Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the Hist Insertion , nnd 7 cents for each
mb | ticnt1raertlon. Seven words wlllba count-
td totholincj they must run consecutively nnJ
muMbo t > nldln ndrnnco. All advertisements
nitirt ticiinmlod In before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd
under no cittumstanccH will they bo taken or
dlfcontinncd bv telephone.
I'mHti-nilvertMiiif In Uie o roluniin ami hnv
Infrtho miincr * fuMrewil in euro of lilt HER ,
will pknco n V for check to enable them to Rtt
their Itttf r . 11110110 will ho ilehvircd except on
presentation of check. All answer * to ndvrr-
H'-Miiililg MiKuld lie enclosedi In cuvelopei.
it,000 Mil ! LOAN on Hid r tnte Apply
ImiiicJiaicly to iinllou Ilios. , 1117 S. lath t.
"At ONLY TO LOAN on hoiJC .viniron , fur-
J'l nltuie , valcie ! . without icmoviil. 'Icrms
on y. C .1 ( niwell. Itoom ID , Iron Hunk null-
iiiK , Utli and I'm mill. . Take elevator. OOleb , *
irooooto lonuon city rLsldenco piopirty.
$ ( ! to. W. DM } , 15JU I'm num. SM
: \ TO LOAN On farm and city prop-
ctlyj call and net our into * Mewart A. Co. .
room ILNobritekn National Ilnnlt bulldlm : . "HJlt
M1O LOAN Money many amount ,
JOn n l Lhe-'in of'comity.
Fhontimti lniiti on realo tnto
IXIIIB iltnc IcHin on real eMato.
Honey lo loan on ( ihutlelo.
Jlonej lo loan on collateral * .
Money to limn on any jrood security.
Toriiut CIRV.I line to null . . . ,
Apply at tlietlmalm rinnnclnl I'.tchauge ,
Iliirkir'n bulldlnif.SW corner of
Flftetiith und I'mmim-sts. , upstairs , V (
MONKY 'or eAerjbodyl You lan borrow
nionev on ftirnltiirn. horses , wnifom ,
piano * , ( -tiik ) ol all kinds , illiunonds and line
wniclitxnn } our own tlmo. rnvmcnls reeclve < l
fit nny lime , and Interest reduced pro rala ,
1'ropcrly lelt In ) our own posxwlon. Tenni
ImtrnHtfiv loviest. Call nnd M.-O mo. llu lness
conlldentlnl. Nondvanlnpo tiiKen. VV. 11. Croft ,
Itoom 4 , Withnell'H Now lliilli'JnB.NorUiwiMwir-
IK r l.lth nnil Ilainey. ' "
TO LOAN-O. I * . Dnvls & Co. Itoal
MONKY nnd Loan njfcnts , IWi rarnnmSt _
ONRY TO lOAK-On ( rood Bocurllie * . A
JlLOavoLk , room 7 lleillck lllock , 1 journriiam
St. 377
" \TONnV TO I.OAN On clmttela , Wooloy i
111 llnirlson , room A ) , Umulm Nntloiuil Innk
bnlldliiR. 7 J
TI ONiY TO LOAN On icul estate and chat-
1 > 1 lels. D. U Tlioinaa. tot ) _ _
TO LOAN In pnms of f lOnnd up-
MONKY on nrst-class teiil estalo secuHty.
1'otlci iCobh , 151,1 rarnam fcl. Ml
. iOANii : > nt C. 7' . Itecd & CO'B. Ixinn
elli ( e , on furnlturo , pianos , > > , WIIKOIH
personal piopcrty of nil Kinds and nil other nr-
tkks of value , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Ilnnk. corner lllth nnd Furnntn. All
Hilotly Lonlldental. HC.
nu&xircss CHANCES.
I.i : Jllll.Dahy. . about 1
. .1ouini.iiinl lund to li'ilbo. 1) . J
Itoom l < , Cieiirliton block.
ITUWNMii : Ono of. the licit < toi-k Intms In
JL1 tliiiMntn.Sl miles went ol Omiilniimslst -
Inir of about idKI ncius ; would lalto a bouso nnd
lot us purl piijmunt. linllou lltos.iU7 S. 1 ith st.
t'llANCi : A line chance re < | Ulr-
IIIK ten or twenty thousand dollars cash lor
ono or two busiucs * men looking lei Invest-
nifiili. Can 1 o fnvustlKiilod I'j Lulling on or ad-
J. L. Idee , \ " rmimm st. 771
SAI.I : IlaiiHnir.i business In Omaha.
IflOK 1 - II. 45 IteoUlllce. 7i-'fcbll
Inoit SAI.H An oMabl'shed ' lestainimt doiiiK
n Kood business In omulia. prlco 11K ) . ( lib-
son iVAichur , Itoom a , Wltlmell lllock. 7-3
TTtOIl MAM' AVe oiler for- sale for the ne.xt HJ
JL ? days- ( 11 o-tabllslied and paying bii-moss.
U'ho only liu-ineps ol the kind in the city mid
county. llisuc | | ° n consists ol pump. " , tiibhiK ,
ilpcH , fra.s IKtuies , tools , waKens , Iniinesq ,
{ mi MI- * , and Iho e\cln-ho a i'iicy lor tlio city
nnd couiily lor the Holiday Dcllpsu mid Ault-
boit'-o vtlml mills. Capital letnilted , nbout tlvo
tliousand dol'aiH. 1'or paitieuliirsad < 1icK How-
uid A : lloltin. Lock llox 5S1 , Kemney , Neb.
_ _ _ _ Wtt-IO _
Oil SAM1 : ThuComnieiclal Hotel at South
F llenil. Neb. , pilco S > " , iK ( ( ) : tirms eaby. Ad-
dicssT. W. I' . , Hoi. 15 , South llend , Neb.
UV.1 foblO *
'IIIOIl SAIiiiOr exchange -Twelve bundled.
-1 and fifthly ncicsot Ho. , timber and KIIISS
liinil , foitj miles ciist of Kansas City. As lich
poll IIH nny land In tlio Klnte , will sill all or pmt
il nt 111 I ecu ilollniK perncio < ir will exdimiKO for
/ / uooil lnipio\l ( or unimproved Kubiusku , land.
I IjedrmdJ iV 5-auer. 153
J7\iill SALi : Oil TKAUi : 1'or iu.ll eMiltc , tlio
1 reMmnnnt , II.Miues ami lonteiitsot twelve
luinlsliid looms on the B. II. 101ol l-l h and
Cnpltnl aveiiuo. Cost SlrOO to III up. VV HI soil
lor J.KJ ( , or on limo to M > d rcsponsibUi
rmty. Ajiply to Coibett , S. W. lor. Ifilli utitl
Vmnum tin. , npstalis. iV.i
8Al.ilots : In PrliwTllll. ) JI'O each.
FOK an chtabllbhed liniiLiliir bnslnes-s In Ne
braska , county scat. ( ill > on &Aichci , Itoom
II Wltlmell Illoek , Omaha. _ SiSI
T71OII SAI.I. lha only leather nnd Ilndintr
Jbusings hi Lincoln , vthlch has been em-
rlcd ciii foi ten jtarsveij ftieeessfully ; the rea-
ton for KKI | | | : death of tbo piopiictor ; capital
n ltilird , fiom to 54tiOU. Address Sirs.
Jacob Haherlu , Lincoln , Nob. 57J
MAItSIIAM. K I.OIII'.CK , ical fstato.
have n ItnoIUtof Impiovcd and unimproved
lots In Omaha ; ncicttiioai thoeily nnd hundreds
ol thousands of neiosofland lor haln ; coiro-
vpondenco sollcilfd. Jlur.-liall .V Lobcck , TiCKl
1'tirimm htiect. Oflico open till U p. m. i/JI
1 OST Ono ofllcial sl/ed envelope addiessed
.tj to I'.M.Thomas , Omuhii , Neb. , lost Irom
iloitvoiy wiiuon I'nultlolixpiCsS company , .lanu-
my 14 , ISNl. Kinder will pleato loiurn to the
olllco ol the 1'ueltlo i\piess. bOIJ-lb *
OST llaj horse , woljht about 1.SXI Ibs. 715
Di'oaturst. I'lmler please retiiin to above
udiliessand iccelvo leunid 71114
> OOM nnd board , { ! > per vvcol : ; very best lo
I callon. 1B11 Davenport St. lit
pillW. : . C. .MetznerStovocmlrCo.lllSouth ( |
L Uthat. botnuiin Uoil o and Doimlus.
" ' "
SJO operation or iiBelcsa trussoa. Dr. 31. M
- > Jlooro , 1U WabiiBh live. , Chicago.
: Ol' IIKtIOVAI. Mr. Heniy Mil-
NOTICi the djer , foimeily ilolnu biislncfsal
ViThlileenth stiiiet. lias removed to Ids re l-
doncci , iIU.Iiuil ; ) > son stieoL I'eisons lia\lnjr loll
any HOIK innate ill lortamo within len ilajs ,
otlnrnlso they mil bo bold. 7CU-1U
* T ADII'.S m want of irooil domestio help can
JL-J bo fiippllc-J by ciilllnt , ' on tbo Omiiha Km-
iiloj iiirnt tjlllco , Itoom Lliusbmmrbllluck. Mrs.
J , W.SIoiriton juopiiclor. b74
iKI It w ember stripH , blinni snt > h mid doors , go
I 1 lol'.D. .Mead iwig. It.thbl. WO
oif"hAI.lTwo : lots in IVlhmii I'lucc. ono
block Irom Hiut mr truck ln < iulre"l f.
JUlli bttoet. . , Mi
SAI.K A barfraln rurnltuio and un-
dcitakliiff flock ; onlyi-toro In lo\nincu ; ,
clunn Htock ; i-ounty t-eat or lloonu county ;
chmitri ! ot business Hie ivason for colling. Ad-
( lie.-.s .M , J. Ladd , Albion , lloono Co. , Neb.
'fivSl *
_ _ _ _ _
'ITIOIt SALi : Tlio leiuo and furniture of Iho
JU Meliopollliin Hotel ; house ilolntr u f.rood
btislni soud ! man i nu IIIIIKO fM ) per month.
Will tell iciiMiiiulilu II taken ut oueo I'm par-
tldilam hmtilui of .1. C. rit/at'iaiJ iVbon.Tio-
n out House , Lincoln , Neb bl4
A line lull lei , t-plendld new 1-
room lotliiKO , eveiy i oiivenienco , will bo
iv BO ! , ! cheap to 11 i ei-ponsihlu per.on on e-mail
ft l\ ( monthly or quillteily lajnicnts. U'JJN. 754-10 Itnh * st ,
| 5iitsON.VI. : If jou are looKliiK- for Itnot-
X meiiltol any kind , but'liie > sihiincos , impiiiv
CH ! fai nix , mllnmcl lands , Umalm city pivpcrly
Imin-oviHl orotherwiso , u HH-clal Imnriiiiilor
this week IttHfUU cici-o Inlet only one liotii 6
Uilui titini Onmliii , that will make your eje
MIUP to look in nnd tome tdilnip. ? do ) ant lni.lU-
thld ui'ek. J. L. like
11 piiiehasiil at our plicf ,
T. , ! . . r T01
" " ) ) . Wo bnve u number of special
baitfalns that we do not ( > HII < to luhertito
11 j-oti uro looking out for buie'iiliu , cull or ad.
duss J , L. like , I'miiam. 7TJ
Iiru > < NAI. West Cumliuf addition lots pur-
1 clnuved now , while tbeyuio jrolntrUicap.on
nafyieims. Will inuirn jon n hutuL-omo dlvl-
Ocml In six months ; i till nnd llnd oui wheiii tills
mlilllIon U loc-utcxt ; \\Wpay jou. J. U Iticc ,
VIS I'm nmn. 7r _
} ICi : > > ONAl < l.ndic-1 ttyovinlty In kljlo und
lit uf Oies-ci. SiUlslailion ( ju.inimeeil in
children's and tmiillv fowInn , ut home or by the
iluy. Addicts 11 i7 , lloo Ollicu. 701-il
73iitsoN.\I : , Iii our la t poi onal TTO nid
there wcrofiJlnt to choose from In We t
Cuniidif ad.llllon . , lint flint wns n wr-ok > ? o , Now
wo bnre nb ) iit 40leftIf thewrnlherkeepsdown
to nlxitit m-o , I don't bellevo there will be mnnv
tothoo'C from by ne\t Momlrty. Think jou'd
better make It n point to cnll this week. J. L.
Illco. la J Knnimn. 7W !
1 " ! ) AND ( IIIMS out of diiiilojmeiit
1 * can make from f.1 lo JO per rinv mid I'T-
} irn es by calling nt lloom A.3i ! N. luih. Call
bnfueon i nnd ID , mid 4 mid 0. 7liO-t. *
\\ANTii-Oool : frlrU for houee-
i work , cook , ttc Omnha Intelllpenco
Ollice , Itoom ; i , y. U. cor. loth nnd Douglns ls.
AV ( I'CIJ A nurse lrl nt f l 1'nrk 7SMO nve.
GOOIMllItLh ttiniHie.1 to vrlvnto fnrallleo
Iho same duy n orders left , full or PC lid
jour order to Omalia Intelligence ollicu , Koom
I , 8. K. ( oinir 15lti and Douglas sts. 7.0
\\rANTKli-Roort Rhh for ffcncinl ni e-
work , dlelnrmlicM for liotel , elinnibor-
inHlili , illnlnfr room plrl . fooKn for bonnllnir
bouses , etc. Call ill the O nnliii limpltuinent
Ituieiut , ll'JO liirnnin St. Ucodviigcs ami small
fnmllicj. ; b7
l/ANTnn-Kltc'icn girl Bt M K. loth i
"l\ANTin : ( llili for pencrnl
R ( od plitK i nnd peed WJHCSS tilnicfi > 'lv en
free Call nt IM llttlt tt , .Veiaki ! : liut > < omeiit
ACIIC' , t'loinico llloeh.
V\ rANni : ) A nr | .cliiss plrl : Ourninn | ) io-
' > f'-Tl cd llUinoimlnssticct. T.K5-10
lTl 7ANTii-A : competent Kill for ircnrriil
Tl lion. ewoiK. Impiltu ttr. Coinent St. Ti'l-l.i '
Al' liiunoiiiniHr. a Rcniicllnnvlmi
Kill. Apply lit tlic Dining Hull , * ls 8. Utli.
WANTin : llnliif ( loom Bill nt tbo Fnrni-
oi'a Ildiiso , Lor 14th nnil llnrney , THt-li.
ANTi:7)-At : s7"\vTcor. I'lth ' nrnf T.envi'T.
\\ottli gts.tilrl to do Koiieuil boii'ewoik ;
Ocriiinn prcfet ird. KH
\\7"ANTii-Ouod : IMilicn ehl nt 10tS. lltli st
T T 70'l '
" \\fANTKIl A nent Blrl for gcticrnl hou e-
woilc In liimll } ot lour , wnaes in.TO or
54 , if vtry compcleiit. II 41) ) , llro Olllco. 76,1
GOOD , I11LS supplied with Rood plneesln
private famllleslice of chano nttlioOnmlia
llffciieo oillce , lloom 'J , 8. K. cor. llitli und
Douglas sis. T \
\\rANTin-ood : ( ; girl : r.turllMi iiiefonnl ,
l mtiit bn nenl nndllliiifr ; small Iiituil ) ;
llfrhtoik. . Cull between 1- and - or ovenlnj , ' ,
MilCaliroinla. 711
-A > TIM At t10 | vv'nlmsb Hotel Stiinl > errj %
' ' JIo. , n Ib-st cliibseooU. Niinc otlici.s need
. 7fJ-l'J4
"VlfANTIM ) A freed plrl to po lo Toil Uoldn-
> T fon. Mis.I.W. Moiiihon , room 4 , llubli-
tnan'h h oc'k , 10th und Douulas. 7111-11
\\-ANTiyo3GoodKitdioirui7r Apply lit
\ AV Lor. S3d and 1'ai mini rft.
"lArANTHl ) I'h-st mid second cook at Derail
House. 7 J
WA > T1II > A peed net I vo woniiin to do
chamheiwoik , vvaces M porweeU. Apply
bctv > ccn tlio hour * ol 11 and 2. ill- Douglas bt.
\'ANTii-A good look at iyTNTlMiTTt" _
\\7ANTnil-Coiiiprti-iit Kill to COOK , vvush
anil lion ; ( ieriimu pieloned. Apply N.
U. llUh Ami California MrI' . WnUeley. IO
" \VTA > Tiu (3ood ulils foe hoii < e-
? > olc Mir . .1. W. Moiii&on , loom 4 Hush-
man lllock , 16th and loiil.t- ( > . 4S ! )
\ -'ANTii : ) rii-bt-eiabs dining-room Kills at
the Mctropolilun hotel. Hit
\\fANTii : > A stioiiff , actlvo bo1 % to 17
yeusoMCfrmiin : ; ! pielcucd. S. VV. cor.
lith and Douglas. 7M-14 *
"V\TANTii ) A yoiins- man who has had e\-
i peiience In selling jrood < in t-torc ; ono
"filing lo make lilnibL'lt geneially Ubelul. An-
pli .510 S. IJtr- . 7K )
" \\rAN'l ii ; } Tinvolint * and city snle mcn icfr-
IT nlail ) employed lijvlioloalu houses lo
cany V dz suiiinle ( on commission ) or nun hr-
tlele in npo In all bii-lmss noiibcs. No samples
will bo sent unlubS applicant -cuds cmd ot luniM )
lepicscnled by him. II. W. Stevens , Ww No.
Clurk St. , ChTcaio , I1L 7IW-14 *
AX'ANTI.I * Salesmen in each county to hi
ll trodiicuit nou jmtcnt spun- ) \\-lillllelite.
Soils iikovil.inrc. . l'iouts l.irtro. Adilit t > b , with
blamp , KhiK > \ lilllletieu Co. , Yutan , Neb
V\TA.\T1'.I > Situation as cro ) or ifencial
TI lioii ° ovu iK ; can Klvo best of lelutenbe.
IiiUlrul3iatalHotiiiaMieet. ( | 7'.il-llf
' \17'A > 'l'ii : > - A youiiH' man had eleven yi nrs"
T > ooiionco | ut ollicu woik vumld lll > i ( a
situation ; e\pu" < s or liui bt I'icleried ; mod-
oiatc fculmy to commence. 1J 1 , Ileo otlite.
7U1-14 *
'VVTANTii : > lly a jminp man , n fltnution In
T' thu dry ponds elotliliiB , or jtioeory bii-i-
ness ; spcuks llornuui , IliiK'llsH and llohnmian ;
Kood ic'leiencei. Addtess box - ! , Lincoln.
Neb. 73IH5 *
TX ANTKI ) Situation by competent JOUIIR
? woman for second v\otU nnd plain spwlni ;
III piivuto tamily. Addict II. il. S. , U'17 S. Mill
f > t. , Lincoln. Neb. 737-14
\ \ 7ANTI.oAItimtinu by a JOUIIK man , is n
I > good penman. Addicts 1) . > ' > , Hen ollicu.
\ \ > ANTii : > Situation bv eonipctcnt iejrl-ler-
II utl ilrinr Clcik. l'i-ht ( jxpoilenc.0.
lluforonce Hist cla s. I ) . 11. Addices euro lice
ollice. I.V
\\r-\ l-covcry ol Conl. Mr. Jlathias
TT Ke H tliu ovviiei ol IVH ) ucius ol' land in
1'oncii , 111 von enunty. Neb , He has leiiiiudtliat
coal IIIIA bc-cMi discovuiiul on his land , und II.IM no
time to Inve tlpnlu bim-elf , lint minis M > mo nnu
InmillarNvltli coal mlnhuito oupimd Ijok at it.
itnthlus New. 78J-15
\\f ANTio : To ii'iit 2 foinlshed nom suit-
alilo lor Hijlit liouickceplntf. Aildicsi 1' .
0. ItoN.M , ' , Oimilut. 7" .
\\ANTiil : To iciithin-'O dwelliiif ? . must bo
i > liifjood icpalr. "lUi Davunpoji bt.TWO
lloaul. I'eiintincnt A gmilh'-
IT man midwife Monlil Ilkoto cn ago two well
fnniisheilsecond floor toonib anil limb , wltli
table boiud In n stiictly pilvato liimily ol ailiiliM
\V ill pay n unoil pilco forsati-liictoi ) accommo
dations ] 'Jea > o mldiet.s witli name , location
and pi Ice , In btrlct conlldcnco. 11. 1Iluu
ollice. 732
171OK ItKNT HOIISB on 17lh Et. , near Capilol
V avenue,811. B. Lehman. 7l > 7
KINT iiin > .o , 3 looms , 5.7 G. r. .
-L TliomibOii | , B. W. cor. llth and I'm nmn , 7'.i '
"TTVOIl lllI.NT CottiiRn ol 7 ioom , Inijio lot
J' with burn on picaiibo , onlj > < , block limn
sticet o lib ; tut ) ) 'Lr ' month. 1'otior \ Cobb , 1515
I'mnambt. 71020
TJ1OK KiNT ( Jood cottano.ri looms , 512 per
J } month. 1'otlcr AT Cobb , 1115 I'm nmn , KKJ a )
: \ Iti\TOlt : li.VSK-S-ioom : housu on
I\oit 1 bt. ; 10-tieio nanlen ultli o-room
boueo adjoiniiw eliy ; Si-act alarm , 17 miles nest
of Omaha ; I ) huMiuss lots on M. .Mary't. ave.
Apply to K , II , Cluipmnn & Co , , 117 llonar.l bt.
IT1OH iti.NT Nuvv 4-i oem bouse , cor. lull and
.1. I'leice , lt per month ; city water. Imiuno
IW houtli Mtb , coal olheo.
KKNT Mhoubos from ten to llfly
1 dollms pci month. Huron lioa.iiS ! ; _ Uth.
Foil luXT : Stoie. Avjilj nt 1112 f nrnntii st.
"IT'OH JINT : Store room on west Bide. llJlh
-1. si ice t , betwiH'ii .lackbon and Jolics ttt > . , with
cnllviiiir looms mtticbcd. llumlln & llnmn ,
1)11 ) 1Illh sts. _ 74'J IS
JlKJfT Ilnscinont und bliLo oven , .lolm
FOlt , ( .15 N. ICtb St. 7fcfobll
Olt itKXT 0 room cuttiiKO , 111. house north
ITV 1 IDIII St. Mao's ave. . on Cliniles sticet ,
CJarU'B mlil.j tiuck tmmrn.t of city ; b-room
liouso , burn , etc. , taumlcio t , K. i' ,
lUnoith 15th. *
j1lt KENT StblC , 3 Xpllll ISlh bt.
"IjTOlt ItKNT Second and thlr itorlei < > f
JL briik building on ramam btrctt , L"slw ) .
iTCljrlit okvutor. Jl. 40 , turo lice ollleo. CSJ 10
T-OH "mvi' : Tliiooliouses oTlO < ! mid I
I 1 iiumik each. J. I'nlpps Hoc. 5i >
" , MHi TTTiNT I'ottnpe of 8 roomtTund MimmT'r
kitchen , bum , city water mid clstci n , on
Ibth , near U'incnwouli strict ; nN < ) LOttiuo of
( Minis on Miuhiyanblockji I'miil 1'mk tun.
line , small bnro , will , etc. U. U. Clark. 13 li
Duuglut t. wl-H
IliNT llon p or ten rooms , and fur
Foil for wile : four rooms now rcntid for
enough to pay rent of house U. U. Armstrong
1 ! < 11 1'nrnnm st. _ _ _ CM-r l _
ITVOIt ItKNT Nice nvc room cottaffo. S. Pith
JL1 near Center. A. I1. Tukey , 1W rarnnm J-t.
_ _ 7CI _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
l/Oll IlKNT TSvo cottape" , Jlii snd $13 pci
JL1 month. W.SvvUrltT. ( Irnnlto Uloek. 4 *
ur.NT-New hou o nt IM ) Jni-Vson * t
L1 Apply nt Cutinlnghmu & lltciinnu's , 1511
Dodcc st. _ _ _ _ J _ _
T7tlt \ Itl'.NT House belonfrins to the rotate
JL1 otJuilRO Clmdnick.tVJ Park avenue. y.J.
Council. - ° ' _ _
171OK HUNT Two new BandO roomodliousos !
JL1 furnace , balli teem and all modern conven
ience' , one block from strctt cnr . Inquire Jo.
1' . llatton , Bit aMli St. , or bmelllnit oiks. K"J "
T lJlTlt NT A f-toro room with Kood collar
I ; 11HJO Uuitsticet Aiply ] toJolm Uutmor
UI.M' - stores on t'tu nnd l.tnvenworth
JTiOlt . i store on South lllthst. llotb nrst-chi = s
btisliiissltcatlous. Also Uousos lo rout. A. Jle-
Davock. C
"inoil KKNT-Wlth l-onrd , Inprlvnto fauiH. ,
- " nicely liniiNicdliont nlcovo " " ' i ! ( fcnlle-
in. land vtlli'orlMOpei'MTaon ; II rstclass par
ticsonlj : ieU'K'.6s : : Klvcn nnd reiiulied. Ail-
diesU 2 ! , ilee OIliLC. _ 78S-10 _ _
' ' lurulshcd looms. SW9 Dodffo.
I U1U-18'
nil HUNT Koom with board. 1G13 Capitol
Ir 1 nvc. ( SI-SI *
1J1O IIH1JNT Two looms , furnlslicil , H , AV.
JL1 coi oflSlhaml Ilainoy. 74 Ml *
"ITlOll IIKNT Koom and boaid lor two fjontlo-
JL1 men In private intnllv , near liuslmts * tonlcr.
llercrontoreiiulied. 411 N. 17lhsl7ii3ll *
OK ItlJ.NT I'ront pnilorvvlth boaid lor tnu
Jj orlhreejL'ntlcnirii. ! 1811 Dm unpin t t.
"irioit ItKNT Large fttinl hed front room
JL1 with closet , also back routu. 17W Callfor-
nia bU 7iK
TTIOU UINT : ruinl hed rooms lor ladles mid
JU irentlemeii. ltls Capllol iivenuo. ttU'lU *
171011 | { i.vr : Klce room mid best board $ l.f > 0
JU u wcckjverj- best location , US S.lillli Sl.h'l-U'
TT1OK HUNT A nicely lurulsiied pmlor : also
JL ; ono upstairs loom , 4-t N. 17lh St. tilu-11
ItllNT rurnls.hed loom , liuiuho 10th
Foil Douglas. dV >
TrTo irui : > T ruuiislieil roe ms 1707 CassSl ,
JU li IH *
KNT Completely fill nibbed lint , fi
teems mid bath. AildicsS II , f. lice Ollleo. USi
17\01t \ IiNT-NIeely : lutnlshed loom. S W
JL1 cor. luih mid St. .Nlarj'savc. f > 14
IH'.NT I'uini-hcd limit ioniuvvltj3 use
FOIC bath loom ; iilcimmil location. liKiiiliu
lit ollice ol C.K. . .Mat nc , li'ith mid I'm mini. K.T
IJVOK ItiNT Two suits of 4 looms each ,
JD I'ierco street between HUli mid -vlli. I'.u-
iiuho llth mjd 1'ainani. F. .Mochlc. IM
_ _ _
iOlt HUNT ruriiished rooms. 2SJ Jf. 1'Jlh.
] T * i : KKNT rtiriilshed rooms , J.WJ Hnriiuy
"ITtcn : KHNT 1'iirnl'hcd room with board
-L1 bultablolortwo gentlemen. 1614 UodR-usf
71OK SAM : Tv\o lots Inl'iospeet I'l cc5800.
lJ Houtcaiul lotflr.0 , nuintbly piijinents , Lot
l'i ' > ; ebon's addition Sl'.OO. tlecnyo 1' . ItemN , lo
and Duugliis. VJ' )
"ITloTfsAl.l : llj I'ottet \ Colib , 151I'm imm
-L1 ft. , 1 lot In West llml and nt S'JWl.
lots in Sliinn'h I'.il mid ut J-7-'i eaeli.
A luwLliolLoloth's at Jl.KH ) each.
Lot liiJl ; on lUtli.a blocks lioin piuement ,
Him ncro In ( SoUo'1 ; add , S1WX ) .
y ol thu Lheapcst Jotsin I'liiluvlow , onlj ftr/o
caell. 7J4
"I71OK Clioleo llar alns in leal estate , call at the
Jl ? ollice ol IheOmahuHcal IMalo \ Loan Co. ,
looms 2 ! und UJlAMIlmell Hiilldliiff , Omalni. .OS
I 701 ; SAM : > iicii & JkComiiUu , 1511
A liiM-elnss ic-idencc propoity In Denver ,
or w ill CNeliiiiiKii lor Oiiiiiliu ( impui ty , 47.IVW
.Tino luim in Siupy county ; \\ill oxulumso for
Omalia iinipcilj , fT/ilM.
niolcujfsldunco in St. Ifliils : will oxchaupo.
Acre lot mid now bouse , Hlmobiuisli'f , udd. ,
SI. 'ID.
lltinlncss lots on DoiiKliis St. , $1,700.
Tttu-stoiy lioiisu , full lot. North Onmliii , 5'JCiOD.
Clioleo iioio lot , ( liMadd. . , ? l.l ( ) .
] ! nsiii'-H ! lot , bou > o luiil.bain , Dudtjost. , f 7.500.
Lotin West bidu , fJi'AJ lo * HM.
Douglas tounty limn , Id ) aeies , 5 ,009.
T o yood i evidences on 1'aiU luunuo. 701-13
TTIOIt .SAMC Hv Dexter L Thomas i , Ilto. ,
JU loom S , Cn'l hton block :
aw leet on I'm mini bt. Stf.OOQ
ui.\ir < U , . w. cor. 17th and Center , SJ,003.
WlAird ) , Haiibcom I'luce , 5700
OlotftU\ir,7on } Hamilton and Charles sts , $ GOO
to bKJ.i : blocks \ > ebtol convent.
WlxH'i , cor. dilutes and Mb fits. , $700.
UlxlMilth honeo nnd bain , near 20tb nnd
Centei , tllliu. Very choiip ; binull payment ;
biilunee monthly.
W.xll" . , Uth and Cluulcs , with bouso of 5 rooms ,
well , etc. , fcl/xK )
a lota , Uitt O'H addlllon , $000 and $0" 0.
2 lots , W. A. Hedlck'B add , , ? 1UJO.
Jxitcor. 27tli nnd Diivcnport. l.'KX ) .
Wo think all tbo ubovo bai ulns. Cull Tor
Inrnih. le.\lcr L. 'ihomiui A ; llro. , Itoom 8 ,
Cicteliton Uloek. C ± i
oil HAI.K A taw choice lotn in Lotrn's ild-
dllion 1 1 oin f.lTi'i to $ u.iU , AL-o IIOIIMI and lot
Ki.D , on cus } tcrniB. 1'ottcr A. Cobb , lMi ! Pur-
mini ht 7 !
| 7\OKSAIi : A low ( 'OOd lots ill Hillside. No.
V ono on iJiuciinoit and Uhleiiito bis. , clienp
til S7f/0 to W > 0 each. I'ottcr & : Cobb , 151,1 1'nr-
iiain bl.
"IT : Cmnur on raldwellsticot , iiiuu
"ITL ? haumleih , , Wj let.'t liontage. ( iniliinn ,
, lllotk. 7if ;
-Troit SAIjK baiK'dn In bnstiioss
J ? piopeity , 1-5 feet liont on Ibtb K | . b > IM fuel
deep. ItcM Im-lnc.-K point Mimli ul thuiiiiluliy
tuit'K. On | ia\cd btrcut , i ur line , etc. Only 3-i (
per ll out loot. l'otterCcibb , 1515 I'litnam ( ft.
! , : > nitI-Adjoinnir ! tlio li.iri neks on
BKVii , bah tint ndvantatro on nlco level
drlveuav , beiintllnl Ideation , llnu viewe md
cvei j lliiiiK' clMj Hint KOUb K ) maVn up u splendid
plueo lor a lusideneo. Nu llulveilitie. It is
I'M | ap propei ty , and no mlsttiku' * C. K. Jlayne ,
B. W. cor 15tb and I'm num. MA )
OK KAl.i : Two jiood lots In llanscom
Ip Phiee , $ i" > > cui.h ; easy teiin-j. ( iialium ,
C'reiglilou lllock. 714
17loit.SAI.K- house and 3 nicely eluvn-
' led lots .n Hlilmi's M mid. JliAW. Alb-illno
M roomed lionsoon Chirk bliuel. nicely clouitcd
lot , $5wx ) . Uibbon i. Arthur , Itoom II , Within ? !
Hluck. 14U
" 1710 K SA M : Clioleo 5 or 10 tici o Iraets , 4 miles
-L' boulhuest fiomcoiiit housu , 1' , mlli' ' > lioin
junction ot' I' . 1' . II ) . nnd Hell Line , and 1 mllu
Irom block Vnuls , ni > ll ; all under enlllvii-
lion. C'nn bo lionulit lor t7. ! > and tcUliuriuiL | ,
it bold boon. ( lioiiiiost propel ly In vicinity ,
1'olter A. Cobb , l.'il 3 Karrinm bl. W5
p.V'I'KIDK'H iiildltlon on Sminders Rtieet \
-L ilio clieiipost jnoiierti In that pint ot the
ellluctdiis rim lliioiiKli tliU addition.
Schools aiu convenient , business ictichua It on
t\\n f.ldeh lorconvi'iiiencoand de lmblu locality -
ity l'atileU'8 uildltlon liaa nuiny advantaged.
Call anil mvvbtliratu. l.ou mil ) 700 lo ( IU )
each. U. E. Mayno agent , b. W. coi. IDlli and
I'm mint. I'M
"iTioit SAM : i.otfi < m DOU-O st. ,
JU inoiithly pujmcnts. Uaiham , CioUhtoii
lllock. 715
IjiiK"hA"ij"oit vnA'MTilHL'iil"j : ( , lotblu
iIxiup Clly , lounty M ut of Hhi rman Co , ,
Neb. Gibson jLAichcr , Itoom U , Witlincll Illoek.
- ! iiuio and hull
lutb , tlnoloc.ulon.U t miles liom 1' . O. , onlya
tfv , moments nnlk from HIIIK.-DIU 1'utl : . Acics
( tK ( ) . Ilulf ncn'bJi' , 1U jHtruent cash , btiuinio
monthly payments C. IX Muj nu , S. W. cor. 15th
und r'aumiu. 47 J
T7KJK SAM-Pouth : litiits 111 Cllllon 1'lace ,
-13 UOU ) each. W. T. UinUiini , Ciel hton
lllock. 710
1710K.S.\I.i-lxt In lluttlett'Budd. , $ oOO ; eiiby
Jleuiis. . lit iitimn , Ui elvli tun lllock , 717
FOKSAM-A two story , S.'JM. frame build
iiiH.euitublo for u btoro , uoar WtU mil Kur-
tmmbtH. Apply at tuH olllco. Ul *
( SAI.K-iotiOO 10 per cent dividend
17(011 1 stock , ( JlbiOn A. Aribcr , Koom
a. vvitimeil liiocK. * jy
_ _ _
.n rots In Jlarth's ndil. " . * l7"W " to
leinia to btllt puifliHM.T. Umbani ,
ik. 71 *
"tTTOH SAI < R A ReOcrnl tncroiinnitl < o liuslnesj
JJ In n rapldlxtixjHiiiff town not fnr from Lin
coln. Ilcft trade ntidrlocutlon In town. A splen
did opportunity for n party vvlhtiir ( n ( rood
opening , and linvlnir from corcn to ten Ilioiuund
tiolluu in ciish. Will jell lor finli only , or pnrt
cash , balance renl cstato in Uinnbii , Address
> l crchunt ' , llGO UjJIco. _ SS
lit miles north of North Auburn. Noli. !
nbout < l.\tj ucitmindcr cultivation ; irood lioit c ,
barn , nltd n pooflnijll of wntcr. 1'or fuitliet
particulars applj to It. It. Hoadle ) , lltownvillo ,
Kcb. , 4KlnnJl (
nrioit SAi.i-itj : stockdaleAliunc.hcr , : t cnsl
JL1 fnmt lots In Klrkw t.od.
7 loom house nnd lot nnvenjioit Pt. , cheap.
llnrgidtii in nil direct Ion ?
Sco us bctoiQjou btiv or 'ell.
Moekdiilo A : lUineher , ' 1311 Dodjro St. 770-in
J\OH.SAM ; Larso and small stocn mucbes
' with orvvltliout Mock.
Tor Snlo a lot * in Sprlnv Hill. $ IV ) eitch.
1'or Sulo KstiiblUlied lifl'l.Intt liusliie 4 In
Ncbraskn. count } s i t. Oibson A. Archer , room
y , Wltlniuli "IticK.
lsOi KichimBU Xcbra'ka fitrnn for Omalni
property : uiso landi to uxchiuitfu tor stocks ol
( roods.
Wanted n liusituxq lots for cnsb within i
blocks Of imMnlllev
1'or K.xclmntrp nx ) iicreimpiovcd farm. Mudl-
ton loiinty , Neb. , tor bouso nnd lot In Oimilin.
KorSalo A 5-nero tnict 4 miles of po tolllcu ;
i < : o = l M-iKi.turi-l.riCO cush.UltisoiKxAixbcr ,
l\\VJtiiiLll | Jtlook , . _ . JUI
\isr : KlfiK stiitmtilitif iivenirortti street
will tie tnn junction 61 the Mo. 1'ac. and
Hell Line. lts purchased tbero now will to-
turn n liniulsninu prollt to the bujer In a very
Fhoil time. Hell \ McCiuulllsh tiud C. 1C. Miiyne ,
sole auculs. f [ > &
iiAM'-ciie.xp Ion In H.utsoom I'litcn.
. 1' . htuuMns. SOJJiiuli *
"ITlOltslAMO House and lot -'in SS-Mti st.cionp
J ? nnil iiflrunMitx : Allilnsi a S. Chlpninii , Lin
coln Kub. 571
F on SAM : line ( .oinVlot.miM uml south
1ront. llnnscom IMieu. W. T. Uriilnini ,
CiolKhton llloik. 71' '
1 ANU siiivts , ATTINTMN : For full
-LJ p.irtlcailars about ficii nuJ cbonp lands lit
Western' Ncbraak.'i addrc Tim * . C. I'uttcrson ,
KoiilKsUito Airiint , North I'latto Neb. _ S13 _
FOtt Choice Itnr aliisui icul at tlio
olllceol tlio Omaha Iteal KMiiiv.V LDIUH'O. ,
iiiims ) ! uniR'J , Wlthnell HiilldlntOnmlm. 7iiJ
SAM : lijC. . K. Majno :
: ilfi Full lot. small honco. Wllcox add. , $730
I'ull lot on l.cavumiotth st.t netv hoitbc ,
i all modern convenlcncic , JS/iOO.
.0 ! on rarnain M. near 3th St. ,
moms , alt modern iiaptovomonls $ TTijl. | (
S0 ! Tun lots , tuo buuseb , "titli near llowimt ,
lieu e , S1
Monthly pav-nU'iits
B.'O Lot lUDV UO , I wntiitpt two R | reels , nice cot-
I.IKP inclttfrlta'com Turk , ? 4.nro.
310 llandsouKilot , nioo cuttntru 7 * li > ins , Geor-
> 'la. nvo.fvli"ti ) ,
314-lx > l rp0.xi ; -,2Stli and Harnojhou o7 teems
> 1,000.
yjO Tin eciieies , ( rood house , fruit , etc. , Lcav-
ennottlibt. , kSf/W.
STO 1'nll lot , twocottn c , Shlnn's add , ? " ; i > 0.
' ln Housof room * ) , oust trout , buautllul loca
tion , Jlunt-utim i'laco , ijJJ. .
2J1 Klesanl lusidonco 10 looms , fwo lotn. fine
looatioii , eey possible coin eiiience ,
Ml. 1 101 1 ,
lin torner lot , nlci coltiiRO C looms , ono block
oil haundcib bt. , I.iAtJ.
IDS Iliiiidsonic&tciitlnAo In Omnlin. 5 rooms ,
bcmilllul lot. ( leoijia live. , W.-OX
175 Iot iVlxl40li/ / > ii e4 rooms , South 13lh st.
JII ' .H ) . { .
JfiO-eJooiniou Iboms , full lot. Ilkkoiyand
lUtlt. $ l,7Ki ( : vciy cheap. C. U. Majne , h
W. cot , 15th nnd lrurtmm. 53
TlONALIbT , aOJTenth fatrcet , between Fiirnnm
und Hurnoy , wMll , with the aid ot eunrdlan
bpints , obtuiti , Ur ituy ono a Blanco In thu
past und present ; and of cerium conditions in
iholuttire. Hoots nnd shoes nmclo to ordor.
1'crlfct hutUtnctlou iriturnnlt'ud.
Chanfjoot Timo.
Comniencinuijpviibpr2' ( ; ! , llurllntrton Itouto
C. , U. &Q. IL It.llWln fftr CtiiouHOuiii ! St l ml
leaves Omuliiitlfl t'Ui\-M. ( ; IL ) 0 p. m
ThroUffb bleopers , uoadie * nnd dinhw car. No
trunslur. " - HAHUY OUUKfj ,
Tieltct Airvnt , 132-t Karnam bt.
These dcGlriiifr to put out I'rult or O.-n.imen-
tal 'licos , Sinulis , Plants and Vines , uill llnd it
Kieatlv totbelr inteiest locoiiMilt i : L.Kmei } ,
by letter or In perj-on. In le mil to kind , cirilily |
and price , befoioordeiintrol anyone , Oiders
Mionld bo Kivonearly. Ollito 1JW llarnoy &t. ,
i L'Mdcncc , "M I'm mini St ,
Co-Fartnerslup Dissolution ITotico.
riVHi ; co-paitneibhlp herclofoio eiKtintf be-
-L tweun tlnj iimJei lirn'd ( > under tbo namoof
Omaha Cm pet Co. , lias boon ili--olvc'il. A cor-
poiatlon will biicceod HID linn under the i-amu
numomid the underpinned will , with tlieir tmo-
elates , continue to conduct the linolne * * .
JOHN r. nnu < ; i.eCH : , %
Incorporation Notice.
N'OTICr ; of the oiKiinl/ation ol the Omaha
Caipet Co. Notito Is heieby Klvoii that
theio luib been executed , n knuwledffcd and
Hied lor record In tlio olilco Ql the county clei k
ol Douglas conntj , Nebuiskil , the lollouiti ? , '
mtlcloi orlncoifiorntlon :
1'libl Tlmt theio 14 hereby oi anl/eil n cor
poration niinied Oinnlm Caipet Co.
Kccond That Omalia , Duutfltii county , No-
biaskii , bliall bo the principal plaits ot trmib.iit-
Im ; tlio Lnslne-s nt said cot poration.
'Ihlrd That h'lld c-on'oiuilun shall Iran-act a
Kcncial carpetcurtain and Umdicd ( joixls Ini.-l-
IH ) S.
1'ilurth That the capilnl slre'n of i alil coipor-
litlim hlmll bo ttmitj tnonsuiKl dollars ; that i-ai < t
o.ipltnl btiiLkf-liull Do divided into two hundred
Slnucsnl tlio par valuoot ono hilndied dollars
eitch ; Hint all nt said capital block bus In on sub-
sciihcd bv said pmtjcs ; tjiat t-ulil inpiliil stock Ix
lull paid and r.qii | issu > gble | : thai Iho sum ol
said capital Mock shall be paid into the. ticasury
ol tbo I'orpoialion In cash within live dayx alter
the OTiKiutloiMil Ilio-o uitlclitxH ineoipoialioii.
I'lflh Tlilit Hie evNIenco ol Mild c'orpoialion
shall commeiee | on the date heieuf and termin-
ute llfcumluirilUt , IB ! ' .
Hlitli That tliu InilobtviliicbS or liabilities ot
said corponitlon ihnll not , at any onn tlmo.ox-
iced thirl ecu tlueu limutioJ mid thir-
ty-threo dollars.
Sijveiilli 'I hat the business of i-ald corpora
tion shall bo conducted l > ) a boa id ol dlii-ctois ;
that Henry llnueker , .lolm I' . Hfrgeseli , 1 red
Sunder und Uavli ) I ) .Mil'cr ' shall fiinsilliilobiii-li
boaiil , until their Biiccci-ni-s are sileetod and
iihsumo their diitleH ,
Hllfhtli 'Hint I lie stockholders of said 201 poi-
alloii shall ooiiliol lint amendiiuim , uitln.on or
mniumler of thcto ailiclos of jiieorjXiimion ,
anil hliali enact acoJc ol liy-luuHiunl amend , iNner < -
\Nnor i cniml'lho baini ) . Thai ibe llisLiiitetm
ill thflSioekhtrtdnibof thls'i-oipninllon shall be
held at No , 1511 Douglas btu'et , Oinnlm , Nrlnat-
kaon.lamim.v mill , IbNI , at ! in , , or
nst-oon Uioie.iller lib a iiiajoilly ot them shall
In testimony uHftrcMK said parties have heio-
unto sei tliolr lum l.- und suals on the da > and lion-Inwill leu.
HKNUV OrS'CKlllI , Isl'.VI.
1'KHI ) sjl'NDIIlt , ISI VI , .
ProponMa ffar Real E Mr r.
Scaled | \\ffi bu lecohed b > the mi-
flci-tUrned until fi o 11 > < * k p. m. Monday , .limitary
2'itli , IWU , for a tfnct of land lorn school rite , tbo
bind land locontuin ut leuM JUKI S'juurn led ,
nnd to bo liiciuitl ' lic'fHcoli ' mid IndudliiK
both blde of Nlchola > ctu-nt on Ilionoi III , \ \ < ib-
ster bttcet on t/M / hoiitb , Tblttlelb ttieet on
thu ueat ami sjauAdeid Miect on tluieabt.
' 1 he bourd icsefvotljo. right to icgect any or
all bids ' " > '
lly older ol llmboiud of IMiication.
I.IIAIII i.f , COMIV i.n , becretmy.
Omrt. or 1'ouiTnot.i.i.u of riiK'uiini' ( < > "t
WAt.iiiN < noKf December ID. 15
" \\niHHKAS , by Millalncloiy ocidenco pio-
T i t.cnt < l to the Hidc'iv-Urned , il has lieen
made lo appear that Tno Omaha National Hank ,
In the city of Omnha , in the county ol Dom-'lin ,
und Male of Nolniisku. IriH LOinp'Ifd vlili all tlio
iiruvlfcioiisoi tliouctof coii rix'so to enaboNa-
tionul Itunklmr ABeuclutions to extund tlie.r
corioratu ua tonuu and for otlui puiposi' , ,
. - . ' .
Hppnucd July liili.lH.-C.
.Now tlirrcloro , I , Henry VV. Cannon , comp-
tiollerol the eiinc' hciob ) leitlf ) Hint
ThaOimihiiNntionul IlimU.lnthu oily ot dmnliii.
In Iho counly of IomMas.und atateol .Neora Ku.
Isniillioil edto Imvntiiieccasliin for thu period
tpocltlcd In lu nminlixl nitieiux of uv-ocliitlon ,
namely , until clou ot businud on Di-iuinbur
lith.lWi , ,
In iCbtlniony wheicof witness my hand acd u-ni
ol olliiu this luthdaj "I December ,
16&.V II W
Coinplrol'er of lliu
He Knew Dmc Hill In York State.
Chicago Herald An old nmn with :
vvliite felt lint 'and n Ions' walking sdiel
sat in the Grand PaeilFe M K Ward
nn journalist was sitting near bv , nnd
his oltlcnrionsity erceping upon linn , IK
turned to the stranger ami asked-
"Going back west1" "
"If I don't get left , " the old man im
plied very promptly
"Hcen i-ast " asked Mr. Ward.
"Yes ; been to Albany. "
"To Albany New York ? "
"Yes. Went down to hear Hill delivoi
his inesage. Hain't hettrn such a mm
i-nge sinee the war. "
" HillV'
"You know Governor
"Know him ? 1 should say n. "
"Did 5011 meet him in Alb.tnjV"
"N'o. lie met me. 1 le .seen me in tin
crowd while lie was ilellveiln' the ines
sajre , ami when he eome to vv here In
eotiltl tak a drink of water ami spew il
( iiit he sorter aid to inn in a low tone ol
A nice. 'Hello. Hill , that's putty thin stun"
ain't itv ' , Iest as natural as when I
know ed him in York .State before tin
war KnovvliimVcll , 1 should tay so
You bet ho didn't drink water arter hi
{ jot through spcakin' . Mo nntlier , foi
that matter. "
ITV of knowing that Jr. Kiehmomj's Sa
inaiiLtn N'ervine auls ns an irresislablt
spueilio in Liver ( . 'omplaints , Kidney lls
case , Pulmonary
( jiiit and all disnulers ] ) ioeeeiling fron
n dupruved condition of the animal
fluids. To deeline taking a .sure remedj
when siek , is to court sull'erlng and in
vile death. At druggists.
The Eskimo of quality wear ;
dainty boots of dressed se.ul skin will
high leather ton , stained dill'erent colors
and leaehing about the knee. Then eonn
the trunks of Heal skin , with the fur on ,
r < > aeliiiig onl.v half way down the thigh
The upper part of the body is eovered ly
n loose-lilling Miioek , jiulled on over tin
head and titled with an attached hood
whieh eaii be worn or thrown oil' tin
head at will.
Charles ] ) . FredorleKs , 770 Broadway
K. Y. , the celebrated photographer , say-
that Alleoelv'.s Porous Planters liave beer
u ed by hiin elf antl family over twenty
years. He found them wonderfully ofli
eacious in eouylis , eolds , and pain in tin.
back and side. Applied to the pit of the
stomach they ipiickly cured him of indi
{ Te.stiou and dyspepsia , lie also fount'
them admirable liver regulators Tvher
applied on the light side.
Prof. Huxley , recalling the fact that he
is four A cars older than the oldest steam
railroad , says : "L confess it lills mi
with astonishment lo think that the Him
when no man could travel faster than
horse.s could transport him , when 0111
means of locomotion were no better than
those of Achilles or of Kamses Mainitin ,
lies within my inemor.v. "
Captain Mitchell , of tlio bark Antoinc
Sala , New York nnd Havana trade , cam-
homo ill May , entirely helpless vvilli
rheumatism. He went to the mountains ,
lint receiving no benefit , at his wifo's request -
quest , begun to tuko IlooirsSar.stirilla. ! ] ) !
llo immediately began _ to improve ; in
two months his rhenmtilisin wasallnono
and ho sailed in command of his yofsela
well man. llood'.t Sarsaparillu will hclji
you. bold by all dutggists.
The number of vessels ptit into the
water at Dundee during the past twelve
months is one more than in 1884 , but
there is a serious falling ofl * in the ton
nage. Of the thirteen vessels launched ,
twelve were steamers and one a sailer ,
the combined tonnage being 7JMO , and
the average 0157.
of the day is undoubtedly JAM KS Pi'LE'S
PEAItLlNE. It eleanses the dittiest and
most elegant Inline without injury
nnd with little labor. 1'or sale by
Cieorge IV. was one of the most de
voted patrons of the turf. Most of the
develonmenls of modern racing took
place in his youth , and when on his
death bed one ol bih last requests was lo
know the result ot the Ascot races. He
won the Derby in 1733 with Sir Thomas.
"Tlio Slough ol * lenpomlcnc.v"
in which you are wallowing , on account
of .some of those diseases peculiar to jott ,
madame , and which have robbed you .of
( he rosy hue of health , anil made life : i
burden to you , yon can easily get out ol.
Dr. i'ioreo'.s "Favorite Prescription" will
free von from all Mioli troubles , and soon
recall the loso-tint of health to onreheek
and the clacticity to your .step. It is a
most perfect speullo for all the weakness
es and irregularities peculiar to your sex.
It cures uleeration , displacements , "In
ternal fever , " hearing-down sensations ,
remove- ; the tendenev to cancerous all'ee-
tious , and corrects all unnatural discharg
es. By drnggisU.
A peculiar accident occurred recently
at South Abiuglon , i\Iiss. : TJio ISrockton
brnneli train , when runiiing around the
Y curve , jumped thu rails , ran quite a
distance on the bloopers , and then , strik
ing a patent switch , look to thu rails
again in good style , without doing the
slightest damage to the train , merely
giving the good nhuking up.
Oraalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
1 ho only road to take DCS Molnc.i > , Mnr-
khulllimu , Cellar llapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago ,
Milunnki.'o and all j > oints east To tlio pcoplool
Nebraska , Colorado , Womlni ; , Utah. Idaho
Novailu , Oregon , Win-hlm-lnn and California it
dlloihsiipoilor advantiitfoa not puaslblo by any
otbei line
i few of tlio nnmoioiis points ol suna-
rioiitj enjojed by Ilio i > alr < ms of tliU inadliu-
twenn Omaha and Chicago , mo Its two tuilma
day of DA V COACH to which mo Iho Unnsl that
hiiinan art and immunity ran ciuute. Ho I'AL-
AL'i : BLUII'IN(1 CAltS , which nro modiils of
coinfoit and ( leifiuico. Its I'.MtLOK UHAWlN'il
KOOM CAHS. iinMiriiasod biinv , mid Us widu-
h ccli'briite < l 1'ALATIAL 1I1MNU CAIld , Ilio
( Hiuulol which cannot bo found ( tUouliem
At ( inncil Illiiirn the tniln.i ( il tlio I'nlon 1'uci.
llo Itv.conni'i t In rnlim Deixit with Ihosuof tin )
Chicago A , Noilliwcbluin Ity. In Chlciuro tlio
1 rains of this line nmlMi close timm cllon null
tho-ool all eastern lines.
I'or Detioil.ColumbiiH , InillmmpdlH , Cincin
nati , Nlairara Tails , llulfalo , I'illsbiirtf. T 'ronto.
.Montreal , llo-lon , Now Voik , I'liil.idelpbia , Ha
llmoic.WasbliiKloii and iillpoliil in ibuuast , usU
If jou wish the best accommodations. All ticket
srmV/jiVTT11111111"1"11"1 / "Ai .
Otnciul y | ; . . . I'IWB. Aitoiit.
A DlltlX'l1 LINK Itllt
England , France & Germany.
1hu umiibhli | of this well linovtu line aroull
ol lion , in water tlKhl cumi urlmeiiln , and ro-
luiiibln-U v\itb cu.'Olhliijr It ) makullio luioiiiro
liothbafoandajfieiablo. Thoj canj Ilio I'nltod
t-uilebiind Kuropt-iiii malls mid lento Now i oili
ThunMltiys and Huturdajri lor rijmoulh. ( UJN-
DONl.tbdlMmff.ll'AUISanU HAMIIl'lltH.
Itmes-l'iisl laulu , tW-ltW. fatoui o to Jvow
Vwi. , tU
Heavy nntl Satisfactory Trading Among th
Wheat Crowd.
1'ork Scow * nn AO ance of UOe , am
Imril Gu AVhent Advnnoes on tlio
AUcrnooii Uonrd lilto Stock
Slow nnd AVt'iik.
CIIICAOO , Jim. II. ( Spoola ! Telecrani. |
Wnr.AT lnteie t ncnin eenteicd in whea
to-lay , tlionxli the pioUsinn eiowd did i
hiije bu lne * < . 'I'lm oppnlni ; for May wa
bll4C , a loss 1 loin jestoub ) of } * iTliu
cruwd was In a selllnir mood , and pat the
pi Ice down nnothcr MO , bat at br)9o , the low
Hi polnl toticheil > i-stei d y , the inaike
ttiini'tt tip anil iidv.mevd to fc-Vfe. - 'I'licu
was \eiy heavj tiaiUn ; ; lot the Hist hour am
a linlf to two liourd , but baMiictsatttu Ilia
poiloil wns iitileter and or tUmliiNu'd Mil
tune. Xat Jours led the Uiivlng , iii'iiliiiiint.
&oiiicv\hcio tlio bottom ami lolkn\iiiK
the inaikol up lo nrail > the top , or , as tlit
otliois put It , "imlllii } ; " the iniuket up. ( Jos
sip had it thnt WopilsliolTer had * < out oulcrs
throtish four or 11 vo Huns to take -ttK.i0UOO
bushel' ! , and that hH onlotweio * ou'i'titoi
by the party limned above. The im
presslon M'i'iiied to be , howevei , that tin
inncliascs wete made to iwor pruvlotH sale
iiy a syndicate ol lowl boats , headed b. )
Iteein < t Uiulahy , .lonos belli ; ; al o millet
.stood to bo hhoit. TliemaiKet s.tKKod ti.u-l
to tUV , mlvanced to t > \3 o atialu , lost ' 4c
tallied to b , and closed td & " > l4gy ( > ' e at
o'eluck. Tlio d.ty wai on the whole sitlilac
toij to till Intel ests , nnd ga\o tr.ult'is i
Ml on ( titAixs-Coin and oats were
steady , bat quid.
PitoviMo.Ns 1'iovisloiis were very stiouj ,
to-day anil higher. Thu opening wasiathui
\\eaUatornbotit jpsterd.iy'.s elosius , but the
mail.uter > MIOII liaulcnod and juii-es ad
\aneeil , the 10 o'clock i.mso belli ! ; at the be
Urines ol the inoiniiijr. At that hour poll
li.ul snuicdan ad\auieot 'M& u and Ian'
fcc. 'I'ho volume ol Imslnesaas lui o am
it lather better Imuiliy lui cash inopotty 10
Ai'imsxoov JJoAiin 2:150 : p. in. AetUi
Mieculatlveeommoditiob woio till blither this
aftenmoii. aihaneed .stc.ulily am
ly Jfo , Fchnuny touehliiKNliCe , Mai el
, ami Mit > WJc. .lust bi'tote the close in
ellort was ni.tilo to check the ully , but las
( .ales weioitt the top. Coin ptished up veij
sIlKhtly and piovisions mo\ed upwaul , poll
gainlni ; " ) C ami laid iKe. !
2:15 p. in. I'titb onMay Mhrat , fv > ? < c ; calls
b'SXc- '
- _ _
CuiCAf.o , Jan. 11. [ Special 'J'eleprain.J
CATTKI : The supply , incltnUng state .stock
was libeial , but bujeia.seemed to le.ill/otha
tl e > had pit ten the best ol the uculdcnta
a > ! ilanelie for Tuesday and \YfdiiOMhi > '
euoniioasj Hood ot cattle was imilnlvnccl
dental and ver ' ( li.spo ed to bu > fieely at
Wednesday's decline. Ol eomsc , buyeis
tiled to Kot cominoii to lair entile at .stil
lower i.ties , in tact tliev neglected the plain
ami Infeiior btuck , but ijood tat cattle s-oli
moie actively than on yeslctday , ami al
steadier prices. The niai Let to-day was bet-
tei than je.steid.iy , because it was no
The New Toils caltlo inutUut
clo-cd > ( c lower , with about one trail
load ot cattle unsold. At Kan
sns City today the supply was mod
ciato nnd values were stiomjer.
The hcte to-day was Kood , bill
while theumiKcl was .steadier , bti > ei- > would
not pay any moic iiionoy. Some cattle weic
lionilit lorespoit all the way tiom 1.00 111
to 5.n. : bliippimj steei.s , 1SV ) to 15001b- > ,
" ( ? ! . ; l'JK ) to 12. > l ) Ibs , 83.SO@-1.50 ; U50 to
1200 ibs , sa.couj.'
lloos The { 'oncial niniket oencd ] slow
ami we.tU , anil about lOc lower , but Liter theie
was a bettei demand nnd tit the cloo heav.\
soits w eio about 5c higher than the lowest
point ot Urn moiniii . The bulk ol ollciiits ) ;
weiool light anil mcdluai suits , and such
sold at the decline noted above nil closing a
good lOe lower than jesteiilay. itonih ami
coiiiiiion sold at & : ! .70iif.75 : ; pilmo pacldn
soils at feJl.bOi' , ami bc t beavj at Sit.'J"
New-York. Jan. U. MONKY On call \y \
@ : s per < eat.
I''AiM'.n OftS per cent.
l''omioN : KxciiANdi : UIM.S Hull ami un
changed ; sl.b5J' , lor sixty days , and & -1.8 lor
( Jeinaml.
( Jovr.itXMKNrs Dull , but steady.
fc > iOCKH .Active but weak in the morning ,
and MIOUK therealler. JJoaliiivs : it times
wcie iiccoiiipaiiiuil by considerable
ness. Upto the closu ot thu boaid nothing
delinlto wns known In lecaid to the
mnde towu < Is RottleineiU ot the dilllciiltlcs
beiweon the trunk Hue pool ami liallimoie A ;
Ohio , but iiimoi'hveie numeious that lin e
concessions bad been made to this IS.iltbmno
( V Ohio , and that that company liail also
jlelded toMime extent , lesilltiiiK ill a practi
cal settlement ol the dilllcultioi that have
existed. The lesiilt ol the dnj'sopeutioiis
Is an advance lioia the lowest lifjmos ot 1 to
U percent , ami a net gain as coinpaied with
lust e\euiu ol } * to per cent , although
Xoitiieni I'.irilic pieleiied made a nut ad
vance < > ! 1J4 , St. 1'aul 1' ' and Kile K ] > er
cent. Michigan Cential is down ' 8 pel cent.
Chicago , Jan. H. Klnin Dull mill
tiucliunucil ; winter wheat Hour. & 1. < 10 . , ) . > > . * > ;
siiulliein , 5l. 0' ' i-l.l.1 ( ; WlMioiislii. 4. J6 ri.l.'i ;
Michigan sull .sjiihi wheat , fei.70 1.03 ; Mill-
lesol.i baki'in' , 5 ! ! M tl.M : ] iateuls , { -1.7.V'C !
\r > onu \ limn , iiulet at i-3.o ; ( ( ' In b.u-
els , anil S ! . ! < ) : ! ! . IU In siel.s ; hue ) . wheat
loin , SI.OU/i'iMl in b.tiicl ; fe..OJ J.iij PUI
ul. In b.ic'Ui. . ICuleil ntioiiKei . diieiieil easier at
, C 'He nuiler jealenlay , ailvaiiceil le , leaded
Coin QiuiJ , vvtuk ami lower ; r/i''e lei
'asli-OV" : ; ' : ' < H.ieloi .I.iiiuao mill
i-i ) . ( iiJKixo lei -May.
< JaTB Jult but not ninleiliillv
asi4u inr cash ; ii , e tin .Isiuuiir ) ; ' - ' > > 0e l r
I'elii > : ; il'if'iHje ' : lor .May.
| { \ Hull ainl < ft-x- .
IJ.ulev blow anil ilull but easy at C.w ;
OV- .
OVTimothy - Dull hut easy anil le below } cs-
eiilny ; inline , cash , frl.7f.
lfla\be il-LiiflmiiKiMl No. 1. cash , ? 1.12)f )
I'oiKActive ami lliiuer ; ailvnneeil lTi < Of
iOo ; olO.- lo.r > tor eash ; , < ? 1MI ( ) < (10.1 ; > / for
lanuaij itinl IVbiiuuj ; lo.70 ( < tlo.J lor
LmilKalr ileiiiiintl , Meailler mid lilglie ; ;
SO.Oi.JiQf'O.W lor casli , Jnintuiy nnd i cb-
. - . ' - , . .
liiilk .MeniB-Shouliluih , iris.VWl.O , ) ; shoit
deal , * . ' 4VIIV10 ; hott illw , s.l.l'y n.lS.
\VliUky il.lS.
IStittei-lnactlvesooi1 ; to laiicy cicaineiy ,
. . , , .
lull euianis OH ( .her
jotmg Amunw. , laui-j , Wt
u-i oureiJ ,
creen , So ! heav v uieen alteiISs4c ! light ilo ,
y wH' cjlMill liltle * . "Sesilry salted ,
dtv Hint , lni. I4o ; calf j-klus lOoilHo ,
Tallow -rnelmiitfeilj No. I country ,
Xo. 2cotintij , le ; raKe , PC ,
Kecelut . Sliliuucnli.
Flour. Mils . tUHX ) r,0txi
U'beat.lm . 0,000
Coi ii , mi . ' 'iWH )
( ) ats.bu . ST.tXW 3JK)0 , ( )
Kve.uil . l.OtK ) noiid lev. , oil. . . . ' . . -10.000 Sl.OOO
New York , Jan. II. Weak ; ie-
eelpts , JVVi ; expoits , fvi.iKK ) ; easli , a slmdo bet
tei with moie dohiK for evtmit ; oiillons
uiteneil weak , later reacted , eloslnir linn ; tin-
Kiaded led , SV'-Rif'.tJc ; No. Sietl , Ni'ie ' : No. J
led , lO'je ' III elevator ; 1'ebniniy closiiiK nt
Coin Snot ea ler ; niitiuns opened fliiu ,
Intel declined , elosltn ; linn with a lecovery
ol U4 ( ' < % ; ieeeliits,3.iXKle\iioits..MixX ( ; ) ; uu-
cradcd , J. ) lic ! ; No ! -id'aiiriTe ' ; Nt > . 'J ,
i'ie ' in elevator old No. 'J , " , > 4c ; IVbiunry
closlucnt 4sj c.
O.ils-A simile Unvei ; u-t-elpts 2lOJc\- ( :
lioits , roi ; uilved vvestein , JiO' ' rTV ; wnllo
vvi' tetn. Sx His
I'etioletnii I Inn : united closed at .
Kufs Dull and easier ; ivcelpts , l.hio i > aek-
aces ; vvestein , Ust Js e.
I'oik ( Jiiietnnd nominal.
I.anl Valtl.v active : wile * : western steam ,
M'ot , $ iU."i ; Kebiuaiy , Sn.-f.Wfi.-H.
lluttei-ritm nn line mailei.
I'hwuse Finn inul demand moderate.
Cincinnati , , lnn. II. Wheat I'll m ; No ,
S ! led. We1.
Coin-Kaslei : N'o 3 inlxeil. nTf.17ifc
( MH-niiu : No. 2 mixed , iiPf&e.u c.
Il > e-K.ili deiuand ; N'o. 'J , t ( < tiMC.
Uaile.v Model-ate duiuaud ; extia NrO. 3
J'oik-lali demand at SUU-0.
l.nid--nrin mid hlcliei at fO.10.
Whislty Sloadi tit bUU.
Itlllwanlcoc , Jan. II. Wbcat Stiongcr ;
cash , 7'iv % : 1'Vluil.iry , hOc- ; May , Wve.
Ooiu-lull ) ; No. 'J , V.'M- .
Oats ) ; N'o. 'J , ust.e. ; No. 1 , r.V.
H'ulevSte.idv ; No. 'A Mi * .
I'uivlsloiis Illuliei ; mess poik. cash and
, laiiuui.v , S10.J.r : ) ; l-'ebnuij. S10.-10.
. viliineiiiioiisu. | . 1 1. Wheat Hosed
No. 1 haul , .l.tuunry ; f8tKettrtt ;
ai ) , bi jtMaii'li ; , Mi' ' e ; May , It'e ; No. 1
noillieiii , ilanuiii.v. Me ; 1'ebiuary , 81 > io ;
lnieli. s.1 , c ; Miij.'O'sV-
Flourrnctiiiimed ; iwlents ,
alcei > , S.7r..f4.oJ. : : \ , 1VW bu.
hliipmeiitsVlie.U , Ib.lNM bu ; Hour , 11,000
Toledo , .Ian , II. Wheat --Closed fiint ;
ensli , s.1 . ( ( ( S'.i'ijL1. ' '
Coin Tn in ; wish , 3fc.
UatsNoiinnnl ; eusli , Die.
ljivti'iool | , , ) iin. U. Wlient 1'onr tie-
uuiiiil ; new No. - vvlutei , 7 ljtf.1 , steady ;
new sjuiin ; , " > l'd. ' steadv.
I'loiu I'ooi demand at ss M , easy.
Com Kill id m , inn : old niKed , Is 7Vfd.
dull ; new niKed.Js 'J1 d , Dun ; .liinuniy anil
I' , In in ; .vlalvli , -Is'-'d , 111 m ,
Si. liiniii , .Inn. H. Very nctlvo
and l'4in ' > ' hettei ; N'o. i ! led. easli , siC' He ;
. ) : tntini > . VNIVbtiMty. . Si ! fMilsf ; > ia.v , IMV.
Com -Mull hut til in ; N'o. - mi\ l , cash ,
: " ; . . ; ! ! ; ; Kebi tittrj , ssi e ; May ,
Oats-Veiy dull : mixed , cash , SHe KO c ;
.lainiinj l > e hid : .May , : ilc , bid.
Kve Nepleeled.
Whiskv1.10. .
1'oik I'ii m at S10..7) .
Laid .Sleadi at 5" . ' . ' " > ( 'ti'.00.
lliilter Dull ; eieaiueiy , 'J' > ( ! 5"0c' ; daily , 10
C ' -M.
M.At TKIIMHIN llo vni > Wheat Oulet , but
dt-i e In 'hei. Corn Steady nlid a bbadu
Iniiiei. Oats Unchanged.
Kiiiisnsrily , .Inn. 1 1. Wheat Strougor ;
cash , ( i > gi-biu , ( ill1 " , o asl > ed : Kebiuaiy , COo
bid , ( .V asked ; Mil } , 7iV : _ . < i < > 7l * e.
Coin Stemlv : cash , ut e bid , -r.'jC nbketl ;
rebiit.iiy. - \ " , .Maj , JJl e.
Uat-j Nciiiilnnl.
riiiongn , Jan. II. The Di overs' .Journal
trpoi IN :
( 'atlle Keceipls , r.,0(0 ( ; steadier ; shipping
steeis.8XriUs : 5.T > : MooKei.s and Ieedei.4.t > 2.iH )
l.r : ; > ; cows. bnlN nnd niKed , l.bOt/'UWj bulk ,
$2.MiX.y ( > .
llp s Kccelpts , 14.000 ; opened lOc lower ,
elosiu : ; lit met ; lou h and mixed , Si.r : > ( V < ; ! ,8t ) ;
p.ielJin ; and .shijipiiip , S.bOil.05 ! ; liL'ht ,
.j.SilM ) iklis sjjf.rtgi'i.
Sheep Km'ipis , fi.ODi ) ; steady : native' ,
? 'j.Uu\.i < . .00 ; w esiei n , ivri.T5 ( ) , : ; TeMins. , S-.oi
a'-V < ; Ininbs. $ i.K ! ) ( ( r/o.
K < III I CHy. Jan. 14. Cattle Hcceliits ,
1/,03 ; hliipmeiits , IKK ) ; shipiiliiL' pudes
sluiii er and a shatle liiuhei ; bulcher htnll'
hltndy ; evjioits , S-1.V.5 ( ( ? " > .1 ( ) ; common to
choice shipping. & . " . ! i(4l.7.'i ( ; stockeib and
leedeis , ? " .i ( ) ( \ . " > ; cows , W.Hifai. ( ( : ! :
I logs Uecelpts , 11,001) ) ; shipments , 700 :
weak and HV louci foi niediuin nnil coiuinoiii
good to choice , fe.-j oy ; coinmon lo
medium. s : > . . ; &ii/r : ; < o.
St. Ijotiis , Jan. M. Cattle 1'ecclpl ? ,
1WK ) ; shipments 5 X ) ; ( jiilel and steady , clos
mid all sold ; common to "cboleo
.slnppilii , ' , fet.7.-M' : 5 < MI ; blltehcin' steeirt. S3.25
fel.tK ) ; cows anil lieileit. . < ; t.UOi ! ( < : ! . ( lO ; stockera
ami feedeis , S'J.dOo/il..iO.
IIo s JEeceliith , Kl.iUKl ; .sliipmeuts , 2. )0 ) ;
Caiilv ncthu and Ide louci , closlti { ; lirm :
bntclieio' mid choice Jie.ivy , : i.K5i7)4.X ) ( ) ;
' light , § ; J. l
'J'liuisila.v Kvcnim ; , Jan. II
The cattle mat let ; vvassU-sulv to-tin ) at ye
leiday's piices. Jintehuis' block was ill
; tnd lliere was not much liinuliy , A fe
eovvschaiij-'ed hands. Coin-led Meeis vvei
In ( 'ood demand and sola nt proud piices
bunch oC Jovva natlve.i polns at S-1.50.
The ho ? mai ket was n blimle Iciwei lo-d-1
Die Kiaile ol lie s on the I'laikot wan i
us. ( food as on the jnev lolls da.v. ,1. K. Iov. !
iaeMiu ; house was lemeseiiletl at the MI
by a bujer.
Xo , Av. Ti. No. Av. T
! > . 1011 S'.OI ) IS. . . . blO ? !
S'o , Av. IT. No. Av. r.
-I ) . 1111 fc.70 : ! ( it ) . . . . 14 10 S
! M . KKifl ; j,7. " . 05. . . . .11055
41 . 14 1 4.M
lll fj ,
S'o. Av. 1'r. No. Av. l'i.
71 . y'i & : i.u' ' r,7 . aio SH.UI
.si . yii : i.u' ; wi . u.S ! : i.rii
to . ! ; n : i.r ' 7S . , { : i.rj
TS . ' v > : ; .ri M . : or
75 . 'J70 K. l'i ? J . Jjsjj ; | .w
r.s . : x , i ! i.ii fis . t r ii..1" .
C" . 'JIT ! Uri , w . : ; oi : i.oi
. ' ' "K ; : < o
CM . livj i.'i'i in . i.
r.7 . : KT ; : in . w.u : io i
( ! 1 . KOJ ! l.47 } 7U . ' "Jll ! ! . ( -
i.ii . : ; oi : i.-i7 > ; c,4 . ; ni : : ; . ( -
ts . .K' : i. . ' , ( ) m . : nu : ! , in
7ii . ywi : ivj [ } . : iii : (
o > . : ? v.o ri . : ; v ! : i.i. . ' ,
' w . : ! li ) y. i ' ,
Shoulni , ' tlio iiunibi'i' ot cattle , hogs ii'c.l
ilii'i'i ) piiielinseil by Ihu lowtl iiaekeibon t-nt
naiKet , to-day.
'Ity bulebei.s M ! J
i. ll. Hammond A , Co lu '
I. K. Ho.vd 11 "
i. II. Hammond it Co it'1
Note All wiles of Mock ill this inaiket am
ii.nle iiei evvl. live weight nnlcvi otbeiwi-
luted. Head JioL'b hell at li : per III , lei a I
U'luhts. ' "bid lib , " m hou'.svvelgldiiirleHs lh ii
00 Ibs , no value , I'ie0'iiaiil bovvt. mo docK- I
u Iba and oU s fcfl Ib- .
'I'liuiMliij ICM'iiliii. , Jan. U ,
Oeiu-ral MiiflcniH.
Krii.h-TIiu mild wcalhei had a temlciicy to i
yeiiken tiiv inuilat itndbulea vveiu jiiiulu at
h < u I'.lc.
Ur n r.u Thu Mipply "f f\m\co \ \ table Imlte
ll tlio m.iiket is vei > limited. Tliuiu win
oiiMileiablu iniuii | > lei the cliolcu Kindi- > ' . SI
oor bullet dos-h not sell very leadih. '
tiictly eJiolce tolls , lS@17cfair ; to eooU , 'J < v
Se : iiiledor.1W.H' .
Cniisi. : : K.iuey full ncain chrddais. ( It
oher inile. ; llellits ; ; I''u ; > oiilin AmeiliM
IWe ; iitiallty hwlss cliet'Mi , le ( ! ; wwiml
iiiality , lJiHe ( ! ; biicl : chocie , 13c ; Lliuburcv ,
-The market woh blluhtly
iHlav , Chickens , > > ( < f. < i : ; enl > a few vei
liolee hold at Ilk- . Tin key * , II choice , hell
iMilily nt ItiJiii'fliic. ' ( Ji-e.Mt and dtiekii am
t iire.sent in veiy K o < l demand ut UKUllt :
( iAJii : The iecfiHb | of ' ! " > niu Jlj-'li t
iiK iirinclpally Ui the uxpliatlou ot Iho
O.isoli. riaillKL-lilcklillB ' . ' .75 < uiUJ : ; tUicJ.s ,
nallaid. fe..i' : duckb , U-uI , SlA'ttulM , duct.- .
5l.Wl.Wl tiuall , l.WSil. i ;