that the fes
tive Henry had been a little lee Intimate
with her , and as a consequence she was
in a bud condition for a woman without
a marriage curtiliealo.
Governor IXiwes bus pardoned Abra
ham Amos , who was convicted in Febru
ary. 1881. , of horse stealing.
Tlio Nebraska Planing Mill company
has commenced an action against henry
Hutton to recover if 1,0(111 ( tor materials
Used in constructing thu ( ierner Hats.
Late Thursday afternoon as Oliieer
Fowler was passing the corner of Tenth
and P streets with a prisoner , tlnccof
the fellow's friends attempted a ichcuu.
Fowler tapped ono of them on thu neck ,
and help coming up , the gang was run
in , itttd assessed .f5.70 each uy thu jiulgo
for their sport.
Yeslerday morning Ofllcer Hoach saw
a man some blocks ahead of him lift a
blanket from a book in front of a storu
Hu gavu chasitand thu thici dropped thu
stolen property.
Charles Hunker , the married man ac
cused of seducing Li//Io Hlanu , has been
bound over lor trial In the district court.
Dr. Pheliis was called upon yesterday
to amputate- linger for Carter Nowtc/n
which lie did in what the surgeons would
call the "highest style of thu art. "
Auditor Habcock is homo again from
Urd , He reports that there is no snow
to speak of in tlnil section , and that the
roads are in line shapu. Snow grows
more plentiful near Grand island , and
increase1) wry last in quantity as Lincoln
Is appioachcd.
Wednesday night , William Meyers ,
formerly a driver on thu Capitol City
street car line , but who has lately been
braking on tlio Union Pacific , went to
the Durfoo barn and asked the la\or of a
night's lodging witli his old as-ociatoa
In thu morning Muyern vvasgono , aswas _
also a gold watch , ovoicnat and a pair of
Aioticf.belonging to onout the mm Lair
Tlmr.-daj afternoon thu owner of the ,
stolen goods saw -Mover at the JJurlnig- I
( ori Missouri round house , and tried to
corral him. A hot ehao ensued but
JloyeM finally got awa } after dropping
the coat.
F. T. Johnson. Milford.W. S. Garbcr ,
Hed Cloud. J. M Kichnrd *
Grimes and L. 1' . Grimes , Friend ; Joe
OTelt , Nebraska City ; 1 > . J. Hamilton ,
Omaha ; George W. Harne * . Columbus ; f.
Hrown. Osooola ; W. II Sloddnrd and \V.
II. Dickinson , Wahoo ; F J Jones York ;
K. It. LaudH , Milford. Lewis Steiger ,
Fairmont , .1 J Wemple , Hastings ; S.
O. Fowler , Sidney.
miner LOUS HOT.
The TnlU of Dimension In the Irish
National I'anks.
NiVonu : , , la"ti. IS. [ Special Telegram. 1
The Stni says that theic Is tioaulo among
the members of the lilsh National league ,
thoio being much disatisfacfion because A.
M. Sullivan , ox--piesldent"ffudrPatiiok Kg.m ,
stiiM'oited Hliilue In 1s > J. SiuMlduj ; of
Kami's ehoular tolho exoMill\o I'otainlttee
asl.liip them to moot In rhlc.igoon Jumiiity
20th , whi'ii he would leslgn , nn ex-ie | ) iileiit
of the ICUUMIO Bald liibt nlglit : "The hish
cause Is siinuiliifrln this cnuntiy at inesent
on nrconut of the tu'achcry or le.uloti.
Kgau ! ' an indent iciuibliean ami o Is Sulll-
vnu. It Is the common oxpiesslnn among
lilshiiion that lean's icsl ) > iinttuii Is only a
dodge. He wants to step down FO as to ui\e
Sullhan nolmiioe to bo le-clectud piesldent.
That AMiuld bo a deploiablo blow to the
cause. " Tlio liKh AiiieriiMii of this city pio-
nouiiccs Sullivan as " \\holly imMp.ible of
lopreM'iitln.the hish National k'uguo in a
manner calculated to iiisplie icspcct. "
Goes V\t \ ,
LONDON , Jan. 15. John Ins e , \\lio
plendrd gulltj to the clinigo of attciiitlii | to
piociiie inciiiuy Mom the viincuof Wales bv
wilting Ihieati'iiIiiK lettcis was t-oiileiiced
to-day to se\eii jeais' jieual scnitude.
Tim Old Gent Appears Alive and Kick
ing in Chicago.
CnicAoo. .Inn. in. A tch'Kiam dnted Lou-
don , Canada , jesteiday , declared that letleis
had been lei-eised fiom Dakota desciiblut'
the death there ol ( iCoigoMct'nbo , who had
liccn tiled at London on thecliaigeof poison-
IIIK his wile about a > car previous nml "ho
had been tued pievlously at Inecrsoll for the
nun der of a louacr wile. The UaUota letter
stated that luCiibo laaincd again In Dakota ,
bat was detected by his wife putting some
thing in hrr tea , and \\alclniifr the ( iiciatloii )
she exi'lwiifietl enps. AlcCaliu the
di audit intended lor his wllo , it was stated.
and tiled In Kieat aitony , confesslaj ; to ha\Iut ;
nniidcied four loriueries. .
JlcCabe , tlio accused , \isited the oflii-e of
the Associated IMCSS to d.iv , deiiyiuir tlio
Dakota story , lie said lienad not been in
Dakota lor three yeais , but had llnee sons
living tlicie , oueof whom was named CeorKO ,
lint was not niaiilediud : could not be the
iicrsou dt'sc'ilhrd usdvjlifr , as he hnd iceent
lettcis lioni tlieic.1-- thice s-nns wtueliv-
iiu ; near Ilaltlnioie , J//il / > ota. wheio they bad
a farso laiai. As lor bluiselt , hf had not
iiiiuiu'd acrain as slalt'd. lie lU'knowJcdued
having been on ttial toi tin ; polsoninc ol his
two wives , one ol whom hud died in delluuu
tiemens and one liom hcait dKcabe. JIu li.ul
bpeivhonor.'ibly ncriultted. In both Instntuics ,
and iisciibca.ilie.mosccutlon to an a'ttcmiit to
cxtoit money , lie says lie will pioscculo foi
libel in this Instance.
Dressed raccoon meat is icpulaily kept on
sale at , Cal , , butrlieis' stall- ! .
Kvciy nlKht a ( 'host i Ings the bell In the
Methodist Ohuicli steeple , at Lawienoc , Long
Island ,
The common thistle plant Is found to con
tain an aveiago ot 05,000 becds , and the bur
dock ,
A watch that Is Claimed to have been Ben
jamin Fiuuklln's Is In possession ot a farmer
of Lancaster county , Pa.
A sudden sneeze cost John ( tidily Hie end
of his nose on Thuisday night , while a b.uber
was shaving him , In Biooklyn.
A burelai In Weld , Jle. , was detected by a
snowball from the heel ; ot his boot , winch
eoiiL'Hpondi'd piei'i.sely with a similar snow
ball found in tlio store alter the lobbeiy.
In a mill at Milton , on the .Susqnchanna
liver , S.iwjei Haslei saw a lish In a hollow
water-soaked loir just as it was being pushed
to the circular saw. Klght laige bass were
taken liom the log. Henry Walker , of Lvans\lllc ,
Ind. , JSjeais old , Imsahcad tblity-thico in
ches in clieinnfeicnce and thirty-li\o Inches
fiom chin to crown. He has fair Intelligence
and a good mciuoi } .
A lemailciblu licht ocrmied lecently on
tlio laim ol Oscar Tinner , In Uiillaid county ,
Ky. . between a lame DiirJmm bull belomring
to Colonel Tiiinerand abiielc weighing o\ei
'JXoiiuds. ( ] ) Both weie Initnd In the foicst
dead , only a few leet apait. The bull had
been goied Ihice limes by the buck , the last
tlniHt enteilng the nnlnuilN lirait , and must
Imin killed him almost ! iislintly. : The ( leer
was die. ulliilly bruised , tlioii h bis bl < ln had
not been cut thiough. Thegiouiul when ) the
light occuuod was cut up by the feet ot Iho
Denies the AKcrlhcil .Saying.
ItALTiMoui' , Jan. ir < . The , San to-moriow
will publish a loiter Irom ( Jen. bhcinian , do
njing the o.xpiesslou eiedlleil to him in the
December number of the Xoith Amcilcan
Kevlcw. The letter .says : "That I could
Imcwiitten the posltloxpiesMon , 'had
( ' . F. .Sniilli Ihed Gon. ( iraiit would lia\o
dlsappcaied tiom hibloiy , ' Isan utter Impos
sibility. 1 don't bulle > o any man , Ihingor
dead , has berne more willing testimony In
< ien. ( iiant's gieat qualities , espeolalb as
demolish. tied al llemy , Donehun , fsl
and YlcKbbiug , than mjsell , "
'J'clcplione Slncli
v , Jan. iri. On ( lie stock boaid to-
da > telejthono btoek declined , owing to flic Washington , The ie iilt ot the
Wiishlimtoii mo\ement will not , In the
opinion ol llu * Hell people , ba\e much it any
inlliiuncu iiioii tlu * llnanelal ojieiatlonsof the
eompanv , jet the decision sent Hell stock
fiom t'-Jdawn to Kil with IHO bid. A lally
oceaiiedabfiiit noon , when sales were made
at Ui-'t. Now ICngland teluphono stoeK de
clined fiom < ' W $ to ill. Afleiwaids It rallied
to : . Kile settled back fiom 31 to "M)4.
Kick and In Prison.
A nnmbor of disroputablu women were
locked up at thu eontral police station
last night as they hail not paid their lines.
Gnu of the number , who is known as
Fanniu Smith , was taken suddenly ill
during thu ni Iit with what is snppo-ed
to bo lung fuNur. A doctor was sum
moned , who madu thu poor iintortimalo
as comlortablu as possible in the jail , if
being nnsalu to remove her on account
ot the cold weather.
The I'ainiiK ! Thaws Out.
Ci.r.VKi.AMi , Ohio , Jan. n. All danger ol
a water tiimlnu ! > now bello\ed lo bo past.
This inoinlng watei wai louiid etileilng the
hitheito Inuen .snpplj tunnel. T\\o juinips
aio now w 01 Icing and can finnlsh HiWXOi ) 0
gallons ot walei In luenl.vfoui liouis. His
thought Hid siieam In the tunnel will tiiad-
ually Iiieiiase , and all the pumps will bo
Malted ugaiii within a da > 01 two.
A I''lno Cm Failure.
Si. Lous , .Jan. IB. The Ullbeit ACm. . I
tobacco cumpaiiy , i niton , Mo. , made an as
signment to JJ. 1) ) . Xt'sliit. l.labilllliib ie-
pin Ud lit tls.OtO ; aisfts , SUVCO.
The I'SUliue Scorn.
Xr.w Yoiiu , ! ' . Hi'tulal luimlici of
business lai'inci ' tiin'iboul tliu i ouiilij toi
the hi t M u-ndat > ib Ui : ai iigninst a total
ol UJOlast wt-i-l. ,
Six Murderers Qo Through an Euforcci !
Neck-Twisting Ordeal
Gentlemen of Color Preiloininalc-A
Terrible JSoene AVItneiseil ill an
Kvccutloii i\t N'euula t'liy ,
ailssotirl ' 1 ho Others.
rnl l the Death 1'enaliy.
Xr.v.MiA Cnv , Mo. , Jan. l.\ llcury S ,
Stair , who was hung bole to i | j , ni 1 o'clock.
was visited b.v his father last 'night. Largo
ciowiUnsscinMvit about the gallows , which.
woieeix-ctod In niaxine. fniuilin ; a natural
ampldtliealie , about a mile Horn the jail. In
coming tialus hiought hiindieds ol people to
witness the execution. The ciime lor which
ho was hung was the cold blooded and bialal
murder of Jacob Sew ell and a liJ-ycar old sun ,
w ho came fiom I'oit Scot ! some time last
lulj with two w.i'Tons , and wcio camping
ncarheic. Sewell became sUkaud was at-
teiub-d by Stall and a woman named Osboine ,
who loimcd a plan to murder the lathei ami
son and leave the tow u with Iho wagons for
Stall's funnel- home lu Indiana. On the
nluht ol August ro , Stair accomplished the
lioiiibledecd with an axe. llo then placed
thcblieding forms In a wagon and -tailed for
Marmalon liver bottoms , ll\e iiilles distant ,
and bailed thu victims. The dead bodies
wcie found ami pursuit on.inl7cd , and Stair
ami the ( Minnie woman captutcd twenty
miles distant. 1'liej wcie tried anil both
coiulctcd ol niuidci in the liist dcgice , and
sentenced to bo hanged together. A slaj of
execution was obtained In the woman's case
dim she was gianted a now liial.
Attci thetiap had been opium ; , the body
lor a moment icmaincd motionless , and
there was enacted a sceuo ol hoiror which
chilled the blood ot all who witnessed it.
Twodoctois weio each holding a w list on
either side when Iho contortions of the hang-
lug body shook them aside , and beloie they
could icgain their hold upon the man whoso
acts showed that ho had full know ledge of all
that was going on , and made frantic stiug-
glca lo release himself his light hand shot
up anil clutched thoiope , and held It dimly.
It seemed as it the innn must die by slow do-
giccs fiom strangulation , but one ot tlm
doclois succeeded In disengaging his bund
and in a lew minutes' the budj huiigallle-
Icss .
corpse. _ _ _
for the Miirlr ( ol' Pe ftS' .Johnson.
LAKI : I'IIOVIIII.NCI : , La. , Jan. -William
( ! coigo ( coloicd ) was executed within the
eiirlosmool the jail hcie today toi the min
der of 1'eggy Johnson InAiigust , IS-1 ' . Jlo
was iieifcctly self possessed and acknowl
edged that ho feigned lnanitdiui'ig the
tiial. At the last moment he eilcd oat , "I
did kill I'oitgy Johns ! n.1 HH neck was
bioken bj the lall , bill liom some icasoii lib.
thioat was gashed and blood spaltcicd all
aiound. Cuorge was once ipille iiiomlnt'iit
asawaid iiolitici.m at VielobiiiL' . lie was
puasioii agent , amljueavhcd that be would
ce a leader of his race
Another GallouN An ol.
Sr. Loris , Jan. 15. Chailcs Wilson , col-
oied , was hanged thlsmornlngal 7 : > . * > o'clock
lor muidcrot a river steamer male some time
ago. He remained calm to the last , still pro
testing his innocence. Wilson Killed Win.
A. David , second mate of the steamer "Fan-
niu Twatnm , " July iilst , lhsr , by hitting him
on the head with a lock. Wilson had been
dischaigcd and ordeicd away fiom the steam
er. hut ictuining to get some monej he claim
ed was owing him.
A AVil'c Miinlcrcr r/aiinchcil.
ST. Loris , Jan. 15. A special fiom licllo-
vllle , 111. , to the Post Dispatch says : Xoah
Mciilman ( coloicd ) , a wlfu nuiiileicr , was
hanged to-day al lli'J.'io'cIoek. Jle admitted
having killed his wife , and confessed some
ycais ago in Hast St. Louis ho committed
another minder.
_ _ _ _ _
Still 11(1 U | > ill I'CMIH.
Cori'i.t.A , TexJan. . 15. Jose Mai la > fcn-
dlola , who mmdeied Hodges , thu Southern
Pacific i.illioad station agent , eight months
ago. was hanged heiethls alicinoon. Mcn-
diala displaced gieat nci\e and piolcssvd
penitence lei the ciime. He was dead in
loin minutes.
A tlealoiiH CoiCollared. .
Si. Loris , Jan. l ! > . A hpueial liom Ueiiu-
niont , Texas , to Ihu Test Dispatch states
William Madison ( colored ) , was hanged
tlicie to-day lei the minder of Albeit Smith
( coloicd ) last summer. Tie | cause ol the
ciimu was jealousy.
Two Do/en VIolliiiH ,
TormA , Kan. , Jan. ! ! > . - Kcpoils haus
been received lo day of tlm ibiding ol the
bodies of Ibicc more men In Iho southwesf-
ein poition of the stale , victims ol th > iceent
suowstoiin. This makes twenty-loin bodies
in all that have been found ,
I'arnclIifoH lo .loin tlu ; KadlcalH.
LONDON , Jan. 15. Thu 1'ainelllles an
nounce lhat they will join with the Knglish
and Scotch radicals In suppoitlng an amend-
incut tothoaddicss , piolcstlng agaliHt evic
tion In liclaiul.
A rinlster.H Iniinoralliy.
Jiitsiv : : Ci rv , Jan. l.VKev. Mi. Hi Kler who
has been on dial beloie a juiy of bis fellow
pastors charged with ciimlnal lntlmne > with
Miss Ida Downs , was lo-nlght lonnd guilty.
AV'fnlliei' lee To day ,
MisHnriii VAI.I.I.I Clearing and colder
weathoi , tollowcd IJ neaily statfonai > teni-
] > ( ! i. iline ; noithcily winds , bucomlng v.ul-
Tjlheriiteil IVom I'l'lsoii.
I'Ains , Jan. ! ' > . - 1'ilnco Kiapolkliio and
LoulR 1C. Michel b.uu been llbciatcd liom
Beware of Scrofula
Sciofula U piolialily mnro tlian any
other dUca c , H h Imlilloui in cli.iraclcr ,
ami manifests Itself hi i mining sores , pustular
eruptions , liolli , hwelllngs , enlarged JolnH ,
Rlisct sps.boiocycs.ftc. lIood'Hfiaisap.iilIU
expels all ti.ico or scrofula from tlio blood ,
leaving It pin n , i m khedmi ] healtliy ,
"I was scu-iely afflicted with sciofula.aml
over a year had tw o rminlni ; sores on my iict'It ,
Took Jlvo bottles Hood's fi.irsaparllla , and am
cnnd. " O. i : . I.OVI..7OV , I.rmell , M.is1) .
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , MIhnd sorofnlnni
gores forsmcn years , f1iirhiu and fall , Hood's
tiaisapailllacumlliiin ,
Salt Rheum
Is ono of thorin itdlKaiceablodlscaKeicniisPJ ; ;
bylnipmobloml. it isicailllyrurcilliylloncl'i
tJaisnp.nllli : , Iliogi eat blood purifier ,
William Hj ties , Khrla , O. , sudcifd crr.iily
fiom erysipelas atsd .salt rliciim , caused by
Imiiilllng tobucco. At. tbuos liU liandi wmild
ciack opc-a amlblptd. Hu tried vailoni | u > ' | > -
.iiatloiidttliliuulalil ; dually look lluod'a
b.iparlll.i , and now m > s ; " I am entirely well. "
"My son lud salt ihcum on MsliamU and
on the c.thes i/f his Kgs. Ho tooil Jlootl's '
ftampaiilla r.nd l < entirely cured. " J. Jl.
fit , niton , Mt. Vcrnon , Ohio ,
Hood's Sarsaparilfa
H 1il b ) .illilriifultli , f\\ \ \ % \K \ ( nr i. Jlailoonlf
l > ) r I IIO01VUAiiutlic-i.irli9lIxiwi < ll,7Uit ,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar/ /