Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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mi i ti t T\T fiMii1 * i nnt vfTMTPT
President Max Meyer of the Board of Trad
Reports tbo Situation.
Where tlic City's Strrnulli Mos nm
Her Needs for the Kuttiro The
Chnrlty Hall-Other
Itoaril of Trade.
The regular meeting of the board o
trade was held lasl evening , Prcsidcn
Max Meyer in the chair , rind a fair at
tendance of member ? . After the rcadin ;
of the minutes of the last meeting , tin
secretary announrcd that the board o
directorhad. . nt a meeting in the after
noon , re-elected the present ollieers foi
the eiiMiing year , as follows :
. President Max Mover.
' First vice pror.idont C. F. Goodman.
Second vice president H. G. Clark.
Treasiinr J. A. Wakelield.
A letter wa-- read from the secretary o
the Chicago , Si. Louis & Pacific railway
unking if the cili/enfl of Omaha wouli'
ofler inducements to that railroad to lo
cate its headquarters in this city. Tin
Idler had been answered by Presidonl
Meyer , asking where the railroad men
tioned was loeatcd and its extent. , Tt
this Iho secretary responded that tin
company wishe t to build ! > 0 ! inil'-s ol
railroad the coming summer , and would
either have its headquarters at Omaha ,
Papillion. or some point in Iowa. It all
depended on the inducements oll'erod b\
Omaha , and he would be happy to ad
dress the eitixens anil board of tr.idc on
the subject. The letter was referred tu
the prcsidcnl lo obtain further informa
tion.The Maritime association of New York
had forwarded a communication urging
the board to take action lo Induce con-
gre.s.s to pass sntlielent appropriations to
carry on tlio signal service on the coast.
On motion of Mr. Clark a loiter was or
dered prepared and sent to the congress
men anil senators from this slate to blip-
port Ihe needed appropriation.
President Max .Meyer then submitted
his report of the work accomplished by
Iho board during the year , as follows :
OMAHA. Neb. , Jan. 11 , 18SO.
Gentlemen of llio Board of Trade As
n merchant engaged in active business 1
have not Iho time to devote to any retro
spective review of the history , objects ,
and aims of this body. Sullice il to say
thai we are in the tenth year of this or
ganization. The board of trade was be
gun in 1877 and roorganixed under Iho
general corporation laws of Nebraska
January 1 , IfB. ) . It is now composed of
members constituting within themselves
the most eneriretic , enterprising and in
dustrious eitixens of Omaha. Since yon
have honored mo with Iho presidency of
HHH body , marked progress has been
made towards the consummation of ono
of the principal aims of the reorganiza
tion of the Iward. Jn the face of many
obstacles , which were thought by some
to be Insurmountable , we have purchased
the lot , corner Sixteenth anil Farnam
hlreets , selected by your body as the silo
most desirable for a chamber of com
merce. Thin lot is cnliiclypaid for out
of llio funds derived from membership
fees , which in the aggregate exceed
$3,000 over the of the lot. The wis
dom and foresight of your board of di
rectors in making this investment is now
apparent , the lot having more than
doubled in value. The task now left for
the board is to carry out the design of
the purchasers and have the board of
trade building erected without any
nceedless delay. After advertising for
competitive plans , tlio directors have
adopted the plans of Messrs. Mendelssohn
& Fisher , which were deemed the most
desirable in view of the amount to bo o.x-
AVith these plans as a basis bids were
} nvitcd for the construction of the build
ing , and tlio board has made contracts
with Messrs. Whitnoll Bros. & Salisbury
tor the completion of Ihe building. It
now remains with Iho members of the
board to assist the directors in carrying
out this work.
The gratifying increase of llio com
merce of Omaha and rapid growth in
population which has taken place has
made a corresponding increase in the
number ol our jobbing houses and man
ufacturers , who will doubtless become
valuable members of our body as soon as
the importance of our board'is brought
to their notice.
It seems to mo very timely to recom
mend to each member lo exert his inlln-
once to induce every jobber anil manu
facturer to acquire membership in the
( Juke apnrl from Hie immediate busi
ness on hand , vix. , Hie raising of funds
for Ihe completion of the cham
ber of commerce , we must not lose
sight of the important enterprises neces
sary to make Omaha a great commercial
center , in which the inlluonco of this
board Is demanded.
Omaha is still without a market house ,
where Iho purchaser ami consumer can
meet to exchange their wares and pro
ducts , and where working people can
buy thu necessaries of life at firsthand
While the eily may be congratulalcd
upon ihu near completion of Iho exposi
tion building , which was erected by n
few Omaha business men withonl con
tribution or subsidy , the success of the
next exposition will depend largely upon
the porconul oll'orts of our merchants and
manufacturers in making complete and
creditable exhibits. Wo have cnoii"i ]
iminufaotnrtirs hero already to make an
interesting exhibit if the owners can be
induced to participate.
So far tlio city council has failed to
taku action upon the recommendation of
this board to onaut a building ordinance ,
and create a building inspector. This
olliccr will bo necessary to enable the
board practically to collect statistics of
the growth of Omaha as is contemplated.
Through the efforts of Hon. Clius. F.
Mamlereon the city of Omaha will soon
bo made n port of entry by an act of con
gress whloli has already passed the
United States Honato. This will prove of
material advantage , not only to this city
but to the whole region west of the Mis
souri ,
The proposed improvement of the Mis-
Bonn river , if properly continued , to
gether with local expenditures for pro
tecting the river banks , will nUo greatly
bonoiil this city.
The necessity of a direct line of
railroad from Omaha up the Klkhorn
vr.lloy , with branches into the northern
part of the Mat. ) , is acknowledged on all
Lands. Such it road controlled by homo
capital would reecivo material aid in this
city and along the route , It Is to bo
hoped our capitalists will organixo and
undertake tills enterprise in time for be
ginning active operations in the spring.
With all her trade Omaha can never bo
ft great city without manufacturers. Wo
liixvo ft I ready demonstrated our nullity
to manufacture various articles , as the
duelling works ( the largest in the world ) ,
mill works , white load works , linseed oil
mills , shot tower , lead pipy works , Mife ,
pottery unit jewelry manufactories , dis
tilleries , breweries , cigar , mallress and
overall manufactories , and a number of
other manufacturing enterprises , are all
in a prosperous and flourishing condi
tion , and with proper encouragement wo
can boconui onu of the hugest industrial
centers of the west ,
Thu bcof uml pork packing indus
tries , in connection with our stock
yards have during thu patt year assumed
. Jucveajed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ proportion _ _ . ! * . * / , ! . am t ! * will f before f
y years make this the chief mart
meat and cuttle in the wcU.
Our bank ; , which arc the main artery
of traffic , have attracted attention b ,
tlioir largo clearing * all over the union
They indicate n very healthy state o
finance * .
The eonlidenco which prevails al
branches of bu.sine.-.s , and notably in th
real ( . ' .state market , gives assurance lha
Omaha is on the high road lo prosperity
anil de.stlncd to surpass the prediction
of the most sanguine.
In conclusion , 1 cannot omit my grate
fill acknowledgment of the efficient a <
sistaiiec rendered by my colleagues in th
directory , and for the uniform courtf * ,
always extended to me by the member
of llic board. Respectfully submitted ,
Treasurer J. \Vakolield was absent
but his annual report was submitted b ,
the president. Il showed a balance 01
haml of S' ! ) , and the whole amoun
was ordered transferred from the iron
eral fund lo the real estate fund. 'Th
following is the recapitulation of th
report :'TA
Heal estate fund . Sin.OOo.O
General fund . 'J,071.i (
Total . S1SOW.G
Heal estate , loti.nd building plans. . ? in , : > 00.o
.Salary . C0 , ) . (
Kxi > euo
Kent . 2.VJ.O
Orntle daiiinsc.s . MXi.o
Taxes . M.r.
Total . SIWOr.0
Balance on hand . S : . ' , xs. < ) .5
Col. C. S. Chase , as chairman of tin
committee to attend the Missouri Hive
Improvement association , made a roper
detailing Hie work accomplished al tin
meeting held al Kansas City , and oil !
chilly announcing that llio next meeting
will bo held in Omaha in September
Col. Chase was also appointed to rcpro
sent the board al Washington at tin
meeting of the Waterways convention
which meets on the Kith of this month.
Mr. ' Walker , who is endeavoring l (
form u company to purchase the nai
works ami begin the manufacture of stee
nails , made a statement to the board o
what he wished to accomplish and tin
interest which should be taken to retail
the nail works in Omaha. The board
on motion , will meet again no.xt Monday
to assist in organizing a new company t (
operate llio nail works. The mectin <
then adjourned.
Tlic First Stons Taken Townnl tlic
Cliai-lty Hall.
Quito a number of prominent gentle
men met at the Millard last night , widi
awake lo Iho needs of Iho poof of Omaln
and how much they would bo helped ly
Ihc proceeds arising from a charily ball
They first proceeded to organize by mnk
nig lion. A. U.Vyman chairman prt
tein and Clement Chase secretary pi
tern. After brief discusMon ( lie following -
ing executive committee was selected :
lion. Jame.s K. Boyd , Herman Konntzc ,
Ksq. , Maj. J. W. Paddock. Frank Mur
phy , Ksq. , ( Jen. John H. Hawkins , U. S
A. , Cttiy C. Barton , Esq. , lion. E. S ,
The" following gentlemen were elected
lo be the general managers of the ball :
Mr , Frank Colpet/.er , Mr. A. II. Bishop ,
Mr John T. Clarke.
They will organize as a committee and
select such aids as they wish to assist
them in the preparations for the great
event. These assistants are expected to
act as chairmen and members oi
Mib-eommittees. The ladies of Omaha
are also lo bo asked to take
a more active part in the organization of
the ball than last year , and there is talk
of publishing a list of lady patrons.
As U > Hie dale of the ball and the place
where it will bo held , nothing has been
determined , but as tlio opera house can
not be obtained until February t ! , and as
it would be very crowded anyway , the
meeting decided to recommend to the
executive coinmitlee that the proposition
made by tlio managers of the new exposi
tion building bo accepted -and that the
ball bo triven there on Washington's
birthday , Wednesday the 22d of February.
As this will postpone the all'air until the
income to bo derived from it will be of
late assistance to the poor for whom in
tended , it is proposed that the tickets be
sold and the subscriptions raised at once ,
llio proceeds turned over to the Ladies'
Christian Aid association immediately ,
and the ball held in February as planned.
This admirable suggestion was made by
Mr. II. T. Clarke , seconded by Colonel
It looks now as if everything would go
forward with vim and enthusiasm.
The bank clearings yesterday were
Mr. Hugh McCaffrey is open to con
gratulations on the arrival of a young
laughter at his house. Mother ana child
loing well.
The "Cafe" le.-taurant ? , 113 S. 10th st.
liu.shman block , has been purchased by
Mrs. M. II. Wrightor , where him will do
jverything to make it tlic popular eating
[ ) lacc of the city.
The street car drivers on the Eighteenth
street line are thankful lo Mrs. Miles U.
lloncj ; for furnishing them hot eolfce on
.ho "cold Friday" of last week.
The assortment of single antl
lonblo cutters to bo found anywhere-
ilie city is on exhibition at the liningeri\i ! , \
Metcalf Co. repository , corner of Sixth
: md Paciiio streets.
If yon went a good single or double cuter
: or at a moderate price , you had bolter
l > ay a visit to th hiningor & Motcalf Co.
epoMtory , corner of hi.xth and Pacific
< t roots. There you will find the largest
mil befit selected assortment of .sleighs
if all kinds to bo Keen anywhere in the
Marshal Cnmmiiigs has received a let-
or from an acquaintance of the Miieido ,
"rank V. Adams , in Now York city
irobably one of his victims mak-
ng inquiry about the policy of
p 10,000 on Adams' life. The writer
iliiims that Adams promised to
mil ; is him the beneficiary of this in-
iuranco. From all devclomnents so far
I would appear that Adams did not have
is ! lite insured at all.
Complimentary to Mr , filiolby.
A complimentary banquet will bo ten-
lercd Mr. P. P. Shelby this even-
ng al Hie Omaha club by llio merchants
md jobbers of this city previous lo his
leparluro for Salt l.ako City to assume
ho duties of assistant general tralllo
nanagor of the Union Paeilic. The ro-
ictt , Louis liradford and
Assaulted u Woman.
Jerry Kornan , a well-known tough ,
Yas arrested Saturday for brutally as-
laulting a prostitute named Annie Roth ,
iviug on Capitol avenue. In his compa-
ly al the time wore Dick Todduml Larrv
Jasoy who wore also nrreslod. Kornan
osiatcd the officer and received a club-
jiiig which caused the od to How freo-
y from Ins head ,
jUpon trial yesterday iCernan was
sentenced to twcntv days on broad and
ivater in the county jail. Todil and Casey
ivoro discharged , as they had nothing to
lo witli the assault.
1)111) .
FISHKU-Frc'd Fisher , son of August Fisher
aged t > years ami 10 month.
Funeral Wednesday at 3 p. m. from Ulewe's
luUiiK loouu. FiUuds aiviiivitcd.
What the InMlttitloii linn Aeconi
lill.ohcd During the Ycnr.
The annual report of the work nccoiu
plishcd by St. Joseph's hospital and thos <
who have aided its elVorts has been suinit
ted by the lady superior. Sister Alphonsa
as follows :
"At the close of the fifth year of St. Jo
seph's hospital 1 beg to gratefully tlianl
the patrons of this Institution for tin
means which their liberality has placed
in our hands and which has enabled us tc
achieve the results which are respectfullj
submitted in the following report :
Cash contributions : J. A. MeShane ,
.flO.V. K. Host-wafer , § 100 ; J. A. Creigh-
Ion , § ! . . ; K. W. Nash. $ - . . . ; Rev. F. llajcs ,
Kearney. : iO ; Rev. P..I. Boyle , Fremont ,
Jj''O ; : i friend. $ ! ( ) ; Mr. Komit..e , ! ? KI ; Fill
ler & Co. , 110 ; B. B. Wood , $ - > ; Hr ,
Miller , § 5 ; C. W. Hamilton. § , - . ( Mr.
I'helpMerchants' ! ; Nutionnl bank ,
? . " ) , Omaha National bank , $ . " > ; ( ! . C ,
U'owle , $ , . ; Jlr. Sherman , "i ; .Mrs. Ban-
man. § . . ; Fred Gray , ! ? " > ; I'r. Neville , iJ5
Dr. Bryant , % ' > , - J. J. Brown , $ . . ; Nebras
ka National bank , $ . * ; Nebraska Fuel
company , s5 ; .Mijton Rogers , $ . ; F. J ,
i'l"V. .
Denise , ? ' , ' ; Mrs. S. Tliorne , $ J ; Mr. Shlv-
eriek , Si ; E. P. Davis , § 0 ; Mr. Conrad ,
S1. ; Sullivan Bros , ? . ' ; J. M. Fl.vnn , . ? . ' ; ( " ,
11. Coodrich , . * ! ) ; Thompson A : Little , * ? . '
(5. W. Homaii , $2 ; L. O. Jones , § -j ; Che-
ny & Olson , ? 3 ; Dr. llolfinan , S'J ; Mr.
Fey , $ l.5U ; Pioneers Hunting club ol
U. P. Co. employ , $ l.i > i ) ; Joseph
Creighton , il.'iO ; Mr. Hover ' , $1 ; Max
Meyer , sl ; Mrs. Foley , $1 ; MJ s Arnold ,
$1 ; Omaha Carpet Co. , ? ; Joseph Mar-
her , * 1 ; 15. Monroe , $1 ; 11. llnllcgan , Sli
Mr. Wiemers , ! ? 1 : A. Friend , $1 ; Mrs. M ,
D. Carroll , $1 ; Mrs. Simpson , $1 ; Mrs.
Mrucker , sfl ; Mrs. 1. Smith , $1 ; J. D ,
Creighton , * 1 ; Mrs. 1. P. Hawkins , § 1 ;
Mrs. F. A. McShanc , § 1 ; United Stales
National Hank , § 1 ; Hunk of Omaha , $1
Mr. Kearney , $1 ; Mr. Me(5avoek ( , § 1 ; Mr.
H. Kren/.cr , $1 ; U. Tower , $1 ; Dr. 1. K.
Summers , ! ? ' . ' ; .1 , P. Hawkins , $2 ; Mr.
Claildish , * 1H. ; A. Kosler , § 1 ; C. D.
Dormaii , Ij.fas. Walsh , 'fl ; Dr. Jones ,
$1 ; William Arnold , $1 ; Mr. McCord , $1 :
( \ S. lliggins. $1 ; Robert Taylor , $1 ; Mr.
Nelson , $1 ; Patrick Ford , $1 ; Thomas
O'Connell , § 1 ; (5. W. Duncan , § 1 ; Daniel
McCoy , ! ? ! , ! > Kitchen , itM. : Sirang , ? ! ,
W. Wallace , ? 11I. ; L'liompson , ift ; James
Creighton , SI ; Mr. Clarke , § 1 ; J. Mo-
. , -
scliKc , > ? 1 ; J. Walsh , $ Icash ; , $15
Other contributions : Mrs. Alice Me-
Shane , provisions ; Mrs. J. H. Fnray , pro
visions ; Mrs. P. 11. Carey , groceries ; Mrs.
P. ( Jarvey , milk ; John Toner , one load
of hay ; Peycko liros. . game ; J. A.
Creighton , a cow ; Mr. Hurley , groceries ;
Mr.Veimers \ , poultry ; Hra'ncn & Co. ,
fruit ; August licnxon , coal ; Woideman ifc
Co. , groceries ; Her vt Co. , two gallons
alcohol ; J. JO. lioytl , meat and milk ;
Wilson & Larson , groceries ; Clarke it
Co. , tea ; Cheney & Co. , drugs ; Consol
idated Tank Co. , oil ; Mrs. Quinn , cloth
ing ; Mr. McHugn , groceries ; Owen
Slavon , groceries ; iMcShano & Sohrodiir ,
thirty pounds of butter anil one of
eggs ; Harris & Fisher , J. J. Skew , Win.
Shultz , J. II. Htibcs , II. Coombe , Fred
lleeksloin. W. Ausfc , meat every week ;
August UhlolV's Spirits ; Messrs. Krug ,
Klirz & Her , beer every week ; Met/ ,
beer ; Pomoy S : Segclko , mineral water ;
li. Ayrcs , Dr. Denise , Dr. tialbraith , Dr.
O Jlolfnian , Dr. S. D. Mercer , Dr. Dysart
and Dr. Bryant.
Patients in hospital Jan. 1 , 183. " ) , .r > l.
Patients received during the year , 534.
Total , ( KW.
Male , 50 ! ! ; female , 105.
Single , -HI ) ; married , 180.
liomaii Catholic , 27tl ; other denomina
tions , 25 ! ) ; Jewish , 8 ; no religion , 02.
Occupying rooms , 1)1 ) ; occupying wards ,
Patients paying , 308 ; patients nonpaying
ing , ! ! ) ( ) ; patients half paying , 41.
According to nationalities Ihcro wore
Americans , - ' ! ! ! ; Germans , 12(5 ( ; Irish , 1-1I5 ;
Swede , IM ; Danish , 01 ; Bohemian , 12 ; Ca
nadian , 13 ; Italian , 10 ; Russian , ! ) ; Polish ,
U ; Swiss , 7 ; Holland , 5 ; French , 3 ; Chi
nese , 1.
Forly-lhrco deaths occurred during the
year ending Doc. 31 , 1885 ,
SISTKK Ai.i'iio.NSA , Superioress.
ST. JosKi'ii's lIosrrrAL , OMAHA , Jan.
3 , 1880.
Army Orders.
A general court-martial has been ap
pointed to meet at Fort Fred. Stcelo ,
Wyo , , on Thursday , Jan. 14 , for llio trial
of such persons as may bo properly
brought before it. Tlio detail for the
court is as follows : Lieutenant Colonel
Chipman , Captains Downey and Weiscl ,
First Lieutenants Rliccm and Wittich ,
Second Lieutenants Honrn , Palmer ,
and Slyer , First Lioulonant Bailey ,
Twenty-first Infantry , judge advocate.
Private Jolwi 11. Turnoy , Seventh Cav
alry , who deserted the service of tlio
United States at Fort Meade , Dakota ,
May 20 , 1885 , and surrendered himself
October 21 , 1885 ; at Fort Robinson , Neb , ,
where he is now confined , has been
ordered released from confinement and
restored to duty without trial , on condi
tion thathe , make good the time lost by
desertion'anil that ho forfeit nil pay and
allowances duo him up to the data of
his surrender.
The commanding officers of the posts
at which they are seoving liavo ueun
ordered to require troops C and 1 , Ninth
Cavalry , to bo properly exorcised and
instructed in position , aiming and point
ing drills , and gallery practice. Such ox-
urciso and instructions will require at
least three days in each week until the
commencement of out-door practleo on
tlio range. In carrying out this order
particular attention will bo tlovotod to
the Instruction of men of the third class.
Oyi > slcH In Omaha.
There is a band of several hundred gyp *
sies encamped in the southeastern part
af the city , on Popploton nvonuo near the
government corral. They have been
hero several days , having evidently pre
pared to stay in Omaha until the present
cold snap is over. A oitizen Jiving m
that locality came down to police head
quarters yesterday and complained that
these gypsies wore in the habit of leaving
their liorscs standing out all night un
protected from the cold. Ho thought the
mailer ought lo bo looked up by the "So
ciety for Iho prevention of cruelty to
animals , " if there is a branch of that or
ganization in this city , The police will
ilrop a gentle warning into the cars of
the gypsies , about the matter.
Police Court Docket.
Judge Stenberg disposed of the follow
ing cases in the police court yesterday
morning ;
Jerry Kcrnan , assault and battery ,
twenty days on bread and water ; Diok
Todd and Larry Casey , alleged accom
plices , released.
E. II. McNcill , drunk and disorderly ,
$5 and costs.
Pat Kearney ami Martin Kelley , druuk.
disorderly , discharged.
The W , 0. T , U , Ohinoso Snmlny Schoo
nnd its Pupils-
The. Majority of Omaha Coolies Devoted
voted to I'.ditcntlou A Visit
to the School.
His safe to say thai the majority of Hit
local public are totally unaware of the
fact I hat eighteen of the twenty odd Chi
namen in the eily are actively Intere tetl
in their .souls' salvation according ti
Christian scriptures. The people win
see the Mongolians only at those inter
vals iiM.hieh "washce" transactions art
made , and m passing on t he street , liltlt
. tispecl how the saU'ron-huctl sons of tin
Orient beirnilo their leisure time. It is
generally supposed that when the China
man is not invoking the nightmares ol
the drugged pipe , ho is gambling will
his fellow countrymen or engaged in darl
devotions to his pagan idols. It is also r
matter of extensive supposition thai tin
coolie is a thick-headed , avaricious , non-
progressive individual who lives and labors -
bors wilh an eye .single to accumulating
a few American dollar. , which will nniki
him a millionaire pr.ncu on his return tt
China. On these points exist great pop
ular errors.
Whoever heard before that there is : i
Chinese Sunday school in this eily. Well ,
there is antl every Sabbath afternoon be
tween three ami four o'clock the school
holds .session. In point of numbers , reg
ularity of attendance , attention lo studies
and liberality to the "missionary box- , "
the class is Ihe banner bearer of tlio city.
About three mouths ago the ladies ol
the W. C. T. U. determined to organixt ;
such a class anil straightway matured
their plans ami began soliciting for
scholars. A few were obtained tit. . the
.start ami since that day the number has
steadily increased until" the mcinbcr.shin
numbers eighteen , a largo majority of all
the Chinamen in the city. Scliool is held
in iho building which , formerly the Buck
ing varieties , Is now Iho W. C. T. U. hall.
A reporter visited the school Sunday
anil was.struck most forcibly by every
detail of the situation. Mrs. A. P. Wood
the superintendentis an active , onergetio
worker in all Christian enterprises and ,
from years of experience with Chinese
missionary work on the coast , is admir
ably tiiialilicd for this position. The
corps ol teachers include the following
ladies , the large number being necessi
tated from the fact that the Chinamen
require individual supervision in their
instructions :
Mrs. Mary Gratton , Mrs. Olive Lecder ,
Mrs. C'harlton Edholin , Miss Annie El
liott , Mrs. M. A. Elliott , Miss Bessie How
ies , Mits Annie Morroll , Mrs. G. W.
Shortly before n o'clock ' the scholars
began to arrive. Each beamed witli
smiles , and cordially insisted upon shak
ing hands with everybody pre.-ont.
Despilo the cold da.y the attendance was
nearly complete. Exercises opened with
song , the class lending its voice with
out any hesitancy. One may bo forgiven
for an undevoul smile and the remark
thai never before was "Come to Jesus"
sung in such fashion. The Chinaman's
conception of civilized harmonics is
something short of accurate , but ho is not
bashful , antl shouts throiurh the words
wilh rising ami falling inflections which
keep a sort of lime to iho measure. The
roll was called , and hero it is for the
reader's pronunciation :
San Goon , Sing-Lee ,
Vet Sing , Jo Ulieo ,
Hong Gin , Ah Sing ,
Ben lior.g , Ah Sam ,
Tain Lot , Los Gin ,
Leo Quo , Charlie Wong ,
Leo Gow , Sang Fong ,
Little Jim , Tong Yung ,
Charlie Hands , Lam Ling ,
Ling Piing
The lessons then began. The ladies
have secured a lext book in Hie rudi
ments of the English language , which lias
translative Chinese characters opposite
words anil Idlers , and is published by Hie
American Tract society. Its instructions
are in measure independent of
religious topics and is chiolly a practical
course in English for Chinese study. The
pupils all evidenced the anxiety
to Kot the out of the hour of school
and followed the instructions ot their
teachers with close attention , making
heroic ellorts to repeat tlio exercises given
for conversational practice. The teach
ers are patient anil devoted to their labor.
Experience of several weeks has accus
tomed them to their pupils , anil oven Iho
young lady leachers ( pretty , too , they are )
conduct their class without constraint.
The school was established in Septem
ber last at the .solicitation of San Goon ,
Iholirston Iho roll , who has quite an
l.nglish education and has been m CuH-
forniti schools. Ho is an enthusiast in
the matter and is a great help to the
teachers in the instruction of such of
Iho Chinamen who cannot speak English
nor read their own language. Ono of
[ ho things in a religious way which
is .sought to impress upon the punibiis
the evils of the opium habit aim il is
[ icrhups no violation ot the hust scriptural
L-onimantl that good ladies make the
l.iblo contain a solemn and awful edict
igainst the pipe. However , they linil
rory tractable subjects on this poinl as
.hose of the Chinamen who do not use
, ho drug regard it with dread and
.vield . all their influence to keep it from
.heir compatriots. The greatest obstacle
n the way of chririlianixini : the heathen
' eholars is to conquer tlioir grounded
ailli. There is one of them who has out
IV his queue and attends prayerniecting ,
.vhero . no rises among the converts , For
lis temerity , however , ho is regarded
.vitli . mild suspicion by his f clews
ows , although no decree of osfra-
iism is out against him. The
oinninder , however , still cling to the
Hitivo dogmas ami believe in the gospels
) f Confucius. They will not admit it ,
md when the ladies sail upon them deny
hat their "josses" on the shelves and
vails are idols , statinc ; that they are
nonningloss images. There is u day
joining m Iho next few weeks when their
.osition in the matter of faith will
> ass a crucial lest. On the Isl of Fob-
miry the Chinese now year begins
md the day is eolebmtcd with great pa-
; an solemnity , for between sunrise and
nghtfall must thu fortunes of thy year bo
loalcd for good orjlmil. The gods are
usually propitiated with prayer and fusi
ng ami bold is Iho Chinaman who will
jravo a refusal to solcumixo the day with
icatheu rile. .
A largo sixcd suspicion must enter the
nind of the who sees llio
chool Hint there are i.ractical consiilora-
ions which chiolly prompt the China-
nan to take advantage of
Is instructions , Affording as it does an
.pportunity to learn Iho knglUh tongue ,
ho coolie sees largely in it a chance for
irolit. However , conversions frequently
ollow the practical teachings , and in-so-
nnch is the institution of great benefit ,
> oth to tlio Chinamen anil the community
> f whites among whom they Jive , The
adics are doing a great work , and should
cccivo the applause and assistance , when
hey need it , of the people of Omaha. It
s also a source ot cougratulalion that
ho few Chinamen who are harbored hero
ire ot a class devoted to vo ideas
ather than prostituted to Iho terrible
ices which find such hfdcous forms when
idoptcd among their race.
Found In theSnow.
Geo. Soil , a farmer living near Irving-
on , coming into town yesterday found
ill thu enow across the
railroad track. Ho stopped his wngc
and took the unfortunate aboard , carr ,
ing him Into town. The poor fellow w :
found to be badly frozen. Ho was take
to St. .Irm'pirs hospital. HU name
Thomas Rogt-rs , but nothing further
known about him. He would undoubted !
have perished but for Soli's timely tli
"TillCANTK13NV !
A Xcw Institution at l-'ort Itusscll t
Military Crank.
( Jen. Howard received yesterday
communication fromCol. Ma-son Fort Rm
scl , concerning ihe "Canteen , " a no\ \
lunchroom and reading room winch Ini
ju t been opened at that post for the bet
elit of the soldiers. This place is to fin
nisli some sort of amusement and divot
sion , as well as to give the * oldlers tin i > i
portunity to procure a lunch at the low
est prices. The institution is lo b
supported by tlio soldiers ihcm clrc. < > , fo
tlioir own exclusive benefl. It is believe
in this way that llio soldiers will be ko ]
oiu many of the temptation * which the
are liable lo encounter in going to low
"for fun. " The building to be used is Hi
old one occupied by the post trader.
A sorry looking German crank givlii ]
the name of Hasehu walked into Gen
Howard's office this afternoon and sail
he had tin explanation to make.
"All right , ' ' 1 will listen , " replied Gen
Howard , llaschu then went on to tell
story of how ho had been twenly-twi
years in Hie American army , latterly a
dilVereiit western posts. A few year
ago ho was stationed at Benieia ( Cul ,
as watchman at the arsenal , and whil
ho was in that position the powdo
house was blown up. He was discharged
he said , for criminal carelessness , thougl
he had nothing to do with the accident
Since that lime ho had been th
victim of the taunts of hi
neighbors and friends who were con
tinnally charging him witli bavinf
blown ii ] ) the powder house. " 1 want U
make an explanation lo you , general , si
that you will know 1 am not guilty , " tin
poor fellow said in broken English , Gen
Howard said that he was perlcelly satis
lied wilh the explanation , and told tin
old fellow ho could go. HtiM'hu was nose
so easily disposed olhowever , and roftisot
to leave the room. Ho was linally let
away by Gen. Howard's attendants
Ilasliu came all Iho way to Omaha fron
the far west , to see Gen. Howard , ant
has been on his journey some six or sevei
months , stealing or begging his wai
from station to station. As lie left tlu
headquarters building lie appeared to b <
in a very happy and contented frame o
Why this City Is So Free IVoni TrnintF
at Present.
There has not been a winter for manj
years before when Omaha was as froi
from tramps and beggars as sit present
Scarcely one is to be seen in the city
Last year , for instance , during the ex
treme coltl weather there wore from thir-
jy-liyo to .seventy men applying lor lodg
ing in the jail every night. I\owsuchi
tiling is entirely unknown.
It is quilo evident that the eflorts of thu
police to rid Omaha of this class of char
acters have boon rewarded with success.
For the past two or three months iho va
grants and suspicious characters have
been run down and carried oll'lo the jail
as fast as they put in an appearance.
They were sentenced to long bread and
water terms in the county jail or ordered
to leave the city , and thus their numbers
have been kept down to the smallest lim
it. There is a sort of fraternal feeling
existing between the members of the an
cient order of tramps , and those who
have been driven out of this city have not
been slow lo communicate the news
to their fellow travelers that , Oma
ha is a bad town for vagrants
and that the regulation diet here is bread
and water. Tramps have actually been
arrested hero who said that tliov had
learned when as far away as San Fran
cisco or Now York , that the Omaha po
lice were relentless in their treatment of
vagrants. So that if a tramp is once ar
rested and punished here he loaves town
as soon as possible and warns his breth
ren on the road to Oeware of Omaha.
Another scheme of .Judge Stonberg has
been to send the vagrants brought before
him out to work on tlio B. it M. exten
sions in the west Some four or live hun
dred men have been taken out in this
way. Some of them , to be sure , refused
lo work after they arrived at their destin-
ition , thus scoring a point on the railroad
ompaiiy which had transported them
for nothing. Most of them , however.sot-
lied steadily down to work.
Jmliro Stenberg says that ono reason
why llio tramps are .so scarce in this
irn counlry is that work is far more plen
ty than it was last year or for years be
fore. Railroad bin tiling is having a boom
just at present , and in this line especially
.miployment can bo afforded to every
iiian who honestly wan Us to work for his
ClinngCN AinoiiKtho Firehoys.
Chief Butler and Assistant Chief Gal-
igan , of llio fire department'made some
mportant "official changes" yesterday
imong the boys.
Charles Salter , hitherto captain of the
L'hrccH , has been appointed assislant
Lon Oassaday has been appointed cap-
lain of the Ones , Theodora Grebe of the
IVos. William Webb of the Threes , Lon
iVilliams of the Fours , and Geo. A. Coul-
or of the Fives. John Barnes will step
nto tlio position of captain of llio hook
md ladder corps.
The steamer and hose cart was moved
e.stordny to the new house of llio Fives ,
in Phil bheridan street. The now No. a
louse , on Saunders and ( 'inning M reels ,
s nearly completed and ready for occu-
> aiioy.
L Small Klro at KOIIIU/.O'H Memorial
GuiiKCH a Klninpoilo.
About 11 : 'oO o'clock Sunday morning
vhllo. services wore in progress at
Count/.d'.s Memorial Lutheran church ,
llxleenlh and Hartley streets , smoke sud-
lenly issu cd from the floor near the mil-
tit , InMantiy Ihoro was a commotion ,
omobody cried "lire , " and Iho whole
longregntlon , despite the efforts of the
mstor to detain them , rushed for the
loors. Forti minute tlio wildest confus-
Dii prevailed , the tire alarm in No. a on
line house across the street was sounded ,
, nd the lircmon rushed to the scene. By
his time the church was cleared of its
iccupunts anil the congregation waited
hlveringly around for the flames to up-
tear. The firemen entered the building
nit before they reached the basement tho1
ire had been extinguished by a few buck-
Is of water skillfully thrown by tlio jun
ior. There had boon no Humes , in fact ,
ho fiinoko being caused by smouldering
rood which had ighited Irom the hot-air
luo loading from the furnace. Jho
woodwork around the aperture through
vliich the pipe passed was covered wilh
in , and the destruction of tlio covering
, nd the removal of the blackened wood
via all the dam ago caused. The ser-
ices of the morning were not , however ,
lontinucd , but the church was opened
md there was preaching by the pastor ,
lev. J. S. Dotwcilor , in the evening ,
'ortunntely no ono was hurt by the slam-
- , although a number of people "
Ie-do heads" and made lively work in
caving the edifice.
Shannon Letter Bill Filn.Filing CabinoUt
md Canes. Schlicht'n .Standard Indexes.
! 1U 12tli trett ) , opposite Neb. Nut'i Uivuk.
The Ice Puckers' ' Union Trios to lorco
Strike Among tbo Harvesters-
Tnck ilnuotiq , l-lsij. Ice Packing 1
Otnnlin The School PniiUs
llnllwny .MlslmiiB A
Sunday Klrc.
Ice-Men HtrlUe.
Yesterday morning found the river frt
/.en to the depth of eighteen inches or tw
feet , the ice-men set to woik to gather i
their annual harvest. Hardly tnul th
work commenced however , before a gan
of the Ice Packers' union hove into -sigh
and precipitated hostilities. Quito a dii
turbanee ensued , to undei stand which
will be necessary to recount a bit of hii
Some ten days ago , a lot of Ice-packet
who were dissatisfied with the prospoc
live wages of the ice season , met in a 1m'
on South Thirteenth street and organ
zed "Ice Union " the
an Packers , objec
of the organization being to seeur
high wages for the sea < on of 183(1. ( The ,
have .since been holding meetings , prt
paring to demand sati.sfuulory wage.-
Vesterday they held a meeting in Hi
Commercial hotel on South Mimli slreel
at which about 100 men attended. H wa
decided yesterday the gang .should g <
to the various employers and deniani
$1.75 a day at least. AccordinglyyoMorda ;
morning a gang of the union men , iitim
boring about 100 , started t <
the river to enforce their demands
They went to the spo
where the men of George Sontlher wort
engaged in culling ice , and compellei
them lo drop their tools and leave work
because they were working for wage ;
lower than the union scale. The gam
Ihen swept northward up the river , null
they came to Guy ite Fitch's , where the ;
wont through a similar procedure. Thei
succeeded in inducing tlio men at woi'K-
both ice hands and teamsters to tjui
work. The men working for Guy iN
Fitch were gelling § 1.40 per 'day
and struck tor § 1.75. On Be'n
/.on & Bro.'s territory : i mon
lively scone occurred. The mon then
were getting what appeared to them Ube
bo satisfactory wages , and they deelinei
to put down their tools to suit tlio caprlei
of the strikers. The mob of union mei
then rushed upon the men at work tipor
the ice and proceeded to wrest their tool.-
from them. A hot struggle ensued ant
the ice swayed and cracked ominouslj
under the weight of tin1 lighting masses
of men. Mr. August Ueu/.on , who hap
pened to arrive just at this moment ,
ruslied out and told the mon Unit the ici
woulil noon give away and precipi
tate them all into this river ,
This warning was beetled , and hostilities
ceased. ! No body was injured though
one or two men wore pretty severely bat
tered about the head. Mr. Sonttlier whn
had attempted to force the union men ,
and opposed them in their demands was
seixed upon by them antl would have
been soused in the river but. lor his timely
escape. The union men claim that ho
struck one of their number with a "pike-
polo , " and they declare that llie.y pro-
post ! to duck him in the river on tlic lirsl
opportunity that presented il-olf.
J-roiii Be'nxon's the crowd went up the
river where they succeeded in inducing
many of the icemen and teamsters to join
the strike. INO serious disturbances oc
While the men were .struggling on the
ice , bomeono telephoned lo headquarters
for police assistance. Three olllcers were
dispatched to the river bottoms , but by
the time they arrived at the scene of Iho
disturbance , the trouble was over.
Mr. Ben/.on , in .speaking of the nialtcM-
to a reporter said that most of his
men were fretting the nriee demanded by
tbo union , $1.715 per day. Ho said that
the others were paid less simply because
they could nol earn that amount.
Omaha looses Another Valuable Citi
zen Ills Career.
Ills the painful duty of the local press ,
for the second time within u year , to
chronicle Hie performances of a "mem
ber of the profession. " The present sub
ject dillers somewhat in char-
netor from his ; .precueossor , cyet his
career is the same feverish , fantastic
nightmare. JOB Hammill antl Jack Ju-
jobs have made tlioir records and long
will their names and deeds bo cherished
in local memories.
Jack's gone. Jaeobs will _ no more
feast , the crowd with his hair-brained
unties. J. M. Jacobs lias " .skipped , "
which .signifies that there are those who
regret it Ho left on the glad Js'cw Year ,
which , perhaps , was brighter for the fact.
He promised to return , but yesterday ho
wrote to Iho proprietors of the Hcruld ,
with whom ho was formerly employed ,
that he had changed his mind , and that
Ids future residence , temporarily , at
least , would bo in the "Garden City. "
lack wrote that letter in the same bland
; tyle thai marked him when ho wanted
the loan of a dollar from a friend. Tnero
ivati no emiivocation , no apology , but ho
ivciit straight to the subject in n businesslike -
like way. Ho did not intend to return ,
mil thal's all there was of it. How many
: ; iti/.ens of Omaha will regret this fact
lack could best tell.
Jack was a nueer fellow and Ins tnlven-
.urcs would fill n full grown book. Ho
ivas born in England about twenty-one
( ears ago. His mother was a JOWOM , and
ds father wan connected with the British
irmy in some way. .lack was given good
idncationul opportunities and probably
, t m lied so hard that- - the gold-rimmed
ipeclaoles he worn were necessitated.
ISul all this has nothing to do wilh his
) oing a crank. Ho wa frcitiently | called
i dum-phool , but thai language is too
nirsh tor print , Jack one tlino fell head
> vor licols in love with a Ninth direct
lelle and after sending her twelve page
otters daily , busted the all'air by trying
0 oarvo another fellow who went out
tiling with her. The boys had lots of
'mi with Jack while ho was involved in
his amour bv sending him from pillar to
lost with all kinds of Tom Collins shin
ier s until his mind grow weak ,
'or awhile Jack conducted a
> okor joint at nighi * while ho solicited
ids duriii" llio days. This lilllo enter-
irisc of bis own swamped him after
1 while and in his slrugglo lo keep even
10 negotiated small loans everywhere ,
itccently , Jack sprung a great t-onsation
n Morrison's gambling place. Ho had
icon out collecting and hail $17 of the
inn's money , when the notion struck
iliii to iilav Iho funds against faro. Of
! oin > o lie lost who over heard of him
vinnlng anything ? and as the lu t chip
vas raked away Irom him , the full enor-
nlty of his predicament broke upon
tis mind. "My God , I'm ruined , "
in shouted , as ho leaped to his feet , "mi-
ess somebody hero gives mo back that
M7 I'll ulioot myself. " The dealer told
lim to go out and gel under the pumii
md ho would think bolter of it. Jack
vent out and whutlnn1 begot under the
iiimp or not , is nomuthing unknown.
Lots of other funny lldiig.icnuld bo told
iboiit him , but the funniest faul * can bo
earned of his creditors.
A Small IUit/.o.
Jler's distillery appears to 1m very un-
'ortunatu ' in the matter of riiH'c-ring from
Iro. Ve.sterday morning , about ; J o'clock ,
m alarm turned ou from bo * 10 , bi.sth j
and Pacific streets , called the lire depart
ment to the distillery , to extinguish a
small blaze in ono of the catllo sheds.
The flames were speedily extinguished ,
the resulting In" being trilling. The lire
caught from an old stove in the shanty
in which the caltlo feeder * were accus
tomed to spend their night.- ! .
Till : C'llYSTAii UAKVHST.
Preparations for Gathering the Ice
The ice harvest has begun in good
earnest. Indications are al present that
it will bo a short and'lively ono. But lit
tle ice has been harvested as yet , and
mo t of the dealers propose to work night
and day to lay in n good supply.
Tl.o linns already on hand are Hammond
mend & Co. , ( Jiiy & Fitch , Benson & Co. ,
George Soutther , Beec-her & Co. . Kimbnll
& Hungale , Newell iV Kennedy , besides
.several smaller firms. The ice lioiises are
stationed up and down the "Big Muddy"
for a distance of several miles , and t'lni
scenes on the river are very lively at
pi e.sent.
Hammond iV : Co. have put np j\ largo
hou e on Cut on" lake , to construct \\hieli
l,000,0i'0 ' feet of lumber was used. It is
built four thick and Is the largest ieo
lioiifO in Omaha. Messrs. Hammond &
Co. expect to stow away about ot < ,000
tons of ice during ( he .season.
Benson iVBro. . have erected four ieo
houses at the foot of Jones street , and
are hauling in the ice-blocks by the
pulley Hvstem. tlireel into the Morago
rooms. They have a capacity now lor
about 1 1,000 tons.
Kennedy Newell , a new linn just
Marled in bii-ines.s , have creeled hoit-Td
in Walnut Hill and near the M'tlling
basin of the waterworks , from which
th y oxpoet to cut their ieo. Their
caijaeily is about 10,000 Ions.
Kimball A : llungate , the senior mem-
her of the firm being the veteran ieo
denier , Richard S. Kimball , have put up
two new ieo houses on the Bell Line rail
way on Fifieeiith street. They will prob
ably More away about 10,000 tons of Ice.
Experienced ice men antlciimtu
that about 100,000 Ions will bo stored
away this year , as against 50,000 In 1K > 5.
The ( Hllorcnc-t is largely made up by the
addition of Hammond's establishment ,
which , as indicated above , has a capacity
of near ID.IWO. tlvons.
The unwritten aws among the icemen
concerning the harvest are as fixed and
unvarying as Iho laws of the Modctt and
Persians. U is understood among tiicm
thai if a man "stakes oil'a piece of ieo on
the river ho is entitled to that territory
and no one must molest him. Just : IH
soon as llio ice is found thick enough to
bear the weight of a man , Ihe ice packer
summons his entire force to the river side ,
and the work of "staking oil' " is com
menced. The lightest man in the orowd
is generally chosen lo go out on the ieo
anil fix the slakes. . metimes iho man
is provided with a boat so thai in eato
the ice breaks ho will not be in danger of
When iho stakes are driven the mon
caii go home and rest until llio ice is suf
ficiently thick to boar up men anil teams ,
for they know their rights are as secure
as though they heUf a patent from tlio
United btiites , and the amount of ice ter
ritory they can thus acquire ; depends
wholly upon their own will and pleasure.
Sortietinies an enterprising fellow will
takr up all the gootl ice and ten times as
much as he wants , selling the balance to
his le.s.s fortunate rivals.
When the work of gathering the crop
begins there arc still other iiitorenling
features , codes of law. etc. , to bo observ
ed , and when hundreds of men a , id teams
begin marking , sawing , floating the ice in
anil loading the teams or ears , it is a
beautiful sight. There arc scores of points ,
too , to bo observed , such as the drill of
the current , the best way to cut to
insure a second and third crop , etc.
The latter come on the. space of open
water left after taking out tin ; first crop ,
and no honorable man will jump the
claim. ] f the ie.o "goes out. " and llio
whole river freezes up anew , then the
scramble for territory must all be gone
through with once more , and for this
reason ieo men always pray for a good
long season and dread an open winter.
We. are pleased to learn that another
wholesale Hat and Cap house has been
organized in this city , which will bo
known as Iho "Shrevc-Jurvis Hat Com
pany. "
The old firm of Shrove , Jarvis & Co.
arc closing out entirely their stock of
Men's Furnishing Goods and intend hereafter -
after to devote Iheniielves , wilh Hie new
linn , exclusively to the' Wholesale Hat
and Cap business.
They are located at Xo. 1207 Farnam
I'wo Cold Wealhcc Aoi.-ldenta With
out CiiHiialllcs.
A snow plow , pushed by four engines ,
ofl Fremont yesterday morning on the
D. & II. V. branch of Clio Union Pacific ,
.truck a battered joint near Mead and
) lungcd into the track , derailing the four
ocomotives and throwing three of the
nigincs pell-mell , bottom side up. The
jiiginecrs and liromon wont down with
he wreck , jumping light and left , ami
.v a miracle were uninjured. Il will re-
1 1 lire several IIOIIIM to clear the track and
he raisin" of the bloelcado on that
jranch will be proportionately delayed.
Wi.'ducnilay night an accident occurred
iear Monida on the Utah & Northern
ailroad , caused by a broken rail. The
ingine , baggage and mail car passed
jver Ihe break safely , but Iho sinoKcr ,
ii'nl-elass coach , and Air. BIlckcnKdcrfcr'ri
irivalo car went over a Ion foot embank-
nont. Mr. Mint.y , travelling auditor of
ho western division ot Iho U. P. . was
> adly injured , and a Mr. ColdHtccn , of
) g < len , considerably brusud. Travel
vas delayed for six hours.
Kdwatd Caspar , an employein J'caho
! ros. ' establishment , Is mi-slug. Il has
levolopcd thai ho has inado away with
lomo of the linn's money. Caspar WIIK : i
luhium of the gambling houses and his
m.sslon forgnnihlingcauscd his ruin ,
Absolutely Pure.
Tlil8 powilcr never varies. A marvel of pur
y. ati-rav'th tuul uliolc cniiiuicf ! ) . iloro fconoin
L'Hltlum Uii-niil'iiiii-v Il ; i.l . , innj o nil not bo Mlu )
u ( fiuiii.t10 | I " -I n't he in lllllo | : nf lot * lull
liorl w ; t. 11 u n i'f t'hn ; nt" | fjwJcfi. mil'J '
lily In r-aiis. iMiynl Uulli ; I'owdt-r CouijilDf
VallSllTi : ! , N. \ .