Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison.
AT nrcooisTs Am czitins.
hola JroDrlctoriu
'Ilie Orlglnnl nnil Onlj Orlinlnp.
P r ml I-ii HrlliM * IXrtnnf orlhlr * Inlutlnl | to LADIES. A li 7 nr llrugfrlit rut
"Lhlrhntrr'A ! BO ottitr.or luilu t i4
( < limrto m r r t trllcuUr * CM tftltr M retlir * mull.
NAME PAPER. . < klrhr.trr < hrmlrnl o .
tlBIO M < iai.on. c ] < i r < \ , l'kll i , ! ' .
At Drncilil * . 1 rails | | .ll l Ij fiillcr A ullrf
Of , , Inlfucn , lit.
Or UK * lil < | tuir Ilulill , 1'osllltclj
Ciiroil l > j AilnilntHlcrliiK Or.
lliilni-H' ( iolilcn hpvclllo.
It can Imglvui Inncnii ol codec or left nllhnnt
tlm kiinnlpdRcuf the pcrwn HiklnR It.linhsoliitpljr
liarinlci1 * , IIIM ! will olfict a pi rtnanonl nnd ppeciljr
curn. wlicllitr the Imtlent Ita mudtrntc ilrlnkir or
an alcoholic nr k , H lilts hern pUfii In thnn-
B.MuHnt rain , nnd In every InMnncrn perfect euro
lin.1 follorttil II ni'Tcr fnll . 'I he ) Mem once
I ullli llio fjpeclllc , II biroiiios an utlir
Mr thu liquor appi tlio to
i.n nv rot.Lowisn nnuootsTS :
KI'IIX .V ( ( > . , Cor. 15lh nnil Danclm , nuJ
ISIIi CiliiiliiB Htm. , Omubti , Ncb.l
A. 11. l'OSTiit iV IlltO. .
C'onncll IlliiiTK. limn.
Cnllor rlto for pmnptilet rout ilnlnc liundrciM
( if li' < ll'iiiul iN rroinlliH bent Bullion uiiil lnliitruui
nil parts of thvLounirv.
Chartered by IhcStiitcnn 111-
nol3 lor thce | iict pjrpote
ifof KlvlnBlmmediJle relielln
all chronic , urinary and private -
vate dlieasea. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphilisin all their
complicalcd forms , also all
diseases oT the Skin anil
Blood promptly relleveJanil
pcrmanenllycurcd by reme-
ftJWi 'TiZW ' * * Vtntlairracllrr. Seminal
Weakness , til ( T'lt ' Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Pace , Lost Manhood , 1'iitttUcli/ciittil. Tin rv
Jj io cjritt t linciXliHi , The appropriate remedy
is nt once used In each case. ConsuHalljnii , per-
eoml or by letter , sicredly cunllJential. Med
icines sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on
to Indicate contents or sender. Address
rursovoii vonrs I sillfciuil vrlth onn c-r on
in } liuo. Kio'lit inoiillis MKO n liinnl tc-
( oiniiii nilod thn utn ot Hulfl h S | < olllo und I < lu
u i iiiiiiiil to MiiiUo mi oirort to bi i.'iuo H. Iu tlilj
J \MIS Mifusslnl , mid bi Kim ll < USD Uho Inlln-
i ntfMif tliiuiudli liio in Mist ns to MimtMtlint
iiirKtiiMito tlio MHO : lint SODII thn lull iiiiuliou
mis nlliijtil "ml I liiKioi to ImpiiHr ulloi the
lli-t fen liutilos M ) K < " ' ' " 1 huillh | IIISKICII | | >
linpioxul. I nm Mionjii , mill nlilo to do any
klnil ofnrK. . Tlm i lUK'i i on niIIUD liivnu to
ill i ion so mid tin iikir lolui I , until tliuiit Is not
vi" < tlK ot Itlolt ( inlv a liltlo n'ni tiniiks the
] ilarn. Mil-.Inn n , A .McDo.N VI I > .
Allnnlii , 0 . , August II , US' .
1 liiivoliad u ciiiuor on ni > faro foi ponio
ji am , u\lriidliiT ( liom ono clu i k b mo mioss
llio iMi'o to llio iithor. II Inii jrlun mo a Kiout
ill : il ol pain , nt ( Inns Inniilnjr mid ItLhlii to
Biuh nn I'Alunl that It VMIS almost iinlioatahli ) I
minim nciil in > ln rbuirt'HSii | > ulllu In l : > ) , l 'i ,
ami luixo II-IH ) ulKlit liotlli't. It tins uhrn the
K'liilpit lolloriij rcmnylni ; llio Inlliimiitioii and
n Moling no gonoiid lioultii. W. IHllNLS.
Knuxvilla , Town , Sept 8KV , >
'luiitNoou blood and bkln ill cnsos
f i PC.
' 1 ho Swift SpCLlDo Co. , Druvvci llAllanla , Ga
K. YMar
O17 fit. ClmrloHH . , Kt-Iiil ,3fo.
A "f i ! " t' luilc , of two Uedl l Collttft , h . I ten lonf n
rbCi rdln tieijt-'ftllrrftliafnt ' of Cukoic Nk Toti , SKIM
and lltovn DiHitiM * hananv o'b rl brilcUu In Si. Looll ,
J eltf 1 * PCTI il)0r ana f II oldrailtlenu know
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and oilier Affec
tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SOrCS and Ulcers , re trr trd with nn | r > ll li > j uteitielrnll&aiirlDclpIri tfafelj l'rlrit-tf.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vMeti rr ° < ) " i ° mc or th.
roll xrltiK rlTeell I ntrtouioeif , drbllllr , dlmntu of tlLI
Dddcfectlrt m murjr , ploiplesontUo ree , I brilctldeet/ ,
KTcriloa tolha uclcl/or rcmalci. coDrutioi or Uc&l , lo ,
rendorlnff MarrU o tripropor or unhappy , * t
r > iriUHLenll ; ciir.d. raiapbl t(3bpaKMcn ) lAe atiavc. leal
laralrd HT lei > . frretoan/mtldrru. Coniullallonalor-
tceorj mntl fiei > IntlleJ anditilett7e.QQ > leQllal.
A Positive Written Guarantee niren In er > r ; .
rable cut. lUdlclao aeat ever ; b re bjr uail or n r.n.
300 TAQES. PITfE FLATK8 , d-ftot clath ted flit
Modluf caleil fnr OOo la | - ( Ui or * * a rruej. Orer tif\y \
wandcrfU ) ) ru picture * , true to llfuj * ttl3lAi on I he to\ln\uf \ \
V U * rt4 tun * l jfit.t > * K , thirtl * * . Tut * t 4 An * . R *
t * r4 MfU.tI > | * t.i Orciat. Al * dfPJlllnfM 4rl Kl
H UnaDufMtiu.4br 1 K / U U kltfll BT A U > a >
j. vr. wnrrrssAitM , CCLZ Ajrar ,
ci uKQ.\m\'A\ . r ,
Asthma Cure.
Tills InvnlnnMn Fpprlno rrnillly nnil perms-
licnll ) Ltitiia nil kfnila of Astliniu. llio nu t
nlislliinii. mill Innir btiuulliiK i-ii'ns ) Uld prompt-
Ij U ) Its oiilcifiil cnrliiR prnportic * It H
liiiiiMii iiiioujfluiut tlm 01 Id for lt uurlMilod
J.UOAr.inviiJrllj : of t.lncolnNnb.wriioj ,
Jan. i.'i , ltal : Miuo u inir Di. llnlr's Aulium
Cure , foi moio limn oun jiur , in ) lfo tins licnn
Kill It ul ) null , inui not uvcu fjmptom or Uiu
UIMMIMI llllR llpp ( liri'd
W U.I.IAJ1 lIK.NNirrr , k Wnnrl , In ii. H rltc .
Ivov.MItsi , I hiiv lii'pn nltlieUHl h liny
luvoi unit .Vstlnim slnco is.'i9. 1 folluwiHl jour
ulixctlona niut tun Impp ) to fny tlint 1 nnvur
ilept bolter In in ) lifo. 1 inn uliul tlml I inn
unidiiR- the ninny Hiio can speak so lavoiiilily of
rourromnllrs. , .
A Tuliialilnill piirn ) ti-rnlNo onnlalnlnir i > lmllni
rroof fnnn every lntu In the I ) . s , CaniuU nnd
Un HI llrltiilnvlll liu mnlU l ii | > oii application
An ) iliuirtUt iiulumlni : it In block will pro-
euro IU
A Clear Skin
is only a. part of beauty ,
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at Icasjt , what
looks like it. Magnolia
.Halm both freshens and
beautifies ,
A Story of tbe Wild Days when Oregon was
A MyMcilons Minder Avenged by tlic
Swcedicait of tlic Mtiidcrcd Man
A Wilderness Tin cdy.
HP was a tall , broad shouldered man ,
with n well tanned face and full black
beard. His clothing w as of heavy mater
ial anil far from fashionable in its cut ,
and his hat vras of black foli with : \ Inlin
ncarlj a foot wide To a New York Mad
and Impress r poiler who had on oppor
tunity of meeting him he looked as if ho
could tell a good story It was found
that ho c'whl When asked for < -ome of
bis expel icncos ( having been given an
cas } chair and a cigar as sx p.utial in
ducement ) he said "Well , 1113" boy , ' 'vr %
got half an hour to spare and I diui't
mind I've bioiightthd old woman and
the bos cast to take a look at things ,
and have been around gettiti" a little
lometlung for Chii tnias "i oil want
something with u little romance in it , I
suppose \Vell , I can give it to 3 ou Not
nun } jeaiH ago I was shciilVof a county
in Ougon. 'ion need not look so stir-
puscd I didn't como fiom there on this
Hip. J'vo moved fnithor cast. The
town in which 1 had my hoadqiiailcis
w as on the edge of a uvor , about a quar
ter of a mile vv ide , on the opposite side of
which was a good si/.ed tract of wooded
land that was known as Shaw's island.
Hut it was more than oidinary woodland
It was a icgular wildoinoss , and a man
who did not know much about it would
get lost thcie in double quick lime. Hut
it was full of liistclass game , and so the
bovs who woio Inimly with a gun often
went acro's to the island hunting , ri k
ing their chances of getting lost tor the
sake of what thej could capture in the
wav of biuls
"Inhabited ? No , nor never had been
except b3 one man. His name was
I'.uks , and ho is the chap I am going to
tell 3011 about He was a tough ciisto
in' r an escaped convict , we were in
clined to believe and ho lived alone tar
in the intciior of the island in a hut or
shanly w Inch he put up Now and then
ho would show himself at the v illago , but
whenever he did be would act in such a
dog faced vva ) , and was so slouch } in
Ins appearance Unit no one cared lo go
near him 01 have 11113 tiling to do with
him moie than could be helped Ho was
about r > 0 3 eats old and had a haul look
ing face. Ho let Ins hair and bcaid grow-
long. Ho itlnaS ) canied a long , bright
rille and was known to be a crack shot
Well , oneda > Jimmy Haikcr , a 3'oung
ft lion who was a great favoiite in the
village ami soon to bo mauled to om * of
the ptetticsl and pluckiest little gnls 1
cvoi saw , .stalled over to the island for a
hunt Ho left wonl that he would be
back the next d-iy , 01 the da } aftei at the
lailhest Hut thioc ilas went b- , than
auolher and another , until a week
D.iascd and he hail not turned u Then
we all got alaimed. Jimmy's sweet-
beai t w as ncai ly h antic. The oul } thing
to do was to set out on a heaich lor the
bo } ' Inside of tW enl > four liom s w e had
a party stalled But I tell 3-011 wo had
the biggest kind ot a time keeping
Jimiti- giil liom taking a hand with us
in tcouiing those woods. Of couiso wo
wouldn't let her , foi it would have been
no vv oik lor her tender hands. Hut I'll
ncvei foigetto ni ) ding .lay how she
came up to me just betoio w o stalled and
" 'Do lot HID go , slipiin" Von know I
can handle a gun , anil it old Talks has
banned Jinini } 1 wouldn't bo afraid to
.shoot him dead ! '
"Stiange , vva n't it , that suspicion from
the liiat loll upon old 1'arks' ' JJut it did ,
and it was a luck } thing lei the old fol
low that he kept clear ot the ton n iust at
that time. JJut wo stalled without the
gill and soniclicd tno woods ihoiotighly
foi two dn } s w itliout ov on linding a tiaco
of Jimni } Then we made up our minds
to give niego to i'aiks shanty. He had
acted suspicious when ho knocked at his
door , and had icfuscd to luUus in. In
oiiler to havn no mistake about it 1 came
back to the village and swore out a war
rant toi I'aiks' aiicst on the ground that
ho was a suspicions chaiacter. livery-
body wanted to know what luck vvo had ,
and I had to toll them. Of coui o Jim-
my'h gu 1 was one of Iho Hist to hoar of
our poor luck , and as soon as .she heard
ol it theio was no such thing as keeping
her back. She did not plead to go with
ns this time nor cauy on at alt , but with
her pretty face set and detci mined she
came tc mo and said that she was going
to the island with ns , ami would not take
no lor an answer. It wasn't in mo to it-
fuse her , for I could nee that unless some
thing was done lor the poor gul s-ho
would go mad. She had cleat ly made up
her mind that I'aiks had muidercd
.hmmy , and now ho wis : in for icvenge.
And 1 tell vou she looked it as she came
ni ) to my Bide and said in a linu voice :
" 'Now , sheiiir , I'm icady. '
"She was rigged out lor Iho woods ,
weal ing u lee u lilting dics of daik blue.
Her Him iigiiio looked well in it , and
stood as erect as a soldioi 's. She was
about 1 ! ) yoai'tt old , well developed , stiong
and healthy. She insisted upon taking
her lillo , a light weapon which bad been
a favoiilo with her a long lime , and ono
which Jimmy had gvcn her as a picsonl.
In gelling to the iieighboihood ot Paiks'
sliaiit ) , whore 1 had left my men to kcop
watch , I made the woik as light for her
as 1 could , but .she stood it well , and
didn't hcem al all used up vv lion no got
Ihoie , although it look half a da } of solid
ti ampin' ' Then we hid ourselves In tlm
woods all aioiind Iho shanty and pro-
p.ucd lo wait for Paika' appeal mice.
Not until nn horn befoio night did vvogot
an } chow ol him. Then the door ot the
shanty was opened cautious ) } and Parks
Muck his head out We could see his
iitleinhia hand. It was n trying mo
ment , 1 can tell jou. The gill and 1 woio
neaiest the shantv , and the instant die
saw him she levelled horrillo , and would
have shot him down that moment had I
not giaspcd her aim so lightly that it
stopped her. I\I \ ) gup must have hint
hoi , lor hho winced under it , but it hail
to bo done , lor there was noe\
farformurdoiing the old fellow in cold
"After looking about for a moment
I'.uks ictiiiiied to the inside of the than-
ty evidently satislicd that nobody was
nbout. In a few minulca bo appeaiul
again , nnd , as I live , ho was diagging
Jnnmio Market's dead bed } af lor him !
The gnl , the instant aho aan this , gave a
wild aluiek and fainted dead away.
Paikadiopped the body as quick as a
Hath , and hpri'.ng back into the shanty.
Tliciowasiio need of further concealment -
ment after thai , of courao. The lust
thing we did was to rostoio llio gill.
This vvo did , In the meantime gelling pos
session of Haiker's body , which had an
ugl. ) bullet hole in the head. Naturally
enough , vvo expected that ns soon ns the
giil came to aim vvouldgivo way to her
sit Iff and make a good deal of n time
Hut she didn't. She did not say n woid ,
but just picked up that gun of hois , point
ed ii deliberately at the shanty and fired.
This she did tin cu or four times , and wo
did nol slop her , for ovciy oio ) of us felt
after what wo had seen that > hu had a
pcifect light. No man could .stand this
long , and prelty boon we saw Ihe mu/vlo
of a gun pointed tluough the bonuU of
thosliany. Thoio was n nnd aie-
pott , ami Wilbur Wilaon , ono of my best
men , nho had thoughtless ! } cxpoaod him-
.self , dioppcd dead.
"This was worse than we had bar
gained for , although no knew all along
that we had lo deal with a dcspeiate
cliuuctvr , Them was nothing to do now
but to burn out the murderer The shan
t } wn < of old drv wood and nrotMul H
was n lot of dr } leaves and twig- * Light
ing a small bundle of ha } whicn we hid
brought with us having filched it with
the idea that it might come haiidv for
this ver } purpose , we tlnew it as closcl } '
as we could to thcshant } In two seconds
ends it sppmcd the ICMVPS wcio all
nbln/e , and it was clear that the < hanty
would hive logo and that ver } quickly.
Kvervgnnvn leveled at the burning
building foi we knpw that it nonldii t
be longlx fore things bee UUP too hot for
Parks. Hut ho teed it well , and not only
till his roof was shooting up into Hie air
in llnnn's did we eo him Then vvilh a
wild , di hant yell IK- burst through the
but mug boards , and fora second stood
halfda/pd in fionl ot the liio ( ' 'rack ,
( lack , went our rilh-s , ono aftei the
othrr Hut thp lir < l shot did the work ,
nnd it was from the rille in the hands of
UIP plupk } girl al my side ( jiuek as a
lla li she ha-l liii'd , and the bullet fiom
the rille lint her lover give hoi went
through Hie heart of that lover's mur
d < n r
"We did our best to find out why I'aiks
hid killed Harker , but weio for a long
time in the d-iik Hilt after the excite
ment had all passed away and the gul
h id recovered fiom tlio ofi'eets t > f that
tiing lime it came out that Paiksllad
mom linn once been SOPH prowling
around the jrhl'a home , evidently on the
lookout for her I'rom this it was believ
ed Hint ho know thai Jinimv Haikcr was
her lovoiand that he had shut him while
in the woods pmposcl } to get him oul of
the way Tno gul was never the same
alter that day , the loss of her lover just
crushed her Not long after she and her
folks went o-ist to live , and 1 vo never
heaid of them since "
The l > clleincnt Hrounlil About tj a
Nice Voiinji Man'H Message.
Avoiy nice joung man , sas the Halti-
moieAmeiican , spent ino t of the hot
da-s of last August nt a wind swept 10
treat in the Atlantic Highlands of Now
Jersey. Atlantic Highlands , after the
summer has gone away , is a lucd lilllo
v illagc of fiOO souls. Nobody ev or comes
Ihcio .ml nobod ) over goes awa } during
the winter mouths The village goes to
sleep as soon as the leaves begin to tuin ,
and hibei nates until the sea at the foot ol
its dills becomes warm enough tobilho
in. Then Hie summer loileieis pom in
again and buckboaids and village calls
enliven the place vvilh a kind ol Coney
island jollit ) .
' 1 his nice } oung man , when lie was
thoie last summer , met ono of the iif-iic
beauties of the place. He came back to
bis woik in tlio city , bul tho" nijehci } of
her blown c.e came with him He
wiotc , and site asked him to call dining
the n Intel .So } csteida } ho si-nt a tclo-
gram telling her ho would call dm ing
the da }
It was Hie lelcgtam that caused the
trouble. 1 he Milage was unaccustomed
to telegrams It staitlcd the community.
It was too much for the ncives of that
quiet placo. botnehow nobod } ever
will know just how liflecn minutes
alter the message clicked into Iho ollico
cvei.v pel son in town knew that } onng
Hlakonas coming to see Miss Trev cite.
Kvoiv } oung ladv of Iho ton n made up
her mind to eaten a glimpse of this rash
} oung man who sent tolegianib , and
ovci } man dolci mined lo be thcio to see
thai evei vlliing wenl smoothly
Now , this nice } oung man was a mod
est Doling man It was with some mis
giv ing ho di ov o ovoi tlio lulls to the
Highland- . And when he ( lid get there
he determined to sneak quietly to the
homo ot bis fiHiul Tluit waa bm ] > to
gramme. Ho know theie weio only .WO
people in tlio village , and ho thought no
one would know except the gill with tlio
blown 0)Cs.
The cat i lago di o w nn in the main street
of Highlands. 'Iho nice } oung man got
out in the middle of a gieat ciovvd.
Theiowoie 111 ! ) villagers gathered toio-
ceivo him. She was llio enl } ono thai 10-
maincd al home. The cntiie v illnge look
ed on while ho paid the dnv cr * : < for the
liip liom Ked Hank Then he asked Iho
wa } lo her house , and maichod up to the
homo of the biown-oVjCil beaut } nt the
bend of a pioccs ion ot 111 ! ) inlciestcd in
dividuals deteimincd to have fun at any
cost. She saw the piocession coming up
Iho hill and sent \\oidthat she was not at
homo. So , like tlio king of Fiance , ho
matched down the hill again. Ho will
not go to Highlands next sunimei.
Anna Dickinson In Need.
The Chicago News' coi respondent
wilting fiom New Yoik Anna
Dickinson is in need. 1 don't say that
he is wietchedly poor , but she soon w ill
be , unless nci tiiends como ppeedily to
herieliel. The other day a member ot
the boiosis society .said to me , "Our
lolkh aie thinking of gelling up a benelit
lor Anna Dickinson , Mio'a poor now , } ou
know " Hnl 1 dikn'l know it "Oh , yes , "
continued the dear little sister , "Anna is
in need ot read } money , and she is so
proud , 3 on know , that the task of meet
ing her necessities vv ilhout gu ing ollonso
is something moio than delicate "
Anna Dickinson never leaincd Iho
value of a dollni and never seemed to
think that the ptovcrhial penny would
come lo her , but it has. People vvilh
mommies long enough to i each back to
the Lincoln-McClollan campaign ol 1801
will bear witness lo the fact thai Anna
Dickinson did mine lei the .salcty ot Iho
union with her loiiguo than an anpy
coips coiild have done with lilies. Pel-
hai > s the democratic pally will que lion
this .statement , but theie aio ceitainly
enough lopublieans left who will join in
the opinion that Anna Dickinson should
bo cnjoing a ntu pension to thin very
da } '
Queer HooKs In a ( .crimm
One of the most curiously oiig'uml col
lection of books in any libiary is said lo
bo a botanical collection at Waisoiistein ,
InCicimany At ( hat sight the volumes
appear like lough blocks of wood , but on
cloiur examination it is found that each
Is a complete history of the pai tieular
tioe vvhii h it icpicscnts. At the back of
the book Iho balk ha.s been lomovedfioin
a space laigo enough to admit the .scien
tific and the common name ol the lice as
n title. One side ia foimed from the split
wood of the ti eo , showing ita grain lind
natural fiattuic ; thu other sliow the
wood when noikcd smooth nnd vai-
nished Ono end slioWf , thogiain as left
by the MIW , and the other the finely pol
ished wood On opening the book one
linds the fiuit , seeds , loaves and other
products of Iho tree , the ma-a which us-
uall ) glows upon lla ti link , nnd the in
accts which feed upon the v .11 tolls p. ills
oflhotieo To all tills is added a well
piintcd dcsctiptio nof the habits , usual
location nnd manner ot gionlh of llio
Wants an
Wall Street News : Uncle Abinham ,
over on Chatham sticct , was speaking to
nn acqnaintaneo the other day about
putting some sort of emblem over the
door of Ids storo.
"I'd bce-hlvo " Iho
put a - , suggested
"Vot does dot peo-hlfe alitand for ? "
Tor industry/ '
J < "O.i , dot Mias all nonsense , Dot
doan' bhovv pcoplca dot 1 acll a 11 suit
fur $8. " i
"I know , but the bco is n woiker "
"Yes , but dot doan'do , llaferybody
vims a woiker. Industry vhas all light ,
but if somebody conus back mil a pair
of pallia dot t-hilnk oop eighteen inches ,
dot pee hive doau1 explain dut din vhas
n singular climate oa pants. "
An Old Rocky Mountaineer Tells of a Most
Wonderful Escape.
A IVutj oT lro-rctor | Kntoinlicd
1'oiir Moulin It ) a Snovv Slide
Nmrl Sloan * l jrVlilch
Piill Tlitonj > h.
A party of Illinois who : irc i pntllng
the \\intor In louvl > r weio iu the Arc.ulo
last night , .ijs tlio Denu'i News of a
recent ilatn , ilUciUMtig theguiiL'Kil topics
of the day , the up.itlier foi mini ? the tliPinp higc Hopper , n YiU ! > r ,
lotueinburcil an iiu-idont in his career1 : is
MsigiMliiver , tr.tppur ami pioipeotor that
In1 vVjinti'd to relate hige'5 iiniifjiiKillou
i < < u stiotijr as lii nuiiclo , mill ho has
morothttn his average bluiuof the latter
After ho tiiul his companions liud ini-
bibud at his e\pcn > e , anil he hail lakon a
chevy of tab.icco , ho commenced
"Tvvulvo jc.iis tills coming July Jim
'Jreon , S | Jpulun , Hill Uruthun , C'lnis
( Jiit/nmelirjr hml mclf conpluilt'll to go
down in the Giumisoii connti ) on a pto > -
peeling tourVo had rounded up in
Pueblo. Some of 'em had boon lo Mexico
and nil of HM liad been somewhere. None
ofus was bioke , and wo found bj goin1
in cahootvo could pit cutito a respect
able outlit , and we omlltted
" 1 was long to'rds the htlor onil of
July , if I don't iliMumcmbui , that we
stinuk the folks of Slate rivrjr and I'ov
crt v gulch , w hero Cre ted Hutto now ! . .
and pitched our campVc pro pi'cliKl
them two gulches all summer , and dug
111:1 : n v a hole in the giouiid without
striking anj thing vvo thought was woith
while goin'cia/you'r , befoiesnow begun
to lly Along in October we had a tech
of a bli/7aid. which diovo us into winter
quaiters Ae didn't ' want to take the
bnck , for we was MitiMlod thur was
plenty i > C oie in that country
ii \ vcoii.i \ ) OM.V ' iitncn IT
" \Ve e ilculated on an early ' pring ,
and as wo had plenty of giub we con
cluded to Mick the w niter outVe went
down I'ovoit gulch about similus and
found ix pl-icp vv iK-re by driving ahaft
about foil , ) feet in a uuuulabonl way wo
could come out right In tbe center of four
big pillais ot xock that foimed : x native
"It wasn't \ orhaid woik to drift in.
Yon eo we didn't have to go tluoiigli
an ; } loelc Nater had build the hou-.e for
IN Two big pieces of Jlat lock had
fallen fiom the top of the mountain and
had > , li tick tdgeways about twenty feet
apait , making .1 natural liillvviv : : , then
two othei big pieces of rock h.ul fallen
llntwl-o on tiiii other two pieces making
a nat'ial roof. In the collide ol time dut
h , id washud down tinil drifted in , Idling
up the loom , and all wo bad to do was to
shovel out the din , which wo did in a few
dajs. AVe then got our things together ,
ami nuncd "onto 0111 now quarleis.
"The next moiitli was spoilt by seine of
us in getting in'im'wood ' ' and bj the oth
eis in hunting. Wegotina teiublo lot
ot wood , and the bo s killed anj amount
of bear , mountain sliepp , elk and deer
'I ho snow was prottj deep befoie we got
eer thing lixod , but wo all had snowshoes
shoos , nmltr.iv civil aionnil the eouutiy
lor a month Ifenfce ? , picking up stiay
game ociasioi'nlf ' l and amiiaing our
solves ns bo-l v Icould. .
"On llio : _ > f J.ihimiy that- come up
adicadful snow stoim tlmt In-leil for
thioo dajs Our dugout was on the hldt {
ol the guluh , about liltyfeet fiom the bot-
torn , and vv hun it slopped snowing the
llooi of our diigotiti \ ijust on a lev el
vvitli the snow clear acioss the gulch.
Well , wo didn't viiiituwout on our snowshoe
shoo- , for facveial d.ijs wailin' for the
snow to kinder ottlle , but in a fowda.vs
we was going up and down the gulch us
II Vh "WAS OS hOl.ll ) OI1OI M )
"The night of .1,11111.113 10thwhile vvo
was plajiu' tieoyoout , alongabout mid-
nighl we ho.ud the infoin.iiist riiiiiblin'
howlin'joii ever hoard. U lasted for
about ten minutes , then ov clothing vvus
still , borne ot bo.Vb siid : it vtis an eailh-
quake , and some that it was a snow slide ,
but none of us seemed to care pai ticitlar
what it was , for in a short tinlu wowas
till tolled up in out blankets asleep
About U o'eloek in the nun niiig , us I niiw
by my watch , I waked tip with u h ll ot a
headache. The air was olo-o and warm.
The other bovs was awake and we began
to invesligutii what the matter vvus. Wo
wont to the door of the dugout , milled
the blankets aside and saw a t-olia nw-s
of niiovv blocking up the door.
' 'A snow wlide had caught us and vvo
were vvoie caged than i.its. The air all
tlm time kept gittin' loulcr and fouler ,
anil vvo kept getting weaker \Vo saw
.something hud to be done. Wo ( n t
thought about gottiii' our shovels and
trvin" to dig out , but we concluded that
thar wasn't air enough in the snow to
lust us till we could get to moie ail" , and
we vvus about i party to give tip and ctavvl
oil in some coiner ai.d die when Chits ,
the Dutchman , said the chimb ly wasn't
stopped for the smoke was going up , und
as long us the Miioko went up the'colil
air could'nt come down , and wd
must do at once uas to put out the
"We caught at the hint and went to" "
work with a will , as weak us we vv as ,
and soon had all the lire iri the liieplued
out by throwing snow on it. It was a
oloso call und we weie all lajin' on our
laces near the liroplaco vhon the la t bit
of steam went tip the chimbly , halt dead ,
vv uifiii'foi'the cold air to come in Jf
come gradually , hut it come Wo was revived that vrn actiiully hugged
and kissed Cluis for half an bom I5y
night the old place was a > fie > h as a
dais , ) , but a little i hilly , but vv e
WON'T DAIIH wmi > A run :
"We slept all night that night nnd the
next moimug.lim ( lieen and I conclud
ed to iiivestigalo , bj ci aw ling up the
ohimblv , us our old pionelior IIMH ! to wiy.
'view the landscape o'er ' We at up all
night ami haw tlml Ihu snow .slide hud
just missed the nlniibly which was about
.sixty lwt liigU'/nlid ' / for that reason wo
was indebted for our lues Wo taw that
it woujd bo ii.-ccf-.U3 | ttttomiit lo dig out ,
for wo xsonld han"to go through about
bi\ty leet of snow to roaci ) thonuface ,
and that if wo did et u hole through , it
would bo impossililo to keep it open. Wo
didn't dam build a.Jjie , for if we did and
built a big oftijuough ! to warm our
sleejilng room , it would take so long to
wiiiin it lliiit the :0y : would got foul and
kill us befoiit wo ijjdd cool it oil again ,
and if wo didn't Wmld any hro wo would
fic < i/o to death. . , .
"Thar wan't nOj nso trying to uscnjx )
by the ohimblj , foi wo had noplaco to go
and if we had a place would nee/o bo-
foio wo got there Wo was toiubln blue
when wo went back and lopoitcdlhcoiit
look to the bojii Soinc of "em was for
givin' ii ] ) , wiitm1 our wills ilosciibin1 our
ad fate * nn' giin them to future genei
ations , but Chris , the Dutchman , was u
dilleront mini from us Clnih had a good
education and knowpd n good deal. Ho
said hoMidn't jnoposo to die , and didn't
proper to .seu its die. Ho was goin' to
stay thcro till the niiow molted an' then
ho was goin' to inospcctin' asrain
"Xouo of us joked w ith Chris Wo all
knowcd ho hiui a plan nn' waited for him
to tell it Ho said that all wo needed to
do was to build an air chambiu' an * wo
\\ohld IKUO plenty of air , an' as soon as
ho had explaincd'liis plan , wu had to ling
an1 kiss him again Chri * ' plan was
in the snow at the ontianoo of the dug
oul , wait till wo got It full of air , then
close it up all but a Mil.ill hole , build : x
liio and lot the airfiom the ulr chumbor
ru h in w hle : the foul air went up the
'Folfowm' Chris' direction * we soon
had rx tunnel about ten feet wide , by
tWLiityhigh and fifty feet long Then
wp took and throned WTter all o\cr the
! des and top of the tunnel , where it fioze
Ko none of the air could escape through
the snow Then wo undo a snow do r
when the room was finished and full of
nil , and < tnek it between the dugout and
the tunnel , built up a rousing lire , punch
ed a hole through the door , and went to
"At the end of ten dij < w e had to dnw
out the and till up the ail chamber
again , and that we kept up rcgulailj foi
lour months before a tnxw come and
washed us out We had Mich a natum
escape tint wo didn't May in I'o\eity
gulch when we got out , but left the
denied place , and I haint beenthcie
incp ' '
Lige spit out his chew of tobacco and
"idled ton , ii ds the bir as if to hint that
his story na < at that end.
"Ligo , " b.iid one of his fiteiuN , "why
don't \ou him1 that Moty writ up ? '
Wilt up' Nbj. thefs.iy it was a lie.
and aii bodt that knows me knows that L
jiin'l in tlienab'tof ' l\m' "
DUpoi tluu Himself on a Stiocl-Car
Ijlno In St. Ijouls ,
This i oid , the Jeller-on a\cnne and the
liciilon Hellofontalne , > 13 s a Union line
cm-driver In the St Louis ( ilobo Demo
crat , is now using broncho mules from
Texas that are bought by the lot at about
$ ! < " > a team , and can outlive , outwork and
outkick am thing that over Mood on
hoofs We ha\e been Using them now
for more than a ; > ear und the horses sue
giadnalli giving way to them They
come liom the neighborhood of J'l 1'aso ,
Teand aio the h.udiest and meanest
animah that human natino has > el
had to tackle. They aie so at )
sohitely moan tint they won't
let > ou tlio them out , when
tbej 'think joii me worsing them too
much the. ) | ) li\ la/y and won't move ,
but it anjbod.s goes am wheie nun them ,
even In their appaientl exhausted state ,
the ; ) would kick a hole thtough him that
1,011 could lit a time pipe into. Some of
them ate st , veiy small that the > c.iiiuot
bo n oiked in the cais , and J lomember
the liist lot wo got thcio were st\ midgets
that we had to sell to the co il companies
1 often woudeied it the inmeis didn't
luuo a ternble old time getting those six
btoncho mules down a shaft Altei the
become acclimated biouelio mules make
excellent stitet railway stock. Thoj can
make tluee tiijis a daj wheio hoises
make two , and oltcn if lheaio inlraita-
ble they aie urn out foi tups in
succession When thoj get accublomed
to the tiaek nothing can get them out ol
it , they go along with their noaus
to the giouiid like pointci dogs , and if it
woien't for the stops could tup it without
adihcr It tine ot thorn is ciipplcd , or
iiiij thing sotious Inippcns , all that is
necessity is to tin n the animal loose be
twcen the tiacks , and he goes light back
to the stables. Thcic is no trouble taking
caioof them , beuaiiso they won't bo ta
kencaieot The.won't . allow anybody
to clean them. All that can bo done is to
tnbolltheii backs. Ifon try to touch
their legs thoi let II. ) , and then look out
foi tin pieces. The.\ ( nod lo shoo them
at the stables , but eouldn t manage moie
than ono 01 two a da. ) and aflei one had
bioke his neck kicking and anothei bioko
a leg , they woio all tinned over to IM
liiiller. who tlnows them down and hob
bles them while shoeing. Alter one is
shod and allowed to get on his feet the
shop iniibt be cleaicd to make loom lor
the lightning that cminatua fioiu the
mule's heels.
Tlio AVimlouH Cloaked IV loiirln < ;
\Vuter Upon Ijiicklinic.
A Noinieh. Conn. , coitc'nondent
w i lies of the iouug bin glar , Williams ot
15iidgejoit ) , who is now in New London
jail "Give him twenty minutes nlono
with a safe , " sa > s Shoiill Hawkins , "and
Williams can open the most intiicato
lock that ever was dovi-ed , and if 3011
will toll him moid , ) the name ot the safe-
inakei , ho will tell jon instantly all the
jiaits in the lock , and gi\o joii a diagiain
of its mechanism. Ho novel lue.iksa
loelc , he simply liniN int ; inside of twenty
minutes the combination in whigh it sits ,
opens the safe and takes out what ho
w ants and i clocks it , and w hen the ow n
PC ictiirns he finds the sate appau ntly
just as be left it To accomplish Ins
w oik Williams needs , in addition lo his
quick wit and knowledge ,
three oidinaiy wue , which he loices in
to the lock about the handle in such a
waj that the number of the combination
i i educed to twenty lour Ho icasons
that all persons in locking a safe make : t
ceitam number of moves , and a know !
cd < re ot this fat t enables him to ttnther
icdiico its piobable combinations to two
or llnce movements These two 01 thiee
moves he linds out bv actual trial , which
consumes the gi cater pail of his tw < mt >
minutes. In the case vv hen the safe is m
an apartment that is in full view of the
Kticot , ho diops a little quicklime on the
lloor , poms water on it , and the Moam
that au-os cflccluall , ) cloaks the win
down , in llnce instances Williams nn
locked safes , abstt acted the contents , ic
locked them , and made oil in the time
that the men who were in charge ol
them weio at their dinnora lie got
aw a.v with the valuables in a Pti.iltoul
safo'm this way , "
'A Captions
Doll oil 1'iee 1'iC'fi A rc.sulcnt of thn
state of Michigan having mindeicil a
whole family and bicn ( onviettd b due
pioecss of law and sentenced to impris
onment lor twenty-live jcars , thus ap
pealed to the couit :
"Your honor , J wjis in jail one year
pinding this conviction. Tlml limo
should lie taken liom 1113 s ( > ntenee. "
The judge ugi ceil to this , ami the piis-
oner continued-
" 1 pl.inned this ciimo sixteen yeais
ngo Justice demands that 1113 toim bo
hlioitencd that much. "
This nab also agiccd to , and the piis-
oner 'aid
'This 011)3 ) leaves mo eight jcais to
K IVC , and as 1 can gam a .vai ami a
halt on this , and as my fiicndsaio MHO
to nunci for a pat don , it would hcum
foolish to go to the o.xpenso and tiouble
of sending mo to Jaokon "
Theieupon the judge beeamo indig
nant , and not only leliiHid to abate tlio
onginalLiiteneo , but atatod that ho
would not put hia name to the petition
for pat don
While a nmideicr seems to have moio
lights than an innocent man , ho should
cxeicifo judgment and modulation in tko
piisoner box
A sine cure foi lllliul , lilceillnj , ' , llcliin
nnd I'll crated l'ile > has been dlscmcicd by
\Villnuiis , ( an Indian icmcd ) called lr
Willlniiis' Indian 1'ilo Oliitiiutnt. A simlo
box has cincd the vvoint cluoniu cases ol X m
standing. No ono need wilfi i live
iiiinutcsaftei amiljIiiK thii wdiuleiliil .suoth
medicine. I.olioii and
more hnini thnn Rood.Villlniiis' Indlau
1'llc Ointment iib > oibstho tinuon > , nllnyilbe
Intuisu lulling , ( iMitlciilnily at nlclit ta > r
pttthm warm In bed i , acts as a ] ioiillke , uive-j relief , and is preinied enl > fin nles ,
tchlli-'iif in U ate parts , und tin Miitlmi , ; ihe.
Dr. rj-a7ler' Mneta Ointment cuies ns by
maiflo , riiniilos , Dlnok Heads or. ( iiub ,
lilotches iinil Krnptldiih mil the fa / leaving
the fckin cli'iirnnd beautiful , Al o WHIPS It , . „ ,
hall itheiim , Sore Nipplehoiv ) Lliu , ftml
Old Olistlnntc t'lcors. , '
hold b ) ditifc't'lets , or niidled wu r cliit ot
CO cents.
Kftullpd by Kuhn it Co. , n'/jHhrf Pt
llccht. At v.holevdo bj 0. JOoodimm. .
One of ilir Best anti Latest Stocks In the U.S.
fo Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passongertlevator
OI.O. lU'ltKli , MnuiRor ,
ItlirKltKNTrs ! : Morclmiils ntnl Knrmnrs' Honk , Dn\IJ Cltr , N'ol > ! Konincr Nntlnntt Itink.tCcnt
iipjr.Kili.t ( Vliiinlnio Stittu llnnLColiimtuob.i Muloiml > fj IJiuik , Xorlh 1'luto , Nob. OmKtiM
Nnllnnnl Hank , Dnniln , Nrli. , .
AVIlliftjcuilomtra' | Jrafl i\lth lilllof IwJInn iitlnulicJ , for two thlrJi value or stock.
As BIISJ an n lice ICvolvinu 1'iclly
CoiicellH 1'or Hie Home.
Aniotty and cndmablo sulcititut ( > for
blankets , cousideied b } some supeiior to
them , on account ol their light weight ,
me lit ing made this wintei b. ) the hind )
housekeeper One is nnide out of twelve
yauls of nuislin and about six v aids of
nice thick cotton for n iilding Ol couisc
the comfoiler must be Middled on a
quilter nnd the ends nicelv In-leiied It
is quilled b ) ( \illg with woisled or mil
low bits of iibbon evci ) font inches , and
the edjre is linished b } ciocbeling with
worsted the same color These quills ate
vciv waim and oiiiamenlal
Old nmbiella coveis ol ilk s ] < ould be
saved , and will be found veiv useful lor
di ess lacings and patching 'Iho silk is
gone ) nil. ) durable and does nol cut caail. )
Oiiiamenlal bits ot potter ) are made
out of caithennaie , ptiltil } painted
Those painted enluclydlow or blue ,
and lied with a huge bow ol iibbon , aio
considei ed handsome.
A solution ol boi.i\ and water will re
move most of Iho spots and di-cnloia-
lions fiom a cloth dieU should be
applied with an old tooth or nail biush ,
which is used as a ciubbci , ami then
biushcd with a drj piece of tlolli
The bits ol least low I left fiom dinner
ma } be made into a vci ) aavoi } dish for
linicheon The meat should beienunid
fiom the bones and chopped to a mince ,
llien seasoned with salt Tnue as niiuh
nice mashed potatoes should be put with
it , and the whole foimed into little loiind
balls and fiied blown m butter Send to
the table hot with a few spiigs of painlc }
or celery
A litllo linc.soa ] ) should bo shaved into
wai in water and nrule into n lather foi
washing the 1 ices The l-ices should be
nibbed uetneon llio hands , and instead
of ni mging should bopicssed , then laid
between llannel and iionod.
' \Thon B 1 > y was slcV , we p ve licr CaisUirta ,
When ho WAS a ChilJ , sbo mod for Casloria ,
Wlitm olio boc.ainp Mian , she cliuiR Iu Cantoria ,
Wheu lie hid Children , aho gave tlictu Caeloria ,
Stamp Collcctoi-H.
rTheic are : n,0K ( ) stamp collcctois in
New Yoik , and the number is conMantly
ineicasing. They call themselves phila
telists a woid not loiind ill any bul tlio
newest editions of the dictionaries. The
most valuable stamp know u is one that
wna issued by the postmaster at Hiattle-
boio , VI , in 1817 , and was enl } iu ciicn-
kit ion for n few months. Itisnovv woith
OE.CENT BOTTLCs are put up for llio n
jOtJ'uMiimixlittloi ) ol nil ulio iloslio u uoo
nnd Urn pik'o.l
Cough , Cold and CroupRemedy
IIHJSI : nrsiiiiMi A iirMKiif FOR
bhnnld sirnro tlio IDIKO $1 liottlcR Dlioctlon
IK coinpaii ; ! ! ! „ ' tat h liottlo.
Sold ly all Modioiiio Dealers.
llOllr PonU liy innll Hr. l I l r i r i'-
Nebraska National Bank
Pnul up CnpittU . $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 525,000
il. W. YMKS , Pi cMd nn t
A. K. TOIV..VII.S. Vice I'rcstdunt.
\V. II. S. lltJ i"A Cashier.
" ' "
\ \ ' . V. Monsn. "JOHNS ( " 01.1,01 ,
Ii. W. y/.n. % Li.vvisb , Hi-.r.i * ,
Co . I2lli nnd r rnr.mtrH.
CicniruUiuu in lluui.1 ai 'liunsai-toa.
Did you Suppose -
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh.
Oun rnooucTioNs ncrnr. cNTTHC
[ I ITH'CCTION or Siioc-MAnlNQ ,
oun GOODS WHEnrvcn mtnoDuccD
THT iionnpns or nnEAMNO-iN AHC
J.cj&fer fur ! \\init on the
JSi\V YOtlK.
Railway Time Table
Tnc fbllnulnir Is tlm Him or annul nnil do-
pniliuool tinliH liy I cull ill Simulant tlniu nt
tin lot ill depot * 'I lliu C. . M ] ' . , iM. &
O. nnhii nnil ( liipml limn thru ilnpiit. minor
ol Hlli-iiinl Wob"li i Muicts , IntliiKOM lliu II St
M.C.II. vVQ.imdK O.Sl .1 .VO II. liom tlio
II. & .M.dooi | : nilUlicn ( liom the I'nlon 1'ttciflo
llL'"ot >
iminoK TUAINS ,
HridKo tnilns mil luitvo l . I' depot ixt 0:0 : I
II7..15 b ( K ) .S inS r.ll 1110(10 ( 11 : HI IV. in. . 1 110 *
1 M 1-fiO-H ii.OO.1.0.1 4.0J3 00fi..X ) 0.05-
6.1(1 ( 7:00lllii : : ] | 111.
l.iMxotrnntH i lei Oniiiliu ft 7:1158.15 U.TO
'i IJ 11 10.T > 10)7-11T : ) ! n. in. ; 1.1. 2:1.1- :
1 ! ' _ , . 645IIQ . . '
17--.M-3 ! 17 1J7 : - : 7.0 7.6J-
Atihnl nint iliMiarluio of ti.ilns rioin the
( rnn f ( i ilcjmt nt Council llhilTa :
DLl'Mil. AltlllVE ,
'i.lri I. Mull anil I\IMO : S 7.00IM
U 4U7M . Ai'coinimiilutioii 4 , u c. M
5"Ui * . M u:15A. : u
Lllll AOI ) h Hill K ISIM ) .
llri ) : A. .Miih nnil Kxpm s. . 7. ( Or. M
7:1" : > A A < L iimmiilmloti . r > IIP.M
0 ' . ' 0 r. i\iioss ; | U.rAll
LMICAdO , Mil VUKI ) > * KT. I'AUI , .
.l.Klv.M . . Mull nnil K\iiiiH'i | . . 7:00 : I-.M
5.1J i1. M : \ U.IJA. M
o , in in IMIIIIV i \
Mill1 Mini li'vpicss O.IOl'.M
Kxpioss 'J.ljt. ' M
nil is ic
S'llr. M [ < ocnl SI lonls I.IMOSS l ocnl .
B.UOi'.M 'I uinsh.i Si. I.iuilh 'I'liuislcr ; l.2-ll'.M
. .1(11 ( * ( .OI'NLII , Illll'l IH
2:11 A. M . . .Miuliinil i\pioss : 7'.IS p. M
a DO v. ji lUplUsb . O.J.IA , M
rn A . . . . Mont ( It ) Mall 7:00 : p. t
( i- iii i- . hi. I'tiiil l xpidii U.L'i v. M
Dm in. \vit : > ivvAU , Aulvu
A. M P M. ITMIIN I'ALII 10. M i : 11.
I'Hflllc Uxpioti
o A uir. : VAI.I.IV. :
1.20H .Mall nnil Uxincm 210a ;
II .VM IN Mill
6:10u : .Mull nnil lUpioss G.U
It ( Mill NUIil IM : > II-S _ t 10.1(11 (
1)1 plllt. fciOL'imVAItl ) . _ Aillvo
A. M. I ' r. M. i 1'Al II'IC. A M P.M.
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Ijjuit. ) _ _ _ iAr : l'WAItl ) . Aillvo
A".M. irTn. I C , II \ Q \ * M P.M.
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1(1 ( ft111 f.'m. in : S W . ) M ) r. JSp in.
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in ! l..OI1.UJ I 40'i 07- Up.iii
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r , dully tXLupt fcnlurdiiy ; 1) , iluilj uitopt Won-
day ,
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Jiollsm , Oi * in r-itl tyt Pfiinlnal
Irajxjtcncy , 3i'liuil r , facrofula , and all
Nervous nr d Blood Dioonses.
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