THE OMAHA DAILY BERVI5PNESDAY , JANUARY If ! , ISSfi THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JAN. 10. orriCE : Ko. 12 Pearl Street. Drill rrr ll > ) - rnn-Iir in any part of the city nt twdil ) ( Mil * icruttk. II. W. TIMO.V , - - - Manager. TT.MII'IIONKS , IJCMSF ! OniCB , No. I.I NIOIIT Ki > m > nXo. ai. MINOIl M KNT10N. Pauls to order , from ST. * ! tip , fit Uoilor' ? . Coasting has begun on Willow avoiutr. Telephone No. 1I5 ! has lionn put in M. Gallagher's gioeory on llroadway. One drunk and two disturbances of the peace constituted police1 court business yesterday. The county clerk is to bo provided with n telephone , as is also the county jail , .shortly. The Dimi'ho society are to have a masqucrado ball on Saturday evening in HOIIO'S hall. Wanted A chambermaid and laundry girl to do plum washing and ironing. PArmr llufsi : . . Only ono marriage license has boon granted this week and that yesterday. Been too cold. I A marriage license was yesterday granted Henry Kllcsbock and .Sophia Wuttland , both of this city. At the residence of Mrs. K. M. ( Sanlt , on Seventh street , last evening , the Whist club was entcrtainod. Carl \VillianiH , arrested on suspicion of burglarizing C'onnull's undertaking es tablishment , has been released. _ l'Ved iiokompor was arro.sted hero last night on an order fiom the sheriff of C'ass county on a inittnnu.s where he hail been lined $ ,10 for .selling intoxicating liquor * . The city council has decided to adver tise for bids for opening the ewcr ditch { outhot'thi ! city limits. Tlu r ; bids \vill bo opened at a meeting held next Tues day oven lug. Mrs. Horringor , the old lady mentioned yesterday as destitute and tree/ing , has been taken care of by Ihoanlhorilio.s will have her placed in an asylum at Davenport. Jt is repoited that she has money in a bank in Omaha. The matter should be looked up. Thu Main street line of oars were started yesterday as far as the Chicago , ISnrliiigton t Qitiuey depot. Tlio Hioad- way line also runs , but only as far as the Hioadway depot of the Union 1'acitic , while a largo sleigh makes hourly trips to the transfer depot. The pleasant weather , which caused tin ! thermometer to rise to 21 ° above y.ero yesterday , brought out on Iho streets many people who have been housed for the pasti week. A larire number enjoyed sleigh rides ami last oveningquitounum ber of sleighing parties were out. The "Jumbo" derrick was raised yes- tci'ilny at thu new government building. It is sixty-live feet high , and is capable of swinging a leu-Ion Mono. The haul ing of brick has dually begun , and the much looked lor start on the superstruc ture will soon lake place. C. II. Shcrraden yesterday received from his uncle in Florida a box of line oranges. In the lot were some o.xtra largo ones , so large in 1'aet that it was tlillicnlt to make some believe that they were not melons orsipia.sbcs. Six of these largo ones weighed niuu pounds. George Gei-spadier was arrested last evening on an indictment found against him by tlio grand jury , charging him with being implicated in the killing of Ilusrlios. lie seems to have got into this trouble by endeavoring lo shield the ma jor , who is under arrc&t as a principal in the affair. Sam Morri.son , Iho driver of the book and Jailder company , appeared before the city council last evening and denied the charges made agahint him. Ho de manded a thorough investigation. The matter was referred to the tire commit tee , which will meet at ii o'clock this afternoon to listen to Iho evidence. For hardware and house furnishing get prices of Cooper & Me(3ee ( , No. 41 Main btreet. _ Monny to loan on ch attels , by Forres Smith , IliO Main street. Cottage ranges , ( larland stoves Ra diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the very latest patterns at bed rock prite-f , at Cooper As Mctieu's , No.11 Main btreet. Personal I'iirnjjrniilis. James A. Jackson , of Chicago , arrived in the city last evening and is the guest of his fen , A. M. Jackson. Judge N. J. Koiul has returned from Ills home in Denver and expects to re main in thu city for some time. 11. N. Webb , of Do.nvur , Col. , is in the city and for a fuw days will visit his .wile's father , M , L. lliggs , on Seventh fctreet. J. J. Stodman , editor of the Nonpareil , has gone to DOS Molnes with thu other olllco seekers. Mr. Stodman expects to receive a clerkship on ono of the legisla tive committees , and do some corro- fmoiidcncc for his paper during his stay tnero. J. C. Mitchell yesterday Fold tickets to Charles W. Wailo and wife , K. P. Stacy , his brother. C. It. Stacy , of Minneapolis , Minn. , T. J. Kvaiin and wife and Mrs. Ada Steves , of San Francisco , who left lust livening for a months' trip to Los Angeles , Cal. They look the Missouri I'acilio railway via Kansas City to Fort Worth , then via thu Texas Pacilio to Kl Paso and the Southern I'acilio to Sun l-YancIsfo , llarknoss llrolhers aru olVoring their entire stock of ladies' winter underwear at eoit. Cloaks at loss than cost. Com forts and blankets at discount. Oppor tunity for bargains In every department of our block , Cofl'man'M The ease of Mr. Arch Coll'man , who shot and killed u man named Main at Avoca , has not reached an end , although the grand jury failed to liiul a bill against him , Judge Loofbourow has granted the roqui'sl ol the district altoinoy to have the eiibu resubmitted lo the next grand jury , and the present bondsmen will con tinue to give security for Mr. ( 'oil man's appearance. It IN claimed by him , and believed by many others , that the ( mooting was in self defense , but the pub lic generally would feel belter salislied to have the casu tried ami decided upon the evidence. Shot tliand lessons at college Tuesday nnd Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. W. S. PAUI.SOX , "Dark Ihtyo. " Miss Ollcott has a wealth of beauty , talents nnd accomplishments , ami pos- cesses extraordinary dramatiR talent and npcrior intelligence , With her strongly cast company , gorgeous continues , and magnllirent scenery she will doubtless Bcore a big success in her latest venture , "Dark Hays. " [ N. V , Commercial Ad- Vcrtisor , At the opera house , Council liltill's , Thursday and Friday , January M ami 15. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W , , & E. L. Squiru , 101 Pearl street. i. . llurkncs.s Itrothers are oll'ering their entire stock of Indies' winter underwear at cost , THE POOR WITH YE AlWAY , Some of the Cases of Want anil Suffering in the Winter Months. DOLLAR COFFINS FOR PAUPERS. Tlic CofTiiiiiii CUSP The Clly Futlicr.s A rirciniui in Trouble With tin li-atc .tlotlirr The Strychnine Itoitte. Poops at I In : I'oor. 1'lirrc in iilwny * si grout Amount of jinv- crly ntnl MilVoriii } ? i si city of this size , but the unusual severity of the woallicr for tlio putt wi-ok IKIS oauouil jjn'titur Milioriiig. Holh iirhnto and public niL'jiiis have bcon taken to alleviate tills. but Mill there are many c-a-es which liave boon iiogk-eUxl or overlooked. JJven those which liiivo been holpcd have not been iilacetl beyontl the limits of Miller- iii < f. Many of which nothing is Known or hoard art ! olten the most needy and worthy ea'-es. One Hiieh ease lias eoino 1o notice on Lincoln avenue. A most worthy woman , who has lived hero for years , is tlio Mif- furor. A seoro of years tizro her huibaml went into the far we t ami tliero " .struck it rich. " Jt was supposed that lie had aeetimulatod suddenly , by .siieee.-sfiil inlniiip operations about. 120,000. Jlo returned , bought a lar e farm , and , .still rootless , atiNioiH for ttirther ' pi-cnlalive gains , he oittfiitfed in .shipping trains of supplies across the plains. In ono of tlie.-c trips ho was killed. Time with its elian i-h lias reduced the widow to poverty , and although it pinched tighter and Mill tighter , her pride kept her from making her real condition known. At last even pride had to give away. Living alone , fuel and food all oiie , with no money to got new supplies , she Mill refused to apply for help until aettially free/in and Marvin . 1'ride could withstand it no longer and she cried for help. When help eame it found that the poor woman's feet were both badly fro/tin. The county super- vi-or has -ecu that her wants are now supplied. VcMerday H. M. 1) . Ilardin , tlic super visor of the poor , A C. ( Jrnhnm , the eounty supervisor , with representatives of the HIK : and Isonjiareil took a drive about the city visiting ti number of poverty-stricken families. No ward in the city M-ems to have a monopoly of the poor. They are scattered hero ami there , all over the nity and some of the sights were distressing indeed. One of the siuldcnt places visited was ono on Washington avenue. The full history of the family .seems wranped in myt-tery. They have evidently been in good circumstances and a piano Jn the house appears in strange contrast with the other poverty stricken features. A pleasant appearing woman , in reply to interrogations , tried to hide her heart- breakings. She insisted that they did not need any help , but the statements of neighbors and tlio appearance of the home , established the fact that she was Bjillenng for the lack of the necessities of life. When asked where her husband was the tears eame to her eyes , and then , sobbing so that she could not speak , she sadly shook her head. Little by little she recovered Milliciently to inform the tors that he was somewhere about the city , but Jiad no work. She said she was expecting help from her brother-in-law in Omaha , and if she did not hear Iroin him at once siie would go over there to see him. She stoutly refused at first any help , but at last accepted a little money oll'ered her by 11 r. IJurdin , but promis ing , between 'tho sobs , that it would be paid back. The proud refusal to receive assistance- gave the little woman the right to the pos-cs- hion of her own secrets , and this right , was recogni/.ed by the avoidance- any too sharp questioning. The visitors were fully satisfied , however , from her own statement and what the neighbors told , she has been sull'ering greatly , the troubles of the body not boin , perhaps , the most of her sulierings. She begged , with tears in her eyes , that her name be not made public , and the rcipicsl made under such sad circumstances is there fore respoekd. In "Dugout" hollow are a number of little hovels , hardly worthy even of the name of hovel. Hero the visitors found numerous eases of destitution , where death by starvation or exposure must soon coino if it were not for tiio help given by the comity. Those hovels are more like large , rude bo\o.s than houses. In OIKS of these an old lady was found. ller aged , blind husband was out some where , Hero in n hut , about eight b.y ten feet , were all their worldly possession * . An old , cracked stove , a rude table , a bunk , a few broken dishes , rags stuck in the cranks , bits ot carpeting tor bedding. In strange contrast with all the poverty- stricken details ol tlio place was a cheery looking clock , ticking away quite mer rily , Hilda pretty fairsi/.cd looking glass , without which oven the poor old woman'c , life would be still more of a bur den , Tim old lady said her husband was hi the army , but could not get any pen sion , as he could not lind the address of any members of his company. In another little hut were found a woman and six or sown children hud dled in one room. One of the boys was pounding away at an old dry goods box , and when asked \\hal Im was doing re plied : "Makin1 a cradle for the kid. " , lu > t how much ot a chance in the world Is given to children brought into the world under such circumstances is a puz zle , and still the mother did not seem ready to spare any of them. A score of such scenes were v itnes = cd in dilVerent parts of the city. One woman acknowledged with "ratitudo the receipt of a half ton ot' coal from tlio county supervisor. It had helped her over a hard spot. Sim had found a place where she could do chamber work every day for a lady , who gave her us recompense , cold victuals left over from her own table. In this way , and by other Ifttlo helps , HIO ! was now getting along com paratively comfortable , without any great help from the county. Shu socmed tlinincliiied to accept charity , only as film became in absolute need. She has one boy , aged about 10 years , but ho was crippled for some time , and during his illni'-s she could not leave him at home alone , to go out and work anywhere , Tliero are numerous worthy cusos , tlio details of and the locations of which can bo readily learned by those who are ills- po i'il to help thu need.y. The comity seems to bo distributing its help wisely and justly , but it is impossible ) for the ollicials to reach all the cases and supply all thu wants. Cloaks at less than cost. C'omtorts and blankets at discount. Opportunity for bargains in every department of our stock. - licst coal and wood in thu city at Glca- sou'a , ' . ' 0 Pearl street. The Solans of the City. All adjourned meeting of the city coun cil was held yesterday morning , at which all were present except Aldermen Guise. and Hennctt. Iloruco Everett , N , 1) . Lawrence and J. D. Kdmnndson , were re-elected trus tees of the public library. The petition of Leonard Everett and others for a sidewalk on Eighth street was granted antl thu clerk instructed to The street and sidewalk rommUsionor was [ nstruetcd to notify ( leorgn Heard to repair his sidewalk on Itcnton street , it being dangerous. Thu commissioner was also instructed to ocaee all work on the Mroets , except such as is absolutely necessary and give bis entire attention to sidewalks , notily- ing property owners of dangerous places and when such places were not repaired within a reasonable time , to repair them at the expense of the property. He was also instructed to notify property owners to have their sidewalk's cleared of snow and ice. The contract with James Ooulden for filling Eighth and Ninth avenues was snbnuttcil and discussed. Some changes were made , and then the city attorney instructed to draw up a new contract to cover moJilications as made by the council. The proposed opening of t.he now pwor ditch to the river was discussed .freely. 11 appears that the ditch is now opened inside the city limits except from Fifth avenue to Broadway. Mitchell Vincent , the contractor , has a force of men and teams now lying idle , not being able now to complete that part of the work. He proposes to put Ibis force at work on the extension of the ditch from the city limits toward the river. ] le has done some work beyond the limits , it being necessary to protect tlio other work. He claims that this extension belongs to his contract by im plication , and oller.s to keep Ins men tit work tliero at no greater rate than has been allowed him for work on the ditcli ll.'olf , iM } cents a cubic yard. Further than tillshe proposes to let the council advertise for hids , and if a lower price can be had , he will take for what work ho may have done the same price at which the new contractor may be given the work. The council decided that it was best to so ahead with the extension , for without this outlet the work will be of little avail. It is estimated that the expense of cut ting tlirouirh this outlet will be about $10,000. The council adjourned until evening to arrange the details. The lJii : : has already published the re port of City Engineer Hrodbcek as to the nature of the proposed route , amount of cut. etc. The claims for damages made by J. M. Phillips and by C. Weiley , on account of change of grade of .street in frontof prop erty owned by them , were relerred to the attorney and eimiuecr. C. B. Jacqiieniin & Co. , No. 27 Main street , take pleasure : in announcing to the public that their slock of articles , or namental , stylish and useful goods , is complete in each and every de partment , and cordially in vile everybody to visit their store , inspect their goods and compare prices. Jso trouble what ever to show goods. He sure and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith & Locrke's bakery , No. oSH Main street. It is the very best made. Try it and be convinced. A Strychnine Sululilo. On Saturday morning last a young man between 5.5 and ! ! 0 years of ago , known by the name of James Madison , who has been working for J. II. Hart , about three miles northeast of town , attempted to commit suicide by taking poi'ou. He was -found in thu orchard only a short distance from the house , quite early Saturday morning , in a partially insen sible condition , but stated that lie had taken strychnine and wanted to be loft alone. Ho was taken into the house and forced to drink sweet milk to counteract the poison. Dr. King was summoned and found his patient in a highly nervous condition but evidently out ot danger. Ho wi nimble to Ihul anystrychnine ; , and thinks he must have taken arsenic instead. Tlio doctor pronounced him insane , and steps will bo taken , if they have not already been , to care for the demented man. He claims to have relatives near Pcoria , 111. Coin ( la. ) Eagle. _ _ There weic 970 births in Scott count during 18851(51 ( marriages and 010 death Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es tate Loans at MeMahon & Co's , No.1 Pearl street. Didn't I.oolc Mice Him. Mr. Iluldcnc , the well-known member of the law lirm of Wright , Haldwin & Ilaldcno , was in Sioux City the oilier day on business. On being introduced to ono of the well-known residents of that city , the gentleman ga/.ed at Mr. Haldcnc womlcringly , anil linally remarked , "Js this really Mr. HaldcncV Why there was a yomuj looking , VITJ dark cotnploxioned man , thin faced , who was hero a short time ago and said he was Mr. Hahlcne. He got a little short of money , ami 1 let him huvu $ * ! . I haven't seen him since. " The confidence game was thus revealed. It was evident that the money borrower was not Mr. Haldcnc , and that the Sioux Citvman had been duped Ivy someone. Those who are conversant with the rec ord of a dark complcxioned youn man , who has done some money borrowing in this vicinity , will have little trouble in satisfying their oWn minds as to who this tellow was who passed him self ofTa ? Mr. Haldonc. For lirst class Missouri wood call on ( ilcason , at his coal ollice , 'M Pearl street. For everything in tlio jjroeery line give tlio now lirm of Kintx & Kleeb , 1W ( Hroad- way , a trial Everything now and fresh. Fancy groceries a specially. A riremnn in Trouble. Sam Morri-on , ono of thu oldest lire- men in the city and who has done long and faithful service , was yesterday hud oil' by the fire committee and Neil Voor- his put in Ins ulaeo as the driyur of thu hook and ladder truck. The cause of thu change is reported as quite sensational , and the charges made are of too .serious a nature to bo readily believed by Mor rison's many friends. It is said that a woman living near thu engine house uis : informed by her little daughters that Morrison had insulted thorn As Morri son returned from exorcising his horse ho found the woman waiting for him at thu engine house , armed with a black snaku whip , which she proceeded to quito vigorously. Pending an investiga tion into thu causes leading to the sensa tional scene , Morrison was laid oil' duty. Short-hand lesions at , college Tuesday ami Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. W. A Dollar Collln. The county board has awarded to Mor gan , Keller & Co. , thu contract for bury ing paupers during the coming year , they being the lowcst.bidders. They agree to furnish colllns at $1 each , making thu total cost of the luneral fil.r.O , At this rate it is cheaper to die than to live and pay coal bills. Having put in u complete now stock of clothing , iurniF.hing goods , hats , caps , etc. , Fox & Hughes , No. 1HB Main street , invitu the public to yivu them a trial. Their expenses are small and they can and do sull cheap. News Kot- Cattlemen , A. M. Jackson received yesterday a telegram from Sheriff J , ( J. Kankin , of Itawlius , Wyoming , as follows : "Wcath- or line j no snow yet. Stock fat and do ing well. " Kawlins is on the Pacilio slope , thu other sidu of thu divide , and thu weather , from thu above , scums to have bcun far diil'urent from that uxper- ienced hero. Thu quantity of straw required for a car fiom November 1 to May 1 would pay for mats enough to supply us for two years , say * thu president of a Philadelphia street railway. AMUSEMENTS. DGHANY'S OPERA HOUSE , Thursday and Friday , Jan , 14th and 15th DNtlngti'gliCiI Tragc Heine , Miss Lillian Olcott Supporto.l t > yn MetropolitanC'otnpnny , lit Hugh fonnny'Bl.ntoanml HcM Successes , rompnniroirrjr cur lonil of Siiccinl Scenery niul ou'eptlonnl "Irune en t. I'llcci , No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats. ONLY HOTEL In Council llluds Imvliiff Fire Esoa/pe And nil modem Improvemcnto , cnll bells , tire nlariu bells , etc. , is tlio CREST ON JIOUFE ! NOB. 1H517 niul 219 , Miiin Slrivt , MAX MO11N , 1'roprlotor. P. T. M AY.NC. A. S. JL' . 0. ' . May lie * Co , Real Estate Exchange No. HUM \rlStro2t .Council UluIlH , lown. Dealers hi lown , Kansas niul Xulirn-ki : Iintl3 : LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA A SPECIALTY. Heal Khtatu bought and sold. N. SCHUKZ , Justice of the Peace. Olfico Over American Kvprcss Company. B. BICE , M. D. pIMfPRO or other tuni.irs removed without tflllvdno the knlfo or drawing of lilonj. CHRONIC DISEASES or mi kind. . Speci i.r. . Over thirty years' pral' uvporioiiaj. Ollljo No. 111'oail Snoot , Count II Illulls. Pit. HAIR'S Asthma Cure. This invnluahlo spoclflo rendlly ami permit- nenlly euros nil lfmls ot Astlmin. The mo-t pljhllmito mul lonir sfundlnir cases jlelil prompt ly lo Itrt wotKlcifut curini ; propritlrkU ' * ' htimtn tnrotiBliout the vorld tor its ttnrlvnlud elllcacy. J. L.OAUnVEUjcItyor Uncoln.Nol ) . , wiles , Jnn. " ,1 , IbS-l : Since uulnf ; lr. Half's Asthma Cure , for moru than ono year , my wife 1ms been entlioly well , mul not even u symptom of the dit-rii-o has appealed. WILLIAM 11KNNETT , Htchlanil. low-ii. willow. Kov.M : , Ifctkl : I have been mulcted with liny l'o\fraud AMhinu slneo 1SVI. I followed your illicoilons und am happy to fay that I never tlept bettor In my life. I am lad that I am union ; ? the many who can speak bo lavoriibly of jourrpiiiodlop. A rnliiabloHI puffo trentl o coiitnlalntrt-lmllat lirool fiom every slate In the U. S. , Canada mid Cirviit Ilrltaln , will ho mailed upon nppllcatlou Any diuirelbt not having it in stock will pro- euro it. An nfrtlml tri , lil | to.l friiraMur > m. mii in < rl l.l. > uld. cur.l Djiprrili , M nli * . > < r ul * ( 'it. 1 = 1 > ll ( KUrlrii of Ikt Ilirt.lH. Vitil A In dre | I In fit , ItlHluu HiroJ M D | lMt f ckftmpKM. 1 'l " " " " BllBlil Tfy II. kmtt f rtuotrifriH. J k J r | T or remain hr U.IOUH wlwl , citBur * > turf < llr 1JK.J U.D elUjEnTAbuNS. J. W. WOPP2S1UKH , B51S AOS11T , Gl HUOAltWJiYt JV. Y. A SPECIFIC FOR Slp U Epilepsy , 7 tjeie , o' _ - > -a < % fc 9x Convul- ; m , - fclons , falling Dance , Alxthol- litn , Opium Enl- Scrofula , Kingi Eiil , UglyDlooa Kmout IJ'iaA-ncjs , Drain Worry , Mood horn , Biliousness , C'otthfiiett , Nervous rrostrotlou , Kidney Troubles awl Irrrpularltla. Who circs : for Uio doctors' Riicors whrn thl Infallllilu rcmi'ily Is ( it Land ? The n Illclod \\llltlml Itto lie nronstltiillonMHprrtllc , ami a fountain ol vitality simUlRor.nH icsi'iii and cxhlllratliiK aiacooLcinmiiK sjirins of nittprlotlio lurched and inliillng travcli-p-ln lliiilp-.i'rt. Todpclino takliiciimi.-orciiu'i y wlipn Mole htocoiirtminferltiKand In vilPdeatli. J _ y CorieipouUeuto freely nuav c-rtil. . The Dr. S. A. BlCnHOMiXEMISE CO. , St. Joseph , Mo. Hold by oil IruciinlH. | i .co per bottle , or four bottles lor $5.oa FOR SALE BY C , F. GOODMAN. Tins UNiiiVAi.i.r.n SoriuuiN HIMIIIV is WAIIIIANIIIH NOT 1O CONTAIN A bl.Mil.i : I'AHTICI.nOK MKIICUIIV OK ANV 1NJLJIIIOUH M1NEI1AI , SUUSTA Cl. , iiurisl'UIIKLY vi : . LTAllLi : . It Will Cure all liy DoraiiKcineiit ol'tlio Mvcr , Kidney and Ktomauli. If yon feel dull , flrouty , dehllitaled have fro ijuent headache , mouth tattcs badly , poor up iietllo mid lon uo coated , jou me kiillerliu ; liom torpid liver , or "biliousness , " and nolh UK will euro inn MI Miccdllv mid permanently as S1MMONH UVKIt ltli ULATOIt. At any tlino you feel your needs cleansing , tiiiilni ; , rcKiilallinr wllli- out violent purtriiu. . or tlliiHilallni , ' \ \ llli- out Intoxleatlni ; take Simmons Liver Regulator ii n v J. H. KE1LIX &CO. . I'lillatlcliilila. J'a Proposals for Real Estate. C < i\l.ii : : ) i > iopo uls "III be leceHed l > y thor r > undert-lt'iied until A p. m. .Monday , January ri K-M , for the tollmv luir ilo cillii'il iciil i > iiili : Lots I.L'iiiidll. In liloek 4. In Iloctfb .V UilU'iul tidditlon or the ty of Oinuliu. The boaid letencg the rlfl-.t lo leject uny nnd ull liiU. ! lly older of the Hoard of Kduciitlon , Uiiiib C'jut. Cuxoixu , Secretary. .SPECIAL . NOTICES | Ntmon.-SpcclM mlvcrtHomenti , each ns ' Ix > st , Found. To I/oftn , VorSalo , To Itcnt , Wnnti Hoarding , eta , irill bo tinorled In this column at tliclow rnto of TK.V CKXT3 1T.II T.1NB for the first Insertion snd VtVK CUNTS IMJU I.INB for ( each subsequent titsortlon. Lonvo advorlho. mentsat our oillso , N'o. LJ 1'oarl street , near Hroadvruy , Council Illuirs. WANTS. 171OII lll'.NT Tlio thioe-story brick ImMnro - 1hou o formeily oceiipio.l by < ) rene e.r& Sehomitron. L'niiulro ot m-Malion i. fo. , .No. 4 1'enrl street. SWAN W.VI.KIIII , NO. as Main street , ( under Oili/o-i > II.tuk > , real I'S'ate ntni im-r- ehaiullo e\eliaiiRo brokers. Our books are full ol special liarKiiliii , Inn It M Impossible to pull- ll'li a leiinlili'llM i i oni tlio fact of so man ) da tv elimiKes. Wliat \ > o a k l : It' > nn w.tut to fell ortrudoanjthliiff in our line , utde IM and vu III send > ou u jillvuf linnrnln * to i < leet front , Landa itnpioveil or milimimvo 1 , eitvorto\vn pi-operly , stocks or Koods of nay klu'd In any place. II Biieh jou lnivc or sueh you wiuit Irt u < hear from you. Swun fc Walker , coilneil Hindu A\TANTii-ood : ( ) ( fill to do hoi ework lit 018 llancrolt ? t. \\AM'ii-Two : icllablo nponH lor the > KmiliiihloM itinil l.lio mill ilmlimiiiPiit Co. towoik lii Council Iliad's. Apply to Win. C. Itaiidall , Supt. of Aireitcit' . * , uiluit llnii c. FOIlKHN'r-l'iirlofiU I'oirl PI. Unlfofll Is occupied by Mls M. 0. Uleasoii's diess stablls'inicit. : FOU ItllNr-A llnrly iitrnUlioJ front 100,11 , No. . ' 1 Vine stieet. IJ"Ait.\i roit SAM : -Am inuv.iin ir M > M soon , IClliUTOJ , O't ' miles soiithwott of Omntm. 0 room house , eU'cllnnt well iiud cistern , : ! Imrn * . ono lor vlilit horse * , ono lor AI eon's : lien , tool and wiieon bouse.ii IOJ acres In timothy : llj.OJil Ioie t trees , cotton Mood. black walnut , mil ami iniiploiKood orchiud , iipplns cherries , plums fiinpes and Mimll friilti , Never lailiiiir stoolc water. II. I' . umcin : , 5JJ llroadnuy , Council lllllllH. tottll. HUUSKS roit ui.NTAt ; .MC.MUIIOU * No. 4 1'cinl bticol RUSSELL&Co MnmirncUircrsof all sl/osof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Dcslgnoil for Ilunnlnsr MILLS , GRAIN ELKVATOKS , AND ELKCTK1U LIGHTS , Tubular nml Locomotive Hollers. New Mussillou Threshers. Carey and Wooilbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon. 0. Jirnnch House 5JO Pearl St. , Council Bliilfe. SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our stock Is now romplcto i" every clop nit mcnt mid contains all the lateststvlesaudcffect'i inCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. -THE- Largest Stock Lowest Prices. THE ONLY nXCLUSIVi : CAIII'LT IIOUSB IN \vis'iiiiN : : IOWA. SAJiri.r.S furnlshuU njon application to down tonii parlies. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpet Company 4:03 Jii'octtltvay. E. R. Cad-well , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYEK. No. 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs 11IOF , OFflCKIU W. II. M. I'UHCT OFFICER & PUSBY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. listulillSlll'il HO. ) . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT MANUrAITDIIKII AMI IIIMI.KU IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Blufi'u. PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,000 , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000 , , STJOOE3S3OKS TO J. 'LOS ' MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA iMruu'nus : oi < AND DKALHUS IN \ Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. We make the ct-lchr.iteil Ilnuliniui Platio , ami the Whitney org.UH , a specially Kvcry Instrument warranted. Send for catalogue * . MUKI.LKIl MUSIC CO. , Council HluIR CW.IP HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . Iti-lck bn lldlius of mty Id ml rnlsol or movol nnAMfcfiiolloii eunruUcol. Pninio liousu ) inovaJ oul.lttlc 0 hint truuUu-tlie bt-bt lit the worlJ. SOS Eighth Avenue and Ei jliUi Street , Council JMtifl's. You i It If you buy any where except at Metcalf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc , METCALF BROS , , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Northwestern Hotel. Xcwly lilted ami furnished. Opp. Dioadway Dummy Depot. Sl.W ) per day. SAMUKIj TATE , l'n ) | ) . L. II. UKItSHA\V , Jilunaijcr. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale and Ifctall Liimbor , Littli , Sliliirlu-i ) Snsh , Doors and lillnds. Solo ii enls for Ilia celebuiled Jlmblchend Concentrated While Iinn' . S , 1' . M MJCO.XMI.I. ; , .Manaioi- . Ti'cphoiic No. ' - . No. ,1C Main Htreul , Council Illuirs. KVJ5IIVTIIIXO 1M.\'I.\AHLH ( IN CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , No. iW.Muin Sired , Council Hliiirs , hi. ESSEX HOUSE , Consul ! HnvA.vr AND ViXK.Srs. Coiinell IHiiUs. Wmin looms mid Kood boaid nt icr.touabio JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW 1'iactlw. } In .Slat- and I' Com Is. Idioms 7 innlb , tSuu.'aU Dlocl ; , MEBG-EN HOTEL , Main S1 , ronnuil lllutlls. NcartlmC. , 11. , t ( { . ; < ' . , .M. .t ! St. I' . , anil C. , It. l.itl' . ntilwav ili-i'-'ti. htn-ct cni-.s ji.tsttlm il'Xir. I'lMTjlliiii ' new iillil class Ol " " -.ll ) . . . | | | < MKHni.Ni 1'jniiiiutur anil .Maunder. jr. M. SMITH LEADING Tailor ! NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa ONION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEVOISE , Agent. , Council Uluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL IILLTK3. The following Ix HIII liiiHi or arrival nnd depailuio ol tiitlns liy ci'iilrnl sliniilaul II HIP , nt the ( oral depots , Trains li-avo liaiihreril'ipol ten inliuiU'S earlier und urrivo Irn mlnulei > laicr : IIKI'AIIT , M1IIIVK. M > urmvi--TKii > . | ) : "IA. v . . . .Mall and Hiiu' | s. . . .HflOi : > . M. - ; ( ( . , vM . Ai'eoiiiiiioitaliou . 4'Xli : > , u. ( J.DI > . M ( lllf.Mll ) & . HOI K | s\M | > , PAM : ) M.illand K\pii' > s . flrli : > , u. f\TiA. : \ M . Att'Oin modal Ion . 0:4"ii : > , M.'.M : ) . Kjipii'-s . UiUi.i.ji. CIIIDAdl ) . Mll.WMIM.i : . til. ( Mill , ! iil : ( A. M . Mull mul K\pn. s . HiVti : . w. 0'XJ : r. M . i\pions : . UU.'iA. ; u. CIIIUAOO. nl'III.IMilllN ' At QCI.M.V. .ili : ( A. M . Mull and K\IK | m . ilMi' : . i.rj ; : | ' . M . r.vui : | i . luoj WAIIl.sllNr. 1,01 IM it I' II 'I in : . L'I'M I' . M. Local Si. Louis Lvnii' > s Local . aM ; ) p. MTniMlriSi. . Louis lis.'I'ninhli'i'JI : ) I * , u m.NH\s ciiv , M' . .101 : . \ rnr.Mni. m.iiFrs 1U:1IIA.M : . .Mall mid I'lvpti-ss . fiiMlr. . Uillil'.M . lC.\lU | b . U 'oA.M. r > niu\ cirv \ i'u inc. 7:15 : A. M Slmix Cil > Mail KftQl * . M L-.IUr.M Hi. I'lUll K\l'ros ' S"oAu. : UNION I'A. TIC. JOir ; : > AM lie-ner JUpiusa ! , ; Ci'.n. " : lli' , n..Lincoln l'iif- . . ( ini. \ II. V. , " : ( * i * . u. ' , ; Wr. n OMulmid Iliun s HsISA. u. LdivoCouneil | - - ; ' , - ; , _ ! | , : - : II.Ml a , m , ; ll' : tl : 'M ; i ; . t : . ' ! ' 51 0 UrW 11M5 p. in. Sinidajb T.iiTi u ! H U : : ) n , in ; < irj ; : 7.l."i : h.Vi 10:00lliU : a. m : Iii0 : : ' : uil W-4OJ-"i : .01 ; ii ; < v , II ship. 111. Sunday * ( i , : i'J - 11M it. lil.VtMiiJo.Oj : : : llU'i-llll ; ; ) p.m Chicago Water Motor Co. Cl DKAKHOUN STUKF.'li I'o-tcr fiirnl ied from iiyilrnnl prcn * > drivnm all l > iudi ol IIK'K ' ui.icliliifry. 'P * mt ii'ioiivhcn ' to vhiiifli oiann i'i i" * a tun print ML' piebi-cs.iiieal < 'lmppem , let' oi' frcivvr * . pnlNliini ; Influx M > vlnif iinu'liui ' , Thu hi'sl fhciifii" , ) iiiuloi' iiiinlc. bond f ut culiir. In HID in ( 'oiinull Illuilb liy Ili'o joliolliri I'uri ) XHc'liniiill.iin at in nUel. ( IIK u o : Meal Maikrl L-ihl/t niloi Im'd Meat MitiUitU hinilli \ .MeyiTf. K nlA Klci'li , colfi'i' liiiniliT. . . .wIIIul | j-i > , , K AM nt 1' M.IIII I. niin. ' H UtTi , lo\T % llu 11.1 i alii lll > d ( , Ul