Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    _ |
Adrrrtl'emrnts under this head lOccntspor
Jlnt for the first Insertion , find 7 cents for cnch
fubsequent Irsertlon. Seven words will bo count
ed to the line , they must run confeeutlTPly nnd
mutt ho paid In ndvunco. All Rdvortltemonts
mttet bchnndcd In before C o'clock p. m. , nnd
tinder no ciixuniMnnccs will they bo takeu or
dlfcontlmitil irr telephone.
rnrtltsndtrti ( mt : in those columns nnd hav
ing the answers nddro M in euro of I HI lire ,
will plcrMj n k for check to i nnble them to pel
their intern. n none will ho delivered c.xccpt on
prt-entntlon of check. All nn wer * to nd\er-
tl'cmenls should ho cnrloscd In envelopes.
. ' 1,000 I Oil I OAN on itnl t tntp Applj
$ ImiiicJlnlcly to linllou IJios. , 817 S. 1 Hli "t.
\T OM.Y n o LOAN on bor cs , wniroiifl , fnr
i-'l nituic , walchf" . without remoud. 'lerms
onsy ( .1 ( ft.nell , Uoomll' ' . Iron llniiU IliillJ-
Ing , 1 th unil 1 ai nan. . Tnko clcvntor. ( J-HbT *
iro.onoto lennon city residence pioptrty.
Oto.V. . lu > , ID/J rnruoni. _ SB _
( INI2V1O LOAN On fnim nnd tlly prop-
' -Lcrtys cull nndrtt oilr rate" . Mownrt v Co. ,
room ilNobinclcn Nutloiud llimk liulldlmt. "lijll :
riio LOAN Moi y mnny ninount ,
JL On nil t ln".o or tcllrlly ,
bhort tune Inntis on icnl c'lnto.
IXIHK tlmn lonm on rcnl t-itiite.
Money to lennon thnttiK
Mone ) to lonn on collatrrato.
Money to limn on nny uood socurity.
Tormi crpjr , tlmo tosiilt ,
Apply nt tlinOmiihn 1'lnnnclnl l.xclmnso ,
Dm ki r' i liulllliiir , SW corner of
I Iftmith niul ranmm sts , mistnlrs _ pi _
MONIJV lor * cry body I Von cnn borrow
inonry tin furniture , horses , nKons ,
plnnoi , Mock of nil kinds , diamond * mid line
WHtcliiisonjouronn tlmo. PnjinonU rocohcd
t nny tlminnd Intercut reduced pro rntix.
1'niperty loll In jour own possession. Terms
law im tlm lowest. Cnll nml fee m. HiirlncM
ronllilcntlnt. Nondx-nntitKO tnKen. W. H. Ci-oft ,
Utioiii 4 , WlthnuirsNoirliiiHiMin..Northi'nst cor
ner 1Mb nnd llnrncy. _ i _
OSP.V TO I.OAX-T ) . f. DnUs&Co. Ucal
Maw Sotnto nnd Lonn agents , liXtt Turnnm St.
7'J '
TO LOAN-On peed securities A
MONRV , rooiii71tcdlcklilock,150'Jl'nrniuu '
St. " ? '
ONHV TO LOAN On chnttels. Wootoy Jt
Harrison , room SO , Omulm Nutlomil bank
bulldhiR. Tir.t
TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
MONUV 1) . I Thomas. 100
_ _ _
TO l.OAX-ln gunifTors.'OOnndHrt-
MONUV on fli t-clnps tenl cstuto security.
I'ottcr \ Cobb , ir > l'i rnriiam St. MJI
T.OANUII ill C. P. Heed .1 Co' ? . 1-o-m
olllcn , on furnltiiie , plnnos , hnip , wagons
property of nil kinds und nil other ur-
Iclosof value , without rnmoval. Ov cr 1't N'nt'l
Hank , corner l.'ilh and Fuinnm. All business
Mrictiy colilldeiitnl. H
Ai.i : Ono of tlio best ctot'k I mini in
lhi .tiito , "I miles west nl tlnmlm , conslht-
Inirornbout ihHIiicii's : nould take n Imiisn nnd
lot its pint paj mum. llallou Hioj.,1)17 ) S. llllh Kt.
[ < : < "MANM : A tlmi chiinc-o leqlllr-
InjT ten or tHontj Ibolipnlul ilollnia ni h tor
ono or two biioliic&t mi'ii Inokinv lei liixext-
menU. Can t o iii\ottliratod b } rullliiKon or ud-
jr.I. L. Hlei1,1222 ruinnin .
Al.U llaidwnrj biiblnebS In Oinnhn.
X1 Aildro-8 II. IS lice Olllce. 7.VJfolill
SAI.U All u'tnbllshed le tmnnnt doing-
FOIt peed business In Omaha. ] iricnlK)0. ) Clb- !
bon A. Archer , Uooinil , Wltlmell Illoc't. "KU
T710H SAI.r. Wo oiler for Hilo for the np\l 3)
JL' limn ii well o-talillihcil nud pnylntr lm mu'-u. '
Thu enl ) lniflni ) > M ot thu kind in thu city and
count } , llii liiu.-s consists ol piimp , tiiblntr ,
idpiM , UHS flvtmes , looH , WIIKOIIS Iminc'-s ,
liotsi's , imu the oxchKlvo nprncy for the city
und couiily lot the Holiday Ucllpio nnd Ault-
hoii'-ii wind nillU , Capital idiiilicd. nbout tlvo
thouMind dollais. 1'or piutlcnlnrsnddic'-s llow-
md A. Iloltlu. Lock llo.v GJI , Kc'iunuj , Xi'li.
Oil SAU1S ThoCommcuhd Hotel nt South
r llunil.Nob. , pilco * r'iHW : Urm" * easy. Ad-
dicssT.W. P. , Ilex 15 , South Ilcnd.'Niili.
I1.7J foblO
fHSAl.i : Iho 5arnto ; n Hotel nnd fiunt-
Jj tuio In .Mllloid , Neb. ; hotel In wood condi
tion nml fuiiiltine new ; cveuthliiK1 In Ilist-
cliifH onlor ; iloln mi uxcdlnnt linsliioss ; only
iiuifti lor Mjlllntr , Fickms hi fnmlly. Kncinliu
of.l , V. ( onsmil.piopilc'toi , 01 \\orlrniljliO ,
Jllllonl , Sew aid Co , Neb. 57i-U *
Foil SAI.H-Or evchnnge Twel\o limulied.
and eighty nciciof.Mo. timber nnd KIHSS
land , lot ty miles ( list ol KIIUMIO City. As iieh
toll us nny Innd In the Mute , will bell nil 01 pint
nt Illtccn dollilispcr ucioorwlll oxcliniiKO lor
irood ImpinM-Ml or unlinpiovcU Ncbiusl.n hind.
HedloidPnuer. . 15.5
roit.SAI.i : OH THAIlU ronciil c = tnto , the
loMiiuriuit , tlAtiucs nnd ( onlentsot tueho
fin nit-hid looms on the S. I' , cor. of 1-th und
Cnpltnl avtiiiio. Cost ? lr,00to lit up. Will poll
for StOO ciipli , or on tlmo to ( rood resiioiibiblo
pmty. Apply to Corbett , S , VV. cor. 15th und
I'mniiin MH. , iiistnli ] ? . 47J
Foil SALU-n lots fnSpiliih'HIII. $ r.0each.
Also ntiCHtnhllKhcd lianklm ? biihlnubi In Ne-
liintkn , county nl. Clbion X Aichcr , Itoom
MWIIIincll Illoek , Omaha. - ' -I
TrriOH SAI.i : a ho only Irnthcr nnd finding
-L InihliHts Iii Lincoln , which bus bein cur-
rlc-d ( .11 lor ten > \ciymecebsfully ; the icn-
Kin hit hulllnir , ill nth ot the piopilctoi : cnplliil
iciimird , fiom ? ; iDO ( to SI.OU. ( Aildi CM M i s.
Jniob Hnhcilo , Lincoln , Neb. 57-
TlTAItSIIALI , .t I.01liCK. : real OMnto ,
J.iJ liiun a llnnll't of Impioxrd nnd uiiiinpioviMl
JotH III Omulm ; net concur the city nnd humliudg
ol' tlioiifiimls of HLI cs of hind tor Mile ; 10110-
pjioniUnco bollelleil. Miiiflmll k LobceU , I.'KXI
1 m mini hti eelOllieo open till 9 p. m. C'JI
* l.Mrio\ : i > homesirad nnd timber
claim , : cOnii > 4 , ball the in Icoollld hind ;
near inlhoad , peed nelRhboihood ; pii'iusicil-
Ikoiniulo tor tnmlly itiisOiH. Hell \ McUand-
ociDA.i : .V lillNCMIKIC , llenl Kstlto
HiokeiH , Uooms 8 nnd 0 , Aillnplon lllouk ,
1RII Doilpoet. II Jon ha\u nny leid cslulolo
soil tit n ii'iiKinnblo piieo , eltlur In the iltyor
c-oiiiitrj , ilu not lull to ll.-t It ulth iifl. I'lompt
iitti'iulcin niul MIUIIIO ilealliiK Is Ilio basis ol our
business. Wo nio j-olo npnats lor Lewis' Mib-
dhlnldii of Oknhomn ndiiltlon. Tlio o lots mo
cheiip nt picsent pilros , nnd nlll iloublo as soon
UN the \ induct question Is huttlrd. lluy now nnd
niiiKi ) moiipy. Jliinthljpiijmonts. . Lots In
Kiiknood wnhint Hill , Saimdorrt , Hlmebauph ,
mid other iholcu additions. Cnll mid co us. (173 (
Cosr-Iluy horfo , wolRht nbout 1'JJUlhs. ' 'TIS
i Dccntiirst. I'lndor please rctuin to nbo\o
ddiv.muid iccelvo lonmd 7U.M4
nnd bonrd , Joiicr xvceUct ; bpstlo-
ciitlon. 1BU Unvcnpoitbu I
lin W. C. Met7iPrSto\o llepnlr Co. , Ill South
Uilitit. bum eiin Doditu und Uou lu3.
\TO operntlon or iiBcless trnstiCB. Dr. M. M
-L > Mooru , 21J Wnbiibh uvo. , CUlento.
IADIi : * * in iHit of good domestic help can ,
i lie fiipplied liy culling on thu Omulm Km.
( HIU'o , Uoom I , llus > liiiimi's lltoc ! > . Mrs.
, \V.MotrUoi ; luopilutor. b'l
Foil xxenthcr stilpR , ftoim msli nnd doois.t'o
to 1' . 1) ) . MiuJ LVJ t * . tCth M. b'.O
NAI.i-'lx\o lots m I'Ulium I'lnic , ono
Foil fiom tticct cm Hack Iiuiuliu2l)9 ! ) ,
W'.hbtuct. KB
7UMI SAM : A bariraln rnrnlliiio und mi-
1 ' dc'ilnkintr stock ; oul > floiu In toun ; nex\ ,
clean btoek ; toiinty cent or lloono county ;
cimiigu ot IniMiiritUliu ic'iison for relllnir. Ad-
ilresi M , J. Ludd , Albion , lloono Co. , Neh.
iBv21 *
TTJOII SAI.i : Tlai lento nud furniture or the
-I ? Mctiopolltuu llotH ; honso ilolng a KOOI !
luislii' bs. ( limit man uui iunKt < fJui ) pur month ,
Will vJl M'HM > miblo If taken nt oncu 1'or par-
tlculiiig imiiilio of J. C. I'll/ijciiud & Son , Tie-
n out HuUMi. Lincoln , Nch. _ Oil
> iilMINAI.-Atllio : lull lot , tploadld now !
I i-oom cottngo , o\ciy lonri'iiluni-o , xtlll bu
cold clump lo a rcfponslblii puivon on smiill
nionthli ornunitoUypiomonts. IWfK. iwtli st ,
IH-10 *
" 5iT5HsosAir-jr > u nro looklnir for ln\c t-
nioiilKif nnyl.bul , InitliK'ts chain Cb , impiitv
< vi | fmiiig.jullwiid lundjj , tJimilia city picpcrty
jinm-iUwl urothcixtUc , n biiitiiiln tor
thliHciL U uCM ! oi'iu tinci only ono hour's
drlvo lioui Omulm. ihnt x > lll iniiku jour
umpt'i look nt und coiuu rhlnh'.y del ura bcbics
If pinrhiisiil m our pi ice tills \icck. J. K Itlio ,
1 .1'Fuinam 81 , 7li
hnro n number of special
. . . „ . . -Mlonot euro to ndvertl'o
If you nro looking out for bargains , call or ml.
drcos J. I * Illco , las Farnnm. 773
13Kll iNA -Wett l riTmlmmldltlonlots pur-
J chased now , wh lo they nro Rolmr. < htnpon
en'terms. . VMM loliirn jou n linnd omo dlU-
Oinrl In sU months ; cnll nnd find out w here this
nddltlonl locntedilt will pay you. J. It. lilco
1 S rnrnnm , 7J
IJUHSONAI , Jn our InM. peifonnl wo onltl
thi-ro wcro C ! lota to choo-o from In Wc t
CtimliliTiiddlllon , Imt that wnsn wcol. n o. Now
wo lia\o nbout 40 left. Il ilirwonthorkpopsdown
ton ! out rero. 1 don't bcllovo thoio wlllbonmio
tochoo e from by uc\t Mondny. Think joii'il
better mnVn It n point to cnll this VTeok. .1. L
Illco. I at ! 1'arnnm. 70(1 (
] 3nusoxVI , I.ndlis Ppoclally In stjlo ami
lit of drcs e Bitl 1nftton BunrnntPCd lit
children and fumllj 8tiwlnir , at home or hy the
liny Addles * II 47 , Iteo Ollieo. 7tl-U
flood plrls for Kdiotal housework -
work , flUhwnhnn for hotel * , chamber-
mnldi , dining room irlil . cooks lor bonrdluK
hoii .e , rtc. Call nt the Omnhn Umploirapnt
llurrnu , ll U I'lirnnm St. Oood wages ami small
fnmilios. 787
' Olils for general housework ;
' irrod plnu s nnd seed wnipos ; plnces given
free. Cull nt 11 II th ot , Ncbiaikn l.mploincut
ARCiic > , Cionncc lllock. CSS
"IVTANTUn Flr t clne omiin cook nnd two
* dining room glrli ntNoriis' rcstauinnl.lfith
Rtroct , bet. Djdgo und Douglas. 77IM3
"IX'ANTHII flood wages will bo paid to n first
> class plrl nt tM A. X th < * trcot. 780
\VANTICU-AI 8. W. cor. inth anil Loin en *
> worth ? ! < . , plrl to do Kcneuil housonoik ;
flcimnn pieforn'd. OS !
iTANTUU-Uood Iktchen Rltt nt 100S. llth st
V 700
\\7ANTii : > A nont plrl for RFIICIII ) lmu iO-
> work In tnmlly of lour. Wniros J3DO or
$4 , If vi-ryeoinpi-li-nt. 1149 , lice Ollico. 703
WANTiiflood : ( flrl ; V.nffllBh piofcned.
ranst bo neat mid willing ; Knmll family ;
llelit nork. Cnll between 1nnd - or uxcnlng ,
1810 C.illfornliL 741
ANTr.n At the \Vnbasb Hotel. Slnnberry ,
Mo. , a Ilrat-cl.uscuok. Txonu others tioixl
npply. 75'J-19
\\7-A > Tln-A ! coed plrl to RO to Port Itobln-
T son. AlrsJ.V. . Moirison , room 4 , Itiibh-
mnnV block , 10th nnd Dou hi ? . 7111-14
\\rANTUD Three UrM cn < s Rlil tnblo n nil-
or * to IcnMitonii , Apply to the Mc\uird ,
I'uMon Hotel. 740-1 ! ) '
AN'iKIi Olrlto vrnll on tnblo nt Conltal
} hou o , Cnis and IRtli Mi. _ 7IW-I ! ! *
\T7-ANTnn-A Rlrl for iiouseworlt. Tnll u
17litnlllin-iiliigt. 7 ri
WANTini dlrl lor Rcncinl Ibnccwoik In
Finull fitinlly. Kounnt si. , tecoiul hoii'o
inst of Campbell Mra. W i Iffht. 707-1 '
W : IA I t nmiiiy of throo. ui
Cnllloinlu st. - , U11
ii > Oood kitchou pill Apply nt N.
VV coi. S3d nnd I'm mini M. OK
\\7'\NTIJI- DM uoniiiji to cook , $8 per w-pck.
111) ) boiltli IStll St. . UI7-1I ! '
) riretand pccoudoook at 1'oinn
" \\rANTIJI I All < > \pprm | | ill Rill to tllKoonio
> ol two chlldien audio ilo upslnlirt wink ;
( li'iiniin piiiloiu-d , ' . ' u b. SM ist 4th liou'O
7nij > :
! A peed active wdmnn to do
* ' iliiiiubcrnoik , wnpes $4 perwoi-k. Apply
between the hours ol Hand" . VI" Douglas hi.
U.-ANTUIi-A . sooil cook lit TCI N. IMh bt.
\\rANTun-Conipetpnt glil to coon , wnsh
> nnd lion ; tJerimui preroiied. Apply N.
E. I'.Ub Had Cullfonila. .Mrs. U. WuUcloy. ( .10
WANTUD Good RlrU for house
work. Mr ? \\.Moirlsouloom llliish-
_ mini _ lllook , 10th nnd Douglas. 4ij
TAXTKIJ rirat cla ; 'i ilinmb'-room g-irls nt
the Metropolitan hotrl. 104 ,
) Salesmen In each county to In-
il trodiiLiin. nou patent spilng Mlillllctico.
.SnINllkowlldflro. I'tollls Inr 'C. Address , with
stump , Ivluf \ \ hlllloticu Co. , i'utnn , Ni'b
AyANTHIi A N'o. 1 ileli\oiy cleik ; iplciencc"
icquiicd. Call nt uor. LuiHunnortli nnd
I'nil.iivo. 71U1J *
\\rANTII > A copj i .t , mnlo or fpuuilp , to do
T \ neil ; nt homo in Omulm ll\u hoiu-s n day.
I'uy Illiciiii. iiiiplomnnt : nliont tlui'i1 months.
Addict , with btaniIMltor"Jliifc'nct.1 ] ) Oxloul ,
Aik. CW1J
WAM'UD- young man had eleven years'
CNpOllC'IIUJ lit OlIICOUllUWOIllll like U
Rtmitlon ; e.\piesa or lieljiht pro.oiii'd ; mod
ciato balmy tocoinincnco. IIII , lieu Ollice
701-11 *
V\TAJ THO lly n jiuing mini , n fltunt on in
i * the diy goods clothing , or piocciy tni-i-
no ; HpcnKft liciinnu , Ln h h nnd llohemiiiu ;
good iitfoieiices. AcldiOsS box -01 , l.lnioln ,
Nob. 7& 15 *
TKI * SltillitJcm by COIlipelcilt jonnp
woninn lor second woilw nnd plnln
Inpilvnto innilly. AddiChS II. JI.S. , UI7 S. I lib
St. , Lincoln , Neb. 7o7-H *
\'AJ THI > A fltuntlon bj n joungmnn , isn
ii coed penmun. Addicts It. 41 ! , lleo olllco.
\\'AN'I'UI ) Pltiintlitn lij-coiupetont icarl tor-
ii oil diug CleiK. Kliflit jcaiopeil ( nco.
lleleioucollistclius. II. 41. Addicss Cniellco
| -iOO nilll.s furnl ° litd to prlxn'o intnlllcs
V3T the sumo dny us older Is loft. Cull or send
your oi-der to Omahn Intclllueneu ollicc , Itoutu
I , S. M. loiner 15th und DoUgms | H. 7LU
; \\'A.NTT.f t >"ntolnii ) and follriTilo
ii man In ' 10 undeit.ikinp business ; c\poil-
once ot ton in nil Its binnchcs. Dlieet let-
teisto V. N. , Itoom 10 , S. U.cor. loth nnd Dnujf
Ins. W/O-11
T AiTns : .VXD iNTf ; , out of emplo > munt
j-i can innko from ? ! to JO pi r ilav nnd e\-
ncnscs bj cullliiK- Itoom A , ; ; ; , . ' N. lilth. Call
bctxt con t ) nnd In , and 4 nnd 0. 7i < 0-13'
GOOD ! ! . . sup | > ll"d with seed places In
prlvnto famlllcsiii > e ol'cliiiat ( thitOmnlm
IntelllKUiico ollicc1 , ItoOln'J , S , II. cur. 15th and
. ' ,
WANT1CD A potltlon : haiohiid
nmploi pini no nnd can 1 mulsh the hc t
of lofoicnccs. Address il ' 7 , UeoOilicc. 577-H'
rAJHUS If > ou runt geol domcstlo help ,
J call or send } oin nidi i'niul WD will luiulili
) iiu liiinii > ( liatL ly frc'imdliin\liin help C'spouhillji.
liinnhn liitelllgonio olllco , Itooai J , b. K. < or.
' '
A\TANTii : ) 1 Iscoxci.x of l\in | . _ Ml' . Mntlilus
IT Now Is thu 01x1101 ul ivio nc'i ui ol hind In
I'oiien , Dlxon county , Mcb. lloliai leninultliiit
i ( nil bus In en < ll6.o\oiucl on hU Innd , und IIIIB no
line to Inxcetlpnlu liluifcc'll.lmt ivunts somu onu
nimllnr with coal nilidiiy to 1:0 upnud look nl it.
New. 7&I-15
WANI'I' ! ) To lout " filinl-licd lOomBRiilt-
iibln lor llx'it ' liuutc'kt'unliiir , Adilu BS 1' .
" \A'A.NTi : To tent lurso dwelling , must bo
il Int'ood icpali. 4uu la\i > iipoit at.
\\ANrui > llonid. iVrmancnt A trunilo-
' i iniui nnd v > IIo would like to i ugiiKO two well
fiiinislirili-c'i'oiid Hour 1001118 mid Imth , with
iiililn bonnl In n hi i lolly piltuto liimlly ofndiilts
VV ill pa > a goo I ptl i forefttlMnUory uucommo-
dm Ions I'lcnto nililii s with niune , location
nnd pi Ice , In dtilot coutldencu. U. 1-1. lieu
otlicc. 7U2
371OU ii.NT : : Xu4iooin house , cor , Oth ami
riciio , f 10 pci month ; cltj water , liumiiu
M * fcnulli 1'jlli , coal olllco. W II
Foil IIINT : Slv houses uom ion to ilfiy
ilollms pur month. ll.l.IIoiillios.yiTK nth.
IJ'OK lil.NT Sloro. Apply at 1112 Fiiniuiu gt.
1PKK ltiM'-loroioiiii : onvost slilolllh
JDticd , brlni'ru Jiulsuu und .Hinos bin. , with
cnll\ln r tooiiib attuclicd. llanilln \ llronii.
Jll s llth blit. 7JJ-1J
Foil HiNT ; -Ihucmciit mid bake o\cn. John
KlCk.blD N. lWlll , ; & -f
_ _ _ _ _ _
IjMlC HI.N : r doom cottutro , ill , house n'ojth
fiom bt. MmyV a\c. . on ( 'harlcs sticot ,
: inrk'a aiUI ; tiuck t.uin n' of city ; H juuin
miibc , Iiuin , etc. , fc'iimulc'is st. JJ. r. Itlnt.'cr ,
U noilh ISta. in *
JtjM--Stcic : , 009 Noith Kill 6t.
HKNT-Sciond und Ihlr sloilcs * of
1 InUk building on I'mimm Mrcct , ill"1.
Vrol ht ch vutor. 11. W , tiuo 1'co oilicc. i w IiI
foil HUNT Thu houseli of 10 , 0 and 4
I 1 rooms cuili. J , I'liiupa Hoc. X&
> OIl HUNT Outtnse of S rooms nnd Miinmer
17 kitchen. Imrn , city water mid tlor.i on
ISth. near l. u\vi nworth Mt ( ct ; nbo cottniro of 4
on Michigans block * from ivwk nvo.
line coin , smnll bnrn , well , etc. H. 0. Htk lMS
HUNT House ot ten looms , 'id fitr-
Foil lor sale ; four rooms now reii ? d for
enough to pay rent of houso. O , It. A n i \ < ng ,
1911 fnrnnmst cci-lt
TTIOlTllKNT Nlco flvo room cottngo , S. 1'ii
JJ nenr Center. A. 1' . Tuko > , 1JJ1 rninnmfrt.
_ 76t -
1710H HHNT-Two ruttngo' , Stp > nnd $13 per
JL1 month. VV.SwIt/lor , U i nnlto lllock. 4S1
: HUNT OK l.HAhK fctoro room , tl > 1
iiOH 1 gnrdcn with 0-room homo ndjojning
iiiy 'ncio ' intm , 17 miles west of Omnha ; a
bU'lncfi lotsonM. Mar } SRVO. Apply to 1. . 11.
Chupmaii ACo. , U17 Howard M. HO
T10H HUNT-Now honso nt IfiSO .Inckson ft
F Apply nt CuiinliiKhnm & llrenmm t , 1611
ITIoiTTinNT-Iloufo belonging to the ejtnto
J } of.ludRo Chndn k * , toil 1'mk nvonuo. " VV.J.
Council. _ -
truVli'llUNT Two now8nnd0 roomedliou CM
JL1 turtinco. bath room nnd nil modern conv eu-
Idicesono block from strict cars , lii'iulro.lo.
T niulon. 814 SSth Ft. , or 8meltlinc VV orks. * tt
: MH HUNT A Moro- room with good collar
I 1 iwfi IJurt street. Apply to Joint lltiuinor
IJVOlTilUNT 2 Ptorc' on u nnd l.pnvenworth
1 . IMoroonSouth ItthM. Hoth nrst-chiMs
Jk rlB ifMJIU * ' ! ! JW t " i n * ft > * > VJ "
tiusliicislccHtlons. Also houses to rent A. Mo-
UnvocU. e < ja
\ \ ANTUIi Imincdtntcly , plo.i ant room
and bonrd for gentleman nud wlfo , for
nbout Unco wecim : line , iiuoonico. 7'a u *
rOlTllIJNT ruiulsUed looms. I'M Dnvcii-
port 763-lil *
_ _ ;
1J1OH HUNT Furnished rooms. SM > Oodgo.
JU ciu-ib *
poll IlUNT-Uoom with bontd. 1013 pipllol
1 1 nvu. taijsa" _ _
Two rooms , liunlshed , 8.V. .
IriOHHUNT 1 mid llninoy. 71.M4'
IflOII HUNT Itoom nnd honnl for two feonllo-
mcn In prlvnto Imnlly , near Imslndsi < eutcr.
llurcrcncoioUhel. | 411 N. 17thst7011 *
OHTTuNT Ti-ont put lor w lib bonid lor two
F 01 thicogcntlomru. 1814 IJiueiiport St.
70S-li !
OH HUNT .1 looms , closets , collur. cltj
IP wnlor. at ( i03N.lUh ! St. uo-ia *
_ _
poll HUNT fuinlshcd front mom
I 1 with closet , ulto linck room. 17U Cnllfor-
i .lBt. 70J
_ _
it HUM I'll i nWii'd looms lor Indies nml
pciitlcmcii Ula Cnpltol a\cnuo. W'l ' ID *
irto II HUNT Niro room nnil ln"-t lioaul
JL' u eckvcr > best location , US 8.1.1th t-t.K71 U
HUNT A nicely fm nl lii'd parlor : also
ono up&tnhs loom , 4 JIN. 171 h St , 1)75-14
OH HUNT furnished loom , luipiho 10th
nnd Douglas. IM.
71OU HKNT nil nlsiod rooms
171OII liJNT Comploti-lr rmiMuM lint , n
J. rooms and liatli. Addtcss II. b. lieu Ulllco. U''K'I
Tjioit HUNT Nicely furnished loom. S W
JL : tor. I'lihnnd fct. Mnrj'snvi' . Mt
Foil HUNT rurnl hcd Ironl loomnlt s nso
of bath loom ; plcii iuit location , luiiulii )
nt olllco ot C. K.Mn > no , l&tli and I'liin.uii. U7
| 7\OH HUNT Two suits oC I looms o.lcli ,
JL ! I'loixMi Micct between Ifltlt and "Jth. 111-
< iuhu llth mid I'mimai. r. Mochlo. KU
HUNT rurnlshcd rooms. .2.2 Nt inh
_ _ . . . . , . , . . , & _
HUNT I'urnUhoii 'room ? , 1W)3 ) Harncy
HUNT rurnislipd loom with board
sultnblo lorttto ncntlcmen. 1UU llud o tt
FOH SAI.U A ( food 5 room house und lot ,
UKUtS , south fiont on 1'opploton a\unuc ,
Ihlsls a bin pniniit V-iWO. Ciiiiiiinghuiii lliiiii-
1511 IJoU-o.
nan , } ajf _ _
OH sTlTu Ton lots. 5'\11Q ) i iclu nnd fjrood
houses on South Kith ft. All villl'bi ' < old lor
( ll'MHl. ThN Is a Hood Invcbtmcnt. Uunnlnu-
ham A. Ilioiiiian , 1511 Uodtfo. _
\ SAI.i ; 10J ncios near the city can bo hud
J7\OH $ l > an ncio : cusj turms. Ouiinin hum
i ; llicnnun , l.'ill Dodge.
] ) S/vii ; A ( food coinur lot on
JMH onlj $ : , WX ) . Cunningham A , liiunimn ,
1511 UodKt. _
Foil SAI.K Cliciip lots unil houses and lots
In nil PIII It. ol the cil.v. Cull mid vMiinhio
our H-t. Cunningham A : IHx'uniin , 1511 DodKO.
SAMvcio : lofslji Vai-hhiBtoiil inn ,
FOH each ! ou-.y terms. Cuunlinliiiiillliuii ) : -
111111,1511 Uo.I o. 70'N13
ijKa'ttolots iiil'i-ospect 1'lico JHOO.
J Ilousoandlot J.,5V > , monthly piiymontb , lot
IM I\ol > on' udditioii 51' 1X1. ( ic'tirgu 1 * . lloinU , lr
and D
J71OH Cholco HaiKtilns in icnl estate , call nt the
J- ollkool l ho Omaha lie l IXtuto \ loan Co. ,
imd l VVithncll lllllldhiK , Umnhii. TC.s
Foil SAI.U 11) Pot I PIi. . Cobb , 1515 l-'iunam
bt. , 1 lot in Wi si Knil nnd nt iWO.
Ulols In Shlnn'slld adil at f 7J5 c.ich.
A low cholco IOIH lit Marsh'fl at $1 , )0 ) cnch.
I/ol on IUthl ! blocks Iroiu ] ia\cmont ,
1'ivo acin In fiel = o' ndd , $11 CO.
" ol thu cheapest lotslu I'lalnviow , only'l'X )
cnch. . 7(11 (
SAl.i-lly Hell & JlcComlllsli. 1511
A lli-al-clii > s rc'-ldonco ] iiopoity In Dourui ,
or % vlll oxchiinsii lor Omiiliu propoi I y , $7,030.
1'ino Imm In S.irpy county ; will uxchuiiuc for
Omnha piopcrly , ? 7r > ' > i.
Ijholcoic-ldentiJ in St. I.ouN ; will o\chamro.
Aciolot and now house , Hlinobpufeli'b add. ,
SI.U. i
llnslucsj lots on DouxhiH St. . f 1,700.
Two-bio i j- house , full lot , Noith Omaha , SJ.W ) .
Choice KDIII lot , ( llMi'c add , $ i.WU.
lliislnoii lot , hou o mid li.irn , Doduost. , $ " ,500.
lots In West hlilo."XI to tUt. (
Douglas count } lnniilU ) aci os , $5,000.
THO good losliloiKcg on I'mlc in on no. ,701-1" ,
JTUm SAI.U lly Dcxlnr I. Thomas Iho. ,
JJ loom B , Cirl hton block :
JuO led on st. SV.010
tti\Vti , 6. w , coi. 17th and Confer , 52,003. ,
WMflll. Ilniibconi IMucc , * 700
Olots uiixl57 , on Iliimlltoii and Chmlcs bts' ? l < 00
to JWiO. ! ! blocks wc' t ol conx git | , , I
WKl 15 , coi. Chuilo > and bill SIB. , * 700. '
' , Kllh hoiiM ) and Imui , imur 'Ma and
Center , M.IW. Vciy cheap ; famuli pnjilicut ;
bnlancc moathlv. '
inxlll , Uilumil ( JtuuloB , with lioiiboof 5 looms ,
well , Hi' ' . , 1'iixj ' '
y loin , Limo's mldltlnn , 5C > 00 nnd $050.
! i lot * , W. A. Itcdlck'b mid. , * I .W.
lot cor. : . ' 7lh and Dmcnpoit , frl.W ) ,
Wo think all Iho ahino baiKitlns. CiUI for
tniiiif. Ddxtcr L. Thomas ti HID. , lloom f ,
Ciultfliton lllock. _ Mi _ .
171OII SAI.i : A fo\v diolcu lots In f.ouo'fi ad-
JL1 ditloii It oin i- : ) " ) to f.Vy ) , Aho houbo mi 1 lot
i05Uon onby teims. I'uttui A. Cohb , JSlll I'ai-
imm bt " | 1
1710HSAf.K-A low Rood lul 111 llllhl < ! ( ! . No.
J-1 oiio on Davimi ort ami Clilcntro Ms. aticnp
ntj'to lo RiM each. 1'otter i , Cobb , 1515 I'm-
lOlt SAI.U Coiner on f'nMII btjrot , niinr
.SiiuniUiiH , lU'i tcet liontntfo. ( linhmii ,
n , lllock , 71 < J
TTiOIl SALT A spoclnl bnigaln In budiii
J1 pioperty.Hj Icot limit on lolhi-t. hy Idl I I' I cut '
diep , llcbt'liu'-liie-s point Miillh of thuinllw
tiuc'lc. On | iu\cilhtiutliir line , ( to Only &SU
per liont loot , rotter X Cobb , 1515 ruiniijn tt.
BiiVUI : l'.Ki-AuJoliilnir : tlio bannekR on
the noiHi , IKIS iho mUiuiliiKO oniiicolovcl
drhuuni , beautllul location , line \ieu'c , nnd
ctcr.\thnw cNo that KOCH to iniiko up n-splondlil
I > liico for u icbldonco. h'eo llelvi'ili'ic. It fa
cheiip propel ly , ami no mistake' C. U. J
8 , W.cor l&thnud J'utmini. U
Tnum SAI.U Two yood lots In Him
JL1 I'hico , ( U ) cuch ; easy tcnus. ( Iru
Citljhtou lllock. 714
FOH SAI.U Largo house nnd U nicely Hnvn-
ted lots : nblilnn's M add , ( O IJO. AM IhlO
8-ioomed IIOIIMIDII Clark hlieet , nicely I'lovnUil
lot , J'iuw. tilbsoii .V Arcliec , lloom 3 , Wllbni'li
lllock. 440
FOH SAI.U Choicef or 10 iiCletrnctn , 4 miles
BOIII hwest fiom com t house , I't miles liom
Junction of II. 1' . Ity. and licit Line , nnd 1 mild
lioiu Mock Vnrds. Lies well ; all under cultiva
tion , ( 'tin 1x3 bought lor JIT'i und i-trt per hero ,
lr bold ( .0011. CliL'iijiL'.t pioperty in vicinity ,
1'otter & Cobb , 151 j Vuriiuin bt. ' , &
PATItlCK'.s iiddillon on S'llMidCM ' street N
Iho cheapest piopcity In that part or ; Uiu
city. Hiioiuirs run through this Addition , '
( xJiooK mo convenient , biisincfS icuchcs U on
two tides forcontoiiicnco unit doiiiililu local
ity I'ulilck'n uddillon bus uuiiiy ndimitnge .
I nil und InvcMiKuto. Lois only f7mi to t'VMl
inch , U. U. Mujno iife't'iit , B. W , cor. 15th niul
I'm num. KjU
ITiOIt KAI.U-Lolgoii Dodge St. . fl i to $500 :
-L monthly | j > incuts. Uuihmu , Crclghtou
UlocU. 7W >
SAM : on \ :
iTioii i-\cn\Noi-choooiotiin !
41 I.iiii | tib < county cent or Phrnimn ( Y > ,
Nob. dibson \ Archer , ItoomU , Witlmell ItlocK.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Gil UUN Vt OOD-lleautifiil ncro nnd iinlFncro
lots , line fcH'iillon , 3'i miles Irotn I' . 0. , enl ) a
few moments wnlh from Hnnicom 1'nrk. Acres
T40J. Hnirnci'cs * ± S , ID percent rush , bnliioco
monthly payments. 0. 12. Mu > IIP. S. W. cur. 10th
anil I'nrnniUt 473
TTioit SAMJi-gonth ironts in Clifton 1'lnco.
JU flWO cnch. W , T. Urnham , Crcleliton
Hloek. iia
Ijioit SAI.IMtxits In Mnrtlotfindd. , $ COO : cnsj
term * . Ui'ahnin , CiolKhtonllloclv. 717
F on SAM ! A two story , axM , frame build
in , sultatrto lorn More , noir loth nud Fur
immSts. Applynt thW olllco. I'tT '
IPOH H.U.IJ tio.OCO 10 per cent dividend
.1. pnylnir Mock tllbsou V Archer , Koou
3 , VVituncll lllock. 4JJ
iou SAl.U-I ots In Singh's mill. ,
Jfl.'iOO ; ( onus to suit purchaser. Cllnhuiu
Crelghton lllock.
BHLV.UOUHU-Acro lots at JBOO to f ) JO.
will mtikojon 73 to UlO per cent profit bc
foio niivt Now Vciir'silny. L , . II. .vin > nd , solo
Ufeut,8. ( W , cor. 15lh and rninnm , & , " > J
Foil SAI.U A general morchnndl o buslne
In n rapidly growing town not fur Iroai Lin
coln. lk'-t trade mid locution In town. A f plim-
did opportunity tor a patty wishing a good
opening , nnd having from oov on to ton thousand
dollms In cash. Will sell for rn h only , or part
cash , bnlnnco real cstuto lu Omaha. Address
Merchant , lloo Olllco. tU5
17IOH 8AI.K OK TIIAIIU 100 ncroi of hind
JU Ikj miles north of North Auburn , Neb. !
nbout sixty ticnisiindor cultivation ; good IIOHM ? ,
barn , nnd n good well of wuloi. For futthcr
purtlciilnis npply to II , II. Hoadluy , lliownvlllo ,
Nob. 4CKJnn21
I1OH SAI.U Hy Slockdnlo A : llunchor.n east
Iront lots In Klikwood.
7 loom hoitso mid lot Unvcupoit St. , cheap.
Jlnrgnlns In all directions
See us befoio joti bill or sell ,
btockdnle As llunohcr , 1511 Dodge St. 770-10
TUHtSAljii Unwound small stock ranches
I 1 with or without Mock.
Tor bnlo : ) lots In f pi lint Hill , $450 encht
1'or Hulo Kstiilill hcd banking business In
Nebuiskii.coiititj sent. Gibson & Aicher , room
; i , Wlthnull lllock.
I'oi U\uhunKC Nebraska fiirms for Omnha
piopett > ; ulso lunds to o.vcbmigo for slocks ul
Wanted .1 business lots for cash within 4
blocks of postolllco.
Tor Kxcliumio IM ) ncro Improved fnrm.JIadl-
POM count } , Is d ) . , lor bouso nnil lot In Omulm.
Voi fciilo AS ncro tract 4 milts of pixtolllco ;
houwrost lU)0loi , ) frl.&t.'Oeaah.UlbsoiiicArchor ' ,
HoomU , VVlthnell Itlouk. : K >
V\7"USTSI1)U stnllonoii I.eiucnworth Muol
i > will ho the junction ot the Mo. 1'ne. nlui
licit liino. I , ols pmchn ul thi'io ' now Mill in-
turn n Imndbonm piollt to tholiiljoi In acry
Hliini tliiiiHclKv MLL'undllsh undo. E. MIIJIII- ,
fcolo IIKCIIH. ii " >
SAIK Chriip lots In Ilanscam Vlnco.
ITtOlt ' . I1 , bloubins. UUjniil" *
M : iiousonnd lot 211 s s
JL1 nnd pajnicnts. Aildicju 0. b. Cliipniun , [ .in-
coin Neb. C71
roitSAMC rino lornar lot. rnM nndt-oUth
fiont , llunscom I'.HCC.V. . T. Uialiilin.
Cioijfhton Ulook. 73a
sr.iKit : > i , .vn'r.NTiox For full
J partlcnlnrt ; about frco and cheap lands In
Western Nebraska nddnm Tlio * 0. Patterson ,
licul listuto AviinU Noith I'latlo Nob. _ ! lu _
Foit Cboloi ! nffiliis | line il o-titti , inll at the
olllcuot IliirUnn liu Koiil r.tilloIxiiui Co. ,
iooms2iiidS.T ! Wlrhncll HiilUlliijr.Uinaha. "Ri
Tpou SAM : Iy ) C. i : . Mnj no : I
! Hr ( Full lot , Minll hoiiso , Wllcox ndd. , $7vi.
ulO Kull lot on I.cAxuiiHoitli t. , now house ,
| all modem ( uifronltmci" ' , fs.'itO.
S13 Lot on 1'ili-niuii St. near Uoth St. , IIOUEC 0
rooms , nll'modl'm ' InipiovenicntH , $7"iOO.
SW Two lots , , t a , houses , iNtli noftp Howaid ,
> '
SQfM. '
331 Ixit 'Jixl't'.Soutli ' 20th st , ( food house , Sl.WO.
Monthly fu > n rt'uts.
320 Lot ] UUUt ! fiontliift two Ftiert , nice cot-
t.iKO Inehifr Ilitieom I'tiik. f 4.8JJ.
31ft Iliinilsonio lot ) nice cottuijo 7 rooms , Gcor-
Kit. IU 0. , S-.l.WKJ.
311 Ixit nixl Utb nud rurimm , house 7 roomj
t.4.000. - < - ' ' 16
EOT Three acres , irnpd house , fin It , etc. , I.coy-
c'iittortli * < . ' , t.RiM ( * I J.
200 Kull lot. two cuUi4cp , Slilnn's add , SJl > 0.
s HouM)7 womB. uuA iront. beautllul loea-
lion , Ifinihuoui I'JiK-o. ftuj ) .
224 KleKant rosldunco W IOOIIIH , t\vo lot' , flno
locution , ovcry possible comenlence ,
! ! ) , > Coi HIT lot , nice cottnprc 0 ioom , ono block
oil S.uiinlctitt. ! , ! , iiiiU.
IPS Iliind-nincit cottn o In Omaha , n roams ,
bcaiitltul lot , fioortfia nvo. , $ . ' 1 , 0 ) .
1T > Lot UivllU , house 4 looms , fcouth loth St.
100 ( iood hoii'-oC looms , full lot. Hlckorjand
Kith , $ I,7IIU ; verj cheap. C. 12. Jlnjiiu , h ,
\V. cor , IMIi and I'aruam. 5.iS
TlUN'ALIbT , iXUTuntli Struct , liutwi-i'ii Farnnm
and Harncy , will , with the nld of KUnrdmu
spUits , obtnln for liny onu n phinco In thu
past and ] ire unt , nnd of ccrtnin conditions In
ihututuie. Hoots nnd shous inndo to order.
Perfect satisfaction puarunleud.
The o de lrimr to put out 1'iult or Ornnmon-
till Trees , h Mitis , I'lanls nnd Vines , will Und It
Kit'iUlv lothelt inleieat to consult 11. L. Ilipcry ,
by IrttiTOi In puihdii , in ii'trnnl ' to kind , ( | indliy
and pilco , beloioonlurliipot : inj onu. OnloiS
hhoiild lioplxeiionilj. Ollieo 13X1 Harnoy St. ,
ri ! idencu , 00 ruiuinn St.
Proposals for Iteal KHtate.
Pcnlod pie | oiiils will bo rc'colxrd by thfc un-
doiblKiiud until 5 < i ( l'j"k p. in , .Monihix.Jmiiiiuy
< th.lSbil , tor nliiici ol hind lorn school Hitdtlio
said hind tneontnin nt loa -''l ifiiiiuo li'et ,
nud to bo locntud between nnd Including
both slilcsol Nicholas sneer on I ho north , \ \ ( ! >
HterHtiect on tlm Mtiith , Thlitleth Mieet on
thou > -il nnd .SauniliuiMioi'l on tliLicn i.
'Did bonid IOM'IVO thoritclil to lejoct nny or
all bids
Ity order of the hoard ol IMiiciitlon.
till viii-us Covovi.ii , Hecieliuy. *
A nillHCT LINfi I'Olt i
England , France & Germany.
ThuMettinslilpd oftlii.s xxcll Known line aroiill
il lion , In xuucr llelit eoininn tmuma , itnllio-
lurnlblii'd xvlth nM.'i ) Milinr to iniiku thu pnisnyp
xith bale and iu'i < ' "il < lii , 'Ihuy cnuy thu IJilllril
iluli blind lliiiomnin malU , nnd IcaxoNct ) ' Vorlc
j'huibdnysand hnlnuliiys tor Plymouth , ( LON
DON ) , Chciboiur , ( I'AUIS und IIA.MIlLflUi ) .
' ItntOb 1'liit uiblu , $ WJW. . btecruau to
Yoik. , tlu ,
| JU , L
llomd ofTiaflf,1 , Clinmborof rotnmoifo ,
" ( a" '
I C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor ,
Local Iliihliu-sH Kollcltor , l.'JO I
IIIH .St. , Oiuulili , Xol > .
Iho most obtlnutociiso In fourduys orloss.
i' i in
N'o nuubpnu& doses of cubebs , copnlba
unilulxtood Unit nruifilnlu to pioduco t-
In byilu tiinlmr Hi" iimUim f iliostoiniii'ii Sold by all Oiuwvlstu or imillfl on
culptof price. F > r further mutlcmi" *
rorclicuhir. I' . O. IHUP1. .
3c. . .AJiiXj-ft-asr co. ,
KJJohntL. N
v nittcrs , the world renowned
. . . , 'etjrarnnu lnvlorator. ; Used now over
the whole civ Hired world. . Tiy It , Imt ben nro
of Itnllations. A k vonr croccr or ilrueclst
for tlipuetiuine article , mnnufnctmcil b > Di.
J.l. . ( H. SiegertjfcSoin.
"Nathaniel Hawthorne , February ,
1851 , " Is un antogtaph that appears
scratched In a . iuall window pane In the
pailor of William A Tappairs cottage ,
at Lenox , Mass The IIOIHO , red of hue ,
stands "upon a hill , with n Mlvory lake ,
Stockbritljio Howl , at the bail' Mr Tap- Is a sluilcnt and a iceltie. It was
in this lion > o of his that Ilavvthorno wrote
the "House of the Seven Gables. "
Dr Satro's- Catarrh Remedy cures when
every other io-called loinud fails.
At the tale of n collection of old plate ,
which took place n few days nco at tx
country house in Hi'dfotdshlre , KtiKlnml ,
the evtr.ioidinari prieo of $315J per
ounce was paid for a pair of old Kn 'i-h '
seonccs dated 1718. is early as much vyaa
obtained for a ttno CJtieon Anne loving
cup , with double handles nnd cover ,
dated 17U1. A nunlnt old heater , with
gridiron , dated 107l > , realized no loss than
AHcr Ulplitlierln.
Dlphlhona is u terrible di.seaso , rcqulr
lie greatest medical hkill to cfl'uet a
compictu cure. Even when Its power is
broken , it cllns * to the patient with great
persistency , and often leaves the system
poisoned and prostrated. Jttst hero
Sarsnrmrilladocsa vast amount of good ,
u.xp lling impmitic.s from the blood ,
giving it richness timl vitality , whllo it
renovates nnd strengthens the system.
Lottie Howard Is the "angel" of
Burlington , Vt. She has given the
Howard relief association $10,01)0 ) and
pait of the Kxelningo block. She has
also assisted several young men in the
high school and in college , several now
depending on her charity. Her homo
has. always been a most hospitable ono ,
and their names arc hundreds thai have
enjoyed her hospitality. She is now eon-
lined to her room , only wailing for the
end , being ot frail constitution.
Oh ! if I fnly had her complexion !
Why. it is casflv obtained. Use I'ooni's
Measurements of the heights of clouds
have been made at the Upsala Observa
tory during the past Mimmor The re
sults are approximately as follows. :
Stratus , SI.OOO teet , nimbus , or ram cloud ,
from ! 5M ( ! ( ) lo 7SOO feet , cumulus , from ! , -
lOJto 18,000 feet , einus , 2J,1UO. Clotul
measurements are always somewhat un
certain , but these figures are considered
fairly exact.
To the young face I'owoni's Powder
gives fresher eliaims , to thn old , re
newed youth.
- o -
French physicians seem to value their
-ei vices far more highly than American
physicians do theirs , Judging from Dr
Alvarea homeopatliist in Pans. Ho
lately brought .suiLagainst the I'rinee-s di
Mcdmi-Cinh for 000.000 francs ( ! ? 120IOO ( ) ,
oviduutly ono of his most valued pattenls ,
justifying his enormous charges by the
j'Aet of her enormous wealth The court ,
regarding the bill as exhorbitant , award
ed him 8 > ,00 ( ) francs ( $17OOD ) , after com
pelling him to pav costs.
"For real merit , " says one of the most
celebrated Prinm Donna" , " 15. II. DOUfl
DHOPS for irritation of the throat arc
The wife of General Sheridan was born
in ail ado bo house al Albnijnorqnc , N. M.
TITtlroiibo in which she lhv > t .saw the light
contained onu smttll grated window , a
until chimney in the coiner , and a heavy
door hung on wooden hiiiircs. Major
Hueker , her father , was quartermaster of
that military post at the time , and thu
infantile years of Mrs. Sheridan weio
passed among the rude scenes ot a
frontier army camp.
Dr. llartwcll of John Hopkins univer
sity says that u German soldier can .scale
a twenty-foot wall with his arms and
accoutrements , or jump an iron-spiked
fence without getting caught. Gymnas
tics are compulsory in the German
M. Panali , of French note as an artist
was about to be married in Pat is , when
he objected to the biido wearing a bustle
al the wedding , doelaiing thnttlnit part
pf luir dress was inaitistic. This did not
pluiiho the girl , who was obdurate , and
insisted on making her toilet to suit her-
Self. The match was broken oil'anil the
artist went to Egypt.
A .sine cure for lillnd. Ulccdlnf ; , Itcliln
nnd Ulcerated Pilot lias been discoveieil by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian lemeilx ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has ciued tlie woi > t chionlc cases ol y i or
! XJ jcjrifelanilinK. No one need snITer live
minutes alti-i appliiiK this uomluil'iil sooth
In : : medicine. Lotions ami Instalments do
inoio limiii than Kond.'llllams' Inili.iu
Pile Oliilment ali orlis tlio tunuiis , all.ijs the
intense Itching , ( p.iitiriil.nly at nltrlit after
cetlinx warm in bed ) , actas a iioiillice , dvos
insiant rfliel , and ispiuiuied onlfoi Pile- , ,
itcliliiic of pi i vato pai Is , and Inr not liitis else.
Dr. Fia/Icr's Magic Ointment cuies as by
inagle , Pinijilcs , lllnck Ileatls or C.iubs ,
lilotclios anil Kiuptlons on the face , leav ing
tin- skin clcaraud beautiful. Also cuies Itch ,
Salt Ithi'um , Soio Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obf.tlii.ile L'lccis.
Snlil by iltugk'i'-ts , or mailed on lecclpt of
50 cull Us.
Itclallcil by Ktihii it Co. , and .Sclnoeterit
JJcclit , At wholesale by C. K Clooilm.iii.
A dNpntrh fiom Pittshuri : announces tliat
il has hi'i'ii ilccldeil to ronstiuct the hontli
IVtmsjlMiiiu mllioad , which will be ono ol
the limit Important loads constiucteil within
the past twenty jeais.
The Great Invention ,
iritliutit Harm lo t'.lllltHJor IIANJ1S ,
and partlculnfty adapted to llVi rut Climates.
No family , rli h or poor , should bo without It.
Hold by all droccrs , hut beware ol Mia linl
litloas. j'j.UtT. XJ : Is manufacturt (
only hy
National Bank
S , W , Cor , Farnam ii 12th Sti.
Capital , $100,000
II. M. Culdwc-ll.O. W. F , Smith
MT. llurlowC. Will Htiuilltou.
Margins ) if Not Responded to ( it Once , Fol
lowed by Forced Sales ,
" \Vlicat Tremulous Throughout the
Day , anil Cluslnt ; a Point Ijo\\ur
'llinu Vrsicrilny Cnttlo Itrcoliits
llcavr. TrntliiiK Weak.
Cnicuio , Jan. 13. [ Special Telosr.un 1-
WIIPAT Wheat slipped anotltcr cog to-il.i >
and dtopped t c ftoiu > csU'ulaj's cloinc
lulce. Upunlnp sales of Mnjcio psactly 1 (
lower tlmn Hie last aiiot.Uion jcitotd.ty , nnil
llr t sales WCIP on a basis of W o , Tlio loea'
ciowd bid the piico up s chen spllinj ;
oidt-is begun pouriiift In fiom otttslilins ,
Krallzlns sales \\eiu on an enoitnoits scale ,
nnd as tlicte was very little bujlni , ' lo covci
shorts , the load \\as shifted to the shonlduif
of oilier bulls , who seemrd ntulous todrof
It , generally sinviklng , The scinniblo as
pronilsctioUM , niul prices dropped down to
& 4Ji < c. Last week witnessed n decline ofle ,
but the downward mo\cnicntuas steady nnil
accomplished without Jar or excitement. To
day cvcrjbodyns excited nnd nervous ,
and loud calls foi inaiKlu ? , 1C nul
otiicKIy tespondcd to , wcro followed by
forced sales. Considerable wheat , held on
stop oidur , eamoont on tlm bre.ik , and the
feeling was panicky , almost. AVhen IhliiKt
looked the bluest , so\cml largo fchoits , began
buying , and on New "i'otk account
helped lo. steady thu niaiket. Only n limited
trading was done at S4 c , not many imlun
being lllled at that Uiutu. Xcw Yotlc hold
verj btvad > tbrotish the excitement here , but
western maikcN weiotteiubllng in . - - \ iniiatliy
with Chicago , The teautlon fiom b-l fo , was
pioiiotinccd , and as the tiuuKct haiduned , the
anxiety ot the sluut tntuiest to cover bce.xtnc
moro app.ncnt. Prices were can led to Sl'f c ,
and w mild nmloubtedly have gone higher but
for ficootfci ings ot Hulclilnsoiiiio let ! the
ciowd all It would take on. Ills bales were
on n > ery laige scale. At 1 o'clock the mar
ket was still tiomulous , out a better tone pie-
vailed than at nn > time during the day , nnd
pt ices were within o of the opening , but
IHc below yc'-terday.
MIMIU ( iUAtxrt Coin and oats weie seem
ingly wholly independent of wheat 01 piovi-
sldiis. nnd they show a stieiigtli and Illiniums
that Is rntlior lemarKablo conslaeiing the
weakness In the former nnil neivousness In
the latter. 1'ilces to day weie just n shade
oil" , ImUho clraiu.1 was lusl nlllcant.
I'novisioNSioislons opened lower all
nronndi and some liltlc ( lading was done.
The range of piiee- > was .1 ( ( i'J , e lowct tin
poikand2 @ "x ; on laid. The eloso nt 1
o'elock showed a loss ot TJioJlOc on poilc and
UKc on lard.
Aniiitxoo.v HOA tin Wheat was hid up
lfc nt tliobeglnnlntr of the aftei noon boaul.
May then sold down finiu STil e to 81fe , but
again milled and eloied with nppiiont llun-
ne.ssntjoljc. ! Other specul.itive-ai tides nn-
detwent noiiecial rhango In price.
2:4. : ) ji. in. I'uts on Mt > wheat
calls , SV
CincAno , .Ian 13. [ Sieclal ] Telegram. ]
C.VTn.i ; Olllcial iceeipts oC cattle Tuesday
reached tlie uulicaril ol nnmbci ot 1 > , ! M >
head. About 0,000 eattlo weio left unsold ,
and lecelpts to-day , bpln > { tlie sscond lingust
on recoul , mailo n supply on the maiket ot
fully 1U.OOO. The cattle icceived Tuesday
weie ne.uH all liom Illinois. The pint
occasioned by ile.ilcts tliinUni. tlie cold
weather and snow would keep biinplici liom
comiiij ; in iieely until about tlm middle oL
thisweei ; . To-day them was a further de
cline ol S > c , inalvlin ; an aveiago loss of 75ij
fiom thu i.ites Monday. Ti.ule was vuy
weak and buyer ; , weie ilemamlin ? he.ivy
concessions. Some 1,200 and loj : Ib. eattlo
sold at S4.00 , whicli were quite as good as
some that sold Monday tit S4.00. Shipping
.steeis , 130 : ! to l.SOJ Ibs. , SI.2.V < / > V3 > ; 1'JOO , to
lions Ileavj leceipts. Tlie unsettled con
dition ot thu cattle ti.uleand weakness In the
piovlilon maiKct Imd the effect of lowering
piices lOi nu in the IIOL ; niaikel , tlm best
heavy only making § 1.0J ( 1.10 , with fair to
cholco packing Ri.ulos tit tH.SOiijI.O ! i. 1'aclc-
Ing and shipping , 253 to100 Ibs. , § 3.60 ( 1.120.
NowYoi-lc. Jan. 13. Moxnv On call I'/
@ -j percent.
I'IIIMI.MIIOA\TIM : : : : I'APiit : 1(3 ( > . > per cent.
flim at S-t.bTj for sixty days , and S4.8D tor
( loviuxMixis Dull , but fcteady.
SiofKs Stocks opened without any new
foatnie , altliou li news was ot a brailsh ten
dency. Alter ( no lust liour a vigorous raid
VMIS besun against tlio whole list , and con
tinued with moio or less vigor tliioiicltout
thu leinalndei ot tlie day. The attack was
nuit couhiicuous ] in the foiennon in teal
stocks , and hackawanna yielded rapidly.
Leading ollluialsdo not talk encouia -
iiiKly in icgaid to the coal tiade. I'ublltlied
lejiorls lo aidiiiK Hie lifjhl lietvM'cn tlie It.dll-
imnc Ohio and tlietiiinlc line jmnlweio
used to depiess , not only the .secmitles dl-
lectly allectcd bj thu renewal of tlmiallioad
nito wai , but also u.vteuled ( to franieis ; and
Miuthwcfttcin ishitos. The low fit nilce.sweio
u'cuciallj made in the atleiuoou , but In linal
ile.iiluKs tlie market twain bei.imo ( tuiel and
Ir.ictiomd lallies weio ostabllshed , pi Ices
dually clnsiiii ; mm lor tbeai'tlvo liht , at an
nvcin u decline lor tlm twenlj-lout liMilhn :
stocks of n.sliado lot than 1 per cent. Imt
I.ackawanna Is down lf and Dcluvvnie it
Hudson N IVi percent lower.
STOCKS ON' VVAI.I. M'lir.l'.T.
UlJccnt bonds. . . 10PB0. ir.S.V 107
U. H. Ij-f'ft 11-Hl Piefeiied. . . HIV
N'ew-l's * 1U.I'4 ' N. V. ( J 101
I'aeilicO'sol W. IW Oregon Trail. . . : ! ! ' < ? L'acllic.Jl'i ' i'.icllic Mali i.'JJfC
L1 , itA 14'f ( ) ' 1' . , I ) . .tlC WO
pieleiied. . . . ifi'J IM'.O ' ! }
D..H. ifci ( llii fiKook Island. . . . I'JTJf
I ) . , L.V \ IW iht. L. A S. ! ' . . . . 'JIM
I ) . .tK. C 17 i jnelcrred. . . Wtf
' &St. I' . . .
Krle -We. , 51. IfJJf
picfeiied . . . M i iirefened. . 1'U
riIlnolHUmiti.ll. . l.M"4 St. V. .to : i7f ! !
I. , U. AV - | * jneli'lled. . . 10JJ
Kansas itTex.H 50 > f TPVIS J'.icllie. . . Ibf
LakoSboiu . . . . h'lJt.Unloii . I'liclim . . ayt
\t.teX \ 4-i I\V. , Ht. Ii. \ ' I' . . 10 . . . 71 I prelcncd. . . JU'f '
Mo , racilic 1I1K Wcsiein Union. ' : ij ;
N'oitlioin I'.iu. . . 'J7 O. U.itK 101
pretence ! . . . . fo\ \
iMtoDirci : .
< 'liliato ) , Jan. l'i. I'lottl K.islei and
i shade luvmltilci ; _ w Hour , i.JO ) 4.h.rj ;
MIcblKan'sott fijiiiiii : wheat , & ) .7tl.O ) ) ; Mln-
icsotii bakcis' , ii.W.ii.MJ ; ) : ji.itcnts , &l.7' t < j
i.5Uije ilimr. quiet at iao ; > u.i.j ! In bu-
els , and § 110 ( :1.10 : In sacks : buckwheat
IIHII , { rl.Kif5.00 ( ) in b.uieh ; b.M ( < i'l , ' } ' > poi
wt. In wick- .
Wheat Weak and lowei ; opr-nod Jo mi-
li-r je-teid.u'u clo-i' , i allied a tillle.then
lecllned Ic , U'covcicd , Mild off -Xt ; ami
Io cil l'0e inidi'i jehtetd.i ) ! 7ltfttVJ'ic ' lei
- - - .lallli.iii ; ' 0aiVJl\o ( ! foi
[ Vbiii.n > sb.yj , iXV ufoi .Ma > .
Coin lliihlci : inledabout ijn uinlei jes-
lay ; iMo t'u cn-li ; 'Sw11'1' ' l01
ii floi . ; ! . ' . ; | M.iy.
< j.ils Vfivdnll anil w.iK.rJSifo foi cash
-soO lor IVbiuiui ; U1J4 lor
M.l > .
lvo ! ( Jtilet and dull nt.lie.
li.ulev ( julet ; imitutlally unchanged at
Poilc Actlvo Imt iiiiMittU'd ,
ailv. dcclinul llKiflUJJi' , later Iwcamo
.tc.iilli'1 , r.illiul .VifTJjf , ami do oil compai.i-
- cash&i0j'U
i\olj hiiMily ; lU8MM.i-iloi ;
.cio.-rilor.lanuao ami li-binaij ; &W..i"i ;
, . . lor Mnv.
LaidM nth-rat fly iwllui but wcnUs i dc-
lined eK' < clu-nl Me.ulli'r : < ? " . < 5 <
i.U. . ' { lor c.ish Jauiuiry anil rcbiinr.x ;
rO.JJ , fii.i'i' } > lei
Hulk Meats-Shoulder * , SXV1. ! { > - > ; short
clear , S. " 40irf > ' . 5 ; ihoit ribs , 5S.07 , ' C MO.
Wlil kv M.IO.
Ilutter Vinti : good to fancy creamery , 33
(3'Sic ; Rood to choice d.ilrv , HSi" ( c.
Cheese-Strom ; ; choice Kite niado full I eliedd.Uf , f tOJIdc : choice lint * , 10 < < j
10' ' | c ; choice } ouiii ; Americas , lO'jfg'llc. '
l'ctsKlnn nt llVfSlc.
Hides I' ed ; p-irt enrod , S S'V ;
creen , H ; ; lie.vvy ijieen sallcd.y c ; lipht do ,
l4irf ) ' i < e ; bull hides , J Ue ; lr > salted , 12ije , ;
drv Hint , liviuc ! enlf skins , ic1 ! .
Tallow t'liclinneeil ; No. 1 touutry , 4U'c ;
No. 'Jcounlij , Ic ; eal o , .V. f
KeeelnK Jshlpnipnts.
riour , bbls 4,000
Wheat. Im SOOO 10.000
Coin , nn 23,000 4,000 !
OnKbu JIH.OOO 3.1,000 l.oeo none
Dailevibu HO.UOO Ul.WO
Now Vork , .Ian. i : ? . Wheat Weak ; ro-
coipls , none ; i-xpoiK O'.OiW ; unuraded led ,
> nl > le ; No. sited. Mio ; No.Jicil , sr-i | ( ! ! > .Vic ;
I'dinni ) chmltu at Sli'4p ,
Coin Lower , clnMnt ; weak ; tecelpls 20- k
OiX ) ; expoiN. I'.ll.OtM ' ; uuuiaili'd-lli'iiso ; No ,
: i , 4fi > ( ij47o ; No. 'J , CiO' ' df > 0'e ' In elevator , ' "I
31 Ve ; Tebiuaiy clo-.imr ath c.
O.iN-Modeiately active ; lecelpN , 22COJ |
oxpoits , M.HX ( ) : nilM'd westeiu , ; * l jOJIJ ej
white we'-tein , ifiiyf tilife.
I'otroleuiu Stcjdj ! united clo cd at 873/01 ,
Hires-I'll in and demand f.dr ; leccipt i
Ct paekaces ,
1'oik Ktrin nndery quiet ; mess , slO.n'Vf.
J.Aid Loss active ; nlcs ; westcin steam ,
spot. J ( l. > f ; 1'Vlii ' nary , Sii. lln.4' ( ? , ' .
Ilutter 1 Inn and fair demand ; western ,
ILV'xV ; Klfln criMiuery , ; ! ViMV.
Cheese Sleadv and demand moderate ;
westein ll\t , 7iTli'uc. ( '
Cincinnati , Jan. 13. Wheat Dull nnd
nominal ; No , 'J led , OHc.
Coin Kapler ; No. H inKed , nTtSS
Oats Heavy : No. 2 mixed , 31 > 4iJJJc. (
! ) Klnn ; No. U , G4o.
Hal ley Kasier ; e\tii Xo. 3 splint' , OlJ-tfc-
1'oik Dull and lowei atS10.r.O.
Laid Kasler at 5tJ.OJliQO.ur > .
Mtlxvnukpo. Jan. ! ! . Wheat Steady ;
easli , 7SJkc , Kebrnaiy , 7tilfo ; May , t6'jc.
Coin Tame ; No.'Me. .
O.its-Dull ; No.'JttS c. ; No. l.fibc.
ll.ule > Steady ; Xo.'J , Rlc.
I'lovisloiis Lower ; mess pnrlc , cash and
Jammiy , ilO.lU ) ; Kebintuy , 510.iJV ; < f ,
3lliuieiiiioii < 4 , Jan , M. Inactive :
bujers and scilurs ap.ul ; lair demand for
g.uuplcH . ot nillllii ) ; w ; No. 1 hard , Jautt *
arv. ssji1 ; I'einuai } , iOj ; .Match , 87o ; May ,
Ul' e ; . \ . 1 not them , 7t'e ' for c.tsh and Janii-
atv ; lO' ' e for Kcbrnaii ; fcOJio for Match ;
SI'61' ' fill Mll > .
I'lotii ' Liulit demand : patents , Sl.ToO-'i.OO ;
baivcrs , SJ1.75 .M.OO.
leceipls ! \\fliMt \ ( , OO.OOO bit ; Hour , 125 bbls.
Shlimieuts-Wlieat , l.t.OOi ) bu ; Horn , l > , & - > 0
St. hoiils , Jan. I" . Wheat Active but
veii weak , closiuc JCMU c imdei jesterd.iy ;
No " led , c.isli , bsutio' ( c ; Jamuuy , bfecj
KcbllMl.v. Mike ; iM.iV , IM | C.
Coin-Steady but quiet ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash. : Ki < ; , UJ'jebid ' ; reluitary ,
a'se : ; Mav , : MI\V.
Oats b'.eady but dull ; unixcd cash ,
- / . .
I'oik bloadynt SIU.W.
J aul Knsiei at S5.l)0iir ) ( > .tVi.
lltiUci Me.ulv .nut unch.ingcd ; cicamcry ,
) 'i , . , .
Am. i\oov : llo vin ;'asy and J4"c
lovvei. Coin Kasy , md nnchanijeil to lic
lowei. D.its UnciianKCil.
KniiRu < 4 Olty , Jan. 13. Wheat Lower :
cash , ( Jjjjc ; l'\'iO'i'e bid ; Maj , 7Ji5 ! (
7Ji' ! .
Corn Wtnls ; cash , 07c bid , 275-Jc asked ;
Fpbiuiuyx27Wc bill , tis c asked ; May , aijfe ,
Oats iSomiual ; Mu > , ilt'ebld.
Toledo , Jau. la. Wheat Closed 1H men
cash , bsi
Coin-Ouict ; LMsh. S'-Jfi- . ; c.isli. , ; 0c.
Ijivcrpool , J.iu. 1:1. : U'liPat Quiet Imt
steady ; poor demand ; boldcis oiler liccly.
Com Ste.uly and In laii ilcin.inii ,
Now Orlcunn , Jan. 13. Corn Dull at
-Juictat-tOe. ( S'2.10.
_ Hoi ; l'iodnuts Dull and weak ; jmik , 311.00
1 Ltiid s'0.00.
KJlulk .MiMls-Slumldeis , S-I.OO ; long clear ,
Cliloajjo , Jan. 13. The Diovcra * Journal
roimiis :
L'.ittle Iei ( > oUits , 12,000 : weak nnd 2."c
lowei ; shipping steers. Si.r,0 : 5 ; > . ) ; stockeM
md ti'cders , jf'j.G'Jv.riitjio ; row-4 bulls nnd
mixed , JsL7.MAI.00 ; bulk , -J.CO.r 1.-J5 ,
Ho- : Iteci'lpts , 12.000 ; slow and IV lower ;
iim li and mixed , fc..Mi i l.-'d ; ) iickin and
siiipjiliu ' , , y.bOvij-i. ! o ; light , & . { .40ig.'J.K ) ; bkips ,
S5-i.'ii 3.10.
hheep Iteeeipts , 0.000 ; active ; common
wp.ilcct ; natives , fc.,5io. ! > .l'i ; westein , SiurKg
: : .r > 0Tex.nis ; , S'.iKii".OD ) ( ; lambs SUJS5.M ) > .
KUIS.IS Oily , Jan. L' ! . Cattle Itocolpts ,
ti.tOJ ; .shipments , or. : in.uKel .stagnant for
.sliipiiiiitf Blades , liijlit tiadliiK in fecdcia
and Imiclieis sinlf , but not sullicieut to niako
lell.dilu ( iimtalious.
lloics ltcceiits | , 12,000 ; slilpmeiil.s , 700i
w calf and 10u lower ; peed to choice , g.75a ! ) (
IV-'O ' ; common to medium. S < < . .5X'70. .
St. Ijouls , Jan 13. Cattle Receipts ,
S.OOO ; sliijmieuls , 00 ; dull , wc.ik and 25d
lowei than \estetday ; t'coil to cliolra .ship-
i ill it ; , ' 4 7. M < 5 10 ; cimiiiion to lair , i > .7r @ 4.5 < ) ;
onti'heis' stems. S'J.oo l.tX ) ; cow.sand beilei.s ,
W.OtV-l.i'i ' : stockeit ) and leedcis , Si.r : < 0fi.fc' : ; ' ) ,
llo s Iteeeipts , 10,001) ) ; shlpmi-nts , iiO.OOTj
active ; fir/fjiOc lowei ; lmtchiis' and best lieavv , ( ) ; mixed packing , SJ.7CK il.8'i : ; f '
fc..50ij.bO ) ( : ) , closing quiet.
Weduesilaj Kycnlni ; , , I1
The Uvo stock niaiket was active to d i
all Hie packing houses belns ; repii'seulcil
their hirers. Tlm maiket Oicncd ] narl )
the iiioiuliiK , tlie luylni ; bi'lnjj steady in
l.ite in tlioaltoinooii. Thohc.ivv decline i
polled In the c.irflw n cattle maiKet hail
ellcctol loiciiiK tlm mailtet hcio down 40
Ma. Tlm demand Kept up. and them v
consliluiahlu inquiiy lor cholco butche
htock. ( .iooil LOI n-lcd natives wi'ie wauU
however , tlio lecelpts ot choice stock ol t
fjnulo vvcio ll ht , and only two bane
changed hands.
The IIOK nnil kct was Hc ) to l.'r lower '
n'HHOii ol tlm decllno in cr.stein imuk <
Thu iccelpts wcii ) In excess ot the luuvio
day and tlie fm this month , thus 1 1
Sales weie iii.ulc icaililj at the decline i ml
ii ; Hut nutnliei ol call'o ' , IIORS i < I
8lii'ui | imichaiHl bj llto local nacUuia on t ij
iniiil.i't today.
JlaiiisAKislior . I
City butchcin . . . . . . I
( t. 11. liumimiml A : Co . . . . . .
llt'iiiy Jlcal . , . l >
Omulm Kicking Co . t
J. I' .
c'itv'butdicis. . . . ul
C. U. Iliimimmd .tCo ( Ill
hliecly it Co , , . - ' .
Note All b.ili-s ol blocl ; In llils market ai j
ninde percwt , Iho vvolitlit nnlins.ollijivvU' ( |
sl.itul. Dc.ul ho 'h hull at In liCMb , fortiU
It * Ibs , no value. ' I'ieijiuuitso"vsuro doiKel
40 Ibd and ta's Ul Hi- .
Wrdni'sday Kvcnln , Jau. 1 *
Ocinorul .MnrkolM.
Kdos-Tlio mild w .illicrlia laUniIcncx ( "
i'i' llm il.ut ami ialus weio uiadu a >
lii IIKP Tliu fitipiily of rholco table butter
III thoiuaiKct in iciy limlttxl. Tuviuv