Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1886, Image 1

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    ( T'- * "
How the Mob at Schuyler Disposed of Dog-
man's Assassin.
March Quietly and Orderly to the Court
House Door ,
Force the Murdered Man's ' Brother to Yield
Up the Murderer.
nt tlicScene of the TraRcdy
Tlio Coryrter'H Verdict Tlie Bher-
III'H Corpse ; nt Oiimlm A. Citizen
ol'Sohuylcr Intcrvlovctl.
How the Deed Wan Done.
Yi.m , Neb. , Jan. HI. [ Special Telc-
Krnm. ] Nothing ever cast such a gloom over
this place as the death of Sheriff Dlgman
yesterday. ' 1 his was Indeed a funeral town.
.Business of every description was suspended ,
nnd men gathered about In knots and groups
of three or four. The excitement was In
tense , hut quiet prevailed. There was no
blustering. All was sober determination.
The universal verdict seemed to bo that
Judge Lynch ought to take the case In hand.
Tlm excitement was not confined to this
town alone , hut everywhere along the line
telephones were brought Into requisition ,
asking information from different sub
scribers. Arrangements .seemed to have been
made to
from neighboring towns. 15very train that
came brought some newcomers. Late In the
evening crowds came In wagons from the
country from fifteen to twenty miles around ,
lly " o'clock theio was at least -00 strangers
in town.
At half past ten they formed In line and
inarched quietly nnd orderly to the court
house , where the sheriff , U. P. Degman , just
appointed , Jos. Iliulersdorf and Frank Fra-
y.lcr were on guard. The mob demanded ad
mittance hut were refused. After this they
went to the rear door and commenced to bat
ter It down with a sledge with which they
were provided. The doors wcro opened by
the guards , who tried to icason with the
mob , and orduicd them to disperse. They
were immediately covered with
nndordcicd to throw tip their hands. The
sheriff was then seized and the keys taken
from him. The mob then proceeded to open
the cell. At the first approach of the mob the
prisoner , Laponr , began to bellow dismally ,
probably realizing what was coming. No
attention was paid to his outcries.
He was In the cell with ojth hands and feet
manacled. The mob seized him , adjusted
the rope around his neck , dragged him out
doors to a convenient tree near thu fence In
front of the court house , where ho was soon
Hwingtnc between heaven and earth. Not a
word was spoken by the crowd until they
were ready to draw him up , when all seemed
to cry at once
Death soon took place , after which ho was
cut down and carried Into the sheriff's office.
He did not struggle after being drawn up ,
as the treatment before had probably stunned
him ,
The crowd having been but a few minutes
at their wore , dispersed as quietly as they had
come together , By 13 o'clock the streets
were clear and everything as quiet as though
nothing had happened. It Is thought that
there were between two and three hundred
men on the ground , and but llttlu attempt
was mide at concealment , though It would
bo a hard matter to positively Identify anyone
ono as having had a hand in the business.
The great majority of our citizens
Though they deprecate the necessity which
called lorth an appeal to lynch law. A few
condemn the action as unwarranted and un
necessary. No sympathy Is felt for the
wretch who was treated to so summary a
dose of Justice.
This morning the ; oroncr empaneled a
jury consisting of G. II. Wells , B. F. Itob-
crts.J. A.McMurphy , L. C. Smith , 1C. P ,
Weaverund N. B. Woods. These men , after
weighing nil the facts that could bu biought
out by Investigation ,
HKNinir : : > A vr.umcT
to the effect that "Wenzul Lapour came to
his death by hanging by a ropu about thu
neck until hu was dead , and that thu said
hanging washy the hands ot unknown par
ties. "
At present the body of Lapour is still lying
at the court house. The bitterest feeling
against thu prisoner .seemed to be among his
own countrymen , and they felt It to bn a
that ho should commit such a deed , At pres
ent theio Is but little excitement about thu
matter compared with what onu might ex
pect.Tho remains of Sheriff Degman wcro
taken chargu of by thu .Masonic fatern-
ity , of which order hu was a member. Alter
appropriate ceremonies they escorted the
body to the train to ho taken by his brother
to their old home In Muy.sville , Ky , , where
his borrowing mother , two brothers and a
bister ,
Mr. Drgman was born In Kentucky and at
the time of his death hu was ! 15 years of age.
He has been n resident of this county since
1871) , and has a good record as n citizen , being
universally liked. Ho has lived several
years on his farm live miles ninth of here ,
and served as a deputy M , r about two
years. Last fall ho was ulivied to the olllcu
of sheriff and took the oath of olllcu last
Thursday. Ho was unmarried. His only
lelallves hero were his brother , U. I1. Dog-
man , and a cousin who lives on his farm ,
The Hhcrlir'H Hody in Omaha.
A long box lay In thu baggage car of the
train that pulled Into the Union Pacific depot
from tlm west last evening. A sad faced
gentleman sat In the foi ward day coach , and
as the train checked at the passenger plat
form a group of follow t nuclei's bade him
lure well | | i tones kindly and low. Thcso
last joined In thu thiungs which were crowd
ing into the many conveyances bound up
lown , and subsequently took lodgings In the
various hotels of the eily. The gentleman
left behind watched , h. transfer of the long
box to thoMissomi Pacifictialn. . Tlm box
contained the remains of John 1) . Degman ,
' the murdcicd sheriff of Colfax county , and
the sad faced gentleman was U. P , Desman ,
the brother of thu deceased. The pine case
was marked to Maysvllle , Ky. , and there ,
back among tbo memories of his youth , tlm
dead man wus polns to test forever.
i Mr. Joliu A. Mcilurphy , editor of the
Schuyler Sun , was a member of the party
who came this far with the remains. Ho
was met at the Paxton hotel by a BII ; : re
porter , and In the course of a short Inter
view very graphically described the exciting
events of Monday and the night following
at Schnyler. He said that no legal action
would follow the lynching , as popular hcntl-
meiit too htiongly endorsed It. No one in
Schuyler who had witnessed or taken part
In the Informal execution made the slightest
effort to conceal the fact. There seems to
have been n feeling that the wictclied mur
derer , sane or cra/y ns he might be , iiad too
much chance to work the Insanity dodge , and
the community did not feel like letting the
law take Its course.
The murdered shei Iff had bpen In ofllce but
five days and was not experienced In the caiu
of criminals , which may account for his
thoughtless exposure to danger. Laponr , the
murderer , was the only prisoner and wa.s
held on a mere peace warrant , so there would
fcccm to have been no occasion to fear him.
On Saturday Desman had taken him out in
the Jail yard for exercise. While theio La-
pour picked up a piece of pine scantling , and
being unable to converse In Kugllsh , held it
towards the sheriff saying , "Kindling , kind
ling , " signifying that he wanted thu billet
for fuel. Degman permitted the man to take
It , and In so doing unconsciously put Into
the prisoner's hands thu engine of his own
Mr. McMnrphy says that although public
feeling ran high , there was no demonstration
and even thu extreme steps to thu Informal
execution weio quietly taken. The only
nolsu created was when the crowd demanded
thu Miriendcr of the prisoner from the sheriff
and his deputies. _
The Stngo Itohbcry.
FOIIT UOIIINSON , Neb , , Jan. 18. [ Special
Telegram. | Thu robbery of the stage , In
which 57,000 of government funds was taken ,
occurred at the ciosslng of Big Cottonwood
creek , seven miles east of Dawos City , Tom
Casey , the driver of the two-seated buck-
boaid which passes for a coach , Is an old em
ploye of the Wyoming Stage company , and
Is considered a trustworthy man. Ho was
livid upon Monday at about 11 o'clock by a
masked man with a shotgun , who matte htm
throw out the tieasnre box , and then or
dered him to "whip ni ) " on his road. Casey
reached hero shortly bufore 1 o'clock and re
ported , and Lieutenant McAnanuy of F
Troop , Ninth cavalry , with n detail of ten
colored soldiers , started at once in pursuit.
They scoured the country for nearly forty-
eight hours without success , and came In last
night from their fruitless search. The farm
ers In the vicinity are doing their best to
track down the robber , stimulated by thu
liberal reward offered by Wells , Fargo ifeCo. ,
who will have to bear the loss of the funds.
The trail is , however , so beaten down that it
cannot be followed. Thu robber Is supposed
to be not far from Dawcs City.
Nebraska Crimes Increase.
Nor.Tii PLATTE , Neb. , Jan , 13. [ Special
Telegram. ] Kniest Smith , who was shot by
Jeremiah Donovan on theUth inst. , has since
died. The coroner's jury to-day rendered a
verdict of murder ngainst Donovan and
against his younger brother , who was present
at the shooting , as an accessory. Tlio pre
liminary examination will take place to-mor
Mangled Ity the Cars.
NOHFOLIC. Neb. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tole-
gram. ] John Burke , a switchman in the
yard of the Klktiorn line hero , while in tlie
act of signaling last night , was knocked
down and falllni ; between the rails was run
over and terribly , perhaps fatally , Injured.
He sustained a fracture of the thigh and
ankle bones and had a hand mashed.
Chicago Ijosiiit * Her Grip on the Cattle
tlo Trade of the West.
CHICAGO , Jan. 13. [ Special Telegram. ]
The fact that Omaha is rapidly becoming a
dangerous rival of Chicago , as lar as the
cattle markcf Isconcerncd , Is now even ad
mitted by Chicago live stock men. The fol
lowing significant dispatch Is published in
tlie Journal here this evening :
WASHINHTON , Jan. 1 ! ! . Samuel Allorton
of Chicago , Is reported In Now York cor
respondence to-day as saying that Chicago is
rapidly losing ground as a cattle market , the
trade tending tocentcr now at Omaha , Neb. ,
and Kansas City , Mo.
ThcJou nal publishes an array of figures
in Its endeavor to show that Chicago is not
losing the trade , but It Is well known that
Chicago commission men realize that tney
have a dangerous rival In Omaha. With
the help of the railways , who are all repre
sented in the directory of the Union stock
yards here , thuy have been lighting Omaha
In every possible way for the past two or
three years , but some of the shrewdest houses
have given up this mode of warfare , and In
stead have established houses in Omaha as
well as Chicago , a move which shows that
Allerton's assertions aio well founded. The
fact Is that these Chicago men have ' 'killed
the goose that laid the golden egg. " Cattle
owners all over the west. have been compelled
to bear thelt exhorhltant charges for years ,
and now that a rival Is in the field they are
doing all they can to build It up.
A MallclotiM Assault on Attorney
General Garland.
Niw : Yoitic , Jan. 13. ( Special Telegram. ]
The Tribune's Washington correspondent
writes : The fact that Attorney General
Garland has accepted a retainer fiom the
state officials of California lo appear in cer
tain tax cases before , the United Slates su
preme court has given rise to considerable
comment hero. It Is an unusual proceeding
on the part of a cabinet officer , A California * !
Is responsible for the .statement that the .state
officials expect to obtain control of federal
patronage by this Indirect bribe of the at-
toinoy general ; but this would soum to bo a
poor Investment , for of late thu president
has turned n cold fchonldcr upon Garland. Up
to within two days of the exposure of Gar
land's Pan-clcctitu schema he was able to
make practically a clean sweep of the offices
In the department nf justice. Since then his
ardor has been cooled by repeated hints from
the White House. It Is believed that If the
piesldent could lind n decent pretext forcet-
ting rid of his attorney general without
thereby exposing to scandal lilsown adminis
tration hu would do 80 at once.
To DisoiiHK Their NeedH.
FAnno , Dak. , Jan. 1U The convention
called to discuss thu needs of thu Ited and
Missouri valley division organized to-day by
electing H. 15. Wallace of Jamestown to the
chair , and Henry Dickey of Dlekey , secre
tary. This is reirarded as a "division on the
fortieth parallel organization. " Tlio com
mittee on programmes made two reports , onu
to consider division last , nnd thu other first.
It was agieed to leave the question to thu
last day. _
An luo Urlil ( ! at the rails.
Ni.viiAii.v FALUS. Jan. in. A largo and
.substantial lea brhlgu was formed In thu
Niagara river hclnwthu falls early this morn-
Ing. It will probably remain through the
Palms With ttio Premier.
WAsiiiNirroN , Jan. Hi. The house com-
niltteo on foreign affairs called at the de
partment of state to-day In a body , und paid
ihvlr ti'ipccts to Svcrcturv iiuyuiu.
General Weaver Wisely Provides His Son
With a Committee OleiksLip.
DemocratHChnfliiK Under the Senate's
Course on the President' * * Ap-
poltitincntR The Sioux Hcscrvu-
lion Washington Notes ,
Weaver'H Wise Provision.
WASIIINOTON , Jan. 13. [ Special Tele
gram.J Several members of Iowa's congres
sional delegation have received letters from
their friends throughout the state In reference
enceto the nepotism shown by General
Weaver in appointing his son clerk to his
committees. A number ot democrats In Ibis
congress have appointed their sons cleiks to
committees , although It Is a very unusual
thing to do , and was never done In icpnbll-
can congresses. "But Weaver , " said an
lownn to-day , "showed icmarkablo zeal In
giving the place which should have gone to
one of his constituents to his son. He had
Ids son here befoie the committees were an
nounced and had him appointed as soon as
he could , The committee on expendltmes In
the Interior department will probably not
meet oncoduiing the session. There Is no
likelihood of Its meeting three times In the
next two years , yet its clerk Is paid $42 a
week. The sinecure was too tempting for
Gen. Weaver. It was a plum he thought too
good for any poor devil who worked for him
In the last campaign.
Governor Frank T. Campbell , of Newton ,
Iowa , who Is contesting General Weaver's
scat in the house of representatives , arrived
here to-day , and will remain until his con
test is disposed of. Governor Campbell's
papers were the first filed with the clerk of
the honsu and will therefore comu first before
the committee for consideration , Weaver's
certificate of election was Issued on a return ,
which gave him on its face but sixty-seven
maiority. The testimony will show
that there wcro over two hundred
illegal votes cast for Weaver , which gives the
election to Campbell by more than 100 major
ity. The house committee on elections con
sists of nine democrats nnd six republicans ,
but such fair minded men as Bon Hall , ot
Iowa , Chairman Turner , of Georgia , and
others , render It probable that justice will bu
secured oven though the majority of the com
mittee is the opposition politically.
There will be an effort made dining
the present session of congress to have thu
president give notice to the Hawaiian gov
ernment to terminatu thu reciprocity treaty ,
The treaty wa.s made Juno 2 , 187G , and le
quires a nollci * of twelve months from either
party to terminate It. An attempt was madu
in tlm last congress to take the first step to
abrogate the treaty hut it failed. It Is proba
ble a more determined effort will bu made
during this session to accomplish the same
result. Senator Gibson of Now Orleans has
introduced n resolution In the senate , and
Congiessman Morrison a similar one in the
honso directing the president to give notice
that this country desires to terminate the
treaty. The Bir. : correspondent asked Mor
risen last evening for his views on the treaty.
"When the treaty was proposed in 1875 , " he
taid , "I opposed It because It granted special
privileges to a particular class. Whenever a
special privilege is granted there is always a
job In it. I predicted when the treaty was
under consideration that the result of it
wou .1 be that the government would lose the
dutynml the people ot tlie Pacific coast would
have to pay just as much for their sugar.
The wlso men In the cast said my prediction
was absurd , but It lias been fulfilled to thu
letter. I hold the same view to-day as in 1875.
1 think the country gains nothing by the reci
procity treaty but loses heavily. 1 shall do
all in my power to abrogate the treaty. "
The administration party Is beginning to
chafe under thu disposition shown In the
senate to make a fight on thn president's ap
pointments. At first there was a disposition
to give the republican party full swing , fur
nishing them all thu documents thuy wanted
and all the information possible about thu
men icm'ovcd and those appointed. This
was very funny for a little while , but pretty
soon there began to be friction nnd party
feeling , and democrats , both in
thu senate and In the cabinet , are
getting their blood up. The democratic sen
ators are beginning to draw tlie lines as
closely as possible. , and the cabinet , it is said ,
Is beginning to act on the defensive. Ke-
pnbllcnn senators are greatly astonished at
replies received from the postolllco depart
ment to requests for information In cases
where postmasters have been removed for
supposed "offensive partisanship. " These
replies , ono of which Is that concerning ex-
Postmaster Palmer , of Chicago , contain no
reference to charges of offensive partisan
It Is generally believed by the Dakota dele
gates now hero that the great Sioux Indian
reservation , which has stood between the
civilization and development of the Black
Hills , will bo opened to settlement by an act
of this congress , and some very vigorous
work Is being done to bring this about.
This will put nn immense body of public
land Into the public domain , and would cause
n great rush of Immigration there. The memo
rial passed by thu late Dakota legislature ,
asking congress to open thu Sioux
reservation , Is In the hands of the senators ,
representatives and governor-elect , and they
will sco that It receives proper attention by
eongicss. It will shortly bo introduced In
thu honsu and referred to a committee , which
will likely report a bill to carry out the pro
visions of the memorial ,
It. Y. Woodwoith lias been given the con
tract for carrying the mails to and.from
trains at Omaha ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. [ Press. ] The
committee on ten Dories , at its meeting to
day , rufened several bills to sub-committees ,
among them being the bill to create thu new
territory of Oklahoma , which went to Messrs.
Barns. Perry. Herman and Joseph as a sub
committee. Itcpicscntatlvo Frederick's bill
to enable Dakota to I'orni a constitution was
referred to a suli-comiiilllcool three , of which
Kcprcsuntatlvu Boyle is chairman ,
The resignation ot .Mr , Curtin of Pennsyl
vania from thu chairmanship of thu committee
on banking and currency devolves the duties
of that position upon Mr. Miller of Texas ,
who will bo entitled to hold it permanently
unless the committee elects some other ono
of Us members to prcsldu over its delebera-
tions , as it is authorized to do by rulu 10 of
the house.
Thu house committee on agriculture or
ganized to-day and appointed 1 ( . M , Wul-
lacu ot MisMUiii clerk ot thu committee.
Three standing sub eommittee.s weio created
onu on appropriations , to consist of live
members : onu on the department of agri
culture , to consist ot five members ; and
charged with matters relating to tlm organi
zation ami conduct ot .the departments : and
one on ( arm products , seeds and plints , to
consist of live members.
. WOIIK IN Till ! SKNATi : .
Among the bills introduced In the senate
to-day weru the following :
By Mr , Wilson of Iowa To prevent the
publication ol lottery advertisements.
JJy Mr. Dawes Grantiiib' right 'ot way to
Uio Jamestown A Northern railway com
pany through Devil s Lake. Indian reserva
tion In the terrHtry of : Dakota. Also to
amend the revised statutes so that nil per
sons who , without authority of law , nre
frtund upon any land setnpoit for Indians ,
phall upon conviction be fined or Imprisoned ,
or both.
Mr. I'AVIIO reported favorably from
the committee- foreign relations , the bill
to permit Joseph Kawlse , United States con
sul at Warsaw , itnssla , to accept certain dec
orations from the Hnsslan government.
The treasury depattincnt In informed that
Norman II. Camp , formerly nssayer in charge
of the assay olllce at Boise City , Idaho , who
was removed In April last , has been con
victed at Boise City of embezzling S13.W7 of
the funds of that office , and sentenced to live
year * Imprisonment and to pay a line of.
S10.0DO. The department of justice has In
stituted proceedings lo recover the dellclt In
his accounts from his bondsmen , who nre
residents of this city , t
A McAlcnn Memorial nn Depression of
the Milt nl.
CITV or MIXICO : , ( via * Galveston ) , Jan. in-
A mcmoilul on the sil'r qu'estlon has been
addressed to the president of the republic by
the national chamber oC commerce. Tlio me
morial states that while the causes of depres
sion of silver are complicated and dlfllcult to
understand , the danger is fully comprehend
ed , and if the depression continues , It must
unavoidably ruin the. mining Inteiests of
Muxlco and produce a widespread commercial
crisis and most sinister consequences. Muro
than three-fourths of all the nicrchaiuliso
that .Muxlco Impotts from Europe and the
United Stales has to bo paid
for In remittances of Mexican dollars , be
cause the agricultural Interests ot the coun
try are not'sufficiently developed to permit of
the expoitatlon of the products of the soil on
n largo scale. The memorial calls attention
to the existence. In various states of
the tepubilc of taxes on the circu
lation and expoitatlon of money. Tlio
memorial suggests as remedies to diminish
the danger'of a crisis the abolition of
taxes on the exportation of natlvo woods ;
that prompt measures ba taken to prevent
state governments from taxing the produc
tion , working and exportation of agricultural
and mining products : Hint all burdens on ex
ports be lemoved ; that Mexico Join In the
deliberations of the next monetary confer
ence of nations ; and , finally , that direct
steam navigation bo established between the
Paclliu poiis of Mexico and those of Asia.
Destructive Itlazc nt Montreal Small
Ono nt Washington.
MOXTIWAL. Jan. 13. Xover did n fire in
Montreal destroy so much property In so
short a time. The Homes broke out shortly
before 1 a. m. and in a few hours nearly a
half million dollars worth of property was
destroyed. The water supply was Insufficient
and the weather intensely' cold. The hose
was frozen stiff and the firemen were covered
with Ice. A lierco wind was blowing and
caused the tlamcs to spread .with great "rapid
ity. At about 'J o'clock , when the lire wa.s at
its height , the bells ot the convent
of 1'rovldence , and those of the church ot
Notre Dame de 1'itle , adjoining the factory
of Smith , Foschcl it Co. . tolled for assist
ance. The lire brigade realized the Imminent
danger to the church adjoining the factory ,
and with the help of spectators saved it from
burning. The sanctuary .of , the church was
illuminated with tapers , and several of
the sisters were proving at the altar.
The buildings destroyoil were : owned hytho
Hotel Dieu Nnos. ThftJore oirtliom.-wllL
rttillllllll III SIWO.OOO , fully Insured. TheTqSsTs
of the occupants lira.notydtlnibwn , biK\MU (
go close on to ? 2X,000. ( ) It is impossible to
obtain an accurate list of Insurance , but the
Canadian and English companies lese heavi
ly , with one or two United States companies.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Jan. IX A lire broke
out in the waste paper room of the subbasement
ment of the ticasury building , which ad
joins the room in which is stored the dis
tinctive paper used In the manufacture of
United States notes. It creaecd considerable
excitement among the employes In that part
of the bnlldliur , who arc mostly females , but
was extinguished before any damage wan
The DC.JU ! Minister Eulogized by a
Fellow Priest.
KANSAS CITV , Jan. 13. The funeral of
Kcv. Mr. Jnrdino occurred here to-day. lov.
Dr. ( ! eo. Belts , of St. Louis , delivered the
funeral oration. It was quite sensational
and is the talk of the city to-night. He spoke
in glowing terms in defense of the deceased ,
and in bitter invective , against all who hail
combined ngainst him. The scene grew
highly dramatic as the tall priest stood beside
the bier in the dimly lighted church and
facing the audience declared his dead friend
to have been assassinated and they , the people
ple of Kansas City , had slain him. Ho de
nounced the action of the ecclesiastical
court as outrageous , and characterized the
bishop's conduct as weak and temporizing.
Further evidence , thespeaUcrdeelared , would
demonstrate the ir.noccncu and purity of
Father Jardine.
Apprehensions ol' n Small 1'o.v Kpi-
demio in Chicago.
CHIPAOO , Jan. 1 ! ! . A man named Bar-
tholdl , claiming to be a practicing physician ,
but not having a sttu license , was attending
a family aflllcted with small pox living over
a saloon on llalstead street. As a result of
this negligence It is claimed that five persons
have died from the disease and a number of
other cases developed , llartholdl lied and
remained some davs at Washington Height * ,
but was arrested ono week ago and taken to
jail , In tlm meantime two chlldien in a
lamlly at Washington Heights are reported
down witli the disease , and Barthohll has
been allowed to mingle \\fi\i \ the jail prisoners
for a week , causing apprehension that a
break out nf the disease ifmong thu prisoners
may occur. | .
The WabaNh to ho Sold.
CLIVKLAND : , Jan. i/ ; ) / Judge Wulker to
day entered a decreu In the Tnlled States
circuit court at Toledo for the sale of the
Wnbasli raliioad. Thudecieu Is auxiliary tea
a decree entered In tlioj main suit at St.
Louis. Thu road Is to bu gold on tlm consol
idated mortgage , and mlbjcct to all pi lor
Huns and mortgages on thu several divisions
originally forming separate loads. Thu sale
will IK ) In St. Louis by Kdmoud T. Allen ,
master in chancery , nt minimum prlco of
Of § 1,000,000. - '
Xo "HoKKlllK'Vtho Hook.
CiucA < io , Jan. 13. Toluy , the third of
the typo setting tournament Jicro , closed with
the following "sitings" to' tlm credit of the
three leadcis : Ilarnns , iblal .to date , 1 < ) , : H8
ems ; MeCann , 1IM50 : Hudson , 14,510 , , Levy
comes next with 14-4-W urns ; Barnes1 word
tor line woikmanshlp continues , and ho IK
the favorite bv heavy nddf. To-night in an/
hour and a half ho wt litt > ems with his lower'
rm rnvi rjr fl. . ' i '
Sure to OeUJtUore ,
ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Jan' ! . A't a caucus of
tlm democratic meml > enj"il' the legislature
to-night Henry Lloyd olfporcliester county
was nominated for govcr aptb-fill Uijp ui ux-
plredturm of Itobcrt Mcfi nfcand A' fliiir I' .
iiounan was unanimously < llu.suig4V'uiccecd ) '
himself us United .Staid * &eiiiit JJ * l1liin ; ' -
will he little or no opposltiou to thu election
of either. A ; ' , 4S . .
The Seizure irsaiuoji. t' v " $
WASIIINOTON , Jan. lk"lfk' department
of state has recolved jffyvtal injorinatlon
from ( ho Unlteii StaU-8 * inb'iil at Apia , .Sa
moa , of the seizure of lliWitmoa Jslands by
thi ) Geiman govfinnum- juevloj'bly le
" " "j
ported In the news
- -rr
A Htato JMnrtfr.
will glvn a Mate < linner ai the wMP > u't tomorrow -
morrow night to thu IUCIBKTS of ins Cabinet.
tint lieutenant general i&lio ; irmy-jihc2id- ; of the navy , and Wfuw otif ( ryifvited
uess . * , ' *
Both Houses of the Iowa Legislature Jointly
Consider the Vote.
Inaugural Ceremonies Will Probably
Toke I'lnco To-Day Personal of
the Assembly Nate Hains-
bai-Ror's Sentence.
The lo\vn liCRislntnrc.
lrs Mui.vns , Iowa , Jan. IS. ( Special Tel
egram. ] The general assembly completed Its
organization to-day In both branches. No
business of public inteiest was transacted
In the forenoon , and the afternoon was spent
In joint convention in canvassing officially
the vote for governor and lieutenant gover
Two Important hills wcrolntioduccd In the
senate to-day. One by Senator Woolson of
Henry , provides for the creation of a state
board of arbitration , to settle differences be
tween labor and capital. The commission to
consist of five salaried members , who shall
devote- their whole time to that work. Pro
vision Is made for giving the commission le
gal power to summon witnesses , to sit as a
judicial body , and bo the final court on all
questions of fact , allowing the supreme court
lo pass as a court of error eon questions of
law. The Introduction of this bill redeems
the proml&o of the republican platform last
fall , which declined for a state bo.ird of aibl-
( ration.
Senator Casselt of Marlon Introduced a bill
for the regulation of weight and measures in
coalmining. It Is about the same as his bill
of the last legislature , which failed to pass.
IJoth bills were read a second time and re
The inauguration will probably take place
to-monow afternoon , and Immedlatclv alter
the legislature will adjourn over Sunday.
There will be no very extended display at the
Inaugural. Governor l.arrabeo will probably
be escorted from his hotel on the West Side
to the Mate house on the Kast Side by three
companies of thu national guards , under
command of Col. Kills one company from
Diihiique , one from Marshalltown nnd one
from this city. The procession will start at
2:30 : p. in. If the otlicial canvass of the vote Is
completed in time , and Governor I.arrabeo
will give his Inaugural address and take the
oath of ofllce in the rotunda , to which the
public will bo admitted probably without
The personnel ot the new assembly is good
throughout. Senator Glass Is thu chairman
of the republican caucus and Senator Whit
ing , late candidate for governor , of the dem
ocratic caucus. liotli arc plain men of abil
ity and stability. Donnan Is a line figure In
the house , and ho and McCoy will < lo much
hard work and little talking. Senator Caldwell -
well is rising in the ranks of his party tea
a position of trust and honor. He is well
Into the traces now , and will cut a prominent
figure during the session. The new senator
from Dubuque , Hon. W. J. Knight , who de-
fcated tjio , ablc _ Graves , bids fair to take a
"IfflHt'fank'AhioTTg ' his democratic colleagues.
"lAinong hti'l-oprcsentatlves Win. Butler of
Page , W. G. Thompson of Linn , J. J. hine-
lian of Dubuque. and S. M. Weaver of liar-
din , will be prominent. The sessions tints
far have been interesting , The prospect Is
fair for a brilliant session , brim full or Im
portant and common .sense measures.
Sentenced for a Life Term.
DKS MOIMS , Iowa , Jan. 13. [ Special Tel
egram. ] At S o'clock this morning the jury
'in the trial of Nate Kainsbarger for the mur
der of his wife's father In llardin county ,
rendered a verdict of murder in the first de
gree and fixing the punishment of the pris
oner at imprisonment for life. The jury had
been out twenty hours , and stuclc to their de
liberations alt night. The arguments were
finished and the jury went out yesterday
forenoon. The trial has been one of intense
interest , and has been ably conducted on
both sides. There will bo a feeling of relief
over the verdict among tlie people of llardin
county , to whom the desperadoes Jiad become
a terror. Kainsbarger was a member of a
gang In llardin county , two of whom were
lynched at Kldora last summer.
Equivalent to Election.
DKS > loi.sis : , Iowa. Jan. 13. ( Special Tel
egram. ] The republican caucus to nominate
candidates for state positions was held this
evening. The chief interest centered In the
fight for thu stale printcr.ship , the most lu
crative office In the state. George E. Hob-
erts , the present incumbent , was nominated
on the first ballot. Sheriff Uarr of JMohaska
county was nominated for warden oj the'An-
omosa penitentiary. U S. .Merchant of Cedar
Rapids was nominated for .slate binder , and
Gco , W. Crosshy was nominate ! warden efFort
Fort Madison penitentiary.
AVct Goods Prosecutions ,
Dis : MoiMs.Inn : , 13. ( Special Telegram. ]
A now phase of the enforcement of the uro-
hihltory law Is now being tried. As fast as
possible Injunctions are being served on the
owners of buildings wherein saloons are lo
cated. This is going farther to Mippicss the
liquor traffic than anything that has yet been
tried. The owners of the buildings are
taklmr a sudden and Intense interest In the
conduct of their tenants , where tncre is any
danger of wet goods being sold.
AocounlH Short , and NniolilOH.
l > isMoi.vis : : , Iowa , Jan. lit. ( Special Tel
egram. ] O. V. Coon , and American
Express company's agent at llernando ,
thirty-live miles north of hero , committed
Hilcldn by shooting to-day. Ho was short
S'00 ! in his express accounts , and that Is Mip-
posed to be the cause ot his sulcido.
The Ohio legislature lo-oleot.s Him
to the Honato.
Cor.UMiiti.s , Ohio , Jan. 13 , The senate and
house met In joint convention to-day and
elected John Sherman to the United States
senate , It required 71 votes to elect. Sher
man received 7-5 and Thurman TC.
Tlm honso of loprosentatlves of tlm Male
legislature to-day adopted a icboliitlon ap
pointing n special commltleii to Invcstlgato
tlfb rjiarnes made against four members of
tliftjliv.scnt house , that while acting as mem-
liMijnf Vtlut last general assembly tbe > ac-
! Wf d bribes to vote for Henry U. I'uyno for
IJjjHed Hiatus f-enator.
l Si'jiator Sherman will arrive In thco'lj to
morrow. Ho will bo met by a committee ol
thu legislature and cseorlc-d to the cupllol ,
where ho will he presented to Urn members.
andTn thu evening a general uc.'ptlon ulll
IHJ gjvcn in the senate chamber ; ,
a MluiNtor For Immorality.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Jan. 13. The tiial of Itev.
G'.J , Armstrong , rector of St. PliU'p ' * Epis
copal church , of this city , began this morn
ing. Itev , WilllamH. Hunter was elected
president of the court. The trial was ordered
to bo secret. Armstiong Is ucciiMd of im
moral revelry during his vacation ln ; > t hummer -
mer , when liuislitd Cincinnati , though he
claims to have visited the houses cited In
8-mi-cli of a daughter of a dear liit-nd in Can
ada and at his icquest. Tlio pio-ecutlon
. lor 1111 extension of time and It was
granted. The trial will be icsmned on the
JOtli of Ihib month.
8AVHI1 I'MlOMjrillJ SKA.
The Torture Suffered bynlloat's Crew
oTtlic Ilylton Cnstlc.
SANDY HOOK , Jan. 13. A llshlng smack
was seen last night , lowing n white boat ,
\ \ hlch was thought to be a mining boat from
the foundered steamer Ilylton Castle , ar-
rl\ed off Sandy Hook this morning. She
proved to bo the Stcph 1'olsey , and was
boarded by a life-saving rrow who ascertain
ed that thu remainder of the crew of the a n-
fortunate Mcamor had btvn picked up off
Fire Island , and all weie on board and were
doing well , some of them being a little frost
They kept company with the male's boat
until all of their oars mil tlnco were broken ,
and then they began to drift up the coast.
The men worked In rclnys , and tried hard to
makoheadwav toward tlm shore , but found It
Impossible , When darkness fell their trouble
and danger Inrtcascd. The hands of one
man were fro/en stiff , and ho could not take
his turn at the oars. Within an hour alter
that three more worn In the same
condition. This imposed extra Mabor upon
tlie others , and all beuali to show signs of
e\hau tlon , The captain lilted the place of
one of the disabled men , doing double duty.
He cheered his companions "wilh hopes of
meeting M > IIK > vessel that could rescue them ,
for he \ > as aware that the men knew as well
as ho did himself that In Mich a sea and
heavygalo ( lie little cratt could never he
lauded with three oars , and by men who
were houily growing weaker.
"There's a vessel , ' shouted the boatswain ,
and a chorus of Joy rang out from the perish-
tug sailors. It was then U o'clock at night ,
and eleven hours after thu abandonment of
thu sinking steamer. Ten minutes later they
weie on board the Stephen Woolsey. Dry
clothing and food were furnished them , anil
they were made as comfortable as possible.
When the smack reached here this morning
there wasn't food enough on board to feed a
Sweat-tut ; In the Members ofjthc ICu-
gllsli House ol" Commons.
LONDON , Jan. 13. There was a crush of
members offering themselves to take oath on
thu meeting of thu honso of commons to-day.
Thuy weio sworn In In batches. Among the
crowd was liradlaugli , who cordially shook
hands with the speaker.
llefore the swearing In of members began
In thu liouso of commons to-day , Peele ,
speaker , said It was his duty to Inform the
honso that ho had received a letter from Sir
Michael Hicks Hencli , chancellor of the
exchequer , and conservative leader of the
hon'o of commons , concerning liradlaimh.
and giving an historical retrospect
of the case , which need not bo
read. The letter also said Hicks Ueach
thought that Itrndlaugli should not he allowed
to take thu oath without thu house being
afforded a chance to express an opinion on
the subject. He believes the house , when
fully constituted , would decline to sanction
administering the oath to lradlautli. ! ; Peelo
says he was unable to iccognizo anything
done by a previous parliament in rccard to
the case ot Hradlaugh , and was powerless to
prevent him from taking the oath. He could
take the oath and take the risks of the law , If
any were Involved.
Ifo Threatened the Prince.
LONDON , Jan. 13. The ease of John Magee -
gee , charged with attempting to procure
money from the prlnco of Wales by writing
threatening letters , came up for tilal to-day.
Tlio prisoner by advice of council pleaded
guilty to tlie charge. He declaicd that the
statements contained in the letters were
false ; thit ho did not Intend to injure the
prince , nnd that distress impelled 'him to
threaten- roj'ul highness , in the hope ot
obtaining money. Sentence will be passed
upon the prisoner J-'rldav-
Ijlltlo Greece Will Not DlHarm.
ATHKXS , Jan. 1 ! ) . The ministry is prepar
ing a note to the powers in icply to thu de
mand that Greece disband hfir forces. The
note will say that It Is impossible for Greece
to disarm unless she Is guaranteed an exten
sion of territory , us an offset to the union of
Disarming In the East.
CoN.STANTixoi'i.K , Jan. 13. The porle has
made a lor reassembling of the Bal
kan conference and lias consented to disarm
if Servia and Greece will first do .so.
A Voting MohrnHka merchant Gets
Away With Farmeri * ' Money.
Dr.TiiotT , Mich. , Jan , i : > . A smooth-faced
young man. wearing a heavy fur overcoat
and carrying a small f-achel , cros.-od over on
the furry to Windsor yesterday. Two hours
later a short , thick-set man alto eiossed fiom
Detroit , and alter M'archiug the registers of
several hotels found tlie smooth-faced young
man. They at ouco lecognlxed each other ,
nnd. without any formal greeting , both went
upstairs to a parlor. In half an hour the
young man hurried down to the oflhv , paid
for his supper , and taking his satchel , went
to the Grand Trunk depot and took an cast
hound train. Thu short , thick-set man re
maiiied behind for an hour , and said that
) > a\ison , or llarils for that was thu name
of the young man was a produce buyer at
Lincoln , Neb. , who lind skipped with Jr'JA'OO
belonging to fanners whoso produce ho had
sold on commission. The man said ho was
aiithori/fd to negotiate thu best terms he
could make. Hairis , hn was satisfied , still
had most if not all of thu ' . ' ,2CO with him ,
and ho intended to follow him to Toronto ,
\\hcrc he understood Harris was heading for.
Tlm Itll//uril'H Kft'cct on Stock in In
dian Territory.
NEW OIIIJANS , Jan. 13. A special to the
Tlme.s-Demooiat from Indian Tcirltory f-ays :
Hepoits from the ranges me lo tbeell'ect ( lint
the cold weather has been particularly s-evero
on the cattle interests. In the Cherokee
nation , whi'ie the greater part of Hie sleek
range Is rcnleied , the Joss Is heavy , nearly
every stockman losing a number ot cuttle.
The MnClcllaii Cattle company has lost
many head of caltle , as have also
tlm members of the Clipiokco Live
Stnck'association. In Ihc Clioctaw and
Chicknsaw nations the lo--s has al-o been
LI eat. Cattle have wandered for mile- , , and
in many Instances ha\obeen stopped by who
fences , lemainiiig Ihoio until lio/.en to death ,
Thu streams liavu till been fro/en over for
many days , and want of water nnd feed , to
gether with the hitler cold , has combined to
cansu tlm death of head of cattle
and horse.
All r.illrouds ant now open nuinlng out of
Kansas City.
Karl Spencer agrees with ( il.idstoiu ) In his
homo i ulo vh\\s. -t
Xnkcilort won the second gaunt In the
chess timinamcnt.
A hlo"k of business houses was destroyed
by fire In .Maeon , tla.
An Indian scout shot two soldiers at
Tombstone , Ariz. , and escaped ,
'l'lieiiitl ; ! > h ship Hudson I'onniteied off
Knioiui , Fllteenof theeiew uciu diowncd
Secrujary Whitney nave a reception lasj
evening to Pie.shk'iii Porter of Vain college.
, A lire deslroyed two faetortii.s at West
( JrooUlield , Mass. , IhrowlngliOOhands out of
employment ,
Delegates lepresnntlng thirty citlns met at
Plltslmrg toorganlxua national jomneymun
baker's union ,
A tenllie nclone tr.iver > ed the middle
rnnutlvij ol I'.nghind. Two peisons weio
killed at Woilrnsbiiry.
The \\catlicr Is modeiatiir , ' at .Mobile , Ala.
The bay Jor lour miles is entered with li'i ) a
quarter of an inch thick.
An overturned Jam ] * on the Mage of the
Chicago oper.t hou-e eamo near causing a
Hroui : ! panic diinn : , ' a musical entertain
Clark Stephens Dean , tlie oldest lehilivi ) of
KtJuin Allen , died to-day at ( Vhimbus Neb. ,
while on a visit to his' daughter. He was hi
yeats old ,
Miss Kdith , daughter of Jlon , John M. Kos.
ter , ex-minister to Spain , uas mnirled to
llev. Allen .M. Duller , of Dctioit , aMVa < h-
, last night.
Pension Commissioner Blnck on the Stool of
Political Repentance ,
The Cause of Venerable Mr. Cm-tin' *
Displeasure 1'rospoots ttir tlie
of n llnnkriipt
Very Sorry He Said It.
Jan. in. ( Spirlnl. ] It Is
said that Commlsslont'.r of l'en > lens Hlaolc
regrets having made the assertion In his iw-
nual ropoit ( hat ho did , and which Is lo load
to a senate Investigation , I , e. , that applicants
lor pensions under the former administra
tion weio leiiulied to show that Ihey were re
publicans before they were given a hearing
or n pension. The chaige was made , how
ever , after confulta.lou with Secretary Lamar -
mar nnd others. Then II seemed that persons
could bo brought to salntantlato such allega
tions , because there were disappointed appli
cants who had stated to Uio com
missioner that thu irasou they
were unsuccessful In their efforts
to procute pensions was because they had
not brought republican Inlluencex to boar.
The bare statement lo this oH'ect is not to bo
iccelved as evidence In the Investigation , un
less such statement Is corroborated by on
eye-willies. * , because the matters 'relating to
pensions are matters of iccurd. Consequently
quently there must bo letters , telegrams
or some form of wilting to show
why a case was pushed or re
jected to make admissible tes
timony. This General IJlack has been un
able to discover In shapeto do his predecessor
ser or the party he represented any Injury.
It is said that Oeneinl IJlack believed when
ho made his charges that ho would bo able to
show. If ueccssaiy , that there was a connec
tion between republican campaign commit
tees and the pension office ; that lie could
show a connecting card , nnd thpt that fact
alone would bo sulllciunt to condemn the last
administration. A diligent search has
failed to discover any traces of this
character , If , Indeed , there was
any co-operation or connection of this
kind. Some elerks , It Is reported , hnvo been
found In thu pension olllce who , to curry
favor with the present powers , have volun
teered to piodtR'O such oral testimony as may
be necessary to make good Oen. Ulnck's
charges , hut It is not probable that the icpnb-
Hcuu or any other party would bu convicted
simply upon oral testimony fioin such people
ple , under the present circumstances. In a
case where everything else Is documentary.
Some docinncntury evidence ib to bo demanded -
manded In this investigation.
YOUTH si'i'i'i.A.vrs Aon.
Since the venerable ex-Uovcriior Cmtlii of
Pennsylvania has expressed In nnquitlllied
terms his displeasure at the treatment ho re
ceived at the hands of the speaker In thu foim-
ntlon of the house committees , the free tiado
democrats are saying that he would have.
been satisfied If the republicans and the
press had let him alone ami not goaded him
on to some act ol ! .desperation. This is not
true. Three days before the committees
were announced ( Jovcrnor Cnrtln expected
to bt ! retained as chairman of the committed
on foreign affairs. This VMS ascertained by
n friend who remarked to the governor that
the spc.dcer would not rcappolnt him , but
would give the place to young Perry liclmbnt
of New York.
"Do you isuow that to bo trno'.1" Inquired
the old governor In astonishment , his face
blanching with feeling.
"I do , " replied the friend.
"You are mistaken ; you are mistaken ; "
repeated UoveruorCurtin , "It cannot be true'
no , It cannot be true , and I will not believe It
till I hear it announced from the speaker's
desk. "
Governor Curtin , it will thus bo seen , was
sure of his retention on foreign nlfairs up to
and alter the time the committees wcro
An eastern icprcsentatlve who Is taking
an especial Interest In the general
move of the merchants and hankers In the
large cities to secure the passage ot a bank
rupt hill , said to-day that if the measure can
bo once brought fairly before the house that
it will pass.
"Tho Lowell hill , " bald he , "will bo adopt
ed by the Mmato within a few days , hut there
Is such linn opposition to any kind of a
bankrupt hill on tlm part of a few country
members that there Is little hope of oicming
consideration ot such a mcaiuio unless
it is begun very early. These
western country members , " continued the
eastern .statesmen , "can only think of the
vicious bankrupt bill we had a few years ago ,
and ran'l Imagine a law that punish thoio
\\lio sought to bu professional bankrupts and
scoundrels under the measure. Why , a ju
dicious bankrupt law would put millions of :
money into circulation by nntuiigllnir husi- complications , and would unable lifty
thousand men to open business and settle
with their creditors , whcieas they are Idle
and their assets aie In thu hands of icccivcis
or prelened cieilltor.s. "
Fi lends of Secretary Ahinnln giuoaiiiionno-
ng that It will bu the policy of the adminis
tration to i educe Urn public debt as rapidly
as possible , and Unit another bond call maybe
bo expected within the usual time. Itcpnh-
llcan senators logaid thu annuiincemunt ; IH
a move to hccme leniency , If not complete
abandonment In the proposed Investigation
of the piL'sciil linaneial policy of thu ad
ministration ,
CIIVKI.AM : > AND TiiK sir.vnii OUJ. , < < TJON.
It Is generally believed about Washington
that HID piopo.sltlun oL'theprusldcnt tosuspcnd
thu coinages of the standard .silver dollar will
not ooiiio befoui the housu at all ; that the
committee ! on coinage , weights and measures
wassolc'clcd with .1 vlaw to preventing a ) < ;
port on a measnio of this kind , and that the
prc.siiU nt will avoid agitation of the subject
If he can , choMng non-action lo defeat.
Live Hlotili UnKtiliilloiiN.
TOISOMO , Jan. 1 ! ) . A special to tint filobq
from London sayts : The pi Ivy co'nnell linn
agreed to ii'Munil thu new ruin In relation to
landing of livestock In the nulled Kingdom ,
Thu regulation was that no cattle could bn
landed alive liom a ve el which had touched
at n hchcilnh'd port within thirty days ,
Yailous leiiresontallon will h made to the
authorities here , and thu Canadian caigo
coming within the operation of I ho rulu was
tiraled exceptionally , and cattle \ > cro
allowed to Liu landed ,
Closed l > y a KlrlK'n.
nso , Jan. I" . Thu Kdgai Thomp-
wdrkii closed down nt mldnlht ; for
nnMndelinllu peilod , hiituso ! : : thu fiinniccnien
rel'uM'tl lo a < rei > t their terms. The largo
foicoof workmen \vlll bo paid off at once.
Tint stilkm have appealed loAndiew Car-
ncgli * , in New Yoik , and amhojicl'iil of a I'm
voiablu unsuer.
AVnnlher Tor Tu-Day.
.Misoi'ii ! VAI.MIV Kalr weather , slightly
warmer In southern portions , followed by
blight fall in teniperatmo ; colder In northern
portions : winds Ijecomlni ; varhiblo ; premier
in southeiii jioillon by r/lndfc.