Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
' ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , JANUARY 12 , Curog RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA. linrlindip , IFntilnrlic , Toollinclic , Apralrm. IlinUrc , cl < - , , etc. Trice , IlltrLinl * . AU'rugglttiand Ucilcrz. THE CHARLES A VOGELER CO. , Sole Proprietor , U.S.A. SWIFTS SPECIFIC Is iiin\ini's onn lemeilv , inndo from roots jratboi lid ftoin loipslHor ( 'ii nit-'ln. 'Iho nbcnu < ill ii | ni K'titH UK. ini'llioil D | HP niniitifiK.liiro txtinlj iif-t ) 'Ilieituiniiiiil fins lucn Bind- null ) Inoiuislnir until iiIWH ) lnlirnlorj IM t OH mid-will tosunplx llui tiuilci. Tlilt mint Vcir- i titliti ) Illiiiiil rnrhler c-tun ( iitic.r ( , rntnrili , hcioluln , 1170MIII , uli i > t , ihruliiiitUiii mill lilodil liilnt , IK iLilltnij oi ntlieruloc , ultliout the Use- . V. 107 XX'Mil st. JJruHtr J , Atlanta , Go. G17 Nl. linrIpflS < . , Sr.I,0ilH , or two rnpjffdlo tht ( pe-'kl ' lrt tm nt of CM > ! < ? , Nmront HRtu nil ULO-P Di * * tij * hu BUT other rtiyileltu InSl. Louli , ftneltf v pcnahow tad jll l < i r l ItMi ko > ir Nervous Prnstration , Debility , Menial and Physical Weakness i Mercurial nnrt otlier Alice- lions ol Throat , Skill or Uones. BloutJ Poisoning , Old SorCS and Ulcers , are trcatut with t-Df > r ! lelfl gcecii , nlitc > tietcbtlUe prluctpiri.r 1f Prlviulj. Diseases Arlstnq from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , Mulch induce aimo or tha Ibtljnloc elfrett tervouHUcitf dublltij , Jimn * of light i.nJ Jefeetlfeijitarf , i | mr > to ou tka r e . t b riteit drci ; nrrrlon laiha nuetety of ftaulsi , coufuiloM of ldm , ta , rcnucrinc Marrlnju impropov or unbappy , 8 prr in i uc till ; turaJ l tiiiphltt i3i p { ii on ttir nb ic icnt jiiirkl I rurrlof , fri > * lu any a < 1Jrrt LoTj ultBtl nt of * de or bjr null frf * . ImtteJ mt ttncitj * & 01tDtUl. A Positive Written Guarantee PU < la Birrea. fat > locuc. UedlcLu euterrrjnU r t'j tUAltoretprtj * . MARRIAGE GUIDE , 300 TAOE , riNI3 PLATES , elct-nt cloth nd flit Mnltifr fat lf rnOo In j o tnpeor * urrnv Urcr tlflj voti Jfrful i n I Icturot , trut * lo JUe , ftrdelMoa tbo fulls wlm dubjtCUl who tniy mirrr wlnjiiot. thjr , Unmhaal , wont&a * liood t-hfilf * * ! J"f fetfrttn ire < llf > i e7 an-1 itce a , ihi * lolotforrep oJ n ton a 1 nmuy tnort I Lot 9 uirrlM coulrni | latfn j tnrtuf * < i 10111 1 'l ll It , I' pttar tltl"tt " , rv vnu 7v ovaia a HQBVB 1 I bavoaponltlvnrcmettr ri > rtlt3ftboTAdlctMObr Iti U Q tti nl i an Is of ciisc * ot tu a rfoi.t kliul miUof font tAaJlntf liUTiiboonciirptl I ti If1 , , lujUnMCHtir.thiit 1 wl I P"il Wit llOUi MtXB. teenier wlllm > \ \ UAIlf hTKbATlSRoril ia ur fcuf rrr ( nvieit rci § u 1 1 * t > njij UK T. i. hUJCLM liireRflSt. . DM. HAIR'S Asthma Cure. inxnliinlilu Fiioclllo roiiililjnml porma- ciiios nil kinds of X-llmiH. 'llio most iiliMllnuiu and loni'&tinidliiwcii'-cs yield prompt ly tO Us UOIIllUlflll CUlillK | Ulp < > ltll.K. It Is ; unmn IhioiiKliout the xvoilil lor Its uuilxnkd uIIlLiiu ; . J.lj OALnXX'HUj.tllyof Lincoln , Neb .wrilo ? , Jmi. J."i , Ibttl : .Suico usiiuUi. . Him t A lhinii Curti , lei niDio than 0110 jour , my wife lias been ( Mitlnlcll , tniil not eton a faiiiiitotu | of lliu ( llMMIMI llllH linpl'IIUd .XXII.MA.M III'N.S'MT , Hlohland , Io-m. writo" , rvox..lil , IbM i inuo btun nllllcicd llli liny luxurmid Aslhinu slnco 1S.V ) . 1 tollnMcd jour cllrttdons and inn happy to fay tlmt Inoxor -lopt boltor In my llfo. 1 nut i Ud tluit I inn unions tliiiiiniMj \ > Uo can spe jk bo favouibly of join ii'im-illi > M. A falnabluiil pnKci ticntUo rnntiilnliiffslinllnt Jiroul Iioin DMirj tnto In tliu U. S , Cmiadn mid Great Ililliiln , xull bo miilkd upon nppllcntloa Any diuirelst not burin. It Iu block will pro em o it. tN > llr t rrllUf teal * . iM m.i 11,1-p.l. . I , .trtK , . rnrr ml Xu. . . . til ffct II r l Orjtsl A f * < l'r" ImMfl ft 4 inj | fl M * f ckBMtifM ! t. ftll * H ui r Jrmkl Tir II. ftn4 of MMBtnr. u A.k Jt ir aft or iruni.l for Ul | au. 4 bua.rttu.ajr | LK 3 U lLIlLOLRT&bO' < A. j. w. wnmsyA'tii , csis AOEIIT , et vitoAi > n-J.y , jr. r. _ / hm Mm\ \ Institute ' Chartered by theStateoflllN * Inols fop theexprcsapjrpose of ijivitieiminedmte relictln \all chronic , urinary and pil- 4\ate dlscnifB. Gonorrhoea , i Qlect aniiSyphdlb in all their complicated forms , also all dlscafcci of the bkin and I'lood promptly rcllcvcdnnd pcrmancntlycurcd by remc- . liics.tcMcitinn Km f//l / > ni J i tijirriiilJ'iartIre , bcmlnjl Weakness , IsTictii Loisenby Dreams , I'lmples on theKace.Lost Manhoodti < iilfii'iriirct' / . i7iri isnorriirrlnirntliKi , The oppropriate remedy isatnncc used In each case , ConbUltnUjnn , per- lonal or by letter , sacredly cunlidentlal. Med- Iclnca sent by Mail and Exprcus , No marks on ( .ackace to indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMCSNo.20-WashlnotonSI.ChIcarjolll. ) ONLY. fcaTOi. . . . 1"1"1' .w1 ; Jtiutl.iih.Nfc ; , f.wrAKNrri.ri ; . . _ . INo ( Jtiutl.ii ' JM | i-l' * TAUI.B 'IIIMIr'ts ' l < , .k hy Imll N-MI'II I III I'- RIE MEDICAL CO. . B U FFALO.N.Y. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 1li OriKiiiitl mid Oulj Cliiuiliir , tit * ADjkUivi jt In"H wtrtof nurtlilfftt In lullcn luJI < IKi4iJkl > l > to ( .APIhS. Aft ! . . * > r Uruucl.l I l t liMir.lrr't l.ujll.i-11" ; i ollur ir HI ic. 19 ( iiaini.lui u f > r i il Un 11 t'titr tT rrlurit mull. NAME PAPFft. l Mf hr.lcr ( ( , fit I B MuilU u rxjuurr , rklUilu. , I'a At PrueaUU. 1 nulo tvi | [ > l1c4 \ > j AiilUr A. Irullci < < > . . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies , THE INSANE DELINQUENT TAX Decision of the Snpranw Oonrt thit the Per Capita Tax Mnst Be Paid , Under- Hit * Decision , Iotiln < * County Oxxc-s SilKH ; > , and ( ho Total In fleljtcilncs of the Vni loiti Conn- tics Amounts to O\er $ a 0 O , 0 0 O. Tlm ctoeision of the supreme court of XobiMski in tlm eiiso of Iho Si itc ct fcl. the Attornoy-ttunurnl \ . the county com- misMonur ? of Doughi * county is as fol lows bX t.i..UH * < < . 1. flic prox Wont of chanter 40 of HIP com- lillid stnltili'Nof ll > < 5 ii'iiuliii ( | ! the ' pxcritl rotiiitlt's hi tin1 staff t < juj tlm t'Xuii | ) o of thu nuliiti'iiano.1 ami sup-iott of Insulin pel sum liiixiiiir a U' utili'iuent In tluM'oiuille fioiii xxiilrh thrmo i'rtt are not In viohtlon ot tliuHMiMltntloii , hut sir ) vallil and binding tion ) tliL'coimtiis In xxliicli thP } apl'l.x J. A tount } U not iMlilc with the Miptmitnitd iii.ilntiMiniicu of Itmno IICISOIH M'lit to thu tlK'lcfiom iinli > s- < the k't-'al M'ttli'iiiciit U found to ho in Mild fount } . I. Tliu loxi tit iitixnntlcr the piuxislons ol M-pfloii 17 of chapter 4D ot the itmipilul stnttitri of iss'i for tin * Mippoit of the IIIMIIU liaxlns a lt'inl "M'tlli'iiii'iif In sticli county Is a enmity t.ix , to lit ) niist'd hy the piopur county ollkuM. nini If 1 \ led upnti all tin1 t.i\.i > ) Ii * propel ty ot I liu county uliku Is not \ old foiMint uf tin ! ' ioimltx. M\xxell , Ch. .1. , tlNscnts fioiii the opinion. OIMSIO.V IN rtn.t. . Opinion by 15ce e , J. The question inxolxud in tliu o.iio ine of gicut iniiott | unco to Iho state ami to tliu peolu | ot tliu ountii11. as they inxolvu ninon olln rs tin- question of llio now IT of the Ic islalme to impose upon the people of thu M x i1 ! . il counties the eAUeii'-us of the m.ulitriuuiuo of inmiiu-u peiM > us at the st.ito hospital in addition to the encial stall ) tuluxiuil foi the purpose ol in.iin Uiniii" ; this Institution Wliue. xx o lux c t'.irefully invostl-.ilud all thu questions piesuiitetl , jut for \\ant ol MilHciunt time at our disposal to dis ctisi one. xvilh tl'U tlu roe of can.1 x\lncli it 'UL'Jiis to mi-ill xx u must le ) con tented xx Hli ti ycty bi iiif ft.iU'iueut of our conclusions xxillioitl ul.iboi.itions 1 loin the nfrrceil anilstipulated facts it appeal s th xt the amount ot tax lux iei | Ii * , thubUlu authorities has been sullicicnt to in. nut , lin llio hospital , pa > inj ? all the expenses ot bo.iid , etc. , ot all the pa tients , so that il has not been a uitittm of : il-oluto niC. ! ( " > Mty for it. * mamti'iiance that any fmtlier bin dens be imposed up on the counties h.ixini ; patents thuie , nndur thu provisions othection 17 , chapter - tor 40 , of thu compiled statutes of IbSO. Jt must bo bonio in mind that the ques tion heio is simply one of tliu power ol thu lorrmi.ituif * to mipoii thts LIAll as to its | o\pediency tmiit be b.uu-licd fiom thu ease. The lejji-latixo depaitmunt beinj ; one of llio co oidmate blanches of the ; $ ox eminent of tlie state , cannot bo contiolled b.v llie cotuts : is louy as it acti xx itliin Hi jm isdiction and llio limitations ot the constitution In tact , xxithin thoio limits il is thu supreme and conti oiling poxx'cr ot the slate and both thoexeontixe imiitiield a xx illinir obedience to itmandates. . It is insisted that as a lex y of tax hai been refjiilaily imide for tjio maintenance of the ho jiital , it is not xxitlnn the power of the luKishituiu to a ain tax the jicoplo of llie suxeral coiinlios tor the mainten ance of thu ins mo sent to it fiom snclt counties ; that jt ii a double taxation and in ollect a conliseation ot llio ) ) iopeily of tin1 cili/en ; and that all such taxation must necess.nlK be xoid. It must becon- clndi tl th il it tliu tax i- > in excess ot the poxver ot the Icgisl.ilniu il is xoid ; and it it is : i double tax tor Iho s.imu jxnpo u , il is in excess ot thu lexislatixtspoxx'er , and is thereloro xoid.Vlulu our judgment inaj not and does not appiox'oot the method adoiilud for thn&uppoitot the for tliu insane , and xx'luluil would seem that the buiden is made iniiioci'ssi- nl. > heax.v , yel , as xvis hax'e snuj ested , the ( ' - iiopiiol.\ ) \ is tor the le islatuic. 15y tin ) statement of facts apited njion it appears that the taxes imposed bx.the . htat ' at lai o are and haxo been sulbcient foi ihe suppoil and maintur.ante ol the hotiMtal , and tli.iL in addition tbeieto eaen eonnlj isiequnud to impose a tax hiillieicnl lo p iv the ovien | o ol iU pa- tientf , xx ho ate there conlincd. Ills cloaib xxithin Ihopoxxor of the legislature to ] ) iox'ide for Ihe mainten ance of the insane b > a < ; uneial taxation of the st lie , ami to leliex'o the feex'ernl counties fiom the burden , except as they bear their piopoition v/ith Ihe other conntiui of the bt.ilu , or to icqniio each county to maintain iu oxx'n in hospitals ' ] ) ioxii'ed ( ly them , or to pay the expense of the maintenance of the in .uio in a hospital pi ox ided b > the state In this each state has adotid ) tno course xx'hieh toils lejjislatine has s-eemed judicious ; and xxo IhmU ilas cleaili xvithin the lugislatix'o poxver to jnoxido by hixx- and taxation in the liist instance for lliosuppoitof the in sane by the Male , and then icqniro Ihe counlies xxhieii olhorxx'iso xx-ould have lo support the ins.ine having a lesidcnco xx ithin llieir bordeis lo icpay llio st-ito Iho amount thus expended. Any other vioxv xxonld leax'o the euro of this , the most tin- loitnnate cln s of our citi/ens , to the will and caprice of Iho county boaids ot Iho K-X oral counties in Iho slate , xvhich xxould i csnlt in anything but a harmonious sys- torn of caring tor Ilium.Vo hax'o e.uo- fully uxainined all thoauthoiities oiled by the icspondonr , and aio nn.iblo to auivu al any other conclusion. Tins seems to bo tno policy of our state , and we think the liK'it ' to adopt such a policy cannot bo succcsstully questioned. Tliu xviong. if any exists , scums to bo an on or of judgment in the amount of tax lo bo lex icd by Iho Mate to insure the ear- r.x.iiif' oitl ot the purpose of the jaxx' Tins may no in pai t a i oult of oversight , or it may have become necesary by the tail- nro of the sovural counties to collect and pay oxer thu amounts requited bx * the section (18) ( ) above icfeucd lo uciluips the iattur. Again , theio are many patients xxhoso losidoneo cannot bo ascertained and for xvhom provisions must bo made It xxonld bo clo.uly iinjiiht to icquiio the county in xvhich the ins , tno person is ap- pichemled to pay llio expense of his maintcnanco This intist bo done , if at all , by Mate taxation Jt is very piopeily provided Irj section 48 id , that tliu cs tales and lohitix'cs of insane persons , xvhon able to do .so , shall lennbiirso the count ) tor the money paid , thotoby mak ing the counties the losotv > only to the ox > Unit of 11101103 paid out for tlioso who uro unable to Mippoit themselxos Other qucsiions aio presented by the viuy able brict of the counsel lor the relater - later which icipitru attention , and will bo brii il v noticed It is claimed thai the ( ax required to bo levied l j hcetion 47 ! > a state lax , and thoiofoio the county lias no authority to niaku thn levy , and finthur , that sunh lox-y would bo a violation of Iho I'undii- mental icqnirement that taxation shall bo uniform thion hoiit the state , AVhilo it is Into that thu hospital for the Insane is , as argued by icspondont , a btntu Institntion , xct as wo hi\o : seen the malntunam.0 of thu in-uno insane is not ji ily n state burden , and thoi ofoi o t \\itlun the power ot thu leglslatmo to icqniie that llio tax may bo levied and colloctoil by each comity for I'm ' puiposo of iclniburning thofctato , anil wo think it Is also xvithin the power of Iho legislature to require the taxo levied to bo placed AX ith other taxes going to thu Mate in 01- dor that it may bu xvithdraxxu from thu oontiol of the county ollleors , and sot tpait at the outset to thu usu tor xvhich it a lovied. This } bejnjj tutu thy loquiro- incut of uuiforuilty is not x lolatcd , us the tax i ? uniform tlironshont the ( .ixing dis trict in xvhich it Is lex led Again , it is claimed thit if the tat i' a county tax il is not competent for tht legislature to make the UxHint snili tax cin only bo imposed by eount.v an thoi ity. This is true , but l > i an examina tion of the l.ixv itappears that the tax is not levied by the state or its officers The state auditor is authorised to notify the county clerk of such countj tin amount duo from it to the state The counti is charged xxith Iho amount gro s The pioper eitimale of the amount of Im necessary to piy the indebtedness art made ty the eonnty otlicers , and xvhen the percentn < re of levy is ascertained by them il is their duty to lex-y the tax am place il against tho" property in the coun ty. The tax is not lux icd bi the state but bj the county for the purpose of puymjj the amount duo the slate and ascertalnei bv its ollicers. The suirgostion that the imposition of the tax prox ided foi in seclion 47 is in violation of the fomteonth amendment of the constitution of the United States has , xxe think , been sufficiently noticed bx the foregoing There are no nnoqiia' exactions ol burduna imposed by the .sec lion 11 is urged thai If thn xvrit is alloxx-ed as piayedfor in this case , and the other counties of the state are required to paj the amounts charged to thorn , it AX 111 en- foico the pajmenl of a largo amount ol monoj into the state ticasuiy xxhieh is not , necessary , find xiitnally has been paid in the foi m of taxation under the general tax levy of the stale , as many other counties like the telator haxo faikd to levy the taxes.or if levied and collected , to pay the same to the state treasuier This tact nniy account for the high rale ol taxation made necessary for the snppoit of the hotpital for Iho insane. If the tax has been levied and the money paid ox'oi by the county treasurers , as icnjiiircd ly laxv , it would have mateuallv allectod tin , by Ihe state boaid of ennali/ation for xxo picsumo that they xveto goveined by the actiru nec essities of the case and by thcii ollioial oaths. Section 75 of tin lexenno laxx- , chajilor 77 , Compiled btatutos of ISTi , ] ) io\nles that the late of general state tax shall bo suilieiont to i cali/o the amount , necessary to miet ap- | ) topii.ilions It cannot be supposed th il the state bqiitd of equali/.ation xxill im pose ; iu unjust or oppiessivo tax , or Unit they xxonld lex x the lull amount ncccssa- i. > to meet all tlie expenses of the stale institutions il ; \ largo amount of money xvas iu the tieasni'i to the credit of the funds fiom xxhieh the ajipropnalions xx eie made , but , in the language of the statutes , "an amount necossir.x to meet the appropiiations" xxould be the full me tstue ot their duty. An unreasoiriblo ixtess could and should be eonti oiled by theconitsVefnlbagreexitli counsel th it it is not in aeeoidance xx ith the spn il ot the institutions of this country tint large amounts of money should bo xvrung fiom the people by taxation anil placed in the public Ueasitiies , for such a oontli tion is unix i-is illy folloxxed bye\tiaxM g.ince in public expenditures. 15ut this must , in the lint install , e al least , be loft to the xvisdom ot the pioper department of the govuinment. Iy ! llio stipulation of facts it is shovxn thai a number ot p itients are and have been in the hospital , thu charges lor xxhoso Keeping aio made to Douglas comity , xvlulo the lecouls shoxv thai the legal s ( uliMiiunts of suuh persons xvuio not in the county named. Bj section i.J ! ol the act umloi considor.Uion it is made Iho duty of the commissioners ol insnni tj of each county lo asceitain the legal settlement of insane peisons and oi'rtifj Ihe s.iuiolo Ihe snperintendeiil of tno hos pital. if it is in tliu county the expenses ot his maintcnanco should bo oliaiged to it. Il is also provided that if the legal settlement is in another county in the state the expenses should be chaiged lo such county ; anil b > section 137 it is pio- Mileil that if the insane poison has no lu- gal Ketllumcntor if thu seltlemenl cannot be aseeitamed the poison shall bo sup- polled at the expense of Ihe state. Isy this the county eoinmis-jionoi tf of insanity are Ihe judges ol the place of legal sel- tloment Thoio is no suggosuon of xx ant ot good faith on their pait 01 a failme to lionestly. decide Ihe questions belore thorn. Yo t xxu hnd lliat thu DIOX isions of the law haxo been ignored and Douglas counti is called upon lo ansxxer for Iho maintenance of persons lor xxhososup noit they xveio , and aio , in no sense bound. Of lliis olass aie Iho folloxving : 1'ieil. L.uson , ] settleiiient un- Uaovvn . 3 lin. Iiniiianud llairi&oa. same as iihoxc. . yt.15 Uai lora Uxaas ( or Honiai ) , same as nboxe . COH 7 Chiistlid.i llolqulst , le al settluinenl unknown . l.'iGI.lO JIaiietta Allia ( or Auhiaj ) , Ic nl set tlement nnliiioxvn and so stated in commissioner's writ . 1,5.S .24 PatiicK Jil < knian , Ienral settlement liiiiud hy the commissioners to bo in Chiei'o , . 7TO.SO Anna U. Uiniii.lealst'ttleaient loiind by tliocoiniiiissiuiiers to bo in .Min neapolis , M In n . 50,21) ) Amos Koblnsim , le al settluinent uii- knovvn and so stated In xvairant of admission . S9. to rornelius .Moist" , " -auie as above . X. S. .Minor , lc"il ; settlement , Kilo county. I'.i. , .so stated In vvaiiant ot admission . flohn .loliiisoii , agreed to be erioneoiis 'jri.yj John Itiiiise , Itviil settlement ( iei- many and bo loiind b > the coin- nilssioneisot insuiitj . 1-t. 15 flaking a total of fijOTT.JH which is sought lo be imposed upon Douglas county by the management ot the hoiiii- lal without any antlioiily ot law. The fact that the examining phynicinn may have cut Illicit that thu legal settlement ot some XXMS in Douglas countj' can alibi d no iinthouty for the charge. The laxv makes it Iho dnlj ot the eommis- sioneis , and their linding and toititicato control , unless il .should he made to thai they xx-oio untiuthful upon fuilhei mxvstigation of the tacts Wo , thcroloio , hold that under the laxv , ris il now exists , each county in the state js liable to the state foi the support of all insane persons sent to the fiom such county , having a legal settlement theiein , and thai it is the duty of the county ollicers to levy , collect and pay over to the state treasuier the anujiinl necessary to pay the same , but thai no eonnty is legally hold for the support of those .senl to the hospital by its otlleors xxhoso legal settlement is not in .such county , and tint il is the duly of the ico- pondiuiU to lox-y the taxes xxithout the constitutional limit to pny the same , xxhieh is found to bo if 31 , 10 ! ) UJ , unless by agiecinent of paities , or upon reference , it so desiied , a dilluicut sum shall bn found to bo duo. As loipondonts have signified their xvillingnes-j to abide the determination of . this casu , and lox'y .such tax as may bo or ilenul vvithoiil a wilt being issuud , the xviit of mandamii's will bu withhold anil not issued unless in case of a refusal to J comply xx Ith the judgment of the LOint. M XXXVIIL : , Ch. .1 . dissents. WSs.Nm | < ! Ol'I.VIOV Hiiof .Justice Alaxxxoll dissents' on the following giounds Sections Jil and 17 of the act govcinlng the piovitlos that thu tuistcea shall lix and ceitify to the auditor the amount duo fiom county , and thai the auditor shall notify thu clerk ot the comity , and the boaid of county couiinis- sionuis shall add that amount to the nuxt state tax levied in the county , and pay it nto the state treasury. It is not mateiial whether it is called a county or statu tux it is collected for thu support of thu ho.pilal. The state board pf cqimll/ntion and state otlleors hax u each year included in the state taxan amount sulllclcnt to pay ill the oxponsoi of the hospital. Jt xvas cpllecled and used , and thoi o is no deli- cionoy. Douglas ) county p.iid such gen eral tax- , and lias theioloro paid to this extent at least for the caio of her insane. Allappiopiiatioiis made by : i legisla- tmo ate of a spucilio sum for n spccitlo purpo-e , of xxhieh only "eo IIUH.H thereof as may be neeessnry" is to be expended l'rocei'dinis by lu.xndninns ngTinst any county xxhieh fntlctt to pay xxonld have In en competent action , but the appro piiation iionld be expended only foi the d ( licicnc > and oath county should be credited xx ith the amount collected for the hospital fund on the general tax. Othi'ixvi o there is.donble taxation. The constitulion pioxides that oneh legislature hall mike appropriation * for the ( xpenses > f tuc iroxeminent Until the expuation of tlm first liseal quarter afler the adjournment Of the nexl regular ses sion , ami all appropriations shall end with such Hscnlquarter It is limited to such purpose * as i $ "needful ' anil is pro hibited fiom dixertin money raised for one purpose to a dilleieiit one. Can il evade the laxv by indiscretion and im pose twice the amount "needful" for aii3- specific purpose * If o the same thing might bo done as to the penitonliarx , deaf and dumb as } him and nil other state institutions and Iho lrc.iui > tilled xxith uselefS funds. As to the injustice to counties thai hax-o paid their tax , the logi laluto can prox ide tnat it bo oicditcdtothemon fiitute taxes. Si as to any inequality in the amount of liability for patients and the amount of direct tax paid bit I'aeh county shall be credited with Iho amouiil paid in direct lax , VICTIM OF A MOCK AUCTION. An Inexperienced Customer Porecd Into n Costly lint Worthless Pur- utilise , That aged system of sxx hulling by means of mock-auction sales of cigars is still cauied on sticcosfull\ N'oxv iork , sajs the Tiibune. The other dax a xvell- kiioxvn southern man entered a little place xxhuic cigars xveio being sold by an auctioneer. There xxeieappirentli three 01 four men xvho xxeie biddingInisklx. , and as the cigais Deemed to bo line the stianger competed for a choice box , which xx'as knocked down to him foi "fT Immediately aftet\vaid the sale xvas declared closed. The sontheiner Mopped up to the countur xxhoio apparent i us- tomers xveie icceiving parcels , and asked for his box , al llio same timeten - del ing a ? j bill. "Von owe $50 , " said llio cashier , soxoroly. 'Tor xvhal " "Tlie-e cigais are sold in lots , not bx the box" "Iut ! 1 distinctly bid for one box. " "You aie mistaken " "We all bid foi lots , " declaicd the "ctis- tomeis. " The southerner concluded ho had a bir'iin 11113 xx ay and that his friends xxonld be glad to lake such cigais oil' his hands. He thonirhl that he m.ght , after all , hax o been bidding under a nns.ippi e hension. He xxroto an older on a piomi- nent hole ! xvhere he staying for * lJ ! , and directed thai Ihe carats be sent theie. Then ho vxcut down town and foigot all about the mattei until evening. When h ; returned to the liot l the cloilc said "Wo-paid jour older , but xxo know Ihatj on have been .swindled" "Oh , no ; the cig.Us are vvoith double the moiiuv. " ' ' "Look al Ilium and see1" Thu paekaguxvas , untied , and Ixvelvc boxes of the commonest kind of cabbaiie- loaf oigais xvoie exjiosed lo vioxv. The southerner tin lied.xx [ ay in intense dis- K"st 1 , i , "Don't jjixe mo axvay , " ho begged "Uathei gixo the cigars away to Iho DOI ters .1113 body.1' ' 'J ho nexl daj ho took a policeman to the auction store , vowing xengeaiice. The place xx as empty , and ho mxested another dollar iiL-tieals to the ollieiil , begging him also m the same disgusted manner , ' 'Don tgixb me away. " t jTjJL , ACANlNlf CORIOSITY. A SKelcli ol' tlie Smallest Do ; ; In tlie World. St Nicholas : Nearly liOO chncrcnt kinds of ( logs' ' Think ol il ! And jet this is not dillicnlt lo believe ; lor xxe haxo water dogsj and xxatch-dogs , and sheep dogs , fighting dogs , and pit dog- , , and sledge dogs , and can iagu dogs , thick dogs and slender dogs , long-le < rgod and shoit leg ged dogs ; dogs for killing rats , and dogs lor killing xvild boais ; dogs for use , and dogs forotnament ; dogs to caie for us , and dogs for us to care lor. Then , there is the little dog the toy dog , as il is call cd. The smalleslto xvliich a dog can bo reduced is icinarkablo ; and if the si/o of the veiy simillesldog h is nol been olli- ci.ilh iccorded no one could bo blamed lor doubting the facts concerning the lit tle folloxv. Tiny , a black-and-tan teirior , has the honor of having been the smallest full- gioxxn dog that uxoi lixed. Ho belonged to Liout.-Gon. Siv Aiehibald , of Kngland , and in honor ot Ins cxtieme timness , isnoxv caiolully pioseix-ed un der a glass caso. Tiny xxas less than four inches long , and coultl coinfoitably cuil up and take a nan in a common glass tumbler. An ordinary linger ring xx-as huge enough for his collai , and xvhon ho s il up a baby's hand would almost hive madu a bioad and sifo icslmg-placo for him. Of coitiso Tiny xvas ot no account Indeed , a heaity , self-ic- fipecting mouse xxould hax'o stood its monml against tno little fellow , lint it Tiny had not stiength ho did hax'o cour age , and xxould baik as Iiistilj'as _ his III- lie lungs vxould let him at the biggosl rat oxer lix cd xx hen the ml xvas dead. To toll the xvholo tinth , Tiny xvas ro- maikablo and ho xvas famous , but ho xvas not very happy. He could haxo had almost 11113 thing he xvishcd to eat , but ho hid no appetite. Ho shix'cicd most of the time , even though ho xvas usual y liidden in vvaim xxiaps Of course , he caught cold , oasili' , and then , oh , dear , how pitilulli' ho did HIllNjo nt the Filth Axcntio Hotel. "Wclixu xvoll hurn , ntlho 1'iflli Axe- liiio. I lie man xxlio oxxns tlio iiluee puts hx'ohih'H * folks and clean tableeiotli on mi table ux'ery danml the joiuitffo ) lox\s that pan thu tfiub mound an-so xxtll dics'Ud that it iroms saiv ) ami pie sumptuous for niu to bother them b * , ask mi ; them to brlnjj mo stitlt xx lion I'd just as soon # 0 si nd et it mj > ( ) ! ! anil noth ing ulsu in I Hooilcl lo do , "I told the. alter at my table xoitor da-j that xxhun hufgut tinio J xxbhcd lie xvouhl ( iomo nn'jri nij loom and xxo xxoiild h.ixo a .IIILO otoldakd u. lleli a nifu yoiinp ; n/iu.t-nid / ; jiuln lnm < > nll out a ooil dial to ni lrci niu comtoitablo 'I found bojiufhtng ioitoid.ty at tlio table lluit botheifiLjiut , It xxas u ninx * kind of : v sihui1 itllngiis. with two handle ? lo it , for / lump of Migtu into vourtiu 1 haxx * npit ? axx'ay that It xxus lor tliut , but xx In nil took tliu Ixxo han dles in ni } hand li o a nut cincker anil tiled to seoop iii > a-hinip of Mi .ir xx'itli it full unbanaiytaxiTi xurul people who were total stiafimljlo mo smiled "After dlnnov'Hnrxxaltot bi ought mo n \ Ittlu pinlc glusVXifJul of Joinoiiudu and a clean xvio | ) to" dry my month with , I leckon , after I drink thu lomcnado 1 lo not pinu for lumonadu much , anyhow , nit this xvas specially poor. It xvas jiifct plain water xxith a loinon rind and no sugar into it. "Onu inral loostor from I'ittslmr showed his contempt lor the blamed 3 ; tnll' by xvasliing his hands In It I max ) o lough and uncouth in 1113' M le , but 1 tope 1 will never lower myault like that n company. " "When B by TTM sick , tre pave her Ciulorla , When ahe ww a Child , she tried for C'MtoiU , VVTicn the bccuno Mlm , iilie clung tn Wbcu slid had CluliUuu , Ue gars them Castoria , I A DOZEN THRIVING TOWNS , Facts and Figures from the Annual Reviews of State Papars. Uvitlences of Kituitnntlnl Growth xx hero Ihe Post Ycnr'fl Keconl anil the ror the Present. The rear just pnst xx-ai a f uily pros perous one in Nebi ask i. T lie groxvthof counties and towns in population and wealth XXHS icinarkablo for an oil'3ear Outride of the norlhxx-est coiner of the state there was no boom , bill a fteadx substanti il pt ogress Iu public and pnx.ite improx'uments and tiade senerall3' 1 rom the annual i ox icvxs of tlm local press xvo ghan Ihe folloxving statistics of the 3 car's win k. and the pio-peels foi 1 * 11. 11 XsriNOS. UM < < ( OUMl , la > claim to the title uf "C iicen Citx , " ago and ] iopnlation con idcicd the state census gaxe her thud place In the list tf ) cities ot the cominonxxeilth with a population of S.OOJ , and a lihiTil esti mate of the population at the chnc of llio year nlaoes the ninnbei al lO.UDU. The de- inaiul tor ex cry modem eonxeiiienco tending to make life onj 3 able , is niompl ly met. Gas and electiie lights illnmtn ale the stteets. the telephone t,3sctn | brings the inerchaiil and consumer to gether in an instant and a xxoll-equlppod file department gix es set-in 1(3 ( to life and piopoity The gas xxoiks xveio com pleted lastjoar ati cost of t i.'i.OOO , as xvas aKo the telephone s3siem. Tlneo hundied residences xxi'ie eierted , ranging in cost from & .WU to .M.UO'l. ' tin latti-i sum being the conti act price ot an ele gant homo of .Jas H lleaitxvell. The . > oard inipiovcment iccoid foots up as lollowsUesidenees , f .Hi ) ,0 < H > , business houses , is , ' IS MO , general linpioxements , $103,700 , a grauil total of fTtr.SU ) . This is a magnificent lecoid fora toxxn sc.uce- Ix thh teen jeais ot ago , and xxauaiits llie conxiction that Nebraska City and ( hand Island must "hump themselves" if they expect to suip-iss the mutiopolis of central Nebiaska in the near fiitmo Hastings has ample educational facili ties , consisting of two col leges and four public sellouts' . All piomincnt denomina lions aio iepto ontod bv ehinehes , ami social and beuexolenl organi/ations are in a liomishiiig condition 'Llie two nrin- cipal needs ot the 1113 al present are xx .tier xxoiks and slieil lailw.o-i I > ids for the constiuclion of the Humor are now under couMdoiation 1)3' the cit > council , and their eonslim tion xx ill doubt less begin in e.uly sprinsj A loipoiation ihead3 been foi med for the jiurposo of biiilding a street lailxva.x , but the coun cil has deloried final action on gtanting a ehaiter , and pio)0se ( ) submitting U to a xotu ot Iho people. These unpin taut pub lic xx oiks xv ill be pushed to completion the piesont 3 ear , and in their xvako will follow substantial business blocks and numerous homes , nil pointing lo Isbll as a scarlet 31.11' in the pio-peious c.ucer ot Hastings. nir.MON r , norjfu. corxiv , lias gatheied in a laige shaio-of golden fiml xvhich iipened in the nexv noithwcst last j ear. In tlie xvholesalo tiado she ' rank's next to Omaha. Tor 30.11 s bur business men haxo devoted their bc > t cneigics to the ttadc of noith Nebiaska. and as a consequence Ihcir labors have been ciowned xxith success. The icpie- sentalixo houses in the grocery , di3 goods , haidwaiu , liquor , lumber and oth er lines of tr.ulu did a business iiggiegal- ing Unco million dollars The town is pushing its 11 ado inlo tlie 151. ick Hills , and also into Colorado and W3onnng The facilities = ccuied bx the extension ol the Klkhorn Vallcv load has cn.ibhd hoi biismes- , men to complete successful with Omaha , bioux City and Chicago houses The piusenl 30.11 * piomi es lo ho an nnns.uall3 piospotous one. The eou- stiiietion ol'the lamoln blanch of the Klkhoin Valley ton ! and the extension tluough the centiai tier of counlies fiom Sciibner vxesl xvill open up new m.ukUs tor trade , and In ing to the city a l.ugo shaie ot ( he piodutls of new and well settled counties. Fiemont like her ' is alllieted witli seveial ncighl'flis , vener able mossbaeks xvho baxe made their "fetake" and don't caio noxv xxhelhor school keeps or nol Tlu 'aie neifeell3 willing , hoxxoxor , to icali/e on the labois of otheis tluough ineieased values , bill Iho3r raise a gicat clamor ag linst aii3 suggestion looking to raising liinds , lor public improx'ements bv taxation. These obstrtictionisls aio gradually loosina their grip on the ] ) iogies of Ihe toxxn , and a lew mote luneials lollowed by a biiet peiiod of moulding , will leaxo "the prettiest" in the hands of vigoioiis.fpiish- ing men The gioalusl need ot the town at mosent is Iho construction of a com plete S3 stem of d3kos to drain the loxv lands sin loiinding the town , ospeei 1113 the rialto bottom lands. It would ie- still , in making the principal loads into the countiy passable in all kinds ot vxcathcr , and make the city a maiket ot considciable importance. This , with a 63 stem of xxatoi woiks , xxill doubtless bo completed by the close of 1830. . . CLAY COUM'Y , is smioundcd by s me of the finest agiicultnral land in the M-ite The county is xvell settled and piosporous , and lluifty condition of the farming community is shown inthoslead3 gum lit of Stilton , 'located as il is on Iho noilhoin mam line ot the H ite M. The impiovo- monts for the past 3 oar foot up , in loiind nnmbeis , $100,000. The most impoitant of these improvements xvas the button loller mills , elected by Alexander A : Itus sell , at a cost of 'j.W.OOU. The mill is fitted out with the latest and best iiiachini ry and its pioducl being of fust qualitx' , commands a leadily maik ( > t. Another notable impioxoinunt xxas a lingo Unco stoiyholel creeled by a stock company al a cost ol iyin.OOO. The first national bank building cosl $10,000 , and substantial building xx ore elected , cost ing it om sf..OOO to VJ.OOll In addition to this halt a bundled homes xveio built , the cost tanging tiom * rJOO ! to $ 'J,0W. ( The giain business of the town is sulliciunl to keep tlueo steam clovaloi's busy. The shipments for Iho 3 oar xvo to lOOcais ol xv , 2S7 of eoi n. fij of barley , I of io and ! ) ' . ) ot flax The shipments of stock amounted to ' , ' 00 cailo.ulscattle fi ! , hogs 11" ) , and 51 of sheen. Theio me lour Meek Icedmg tarms .uliaeunt to the town , xx Inch tuinislied a maikol Insl year for 100,000 bushels ol corn. Althu piusont tune lliino mo 10.00U bushels ot coin Liibbid in the town. 01 , XI.AII.X , ni.nii cou.Nru- has ilsen above tlie unenviable name and notoriety gained m 3oai gene by as the lieadqnauiis ol cowboy toughs and xvieked bums 'Iho demon-liko xx hoops ol inobiiate stier-iiunohei.s hax'o gixon \ . the chei ilul hum of business and nie'ri'3 i ing ot busy builders The second biith'of tun toxxn dates liomAplii , 1H-1 ! , 1 when riv di/od goaheadativeness suo- eoeded linidii outlawry , and llio progioss made in th it brief spanof time is cii- laluli xunark ihlc Tlio liist nine months closi d xx'ith txvent3 boxen bnildlngij ton- ttiucteil at a cost of ) fl7.r)0 ( ) 'llio past car opened up xxith u building insh ol astonishing piopoitlons fora small town , ami at the close the icioid shmvi d * U5- ir,0o.xpendd in imro\ements | This in cludes the lesiduieu ot \ , , Aufdengailoii , xvhieh io t $7,1011 ; the Coiigiegalioiinl ohiiich , . * , AOO , town hall and skating jink , f J./iOO / , and a largo number of stores ami i cadences The siiuoiinding i oun- ti3 has ahow n cqnallx. vxondorlul growth. ( I'elUt COf.MX . Ciister is a compaiiitlxely nexv oonnl3f with few settlements pi lor to 1831. The statu census of hist Juno placed the population of thu count } nl : . ' , ; ! ! ) ' . ) , and the moioaso slncn that time is U.OOO. There arc Wi organi- TO 13 F ! uetsczi OncoftJia Kcs ( anfl Lnrffrsl filoote ii tJir U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M , BURKE & SOWS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ( ir.O. Itt'llKK , MnnnRor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UT.rnunNTKS * Merchant * ami Fnrnuirs * Ilnnk. Dnx-M CUr. N-1li ! Krnriior NntlonM IlntiV.tCMr tierNeb.Columlui" PtHte llnnv , Columbus , Nob. ! MuUonuld's llunli , .Noilli i'iiito , , .Vob. Um bi\ hntloiinl llnitK , UuiuUit , Nib , XVIUimy tustniiuis' driirt ItU 1)111 of ladliiff Rttaolicil , for t-xo-thlnlj value of stock. xod "school distncts in the 00111113 * , and a number of leligioitH oigani/ations1 and chinches. Thu piiiicipal toxxns am ( 'tis- lor Ctt3 * , the 00111113 ' oat , and Ilroken 15ow Sex i ral county roads wcie la d out and giaded dining the year and linen Inidges built oxer tlio Middle and South l.oup rtVifj ) There aie sigiist mills in the count v , and no saloons The exten sion of tliu Omaha & Ninth 1'lalloiail- load through Iho noilhoin p.ut of the county and the ( "land Island .V Wyoming Centiai coming iii | liom Ihe south , xxill gixe the county a puispeioin boosl the mesenl year. The outlook is ccit.iiuly might and favoiable lor Cusloi and its- principal towns AKArxiioi. , i n\V5 : corxrv , is one of the tin ix ing towns on the Den ver line oi the H A : Al. Its piogiossdur ing the past 30.11 h is been mo-t gialit3- iug and substantial , indie.iting ihe nn- xxaxeiiug faith of the losidinls in the toxvn's future. The building record foots a total of ? 71 , 1 ! * ) ! . This unhide- the Jiist national bank , $10,000 , M K chinch , $ 1,000. Calholio ehunh , s.'J,000 ; high .school , -r.V'OO , losulcnco ot il. W. Tom linson , ? l,100. ! bank did a business oi f JIM ) 000 , and the b ink ol Arap.ihoo . iti.OOi ) . ' 1 he Arap ihoe packing house begin opeiations , Dee ? lli , and ] acked ivio hogs during the month The company empties Ion hands . ' 7 "i to 1 , ' "i huudied lot pa.xs s. > ? ) ) er hogs , and makes a spec i.ilty of ci-ed sails igi. ' 1 ho toxxn suppoits two xveekljpapois , the I'loneor and the Alirior. itisiMi tnx , nt 11.1 uooi MX * , is a lising 0113 not onlv in name , but in fact The tow n is near the xv ostt ru line ( it lintlor county , on the Omaha V lenli { ) ) can Valh'3 * i.ulioul 'J ho impioxtiiienl lecoid ot ihe year amounted lo ? nOI7 , consisting ol ehmches , business houses and homo" . As a shipping point the toxxn equals .1113 * of its < = i/o in the stUe _ , and distances soveial mote putonliotis baigs. Dmingtho year theio xx < io tno cats of giain shi ] > pcii. 71 cirs ol stock and ! ! S ot potatoes. The town el inns tjl ( ) ) inhabit mts , a good siipjily ot ptottx mar- iiagcablc gills and font xvitheiod bachc- lois. Sfl'inilOIl , MJCKOI.LS COUNIV , enjo.x'cd a j'car ol euiour.iging piospeii t > . A lingo number ot loies and tesi- ( iences vx cio built , and liigo additions xxeie made to the mcieantile , piofossion- aland l.iboimg population. The ( om- mcieial bank building xxas the notable impioxcmont of the jo.n , costing $10,000. The Johnson block , costing * 0',000 , i.inks next , folloxxed bx a number ot smillcr busiues houses The ( inthiiu liios' lollur mill did a business of $ I 10,000 dm ing Ilio 3' , and the Nupotior buck kiln tinned out and sohl onu million buck. bcim-M-it , i > oi/r. : cot'Nir , hud out ? "j,000 ( ) in improvements last Ton thous md dollais ot this sum was put in b3f Diels iX ; Sou in impiox ing : their Hour mill , fcS.OOO in a noxv school building , and an equal sum in a toxxn hall and jail The town has been selected as a junction of the extension wosl ot Ihe nikhoin Valley load and Iho mam lino. This branch is noxv being smvc3'cd and the light ol xx .13' seemed , ami the xxoik ol guiding and tiacl : laving vvill begin as MJOII as .faek I'lo-l lakes dcpuiluia This will give the toxxneonsiduiablo busi ness v iin dining the 30.11 * . SHIMON , nt'iiAio coi'vir , Ijcgiiis the njvx 30.11 * xvith a iiopulation of 1,000. The loxvn is lcated on thu main line of thu Union Pacific , in a rich latin ing counl3 % drained ly the 1'latto and \\ooil nx'ois The latter slieam lninishc the toxvn a siioiior ) ) temperance - anco dtink and a xvatei power uneijualed in the stale. A nuinbei of sulslanlial ) impiovemcnts xvoio made during Iho past H'.u , and the | ) icscnt3uar piomises lo heal Ihe lecoid l > 3 a "huge majority" in vs-,1 - , , m u.i.u CUUMV , is second 01113 * lo Da\id Cil3f , Iho count3 * seal. .Staitmir in six .years ago will } a lailioad , a school hou- and a flouring mill , she el urns a population ol 1,000 to- daj' . The iccoid of iniinovemonts for the past yea i fool up m value 'j.'lO..i.'iO. ' This is a slighl Incio'i e ovei thai of 1881. Thu amount ol building derided upon for tlm piosont 30:11 : * giuuanlics a season of iiusu'il piospeiity. IIXH\\III > , PIAV rorvrv , is oongiatiilated 1)3 the local picss on its "illdllsti3' , fiugnllt3 , adxelnlt3 , siiHi ring and oh'iritv , " the Ijlesiin-'s and necessary ovil.s ot hum in piogu ss. Dining the 3CiU * the ( own shiped ] ) 1,700 c 115 ot grain and leceixcd 100 cms ot linnber anil building nialeiial , JOO ears oi coal and r > 0 eau ol immigiants , all of xvliom settled in thai xioiiutx The townspeople i .until 1".OJ- 000 and ( oiisiimid $70,000 xvoilh of biead and meat , leaving a Ming sum for utcutoias and liixiaics of lilu. i ri.i utio.v , N XM i. corsrv , pointto her letoid ol f.lliOO ! in ini- ) ( as showing "a healthy and conililion ot allaii < < " TJds includes a disti ict school touting " -1,000. . ' a luidge i > x ( r the I.onji 11x1 1. $7 , ( < 00 , and rOXeial dwellings Cv ) > illllg fiom f 1,000 lo 2f ! UO. ' 1 he Hiiiioiindlng counli3 is net- iling up i'.iiiill.v ) , i.iid tin ) c < imin < > sjx'iii-r and summer give piomisu of a iaigo mimi - mi uition to that sielion. j i'\Jt\ ( ixi'is : ] or j' ( Da\id ( ' 113 , with liu'co > tly In hk blocks , on.v ! n iioln d Iho sum ot ifJl.lK ) as her hi-t of ini | > roxenients dntiig thu 30111 IB-1 ! , xxhilo relies comes up Miiilmg vvilh . ; on"ii , ) . ' ] he two towns aio aboiil on an tqual footing. Longl'lno i olh-d ni10,000in impiovc- moiits during llio year , and conlidtiiil3' \M | 1 1lo jint i7"i,0JO ( in iinpiovenieiils this 31 ar. A > IUUUO schoul house is now r i infract. 'I ho growing town of Wa3no bobs up with iinprov oincnt j to Hie aniount ol 1'ouca impt ovcnunN foot up $10,010 ( Jill Njo 8007 7110 MIl--uJo. " "Lasl night I xvont tosm'Tliu Mika do , ' a kind of Mnging theat < r and ( 'hi- ni so xxalk aionnd. II Is xvhal J would call no good. 11 is aeud nut bv difloront lieojilo xvho claim tho.y aio Chinamen , I lookon 'J'ho3 tietur aiomidon tlaistajfo and slug in the English laiiguago , but their olothos aio pounliur. A homely man , xvho jila cd that ho xxas llio loid high oxecntioner and chairman ol thu vigilance commitluu , won > a ] < airof xvido , led bandana ji.ints , which came oil' dur ing tliu liift act Ho was pool andcol- lecled , Ihoiigli , and fie cauglil them bo- foiit it was uvcrlastmgly lee lutu. lie held them on b3 one hand xvh'lo ' ho sang the test of Ins piccu , and when he luft the stage Ihu audioneo hcaitlcssb whoopud for iiini to come hack. "The Alikado' is not , funny or In stinctive as a geiietal thing , but last night it was accidental facetiom. It Ins too much siiigiinr and nol enough vocal musio about it. Theio is also an overplus of comct-alion tlnoii-ih the tiling thai seems like talking al a mat k for > J a xx ook U 111.13 be owing lo my simple ways , bill 'U ho Mikado' Is lee ilcn for 1113 blood " STS"BCTLY PURE. IT coitTAi\s\oopnm : ; IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AMD $1 PER DOTTIE OP1CENT BOTTLES mo put up foi tlio a / < VT > 5..5 < oinimxliulim ul nil xvlio ui'jlru HUGO nuil low piicinl Gsugh , Gold and GrsupRemody TIIO" ! I1L5IUIM1 A III.MI IIX FOIt COMSUIvlPTIOM DISEASE , SUould secuio the Inr 'ii $1 bottles Direction accoiiii"ii.Mii8 ] ench boitlo. Sold by all Moclicino Dealers. I&aiiway Time Table DXIAIIA. T ie follow hisr M tlio turn of nnivnl niiil do- ( iniliuoiii luilns hy Ciiitml Stiuidiiul lliuo nt llu lii nl depot1 * 1 mliis of tlm 11. , bt. P. , XI. & O. nrrivo nuil ilnpnit limn llu'li duiuit. toinor nl Hlli ami WYbslm-Miijcl' * ; liiilmoii tliu II 4 , M , C. , II X ( ) , and K. ( ' , SI J. AO II. from tlm IS , .V M. depot : iillulheis fioin lliu Union I'aulUo depot IIKIIKIU TUAINS. Ilriilo Iniliib mil lutixu I . I' , ilupur ot 0 : , ! " , ! 17.J-S.IJ ! ( W H Ml II ID IX ) 11:011.111. : , 100 -1 ' 0-1 M II : ' .0 < J , ! .OJ l.OJ5 ( W5.JUU.U5 - C IU-7lll > - 11:10 : p in. Jeivii trviMi i lei Onmlin 11 7:1Ii Sl"0 : T. ) U.U'I ' lO.J'i 10 i. ll : i n. in ; 1J : ' . > : IJ- tty KU..O JJ ; lJ75.13 : O.Jj 7. ' 07:5J : . , . CON.NcrJ,1NO WN1.q > Arrlxnl niiil ili'paitmo of Indus fioin tUo truiiifi'i ikjint at Council Hlutls. IIKl'AIU. AIIKIXC , < IIIPXOO ft NOIIIIIXM VTF .Mull and 1'xptu-s. 709l > . M Iid I' . M Acioaiimitliition I.Ml'.M ( i.M i : M a. 10 A. u CIIK.MIO fc HOC K ISI.VMI. O.r \ . M , . .Miilliuul I'xpii-HU. . , . . 7.CO I'.M 7l'i t. M . . . . Atxiiimmulatloii . . . . fi.lli1. u 'clllCXdO , MII.XVXrKI.1HI. . I'XUlJ 0:111 : \ . M -Mull and triro33 ; | 7:00 : r. M D.IJ i : M . Kxpib-a . . IMSM LHIOXdO. lIUHI.l.MilOV 6 OU1.NOV. 'i.'Vi \ M Mm1 anil i\pns3 : . . . . U JO r. M 6.J. , I1. M KvpiiMi . 8:15 : A , M u HUSH , M. r.ouiH it rumc. 2Iil' : . M.I/icnl M I.onls L\iui' = ! i . . . 8.UUI' . M 'J'ultl'ilL'l St.l.OUlS 'I'lllllSll'l ! . , l.Jr ( 11 . . it cou oll. L'M'i A. M Mail 11 nil i\iiru3.s. : . 7..I31' . U " " ' ' . . . U JoA.M "b'i'oL'\ < ley * . 1'ACino. : f5 A hloux Cilj Mall . . . 7.00 I'.M f-.iil I1 jii . . . . hi. 1'iiul LXIHIIHI , . . . . U..WA. M Ocnniu xx'ihr\VAiti ; . AlliVO A , i v M. I UNION I'AUI 10. t. . M. I' . IV. I ( Cain . I'aclllo" 7.r/Ja , 1:101) : O. A. ltii' : . VAIJ.IiV" . 1.SO.I .Mull mid flxpiiHi. , II. A..M. IN NUII. .10u . .Xliill mid ivpui3 : I ii.Uil.lJ MKlll Kxpiuss Kl.lUtl hOininx'AUI ) . _ Aulvo \ . u. i r. M. iMIfeMUnil I'ACf I K' . A U. v. * lo.iiou , . . . iaj i\piijss. : . . bMV. .NlKlU r.xpu-ss 1C. C. , hT. .1. , V I' . II. : irlA X'lii I'lulltliioulh T.OOil Dcpuit. KOItl'llXX'AltD. _ Arrlvo _ A. > i. UM. . I C hi' I'.M H , O 'A.M. ' P.M. . , iin i. j C-IUc : Unkl lint AiuminiiKl'ii lU.OOu . . . . . _ lIASrW'Alll ) . _ Aulvo A.JI. I'.M , I ( ' , iX , y. FA i. . I'.M. " . * ! ul Vln I mUbinoiilli ' II , JO I . b'lOUK VA 111)1 TltAINS Will Icavd | I , 1' . dnpol , Oiniih I , at MO-8J5 : 10 . iniu r.ii mio : : -i : HI ri , " p , m. JnM'Hlok ( ! Vindg lor Oinnliii nl 7Vi 10.- a , in. ; IJ.01 I . ! ) - HI1 07 ( l-aj ji. m " Neil -Xliuln dnlly ; II , dmiyitxLopt Sunday ; , iJiillj cxiupt J-iiturimy ; 1) , d illy iliw- d r , Or Ilin lili-mir i.ilfil , I'unilitc-ly C'urcil liy . .VUuiliiUliirlii'-- . Iliiiiini' ( tultlun h | > i I'llli' . II ran Luttu-n Inn cup uf luilrour li'u tin kiiuniulvoof Iliupti gnlaklii.-ll Uubsuluttly liuriuliii ninl uill Lilu 1 11 pi riuiiiiemiuiil ( ipn-rty linn ulicilitr HID p tilt it U.i uioiluialiulilnkerur un .iluihulic rx.k U ling Lull hlven Iu lliou- niiiU ol uf > rn , anil In mor > lintunu upiifiiicura linn follu.Mil 11 IN rur lwll . lliu fc > MHiiome lni | rf n.iii' I u uli U I'Hju.i uli , | t hrioimauii utter liaHmlUilli/ | tliu liquor apptilln In i % i t rou sxi rinv rouo\xi\ : < mti ( inihrH : KUIIN > V CO. . ( 'or. ir > lli iiiul ; > -nil.i . mid ISIIi Ciiiulriu MX. , ( liiiiilid , rtV'b , ' A. I > , lOVJ'Kil iV lllti > , , ( /uimcll IlliiU'K , luxrn. C IIor rll for painplil-t 10 tnliilnit litJrcilt ol tiHiiniiiiiUln ( iiiintliiiliiDit WIIIIIUM ami inenfioiu ell iiuitfcul Hit. lujiitrk. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only for horses ? It is for tion of all flcih ,