Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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An Interview With a Salt Lake Missionai
of the Baptist Ohurch.
AVIint They Have Accomplished I
Suing Hie City Dr. Mercer Called
Into Court I3 l. Iioctler and the
Miirshnlshlp The Noitli
. IMuli null the Mormons.
Dr. Dewitt , Ihe well known eyaugelis
Is in Omaha , luiviugcomehoreafcwihiy
fiinco from Salt Lake eity. He has bee
Mallonod for two years al iho Monno
capital us leader of the Bupllst missio
church in Hint eily. He bus had ampl
" fljiporlunlly to study every phase of Moi
moti life , and in conversation with ft Vc
porter for the Bur. last night , gave som
interesting points on the subject of th
polygamous religion.
"In my opinion , " he said in answer t
Iho reporter's loading query. "Mormon
ism can be crushed out ami it will b
crushed out before many years. It ha
only boon within the past year that th
United States government bus made an ,
praclieal effort to deal with the evil. . .
litllu baud of federal olliciaU sla
tioucd In the territory has couduetei
thu warfare. And yet tin
results attained tin- not only appreciable ti
one who thoroughly uuderMuiiils the .sit
nation but they show conclusively Ihti
will ! a determined , persislenl , continue !
cll'i/t , , with all its train o
ut/endant evils , can be abolished. Why
p/e. what has already been done. Tin
.Moi mon leaders are either in the
tontiary or under indietnienl , orolnohuvi
fled from the country. They tire para
lyscd with fear. They begin lo under
Htund what the power ol the Uuitet
States government is , and that that pow
cr is being directed against the iustitu
tlon which has nourished for so imiu
years in dcllauco of all moral and civi
laws. "
"My observations of Mormonism have
led me lo the conclusion that it is but ti
rotten hulk , which can bo crumbled tt
14 pieces by a few well-directed blows. Tin
rank anil file of the church are losing
all allegiance to ( he principles of tlieii
religion. 1 fully believe that three-fourth. '
of the Mormons are secretly willing tu
give up polygamy if they only dared
to. "
i "Why cannel Ihey do it ! " '
"Because they tire held back by a
power which lo thorn , ignorant ami un
tutored us they tire is something Jerri-
hie the power of the weallhy and inllu-
onliiil Mormons. The masses arc in Ihe
employ of UIOMJ wealthy Mormons ,
and are a warn that if they abjured
the religion of pol.ygumy they would not
only be deprived ot all means of subsist
ence , but would bo ostracised , hounded ,
por.socuted by the men who tire upper
most in Iho 'church government. Once
let this fear be removed lot the masses
bo brought irom under Iho iulluonce
which Ihey so much dread ami the solu
tion of Ihc problem will bo un easy mat-
tor. The rotten hulk will fall to pieces.
The rigorous policy now being carried
oul by the government is the right ono.
il is directed against the betid mon of
ffor church who have made Iho history
of Mormonism in Utah a 'Uoign of Ter
ror.1 "
"Haven't the recent attempts of the
church to defame the character of the
federal olllcials had reactionary effect
against Mormonism ? "
" 1'c.s , undoubtedly so. A cer
tain better element o f the Mor-
mans arc disgusted with Iho vile attempts
that have been made to throw mud on
the United Stales ollicers. I have been
told , how many times 1 don't know , by
my acquaintances in the church , that the
policy of blackmail which thy Mormon
leaders inaugurated was reacting with
terrible effect against their religion.
"Tho lifo of a man who preaches
ngainst Mormonism lias been anything
but a safe one , " said Mr. Dowitt , in con
clusion. "Tho Mormon elders are u blood-
thlrsl3'lol. They will not slop at mur
der to accomplish any purpose which
Ihey may have in view. I preached
against polygamy , both in and out of Stilt
Lake City , until 1 became tin object of
the bitterest enmity of the Mormons.
They have threatened my life repeatedly ,
and once u plot was concocted to put me
out of the way , which , however , fell
through. "
The history of Dr. Dowitt's connection
with the mission tit Salt Lake City is de
cidedly intorcsting.Aboiil fifteen years ago
thuro was pending in t lie courts of Ver
mont a suit against Eituy , the Brattle-
bore organ manufacturer , brought
ny an employe ot his iiamcil Bur.
d'etlo. TJic Miit was based on
a disagreement concerning a pat
ent tremolo attachment anil Involved
an amount of $ ' . ' 03.0)0 ( ) , When the suit
was first commenced , Deacon Estoy. who
was a prominent man in religious affairs ,
told Dr. Dowitt llmt ho intended if ho
won the case to establish a mission in
Salt L-.iko City , ami send him ( Dr. De-
wilt ) to lake charge of it for ono 3'car.
This suit dragged \\carily on from court
to court. Burdotto , who was without
means to curry on the ctiso , engaged
with him a Brtittlcboro banker , mimed
Wnlto , who wusa hitter onoiny of E.-luy'.s.
WalU ) spout more than $100,000 in trying
to push Estoy to the wall. Finally ouo
ilny ho fled , ami it was discovered thai
ho was a defaulter. Detectives were
placed on lib truck , and ho wtis traced to
Omaha , and here arrested , in IS * ) , lie
was takojj back to Vermont , tried , ami
sentenced to a term in the penitentiary.
In the meantime , the suit having passed
through all Ijiu courts , was finally deci
ded in thn fall of IKS ! ) in favor of Mr.
Estoy. In the r.prlngof 1SS1 Dr. Dowitt
went to Sail Laku City.
AVIint Tlioy llavu unit Have Not Ao-
,00111 piIrilitul Inleresfjnjj l''i urtvs.
At 'hoiioNt term of thu tlistrict court
there \\J11 ho Heveral iuii.X'cstiuj ; suits
nyaiiist the city , brought by property
uwiuirs to rocovi-r iiuiungui > on aiX011"t ° *
tluicliaugo of grrttli ) . Tljero will L'o over
ItXJ of thosu cases , ami thu total am u'it
involved IH OO.OIK . ) . City Atioruuy C.V > ii-
null in working up a defuuso on thu ' {
bulls , and Is L'onjidont of a disposal of ail
of Ijuiin fuv n bti ty ( he city.
' | 'ho Fujrt term ot tlio district court did
1191 prove a very profitable ouo for dis-
mitislieil propnrty owners. Out of all the
dilleront eums tried , the amount of dam-
ngns nwanleil iiKitliiM tl'u ! ly was mil >
ToOU , the amount elnimedbum < r s ? 15,000.
Early in thn lunu the uriuciplo had
been laid flown by Judge WnU'u-
ley that in eonsiileriug the
ilninngcs to b awarded to any properly
owner on account of eliaugu ot gradethe
prolits oeeiiiiu r on account of
that change of grade worn to
bo considered. This principle
\vas lixed in this trial of Ihoouicwhat co | .
ubratoil 1'cabndy case ami govcrne < l the
Ibsuo .of till llii ! subsequent cases of like
naturo. It will be considered In the trhil
of all change of grade cases in the future ,
and 'is likelv to dclerminu a result in
every case , which cannot but be favora.
lilo to the city.
Dosirlnu ; to learn the disposition of
Mime of the moni important case ? agauibt
thu city at the li rm lust come to a close ,
a reporter nuc.stoued City Attorney Con-
neil about the matter to-day.
"About half of the time at the la > t
term the district court was engaged in
the trial of these cases against the city.
Hio rcMtlt of tin ) term's work was far
from favorable to the property owner
who sought d.imagos.
"One of lli ' mo t iinportnntcn cstrici
was thnt of 1'eabotly vs. City of Omaha
wherein the plaintiff sought to tibtaii
$10.000 ilamnges agaiu t the city on ac
count of the change of grade of Leav
euworth street. 'Ilio trial resulted in i
disagreement , as It had at a previou
"In the case of A. J. Hnn oem , Mrs
Cuming ami Mr * . I'ritchitl vs. the city
an aetion to enjoin the collection especial
special taxes for curbing and guttoriiij
Douglas ' ( reel , H decree was rendered 11
favor of the citj , requiring Mr. Han con
to pay the entire tax with penalty am
interest , and requiring tins other defend
ants to tiny the nmoutit which would hi
due uiulcr the rule at priciit adopted bi
the eity in levying such taxes.
"The trial of the ease of Kimball & Co
vs. the eity of Omaha , a suit brought l <
recover damages lo their ic-hou ( ! e in tin
sum of $ ! t.Vi ) ) , on account , of the change
of grade of Tenth street , resulted in i
verdict of > ? " > 0 for the plaintilV.
K. 1 . Emery sued the city for damage !
to his properly on b'aruam street toi
&liiiM ) , change of grade , lies gel
$ 0. . At ouo time lie made a settle
nient with a committee of the council foi
? IfUO The settlement Was set aside am
in Hie courts Mr. Kmery got a judgment
or the amo mt named.
.The claim of C. 1C. Tumor , based on
similar grounds lo that of Mr. Emory re'
Milted in a complete victory for the city.
The jury returned a verdict in favor ol
the city to the ellect that the beuelits on
account of thn change of grade had been
greater than the damages ,
"The i-aM-of E/.raMillarilvs.the City ol
Omaha was brought to recover § ! ) , OOU
damages for hi nil appropriated in the
opening of Leaveiiworth street. Mr. Millard -
lard iol S'.ViO a < iho result of this siiil , and
a similar amount in another exactly sim
ilar case.t
"Tho trial of the ease of Fred Got/-
maiin vs. the City of Omaha , another
l.eavenworth street ca'-e , resulted in a
verdict for the plaintilV for ? , " ( ! , which
included damages to il welling from grad
ing. Seven other similar cases wcro
taueii oIl'tliL1 docket by settlement on a
like bn is , the total amount paid to these
property owners being sf.'i.OOU.
"The suit of Mcavoek ( ! against the city
was brought for damages by grading
Ninth street. Mr. Mcdavook sued for
$ -,000 ami received but $10 , that being
the amount originally awarded by the
' 'The result of last term's work have
boon highly satisfactory , " concluded Mr.
Council. " 1 think this is largo-
y flue to the fact that Ilio
jury at that term was ouo of the ablest
ever impaunolled in this court. They
were all clear-headed men , and made
heir awards according to sound busi-
loss principles. On a whole , dissatislicd
jroporty owners have so far made very
idle by suing the city for change of
; rado damages. "
V I'atient of Dr. Mercer's AVunts
$ IOHM ) DanmKCH.
Willis E. Putnam , now employed as
valeliman at the Union 1'acilic shops ,
) cgan suit in the district court yesterday
tgamst Dr. S. D. Mercer for ! ? LO,000 dam-
igos by rea.-on of unskillful treatment
mil malpractice in amputating the plain-
ilV'sarm. The petition in the case slates
hat Putnam , while employed as a ma- in the shops , on May 18 , 1882 , had
lis left hand badly mangled in n planer.
) r. Mercer , as surgeon of the company ,
vas called and attended the casoamputa- ,
ing the injured mum : > or at about the wrist
oint. In doing so , the petition alleges , the
lector allowed the end of the alna bones
o remain rough and jagged ami dressed
he wound carelessly and improperly ,
'his necessitated a second amputation
he following August , which was also un-
killfiilly performed. Again , several
nontlis later another amputation
vas necessary , and on account of
ho careless manner in which
t was performed still a fourth aniputa-
ion was performed. Even after the
ourth operation the arm still failed to
ical , and in December , 1881 , another
ihysieian was employed , who amputated
he arm at Iho elbow. The wound , then
icaled and the plaintiff recovered.
In demanding damages the plaintiff
illegcs that from tlio time of nis injuries
intil the fifth amputation ho suffered ex
cruciating agony and pain , besides losing
even inches of his arm. which renders
hat member less useful than it would
nive been with .simply the hand gone
ill of which was canned by gross care-
csMicss and unskillful treatment on the
tart of tlio attending surgeon. He there-
ore asks judgment for the amount
Councilman hecdcr Denies Thnt lie
Wart to Snucccfl OiimmiiiKH.
"Say , do you know why Ed. Lucder
mstcd the solid eight ? " whispered one
if tin : knowing ones to a UBB reporter.
'You don't , eh ? well , I'll tell you , The
lemoeratlc crowd promised him the
ollico if he would rote toliroC'mnmings. "
Further than this vague statement the
nfonnant could not ho prevailed upon to
; o , and .so failing of other expedients
o reach the facts , the reporter dolor-
ninod to submit Ihu matter to Mr.
.oedcr himself. One can readily im-
igino with what trepidation of spirit the
lowspaperman went about the execution
) f lhif rcMilvo. Mr. L. has so freely and
oreibly expressed himself upon the
ournab of thu eily , and the contempt- !
ile hired moil who gather items for them ,
hat the reporter lelt much like Daniel
on entering the lion's don. I In would
alher have called upon Mrs. Fountain
ir Mr. .Shears , but ho determined to try
t at any rink.
The councilman from the Fifth was in
lis place of business on Douglas .street
irrangiug thing ! * behind Ilio bar.
"Von are accused of voting against.
Jnmmiugs because you had a promise of
us job from the democrats , " said tlio re-
Mirter bluntly.
" .Stuir , " retorted Mr. Lcedur , ami al-
hough the interviewer lixod to dodge ,
ho great ollicial did not go for a bottfo.
n I'aet , ho was quite tillable during the
conversation. "Von can put thnt yarn
lowu as another lie. 1 have told once ,
mil that in o , * % opuncil , why the Solid
light1 was hruneu. 1 don't want tiny
uoro controversy on the subject. It's all
stop tliiof with mo , and honest gentle-
i" ien with them , and I'll jjivo you a
inpnter that I could open my mouth in a
fash 'oil ' that would make most of thorn
lance. No , slrep , I never had nnjj' under-
itaiiiiK ! ) that I should bo sheriff if Cum-
iningsv ; > 3 bounced , nor anything else
like thu't. Please start seine f these
malicious porsoungos to lying about
some ouo ei' : * . and give mo a rust for a
breathing spoM anyway. " *
: \ Xe\v IliisclMill Solionio-A Hlx.Town\
Mr. Ted Sullivan , the beball man ,
iind for a long limo a mumbor pf the fa
mous St. Louis HIMWIIS , nrru il > the
city yesterday. His business hero is . ' 9con
fer with monicd baseball enthu ia > sts NJl-
ativo to the uilinihaion of Omaha into th'J
now Northwesturn leagiio , It is pro
posed to form this leagnti of .six clubs. In
Kansas City , St. Joseph , Omaha , Duluth ,
Minneapolis and St. Paul , Thu compa
nies backing the < clubs will bo on the
stock plan and will bo organized on a
strong , Mibihmtul basis.
"Tliero is no reason why this North-
western lengue should nofbo successful ,
said Mr. Sullivan to a reporter for th
HKE today. "H would have one grci
advantage over the Western Iciigut
organized 1n t J'car , because the cities w
propose to admit lire in a line , and th
distance between cacli ono is not grca
Last year the club had to travel long dii
taiiccs , and consequently lost 1110110,5
Then , again , these clubs will be suj
ported by homo cntorprisn , and a great u
interest in them will no felt than woul
be were the money adyauctd by out < id
) ) arties. Each ono of the o si
towns is comparatively wealthy an
can afford to support a gooi
club. In St. Paul , Minneapolis am
Duluth. nines have already been organ
izcil. I see no rea ou why , if the schem
is sufficiently boomed , it can not bo mad
. .
It should be borne in mind thai if ( hi
league is formed , it will be entirely dis
tinet from the one which Is now beinj
talked of , to include Lincoln , Hustings
several of the Kansas cities , and St. till
. eph. Mr. Sullivan thinks that llii
league can never bo successful beeansi
most of clubs are located in small places
which are not to be considered gooi
base-ball towns. Local base-ball mei
agree with him in this , and are heartily
in favor of seeing Omaha enter tin
Northwestern League.
A Grander Who Fotitul Ho Wnsn'i
Hfilibcil Police Court.
Three railroad men were brought int <
court ye.-lorday before .Judge Steii
berg , one of llieiu as an accuser , thootho ,
two as defendants to answer to a chargi
of larceny. It seems thai all three o
Ihcunvere sloppingnl the City hotel Wed
uesday night , and one of then missed t
large sum of money. On the recommend
ation of Mrs. Wirtli he had his two com
panions arrested on suspicion of having
stolen the 11101103 * . When searched , how
ever , at the jail , it was discovered that
his money had slipped down into hi ;
pants' ' leg where it was securely resting
The complaint accordingly was dis
missed , and the three men went on thcii
way.Addio DKon , a little colored girl whc
had stolen $10 from Frit/ Harmon , was
sentenced lo twenty days in the county
John Andrews , John Travis , anil Frank
Joltn.-on , drunk and disorderly , were
O. 11. Smith , the pugilist , again ar
resteil on a charge of vagrancy , plead
not guilty , anil had his case continued for
trial ?
Ollicor Martin Shields , if all testimony
bo true , made a very serious blunder in
arresting Ed. Wilson , a clerk in Timme's
grocery store on Thirteenth and Daven
port streets. Wilson and his friends
claim that he was perfectly sober , and
that if any one was drunk it was Shields.
This officer is the "blooming cop" who
nrrcstcil Mr. Jos. Meinralh some lime
ngo. and was so severely reprimanded for
his blunder.
On trial yesterday afternoon it was
proven thai Wilson was entirely inno-
licnt. Evidence was intioducod snowing
that Ollicor Shields lifid used vile and
profane language in the presence of
Itulios and bad arrested Wilson simply
because he had asked him to desist.
Shields was suspended by Marshal Cum-
inings last evening at roll call and or-
ilered lo lake oil' bis star until his case
? an be investigated by the council.
The Sta c riobbcr Still Uncaptnreil
A Man-Turner.
"We have as yet no satisfactory reports
3oncorning the money lost in the stage
. 'obbery near Dawes City , " said (5en.
Howard yesterday. "The military arc still
> n the lookout for the robber , who is bo-
ievcd lo be in Iho neighborhood of Chad-
on. Col. Wilson will remain out wesl
intil Iho money is eillier recovered , or
mother sum is received to disburse
unongthc soldiers at Fort lobinson. "
Col. Hall has gone lo Fort Nipbrara on
in inspection tour , to return in a few
Col. Henry , inspector of rille practice ,
) as received instructions from Gen.
Sheridan to do away with the old style
square targets at the rille competitions ,
mil use in their place the now figure tar-
? cts. These figure targets are so shaped
is to represent the boily of a man stand-
ins , kneeling and lying down. These are
jouslructed of iron framing with canyas
lightly drawn over them , the picture of a
man being pasted over the canvas. The
soldiers shoot at tlicso figures , and are
Jiiis given first class practice in "man
killing. " If thesoldierhitsthe figure erects
lie scores three ; if kuceling.four , and if Iho
liguro is lying down , live. Col. Henry is
jf Iho opinion that this style of target is
far superior to the old one.
I'roimrinjj for a MIINH ( Jhoriis Concert
ol' ijcriiiiin StioiullcH.
The ( Hermans of the city tire preparing
Tor one of the greatest festivals of song
since the Sacngerfcst was hold here some
years ago.
A mooting of representative members
af the Mtieniierchor , Couoordiu , TurnVerein
Voroin and Swoit/.or Vorein was held
list night tit ( j'crmaiiiu hall to lake Iho
preliminary stops in giving a grand con-
2orl comprising all the ( ionium singing
locielies , The project was rapturously
received , and will enlist thn enluslasm of
ill concered , It is determined to
jive ; this concert at an early duto either
n the exposition building or the opera
This will unquestionably tin the groat-
< st musical treat of iho season and a
iraud affair for all time in the city. The
Concert , altliought certainly a Seaugor-
'tist of the highest typo , will bo for ono
light only ,
The following committee of arrange-
nents was appointed : Messrs , ( i. E.
> tratiuan , Adolph Meyer , E. ( } . Ornbo ,
Hoffman , .Scluielfor , Kuuork , Krogor ami
itratimm. The next meeting was fixed
'or the evening of Ihu = 'lsl hist.
Tlio Weather.
At dawn in tlio city yesterday the Iher-
iiomeler marked art ® and with the ad-
ranee of the day the mercury rose to a
itago of thaw. Al about ten o'clock the
ilouds which liuog heavily all morning
) cgan to drop light Hakes and by noon a
; oed snow fall had sot In which is still In
n-ogress. West of hero a light snow foil
luring Ihu forenoon al points within two
uindrcd miles. Following is some of the
ivcnthor reports from west end stations
> f the JJ. &M. :
Hod Cloud , 28 ° above , wind south i
Holdrego , 18Q above ; light snow.
Arapahoe , 11" above ; wind southeast ;
McCook , 12 ° above ; wind east ; cloudy ,
Kcnkelinanero cloudy.
Eckly , 10 ? above ; northwest wind ;
Akron , 0 ° above ; west wind ; cloudy.
Corona , l'J ° above ; calm ; cloudy.
Denver , 1C0 abovojcalm ; cloudy ,
Thy Florences will bo hero on Friday
md Saturday even ings , and will furnish
, i rare Ireat to all lovers of thu society
'omeily. In speaking of them the St ,
, ojis ( llobo-Deniocrat says :
'i'l''io ' favoriteFlorences wcro cnlhusi-
ibticali'y greeted by a good house at the
iraiul las ! ni ht , anil in Our Governor
; tive a eoinojly performance ot thu high-
! Sl merit. T/l make uu aclrcw of you,1
says Pluto Perkins , afier one of his lilt
hatchet stories , to Miss Matilda Star
'You'll have to do it very soon , 'slier
] ) lics in a sugge.-tive wny1 never lost npo
the audience. Vet , everybody knowin
that she was an actress long ago , hopi
that it may bo many years before tl ,
stage lose ? Mr. and Mrs. Florence an
their comedies ; for no one will ever li
found to lake llicir place * , or out of eon
inon material make such a comedy as on
wishes to see not once but many time !
To speak of "Our Governor" is but t
repeat what has boon said again an
again. To speak of the acting of Mi
and Mrs. Florence is a niaiiv-told tale (
praise for Ihoir admirable and thorough !
jjleasing work. To describe the magn
fieeiit costumes worn by Mrs. Florenc
might tax the credulity of the avorag
man. Mrs. Florence never ajipearc
more charming than last night , Air. Floi
eneo never acted the part of Perkins bet
ler , and some of his new "unconscious
nc.-s" arc marvels. Thai sums il up. "
Sirs. K .MI 11 tin M Attached Tor tlic 1'elt
Sum ofun.
A. M. Clark , a wall paper denier , suci
out an attachment in Justice Hel ley'
court yesterday against J. (5. Foun
tain and wife for ? 'W. Action wusallcgoi
to be brought because defendants wcr
attempting lo dispose of llioir proper ! ;
and move out of reach with the iuleii
tetiti'ou of delraudiuir their creditor <
Consttibles Stein and Kyle started out I
servo Ihe summons and' levy Iho atlticli
inenl. They had gone but a block fioii
the court when they caught wind of Hi
rumor thai the 1'ountaiiT tribe was mi
grating , and at that moment taking the !
departure by train , They therefor
hurried to the Union Pacific depot , am
sure enough there was Mrs. Fountain ft
all the majesty of her many virtues am
liftyscveii inch seal skin saoque , purat !
ing around the station. She seemed ti
bo negotiating tickets and making
arrangements for the transportation o
her baggage. When she caught sight o
the constables , as they allege , she beg'ii
to take measures to shake them. Sle placed her satchel behind the now1
s'laml and started on a trot through flu
several rooms lo the depot until she verj
cleverly succeeded.
The constables went up to the housi
later in the day , and levied upon Mr
Fountain's horse. Once more iias tin
good lady deferred her pilgrimage hence
The fjiicky Ones.
The county commissioners were en
gaged yesterday selecting Ihe names o :
sixty persons lo jo drawn for jurors foi
the February term of the. district court
In ease no grand jury is drawn oulj
thirty of the per > ons selected will IK
Irnwn. The following are those on llii
list :
First. Ward Peter Trenton , John Mc >
tfabb , John Garvcy. Charles Domrherty.
Michael Deinpsey , Jacob Frank , Michael
Itobling , and Charles Ilunley.
_ Second Ward W. S. Hhinchard , Ju
lius Hodow.skey , H. Kennerling , Michael
McCarthy , L. 15. Wisby , Weu/.el fistic ,
15. Lavett , Gits llemmol , Patrick McGov-
eru , Jaeoti Scldichl , Alex Black and Law
rence Diiggan.
Tliiril ward Uolaml W. ( Jurtin , A. II.
Willis , J. W. Imnco and K. E. Livisoy.
Fourth ward Henry Puiidt , Chtirles
sesseman , 15. Gurdon , Samuel Hichen-
iiera , James G. Carpenter , Ed. Walsh
l > anicl Keiiuislon ami John Havtkmson.
Fifth ward Joseph O'Mahoney , Clnis.
[ 'aiming , Win. McQuenoy , Chas. Ken-
Iriek , A. G. Ilnmphroy , John Kile.y , Sam
uel 15efl , Fred Kunih ] ( Dennis Goitgluin.
Sixth wnril K. L. Faulkner , Henry
Hiler , John lielick , . .It-sso Oslerliant ,
lame.s T. Hanson , Frauk Ivammer , col-
ins Jonlon.
Saratoga Frank Patrick.
Union Lewis Thomas.
Jclfoi > on F. Coronemeycr.
Elkhorn Hoiuor Whitney.
Florence Peter O'Hourkc.
1'hitto Valley James jSIitchcll.
Waterloo L. L. Stevens.
West Omaha David Reed.
MoArdle Hiram Avery.
Millard-John J. Allen.
Chicago Andrew Moehloman.
Douglas Peter Crass and William Mo-
AVI1I Visit
Ir. William T. Cody , known to ftinio
is "Ihiifalo Hill , " while in the city a few
lays ago , said to a reporter for the HUB
hat ho did not know whether his Wild
Vest show would visit England during
he year 1880. Since he has left here , ho
ias decided to visit England. In spcak-
ng of the matter the Sporting Journal of
Chicago says : "Such of our cousins as
itive read of the Hon. Mm. F. Cody (15uf- (
ale 15111) ) know him to bo the most noted
scout on the North American continent ,
T. man whose name waa a terror to
talf a million bloodthirsty Indians.
I'o them Iho information con
voyed above will prove a source of much
lelight. They are to be afforded an op-
lortuuity lo see Iho bo. J known , the most
hiring and best liked individual among
ifty odd millions of American people.
Mr. Evelyn Hooth , a well-known English
joiitleuiiin ; , now visiting Hulfttlo Hill , will
is.socitite himself with this organization ,
mil it is safe to say it will eclipse in
grandeur and financial success I lie. com-
lined attractions America has sent across
ho Atlantic since steam was first iutro-
lucod. Just imagine the "cockney" conn-
cnancu while gazing tit liulfalo Bill and
lis fifty cowlioys , headed by Uuck
Taylor , a herd of forty buffalo , elk , deer ,
lours and wolves , and a combination of
ill the wild animals which inhabit tlm
Nicky mountains , to say nothing of 100
yild Indians , selected from the most hos-
ilo tribes , including Sitting Hull , chief of
ho Sioux. Two of the largest steamers
hat ply tlm ocean will bo engaged to
raiisport this mammoth aggregation to
.ondon , where it will open for ono your ,
ifter which it will visit all Europe. "
A Kutf
EIHTOK HII : : During the recent cold
vcather all who have been compelled to
ro to the court house have roaii/.ou that
ipartfrpm the cold they millercd from
ho cutting wind while climbing these
eng llights of stone skips , there was
retit danger to limb and even life , es-
iccially during ; the .winter season. Wo
ilco know Unit it is a severe tax on any
lerson to make the usccntundcrascorcli-
ng sun sun , so that in winter or summer
t will always bo more or less of a dread
o all , and extremely c.xhiiiinling lo thu
uimy weak persons compelled to go lo
hut building.
All this can bo easily avoided by tlio
! onstrucliou of a tunnel from Farnam
trcct to a point under the center of the
ourt house , thuro -connect with an el-
ivator that that that will hind ollicers
mid visitors on any floor they desire lo
each. This would in aiyer.y grout moas-
ire remove the feeling of disiatisfaction
hat is feogoncral at that building , buing
o far above the grade of thu street.
IVhat say you , Mr , Editor ? Do you ad-
iso the county- commissioners to proceed
vith this improvement ?
Another point ; Have wo no law ro-
miring houses to be placarded in which
hero tire cases of scarlet fever or dilih-
hcrhiy Other cities , even much smaller
hail Omaha , have such regulations in
orce , to the complete satisfaction of
heir citizens. \ \ , N , McCANDi.isu.
The I'ritcliUrd AfTulr.
W. H. Peck & Co , deny in any way bo
ng connected with the alleged fraudulent
ransactions of ox-cashier Pritchard of
ho Western Union. The following oor-
cspondenco explains itself :
OMAHA. Xfb. . Jan. 14 , ISM ) .
Col. J. J. Dickey , Siii > erlutfink iU W. LT'
- 01THAT -
Taken on Monday and Tuesday , January 4th and 5tli , 1886 , AT THE MISFIT
CLOTHING PARLORS , (119 ( Farnam SI , , It was found that it would not pay to carry
anything over IF A BUYER COULD BE FOUND , and through close inspection It was
found that the recent arrivals excelled those of the past in QUALITY and WORK
MANSHIP , consigned at such prices from the LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS
throughout the country , that any man can find it to his Interest to inspect and in
vest iw one of those.
Further developments showed after balancing the day-book of the past three
months , netting a nice business , that Suit after Suit still awaited the person whom
it would prove the size to wear it , there will be found a suit for yon , AT YOUR
OWN PRICE , in order to close down the stock. NO DISCOUNT , NO FORCED SALE ,
and as a greeting of the old saying , "what we don't ' see we don't ' credit. " But when
those pantaloons are seen , at prices they can be bought for , no question can arise
as to this statement , THE PUDDING IS HOT , and the old saying , the test was in
"Chewing the Bag. " But uow-a-days it is said to test it is to eat it. Every man is
invited to eat pudding during the next twenty days at the
J'cl. Co. , Dear Sir Is it not time Hint ( lie tie-
ennut which Air. IVitchaul alleges is < lno him
'rom nio was guaranteed to him by .Ino. M.
lavcn of Chicago , and tliat i had nothing tote
to with payment of same' '
Yours truly , W. 15. PICK. :
W. H. Peek , Esq. , Dear Sir ' 1 ho above Is
correct as far as it refers to December mark
ets which Mr. 1'riteliard assured me had been
> ald to him by Mr. HOOII. 1 liavo always
oimd you to be .straightforward and honor
able in your dealings with this company.
Very respectfully ,
J. .1. DICKKY , Supt.
Mr. Prifehard will not bo prosecuted
by the Western Union. His deficiency
will bo provided for by cither himself or
his bondsmen
Death of Mrs. Schimonslcf.
The sad news was received in the city
yesterday of the death of Mrs. W. Y.
Schimoiiski at her homo near Hcllovuo
Wednesday night. She feel down stairs ,
striking on her head , dying within a very
few minutes , of injuries. Mrs. Schimoiiski
was well known in the state , and had
many friends in Omaha. She was of
Ohio birth , but moved to Sarpy county
thirty years ago , where she has since re
sided. She was in early days a teacher
in the Indian schools.
Mr. Sciiimonski. the bereaved husband ,
is of noble Polish birth , and is at present ,
as lie has boon for many years , a member
of the civil engineering corns of the Bur
lington & Missouri , lie will bo accorded
the heartiest sympathy of his largo circle
ot friends in Ids sad bereavement.
Samuel Olson's Death.
The death of Samuel Olson , the saloon
keeper on NMnth street between Jackson
mid Jones , occurred yesterday at : !
o'clock , after a short illness , The de
ceased was -10 years of ago at the time of
his death , and leaves a mourning family
of a wife and three children. The funcr-
id will occur at 2 o'clock Sunday after
noon from the undertaking establishment
of Drexel it Maul. A special call has
boon issued by John Kuhn. H. K. S. , and
Frank Wagner , C. C. , of Planet lodge. K.
of I' . , instructing the members ot that
body to moot in their castle hall to-night
at 7M : ! ) sharp to make arrangement * to at
tend the funeral
A.IIIIU MoNnbb Again.
Charles V. Heed lusAoveuiug liled a complaint -
plaint with Jnstico Ilolsley against Anna
McNabb , charging her with obtaining
money under fal J proteiiscs. Keod states
that Anna , on December K ) last , pledged
to him her piano for $ ! ) ! > , claiming that it
was imciicumborcd. Ho has since dis
covered that there was a mortgage al
ready on the instrument , and now pro
ceeds to pro. ceiito the woman for swind
ling him. The court issued a warrant for
Anna's arrest.
Dean Mlllspaiigh returned yesterday ,
having been snowbound for a week in
Minnesota. Ho will bo in his place at
the cathedral .Sunday.
An entertainment was given on
Wednesday night at the residence of
.Mrs. Parsons , No. 117 North Seventeenth
street , The recitations ol Mi scs hmma
and Maud Parsons wcro highly merito
Mrs. A. Jacobou , No. UMI ! I'arnam
street , received a number of lady friends
at an afternoon tea party yesterday. A
handsome collation was -orvcd and the
afternoon passed most ciijojably.
Martin Calm , the senior member of the
firm of Calm Hroof this city , was mar
ried la t night in Chicago. Messrs. Ju
lius Mover , .Simon 1'isher , Sol ilcrgmaii
and Simon Obcrfcldcr wcro present at
the nuptials.
Commuted Suicide.
From a letter recently received fioin
Will C. Uryan , the baseballist and sprint
er , well known in Omaha , it is learned
that his wife committed suicide. She had
been sick for several wcoks , and was cn-
routc to the residence of her mother in Lar-
nniio , Wyo. , when she deliberately ended
her existence by takiiigpoison. Mr. 15ry-
au has many friends in this city who will
be shocked to learn of the sad all'air and
will sympathi/.o witli him in his deep af
fliction. lie will probably be hero
in a few weeks to take a place in the
Tlmrston hose team , which will be or-
gani/ed very soon.
Shannon Letter liill Kile , Filing Cabinets
ami Cases. Schlicht's Standard Indexes.
21 ! ) 12th .street , opposite Neb. Nat'J 15ank.
Hallway Notes and I
The Union Pacific was able yesterday
to declare the blockade raised on the
Slroinsburg branch and the entire Ne
braska division is wide open for busi
J. K. liuchanan , general passenger
agent of the Sioux City is in the city.
Little .snow fell in the northwestern
portion of the state , and the Hlaclc Hills-
extension of the Sioux City has been open
all winter with the oxcopt'ion of one day
during the heavy blockade.
Goo. Itoss , a'-si.itant general freight
agent ol the C. 15. & ( } . , is in the city.
A Ton in Through Ilio loo.
A teamster named Wcslergard driving
for an ice company , went into the river ,
wagon , horses and all , Wednesday alter-
noon. In I'routol the distillery the warm
swill has rolled the ieo , and when \Ves-
tergard's tnam stopped on tin ; spot ( hey
went through like a Hash. The harness
broke Irom the wagon , and by a miracle
the horses wcro able to keep up until they
could be pulled out.
i ! or TUB
Omaha Medical and Surgical
Chronic and Sureloal Disonsos.
Drforinltlrn , llriln'M ol AVdlillMi , PIVI | ! < I
Ulbi'un-ii , I'llos , Ciilnrrli , DtsrnacK nf Ilio
J.uiigh , I. ! ! , KliluoyH , Illuiitl , Sliln ,
Nlomuch , .Nrrvfs , Kyo anil I'.ar ,
Kent } fur Hook upon u | | c-i > * r fn-n. Itooiui and
noard for rullciilt. Write for
on 1'iiiVATK , Hrrrui , nml Kriivnun Dlveiikri , 8i < m
Inol WcsUncos , Ki > crmatoirhu'.i , Hyi.lilIU . , died ,
Stricture , Yurk-octltt , uutl nil Iliii-mr. cf Ihu Ilrla.
ary nd Bcxiinl OrKnim. C' nlicnlua by cotres.
Vondciico , ( irpertorialljr. ConlltlcntUI MtMtlnn
tntl Uy mall or cxrirthu ivllliuut mnrks to Indkulc
( ontciiln pr icndrr
lluttrrlcs , Inliiilrr , IlriKTH , Trutir * , nrnl
( ill klndd cf Mcdlcnl unit Knr ical Al'pllar.cca ' , man
ufaclurcd and fur talo. Adi'.ri'n all Icluin to
Or OMAHA MCUICAI. AMI Kunmi AI I.VHTITCIE , : Kt , Cor C.ipltol A velum. fJmnhu , Kt L.
is coNnucTisn mr
Royal Havana Lottery
MflOl niNMr.Vr IMiinitTIIIM
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , January 2-16-30 , 10GG
Tirliftb in I'llilm ; Wliulvs ff > , 1'ructiuns pi a
Subject to no rounlpuiailon , not roiuiolIcO liy imrllus Inifniuicbt. Hit Ilio fiilirikt llnna In
lliu iiauirool'tliiinco In isxKUmco.
I'firtluket uiiily | loSIIII'sVi CO. , JilSlirond.
wuy.jj. V. City : .M. urrilNS i ; UJ. , UI'J M.Uu .
srcel. KiiiisiiiCily , MO..OII'M fuimim .L-inm. urcut ! * ,
Tlio Cbaittniiiiiiiis. ] .
The CliaiiLiiiKinn Circle will mcot
' " ( ] ; ! ay ) evc-ning at the Y. M. O.
A. Ilall.
An intorostinc propcrammo has been
liX'pin.l : ( and will IKJ coiiiliteted by Mis
I'opplelou. All Chautauqiums arc In
vited to como whothur inuiiibcrs of the
circlu or not.
AbsoUte5y Pure-
This pointer nrvnr varies. A imu-vrl of purl
ly.Minimili inn ) wliolpMimoiiota , Mme wonoiu-
( fill limn Ihiumllimry kind , unit nun not lilt mid
In cniiiii'lilioii | ' wllli fli niiiltltailn ol Iniv test
Miort wulKht. alum or pliosplinto jioHrlers. Bold
imly luriins. itnynl ilnicliis I'nivilur Company ,
Wall Slrcul , N. I.
F. M , ELLIS & CO.
AfditetsandBiiilrfingSupeniit's '
Onk'o , Cor. lllli iti'.cl I nrmon Btrcolx , Itoom 13
( Ir.oiuu ; HiHu.iMiuor. wlin ! > ' . M. Kills.
AniUloino wunl to handle HID bust sowing unit
t'liluo linn iiionot cnu hiiyy If bo. fur j > nr >
llciilars , icrniB mid IPI-ICOS. aijiliosi ,
206 Worth IGih Street , Omaha , Nebraska , \
At tin ; Woild's l-i ! | isllion. Now Oik-uim , tlm
I'llloii f'nivln innoliliiu ivas im-aiUil : Itl 1'rt'inl-
inn ami Oold Medal inci nil i-om | > oltm | , on HID
hioiiil clului ufsiiiinioilty as it iHinlly Sowing-
II ii > oiiiliini ; In Invcntio i anil possosf-rs srlllnar
IMIHllbllll Ulllcll ) ( lll llUM ) HO |
It is the Only Machine that has Reverse
Feed ,
the Operator to Sew Hud :
wards or F
ulilioal fluuiriiiiK or HuppliiK tlin niuclilno.
Tin , jioini .ilum in i a-i > jlr. valiiii lioin * ' > lo
(10 over fJiUiuury iniicliiiica In Ilif cyod of over/
bi'iislhlc c Mciiuri.
II you i > u > i > ! ( ioil. livn inojTi'--lvn ilruler unit
Wanllii I all.llia liuirlillio Illlll . \tlll illl'I'OUiid
jour ii-ti'itMiiiii pit- . . your uMumou , wilta
lor ] iui ( ' nl.tia lo
Union Man'f'g Co. ,
206 H. 16th S' ' , , Omaha , Nell