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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1886)
1 * HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. IFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , FRIDAY MOKNING , JANUARY 15 , 1880. NUMJ3JBLI 178. CARLISLE AS A CANDIDATE , Not Troubled With n Presidential Buzzing Etc , but Would Take It. THE FEELING AGAINST EATON. .Mure Assurances of Demooiatlc I'l lend-hlp for Diikota'N Admls- lim-- lie I'lesldunl ntid Ills Appointments. Pieslelciitlal Ampliations. WASIIISOIOX , Jan. 14. [ Special. ] "Speaker Cmlisle Is not sulleiing fiom a piesldentlal bee In his bonnet , " ' aid ono ef the Kdilwky ( statesman's most intimate friends this moining. "J have had a number of talks with him about these Malemcnts that hohas his eves on Hie national leadeishlpa ample of jeais hence , mid I tell ) ou thole's nothing in it. " " 'I lien he don't waul thepieshleiic ) ' . " ' "Oh I wanting and getting It mo two dif ferent thing , " leplied the gentleman. " .Mr. Cnillsle Is aliaid tint he Is In the w long lo cality. He S.IH hankl ) , hovvevei , that he believes lie would make n stioiig lace , mid that with u good man on the second place fiom New Yoik that he could bealastiuu- Jier , nnd thai he might be elected. " "Well , why not take thei i ace If he can get 111" "Xew Yoik. " "Whatol N'ew Yoik'.1" "Thcie's the tumble , Jlcdopeen't believe he could cai r ) that state- , lie thinks though , that he could cairv some doubtful states In the west ; that lie would cany , for Instance , AMsconsIn , Illinois , Calllomia , and Michi gan. " "Well , If he could do that , mid save all the stales carried by Cleveland , he would not want New York , would he'.1" "That is not the question. It is running a risk. Then Mr. Cat I isle thinks wo should make New Yoik a slionghold , and cany It ever ) time ; that that state will 01 should be the nueleiiKof thu noi them dcmociuc ) . He has gieat lalth In Ids fice Uncle policy , and believes It will pievail. " "Who Is the speaker most In favoi of in "He thinks Havaid and Moiilson Is the meat combination ; that it will bind the thiec sections lo cthci cast , south mid west. Then time would be tlio soldlei nnd civilian and statesman elements , the lieu trade and the relomi elements , all so well mixed up that the' ) would suit all classes. " "Do JOH think Mi. C.ulislo uppioves of the present adinlnistiatlon1. " ' "Mi. Caillsle isn't s ) ing a word , is he' ' lie Is speikoi of the house ot leinokontatlvcs- lemembci. " imv ITI.I i n iimornir. II Is well known hole nor , that avety stioiig light was made against the conliniia lion ol Civil Seivieci Coimnissloiiei Katon. Senatois Logan , Mitchell ot Pennsyl vania , and a halt do/en olhei leadIng - Ing icpiibllcans set theli faces hnrd against him , mid It was by dint of stiateisy only that he pulled thiough. The law isqulies that the ininoiitv pail ) shall liaveouo place on the commission , and the lopiibllcans want to be sine and haveatmu bliienniiat this time. The ) snj that Mi. l.'aton Is not a republican , but a mugwump , and a mugwump Is the most unpopular quantity that can bo piodnccd In Washing ton. ton."We "We considered it an onlrage , " said one of thu leading leimblican senatnis to-day , "that a man like Katou should bo placed on the commission to icptoscnt om paily. Ho Is no bctlei than n demociat. And ifwoevei needed a tilie republican In any place It Is the one now held by Mr. Katon. Of course , Mi. Cleveland dosiied such a man as Katon in the place. . Hut 1 can nssmo ) ouofono thing : If It had not been that Katon pledged to lesign within a month ho would not have been continued. " mi : I' ivit.itrmin. : A delegation fiom Jakota , Including thonoHl ) elected eongiesslonal and ' 'htato' ' ofliceis now licio , called upon 1'rcbldont Cleveland to-daj to get his v lows on Dakota matteis gcnciall ) , and the admission of south Dakota to .statehood p.utlculaily. Mr. Cleve land received them \eiy coidially , and said he was much Inteiesled in the ( picstlou. He Infoimcd tlie delegation he would bo skid to heat all they had to say about thu matter , and that he would give them an audience out of his own piivate time on next Monday. Dakot.ilans mo pleased over the sunning atti tude of the pieshlent , and believe he will lav 01 their pioject. They ha\o gieat confi dence In the inesldeiit's well known sense of Justice , and believe ho will treat their case impaitiully and without political bias. Kx-Senatoi McDonald of Indiana , the lead ing ileimcrat In the state , Is now In Washing ton , and Is quoted by his Hoosler liloiids as being in lavoi of the admission ol Dakota under the piosont state movement. Ho was a member ol Coneioss when California was admitted under Nliullai clicnmstances , and \utedfoi it. Seimtoi McDonald thinks the question should not bo made a paitlsun one , and e\pi esses conlldence tliat the dcmociats will vote quite hugel ) foi Dakota's admls- hion. SllVOn MATlUts. The senelai ) ot thu tieasinj to-diij ( inns- niltted to the house of icpieseiitullvcs an es timate of the cost of collecting customs dues at dilfeient poiln thioughont the coimtiy. lie estimated the poit of Omaha to hoSl.W , thepoit of Dulmquo S.W : , and Hmllngton ? .iK ) , blmpl > thos.ilai ) ot the collecloi at each jilace. Knink Laflescho of Xebruskii has been pin- moled In the otlUuof Indian allalis from tStOOtoSl.COO Mi. Lnllesiho Is an Indian , nnd ono of Uncle Sam's must faithful und elliclcut sou ants. COJIMiril.r.S AT WO1IK. YVAMiiNcno.v , Jan. II. [ Piess.l The house committee on public hums ngiccd to day to lepoit favoiably to the house i'ajhon's bill declai Ing lei felted ceitaln umntsof lands made to Mississippi , Louisiana and Alalnnia In old of llioconstinctlon of rallioads with nn amendment excluding thu ( inlt and .Ship Island grant lioiu the operations ot the act. 'Ihe house commltteo on banking and ciu- iriicy held Its Hist meeting to day , and oican- L'.uil/ed nndei the chaiimansldp ot Milieu > 'o buslnebS was tiansarted. The house comiuiiteu on J'aelllc ralhonds ulso met foi oiganl7.itlon to-day. Tint liou-io judlciaiy committee at Its meet ing to-day lelem-d to n hiib-comniltteo , 1011- hlstlng ot Collins , UnlbeitMin. Heiinett. I'.u- ker and llcpbmn , Collins' bill to c-at.iblWi n nnlfoini bV.stem ot bankuiptcy. . The rollovving telegnim was uvilvcd to day from lioM'rnor Knoll ot Kcntnck ) : "J.ogls- latino now in session is consldcung thu question of phmio pneumonia , but the qu.ibl quarantine- whuli join dcpartincnt has been operating will expiie to-moirou. 1 re- ' leqiiest thai > m will older itscon tiniianco until the leglskiluui shall malai MIIIIO movlMoiis to piiu : nt lliehini'.ul ot thu illspabt' . ' ' Commissioner Iminedi- ntcl ) ordeied thoqnnraiitliu'continiied. I'l'Mi i in , u 10 A.V IMIIMI. : In leidy to n Idler tiom e.\-Dele/ato Downey - noy of \ \ > omliic. In behalf of n pioinjmmt rattlomnn ot Unit teiriUny , against whum ] iioC-illn0rs ( have been ii'toinmended to com- l > cl the lemovul or tencos maintained by him enclosing public lauds , nvjitoMliij ; that the uBs bo poptponcd until spring , the couiuiUiloner of Itiu t'cu ral land ofllco has written dt'iijliiir the request nnd statiiii ; thai It Is the Intention of the land of * litoto push iifli pioceedlnu's as rapldl ) as possible , and to continue them until uverj nnlavvtul enehmire has been removed from the nubile lands. M.n m.u \ M it son in MI.ii. The statement that Pi evident Cleveland has determined that no ansv.ershnIl be Klvni to ( lie leqiiMN from the senate for In- toi mation n t < > t he leasotis for reniovalsor uspo'iislons , isnnollielalh denied. No such leqnest has jet been addiessod totheplesl- dentb ) the senate. Severntominuiilcatlons ! weie sent lo the < Ii iliinen of HIP < -enate rom- liiittec'3 loda ) b ) the ealilnet olllcers of the vminus executive depaitiuents couched in substantially the following form ; HIK I Imvethe honor to aeKiiowIa. thr' receipt ofoiir cominunlcation ctllini ; Jin Infoinritlon ns to the leasons for the suspension ( in removal ) of aiiil the appointment of us . In lesiioiisc , 1 have the honoi to lorwaid heiewllli the Insinuation in ineiis - todv coiireinliig the aipo1titiiieut. ) 1 hnve no Infotmallon as to the piesldeut'H leasons lei the suspension (01 ( removal ) . 'I he papcis thus tiaiismlttid lelate < ; otelv to the litmus of the appointee , ami sa ) nothing about the charartei 01 quiiUlli'itlous of the dliplaicd. Nil .siie haset been laKed with the pusldeiil ( n this subject. It is further leaineii th < pie ldent as jet Ins neither ex- pi esM'il uoi tonuedain dcteimliiatlon as to whit he will do in ease the possible Issue is raised. ( VIM i \i. ( H.r.AMMii. The set let ii ) ot the tieasiii ) his settled the long pendinu'conttou'ix ) in icuanl to the niiileiial to he used In the eoiistiuctlon ot the goveinment liiilldliu ; at 1'ittshuig , i'a. , b.v Instiiictlnu lhesiiieivlslniarchitect | to awaid the coiilrai't ' lo tlie lowest ic'sjiuiibible bldde.1 for fin nishini ; granite. Secielaij l.amai has sent to the attorney general a communication exploring his oilnion ] Hint suit Miioiild be biouuht In the naiiHMil the United .States to tent the validitj ol Hell's 01 telephone patent. Among the bills intiodmed In the senate to-daj was one b ) U INon of Iowa , to lix the lateof postage on fouith class mattei at ! ) ( ents lei each ounce or fiactlonal pail thereof. _ AV13STKHN MA IKS. Suiuitof fiitulersuii's Kesoltitioii and An IjXitlnnntloii ol' it. Cincio , .Jan. 14. [ Speciil 't'elegwitur The Times Washington special : In con- \eisation conceinlng his icsolutlon intro duced in the senate jesteiclay , benatoi Man- dei-on * .nld : Jt seemed to him that as the government wasiiuedltoi ol tlie Union Pa- ( ille and did not have a good chance of get ting Its due except on set vice , It would bo good pollc ) to have as much tunspoit.ition as possible done b > th it company. Compet ing lines , paitly peihnps on account of bettet management anil pal 11) on account ot being fieei In the management ot then atfalts.weie iniinlng the Union J'acllic vci ) elo-elv and thecompaii ) was In need of all the biisiue--s it could get and the people ol Omaha weie inteiested In hav ing the Union Pacilie helped Instead ot banned. 'the postolViceollIcials saj. "In considera tion ol having mails destined toi points be- jond Omaha concentiated upon the liiuling- ton and contliiuition , tlie JUiiIlngton A : MIs- souii , tlie Hmlington puts on a last mall train without additional diaige. In deed , as the pny lei c.urjlng the mails does not Incieaso ( | tdte In the i.itlo ol weight of mads cauied , thcie is a sm ill saving to the govoimuent by sending all mails ovei one line. There 1 furthei economy to the government in the tact that undei special congressional enact ments the I'lilon Taclllc has to be paid full lutes , while other loads can ) Ing the malls by the above airangement got onlj 60 per cent , of the lull rale. AVhat the Union Pacific loses is tianspoitatlon of thiough mails liom Omaha to Kcainoy , though it al o loses b ) the completion of the Northci n 1'acilic , whlch rallies niailH lor Idaho , Montana and Oregon , which it used to cany. The Union I'acllic can baldly complain ot the dnp.iitmenl foi sending malls over the most dhect louto , as fast as the opening ot now lines atloids the department loom foi choice , but it has for some time been tilng to break 1111 thoar- raiicemeiitheieby pait of the mail trans portation It nsud to have has been ghcn to its couietltor ] ) , the Uuilin ton iV. Missouri Kivei lailioad. " Uniporor AVIIIiuin Opens I lie I'liisHlan Diet AVilluni Imperial Hpcculi. ! H. Kinpeior William opened tlie 1'riisslan diet to-day. In the speech his majesty said : "I am giatefnl foi the love and lidelitv ot my people , and foi the benevolent hiupathy which has boon extended mo by toielgiuouiitiles. Our toieign Ii loudly , and suppoit 0111 bellet that the peace ol Hiuopo is &IIKI to continue. " The empcroi eoiiclmled by ascribing the do iiiesslon in trade to overproduction , which , ho snld , It was Impossible so pievent by legal measines. Ho announced that bills would be Intioduced lor the eonstiuclion ot railvvas ami canals , as well as other measmes that would bo designed to assuio the develop ment ot the Ceiman people and prevent the Polish element liom pressing the Gei mans back. An Iris h DlNliop'H Hope. I.OMION , Jan. K Auhbishop Walsh , In an address nt Dublin today , said Parnell hopeil to obtain al settlement ol the Iiish iiuestion fiom Cladstone. Ho tiiisted thu hope would be icali/ed , and that the sad re sult would not bo witnessed of depeiate men , despiiiingol seeming freedom by const Itu- tional means , having lecomse to dnimtc ! and the dagger of the assasln. Conlemplntlnn a Coup lie Ktnt. LONDON , Jan. H. The Dally News s.iS that theie aie rumois that the gov eminent meditates a coup de elat In Ireland , and tint among the changes contemplated K the ap pointment ol ( ien. Viscount WooNely to bo commandei ol milltiu ) louestheio. Ulicrnl leaders ileconclled. I.O.VDON. Jan. H. H U stated on good uuthorit ) that Gladstone and colleagues become leconclled , that 1'arls Spencci , ( ininv illo and Ueib ) and the M.uiiiiis of llinti ngton havouivcn assent ton conrsu of tacllc supgested by ( il.idstone , anil that lie will take the Hist ch.tme to oveitlnovv the t on fceivatlvo government. Her Majesty CoiiunnmlH. I.ONDO.V , Jan. II , The queen has com- inanded the piodnctlon of Counod'h oiatoiis , Motset Vita , ut Koval Albeit hall. Her ma- jestv willcomo trom WliuUoi to nttendtho poi lot m mice. This will ho the queen's liist appearance In public In many A Slab ut tlio Castle. LONDON , Jun. H The Dally Telegraph sas : The government will Introduce a bill abolishing fiiu \iceioy of Iieland. It Is the Knowledge of this lact that Induces the Karl ot Carnal van to test gn the lord lieutenancy , General Aiunesiy In PAIIIS , Jan. U. President ( tiovy has signed the dicreo granting amnesty to pet- sons convicted ot political offenses since IhTU and reducing thu sentences ot nnnj olk'iid- ei iignliibt the common law Spanlbh K . ) , Jan. H Count I'.ucou has luvn ajipidutcs : ! Spanish mlnl-toi to London , in place of Ilia MaiqnlR DoCa a Lalgleslar , who lias been transfeim ! to Washington. A Uoal Dead Heat. Mu.Mrii.Jaii. 1I.--TIKI Klii'of ; Ilavnii.ihis foibhlden hl < cubliu-t to Inteifeio with his exchequer. Members of the cabinet will 10- siB'ii. 'I ho MIIK' debU mnoiint to lriooo,000 inatks. Ills Uhiu.i.v , Jan. H. Conti.ny to Iho udvlco of hU physicians , Kmpeior William intends to be present at the oi > culiiot the Pi usslau diet lu-day. ii i 'r'MT/ ' onni i IT iii piiT rP'pi r\ RATINGS SORIJA REGRETTED Beatrice Burning With Indignation Over a Bu&iiiess Compilation , MERCHANTS IN TRIBULATION. Tletiajod Oeoiyla ItrnUcy Siileldes at Hastings 1 > ) llio Moi plilno Sclnijler's Do- fiinct IMuideicr. A Seoiet That Leaked Out. ' HI..VIliter , Neb. , Jan. 14. rspcelal. ] The oit.v Is all loin up ovei the dNcover ) ol a seciet publication compiled b > a mimhci ot the merchants ot Heatnce , giving the "lat- ing" of ever ) person In the count ) who deal in this clt ) . 'I he luting Is given in cipher , and Is given the name of the "M. O. " book. M. O. is supposed to slcnil ) bad , uncollecti ble ; 1 , O , slow , uncollectible ; S. O. , honest , uncollectible , and soon. Mini ) of the most substantial funnels in ( lai'e count ) are clashed M. O. . mid twooi thiee of the oldest and wealthiest fanners in the count ) , who do not owe u clollui and haoei > comloita- ble hank accounts , me tate d 1. O. The oxposmo liascieated a veij ngl > feelIng - Ing , and a movement is ahead ) on foot to boycott the mcichants whose names aio at tached to the M. O. Hook. Several niembeis ot the "ProtectiveAssociation"dcii ) mi ) con nection witli or knowledge ol the book. Theio will bo a joint meeting of the Knights of Laboi and I'aimeis' Alliance Satmday or Monday to take systematic action towaid bojcottlng the mcichaiitswhoate known to bo connected vvlth ( lie sdiuine. The book contains about 4,000 names , and embiacos poisons ol all classes mid conditions. A numbei of merchants who aie not into tlio chome denounce it in the most vigoious teims. Theie is lots of music in the all since tlio exposme , and the most fieqtient salutation Is , "I am going down to eel ni ) latlnghom the M. 0. Hook. " Two 01 three membcisot the "association" weieob eiveddown among Ihocom ciibs jesteiday kicking themselves , and the absoibing theme among them Is , "Who gave the thing aw.i ) ' . " ' It is piobablo that " suits will glow out of the publi cation of the book , foi malicious libel. In bnuf , Iho" Pioteetho Association" is In gieal tabulation , mid the eml Is not ) ct. A Hot rayed Woman Suicides. s , Xeb. , Jan. H. [ Snecial Telc- giam. ] A ) oung woman named ( Jeoigla Hiak ( > ) died at the Aillnn'ton hotel in this clt ) Ibis afternoon liom theellects of 11101- phiuii taken last night with suicidal Intent. The deceased came to Hastings about one week ago , in company with another joung woman and a ) omig man named Ccoige lle > Holds. He.vnolds and the olhei woman claimed to be man and wile , and occupied the same loom at the hotel , while ( ieoigia Hiakc ) had n mom In another part , of the house. Prom a conversation he-aid between the two women it se'oms tliat the deceased had been bcti.ied b ) some man beloie com ing to Hastings , and tliat she had become despondent in consequence. Last nighl she went to a ding stoie and undci an assumed name , puichased ten giains of morphine. liutmning to her loom at the hotel , she evidently took the whole amount , as the papei which contained the deadly drug was lound empty. She was discovered in an unconscious condition this moiiiing at S o'clock , and mudfcil aid at once summoned. The plisicianmadea stionuouseffoit to save her life , but all was of no avail , and she died this afternoon. Nothing was developed at the coionci's in quest to show wheie she came liomoiwho lici parents or rehitivc'b weie. Thepaitles who came to the hotel with bet testified that they had known hei only four dajs. She w ill be bulled In the potter's Held here unless some filend or ickitlvo comes to claim the lemains. _ _ The nioclcadc Itrokcii nt York. Yoitif , Neb. , Jan. I- } . [ 'Ihc snow blockade is broken. Tlie passenger train fiom Lincoln cniiic out to Vork Tues day night. This Is the lirst tiain that wo have had foi ten das. Theie has been great stagnation of business in consequence ot the blockade. The M. K. college could not open on time because many students and some piofcsbois were snow-bound. A p.uty ot foity weie held al Lincoln foi about n week. Some students waited al raiho.ul stations foi scvcini das and then ictmncd home to wait till the roads weio clcai. Some students walked over the diilts fiom eighteen to foity miles in eider to get heio on time. SuliujIer'H lynching. .Scum : , Neb. , Jan. 14. [ Special Tele gram. ] The remains ol Lapour weie , upon the eider of the coionei , taken In chaigcby Undeitakci Cannon this alteinoon to await the coming of his famll ) , which Is expected to-moirovv. Ciowds of curious people vvcio at the courl house ) Csteiday and to-day to view the icm.tins. lint little excitement pie- vails , niul the pall which lias enveloped om citv since tlie minder of Sheiilf Degman is giadujilly lifting. _ Charged With Attempt to Kill. HiTMtiov , Xcb , , Jan. 14. [ Sjieclal Tele- giam.j-A. Williams as pilncipal , and Hill Khlei as accesoiy , weio auested today , charged with assault with Intent lo kill , hav ing in nstiect tow attempted to stab ,1. Ash- bum witlia kiiite. A lib stopped the touo of the knife and saved the life ot Ashbinn , Moniu.v ; Alter I'olsonlnji Four Wives , Palls on tlio Fiftli Attempt. LONDON , Out. , Jan , H. Letleishave been leeched fiom Dakota describing the went death there of Geoigo McCabe , who was tiled hero a ) ear ago on the chaigo ot poisoning his wife at Dow Drop Inn , London , south. The ciicumstaiices of tlio ease were vei v sus picious , poison being lound In Mrs , McCabe's stomach , but llio pilsoner was accqiillted. Ho had piovionsl ) oscajed ) coin iction on the charge of iiiurdeuug another wife In Inger- soil , Out. , and It was alleged that other 'women In Woodstock , Out. , had ( alien us \ictimsof his passion. It is now stated alter ids iicciiulttal here lie went to Dakota and married again. One moining his wile detect ed him putting some foioign substance into hei tea , and watching his ojieratlons she ex changed cups , MeCabu drank the draught intended lei tlio wile , nnd while In the ago- nieb 01 death confessed an attempt to mui- dei , and also poisoning the other tour wives. Six Com lets Corralled. Lini.p IJocu. Aik. , Jan , 14. Some time ' ago a number ot coin lets escaped by tunnel ling from the mines In Coal Hill and staitcd tow aids the Indian Teriitoiy. A taimei named James Johnson captured six ol the convicts In a hay stack , four more Cbcapins ; . lie believes ho knows ( heir location. Ho said lie would letuin with the lestaiid claim thoievvaid. Ills only weapon was a double IMIrelied shotgun. A Kheritr Kills His M.ui. MOU.NT Oniii ; , Ohio. Jan. H.esteul.i ) moiling Marxlml JIcGr.iw attempted to arrest - rest u I'armei , named Clapton lirooks , who was diunk. liiookb made a show of ie- slstanco and -McCiaw shot him. liiooksdlul that night. Mcdraw was taken h.utlly to the county beat to avolU (511AVIM5IIOUI.S. IID t lie rthato of tlie Dead McCulloiicli. CntcAno , Jan 14. [ Special Telegram.1 Many new and sensational torlcs ot the en- leer ai.d private life of John McCulloiigh litivcgained ciirreucv ot late , and stattled the mill } friends of the great tiiigedlan. One of the-o stories Was to the cited that among his personal property stored In Nor ton's the.itcr. St. Louis , was n paid-up life In surance polle ) foi $ G5XW ( iiifavoj-of his lit tle I daughter , knov. to man ) members of the dramatic piofcsshm as Hir.Uc McCullougli. It ] was not generally known during tuiIC3X. . traucdian'.s t llfo that his marriage. In varl.v life w.isnxeiy unliiDp ) one , and that he had been It I estranged for jean from his wife and two t sons , to whoso homo he was llnall ) bioiightto 1 die. Neither was U known to the public 1t 1I I a ! large that McCuIlouuh in later years contracted t a nmltal relation with a promi nent 1 actiess whom ho was ntuihle to make his law fid wife b ) leason of his Inabiliti to piocuiea divorce fiom Ids tiibt wife. Onlj few intlmite filends knew the tiuth , All others , sc'elng the In- teiext the actoi took in the child , Its lescmhlaiice tohlm and the lose ho boie the niolhei , drew theli own conclusions , 'i lie child Hiidie was thermit of this lattci union and Is now In care of her mothei's filends and lelatlves In this cil ) , attending school and giving over ) evidence of develop ing into a beautiful and accomplished wom an. She is now going on liears ! of ace , and besides hei sliIking resemblance to hei fath er gives evidence ot having inlieilted to a marked clegiee his histrionic ablllt ) . Hut she does not jet hei fathci's name : that has been withheld fiom her. and hei filends sinceielv hope It will lu until she airlvesat > eais of matmity , when all will be made known. As Is well known , MeCiilloiigh left no will and property woith 510,000 went to the family fiom whom ho had been es- tiaiiged. Ho said he would provide lor the little pet daughter and fiequently named the amount us ? VXX ) ( ) . Hut John was shiftless In business matters and the most ho ever did was to take a paid up llfo Insurance jioltc ) foi S",0001oi the llttlo one's benellt , andthNtogcthci with tlio accrued Inteiest , has amounted to about 510,030. The mone ) will be invested in city piopeity , the Income liom which will give her a competence lor lite. 'Ibis Is vouched for by oiiecoiiveisant with all the. facts and dclinitel ) settles the mattei ot tlie ST ( > ,000 which lias wotiied so man ) lei some time . SlinilMAVS SAYING. Tlio Itnekeyc Senator Spe.ikH on ] jitior | and Ijali r. Coi.i vims Ohio , Jan. ISeuatoi ) Sliei- inan ' mined liom Washington this attei- ] noon and was met at the depot b ) a legisla tive ' committee and escoted : to the house ol lepiCM-'nlatives , vvhcie , in tlio picsencc of both ' blanches and a lingo audience ol Intel- ested sieetitois ] , ho was formally welcomed in ' an addiess bj Hon. Ceo. Washhuin. Shciman , icplied in ipilje a length ) .speech , in which hit letuincd thanks lei the iciicwcd honoi and lonlideuce in liaving again been elected to the ollice ot United States senator liom Ohio. In ( ho coui iTjbt his lemniks , ad- diesslng nlmsell to the mi'mbeis ot the legis- l.ituie as > a bed ) , lie s till tun-Unm him urriicil when both the politlcaU' Uea should address iliemsclvc's 10 tlie qtiesUoii ot preventing fiaiidulent voting. lie Irtvorc'd Ohio enact ing an election law simirai to New Voik state's. 'I inning to the tempeiance ques tion ho said : "I leel the impoitance ol join legislating upon this subject. There is a glowing sentiment in evei ) state in tills union that ceitaln laws ought to be passed to prevent the evils gi ow ing of out the trafllc in intoxicating liquors. This question ought not to assume a political chaiactei. The legislatuie of Ohio should nddiess itself to this question , ane enact w I so laws , going as l.u as Is consistent with the rights ol hei eltl/ens. 'Iho piohibition p.uty , as it is called , is not lepiesented bv a single membei in the genual assembly , and docs not embrace a tithe of the people in the two gieat paitics who believe in wise laws lo legulate 01 10- stiain the ti.illic , and dilfei only as to the best nie.isuies that call be adopted foi that puipose. T he lem.dndei of the addieas was devoted to the hiboi question. Said he : " 'llicjiist duty ol legislator Is to look utter the ad vancement ot the labeling classes ot om countiy , give them an oppnituniU to make thoii w.t ) In the woild , scenic to them all the advantages of education , without dis tinction ol race , ciced 01 color , 01 anthing eNe. | AipIause.J Above all , secinit to them an equal advantage in theii contest with capital. " A icception to the genei.d public was held in the .senate chamber this evening , which was infoimal and laigel ) attended. Senator Sheiman expects to letuin to Washington to nioiiow. CA1MTAI.I AM ) LAI50K. n\c Hundred "Weed Itollci-h on Strike in Xovv Voile. Xr.w Voni ; , Jan. 1-1. At an oidei of thu Clg.umakeis' Intcinatlonal union , r > 00 men went on a stiike to dny In the lactoiy of Levy Hiothcis. The tiouble that led to this action was the adoption of whal the Cigar Mamilactuicib' association consider to bo a unlfoim late ol prices , and with which the emplo)0s In tlie lactoiy conttolled by the association aio dlssatlslled. The union 01- dend Lew Hiothi'rs emploes to stiiko as a lest ease , becjiii-e 11 one niaimlactinci ) Ields thu otheis will do llknvs | ( > , piovldlni ; the association so oideiN To nioiiow moining a conteience Is to he hdd hetwi i'ii a commit tee ot the stilkeis and the manuliu liners' association , with a view ot settling mallei * . II noagieement Isetl'eded , It is anticipated all the shops eonliolhil b ) the association will lock theli cmplovesoul. Suppl ) Iny a Kne.iil. I'll i-in IK. , Jan. II.- The bikeis' conven- lion to-di ) udojilcd a constitution and el- fecteda peimanent oi anl/atlon under the name ol the Union ot Column Hakcis. The objects of the association aio to advance the intellectual status ot the membei.s , shorten the hours ol lahoi and to make wages higher and mum uniloim. The heaclciuarleis will bo in New Voik. Congratulator - gratulator > telegiaiai were lecdved liom San Krancisco. Omaha , Kansas Clt.v , lloston and tiom the National Hakeis' association of Ceimaii ) . An Iniprfhslvo'l'llci or lue , Sr. PATI. , Jan. H ' 1 ho * c01 net blocks of thubl. Paul ho palatecontilbutcd b ) I'aigo liom the Kcd itivc-r of thunoith , and b ) Stlllvvater liom the St Trolv ilvei , weio laid to-night with iuipiessho ceremonies , partlcljiatcd In b > local snfm shoctobagaiilng clubs fiom this clt } und nelghboiing towns. An immense ! ciovvd vvns in attendance. The touhllght piocessloii wis veiy lonir. Speech es weio made by ( loviinoi Jlnlibaicl _ M.ijoi Hlco ol St. Paid , and Pillshuiv ot .Miiuieajio- Us , Miss Clemuilo Finch peifoime-d the leiemoii ) . 'Hut Ice palace Is up to the lirst fatoi ) , and will OJHMI I'tbuiaiy 1. Tlio I'loject Altiiiidoncd. Mu.WAtKKi : , Jan. H. The gentlemen who interested themselves in foimlnnr a stock company , and weio vvoiklng to secuio for Milwaukee a place In thu league , i > rev hied thai It should l > o decided at the N v > York meeting Saturdn ) toliulude eight citict > In the clicuft lor the coining .ve.ii , abandoned the pioject , and It is piobahlo no luitherelloit will lie made to include Mil waukee In the Icsi 'iio ( iieiiit. iturned Tor I ho llilrd Time. Cmi'PivvA TAI.ISVIs. . , Jim P > ' 1 holla ) stieet school was binned lot tlio tliiidtimo b ) an liKcndl.iiyllibmoining. Loss , lbOOU ; Insuiance , tH.OOU. THE IIAWKEYEIXAOCCRATIOS Governor Sherman Stops Out and Governor Lnrrabeo Steps lu. THE PROHIBITION QUESTION rot ins tlio Main Peat in o of tlio Outgoing - going Message and tlie Iticoinlnu Address 1 ho Clilel'Cliali miiii- ships or tlio Semite. , l.itt i.L'ee IniuiKiii : itecl. Hi s MOINKS , IovvaTaii. K. l ! ! ! Shei- man's biennial message to the leglsin'.iiro was dellveud this moining. 11 was un- iisiiall ) long , and gives llbeinl attention to tlie v ai ions state inteieMs and Institution- * . He Incoipoiates imiii ) of the suirirestlons of othei state olllee'i- ' , and joins in tbeii U'com. mendatloiis , Hu favois an iippiopilation lot an exlia wing to the hospital ten the Insane al Ml. Pleasant , leioimiienels an appiopii.i- lion mid appointment of a state commission- ei to lopiesent Iowa at the World's lull In London ; mges the estahllshiuent olasou- aiate hmeaii lei thu siinoivlsion ol banks and Insni. nice ; also lavoisu constitutional convention to levise the constitution , p.u- tlcularl ) liitheinteicst of a icoigaiiiratlon of the judicial ) . o.s mi , ii.Mi'i.n VACI. ijtisno.v he savs : "Singiilarl ) enough tlio law ten thesiippicsslonot tlie llquot trallle has had lo contend not enl ) against the vlgoious on slaught ol Its enemies , but as well the apolo gies ol its h ) poet it leal liiinds , who o cow- mell ) acts li.iveieallj been moio dead I j in chaiactei , and ) et , stuiggling with all these elements , tlie law has sustained itselt. 1 am peisiiaded llieie is lessol liciuoi chinking in Iowa than pievloiisly ; hss ol clime which outgiovvs Its sale and use , and theieloie moio ol public' and in hate good. All tills stimu lates its bettei enloiceinent. Altei cpilte a tlioioiigh and patient investicritoii ( ! , I am satlslied the law is vei ) genei.ill ) obseived thioughout the state1 , and has moio ot the Intelligent public eiidoisemeiit than when enacted two ) eais ago. It must bo con tinued , theieloie , mid as lu as leasonabl ) possible , made mole ligoioiis. " uoLIEMIU I.AHK MII.I : i.sAiiotn vni : ) . The iiiaugmallon of Uoveinoi Lanabee took place thlsalteinoon at ! o'clock. Theio was a piocession ol loin niilit.ii > companies e eoillng tlie guvei not and govimoi elect to the slate house. ' 1 he miiuuinal eeieinonles took ] ilaco in llio lotmida , which was Illled with seveial thousiiiil jieoiile. The oath ot olllcewasadiuinisteied b ) tlio chief justice ol the supicmc couit , altei whidi ( loveinoi Laiiabce delheied his inaii mal audiess. It discussed state and national topics in Hue with tlie last lepublican state platlonn. It contained M/UJSAl. nil'OISIAM iiCOMMI.M : > A110.Ns. ATiToug otlioi things lavoilng the eieation ot asepaiate sute depaitnient ot banking and Insuiance ; moio stiingent laws lei stamping out contagious diseases among cattle and swine ; lavoiing the peiiaionlug ot all union soldlei ; lavoiing the eieation of a state boaiel of arbitiatlon to settle dllleiences between labor and capital ; fiuoilng a law lor governing te-h-giaph tolls and lixlng a maximum i.ito ot 'J.1 cents pei twent ) woid& between mi ) points : in tlie state. vii , us O.N ritoiiiiuiiov Alaige putol the message is devoted to piohiblllon. 'I he goveinoi length the hlstoi ) ot state legislation on the liquor tiatllc , and the advantages ot afalrtiial ol the picsent law , and speaks veiemphatic - all ) in tavoi ol its enloicement. On this subject ho : "The law has not jel proved a taihne , noi hasitpioved an entile ; success. Heasem and justice dictates such a couise usvill oivi. mi : r.Aw A TAIU IIIIAI. . A l.ili tiial implies not only that the law should leiualn upon om statute book lei n sulllcleiit time to test ils constitutionality and tlio lights ol paitiis liotoie the eomts , but tliat an honest and detei mined elloit should be made to tecme obedience , too. In the huge cities and In communities -\vhcio public sentiment is opposed to Hie law it is openly and llagiaiitlt % ioated. ! The honoi ol the state compels us to vindicate Its majesty. Piivate individuals and piivate contiibiitions eaiinol be iclied upon to en- loicea law which the Ill-gotten mono ) of tlie saloon and the paitisan intiiguo ol the dem agogue constantly u'd ' to del ) , ft is , under such ciicumstaiices , cleat ly thu dulj ot the state to come to the icscue ot the individ ual. Public funds should he appiopiiated , mid If necossaiy , the whole povvei ot the state should be bioiiL'ht into lequisltlon to seemo obedience. Wlmtevei autlioiity may be vested in mo will be mihebitatin l ) exeiclsed. " aiNATi. rovnin n i : ntiUMr.v. . lieloie thoadjomiimcnt ol the senate this iitteinoon , Lieutenant ( ioveinoi Hall an- iioiiiiced the standing i oimnlttees , ol whleli tlio important chaiimanshlis ] me us follows : Ways and Means Iliilehlnson ol Wapcllo. Jiidlciaiy Hobliison ot Vuena Vista. AppiopiiationsSntton ol Mmsiill. | liallioads Sweeiie ) ol Mitchell. Jnsuiaiiee ( il.iss ot Ceno ( loiilo. Kkctlons Woolson of lleni ) . 'fhis coin- inittee will have Impoilaiit business in set tling a contest ! d election In tlie ( oil ) -loin tn district , wheie Judge Heinlgci ( Hep. ) was elected by , lx nmjonl ) , but his suat Is con tested b ) his oppow nt , A. ( J. Case. Tiiitnw iii it WIDI : oi'KX. A Quick Willed 1'njjmeer Bin OH a Tram liom Dcnd iic'tion. Nl.vv Yoiiit , Jan. II. A dieadlul accident was nmiovvlyaveitid b ) a quick wilted en- glneei this moining. The ; noith bound ex- piesson the > evv Voik > Vv Long Island tail- load was Illled vvlth piomiiient Nevv Yoik business men , coming to Iheii otlhes. Xc'.u Mattawan and just hefoio le.uhlnga tieslle In idge. 100 feet long , the cats weiedeialled by.ibioken fiog. The after chopping down on the tiesiaii ncioss the hiidge , snap ping the stcc ! lulls Into bib and te.u- ing the wooden Btiuetuio into hjillntri. " . Theieariondi lost its ti ticks , and vvasdiavvn a IOIIK distant D on Its Hoot beams , ( icoigo Clleknci , the engineer , tindlng it imiiusslblo to stop his engine , which was tea i Ing at a ratoo ! thirt ) miles an hom.saw tliat the only hope was to incieaso speed. He thiovv open the thiotllc and thus pn < venti d the fiom toing ) | ) | | ovei the bihlL'e. 'Ihotais svvaid liom side to side , but the ) weie salel ) e.u- lie'd out ot dangei.w ] iassengei& weio nil moio 01 less shaken up , but nobod ) t-eiioiisl ) hint. and Hecoiiunend. 1'Aiiiio , Jan. H. in tlio c oiivention to day the cominltteo on watciwit > icjioilid , lec- onimendingan appiojuiation ( d ; iof(0 ; lei a canal between Lakes Tiam&o and Hlg Stone. Jt was adopted. 'Iho committee ) on the Tiail count ) tax decision icpoiled , ask- Inj ; congiess lei legislation to compel ihu \oithem Puclho lomp.niv to pav MIIVO ) Ires w lie n sin veri aie madu.idoiiil ; | , Thoioiiventlon then look u mc'sMiiim-ip. m. Disbelieved the convention will com plete Its woik this evonlnir , Tlilitj .Soldiers Killfil. PAiriA ( vhi ( jalvesioni , Jan 11.A tiain ( onve.vnig .1 ) lompau ) com- jiletc'h wieekcd last ni hl atainiiia , fhlrt ) sunlic'is , | ucUidinD eitven oltleein , wtie ' tiled. it eoM5iiss. : : Senate . v. Jan. 14. Mi. Pintle pre sented a petition fiom commercial travelers , prajiuq foi legislation to lelievc them of bnulensome taxation. Mr. Heck said there had come to him ( he did not know vvh ) ) several petitions to the senate , uiging eonmess to suspend slher coinage. He had declined to piese'iil such petitions nnd had letmned them to the1 PIT- son * ending them He pursued that eouiMi beeaesr1 he believed the sending of such peti tions bad been Inilueiiced b.v a elieulnr leltei maiked " " sent out bv a commit tee of the Vew Yoik boaid of trade and tlatisporliitioti. and Heck 10,11 ! a ropv ol the lettei. It u ks the U'olplent to wiltea net- honal lettei to Spcaki'i latlNo , mulng htm toteliain fiom placing extteme silver men on the1 colnace comiiiilleeot the house ot lep- ! lH'Utallve ! , mid also vvnto iieisonul letteis to spiirtis ( ! and lepie'eiil.illves mgiug sus pension ol silvei ei.laiiiro. Mi. Tellei iniv < eiileil a mciiK'lial of Iho ( ol- oiado h'glslaluu' , miring eoniiiess lo - > t'i ! that no diseilmliiatlon was used uiraliist llvei , and tavoilng the1 fiee coinage ol that metal 11 was tefetied to the committee on Iliianee' . Mi. Munleisoii detlied toeoiiect an enoi of sinlement on Ihe Keilev i tmc < pomleiiio lo Hieelle-et that when l\a on had been nominated 1o the-Spitilsh mission , he was objected tub ) theuovi miiient ol Spain. Ml Allison , upon the \ei ) host aulhoiitv , ch.nactcilml that statement us vvholl ) ei- loneous. .Mi. Allison s ( < iit to the desk mid had the del k lead a lettei liom Mi. I vmK then secictaiv or state , to Kussoii , stating that no question was evei raised as to Kits- son's iicceplaiicehv the s pan Mi gin eminent , " 'lheiipoliitiuent | to Main Id."the leltei eon- thine * , "oilgiuall ) piopOH'd b ) me. was changed , upon join pieteience lo Vienna , mid lei iciisousliaving no eounectlon eveiwithoi kiiowlc'dge ol otlhei govern ment. " Mi. Kv.uts coiiohoialed the state ment of Mr. Allison. ( iolng totlieealendai , the senate gave some consideration to the bill piovldliig lei division of the Sioux Indian icscivalion In Dakota. Without leaching a icsiilt the mat- tut went ovei. .Mi. Hmwn called up Mi. Hi'ck'ssilvei icso- lutlon. lu the eouise ol an elabciiato ad- c'less ' limning Hie lesolutioii , Mi Hiovvn said theolllceisol the tieasuiv should treat all public ciedilors alike ; it thev paid bond- Iioldeisln gold alone , the ) should pa ) la- binc'is In gohl alone1. ' 1 hough the bund- holdcis had expiessl ) agieed to take piu- ment in gold 111 silvei , thev weie being paid in gold alone , while oveifiod ) else paid in slhei. This was neltliei tail dealing noi common honesty. If Hie national banks at tempt to piae'ic.illv ' demoiieti'o si hei , said .Mi. Hrown , In conclusion , and it the olliclals who now lepieseiit the people in the dlllei- ent depaitiuents ol the government will not take the m ittei in hand , then the people , ut tlieli reclining elections , should take it in hand , and till all tliodep.utmeiits ol theirov- einment with men who will appl ) ( he col lective and lei tell tlie chaite is ot such banks as abuse theli pi h lieges. Mr. .Miixe-v followed with the snue subject. 'Ihe silvei advocates , he con tended , ic-nelled the imputation thai thev wanted to take mi > advantage ol then cieditois b ) p.iing a dolhu debt in fighti-cent dollais. A loulei Ho had nevei been utteied against ahiavcalid Indiisliloiis people. The mople knew that the fall ol sll- M'lvv.isthe lesiift ol a conspliac ) ol com bined capital to dcslio ) sllvei us a mone ) metal , and the tambleis wen * but ic.iplug the hints ol Iheii ovvu loll ) . The suspension ol silvei coinage vvas but aiiothei name lei the total stoppage of coinage , and such sus pension 01 stoppage would be haiighl with the mosl seiious coiisi'quonces to the people. ' 1 hu judicial bliar ) bill was. then laid be- foie the senate. One of the sections ol the bill provides that no poison i elated within tlie cli'giee ol Hi t cousin to a judge ol the United States shallbo appointed by such judge to anv position In his couit , and per sons so ) elated who now hold such ofllces shall not continue ; In oOlce altei six months liom the nass.igo of this act. Mi. IMuimids moved to strike out the clause that would allect poisons at picscnt In otllcc , and In the couise of his lem.ii ks in suppoit ol the motion , said : "Kven this 10- foim iidmlinstiation , tlio pictmo of muitv and giace , and of overithlng that is level ) ( laughtei ) , had sent to the senate the nom inations of a father and son to go to tlm same place , to exercise the functions of two olliceis , one undei the othei. " Altei debate theKdmunds amendment vvas agieed lo. The scmiie then adjoin ned until Monday. J louse. WA in > rmo\ , Jan , 14. On behalf of the claims committee Mi. Springer called up the ic'solutlon dliecting that committee to in- quiie Into the expeiliene ) ot the passage ol geneial laws lei the asceit linmeiit ol facts in all in hate measmes b ) a judicial tribunal bofoin action by congiess , and also the pio- ] itlet ) ol piohihiling the-adjudication ol jui- \.ite claims 01 icliet measmes bv congiess. Mi. Spilngei slated that tlie object of tlm lesolutioii was lo have a way to some legisla tion which would lellevedjiigiess liom the gie'at mid iinnccessaiy buielen of piivate Mi. Tuckei of Yliglnla. while ho had no objection to the pnipoit ot the lesoltiliou , contended that It lelened to a niattcT over whicliihe judicial ) " committee bad jmisdie- tlon , ami heolleied an ainendinciit provid ing that the investigation be conducted bv the committee on judicialy. The amend ment was agieed lo , and the lesolutioii as iiineiided pissc'd. On bi'hill of tliocoiuinlttc'c on piesidentlal laws. Mi. Caldvvell c.illed up the Ho.u juesi- denllal suc-cessloii hill , and as Iheie vvcio but a lew minutes ol the moining hour lemaln- iiiL' , It wasagieed ( hat del ) ito should continue cliniiiL' tlie.itlemooii , Mi. ( 'alclwcll ic > seiving the' i Ulil to call the pievious question at an ) time , Mi. Caldvvell stated the committee In icpoiling the incMsiiic hud not dealt with in- dilleience 01 dlsiespcct with othei piojiosl- lions beloie It. The 10 weie man v measmes pioposcd that would moio piopeily meet all possible imagiii.ibliu'xlnge'iielos than the one now i ( 'poiie'il , hut.ill i e'iiiie'cl ( | a constitutional ami'iiilmeiit bofoie the > could become laws , and a constitutional amendment involvuln delay which would ill ace enl with the icason- able anxiet ) which thu gieat hod ) ol people felt. Theio weio many exigencies which the pending measino did not eovei , but thu picsent exigenc ) is completely covered. It was u temporal ) bildgo tlnovvn aciossii i basin In oidei to nicc't the jiublle demand , and would be folio v , id in duo lime hv an en- diiiing htiuctiiii' , ovei which thu long line ol icpuhllian or clc'iiiocratlc picsluents might m.neli in unbiokeii suciesslon. 'Iho debate continued at ( onMdeiablo length , Jlessis. Cooiiei ol Ohio. Peteir > of KIIIIS.IB , Adains ol Illinois , mid llowell ot Illinois atliicklng the bill as micoiislltii tional , cincle , anil In Ils tenilenc ) d ingeioiis. ' 1'ho ) uss ( > ited that the bill peimittcd the put ) In power lo ] iovei lei an iiideliniti iimnhei ol ) eais , and piese > ned ( a constant tenitatlon | ) to clime' , anaieli ) and levoliition , Mi. I'M en ol Illinois and .Ml. Seney ot Ohio eaiiiestl ) advocated the pending meas- nio , and maintained that notwithstanding the objections named , It vvas neveithele'is u dec Iclccl iuiiioveni ] ( nt upon the existing law , To-moiiovv Ihe discussion will heicsiuucd , aflei the tiansru lion ol pilvato business. On motion ol Mi. MatMin ol Indiana , KiI- d i v night sessions weio oidoicd foi thcuon- slileiatloii ol pension bills. Adjouinc-d. IIATJI : i-'ito i COLD , Xlnc'tedii 1'ci'MHiH I'm , Jan. H. The Journal's ' 1 opel.a , Kas , special : The lull extent ol the dis.iMiou * ellicU ol Iho late slurm In western Kmitas Is just becoming known , its lopoits milvi ) lioin icllet pitths and othei' ' , 'Ihu death mil ol victims known mid iinkiiovvii.nmubeielglitien.vvhilo hull a do/en othei ) > i isons ,110 known to bo missing , Ihudiad , us lepoited , me : M. 1' ' Israel and an unknown man at Sviuciise , Jlan illon count ) ; Mi , Kind , in I'liiney count ) ; S. tlo gs , mar Kendall ; llio two Hieihei giiln and dioigo Chapman , of Sjianiso ; Isaie SlalT , .ot \\liicloui : u molhet nnd two dilldien , of C.nden Citv ; whose lalliei Is al o missing ; two women in Sovvaul count ) ; twoluolhcin in roidcoiint ) ; two unknown men in Kills c omit ) , nnd a man in Lincoln count ) , ft Is fc.mcl that liuthei lepoils will incieaM ! still nioio Hie list ol l.italitU-a. The Jos-t on cattle is also boa ; ) , I'ei JVcitliiK mi Allinnc'e. LONDON , Jan , 14. ( inece and Sciviaaie c c'otiailiio' lei i > m uillauco i iilnt HuUaii.i. A CASE FOR THE COVfcffilENT Secretary Latnar's Opinion on the Recent Telephone Litigation. THE PEOPLE HAVE INTERESTS AVIili'li the Sei'retiuy Considers Should lie 1'ioleoted li.v Hie Oov- ei iinieMtV HiiiifjIiiK the < Jnes- tlon Itel'oio a Judtc'lal Itod } . H A Case for the ( lovei iiiuent. W \MIIM.IOX , Jan. II. Sceret.ii ) l.nmar this aflemoon sent to Adlnc Mloine ) ( Jen- eial ( ioode a leltei containing his conclu sions upon the pioofs and mgmuelits sub mitted toiiclilm ; the valldltv ol the Hell tele phone patent ol Man lit , isti , lu which lie ivs In ji.ul : The pdltn : uMs upon the mounds and lor Hie HM-ons s ( t forth | i | Iheii Detllloll , ask the dci > aitine nt ol justice to ea'isu 01 allow uppioiumtc leiial pmn'cdlngs to 1m insti tuted In the piopcr eoiiitbv the government , 01 In the luimeol the gove'iiimeiil , on their ic'lation , to vacate mid annul Ihe Hell tele phone patent ol the 7th ol Mai ell , tstl. In the petitions speellied In oidei to know' what suggestions I should make as lo the ac tion ol ) om derailment , 1 have submitted it to von , I have heal el the inosculation of the eii < > e and eousldeud It again upon tlm piool and the able1 argument ol counsel as Ihev appealed. 1 lliouj.'ht lhat mv own con sideration should be dlleded lo two ques tions , and to niei't theseiiiesoiis | | | 1 10- ciiesed | | thai Ihe iiigumeiits ot ( omisel should be1 shaped. 'Ihev me : I'iisl , has Hie govern ment the light lo Institute sue h suit foi such a ( impose1.1 Second , H it his sm-h light , should the mouldings Involved Inthcic- spcdlve petitions , en eithei ol iliein , bo lu st i luted ; ' The Hist of these questions spe-dall ) vvlth- In the couniAiiiieol voui depaitment. as It is , has the allirmatlve miswerol inimeious piecedents In that clepaitinent , unit has 10- eelveel a like aftinnatlvc aiisvvei lioui the limits. The government is nsked to Insll- lull1 judicial luquiiv us to the nateiit ol the Hell telephone compaii ) upon the allegation tliat such patent vvas obtained h ) of Hie pitentee , with the collusion , 01 b ) the lii.idveitance and mistake , ot the executive otUccis ol lhe goveiliini'lii 11 these alhx.i- lions be 11 m' , a gieal wiong to the whole people tests in tlie name' , and Is sustained b ) the povvoi , ol the Hulled State's. To say the government iiilliets the1 wioiig would seem to iinpl ) that some > wheie among its lesome'es the govemmeiil could hive Ihu powei lo ndiess it. The mgument against the piactice ot the1 pctltloncis does not i on- tioveil tills , but le'sts uuoli the theoiv that HID goveinmeiit haspiovlded a leini'd ) which exc hides allot hei models mid theieloie pie- olnch's linthei govemiiienlal action. Ol Ihe Ivvo patents Issued lot the sum1 in vention , one1 Is ceilainl ) wionglul. lithe otlu i is ilu'littul. Hie whole intciest in Iho nuestloll as to which Isiightlul Iscoiiline'd to the two patentees , mid pnvate litigation will M-CUIO ilie needed reined ) In deleimining who lias the light to the pitent as between iival claimants. It , however , theie is only one patent , and it has been li.iudulentl ) ob tained to the exclusion ol the one ic.illv en titled to bc > the patc'litee , 01 It .1 patent has issued lei something not pilentnhle , an invention ahead ) belonging to the woiidit becomes thediit ) us well as the1 light ol the government , when ol sullldi > nt im- iioitaiice. to uelivel ) seek ils cancellation , because piivate litigation is not a possible of adequate lemedv and because the whole peel - l > wioiigoel without ail ) othei mode ot led i ess. Under our gov ertiuient axtiust tan never fall lor want ol a tmslee , noi can fimid , mistake - ' take or accident In business ti.iusiclioiis es- cipc. investigation lot want ol a tiibunal , While a com tot cquilv is maintained. II a patent ( illicit to be vacate I it can alwasbo v.ualedtheie , hut the pitent be.ns Ihe great seal of the goveinmeiit and only tlie gov em inent , even theie , can ask to have the seal loin otf. The second Inquli ) was as to whether Iho light of the goveinmeiit existing , the pio- cecdlugs invilcd In tlu . petitions , 01 either ol them , ought lo be Instituted. The giomids ol Inv.llldity alleged air.ilnsl Hie Hell tele phone company ma ) be substantial ! ) Mini mal l/ed thus : Kilsl , tlio patent was secured by the Maud of the patentee' , tinough Ihe col lusion 01 mistake of the ulllcois of the pat ent olllee , mid in violation of the lights ol a cavcatoi named Klish.i ( ii.iy. Second , the invention as patented was not patentiblo be cause alie'ad ) public. These allegations de- seilDD tliu occasion In which the govemmeiil , upon m v view , ought lo actlvel ) Intel feie lor tin * cancellation ot u p dent. The ihsiie beloie me lies ontsidK ol the ultimate meiits ol Ihe case us a subject of judicial Investigation. A.s to what the linal judgment should bo , I have not lell called upon to loini , and If I had tormccl I would not opinion. The question i- ; vvhelliei enough has been shown upon tlm healing to icquito the submission ol Iho mallei to Iho louil , at Ihe Instance ol the govemiiieiit. The allegations and ( ho evi dence touching the clicnnistaiues attending the issue ot the patent me ol .such natmo and have such siippott as to lendei It , In my opinion. Impiopei tolgnoietoi dismiss them. Such a case is picscntid us I think ought lo mulei o thoioiigh judicial Investigation , In a case involving such questions It seems to mo especial ! ) hiipi'iallve 11)1011 ) Iho government , asn clnt.v to lr ( > own olllceis , to v indicate 01 conilc'inn , and a clnt ) to the people ple to set on toot and lollow up acompleto investigation. In in ) opinion all pioceed- ings should be In the name and wlioll ) by the gov eminent , not on the lelallou , 01 Ic.r theucnelit ol all 01 any of thu petltloneis , but In the Inleiest ot ihegoveminont mid the people , and wholly at the expense mid under Hie conduct and eontiol of thegovernment , I think lUhoiihl be Inslltiited at Mich points and in such com Is as will best subsei ve the jmiposeof public convenience mid lull In- quli.v. Such a pioceedlng , HO conducted , will , as 1 think , e oniioi | t with tlio dlgiilh ol Iho goveinmeiit mid the giavltv of the' subject , and will Insuio a llnal and just adjudication of the me litsol the eonlmvciHy , Ver ) Hespeetfully , L. < i. C. I/\MAII. Clcv ciland'n AValee Supply Tin eat- cni'd on Ac'coiml ol'lco. Ctivi.i vsi ) , Ohio , Jan. 11 , Theio Is Inii minont daiigci ot a wutei luinlue. heie. At U o'clock last night II was found necessaiy to shut down ono ol thu pumps on account of neccllo ire- , and anolhei was compelled la stop this moining al daHght because ) ot Fame icii'oii. Tlui live lemalning immpsaio woiking about oiiahall theli eapacily. They fmiilshicl about oiiefomth ol the iivi'ingo supply pel day. Hcsldcincs on a nmiihei ol stieets WHO cut oil liom Hiemialiisal I o'clock this alii moon , and an elfmt will be made to save what vvalei is now being pumped , 'J ho eiigineei thinks vvllli great i no the supjily will piillhe lot oidlnaiv c licmiistmiies , but should a liio odiii , the ill ) would bei In u boil ) plight. A toiee ol men vvi ii'Minl out lo HUM nb , but tlio engine ei think * nothing can bo accomplished until the vveathei modi ' 1 his'evenlng the supply ol watei was cut oll'o itiie h. l-'lve men have bien al vvoik Hilda ) living to dlsdiaigo the olistmi lion , but Ilins fat without avail. II ma.v b nece-.s- s.uv to wait till vv.imi wc.ilhei Ihiavv the ho , ' 1 li VMS' and south hles aie without vvalei , mid thih is | | IIM.IS | ) svllh the east side except on ( hi ! sin els will ) diiect mains liom tlio ic-eivoli.s , which havoa vei ) H'.intj Mipjily. 'I ho people havliu wells aio lining water Iheielioiii , mid those vvho me foilunatci enough to ] > ossesscisternsdilnk tain watcu O'hi isaio e'liiiijelh d to melt snow , .Main- ; , facluiliutstahlishmcnls that deiiemlid on city vvalei lot Iheii holleis have Mint down. The < it\ is complete ] ) ut the meiey id the dmmo ol a hie. ( ilvoii I'p IIH Lost. ( Ii 01 c i -11 ii , Mass. , .Inn 11. 'I ho M 'ioon ' ei M ibd Dillnw.iv , ono of the Ihet of mliis. liw llMi'iu * I'elhasloclav given up an lost. Sle-aihil DuicmlHi 'JOon a lishlnjj tilp , vvassjioken Clnistunis , mid lias not been MCII since. ' 1 he HI weio on boaid sixteen ni'-n , a nmnliii i t vvhoni vvcio man ltd. Mis , LdAaid Untie i , vvhceio husband was one ol lie | < iov > , died ) c" > te'lilav , leaving font " \ childicn.